UK Admin Guide 2016.indd - Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge for
exams officers
Cambridge Administrative
Guide (UK) 2016
Guidance for exams officers
administering Cambridge
Valid for exams in 2016
Key dates and activities overview:
June series
November series
Key dates and activities: Monthly diaries
Exam day
Running exams
Instructions for arranging oral exams with a visiting examiner
Arranging presentation and viva exams with a visiting examiner
Malpractice and maladministration
Special consideration
Despatching scripts
Before the exams
Forecast grades
Pre-exam and question paper despatches
Teacher assessment
Accreditation of Cambridge IGCSE® coursework assessors
Outline Proposal Forms
Submitting coursework and speaking test marks
Selecting and submitting coursework and speaking test samples
Submitting Global Perspectives work online
(Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge International AS & A Level and Cambridge Pre-U)
Estimated entries
Making final entries
Support from Cambridge
Preparing your exams timetable
Access arrangements
Results and certificates
Understanding and preparing for results
Enquiries about results and appeals process
Certifying statements, priority results information and verification of results
A–Z of terms
Cambridge administrative forms
This guide is for exams officers who are responsible for
administering Cambridge exams. It provides detailed
information and guidance on all the administrative tasks and
activities exams officers need to carry out during the exams
cycle of each exam series.
Alongside this guide, you also need to read and
understand the >Cambridge Handbook. It sets
out the regulations for all Cambridge exams and
assessments. The handbook forms the legal
contract between Cambridge and the Centre/
Cambridge Associate.
The guide is designed to support both new and
experienced exams officers. It gives an overview
of the exams cycle and detailed descriptions of the
procedures that you need to follow.
Cambridge Primary and Cambridge Secondary 1
• an overview of the Cambridge Exams Cycle
For guidance on administering Cambridge
Primary Checkpoint and Cambridge Secondary 1
Checkpoint please see the Cambridge Primary
Checkpoint and Cambridge Secondary 1
Checkpoint Administrative Guide available from
• an overview timeline of the major activities for
each exam series, followed by details of the key
dates and activities for each month
Cambridge ICT Starters
For guidance on administering Cambridge ICT
Starters please see the Cambridge ICT Starters
Administrative Guide available to download from
the ‘Support Materials’ section of CIE Direct.
The Cambridge Administrative Guide covers the
qualifications below.
Cambridge Secondary 2
• Cambridge International General Certificate of
Secondary Education (Cambridge IGCSE)
The guide is divided into the following sections:
• a section for each phase of the Cambridge
Exams Cycle which will take you through all the
tasks and activities you need to complete for
that phase
• an A–Z of terms to clearly explain the meaning
of the key words and phrases we use
throughout the guide.
If you work in an Associate Centre you need to
comply with any extra local arrangements required
by your Cambridge Associate.
We reserve the right to amend or vary the
arrangements detailed in this guide at any time.
We will notify you of any changes. The changes will
have immediate effect unless otherwise stated.
• Cambridge International Certificate of Education
(Cambridge ICE)
• Cambridge O Level
Cambridge Advanced
• Cambridge International AS Level
• Cambridge International A Level
• Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of
Education Diploma (Cambridge AICE Diploma)
• Cambridge Pre-U
Important information – JCQ
Cambridge International Examinations is not a
member of the Joint Council for Qualifications
(JCQ), therefore some of our regulations and
processes are different from those of other
UK exam boards. Please refer to pages 19–23
of the >Cambridge Handbook for information
about these differences.
• Cambridge Pre-U Diploma
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Introduction 3
Key to icons
To make it easier for you to find the information you need quickly we have developed a set of icons
especially for exams officers.
New or updated information
Important dates
Highlights new or updated
information so you know what
has changed from last year.
Highlights the key dates on
each page.
CIE Direct
Cambridge Handbook
You will see this icon whenever
there is a reference in the text
to CIE Direct.
You will see this icon whenever
there is a reference in the text
to the Cambridge Handbook.
Administrative forms
Important information
Appears next to the
administrative forms referenced
on the page. See the back
of this guide for a full list of
our administrative forms. You
can access these forms at
Highlights the key pieces of
information on each page.
Extra guidance
Highlights extra support
available, for example, online
tutorials or ‘how to’ guides.
4 Introduction Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Processes for Cambridge
Associates and their
Associate Centres
Highlights differences to
processes for Cambridge
Associates and their Associate
The Cambridge Exams Cycle
There are many different activities that need to take place to successfully deliver an exam. Sometimes, it
can be challenging to remember what needs to happen when. We run two exam series a year, known as the
June series and the November series, so many of our exams officers are managing different processes for
different series at the same time. Our processes are grouped into six phases to help you keep track of what
you need to do when. We call this the ‘Cambridge Exams Cycle’.
The cycle includes every phase of the process from the planning and preparation that takes place before you
enter your candidates, to giving your candidates their certificates. The cycle has six phases:
1. Preparation
2. Entries
3. Teacher assessment
4. Before the exams
5. Exam day
6. Results and certificates
All our support for exams officers is structured around this exams cycle, so at a glance you can see which
phase of the cycle the communication relates to – helping you prioritise and manage your workload.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Introduction 5
6 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
By 10 Oct 2015
Information pack
for June 2016
End of Oct 2015
By 21 Jan
question paper
and final entries
for candidates
modified papers
By 21 Jan 2016
Final entries
By 21 Feb 2016
Early question
Feb/Mar 2016
of delegated
By 31 Mar
Late Apr 2016
Mid Apr 2016
Immediately after the
of delegated
Internally assessed marks
access Special consideration
and samples
By dates published in the
Within 7 days of
By 31 Mar
samples database
2016 the last exam of the
syllabus affected
Forecast grades
By 30 Apr 2016
Mid Mar 2016
Entries confirmation packs
Feb/Mar/Apr 2016
Enquiries about
By 30 Sep 2016
(23 Aug for priority
results despatch
Late Aug 2016
Pre-U provisional
results available
17 Aug 2016
results available
11 Aug 2016
entries for June
By 10 Oct 2016
pack for June
2017 series
End of Oct
Mid Oct 2016
Cambridge Associates need
to give their Associate Centres earlier
deadlines so they have enough time to
process their data before submitting it to us.
Cambridge sends materials to
Cambridge Associates who then send
them on to their Associate Centres
according to local arrangements.
Until the
release of
results, the
exams officer,
or another
member of
staff, should
be available
to answer any
queries from
about June
series exams.
Key dates and activities overview – June series
By 1 Jul 2016
question paper
applications and
final entries for
candidates requiring
modified papers
By 1 Jul 2016
By 10 May 2016
Notification of
delegated access
By 31 Aug 2016
Special consideration
Within 7 days of
the last exam of the
syllabus affected
Immediately after the exam
Forecast grades
By 31 Oct 2016
including barcoded labels
Early Oct 2016
Internally assessed marks
and samples
By dates published in the
samples database
Final entries
By 21 Sep 2016
Entries confirmation
Jul/Aug/Sep 2016
Mid Sep 2016
Early question
Jul 2016
Information pack
for November 2016
End of Mar 2016
Until the release
of results, the
exams officer, or
another member
of staff, should be
available to answer
any queries from
Cambridge about
November series
Mid Mar 2017
Cambridge Associates need
to give their Associate Centres earlier
deadlines so they have enough time to
process their data before submitting it to us.
Cambridge sends materials to
Cambridge Associates who then send
them on to their Associate Centres
according to local arrangements.
Enquiries about results
By 26 Feb 2017
Provisional results
Late Jan 2017
Provisional results
despatch for Cambridge
International AS & A
Mid Jan 2017
Provisional results
available online for
other qualifications
Mid Jan 2017
Provisional results
available online
for Cambridge
International AS &
A Level
10 Jan 2017
Key dates and activities overview – November
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 7
Key dates and activities: Monthly diaries
The monthly diaries show the dates we send you information and the dates we need to receive information
from you.
Cambridge sends materials to Cambridge Associates who then send them on to their
Associate Centres according to local arrangements. Cambridge Associates need to agree dates for when
they will send information to, and receive information from their Associate Centres.
We send (the date we despatch materials or information to you)
You send (the date by which information or materials you send must reach Cambridge)
Information (other dates, for example late entry fee start dates)
January 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
Question papers below
available to download from
the ‘My Messages’ section
of CIE Direct and Teacher
• Cambridge IGCSE Art &
Design (0400/01, 02)
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level Art &
Design (9704/01)
• Cambridge Pre-U Art &
Design (9837/03).
These question papers will
only be available on
CIE Direct if you have
submitted estimated
entries for these
You send
8 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
June 2016 series deadline
for Cambridge Pre-U Visiting
Examiner Arrangement
forms for Art & Design, Art
History and Music.
January 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
November 2015 provisional
results and statements
of results for Cambridge
International AS & A Level
available to download from
CIE Direct or the A2C
Migration Application.
November 2015 provisional
results and statements of
results for Cambridge Pre-U
available to download from
CIE Direct or the A2C
Migration Application.
November 2015 series
provisional results despatch
for Cambridge International
AS & A Level.
November 2015 series
provisional results despatch
for Cambridge Pre-U.
We send
June 2016 pre-release
material for:
• Cambridge IGCSE
Computer Science
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level Computer
Science (9608/02, 04).
We send this material
based on your estimated
entries. When it arrives,
share it with the relevant
teachers in your Centre so
candidates and teachers
can prepare for the exams.
November 2015 provisional
results and statements
of results for other
qualifications available to
download from
CIE Direct or the A2C
Migration Application.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 9
January 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Application deadline
for modified question
papers (Preparation –
Form 3) and final entries
deadline for candidates
requiring modified papers.
Please make sure you have
made final entries for these
candidates before you
submit your applications.
June 2016
application deadline for
modified question papers
(Preparation – Form 3)
and final entries deadline
for candidates requiring
modified papers. Please
make sure you have made
final entries for these
candidates before you
submit your applications.
Application deadline
for access arrangements
(Preparation – Form 1).
June 2016 application
deadline for access
arrangements (Preparation
– Form 1).
We send
November 2015 series
provisional results despatch
for other qualifications.
Other activities to think about in January 2016
November 2015 series
• You can issue results to candidates as soon as they are available.
• If you have not received your provisional results despatch by mid February 2016 contact our Customer
Services team.
• Make sure all your candidates’ names are correct on results documentation ready for the certificates we
send you in March. There is an administrative fee for any requests to amend candidates’ names received
after 14 February 2016.
June 2016 series
• The final entries deadline for all qualifications is 21 February 2016. Please submit your entries to
Cambridge at least two weeks before these dates so you have time to check your entries and make any
amendments before the deadline.
From 2016 onwards, we will only accept applications for modified question papers if a final entry
has been made for the candidate involved.
10 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Other activities to think about in January 2016 (continued)
The final entries and application deadline for candidates requiring modified question papers is 21
January 2016. We will not be able to accept applications after this date. So as not to disadvantage your
candidates, you must ensure you submit your entries before this date, preferably at least two weeks
before so that you have time to check your entries and make any amendments before the deadline. We
would prefer that you submit your applications for modified question papers before the deadline, even if
you are not sure your candidate(s) will require them.
The application deadline for access arrangements is 21 January 2016. We will not accept any
applications after this date.
In December 2015, we send you Booking Request Forms for Cambridge Pre-U Art & Design (9837)
visits based on your estimated entries. You must return them to Cambridge by 10 January 2016. Please
contact us if you do not receive the forms by 10 January 2016.
February 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete
this month.
You send
Deadline for letting us
know if any candidate
names are incorrect on
November 2015 results
documentation without
June 2016 series
deadline for Cambridge
to receive externally
assessed coursework
for Cambridge Pre-U
Art History, Personal
Investigation (9799/04).
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 11
February 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Mid Feb
Mid Feb
Early question papers and
instructions based on your
estimated entries. If you
have not made estimated
entries by the deadline
we will not despatch your
early question papers and
instructions until we have
received your final entries.
Cambridge Pre-U early
question papers and
instructions for the June
series based on your
estimated entries. If you
have not made estimated
entries by the deadline
we will not despatch your
early question papers
and instructions until we
have received your final
The following instructions
and/or early question
papers are despatched
based on your final entries:
Cambridge Pre-U science
practical instructions for
the June series based on
your final entries.
• Cambridge IGCSE ICT
• Cambridge IGCSE
Enterprise (0454)
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level Applied
ICT (9713)
• instructions for practicals
for science syllabuses.
You send
Final entries deadline.
We will charge late entry
fees for entries and
amendments received after
this date.
Final entries deadline for
the June series. We will
charge late entry fees for
entries and amendments
after this date.
Start of late entry fees
(22 February–17 April).
Start of
late entry fees
(22 February–17 April) for
the June 2016 series.
12 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
February 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Enquiries about results
deadline for the
November 2015 series.
We send
From late February and
throughout March, entries
confirmation packs.
From late February
and throughout March,
entries confirmation
packs for the June
Other activities to think about in February 2016
November 2015 series
• Make sure all your candidates’ names are correct on results documentation ready for the certificates we
send you in March. There is an administrative fee for any requests to amend candidate names received
after 14 February 2016.
• Submit all your enquiries about results by 26 February 2016. We will not accept requests received after
this date. We will invoice you for any enquiries about results that do not lead to a syllabus grade change.
June 2016 series
• We will charge late entry fees for any entries and entry amendments we receive after 21 February 2016.
• Please make sure you submit all your entries by 21 February 2016 for the following exams which take
place before the main timetabled exam series:
– Cambridge IGCSE ICT (0417/21, 22, 31, 32)
– Cambridge International AS & A Level Applied ICT (9713/02, 04)
– Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design (0400/01, 02)
– Cambridge International AS & A Level Art & Design (9704/01).
If you do not submit all your entries by 21 February 2016 for these components we may not be able to
send you the materials you need to conduct the exams in time.
• We will send your entries confirmation pack within two weeks of receiving your entries. If you have not
received your pack after two weeks contact us. You no longer receive hard copy statements of entry
in your entries confirmation pack. You can download your statements of entry from CIE Direct within
48 hours of submitting your entries. Check them carefully and let us know if any of the information is
• Please store securely any early question papers and instructions you receive until the relevant exam.
Check that you have all of the materials you need for these exams. Contact us immediately if there is any
discrepancy between what you receive and the despatch note, if anything is missing, or if any question
paper packets have been damaged or opened.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 13
March 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
Start of Cambridge IGCSE
oral and practical exam
period (see June 2016 final
timetable for full details
of test windows for each
Start of June series exam
period for Cambridge
Pre-U Music, Performing
(9800/02) (2 March–15 May
You send
Deadline for copy of script
requests for November
2015 series.
We send
Pre-exam despatch (exam
stationery, administrative
documents, despatch
labels, script packets and
attendance registers).
14 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Cambridge Pre-U Physics
(9792/02) pre-release
material available to
download from CIE Direct.
Certificates for the
November 2015 series.
Start of speaking test
period for the June series
(15 March–15 May).
March 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Source files for Cambridge
International AS & A Level
Applied ICT practical
(9713/02) available from
CIE Direct. Source
files for Cambridge
Associates will be available
on 15 March to allow time
to distribute to Associate
Source files for Cambridge
International AS & A Level
Applied ICT practical
(9713/04) available from
CIE Direct. Source
files for Cambridge
Associates will be available
on 18 March to allow time
to distribute to Associate
Cambridge Guide to
Making Entries.
Final timetable available
from CIE Direct.
Estimated Entry Forms
available from CIE Direct.
To be returned by 10 May
Estimated Entry Forms for
the November 2016 series
available from CIE Direct. To
be returned by 10 May 2016.
You send
Deadline to notify us of
any delegated access
arrangements you plan to
use (Preparation – Form 4).
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 15
Other activities to think about in March 2016
November 2015 series
Our Cambridge office is closed from 25 to 28 March 2016.
• Check your certificates carefully, making sure that you have received all of the certificates you expect
and that all names are spelt correctly. After 14 February 2016, we charge an administrative fee for
any requests to amend candidate details on certificates.
We can only replace November 2015
certificates until 30 September 2017.
June 2016 series
• Start your general preparation for the June series. Make sure all invigilators are appointed and trained, all
exam venues are arranged, and candidates know the dates, times and venues of their exams.
• Remind teachers that you need to submit marks and samples for internally assessed components by the
dates published in the samples database ( and forecast grades for all syllabuses
by 30 April 2016. The deadlines for internally assessed marks are the latest possible dates for us to
receive the marks. We encourage you to submit the marks as early as possible to maximise the amount
of time available for the sample selection and moderation process.
• Check the contents of your pre-exam despatch and let us know without delay if anything is missing.
• We will send your bar-coded labels for timetabled exams at the end of April.
• When you download your statements of entry on CIE Direct check them carefully and let us know if any
of the information is incorrect.
From 2016 onwards, you will have a one-day window, instead of a seven-day window to conduct the
practical exams for Cambridge IGCSE ICT (0417) and Cambridge International AS & A Level Applied ICT
(9713). Please see the June 2016 timetable for more information.
April 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
You send
Nomination of Oral
Examiner Forms for
Cambridge International
AS & A Level languages.
The forms are available
from the samples database
Start of speaking test
exam period for Cambridge
International AS & A Level
languages (1 April–1 June).
16 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
April 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Source files for Cambridge
IGCSE ICT Practical Test
(0417/21) available from
CIE Direct.
Source files
for Cambridge Associates
will be available on 7 April
to allow time to distribute
to Associate Centres.
Source files for Cambridge
IGCSE ICT Practical Test
(0417/31) available from
CIE Direct.
Source files
for Cambridge Associates
will be available on 8 April
to allow time to distribute
to Associate Centres.
June series pre-exam
despatch (exam stationery,
administrative documents,
despatch labels, script
packets and attendance
Question papers and
multiple-choice answer
sheets. These are based on
your final entries. Further
question paper despatches
will be made on a regular
basis for any late entries
or entry amendments you
have made.
June series question
papers and multiple-choice
answer sheets.
You send
Late entries deadline.
See sections 2.3 and
2.4 of the >Cambridge
Handbook for our late entry
Late entries deadline for
the June series.
sections 2.3 and 2.4 of the
>Cambridge Handbook for
our late entry regulations.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 17
April 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Source files for Cambridge
IGCSE ICT Practical Test
(0417/22) available from
CIE Direct.
Source files
for Cambridge Associates
will be available on 20 April
to allow time to distribute
to Associate Centres.
Source files for Cambridge
IGCSE ICT Practical Test
(0417/32) available from
CIE Direct.
Source files
for Cambridge Associates
will be available on 22 April
to allow time to distribute
to Associate Centres.
Start of exam period.
We send
Bar-coded labels for
timetabled components
You send
Deadline for internally
assessed marks for
Cambridge IGCSE:
• First Language English
(0500 and 0522)
• English Literature (0486)
• Geography (0460)
• History (0470).
You can submit your marks
through CIE Direct or the
A2C Migration Application.
18 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
June series bar-coded
labels for timetabled
components only.
April 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Deadline for forecast
grades. You can submit
them through CIE Direct
or the A2C Migration
Deadline for forecast grades
for the June series. You can
submit them through CIE
Direct or the A2C Migration
Deadline for Cambridge to
receive Outline Proposal
Forms for November 2016
Deadline for internally
assessed marks for all
components except:
• Cambridge IGCSE
syllabuses listed above
(see 27 April)
Deadline for Cambridge to
receive Cambridge Pre-U
Outline Proposal Forms for
the November 2016 series.
June 2016 deadline for
coursework marks and
samples for Cambridge
Pre-U GPR Research
Reports (9777/04).
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level language
speaking tests (see 7
You can submit your marks
through CIE Direct or the
A2C Migration Application.
Deadline for internally
assessed samples sent
with a copy of your
internally assessed marks
and the correct forms, for
all components except
Cambridge International
AS & A Level language
speaking tests (see 7 June).
Deadline for ‘Returning
Cambridge IGCSE Art
& Design Work: Teacher
Assessment – Form 5.’
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 19
April 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Deadline for:
• completion of
Cambridge IGCSE Art &
Design (0400/01, 02)
• receipt of coursework
samples for Cambridge
IGCSE Art & Design
• receipt of all examined
coursework for
Cambridge IGCSE Art &
Design (0400/03)
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level Art &
Design (9704/02, 03, 04)
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level Music
(8663/06 and 9703/03,
04, 05).
Other activities to think about in April 2016
June 2016 series
• Please label individually all internally assessed samples you send us for moderation. Use
the ‘Identification labels’ sent in the pre-exam despatch. You can also download them from (Teacher Assessment – Label 3).
• Store Test Cards and Teachers’ Notes booklets for speaking tests in a secure place until the end of the
speaking test exam period.
In mid April we will despatch your question papers. Check you have all the question paper packets
you need. Let us know immediately if:
– there is any discrepancy between what you receive and the despatch note
– anything is missing
– any question paper packets have been damaged or opened.
Store the packets securely and do not open them. If you have not received these materials 48 hours
before the exam or by 29 April 2016 at the latest, contact us immediately.
• Check that you have enough exam stationery. Details of the items you need for each exam are in the
additional exam materials database, available at
20 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Other activities to think about in April 2016 (continued)
From 2016 onwards, you will have a one-day window, instead of a seven-day window to conduct the
practical exams for Cambridge IGCSE ICT (0417) and Cambridge International AS & A Level Applied ICT
(9713). Please see the June 2016 timetable for more information.
Future exam series
Following your feedback, we no longer send the Syllabus and Support Materials DVD in hard copy
unless requested. You can access all the items from the DVD through Teacher Support. Please email to request a copy of the DVD which will include:
– syllabuses for examination in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020
– specimen papers and mark schemes
– past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports for the June 2015 series and the November 2015
– FAQs.
May 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
Start of the June 2016
exam period for Cambridge
You send
Deadline for completed
Estimated Entry Forms
for November 2016. We
use estimated entries
to despatch pre-release
materials and question
papers for exams that take
place before the main exam
November 2016
deadline for completed
Estimated Entry Forms for
Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives syllabuses.
We use estimated entries
to despatch pre-release
materials and question
papers for exams that take
place before the main exam
End of speaking test
period for the June series
(15 March–15 May).
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 21
May 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
June 2016 deadline for
Cambridge Pre-U internally
assessed marks.
June 2016 deadline for Cambridge to
receive internally assessed marks, internally
assessed work and the correct forms for
Cambridge Pre-U:
• Music (9800/41, 42, 43, 44)
• Physics, Personal Investigation (9792/04)
• Psychology, Personal Investigation
Deadline for electronic
submission of externally
assessed coursework for
Cambridge International
AS & A Level Global
Perspectives & Research
(9239/02, 03).
June 2016 deadline for electronic
submission of externally assessed
coursework for Cambridge Pre-U:
• Business & Management Personal
Investigation (9771/03)
• GPR, Essay (9777/02)
• GPR, Presentation (9777/03)
• Global Perspectives (Short Course), Essay
• Global Perspectives (Short Course),
Presentation (1340/03).
We send
Provisional timetable for the
June 2017 series available
from CIE Direct.
22 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Provisional timetable for the
June 2017 series available
from CIE Direct.
Other activities to think about in May 2016
June 2016 series
• Collect and keep all question papers in a secure place for 24 hours after the exam has finished or after
the Key Time, whichever is later. After 24 hours you may return the papers to candidates and teachers if
the Head of Centre agrees. You can return Cambridge Pre-U question papers to candidates straight after
the exam if the Head of Centre agrees. You must return question papers for Cambridge IGCSE ICT and
Cambridge International AS & A Level Applied ICT practical tests with your candidates’ work. See section
5.5.2 of the >Cambridge Handbook.
• Send your scripts to us, except for the Cambridge Pre-U scripts we collect, as soon as each exam has
finished. Check the contents of the script packet against the bar-coded script packet label to make sure
they match. The script packet must contain a script for each candidate who is ticked as present on the
attendance register, and the scripts should be in candidate number order with the attendance register on
top. Do not include any other documents in your script packets.
• We must receive special consideration applications within seven days of the last exam of the syllabus
November 2016 series
If you plan to make entries for candidates requiring modified papers or access arrangements please
start preparing now to meet the July deadline.
Exam series in 2017
• The deadline for the approval of Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International AS Level school-based
courses, with teaching starting in September 2016, is 31 May 2016.
June 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
Last date for Cambridge
International AS & A Level
Art & Design (9704/01)
You send
Deadline for internally
assessed marks for
Cambridge International
AS & A Level language
speaking tests. You can
submit them through
CIE Direct or the A2C
Migration Application.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 23
June 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Deadline for your internally
assessed samples for
Cambridge International
AS & A Level language
speaking tests. Send your
samples with a copy of your
internally assessed marks
and the correct forms.
End of exam period.
End of June series exam
You send
Special consideration
applications within seven
days of the last exam of the
syllabus affected.
Special consideration
applications within seven
days of the last exam of the
syllabus affected.
Other activities to think about in June 2016
June 2016 series
• Collect and keep all question papers in a secure place for 24 hours after the exam has finished or after
the Key Time, whichever is later. After 24 hours you may return the papers to candidates and teachers if
the Head of Centre agrees. You can return Cambridge Pre-U question papers to candidates straight after
the exam if the Head of Centre agrees. You must return question papers for Cambridge IGCSE ICT and
Cambridge International AS & A Level Applied ICT practical tests with your candidates’ work. See section
5.5.2 of the >Cambridge Handbook.
• Send your scripts to us, except for the Cambridge Pre-U scripts we collect, as soon as each exam has
finished. Check the contents of the script packet against the bar-coded script packet label to make sure
they match. The script packet must contain a script for each candidate who is ticked as present on the
attendance register, and the scripts should be in candidate number order with the attendance register on
top. Do not include any other documents in your script packets.
Centre visits for the moderation of Cambridge Pre-U Art & Design 9837/01 and 02, and the exam for
9837/03 take place in June. Do not send us scripts for these components.
• We must receive special consideration applications within seven days of the last exam of the syllabus
• From now until the release of results, we may contact you with questions about your scripts or candidate
attendance at any of your exams. Make sure you are available to answer these urgent queries. If we
cannot resolve the issue we will have to issue a ‘NO RESULT’ for the candidates in question. If your
contact details have changed please let us know immediately.
24 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Other activities to think about in June 2016 (continued)
November 2016 series
From 2016 onwards, we will only accept applications for modified question papers if a final entry
has been made for the candidate involved. The final entries and application deadline for candidates
requiring modified question papers is 1 July 2016. We will not be able to accept entries or applications
after this date. So as not to disadvantage your candidates, you must ensure you submit your entries
before this date, preferably at least two weeks before so that you have time to check your entries and
make any amendments before the deadline. We would prefer that you submit your applications for
modified question papers before the deadline, even if you are not sure your candidate(s) will require
The application deadline for access arrangements is 1 July 2016. We cannot accept any applications
after this date.
• If you plan to make entries for the November 2016 series it is a good idea to start planning now to meet
the September deadline.
July 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Application deadline
for modified question
papers (Preparation –
Form 3) and final entries
deadline for candidates
requiring modified papers.
Please make sure you
have made final entries
for these candidates
before you submit your
November 2016
application deadline for
modified question papers
(Preparation – Form 3)
and final entries deadline
for candidates requiring
modified papers for
Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives syllabuses.
Please make sure you
have made final entries
for these candidates
before you submit your
Application deadline
for access arrangements
(Preparation – Form 1).
November 2016
application deadline for
access arrangements for
Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives syllabuses
(Preparation – Form 1).
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete
this month.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 25
July 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
We send
Question papers below
available to download
from the ‘My Messages’
section of CIE Direct and
Teacher Support:
• Cambridge IGCSE Art
& Design (0400/01, 02)
• Cambridge
International AS & A
Level Art & Design
These question papers
will only be available on
CIE Direct if you have
submitted estimated
entries for these
mid July
November 2016 prerelease material for:
• Cambridge IGCSE
Computer Science
• Cambridge
International AS &
A Level Computer
Science (9608/02, 04).
We send this material
based on your estimated
entries. When it arrives,
share it with the relevant
teachers in your Centre so
candidates and teachers
can prepare for the exams.
26 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Cambridge Pre-U
July 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
Mid July
Early question
papers and instructions
based on your estimated
entries. If you have not
made estimated entries
by the deadline we will
not despatch your early
question papers and
instructions until we have
received your final entries.
Early question
papers and instructions
despatched based on
your estimated entries
for Cambridge Pre-U
Global Perspectives
syllabuses. If you have not
made estimated entries
by the deadline we will
not despatch your early
question papers and
instructions until we have
received your final entries.
Mid July
The following instructions
and/or early question
papers based on your final
We send
• Cambridge IGCSE ICT
• Cambridge IGCSE
Enterprise (0454)
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level Applied
ICT (9713)
• instructions for
practicals for science
End of
Entries confirmation
packs based on your final
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 27
Other activities to think about in July 2016
June 2016 series
• From now until the release of results, we may contact you with questions about your scripts or candidate
attendance at any of your exams. Make sure you are available to answer these urgent queries. If we
cannot resolve the issue we will have to issue a ‘NO RESULT’ for the candidates in question. If your
contact details have changed please let us know immediately.
November 2016 series
• The final entries deadline is 21 September 2016. Plan to submit your entries at least two weeks before
this date to allow time to make any entry amendments before the deadline.
August 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
June 2016 series
provisional results and
statements of results
available to download from
CIE Direct.
June 2016 series
provisional results and
statements of results
available to download from
CIE Direct.
You send
Deadline for priority service
enquiries about results and
priority copies of scripts
to support enquiries about
28 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
June 2016 deadline for
priority service enquiries
about results and priority
copies of scripts to support
enquiries about results.
Deadline for notifying us
of any delegated access
arrangements you plan to
use (Preparation – Form 4).
November 2016 deadline
for notifying us of
any delegated access
arrangements you plan
to use for Cambridge
Pre-U Global Perspectives
syllabuses (Preparation –
Form 4).
August 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
June 2016 series
provisional results
June 2016 series
provisional results
Other activities to think about in August 2016
June 2016 series
• For all qualifications except Cambridge Pre-U you can issue results as soon as they are available on CIE
Direct. You must wait until the next day to issue Cambridge Pre-U results to candidates.
• If you have not received your provisional results despatch by early September 2016 contact our Customer
Services team.
• Make sure all your candidates’ names are correct on results documentation ready for the certificates we
send you in October. There is an administrative fee for any requests to amend candidate names received
after 15 September 2016.
November 2016 series
• The final entries deadline is 21 September 2016. We will charge late entry fees for any entries or entry
amendments we receive after this date.
• At the beginning of September, teachers must send us their Nomination of Oral Examiner Forms for
speaking tests in Cambridge International AS & A Level languages other than English. The forms are
available from the samples database (
September 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete
this month.
June 2018 series
Cambridge Pre-U Art
& Design early release
materials (9837/03)
available to download
from CIE Direct.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 29
September 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Deadline for Nomination
of Oral Examiner
Forms for Cambridge
International AS & A
Level languages other
than English speaking
tests. The forms are
available from the
samples database
We send
Mid Sep
Estimated Entry Forms
for the June 2017
series available from
the ‘Support Materials’
section of CIE Direct. To
be returned by 10 October
Question papers and
multiple-choice answer
sheets based on your final
entries. Further question
paper despatches will be
made on a regular basis
for any late entries or
amendments you have
Estimated Entry Forms
for the June 2017
series available from
the ‘Support Materials’
section of CIE Direct. To
be returned by 10 October
November 2016 question
papers for Cambridge
Pre-U Global Perspectives
Start of Cambridge IGCSE
oral and practical exam
period (see November
2016 final timetable for full
details of test windows
for each component).
You send
Deadline for letting us
know if any candidate
names are incorrect
on June 2016 results
documentation without
30 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Deadline for letting us
know if any candidate
names are incorrect
on June 2016 results
documentation without
September 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Final entries deadline.
We will charge late entry
fees for entries and
amendments received
after this date.
November 2016 final
entries deadline for
Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives syllabuses.
Start of late entry fees
(22–30 September).
Start of late entry fees
(22–30 September).
Late entries deadline.
See sections 2.3 and
2.4 of the >Cambridge
Handbook for our late
entry regulations.
November 2016 late
entries deadline for
Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives syllabuses.
See sections 2.3 and
2.4 of the >Cambridge
Handbook for our late
entry regulations.
You send
Enquiries about results
deadline for the June
2016 series.
Enquiries about results
deadline for the June 2016
Other activities to think about in September 2016
June 2016 series
• Make sure all your candidates’ names are correct on results documentation ready for the certificates we
send you in October. There is an administrative fee for any requests to amend candidate names received
after 15 September 2016.
November 2016 series
• We will send your entries confirmation pack within two weeks of receiving your entries. If you have not
received your pack after two weeks contact us. You no longer receive hard copy statements of entry in
your entries confirmation pack. You can download them from CIE Direct within 48 hours of submitting
your entries. Check them carefully and let us know if any of the information is incorrect.
• Start your general preparation for the November series. Make sure that all invigilators are appointed and
trained, all exam venues are arranged and candidates know the dates, times and venues of their exams.
• Remind teachers that you need to submit marks and samples for internally assessed components by the
dates published in the samples database ( and forecast grades for all syllabuses
by 31 October 2016. The deadlines for internally assessed marks are the latest possible dates for us to
receive the marks. We encourage you to submit the marks as early as possible to maximise the amount
of time available for the sample selection and moderation process.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 31
Other activities to think about in September 2016 (continued)
• By the beginning of October, you will receive your question papers. Check you have all the question
papers you need. Let us know immediately if:
– there is any discrepancy between what you receive and the despatch note
– anything is missing
– any question paper packets have been damaged or opened.
Store the packets securely and do not open them. If you have not received these materials by 5 October
2016 contact us immediately.
Exam series in 2017
Please complete and submit ‘Preparation – Form 5’ if you are planning to enter candidates for any
additional qualifications in the June or November 2017 series. This way we can make sure that all your
despatches contain the right information. You should submit the form no later than four weeks before the
final entries deadline for the relevant series.
• The deadline for the approval of Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge International AS Level Centre-based
courses, with teaching starting in January 2017, is 30 September 2016.
October 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
Start of speaking test
window for Cambridge
International AS &
A Level languages
other than English
(1 October–24 October)
with samples to be sent to
Cambridge by 31 October
We send
32 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Pre-exam despatch (exam
stationery, administrative
documents, despatch
labels, script packets,
bar-coded labels and
attendance registers).
Start of exam period (early
October–mid November).
Pre-exam despatch for the
November series (exam
stationery, administrative
documents, despatch
labels, script packets,
bar-coded labels and
attendance registers).
October 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Deadline for completed
Estimated Entry Forms
for the June 2017 series.
We use estimated entries
to despatch pre-release
materials and question
papers for exams that take
place before the main exam
Deadline for completed
Estimated Entry Forms
for the June 2017 series.
We use estimated entries
to despatch pre-release
material and question
papers for exams that take
place before the main exam
Deadline for copy of script
requests for the June 2016
Deadline for copy of script
requests for June 2016
June 2017 series deadline
for Cambridge Pre-U Visiting
Examiner Arrangement
forms for Modern Language
speaking tests.
We send
Certificates sent to Centres.
Certificates sent to Centres.
You send
Deadline for internally
assessed marks for
Cambridge IGCSE:
• First Language English
(0500 and 0522)
• English Literature (0486)
• Geography (0460)
• History (0470).
You can submit your marks
through CIE Direct or the
A2C Migration Application.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 33
October 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Deadline for Cambridge to
receive Outline Proposal
Forms for June 2017
Deadline for forecast
grades. You can submit
them through CIE Direct
or the A2C Migration
November 2016 deadline
for forecast grades for
Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives syllabuses.
You can submit them
through CIE Direct or the
A2C Migration Application.
Deadline for ‘Returning
Cambridge IGCSE Art
& Design Work: Teacher
Assessment – Form 5’.
Deadline for Cambridge to
receive Cambridge Pre-U
Outline Proposal Forms for
June 2017 series.
Deadline for internally
assessed marks for all
components except the
Cambridge IGCSE
syllabuses listed above
(see 28 October). You can
submit them through CIE
Direct or the A2C Migration
Deadline for internally
assessed samples, sent
with a copy of your
internally assessed marks
and the correct forms.
34 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
October 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
You send
Deadline for:
• completion of
Cambridge IGCSE Art &
Design (0400/01, 02)
• receipt of coursework
samples for Cambridge
IGCSE Art & Design
• receipt of all examined
coursework entered for
Cambridge IGCSE Art &
Design (0400/03)
• Cambridge International
AS & A Level Art &
Design (9704/02, 03, 04).
November 2016 deadline
for submission of
Cambridge Pre-U:
• GPR, Essay (9777/02)
• GPR, Presentation
• GPR, Project (9777/04)
• Global Perspectives
(Short Course), Essay
• Global Perspectives
(Short Course),
Presentation (1340/03).
Where possible please
make sure artwork arrives
before this date.
We send
>Cambridge Administrative Guide and >Cambridge Handbook for 2017.
Cambridge Guide to Making
Entries for the June 2017
Cambridge Guide to Making
Entries for the June 2017
Final timetable for the June
2017 series available from
CIE Direct.
Final timetable for the June
2017 series available from
CIE Direct.
Other activities to think about in October 2016
June 2016 series
• Check your certificates carefully, making sure that you have received all of the certificates you expect
and that all names are spelt correctly. After 15 September 2016, we charge an administrative fee for any
requests to amend candidates’ names on certificates.
We can only replace June 2016 certificates
until 30 April 2018.
November 2016 series
• Please label individually all internally assessed samples you send us for moderation. Use
the ‘Identification labels’ sent in the pre-exam despatch. You can also download them from (Teacher Assessment – Label 3).
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 35
Other activities to think about in October 2016 (continued)
• Check that you have enough exam stationery. Details of the items you need for each exam are in the
additional exam materials database, available at
• Collect and keep all question papers in a secure place for 24 hours after the exam has finished or after
the Key Time for that exam, whichever is later. After 24 hours you may return the papers to candidates
and teachers if the Head of Centre agrees. You must return question papers for Cambridge IGCSE ICT
and Cambridge International AS & A Level Applied ICT practical tests with your candidates’ work. For
further information please see section 5.5.2 of the >Cambridge Handbook.
• Keep Test Cards and Teachers’ Notes booklets for speaking tests in a secure place until the end of the
speaking test window.
• Send your scripts to Cambridge as soon as each exam has finished. Check the contents of the script
packet against the script packet label to make sure they match. The script packet must contain a script
for each candidate who is ticked as present on the attendance register, and the scripts should be in
candidate number order with the attendance register on top. Do not include any other documents in your
script packets.
• We must receive special consideration applications within seven days of the last exam of the syllabus
Future exam series
Following your feedback, we no longer send the Syllabus and Support Materials DVD in hard copy
unless requested. You can access all the items from the DVD through Teacher Support. Please email to request a copy of the DVD which will include:
– syllabuses for examination in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021
– specimen papers and mark schemes
– past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports for the November 2015 series and the June 2016
– FAQs.
November 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
36 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Last date for Cambridge
International AS & A Level
Art & Design (9704/01)
November 2016 (continued)
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
MIS basedata for the June
2017 series available from
the ‘Support Materials’
section of CIE Direct.
MIS basedata for the June
2017 series available from
the ‘Support Materials’
section of CIE Direct.
End of exam period.
You send
Special consideration
applications within seven
days of the last exam of the
syllabus affected.
Special consideration
applications within seven
days of the last exam of the
syllabus affected.
We send
June 2017 pre-release
material for Cambridge
IGCSE Drama (0411/01).
Other activities to think about in November 2016
November 2016 series
• Collect and keep all question papers in a secure place for 24 hours after the exam has finished or after
the Key Time, whichever is later. After 24 hours you may return the papers to candidates and teachers if
the Head of Centre agrees. You can return Cambridge Pre-U question papers to candidates straight after
the exam if the Head of Centre agrees. You must return question papers for Cambridge IGCSE ICT and
Cambridge International AS & A Level Applied ICT practical tests with your candidates’ work. See section
5.5.2 of the >Cambridge Handbook.
• Send your scripts to Cambridge as soon as each exam has finished. Check the contents of the script
packet against the script packet label to make sure they match. The script packet must contain a script for
each candidate who is ticked as present on the attendance register, and the scripts must be in candidate
number order with the attendance register on top. Do not include any other documents in your script
• We must receive special consideration applications within seven days of the last exam of the syllabus
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Key dates 37
December 2016
June series
November series
Cambridge Pre-U
We send
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter explaining all the tasks you need to complete this
Other activities to think about in December 2016
November 2016 series
• From now until the release of results, we may contact you with questions about your scripts or candidate
attendance at any of your exams. Make sure you are available to answer these urgent queries. If we
cannot resolve the issue we will have to issue a ‘NO RESULT’ for the candidates in question. If your
contact details have changed please let us know immediately.
Our Cambridge office will be closed on Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 December 2016 and again on
Monday 2 January 2017.
If you plan to make entries for the June 2017 series please start planning now to meet the January
deadline for candidates requiring modified question papers and the February deadline for all other entries.
38 Key dates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Support from Cambridge
We provide a wide range of support for exams officers. This section takes you through the support we
offer and tells you how to access it.
01223 553554
01223 553558
Customer Services address:
Customer Services
Cambridge International Examinations
1 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB1 2EU
When contacting us please tell us your Centre name and number.
their Cambridge Associate with any queries.
Our website
Associate Centres should contact
CIE Direct
Access the main Cambridge website, for the following information:
• our qualifications and awards
• syllabuses and specimen papers
• latest news and events
• online versions of the >Cambridge Handbook,
the >Cambridge Administrative Guide,
administrative forms and final timetables
• access to CIE Direct (password required)
• information on Cambridge International
Important information
Cambridge Exams Officers’ Guide
Our step-by-step guide to delivering Cambridge
exams at your school. Visit the guide at to
access our key administrative documents,
administrative forms and a wide range of
support materials.
You can access CIE Direct at It is a secure online tool for
Cambridge exams officers, which allows you to:
• make and submit final entries
• submit internally assessed marks and forecast
• upload files, such as entry files
• keep up to date with CIE Direct bulletins
• download files, such as results files, provisional
and final timetables
• submit enquiries about results
• view our fees list in the ‘My Messages’ section
of CIE Direct.
CIE Direct is password protected. After we have
registered your Centre we send you login details by
email. Keep these details secure. If you forget your
password please contact our Customer Services
team (
If the exams officer changes at your Centre please
send us the contact details of your new exams
officer as soon as possible.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 1 Preparation 39
Support from Cambridge (continued)
Cambridge Associates/
Associate Centres
Cambridge Associates can request access
to CIE Direct for their Associate Centres by
contacting Customer Services. We will then:
• set up the account(s)
• upload login details for the Associate
Centre(s) to the ‘My Messages’ section
of the Cambridge Associate’s CIE Direct
The Cambridge Associate must pass the
relevant login details securely to their Associate
Cambridge Exams Officer
Look out for our eNewsletter for timely updates
delivered straight to your email inbox at the
beginning of every month.
The Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter is an
essential resource, and includes:
• reminders about key dates and activities for that
• guidance on and information about changes to
key processes
• updates on new services
• a look forward to the next month.
The ‘Help’ section of our website
The ‘Help’ section of our website contains an
online bank of answers to frequently asked
questions about Cambridge exams and services.
It has recently been upgraded to include a more
intuitive search function. The next time you have
a question about administering Cambridge exams
visit the ‘Help’ section. Type your question into
the search box, or use the menu to guide you. Key
articles are also displayed on the ‘Help’ home page
to alert you to important announcements.
Our ‘Help’ section:
The eNewsletter is sent to our Cambridge
International Schools and Cambridge Associates.
• saves you time
• contains more than 1200 answers
• is reviewed and updated daily
• is available 24 hours a day.
Go to
If you work in a Cambridge International School or
for a Cambridge Associate and do not receive the
eNewsletter please contact our Customer Services
Cambridge Associates should pass
relevant information from the eNewsletter on to
their Associate Centres.
Important information
If you do not read the eNewsletter or if you
unsubscribe from receiving it you will miss out
on important information about administering
our exams.
40 1 Preparation Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Support from Cambridge (continued)
Teacher Support
Principal Examiner Reports for
We produce Principal Examiner Reports for
teachers for particular qualifications and subjects
at the end of each series. The reports are written
by principal examiners and moderators and give
an overview of how all the candidates performed.
They normally give:
• guidance on what the examiners were looking
You can access Teacher Support at It is a valuable resource
for teachers and is available to Cambridge Centres.
We send you login details when your Centre is
• comments on areas of the syllabus that were
done well or badly
• comments on any evidence of problems with
exam technique
• examples to illustrate points made.
Visit Teacher Support for:
• past question papers
• mark schemes, grade thresholds and examiner
• schemes of work: suggested teaching
programmes and teaching activities
• online discussion forums: a place for teachers to
share ideas, resources, questions and answers.
The member of staff in your Centre with access
to Teacher Support is called the ‘Teacher Support
coordinator’. They create logins for their teachers by
accessing the administration pages of the website.
If the Teacher Support coordinator forgets their
password they should contact Customer Services
You can download the reports from Teacher
1.8 Marketing Resources
Centres and Cambridge Associates can download
a wide range of support materials, such as
factsheets, videos and posters, from a secure area
of our website called Marketing Resources.
You should have received login details for
Marketing Resources; if not contact our Customer
Services team. Find Marketing Resources at
Our syllabuses, specimen papers
and specimen mark schemes
Syllabus booklets give teachers all the information
they need to deliver the subject and prepare
candidates for the exam. You can download them
from our public website ( and
Teacher Support (
We also produce specimen papers and mark
schemes when we introduce a new or revised
syllabus. We only update them when there is a
significant revision to the syllabus booklet.
The specimen paper is an example of what a
question paper will look like. The specimen mark
scheme provides details of how marks would be
assigned to the specimen paper.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 1 Preparation 41
1.9 Syllabus updates
Keep up to date with changes to the syllabuses
taught in your Centre by signing up for our syllabus
updates at
We will then email you details of any changes to
syllabuses including:
• new syllabuses
• revisions to content and assessment of existing
• syllabuses we are withdrawing.
42 1 Preparation Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Preparing your exams timetable
The timetable shows the date, session and duration of each exam, including the range of dates for
practical and oral exams.
Each country has a Key Time for the morning and afternoon timetable session. All candidates must be
under Full Centre Supervision or in the exam at the Key Time. See section 4.4.1 of the >Cambridge
Handbook for more information.
All exams must take place in the sessions stated on the final timetable.
As soon as the final timetable is available work out how many exam rooms you need and book them.
Decide how you are going to make sure your candidates know where and when their exams will take
place. You should also create a timetable specific to your Centre that you can display somewhere for all
your candidates to see.
1.10 Provisional and final timetables
We construct our timetables to avoid setting
exams that will cause major logistical difficulties
and timetable clashes for Centres and candidates.
However, this is a complex task with many
constraints and it is not always possible to produce
timetables that suit all the countries we work with.
In May each year we publish a provisional version
of the timetable for the following June series. In
October each year we publish a provisional version
of the timetable for the following November series.
Provisional timetables are published on CIE
When they are published, you can let us know if
you have any major concerns about the timetables.
You should email any comments to
with ‘June/November series provisional timetable’
and your Centre number in the subject line.
Important dates
Publication of final timetable:
• June series and Cambridge Pre-U – end of
October 2015
• November series – end of March 2016
1.11 Timetabling exams
Timetabled exams must be taken in the
morning or afternoon timetable session as shown
on the final timetable. You must also follow our Key
Time regulations when timetabling your exams.
The Key Time is a time, defined by the location and
country of a Centre, specified by Cambridge, when
all candidates taking timetabled exams must either
be in an exam or under Full Centre Supervision.
Because the timetables take into account a wide
range of interests and constraints, we only make
changes in exceptional circumstances.
The Key Times for the UK are:
Once we have considered any comments we
publish the final version of the timetables to the
‘Support Materials’ section of CIE Direct and our
public website ( You
must follow the final version of the timetable. After
the final timetable has been published, we cannot
accept any requests to change exam dates.
• November series before the clocks go back:
10.00 BST and 14.00 BST
• June series: 10.00 BST and 14.00 BST
• November series after the clocks go back:
09.00 GMT and 13.00 GMT.
The JCQ start times of 09.00 for the morning
session and 13.30 for the afternoon session
work with our Key Times, except in the following
• it is an afternoon exam in the November series
after the clocks have gone back
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 1 Preparation 43
Preparing your exams timetable (continued)
• it is an exam during British Summer Time that is
less than an hour long.
In both of these situations you must make sure
that candidates are under Full Centre Supervision
or taking their exam at the Key Time.
For Cambridge Pre-U exams in the June series
follow the start times of 09.00 for the morning
session and 13.30 for the afternoon session as
specified on the Cambridge Pre-U timetable. You
also have the flexibility to start the exams half an
hour earlier or later than the published start times.
Important information
• You must use the final timetable to plan
your exams.
• To maintain the security of our exams we
produce question papers and timetables
for different areas of the world, known as
‘administrative zones’. All UK Centres are in
administrative zone 3.
1.12 Timetable deviations
Timetable clashes occur when for various reasons,
candidates are unable to take papers in the
timetabled session. You do not have to apply for
timetable deviations but the Head of Centre must
make sure that your proposed arrangements for
resolving any timetable clashes meet with our
timetable deviation regulations. More information
is in section 1.1 of the >Cambridge Handbook.
44 1 Preparation Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Access arrangements
Access arrangements are pre-exam arrangements made on behalf of a candidate with particular needs,
for example, the use of a scribe, modified papers or extra time. There are three groups of access
arrangements, each with their own application form and set of deadlines.
• Group 1: Access arrangements. You must apply for our permission to use these.
• Group 2: Centre-delegated access arrangements. You need to notify us if you use these.
• Group 3: Modified papers.
It is important that you read section 1.2 of the >Cambridge Handbook so you understand each type of
access arrangement and the principles we apply when approving them.
1.13 How to apply for access
Use the relevant form and follow the guidance
notes on the form.
Associate Centres should
submit their completed forms to their Cambridge
Associate. Remember, the Head of Centre or the
Cambridge Associate, in the case of Associate
Centres, needs to sign the form before it is
Access arrangements
You must send supporting medical or psychological
evidence with your application. The application and
the supporting evidence must be in English. You
can provide a translation if necessary, along with
the original document. Friends and relatives of the
candidate should not supply any of the supporting
evidence. Where this is unavoidable a senior
member of Centre staff must countersign and
authorise the evidence.
When your application arrives, an experienced
member of the Compliance team reviews it, if
necessary in consultation with subject experts,
according to the criteria set out in section 1.2.4 of
the >Cambridge Handbook.
We review all applications on an individual basis.
The application must come from the Centre
making the entry. We cannot accept applications
from the candidate. We will email you to let you
know whether your application has been approved
within two days of receiving it.
If we approve the application it is up to the Head
of Centre to decide whether the candidate needs
to use the approved arrangements in all the
requested assessments as they may not require
the same degree of assistance in every subject.
Centre-delegated access arrangements
It is up to you to decide whether or not to give
your candidate(s) any of the delegated access
arrangements listed in section 1.2.2 of the
>Cambridge Handbook. You should take the
following into account when deciding whether to
use any delegated access arrangements:
• the candidate’s normal ways of working and any
arrangements they use in the classroom
• the candidate’s performance in internal
assessments, such as mock exams
• any previous difficulties the candidate has
experienced in relation to taking assessments
and any lasting effects from those difficulties.
You must keep on file all evidence relating to the
candidate’s needs so you can justify the use of any
delegated access arrangements. We consider it
maladministration if you do not keep this evidence
on file or if you do not submit it at our request.
If you use any Centre-delegated access
arrangements you must follow the regulations
in section 1.2 of the >Cambridge Handbook,
and notify us using ‘Preparation – Form 4’ by the
deadlines listed in the box on the next page.
We keep all notification forms for Centre-delegated
access arrangements on file in case we need
to refer to them as a result of an inspection or
malpractice case.
You need one of the following types of evidence on
file for candidates with learning difficulties who use
delegated arrangements:
• a psychological assessment carried out by a
qualified psychologist confirming a learning
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 1 Preparation 45
Access arrangements (continued)
• an assessment confirming a learning disability
carried out by a specialist teacher who holds a
relevant qualification.
We will also accept a report written by a
qualified teacher who has no additional special
needs qualification, but has had at least five
years’ working experience in the area of special
educational needs, as long as it is authenticated by
the Head of Centre.
Candidates with medical, physical, mental or
other ill health must have medical evidence in the
form of a report, letter or sick note. The evidence
should cover the candidates’ period of secondary
Modified papers
From 2016 onwards, we will only accept
applications for modified question papers if a final
entry has been made for the candidate involved.
You must submit final entries and applications for
candidates requiring modified question papers by
the dates listed in the box opposite. It is important
that you make your requests on time so as not
to disadvantage your candidates. We cannot
guarantee that we will be able to provide modified
papers if you send your applications and entries
after the deadlines. For retake candidates requiring
modified papers, please contact us as soon as
possible so we can discuss the options available
that best meet your requirements. The earlier
you contact us, the more likely we will be able to
provide you with a modified paper.
Emergency access arrangements
If you have to apply for access arrangements for
temporary disabilities, for example, one of your
candidates breaks their arm before the exam, you
must get our approval before you use any access
arrangements. You can do this by emailing or
telephoning us straight away. We will then discuss
the most appropriate access arrangements, give
you verbal approval and ask you to submit the
relevant form. State the arrangements that were
agreed on the form and send it to us together
with the candidate’s medical certificate as soon as
If it is not possible to contact us before the exam
takes place, the Head of Centre should decide
on the day whether to use access arrangements
for the temporary disability. If this does happen
complete and send the relevant form along with
the candidate’s medical certificate as soon as
46 1 Preparation Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
If we give permission for a candidate to use a
scribe/writer or if a transcript is provided, please
attach a completed copy of the relevant cover
sheet to the candidate’s script/transcript. These
cover sheets are available at
Administrative forms
Forms available at
• Access Arrangements: Preparation – Form 1
• Modified Papers: Preparation – Form 3
• Centre-Delegated Access Arrangements:
Preparation – Form 4
Extra guidance
Download our How to Apply for Access
Arrangements guide at
Important dates
Apply to use access arrangements by:
• June series: 21 January 2016
• November series: 1 July 2016
Notify us if you plan to use Centre-delegated
access arrangements by:
• June series: 31 March 2016
• November series: 31 August 2016
Order modified papers and submit your
final entries for these candidates by:
• June series: 21 January 2016
• November series: 1 July 2016
Cambridge Associates should agree earlier
deadlines with their Associate Centres. This will
allow them time to process their applications
and send them to us before our deadlines.
Estimated entries
Estimated entries are your calculation of the number of candidates you will enter for exams. We use
estimated entries to despatch pre-release materials and question papers for exams that take place
before the main exam period.
You do not submit any candidate details with your estimated entries, so you still need to submit final
entries. Submitting estimated entries does not commit you to paying any entry fees, as the fees we
charge are based on your final entries.
2.1 How do I work out my estimated
Work out your estimated entries based on the
number of candidates studying the subject or the
number of candidates you are expecting to recruit.
If you are unsure whether you are going to enter
any candidates for a particular exam, submit at
least one candidate. This will ensure you receive
one set of the exam materials.
2.2 Completing the Estimated Entry
Important dates
Deadlines for estimated entries:
• November 2016 series – 10 May 2016
• June 2017 series – 10 October 2016
If you do not submit estimated entries we will
not send your early question papers and prerelease materials until we have received your
final entries. You may not receive the materials
until a few days before the exams.
Your Estimated Entry Form will be available from
the ‘Support Materials’ section of CIE Direct:
• in September 2015 for the June 2016 series
• in March 2016 for the November 2016 series.
We will let you know when the forms are available
in the Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter.
The forms list the syllabuses and components for
exams that are timetabled before the main series.
Send your completed forms to
If you make major changes to the number of
candidates you are entering for a particular syllabus
and component after submitting your form, please
email us to let us know.
Cambridge Associates/
Associate Centres
We will upload the Estimated Entry Form to the
‘Support Materials’ section of the Cambridge
Associate’s CIE Direct account. They should
email a copy of the form to their Associate
Centres and ask them to complete and return
the form to them by a specified date. Once
the Cambridge Associates have received their
Associate Centres’ forms they should check
them and submit them to us by the deadlines
listed in the box above.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 2 Entries 47
Making final entries
You need to submit a syllabus entry for every candidate who is planning to take an exam in the relevant
exam series.
We use your entries to work out the number of question papers and exam materials, such as attendance
registers and bar-coded labels, we need to send you.
Check your entries carefully before you submit them.
We charge late entry fees for any entries or amendments you submit after the final entries deadline.
Read the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries, which contains syllabus and option codes and detailed
instructions for submitting entries. Make sure you use the UK version of the Guide.
Remember, do not send entry files by email.
2.3 How to make final entries
Important dates
You can make your final entries using one of the
following methods:
Entries can be made from:
• the A2C Migration Application
• June series – mid November 2015
• November series – mid May 2016
CIE Direct online entries.
Instructions are in the Cambridge Guide to Making
Entries available in the ‘Support Materials’ section
of CIE Direct.
You should use the same
method to submit all your entries in the same
exam series.
We must receive your final entries
and applications for candidates requiring
modified papers by:
• June series – 21 January 2016
Cambridge for
exams officers
• November series – 1 July 2016
Final entries deadlines for other candidates:
• June series – 21 February 2016
• November series – 21 September 2016
Cambridge Guide
to Making Entries
Extra guidance
Including syllabus and option codes
November series 2015
UK centres
(administrative zone 3)
MIS packages and the A2C Migration
You can download basedata ready to import
into your MIS package. The basedata is compatible
with JCQ standards at the time of publication and
is available from the ‘Support Materials’ section of
CIE Direct. It will give you the data you need for
the relevant exam series.
48 2 Entries Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
View our online tutorials on making entries
using CIE Direct at
Cambridge Associates/
Associate Centres
It is good practice for Cambridge Associates
to submit the entries for all their Associate
Centres at least two weeks before the closing
date. This allows them time to check the
entries and resolve any issues with Associate
Centres before our deadline, avoiding any late
entry fees. Remember, Cambridge Associates
should set earlier deadlines for their Associate
Centres to submit final entries.
Making final entries (continued)
Important information
• Assign one four-digit candidate number to
every candidate.
• Do not assign the same candidate number
to more than one candidate in the same
exam series.
• For entries you must submit candidates’
names in the format surname:forename(s)
and/or initial(s).
For example:
If you do not include a colon all the names
submitted will be presented on the system
as part of the surname.
When we produce results documentation
our system will swap the order so that
candidates’ names are presented as
• A candidate’s previous entry details are their
Centre number and their candidate number
from that previous series. You need to
provide them if:
– you make an entry that carries forward
their marks from a previous exam series
– they have taken the AS part of a
Cambridge International A Level in a
previous series and you enter them for
the A2 option
– you enter them for a group award over
more than one exam series.
• Please submit your entries at least two
weeks before the entry closing date. This
will give you time to check your entries and
submit any entry amendments to us before
the deadline.
You must check that your entry data is
correct and complete on CIE Direct, even
if you have submitted your entries and any
entry amendments using the A2C Migration
Application or any MIS package.
Unique learner numbers
You need to provide us with a ULN for all
candidates entered for Ofqual-regulated syllabuses.
To do this, log in to CIE Direct, go to ‘Administer
Exams’, click on the ‘Candidate’ tab and select the
relevant candidate. We validate all ULNs provided
to us by Centres, and contact you if any ULNs you
submit are invalid.
ULNs allow candidates’ achievements to be
loaded to the Personal Learner Record (PLR) after
results are released. The PLR is an accessible,
verified record of achievement that helps learners
share their personal achievement for learning
development, advice and progression. More
information about the PLR is available on the
Learning Records Service (LRS) website.
If you do not have ULNs for your candidates, you
will first need to register the candidates with the
LRS, making sure that the details used during the
registration match those provided to Cambridge.
The LRS will then supply you with the ULNs.
The provision of ULNs does not replace the need
to provide unique candidate identifiers (UCI) with
candidate entries.
2.5 Confirming entries
CIE Direct online entries allows you to generate
statements of entry, candidate entry lists and
reports at any point, to confirm the entry status
for each of your candidates and to check your
entry information is correct. Click on the ‘Check
Entries’ tab to access the reports. You can also
view possible timetable clashes for any of your
candidates by accessing the ‘Timetables’ tab in
CIE Direct.
Once you have checked all your entry
information you need to submit your entries. Log in
to CIE Direct, go to the ‘Submit Entries’ section
and click on ‘Submit Entries to CIE’. If you do not
submit your entries, we will not be able to process
them and you will not receive the necessary
materials and question papers to conduct your
Within two weeks of receiving your final entries
we will send your entries confirmation pack, which
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 2 Entries 49
Making final entries (continued)
• Candidate entry list showing all your entries by
• Centre summary of entries showing all your
entries by syllabus and option
• Candidate entry warning list showing any
potential timetable clashes for individual
We no longer include hard copy statements
of entry in your entries confirmation pack. After you
have submitted your final entries, download your
statements of entry for individual candidates from
CIE Direct. They show the candidate’s details,
their syllabuses and entry options and the dates
and sessions of each of their timetabled exams.
Print and give them to your candidates, including
private candidates, so they can check their entry
If you do not receive your entries confirmation pack
within two weeks of submitting your final entries,
If you find errors in your entries documents or on
CIE Direct, follow the instructions in section 2.6
of this guide.
Important information
The candidate name shown on the statement
of entry is the name that will appear on
statements of results and certificates, so it is
important to let us know if there are any errors.
The candidate should write their name on
scripts as it appears on the statement of entry.
• If you use the A2C Migration Application make
the amendments using your MIS database and
then export an ‘Amendment file’ and submit it
to us through the A2C Migration Application.
Please make sure you submit all your
amendment files.
• If you use CIE Direct online entries make the
necessary amendments to the candidate details
and then submit the amendments.
You must check that your entry data is correct
and complete on CIE Direct, even if you have
submitted your entries and any entry amendments
using the A2C Migration Application or any MIS
We charge late entry fees for amendments and
entries we receive after the final entries deadline.
See sections 2.3 and 2.4 of the >Cambridge
Handbook for more information. You can view the
late entry fees in our fees list available in the ‘My
Messages’ section of CIE Direct. You can also
download a late fees message which includes
details of our late entry fees and deadlines from
the ‘My Messages’ section of CIE Direct.
You cannot make late entries for candidates
requiring modified papers. For retake candidates
requiring modified papers, please contact us as
soon as possible so we can discuss the options
available that best meet your requirements.
Important dates
June series
• Final entries deadline: 21 February 2016
Cambridge Associates/
Associate Centres
• Late entries deadline: 17 April 2016
We send statements of entry to Cambridge
Associates, who send them to their Associate
Centres for checking. Associate Centres should
let their Cambridge Associate know if they
need to make any amendments to their entries
as soon as possible.
• Very late entry fees: from 18 April 2016.
• Late entry fees: 22 February–17 April 2016
November series
• Final entries deadline: 21 September 2016
• Late entries deadline: 30 September 2016
• Late entry fees: 22–30 September 2016
• Very late entry fees: from 1 October 2016.
2.6 Amendments and late entries
If you want to make any amendments to your
entries or submit extra entries, do so as quickly as
50 2 Entries Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Making final entries (continued)
2.7 Withdrawing a candidate
To withdraw a candidate using CIE Direct find
the candidate’s details and click the ‘Remove
Candidate’ button. To withdraw a candidate using
an MIS package, follow your usual instructions and
submit the amendment file to us using the A2C
Migration Application. Export the entry amendment
file and submit it to us using the A2C Migration
If you withdraw a candidate after the final entries
deadline we will not refund your entry fees.
However, we will refund them if you have to
withdraw the candidate for medical reasons.
Please send us your request for a refund on
medical grounds in writing along with the
accompanying medical certificate.
If you have
requested a refund please wait for our approval
before withdrawing the candidate. Once you have
received approval from us, you can withdraw the
candidate and you will receive the refund.
2.8 Unauthorised entries
Please see section 5.1.6 of the >Cambridge
Handbook for actions you must take to manage
unauthorised entries.
Candidates can also use Cambridge Pre-U
Global Perspectives & Research (9777) towards
the Cambridge AICE Diploma. Group entry
code: ‘ADIP’.
You can enter candidates for syllabuses that
count towards the Cambridge AICE Diploma
either in a single series or over a maximum of
five series within a 25-month period.
• Cambridge Pre-U Diploma – for Cambridge
Pre-U candidates who satisfy the Cambridge
Pre-U group award rules using Cambridge
Global Perspectives & Research and Cambridge
Pre-U Principal Subjects only. Group entry code:
More information is in the Cambridge Guide to
Making Entries, which is available to download
from the ‘Support Materials’ section of CIE
Important information
You enter candidates for group awards at
the same time as you make your other
entries using the relevant group award entry
code. Enter your candidates in the series in
which you expect them to complete all the
requirements for the award.
2.9 Entries for group awards
Group awards require candidates to study subjects
drawn from a specified number of curriculum
We offer the following group awards:
• Cambridge International Certificate of
Education (Cambridge ICE) – for Cambridge
IGCSE candidates who satisfy the Cambridge
Candidates can
ICE group award rules.
also use some Cambridge O Levels towards
Cambridge ICE. Group entry code: ‘ICE’.
You can enter candidates for syllabuses that
count towards the Cambridge ICE group award
in a single series or over two series within a
13-month period.
• Cambridge Advanced International
Certificate of Education Diploma (Cambridge
AICE Diploma) – for Cambridge International
AS & A Level candidates who satisfy the
Cambridge AICE Diploma group award rules.
2.10 Cambridge International AS & A
Level staged assessment
Candidates can use their Cambridge International
AS Level results towards a Cambridge International
A Level (of the same subject) in a later exam
series. This must be within 13 months of the series
in which they took the Cambridge International AS
Candidates can use their Cambridge International
AS Level results achieved in the June 2016 series
towards the award of a Cambridge International
A Level in the November 2016 and/or June 2017
Candidates can use their Cambridge International
AS Level results achieved in the November
2016 series towards the award of a Cambridge
International A Level in the June 2017 series and/or
November 2017 series.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 2 Entries 51
Making final entries (continued)
You must enter the appropriate entry option code
and provide the previous entry details when
entering candidates who want to carry forward a
Cambridge International AS Level result.
2.11 Carrying forward internally
assessed marks
Candidates wishing to retake a syllabus in a
subsequent exam series may want to retake
the written components and carry forward the
marks they achieved in their internally assessed
components. Individual syllabuses specify whether
you can do this or not. If the syllabus allows it,
you can carry the marks forward once within a
13-month period.
• A coursework or speaking test mark for the
June 2016 series may be carried forward to the
November 2016 series or the June 2017 series
• A coursework or speaking test mark for the
November 2016 series may be carried forward
to the June 2017 series or the November 2017
series only.
You will need to enter the carry-forward option
code listed in the Cambridge Guide to Making
Entries when you enter a candidate who wants
to carry forward an internally assessed mark from
a previous series. Please provide the candidate’s
previous entry details so we can locate the marks
previously awarded.
2.12 Transferring candidates
We accept amendments to entries of candidates
who are moved to another of our registered
Centres after their entries have been submitted.
Please do not enter or withdraw a candidate who is
being transferred until we have confirmed that the
transfer process has been completed.
Make sure:
• you submit your request at least 10 days before
the date of the candidate’s first exam
• the request is for all their entries; we cannot
accept requests for a candidate to transfer
to another Centre for specific syllabuses or
52 2 Entries Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
To transfer a candidate two forms need to be
• ‘Entries – Form 3’ is completed by the original
• ‘Entries – Form 4’ is completed by the receiving
A transferred candidate is the responsibility of
the receiving Centre. If necessary, you will need
to make arrangements with the exams officer
at the receiving Centre to complete any internal
assessment. Once the transfer is complete
the exams officer at the receiving Centre must
submit any internally assessed marks and samples.
Associate Centres should submit forms through
their Cambridge Associate.
We will refund the original Centre the entry fees
and charge the receiving Centre entry fees for the
transferred candidate. We will not charge any late
entry fees.
Administrative forms
Forms available at
• Candidate Transfer Request: Entries –
Form 3
• Candidate Transfer Confirmation: Entries –
Form 4
• Using an Alternative Venue: Entries – Form 5
2.13 Entry fees
Details of the fees for all our exams and methods
of payment are in our fees list. We publish the fees
list for the following year on 1 October in the ‘My
Messages’ section of CIE Direct.
We charge entry fees per syllabus entry per
We charge late entry fees for any entries or
amendments (such as option code changes)
received after the final entries deadline.
We will invoice you for any entries or late entries
and amendments you make. For more information
about our entry fee arrangements see section 2.4
of the >Cambridge Handbook.
Making final entries (continued)
2.14 Applying to use an alternative
When you make entries you may realise some or
all of your candidates need to take their exams at
a venue that is not your registered Centre. If this is
the case you need to complete and submit ‘Entries
– Form 5’. For more information see section 2.6 of
the >Cambridge Handbook.
Important dates
We can accept alternative venue requests until:
• June series – 17 April 2016
• November series – 30 September 2016
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 2 Entries 53
Accreditation of Cambridge IGCSE coursework assessors
In previous series, in order for a Centre to assess certain Cambridge IGCSE subject components,
at least one teacher of the subject needed to hold the appropriate accreditation from us. To become
accredited teachers completed a paid-for subject-specific training course. We have discontinued this
process to ensure that all teachers involved in the marking of internally assessed components can
access and benefit from the training materials provided by Cambridge.
These materials include:
• Coursework Handbooks which provide guidance, advice and demonstrations of how to mark
using real candidate evidence. These are available to download for free from Teacher Support. The
handbooks for three syllabuses are too large for teachers to download from the site. They can be
ordered through the Cambridge Publications Catalogue available at These
will incur a nominal fee for production. The syllabuses are Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives
(0457), Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design (0400) and Cambridge IGCSE Design & Technology (0445).
• Online courses will be available from our Professional Development and Training website for a fee,
from January 2016. These courses will contain coursework-related exercises such as task setting,
marking exercises and rank ordering for teachers who wish to build their confidence further. To find
out more visit
For more information about the withdrawal of teacher accreditation, visit the ‘Help’ section of our
website at
Online courses
54 3 Teacher assessment Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Outline Proposal Forms
You need to make sure an Outline Proposal Form is completed for candidates entered for:
• Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design (0400/03)
• Cambridge International AS Level Environmental Management (8291/03)
Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239/04)
Cambridge International AS & A Level English – Literature (9695/08)
• Cambridge International AS & A Level Design & Textiles (9631/02)
• Cambridge International AS & A Level Design & Technology (9705/02)
• Cambridge International AS & A Level Art & Design (9704/04)
• Cambridge Pre-U Personal Investigations
• Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives & Research (9777/04)
Cambridge Pre-U Art & Design (9837/02)
Cambridge Pre-U Drama & Theatre (9801/04).
Completing an Outline Proposal Form for the following syllabuses is optional:
• Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives Short Course (1340/02)
• Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives & Research (9777/02).
The following information is needed on the forms:
• the title of the proposal
• the scope of the investigation
• the content areas of the syllabus the investigation is likely to draw on
• the research methods the candidate plans to use.
3.1 When to submit the Outline
Proposal Form
3.2 Where to find Outline Proposal
The deadlines for submitting your Outline Proposal
Forms are:
You can download the forms from the ‘Support
Materials’ section of CIE Direct and from the
relevant subject page of Teacher Support.
• 31 October 2015 for the June 2016 series
• 30 April 2016 for the November 2016 series.
We will provide feedback within four weeks of
receiving your forms, so please submit them as
early as possible.
Cambridge Associates/
Associate Centres
Associate Centres should submit their
completed Outline Proposal Forms to us
through their Cambridge Associate.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 3 Teacher assessment 55
Submitting coursework and speaking test marks
You need to submit a mark for every candidate entered for an internally assessed component, such as
coursework or speaking tests.
Coursework refers to any component (written or oral) specified as such by a Cambridge syllabus that is
assessed and marked in the Centre by the Centre’s teachers or other local teachers and moderated by
The syllabus booklet sets out the assessment method for each component and states whether a
component is assessed internally. It also gives details of the marking criteria.
If you do not submit a mark for a candidate’s coursework or speaking test the candidate will usually be
awarded ‘NO RESULT’ for the syllabus.
Associate Centres should submit their marks to their Cambridge Associates by an agreed date.
Cambridge Associates should check all the information has been supplied and then forward the marks to
us by the deadlines below.
Important dates
The deadlines for submitting internally assessed marks vary depending on the component. To check the
deadlines for specific components:
• Visit our samples database at
• Select ‘Enable macros’ or ‘Enable content’
• Enter your Centre number, up to five syllabus codes and select ‘search’
• The deadlines for internally assessed marks are in the ‘June deadline for marks’ and ‘November
deadline for marks’ columns.
Deadlines for internally assessed marks:
Cambridge International AS & A Level
language speaking test components
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (0500
and 0522), English Literature (0486), Geography
(0460) and History (0470)
June series – 7 June 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
June series – 27 April 2016
November series – 28 October 2016
Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives &
Research (9777/04)
All other Cambridge IGCSEs and Cambridge O
June series – 30 April 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
June series – 30 April 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
All other Cambridge Pre-U syllabuses
Cambridge International AS & A Level
coursework components
June series – 30 April 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
56 3 Teacher assessment Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
June series – 15 May 2016.
Submitting coursework and speaking test marks (continued)
3.3 How to submit internally assessed
not need to return an Internal Assessment Mark
Sheet (MS1).
For each internally assessed component, you need
to submit the final mark the teacher awarded to
each candidate. If more than one teacher was
involved in the assessment, the marking of the
teachers must be standardised to produce a rank
order of candidates for the Centre before the
marks are submitted. For more information, see
section 3.1.11 of the >Cambridge Handbook.
Associate Centres can submit their internally
assessed marks for approval. Once marks have
been submitted the Associate Centre should
contact their Cambridge Associate to let them
know their marks are in the system for them to
approve and submit to Cambridge.
If a candidate does not complete an internally
assessed component, mark them as absent (with
an ‘A’, not ‘0’) when you submit their marks.
Check that all candidates’ marks are correct before
submitting them. Make sure the marks you submit
match the marks on the forms you send with your
samples. Please refer to section 3.6 of this guide
for more information.
There are a number of ways you can submit your
A2C Migration Application
You can create your internally assessed
marks file using your MIS package and then submit
it to us through the A2C Migration Application.
If you are using this method you do not need to
return an Internal Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1).
Please include a printout of the marks when you
send us your samples for moderation.
CIE Direct
You can submit your internally assessed marks
using CIE Direct as soon as your entries have
been processed. If you are submitting marks for
a component with a test date window, you can
submit your marks when the test date window has
begun. Go to your ‘Dashboard’ in the ‘Administer
Exams’ section. You will see a list by syllabus of
all the candidates for whom you need to submit
internally assessed marks. Enter the marks or
indicate that the candidate was absent in the boxes
Before you submit the marks, run a report to check
all the marks you have entered. It is important that
you do this, because once you have submitted a
mark you cannot change it through CIE Direct. To
change a mark you have already submitted, email
us at Please include a printout
of the marks when you send us your samples for
moderation. If you are using this method you do
Extra guidance
View our online tutorials on submitting
internally assessed marks using CIE Direct.
Go to
Internal Assessment Mark Sheets (MS1)
We recommend you submit your marks
electronically but if this is not possible, you can use
the pre-printed Internal Assessment Mark Sheets
(MS1) instead. We send them in the Cambridge
pre-exam despatch. Instructions for completing the
forms are on the back.
MS1 forms are printed on three-part self-copying
• Send the top copy of the MS1 for each
component to Cambridge in the envelope
• Enclose the second copy of the form with the
samples you send us for moderation.
• Keep the third copy of the form for your
We scan the forms so please do not bend, staple
or damage them in any way. Before submitting the
forms please check:
• you have entered a mark for all candidates
• you have marked candidates who did not
complete the component as absent by filling in
the unit A
• the mark and the mark grid match
• you have filled in the unit zero when a whole
mark is entered
• the mark is within the maximum mark allowed
for the component.
If you made an entry or an entry amendment after
the forms were printed and a candidate is not
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 3 Teacher assessment 57
Submitting coursework and speaking test marks (continued)
listed, add the candidate details to the bottom of
the form. If there is not enough room, or if you do
not have an MS1 form for the syllabus for which
you made the late entry, use ‘Teacher Assessment
– Form 4’.
Administrative forms
Forms available at
• Supplementary Internal Assessment Mark
Sheet (MS1): Teacher Assessment – Form 4
3.4 Carrying forward internally
assessed marks
Please refer to section 2.11 of this guide for details.
58 3 Teacher assessment Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Selecting and submitting coursework and speaking test samples
You need to submit coursework and speaking test samples so that we can moderate your marks.
Always include a copy of your marks with your samples.
Visit the samples database ( to check the requirements for specific
components including the selection method and submission deadline. You can also download the forms
you need to include with your samples from the database.
You need to provide your own devices, CDs, DVDs or USB sticks to record your speaking test samples.
Cambridge Associates should work with their Associate Centres to make sure they select the correct
samples. The Associate Centre should send the samples to their Cambridge Associate along with the
relevant forms by an agreed date. The Cambridge Associate should then send the samples and forms to us.
3.5 How are samples selected?
Sampling arrangements vary depending on the
component. Use our samples database to check:
• when and how to submit your samples
Important dates
Deadlines for internally assessed
• how many samples you need to send
Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level
• who selects the sample: the Centre or
June series – 30 April 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
• which forms you need to complete and return
with your samples. You can download the
interactive forms from the ‘Forms to include
with your sample’ column of the samples
Cambridge International AS & A Level
coursework components
1. Visit our samples database at
Cambridge International AS & A Level
language speaking test components
2. Select ‘Enable macros’ or ‘Enable content’
June series – 7 June 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
3. Enter your Centre number, up to five syllabus
codes and select ‘search’.
You must send us all the work that contributed to a
candidate’s final mark for that component.
In some cases, we may ask you for a full
Centre sample, in accordance with section 3.1.13
of the >Cambridge Handbook.
June series – 30 April 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives &
Research (9777/04)
June series – 30 April 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
All other Cambridge Pre-U syllabuses
June series – 15 May 2016.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 3 Teacher assessment 59
Selecting and submitting coursework and speaking test samples
Important dates (continued)
Deadlines for Cambridge Pre-U externally
assessed coursework components:
June series – 15 May 2016 for all components
apart from:
Art History: Personal Investigation (9799/04)
June series – 15 February 2016
Global Perspectives & Research (9777/02
and 03)
June series – 31 May 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
Global Perspectives Short Course (1340/02
and 03)
June series – 31 May 2016
November series – 31 October 2016
History: Personal Investigation (9769/06)
June series – 30 April 2016
Literature in English: Personal Investigation
June series – 30 April 2016
Business and Management: Personal
Investigation (9771/03)
June series – 31 May 2016
Cambridge Pre-U externally examined
coursework components
Submit the coursework of all candidates. As the
work is externally assessed you do not need to
submit internally assessed marks along with
We send you yellow barthe coursework.
coded labels to return work for Cambridge Pre-U
externally examined coursework components.
Please follow the instructions in section 5.14 of this
guide to return the work to us.
Global Perspectives work is submitted online
through Cambridge Secure Exchange. See section
3.15 of this guide for more information.
Extra guidance
To help you submit your samples correctly, use
our checklist and watch our ‘Selecting, packing
and submitting coursework samples’ video.
They are both available at
60 3 Teacher assessment Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Completing forms to include
with your samples
Depending on the component, you need to
complete and submit a Coursework Assessment
Summary Form (CASF), a Working Mark Sheet
(WMS) and/or Individual Candidate Record Cards.
Download your forms from the samples database
( When completing
them, please remember:
• Include all candidates entered for a component
on the CASF or WMS, not just the candidates
in the sample. For components that require an
Individual Candidate Record Card, you should
complete one for each candidate entered for
that component but you only need to submit
the cards of the candidates included in the
• The total marks you enter on your forms must
add up correctly and must not exceed the
maximum mark. The interactive forms on the
samples database will add up the candidates’
marks for you and will alert you if you have
exceeded the maximum mark.
• If only one teacher was involved in the
assessment, you only need to fill in the ‘Total
Mark’ column of the CASF or WMS.
• If more than one teacher was involved in the
assessment, the marking of the teachers must
be standardised in your Centre and you also
need to fill in the ‘Internally Moderated Mark’
column on the forms.
• Where the marking of teachers has been
standardised, the marks in the ‘Internally
Moderated Mark’ column must be identical
to the marks you submit to us electronically
or using the Internal Assessment Mark Sheet
(MS1). Where only one teacher was involved in
the assessment, the marks in the ‘Total Mark’
column must be identical to the marks you
submit to us.
• If the candidates have not completed the
component, submit an ‘A’ for ‘Absent’ on the
forms, not 0 (zero).
Selecting and submitting coursework and speaking test samples
3.7 How to submit your samples
Preparing samples for despatch
When you submit your samples please include:
• the sample specified in the samples database
and all the work that contributed to the
candidate’s final mark for the component
• a report showing the marks submitted to
Cambridge for all candidates entered for the
component. This can either be your MIS internal
marks report, your CIE Direct internal marks
report or the second copy of the Internal
Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1).
• the forms completed by the teacher who carried
out the component assessment. The forms can
be downloaded from the samples database
( If you send missing,
incomplete or inaccurate forms we will need to
contact you and this could delay the moderation
process and the release of results to your
• a single recording per oral or musical
coursework component, supplied on a
separate CD, DVD or USB stick. You must not
include multiple components within the same
Please complete and attach identification labels to
each piece of work in the sample. We send these
in the Cambridge pre-exam despatch. We also
provide separate identification labels for Cambridge
IGCSE Art & Design coursework. Download
additional labels from
(Teacher Assessment – Labels 1 and 3).
Label each device used to record an oral or music
samples, for example, CD, DVD or USB stick, and
make sure they are packed properly so they will
reach us without being damaged.
You must use separate devices to send us work
from different components.
Submit written coursework in plain, thin covers,
not in bulky ring binders. Please ensure any tied
written coursework is securely fastened.
Avoid sending materials of value or large, bulky
or fragile items. If you do have materials like this
please email for advice on what to
do with them.
Packing and despatch
We provide the materials you need to return your
samples in the Cambridge pre-exam despatch.
Pack the samples for each component in separate
packets. Attach the correct bar-coded label showing
your Centre number, the syllabus number and
component number to each packet.
Then, securely place the packets in an outer
package and stick the outer return label showing
our address onto this package. You can use script
packets if they are big enough, and you can put a
number of packets, for a variety of components,
into one outer package. You can use more than
one outer package if necessary. If you need any
extra return labels you can download them from
Send your samples to reach us no later than the
deadlines in the samples database
Use a service that provides a tracking facility and
keep a record of your tracking number. Send the
packages to:
Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge Assessment DC10
Hill Farm Road
CB22 4FZ
Once we receive your samples these are sent
on to the moderator, with the exception of Art
& Design samples which are moderated at
Cambridge Assessment.
Important information
Each series we receive a large number
of coursework samples, particularly CDs
and DVDs, that have been damaged in the
post. Please pack your coursework samples
carefully to make sure they reach Cambridge
undamaged. Requests by Cambridge to
Centres for duplicate samples and any missing
forms will slow down the moderation process
and may impact the timely issue of candidates’
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 3 Teacher assessment 61
Selecting and submitting coursework and speaking test samples
3.8 Submitting the Independent
Research Report (IRR) for
Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives & Research (9777/04)
Submit your Research Reports in hard copy,
following our despatch instructions in section 3.7,
with the following forms:
• report showing the marks submitted to
Cambridge for all candidates entered for the
component. This can either be your MIS internal
marks report, your CIE Direct internal marks
report or the second copy of the Internal
Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1)
• Coursework Assessment Summary Form
• Independent Research Report Monitoring Form
for each candidate in the sample
• a cover sheet for each candidate in the sample.
These three forms are available from the samples
database (
Important information
You do not need to submit Individual Candidate
Record Cards for the Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives Independent Research Report
(9777/04). But you do need to complete and
submit an Independent Research Report
Monitoring Form.
Submitting the Research
Report for Cambridge International
AS & A Level Global Perspectives
& Research (9239/04)
Submit your Cambridge Research Reports
through the eportfolio software which will be
available to Centres who have made entries for
this component. For more information see our
Cambridge Global Perspectives Administrative
Guide at
3.10 What materials do Centres need to
Please keep the following materials and
information for at least six weeks after we publish
the results:
62 3 Teacher assessment Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
• a record of the coursework that was sent
• a record of the marks awarded
• all of the assessed work of all candidates not
included in the sample (in case we ask you to
provide a further sample of work)
• a copy of the recordings of all candidates who
took speaking tests
• a copy of each form. These forms are an
important part of the assessment process and
we may need to refer to these as part of our
ongoing quality review
• a summary of how marks were standardised, if
The materials must be kept securely with
controlled access. The materials must not be
returned to candidates for at least six weeks after
we publish results.
3.11 Does Cambridge return
coursework to Centres?
We will normally return the internally assessed
coursework samples that you submit for
moderation after we have issued results and
certificates. We may keep some items of
coursework for research, exhibition, archive or
educational purposes. When you receive the
returned coursework you may return it to the
We charge a fee per component for the return of
work for Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design (0400/01
and 02). Details are in our fees list which is
available in the ‘My Messages’ section of CIE
Direct or from your Cambridge Associate if you
work in an Associate Centre. The fee is based on
items being returned using a courier and on the
work being a maximum size of A2. We may charge
an additional fee if the maximum size is exceeded.
To apply for the return of Cambridge IGCSE Art &
Design (0400/01 and 02) work please complete and
return ‘Teacher Assessment – Form 5’.
Administrative forms
Forms available at
• Returning Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design
Work: Teacher Assessment – Form 5
Selecting and submitting coursework and speaking test samples
3.12 Can a candidate resubmit
coursework in a subsequent exam
Candidates retaking a syllabus in a subsequent
series may re-submit, in whole or in part,
coursework submitted in a previous series. Any
work that is re-submitted needs to meet the
requirements of the syllabus in that series and
must be re-assessed.
3.13 Do Centres receive a report after
moderation of samples?
We send a report for each internally assessed
component in your provisional results despatch.
The report highlights any adjustments that are
made to your candidates’ marks.
3.14 Does Cambridge return speaking
test samples to Centres?
We do not return the speaking test samples you
submit for moderation.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 3 Teacher assessment 63
Submitting Global Perspectives work online (Cambridge IGCSE,
Cambridge International AS & A Level and Cambridge Pre-U)
You must submit candidates’ work electronically using the Cambridge Secure Exchange website
(MOVEit) for the following components:
• Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives individual research (0457/01) and group project (0457/02)
• Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research essay (9239/02) and team
project (9239/03)
• Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives & Research essay (9777/02) and presentation (9777/03)
• Cambridge Pre-U Short Course Global Perspectives essay (1340/02) and presentation (1340/03).
The way you submit candidates’ work through the Cambridge Secure Exchange website (MOVEit)
has changed. Please refer to the relevant guides listed below for more information.
3.15 Preparing work for submission
To support exams officers administering
Cambridge Global Perspectives® syllabuses we
have two new guides, which are available at
• Cambridge Global Perspectives Administrative
Guide. This document contains guidance on
administering Cambridge International AS & A
Level Global Perspectives & Research (9239)
• Submitting Cambridge Global Perspectives
work. This document contains guidance on
submitting work for all other Cambridge Global
Perspectives syllabuses.
Cambridge Associates should pass these
instructions on to their Associate Centres as
Remember, do not use the Cambridge
Secure Exchange to submit the Independent
Research Report for Cambridge Pre-U Global
Perspectives & Research (9777/04) or Cambridge
International AS & A Level Global Perspectives &
Research (9239/04). For details on how to submit
this work see sections 3.8 and 3.9 of this guide.
Important dates
All the dates for administering Cambridge
Global Perspectives syllabuses are in the
guides detailed above.
64 3 Teacher assessment Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Forecast grades
We ask you to submit forecast grades for all of your candidates. A forecast grade (also referred to as an
estimated grade) is the grade the teacher expects each candidate to achieve for each syllabus they are
entered for.
It needs to be a realistic prediction of what the candidate is expected to achieve in the exam.
It is not the teacher’s assessment of the quality of the candidate’s work during the course, or of the
effort that the candidate has made. Where the candidate has already partly completed a qualification in
an earlier series (for example, a Cambridge International AS Level), the forecast grade should relate to the
overall qualification, including the part already assessed.
JCQ awarding bodies no longer require forecast grades but we will continue to ask you to submit
them. We use forecast grades as part of our quality assurance processes to:
• inform decisions about syllabus grade thresholds
• make a post-exam adjustment to a candidate’s mark to make allowances for any adverse
circumstances, e.g. illness, bereavement or temporary injury
• carry out checks before we release results.
If you do not submit forecast grades, you will disadvantage your candidates because we cannot apply
these quality assurance processes without forecast grades.
Associate Centres should submit their forecast grades to their Cambridge Associates by an agreed
date. Cambridge Associates should check all the information has been supplied and then forward the
forecast grades to us by the relevant deadlines below.
Important dates
Deadlines for submitting forecast grades:
• June series – 30 April 2016
• November series – 31 October 2016
4.1 How to submit forecast grades
There are a number of ways you can submit your
forecast grades to us.
A2C Migration Application
You can create your forecast grades file using your
MIS package and then submit it to us through the
A2C Migration Application.
CIE Direct
You can submit your forecast grades through CIE
Direct once your entries have been processed.
They must be submitted by the relevant deadline
and we recommend that you submit them as soon
as you can.
To submit your forecast grades go to your
‘Dashboard’ in the ‘Administer Exams’ section. You
will see a list by syllabus of all the candidates for
whom you need to submit forecast grades. Using
the radio buttons choose the correct forecast grade
for each syllabus and candidate. If you cannot
forecast a grade for a candidate e.g. a private
candidate, select ‘X’.
Before you submit the forecast grades, run a
report to check all the grades you have entered.
It is important that you do this, because once
you have submitted a grade you cannot change it
through CIE Direct. To change a forecast grade
you have already submitted email
Associate Centres can submit their forecast
grades for approval. Once grades have been
submitted the Associate Centre should contact
their Cambridge Associate to let them know their
forecast grades are in the system for them to
approve and submit to Cambridge.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 4 Before the exams 65
Forecast grades (continued)
Extra guidance
Administrative forms
View our online tutorial on submitting forecast
grades using CIE Direct at
Forms available at
Forecast Grade Forms
If you cannot submit your forecast grades
electronically you should use the Forecast Grade
Form (F1) instead. We send you pre-printed forms
in the Cambridge pre-exam despatch. If you cannot
forecast a grade enter ‘X’ in the ‘Forecast grade’
column. Instructions are on the back of the forms.
Once completed, return the forms using the
envelope provided. We scan the forms so please
do not bend, staple or damage them in any way.
Before you send us your forms take copies for your
own records.
If you made an entry or an entry amendment after
the forms were printed, add the candidate details
to the bottom of the form. If there is not enough
room, or if you do not have an F1 form for the
syllabus for which you made the late entry, use
‘Before the Exams – Form 1’. Use a different form
for each syllabus.
66 4 Before the exams Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
• Supplementary Forecast Grade Sheet (F1):
Before the Exams – Form 1
We do not supply Forecast Grade Forms
for Cambridge Pre-U so please submit your
forecast grades through the A2C Migration
Application or CIE Direct.
Pre-exam and question paper despatches
So that you have all the materials you need to administer our exams we will send you a number of preexam despatches (depending on your entries). They are:
1. Cambridge early question papers despatch: question papers and exam materials for specific
components, such as practical, project or speaking components where materials are needed before
the main timetable period.
2. Cambridge entry confirmation despatch: documents confirming the details of your entries.
Cambridge pre-exam despatch: exam stationery, key administrative documents, despatch
labels, script packets and attendance registers.
4. Cambridge question paper despatch: confidential question papers and supporting materials, including
multiple-choice answer sheets. Make sure you store the contents of this despatch securely and do
not open question paper packets.
5. Cambridge bar-coded labels despatch: these labels are used to identify the contents of each script
packet you send back to us.
The materials we send to you are based on your final entries. Therefore please do not worry if you
do not receive materials for any late or amended entries in main despatches; they will arrive at a later
date. We send all despatches to Cambridge Associates. The despatches are labelled for each of
their Associate Centres. Cambridge Associates should pass the despatches to their Associate Centres
according to their agreed arrangements.
4.2 Dates and contents
Important information
The tables on the next page show you the contents
of each despatch. Remember, the despatches
and contents match your entries so you may not
receive everything listed in the tables. You may also
receive materials for any late or amended entries in
later despatches.
Remember, our question paper security
regulations outlined in Part 4 of the
>Cambridge Handbook apply to early question
papers too. When your confidential despatches
arrive, let us know immediately if there is any
discrepancy between what you receive and the
despatch note, if anything is missing, or if any
question paper packets have been damaged or
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 4 Before the exams 67
Pre-exam and question paper despatches (continued)
Cambridge early question papers
Dates: June series
November series
February and March 2016
July 2016
Art & Design question papers
Question papers below available to download from the ‘My
Messages’ section of CIE Direct and Teacher Support:
• Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design (0400/01, 02)
• Cambridge International AS & A Level Art & Design (9704/01).
Please note these question papers will only be available on
CIE Direct if you have submitted estimated entries for these
See the ‘Monthly diaries’ section of this guide for the dates.
Assessment forms for practical
For practical exams in ICT, Fashion & Fabrics, Food & Nutrition and
Food Studies.
Question papers for
Cambridge Global Perspectives
Question papers for Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives Short
Course (1340/03) and Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives &
Research (9777/03) will be available to download from the ‘My
Messages’ section of CIE Direct.
Cambridge IGCSE Enterprise
The case study for Cambridge IGCSE Enterprise (0454/01) will be
sent to Centres for immediate distribution to candidates.
Cambridge early question papers for speaking tests
(Cambridge IGCSE languages)
Dates: June series
November series
February and March 2016
July 2016
Speaking Test Cards
For teachers to use when conducting speaking tests.
Speaking Test Teachers’ Notes
Instructions for teachers conducting the speaking tests.
Confidential instructions for practical exams
Confidential instructions
for practical exams in science
These will be despatched several weeks before exams begin. They
will enable the member of staff in charge of the laboratory to carry
out proper preparations before the exam.
You must store these instructions in the same way as question
papers. Please refer to section in the >Cambridge
Handbook for detailed regulations.
68 4 Before the exams Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Pre-exam and question paper despatches (continued)
Cambridge IGCSE First Language English
(0500/05 and 0522/05) and First Language
Spanish (0502/05)
• component requirements
• mark scheme
• administrative guidance.
All the materials you need for these speaking tests
are in the 2016 syllabus booklets. They are:
• component requirements
• mark scheme
• administrative guidance.
You do not need a question paper.
the Working Mark Sheet and the Nomination of
Oral Examiner Form from the samples database
Extra guidance
You do not need a question paper.
the Working Mark Sheet from the samples
database (
Cambridge International AS & A Level
languages other than English
The security of question papers is vitally
important. For guidance on storing confidential
materials view our ‘Receiving and Storing
Question Papers’ video at
All the materials you need for these speaking tests
are in the 2016 syllabus booklets. They are:
Cambridge entries confirmation
Dates: June series
November series
February/March/April 2016
July/August/September 2016
In response to your feedback to reduce the amount of paper-based information we send you,
hard copy statements of entry are not included in your entries confirmation pack. You can download
statements of entry from CIE Direct. Give the statements to all your candidates and ask them to check
they are correct.
Candidate entry list
This shows all your entries by candidate.
Centre summary of entries
This shows all your entries by syllabus and option.
Candidate entry warning list
If you have any potential timetable clashes these will be highlighted
in the candidate entry warning list.
Cambridge pre-exam
Dates: June series
November series
Mid March 2016 (Mid April for Cambridge Pre-U)
Early October 2016
Exam stationery
Grey plastic script packets
Use these packets to return scripts or internally assessed samples.
There are four different sizes of packet for you to use depending on
the size of materials you are sending. You will also receive an A1
packet for the return of Art & Design work.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 4 Before the exams 69
Pre-exam and question paper despatches (continued)
Graph paper
The number of sheets required per candidate is specified in the
additional exam materials database (
For some components, your graph paper will not be sent
in your pre-exam despatch but will be inserted with the question
paper instead. More information will be communicated in the
Cambridge Pre-exam Despatch Guide and the Cambridge Exams
Officer eNewsletter.
Formulae and statistics tables
Reference guides for candidates taking mathematics or statistics
exams containing important formulae and tables. One table per
candidate for specific exams.
Chemistry data booklets
(Cambridge International AS & A
A reference guide for candidates containing important formulae and
tables. One book per candidate for specific exams.
Despatch and identification labels
Bar-coded script packet labels
The labels in this despatch are for internally assessed and nontimetabled components. Bar-coded labels identify the contents of
each packet and allow packets to be tracked at every stage of the
marking or moderation process. Pack the scripts or samples then
attach the relevant bar-coded label to the front of the grey script
For the November series, this despatch also contains your barcoded labels for timetabled components, including yellow barcoded labels for regulated Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses and
Cambridge Pre-U syllabuses.
Labels for the return of internally
assessed samples
Attach these labels to the outer packaging when you return
internally assessed samples to us for moderation.
Return labels
Attach these labels to the outer packaging when you return scripts
to us.
Identification labels
Attach these labels to individual pieces of internally assessed work
you send us for moderation.
Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design:
identification labels
Attach these labels to individual pieces of work for Cambridge
IGCSE Art & Design (0400/01, 02, 03, 04).
Administrative forms and other materials
Notice to Candidates and
‘Candidate warning’ poster
These posters outline our exam rules and regulations for
candidates. Before the exam period starts, make sure you display a
copy of both posters outside and inside all exam rooms. Download
extra copies from
Forecast Grade Forms (F1)
If you do not use electronic systems to submit forecast grades,
pass these pre-printed forms to the relevant teachers to complete.
Instructions are on the back of the form. We do not supply Forecast
Grade Forms for Cambridge Pre-U so please submit your grades
through the A2C Migration Application or CIE Direct.
70 4 Before the exams Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Pre-exam and question paper despatches (continued)
Internal Assessment Mark
Sheets (MS1)
If you do not use electronic systems to submit internally assessed
marks, pass these pre-printed forms to the relevant teachers to
complete. Instructions are on the back of the form.
Return envelope for forecast
grades and internally assessed
Use these envelopes to return Internal Assessment Mark Sheets
and Forecast Grades Forms.
Attendance registers for
timetabled and non-timetabled
Use the attendance registers to record the presence of each
candidate at the start of the exam. If any of your candidates are not
on the attendance registers, add them to the bottom.
Cambridge question papers
June series
November series
Mid April 2016
Mid September 2016
Question papers and supporting
materials, including multiplechoice answer sheets
Confidential question papers and supporting materials for each
exam component. Please follow the question paper security
regulations outlined in section 4.1 and 4.2 of the >Cambridge
Handbook when handling question papers.
Cambridge bar-coded labels
June series
November series
Late April 2016
Early October 2016 (sent with the Cambridge pre-exam despatch)
Bar-coded labels, including
yellow bar-coded labels for
regulated Cambridge IGCSE
syllabuses and Cambridge Pre-U
These labels are used to identify the contents of each script packet.
The bar-coded labels contained in this despatch are for timetabled
Administrative forms
We have two forms to help you report issues
with your question paper despatches. For
more information about these processes
please see Part 4 of the >Cambridge
Forms available at
• Missing Question Paper Packet: Before the
Exams – Form 2
• Damaged or Opened Question Paper
Packet: Before the Exams – Form 3
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 4 Before the exams 71
Pre-exam and question paper despatches (continued)
Extra guidance
In your pre-exam despatch you will receive a Cambridge Pre-exam Despatch Guide, which explains
exactly what you need to do with each item. This will also be shared in the Cambridge Exams Officer
eNewsletter and available at
Important information
Additional exam materials database
For any exam where candidates need additional materials, use our additional exam materials database
( to find out:
• which additional materials you need to provide
• which exam materials we provide
• whether candidates should answer directly on the question paper, on multiple-choice answer sheets
or on an answer booklet provided as an insert in the question paper.
The database also contains details of the regulations for dictionaries and calculators and the standard
materials candidates need for every Cambridge exam.
72 4 Before the exams Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Running exams
You and your invigilators need to read and understand Parts 4 and 5 of the >Cambridge Handbook. They
provide essential information about what to do before, during and after all your exams. You must follow
this information in order to comply with our regulations.
5.1 Regulations for the conduct of
Cambridge exams
• Malpractice and maladministration
• Special instructions for particular exams.
Parts 4 and 5 of the >Cambridge Handbook cover
the following areas:
Extra guidance
Before the exams
ICT practicals
• Pre-exam despatches
– exam venue/room
Further guidance on running Cambridge IGCSE
and Cambridge International AS & A Level ICT
practical tests will be sent to all Centres in the
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter before
each exam series.
– display material
Art & Design
– clock
Further guidance on running Cambridge IGCSE
Art & Design (0400) is available in A Guide to
Administering Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design
0400, which you can download from the
syllabus page on our website. For guidance on
administering Cambridge International AS & A
Level Art & Design (9704) see the appendix in
the syllabus.
• Storing confidential materials
• Preparing the exam room:
– Notice to Candidates and ‘Candidate
warning’ posters
– seating arrangements
• Invigilator requirements
– Key Times
– Full Centre Supervision
Administrative forms
If you open a question paper packet in error you
must complete the form listed below. For more
information about this process please see
section 5.7.9 of the >Cambridge Handbook.
Forms available at
Exam support
We have a range of extra guidance materials
to support exams officers before and during
exams, including online video tutorials, FAQs,
invigilator training materials and ‘how to’
guides. Visit:
• Question Paper Packet Opened in Error:
Exam Day – Form 11
Exam day
• At the beginning of the exam
• During the exam
• Leaving the exam
• At the end of the exam
• Dealing with the unexpected
• Special consideration
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 5 Exam day 73
Instructions for arranging oral exams with a visiting examiner
This section tells you how to arrange oral exams with a visiting examiner. It used to be in the
>Cambridge Handbook but has been moved to this guide. This is because it primarily focuses on the
administrative tasks that need to be carried out to arrange the exams. Please share it with the relevant
subject teachers.
The instructions in this section apply to the following Cambridge Pre-U syllabuses.
Short courses
• French (1342)
Principal Subjects
• Mandarin Chinese (9778)
• German (1343)
• French (9779)
• Spanish (1344)
• German (9780)
• Russian (1345)
• Spanish (9781)
• Italian (1346)
• Russian (9782)
• Italian (9783)
5.2 Arranging the examiner’s visit
All the forms and documents referenced in this
section are available from the ‘Support Materials’
section of CIE Direct. All oral exams will take
place in the window of time detailed on the final
Please fill in and return form PreU/MFL/
OAF by 30 November 2015 indicating any dates
which are not possible for the exam, for example,
holiday dates. Our examiners have a busy schedule
but will take into account any dates listed as
‘impossible’. Apart from these dates we will expect
you to accept the exam dates given.
candidates may be required to attend a specific
venue for their oral exam.
You must provide a contact name, phone number
and email address for the person responsible for
overseeing exam arrangements. The examiner
will aim to contact this person by mid February to
arrange exam dates. If the examiner has not made
contact by the end of February, please telephone
Cambridge Customer Services on 01223 553554.
You must then return form PreU/MFL/Oral/Dates/
Conf to the examiner by post or fax within two
days of being contacted by the examiner.
Fill in form PreU/MFL/Oral/Time for each day of
exams, taking into account lunch and other breaks.
The examiner should not normally be expected
to carry out more than 16 Short Course exams
74 5 Exam day Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
or eight Principal Subject exams (12 for Mandarin
Chinese) per four-hour session. Also remember
that with the exception of Mandarin Chinese, each
candidate for the Principal Subject speaking test
exam will need 20 minutes of preparation time.
At the beginning of their visit, you should give the
examiner 15 minutes to talk to all candidates as a
group, to explain exam procedures.
You should timetable Principal Subject and Short
Course candidates separately. For example, the
examiner must not be asked to examine a Short
Course candidate in between Principal Subject
Candidates should complete form PreU/MFL/
PrepTop. Photocopy these forms and send them
to the examiner by first class post or by email, to
arrive no later than two weeks before the date of
the exam.
You must enter candidates’ names and numbers
on the Working Mark Sheets before the examiner
5.3 Accommodation and equipment
Quiet conditions
The exam room should be free from any noise and
disturbance from outside. It should not be close
to corridors used by large numbers of students
between lessons. You must display notices to
Instructions for arranging oral exams with a visiting examiner
prevent interruptions from people entering the
room unaware that an exam is in progress.
The exam room
The candidate and the examiner should sit
opposite each other across a table. The examiner
needs enough space to arrange their documents,
but the candidate should be close enough for them
to establish a rapport. An invigilator may be present
but must remain silent and not interfere with the
Invigilation and preparation
An invigilator must be present in the preparation
area for the candidates taking these Principal
• French (9779)
• German (9780)
• Spanish (9781)
• Russian (9782)
• Italian (9783)
Candidates for these Principal Subjects should not
be able to speak to candidates who have already
taken their exam, until they have also finished.
Short Course candidates and candidates for the
Principal Subject Mandarin Chinese (9778) do not
require an invigilator, though this may be desirable.
Dictionaries are not allowed during the exam
or during preparation time for Principal Subject
speaking test exams.
You must record all tests. We will use digital MP3
recorders for speaking test exams. Examiners will
bring their own equipment. This can be discussed
with the examiner when their visit is arranged. If
you provide recording equipment then an external
microphone must be used rather than an in-built
The microphone should be placed on a soft surface
between the examiner and the candidate. Normally
it will be necessary to position the microphone
nearer to the candidate. Mobile phones or other
electronic devices must not be brought into the
exam room or preparation area.
5.4 Preparing the candidates
It is in everyone’s interests that candidates are as
relaxed and confident as possible.
Guidance for candidates
Before the exams, copy and give candidates the
Cambridge booklet Speaking Test Exams Guidance
for Candidates.
Prepared Topic Form
Give a copy of the Prepared Topic Form to each
candidate to fill in. You should then photocopy
the completed form and submit one copy to the
examiner at least two weeks before the oral exam.
Supporting material: Short Courses
For the prepared topic conversation, candidates
may bring into the exam room a copy of their
Prepared Topic Form. They may also bring up to
three pieces of visual material. No other notes are
allowed for this section.
Supporting material: Principal Subjects
(excluding Mandarin Chinese (9778))
For the prepared topic conversation, candidates
may bring into the exam room a copy of their
Prepared Topic Form. They may also bring up to
three pieces of visual material. No other notes are
allowed for this section.
For the discussion of an article and related themes,
candidates may make notes on blank paper
provided during the 20-minute preparation time and
bring them into the exam room.
Supporting material: Principal Subjects
Mandarin Chinese (9778)
For the prepared topic and topic conversation,
candidates for Mandarin Chinese can bring into
the exam room a copy of their Prepared Topic
Form. They may also bring a cue card no larger
than postcard size containing a maximum of 50
characters/Pinyin syllables. No other notes are
allowed for this section.
5.5 Timing
Short Courses
The Short Course exam will last for 8–10 minutes.
There should be a few minutes’ break for the
examiner after each exam. Timetable candidates to
arrive at the waiting area at intervals of 15 minutes.
In the interests of both examiner and candidates,
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 5 Exam day 75
Instructions for arranging oral exams with a visiting examiner
do not timetable more than 16 candidates in any
four-hour session.
Principal Subjects (excluding Mandarin Chinese
For these languages, the Principal Subject exam
will last about 16 minutes.
There should be a few minutes’ break for the
examiner after each exam. Timetable candidates
to arrive at the preparation room at intervals of
20 minutes. In the interests of both examiner
and candidates, do not timetable more than eight
candidates in any four-hour session.
Principal Subjects Mandarin Chinese (9778)
For Mandarin Chinese, the Principal Subject exam
will last for 12–15 minutes.
There should be a few minutes’ break for the
examiner after each exam. Timetable candidates to
arrive for their exam at intervals of 20 minutes. In
the interests of both examiner and candidates, do
not timetable more than 12 candidates in any fourhour session.
76 5 Exam day Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
5.6 The assessment and after
The Cambridge examiner will assess orals in line
with the criteria. They will award marks as the oral
is taking place. Examiners will record all speaking
test exams and send recordings and mark sheets
to us for moderation.
At all times during the exam, you must keep
recordings and mark sheets under conditions of
security similar to those used for materials before
a written exam. No-one else should have access to
the exam room, which you must keep locked when
the examiner is not present.
Arranging presentation and viva exams with a visiting examiner
This section tells you how to arrange presentation and viva exams with a visiting examiner. It used to
be in the >Cambridge Handbook but has been moved to this guide. This is because it primarily focuses
on the administrative tasks that need to be carried out to arrange the exams. Please share it with the
relevant subject teachers.
The instructions in this section apply to Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject Art History (9799).
5.7 Arranging the examiner’s visit
5.8 Accommodation and equipment
All the forms and documents referenced in this
section are available from the ‘Support Materials’
section of CIE Direct. All viva exams will take
place in the window of time detailed on the final
Quiet conditions
It is essential that the exam room should be free
from noise and disturbance from outside. It should
not be close to corridors used by large numbers
of students between lessons, but if movement
within the building is unavoidable, you should
take steps to keep noise to a minimum. You must
display notices to prevent interruptions from
people entering the room unaware that an exam is
in progress.
You must fill in form PreU/AH/OAF indicating any
dates which would not be possible for the exam,
for example, holiday dates. Examiners have a busy
schedule, but they will take into account any dates
listed as ‘impossible’. We expect you to accept the
exam dates given.
Private candidates may be
required to attend a specific venue for their exam.
You must provide a contact name, phone number
and email address for the person responsible for
overseeing the exam arrangements. The examiner
will aim to contact this person by mid February
to arrange dates for exams. If the examiner has
not made contact by the end of February, please
telephone Cambridge Customer Services.
You must return form PreU/AH/Viva/Dates/Conf
to the examiner by post or fax within two days of
being contacted by the examiner.
You must fill in form PreU/AH/Viva/Time for
each day of exams, taking into account lunch and
other breaks. The examiner should not normally be
expected to conduct more than eight viva exams
per four-hour session. You should make sure that
candidates’ names and numbers, and the titles
of their Personal Investigations are written on the
forms. At the beginning of their visit you should
give the examiner 15 minutes to talk to all the
candidates as a group, to explain exam procedures.
You must fill in the Working Mark Sheets with
candidates’ names and numbers before the
examiner arrives.
The exam room
The candidate and the examiner should sit opposite
each other across a table. The examiner needs
enough table space to arrange their documents.
The candidate may also require space to arrange
their presentation. However, the candidate should
be close enough for them to establish a rapport.
No other people should be present in the exam
room without our permission.
Candidates must not be able to speak to others
who have already taken their exam, until they have
also finished.
You must record all viva exams. The examiner is
likely to bring their own recording equipment. You
can discuss this with the examiner when arranging
their visit.
If you provide recording equipment then an
external microphone must be used rather than
an in-built one. The microphone should be placed
on a soft surface between the examiner and the
candidate. Normally it will be necessary to put
the microphone nearer to the candidate. Mobile
phones or other electronic devices must not be
brought into the exam room.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 5 Exam day 77
Arranging presentation and viva exams with a visiting examiner
5.9 Preparing the candidates
It is in everyone’s interests that candidates are as
relaxed and confident as possible.
Guidance for candidates
Before the exam, copy and distribute to candidates
the Cambridge booklet, Guidance for Candidates.
Supporting materials
You must make sure that equipment required
for candidates’ individual presentations is set up
before the examiner arrives. Candidates may bring
a copy of their Personal Investigation into the exam
room as well as other written notes and materials
to use in their presentation.
Candidates should save electronic presentations
onto a memory stick or CD (you must provide
this). Candidates should give this to the examiner
at the end of the visit. Name any files using the
candidate’s Centre number, candidate number and
name, syllabus and component number.
5.10 Timing
The presentation and viva exam will last for about
20 minutes. There should be a few minutes’ break
for the examiner after each exam. Timetable
candidates to arrive at the preparation room at
intervals of 30 minutes. In the interests of both
examiner and candidates, do not timetable more
than eight candidates in any four-hour session.
5.11 The assessment and after
The Cambridge examiner will assess all
presentations and vivas in accordance with the
criteria. They will award marks as the presentation
and viva is taking place. Examiners will record all
viva exams and send them to us, along with mark
sheets for moderation.
At all times during the exam, you must keep
recordings and mark sheets under conditions of
security similar to those used for exam materials
before a written exam. No-one else should have
access to the exam room, which must be kept
locked when the examiner is not present.
78 5 Exam day Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Malpractice and maladministration
Malpractice is an action by a candidate that breaks our regulations and potentially threatens the integrity
of our exams. Maladministration is an action by a Centre that breaks our regulations and potentially
threatens the integrity of our exams. Both can happen before, during or after the exams and outside
timetabled exams.
You are responsible for reporting any potential cases of malpractice or maladministration to your
Principal/Head of Centre.
You can find our regulations, examples of malpractice and maladministration and our appeals process in
section 5.9 of the >Cambridge Handbook. The Head of Centre must make sure that the Centre complies
with the regulations and report all failures to comply to us.
5.12 What to do if you suspect
The Head of Centre needs to report any
established, suspected or alleged cases of
malpractice by candidates or maladministration
by staff using ‘Exam Day – Form 9’. Read
the ‘Guidance notes’ section carefully before
completing the form.
Extra guidance
Download our How to Identify and Prevent
Malpractice guide from
Principals in Associate Schools must report
any suspected cases of malpractice and
maladministration to their Cambridge Associate
using our Malpractice Form (Exam Day – Form 9).
The Cambridge Associate should review the form
to make sure it has been completed correctly and
then send it to us.
Administrative forms
Forms available at
• Malpractice: Exam Day – Form 9
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 5 Exam day 79
Special consideration
Special consideration is a post-exam adjustment made to a candidate’s mark, by Cambridge, to make
allowances for any adverse circumstances, for example illness, bereavement or temporary injury.
To apply for special consideration go to the ‘Special consideration’ area of CIE Direct or complete the
relevant form.
Associate Centres should apply for special consideration using the relevant form rather
than CIE Direct. They should download the relevant form from the ‘Support Materials’ section of CIE
Direct and email it to us within seven days of the last exam of the syllabus affected.
Our special consideration regulations are in section 5.8 of the >Cambridge Handbook. Please read this
section before you make any applications for special consideration.
5.13 How to apply for special
You can apply for special consideration
through CIE Direct. Simply go to, log in using your
normal login details and navigate to the ‘Special
consideration’ area. You can submit applications for:
• present but disadvantaged candidates
• absent candidates
• coursework-related special consideration.
You can also apply for special consideration using
the relevant forms listed on this page. Follow the
instructions in the ‘Guidance notes’ section of the
Please send us medical evidence with applications
for candidates affected by illness, including
those part absent from an exam. If you do not
send medical evidence we cannot accept your
Do not send applications or related documents
with the candidate’s scripts.
You can apply for coursework-related special
consideration using ‘Teacher Assessment – Form 2’
for a shortfall and ‘Teacher Assessment – Form 3’
for lost coursework. See section 5.8 of the
>Cambridge Handbook for more information.
We send you an email to let you know the
outcome of your application. If we reject your
application we will explain why. We may decide
to refer your application to a team of senior
Cambridge examiners for further consideration. If
we do we will let you know by email.
80 5 Exam day Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Administrative forms
Forms available from the ‘Support Materials’
section of CIE Direct.
• Special Consideration: Exam Day – Form 7
• Special Consideration (Shortfall in
Coursework): Teacher Assessment – Form 2
• Special Consideration (Lost Coursework):
Teacher Assessment – Form 3
Important dates
Please submit applications for special
consideration to Cambridge within seven days
of the last exam date in the syllabus affected.
Extra guidance
Download our guide to making special
consideration applications online from the
‘Help’ section of the ‘Special consideration’
area of CIE Direct.
Download How to Apply for Special
Consideration from
Despatching scripts
We send you bar-coded labels for the return of all your scripts. There are different methods for
despatching scripts depending on your location, the syllabus and the bar-coded labels we send you.
We send you yellow labels to return scripts for regulated Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses and Cambridge
Pre-U syllabuses, including Cambridge Pre-U externally examined coursework components. You should
use the Yellow Label Service, a traceable script collection service run by the Department for Education,
to return these scripts to us.
We send you Cambridge labels to return scripts for non-regulated Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses and
Cambridge International AS & A Level syllabuses. The Cambridge Service operates in the same way as
the Yellow Label Service.
For some coursework components, some timetabled components and for Centres outside England,
we send white bar-coded labels. You must return these scripts at your cost using a secure method that
provides a tracking facility.
Cambridge Associates are responsible for sending scripts from their Associate Centres to us, using
a courier. Cambridge Associates should make arrangements with their Associate Centres for receiving
their scripts.
5.14 Packing scripts
Despatch materials
We provide materials for packing, labelling and
despatching scripts: attendance registers, script
packets and bar-coded labels.
Attendance registers
Invigilators need to complete and sign the
attendance register and enclose it in the script
packet with the scripts. Add the details of any
candidates not printed on the attendance register
to the bottom. If you need a blank copy of an
attendance register use ‘Exam Day – Form 1’.
Bar-coded labels
You must attach the correct bar-coded label to the
outside of your script packets when you return
them to us. These labels identify the contents of
each script packet. Do not use any bar-coded labels
from previous exam series.
Please follow these guidelines when packing
• Pack the scripts for different components in
separate packets so they match the syllabus
and component number printed on the
label. You will receive one label for every 60
candidates for each component. If you have
more than 60 candidate scripts, pack the first
60 candidate scripts in one packet with the
first label and the second 60 candidate scripts
in another packet with the second label. The
attendance register should be split to match
the scripts in each packet. Seal the grey script
packet and attach the bar-coded label to the
correct packet.
• Do not write anything on the bar-coded label or
cover it with tape, other labels or anything that
would conceal or damage the barcode.
• If all the candidates for a component are
absent, you still need to complete and enclose
the attendance register in the script packet and
attach the bar-coded label.
• Before packing your scripts, check each script
against the attendance register making sure
there is a script for every candidate marked as
• Securely fasten your packets of scripts. If one
packet is not large enough, use two or more
packets, but remember to show the candidate
range in each packet. Put the bar-coded label on
the first packet and number each of the packets
(for example, 1 of 4, 2 of 4).
• Only include the attendance register with the
scripts in your script packet.
• If you are using white bar-coded labels, you
can package your script packets for a variety
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 5 Exam day 81
Despatching scripts (continued)
of components into the same outer packaging
for despatch. Please make sure that the outer
packaging is secure so that the contents do not
get lost or damaged. It must not weigh more
than 15 kg.
• If you send several script packets for a variety
of components together, please make sure
that the packets are separate within the
outer packaging and that all packets have the
correct labels. Packets must never be attached
Replacement labels
If your yellow or Cambridge labels do not arrive
when expected or get lost or damaged you can
generate emergency labels through CIE Direct.
Instructions are available at
Administrative forms
Forms available at
• Supplementary Attendance Register: Exam
Day – Form 1
• Script Despatch Label: Exam Day – Label 1
Important information
• Keep the scripts in a secure place while you are waiting to despatch them. Scripts are confidential
and should not be read or photocopied by anyone before you send them to us.
• You must use the correct method to return the relevant scripts. If you send scripts back using the
wrong service there is a danger they will get delayed or lost and your candidates will not receive their
• As a precaution do not send scripts for all the components of an entire syllabus in the same
• Please pack each component separately, making sure it is clearly identified and has its own bar-coded
• Only send attendance registers with your scripts. Send any other documentation, such as requests
for special consideration, separately for the attention of the Compliance team.
• If a candidate has used a scribe, word processor, practical assistant or transcript, attach the relevant
cover sheet to the front of the script using a treasury tag, not paperclips or staples. Download the
cover sheets from
• For packing and despatching coursework samples please see section 3.7 of this guide. You will
receive white bar-coded labels for returning some coursework samples. We send you yellow barcoded labels for returning Cambridge Pre-U externally examined coursework components and you
must send us the work following the instructions in section 5.14.
• If a candidate is unwell in the exam room or has a potentially contagious disease, go to and type ‘soiled scripts’ into the search box for advice on handling soiled scripts.
5.15 Sending scripts
Send your scripts to us as soon as each exam has
finished. If this is not possible you must despatch
all the scripts you have at least once a week.
read the Department for Education’s guide at The Cambridge
Label Service operates in the same way. Please
use the despatch log on the website to keep a
record of all your despatches.
If you are using the Yellow Label Service or
the Cambridge Label Service, hand the grey
script packet to the Parcelforce driver when
they come to collect it. For more instructions
on how to use the Yellow Label service please
To return scripts for components with white
bar-coded labels, place your packets in outer
packaging. Attach an address label provided in
the Cambridge pre-exam despatch to the outer
packaging. You can download extra labels at
82 5 Exam day Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Despatching scripts (continued) Send your despatch using
a method that provides a tracking facility. Keep a
record of the contents of each consignment you
If you do not receive labels and you cannot
download them from our website, address all
consignments to:
Extra guidance
For the latest information on despatching
scripts please see
Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge Assessment DC10
Hill Farm Road
CB22 4FZ
United Kingdom
Yellow bar-coded label
Attach to the outside of the grey script packet
for Cambridge Pre-U syllabuses and regulated
Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses. Hand the grey
script packet to the Parcelforce driver when
they come to collect it.
Cambridge bar-coded label
Attach to the outside of the grey script packet
for non-regulated Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses
and Cambridge International AS & A Level
syllabuses. Hand the grey script packet to the
Parcelforce driver when they come to collect it.
White bar-coded label
For some components or if your Centre is
outside England, we send you white bar-coded
labels. Attach to the outside of the grey script
Address label
If you are using white bar-coded labels, place
your script packets in outer packaging. Attach
this address label to the outer packaging and
send it using a method that provides a tracking
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 5 Exam day 83
Understanding and preparing for results
Read this section to prepare for the release of results. It sets out everything you need to know to make
sure that your candidates get their results and that you can answer all their queries.
We release results online through CIE Direct and follow them up with a provisional results despatch.
You can issue results to candidates as soon as they become available online. The exception to this is
Cambridge Pre-U. You must not issue these results to candidates until the day after results release.
The results published online and in hard copy are provisional. We can amend them if necessary.
We confirm results at a later date by issuing certificates.
Cambridge Associates are responsible for
passing results, statements of results and other associated material on to their Associate Centres.
Important dates
Your online results are available through CIE
Direct in the following formats:
We will notify you of the exact dates and times
for results release on CIE Direct and in the
Cambridge Exams Officer eNewsletter.
• a results file in MIS format
June series
Results available online for all qualifications
except for Cambridge Pre-U – 11 August 2016
Cambridge Pre-U results available online –
17 August 2016
Provisional results despatch – late August 2016
• a pdf file containing results for the Centre in
broadsheet format
November series (Cambridge
International AS & A Level)
Results available online – 10 January 2017
Provisional results despatch – mid January 2017
November series (all other qualifications)
Results available online – mid January 2017
Provisional results despatch – late January 2017
6.1 Online results
• a pdf file containing a statement of results for
every candidate
• a Microsoft Excel file containing results for the
Centre in broadsheet format.
If you made your entries using your MIS we will
provide your results in MIS format. If you made
your entries using the A2C Migration Application
you can download your results through the
application too. Please ensure your MIS package is
updated to match our systems or not all results will
display when the results file is transferred.
We also provide a component marks report which
will give you the following information:
• component marks for each component of the
syllabus for every candidate you have entered
• raw and adjusted marks for each component.
This report will be available as an Excel
spreadsheet so you and your teaching staff
can analyse the information. The report will be
published on CIE Direct after results release.
84 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Understanding and preparing for results (continued)
6.2 Candidate Results Service
order. Adjustments made to ranges of marks are
shown in ascending sequence. Our moderation
procedures do not allow marks to be reduced
below zero or raised above the maximum mark for
the component.
Moderation report: For teaching staff
A report on the moderation for each internally
assessed component. It also shows instances
where our moderators re-marked coursework
because adjustment was not possible.
This service gives your candidates access to
their results directly via a secure website. You
can control which of your candidates have access
to the site and what they can view through the
‘Administer Exams’ page on CIE Direct. Guidance
on how to give candidates access to the secure
website is available at
6.3 Hard copy results
Your provisional results despatch will include:
Results by syllabus, option and component:
For teaching staff
This document shows all your results and
component grades by syllabus, option and
We give component grades in confidence to
teaching staff so they can compare a candidate’s
standard across different parts of an exam. They
will not always correspond exactly to the grade in
the syllabus as a whole. It may be helpful to share
this information with candidates to help inform
decisions about enquiries about results or retaking
a particular syllabus. If you decide to do this please
make the candidates aware that you are sharing
this information in confidence and that it should not
be made public. If a university requires component
grades you can provide them in confidence.
Moderation adjustment summary reports:
For teaching staff
We provide a summary of moderation adjustments
for every internally assessed component.
The summary shows any adjustments made
by Cambridge to the internally assessed marks
awarded by your subject teachers. The adjustments
are made to marks submitted by the Centre and
not to weighted marks. ‘NO ADJUSTMENT’
indicates that we accepted the Centre’s marks.
The information is in syllabus component code
Important information
You no longer receive hard copy
statements of results or the results
broadsheet in your provisional results
despatch. You can download these
documents through CIE Direct. If you
need to receive hard copy statement of
results, for example for visa application
purposes, you can request them by emailing
• Statements of results are not certificates
and may not be accepted by a university or
other public body.
• We have the right to correct the information
given on any statement of results issued
before we despatch certificates. As
statements of results are a permanent
record of the exam, please report any errors
on them immediately.
• The final syllabus grade is calculated from
an aggregation of the candidate’s marks and
not directly from the component grades.
So candidates with the same component
grades will not necessarily receive the same
syllabus grade.
6.4 What are the procedures for
checking and issuing results?
We send your provisional results despatch by
courier unless instructed otherwise. We do not
email or fax results to you or anybody else.
When you receive your results, check that you
have all the documents listed above. Download a
statement of results through CIE Direct for each
candidate, including private candidates. If any
statements of results are missing from CIE Direct
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 85
Understanding and preparing for results (continued)
contact us immediately. It is your responsibility to
print and give all your candidates their statements.
6.5 How are syllabus grades reported
on results documents?
Please let us know immediately in writing about
any errors on statements of results so we can
make the amendments before we issue your
certificates. We charge for any name amendments
we receive after the following dates:
We report syllabus grades on results documents
as detailed in the table below. ’NO RESULT’ or ‘X’
means one of the following:
• June 2016 series – 15 September 2016
• November 2016 series – 14 February 2017.
Associate Centres will receive their results
according to their local arrangements. If you work
in an Associate Centre please communicate details
of any errors through your Cambridge Associate.
• We were notified that the candidate was absent
or withdrawn from one or more components
of the syllabus. The candidate is therefore not
eligible for the award of a grade.
• We were not notified that the candidate was
absent or withdrawn and there is no record of
their mark in one or more components of the
syllabus. The candidate is therefore not eligible
for the award of a grade.
• We disqualified the candidate. Where this
is the case we will have sent a separate
communication to the Centre explaining the
reasons for the disqualification.
‘PENDING’ or ‘Q’ means that a result cannot be
issued at present but will follow in due course.
Grade reporting
Cambridge IGCSE
• A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), E(e), F(f) or G(g). A*(a*) is the highest
grade and G(g) the lowest.
• ‘UNGRADED’ shows that the candidate failed to reach the standard
required for grade G(g).
• For some Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses, we report ‘TO BE ISSUED’ or
‘Y’ to show that the result will be awarded in a subsequent series.
Cambridge IGCSE
language syllabuses
• For some language syllabuses we report separate oral endorsement
grades on a scale of 1 (ONE) to 5 (FIVE), 1 (ONE) being the highest and
5 (FIVE) the lowest.
• Candidates who fail to reach the standard required for grade 5 (FIVE)
will have nothing reported on the statements of results.
Cambridge ICE group
• Cambridge ICE statements of results are issued to candidates who
have entered for Cambridge ICE.
• Distinction, Merit and Pass are awarded to candidates who meet the
requirements of Cambridge ICE.
• The statement of results shows the Cambridge ICE outcome and the
individual syllabus results for Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level
• Only individual syllabus results for the final series are reports on
statements of results. Therefore if a candidate is taking Cambridge ICE
over more than one series, not all of the counting syllabuses used to
determine the Cambridge ICE award are reported on the statement of
• You will find details of the award rules for the Cambridge ICE group
award in the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.
86 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Understanding and preparing for results (continued)
Grade reporting
Cambridge O Level
(referred to as GCE O
Level on statements of
• A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d) or E(e). A*(a*) is the highest grade and E(e)
the lowest.
Cambridge O Level
syllabuses in languages
other than English
• Performance in speaking tests (compulsory or optional) is reported on
the statements of results below the syllabus grade as: ‘with Pass in
• ‘UNGRADED’ shows that the candidate failed to reach the standard
required for grade E(e).
• If a candidate does not achieve a ‘Pass’ in the speaking test or does not
take the speaking test there will be no report of the speaking test on
their statement of results or certificate.
Cambridge International
AS Level (referred to
as GCE AS Level on
statements of results)
• a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d) or e(e). a(a) is the highest and e(e) the lowest.
Cambridge International
A Level (referred to
as GCE A Level on
statements of results)
• A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d) or E(e). A*(a*) is the highest grade and E(e)
the lowest.
• ‘UNGRADED’ shows that the candidate failed to reach the standard
required for grade e(e).
• ‘UNGRADED’ shows that the candidate failed to reach the standard
required for grade E(e).
• In some Advanced Level syllabuses, a candidate whose overall
performance in the syllabus falls short of the standard required for
grade E(e) will be awarded an AS (Advanced Subsidiary) Level grade
a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d) or e(e), if their performance is good enough in the
components that constitute an Advanced Subsidiary Level.
Cambridge International
AS Level & A Level
syllabuses in languages
other than English
• The performance of candidates in the speaking test (compulsory or
optional) is reported on the statements of results under the syllabus
grade as either: ‘With Distinction in Speaking’ or ‘With Merit in
Speaking’ or ‘With Pass in Speaking’. Candidates who do not achieve
a ‘Pass’ in speaking or who do not take the speaking test will have no
report of the speaking test on their statement of results or certificate.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 87
Understanding and preparing for results (continued)
Grade reporting
Cambridge AICE Diploma
group award
• Cambridge AICE Diploma statements of results are issued to
candidates who have entered for the Cambridge AICE Diploma.
• Distinction, Merit or Pass will be awarded to candidates who meet the
requirements of the Cambridge AICE Diploma. An aggregate of the
total points scored will also be shown.
• To determine the award, each potential counting syllabus is allocated
points according to the grade achieved.
• Where a candidate has more than the required number of counting
syllabuses, the syllabuses which have been used to determine the
Cambridge AICE Diploma award are shown with an asterisk (*).
• Only individual syllabus results for the final series are reported on
statements of results. Therefore if a candidate is taking the Cambridge
AICE Diploma over more than one series, not all of the counting
syllabuses used to determine the Cambridge AICE Diploma are shown
on the statement of results.
• ‘No Award’ shows that the candidate failed to reach the standard
required for the Cambridge AICE Diploma. An aggregate of the total
points scored is not shown.
• You will find details of the award rules for the Cambridge AICE group
award in the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.
Cambridge Pre-U Level 3
• Distinction ONE(D1), Distinction TWO(D2), Distinction THREE(D3),
Merit ONE(M1), Merit TWO(M2), Merit THREE(M3),
Pass ONE(P1), Pass TWO(P2) or Pass THREE(P3).
Distinction ONE(D1) is the highest grade and Pass THREE(P3) the
• ‘UNGRADED’ shows that the candidate failed to reach the standard
required for Pass THREE(P3).
6.6 Cambridge Pre-U Diploma
You will find information on the requirements
for passing the Cambridge Pre-U Diploma in the
Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.
If you want to substitute up to two regulated
Level 3 syllabuses in place of Cambridge Pre-U
Principal Subjects, you must apply for the
Cambridge Pre-U Diploma after we issue results.
To do this complete ‘Results and Certificates –
Form 10’. Follow the instructions on the back of the
form and send it to us with copies of the relevant
statements of results. Make sure the copies
are signed by the Head of Centre to confirm the
validity of the information.
88 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Understanding and preparing for results (continued)
Administrative forms
6.8 How to arrange for copies of
results to be sent to other
Forms available at
• Cambridge Pre-U Diploma Application:
Results and Certificates – Form 10
A candidate can apply for us to send a priority
statement of results or a certifying statement of
results to a third party, such as an employer or
university. Find out more in sections 6.20 and 6.23
of this guide.
6.7 How to apply for extra sets of
If you need an extra set of results please send
us a request in writing, on headed paper and
signed by the Head of Centre.
If you work in an
Associate Centre please send requests through
your Cambridge Associate. We need to receive the
request by:
• June series – 26 July 2016
• November series – 20 December 2016.
We charge for duplicate sets of results. The fees
for this service are in our fees list available in the
‘My Messages’ section of CIE Direct.
The following options are available:
• results for the whole Centre
• broadsheet only
• syllabus component report.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 89
Enquiries about results and appeals process
We carry out extensive quality checks before we issue results. However, you can submit enquiries about
results if you would like us to check the results for particular candidates.
We offer a range of enquiries about results services depending on the type of check you would like us to
To help you decide whether you want to submit an enquiry about results you can also apply to see a
copy of any candidate’s script.
There is an administrative fee for each enquiry. We will not charge the fee if the enquiry leads to a
Cambridge Associates must submit enquiries about results on behalf of
change to the syllabus grade.
their Associate Centres.
6.9 How to make an enquiry about
You can submit enquiries about results online
through CIE Direct. Our step-by-step guide and
video tutorial explaining how to submit enquiries
are available at
Important dates
The deadlines for submitting enquiries about
results are:
June series
23 August 2016 – applications for priority
enquiries about results (only available for June
series results and for Cambridge International
AS & A Level and Cambridge Pre-U syllabuses)
If you are submitting a priority enquiry for
a candidate whose place at university depends
on the result of the enquiry, we recommend
you submit the enquiry as soon as possible
after results are released. This will maximise
your chance of receiving the outcome before
the UCAS deadline of 30 August.
30 September 2016 – applications for enquiries
about results
We start destroying candidate scripts shortly after
the deadlines for enquiries about results have
passed. Therefore we cannot accept requests
submitted after the deadlines listed on the right.
Important information
You must make sure you have the
candidate’s consent before submitting
an enquiry about results and that he/she
understands that their syllabus grade will
remain the same, go up or go down. Please
follow the instructions on CIE Direct to make
sure you hold the evidence required.
90 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
November series
26 February 2016 – applications for enquiries
about results
The deadlines for applying for access to scripts
June series
23 August 2016 – priority copy of script request
(this does not involve a review of marking)
14 October 2016 – copy of script request (for
use within the Centre and not to support any
enquiry about results)
November series
11 March 2017 – copy of script request (for
use within the Centre and not to support any
enquiry about results)
Enquiries about results and appeals process (continued)
Important information
It is good practice for Cambridge
Associates to submit enquiries about results
for all their Associate Centres before the
closing date. This gives time to check the
enquiry about results and resolve any issues
with Associate Centres before the deadline.
Cambridge Associates may set earlier
deadlines for their Associate Centres.
6.10 What enquiries about results
services are available?
A list of the services we provide is on the following
• Candidates or their parents cannot request
enquiries about results.
• The Head of Centre must endorse all
• You can only submit enquiries at component
• You can only send one enquiry for each
candidate’s result in the externally assessed
components of a syllabus. But you can also
request a Service 5 in the same syllabus.
• For each candidate, all the components for
which an enquiry is being submitted must
be for the same service. For example,
you cannot request a Service 1S for one
component and then a Service 2S for
another component if they are components
of the same syllabus.
• All the components you want us to review
for a candidate within the same syllabus
must be submitted at the same time.
We cannot accept additional component
enquiries for the same candidate and
syllabus at a later date.
• You can request different services for
different candidates’ results in a syllabus.
• You can request the same or different
services for the same candidate in different
• For candidates wishing to retake in the next
exam series, we cannot guarantee that we
will issue the outcome of an enquiry in time
to inform the candidate’s preparation for the
retake exam.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 91
Enquiries about results and appeals process (continued)
Service name
Details of service
Availability of service
Clerical re-check:
Service 1
A re-check of all procedures leading to the
issue of a result. This service checks that all
parts of the script were marked; that the marks
were totalled correctly; and that the marks
were recorded correctly.
This service is available
for externally assessed
Clerical re-check
with copy of
Service 1S
The same as ‘Service 1’ but you also receive a
copy of the script.
This service is available
for externally assessed
components. It is not available
for Art & Design syllabuses.
Review of
Service 2
A review of the original marking to check that
the agreed mark scheme was applied correctly.
This service also includes the re-checks
detailed in Service 1.
This service is available
for externally assessed
components. It is not available
for multiple-choice question
Review of
marking with
copy of script:
Service 2S
The same as ‘Service 2’ but you also receive a
copy of the script.
This service is available
for externally assessed
components. It is not available
for multiple-choice question
papers or Art & Design
Priority review of
Service 2P
The same as ‘Service 2’ but we aim to
complete the review within 18 days of
receiving your request. You can request this
service if your candidate’s place in further/
higher education depends on the outcome and
we must receive all applications by 23 August
If you are submitting a Service
2P enquiry for a candidate whose place at
university depends on the result of the enquiry,
we recommend you submit the enquiry as
soon as possible after results are released.
This will maximise your chance of receiving
the outcome before the UCAS deadline of
30 August.
This service is available
for externally assessed
components. It is not available
for multiple-choice question
papers. This service is for
Cambridge International AS &
A Level and Cambridge Pre-U
syllabuses and is only available
for June series results.
Priority review
of marking with
copy of script:
Service 2PS
The same as ‘Service 2P’ but you also receive
a copy of the script.
This service is available
for externally assessed
components. It is not available
for multiple-choice question
papers or Art & Design
syllabuses. This service is for
Cambridge International AS &
A Level and Cambridge Pre-U
syllabuses and is only available
for June series results.
92 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Enquiries about results and appeals process (continued)
Service name
Details of service
Availability of service
of coursework
with report:
Service 5
A re-moderation of the Centre’s coursework for
a component, and a report on the assessment
of the candidates’ coursework.
This service is not available for
individual candidates and can
only be used for the whole
cohort. This service is only
available for internally assessed
Report on the
work of a group
of candidates:
Service 9
A report on the work of a group of no
fewer than five and no more than fifteen
candidates for a given exam. The report is
for the information of teachers only and
does not involve any review of marking. The
report is designed to give teachers a better
understanding of their candidates’ performance
on a particular component. Because of the
date by which the reports are produced they
cannot be used to inform decisions about
retake entries.
This service is available
for externally assessed
components. It is not available
for multiple-choice question
This service is only available for
Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O
Level, Cambridge International
AS & A Level and Cambridge
Pre-U syllabuses.
Please note: Once you order this service for a
candidate you cannot request any other service
for the component for that particular candidate.
We start processing reports once the deadline
for enquiries about results has passed and in
the order in which we receive them.
If you have submitted a different enquiry for
any of the candidates within the group we will
complete that enquiry first before producing
the report. In these cases we will aim to return
the report within 28 days of completing any
other enquiries concerning the candidates in
the group.
Access to scripts
Service name
Details of service
Availability of service
Priority copy of
This service does not involve a review of
marking. It allows you to see a script to decide
whether or not to submit an enquiry about
results. We will upload any copies of scripts to
CIE Direct by 9 September 2016.
This service is for Cambridge
International AS & A Level and
Cambridge Pre-U syllabuses and
is only available for June series
If you want to request a priority service, do not
request a copy of the script separately, as you
will not receive the script before the priority
services application deadline concerning the
candidates in the group.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 93
Enquiries about results and appeals process (continued)
Copy of script
Copies of some or all of your candidates’
scripts can be returned, for use within the
Centre and not to support any enquiry about
results. We will upload any copies of scripts
to CIE Direct by 26 November 2016 for the
June 2016 series and 26 April 2017 for the
November 2016 series.
This service is available for all
NO RESULT (X Grade) or PENDING (Q Grade)
Enquiries for
(X Grade) or
We can provide an explanation of ‘NO RESULT’ or ‘PENDING’ without charge. We
usually issue a ‘NO RESULT’ if the candidate appears not to have completed all the
components of an assessment. If you have evidence, for example an attendance
register or an Internal Assessment Mark Sheet, to show that the candidate has
completed all components, please send copies with your request.
To submit your enquiry, visit the ‘Administer exams’ section of CIE Direct and click
on the ‘Enquiries about results’ tab. Click on the ‘NO RESULT (X Grade)/PENDING
(Q Grade)’ tab and follow the same process for submitting an enquiry about results.
Any further information will be emailed to you.
Group awards
Recalculation of
Cambridge ICE
Certificate or
Cambridge AICE
A recalculation to make sure the results for a Cambridge ICE Certificate or
Cambridge AICE Diploma are correct. This recalculation must be requested by email
( and not through CIE Direct.
Using photocopied scripts
Only teachers at your Centre can have access
to the photocopied scripts we return. At their
discretion, teachers can decide to return them
to the relevant candidates. Scripts remain the
property of Cambridge. If teachers want to use
the script as an example to other students they
must ask for the candidate’s permission. If they are
unable to do this they must remove the candidate’s
name from the script before showing it to other
students and ensure that the student cannot be
6.12 Fees for enquiries about results
We charge a fee for each enquiry about results
service. The fees for each service are in our fees
list available in the ‘My Messages’ section of CIE
We provide explanations for ‘NO RESULT’ and
’PENDING’ results free of charge.
94 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
We will not charge the fee if the enquiry leads to a
change to the syllabus grade.
Important information
We invoice the Head of Centre for any
enquiries about results. You will start to receive
invoices in the month following the deadlines.
6.13 How long does it take to process
We will deal with enquiries in the order in which
we receive them. We cannot guarantee the date
by which we will complete an enquiry. We will
make every effort to complete the enquiry and
communicate an outcome within 30 days of
receiving your enquiry.
We aim to reply to priority service requests within
18 days of receiving the request.
Enquiries about results and appeals process (continued)
We will start processing Service 9 requests
(Report on the work of a group of candidates) in
the order we receive them, once the deadline for
enquiries about results has passed. We cannot
guarantee a date by which we will complete
Service 9 requests. As a result, they cannot be
used to inform decisions about retake entries.
6.14 Outcomes of enquiries
Once the enquiry is processed we will upload an
acknowledgment letter to CIE Direct.
We will notify you by email when this letter is
available. If it is not available within 48 hours of you
submitting the enquiry, call our Customer Services
We will upload the outcome of the enquiry and
copies of scripts, if applicable, to the ‘Enquiries
about results’ section of CIE Direct.
You will be notified by email when they are
available. If the enquiry leads to a syllabus grade
change, we will issue a revised statement of
results. If we have already issued a certificate,
you must return the original certificate with your
completed ‘Results and Certificates – Form 12’ and
a copy of the outcome letter, and we will then send
you a replacement.
We will confirm any syllabus grade change to
any university or other institution in writing at
the request of the Head of Centre or Cambridge
Where an enquiry does not lead to a change
in the candidate’s syllabus grade but does lead
to a component grade or a percentage uniform
mark change, Cambridge will not reissue results
documentation unless requested.
If an enquiry leads to a reduction in a candidate’s
mark and the mark is carried forward to another
series, we will use the reduced mark to calculate
the candidate’s grade.
In the unusual event that the outcome of an
enquiry brings into question the accuracy of the
results for other candidates in that syllabus, we will
notify the Head of Centre/Cambridge Associate.
We will then carry out the service on any other
candidates who may have been affected free of
charge. The Head of Centre/Cambridge Associate
will be notified of the outcome.
6.15 Appeals
If a Head of Centre/Cambridge Associate wants
to appeal against an enquiry outcome, they must
submit an appeal to us through CIE Direct within
28 days of the date when the outcome letter was
uploaded. If the enquiry included a copy of the
script, the appeal must be submitted within 28
days of the date when the copy of the script was
The appeal will focus on our procedures, and
specifically on whether we:
1. used procedures which were consistent with
our Code of Practice, which is available on our
2. applied our internal procedures properly and
fairly in arriving at our judgements.
You need to state in your appeal the way(s) in
which you think this was not the case.
Make sure you include your Centre number and
the number of the enquiry about results service
as part of your appeal. An appeal does not lead
to the further reviewing of the candidate’s work
(unless the procedure used is found to have been
inconsistent with our Code of Practice, improper or
There are two stages to the appeal process:
• Stage 1: Initially a senior member of Cambridge
staff will consider the appeal and will notify the
Centre in writing within 21 days of receiving the
appeal, whether the appeal is upheld.
• Stage 2: If the appeal is not upheld at Stage 1,
the Head of Centre/Cambridge Associate may
choose to proceed to Stage 2. They must do
so in writing within 14 days of the outcome
of the Stage 1 appeal. As part of Stage 2 your
Head of Centre needs to present their case to
Cambridge. We will tell the Head of Centre/
Cambridge Associate the outcome within
28 days of receiving the Stage 2 appeal.
We charge for Stage 1 and Stage 2 appeals. The
charge will be per enquiry, not per candidate. See
our fees list available in the ‘My Messages’ section
of CIE Direct for details.
The outcome of a Stage 2 appeal is final and we
will not enter into further communication with
Heads of Centres/Cambridge Associates after we
have told them the outcome of the appeal.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 95
A certificate is the property of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) of
which Cambridge International Examinations is a part. We issue them to confirm results on the following
• If the certificate is altered or defaced it is invalid.
• If we ask you to return a certificate, you must return it.
• The certificate should be kept in a safe place.
• We will not issue copies of certificates.
They are sent to Centres by courier. Contact us immediately if any of your certificates are missing.
We will send Associate Centres’ certificates to their Cambridge Associate. The Cambridge Associate
is responsible for passing them on and contacting us to let us know if any are missing or if any of the
information shown on them is incorrect.
We issue them after the deadline for enquiries about results has passed to make sure all Centres have
the time to query their provisional results.
Check your certificates when they arrive and let us know if anything needs to be changed, for example, if
the candidate’s name is incorrect.
We charge a fee for replacement certificates.
Keep them in a safe place and pass them to your candidates as soon as you can. If you cannot give a
certificate to a candidate personally, ask them to let you know when they receive it.
Keep unclaimed certificates in a safe place for at least 12 months from the date they are issued. After
that period, return them to us with a list of the certificates being returned. Keep a copy of this list. Do
not destroy unclaimed certificates.
6.16 What is recorded on certificates?
We report results in individual subjects using the grades detailed in the table below.
Grades shown on certificate
Cambridge IGCSE
• A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), E(e), F(f) or G(g).
• A*(a*) is the highest grade and G(g) the lowest.
• We do not report performances below the standard of grade G(g) on
• Candidates awarded grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), E(e), F(f) or G(g)
have reached standards at least equivalent to the same grades in the
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). Candidates awarded
A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d) or E(e) have reached standards at least
equivalent to the same grades in the Cambridge O Level.
Cambridge IGCSE
language syllabuses
• For some language syllabuses we report separate oral endorsement grades
on a scale of 1 (ONE) to 5 (FIVE), 1 (ONE) being the highest and 5 (FIVE) the
96 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Certificates (continued)
Grades shown on certificate
of Education
(Cambridge ICE)
• Distinction is awarded if a candidate achieves a grade A(a) or above in five
syllabuses and grade C(c) or above in two further syllabuses.
• Merit is awarded if a candidate achieves a grade C(c) or above in five
syllabuses and grade F(f) or above in two further syllabuses.
• Pass is awarded if a candidate achieves a grade G(g) or above in seven
• If a candidate does not achieve Cambridge ICE but gets a minimum of at
least one grade G(g) in a syllabus we award a Cambridge IGCSE certificate.
• If a candidate achieves Cambridge ICE in one series they will receive
separate Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge ICE certificates.
• If a candidate achieves Cambridge ICE over two series they will receive
a certificate for the individual syllabuses they take at the end of the first
series, and separate Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge ICE certificates at
the end of the second series.
Cambridge O Level
(referred to as GCE O
Level on certificates)
• A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d) or E(e).
• A*(a*) is the highest grade and E(e) the lowest.
• We do not report performances below the standard of grade E(e) on
• The text ‘Ordinary Level’ before the grade awarded shows the level at
which the grade was awarded for the subject.
• One certificate is awarded for Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International
AS Level and Cambridge International A Level.
International AS
Level (referred to
as GCE AS Level on
• a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d) or e(e). a(a) is the highest and e(e) the lowest.
• We do not report performances below the standard of grade e(e) on
• The text ‘Advanced Subsidiary’ before the grade awarded shows the level at
which the grade was awarded for the syllabus.
• One certificate is awarded for Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International
AS Level and Cambridge International A Level.
International A Level
(referred to as GCE A
Level on certificates)
• A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d) or E(e). A*(a*) is the highest grade and E(e) the
• We do not report performances below the standard of grade E(e) on
• The text ‘Advanced Level’ before the grade awarded shows the level at
which the grade was awarded for the syllabus.
• One certificate is awarded for Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International
AS Level and Cambridge International A Level.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 97
Certificates (continued)
Grades shown on certificate
Cambridge AICE
• Distinction is awarded if a candidate achieves a point score of 320–360
• Merit is awarded if a candidate achieves a point score of 220–319 points.
• Pass is awarded if a candidate achieves a point score of 120–219 points.
The candidate will also receive a certificate showing the grades achieved in
Cambridge International AS & A Level syllabuses.
Cambridge Pre-U
• One certificate is awarded for Cambridge Pre-U Level 3 qualifications
– Principal Subjects
– Global Perspectives & Research Report
– Short Courses.
• Distinction ONE(D1), Distinction TWO(D2), Distinction THREE(D3),
Merit ONE(M1), Merit TWO(M2), Merit THREE(M3), Pass ONE(P1),
Pass TWO(P2), Pass THREE(P3). Distinction ONE is the highest and
Pass THREE is the lowest.
• We issue a Cambridge Pre-U Diploma certificate showing the candidate’s
points score.
• We do not record performances below the standard of Pass THREE(P3) on
Cambridge Pre-U
• An aggregate numerical score.
Important dates
Important information
You will receive your certificates by the dates
shown below. Contact us if you do not receive
• Syllabus grades are reported as an upper
case letter followed by the corresponding
lower case letter in brackets, for example,
B(b). This is a security feature to prevent
grades being altered.
June series – end October 2016
November series – end March 2017
98 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
• The exception to this rule is Cambridge
International AS Level, where a lower
case letter is reported and then repeated
in brackets, for example, b(b). This is to
distinguish Cambridge International AS
Level grades from Cambridge International
A Level grades.
Certificates (continued)
6.17 What should Centres do if the
details on a certificate are incorrect
(for example a candidate name,
Centre name or grade)?
Check the candidate details including
the spelling of names when you receive your
certificates. If anything is incorrect complete
‘Results and Certificates – Form 12’ and return it to
us with the incorrect certificate and the documents
listed on the form. We charge for replacement
certificates and courier costs after the following
• June 2016 series – 15 September 2016
• November 2016 series – 14 February 2017
We cannot delete any grades or syllabuses from a
6.19 Damaged or lost certificates
We will not replace certificates that have been lost.
If a candidate loses their certificate they need to
apply for a certifying statement of results using
‘Results and Certificates – Form 7’. They can do
this at any time after the original certificate has
been released. At our discretion, we can replace
candidates’ damaged certificates as long as we
have satisfactory proof of their identity. You must
return the damaged certificate before we provide
a replacement. We charge a fee per certificate plus
costs to send the certificate by courier.
We will only replace certificates before the
following dates:
• June 2016 series – 30 April 2018
• November 2016 series – 30 September 2018
If you work in an Associate Centre please
communicate details of any errors through your
Cambridge Associate.
Administrative forms
Forms available at
• Certifying Statement Application: Results
and Certificates – Form 7
• Replacement Statement of Results/
Certificate Application: Results and
Certificates – Form 12
6.18 Can a candidate or Centre ask for
other information on a certificate
to be changed?
A certificate is a permanent record of achievement
by the candidate. We cannot change a candidate’s
name to reflect any changes that take place after
they take their exam, for example changing their
name because they get married or have adopted a
parent’s name.
We issue a separate certificate each series. We
cannot combine grades achieved in different series
or at different Centres onto one certificate.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 99
Certifying statements, priority results information and verification of
A certifying statement is an official document that shows the grades a candidate achieved in a particular
series. It is fully endorsed by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. Educational institutions
and employers accept them as a legitimate record of results.
The certifying statement shows all grades, except ‘UNGRADED’, ‘NO RESULT’, ‘PENDING’ or ‘TO BE
ISSUED’ results.
Candidates can apply for us to send a priority statement of results to a number of educational
institutions or places of employment on the day their results are published.
We also offer a results verification service for applications to educational institutions or places of
6.20 How to apply for a certifying
6.22 How long does it take for a
statement to be issued?
Candidates who have lost or damaged their
certificate can apply for a certifying statement
at any time online through our website
( Candidates can request several
certifying statements at the same time. If they
cannot apply online, candidates should complete
and return ‘Results and Certificates – Form 7’.
We will deal with requests within four weeks of
receiving a correctly completed application. For
security reasons, we cannot communicate results
by fax or telephone.
Administrative forms
Forms available at
6.21 Fees for certifying statements
We produce a certifying statement for each
series and we charge a fee for each one. For each
certifying statement we also charge a search fee.
Candidates can request extra copies at the same
time and they will be charged at a lower fee.
We charge per address if the statement is sent
by courier. Please send your payment when you
submit your application. All credit card payments
are subject to a 2 per cent handling fee. American
Express card payments are subject to a 3 per cent
handling fee.
If we cannot trace a result, we cannot refund
the search fee but we will refund any fees paid
for despatch by courier or special delivery and
any additional copies. The fees are in our fees list
available from the ‘My Messages’ section of CIE
100 6 Results and certificates Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
• Certifying Statement Application: Results
and Certificates – Form 7
• Third Party Verification of Results
Application: Results and Certificates –
Form 8
• Priority Results Information: Results and
Certificates – Form 9
Certifying statements, priority results information and verification of
results (continued)
6.23 Priority results information
We will not automatically send a copy of the
provisional statement to the candidate as they will
receive their results via their Centre.
If the candidate wants a provisional statement
of results sent to their home address, they must
include written authorisation from their Centre and
send it to us with their completed ‘Results and
Certificates – Form 9’.
We will not accept requests for provisional
statements of results from a third party unless the
candidate gives us written permission. We require
formal identification of the third party.
6.24 Verification of results
We know that many students have deadlines
for submitting results to educational institutions
around the world, which are often very close to our
results release dates. Candidates can request that
we send a provisional statement of results directly
to their chosen educational institutions on the day
results are published.
For UK university applications, we send all results
to the Universities and Colleges Admissions
Service (UCAS) in time to meet any required
university deadlines. Therefore, there is no need to
request early information if a candidate is applying
to a UK university.
Please complete ‘Results and Certificates
– Form 9’, sending the correct payment and
appropriate identification.
Important dates
We must receive all applications for priority
results information by:
June series – 26 July 2016
November series – 20 December 2016
A third party requiring verification of results can
apply at any time using ‘Results and Certificates –
Form 8’ and sending in the certificate they want us
to verify.
We charge a fee per certificate per candidate for
this service. The fee is in our fees list available from
the ‘My Messages’ section of CIE Direct.
We can accept late requests for this service
but cannot guarantee that the statement of
results will be despatched on the day results are
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) 6 Results and certificates 101
A–Z of terms
Follows on from Cambridge International AS Level to give a full
Cambridge International A Level.
A2C Migration Application
An application that enables data transfer directly between a Centre
and an awarding organisation.
Access arrangements
A pre-exam arrangement made on behalf of a candidate with
particular needs, for example, the use of a scribe, modified papers
or extra time.
The entry code for the Advanced International Certificate of
Education Diploma.
Administrative zone
An administrative zone is a part of the world where the clocks
read similar times. We have six administrative zones and allocate
every school to one depending on their country and location. We
publish a different version of the timetable and Cambridge Guide to
Making Entries for each administrative zone for each series. Using
Key Times and administrative zones together helps us make sure
countries in similar time zones have their candidates under exam or
supervisory conditions at the same time to maintain the security of
question paper content. You can check your administrative zone and
Key Times here:
The method used to evaluate a candidate’s performance, for
example, a written exam or coursework.
Associate Centre
Centres which provide Cambridge assessments and qualifications
under the supervision of a Cambridge Associate.
Attendance register
Forms used in the exam room to record the presence or absence
of each candidate.
British Summer Time – the period when the clocks are one hour
ahead in the UK (GMT+1).
Cambridge AICE Diploma
Advanced International Certificate of Education Diploma.
Cambridge Associate
An organisation which has control of, and administrative
responsibility for Associate Centres through an agreement with
Cambridge ICE
Cambridge International Certificate of Education.
Cambridge IGCSE
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary
Education. The international version of the GCSE.
102 A–Z of terms Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
A–Z of terms (continued)
Cambridge International AS &
A Level
The international version of the AS/A Level. The AS/A Level is a
national qualification usually taken at age 16 to 18. Learners can
choose from a range of assessment options:
1. Take all papers of the Cambridge International A Level course in
the same exam series, usually at the end of the second year of
2. Take a ‘staged’ assessment route – take the Cambridge
International AS Level in one exam series and complete the final
Cambridge International A Level at a subsequent series.*
3. Take the Cambridge International AS Level only. The Cambridge
International AS Level syllabus content is half a Cambridge
International A Level programme.
* The staged assessment route is not possible in all subjects. The
outcomes awarded for Cambridge International AS Level language
syllabuses cannot be carried forward to Cambridge International A
Cambridge International
Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge
Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name
of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
Cambridge O Level
GCE Ordinary Level. Cambridge O Level is an internationally
recognised qualification equivalent to the General Certificate of
Secondary Education (GCSE) in England.
Cambridge Pre-U
A post-16 qualification designed to prepare students with the skills
and knowledge they need to be successful at university.
A person who has been entered for an assessment.
Candidate Results Service
A service that gives your candidates access to their results directly
via a secure website. Centres can control which of their candidates
have access to the site and what they can view through the
‘Administer Exams’ page on CIE Direct.
A school, institution or organisation approved by and registered with
Cambridge for the entry of candidates to Cambridge qualifications
and to carry out related assessments.
Centre name
The name of your institution/organisation.
Centre number
The five-character code given to your institution/organisation.
Certifying statement
An official document issued by Cambridge to show the grades
achieved by a candidate in a particular series. Certifying statements
can be sent at any time to any address, including educational
institutions, as long as the original certificate has been received.
CIE Direct
CIE Direct is the online tool for exams officers used to manage
exams entries, download results and carry out other administrative
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) A–Z of terms 103
A–Z of terms (continued)
CIE Direct online entries
A secure, quick and easy online system for making and submitting
entries and amendments.
Sometimes referred to as a paper. A component is part of or a
section of the subject exam. An individual syllabus usually has
several components.
Component number
The number allocated to each component of a syllabus.
The term coursework refers to any component specified in a
Cambridge syllabus that is assessed in the Centre, either by the
Centre’s teachers or other local teachers, and is then moderated by
Enquiries about results
Services available to Centres wanting to have a candidate’s script
reviewed or a piece of coursework re-moderated.
The candidates a Centre has entered for a Cambridge syllabus in a
particular exam series.
Estimated entries
An approximation of the number of candidates a Centre will enter
for exams/assessments.
Exams officer
The person appointed by the Head of Centre to act on behalf of the
Centre, with specific responsibility for administering Cambridge
Forecast grade
The grade a teacher expects a candidate to achieve for a syllabus.
Full Centre Supervision
A specific type of supervision for exam candidates. If candidates
are not sitting their exam at the Key Time they must be under Full
Centre Supervision. This means that they must be supervised by
teachers or invigilators and that they cannot have access to any
form of external communication, for example, a mobile phone or
the internet.
Greenwich Mean Time – an absolute time reference that does not
change with the seasons.
Group award
An award given to a candidate that meets specific requirements
to study and pass subjects drawn from a specified number of
curriculum areas. Examples are Cambridge ICE, a group award
for Cambridge IGCSE, and Cambridge AICE, a group award for
Cambridge International A Level.
Head of Centre
The >Cambridge Handbook sets out the regulations for running
Cambridge exams and assessments. It details the responsibilities
of Cambridge Associates and Centres and forms part of
customers’ contract with us. Our regulations exist to make sure
that Cambridge candidates all over the world have the same exam
experience and are treated equally and fairly.
The Head of Centre is the person appointed by the ‘Responsible
Person’ as the head or principal.
104 A–Z of terms Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
A–Z of terms (continued)
Individual Candidate Record
Card/Coursework Assessment
Summary Form/Working Mark
The Individual Candidate Record Card must be used when
assessing an individual student’s work and should be submitted to
Cambridge along with each student’s piece of internally assessed
The Coursework Assessment Summary Form or Working Mark
Sheet should contain the marks of all students entered for this
component and should also be submitted with the sample.
Internal Assessment Mark
Sheet (MS1)
Form used to record and submit internally assessed marks to
Internally assessed mark
A mark awarded by the Centre for an internally marked coursework
or speaking test component.
A suitably qualified person appointed by the Head of Centre who is
responsible for the conduct of particular exam sessions. Invigilators
work closely with and often report to the exams officer.
Key Time
A time, defined by the location and country of a Centre, specified
by Cambridge, when all candidates taking timetabled exams must
either be in an exam or under Full Centre Supervision. The Key
Times for the UK are:
• June series: 10.00 BST and 14.00 BST
• November series before the clocks go back: 10.00 BST and
14.00 BST
• November series after the clocks go back: 09.00 GMT and 13.00
The JCQ start times of 09.00 for the morning session and 13.30
for the afternoon session work with our Key Times. If you follow
the JCQ start times you do not need to worry about the Key Times,
unless the exam is less than an hour long. Where this is the case
you should check how the end time of the exam fits with our Key
Time regulations.
Malpractice and
Malpractice: An action by a candidate that breaks Cambridge
regulations and potentially threatens the integrity of Cambridge
Maladministration: An action by a Centre or its staff that breaks
Cambridge regulations and potentially threatens the integrity of
Cambridge exams.
The total score or individual points given by an examiner.
MIS basedata
Syllabus and timetable information in a common format across UK
awarding bodies. It is designed to be imported into administration
software used by UK Centres.
The process to check that candidates across all Cambridge Centres
have been judged against the same standards.
Multiple-Choice Answer Sheet
Form used by candidates to answer multiple-choice questions.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) A–Z of terms 105
A–Z of terms (continued)
Option code
The code given to specify available combinations of components
within each syllabus.
A certificated award made by Cambridge to learners to
demonstrate their achievement.
The >Cambridge Handbook sets out the regulations for running
Cambridge exams and assessments. It details the responsibilities
of Cambridge Associates and Centres and forms part of customers’
contract with us.
A candidate’s response to a whole question paper or component.
A group of exams in the same range, for example, Cambridge
IGCSE and Cambridge International A Level, with the same closing
date for entries and timetable period. A series is identified by a
series month and year.
A period in a day in which an exam takes place, which is either the
morning or afternoon.
Special consideration
A post-exam adjustment made to a candidate’s mark, by an
awarding body, to make allowances for any adverse circumstances,
for example illness, bereavement or temporary injury.
Statement of entry
A document for each candidate giving details of the candidate and
the syllabus entry options they have entered.
Statement of results
A document for each candidate giving details of all the syllabuses
they have entered and the syllabus grades they have been
A complete description of the content, assessment arrangements
and performance requirements for a qualification. A course leading
to an award or certificate is based on a subject syllabus.
Syllabus number
The four-digit number allocated to each subject.
Teacher Support coordinator
The designated person at a Centre who is responsible for creating
and maintaining users of Teacher Support.
Timetable deviation
Arrangements proposed by the Head of Centre to resolve any
timetable clashes.
University and Colleges Admissions Service for candidates applying
to UK universities.
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, a
department of the University of Cambridge.
Coordinated Universal Time – the primary standard by which the
world regulates clocks and time.
Verification of results
A service offered by Cambridge if a third party, such as an employer
or university, wants to verify results issued by Cambridge.
106 A–Z of terms Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Cambridge administrative forms
The majority of our administrative forms are available from the ‘Exams officers’ section of the Cambridge
website: The name of the form tells you which phase of the Cambridge Exams Cycle
it relates to.
You can access special consideration forms from the ‘Support Materials’ section of CIE Direct. The
forms you need to send with your coursework and speaking test samples are in the samples database
The table below lists the forms and tells you what they are for.
What is it for?
Access Arrangements: Preparation – Form 1
To apply for access arrangements that are not
delegated to Centres.
Modified Papers: Preparation – Form 3
To order modified papers for candidates who
cannot access the standard versions of the exam
question papers and require modified language or
modified print.
Centre-Delegated Access Arrangements:
Preparation – Form 4
To notify Cambridge if you have candidates using
delegated access arrangements.
Additional Qualification Types: Preparation –
Form 5
To request a change to the syllabuses your Centre
is eligible to offer.
Centre Details: Preparation – Form 6 (only
available on CIE Direct)
To inform Cambridge of any changes to your
Centre’s contact details.
Candidate Supervision Declaration: Preparation –
Form 7
To inform Cambridge of arrangements for
supervising candidates outside of the Centre.
Declaration of Interest: Entries – Form 1
To inform Cambridge if you are a member of staff
in a Cambridge Centre and have an interest in a
person, or are a person, taking Cambridge exams.
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint and Cambridge
Secondary 1 Checkpoint Teaching Groups: Entries
– Form 2
To submit the names of your Cambridge Primary
Checkpoint and/or Cambridge Secondary 1
Checkpoint teaching groups.
Candidate Transfer Request: Entries – Form 3
To transfer a candidate to another Cambridge
registered Centre.
Candidate Transfer Confirmation: Entries – Form 4
To accept a candidate who is transferring from
another Cambridge registered Centre.
Using an Alternative Venue: Entries – Form 5
To apply for some or all of your candidates to take
their exams at a venue that is not your registered
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Cambridge administrative forms 107
Cambridge administrative forms (continued)
What is it for?
Teacher assessment
Special Consideration (Shortfall in Coursework):
Teacher Assessment – Form 2 (only available on
CIE Direct)
To apply for special consideration for candidates
who have a shortfall in coursework due to
circumstances beyond their control.
Special Consideration (Lost Coursework): Teacher
Assessment – Form 3 (only available on CIE
To apply for special consideration for candidates
who have unintentionally lost or damaged
Supplementary Internal Assessment Mark Sheet
(MS1): Teacher Assessment – Form 4
If you have extra candidates not listed on your
pre-printed Internal Assessment Mark Sheet.
Complete a new form for each component.
Returning Cambridge IGCSE Art & Design Work:
Teacher Assessment – Form 5
To request the return of Cambridge IGCSE Art &
Design work.
Before the exams
Supplementary Forecast Grade Sheet (F1): Before
the Exams – Form 1
If you have extra candidates not listed on your
pre-printed Forecast Grade Form. Complete a new
form for each syllabus.
Missing Question Paper Packet: Before the Exams
– Form 2
To report any missing question paper packets.
Damaged or Opened Question Paper Packet:
Before the Exams – Form 3
To report damaged or opened question paper
Exam day
Supplementary Attendance Register: Exam Day –
Form 1
If you have extra candidates not listed on your
pre-printed attendance registers. Complete a new
form for each exam.
Supplementary Multiple-Choice Answer Sheet:
Exam Day – Form 2
If you have extra candidates who do not have a
pre-printed Multiple-Choice Answer Sheet.
Late Arrivals: Exam Day – Form 3
To inform Cambridge of any candidates who
arrived late for the exam.
Scribe Cover Sheet: Exam Day – Form 4
To attach to the front of every script for candidates
who have used a writer or scribe.
Word Processor Cover Sheet: Exam Day – Form 5
To attach to the front of every script for candidates
who have used a word processor.
Transcription Cover Sheet: Exam Day – Form 6
To attach to the front of every script that has been
Special Consideration: Exam Day – Form 7 (only
available on CIE Direct)
For special consideration applications for reasons
other than lost coursework or a shortfall in
108 Cambridge administrative forms Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Cambridge administrative forms (continued)
What is it for?
Comments on the Exam: Exam Day – Form 8
To send Cambridge comments on any of our
Malpractice: Exam Day – Form 9
To report any suspected cases of malpractice.
Practical Assistant Cover Sheet: Exam Day –
Form 10
To attach to the front of every script for candidates
who have used a practical assistant.
Question Paper Packet Opened in Error: Exam
Day – Form 11
To report any question paper packets opened in
Reporting an Unauthorised Entry: Exam Day –
Form 12
To report a candidate who has sat an exam
without an entry.
Results and certificates
Certifying Statement Application: Results and
Certificates – Form 7
To apply for a certifying statement of results from
a previous exam series.
Third Party Verification of Results Application:
Results and Certificates – Form 8
To have a set of results verified.
Priority Results Information: Results and
Certificates – Form 9
To apply for a provisional statement of results to
be sent directly to a chosen educational institution
on the day results are published.
Cambridge Pre-U Diploma Application: Results
and Certificates – Form 10
To apply for the Cambridge Pre-U Diploma.
Replacement Statement of Results/Certificate
Application: Results and Certificates – Form 12
To apply for a replacement statement of results
and/or certificate before the deadlines listed in
section 6.17 of this guide.
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Cambridge administrative forms 109
110 Notes Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK)
Cambridge Administrative Guide 2016 (UK) Notes 111
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