Amorphous Transformer Contributing to Global Environmental Protection 250 Amorphous Transformer Contributing to Global Environmental Protection Katsutoshi Inagaki Masanao Kuwabara Kohei Sato Kazuyuki Fukui Shin Nakajima Daichi Azuma OVERVIEW: The electricity grid is essential to the infrastructure of our way of life and, with protection of the global environment having become a matter of urgency, there is a strong need for environmental measures based on achieving greater efficiency in the equipment and systems used in the grid. Hitachi was among the first companies to research and subsequently commercialize amorphous transformers that achieve ultra-high efficiency characteristics by significantly reducing no-load losses (the power consumed by transformers when idle). Development has been ongoing, with objectives such as larger capacity and higher quality, and total shipments to date have reached about 150,000 units. In response to a worldwide demand for environmental protection that is likely to keep growing in future, Hitachi intends to encourage greater use of amorphous transformers in Japan and elsewhere through ongoing strategic technical development and business expansion in which amorphous materials will also play a role. Through these business activities, Hitachi will play its part in bequeathing a rich global environment to the future by reducing transformer losses in the electricity grid. Trends in Japanese Efficiency Regulations Japan has led the world in improving the efficiency of distribution transformers with power companies having taken the lead in improving the efficiency of pole-mounted transformer since the 1980s while Efficiency (%) INTRODUCTION THE electricity grid is an essential part of our social infrastructure, and with moves to protect the global environment gaining momentum internationally there is a strong need for environmental measures based on efficiency gains and other initiatives that make effective use of the materials 99.5 and equipment that comprise the grid. The efficiency characteristics of amorphous transformers are dramatically better than those of conventional transformers and Hitachi is 99.0 helping protect the global environment by working on a comprehensive program extending from materials development to the technologies used in these transformers. 98.5 This article describes the background to the development of amorphous transformers and the benefits achieved by their use in 98.0 Japan. 10 TRENDS IN EFFICIENCY REGULATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS Transformer efficiency is a subject of global attention in the electricity distribution industry and the formulation of efficiency standards is ongoing in Japan and elsewhere. Japan: JIS4304 50 Hz Japan: JIS4304 60 Hz China: S13 (SiT) China: S15 (AMT) USA: DOE Final Rule EU 50464-1 Ak-Ao 1,000 100 10,000 Capacity (kVA) SiT: silicon steel transformer AMT: amorphous transformer DOE: US Department of Energy EU: European Union Fig. 1—Comparison of Efficiency Standards for Distribution Transformers (Three-phase Transformers). While Japan led the world in the introduction of efficiency standards with its Top Runner Program, other countries are now enacting even higher efficiency standards. Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 5 for general industrial transformers, oil-immersed transformers were added to the Top Runner Program in 2006 and molded transformers in 2007. Inclusion in the Top Runner Program has seen total transformer losses fall by about 30% producing savings of roughly 16,500 GW∙h annually. In terms of CO2 (carbon dioxide), this corresponds to a reduction in emissions of about 6.2 million t (based on figures published by The Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association). To achieve further environmental benefits, work by government agencies, industry bodies, and others on introducing the second stage of the Top Runner Program is already underway with a target date of 2014. Trends in Overseas Efficiency Regulations Efficiency standards set by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) came into force in January 2010. Work is also in progress on formulating more stringent efficiency standards with a target for implementation in 2016 (see Fig. 1). In Europe, the latest-introduced EN50464-1 standard stipulates lower losses than the previous standard. Also, transformers were added to the Directive on Eco-Design of Energy Using Products (EuP), an eco-design framework issued in August 2005 with the aim of increasing the efficiency of industrial products. A project reviewing this system is currently underway with the aim of publishing a standard in 2012 that will come into force in 2013. In China, meanwhile, which is experiencing rapid economic growth, the standards for distribution transformers are being updated to require higher 251 efficiency with the aim of encouraging greater use of higher-performance transformers so that the provision of electricity infrastructure will take greater account of the environment. As these developments indicate, countries are vying with each other to find ways of boosting the efficiency of distribution transformers meaning that accelerating development of technologies for amorphous and other types of efficient transformer and introducing a regulatory regime that encourages their wider adoption are matters of urgency for Japan if it is to be a world leader in environment measures. DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND AND FEATURES OF AMORPHOUS TRANSFORMERS Hitachi, Ltd. produced a 2-kVA transformer in 1911. This makes the transformer a product with a long history at the company, dating back to the same era as the company’s very first product that was an electric motor. Since then, Hitachi has been working to make transformers smaller and reduce their losses while also undertaking developments such as greater capacity and higher voltage. In particular, it is anticipated that amorphous transformers will enter wide use because of their dramatically lower losses compared to previous types of transformer. Amorphous Ribbon and Amorphous Transformers Amorphous ribbon is produced by melting its main elements (iron, boron, and silicon) followed by rapid quenching. “Amorphous” means non-crystalline and Ordinary metal Crystalline material with orderly and periodic arrangement of atoms Melting furnace Holding furnace Casting with ultra-rapid quenching (cooling rate: 106°C/s approx.) transforms molten alloy into ribbon without recrystallizing Amorphous Nozzle Casting roll • Magnetic domains cannot move easily during magnetization. • Properties such as crystal orientation and grain size can be manipulated by working and heat treatment. Non-crystalline with disordered random arrangement of atoms Casting control Ribbon coiler • Magnetic domains can move easily during magnetization due to lack of magnetically anisotropic crystals. → Excellent soft magnetic properties and low losses • Induced magnetic anisotropy can be achieved by heat treatment in a magnetic field. Fig. 2—Features of Amorphous Ribbon and its Production Process. A casting process with ultra-rapid quenching is used to transform molten alloy into ribbon without recrystallizing. The noncrystalline structure and ultra-thin material characteristics provide superior soft magnetic properties and low losses. Amorphous Transformer Contributing to Global Environmental Protection Development of the underlying technology started in the early 1980s. Pole-mounted transformers for power companies were released in 1991 followed by a general industrial transformer in 1997. Since then, Hitachi has been filling out its product range and has been improving further performance with the result that over 150,000 units have been shipped in 20 years since entering the market. With the aim of making its transformers truly environmentally conscious, Hitachi established a recycling system of amorphous alloy that has been adopted by some of power companies since 2008. Regarding Hitachi’s materials business, Hitachi Metals, Ltd. acquired the amorphous products business of Honeywell International Inc. (USA) in 2003 and established a new production facility at its Yasugi Works in Shimane Prefecture, Japan in 2007 in addition to its US plant. Together, these provide an annual capacity of 100,000 t to meet the growing demand for amorphous ribbon from around the world. Bushing Core Winding Tank Amorphous ribbon Fig. 3—Amorphous Transformer Structure and Amorphous Ribbon. Dramatically lower losses can be achieved by using amorphous ribbon (approximately 25 µm thick) for the core. alloy ribbon can be produced by rapid quenching whereby the material solidifies with the metal atoms in random arrangements rather than forming a periodic crystalline structure (see Fig. 2). Conventionally, silicon steel has been used as the transformer core material and while steel makers have made great advances in its properties, Hitachi was the first to turn its attention to amorphous transformers that use amorphous ribbon as their core material and engage in active development of the product in order to reduce losses further (see Fig. 3). Features of Amorphous Transformers Transformer losses can be broadly divided into the no-load loss that occurs continuously regardless of the load and the load loss that is proportional to the square of the load current. Amorphous transformers have very low no-load losses giving them much lower Background to Development of Amorphous Transformers Fig. 4 shows the history of amorphous transformer development and application by Hitachi. USA 1960 1980 1985 1990 1995 Hitachi 2000 2005 Development Growing number of Use in power Commercialization Fewer installations (except Development of underlying installations for new distribution and wider use for some three-phase models) of amorphous technology energy applications resumes metal (Westinghouse Electric Corporation) Development Acquisition of Development and practical Pole-mounted (California Institute of technology for amorphous application of high magnetic of Technology) transformer released mass production business (2003) flux density materials (2006–) (General Electric Company) Market trends, etc. (Japan) 252 Development of underlying technology Development of technology for mass production Pole-mounted transformer field test General industrial transformer released: Larger capacities, wider product range (Super Amorphous transformer) April 1999 amendment to Energy Conservation Law Japanese production of amorphous materials begins (2007–) Added to Top Runner Program Oil-immersed: April 2006, Molded: April 2007 UN approves CDM methodology for CO2 reductions using energy efficiency amorphous transformers (Mar. 2008) Hitachi’s ultra-energy-efficient amorphous transformer wins 10th Energy Conservation Grand Prize (Feb. 2000) Energy-efficient transformers included in investment tax incentives for encouraging rationalization of energy supply and demand (Apr. 2000) Recycling system established (2008–) Hitachi’s ultra-energy-efficient amorphous transformer wins Governor of Tokyo’s Prize at Electrical Construction Equipment and Materials Fair (June 2007). UN: United Nations CDM: clean development mechanism CO2: carbon dioxide Fig. 4—History of Amorphous Transformer Development and Application. Hitachi started development at an early stage and undertook comprehensive technical and business development covering everything from materials to the transformer itself to satisfy society’s need for environmental protection. 253 Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 5 99.8 Oil-filled transformers Molded transformer Amorphous Transformer High Efficiency Series 99.6 Efficiency (%) Amorphous Transformer Super High Efficiency Series 200% Amorphous Transformer High Efficiency Series Efficiency relative to Top Runner standard 99.4 99.2 Amorphous Transformer Compact Series JIS C 4304 standard (rated load factor) 98.8 98.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 Load factor (%) Standard Silicon Steel Transformer 100% Top Runner standard (40% load factor) 99.0 Amorphous Transformer Compact Series Standard Silicon Steel Transformer Amorphous Transformer High Efficiency Series Amorphous Transformer Compact Series Standard Silicon Steel Transformer Mean load factor 2,000 Power consumption CO2 emissions 1,500 Loss (W) Fig. 5—Amorphous Transformer Product Range. When choosing a transformer, it is important to consider the actual load factor and choose the best possible model based on its efficiency characteristics. Hitachi has a number of different series of amorphous transformers to suit different customer needs. Load loss (W) No-load loss (W) 11.4 MW·h/year 6.2 t/year 10.6 MW·h/year 5.8 t/year 7.1 MW·h/year 3.9 t/year 1,000 694 1,008 554 500 602 0 losses than conventional transformers. They have particularly good efficiency when used as distribution transformers commonly at mean load factor of around 20 to 30%(1), (2). Hitachi has an extensive range of transformers including silicon steel models so that customers can select the transformer that best suits their load factor (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). 260 200 Amorphous Transformer Amorphous Transformer High Efficiency Series Compact Series (highly efficient (highly efficient over all loads) in mean load range) Standard Silicon Steel Transformer Note: Losses when operating with a load factor of 40%, CO2 emissions per unit of energy is 0.555 kg/kW·h. Fig. 6—Features of Amorphous Transformers (3 Phase, 500 kVA, 50 Hz). Amorphous transformers have a very low no-load loss and a good efficiency particularly in the low load range where generally transformers are operated. Coercive force Electric resistivity Iron loss Magneto-striction Sheet thickness Lamination factor SF (%) HC (A/m) P13/50 (W/kg) t (mm) ρ (µΩ · m) λs (ppm) Material Saturation flux density BS (T) Grain-oriented electrical steel (Si steel) (highest grade) 2.03 45.0 0.5 0.440 −1 0.23 >95 Amorphous material (2605SA1) 1.56 2.0 1.3 0.070 27 0.025 >84 New amorphous material (2605HB1) 1.64 1.5 1.3 0.063 27 0.025 >84 Remarks Higher values allow smaller size. Lower values produce lower losses. Higher values produce lower losses. Smaller is better. Lower values mean quieter operation. 2.0 Higher BS Grain-oriented electrical steel (Si steel) Bs=1.56 Flux density B (T) 1.5 10 f=50 Hz 2605HB1 P13/50=0.070 Lower iron loss 2605SA1 Iron loss (W/kg) Bs=1.64 1.0 0.5 1 Grain-oriented electrical steel (Si steel) 0.1 Hc=1.5 0 Hc=2.0 20 40 Magnetic field, H (A/m) 60 Higher BS 2605SA1 Lower HC Measured by single-sheet method 0 −20 Higher values Thicker is allow smaller easier to work. size. 2605HB1 Amorphous alloy 80 0.01 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 P13/50=0.063 1.6 1.8 2.0 Flux density (T) Fig. 7—Characteristics of 2605HB1 Amorphous Material with High Magnetic Flux Density. To improve transformer performance and specifications, Hitachi is working on comprehensive developments extending from materials to techniques for their application in transformers. The benefits of using 2605HB1 include lighter transformers with lower losses. Amorphous Transformer Contributing to Global Environmental Protection Single-phase power transformer 6 k/210 V 20 kVA 60 Hz SiT AMT(SA1) AMT(HB1) External diameter (mm) Height (mm) Weight (kg) No-load loss (W) Load loss (W) Total loss (W) Rated load 40% load AMT (2605SA1) 364 (100) 713 (100) 138 (100) 61 (100) 281 (100) 342 (100) 106 (100) 385 (104) 740 (104) 170 (128) 22 (36) 285 (102) 307 (90) 68 (64) 355 (98) 707 (99) 148 (107) 17 (27) 280 (100) 297 (87) 62 (58) New AMT (2605HB1) SiT Fig. 8—Comparison of Specifications for Transformers Using 2605HB1. Use of 2605HB1 allows amorphous transformers to be produced with similar dimensions and weight to existing silicon steel transformers. Use power supply monitoring unit to review loads. Power supply monitoring units : 65 • Used to monitor 965 points (power consumption: 65 points, power factor and other parameters: 900 points) Pulse input units : 20 Monitoring PC • Used to monitor 108 points (power consumption: 108 points) Repeaters :2 Power supply Pulse Insulation monitoring unit input unit monitoring unit Repeater Repeater RS-485 Trends in Technology Development for Amorphous Transformers Due to its lower saturation flux density than that of silicon steel, amorphous transformer has some disadvantages such as in size and weight. Amorphous transformers are larger and heavier than silicon steel transformers. To resolve this problem, Hitachi Metals, Ltd. embarked in 2003 on development aimed at increasing the saturation flux density based on iron base amorphous alloy: 2605SA1. This led to the 2605HB1 high-flux-density material entering full-scale production in 2005. Fig. 7 shows the characteristics of this new material with its superior flux density. Because it was anticipated that use of 2605HB1 would have many benefits including making the amorphous transformers smaller, lighter, and quieter, work on incorporating the new material into the transformer was undertaken in parallel with material development(3). It was first used by a power company in 2006 and is increasingly being adopted in general industrial transformers (see Fig. 8). The product is also attracting attention overseas where it is expected that amorphous transformers will become more widely used in future and Hitachi is working to further improve its performance and reduce costs. Consolidate number of units and adopt AMTs. 48 transformers (15,405 kVA) Silicon steel transformers 33 transformers (11,285 kVA) Savings from reduced losses Power losses (MW•h/month) Item 254 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 61.1 Load loss 15.8 No-load loss 45.3 19.2 15.6 3.6 0 Before upgrade After upgrade Economic benefit: 5,531,000 JPY/year CO2 reduction: 900 t/year Amorphous transformer Note: CO2 emissions per unit of energy: 0.555 kg/kW•h PC: personal computer Fig. 9—Case Study of Benefits of Amorphous Transformer Installation. Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems succeeded in reducing power losses to one-third of their previous level at its Nakajo Division by consolidating transformer numbers and adopting amorphous transformers, thereby achieving significant economic benefits while reducing the burden on the environment. Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 5 BENEFITS OF INSTALLING AMORPHOUS TRANSFORMERS As explained above, the low loss characteristics of amorphous transformers provide significant benefits for energy conservation and reducing the burden on the environment. Case Study of Installation at Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems’ Nakajo Division Nakajo Division, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. is fed by a 66-kV line that is stepped-down to 6 kV for distribution around the site. The 6-kV supply is further stepped-down at each production facility to provide the low-voltage supply to the various equipment. To conserve energy and reduce unit emissions of CO2, electricity distribution monitoring systems were installed at each production facility in 1997 to make visible the electricity usage of each production line. When aging transformers were subsequently upgraded, the results from these systems were used to determine the number and capacity of new transformers based on the operating conditions at each production line and a significant reduction in electric losses was achieved by using amorphous transformers throughout (see Fig. 9). Estimate of Benefits from Installing Amorphous Transformers in Japan Amorphous transformers are making a major contribution to reducing CO2 emissions with a total of approximately 400,000 currently in use made up of about 390,000 pole-mounted transformers for power companies (including those from other suppliers) and about 12,000 general industrial transformers (including both oil-immersed and molded). TABLE 1. Benefits of Installing Amorphous Transformers (Across Entire Grid in Japan) Although the benefit per transformer is small, the large number of distribution transformers in use means the total benefit is large. User Average Loss reduction No. in use capacity (×10,000) (kW/transformer) (kVA) CO2 emissions CO2 per unit of reduction energy (t/year) (kg·CO2/kW·h) Power companies 39.0 20 0.04 0.453*1 61,900 General industry 1.2 500 0.95 0.555*2 55,500 Total 40.2 – – – 117,400 *1: Mean actual value for power use in Japan in 2007 published by The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan *2: Default value stipulated in the directive on estimating greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the business activities of certain emitters (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/Ministry of the Environment Directive No. 3, 2006) 255 This achieves a big reduction in the burden on the environment, corresponding to a reduction of roughly 120,000 t/year in CO2 emissions, and it is anticipated that use of these transformers will continue to grow in Japan and elsewhere (see Table 1). CONCLUSIONS This article has described the background to the development of amorphous transformers and the benefits achieved by their use in Japan. Amorphous transformers are also attracting attention in other countries. Installation of amorphous transformers is currently growing rapidly in Asia, particularly in China and India where environmental measures are being adopted in parallel with the provision of infrastructure. It is also expected in future in America and Europe that measures aimed at protecting the environment lead to the prevalence of high performance transformers(4) and it is predicted that use of amorphous transformers will expand all around the world. To respond to the social requirement, Hitachi contributes to keeping a rich global environment for the next generation by supplying products and service protecting with environmental measures in the power distribution field. REFERENCES (1) M. Takagi et al., “An Evaluation of Amorphous Transformer Using Load Curve Pattern Model for Pole Transformer,” IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy 128, pp. 885−892 (2008). (2) “Potential for Global Energy Savings from High Efficiency Distribution Transformers,” Leonardo Energy Transformers (Feb. 2005). (3) A. Sato et al., “Development of Distribution Transformer Based on New Amorphous Metals,” CIRED2009 Session 4 Paper No. 0474 (2009). (4) “Amorphous Metal Transformer: Next Steps,” EPRI White Paper, Electric Power Research Institute (Jul. 2009). Amorphous Transformer Contributing to Global Environmental Protection 256 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Katsutoshi Inagaki Masanao Kuwabara Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1990, and now works at the Transformer Design Department, Power Distribution & Environmental System Division, Commercial Division, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. He is currently engaged in the design and development of electrical distribution equipment and materials. Mr. Inagaki is a member of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ). Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1997, and now works at the Transformer Design Department, Power Distribution & Environmental System Division, Commercial Division, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. He is currently engaged in the design and development of oil-immersed transformers. Kohei Sato Kazuyuki Fukui Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1999, and now works at the Transformer Design Department, Power Distribution & Environmental System Division, Commercial Division, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. He is currently engaged in the design and development of molded transformers. Mr. Sato is a member of the IEEJ. Joined Hitachi Nakajo Technology, Ltd. in 2001, and now works at the Transformer Design Department, Power Distribution & Environmental System Division, Commercial Division, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. He is currently engaged in the design and development of transformers for power companies. Shin Nakajima Daichi Azuma Joined Hitachi Metals, Ltd. in 1982, and now works at the Soft Magnetic Materials Company. He is currently engaged in research and development of amorphous alloys for transformers. Mr. Nakajima is a member of the IEEJ. Joined Hitachi Metals, Ltd. in 2001, and now works at the Soft Magnetic Materials Company. He is currently engaged in research and development of amorphous alloys for transformers. Mr. Azuma is a member of the IEEE.