department of physics

Degrees Offered: B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D.
Chair: Zhou, Zicong (周子聰)
The Department
Established in 1963, the Department of Physics offers comprehensive programs for those who
wish to pursue careers as scientists or engineers. We offer B.Sc., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. In order to
prepare students for a successful career in a highly competitive, high-tech world, we offer a curriculum
that emphasizes the application of basic theories and extensive training in information technology and
foreign languages.
The faculty members of the Department of Physics conduct research on a vast variety of topics,
including theoretical and computational physics, optoelectronics, material synthesis and
characterization, synchrotron radiation-related research, and nanoscience.
Chan, Wai-ching (陳偉正); Chang, Henry C. L. (張經霖); Chen, Chun-nan (陳俊男);
Chien, Fan-z (錢凡之); Cho, Hing-tong (曹慶堂); Ho, Choon-lin (何俊麟); Lin, Jenn-an (林震安);
Lin, I-nan (林諭男); Pong, Way-faung (彭維鋒); Tseng, Wen-jer (曾文哲); Zhou, Zicong (周子聰)
Associate Professors
Chen, Jiing-yann (陳憬燕); Chen, Wuu-ben (陳武斌); Du, Chao-hung (杜昭宏) ;
Hsueh, Hung-chung (薛宏中); Jen, Jen-yi (鄭振益); Lee, Ming-hsien (李明憲);
Ling, Dah-chin (林大欽); Shiau, Shiow-meei (蕭秀美); Tang, Chen-yau (唐建堯);
Wang, Shang Yung (王尚勇)
Assistant Professors
Chin, Yi-nan (秦一男); Liu, Guo-chin(劉國欽); Yang, Shu-chun(楊淑君); Yeh Ping-hung(葉炳宏)
Degree Requirements
The Department of Physics offers two programs at the undergraduate level: the Electro-optical
Physics Program and the Applied Physics Program.
1. Requirements for B.Sc. in Electro-optical Physics:
Completion of 133 credits of courses, including 101 credits of required courses and 20 credits of
elective physics courses.
2. Requirements for B.Sc. in Applied Physics:
Completion of 133 credits of courses, including 101 credits of required courses and 20 credits of
elective physics courses.
3. Requirements for a Master's degree in Science:
Completion of 26 course credits, including 15 credits of required courses. Students are also required
to submit a written master's thesis completed under the supervision of a faculty member and pass an
oral examination.
4. Requirements for a Ph.D. degree in Science:
Students must complete 18 course credits, including 6 credits of required courses. Students are
required to pass a qualifying examination within the first two years, publish at least one research
paper in any journal listed in Science Citation Index, submit a written doctoral dissertation,
completed under the supervision of a faculty member, and pass an oral examination.
Course Descriptions
Undergraduate Courses
E0768 Numerical Method (2/2): Various numerical methods, standard algorithms, and applications of
library routines.
E0722 Electric Circuits (3/0): Introduction to network laws and components, introduction to circuit
analysis, network node voltages and mesh currents, network properties, Thevenin's and Norton's
equivalent sources, operational amplifiers, equivalent circuits for three-terminal networks and two-port
E0961 Electronics (3/3): DC, AC, passive components, digital, analog, semiconductors, diodes, power
suppliers, junction transistors, small-signal amplifiers, field-effect transistors, operational amplifiers,
feedback circuits, and frequency responses.
E0868 Applied Mechanics (II) (0/3): Central-force motion, dynamics of a system of particles,
dynamics of a rigid body, coupled oscillations, nonlinear oscillations (optional), motion in a noninertial
reference frame (optional), continuous systems (optional).
E0969 Applied Mechanics (3/0): coordinate transformation, matrix, vectors, Newton's Law,
conservation theorems, simple harmonic oscillator, non-linear oscillations, gravitation, Euler's
Equation when auxiliary condition is imposed, The Delta Notation, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
dynamics, central-force motion, dynamics of a system of particles, motion of noninertial reference
frame, dynamics of a rigid body, coupled oscillations, orthogonality of eigenvectors, and continuous
S0003 Mechanics (3/0): Matrices, vectors and vector calculus, Newtonian mechanics, oscillations,
gravitation, calculus of variations, Hamilton's principles, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics,
central-force motion, dynamics of a system of particles, motion in a noninertial reference frame,
dynamics of rigid bodies.
S0041 Astromony (0/3): Overview of the universe, solar system, inter-stellar distance, properties of
stars, classification and evolution, star nebulae, star cluster, structure and classification of galaxies,
cosmology, observatories and telescopes.
S0043 Fundamental Mathematical Physics (0/3): Introduction, reviews and concepts of functions,
differentiations, vector algebra, vector differentiations, vector integrals, orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates, differential equations.
S0058 Semiconductor Physics (3/0): Energy bands and carrier concentration, carrier transport
phenomena, P-N junction.
S0082 Optical Electronics (3/0): The semiconductor laser, the light emit diode, detector and optical
S0084 Optics (3/0): Nature of light, geometrical optics, and Gaussian approximation, wave optics,
interference of light, coherence, polarization of light, diffraction of light.
S0125 Solid State Physics(3/0)/ S0127 Solid State Physics (II) (0/3): Crystal structure, reciprocal
lattice, crystal binding, phonon, free electron fermi gas, energy bands, semiconductor crystals,
superconductivity, dielectrics and ferroelectrics, diamagnetism and paramagnetism, ferromagnetism
and antifierromagnetism, magnetic resonance.
S0127 Solid State Physics (II) (0/3): Crystal structure, reciprocal lattice, crystal binding, phonon, free
electron fermi gas, energy bands, semiconductor crystals, superconductivity, dielectrics and
ferroelectrics, diamagnetism and paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and antifierromagnetism, magnetic
S0152 Mathematical Physics (3/3): Ordinary differential equations, first-order differential equations,
second-order differential equations, power series solution of differential equation, laplace
transformation, fourier series and transformation, matrix, eigen-value problem, partial differential
S0164 Modern Physics Laboratory (1/1): Frank-Hertz experiment, Stefan-Boltzman radiation law,
electron spin resonance, Balmer series of hydrogen, fine structure, and crystallization processes.
S0203 Fourier Optics (0/3): Analysis of 2D signals and systems, foundations of scalar diffraction
theory, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, wave optics analysis of coherent optical systems, frequency
analysis of coherent optical systems, holography.
S0249 Fundamental Applied Mathematics (0/3): Elementary partial differentiation and total
differentiation, multiple integrals, vector calculus – the directional derivative, gradient, divergence, curl,
line integral, surface integral, volume integral, Gauss’ Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem, orthogonal
curvilinear coordinates, linear first-order, second-order differential equation, simple partial differential
S0290 General Physics (3/3): Introduction to force and motion, work and energy, conservation laws,
rotation, waves, thermodynamics, kinetic theory, electricity, magnetism, Maxwell’s Equations, modern
S0291 General Physics Laboratory (1/1): Basic measure, force, simple pendulum, simple harmonic
motion, laws of collision, coefficient of linear expansion, mechanical equivalent, thermal-electron
electromotive force, consonance, electric line of force, resistance law, oscilloscope, reflection.
S0310 Quantum Mechanics I (3/0): Introduction of probability, Schrodinger Equation, the uncertainty
principle, one dimensional quantum systems, linear space and matrices, diagonalization of matrices,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, similarity transformation, central field systems, helium atoms, angular
S0312 Quantum Physics (3/3): Particle properties of waves, wave properties of particles, atomic
structure, quantum mechanics, one-dimensional examples, quantum mechanics of the hydrogen atom,
many-electrons atoms, molecules, and time-independent perturbation.
S0338 Electromagnetism (3/3): Electrostatic field, magnetostatic fields, boundary layer problems,
material media, electromagnetic waves and radiation.
S0339 Electromagnetism Laboratory (1/1): Electronic components identification and basic circuit
operations: multi-meter operations and basic DC circuits, oscilloscope operation, function generator
operations, RC circuits, RL circuits, RLC circuits, diode properties, rectifier circuits and voltage
doublers, clipping circuits and clamping circuits, transistors I – The NPN Transistor as a digital switch.
S0372 Microwave Physics (0/3): This course aims to demonstrate the application of electromagnetic
waves in microwave communication systems. Based on the theory of electromagnetic wave, we will
discuss transmission line theory and transmission line structure, followed by the design theory on the
impedance matching, microwave resonator, power divider and directional coupler, and microwave
fillers. In the last part of the course, microwave systems combining all the above-mentioned microwave
passive devices will be briefly introduced.
S0373 Digital Electronics (3/0): Digital design – binary system, Boolean algebra, logic gates,
simplification of Boolean functions, combinational logic. Analog Design – amplifiers, frequency
response, feedback, and operational amplifier.
S0375 Digital Electronics Laboratory ( 1/1): Introduction of instruments, experiments on basic logic
gates, experiments on combined logic systems, LED digital display-devices and their applications, flipflop IC circuits, up-counter and down-counter and its applications, experiments on circuits of coder and
decoder, shift-register and its applications, comparators and its applications, arithmetic logic circuits,
multiplex electronic system (Multiplexer), de-multiplex electronic system (De-multiplexer),
introduction to the course and instruments, I/O (input / output) interface lay on and test, programming
with C-language for I/O interface, experiment on a sequential (series) logic system, experiment on a
simulated electronic dice, A simulation of controlled traffic signals (communications), keyboard
scanning and display systems, two-colors dot LED matrix.
S0397 Applied Electric Circuits (3/0): Introduction of applied electric circuits/circuit theory, analysis
of resistive circuits, loop and nodal techniques for circuit analysis, introduction to operational
amplifiers, additional techniques for circuit analysis, energy storage elements: the capacitor and the
inductor, analysis of first and second-order transient circuits, AC circuit analysis techniques, power
calculations in AC circuits.
S0398 Applied Electromagnetism (3/3): Vector analysis, electrostatics, special techniques for
calculating potentials, electrostatic field in matter, magnetostatic field in matter, magnetostatics,
electrodynamics, electromagnetic Waves.
S0399 Computational Materials Physics (3/0): 3D GUI and materials studio introduction, more 3D
functions and model building, crystal structures, ICSD and CSD, density functional theory methodology and application, atomic orbits and chemical bonds, bond length, vibration frequency,
lattice parameter and bulk modulus, band structure theory, semiconductor, insulator and metal,
magnetic properties of materials (VCA), phonon spectra, specific heat calculation and phase transition
temperature, electronic spectra, refractivity and dielectric function, IR absorption and static dielectric
function, NMR and atomic structure, surface reconstruction, work-function and STM image, chemical
reaction, activation barrier and free energy (Molecular dynamics).
S0401 Plasma Physics (3/0): This course consists of three major parts: (i) plasma physics, (ii) plasma
chemistry, and (iii) diagnostics. Plasma physics covers the following topics: Plasma science, gas
discharge, and plasma source. Plasma chemistry involves plasma processing, kinetics and collisions,
atomic and molecular collision and spectra, and plasma surface kinetics. The third part includes the
physics and chemistry of diagnostics.
S0437 Thermal Physics (3/0)/ S0434 Thermodynamics (3/0): Temperature, simple thermodynamic
systems, work, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, ideal gases, engines, refrigerators, the second
law of thermodynamics, reversibility and the Kelvin temperature scale, entropy, pure substances, phase
transitions, statistical mechanics, thermal properties of solids, higher-order phase transitions: critical
S0471 Applied Electronics (3/3): Semiconductors, diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field-effect
transistors, transistor amplifiers, frequency response, operational amplifiers, differential and multistage
amplifiers, integrated circuits.
S0472 Applied Electronics Laboratory (1/1): Diode characteristics, rectifier circuits, Zener regulator
circuits, transistor biasing and transistor characteristics, stable operating point by-pass capacitor and
incremental resistance, CE amplifier circuits, emitter follower circuit MOSFET characteristics,
MOSFET amplifier circuits, differential amplifiers, operational amplifiers.
S0524 Applied Mathematics (3/3): Ordinary differential equations, first-order differential equations,
second-order differential equations, power series solutions of differential equations, Laplace
transformation, Fourier series and transformation, matrix, eigen-value problems, partial differential
S0547 Review on Frontier Physics (3/0): Physics and philosophy, experimental physics and
astronomy, theoretical physics and thermodynamics, relativity and gravity, Gondens-matter physics,
high-energy physics.
S0553 Optics Laboratory (1/0): Polarization, Fresnel diffraction, self-imaging, Fraunhofer diffraction,
Faraday rotation, holography, Acousto-optical modulation, and fiber optics.
S0583 Quantum Mechanics (II) (0/3): Angular momentum algebra, addition of angular momenta,
identical particle effect, one dimensional periodic quantum systems, introduction to quantum statistical
mechanics, time-independent perturbation theory, fine structure, WKB approximation, variational
principle, Aharonov-Bohm effect, quantum transition.
S0596 Partical Physics (3/0): This course provides a qualitative introduction to modern elementary
particle physics for seniors. Topics include: elementary particles and their interactions, relativistic
kinematics, symmetries and conservation laws, the quark model, neutrinos and the weak interaction,
CP-violation, and the standard model and beyond.
S0599 Physics of Materials (0/3): Structure, lattice, crystal structure, reciprocal space, bonding, X-ray
diffraction, and lattice distortion.
S0640 Review on Photonics (3/0): Fundamentals of optical and semiconductors, including
photoelectronic semiconductors, display devices, fiber optics and its components, integrated optics,
optoelectronic integrated circuits, optical storage devices, charge coupled devices and their application,
photonic crystal, micro-optical devices, near field optics, nonlinear optics, electro-optics in medicine.
S0654 Photonic Crystal (3/0): Fundamentals of photonic crystals, wave propagation in non-uniform
dielectric media, wave propagation in periodic dielectric media, numerical method for photonic crystals,
propagation and abnormal refractive in photonic crystals, design and fabrication of photonic crystals,
application of photonic crystals.
S0684 Applied Optics (0/3): Fourier optics, nonlinear optics, laser optics, fiber optics, polarization,
theory of multilayer films, optical properties of materials.
S0703 Computational Physics (0/3): Simple to complex-order differential equations, partial
differential equations and boundary value problems, wave phenomena and fast Fourier transform,
matrix calculations and eigenvalue problems, numerical integration, the Monte Carlo method, and
molecular dynamics simulation.
S0704 Electronics Laboratory (1/1): Diode characteristics, rectifier circuits, Zener regulator circuits,
transistor biasing and transistor characteristics, operating point by-pass capacitor and incremental
resistance, CE amplifier circuits, emitter follower circuit MOSFET characteristics, MOSFET amplifier
circuits, differential amplifiers, and operational amplifiers.
S0734 Optical Processes in Semiconductor (3/0): Theory of semiconductors, absorption, direct
transition, indirect transition, emission, radiation recombination, iradiation recombination, donor,
acceptor, exciton, phonon, photon, and polarition.
S0744 The Special and General Theory of Relativity (3/0): The principle of relativity, 4-vector and
tensor; the Chritoffel symbol, geodesic, Ricci tensor, Einstein’s law, Newtonian approximation, the
Schwarzschild solution, gravitational red shift, deflection of light by the sun, precession of perihelia,
black hole, gravitational wave, and cosmology.
S0770 Introduction to Opto-Electric System (0/3): Semiconductors and their optical properties, light
emitted diode (LED), solar cells, lasers, optical fiber, liquid crystal display (LCD), plasma display
panels (PDP), holography, and DVDs and DVD players.
S0819 Introduction to Statistical Mechanics (0/3): Boltzmann statistics, Fermi-Dirac and BoseEinstein distribution statistical method for ideal gas, heat capacity of solids, thermodynamics of
magnetism, Bose-Einstein gases, Bose-Einstein condensation, Fermi-Dirac gases, free electrons in
metal, information theory.
S0829 Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computations (0/3): Principles of
quantum mechanics, quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation, quantum computations, and
experimental findings.
S0835 Mathematical Methods for Physics (I) (3/0): Probability, more on special functions, linear
algebra (linear operators and Hilbert space).
S0836 Mechanics (II) (0/3): Central-force motion, dynamics of a system of particles, dynamics of
rigid body, coupled oscillations, nonlinear oscillations (optional), motion in a noninertial reference
frame (optional), continuous systems (optional).
S0837 Mathematical Methods for Physics (II) (0/3): Tensor analysis and differential geometry,
group theory, Green’s functions, variation.
S0838 Principle of Fiber Optics (3/0): (1) The principle of optical-fiber optics: Snell’s law, total
internal reflection, graded index rod lens, fiber optics, numerical aperture, line-width and band-width,
material dispersion, wave-guide dispersion, modal distortion, maximum allowable modulation
frequency, and integrated optics. (2) The principle of optical-fiber systems: optical-fiber networks,
LAN networks, FDDI networks, CATV networks, and optical-fiber analog and digital networks.
S0150 Special Topics in Physics (1/1): In this course, we give students the opportunity to conduct
research on a variety of practical subject areas. Students will gain the ability to analyze and solve reallife problems, which will help them become all-rounded physicists. Furthermore, advances and
discoveries in different fields of physics will also be highlighted in this course.
T0136 Special Topic Research (1/1)
Master's Program
S0064 Classical Mechanics (3/0): Elementary principles, variational principles and Lagrange's
equations, the central force problem, the rigid body motion, small oscillations, special relativity in
classical mechanics, the Hamilton equations of motion, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi
theory, canonical perturbation theory, introduction to the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations for
continuous systems and fields.
S0073 Biophysics (0/3): Chemical binding and structure of biomolecules, energies, forces and bonds,
rates of reaction, entropy, temperature and free energy, entropic forces, conformational and mechanical
properties of biopolymers, biological membranes, molecular motors, genes and the genome.
S0126 Solid State Physics (I) (0/3): Crystal structure: X-ray diffraction, phonons, free electrons,
energy band, Fermi surface, and semiconductors.
S0267 Statistical Mechanics (I) (0/3): Classical Statistical Mechanics, micro-canonical ensembles,
canonical and grand canonical ensembles, quantum statistical mechanics, Fermi systems, Bose systems.
S0310 Quantum Mechanics (I) (3/0)/S0583 Quantum Mechanics (II) (0/3): Schrodinger equation,
bound states, hydrogen atoms, wave packets and uncertainty relations, WKB approximation, principle
of quantum mechanics, perturbation theory, variational method, spin and angular momentum.
S0335 Electrodynamics (3/0): Introduction to electrostatics, boundary-value problems in electrostatics
I, boundary-value problems in electrostatics II, multipoles, electrostatics of macroscopic media,
dielectrics magnetostatics, time-varying fields, Maxwell equations, conservation laws, plane
electromagnetic waves and wave propagation, wave guides and resonant cavities, simple radiation
S0549 Magnetic Physics (3/0): 1. Magnetic moment of an atom, magnetic moment associated with
orbital/angular momentum of an electron, spin-orbital coupling, crystal-field splitting, LS and HS states,
J-T effect. 2. Magnetism of matter: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism,
antiferromagnetism, ferimagnetism, spin glass, superparamagnetism, and frustrated magnetism 3.
Magnetic interaction: dipole interaction, exchange interaction, superexchange interaction, RKKY
interaction, double exchange interaction, and coulomb interaction. 4. Magneto-crystalline anisotropy
and magneo-striction 5. Domain magnetism 6. Techniques of magnetic measurements 7. Neutron
scattering 8. Magnetic multilayers and nanostructured magnetic materials 9. Applications of magnetism
and related topics.
S0630 Introduction of Synchrotron Radiation (3/0): This lecture gives a description of the x-rays
produced by the synchrotron radiation source and its applications in modern material research.
S0693 Superconductor Physics (3/0): Historical overview, introduction to electrodynamics of
superconductors, the BCS theory, Ginzburg-Landau theory, magnetic properties of classic type II
superconductors, Josephson effect, spectroscopic properties, high temperature superconductors and
related topics.
S0728 X-Ray Physics (3/0): The properties of x-rays, and the interaction of x-rays with matter,
including the absorption spectra, emission spectra, and scattering.
S0771 Atomistic Simulation of Optoelectronic Materials (3/0): Computational material science,
theory of solid-state physics, density functional theory, pseudopotential, band theory, dielectric
function and optical properties calculation, phonon calculation, many-body perturbation theory.
S0786 Solid State Materials (3/0): This course introduces the basic principle of ceramic materials.
We start with the structure of ceramics (especially the perovskite and spinel structures) and their
mechanism for producing ferroelectric and magnetic properties of the materials; then we discuss the
defect in ceramics and the mechanism for producing the semiconductivity of the materials. Also
included in the course are mass and electrical transport of ceramics and the related mechanism for
producing electrochemical properties, phase equilibria and the kinitics, and microstructure and its
effect on physical properties.
S0795 Physics of Nano-materials and their application (0/3): This course introduces
nanotechnology and its potential application; we start with the general characteristics of nano-materials
and their application, followed by description of the structure of nanomaterials; characterization
technology for nano-materials, including scanning tunneling microscopy and transmission electron
microscopy; and fabrication & properties of the nano-materials, that include (a) zero dimension
materials and applications, such as quantum dot semiconductors, single electron transistor; (b) one
dimension nano-materials, such as carbon nanotubes, ZnO-nanowires; and (c) two one dimension
nano-materials, such as quantum well semiconductor and graphene.
S0802 Electroceramics (0/3): This course introduces the physical properties and application potential
of ceramic materials; we start with the structure of materials and the mechanism that produces the
dielectric, semiconducting, ferroelectric, pyroelectric, piezoelectric and magnetic properties, followed
by the introduction of typical dielectric, semiconducting, ferroelectric, pyroelectric, piezoelectric and
magnetic material systems and possible device applications.
S0811 Transmission Electron Microscopy: Principle and Application (0/3): This course introduces
the principle of electron microscopy and its application for materials analysis. We start with an
introduction to the structure and operation principle of TEM before discussing the principle of electron
diffraction and its application for analyzing the materials structure, including Ewald sphere and rel-rod
of diffraction spots. Other topics explored include kinetic and dynamic theory for image formation in
TEM, including the analysis of defects in materials, phase contrast principle, and the principle for
chemical analysis in TEM, including X-ray spectroscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy.
T0102 Seminar (2/2)
T8000 MS Thesis (4)
Ph.D. Program
E2844 Special Topics in Solid State Physics (3/0): Spin waves in magnetic insulators, superfluidity in
weakly interacting Bose gas, Laudau’s theory of Fermi liquids, Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of
superconductivity, the Mott metal-insulator transition and the Hubbard model, the t-J model in two
dimensions and cuprate superconductor, the Kondo effects, disordered conductors and Anderson
localization, the integer and fractional quantum hall effects.
S0268 Statistical Mechanics (II) (3/0): Basics of equilibrium statistical mechanics, the Ising model
and phase transitions, critical phenomena, the renormalization group approach.
S0526 Mathematical Physics (II) (0/3): Partial differential equations, Eigenfunctions and Green's
function, perturbation theory, integral equations, calculus of variables, numerical methods.
S0569 Electrodynamics (II) (0/3): Scattering, and diffraction, magnetohydrodynamics and plasma
physics, special theory of relativity, dynamics of relativistic particles and electromagnetic fields,
collisions between charged particles, energy loss, and scattering, radiation by moving charges,
Bremsstrahlung, method of virtual quanta, radiative beta processes, multipole fields, radiation damping,
self-fields of a particle, scattering and absorption of radiation by a bound system.
T0096 Seminar (II) (2/2)
T8000 Thesis (6)