INDICATORS OF ACADEMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP: M Mo on niitto orriin ng gd de ette errm miin na an nttss,, sstta arrtt--u up p a accttiiv viitty ya an nd dw we ea alltth h ccrre ea attiio on n Stock of Technology Policies & Strategies Resources & Initiatives STARTSTART-UP ACTIVITY INTERNAL IMPACTS EXTERNAL IMPACTS Human Capital INDICATORS OF ACADEMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Monitoring determinants, start-up activity and wealth creation Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche José María Gómez-Gras Jesús Tadeo Pastor-Ciurana Domingo Galiana-Lapera Ignacio Mira-Solves Antonio José Verdú-Jover With the collaboration of GlobalStart partners: Universiteit Twente; Universidad de Salamanca; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Research & Development; University of Warwick; Finance Wales PLC; Vysoké učení technické v Brnĕ (Brno University of Technology); Universitas TaruensisUnversity of Tartu. INDEX INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5 1. WHY MONITOR ACADEMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP? .............................................. 8 1.1 The role of the academic entrepreneurship ...................................................... 9 1.1.1. The driving forces to foster academic entrepreneurship ................................. 10 1.1.2. Development and implementation of policies and strategies to foster academic entrepreneurship .............................................................................................. 10 1.2. University and global start-ups ..................................................................... 13 1.2.1. The university as a source of global start-ups............................................... 15 1.2.2. The current challenges of academic global start-ups...................................... 15 1.3. Indicators as units of strategic information................................................... 19 1.3.1. Features of suitable indicators of academic entrepreneurship.......................... 22 2. METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES ........................................................................... 24 2.1. Goals and theoretical framework................................................................... 25 2.2. Methodology.................................................................................................. 28 2.2.1. Literature review...................................................................................... 28 2.2.2. Exploration of existing indicators ................................................................ 29 2.2.3. Delphi survey .......................................................................................... 30 3. FINDINGS ................................................................................................... 33 3.1. University determinants. A literature review ................................................. 34 3 3.2. Indicators used in benchmarking surveys...................................................... 51 3.2.1. OECD: survey on the patenting and licensing activities of pros ........................52 3.2.2. The AUTM licensing survey ........................................................................57 3.2.3. HEFCE: higher education-business interaction survey (HE-BCI) .......................64 3.2.4. UNICO survey: university commercialisation activities ...................................69 3.2.5. Proton Europe survey................................................................................74 3.2.6. APRU: technology transfer and wealth creation (T2WC) survey .......................81 3.2.7 GlobalStart project: benchmarking survey ....................................................87 3.2.8. Summary checklist of benchmarking survey indicators...................................93 3.3. Delphi survey results ..................................................................................... 98 4. SET OF INDICATORS .................................................................................. 103 4.1. Overview ..................................................................................................... 104 4.3. Remarks and recommendations of use ........................................................ 107 Policies & strategies indicators........................................................................... 109 Stock of technology indicators ........................................................................... 110 Resources & initiatives indicators ....................................................................... 114 Human capital indicators .................................................................................. 118 Start-up activity indicators................................................................................ 121 Internal impact indicators ................................................................................. 125 External impact indicators................................................................................. 129 5. FINAL REMARKS ........................................................................................ 139 REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 141 4 Introduction INTRODUCTION In a knowledge economy, science is exerting a more important and direct influence on innovation, especially in fast-growing new industries. The intensity and quality of this relationship plays an increasing role determining returns on investment in research, in terms of competitiveness, growth, job creation and quality of life. They also determine the ability of countries to attract or retain increasingly mobile qualified labour (OECD 2002). Industry-science relationships are undergoing fundamental changes prompted by globalisation and other factors as part of an overall trend towards accelerated development of a market of knowledge. In the recent period, policy attention in most countries has tended to focus increasingly on the role of industry-science relationships in fostering entrepreneurship in fastgrowing new industries (OECD 2002). In Europe, an ambitious strategy to become “the most competitive and dynamic knowledgebased economy in the world” was defined in the Lisbon European Council of 2000, emphasizing the need for the creation of an environment conducive to starting up and developing innovative businesses and, especially small and medium sized enterprises. One of the most visible transformations is the emergence of broad alliances between universities and firms, and growing activity in the realm of commercialisation of research results through licensing of intellectual property and, particularly, the interest in the creation of spin-off companies (OECD 2002). The Lisbon Council and the communication of the European Commission "Innovation in a Knowledge-driven Economy” highlight the relevance of spin-offs in the European Innovation Policy, which will have a strategic role in the 7th EU Research Framework over the period 2007 to 2013. Traditionally considered as an important source of new technology, universities are increasing in recent years the use of the creation of new firms as vehicle to exploit research results, mainly stimulated by changed societal external expectations for economic development and internal pressures to generate new sources of income, becoming a key element of the innovation system both as a human and technology capital provider and a seed-bed of new firms. 5 Introduction Despite the interest in academic entrepreneurship, governments (OECD, 2002) and universities (Wright, 2004; HEFCE, 2004), in some aspects, lack specific information and tools to monitor academic entrepreneurship, evaluate their efficiency, analyse trends and learn from each other in the search for good policy practices. Policy makers are greatly interested in revenues from publicly funded intellectual property rights. Because many countries have recently enacted reforms to encourage technology transfer and invested in academic entrepreneurship infrastructure, policy makers would like to know when these new technology transfer initiatives will become self-sufficient. In addition, being able to anticipate the financial returns to a given intellectual property portfolio would be very useful for both universities and governments (OECD, 2003). Moreover, academic entrepreneurship activity should not be solely evaluated via economic returns to the university but should be considered by wider social and economic benefits such as the diffusion of knowledge or the contribution to employment. Thereby, the implemented systems in universities for the measurement and evaluation of the entrepreneurship’s institutional support and its impacts should contemplate the different views and expectations of every involved stakeholder. From the point of view of universities, a performance measurement system of academic entrepreneurship can support them in the development of tasks such as: Analysis of captured data for the development of university policies, strategies and initiatives related to academic entrepreneurship. Short, medium and long-term planning: target setting, monitoring of trends and analysis of results. Dialogue, development of joint initiatives, and benchmarking with external stakeholders: policy makers, funding institutions, universities, chambers of commerce, local development agencies, etc. This publication has been produced in the framework of the GlobalStart Project (2003-2006), which is part of the Pilot Action of Excellence on Innovative Start-ups (PAXIS) of the European Commission. The main objective of the project is encourage and support the creation of globalstart-ups in academic environments through the development, validation and diffusion of 6 Introduction methodologies, instruments and tools for assisting new global entrepreneurs and university structures of business creation support such as technology transfer offices and spin-off programmes. The consortium of the project, which involves eight partners (seven universities and a regional development agency) of different European regions, aware of the need of monitoring academic entrepreneurship, resolved to take actions to fulfil the detected needs related to the monitoring of academic entrepreneurship, and particularly, in the topic of international entrepreneurship. This study intends to provide stakeholders on academic entrepreneurship with a whole view concerning the issues involved in the measurement of entrepreneurship process, in order to make them to reflect about the aspects that should be considered for evaluation according to their scopes. Stakeholders can find in this publication an analysis of current efforts on behalf of institutions and researchers to measure academic entrepreneurship performance. Concretely: a checklist of internal resources and capabilities of universities that are correlate with the start-up activity (derived from a literature review), and a comprehensive checklist of indicators used for measuring them (derived from a review of benchmarking surveys on technology transfer and a Delphi survey among experts on entrepreneurship). Finally, this publication includes a proposal of a set of indicators in order to be used as an orientation tool for those entrepreneurial universities interested in the development or improvement of data capture and performance measurement systems. Concretely, indicators are grouped into seven subsets which shape the framework for monitoring academic entrepreneurship. Four of these dimensions comprise indicators for the measurement of “inputs” implied in the entrepreneurial process: policies and strategies, stock of technology, resources and initiatives and human capital. The indicators for the measurement of “outputs” of the university entrepreneurial process are included in three subsets, which comprise start-up activity, and internal and external impacts, as measures of wealth creation. 7 1. WHY MONITOR ACADEMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP? 8 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? 1.1 THE ROLE OF THE ACADEMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP New technology-based firms are a key feature of the modern knowledge economy, contributing to the development of regional high tech clusters and the transformation of investments in basic science into economic growth, employment and competitive advantage (Schumpeter, 1934; Drucker, 1985; Teece, 1981; Griliches, 1990; Roberts, 1991; Autio, 1994, 1997, OECD, 2003). According to Oakey (1995), the two major sources of new technology-based firms are wellestablished industrial firms (corporate spin-offs) and universities (academic spin-offs), which have been traditionally considered as an important source of new technology (Jaffe, 1989; Rosenberg and Nelson, 1996; Mowery et al., 2001), Mainly stimulated by changed external expectations for economic development and internal pressures to generate new sources of income (figure 1.1.1.), universities are increasing in the recent years the use of new companies’ creation as vehicle to exploit university inventions (DiGregorio and Shane, 2003; Feldman et al., 2003). 3RD MISSION (ENTREPRENEURSHIP) Development Driving forces POLICIES AND INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIES EXPECTATIONS INTERNAL / EXTERNAL IMPACTS Implementation Figure 1.1.1. General steps in the development of an entrepreneurial university. 9 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? 1.1.1. The driving forces to foster academic entrepreneurship Following changes in government control (OECD, 2002), universities to an increasing extent have to argue for their economic role and demonstrate their societal impact in order to obtain public funding. This shift is arguably arising from both the internal development of the university and external influences on academic structures and in some cases from the increasing predominance of innovative clusters at the regional level. Although education and research have traditionally been the university's main missions, this has gradually changed with the emergence of new perspectives on the role of the university in the system of knowledge production. According to Fairweather (1990), academic institutions can by appearing to respond to social needs and economic development enhance their public image, which in turn can lead to accountability for funding, taking a more direct role as actors in regional and national economic development (Martin and Etzkowitz, 2001). Furthermore, this 3rd university's mission, involving academic entrepreneurship, opens the possibility for many higher education institutions to get a broader source of funding from non-governmental or public organisations. Hence, universities are becoming key elements of the innovation system contributing to economic development both by interaction with existing industry and by other types of commercialisation of knowledge, like the establishment of new firms (Rasmussen, in press). 1.1.2. Development and implementation of policies and strategies to foster academic entrepreneurship The entrepreneurial universities have the ability to generate a focused strategic direction, both in formulating academic goals and in translating knowledge produced within the university into economic and social utility (Clark, 1998). Nevertheless, polices and strategies developed and implemented by universities are influenced by a range of internal and external factors, leading 10 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? to take particular approaches and affecting in this manner academic entrepreneurship performance. For instance, DeGroof and Roberts (2004), taking the case of Belgium, identified four archetypes of academic spin-off policies in environments outside of high tech clusters and where technology transfer and entrepreneurship infrastructures had been weak. Examining policies in terms of the extent to which they engaged in origination, concept testing and start-up phase activities, the four archetypes identified affecting growth potential of ventures were: an absence of proactive spin-off policy; minimalist support and selectivity; intermediate support and selectivity; and high support and selectivity. However, they note that high selectivity and high support spin-off policies represent an ideal to achieve rather than an immediate accessible policy since such a policy require considerable resources which individual academic institutions seldom have access to in these environments. Other study (Clarysse et al., 2004) identified three board types of spin-off incubator models that have proven their efficiency: the low selective model; the supportive model; and the incubator model. The first model supports the creation of self-employment oriented spin-offs. These companies are predominantly service oriented. The second model stimulates the creation of economic profitability oriented spin-offs. These spin-offs might be growth oriented, but usually start with some kind of service or consulting model to limit the time to breakeven. This is different for the third type, where financial gain from an eventual exit is paramount. In summary, the different environments where a university is involved might influence its level of commitment towards academic entrepreneurship in terms of formal institutional policies. Developing formal policies may send a signal, but the levels of new venture formation appear correlated with various configurations, different transfer strategies and other internal variables, processes and university resources, including the individual behaviour of potential entrepreneurs. 11 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? In this landscape of supporting academic entrepreneurship, many single mechanisms could be important, but there is a need for a complete system, a good interplay between the different initiatives and policies, and an effective internal management to succeed. A holistic evaluation of entrepreneurship should help to fulfil these internal needs of universities, providing strategic information for decision-making processes. Furthermore, its role and contribution to the society also should be evaluated form the point of view of external stakeholders that are providing institutional support, since this formal support contributes to the business creation. 12 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? 1.2. UNIVERSITY AND GLOBAL START-UPS The process of supporting the creation of academic new ventures is a dynamic and complex task that requires an on-going adaptation to the changes of the needs of nascent academic entrepreneurs and new firms. In this sense, the phenomenon of globalisation is a clear example of how changes in terms of commercialisation are affecting the current needs of many new spinoffs, and therefore how the support offered to them on behalf of universities should be adapted. The modern business world is characterized by globalisation, which could be defined as the international connectivity of markets and the interdependence of national economies. This connectivity means a firm's competitors, suppliers, and customers are to be found throughout the world. According to Acts (2001), most observers agree that three forces drive the globalisations of business. The first is the explosive growth in low-cost technology connecting people and locations. Better information processing and communications technology creates a greater awareness of international economic opportunities. It also lets companies divide their production processes more. A second driving force behind the globalisation of business is the steady dismantling of the world trade barriers. Free-trade agreements have generated a more wide-open playing field for innovative firms. This makes sense because financial success for an innovator often hinges critically on the size of his market. A third force motivating the globalisation of business is the widespread economic restructuring and liberalization that followed the fall of socialism in Russia and Eastern Europe. These hitherto closed areas are becoming new markets and magnets for investment, opening further opportunities for growth and investment. 13 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? In this dynamic world of global entrepreneurial discovery, two features stand out. The first is the widespread effort to innovate and bring innovations to the global marketplace. The second is the wider and deeper competitive pressure forcing firms to scan the globe for more efficient ways to do business. As a result, the landscape of competition changes, and the internationalisation of value chain activities of companies occurs, that is, they increase their involvement in international business activities. The traditional theories and models of firms’ internationalisation suggested that the process occurred gradually. Perhaps, the most popular is the Uppsala model (eg, Johanson and Vahlne, 1977). This model portrays internationalisation as an incremental process that depends on the firm’s experimental knowledge of foreign markets. Nevertheless, further studies showed a rapid internationalisation pattern of some new ventures that contrasted the traditional “stage-models” (Johansson and Wiedersheim, 1975; Bilkey and Tesar, 1977; Johansson and Vahlne, 1977) of firms’ internationalisation. These international new ventures have been examined and classified under several names: global start-ups (e.g, Mamis, 1989;Ray, 1989; Oviatt and McDougall, 1994; born global firms (e.g., Rennie, 1993; Knight and Cavusgil, 1996; Knight, 1997), global high-technology firms (e.g., Roberts and Senturia, 1996). Although these names have been treated as synonymous, for instance global start-ups and born global firms (e.g, Blomstermo and Sharma, 2002; Harveston, 2000; Moen, 2002), according to Oviatt and McDougall (1994) the global start-up is the most radical manifestation of the international new ventures, defining them “as new firms that derive significant competitive advantage from extensive co-ordination along multiple organisational activities, the location of which is geographically unlimited”. Such firms do not only respond to globalising market but also proactively act upon opportunities to acquire resources and sell outputs wherever in the world they have the greatest value. 14 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? 1.2.1 The university as a source of global start-ups According to Waakee & Van der Sijde (2002), universities are an important source of potential global start-ups. This statement is consistent with the argument that the presence of global start-ups is more common in high tech sectors (see for instance Lindqvist, 1991; Roberts & Senturia, 1996; Lindell & Karagozolou, 1997 Harveston, 2000; Saarenketo & Aijo, 2000), where technologies involved in university research activities are found (biotechnology, nanotechnology, etc). Thus, universities are a source of global business opportunities and ventures with unique intangible assets, which are more able to internationalize quickly and successfully (Oviatt & McDougall, 1995), although the challenges of these academic global startups are in likely different from those with non-academic origins. 1.2.2. The current challenges of academic global start-ups Setting up global activities while still being in the start-up phase remains a very complex task. After all, global start-ups, do not only have to deal with the usual problems associated with the launching of a new venture, such as accumulating resources, building reputation, finding partners and attracting customers. Madsen and Servais (1997) point out that the factors influencing the propensity to form a global start-up as well as its further performance are grouped into three levels (figure 1.2.1). 15 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? ENTREPRENEUR LEVEL: ORGANISATION LEVEL: •Global entrepreneurial orientation (global vision) •Knowledge/technology intensity •International experience (skills) •Innovativeness of the technology •International networks •Imitability and legal protection •Managerial capabilities •Competitive advantages/firm strategy •Resources employed/needed Propensity GLOBAL START-UP Further Performance ENVIRONMENT LEVEL: •Industry profits and sales growth •Domestic market (limited, saturation) •Foreign markets (intensity of competition, profitability) •Economies of scale •Restrictive government policies •Institutional environment Figure 1.2.1. Factors influencing propensity to create a global start-up and its further performance. Source: adapted from Madsen and Servais (1997). In this sense, universities must play and important role helping academic entrepreneurs to overcome these needs, as well as creating an international entrepreneurial culture for the development of potential global start-ups in the academic environment. The main current needs of academic global start-ups and the support offered by universities to fulfil them are related to: Lack of commitment towards internationalisation. Globalisation is also inevitable since in many technological sectors the necessary resources and potential partners are scarcely available and scattered around the globe as well. Global or cross- 16 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? border opportunities are created because technological innovations facilitate international activities and reduce its costs to a great extent. A number of authors have therefore suggested that creating a global vision is also very important for entrepreneurs who want or need to set up global activities (McDougall et al., 1994; Cavusgil and Knight, 1997; Harveston, 2000). If such a global vision is lacking, entrepreneurs either might not be able to recognise international opportunities or not be willing to exploit these opportunities when recognised. Since academic entrepreneurs have little or no management experience, they usually have not learned to identify (business/market) international opportunities and act upon them. In this sense, the cognitive processes of the entrepreneur seem to have an important effect on the international capabilities of the firm (Barlett & Goshal, 1989; Kobrin, 1994). Lack of managerial experience and international skills Many founders of high tech ventures do not have any or fairly little entrepreneurial or business experience. These entrepreneurs often have a background in the research –based academic environment (Cooper, 1971; Roberts and Wainer, 1966; Schrage, 1965; Wainer and Rubin, 1969). These scientist or research technical entrepreneurs have been described as individuals whose primary occupation, prior or concurrent to playing a role in the global start-up, was that of a clinician, researcher or teacher affiliated with a university, research institute or hospital (Samson and Gurdon, 1990). Setting up international activities requires knowledge of international markets and an international network that, usually, has not yet been established at this early stage in the firm’s development. Lack of resources for the internationalisation Academic global start-ups also have to deal with an enormous lack of resources, such as time, money and credibility. Although this problem is inherent to most newly established ventures, it is possibly even perceived stronger by high tech global start-ups. In order to reach all major 17 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? markets of their sector, high tech start-ups would have to cope with variations in the cultural, legal, scientific and technological environments in different countries. High tech ventures are highly specialised and operate in niche markets. For some start-ups in certain emerging sectors globalisation is inevitable, and offers interesting opportunities. It is inevitable because high R&D expenditure can often not be compensated by sales in the domestic market alone; finding foreign customers is therefore essential. This means that the domestic market is usually small or even non-existent (Roberts, 1991; McDougall and Oviatt, 1996; Burgel et al., 1999; Wakkee, 2001). Further, the required investments in R&D are often considerable, while product life cycles are relatively short. Furthermore, initiating global activities often means extensive travelling abroad to obtain information about specific markets (Harveston, 2000). Such travels take up not only financial resources, but also time. Often the entrepreneur cannot dedicate sufficient time to this, as he has to take care of other issues. Furthermore, academic entrepreneurs, although typically part of an extensive academic network, often have not yet built a business network that provides them with access to or information about resources, markets, partners or customers. 18 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? 1.3. INDICATORS AS UNITS OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION Several studies indicate that formation of university spin-off companies is likely to generate more revenue than licensing (Gregory and Sheahen, 1991; Bray and Lee, 2000; Rogers et al., 2001). Rasmussen et al. (in press) suggest that there are three main reasons for a university to focus on creating new firms rather than collaborating with existing ones. First, companies that are created out of activities at the university will most often start out as partners who acknowledge the university's competence, financial situation, and special longterm mission. The companies may thus become important future contractors. Second, collaboration with existing industry can be highly influenced by the general economic cycle. In economically rough periods, attempts at creating new firms could be made relatively easier and receive public attention and support. Most countries would also be highly interested in universities contributing to new economic activity and jobs, particularly if the alternative is to enter a negative ‘lock-in’ relationship with existing industry, where the universities cease to be a source of more radically new knowledge and innovations. The third reason is the visibility of spin-off firms. The impact of collaborative interaction with existing industry in terms of job creation or innovative new products is difficult to measure. The establishment of new firms might be a more visible output of university activity and may be used in the university struggle for public funding. Although nowadays the main core of interest has been moved from the accumulation of information towards its selection and processing, governments (OECD, 2002) and universities (Wright, 2004) lack specific information and tools to monitor academic entrepreneurship, evaluate their efficiency, analyse trends and learn from each other in the search for good policy practices. 19 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? For instance, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, which conducts yearly a technology transfer survey among UK universities, indicates in the 2004 survey report that many institutions still find difficult to return financial and numeric data, specially when are request to detail on their spin-off companies. The OECD (2003) also indicates that many universities do not yet monitor the formation of spin-offs or start-ups, despite their political and potential economic importance. Rasmussen et al. (in press) point out that to visualize the contribution to economic development in one of the current challenges of universities. These kind of evidences point out a growing interest in arrange a quality and strategic potential data through the implementation of data capture systems on which both decision-makers and implicated in the university can have a thorough knowledge and a concise diagnostic of the reality of the institution regarding to academic entrepreneurship. Despite this interest, certain issues regarding to the monitoring of the academic entrepreneurship could be difficult to carry out. In this sense, Lockett et al. (2004) indicate that the number of spin-offs created are fairly clear objective measures for universities, although setting objectives in terms of the wealth creation from spin-offs in particular is perhaps less straightforward. In this sense, extensive research literature (e.g., Taylor and Massy, 1996; Dolence and Norris, 1999) highlights the strategic perspective of indicators as essential elements for the dialogue inside higher education institutions and these with their environment and the society in general. Indicators of entrepreneurship can have different roles inside a university (figure 1.3.1). They can provide universities with an accurate diagnosis of the academic entrepreneurship process, which can lead to the development or re-definition of university policies and strategies to foster new venture formation, supporting the design and implementation of specific initiatives through the setting of targets, evaluate these initiatives in order to identify problems, and take corrective actions to prevent non desirable impacts. 20 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? Formation of policies Corrective actions Implementation of initiatives Problem identification Evaluation of initiatives Figure. 1.3.1. Frequent roles of indicators of academic entrepreneurship. The monitoring of academic entrepreneurship process longitudinally and punctually over time has a number of stakeholders both inside and outside the university (figure 1.3.2). We can distinguish between internal stakeholders (namely, the university board members, managers of spin-off programmes or other university units involved in academic entrepreneurship, and the personnel working in these programmes and units) and external stakeholders, with whom university holds relationships in terms of institutional dialogue, joint initiatives to promote academic entrepreneurship, or even benchmarking with peers. University board and others responsible for delivering entrepreneurship support services might use entrepreneurship data to check on their own performance and to seek out scope for improvement. University executive board can use entrepreneurship data to check that their organizations are delivering services and deriving results in line with institutional strategies and policies, to set long, medium and short-term targets, analyse effects of interventions, and to act as a basis for performance rewards. Non-executive board members such as spin-off programme managers can use entrepreneurship data to set operative targets and to hold university board to account. 21 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? INTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS University board Dialogue Government: Medium/long-term planning •Policy makers Evaluation of results •Funding Institutions Managers of SO programmes Short-term planning Joint initiatives Evaluation of results Personnel of SO programmes •Business Innovation Centres •Chambers of Commerce •Local Development Agencies •Industry/Business Associations Benchmarking •Other universities •Venture capital •Etc. Figure 1.3.2. Stakeholders for a set of indicators of entrepreneurship and their relationships. In sum, a set of indicators, common at the system, can be a useful tool for the management of entrepreneurship in universities. Without it, some methodological gaps can be appear in the process of evaluating the institutional performance as well as in the decision-making process addressed to influence on it. 1.3.1. Features of suitable indicators of academic entrepreneurship In a general context, indicators can be considered as relevant when they are showing something interesting about the analysed issue, the institution or some elements of the production system, the system as a whole, or when they are usefulness to decision-making. But an information unit only has a strategic character when it affects, in a significant mode, in the processes of change, adaptation and institutional improvement. 22 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? For the purpose of this study, we define the concept of indicator of academic entrepreneurship as “a unit of strategic information about institutional performance related to entrepreneurship, as well as about relevant factors influencing it”. We assume that suitable and strategic set of indicators for entrepreneurial universities needs to fulfil the following criteria: - To include indicators focused on relevant aspects of the academic entrepreneurship process. They must inform about the obtained results of the university in the fulfilment of its functions regarding to academic entrepreneurship, measuring the added value, as well as inform about inputs, organisational features, resources and working processes that are leading to obtain the expected results. Also, indicators must be based on data from objective and reliable sources and available on an on-going basis. - To be useful for different purposes and audiences. The set must include indicators that allow trend analysis and comparison with other jurisdictions. It’s not sufficient offering information about the institutional performance. It’s necessary to take into account referents to make a contrast. Criteria are needed to know whether information gathered shows if the institution is now better or worse that was in the past, if it is better or worse in comparison with other similar institutions, or if it has achieved its proposed goals. Furthermore, the set must include indicators of interest for external stakeholders, like policy-makers and funding institutions, to allow the dialogue with them. - Adequate levels of breakdown. The indicators must allow obtaining data with the most precision as possible in order to generate the needed knowledge of fundamental correlations cause-effect with strategic incidence in the decision–making processes. 23 Why monitor academic entrepreneurship? 2. METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES 24 Methodological issues 2.1. GOALS AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The main goals of this study are to make a review of the topics regarding the monitoring of the academic entrepreneurship and to propose a set of indicators useful for universities as a orientation tool for developing or improving their performance measurement systems. Specifically, including in this set both driver indicators to monitor the internal determinants and outputs indicators to monitor the start-up activity and wealth creation. To achieve them, the four interim goals are: • Analyse the internal characteristics of universities in order to establish cause-effect relationships, that is, correlations among these characteristics and the start-up activity. • Develop and propose a framework model for monitoring entrepreneurship in universities. • Identify and develop suitable indicators according to the selected criteria, with an especial attention to those related to the international entrepreneurship. • Draw up and propose a set of indicators for monitoring university internal characteristics, start-up activity and wealth creation. One theory within the entrepreneurship literature that has received considerable attention in recent years is the resource-based view of the firm (Connor, 1991). The resource-based view (RBV) is built upon the theory that an organisation's success is largely determined by the resources it owns and controls. Penrose (1959) characterises organisations as “a pool of resources”. She explained the development and growth of organisations by looking at their internal resources, and how firms utilize them and the resources acquired externally in way to ensure maximum profit. Essential in Penrose’s theory is the idea that there are always stocks of unexploited productive services, resources and specialised knowledge in a company conducive to economic growth and expansion. The desire to grow in addition to the pursuit of profits is a prerequisite for the theory of growth. 25 Methodological issues Resources and capabilities are defined in various ways in literature. For instance, Grant (1991) argues that: "while resources are the source of a firm’s capabilities, capabilities are the main source of its competitive advantage". Implicit here is the notion that resources alone are not sufficient to generate such advantages. The literature argues that firm resources, considered to be strategic (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993 and Michalisin et al., 1997), can be important factors of sustainable competitive advantage and superior firm performance only if they posses certain special characteristics (Barney, 1991), and the company management must transform resources into capability that can generate certain dividends in order to gain competitive advantages (Chandler & Hanks 1994). To create competence is in other words not just a matter of collecting a bunch of resources. Competence development involves complex patterns of coordination among human beings and among human beings and other resources. Perfecting such coordination requires learning through repetition. Capabilities can however not simply be bought but developed gradually (Teece, Pisano & Shuen 1997), and in a strategic context this will mean to get involved in long-term or direction-oriented competence development. Although the resource-based view of the firm was largely developed from studies of the forprofit sector, its application in higher education is useful for sharpening the understanding of organizational phenomenon (Powers and McDougall, 2004), such as entrepreneurial activity that occurs there. From the point of view of the RBV, universities can be conceptualised as being in a competitive environment with their peer institutions, competing for research funds, star faculty, and for top-quality students, at least among institutions seeking to advance their reputations for excellence. The competition for these financial and human capital resources has become especially sharp in light of more institutions seeking limited public funds, cannibalising each other's top faculty, and increasingly relying on merit aid to attract the brightest students. Public universities also must compete more for a reduced pool of state funds. Thus, while higher education may eschew characterizing itself as being part of a "market" or in competition like for-profit firms, the reality is that the environment has become increasingly competitive and market-like (Zemsky et al., 1997). 26 Methodological issues Thus, certain resource and capabilities may provide a university with technology transfer performance advantages. The use of the RBV at the institutional level research in universities has revealed some insights on factors related to the academic entrepreneurship performance. From the review of research identifying important resources and capabilities, we have identified and proposed seven dimensions to monitor academic entrepreneurship: four input dimensions, corresponding to the internal resources and capabilities (policies and strategies; stock of technology; resources and initiatives, human capital) and three output dimensions, corresponding to start-up activity and internal and external wealth creation (figure 2.1.1). Stock of Stock of Technology Technology Policies Policies & & Strategies Strategies Resources & Resources & Initiatives Initiatives START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY Human Capital Human Capital INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS Fig. 2.1.1. Framework proposed for monitoring academic entrepreneurship. For the purpose of this study, the basic notions of the RBV are elaborate by re-defining generic groups of resources and capabilities in terms of key monitoring areas. 27 Methodological issues 2.2. METHODOLOGY The below figure shows the methodology followed to achieve the expected goal: Existing indicators and their characteristics Benchmarking indicators PROPOSED SET OF INDICATORS Literature review Determination of key resources and capabilities to monitor Delphi survey Indicators proposed by experts Figure 2.2.1. Followed methodology for the development of the set of indicators. 2.2.1. Literature review The specific goal of the literature review is to identify the resources and capabilities of universities that have a correlation and/or are influencing significantly the start-up activity rates and the subsequently wealth creation. The knowledge of these cause-effect relationships is fundamental to develop suitable indicators. For this purpose, we identified among the research literature on academic entrepreneurship the empirical articles that analyse these relationships. In this sense, we have noticed that the number of empirical studies focused on this topic of technology transfer still remains limited. The main resources and capabilities are showed in a checklist, as well as discussions for each one. 28 Methodological issues 2.2.2 Exploration of existing indicators In order to identify and analyse indicators currently used for monitoring academic entrepreneurship, we have selected and analysed the most representative benchmarking surveys on technology transfer that are being carried out in different regions of the world. By reviewing these surveys and indicators we have identified the used methods of operationalisation of resources, capabilities, start-up activity and wealth creation. The criteria to select these surveys were that they were carried out by organisations of recognised prestige on the topic of technology transfer or entrepreneurship, including information about the performance of universities on academic entrepreneurship, involving a sufficient number of universities, and/or carrying out on a regular basis. Thus, the organisations and its analysed surveys have been the following: • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Survey on the patenting and licensing activities of public research organisations. • Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM): The AUTM licensing survey. • University Companies Association (UNICO): University commercialisation activities survey. • Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE): Higher education-business interaction survey (HE-BCI). • Proton Network: Proton Europe Survey. • Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU): Technology transfer and wealth creation (T2WC) survey. • GlobalStart Project: benchmarking survey. The indicators identified in each survey and its descriptions are showed, as well as a table summarizing all indicators identified. 29 Methodological issues 2.2.3. Delphi survey The operationalisation or measurement of these resources and capabilities must be adapted to the specific environment of universities. In this sense, the Delphi methodology is a proper approach. In overview, Delphi is a method to structure a group communication process, which is effective in order to let a group of individuals analyse a problem (Linston, 1975). It consists in the selection of a group of experts who are asked about their opinions about a specific problem or issue (in our case what indicators are suitable, and their features, for the monitoring of the entrepreneurship in universities). Therefore while the traditional usage of the Delphi technique is as a forecasting tool, a closely adapted approach could enjoy the benefits of being able to generate opinion and move towards consensus on any issue that requires the input of geographically disperse experts. Kaynak and Macauley (1984) claim that the Delphi methodology is not a decision making tool, but rather a tool of analysis and as such the aim is not to achieve a definitive answer, but instead to aid in the development of possible solutions, based on the Delphi results. According to the objectives, criteria for selection of key experts were identified. The experts have to fulfil the following requisites: professional experience in entrepreneurship support activities (managers or staff managing or controlling support activities of a spin- off/ business creation programme); or, professional experience as lecturer or researcher in entrepreneurship field or business administration. The profile of the Delphi survey is showed in the following table: 30 Methodological issues Table 2.2.1. Technical data of the Delphi survey. Technical team University Miguel Hernández No. of experts 10 , from universities of : Twente, Tartu, Leuven, Salamanca, Warwick and Miguel Hernández Rounds: 2 Date Kind Response rate Results November 03 Open-ended questions 100% 65 proposals of indicators January 04 Multi-item questions 60% 41 proposed indicators st 1 round 2nd round For the purpose of this study, the Delphi survey was designed to be developed in two anonymous rounds of expert estimations. The following figure shows the steps followed applying Delphi method: GlobalStart GlobalStart Research questions Proposed indicators Technical team Technical team Panel Panelof ofexperts experts Selection of experts Design and send out 1st questionnaire 1st round Answers 1st questionnaire Analysis of answers Design and send out 2nd questionnaire 2nd round Answers 2nd questionnaire Analysis of answers Fig 2.2.2. Delphi survey design and development. 31 Methodological issues A total of 10 experts participated in the Delphi survey, from the European universities of Twente, Tartu, Leuven, Salamanca, Warwick and Miguel Hernández. For the first round, a general questionnaire using open-ended questions (in order to glean as much information in the exploratory stage as possible) was designed, which asked panel members to identify the issues relating to the question under consideration. Clear instructions were given to experts about the purpose of the indicators, and instructions to fill out the questionnaire. Questionnaires were sent to experts using e-mail and gathered ten days after. This first round generated a overall of 65 proposals of indicators. These proposals derived from respondents were grouped where appropriate to screen duplicate indicators, obtaining a overall of 41 indicators. For round two, the list of proposed indicators were recorded alongside the total score (sum of all respondents gave to each indicator) and sent back for re-consideration by the respondent. Hence, this second questionnaire incorporated statements, in this case the proposed indicators, and closed questions regarding to the suitability, measurability, revision period and scale of these proposed indicators. Questionnaires were sent out using email, and were responded by six experts (60 per cent response rate). With these questions, we attempted to operationalise the criteria to select useful indicators. Thus, criteria related to the question suitability were: the indicator is focused on relevant aspects of the entrepreneurship process in institutions, the indicator measures conditions where there is active public interest, the indicator is useful for different contexts, purposes and audiences, and the indicator is easily understood by a wide variety of audiences. Criteria related to the question measurability were: the indicator is based on data from objective and reliable sources. Criteria related to the question period and scales were: the indicator requires available data on an on-going basis to allow trend analysis and comparison with other jurisdictions. And the indicator is used with the adequate level of breakdown. 32 Findings: literature review 3. FINDINGS 33 3.1. UNIVERSITY DETERMINANTS. A LITERATURE REVIEW The majority of existing research on the performance of university technology transfer has emphasized in the licensing activities rather in academic entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, in recent years the number of research focused on determining cause-effect relationships among internal characteristic of universities and their start-up activities is increasing, that is, the university determinants that are affecting the start-up birth rates. The knowledge of these relationships is fundamental for the developing of “input” indicators of the academic entrepreneurship process. We present a checklist summarizing the main studied resources and capabilities and their correlations with start-up activity (table 3.1.1), as well as comments and implications for each detected resource/capability. 34 Table 3.1.1. Correlations between internal resources/capabilities and start-up activity. Resource/capability Correlation with start-up activity Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found that more eminent universities have greater start-up activity than Intellectual eminence other universities. /faculty quality Powers and McDougall (2004) found a strong predictive nature of faculty quality in both the number of start-ups formed and the number of IPO (initial public offering) licenses. Patent importance Powers and McDougall (2004) did not prove patent importance to be predictive of number of start-ups. Total research Lockett et al. (2004) found total research income to be consistently significant in the creation of university income/expenditures spin-offs. Expenditure on IP Lockett et al. (2004) found expenditure on IP protection to be consistently significant in the creation of protection university spin-offs that attract external equity finance. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found that venture capital availability had no significant effect on start-up Formal venture capital activity. available at the Zucker et al. (1998) found venture capital availability did not significantly influence start-up activity in university's biotechnology. geographical area Powers and McDougall (2004) found evidence that universities located in areas with more abundant venture capital investment formed a greater number of start-ups. Capability to access to Lockett et al. (2004) found that external relational capabilities of the university relating to obtaining finance external finance were no significant in any of the models analysed. Industry funding of university research/revenues 35 Licensing/technology Powers and McDougall (2004) found industry R&D revenues, was positively predictive of both the number of start-ups formed and the number of IPO licenses. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) fail to find adequate support for the argument that industry funding of university research makes start-up activity more likely. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found that low inventors’ share of royalties and a willingness to make equity 36 transfer policies and investments in start-up companies increase start-up activity. strategies Lockett et al. (2004) found incentives and rewards were no significant in any of the models analysed. Markman et al. (2005) found that licensing for cash strategy of technology transfer offices is the least related to new venture emergence, licensing for equity strategy was positively related to new venture formation and licensing for sponsored research was negatively related to new venture formation. TTO archetype Markman et al. (2005) found that the for-profit technology transfer office structure is positively related to the transfer of new technology via new venture formation. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found that the effects of university-affiliated incubators are insignificant. University-affiliated Markman et al. (2005) found that the technology transfer office structures non-correlated with venture incubators creation (traditional university and non-profit structures) were positively correlated with the presence of a business incubator. University venture Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found that the effects of university venture capital funds are insignificant. capital funds Powers and McDougall (2004) found age of the technology transfer office as a significant predictor of startExperience/age of TTO ups formed. Lockett et al. (2004) found that the importance of experience (measured as age of the technology transfer office) is only significant with respect to EIUSOs (spin-offs that attracted external investments) and not with university spin-offs. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found that the number of staff in the technology transfer office (as control Number of TTO staff variable) is significant. Lockett et al. (2004) found the number of staff in the technology transfer office to be significant in some partial models analysed. Business development capabilities Lockett et al. (2004) found business development capabilities significant, being the level of significance greater for the number spin-offs that attracted external investments than the number of university spinoffs that didn’t attract external investments. Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Universities’ intellectual eminence /faculty quality A critical human capital resource for the development of technological advances is access to people with expert knowledge and talent. University faculty (academic staff) are a primary source of this expertise. Research results show that more eminent universities have greater birth rates of start-ups than other universities. Given this evidence, then, a university that has built a high-quality faculty, something that takes considerable time, effort, and resources (hence, it is a likely source of competitive advantage) will likely be more successful in their technology transfer efforts than will a university with a faculty of lesser quality (Powers and McDougall, 2004). Although the precise mechanism through which this effect operates is not entirely clear, this evidence is consistent with the arguments that leading researchers found companies to earn rents on their intellectual capital (Zucker et al., 1998), and that gathering the necessary resources to found a company to exploit uncertain new technology is easier when the university’s status enhances the entrepreneur’s credibility. Since investors use signals, such as institutional reputation or prestige, to help assess the commercial potential of university technologies, inventors from more prestigious universities may be better able to obtain the necessary capital to start their own firms (Di Gregorio and Shane, 2005). Moreover, a significant relationship between the reputation of university scientists and various measures of firm performance has been identified. Previous research on the value of university researchers provides evidence of this fact. Deeds et al. (1998), for example, found that university scientists' talent was a significant predictor of IPO (initial public offering) performance of biotechnology companies. Zucker et al. (1998) found a significant relationship between the reputation of university scientists and the number of products in development or on the market as well as the employee size of the company. Finkle (1998) found that biotechnology companies in which the CEO was a former university professor performed better than firms where the CEO was not a former professor. 37 Findings: literature review Venture capital availability Research on formal venture capital effects is not conclusive. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) suggest that venture capitalists may be late stage investors in university technology, and other sources of funds, such as business angels, government agencies, and universities themselves (through equity investment in their own start-ups), may be more important in the early stages, and thus may be catalysts for new firm formation and economic development. They also suggest that capital markets distribute venture capital efficiently over geographic space; and the availability of local venture capital is not a constraint on TTO (technology transfer office) start-up activity. Powers and McDougall (2004) point out that the variability in venture capital investment strategy and the enormous fluctuation in venture disbursements in recent years can be explained by the argument that venture capital effects are more complex than have been investigated up until this point. Thus, it appears that further research into venture capital and university technology transfer remains a robust area of inquiry. Access to external finance Universities’ working relationships with external organizations may also be crucial to the successful implementation of strategies for spin off creation. Networking allows entrepreneurs to enlarge their knowledge of opportunities, to gain access to critical resources such as finance (Manigart et al., 1996). External networks with the financial and commercial sector may be especially important for the development of spin offs given the traditionally non-commercial environment of universities. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) argue that proximity to local venture capital firms provides an important means to overcoming capital market barriers to the development of technology-based spin-outs; proximity also lowers monitoring costs and helps development of networks of contacts. However, their empirical evidence did not support this conjecture. They suggest that this finding may indicate that venture capital firms distribute 38 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys finance efficiently over geographic space and may only become more involved in spin offs at a later stage. Therefore, technology transfer offices need to focus on their ability to access early stage external finance. The sources of external equity finance available to a spin off are a venture capitalist, business angel or industrial partner. The availability of seed funding can help the commercialisation process in a number of ways: financing access to managerial skills, by securing or enhancing intellectual property; by supporting additional R&D; construction of a prototype; preparation of a business plan; covering legal costs; etc. In effect, this seed money is intended to facilitate the spin offs in getting themselves “investor ready” for next stage equity financing. An ability to access resources, capabilities and expertise that can be provided by external sources of finance leads to comparatively faster professionalization of a new venture into a growing business (Hellmann and Puri, 2001). In addition to providing finance, Lockett et al. (2004) points out that business angels may be able to take on the role of surrogate entrepreneur, that is providing close commercial managerial involvement in helping the business to develop to become ready for the next stage of financial input (Franklin et al., 2001). This may be especially important during the earlier stages of development where managerial inputs are required but the firm does not have the revenue stream to support significant salary costs. Through their networks of contacts, both venture capital firms and industrial partners can provide links to potential suppliers and customers, as well as advice and monitoring (Florida and Kenney, 1988). The formation of a joint venture between the university and an established firm, in particular, can be a mechanism for gaining access to resources, exchanging information, developing inter-organizational commitments and establishing legitimacy. Joint venture spin offs may be adept in providing a clear route to market by building on their stock of social capital derived from long-standing relationships established through previous business transactions (Vohora et al., 2003). 39 Findings: literature review Patent importance Patent importance did not prove to be predictive. Powers and McDougall (2004) found that the importance of a university's patent portfolio does not propel either of our performance measures, suggesting that numerous other forces may inhibit an otherwise highly innovative technology. However, Powers and McDougall (2004) claim caution because of their study examined only one patent measure. Results could have been very different since they chose to examine the impact of patent citations among other patent-related measure. In addition, the study examined only two measures of university entrepreneurship, and these measures may not be as impacted by the quality or importance of a university's patent portfolio as might such measures as the number of licenses or licensing income received. Additionally, it may be that the lag time they chose was not long enough to detect an effect that is in fact present. Powers and McDougall (2004) argue that the patent strategy of a university may vary tremendously. For example, some universities may merely pursue a numbers game, while other universities may concentrate on patenting technologies applicable to a specific industry, such as optics, biotechnology, or petroleum. As TTOs begin to explore mechanisms of technology transfer beyond traditional licensing and royalties, additional research examining the relationship between varying performance outcomes and different attributes of the university's patent portfolio is merited. IP protection expenditure Lockett et al. (2004) research on IP (intellectual property) expenditure in universities shows a significant correlation with start-up activity, especially in the process of creating spin-offs that attract external equity finance. Researchers point out that this may well highlight the importance of IP for any external equity provider (IP is clean, well defined and protected before trying to raise external equity finance). 40 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Industry funding of university research Industry funding of university research have been used by researches as a measure of their commercial orientation. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found positive the percentage of total sponsored research funding that is derived from industry sources, but not significant, with startup activity. However, in an alternative specification in which commercial orientation was measured by the dollar amount of industry funding, the coefficient for industry funding was positive and significant. Powers and McDougall (2004) found industry R&D revenues positively predictive of both the number of start-ups formed and the number of IPO licenses suggesting that industry-sponsored research does stimulate business growth. Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) suggest that one reason why the commercial orientation of a university does not predict its start-up rate could be countervailing effects of commercial orientation. Although a commercial research orientation might generate a pool of university inventions that are more appropriate for new firm formation than is generated from a governmental research orientation, the funding structure necessary to generate university inventions might mitigate the benefits of this better pool of inventions. Because private firms might be very likely to license commercially valuable inventions that are generated from research that they fund, any increase in the pool of commercially valuable inventions that a commercial orientation creates may be siphoned off by greater invention licensing by the private sector providers of research funds. As a result, there is no net effect on the TTO start-up rate of the university’s commercial orientation. Powers and McDougall (2004) suggest that it is likely that industry R&D activity helps to stimulate a culture of entrepreneurship within the university. Faculty engaged in industrysponsored entrepreneurial activity share their experiences with or involve other faculty in their funded research. As a result, the culture may be altered because culture is a reflection of the shared experiences of the members of the organization. Furthermore, the investment by industry into numerous university research centers likely fosters an entrepreneurial spirit within the university itself, and builds industry/university linkages that may form the basis for further 41 Findings: literature review collaborative endeavours. Also, the slack resources that would likely be associated with higher levels of industry R&D have some additional implications. Specifically, slack resources provide universities with greater flexibility to choose the more risky time and personnel intensive startup route to commercialisation rather than the traditional large firm path. Furthermore, doing so appears to result in greater rewards, in this case, more successful licensing to firms that IPO. Presence of affiliated incubator According to Di Gregorio and Shane (2003), one reason why the presence of incubators has an insignificant effect on start-up rates may be that potential entrepreneurs do not consider the use of incubators when making the start-up decision. Consequently, the existence of incubators merely shifts the location of start-ups (to incubators from outside) rather than increasing the amount of them. Although they can conclude that having access to an incubator does not influence the rate of TTO start-up activity; their analysis cannot determine if university-affiliated incubators influence the success of start-ups. In this sense, Grimaldi and Grandi (2005) identified two business incubator models. Model 1 lies in the capacity to reduce start-up costs for small entrepreneurial initiatives, targeting local markets, more anchored to the old economy, looking for local visibility and local contacts with public and private institutions, requiring small amounts of capital to start up and valuing the provision of logistical assets. Model 2 lies in their ability to accelerate the start-up process of highly promising entrepreneurial initiatives, attractive in terms of size of investments, fast and aggressive, looking for high-value services (access to advanced technology, market, managerial knowledge and competencies and day-to-day operational support). Model 2 also provides their tenants with synergies created through supporting strategic technological and commercial partnerships between new ventures and incubators’ networks of partners. 42 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys University venture capital funds Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) found that university venture capital funds have an insignificant effect on start-up rates. This finding suggest that may be university entrepreneurs develop adequate ties to external venture capitalists to provide the investors with information about them through technical due diligence or other activity. As a result, academic entrepreneurs can obtain adequate amounts of external venture capital. Therefore, university venture capital merely substitutes for, rather than adds to, external venture capital in its effect on start-up activity. Although we cannot be sure why these policies have no effect on start-up rates, Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) point out that university officials, researchers, and policy makers will find the evidence in support of some policies and not in support of others useful in developing explanations for and procedures toward the management of university technology transfer and TTO start-up activity. Licensing/technology transfer policies and strategies Some university policies appear to influence start-up activity. Di Gregorio and Shane (2005) found that two sets of university licensing policies—policies regarding the distribution of royalties to inventors and whether or not the university is permitted to take an equity stake in licensees— appear to influence start-up activity. Lower royalty rates may be an incentive to start a venture to exploit a technology rather than license it. In contrast, the ability for academics to take significant equity stakes in spin offs may be a greater incentive for them to create spin offs (Lockett, et al, 2003). For spin offs to develop commercially may require the attraction of external equity finance. To do so may require the presence of commercially experienced managers, who in turn are likely to require appropriate incentives. Markman et al. (2005) found that licensing in exchange for sponsored research is negatively related to new venture formation, and licensing for cash—the transfer strategy of choice among 72% of TTOs they studied—is least related to new venture creation, a disconcerting finding given that the universities in which they operate have overwhelmingly invested in incubators to accelerate new venture creation. 43 Findings: literature review Markman et al. (2005) points out that these findings suggest that universities most interested in generating short-term cash flows from their IP licensing strategies are least positioned to create long-term wealth through venture creation. Although many universities have invested significant resources in incubators and have expressed an interest in new business start-ups and economic development, most of them have not linked this to their technology transfer strategy choices to the mission of their TTOs. Organizations require incentives and rewards to encourage people to perform particular productive activities (Holmstrom, 1979; Jensen, 1993). For most universities, commercialization of research requires radical changes in the way they have traditionally exploited scientific discoveries (Etzkowitz, 1998). The institutional incentive and reward mechanisms that operate within universities can preserve and reinforce existing cultures, organizational norms, policies and procedures. There may be a need to modify procedures to align rewards with commercialization goals, taking into account the characteristics, actions and motives of key stakeholders. Siegel et al (2002) revealed palpable differences in these areas that can potentially impede technology transfer. The norms, standards and values of academic scientists reflect an organizational culture that values creativity, innovation, and especially, the individual’s contribution to advances in knowledge or basic research. The primary motivation for university scientists is recognition within the scientific community. Promotion is almost always based upon an assessment of researchers’ contributions to the progress of science measured by refereed publications. Universities typically do not reward activities such as commercialising research and creating new spin-offs, in their promotion and tenure decisions (Siegel et al, 2003). The performance evaluation process and publishing-orientation of researchers thus act as barriers to these activities (Ndonzuau et al, 2002). US universities benefit from the clarity of the Bayh-Dole Act, which reduces the conflict of interest and puts the onus on the university commercially to exploit inventions that result from scientific research. Lockett, Wright and Franklin (2003) conjecture that in the UK environment an important and overlooked impediment to the 44 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys commercialisation of university IP is the unavailability of sufficient incentives and rewards for university staff to spend time on spinouts. TTO archetype Markman et al. (2005) found that for-profit TTO structures and licensing in exchange for equity are most positively related to new venture formation and traditional and non-profit TTO structures are unrelated to new ventures even though they are correlated with the presence of a university business incubator. These three archetypes vary by the degree of autonomy granted at the institutional level to pursue technology commercialisation opportunities. According to Markman et al. (2005), a “traditional” TTO is organized as an integral department within a university's administrative structure, usually reporting to the Office of the Provost or Vice President for Research. Such TTOs are tightly supervised by an assistant or vice president of the university and is generally funded by the research office. Personnel are normally untenured university staff with the primary role of pursuing conventional licensing opportunities for royalty income. The direct, and often strong, oversight by a university administration limits the autonomy of TTO management in matters of decision-making, licensing strategies, and incentive systems. “Non-profit research foundation” TTOs function as independent non-profit units or part of separately constituted research foundations outside the university's administrative structure. Such research foundations have their own Board of Directors, which is frequently chaired by the university president. Private universities and many large multisystem state universities create non-profit research foundations to grant greater autonomy to faculty to conduct research and license new technology. In addition, many universities use this structure as it provides stronger legal protection against lawsuits stemming from licensing disputes, IP infringements, and even future product or service liabilities stemming from the university's licensed technology. TTOs under this structure enjoy a separate budget from their affiliated universities, greater autonomy 45 Findings: literature review in choosing licensing strategies, and the ability to hold equity in start-up companies created to exploit their licensed technologies. “For-profit private extension” TTOs generally are created as separate private for-profit private venture extensions. The for-profit private extension is focused on economic development and creating start up companies. Private extensions also have an independent CEO and a Board, with personnel who have substantial experience in such areas as IP law, managing companies, and venture capitalism. Private venture extensions are most aggressive at creating start-ups and raising capital. For-profit TTOs enjoy the greatest autonomy in terms of licensing strategies and compensation systems Business development capabilities Lockett et al. (2004) examined the extent to which the university had developed relevant capabilities to spin-out companies since a strategy of commercialising technology through spin offs places a number of additional requirements on the routines/capabilities possessed by universities, beyond those skills required for licensing. They found that university’s business development capabilities were an important determinant of spin-off activity, highlighting the importance of both resource inputs and skills in the creation of spin-offs. Also, the results relating to business development capabilities indicated that the level of significance is greater for the external equity investments in spin-offs than the creation of spin-offs. These findings provide an important additional novel insight by identifying that it is not so much the number of TTO staff that is important but their expertise. By routines/capabilities they mean some form of ability to perform a productive activity (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). These routines/capabilities are likely to be unequally distributed across universities and are as yet rather embryonic for the vast majority of institutions. These routines/capabilities involve processes for assessing intellectual property rights (IPR), processes for spinning-out companies, and skills embodied in university staff in terms of both managing the commercialisation process and specific technical and marketing skills. First, whether 46 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys technology is exploited through licensing or spin-out, universities may employ clear processes for conducting IP evaluation and due diligence to ensure intellectual property rights (IPR) are identified and fully evaluated before commercialization can commence (Vohora et al, 2004). Unless new IP is shown to be exempt from potential infringements of existing patent rights and there is exclusive ‘freedom to operate’, the commercial exploitation process cannot proceed without great difficulties. If it is not possible to secure a patent there are likely to be major problems in marketing and generating rents from the technology. Second, there is also a strong requirement for clear policies, processes and routines for creating and developing spin offs. The creation of a legal entity is relatively straightforward. However, the creation of a spin off that includes legally protected IP, and the managerial and marketing skills, premises and financial resources to enable it to develop, is more complex. These routines take time to develop and their development is also dependent on individual university contexts (Teece et al, 1997). Third, the development of these routines/capabilities relies heavily upon the experience and expertise of TTO personnel. Clear processes and organizational routines in themselves do not enable the technology transfer process to function productively. There is a requirement for individuals to develop and implement these routines. The availability of skilled TTO staff to manage the commercialisation process is thus vital to the creation of spin offs. The quality of the TTO staff is important in terms of their marketing, technical, negotiating skills. More developed routines and capabilities may be associated with the selection of inventions with greater commercialisation prospects. In addition, these skills may bring a greater ability to prepare the invention to a state where it is ready to attract external finance. Universities may thus develop different strategies towards the development of spin offs depending on the extent to which they are selective in terms of offering assistance to potential spin offs (Clarysse et al, 2003). Universities with greater business development capabilities may be able to focus attention on those spin offs, which they perceive are going to make the greatest return. 47 Findings: literature review Experience/ age of the TTO TTOs represent an important resource to university research faculty. Professionals who work in university TTOs must understand both the culture and function of the academic research enterprise as well as that of the industry sector, using their expertise to put together licensing deals. Given that faculty typically know relatively little about the business of technology commercialisation but usually have a high degree of psychological ownership for their inventions, TTO professionals are key players in the commercialisation of a technology, often in their role as arbiters between the higher education and industry cultures. Following passage of the Bayh–Dole Act in 1980, there began a dramatic increase in the establishment of TTOs and in turn, university-licensing activity. AUTM surveys report that approximately 20 universities had TTOs in 1980. That number had grown to 200 by 1990, and by the turn of the century, nearly every major university had a TTO (Colyvas et al., 2002). The learning curve for new TTO personnel is steep as they may be unfamiliar with the faculty and industrial networks important for finding licensees (Thursby and Thursby, 2002). Thus, institutions with older TTOs would be expected to have developed superior skill sets for managing the commercialisation enterprise, and hence, also predicted to enjoy higher performance levels based on this organizational resource. The technology transfer literature suggests that institutions with older offices often outperform those with newer offices, perhaps due to the longer time period needed to develop the resource of specific skill sets useful to facilitating technology transfer (Matkin, 1990; Roberts and Malone, 1996). As TTO offices gain experience, they are more willing to consider equity in start-up companies. Bray and Lee (2000) found that universities that took equity had older TTOs, leading them to conclude that an established TTO is more likely to consider taking equity than would a young TTO with pressure from the university to become self-supporting. The younger TTOs focused primarily on royalty income, but as the TTO gained experience, its personnel were more willing to consider equity. Bray and Lee's results were consistent with Feldman et al.'s (2002) study 48 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys examining the conditions under which universities adopt equity-based transfer mechanisms. They found a positive relationship between the age of the TTO and the university's use of equity as a percentage of intellectual property transactions. In summary, an experienced TTO is an important organizational resource to universities engaged in all forms of technology transfer. The greater willingness of older TTOs to accept an equity arrangement would be especially important in the formation of start-ups, as the use of equity would most likely be used in start-up deals. Number of TTO staff Lockett et al. (2004) found significant the number of staff in the TTO in the partial models excluding experience and/or capabilities but was found to be insignificant when these variables were included. This is consistent with Di Gregorio and Shane (2003) who found only intermittent support for the number of TTO staff as a control variable. These findings provide an important additional novel insight by identifying that it is not so much the number of TTO staff that is important but their expertise. These findings may suggest that universities need to think of the experience and skills of their staff if they are to create spin-offs that attract external equity finance. 49 Findings: literature review Remarks on the literature review This literature review has allowed us to deepen into the knowledge of cause-effect relationships between university resources and capabilities and start-up activity. Some of these relationships appear to be well recognised by most researchers, such as the faculty quality, the experience of TTOs, or policies regarding to spin-off creation. Nevertheless, others remain unclear, for instance, the presence of venture capital or the industry funding of university research. Other issue that remains unclear is that likely important relationships are still little analyzed in the research literature, for instance, the relationships with the wealth creation in terms of internal or external impacts. Some attempts have been carried out to measure wealth creation generated by start-ups. In this sense, some researchers have operationalised wealth creation as the number of IPO (initial public offering) licenses or spin-offs with external investments. Also, is possible that micro-level factors could affect directly the university start-up activity, like the factors influencing decision-making of potential entrepreneurs to start-up a business. We must also point out that variations in cultural factors and external institutional conditions can affect the start-up activity and produce variations between universities located in different countries. In this sense, Chiesa (2000) indicates that it seems possible that there is European model for spin-off companies’ creation, which is different from the American (and perhaps Anglo-Saxon) one. Talking about the Italian model, he indicates that it seems to be characterised by low risk levels, together with modest growth rates in part due to the perception of the failures. The Italian model context and entrepreneurs seem to be less willing and ready to accept failures, whereas in the US failures are seen less traumatic events and it is rather common that entrepreneurs fail more than once before they start a really successfully business. Also, the Italian model might be partly influenced by the greater stability offered by the university system in terms of long-life employment, so that researchers might consider entrepreneurship a good opportunity to achieve personal prestige and increase earnings and satisfaction, but not as a forced way to have a job. 50 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2. INDICATORS USED IN BENCHMARKING SURVEYS This section includes a checklist of indicators of academic entrepreneurship used in benchmarking surveys related to technology transfer. We have selected and analysed the most representative benchmarking surveys that are being carried out in different regions of the world. In this sense, The OECD survey gathered data among universities of OECD countries, the Proton survey gathered data among European universities, and the APRU survey gathered data of universities of the Pacific Rim. The AUTM, UNICO and HEBI surveys are focused on mainly national data, but we have included them because of their use as sources of data for research on academic entrepreneurship. For each survey analysed, indicators are grouped into the dimensions of the framework of our study: policies and strategies; stock of technology; resources and initiatives; human capital; start-up activity; internal impacts; and, external impacts. We have attempted to maintain the specific nomenclature used in each survey, and, we also present the indicators’ definitions based on key concepts or explanations included in the respective report. 51 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.1. OECD: SURVEY ON THE PATENTING AND LICENSING ACTIVITIES OF PROs The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) carried out this survey in 2001, and results were included and published in the report “Turning business into science: patenting and licensing at public research organisations”, in 2003. The survey requested universities (among other public research organisations) to respond questions about the organisational structure of their TTOs, their intellectual property portfolio and their licensing practices and income. Participating countries included: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, Russia and the United States. Respondents were asked to choose either the most recent fiscal or calendar year for which they had full records. All responses are then for the chosen definition and year. Most countries chose 2001 or 2000 as the “last year”. Indicators of policies and strategies TTO archetype Universities were requested to indicate the archetype of the TTO among the following possible responses: dedicated TTOs (on-site or off-site); administrative departments of the university whose main mission is not intellectual property (IP) management; external (private or public) providers of IP management services. University’s intellectual property policy Universities were requested to indicate the ownership/s of the intellectual property generated: the institution; researcher or inventor at the institution; organisation or firm that funded the research; the government; varies by type of contract with the research founder; or no formal policy. Also, universities were requested to indicate if their intellectual property or licences generated by individual researchers influence their recruitment, career advancement, bonuses, or salary. 52 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Indicators of resources and initiatives Year of TTO establishment Universities were requested to indicate the year of the establishment of the TTO. Staff working at the TTO Universities were requested to indicate the number of employees (full-time equivalents) currently working at the TTO. Activities of the TTO Universities were requested to indicate the activities in which the TTO is involved: assessing the patentability of inventions; applying for patents (or arranging for an outside expert to apply); arranging licences for inventions developed by the institution; obtaining licences for researchers within the institution (licensing-in); or negotiating research agreements between the percentage of the institution’s IP managed by the TTO. Methods to find licensees Universities were requested to indicate what methods and their degree of success (low/mid/high) they used in the last year to find licenses for the institution’s technology: advertising in magazines, journals or on the Internet; informal contacts of researchers or inventors; informal contacts of the TTO; technology brokers or consulting services; electronic marketplaces and auctions (for example, Internet forums where IP and technology from multiple sources can be bought and sold); or other. Indicators of stock of technology Expenditures on research and development Universities were requested to include the total amount of research and development expenditures, which include core and institutional funding, grants and contracts. Research expenditures funded by private firms 53 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Universities were requested to include the percentage of the total amount of research and development expenditures funded by private firms (for example for contract research). Intellectual property expenditures Universities were requested to indicate the amount spend on the following intellectual property activities: IP management (patent application and renewal fees, etc.); licensing and other costs to transfer technology from the institution to other organisations or firms; licence fees and other acquisition costs for technology used by the institution (licensing in). New patent applications Universities were requested to indicate the number of patents applied in the last year by the institution, and breakdown it by following fields: health, pharmaceuticals, medical (including relevant biotechnology); food, agro-industry, (including relevant agro-biotechnology; information technology, electronics, instruments; production technology, new materials; energy, environment, transportation; or other. New patents granted Universities were requested to include the number of technically unique patents granted to the institution in the last year, and breakdown it by the following jurisdictions: home country; European Patent Office; United States Patent and Trademark Office; Japan Patent Office; or other. Active and technically unique patents Universities were requested to include the number of the active and technically unique patents of the university’s portfolio. For the purpose of the survey, currently active means that the patents are still the property of the university (they have not expired, been allowed to lapse or been sold), and technically unique patents means that multiple applications or grants for the same invention in different jurisdictions should be counted as just one application or grant. For example, five patents for the same invention in five patent jurisdictions would be counted as one technically unique patent. Active and technically unique patents licensed Universities were requested to indicate the number of patents of the current portfolio that have ever been licensed, as well as the number of these patents that are currently earning licence income. 54 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Non-patent intellectual property actions undertaken Universities were requested to include the number of the following non-patent actions undertaken in the last year: invention disclosures; copyright registration for software and databases, education materials or multimedia; industrial design registration; plant breeder’s rights application; nondisclosure, confidentiality; or other. Licences executed Universities were requested to include the total number of licenses executed in the last year, and breakdown it by the following types of intellectual property: patented inventions (patent granted); patent-pending inventions (in application phase); non-patented inventions (no application planned); copyrighted materials; industrial designs; plant breeder’s rights; or other. Exclusivity of licences executed Universities were requested to include the number of licensed executed by the following types of exclusivity: fully exclusive for the lifetime of the patent (single licensee); exclusivity limited to a specified number of years; exclusivity limited to a specific territory; exclusivity limited to a specific field or market type; other type of exclusivity; or non exclusive (the institution may license to other firms or organisations). Type and allocation of licensee companies Universities were requested to breakdown the number of licences executed in the last year by small firms (with fewer than 500 employees), large firms (with more than 500 employees) or universities or research organisations, as well as by exclusivity according to these company types. Also, universities were requested to breakdown the total number of licenses executed in the last year by the location of the licensee company: domestic (including non-national firms located in the home country) or abroad (including subsidiaries or domestic firms in other countries). Requirements included in licences Universities were requested to indicate approximately (all/some/none) how many of the licence agreement include some of the following requirements: requirement to work the invention; requirement to work the invention in the home country; right for licensee to delay publication of papers; reachthrough clauses for the institution (institution’s intellectual property rights extend to products or further 55 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys inventions based on the licensed invention); licensor (owner) has right of first refusal for future inventions by the licensee institution. Licences earning income Universities were requested to include the number of active licences (excluding trademarks) earning incomes in the last year. Gross income from intellectual property Universities were requested to include the total amount of the gross income( not deducting IPR management costs) from its intellectual property, including income from licence fees (licence issue fees, annual payments, termination payments, end-user fees), running royalties from product sales cashed-in equity, etc., and excluding trademarks. Gross income distribution Universities were requested to distribute the gross income (%) among the following stakeholders: TTO; inventor; the research group or department where the inventor works; the central administration of the institution; and/or other. Also, universities were requested to indicate the number of inventions (protected by patents, copyright, know-how, etc.) that are responsible both of the 20 % of the gross income and the 50% of the gross income. Indicators of start-up activity Spin-offs and start-ups established Universities were requested to include the number of spin-offs and start-ups established in the last year. For the purpose of the survey, spin-offs are defined a new firm founded by staff from the institution to develop or commercialise an invention, and start-ups are defined as new firms to develop or commercialise an invention developed by the institution, but not founded by staff from the institution. 56 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.2. THE AUTM LICENSING SURVEY The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) carries out this survey in an annual basis since more than a decade ago. The AUTM licensing survey provides quantitative information on licensing activities from U.S. and Canadian universities, hospitals and research institutions. This survey is one of the most cited in publications on technology transfer around the globe, and researchers on academic entrepreneurship often use its data. The methodology of the AUTM Licensing Survey is just now starting to be replicated in other leading innovation economies throughout the world. The indicators included below have been gathered from the “AUTM Fiscal Year 2002 Licensing Survey Summary”, published in 2003. In this edition, a total of 156 U.S. universities (most of them were into the top 100 research universities) were contacted, with a response rate of 61%. Indicators of policies and strategies The “AUTM Fiscal Year 2002 Licensing Survey Summary”, does not include any kind of quantitative/qualitative indicator about policies or strategies regarding to technology transfer or academic entrepreneurship. Indicators of resources and initiatives: Maturity of technology transfer programme Surveyed universities were asked about the first year when the institution devoted one-half of a professional full time equivalent (FTE) to technology transfer. Professional FTE means a professional position whose duties included support of technology transfer activities. This person may or may not have been located in a formally established technology transfer office at that time. Staffing in technology transfer Universities were requested to include the number of FTEs, and breakdown it by licensing FTEs and other FTEs. Licensing FTEs includes person(s) employed in the technology transfer office whose duties 57 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys are specifically involved with the licensing and patenting processes as either full or fractional FTE allocations. Licensing examples include licensee solicitation, technology valuation, marketing of technology, license agreement drafting and negotiation, and start-up activity efforts. Other FTEs includes person(s) employed in the technology transfer office as either full or fractional FTE allocations whose duties and responsibilities are to provide professional, administrative, or staff support of technology transfer activities that are not otherwise included in licensing FTE. Such duties might include management, compliance reporting, license maintenance, negotiation of research agreements, contract management, accounting, MTA activity, and general office activity. General secretarial/administrative assistance to the technology transfer office had also to be included in this category. Indicators of stock of technology Total research expenditures Universities were requested to include the expenditures (not new awards) made by the institution in the last fiscal year in support of its research activities that are funded by all sources including the federal government, local government, industry, foundations, voluntary health organizations, and other nonprofit organizations. Indirect costs had to be included. Research expenditures from federal government sources Universities were requested to include expenditures made in the last fiscal year by the institution in support of its research activities that are funded by the federal government. Expenditures by state and local governments should be excluded. Research expenditures from industrial sources Universities were requested to include expenditures made in the last fiscal year by the institution in support of its research activities that are funded by for-profit corporations, but not expenditures supported by other sources such as foundations and other non-profit organizations. Total Research funding: Universities were requested to include the total amount of research support committed (i.e., awarded) to the institution in the last fiscal year (even if the funds are to be spent over several years) that was related to license/ option agreements executed in the survey period or signed in a prior year for which 58 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys the related research funding was not previously reported (e.g., research funding committed as a result of a renewal of a research agreement that is related to a license/option agreement signed in a prior year). Invention disclosures Universities were requested to include the number of disclosures, no matter how comprehensive, which are made in the year requested and are counted by the institution. Total U.S. patent applications filed Universities were requested to include the total number of U.S. patent applications filed during the reporting year, which include any filing made in the U.S.: provisional applications, provisional applications that are converted to regular applications, new filings, CIPs, continuations, divisionals, reissues, plant patents, applications for certificates of plant variety protection., and PCT applications (is the first filing where the U.S. is designated), but not including those PCT applications that followed a previous U.S. application. The survey report also includes: new U.S. patent applications filed per invention disclosures received. New U.S. patent applications filed Is a subset of total U.S. patent applications filed. It does not include continuations, divisionals, or reissues, and typically does not include CIPs. A provisional application filed in the surveyed fiscal year had to be counted as new. If a provisional application is converted in the surveyed fiscal year to a regular application, then that corresponding regular application filed in the requested fiscal year had not to be counted as new. A PCT application counted in total U.S. patent applications filed where the PCT application is a first filing where the U.S. is designated had to be counted as new. U.S. patents issued Universities were requested to include the number of U.S. patents issued or reissued to the institution in the year requested, including certificates of plant variety protection issued by the United States Department of Agriculture. The survey report also includes: patents issued as a percentage of total patent applications, and patents issued as a percentage of new patent applications 59 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Legal fees expenditures Universities were requested to include the amount spent in external legal fees for patents and/or copyrights. These costs include patent and copyright prosecution, maintenance, and interference costs, as well as minor litigation expenses that are included in everyday office expenditures (an example of a minor litigation expense might be the cost of an initial letter to a potential infringer written by counsel). Excluded from these fees is significant litigation expense (e.g., any individual litigation expense that exceeds 5% of total legal fees expenditures. They also do not include direct payment of any of these costs by licensees). Legal fees reimbursements Universities were requested to include legal fees reimbursements, the amount reimbursed by licensees to the institution for legal fees expenditures. Licenses/options executed Universities were requested to count the number of license or option agreements that were executed in the year indicated for all technologies. Each agreement, exclusive or non-exclusive, had to be counted separately. Licenses to software or biological material end-users of $1,000 or more had to be counted per license, or as 1 license, or 1/each for each major software or biological material product (at manager's discretion) if the total number of end-user licenses would unreasonably skew the institution's data. Licenses for technology protected under U.S. plant patents or plant variety protection certificates had to be counted in a similar manner to software or biological material products as described above, at manager’s discretion. Material transfer agreements didn’t have to be counted as licenses/options in the survey. For the purpose of the survey, a license agreement formalizes the transfer of technology between two parties, where the owner of the technology (licensor) permits the other party (licensee) to share the rights to use the technology. An option agreement grants the potential licensee a time period during which it may evaluate the technology and negotiate the terms of a license agreement. An option agreement is not constituted by an option clause in a research agreement that grants rights to future inventions, until an actual invention has occurred that is subject to that option. Exclusivity of the licenses and options executed Surveyed universities reported on the exclusivity pattern of each license executed. The reporting of a license as exclusive or non-exclusive should follow the terms of the license agreement. If a license is 60 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys designated as exclusive in the license agreement, it had to be reported as an exclusive license to the survey. Exclusive licenses include licenses that are designated as exclusive by field of use, territory, or otherwise but excludes co-exclusive licenses, which were reported as non-exclusive licenses. Active license/options Universities were requested to include the cumulative number of licenses/options over all years that are not terminated by the end of the fiscal year requested. Size of licensee company Surveyed universities had to include the size of the licensee companies: start-ups, small, or large companies. As used in the survey, small companies are those companies that had 500 or fewer employees at the time the license/option was signed, but, for the purposes of the survey, not including start-up companies initiated by the institution. Start-up companies are companies that were dependent upon licensing the institution's technology for initiation. Large companies are companies that had more than 500 employees at the time the license/option was signed. Licenses/options yielding income Universities were requested to include the number of licenses/options that generated license income received in the last fiscal year. Also, universities were requested to include the number of active licenses generating more than $1 million in the last fiscal year. Licenses/options yielding running royalties Universities were requested to include the number of licenses/options that generated running royalties in the year requested. For the purposes of this survey, running royalties are defined as royalties earned on and tied to the sale of products. Excluded from this number are license issue fees, payments under options, termination payments, and the amount of annual minimums not supported by sales. Also excluded from this amount was cashed-in equity, which had to be reported separately. Source of gross license income: running royalties, cashed-in equity and other sources Universities were requested to include the amount of income from running royalties, cashed-in equity and other sources. Cashed-in equity includes the amount received from cashing in equity holdings, resulting in a cash transfer to the institution. The amount reported should be reduced by the cost basis, 61 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys if any, at which the equity was acquired. Excluded from this amount is any type of analysis or process whereby a value for the equity holdings is determined but a cash transaction does not take place through the sale of these holdings. An internal sale (e.g., to the endowment) will constitute cashing-in if the transaction results in cash being made available for internal distribution. Equity, for the purposes of the survey, is defined as an institution acquiring an ownership interest in a company (e.g., stock or the right to receive stock). Research support linked to licenses Universities were requested to include the amount paid to other institutions under inter-institutional agreements. The survey subtracts it from the total license income of the institution to avoid doublecounting license income when the receiving institution reports it to the survey. Indicators of start-up activity Start-up companies formed Surveyed institutions were requested to include the number of start-ups companies formed during the last financial year. As used in the survey, start-up companies are defined as companies that were dependent upon licensing the institution's technology for initiation. Primary place of new start-up companies Universities were requested to include the number of start-ups companies initiated in fiscal year requested that had their primary place of business operating in their home state. Start-up companies became non-operational Surveyed institutions were requested to include the number of start-up companies, which became nonoperational in the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey, a non-operational start-up company is one that no longer possesses sufficient financial resources and expends these resources to make progress toward stated business goals. 62 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Operational start-up companies Surveyed institutions were requested to include the number of start-up companies that were operational the last day of the surveyed fiscal year, For the purpose of the survey, an operational startup company possesses sufficient financial resources and expends these resources to make progress toward stated business goals. The company must also be diligent in its efforts to achieve these goals. New start-up companies with institutional equity Surveyed institutions were requested to include the number of start-up companies formed in the last fiscal year in which the institution holds equity. Indicators of external impact Licensed technologies made available Surveyed institutions were asked to include the number of licensed technologies made available in the year requested. For the purpose of the survey, licensed technologies concept refers to licensed technologies that became a product that was sold either to the public or to industry. It also refers to a licensed technology that is a process that was put into has to be considered available if it is bundled with other technologies when made available to the end-user. 63 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.3. HEFCE: HIGHER EDUCATION-BUSINESS INTERACTION SURVEY (HEBCI) Up to date, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has carried out four surveys of this kind, among higher education institutions, for assessing the volume and development of higher education knowledge transfer, or rather exchange, between the United Kingdom-higher education sector on the one hand and business and the wider community on the other hand. The HE-BCI survey is carried out to provide data regarding the continuing development of interactions, reliable and relevant information to support the continued public funding of the third stream of higher education institutions’ activity, to give them good benchmarking and management information, and to develop a source of indicators at the level of the individual higher education institutions’, some of which will be useable to inform the allocation of their continued funding. The following indicators are extracted from the edition of the survey published on January 2005, which gathered data from the academic year 2002-03. Indicators of policies and strategies Economic development priorities Universities were requested to indicate what areas do they see the institution as whole making the greatest contribution to economic development: access to education; research collaboration with industry; meeting regional skills needs technology transfer: supporting SMEs; meeting national skills needs; developing local partnerships; attracting non-local students to the region; graduate retention in local region; support for community development; spin-off activity; attracting inward investment to region; management development; and/or strategic analysis of regional economy. Policies and strategies to support businesses Universities were requested to respond several questions regarding to their support and relationships with existing businesses: sectors they work with, and how those were determined; the type of partners/ 64 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys clients of their third stream strategic priorities; geographical areas of greatest priority in the university’s institutional mission; the level of incentives for the staff to engage with industry and commerce; the existence of an strategic plan for business support; the business and community representation on their government body; the maximum number of days per year permitted to university staff (excluding dedicated business and community staff) to provide business support services/activities; partnership arrangements with local and regional bodies. Incentives and rewards Universities were requested to indicate (yes/no) whether the staff is rewarded by the institution for the intellectual property which they generate. Indicators of resources and initiatives Age of the commercialisation department Universities were requested to include the year when the commercialisation department was established. Institution’s staff employed in a dedicated business and community function Universities were requested to include the number of staff (full time equivalents) in a dedicated business and community function, breaking down it by: engaging with commercial partners; engaging with public sector partners; engaging with social, community and cultural partners. Also, universities were requested to include the headcount (as a percentage) of the institution’s academic and related staff directly involved in providing services to the different types of clients/partners, as well as to indicate their level of engagement. Spin-off support offered Universities were requested to indicate the provided support for spin offs through the following mechanisms(either provided by the institution or in collaboration with a partner organisation): on campus incubators; other incubators in the locality; science park accommodation; entrepreneurship training; seed corn investment; venture capital; business advice. 65 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Indicators of stock of technology Collaborative research income Universities were requested to include the income from public sector funded collaborative research grants involving business co-funding or formal collaboration, excluding income from any project that does not involve direct business participation in the form of part sponsorship or direct collaboration. R+D contracts Universities were requested to include the number and income from contract R&D originating from partners located in the same region, within the UK and from outside the UK, during the survey reporting year. For the purpose of the survey, were excluded responsive mode grants for research made by educational charitable bodies and public agencies, but focus on studies and projects commissioned by the client body to underpin their own objectives. Contracts with devolved administrations or regional government offices had to be included as regional unless the university is in different region. Universities with substantial campuses in two regions had to consider both regions as the home region, although if one campus is simply a teaching outpost lacking significant research generation activity then that region had to be considered as outside the home region. Universities were also requested to indicate the percentage of contracts with businesses by number and value during de survey reporting year were with small and medium enterprises (SMEs, less than 250 employees and not part of bigger enterprise groupings), as well as contracts with business as a proportion of total income. Consultancy contracts Universities were requested to include the number and value of incomes from consultancy contracts by: SME, non-SME commercial business and non-commercial organisations. Services related to facilities and equipment Universities were requested to include the number of organisations involved (by SME, non-SME commercial business and non-commercial organisations) in facilities and equipment related services as well as the income generated, during the last year. 66 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Invention disclosures Universities were requested to include the number of invention disclosures received during the last financial year. New patents filed Universities were requested to include the number of patents filed during the last year. Number of patents granted Universities were requested to include the number of patents granted during the last year. Cumulative portfolio of active patents Universities were requested to include the number of active patents at the end of the year. Licences granted Universities were requested to include the number of licenses granted by type of licence (non-software licences or software licenses) type of licensee (SME, non-SME commercial business and non-commercial organisations), and location of licensee (UK based companies or companies based overseas). IP income Universities were requested to include the income from licences (including from copyrights, designs and trademarks, and from the sale of shares in spin-off companies) by sector (SME, non-SME commercial business, non-commercial organisations) and type of licensee (software and non-software licences). Other university–business relationships The survey includes other questions related to university–business interactions as courses for industry staff and employment of students. Indicators of start-up activity 67 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Spin-offs established Universities were requested to include the number of spin-offs established during the last year and breakdown it by: spin-offs with some university ownership, formal spin-offs, not university-owned, staff start-ups, graduate start-ups. For the purpose of the survey, spin offs are enterprises, in which an university or university employee/s possesses equity stakes, which have been created by the university or its employees to enable the commercial exploitation of knowledge arising from academic research. Other ‘start-up’ companies may be formed by university staff or students without the direct application of university-owned intellectual property. Four types of spin off or start up firms are defined: spin off companies established using university intellectual property and in which there is some element of university ownership; spin off companies into which the university has assigned or licensed intellectual property (IP), but in which it has no equity; start-up companies involving current or former university staff as founders where the university has no ownership nor an IP agreement (in this case the university staff must be connected to the university immediately prior to formation of the company); graduate start-up companies that have originated through the direct involvement off the university or through a dedicated graduate start-up programme. Active spin-offs Universities were requested to include the number of spin-offs still active that have survived at least 3 years. Indicators of internal and/or external impacts Employment of active firms Universities were requested to indicate an estimated total number of employees by: spin-offs with some university ownership, formal spin-offs, not university-owned, staff start-ups, graduate start-ups. Turnover of active firms Universities were requested to indicate an estimated total value of the turnover by: spin-offs with some university ownership, formal spin-offs, not university-owned, staff start-ups, graduate start-ups. 68 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.4. UNICO SURVEY: UNIVERSITY COMMERCIALISATION ACTIVITIES The University Companies Association (UNICO) conducts and publishes since 2001 in an annual basis this survey on the commercialisation activities of United Kingdom universities. The survey results provide information on trends in the commercialisation of academic research by UK institutions. The report contains information on commercialisation in terms of invention disclosures, patenting, licensing and the creation of new spinout companies. The following indicators have been extracted from the two latest publications of the survey. The survey published in 2003 gathered data from the financial year 2002-03, collecting data from 125 institutions (including 96 of the top 100 universities in terms of research expenditure), with a response rate of 99%. The survey published in 2004 gathered data from the financial year 2002-03, collecting data from 75 institutions (including 25 of the top 30 universities by research income). Indicators of policies and strategies Institutional incentives and rewards Universities were requested to report how are distributed the rewards/revenues from commercialisation between the inventor, the department and the institution. Finance and impediments to spin-out success An attitudinal survey on finance and impediment to spin-out success of was carried out. Institutions were asked to identify the most important sources of finance for spinout firms during the last financial year, as well as to indicate the factors impeding or promoting the creation and development of spinout companies. 69 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Indicators of resources and initiatives Initiation of university commercialisation activities Surveyed universities were asked about the first year when the institution had at least 0.5 full time equivalents (FTEs) dedicated to commercialisation activities. For the purpose of the survey, a person with a professional position whose duties included the support of commercialisation activities at least 50% of the time. This person may or may not have been located in a formally established a commercialisation office at that time. Number of full time equivalents employed Universities were requested to include the number of FTEs that were employed in their technology transfer and commercialisation activities at the end of the reporting year. For the purpose of the survey, all FTEs whose duties and responsibilities include licensing, patenting and spinout company creation activities, as well as those providing related secretarial, contract management and other administrative support. Universities were requested to breakdown the total number by FTEs employed in commercialisation activities, FTEs employed primarily in licensing activities, and FTEs employed primarily in spinout company development activities. Valuation methods employed for spinout companies Universities were requested to indicate the preferred method/s for determining the value of portfolio companies. The survey results shows aggregate data including: no method, cost (less provision), earning multiple, third party valuation, net assets, future cash flows and other. Indicators of stock of technology Number of new invention disclosures Universities were requested to include the number of disclosures received in the financial year requested, no matter how comprehensive. The survey results’ report shows aggregate data on the average number of invention disclosures, using data of two financial years. 70 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys New patent applications filed Universities were requested to include the number of patent applications filed in the last financial year. New patents issued Universities were requested to include the number of patents issued during the last financial year, and the number of patents issued to UK institutions. Also, the survey results’ report shows aggregate data on the average number of new patents issued, using data of last two financial years. IP protection expenditure Universities were requested to include the amount of intellectual property (IP) protection expenditure. For the purpose of the survey, IP protection expenditure covers costs incurred for legal fees, patent costs, consultancy and specialist IP advice. Number of licences/options/agreements) executed Universities were requested to include the number of licences, options and/or agreements executed in the reporting year. For the purpose of the survey, a licence is where the licensor (the institution) grants rights to use the technology under licence in a defined field of use and territory. An option agreement grants the potential licensee a time period during which it may evaluate the technology and negotiate the terms of a licence agreement. Destination of licences, options and agreements executed Universities were requested to breakdown the number of licences executed in the reporting year by type of licensee company: university spin-off companies, small and medium enterprises and large companies. Number of licences and options executed with equity Universities were requested to include the number of licences and options executed with equity in the reporting year (institution took shares in the company, the licence was granted to in lieu of royalties, or as part payment of the licence being granted). 71 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Number of licences, options and agreements yielding income Universities were requested to include the number of licences, options and/or agreements yielding income in the requested year, and breakdown it by monetary ranges. Total amount of licence income received Universities were requested to include the total amount of licence income received in the reporting year, which includes licence issue fees, payments under options, lump sum payments in consideration of an assignment, annual minimums, running royalties, termination payments, the amount of equity received when cashed-in. Does not include research funding, patent expense reimbursement, a valuation of equity not cashed-in, trademark licensing royalties from university insignia or income received in support of costs incurred under material transfer agreements. Licensing income excludes software and biological material end user licences under £1,000. Amount of income received from licences generating running royalties Universities were requested to include the amount of income received from licences generating running royalties in the reporting year. Also, the survey report includes the number of licences yielding income per sales revenue. Indicators of start-up activity Number of spin-outs formed Universities were requested to include the number of spin-outs formed in the reporting year. For the purpose of the survey, spin-out are companies that were dependent upon licensing or assignment of the institution’s technology for initiation. Also, universities were requested to breakdown this number by the types of source of equity finance: venture capital, business angels, university challenge funds, proof-of-concept funds, equity joint ventures with industrial partners and other external and internal sources of finance. 72 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Number of spin-ins formed Universities were requested to include the number of spin-ins formed in the reporting year. For the purpose of the survey, ‘spin-ins’ are companies originating from the institution but based on technology generated from outside. Investments made into already existing spinout companies Universities were requested to include the number and source of investment for existing spinout companies during the last financial year: venture capital; business angels; university challenge funds; proof-of-concept funds, etc; equity joint ventures with industrial partners; other external and internal sources of finance; university. Existing spin-outs institution holding shares Universities were requested to include the number of existing spin-out companies with university equity holdings at the end of the reporting year. Indicators of internal impacts Full Exits from spin-out companies Universities were requested to include the number and the total value realised through full exits of spinout company investments in the reporting year, breaking it down by exists via: IPO (initial public offering), share sale, MBO (management buy-out), or failure/liquidation. Partial Exits from spin-out companies Universities were requested to include the number and the total value realised through partial exits of spin-out company investments in the reporting year, breaking it down by exists via: IPO, share sale, or MBO. 73 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.5. PROTON EUROPE SURVEY Proton is a pan-european network of knowledge transfer offices, is funded by the European Commission and is a part of the initiative Gate2Growth. One of the objectives of ProTon Europe network is to help its members raise their performance through the exchange of knowledge and good practice. In this sense, the network will set up and conduct an annual “Observatory” based on survey results among national associations of transfer offices from Belgium, France, Germany, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom, as well as among new participant associations. Due to date a public report of the annual observatory has not been yet published, we present indicators extracted from the survey form, which is of public access in the website of the Proton Network. Indicators of policies and strategies Incentive regimes in knowledge transfer activities Technology transfer offices (TTOs) were requested to allocate the percentage of licences net revenue to the different players involved: inventors/individuals; institution department and/or faculty; research group; or/ and other. Also, technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the types of rewards and policies regarding to the academic staff-spin-offs: financial incentives for creating spin-outs; equity policies TTO archetype Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate their relationships with the university: centralized internal unit of the institution; departmental internal unit of the institution; non profit external firm or organisation; profit external firm or organisation; sectorial firm or organisation (dedicated to specific disciplines or sectors); or external firm or organisation wholly owned by the institution. 74 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys TTO functions Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate whether knowledge transfer is their main function or has another: university research office; university CPD office; administrative and financial issues; and/or other. Also, technology transfer offices were requested to respond another specific questions about their current activities (management of contracts, management of project grants, management of technical services, management of disclosures, management of patent applications, etc). Indicators of resources and initiatives TTO creation Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the year when the university decided to create a formal structure for knowledge transfer activities. TTO staff Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of professional full time equivalents (FTEs) employed in the office. For the purpose of the survey, "Professional TTO staff" means a professional position whose duties include any management (liaison, marketing, negotiation, evaluation, administration, monitoring, legal and business counselling, grants fund raising) for the support of knowledge transfer activities 100% of the time. Also, technology transfer offices were requested to breakdown it by approximate percentages of professional TTO staff dedicated to: research or consultancy contracts; collaborative research grants; intellectual property (IP) protection; licensing; spin-off development; TTO marketing; dedicated to other duties (e.g. financial management, training processes), as well as to indicate the number of full time equivalents of clerical staff. TTO budget Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the approximate annual TTO budget, including staff and subcontracts, as well as to allocate percentages of this budget among: budget from recurrent institutional budget (public general funding); budget from overheads/indirect costs on research contracts; budget from licence revenue; budget from subsidies from regional/national government or European funds; budget from others sources. 75 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Promotional activities expenditures Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the amount spent in promotional activities (fairs, events, materials, publicity…) during the last financial year. Initiatives to support spin-offs Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate (yes/no) if the university have its own seed fund and/or venture capital funds. TTO networking Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the number of current subscriptions to professional networking and representative organisations, in the home country, Europe and worldwide. Training activities Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the number of training activities addressed to TTO staff and developed in the last financial year. It includes not only classical training but also staff exchanges, conferences, distance learning, etc. Profile of clients/partners involved in knowledge transfer activities Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the number of public/private business clients or partners, as well as the amount of revenues derived from them during the last financial year. Also technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the number of internal clients (academics involved in knowledge transfer activities), and the number of clients (public and private) operating: regionally, nationally and internationally. Revenues during last financial year from private business clients operating regionally was also requested. Indicators of stock of technology Recurrent institutional research grants Technology transfer offices were requested to include the amount of recurrent institutional research grants in the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey, ‘recurrent institutional research grants’ are institution own resources dedicated to research and development. 76 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys IP expenditures Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the amount spent in external legal fees, patent costs and specialist IP consultancy advice during the last financial year. Institutional research revenues Technology transfer offices were requested to include the approximate amount of research revenues in the last financial year and breakdown it by source: regional government programmes, national government programmes, European Community programmes; third party funded research and consultancy contracts charities, donations; and other. Research projects Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of projects granted, the income of grants of these projects, the number of collaborative research proposals submitted for public funding during the last financial year, and the number of active projects and their value generated. Contracts and technical services Technology transfer offices were requested to include: the number of R&D and consultancy contracts negotiated by the TTO (with or without success); the number of contracts entered into during the last financial year; the number of contracts active in portfolio and revenue generated during the last financial year; and, the number and value of technical services carried out during last financial year. Inventions/commercial disclosures Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of invention disclosures received during the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey, “disclosure “ is a document that contains all the information which is deemed necessary to evaluate the potential of an invention/result deriving from the research activities so as to be able to decide its legal protection and/or active commercialisation. Priority patent applications filed Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of priority patent applications filed during the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey ‘Priority patent applications’ are new patent 77 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys applications that have been filed by the institution (plant breeders applications had also to be included), and does not include continuations, divisional, or reissues, continuations in parts, etc. Patents applied for extension Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of patents applied for extension during the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey, ‘extension’ means a PCT application or a patent application in another country than that where priority patent has been filed. Patent portfolio Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of active patents at the end of the last financial year. Patents licensed yielding revenues Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of patents licensed yielding revenues during the last financial year. Licenses/options/assignments granted Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of licenses/options/assignments granted during the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey, a license is where the licensor grants rights to use the technology under licence in a defined field of use and territory. An option agreement grants the potential licensee a time period during which it may evaluate the technology and negotiate the terms of a license agreement. An assignment is a transfer of all the knowledge rights included ownership. One contract may grant more than one license. Active licences Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of active licenses during the last financial year. Licenses/options/assignments providing returns Technology transfer offices were requested to include the licenses/options/assignments providing returns during the last financial year. 78 number of active Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Revenue from license/options/assignments Technology transfer offices were requested to include the amount of revenues from license/options/assignments contracts during the last financial year. Indicators of human capital Business plans Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate the number of business plans presented to the TTO during the last financial year. Indicators of start-up activity Spin-off companies formed Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of spin-offs formed in the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey, “spin-off” company refers to a new company whose formation was dependent on the use of intellectual property (including patents, copyright, design rights, "know how", and utility model or similar) which was created and/or developed at a university Spin-off companies with university equity holding Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of spin-offs formed in the last financial year where the university has taken shares directly or through affiliated seed fund. Value of university equity holding Technology transfer offices were requested to include the value of spin-off equity taken by the university, directly or through affiliated seed fund, during the last financial year. Seed funds/venture capital invested Technology transfer offices were requested to include an approximate value of seed funds/venture capital invested by the institution in spin-off companies during the last financial year. 79 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Forms of finance used for spin-off companies Technology transfer offices were requested to indicate what forms of finance were used for new spin-off companies established in the last financial year: venture capital finance; business angel finance; university managed funds or equivalent; personal investment by founders; government grants; other funds. Start-up companies formed Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of start-ups formed during the last financial year. For the purpose of the survey, start-ups are companies formed by staff, students, or graduates within 2 years of graduation that did not depend on licensing or assignment of intellectual property generated by the institution. Also, TTOs were requested to include the number for start-ups that received assistance from the office. Location of spin-offs and start-ups Technology transfer offices were requested to include the number of existing spin-offs/start-ups that are located or having their primary place of business in the institution’s home region. Portfolio value of current spin-off companies Technology transfer offices were requested to include the estimated portfolio value of current spin-off companies. Indicators of internal impacts Revenue from spin-off equity Technology transfer offices were requested to include the value of revenues from spin-off equity (profit or investment) during the last financial year. Exits of spin-off company investments Universities were requested to include the total value realised through exits of spin-out companies during the last financial year, and breaking it down by exists via: merger o trade sale; IPO( initial public offering)/stock market flotation; MBO (management buy-out); and, failure or liquidation. 80 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.6. APRU: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND WEALTH CREATION (T2WC) SURVEY Formed in 1997, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) is a consortium of 36 research universities in the Pacific Rim. This survey was conducted in 2001 and published in 2002, collecting data form 22 universities (10 from North America, 9 from Asia, and 1 from Australia, New Zealand and South America), with an average response rate of 76%. The purpose of the survey looked at how universities transfer and apply new knowledge and technologies generated by research. It involves a multi-university study on the scope, pattern, trends and impact of technology transfer activities by universities along the Pacific Rim. Indicators of policies and strategies University policies on technology transfer objectives Universities were requested to indicate the relative importance of the following technology transfer objectives: number of inventions disclosed; amount of licensing income generated; number of inventions commercialised; number of start-ups created, amount of associated sponsored research grants generated; contributions to prestige of the university; contributions to local economic development; service to researchers; transfer of technology to the public good; and/or other. Research and invention policies Universities were requested to indicate (yes/no) if corporate sponsorship and joint R&D with industry is encouraged centrally within the institution., and to indicate who owns the patent rights to technologies developed by faculty, students and staff of the university in the course of their use of university facilities: university; inventor/s; and/or other. Universities were also requested to indicate their current split of net income (equity/ royalties) from patented (and un-patented) technologies among: inventor/s; university; inventor’s department/school; technology transfer office; and/or other. Start-up policies Universities were requested to indicate the roles allowed to tenure track faculty related to start- up companies: to serve on board of directors of a new start-up company to commercialise her/his 81 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys invention; take no-pay leave to be involved in a new start-up to commercialise her/his invention; engage in consulting for industry. Universities were requested to indicate if they have a written policy statement on conflict of interest for faculty member involvement with business/industry, as well as if they have an equity management policy for start-up companies receiving technology licensing. TTO archetype Universities were requested to indicate the archetype of their technology transfer office (TTO) :an internal office/department of the university; part of a foundation; a for-profit corporation; or a nonprofit corporation, as well as the structure between the TTO organisation and the office of the university president. Range of responsibilities for TTOs Universities were requested to indicate the range of responsibilities of their TTO: technology transfer trademark licensing, industry sponsored research, spin-off company formation, incubation, researcher education (IP issues, working with industries, etc.) entrepreneurship, and/or other. Indicators of resources and initiatives Programme start date Universities were requested to indicate the programme start date. It refers to the year in which at least 0,5 professional full time equivalent was devoted toward technology transfer activities. Number of staff working at the TTO Universities were requested to indicate the number of full time and/or part-time staff working at the TTO. Assistance provided to start-up companies Universities were requested to indicate the current types of assistance provided by the university to start-up companies: entrepreneurship center providing entrepreneurship-related education and outreach events, university can take equity in start-up companies, university-based incubator 82 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys facility/services, university-affiliated research/science park, direct investment from university endowment fund in start-up companies "prototyping" fund, government commercialisation grants advisement, aid in recruiting management team , facilitation of access to venture capital, mentoring and business advisory services, business plan competition, other. Indicators of stock of technology Total sponsored research expenditures Universities were requested to include the total expenditures made in the survey reporting years by the institution in support of its sponsored research activities. Also, universities were requested to report the indirect cost rate (as a % of total sponsored research expenditures. Research expenditures: government sources Universities were requested to include the % of the research expenditures made in the survey reporting years by the institution in support of its research activities that were funded by all government sources, including the federal government, state government or local municipal authorities. Research expenditures: industrial sources Universities were requested to include the % of the research expenditures made in the survey reporting years by the institution in support of its research activities that are funded by for profit corporations, but not expenditures supported by other sources such as foundations and other non-profit organizations. Research expenditures: foundation/endowment Universities were requested to include the % of the research expenditures made in the survey reporting years by the institution in support of its research activities that are funded by sources such as foundations, endowment and other non-profit organizations. Research expenditures as% of university's operating budget Universities were requested to include the percentage of research expenditures related to the university's operating budget in the survey reporting years. 83 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Research expenditures performed by school/department Universities were requested to include the % of research expenditures performed by university school/department: Physical Sciences, Engineering, Medicine (including nursing), Life Sciences and Pharmacy , Agriculture, and others. Invention disclosures Universities were requested to include the number of invention disclosures, no matter how comprehensive, that were made in the survey reporting years and were counted by the institution. Patents applications filed Universities were requested to include the number of patent applications in the survey reporting years filed by the institution, and breakdown it, by patent applications filed in home country, in U.S. or other countries. For the purpose of the survey patents applications filed includes any filing made, including provisional applications, provisional applications that are converted to regular applications, new filings, CIPs, continuations, divisionals, reissues, and plant patents. Applications for certificates of plant variety had also to be included. For patents application filed in the U.S., certificates of plant variety protection issued by the U.S.D.A. had also to be included. Cumulative non-expired patents issued Universities were requested to include the number of total non-expired patents issued as the end of the survey-reporting year. Also, universities were requested to breakdown it by schools/departments: Physical Sciences, Engineering, Medicine (including nursing), Life Sciences and Pharmacy, Agriculture, and others, as well as by patents issued in home country, issued in the USA or issued in other countries. Licences/options executed Universities were requested to include the number of licenses/options executed in the survey reporting years, as well as the total cumulative number as of end of last fiscal year. Licences/options executed with equity Universities were requested to include the number of licenses/options executed with equity in the survey reporting years, as well as the total cumulative number as of end of last fiscal year. 84 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Exclusivity of licences/options Universities were requested to breakdown the number of licenses/options executed in the survey reporting years, as well as the total cumulative number as of end of latest fiscal year, by exclusive or non-exclusive licences. Types of recipient organizations of licences Universities were requested to breakdown the number of licenses/options executed in the survey reporting years, as well as the total cumulative number as of end of latest fiscal year, by exclusive type of licensee companies: start-ups companies or existing companies. Licenses yielding income Universities were requested to include the number and amount of active licenses/options yielding income in the survey reporting years, excluding income earned from licensing of trademarks, as well as breakdown the total amount by income received and income paid to other institutions. For the purpose of the survey, license income received includes: license issue fees, payments under options, annual minimums, running royalties, termination payments, the amount of equity received when cashed-in, and software and biological material end-user license fees equal to $1,000 or more, but not research funding, patent expense reimbursement, a valuation of equity not cashed-in, software and biological material end-user license fees less than $1,000, or trademark licensing royalties from university insignia. License income also does not include income received in support of the cost to make and transfer materials under material transfer agreements. License income paid to other institutions is a subset of license income received and didn’t have tot be subtracted from the total. Gross license income Universities were requested to breakdown the gross licence income received in the last fiscal year, by one-time royalty/fees, running royalties, cashed-in equity or other types. For the purpose of the survey, one-time royalties/fees are defined as royalties earned on a one-time, up-front basis independent of the actual sale of products. Included in this number are license issue fees and payments under options. Excluded from this amount are termination payments and annual minimum payments not supported by sales, which should be reported separately. Running royalties are defined as royalties earned on the sale of products. Excluded from this number are license issue fees, payments under options, termination payments, and the amount of annual minimums not supported by sales. Cashed-in equity 85 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys includes the amount received from cashing in equity holdings, resulting in a cash transfer to the institution. The amount reported had to be reduced by the cost basis, if any, on which the equity was acquired. Excluded from this amount is any type of analysis or process whereby a value for the equity holdings is determined but a cash transaction does not take place through the sale of these holdings. Research funding generated by licensing Universities were requested to report whether any technology licensing over past 3 years generate new sponsored research grants to university by recipient company, as well as the total amount of research and development support committed to your institution (even if the funds are to be spent over several years) that was related to license/option agreements executed by the institution. Indicators of start-up activity Start-ups formed Universities were requested to include the number of start-ups companies, breaking it down by startups with or without technology licensing from the university. Indicators of internal/external impacts Number of jobs created Universities were requested to include the number of jobs created by the start-ups with technology licensing from the university and start-ups without technology licensing from the university. External investment received Universities were requested to indicate the total amount of external investment received by start-ups with technology licensing from the university and start-ups without technology licensing from the university. Sales revenue generated Universities were requested to indicate the total amount of sales revenues generated by start-ups with technology licensing from the university and start-ups without technology licensing from the university. 86 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.7 GLOBALSTART PROJECT: BENCHMARKING SURVEY The GlobalStart is a project funded by the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Community, and is part of the European Commission's Pilot Action of Excellence in Innovative Start-ups (PAXIS). In the framework of the project, a benchmarking exercise among the seven participant universities was done in order to examine their spin-off creation performance and processes, and more specifically global spin-off creation. Qualitative and quantitative indicators were grouped into four different levels: spin-off support activities; other technology transfer; capabilities of the university; and, regional context. The following indicators are gathered from the draft report of the benchmarking exercise (published in 2004). Although the report includes indicators as those for benchmarking the regional contexts of each project partner, we just include indicators referred to internal resources/capabilities of universities. Indicators of policies University’s core missions Universities were requested to indicate the level of importance (crucial, very important, important or less important) of the education, research and commercialisation of research results for them. Technology transfer strategies Universities were requested to indicate (yes/no) if technology transfer has an explicit objective in the overall strategy of the university, as well as indicate (yes/no) the presence of a specific university policy with regard to the management of university related intellectual property rights (IPR). Indicators of resources and initiatives 87 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Start of technology transfer activities Universities were requested to include the year/s when they started technology transfer activities, active IPR support and/or active spin-off support. Universities were also requested to indicate the year of the technology transfer office (TTO) establishment, first year in which at least 0,5 full time equivalent (FTE) was dedicated to IPR support, and first year in which at least 0,5 FTE was dedicated to spin-off support. TTO staff Universities were requested to include the total number of professional staff currently working at the TTO, and breakdown it by: staff for spin-off support; IPR support; contract research; and/or others. For the purpose of the survey, Professional staff is the qualified TTO staff responsible for carrying out technology transfer activities on behalf of the university, based on expert knowledge and / or working experience. TTO staff-professional background Universities were requested to indicate the professional background of the TTO staff members involved in spin-off support: Economics/Business Administration; Law; Engineering; Biomedical; and/or other. The survey report includes the following indicators to normalise values relating to university size: total TTO staff per 100 academic staff; spin-off staff per 100 academic staff; IPR staff per 100 academic staff; contract research staff per 100 academic staff; total TTO staff per 100 professor; spin-off staff per 100 professor; IPR staff per 100 professor; contract research staff per 100 professor. TTO staff-professional experience Universities were requested to indicate the years of professional experience of TTO staff members involved in spin-off support: years of professional experience, including business experience. The survey report includes the averages of professional experience per member and business experience per member of TTO staff. TTO working budget Universities were requested to indicate the value of the working budget of the last year. The survey report includes values of working budget per TTO staff and working budget per 100 academic staff. 88 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Capital/loans: spin-off support activities Universities were requested to indicate of the university has their own seed capital funds for spin-offs and its size, as well as to indicate the provider (TTO, other university unit; region) of support activities related to capital and loans (providing capital, providing support to obtain capital, providing loans). Infrastructure: spin-off support activities Universities were requested to indicate the number of incubators, high tech incubators and science parks in the region, the degree of involvement of the university with them, and the range of services offered by incubators and science parks: office space; professional equipment; administrative support; management support; and/or financial services. Also, universities were requested to indicate the provider (TTO, other university unit; region) of support activities related to infrastructure (providing access to university equipment and facilities, finding infrastructure). Networking: spin-off support activities Universities were requested to indicate the number of networks in which the TTO (officers) participate (regional, national and international level), as well as if the TTO or others in the university provide access to industrial and entrepreneurial networks. Awareness creation/pre-venture and venture support Universities were requested to indicate the provider/s (TTO, other university unit; region) and the activities related to awareness creation, pre-venture and venture support: awareness creation activities; training activities oriented towards stimulating entrepreneurship; identification of opportunities; market research and competitor analysis; development of business plan; formation of management team; legal / tax consulting for the spin-off company; advice in the field of IPR for the spin-off company; advice in the field of export and internationalisation; management support / interim management; management training. Indicators of stock of technology and TT activities Scientific publications Universities were requested to indicate the number of scientific publications during the last year. 89 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Contract research revenue Universities were requested to include the value of revenues from contract research during the last year. The survey report includes revenue from contract research per academic staff, per professor, and per staff involved in contract research. Invention disclosures Universities were requested to include the number of invention disclosures received during the last year. Also, the survey report includes the following indicators: invention disclosures per 100 academic staff; invention disclosures per 100 professor; invention disclosures per 100 academic staff involved. Patents applications Universities were requested to include the number of patent applications filed during the last year. Also, the survey report includes the following indicators: patent applications per 100 academic staff; patent applications per 100 professor; patent applications per 100 academic staff involved. Patents granted Universities were requested to include the number of patents granted during the last four years. Also, the survey report includes the following indicators: patent granted per 100 academic staff; patent granted per 100 professors; patent granted per 100 academic staff involved. Licensing revenue Universities were requested to include the value of revenues from licensing during the last year. Also, the survey report includes the following indicators: license revenue per 100 academic staff; license revenue per 100 professors; license revenue per 100 academic staff involved. Valorisation method used for patents granted Universities were requested to include the % of the patent portfolio valorised and used methods during the last five years: % licensed to a company; % licensed to a spin-off; % transferred to a spin-off. 90 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Indicators of start-up activity Spin-off companies formed Universities were requested to include the total number of spin-off companies formed during all years, as well as the number of spin-off companies formed during last five years. Also, the survey report includes: % of spin-offs formed during the last five years; number of spin-offs per 100 academic staff; number of spin-offs per 100 professor; number of spin-offs per 100 academic staff involved; number of spin-offs per TTO staff; number of spin-offs per TTO staff for spin-off support. For the purpose of the survey, universities were requested to indicate their criteria/s used to define the term spin-off, among: a newly established firm that exploits knowledge and research results, developed within the university; at least one of the founders is a researcher, who was actively involved in the development of the knowledge; active involvement of the university by contribution in-kind (intellectual property) or investment in equity. Spin-off distribution Universities were requested to indicate the industry where the spin-offs formed during the last five years are operating: food; pharmaceuticals and biotechnology; ICT; industrial products, machinery and equipment; medical devices; consulting; others. Spin-offs with global potential Universities were requested to indicate the number of spin-offs formed during the last five year that have a global potential. Academic staff involved in spin-off activities Universities were requested to indicate the % of academic staff involved in: spin-off activities; IPR activities and contract research. Spin-off failure Universities were requested to indicate the number of spin-off formed that have ceased trading (bankruptcy, settlement, etc.) over the last five years. The survey report also includes the % of failure. 91 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Indicators of human capital SCI-covered publications Universities were requested to include the number of SCI (science citation index)-covered publications of the university during the last year. Business ideas and plans Universities were requested to include the number of both business ideas and business plans presented during the last year. Indicators of internal/external impacts Spin-off employment Universities were requested to indicate the number of employees of spin-offs formed during the last five years. The survey report includes the total number of employees and an average of employees per spin-off. Spin-off revenues Universities were requested to breakdown the number of spin-offs formed during the last five years by their approximate revenues (keur): < 250; 250-500; 501-1000; 1001-2500; >2500. The survey report also includes an average of revenues per firm. 92 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys 3.2.8. SUMMARY CHECKLIST OF BENCHMARKING SURVEY INDICATORS The following tables show a summary of the indicators of academic entrepreneurship gathered from the benchmarking surveys. These tables allow us to detect the most common indicators according the dimensions of our proposed framework for monitoring academic entrepreneurship. Table 3.2.1. Indicators of policies and strategies. PROTON OECD AUTM APRU HEBI UNICO GS AUTM APRU HEBI UNICO GS University core missions IP policy TT strategies TTO archetype Incentives and rewards Start-up policies Table 3.2.2. Indicators of resources and initiatives. PROTON OECD Age of TTO TTO functions TTO staff Technical/ support Level of educ./ experience Specific duties Support for start-ups TTO budget By activities TTO networking 93 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Staff training Methods to evaluate start-up projects Table 3.2.3. Indicators of stock of technology. PROTON Total research expenditures Origin of funds By school Total research funding Origin of funds Research projects Scientific publications New invention disclosures New patents applications/filed By technical field Stock of active patents By technical field Licensed/non licensed Yielding income Licensee types New patents granted/issued Jurisdictions New non patent IP actions By type Ratio of New Patent Applications Filed to Invention Disclosures 94 OECD AUTM APRU HEBI UNICO GS Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys received Patents Issued as % of Total Patent Applications Patents Issued % of New Patent Applications Non-patent IP actions Table3.2.4. Indicators of technology transfer activity. PROTON OECD AUTM APRU HEBI UNICO GS Total IP income Distribution by stakeholders IP expenditures Legal fees reimbursements Number and amount of R+D contracts Consultancy contracts Methods to find licensees New licences negotiated Type of IP New licences executed Type of IP Research area Exclusivity Licence requirements Licensee types National/oversea s With equity Active licenses/options Yielding Income 95 Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys License income of active licences Source types Licensee types Amount of license income paid to other institutions Adjusted gross income from licences Profile of TTO clients Internal/external Geographical distribution Table 3.2.5. Indicators of start-up activity. PROTON New start-ups formed University equity holding Equity finance origin Location Amount of external investment received Active start-up companies University equity holding More than 3 years old New equity finance origin Location Industry Global potential Non-operational start-ups 96 OECD AUTM APRU HEBI UNICO GS Findings: indicators used in benchmarking surveys Table 3.3.6. Indicators of human capital. PROTON OECD AUTM APRU HEBI UNICO GS Share of students employed in enterprises during their studies Provision of courses for business: number of students New business ideas/plans SCI-covered publications Table 3.2.7. Indicators of internal impacts. PROTON OECD AUTM APRU HEBI AUTM APRU HEBI UNICO GS Value of new/total venture capital invested Value of revenues from start-up equity Number/value of exits from spin-offs Table 3.2.8. Indicators of external impacts. PROTON OECD UNICO GS Estimated turnover of active firms Estimated employment of all active firms Product introductions 97 Findings: Delphi survey results 3.3. DELPHI SURVEY RESULTS This section includes the results of the Delphi survey. Advantages of the applied methodology are several. Delphi methodology has enabled us to elicit and refine a group rational judgement on the issue of entrepreneurship evaluation, by structuring an effective group communication process to deal with this complex issue. Nevertheless, this methodology has some disadvantages. In order to glean as much information in the exploratory stage as possible and hold not induced opinions, we preferred the use in the first round of open-ended questions against, for instance, of using screened indicators derived from literature or other sources. As consequence, it could have generated a decrease of the level of information compiled, since certain questions were not asked or focused on specific issues, as it could have been asking about indicators for defined key areas of analysis. Following tables show proposed indicators and the results of the second round survey, which attempted to “bring close” opinions of experts about proposed indicators asking about “suitability” of each indicator, and the features measurability, revision period and scale. For the question suitability, respondents had the option of choosing among four possible responses: “very good”, “not too bad” and “bad”. For the question measurability, respondents had the option of choosing between two possible responses: “yes”, “no”. For the question period, respondents had the option of choosing among three possible responses: “academic year”, “calendar year” and an open-ended one “others”. For the question scale, respondents had the option of choosing between two possible responses: “ranks” and “absolute values”. Table 3.3.1. Proposed indicators within the area “Stock of technology”. STOCK OF TECHNOLOGY N° of patent applications 98 Suitability VG 66% NTB 33% Measurability DK 0% Y 66% N 0% Period DK AY CY 33% 50% 50% Scale DK 0% R AV 0% 100% DK/ 0% Findings: Delphi survey results Table 3.3.2. Proposed indicators within the area “Resources and initiatives”. RESOURCES & INITIATIVES Suitability VG NTB Measurability DK Y N Period DK AY CY Scale DK R AV DK/ University financial support 100% 0% 0% 83% 17% 0% 33% 66% 0% 17% 83% 0% seed capital invested 100% 0% 0% 83% 17% 0% 33% 66% 0% 17% 83% 0% loans conceded 66% 17% 17% 50% 17% 33% 17% 50% 33% 17% 50% 33% awards conceded 66% 17% 17% 50% 17% 33% 17% 50% 33% 17% 33% 50% 33% 0% 66% 33% 17% 50% 17% 50% 33% 33% 17% 50% 83% 17% 0% 100% 0% 0% 66% 33% 0% 17% 83% 0% in pre-spin off assistance 66% 17% 17% 50% 17% 33% 66% 17% 17% 17% 66% 17% in spin off assistance 66% 17% 17% 50% 17% 33% 66% 17% 17% 17% 66% 17% in research activities 66% 17% 17% 66% 17% 17% 66% 17% 17% 17% 66% 17% in marketing and communication activities 50% 33% 17% 66% 17% 17% 66% 17% 17% 33% 50% 17% N° of encouragement activities 83% 17% 0% 100% 0% 0% 50% 33% 17% 0% 66% 33% N° of entrepreneurship training courses 83% 17% 0% 100% 0% 0% 50% 33% 17% 0% 66% 33% TTO Working budget % of regularly paid micro loans TTO staff (FTEs) 66% 17% 17% 66% 0% 33% 50% 50% 0% 33% 50% 17% in pre-spin off assistance 33% 33% 33% 33% 0% 66% 50% 17% 33% 17% 33% 50% research activities 33% 17% 50% 33% 0% 66% 33% 33% 33% 17% 33% 50% in spin off assistance 17% 33% 50% 33% 0% 66% 33% 17% 50% 0% 33% 66% public/private origin 0% 66% 33% 50% 0% 50% 50% 33% 17% 33% 33% 33% In marketing and communication activities 0% 17% 83% 33% 33% 33% 50% 17% 33% 17% 33% 50% No. of news in local and national press 17% 66% 17% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 0% 33% 66% No. of requests for the accommodation in TI 17% 50% 33% 17% 33% 50% 33% 0% 66% 0% 33% 66% 99 Findings: Delphi survey results No. of published articles improving innovation awareness 0% 50% 50% 0% 17% 83% 0% 17% 83% 0% 0% 100% No. of psychological profile questionnaires filled in 17% 50% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 17% 50% 0% 33% 66% No. of companies accepted to the Technology Incubator 0% 50% 50% 33% 0% 66% 33% 33% 33% 17% 50% 33% No. of articles describing the best practices 0% 50% 50% 0% 17% 83% 0% 17% 83% 0% 0% 100% Table 3.3.3. Proposed indicators within the area “human capital”. Suitability HUMAN CAPITAL VG NTB Measurability DK Y N Period DK AY CY Scale DK R AV DK/ No. of attendants in training activities 83% 0% 17% 100% 0% 0% 83% 17% 0% No. of business plans drawn up 83% 0% 17% 83% 0% 17% 50% 33% 17% 0% 83% 17% Amount of contract research 66% 33% 0% 66% 0% 33% 33% 50% 17% 0% 83% 17% No. of business ideas 66% 17% 17% 50% 17% 33% 50% 33% 17% 0% 83% 17% No. of students enrolled on business creation subjects 66% 0% 33% 66% 0% 33% 50% 17% 33% 0% 66% 33% No. of attendants in encouragement activities 50% 33% 17% 100% 0% 0% 66% 33% 0% 0% 100% 0% No. of university staff involved in new projects 50% 33% 17% 50% 17% 33% 50% 17% 33% 0% 66% 33% No. of informal contacts (requests for information) 33% 17% 50% 50% 50% 0% 66% 17% 17% 0% 83% 17% No of applicants for the Enterprise Fellowship Scheme 33% 0% 66% 33% 33% 33% 17% 33% 50% 0% 50% 50% 0% 50% 50% 33% 17% 50% 33% 33% 33% 0% 66% 33% No. of staff employed by contract research 100 0% 100% 0% Findings: Delphi survey results Table 3.3.4. Proposed indicators within the area “start up activity”. START UP ACTIVITY Suitability VG NTB Measurability DK Y 100% 0% 100% 0% 05 50% 50% Average growth of No. spin-offs 33% No. of university staff involved in new spinoffs No. of spin-offs sent to bankruptcy No. of spin-offs formed Global/ non global Assisted/not assisted 0% 100% N Period DK AY CY Scale DK R AV DK/ 0% 0% 50% 50% 0% 17% 83% 0% 83% 0% 17% 50% 50% 0% 17% 83% 0% 0% 33% 33% 33% 17% 33% 50% 17% 50% 33% 66% 0% 17% 33% 50% 17% 33% 50% 0% 50% 50% 83% 17% 0% 50% 17% 33% 50% 33% 17% 0% 83% 17% 50% 33% 17% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 0% 66% 33% 101 4. SET OF INDICATORS 103 Set of indicators 4.1. OVERVIEW The following proposed set of indicators is addressed to stakeholders on business creation inside higher education institutions, in order to be an orientation tool for the development of their tasks related to the monitoring academic entrepreneurship. Some of the uses of the set are related to: The development of university policies, strategies and initiatives related to academic entrepreneurship through the analysis of the captured data. The setting of targets, analysis of trends and benchmarking. Short, medium and long-term planning of initiatives and milestones. Dialogue and report of impacts to stakeholders outside university: policy makers, funding institutions, other universities, chambers of commerce, local development agencies, etc. For the development of this proposal of indicators, we have carried out a literature review on resources and capabilities of universities that are correlated with start-up activity in order to find cause–effect relationships. From this review, we have gathered and identified indicators for the measurement of these resources and capabilities, the start-up activity and the wealth creation by reviewing benchmarking surveys on technology transfer as well as the development of a Delphi survey. Concretely, the proposed indicators are grouped into seven subsets which shape the framework for monitoring academic entrepreneurship. Four of these subsets include indicators for the measurement of “inputs” implied in the entrepreneurial process: policies and strategies, stock of technology, resources and initiatives and human capital. The indicators for the measurement of “outputs” of the university entrepreneurial process are included in three subsets, which comprise start-up activity, and internal and external impacts, as measures of wealth creation. This framework and each subset are explained below. 104 Set of indicators For a better comprehension, in each subset (excluding policies and strategies) the indicators are grouped into three types: basic, recommended and global activity (concerning the measurement of international entrepreneurship). In addition, normalised indicators regarding the size of the university (by academic staff and research expenditures) are included, in order to allow benchmarking exercises and take into account changes when medium and long-term planning actions are undertaken. A glossary of terms and definitions is attached, as well as two examples of questionnaires for the indicators based on data surveys. Stock of Stock of TTechnology echnology Policies Policies & & Strategies Strategies Resources & Resources & Initiatives Initiatives Human Capital Human Capital START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS Policies and strategies According to the different universities policies on technology transfer developed by the university, the start up activity can be encouraged or inhibited. Accordingly, this subset of indicators monitors the perceptions of university stakeholders on the state of start-up policies, as well as the strategies and their implementation in structures of support. Stock of technology The technological production is the main source of business opportunities for a university. Thereby, it is necessary to gather information about the” business opportunities portfolio” as well as monitor its characteristics and the trends over time. Analysis of the information gathered with these indicators can provide the university with knowledge about their weakness and 105 Set of indicators strengths in terms of technological production in order, for instance, to develop specific policies and initiatives or to focus on more promising departments or technologies. Resources and initiatives Some institutional resources, and its optimal use, can affect the university capabilities for supporting new start-ups. Institutional resources such as staff with experience in business creation issues, or economical resources for the development of support initiatives (training, counselling, etc.) are monitored with the indicators included in this subset. Human capital The potential entrepreneurs that universities possess are a key element determining their startup activity performance. Not only the number of potential entrepreneurs, but also their characteristics can influence the access to external resources and the further performance of new firms. Start-up activity This subset includes indicators to monitor the start-up activity performance of an university in terms of new organisations created, university community involvement, and the characteristics of the start-up portfolio. Indicators to measure and monitor efficiency of resources used to support start-up activity are also included in this subset. Internal impacts One part of the wealth creation derived from university start-ups can be measured in terms of impacts to the university. This subset includes indicators both for measuring and monitoring internal impacts in economical-financial terms and job creation for university community. External impacts The other part of the wealth creation by university start-ups can be measured in terms of impacts to the society. The university, as a social organisation, must measure the impact of 106 Set of indicators their start-ups in terms of contribution to the economic and social development. Indicators such as contribution to the local GDP or to the employment are included in this subset. These indicators are also useful to dialogue with the society and its institutions in order to communicate these impacts and acquire new external support for academic entrepreneurship. 4.3. REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF USE This proposed set of indicators is an orientation tool for the developing a performance measurement system for monitoring academic entrepreneurship. Since many universities have implemented their own performance measurement systems, the main usefulness for these institutions is to serve as a basis for reviewing, redefining or improving existing ones. This implies that universities, according to their characteristics, have to develop their own performance measurement systems by focusing in their specific key areas, selecting and fitting the indicators. The process of developing and implementing a performance measurement system for monitoring academic entrepreneurship can be a complex task due to the organisational characteristics of higher education institutions. Accordingly, we suggest that the steps to follow for using this set of indicators are related to: 1. Review of the university strategy concerning the promotion and support of academic entrepreneurship. 2. Identify the factors of the university that are influencing start-up activity rates, and select those key factors that will be monitored. 3. Identify existing related targets of the university. 4. Review of the existing performance measurement systems and measures that are included. 5. Select and adapt the indicators: definitions, key concepts, revision periods, etc. 6. Integration of indicators in the existing performance measurement system. 107 Set of indicators Concerning the use of this set for benchmarking exercises, the use of a scale of measurement that facilitates a correct interpretation of questions is crucial for achieving quality results. Therefore, we suggest the adaptation of indicators to the reality of surveyed universities, ass well as clear definitions regarding to key concepts. 108 Set of indicators Stock of Stock of Technology Technology Policies Policies & & Strategies Strategies Resources Resources&& IInitiatives nitiatives Human Capital Human Capital START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS POLICIES & STRATEGIES INDICATORS INDICATORS Code Pall A. Basic Perceptions of university community Average score given by all university stakeholders on policies and strategies to encourage and support start up activity. Pubm Perceptions of university board members Average score given by the university board members on policies and strategies to encourage and support start up activity. Pstaff Perceptions of staff involved in start up support Average score given by the staff involved in supporting start-ups on policies and strategies to encourage and support start up activity. Pacstaff Perceptions of academic staff Average score given by researchers/lecturers on policies and strategies to encourage and support start up activity. Punder Perceptions of undergraduates Average score given by students on policies and strategies to encourage and support start up activity. 109 Set of indicators Stock of Stock of Technology Technology Policies Policies & & Strategies Strategies Resources Resources&& Initiatives Initiatives START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY Human Capital Human Capital INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS STOCK OF TECHNOLOGY INDICATORS INDICATORS Code RDexp A. Basic R&D expenditures Total amount of research expenditures made during the last year. Nsp New scientific publications Number of scientific publications made during the last year. Nid New invention disclosures Number of invention disclosures received during the last year. Npa New patent applications Number of patent applications made during the last year. Npg New patents granted Number of patents granted during the last year. Npac New patents actions Number of patent applications and patents granted made during the last year. It’s an integration of the indicators “Npa” and “Npg”. PPort Patent portfolio Number of active patents at the end of the year. 110 Set of indicators Code Rdexp/S B. Recommended Research expenditures by school Distribution of the total amount of research expenditures made in the last year by school/department. Pport/S Patent portfolio by school Distribution of the patent portfolio by school/department. Code Nipa C. Global activity New international patent applications Number of patents for which international extensions were applied for during the last year. Nipg New international patents granted Number of patents for which international extensions were granted during the last year. Ipport International patents’ portfolio Number of active patents with international extensions granted, at the end of the year. NORMALISED INDICATORS Code Rdexp/as A. Per academic staff Research expenditures per academic staff “Rdexp” value per 100 academic staff. Nsp/as New scientific publications per academic staff “Nsp” value per 100 academic staff. Nid/as Invention disclosures per academic staff “Nid” value per 100 academic staff. 111 Set of indicators Npa/as New patent applications per academic staff “Npa” value per 100 academic staff. Npg/as New patents granted per academic staff “Npg” value per 100 academic staff. Npac/as New patents actions per 100 academic staff “Npac” value per 100 academic staff. PPort/as Patent portfolio per academic staff “Pport” value per 100 academic staff. Nipa/as New international patent applications per academic staff “Nipa” value per 100 academic staff. Nipg/as New international patents granted per academic staff “Nipg” value per 100 academic staff. Ipport/as International patents’ portfolio per academic staff “Ipport” value per 100 academic staff. Code Nps/RDexp B. Per research expenditures New scientific publications per research expenditures “Nps” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Nid/RDexp Invention disclosures per research expenditures “Nid” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Npa/RDexp New patent applications per research expenditures “Npa” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Npg/RDexp New patents granted per research expenditures “Npg” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Npac/RDexp New patents actions per research expenditures “Npac” value per €10 million of research expenditures. 112 Set of indicators PPort/RDexp Patent portfolio per research expenditures “Pport” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Nipa/RDexp New international patent applications per research expenditures “Nipa” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Nipg/RDexp New international patents granted per research expenditures “Nipg” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Ipport/RDex p International patents’ portfolio per research expenditures “Ipport” value per €10 million of research expenditures. 113 Set of indicators Stock of Stock of TTechnology echnology Policies Policies & & SStrategies trategies Resources Resources&& Initiatives Initiatives START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY Human apital HumanCCapital INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS RESOURCES & INITIATIVES INDICATORS INDICATORS Code Wf A. Basic Work force Number of FTEs dedicated to encourage and support start-up activity, including technical and administrative staff, at the end of the year. Suex Start-up experience Number of technical FTEs dedicated to support start-ups with more than 2 years of experience, at the end of the year. Suexp Start-up support expenditures Total amount of university expenditures made to encourage and support start-up activity, during the last year. Code Exp/d B. Recommended Expenditures distribution Distribution of start-up support expenditures by type of primary process: Marketing activities Training activities Advice/mentoring activities IPR-licensing activities 114 Set of indicators Wf/d Work force distribution: Distribution of technical and administrative FTEs by type of primary process: Marketing activities management Training activities management Advice/mentoring activities IPR-licensing activities Otser Offer of training services Total number of encouragement-training credits offered: sum for all courses, of number of credits x places offered. Oamser Offer of advice/mentoring services Total number of advice/mentoring credits offered: Sum of technical FTEs dedicated to advice/mentoring. Seedav Seed capital available Amount of own or affiliated university seed capital. Code GSe C. Global activity Global start-up experience Number of technical FTEs dedicated to support international new ventures with more than 2 years of experience. Otii Offer of training services in international issues: Total number of offered credits for training courses in international issues: sum for all courses, of number of credits x places offered. NORMALISED INDICATORS Code Wf/as A. Per academic staff Work force per academic staff “Wf” value per 100 academic staff. 115 Set of indicators Suex/as Start-up experience per academic staff “Suex” value per 100 academic staff. Suexp/as Start-up support expenditures per academic staff “Suexp” value per 100 academic staff. Otser/as Offer of training services per academic staff “Otser”value per 100 academic staff. Oamser/as Offer of advice/mentoring services per academic staff “Oamser” value per 100 academic staff. Seedav/as Seed capital available per academic staff “Seedav” value per 100 academic staff. GSe/as Global start-up experience per academic staff “Gse” value per 100 academic staff. Otii/as International encouragement training services per academic staff “Otii” value per 100 academic staff. Code Wf/RDexp B. Per research expenditures Work force per research expenditures “Wf” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Suex/RDexp Start-up experience per research expenditures Suex” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Suexp/RDexp Start-up support expenditures per research expenditures “Suexp” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Otser/RDexp Offer of training services per research expenditures “Otser”value per €10 million of research expenditures. Oamser/RDexp 116 Offer of advice/mentoring services per research expenditures Set of indicators “Oamser” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Seedav/RDexp Seed capital available per research expenditures “Seedav” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GSe/RDexp Global start-up experience per research expenditures “Gse” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Otii/RDexp Offer of international training services per research expenditures “Otii” value per €10 million of research expenditures. 117 Set of indicators Stock of Stock of TTechnology echnology Policies Policies & & SStrategies trategies Resources Resources&& Initiatives Initiatives START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY Human HumanCapital Capital INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS HUMAN CAPITAL INDICATORS INDICATORS Code Facqual A. Basic Faculty quality Number of citations that the university has received during the last year. SCIpub SCI-covered publications Number of SCI-covered publications during the last year. RDind R&D industry revenues Total amount of revenues derived from the R&D funded by industry sources. Nbip New business ideas/plans Number of business ideas and plans presented during the last year. Epe Enrolment of potential entrepreneurs Number of potential entrepreneurs enrolled in the assistance programme. Code II 118 B. Recommended Index of intention Set of indicators Percentage of academic staff with intentions of start-up a business. Nbip/s Business ideas/plans per school Distribution of “Nbip” value by school/department. Epe/s Potential entrepreneurs per school Distribution of “Epe” value by school/department. Code Nibip C. Global activity New international business ideas/plans Number of business ideas and plans with international approaches presented during the last year. NORMALISED INDICATORS Code Facqual/as A. Per academic staff Faculty quality per academic staff “Facqual” value per 100 academic staff. SCIpub/as SCI-covered publications per academic staff “SCIpub” value per 100 academic staff. RDind/as R+D industry revenues per academic staff “RDind” value per 100 academic staff. Nbip/as New business ideas/plans per academic staff “Nbip” value per 100 academic staff. Epe/as Enrolment of potential entrepreneurs per academic staff “Epe” value per 100 academic staff. Nibip/as New international business ideas/plans per academic staff “Nibip” value per 100 academic staff. 119 Set of indicators Code Facqual/RDexp B. Per research expenditures Faculty quality per research expenditures “Facqual” value per €10 million of research expenditures. SCIpub/RDexp SCI-covered publications per research expenditures “SCIpub” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Rdind/RDexp R+D industry revenues per research expenditures “RDind” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Nbip/RDexp New business ideas/plans per research expenditures “Nbip” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Epe/RDexp Enrolment of potential entrepreneurs per research expenditures “Epe” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Nibip/RDexp New international business ideas/plans per research expenditures “Nibip” value per €10 million of research expenditures. 120 Set of indicators Stock of Stock of Technology Technology Policies Policies & & Strategies Strategies Resources Resources&& Initiatives Initiatives START-UP START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY Human Capital Human Capital INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS START-UP ACTIVITY INDICATORS INDICATORS Code NSU A. Basic New start-ups Number of start-ups formed during the last year. SUPort Start-up portfolio Current number of active start-ups at the end of the year. Facpart Faculty participation Number of academic staff involved in active start-ups, at the end of the last year. SUPort/s Start-up portfolio per school Distribution of “SUPort” value by school/department. Surrate Survival rate Percentage of start-ups formed during the last five years currently active. Attbal Annual technology transfer balance Percentage of licences executed during the last year to new startups. Code B. Recommended 121 Set of indicators SUI Start-up activity index Number of start-ups formed during the last three years per 100 academic staff. EAI Entrepreneurial activity index Percentage of academic staff involved in start-ups that were formed during the last three years. Eqport Portfolio of start-ups with equity Current number of active start-ups with university equity holding SUloc Start-ups location Distribution of “SUport” value by current location: University infrastructures: incubator/science park Local Regional National Eqportval Equity portfolio value Value of the university equity in active start-ups at the end of the last year. SUexit Start-up exits Number of exits via: IPO, or MBO EWf Efficiency of work force Number of staff (FTEs) per new start-up. SUcost Unit cost Support expenditures per new start-up during the last year. Thus is, “Suexp” value divided by “NSU” value. Code NpGS C. Global activity New potential GS Number of potential global-start-ups formed during the last year. PGSport 122 Potential GS portfolio Set of indicators Current number of active start-ups formed during the last three years with global potential. GSport GS portfolio Current number of active global start-ups at the end of the year. NORMALISED INDICATORS Code NSU/as A. Per academic staff New start-ups per academic staff “NSU” value per 100 academic staff. SUPort/as Start-up portfolio per academic staff “SUport” value per 100 academic staff. Facpart/as Faculty participation per academic staff “Facpart” value per 100 academic staff. SUPort/s Start-up portfolio per school and per academic staff “SUport/s” values per 100 academic staff. Eqport/as Portfolio of start-ups with equity per academic staff “Eqport” value per 100 academic staff. Eqportval/as Equity portfolio value per academic staff “Eqportval” value per 100 academic staff. SUexit/as Start-up exits per academic staff “SUexit” value per 100 academic staff. NpGS/as New potential GS per academic staff “NpGS” value per 100 academic staff. PGSport/as Potential GS portfolio per academic staff 123 Set of indicators “PGSport” value per 100 academic staff. GSport/as GS portfolio per academic staff “GSport” value per 100 academic staff. Code NSU/RDexp B. Per research expenditures New start-ups per research expenditures “NSU” value per €10 million of research expenditures SUPort/RDexp Start-up portfolio per research expenditures “SUport” value per €10 million of research expenditures Facpart/RDexp Faculty participation per research expenditures “Facpart” value per €10 million of research expenditures SUPort/s/RDexp Start-up portfolio per school and per research expenditures “SUport” value per €10 million of research expenditures Eqport/RDexp Portfolio of start-ups with equity per research expenditures “Eqport” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Eqportval/RDexp Equity portfolio value per research expenditures “Eqportval” value per €10 million of research expenditures SUexit/RDexp Start-up exits per research expenditures “SUexit” value per €10 million of research expenditures NpGS/RDexp New potential GS per research expenditures “NpGS” value per €10 million of research expenditures PGSport/RDexp Potential GS portfolio per research expenditures “PGSport” value per €10 million of research expenditures Gsport/RDexp GS portfolio per research expenditures “GSport” value per €10 million of research expenditures 124 Set of indicators Stock of Stock of TTechnology echnology Policies Policies & & SStrategies trategies Resources Resources&& Initiatives Initiatives START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS Human apital HumanCCapital INTERNAL IMPACT INDICATORS INDICATORS Code RevSU A. Basic Revenues from start-ups Total amount of revenues from start-up portfolio during the last year, including licence incomes, cashed-in equity, and R&D funds from start-ups. NUjob New university-related jobs Number of jobs (FTEs) created from the start-up portfolio during the last year, involving undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, and academic staff of the university. UJobport University-related job portfolio Number of active jobs (FTEs) created from start-up portfolio involving undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, and academic staff of the university. TTrevbal Technology transfer revenues balance Percentage of total university licence incomes generated by start-up portfolio during the last year. Code RevSU/o B. Recommended Revenues distribution Distribution of amount revenues from start-up portfolio 125 Set of indicators during the last year, by origin: Licences: tax fees and royalties Equity holdings: cashed in equity R+D funds from start-ups ROExp Return over expenditures Percentage of expenditures related to revenues. Code RevGS C. Global activity Revenues from GS Total amount of revenues from GS portfolio during the last year, which includes revenues from: Licences: tax fees and royalties Equity holdings: cashed in equity R+D funds from GS NGSUjob New university-related jobs in global start-ups Number of jobs (FTEs) created from the GS portfolio during the last year, involving undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, and academic staff of the university. GSUjobport GS university–related job portfolio Number of active jobs (FTEs) created from GS portfolio involving undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, and academic staff of the university. NORMALISED INDICATORS Code RevSU/as A. Per academic staff Revenues from start-ups per academic staff “RevSU” value per 100 academic staff. NUjob/as New university-related jobs per academic staff “Njob” value per 100 academic staff. 126 Set of indicators UJobport/as University-related job portfolio per academic staff “Jobport” value per 100 academic staff. TTrevbal/as Technology transfer revenues balance per academic staff “TTrevbal” value per 100 academic staff. RevSU/o/as Revenues distribution per academic staff “RevSU/o” values per 100 academic staff. ROExp/as Return over expenditures per academic staff “NGSjob” value per 100 academic staff. RevGS/as Revenues from GS per academic staff “RevGS” value per 100 academic staff. NGSUjob/as New GS university-related jobs per academic staff “NGSjob” value per 100 academic staff. GSUjobport/as GS university-related job portfolio per academic staff “GSjobport” value per 100 academic staff. Code RevSU/RDexp B. Per research expenditures Revenues from start-ups per research expenditures “RevSU” value per €10 million of research expenditures. NUjob/RDexp New jobs creation per research expenditures “Njob” value per €10 million of research expenditures. UJobport/RDexp Job portfolio per research expenditures “Jobport” value per €10 million of research expenditures. TTrevbal/RDexp Technology transfer revenues balance per research expenditures “TTrevbal” value per €10 million of research expenditures. RevSU/o/RDexp Revenues distribution per research expenditures “RevSU/o” values per €10 million of research expenditures. 127 Set of indicators ROEexp/RDexp Return over expenditures per research expenditures “NGSjob” value per €10 million of research expenditures. RevGS/RDexp Revenues from GS per research expenditures “RevSU/o” values per €10 million of research expenditures. NGSjob/RDexp New GS jobs creation per research expenditures “NGSjob” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GSjobport/RDexp GS job portfolio per research expenditures “GSjobport” value per €10 million of research expenditures. 128 Set of indicators Stock of Stock of TTechnology echnology Policies Policies & & SStrategies trategies Resources Resources&& Initiatives Initiatives START-UP START START-UP ACTIVITY ACTIVITY Human apital HumanCCapital INTERNAL INTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL IMPACTS IMPACTS EXTERNAL IMPACT INDICATORS INDICATORS Code SUturn A. Basic Start-up portfolio turnover Total amount of turnover from start-up portfolio generated during the last year. Njob New job creation Total number of jobs (FTEs) created by active start-ups during the last year. Jobport Job portfolio Total number of employees (FTEs) in start up portfolio at the end of the year. Npi New product introductions Number of new products/processes/services introduced to the market by start-up portfolio during the last year. Pport Product portfolio Number of innovative and active product/services introduced to the market by start-up portfolio. Code B. Recommended 129 Set of indicators GDPcont Contribution to the GDP Percentage of the local/regional GDP generated by start-up portfolio during the last year. Forinvest Foreign investments Total amount of foreign investments made to start-ups during the last year. Code GSturn C. Global activity Global start-ups portfolio turnover Total amount of turnover from global start-up portfolio generated during the last year. GSNjob New GS job creation Total number of jobs (FTEs) created by active global start-ups during the last year. GSJobport Global start-ups job portfolio Total number of employees (FTEs) in global start up portfolio at the end of the year. GSNpi New global start-ups product introductions Number of new products/processes/services introduced to the market by global start-up portfolio during the last year. GSPport Global start-up product portfolio Number of new product/services introduced to the market by global start-up portfolio. NORMALISED INDICATORS Code SUturn/as A. Per academic staff Start-up portfolio turnover per academic staff “SUturn” value per 100 academic staff. Njob/as 130 New job creation per academic staff Set of indicators “Njob” value per 100 academic staff. Jobport/as Job creation per academic staff “Jobport” value per 100 academic staff. Npi/as New product introductions per academic staff “Npi” value per 100 academic staff. Pport/as Product portfolio per academic staff “Pport” value per 100 academic staff. GDPcont/as Contribution to the GDP per academic staff “GDPcont” value per 100 academic staff. Forinvest/as Foreign investments per academic staff “Forinvest” value per 100 academic staff. GSturn/as Global start-ups portfolio turnover per academic staff “GSturn” value per 100 academic staff. GSNjob/as New GS job creation per academic staff “SUturn” value per 100 academic staff. GSJobport/as Global start-ups job creation per academic staff “GSJobport” value per 100 academic staff. GSNpi/as New global start-ups product introductions per academic staff “GSNpi” value per 100 academic staff. GSPport/as Global start-up Product portfolio per academic staff “GSPport” value per 100 academic staff. Code SUturn/RDexp B. Per research expenditures Start-up portfolio turnover per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. 131 Set of indicators Njob/RDexp New job creation per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Jobport/RDexp Job creation per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Npi/RDexp New product introductions per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Pport/RDexp Product portfolio per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GDPcont/RDexp Contribution to the GDP per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. Forinvest/RDexp Foreign investments per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GSturn/RDexp Global start-ups portfolio turnover per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GSNjob/RDexp New GS job creation per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GSJobport/RDexp Global start-ups job creation per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GSNpi/RDexp New global start-ups product introductions per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. GSPport/RDexp Global start-up product portfolio per research expenditures “SUturn” value per €10 million of research expenditures. 132 Set of indicators GLOSSARY Academic staff: the number of FTEs responsible for all teaching and research activities at the university. They include the professors, associate professors, lecturers, tutors, researchers and other similar figures involved in those activities. Active patents: technically unique patents that are still property of the university (they have not expired, been allowed to lapse or been sold). A technically unique patent means that multiple grants for the same invention in different jurisdictions should be counted as just one grant. Active start-up company: a company that possesses sufficient financial resources and expends these resources to make progress toward stated business goals. The company must also be diligent in its efforts to achieve these goals. Administrative staff: professional position in either full or fractional FTEs whose duties includes the execution of activities to support, assist or maintain the primary processes, such as human resources, financial management, purchasing, etc. Assistance programme: a university organisational structure, involving one or more units, which manages and carries out activities to encourage and support academic entrepreneurship. Cashed-in equity: This includes the amount received from cashing in equity holdings, resulting in a cash transfer to the institution. Equity: is defined as a university acquiring an ownership interest in a start-up company. Executed license: The signed grant of rights that does not amount to an assignment by the university to the licensee in the form of a contract that permits the licensee to exploit IP according to the contractual terms and conditions. FTE: Full time equivalent. 133 Set of indicators Invention disclosure: written notification to the university, no matter how comprehensive, reporting that an invention has been made. An invention is new and useful process, device, substance, method, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or new or useful improvement upon one of these. IPO: Initial public offering. License incomes: includes license issue fees, payments under options, annual minimums, running royalties, termination payments, and software and biological material end-user license fees. License/option agreement: A license is where the university grants rights to use the technology under license in a defined field of use and territory. An option agreement grants the potential licensee a time period during which it may evaluate the technology and negotiate the terms of a license agreement. License/option agreement with equity: executed licenses /options that include equity, where equity is defined as an institution acquiring an ownership interest in a company. License incomes: includes licence issue fees, payments under options, lump sum payments in consideration of an assignment, annual minimums, running royalties, termination payments, the amount of equity received when cashed-in. Does not include research funding, patent expense reimbursement, a valuation of equity not cashed-in, trademark licensing royalties from university insignia or income received in support of costs incurred under material transfer agreements. MBO: management buy-out. New product introductions: products or services available to the end-user that are derived from licensed or assigned technologies to start-up companies. Patent applications: it refers to the applications for technically unique patents that have been filed by the university in the year requested; does not include continuations, divisional, or reissues, continuations in parts, etc. Plant breeders applications may also be included, as well as applications for certificates of plant variety protection. Technically unique patent means that multiple applications for the same invention in different jurisdictions should be counted as just one application. 134 Set of indicators Patents granted: technically unique patents issued to the university, including plant breeder’s rights. A technically unique patent means that multiple grants for the same invention in different jurisdictions should be counted as just one grant. Primary processes: a set of activities to encourage and/or support academic entrepreneurship, which will produce the targeted results. These activities can be included in the following groups: Marketing activities: The direct activities (e.g., seminars, workshops, website, diffusion of brochures, business plan competitions, etc.) and indirect activities (proactive evaluation of university technologies, etc.), and its development and management (e.g., marketing and promotion plan, management of entrepreneurs’ database, etc.) addressed to the university community in order to promote the academic entrepreneurship and make known the university services to support nascent entrepreneurs and new firms. Training activities: courses and similar activities addressed to nascent entrepreneurs in order to develop the needed skills in the process of feasibility evaluation, starting up, and management of the new firm. Advice/mentoring activities: activities related to the counselling of nascent entrepreneurs, on a regular basis, for the development of the business plan and/or the development of the new firms, as well as those activities related to the management of the access to resources (financial, office/lab space, training, IPR, etc.). IPR-licensing activities: activities related to the management of the university IPR that will be use by the new firms (management of agreements on licenses, options, etc.). R+D expenditures: expenditures made by the university in support of its research activities that are funded both by government, industrial, and foundation/endowment sources. Research expenditures: government sources: These include expenditures made by the university in support of its research activities that are funded by all government sources, including the federal government, state government or local municipal authorities. Research expenditures: industrial sources: These include expenditures made by the university in support of its research activities that are funded by for profit corporations, but not expenditures supported by other sources such as foundations and other non-profit organizations. 135 Set of indicators Research expenditures: foundation/endowment: These include expenditures made by the university in support of its research activities that are funded by sources such as foundations, endowment and other non-profit organizations. Scientific publications: academic publications that report original empirical and theoretical work in the sciences and social sciences, including: articles published in scientific journals; authored books; chapters in books; working papers, conference papers. SCI-covered publications. Publications in journals covered in the Science Citation Index. Seed capital available: an own or affiliated university seed/risk fund. An affiliated seed capital means a fund without direct university financial resources, but the university has an agreement to use for spin-off creation. Start-up support expenditures: total amount of expenditures made by the university in support of primary processes (activities related to encourage and/or support academic entrepreneurship, e.g., marketing and entrepreneur relationships management, identification-evaluation of business opportunities, support services for entrepreneurs/new firms), as well as maintenance processes (activities to support, assist or maintain the primary processes). It doesn’t include expenditures in the building of infrastructures (incubators, office space, etc) or directly financial support for nascent entrepreneurs or new firms (seed capital, loans, etc.). Technical staff: professional position in either full or fractional FTEs whose duties include the development, management or execution of primary processes (activities related to encourage and/or support academic entrepreneurship, e.g., marketing and entrepreneur relationship management, identification-evaluation of business opportunities, support services for entrepreneurs/new firms). These persons may or may not have been located in a formally established a commercialisation office at that time. 136 Set of indicators SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE MODELS A. Example of “Policies & Strategies” questionnaire items. University board member Manager of unit involved in start-up activity support Staff involved in start-up activity support Researcher/lecturer Student/former student Other… Academic Entrepreneur Non academic entrepreneur Please indicate, in your opinion, the level of the following issues related to the university policies and strategies to encourage and support the start up activity: I strongly disagree N/A I strongly agree The current university policies related to academic entrepreneurship are properly explicit. The current university policies are contributing properly to encourage/support start up activity. Explicitness of the current defined strategies related to academic entrepreneurship. The university has an optimal support structure to encourage/ support start-up activity. The university exploits optimally the external resources to encourage/ support start-up activity. Targets in my unit/department related to encourage/support start-up activity are properly explicit. 137 Set of indicators B. Example of questionnaire items to measure intentions among academic staff (adapted from Shapero and Krueger model). 1. Have you ever seriously thought about create a business to exploit your research results? No, never. Yes, we expect do it in the next year. Yes, we expect do it in the next three years. Yes, we expect do it in the next five years. 2. In a scale from 0 to 100, how desirable is for you to start your own business to exploit research results? Strongly not desirable 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Strongly desirable 3. In a scale from 0 to 100, how feasible do you consider to start a business for exploiting research results? Strongly not feasible 138 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Strongly feasible Final remarks 5. FINAL REMARKS The main goal of this study has been to make a review of the state of the art about the monitoring of the academic entrepreneurship, as well as provide stakeholders on this issue with a checklist of indicators useful as an orientation guide for developing performance measurement systems or improving existing ones. Logically, this is not a novelty, since most universities have developed their own measurement scales. Nevertheless, the approach of this study offers the possibility of bring a broad view of the state of current issues regarding academic entrepreneurship performance in universities. We think that the main usefulness of this publication relies on providing stakeholders with information about the currently issues that are taken into account as fundamental on behalf of institutions and researchers on academic entrepreneurship. In addition of being a useful tool to develop or improve performance measurement systems, this publication can support universities and institutions to recognise and pay attention to the university key factors that could be influencing the start-up birth rates and the derived wealth creation, and in consequence, develop, implement and monitor initiatives to improve these factors and the final impacts. In this sense, the approach of the resource- based view of this study have revealed some insights about the cause-effect relationships among the resources and capabilities of universities as predictors of start-up activity and wealth creation. 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