Programming Assignment 4-1


Programming Assignment 4


Backward Euler method with Newton’s method


Implement a MATLAB function backeuler.m

My code for backeuler.m: function [ti,wi] = backeuler(f,dfdy,a,b,alpha,N,maxiter,tol)

h = (b - a)/N;

y = zeros(N,1);

t = zeros(N,1);

y(1) = alpha; %initial value

t(1) = a;

for i=1:N

th = t(i) + h;

w0 = y(i);

% Newton method

n_f = @(x) x - w0 - h*f(th,x);

n_df = @(x) 1 - h*dfdy(th,x);

y(i+1) = newton(n_f,n_df,w0,tol,maxiter);

t(i+1) = th;


ti = t;

wi = y;


Compare results using Backward Euler and using RK4

The two lines are very close.


A combustion model equation:

(a) Number of steps of N required

N = 707

(b) Verify estimate of N and plot the solutions

Code is provided as below:

format long

f = @(t,y) y*y*(1-y);

df = @(t,y) 2*y -3*y*y;

a=0; b=2000; alpha=0.9;

N = 707

N1 = 1.1* N

N2 = 0.9* N

N3 = 1.2* N

N4 = N + 5

[t1,w1] = rk4(f,a,b,alpha,N);

[t2,w2] = rk4(f,a,b,alpha,N1);

[t3,w3] = rk4(f,a,b,alpha,N2);

[t4,w4] = rk4(f,a,b,alpha,N3);

[t5,w5] = rk4(f,a,b,alpha,N4);



legend('N', '+10%','-10%',’+20%’,’N+5’, 'location', 'southeast');

% Save plot to file

print -dpng quiz3b.png

The results are as below

(c) Show that the backward Euler method is A-stable

The region R of absolute stability for a one-step method is

We obtain region R of absolute stability contains the entire left half-plane,

∴ backward Euler method is A-stable.

(d) Solve (4) using your backeuler with N=1, N=5, and N=10. Plot the results.

Code is provided as below: f = @(t,y) y*y*(1-y); df = @(t,y) 2*y -3*y*y; a=0; b=2000; alpha=0.9; maxiter=20; tol=1e-12;

[t1,w1] = backeuler(f,df,a,b,alpha,1,maxiter,tol);

[t2,w2] = backeuler(f,df,a,b,alpha,5,maxiter,tol);

[t3,w3] = backeuler(f,df,a,b,alpha,10,maxiter,tol); plot(t1,w1,t2,w2,t3,w3); legend('N=1','N=5', 'N=10', 'location', 'southeast');

With N=1,5 or 10, the value approaches to 1, so the method appears to be stable.
