This e-Application at MEDICS@HSA (Medical Device Information & Communication System) allows a Registrant to
update the applicant information in their licences, registrations and pending applications.
The online Application for Global Update of Applicant Details in MEDICS may take an average of 5-10 minutes to fill in.
The time taken varies depending on the number and sizes of the file attachments, configurations of your computer
and network system, Internet performance, etc. The recommended computer and network configurations are at Please note that the time stated above
excludes time taken for preparatory work in relation to filing the online form (e.g. scanning documents for file attachments.)
In order to use this e-Service in MEDICS, you must have all of the following:
Personal Access Authentication to log on
SingPass (Singapore Personal Access), a common password for local residents to transact with Government online
services, OR
HSA PIN (HSA Personal Identification Number), password for overseas individual, supplied by HSA
A CRIS Company Account for MEDICS (Client Registration & Identification Services) is an account to enable a local
company to gain access to MEDICS. See details at cris@hsa.
A Registrant Account is held by a local company who registers medical devices on behalf of a Product Owner.
This CRIS Management Module can only be accessed by the company’s CRIS Admin. This can be accessed via
Click on Manage Users tab to see the list of currently registered employees
To grant Submitter role for the Global Update of Applicant Details eService to a particular employee, click on the
yellow edit icon of that employee
Select Medical Devices from the Available Rights drop-down list to see the list of all MEDICS eServices
Check Change Applicant Info
Click on the radio button under the Submitter column
Click Submit to save the changes in access right of the employee
This online Application Form consists of 2 main forms: the Search Form and the Main Form. Changes submitted in this
form will be reflected immediately in MEDICS. There is no fee required for this application.
PART 1 – The Search Form
All search criteria are optional.
To retrieve some particular licences and/or registrations and/or pending applications to update the applicant information,
specify the search criteria accordingly.
To transfer all licences, registrations and pending applications from one employee to another, enter the NRIC/Passport
No. of the current employee holding the licences, registrations and pending applications to the Current Applicant
NRIC/Passport. and click Search
Upon clicking Search, the list of applicable licences, registrations and pending applications will be display for selecting to
At the end of the search form, there are 2 button options for the applicant to choose:
Button – Next
Allows the applicant to confirm the selected licences, registrations and pending applications to be updated. A new
draft will be created with a transaction number.
Button – Close
Will close the application form without saving any changes made.
PART 2 – The Main Form
This is the Main Form where the applicant can review the selection and provide the updated applicant
information to be updated for the selected licences, registrations and pending applications.
1) Name
2) NRIC/Passport No
3) Contact Telephone Number
4) Contact Fax Number
5) Contact E-mail
6) Remarks to MDB
Items 1 and 2 are pre-populated from CRIS Company Account database and they cannot be updated or replaced.
Items 3 to 5 are pre-populated from CRIS Company Account database and they can be updated or replaced.
At the end of the main form, there are 4 button options for the applicant to choose:
Button - Save Draft
Allows the applicant to save the Application Form for retrieval and submission at a later time. A
transaction number will be assigned.
[ The saved Application Form can be retrieved from “My Drafts” in the Workbench@MEDICS. Similarly,
this Workbench allows the applicant to look at any incoming approval (under “Inbox”), pending
application (under “Application Enquiry”) or approval (under “Lic/Reg Enquiry”). ]
Button – Confirm
Allows the applicant to confirm the completed Application Form and the company’s declaration on the
form before submitting it to MDB. To amend any mistake, click on the “<< Previous” Button to
return to the Application Form. Before the application is submitted, the applicant may print a copy the
application for his record.
Acknowledgement page will be shown once the applicant has submitted the form. The Job
Reference number will be given in this acknowledgement page and will be used for future reference.
If required, the applicant can print this acknowledgement page.
[ The submitted Application Form can be retrieved from “Inbox” in the Workbench@MEDICS. The job of
this application form will be indicated as
‘pending’ after submission to MDB,
‘input request’ if any further information required by MDB,
‘approved’ for approval by MDB,
‘rejected’ for rejection by MDB,
‘withdrawn’ if applicant submitted a withdrawal application to MDB.
MDB will send an email notification to applicant (and cc. to Registrant’s account contact person) if
there is any update on its status. ]
Button – Close
Will close the application form without saving any changes made.
Version 1.0 Last updated on 14 March 2013