INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSESSMENT APPLICATION ONLINE FOR FRESH CASES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Ensure your eligibility as per M.S. Rules (2014), TEAP Manual 2015, DGS Orders, M.S. Notices/ Circulars issued subsequently from time to time, before filling up the Form electronically. 2. The applicants must to ensure that they have registered on line (at DG Shipping Website their Seafarer’s Profile Registration. (See instructions for Seafarer Profile Registration, if not already done) 3. The applicants have to also update their Seafarers Profile Registration (SPR) (In case they wish to update their data) before applying for assessments online. If the new data are not up dated in the SPR, the old data available in the SPR only will be migrated to the assessments online application. 4. Column with red star in the form is mandatorily to be filed in. 5. Online payment to be made after online submission of application, fees once paid will not be refunded. 6. There are “NO LIMIT” on the number of seats available for examinations (Orals / Written’s) on the scheduled month, so as such candidates are advised to do online booking at peace and correctly in one go without PANIC. If the seats availability status shows as seats full, Please don’t book for other seats as you can do one attempt booking only per month, so as such you need to report this to MMD immediately for further increase in the seats capacity for the approvals & conduct of additional batches in the same scheduled month for that concerned paper. 7. If there is any issues related with fees payment, please report with your fees reference number and all other details by Email to PIC: Shri Loknath Shroff / Atul Kumar, Email:, CC:, Tel.:+91-22-25752038 MMD Mumbai Examination centre’s Email ID: Nautical - Engineering - Page 1 of 40 ________________ eSamudra Project Directorate General of Shipping User Manual For Online Assessments Version: 1.0 Page 2 of 40 USER MANUAL WITH PROCDURES IS APPLICABLE TO FOLLOWING: 1. · · · · · THIS USER MANUAL IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO FOLLOWING F.G GRADES: 2ND MATE (F.G) CHIEF MATE (F.G) MASTER (F.G) MEO CLASS II (F.G) MEO CLASS I (F.G) 2. THIS USER MANUAL IS NOT APPLICABLE TO NCV GRADE EXAMINATIONS, ALL NCV GRADES CANDIDATES SHALL REPORT TO MMD MUMBAI ON RESPECTIVE SCHEDULED ASSESSEMENT/BOOKING DATES (AS PER MONTHLY NOTICE SCHEDULE POSTED IN MMD MUMBAI WEBSITE FOR ASSESSMENTS & SEAT BOOKINGS. 3. THIS USER MANUAL IS PRESENTLY APPLICABLE TO FRESHER CANDIDATES (FIRST TIME APPLYING WITH MMD) ELEGIBILITY OF ASSESSMENTS & BOOKING OF WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS ONLY; ALL FRESHER CANDIDATES SHALL REPORT TO MMD MUMBAI ON FOR BOOKING OF ORAL EXAMINATIONS ON RESPECTIVE SCHEDULED ORAL BOOKING DATES (AS PER MONTHLY NOTICE SCHEDULE POSTED IN MMD MUMBAI WEBSITE FOR SEAT BOOKINGS. 4. ALL REPEATER CANDIDATES SHALL SKIP ASSESSMENT ELEGIBILITY STEPS IN THIS MANUAL AND DIRECTLY BOOK FOR WRITTENS/ORALS BOOKING FROM ANY CONVENEIENT LOCATIONS WITHOUT REPORTING TO MMD MUMBAI. Page 3 of 40 Table for Contents / Figures SNo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Contents Home page Seafarers Registrations (New user) Login Page (Already in possessions of user id & password) Update Seafarer Profile Uploaded Photo & Digital signatures Assessments / Examinations Online fees payment Fees payment print out Form 29 Print out (Formerly Form 15) Assessments: Approval from MMD side Written Examinations: Seat Booking Seat Booking: Approval from MMD side Admit Card printing Page 4 of 40 Page Nos. 5 6 7 8-11 12-14 15-17 18-21 22 23-26 27 28-37 38 39-40 1. Home page Click eGovernance. Figure 1: Home Page Note: - Open Internet Explorer and type in address bar to access Home Page and click on eGovernance to access Login Page (Figure 2: Login Page) Page 5 of 40 2. Seafarers Registrations (New user) Click on Seafarer Registrations Figure 2: Login Page Note: For fresh (First time) cases: Click on Seafarers Registrations and fill up Indos, date of birth details, personal details along with correct email address, send the details to eGovernance for receiving the user id and password to be received from eGovernance by email. After receipt of user id and password, Login with user id and password and fill up details Page 6 of 40 3. Login Page (Already in possessions of user id & password) Login with user id & password Figure 3: Login Page Note: 1. For Candidates already in possessions of user id and password: Login with user id and password as received from eGovernance by email Page 7 of 40 4. Update Seafarer Profile Click to access Seafarer Profile Figure 4: Seafarers Profile Page 8 of 40 5. Update Seafarer Profile - Personal Details (Contd.) Save & Next Figure 5: Update Seafarers Profile Page 9 of 40 6. Update Seafarer Profile (Contd.) Note: - All fields marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory. Enter all details & click on Next, Next.. Figure 6: Personal details Contact for any type of issues/errors: PIC: Shri Atul Kumar/Loknath Shroff,, Tel.:+91-22-25752038 Note: (Fill in all below details one by one and donot miss any field) 1. Seafarer Details -> Personal, Address, Physical Details 2. Educational Details -> Educational Qualifications (Correct Marks/percentage) 3a. Professional Training Details -> Pre Sea Training Details (Training periods/Dates to match) 3b. Professional Training Details -> Modular Courses (Not Post sea competency courses) 3c. Professional Training Details -> Sea Going Details (To match CDC/Form IIIa details) 3d. Professional Training Details -> Post Sea Training Details (Competency courses details) 3e. Professional Training Details -> On Board Training Details (SSTP Training details) 4. Certificate -> Rating Certificate (Rating WKG details if any) 4a. Certificate -> Certificate Endorsement (DCE/GMDSS Endorsements if any) 4b. Certificate -> Certificate of Competency (COC if any) 5. Documents -> Authorised Documents (Passport, CDC, INDOS details) Page 10 of 40 7. Update Seafarer Profile - All details such as Educational, Seatime, Course, Passport, CDC and other details etc etc (Contd.) Save and Click home Figure 7: Final page save Note: 1. For candidates already in possessions of user id and password: Login with user id and password as received from eGovernance by email 1. For Candidates already in possessions of user id and password: Login with user id and password as received from eGovernance by email Page 11 of 40 8. Upload Photo & Digital signature Click & Upload Photo & Signature Figure 3: Photo & Signature Page 12 of 40 9. Uploaded Photo & Digital signatures (Contd.) Uploaded photo with signature Figure 9: Photo/Signature upload Note: 1. Good resolution photo with tie/coat with light blue colour background 2. Good quality digital signatures on white clear background Page 13 of 40 10. Assessments / Examinations Click on Examinations Figure 4: Examinations Page 14 of 40 11. Applying for Assessments Click on Application for Eligibility Assessment Figure 5: Assessments Note: 1. Select this option if you are applying for assessment for examination after completing the post sea course(s) as applicable. Kindly note that you will not be able to book your seat until this is approved. 2. In case you have already completed your assessment manually and / or have appeared for written/oral examinations earlier, kindly do not use this form for seat booking and for issue of admit card. Please fill your profile and contact MMD examinations centre for further instructions. Page 15 of 40 12. Assessments / Examinations 1. Click MMD Mumbai 2. Choose Grade 3. Choose Stream 5. Click continue 4. Click & view Eligibility Criteria Figure 6: Assessments Note: 1. Select correct assessment centre option as “MMD Mumbai” carefully. 2. Choose Grade as appropriate. 3. Select stream as applicable for the grade. 4. Read through Eligibility criteria’s are complied & met with and then proceed further. 5. Then click “continue” Page 16 of 40 13. Assessments / Examinations (Contd.) 1. Update these in profile 2. Click continue Figure 7: Assessments contd. Note: 1. Update courses and if any mandatory leftover requirements as pointed out by the system, till these details are updated, the system will not move forward to next option. 2. Once all done, Click continue. Page 17 of 40 14. Assessments: Fees payment 1. Check I agree 2. Click submit Figure 14: Fees payment Note: 1. Ensure your eligibility as per M.S. Rules (2014), TEAP Manual 2015, DGS Orders, M.S. Notices/ Circulars issued subsequently from time to time, before filling up the Form electronically, fees once paid will not be reimbursed. 2. If there is any issues related with fees payment, please report with your fees reference number and all other details by Email to PIC: Shri Loknath Shroff / Atul Kumar, Email:, CC:, Tel.:+91-22-25752038 Page 18 of 40 15. Assessments: Fees payment (Contd.) Click & pay fees Figure 15: Fees payment (Contd.) Note: 1. Ensure your eligibility as per M.S. Rules (2014), TEAP Manual 2015, DGS Orders, M.S. Notices/ Circulars issued subsequently from time to time, before filling up the Form electronically, fees once paid will not be reimbursed. 2. If there is any issues related with fees payment, please report with your fees reference number and all other details by Email to PIC: Shri Loknath Shroff / Atul Kumar, Email:, CC:, Tel.:+91-22-25752038 Page 19 of 40 16. Assessments: Fees payment (Contd.) Click & pay fees Figure 16: Fees payment (Contd.) Note: 1. Ensure your eligibility as per M.S. Rules (2014), TEAP Manual 2015, DGS Orders, M.S. Notices/ Circulars issued subsequently from time to time, before filling up the Form electronically, fees once paid will not be reimbursed. 2. If there is any issues related with fees payment, please report with your fees reference number and all other details by Email to PIC: Shri Loknath Shroff / Atul Kumar, Email:, CC:, Tel.:+91-22-25752038 Page 20 of 40 17. Assessments: Fees payment (Contd.) Click & make payment Figure 17: Fees payment (Contd.) Note: 1. If there is any issues related with fees payment, advise candidate to not re-pay, unless issue is sorted out from DGS E-Governance, Please report with your fees reference number and all other details by Email to PIC: Shri Loknath Shroff / Atul Kumar, Email:, CC:, Tel.:+91-22-25752038 Page 21 of 40 18. Assessments: Fees payment printout 1. Note down application No. 2. Print this page Figure 18: Fees payment print out Note: 1. Print out this acknowledgement sheet and note down this application number for all future use. 2. This application number shall be copied for all the respective candidates in one single excel sheet/document serial wise by the preparatory course conducting institute and printed and brought to MMD exam centre during scheduled assessments dates. Page 22 of 40 19. Printing Form 29 (Form 15 formerly) Click application status Figure 19: Form 29 Printing Note: 1. 2 Sets of Form 29 to be printed and file made for MMD scrutiny/assessments. 2. Other Xerox copies and originals docs shall be attached to the file as per the assessment checklist. Page 23 of 40 20. Printing Form 29 (Form 15 formerly) Contd. 1. Once approved, status will show approved by Assessor 2. Click application status Figure 20: Form 29 Printing Note: 1. 2 Sets of Form 29 to be printed and file made for MMD scrutiny/assessments. 2. Other Xerox copies and originals docs shall be attached to the file as per the assessment checklist. Page 24 of 40 21. Printing Form 29 (Form 15 formerly) Contd. Click print Form 15 Figure 21: Form 29 Printing Note: 1. 2 Sets of Form 29 to be printed and file made for MMD scrutiny/assessments. 2. Other Xerox copies and originals docs shall be attached to the file as per the assessment checklist. Page 25 of 40 22. Printing Form 29 (Form 15 formerly) Contd. Figure 21: Form 29 Printing Note: 1. 2 Sets of Form 29 to be printed and file made for MMD scrutiny/assessments. 2. Other Xerox copies and originals docs shall be attached to the file as per the assessment checklist and All files to brought to MMD exam centre in sequential order for scrutiny/assessments. Page 26 of 40 23. Assessments: Approval from MMD side 1. ON RECEIPT OF FILES WITH APPLICATION NUMBER, MMD EXAM CENTRE WILL SCRUTNISE THE DOCUMENTS PHYSICALLY / ONLINE AND WILL APPROVE ASSESSEMENT CASES ONE BY ONE. 2. ONCE ASSESSMENTS IS APPROVED FROM MMD SIDE, THEN ONLY SEAT BOOKING’S CAN BE DONE FOR WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS. Page 27 of 40 24. Written Examinations: Seat Booking Click seat booking Figure 24: Fees payment print out Note: 1. After approvals of eligibility from MMD side, click on seat booking option. 2. Can apply for seat booking only once in a month, i.e You cannot book for written and oral separately for the same month Page 28 of 40 25. Written Examinations: Seat Booking 1. Select centre 3. Select Stream 2. Select Grade 4. Continue Figure 25: Seat Booking Note: 1. Select centre as MMD Mumbai 2. Select correct Grade 3. Select Stream 4. Click continue to proceed further Page 29 of 40 26. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) 1. Select Year 2. Select Yes * 3. Select Correct Month 4. Continue Figure 26: Seat Booking Note: 1. Select Year 2015 2. Sightest done as Yes 3. Select Correct Month “Examination’s Month” (It’s Not the Month of Assessment) 4. Click continue to proceed further Page 30 of 40 27. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) 1. Check all seats 2. Continue Figure 27: Seat Booking (Contd.) Note: 1. Check all seats 2. Click continue to proceed further Page 31 of 40 28. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) 1. Check all seats ok 2. Continue Figure 28: Seat Booking (Contd.) Note: 1. Check all OK 2. Click continue to proceed further Page 32 of 40 29. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) 1. Note down application No. 2. Click Pay fees online Figure 29: Seat Booking (Contd.) Note: 1. Note down Application Number 2. Click to continue Page 33 of 40 30. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) Click Pay now Figure 30: Seat Booking (Contd.) Note: 1. Click Continue Page 34 of 40 31. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) Click Continue Figure 31: Seat Booking (Contd.) Note: 1. Click Continue Page 35 of 40 32. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) Click Make Payment Figure 32: Seat Booking (Contd.) Note: 1. Use any mode as Credit Card/Debit Card/Internet Banking for making payments Page 36 of 40 33. Written Examinations: Seat Booking (Contd.) 1. Noted down application no. 2. Check payment Success 3. Print Acknowledgement 4. Return to main menu Figure 33: Seat Booking (Contd.) Note: 1. Note down Application Number 2. Make a list for all candidates with Seat Booking (SB) Numbers in excel sheet and send by email to MMD Mumbai exam centre. Email: Nautical - Engineers - Page 37 of 40 34. Seat Booking: Approval from MMD side 1. ON RECEIPT OF EXCEL SHEET OF SEAT BOOKING REFERENCE NUMBERS FROM COLLEGES BY EMAIL, MMD EXAM CENTRE WILL CHECK ONLINE AND WILL APPROVE SEAT BOOKING CASES ONE BY ONE ONLINE. 2. ONCE SEAT BOOKING IS APPROVED FROM MMD SIDE, THEN ONLY CANDIDATE CAN PRINT ADMIT CARD ONLINE. Page 38 of 40 35. Admit Card printing Click to Print admit card Figure 35: Admit card printing Note: 1. Click to View & Print Admit Card Page 39 of 40 36. Admit Card printing (Contd.) Click to Print Figure 36: Admit card printing (Contd.) Note: 1. Click to View & Print Admit Card in COLOUR only 2. Candidate shall report to MMD Mumbai exam centre on the respective date of examinations only with Admit card and with original Passport/CDC for verifications. Page 40 of 40