Bounds for the Weighted Lp Discrepancy and Tractability of Integration Gunther Leobacher and Friedrich Pillichshammer Institut für Analysis, Universität Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria E-mail:, Quite recently Sloan and Woźniakowski [4] introduced a new notion of discrepancy, the so called weighted Lp discrepancy of points in the d-dimensional unit cube for a sequence γ = (γ1 , γ2 , . . .) of weights. In this paper we prove a nice formula for the weighted Lp discrepancy for even p. We use this formula to derive an upper bound for the average weighted Lp discrepancy. This bound enables us to give conditions on the sequence of weights γ such that there exists N points in [0, 1)d for which the weighted Lp discrepancy is uniformly bounded in d and goes to zero polynomially in N −1 . Finally we use these facts to generalize some results from Sloan and Woźniakowski [4] on (strong) QMC-tractability of integration in weighted Sobolev spaces. Key Words: Weighted discrepancy, QMC-tractability of integration 1. INTRODUCTION AND BASIC NOTATIONS Quite recently Sloan and Woźniakowski [4] introduced a new notion of discrepancy, the so called weighted Lp (star) discrepancy. To introduce this notion we need a sequence γ = (γ1 , γ2 , . . .) of weights with 1 = γ1 ≥ γ2 ≥ . . . ≥ γd ≥ . . . > 0. At first we need some Q notation: let D denote the index set D = {1, 2, . . . , d}. For u ⊆ D let γu = j∈u γj , γ∅ = 1, |u| the cardinality of u and for a vector x in I d = [0, 1)d let xu denote the vector from I |u| = [0, 1)|u| containing Q the components of x whose indices are in u. Further let dxu = j∈u dxj and let (xu , 1) be the vector x from I d , with all components whose indices are not in u replaced by 1. Now we can give the definition of weighted Lp discrepancy. 1 2 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER Definition 1.1. For any N points t1 , . . . , tN in the d-dimensional unit cube I d = [0, 1)d and any x = (x1 , . . . , xd ) in I d let disc(x) = x1 . . . xd − |{i : ti ∈ [0, x)}| . N Then the weighted Lp discrepancy LpN,γ for 1 ≤ p < ∞ is defined as LpN,γ Z X p/2 p = LN,γ ({ti }) = γu I¯|u| u⊆D u6=∅ 1/p |disc((xu , 1))|p dxu . For p = ∞ the weighted star discrepancy is given by 1/2 ∗ DN,γ = sup max γu u⊆D x∈I d u6=∅ |disc((xu , 1))|. In [3] S. Joe gave an explicit formula for the weighted L2 discrepancy. He proved Proposition 1.1. For any N points t1 , . . . , tN in I d and any sequence γ = (γ1 , γ2 , . . .) of weights we have (L2N,γ )2 = d Y j=1 + 1+ N d 2 XY γj γj − 1+ (1 − t2n,j ) 3 N n=1 j=1 2 N N d 1 X XY (1 + γj (1 − max(tm,j , tn,j ))), N 2 m=1 n=1 j=1 where tn,j is the j-th component of the point tn . In Section 2 we generalize this formula to a formula for the weighted Lp discrepancy for even p (Theorem 2.1). In [4] Sloan and Woźniakowski showed that one can find points t1 , . . . , tN in the d-dimensional unit cube for which the weighted L2 discrepancy L2N,γ is uniformly bounded in d and goes to zero polynomially in N −1 as long P∞ as the series j=1 γj < ∞ is convergent and they anticipated that the same holds for the weighted Lp discrepancy LpN,γ as long as the series P∞ p/2 < ∞ is convergent. j=1 γj In Section 3 we prove a formula (Theorem 3.1) and an upper bound (Corollary 3.1) for the average weighted Lp discrepancy LpN,γ for even p. WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY 3 Then we use this upper bound to prove the above conjecture of Sloan and Woźniakowski (Corollary 3.2). Let us turn now to an application of the previous results, the QMCtractability of integration in weighted Sobolev spaces. First we repeat some basic facts and definitions. We deal with multivariate integration Z Id (f ) := f (t) dt I¯d for functions defined over the d-dimensional unit cube I¯d = [0, 1]d which belong to some normed space Fd . We denote the norm in Fd by k.kd. A quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) algorithm QN,d is of the form QN,d(f ) := N 1 X f (tn ), N n=1 where tn , 1 ≤ n ≤ N , are points in I d . We define the worst case error of the QMC algorithm QN,d by its worst performance over the unit ball of Fd , e(QN,d ) := sup f ∈Fd , kf kd ≤1 |Id (f ) − QN,d(f )|. For N = 0 we set Q0,d (f ) := 0 such that e(Q0,d ) = sup f ∈Fd ,kf kd ≤1 |Id (f )| = kId k is the initial error, i.e., the a priori error in multivariate integration without sampling the function. We would like to reduce the initial error by a factor of ε, where ε ∈ (0, 1). Let Nmin (ε, d) = min{N : ∃QN,d such that e(QN,d) ≤ ε e(Q0,d )}. Definition 1.2. 1. We say that multivariate integration in the space Fd is QMC-tractable if there exist nonnegative C, α and β such that Nmin (ε, d) ≤ C dα ε−β holds for all dimensions d = 1, 2, . . . and for all ε ∈ (0, 1). 2. We say that multivariate integration in the space Fd is strongly QMCtractable if the inequality above holds with α = 0. 4 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER 3. The minimal (infimum) α and β are called the d-exponent and the ε-exponent of (strong) QMC-tractability. In this paper we consider the space Fd = Wq(1,1,...,1) ([0, 1]d ) = Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊗ . . . ⊗ Wq1 ([0, 1]) (d times), where Wq1 ([0, 1]) is the Sobolev space of all absolutely continuous functions with first derivative in Lq ([0, 1]), q ≥ 1. For details on this space see the appendix. Now let f ∈ Fd and t1 , . . . , tN ∈ I d . Then Hlawka’s identity [2] states that Z I¯d f (x)dx − Z N X ∂ |u| 1 X disc(xu , 1) (−1)|u| f (ti ) = f (xu , 1) dxu . N i=1 ∂xu ∅6=u⊆D I¯|u| For a proof of Hlawkas’s identity see also [5]. Let γ = (γ1 , . . . , γd ) be a sequence of weights with 1 = γ1 ≥ γ2 ≥ . . . ≥ 1/2 γd > 0. By multiplying and dividing by γu we obtain from Hlawka’s identity Z I¯d f (x)dx − X ∅6=u⊆D N 1 X f (ti ) = N i=1 (−1)|u| Z −1/2 1/2 γu disc(xu , 1)γu I¯|u| ∂ |u| f (xu , 1) dxu . ∂xu Finally an application of Hölder’s inequality yields Z N X 1 f (x)dx − f (ti ) ≤ LpN,γ · kf kd,γ,q , N i=1 ¯d (1) I where for 1 ≤ q < ∞ p is such that p1 + 1q = 1, and LpN,γ is the weighted Lp discrepancy of the point set {t1 , . . . , tN } with respect to the sequence γ of weights and kf kd,γ,q := X u⊆D γu−1 1/q q Z |u| ∂ . ∂xu f (xu , 1) dxu I¯|u| 5 WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY Remark 1. 1. It is well known that k · kd,γ,q is a norm on the linear space (1,...,1) Wq ([0, 1]d ) (see the appendix). In [4] Sloan and Woźniakowski showed that integration in the P weighted d (1,...,1) γj j=1 ([0, 1]d ) is QMC-tractable iff lim sup log < d Pd ∞ and strongly QMC-tractable iff j=1 γj < ∞. In Section 4 we generalize some of their results to the non-Hilbertian case, i.e., q 6= 2. We show that integration in the weighted tensor product space tensor product space W2 Pd (1,...,1) ([0, 1]d ) is QMC-tractable if lim sup P∞ p/2 QMC-tractable if j=1 γj < ∞, where p1 + (Theorem 4.1). Wq p/2 γj log d 1 q = 1 j=1 < ∞ and strongly and where p is even 2. A FORMULA FOR THE WEIGHTED Lp DISCREPANCY In this section we prove a generalization of Joe’s formula for the weighted Lp discrepancy for even p. Theorem 2.1. Let p be an even, positive integer. For any N points t1 , . . . , tN in the d-dimensional unit cube I d and for any sequence of weights γ = (γ1 , γ2 , . . .) we have (LpN,γ )p l p X 1 p − = l N l=0 X (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l d Y j=1 1 + p/2 γj 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j 1≤k≤l p−l+1 where ti,j is the j-th component of the point ti . Proof. we have For even p, for x = (x1 , . . . , xd ) ∈ [0, 1)d and for u ⊆ D, u 6= ∅, disc((xu , 1))p p N Y X 1 1[0,xj ) (ti,j ) xj − = N i=1 j∈u j∈u = Y l=0 = l N Y X 1 − xp−l 1[0,xj ) (ti,j ) j N j∈u i=1 j∈u p Y X p l p Y X p l=0 l l 1 − xp−l j N j∈u X (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l l Y Y k=1 j∈u 1[0,xj ) (tuk ,j ) 6 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER l p X p 1 = − N l l p X 1 p − = l N l=0 l=0 l Y xp−l j (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l Y j∈u X Y xp−l 1[0,xj ) ( max tuk ,j ). j X 1[0,xj ) (tuk ,j ) k=1 1≤k≤l j∈u (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l Therefore we get Z disc((xu , 1))p dxu = I¯|u| = p X p l l=0 1 − N l Z Y X (u1 ,...,ul ) I¯|u| ∈{1,...,N }l xp−l 1[0,xj ) ( max tuk ,j ) dxu . j 1≤k≤l j∈u Now we evaluate the integral in the above expression. We have Z Y I¯|u| j∈u xp−l 1[0,xj ) ( max tuk ,j ) dxu = j 1≤k≤l j∈u = xp−l 1[0,xj ) ( max tuk ,j ) dxj j 1≤k≤l 0 1 YZ j∈u = 1 YZ max1≤k≤l tuk ,j xp−l dxj j max tp−l+1 uk ,j Y 1 − 1≤k≤l p−l+1 j∈u . Thus we get Z p I¯|u| disc((xu , 1)) dxu = p X p l=0 l 1 − N l X (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l max tp−l+1 uk ,j Y 1 − 1≤k≤l j∈u p−l+1 Inserting this in the definition of weighted Lp discrepancy we obtain (LpN,γ )p = X u⊆D u6=∅ p/2 γu l p X 1 p − l N l=0 l p X 1 p = − N l l=0 X X (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l XY (u1 ,...,ul ) u⊆D ∈{1,...,N }l u6=∅ j∈u max tp−l+1 uk ,j Y 1 − 1≤k≤l j∈u p/2 γj p−l+1 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j 1≤k≤l p−l+1 . . 7 WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY Now we use the fact that XY u⊆D u6=∅ p/2 γj 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j j∈u 1≤k≤l p−l+1 = −1 + d Y j=1 1 + p/2 γj 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j 1≤k≤l p−l+1 (this can be proved by induction on d, or see [3]) and that l p X 1 p N l = 0. − N l l=0 Hence we obtain (LpN,γ )p = p X p l=0 l 1 − N l X (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l d Y j=1 1 + p/2 γj 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j 1≤k≤l p−l+1 , and we are done. 3. AVERAGING THE WEIGHTED Lp DISCREPANCY In [1] Heinrich et al. analyzed the Lp -star discrepancy for uniformly distributed points in [0, 1)d by computing bounds on the average Lp -star discrepancy. In the sequel we follow their calculations to derive bounds on the average weighted Lp discrepancy. For even p we define the average weighted Lp discrepancy as avγp (N, d) = Z [0,1]N d p LpN,γ (t1 , . . . , tN ) !1/p dt , where t = (t1 , . . . , tN ) ∈ I N d . With Theorem 2.1 we have avγp (N, d)p = l p X 1 p = − N l l=0 X (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l Z [0,1]N d d Y j=1 1 + γjp/2 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j 1≤k≤l p−l+1 dt. For given (u1 , . . . , ul ) ∈ {1, . . . , N }l let κ(u1 , . . . , ul ) be the number of different ui ’s and denote by v1 , . . . , vκ the different ui ’s (κ = κ(u1 , . . . , ul )). 8 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER Then we have d Y Z [0,1]N d j=1 Z d Y = = j=1 1 ... 0 j=1 d Y 1 + γjp/2 " Z 1 0 p/2 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j 1≤k≤l p−l+1 1 + γjp/2 γj 1+ p−l+1 Z 1 ... 0 dt = 1 − max tp−l+1 vk ,j 1≤k≤κ p−l+1 Z 1 dtv1 ,j . . . dtvκ ,j # min (1 − tp−l+1 vk ,j ) dtv1 ,j . . . dtvκ ,j . 0 1≤k≤κ In [1] it is shown, that Z 0 1 ... Z 1 min (1 − tp−l+1 vk ,j ) dtv1 ,j . . . dtvκ ,j = 0 1≤k≤κ p−l+1 . κ(u1 , . . . , ul ) + p − l + 1 Thus we obtain d Y Z [0,1]N d j=1 = 1 + γjp/2 d Y p/2 1 + γj j=1 1 − max tp−l+1 uk ,j 1≤k≤l p−l+1 dt = 1 κ(u1 , . . . , ul ) + p − l + 1 . Inserting this back into the above expression we have avγp (N, d)p = l p X 1 p = − l N l=0 X (u1 ,...,ul ) ∈{1,...,N }l d Y p/2 1 + γj j=1 1 κ(u1 , . . . , ul ) + p − l + 1 . Now let #(l, k, N ) be the number of tuples (u1 , . . . , ul ) ∈ {1, . . . , N }l such that k different elements occur (this is the number of mappings from {1, . . . , l} to {1, . . . , N } such that the range has cardinality k). With this notation we obtain avγp (N, d)p = l X p l d X Y p 1 1 p/2 · #(l, k, N ). = − 1 + γj l N k + p − l + 1 j=1 l=0 k=0 WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY 9 Fortunately the numbers #(l, k, N ) are well known in combinatorics and can be expressed by Stirling numbers s(k, i) of the first kind and Stirling numbers S(l, k) of the second kind. We have #(l, k, N ) = k! k X N s(k, i) S(l, k) N i S(l, k) = k i=0 (this is easy calculation using the fact that the number of surjective mappings from {1, . . . , l} to {1, . . . , k} is given by k! S(l, k)). Here we use #(0, 0, N ) = 1 and #(l, 0, N ) = 0 for l > 0. This is consistent with the above formula if we use the usual definitions s(0, 0) = S(0, 0) = 1 and S(l, 0) = 0 for l > 0. Therefore we get avγp (N, d)p = l X p l d X Y 1 p 1 p/2 × − = 1 + γj N k + p − l + 1 l j=1 l=0 k=0 × k X s(k, i) S(l, k) N i i=0 Y d 1 p p/2 s(k, i) S(l, k)N −l+i 1 + γj (−1)l = l k + p − l + 1 j=1 l=0 k=0 i=0 p l X l d XX Y 1 p p/2 s(k, i) S(l, k)N −l+i . 1 + γj (−1)l = l k + p − l + 1 i=0 j=1 p X l X k X l=0 k=i Letting A(i, l) := l X k=i Y d 1 p p/2 s(k, i) S(l, k) 1 + γj (−1)l l k + p − l + 1 j=1 we have avγp (N, d)p = p X l X l=0 i=0 = p X r=0 A(i, l) · N −l+i = C(r, p, d) · N −r , p−r p X X r=0 i=0 A(i, i + r) · N −r 10 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER where C(r, p, d) = p−r X A(i, i + r) i=0 = p−r X i+r X (−1)i+r i=0 k=i Y d 1 p p/2 × 1 + γj i+r k + p − i−r+1 j=1 ×s(k, i) S(i + r, k). Now we consider C(r, p, d). First note that C(p, p, d) = 0. Next we write C(r, p, d) in the form r Y d X p/2 1 + γj C(r, p, d) = (−1) r l=0 j=1 1 p+1−r+l · β(r, p, l) with β(r, p, l) = p−r+l X k=l p (−1)k−l s(k, k − l) S(k − l + r, k). r+k−l In [1, Lemma 1] it is shown that β(r, p, l) = 0 for r = 0, . . . , p/2 − 1 and l = 0, . . . , r for all even integers p. Thus we have C(r, p, d) = 0 for r = 0, . . . , p/2 − 1. We summarize: Theorem 3.1. Let p be an even integer and let d ∈ N. Then we have avγp (N, d)p = p−1 X r=p/2 C(r, p, d) · N −r , where C(r, p, d) is given by C(r, p, d) = p−r X i+r X i=0 k=i (−1)i+r Y d 1 p p/2 × 1 + γj k + p − i−r+1 i+r j=1 ×s(k, i) S(i + r, k). Remark 3. 1. It is easy to prove that for the special case p = 2 we have 1/2 d d Y Y γ 1 γ j j γ . − 1+ av2 (N, d) = 1/2 · 1+ 2 3 N j=1 j=1 WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY 11 Compare this formula to the subsequent Corollary 3.1. So to obtain upper bounds on avγp (N, d) one needs to have upper bounds for |C(r, p, d)|. We continue in the following way: |C(r, p, d)| ≤ ≤ X i+r Y d p 1 p/2 × 1 + γj i+r k + p − i−r+1 j=1 p−r X i=0 d Y j=1 k=i p/2 1 + γj 1 p−r+1 ×|s(k, i) S(i + r, k)| X i+r p |s(k, i) S(i + r, k)|. i+r X p−r i=0 k=i Now following the proof of [1, Theorem 5] we get |C(r, p, d)| ≤ d Y p/2 1 + γj j=1 1 p−r+1 · (r + 1) (4 p)p . We use this bound to get an upper estimate on avγp (N, d): p−1 X r=p/2 |C(r, p, d)| · N −r ≤ ≤ = ≤ Noting that Theorem 3.1: 1 p/2 (r + 1) (4 p)p 1 1 + γj p−r+1 Nr r=p/2 j=1 X p−1 d p 1 p (4 p)p Y p/2 1 + γ N −(r− 2 ) j p/2 2 N j=1 r=p/2 p d 2 −1 X p (4 p)p Y p/2 1 1 + γ N −r j 2 N p/2 j=1 r=0 d p (4 p)p Y p/2 1 1 + γj . 2 p/2 2 N j=1 p−1 X d Y √ √ p p ≤ 2 for even p we get the following corollary from Corollary 3.1. Let p be an even integer and let d ∈ N. Then we have avγp (N, d) ≤ 8 p 1 N 1/2 1/p d Y 1 p/2 . · 1 + γj 2 j=1 12 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER From this corollary we immediately get the following result, which was already conjectured by Sloan and Woźniakowski in [4]. Corollary 3.2. Let p be an even integer and let d ∈ N. 1.If the series ∞ X p/2 γj j=1 < ∞, then one can find points t1 , . . . , tN in I d such that we have LpN,γ ({ti }) < C · 1 where a := e 2 p 2.If P∞ j=1 p/2 γj a N 1/2 , and where C := 8 p. lim sup d−→∞ p/2 Pd j=1 γj < ∞, log d then one can find points t1 , . . . , tN in I d such that we have dα LpN,γ ({ti }) < C · √ , N where α := 1 2p · lim supd−→∞ p/2 Pd γj log d j=1 and where C := 8 p. Proof. From Corollary 3.1 we know that there exist points t1 , . . . , tN in I d for which 1/p d Y 1 1 p/2 1 + γj LpN,γ ({ti }) ≤ 8 p 1/2 · 2 N j=1 holds. Further we have d P∞ Pd Y p/2 p/2 1 1 p/2 1 1 + γj = e j=1 log(1+γj 2 ) ≤ e 2 j=1 γj 2 j=1 and part 1 follows. Since e Pd j=1 p/2 1 2) log(1+γj 1 ≤ e2 Pd j=1 p/2 γj 1 = d2 p/2 γ j j=1 log d Pd 13 WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY we have also part 2 and we are done. 4. CONDITIONS FOR TRACTABILITY IN q-SPACES In this section we shall give sufficient conditions on the sequence of weights γ = (γ1 , γ2 , . . .) for (strong) QMC-tractability of integration in (1,...,1) the space Fd,γ = Wq ([0, 1]d ), q ≥ 1, endowed with the norm k · kd,γ,q . For this purpose we prove upper bounds on N = Nmin (ε, d) such that e(QN,d ) ≤ ε e(Q0,d) holds. As in [4] we use reproducing kernels to derive the initial error e(Q0,d ). Define Kd,γ (x, t) := d Y j=1 (1 + γj min(1 − xj , 1 − tj )). Then Kd,γ is a reproducing kernel for the space Fd,γ , i.e., f (t) = hf (.), K(., t)i, where for every element f ∈ Fd,γ and every element f ′ in the Banach dual space of Fd,γ , hf, f ′ i := f ′ (f ) denotes the action of f ′ on f . Here K(., t) clearly is in the dual space (see appendix) for every t and hf (.), K(., t)i = If we define hd (x) := on Fd,γ , i.e., hf, hd i = hf (.), R X γu−1 u⊆D Z f (x)K(x, t)dx, I¯|u| (f ∈ Fd,γ ). K(x, t)dt then hd is the representer of integration I¯d Z K(., t)dti = Z I¯d I¯d hf (.), K(., t)idt = Z f (t)dt, I¯d for all f ∈ Fd,γ . Thus we have Z e(Q0,d ) = kId k = sup f (t)dt = khd kd,γ,p, f ∈Fd kf k ≤1 ¯d d,γ,q I 14 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER ′ such that the initial error is the norm of hd in Fd,γ (here p is such that 1 1 + = 1). Further we have p q hd (x) = Z Kd (x, t)dt I¯d = Z [0,1]d d Y j=1 (1 + γj min(1 − xj , 1 − tj )) dt 1 = d Z Y j=1 0 = d Y j=1 1 + γj min(1 − xj , 1 − tj )dtj 1 + γj Z1 0 min(1 − xj , 1 − tj )dtj and Z1 0 min(1 − xj , 1 − tj )dtj = 1 (1 − x2j ). 2 Putting this together we get hd (x) = d Y j=1 1 1 + γj (1 − x2j ) 2 and khd kpd,γ,p p = hd (1) + X ∅6=u⊆D −p/2 γu p Z |u| ∂ ∂xu hd (xu , 1) dxu , I¯|u| where 1 is the vector in Rd with all components equal to 1. We evaluate the integral: Y Y 1 ∂ |u| 2 1 + γj (1 − xj ) , (−γj )(1 − xj ) hd (x) = ∂xu 2 j∈u j ∈u / Y ∂ |u| γj (xj − 1), hd (xu , 1) = ∂xu j∈u 15 WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY and hence p Z Y Z |u| ∂ |γj |p |xj − 1|p dxu ∂xu hd (xu , 1) dxu = j∈u I¯|u| I¯|u| = Y j∈u γjp Z1 0 |xj − 1|p dxj Y γjp = . p+1 j∈u Since hd (1) = 1 we have khd kpd,γ,p = 1+ −p/2 γu X ∅6=u⊆D p/2 d Y γjp Y γj 1+ = p + 1 j=1 p+1 j∈u ! , such that p e(Q0,d ) = d Y j=1 p/2 γj 1+ p+1 ! . We summarize: Proposition 4.1. The initial error for integration in the weighted space (1,...,1) Fd,γ = Wq ([0, 1]d ) with weight sequence γ = (γ1 , γ2 , . . .) and for q ≥ 1 is given by e(Q0,d ) = d Y j=1 where p is such that 1 p + 1 q p/2 γj 1+ p+1 !1/p , = 1. Remark 4. 1. Observe that the initial error e(Q0,d ) is bounded as a P∞ p/2 function of d iff j=1 γj is finite. Now we are ready to state our tractability results for integration in the space Fd,γ . Theorem 4.1. Let q = Then we have p p−1 , where p is an even integer, and let d ≥ 1. 16 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER 1.If ∞ X p/2 γj j=1 < ∞, then integration in the weighted space Fd,γ is strongly QMC-tractable. More detailed for ε ∈ (0, 1) we have Nmin ≤ C · ε−2 where the constant C is given p−1 by C = (8pa)2 and where a = e 2p(p+1) 2.If b := lim sup d−→∞ P∞ j=1 p/2 γj . p/2 d X γj < ∞, log d j=1 then integration in the weighted space Fd,γ is QMC-tractable. More detailed for ε ∈ (0, 1) we have Nmin ≤ C · dα · ε−2 , where C = (8p)2 and where p−1 α = p(p+1) · b. Remark 4. 2. Note that in the case of QMC-tractability the d-exponent α tends to zero as q tends to one. But unfortunately C depends on p and therefore tends to infinity in this case. Proof. From the definition of the worst case error e(QN,d) and from the generalized Koksma-Hlawka bound (1) for the integration error in Fd,γ we get e(QN,d) ≤ LpN,γ = LpN,γ j=1 1 + Qd p/2 γj p+1 1/p · e(Q0,d ). Due to Corollary 3.1 we can find N points t1 , . . . , tN in the d-dimensional unit cube I d with weighted Lp discrepancy LpN,γ such that LpN,γ Qd j=1 1 + 1/p ≤ p/2 γj p+1 d Y 8p · N 1/2 j=1 1+ 1+ p/2 γj 2 p/2 γj p+1 1/p 1+ d 1 X 8p log = · exp p j=1 N 1/2 1+ p/2 γj 2 p/2 γj p+1 17 WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY d X 1 8p p − 1 p/2 · exp ≤ log 1 + γ p j=1 2(p + 1) j N 1/2 d X p − 1 8p p/2 γ . · exp ≤ 2p(p + 1) j=1 j N 1/2 Hence there is a point set {t1 , . . . , tN } in I d such that d X 8p p − 1 p/2 e(QN,d ) ≤ 1/2 · exp γ · e(Q0,d ). 2p(p + 1) j=1 j N Let ε ∈ (0, 1). P∞ p/2 1. If j=1 γj < ∞, then we have d X 8p 8p p − 1 p/2 γ ≤ 1/2 · a, · exp 2p(p + 1) j=1 j N 1/2 N where a is as in the statement of Theorem 4.1. Now the right hand side of this inequality is smaller than ε iff (8pa)2 · ε−2 < N and the result follows. Pd γjp/2 2. It b := lim supd−→∞ j=1 log d < ∞, then we have 8p p−1 · exp 2p(p + 1) N 1/2 d X j=1 p/2 γj = ≤ Pd p−1 8p · d 2p(p+1) j=1 1/2 N p−1 8p 8p · d 2p(p+1) ·b = 1/2 · dα/2 , N 1/2 N where α is as in the statement of Theorem 4.1. Now (8p)2 · dα · ε−2 < N and the result follows. APPENDIX: p/2 γ j log d 8p N 1/2 · dα/2 < ε iff THE SPACE Wq(1,...,1) ([0, 1]d ) For the whole section let 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞. D = {1, . . . , d}. (1,...,1) Definition A.1. Wq ([0, 1]d ) is the space of functions f : [0, 1]d −→ R 18 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER |u| ∂ which are absolutely continuous on [0, 1]d , for which ∂x f (xu , 1) exists for u |u| almost every xu ∈ [0, 1] , u ⊆ D := {1, . . . , d}, and for which kf kd,q Example A.1. Wq1 ([0, 1]) 1/q q X Z ∂ |u| < ∞. := ∂xu f (xu , 1) dxu u∈D ¯|u| I For the case d = 1 we have := {f : [0, 1] −→ R : f absolutely continuous, Z1 0 |f ′ (x)|q < ∞} Definition A.2. Let X and Y be linear spaces. The algebraic tensor product X ⊙ Y is the linear space of linear combinations of elementary tensors x ⊗ y, x ∈ X and y ∈ Y , X ⊙ Y := span{x ⊗ y : x ∈ X, y ∈ Y } with the relations (“simplification rules”) 1. x1 ⊗ y + x2 ⊗ y = (x1 + x2 ) ⊗ y, 2. x ⊗ y1 + x ⊗ y2 = x ⊗ (y1 + y2 ), 3. λ(x ⊗ y) = (λx) ⊗ y = x ⊗ (λy). Each element z ∈ X ⊙ Y has a representation as a sum of elementary tensors, i.e., z= m X k=1 xk ⊗ yk x1 , . . . , xm ∈ X, y1 . . . , ym ∈ Y . Note that we do not need scalar factors due to simplification rule 3. Example A.2. Let X be a space of functions on a set A and Y be a space of functions on a set B. Then we can identify elementary tensors with the functions f ⊗ g : A × B −→ R (a, b) 7−→ f (a)g(b) (a ∈ A, b ∈ B), WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY 19 for f ∈ X, g ∈ Y . Every element in X ⊙ Y is of the form m X k=1 fk ⊗ gk for f1 , . . . , fm ∈ X, g1 , . . . , gm ∈ Y , and can be identified with the function (a, b) 7−→ m X k=1 fk ⊗ gk (a, b) = m X fk (a)gk (b) k=1 for a ∈ A, b ∈ B. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be linear spaces. Then the tensor product of these spaces is defined by induction X1 ⊙ . . . ⊙ Xn := (X1 ⊙ . . . ⊙ Xn−1 ) ⊙ Xn . Definition A.3. Let X1 , . . . , Xn be normed spaces. Then we define their q-direct product as the Cartesian product n Y k=1 Xk := {(x1 , . . . , xn ) : xk ∈ Xk } equipped with the norm k(x1 , . . . , xn )k⊕q := n X k=1 kxk k q !1/q , Ln Ln and we denote it by k=1 Xk . Note that k=1 Xk is complete iff each Xk , 1 ≤ k ≤ n is complete. (1,...,1) Proposition A.1. The spaces Wq are isometrically isomorphic. ([0, 1]d ) and L Proof. Define a linear mapping I: M u⊆D Lq ([0, 1]|u| ) −→ Wq(1,...,1) ([0, 1]d ) u⊆D Lq ([0, 1]|u| ) 20 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER by X I ((fu )u⊆D ) := |u| (−1) u={k1 ,...,k|u| }⊆D Z1 ... xk1 Z1 fu (ξ1 , . . . , ξ|u| )dξ1 . . . dξ|u| . xk|u| I is a linear operator and I ((fu )u⊆D ) is absolutely continuous as a finite sum of primitive functions. L I is isometric: Let (fu )u⊆D ∈ u⊆D Lq ([0, 1]|u|). kI ((fu )u⊆D ) kqd,q = q 1 1 Z Z Z |u| X X ∂ |v| ... fv (ξv )dξv dxu (−1) = ∂xu u⊆D ¯|u| v={k1 ,...,k|v| }⊆D xk|v| xk1 I Z X X q q = |fu (xu )| dxu = kfu kqq = (k(fu )u⊆D k⊕q ) . u⊆D ¯|u| I u⊆D (1,...,1) It remains to show that I is onto Wq Define fu (xu ) := (1,...,1) ([0, 1]d ). Let g ∈ Wq ([0, 1]d ). ∂ |u| g(xu , 1). ∂xu Then it is easy to show that I ((fu )u⊆D ) = g. Note that for f1 , . . . , fd ∈ Wq1 the function [0, 1]d −→ R (x1 , . . . , xd ) 7−→ f1 (x1 ) . . . fd (xd ) (1,...,1) is in Wq ([0, 1]d ). Thus Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊙ . . . ⊙ Wq1 ([0, 1]) can be viewed as (1,...,1) a subspace of Wq ([0, 1]d ), as in Example A.2. Proposition A.2. The d-fold algebraic tensor product Wq1 ([0, 1])⊙ . . .⊙ (1,...,1) Wq1 ([0, 1]) is dense in Wq ([0, 1]d ). (1,...,1) Proof. Let f ∈ Wq ([0, 1]d ). For all u ⊆ D there is a function gu ∈ Lq [0, 1] ⊙ . . . ⊙ Lq [0, 1] (|u|-times), such that q Z |u| q gu (xu ) − ∂ f (xu , 1) dxu < ε , ∂xu 2d I¯|u| WEIGHTED DISCREPANCY AND TRACTABILITY 21 since Lq [0, 1] ⊙ . . . ⊙ Lq [0, 1] (|u|-times) is dense in Lq ([0, 1]|u| ). Define g := I ((gu )u⊆D ) ∈ Wq(1,...,1) ([0, 1]d ), where I is the isomorphism from Proposition A.1. It is straightforward to show that g is a linear combination of simple tensors, i.e., g lies in Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊙ . . . ⊙ Wq1 ([0, 1]). Now q |u| X Z gu (xu ) − ∂ f (xu , 1) dxu ∂xu kg − f kqd,q = u⊆D ¯|u| I X q < u⊆D ε = εq , 2d and we are done. Definition A.4. Let X1 , . . . , Xd be normed spaces with norms p1 , . . . , pd respectively. A norm p on the algebraic tensor product X1 ⊙ . . . ⊙ Xd is called a tensor product norm, if p(x1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ xd ) = p1 (x1 ) . . . pd (xd ), for every elementary tensor x1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ xd , xk ∈ Xk , 1 ≤ k ≤ d. So what would a tensor product norm p on Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊙ . . . ⊙ Wq1 ([0, 1]) look like? Let f1 , . . . , fd ∈ Wq1 ([0, 1]). We write f = f1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ fd p(f ) = kf1 k1,q . . . kfd k1,q Z d Y q = |fk (1)| + 0 k=1 = XY u⊆D k∈u / = = kf kd,q . |fk (1)|q q !1/q ∂ ∂xk fk (xk ) dxk YZ k∈u 1 0 1/q q ∂ ∂xk fk (xk ) dxk 1/q q |u| ∂ f (xu , 1) dxu I¯|u| ∂xu XZ u⊆D 1 So our norm k.kd,q is a tensor product norm and it indeed looks like the most natural one. (But be careful: There still may be tensor product norms 22 G. LEOBACHER, F. PILLICHSHAMMER p on Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊙ . . . ⊙ Wq1 ([0, 1]) with p(f1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ fd ) = kf1 ⊗ . . . ⊗ fd kd,q but p 6= k.kd,q .) Definition A.5. We call the completion of Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊙ . . . ⊙ Wq1 ([0, 1]) (d-times) with respect to the norm k.kd,q the tensor product of the spaces Wq1 ([0, 1]), . . . . . . , Wq1 ([0, 1]) and we simply denote it by Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊗ . . . ⊗ Wq1 ([0, 1]). Now we introduce the weights γ1 ≥ γ2 ≥ . . . 0. Obviously the function pk : Wq1 ([0, 1]) −→ [0, ∞) 1/q R1 f 7−→ |f (1)|q + γk−1 0 |f ′ (x)|q dx , 1 ≤ k ≤ d, defines a norm on Wq1 ([0, 1]) which is equivalent to k.k1,q . As in the unweighted case this norm can be extended in a natural way to (1,...,1) the d-fold tensor product Wq1 ([0, 1]) ⊗ . . . ⊗ Wq1 ([0, 1]) = Wq ([0, 1]d ). REFERENCES 1. Heinrich, S., Novak, E., Wasilkowski, G., Woźniakowski, H., The inverse of the stardiscrepancy depends linearly on the dimension. Acta Arith. 96: 279-302, 2001. 2. Hlawka, E., Über die Diskrepanz mehrdimensionaler Folgen mod. 1. Math. Zeitschr. 77: 273-284, 1961. 3. Joe, S., Formulas for the Computation of the Weighted L2 Discrepancy. 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