Tampa General Hospital Diabetes Self-Management Education Assessment and Registration Form Last Date: ------- First ___________ Birthdate: Age__ City Sex__ What type of diabetes do you have? St__ Race Zip Phone _ Martial status__ Pre-Diabetes;Type 1 Type 2 --. GDM I Don't know Do you have a family history of diabetes?. No Yes How long have you been diagnosed? Have you ever been a patient at TGH? -:Admitted ~ER What is your doctor's first & last name? Both Never What is the phone #? _ What is your doctor's address? ---------------------------- Are you employed? _ Yes, Type of ________ oBy TGH No . Retired . Disabled Do you have health insurance? - No Yes What type? ~:Medicare .Medicaid Hillsborough County (HCHCP) Managed Care/Private How many years of school did you complete? _ No formal Elementary HS grad -College grad Is there anything that would interfere with your learning in class? . No - Yes, such as: Hearing Vision .Lanquaqe Heading ability .Pain .Other _ NUTRITION What is your height? Your weight? Do you consider yourself overweight? No .Yes What kind of meal plan do you follow? _ Who does the cooking? Have you seen a Dietitian? How many meals a day do you eat? How many snacks? How many fruits per day do you eat? __ How often do you eat out per week? Vegetables__ If so, when? _ Evening snack" : No .Yes High fat/fried foods Salty foods _ Do you drink liquids with sugar in them? Do you have cultural or religious dietary influences? _ _ EXERCISE Do you exercise? No Yes What type? How often? Do you carry a source of sugar & 10 when you exercise? How long?__ Do you exercise with a partner? _ PSYCHOSOCIAL How do you handle stress? Who is your support person? Any issues regarding diabetes (cost of supplies, feelings, concerns)? What are you most interested in learning from the class? What ongoing support do you have (support group, magazines, websites, gym) (Continue on backside of form) _ _ _ _ MEDICATIONS Name of do you take for diabetes? _______ Times a day _ Name of _______ Times a day _ Name of _______ Times a day _ Insu What kind of medications ---------------------- oPen oVial Dose c=Pen cvia] Who gives the injections?__ Times a day ------________ Times a day Where do you give them? How long ago? COMPLICATIONS Have you ever been in a coma (diabetic/insulin)? __ Has your blood sugar ever been over 400? _ Do you use a sharps box? __ MONITORING Do you check your blood sugar? Name of monitor? What is your usual blood sugar before eating? After eating? What was your last A 1 C (eAG)? ------------- How many times/day? Target range? _ _ Do you ever check ketones? How many times?__ When? _ _ Has your blood sugar ever been under 40 ? __ Do you have any chronic complications? (check all boxes that apply) Feet: .. sore ' callus ',. fungus .arnputation Dental: :~ decay gingivitis Sexual: .Jmpotence.vaqinal dryness .yeast Mental Health: ,-depression anxiety liver: hepatitis, , cirrhosis, - high LFT _ Eyes: retinopathy ~ cataracts •. glaucoma poor vision Heart: Lheart attack stroke "cholesterol' blood pressure Kidney problernsrurme protein/microalbumin ~dialysis Nerves: : pain/loss of feeling in hands or feet Stomach: ~gastroparesis :-~gas/bloating'~.diarrhea Do you have other medical problems? ..' No .Yes, List Are you taking other medications other than your diabetes meds? : No 'Yes, Do you use tobacco? _ Type Years? _ MISCfFOLLOW-UPfCARE When was your last doctor visit? Amt/day foot exam? Drink alcohol? _ eye exam? # drinks/day_ dental exam? Have you ever had diabetes education before? ----When? ---Where? _------Who told you about this class? Would you be interested in a support group _ No ' Yes How would you rate your present health? EDUCATION PLAN _ Disease process Nutrition r Physical Activity : Excellent _Good ._Fair Comprehensive Class ~ Basic Class _ Individual : Medications 'Poor Very Poor Emphasizing: Behavior Change Strategies - Monitoring _- Risk Reduction ': Prevent Complic. (Acute, Chronic) PLEASE BRING COMPLETED FORM TO CLASS 6/13/16X:IOSMEIOSME Assess Form .doc 2 .. Psychosocial Adjustment WELCOME TAMPA GENERAL HOSPITAL Please provide us with the following information necessary to register you for the Diabetes Education Class. Please bring this completed form with you, when you come to the class. Patient Name: SS# ------------- Address: State Zip Date of B.irth: ---Next of Kin/Emergency Contact: _ Insurance: Primary insurance:------------_. Subscriber information: ~ Subscriber Name: Subscriber date of birth --- --------------~------------------------------------ Relationship to Patient: -----------------------------------------------Employer: ---------------------------------------------------------