6HSWHPEHU )U-LP¶V-RXUQDO)U-DPHV0F1XOW\ THIS WEEK I AM PUBLISHING THE SECOND HALF OF THE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR ST. EDITH PARISH FOR THE NEW FISCAL YEAR. All of the Councils and Commissions will begin meeting again this month. It is important that all of these groups review these goals and objectives at your first meeting and have some discussion of how your group plans to contribute to meeting these goals. I also want to share them with the Parish as a whole so that we are all on the same page. I am looking forward to a very blessed year. PARISH GOALS AND OBJECTIVES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE PASTORAL COUNCIL FISCAL YEAR 2016/2017 GOAL II To establish an evangelizing parish at St. Edith through faithbased programs to renew the participation of inactive members, reaffirm the faith of active parishioners and invite new people into a welcoming environment for all. OBJECTIVE 1: The St. Edith School Marketing Committee, a subCommittee of the School Committee, will focus on increasing the enrollment in St. Edith School by reaching out to students who are not currently attending a Catholic School. Membership will include the school principal and at least one member of the School Committee. They will consider the use of the internet and social media, and will collaborate with the St. Edith Parish Marketing Committee when appropriate. OBJECTIVE 2: Expand the St. Edith Parish Marketing Committee, as a sub-Committee of Parish Pastoral Council. Membership will include one staff person and at least one member of the Parish Pastoral Council. They will consider the use of the internet and social media and will collaborate with the St. Edith School Marketing Committee when appropriate. OBJECTIVE 3: The Parish Marketing Committee will consider the following: setting up parishioner profiles to ensure that people get the information that will likely be of interest to them; setting up an email template to be used in distributing weekly announcements in a format that will include graphics as well as clear information about programs, activities and events; sending quarterly post cards to registered parishioners regarding upcoming events. OBJECTIVE 1: Increase Mass attendance. OBJECTIVE 2: Evangelization is a personal process of reaching out to others and should not be confused with marketing. With that in mind, the Evangelization Commission will be reorganized to expand membership (10-12 individuals) and include people who are willing to make specific plans and participate in making these personal contacts. The Commission will begin by reaching out to welcome new parishioners and registered parishioners who are currently not active. Personal hand written notes could be one way to effectively make a personal contact. This will be referred to the Evangelization Commission. Love and Peace, Fr. Jim $OSKD%HJLQV7XHVGD\6HSWHPEHU ,I\RXGLGQRWDWWHQGWKH,QIRUPDWLRQ1LJKW\RXDUHVWLOO ZHOFRPHWRFRPHRQ7XHVGD\6HSWHPEHUDW30LQ WKH3DULVK+DOO OBJECTIVE 3: The Evangelization Commission will develop a plan to reach out to the registered parishioners who are not Catholic and invite them to participate in the R.C.I.A. *RVSHORI/LIH5RVDU\ GOAL III Increase efforts to promote our St. Edith Parish and School, as a unified whole. 3OHDVH MRLQ XV HYHU\ :HGQHVGD\ DW SP LQ WKH &KDSHOWRSUD\WKH5RVDU\'LYLQH0HUF\&KDSOHWDQG 3UD\HUVIRU/LIH 1(:%85*+52$'/,921,$0, 3KRQH)D[ZZZVWHGLWKRUJ 3$5,6+0,66,2167$7(0(17 1RXULVKHGE\WKHFHOHEUDWLRQRIWKH6DFUDPHQWVRIWKH&DWKROLF&KXUFK6W(GLWKSDULVKLVFDOOHGWREXLOG DZHOFRPLQJFRPPXQLW\RIIDLWKDQGVHUYLFH&RQWLQXLQJWKHPLVVLRQDQGPLQLVWU\RI-HVXV&KULVW 6W(GLWK3DULVK SDJH 0$66,17(17,216)25:((. )RUWKRVHLQQHHGRIKHDOLQJOHWXVSUD\WRWKH/RUG 021'$<6HSWHPEHU 3DULVKLRQHUV 3DULVKLRQHUV )DPLO\ )ULHQGVRI $0'HFHDVHGRI6W(GLWK Marge Adkins 0HPEHUV 3DULVKLRQHUV -RDQ(OOLRWWUHTE\0DU\&URVV Kathy Armstrong Caraol Bamrick Danielle Aresenault Joe Barge 78(6'$<6HSWHPEHU Patricia Barnes Joseph Ballard Garrett Bazany Richard Braun $06SHFLDO,QWHQWLRQVRI5LWD2ELG]LQVNL Kathy Barber Virginia Carozza Bruno Ciavattone UHTE\0DU\*HXGHU John Cioroch Marilyn Bovee Mary Anne Ennis Andrew Daoust Tim Bovee :('1(6'$<6HSWHPEHU Grace Erspamer Joseph Dressell Pat Chimielewski $0-RVHSK%UHPHOUHTE\+LV:LIH0DEHO Karen Gartrell Donna Eskelinen Anne Marie Fischer Penny Greenwell 6SHFLDO ,QWHQWLRQV RI &ODUD +HVFK IRU +HU Gerald Eskeliinen LaShawn Jackson Jennifer Hopkins Raymond Herdman VW%LUWKGD\UHTE\7KH)DPL\ John Kopacz Bill Kelley Connie LaRouere Mary Kreston 6SHFLDO,QWHQWLRQVRI-RVHSK%DOODUG Catherine Lafferty Sarah MacDonald Kelly Laco Susan Martzowka UHTE\7KH)DPLO\ Helen Meyers Donald MacLean Toni Morga 6$785'$<6HSWHPEHU Johanna McCallion Janie Munoz Jim Perkett Cheryl McEvoy Charles Myers $06SHQFHU9LFN:HGGLQJ Chloe Photsios Paul Miesczur Pat Rashid 30$QJHOLQH6WDQOH\.RZDO6RQV Joe Myers Amy Goffas Tolsdorf Nathan Robertson Tom O’Meara, Jr. +HOHQ=DFKDULDV Tracy White Anthony Salah John Rauch Renee Wood UHTE\7KH)HOF]DN)DPLO\ Hadley Schoenborn Terry Simor Tish Yates Phyllis Strzempek -RDQ(OOLRWWUHTE\(DUO*DJH Charlotte Spiteri Ted Strzempek Even Steiner 6SHFLDO,QWHQWLRQVRI/LOOLDQ.UDPHU Sandy Szybisty Carol Tervo UHTE\0DU\*HXGHU Allen Thibault Geoff Wascher Lynn Wendt &HVDU6HLML2QR Grace Weible Emil Winnicker UHTE\9DQHVVD&RU\2QR0XQLJD Helen Winnicker Ronald Wysocki 681'$<6HSWHPEHU Nathan Zoratti $05LFKDUG)XUPDQHN UHTE\5RQ-XG\+DUNRYLFK 6KLUOH\$QQ6PLWK UHTE\5D\'HGH6LQJHU $0%HDWULFH&DVWDJQD Please notify Parish Office (464-1222) when a parishioner enters the hospital. To UHTE\'HQQLV6DQG\5RJDOD have the Eucharist brought to anyone homebound, call 464-1222. Please remember to contact the Parish Office when a family member/friend no longer needs inclusion 6SHFLDO,QWHQWLRQRI5LFK7HUUL)LHOGIRU on the prayer list. WKHLUWK:HGGLQJ$QQLYHUVDU\ 6FKHGXOHIRU:HHNHQGRI6HSWHPEHU Sat. 3:30 Fr. Jim Sun. Sun. 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM CELEBRANT Fr. Jim Fr. Jim Fr. Jim LECTOR Nicole O’Dea/ Gary Kudron Sarah Hudson/ Carrie Ryckman Pat Andersen/ Kayla Smith CANTOR (Monthly Music Calendar is on Web Site.) Maureen Able Maureen Abele/ Adult Choir Music Ensemble ALTAR SERVERS See Sign Up Genius See Sign Up Genius See Sign Up Genius EUCHARISTIC SACRISTAN Dorothy Korzym Marilyn Parko Al Rivard Mike Magoulick (C) Tom Rist Richard McGraw Andy Magoulick Richard Johnston (C) Adam Mitchell John Winnicker Bill Kushner Mike Willis (C) Charles A. Smith Pat Suzio Sue Vomastek Kathy Tuttle Jerry Stewart Gino Fortuna Jeanne Magoulick John Mieczkowski Tony Covitz Stephen Covitz Tom Bamrick DAY & TIME Reconciliation: USHERS Richard Olenzek 0D\WKH\UHVWLQSHDFH 3UD\IRUWKHVRXOVRI $QQ5RZH 0DGHOLQH-DPHV 6DOYDWRUH/RFDVFLR ALL ARE WELCOME AT ST. EDITH PARISH We will welcome you regardless of your present status in the Catholic Church. We will welcome you regardless of your current family situation or marital status. We will welcome you if you are a staunch Catholic or do not like organized religion. We will not judge you based upon your personal history, age, race, ethnic background, appearance, sexual orientation or gender identity. We welcome children, even when they act like children. If there is no crying, our Parish is dying! We are all on a spiritual journey, trying to find our way. All are welcome to join us on our spiritual journey at St. Edith. SDJH 6W(GLWK3DULVK Readings for the Week of September 18, 2016 Sunday: Am 8:4-7/Ps 113:1-2, 4-8/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 Monday: Prv 3:27-34/Ps 15:2-5/Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Prv 21:1-6, 10-13/Ps 119:1, 27, 30, 34-35, 44/Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Ps 19:2-5/Mt 9:9-13 Thursday: Eccl 1:2-11/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Eccl 3:1-11/Ps 144:1-4/Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Eccl 11:9-12:8/Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17/Lk 9:43b-45 Next Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7/Ps 146:7-10/1 Tm 6:11-16/Lk 16:19-31 :HOFRPHWR RXU YLVLWRUV :H DUH KDSS\ WR KDYH \RX MRLQ XV WRGD\ IRU ZRUVKLS ,I \RX ZLVK WR MRLQ RXU SDULVK SOHDVH VWRS E\ WKH 3DULVK2IILFHRUFRPSOHWHWKHIRUP R Q R X U 3 D U LV K Z H E V L W H ZZZVWHGLWKRUJ Please Keep These Members of the Military In Your Prayers: Brandon M. Chavis Trevor J. Chavis Lucas Drake Nicole Drake Robert Fraser C. J. Gustitus David Gustitus Brian Hada Karolyn Hooper Scott Hooper Ben LeClerc Michael Morrissey Devin Moynihan Kristen Mudge Allison B. Murray Katherine Murray Damian T. Orslene David Petruska Steven Schenk Dylan Serwatka Michael Taylor Matthew Williams Jeff Willman II Jeremy Yono “The Great Adventure A Journey through the Bible!” This is the Catholic Bible Study that makes the complex simple! Our next study begins this Thursday, September 22, 2016 and runs for twenty weeks (it goes by fast) both at noon and, again, at 7 pm in the parish library. The topic will be Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom. It builds on the study just completed; the Gospel of Matthew. But this is not just your ordinary Bible Study. Take it from one of the participants. "Eye Opening!, I've taken a couple of classes on reading the bible. I always get something out of it, using the workbook and discussing it is my favorite part. My favorite class so far has been the study of the Gospel of Matthew, but I really look forward to the next study on the Acts of the Apostles. My soul is soaking up the word and I want more. "Jeanettte Kreutzman, Parishioner & Bible Study Participant Call the Religious Formation Office at (734) 464-2020 for more information or email at religiouseducation@stedith.org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ew Dawn" Widows & Widowers Becoming Catholic With "Open Arms!" The St. Edith RCIA Beginning Wednesday, October 5 Are you a non-Catholic in one of our many St. Edith interfaith marriages? A Catholic who has not, yet, been confirmed? Do you know of a non-Catholic who has curiosities about the faith, or a previous Catholic who may be interested in coming to a Catholic church, again? Prayerfully consider Becoming Catholic. We begin on October 5th at 7 pm in the Parish Office Fireside Room. Please contact Deacon Ric at (734) 464-1222, or at rmisiak@stedith.org. You’re Invited! The St. Edith RCIA (Open Arms) Team Come join us at MOPS/ MomsNext We meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, from September through May, 9:15am—11:30am St. Colette Church For more information, please send an email to: coordinator@stecmops.org GOSPEL OF LIFE Every Life is Worth Living from Conception to Natural Death Upcoming Events: ***Gospel of Life Meeting, Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 7pm in the A/V Room. Everyone is welcome! ***40 Days for Life, September 28November 6, 2016. This life-saving project is coming to communities around the world including Westland, MI. Get involved in this p e a c e f u l , p r a y e r f u l vigil. www.40DaysForLife.org ***Right to Life--Lifespan Life Chain, Sunday, October 2, 2016 (Respect Life Sunday), 2-3:30pm, on Middlebelt between Jamison and 6 Mile.www.miLIFESPAN.org ***AAA Pregnancy Resource Center Annual Fundraising Dinner featuring Keynote Speaker, Kirk Cameron, TV and film actor and producer. Thursday, October 20, 2016 at Burton Manor. Register at www.FriendsOfAAAPRC.com Please give me a call if you have any questions. Hope to see you! Respectfully submitted by Sandy Rogala, 734-421-7145. Catechetical Sunday, "Prayer: The Faith Prayed." Catechetical Sunday is observed in the Church on the third Sunday in September and is a celebration of catechists and all teachers of the Catholic faith. Each year has a theme. The theme this year is "Prayer: The Faith Prayed." This weekend, at the 11 am Mass we have a special prayer and blessing for these individuals. We celebrate these men and woman because of their willingness to come forward and for the openness to share their faith. Typically, we think about our Catechists being those sharing about their faith and teaching about it to our young people, but being a Catechist is not just about ministering to children and teens. Catechists lead the RCIA (our Becoming Catholic process), facilitate Bible Studies, Marriage & Baptism preparation, Alpha and more. The word “catechist” has its roots in a Greek word that means “to sound” or to echo (like whales and dolphins). The Catechist teaches by word of mouth through dialog and a sharing of their faith. It is this sharing of the faith from our heart that distinguishes it from the role of being strictly teacher. The teachings of the Church take root and are understood best when our faith lives in our heart in a relationship with Jesus first and foremost. It is not strictly content oriented, but is a handing over of the faith one person to another, one generation to another from one’s heart. The Church term, "Domestic Church" refers to our homes and is where the faith is lived, understood and embraced the most. It is in the home where the seeds of faith are best sown and nurtured. That is why parents are referred to as the "Primary Catechist" for their children. Catechetical Sunday is a day to bring focus on the role each person and family has, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. But it is also a day we set aside to thank our Catechists for coming forward. $%,*7+$1.6 WRDOORIRXU&DWHFKLVWV A New Dawn for Widows and Widowers Companionship for those who have lost a spouse To pray, meet, laugh, and have a meal together Call Ann Lenehan, 734/495-0441 9/21 Wednesday Meeting/Social Hall; 6:00pm; Dinner to be determined;.9/28 Wednesday Dinner/Rocky’s Restaurant; 7 Mile Rd. west of Haggerty Rd.; Call Millie, 734/ 420-3468. TRIPS OPEN TO THE PARISH CALL - BARBARA BECHARD, 248-/476-2866 9/18 Belle Isle Park & D.I.A. Aquarium & Conservatory; Dossin Great Lakes Museum; $10.00 gift card for lunch at the D.I.A.; $47.00; Pick up at Costco. 9/19 “Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park”; Grand Rapids; A train ride to see the beauty of the park; lunch voucher/Taste of the Garden; $69.00; Pickup at Will. 10/14 “Detroit Motown Museum” Guided tour; Elegant Lunch/Whitney; Visit to Belle Isle park; Pickup at Will $89.00 Ann Lenehan, 734/495-0441 6W(GLWK6W&ROHWWH 0RP0RPVDOH 2FWREHUSP WDEOHVRIJUHDWGHDOVRQJHQWO\ XVHGPDWHUQLW\EDE\ DQGFKLOGUHQ VLWHPV 6W(GLWK&KXUFK1HZEXUJK /LYRQLD0, DP SP PPVDOH#VWHFPRSVRUJ To report sexual abuse of a minor in the Archdiocese of Detroit involving Catholic clergy or church personnel contact: Ms. Margaret Huggard Victim Assistance Coordinator Phone: (866) 343-8055 or write the Archbishop's Delegate (please mark envelope confidential) Rev. Msgr. G. Michael Bugarin Archdiocese of Detroit 1234 Washington Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48226 SDJH 6W(GLWK3DULVK NEW BEGINNINGS A support group for Divorced Catholics Helping you find Peace, Power and Passion after Divorce. 6W(GLWKZHOFRPHGWKHIROORZLQJ IDPLOLHV WR WKH 6W (GLWK 3DULVK &RPPXQLW\GXULQJWKHPRQWKRI $XJXVW6HSWHPEHU 'RPLQLFN6DUDK$OEDQR)DPLO\ -RQDWKDQ&KDVLW\%UHZHU )DPLO\ -RKQ0DU\%URRNV $QWKRQ\$QGUHD&HUURQL )DPLO\ $QQD0DH'LFN $GDP&KULVWLQD+DFKH\)DPLO\ 6KHOLD03LVNRU 'DQWH-RGL7RPD)DPLO\ )HOLFLDQ6LVWHUV 0DULDQ7ULEXWH 6XQGD\6HSWHPEHU 0DVV&HQWUDO+RXVH&KDSHO SP±5RVDU\DQG 3UD\HU6HUYLFH 0DULDQ*URWWR 6FKRROFUDIW5G /LYRQLD0, Your New Beginnings experience begins each month with a presentation from the Catholics Divorce Survival Guide by Rose Sweet. The presentations cover issues necessary to your recovery from the hurt of divorce.ௗFollowing the presentation, the participants spend time as a group, discussing the presentation and what is going on in the lives of the group participants. ௗFind help through New Beginnings at Our Lady of Good Counsel. Please join us for our first Monthly meeting on Thursday, October 6th, at 7 pm at the Parish House, ௗupstairs in the East Room, located atௗ1160 Penniman, in Plymouth. C o n t a c t L e A n n atௗnewbeginningsolgc@gmail.comௗfor more information and to rsvp. The following children received the waters of Baptism: Please visit www.stedithcyo.com to register your child today. Click on the sports registration on the left side of the screen and follow the various steps. Thank you and we look forward to a great CYO basketball season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± ZLOO EH VXS SOLHGILUVWQLJKW &RVW ± GXH DW VWDUW RI VWXG\ August 14 ~ Deacon Rogers Robert Joseph Malenfant, Son of Cheryl & Scott September 11 ~ Deacon Ric Joselyn Marie Gotschall, Daughter of Elizabeth & Bryan Henry Alan Horton, Son of Mariel & Ryan Jack Stephen Malinowski, Son of Deana & Stephen Declan Kenneth Munson, Son of Erin & Justin &<2EDVNHWEDOO UHJLVWUDWLRQ LVQRZRSHQ XQWLO2FWREHUWK :RPHQ¶V%LEOH6WXG\ Lukia Shanye Hurst Daughter of Erin & Justin Shanelle Anya Williams Daughter of Erin & Justin Addison Pearl Obidzinski, Daughter of Anne & Michael John Michael Obidzinski, Son of Anne & Michael Bailey Ann Taylor, Daughter of Mercedes & Michael 6W(GLWK%RRN&OXE)DOO 5HDGLQJ/LVW 2FWREHU 7KH*URXQGRI/RYHDQG7UXWK 6X]DQQH=XHUFKHU26% 1RYHPEHU $FFLGHQWDO7KHRORJLDQV )RXU:RPHQ:KR 6KDSHG&KULVWLDQLW\ (OL]DEHWK'UH\HU 6W(GLWK3DULVK SDJH Week-at-a-Glance Monday, September 19 9:00 AM...Mass (Chapel) 10:00 PM...Endow (PL) 7:00 PM...Women’s Bible Study (FR 7:00 PM...CYO Board Meeting (PL) Tuesday, September 20 9:00 AM...Mass (Chapel) 10:00 AM...Eucharistic Exposition/ Benediction 9 PM (Chapel) 6:30 PM...Alpha (H) 7:00 PM...Finance Council Meeting (PL) 7:30 PM...In Praise (C/MR) Wednesday, September 21 9:00 AM...Mass (Church) 9:30 AM...Mat Makers (A/V) 5:45 PM...Hand Bell Practice (C/MR) 6:00 PM...New Dawn (H) 6:15 PM...Gospel of Life Rosary (Chapel) 7:00 PM...Gospel of Life Meeting (A/V) 7:00 PM...Rediscover Jesus (SL) 7:00 PM...Music Ensemble (MR/C) Thursday, September 22 12:00 PM…Great Adventure Bible Study (PL) 7:00 PM...Prayer Group (FR) 7:00 PM…Great Adventure Bible Study (PL) Saturday, September 24 5:00 PM...Saturday Night Snacks/ Blood Pressure Screening (H) 7:00 PM...MOPS (FR) Sunday, September 25 8:30 AM...Coffee & Donuts Blood Pressure Screening (H) 10:00 AM...Marriage Prep (FR) 11:00 AM...Liturgy of the Word 11:00 AM...Coffee & Donuts (H) Meeting Rooms Audio Visual Room Christian Service Library Church Conference Room Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Fireside Room Gathering Area Gym Hall Kitchen Music Room Parish Library Patio Religious Education Office School School Library Stage Teachers’ Lounge Youth Room A/V CSL C CR CHAPEL FR GA G H K MR PL Patio REO Sch SL S TL YR Right to Life - LIFESPAN Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Do you know? Legalizing euthanasia and/or assisted suicide gives medical professionals the right in law to directly and intentionally cause the death of their patients. It is never safe or ethical to enable one group of people to cause the death of another group of people. Society needs to focus on how it cares for its citizens, not how it may kill its citizens. Think that this only effects the very elderly? Consider that every person is only “Temporarily Able-Bodied”; an accident, a stroke, blood clot, heart attack or other medical issues can change how you manage your life. Know your rights. Have a plan. Reserve your seat for LIFESPAN’s ProLife LUNCHEON. Saturday, October 22nd. Registration at 10:30 am; Program at 11:00 am. (All tickets held at the door) Place: O’Kelly Banquet Hall, 23663 Park St., Dearborn, MI 48124 Featured Speakers: Jason Negri, Practicing Atty. and Assistant Director for the International Task Force on Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide and Senator Patrick Colbeck, Michigan Senator for the 7th District. Call LIFESPAN to reserve your seat 734.422.6230 www.miLIFESPAN.org FOR WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN DINNER, SUPPORT, & GAMES G. SUBU, LIVONIA September 28th All widowed men and women are invited to join us on Wednesday, Sept. 28th at G. Subu Leather Bottle, 20300 Farmington Rd. (one block south of 8 Mile Rd) in Livonia from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Come meet new friends, have good food and great conversation in a safe and friendly setting. Cost is $20 cash at the door and includes meal, beverage, dessert, tax and tip (cash bar). After dinner stay for cards, games and conversation until 9:00 p.m. RSVP by Sept. 24th -- no walk-ins please. Call Carol at 313-562-3080 or Mary Ann at 734-589-8292. Sponsored by Widowed Friends, a “peer” support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For further information about Widowed Friends, come visit our website www.widowedfriends.org. Faith-Building Opportunities for Kids We invite you to join us for Catholic Storytime! No child is too young to start! We welcome babies, toddlers, and children of all ages. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month year-round at 10 AM, and we would LOVE to have you try it out! Our next meeting is September 28 following the 9 AM all-school Mass, and the theme is “God’s Gifts to Us.” The sessions are ~40 minutes in length and include Bible and faith-based stories, songs, fingerplays/rhymes, prayers, and movement activities, all in the context of the Catholic Faith. Each session also concludes with additional “play time” for the children and fellowship for moms/dads/ grandparents/caregivers. All sessions meet in the Gathering Area, with the alternate meeting spot being the Parish Library when there is a funeral. New participants are always welcome, and don’t worry whether your child can “sit still” or not- it’s a flexible format with ample opportunity for movement. Come and join us in this wonderful opportunity for our youngest Catholics to grow in the Faith in an engaging and fun-filled way! If you have any questions, suggestions for themes, etc, call/text/email Anjanette Turbiak at (734) 674-5896 or ajturbiak@gmail.com. Also, coming in October….. “JoyFilled Praise”, a Music and Movement Class for Kids 0 to 10. First meeting is planned for October 22 nd, 10:30 AM….More details to follow. )DOOLVD*5($77,0( IRUUHDGLQJ 9LVLW WKH 3DULVK /LEUDU\ 5HDG DERXW WKH VDLQWV \RXU IDLWK DQG FKXUFKKLVWRU\,W¶VDOOH[FLWLQJDQG ZDLWLQJIRU\RX-XVWVHOHFWDERRN DQGVLJQLWRXW :H DUH DOO YHU\ EOHVVHG WR KDYHDQHZ6DLQW6DLQW7HUHVDRI &DOFXWWD 3OXV WKHUH DUH PDQ\ ERRNV LQ WKH 3DULVK /LEUDU\ DERXW 0RWKHU 7HUHVD 6LJQ RQH RXW LI \RX ZDQW WR OHDUQ PRUH DERXW KHU OLIHDQGEHLQVSLUHG6XEPLWWHGE\ -LP9LFN SDJH 6W(GLWK3DULVK Kids Against Hunger Meal Packing Event %ORRG'ULYH 3OHDVH DFFHSW P\ DSRORJLHV IRU WKH RXWFRPH RI WKH VXPPHU EORRGGULYH,¶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¶P SUD\LQJ WKDW IRU WKH VDNHRIWKHPDQ\SDWLHQWVDQGWKH RQJRLQJ QHHG IRU EORRG GRQDWLRQV ZH FDQ FRPH WRJHWKHU DJDLQ DQG DWWHPSWWRILOOWKDWQHHGWRWKHEHVW RIRXUDELOLW\6W(GLWK¶VQH[WEORRG GULYH ZLOO EH 6XQGD\ 2FW IURP DP ± SP 7R PDNH DQ DSSRLQWPHQW SOHDVH JR WRZZZUHGFURVVEORRGRUJRUFDOO 5('&5266 6LJQXSV ZLOO DOVR WDNH SODFH RQ ZHHNHQGV 2FW DQG2FW*RGEOHVV\RX IRU WKH ORYH \RX GLVSOD\ ZKHQ *LY LQJWKH*LIWRI/,)(3HDFHWR\RX DQG WKDQN \RX 5HVSHFWIXOO\ VXE PLWWHG E\ 5LWD +RZHOO 6W (GLWK %ORRG'ULYH&RRUGLQDWRU On Saturday, October 22nd we will host the third annual Kids Against Hunger meal packing event here at St. Edith. The event will be held in our Parish Hall on: Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 9:00am to 11:00am This event is spearheaded by the Livonia Community Service Organization (LCSO) FORUM members. The goal this year is to pack 30,000+ meals which will be evenly distributed between our local “Livonia Cares” group, United States Disaster Relief and global undernourished children. The LCSO FORUM partners with Kids Against Hunger, a non-profit humanitarian food aid organization, and St. Edith Parish to accomplish this task. We have been very successful the past two years and I am sure we will be just as successful this year as well. Registration to sign up for this event must be done online. You may register here: https:// www.eventbrite.com/e/lcso-kids-againsthunger-meal-packing-event-tickets26766151279 Of course, events like this need donations as well as volunteers ($8400 is needed to cover the cost of food and supplies). Donation options: • Online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ lcso-kids-against-hunger-meal-packingevent-tickets-26766151279 • • 3UD\IRUWKRVHSUHSDULQJ IRUWKH6DFUDPHQW RI0DWULPRQ\ 6DUDK6SHQFHU .\OHU9LFN Send a check made out to “Kids Against Hunger Coalition” to: LCSO Forum/KAHC MPE, 37637 Five Mile Road #262, Livonia, MI 48154; Note: “KAHC-MPE Donation” in memo line Make a donation at the door This is always a fun, quick and mind boggling event as so many meals are packed in so little time. If you’ve never volunteered to do this before, I highly recommend it! Sign up soon, spots fill up fast! Toni Sheffield – Christian Service Office – 734464-1222 Ext 309 tsheffield@stedith.org Dear Parishioners of St. Edith, For the past couple months, we have had the pleasure of listening to some very talented youth of our parish. They have shared their musical talents with us. This reminds us of the importance of sharing every gift God has given us in any way we can. The music programs offered at St. Edith give us opportunities as members of the Body of Christ to extend ourselves and share our talents to make our worship the greatest it can be. Please consider joining our music ensemble, in praise, adult choir, handbell choir, children's choir, lifeteen band, young adult, or resurrection choir. For more information please contact Heather Shina at (734) 464-1222 ext. 314 or hshina@stedith.org. Descriptions of these various ministries are also listed on our parish website at www.stedith.org. Thank you and God Bless. &DOOLQJ$OO6W(GLWK $OXPQL :H ZDQW WR FRQQHFW ZLWK \RX (PDLO $OXPQL#6W(GLWKRUJ WR EH DGGHGWRRXUFRPPXQLFDWLRQOLVW$QG GRQ W ZRUU\ ZH ZRQ W ERPEDUG \RXU LQER[ <RX FDQ DOVR OLNH XV RQ )DFHERRN6W(GLWK&DWKROLF6FKRRO $OXPQL 5HWUHDWIRU:RPHQ )LUVW&DOO 7KLV LV WKH ),567 &$// IRU WKH ZRPHQRIWKHSDULVKWRPDNHWKHDQ QXDO UHWUHDW DW 6DLQW 3DXO¶V 5HWUHDW &HQWHURQWKHZHHNHQGRI2FWREHU 2FWREHU 7KH UHWUHDW WKHPH WKLV \HDU LV ³$ELGH LQ 0H &KRRVLQJ WR /LYH )DLWKIXOO\ LQ DQ (UD RI &KDRV´ 'RQ¶W PLVV RXW RQ WKLV ZRQGHUIXO H[ SHULHQFH RI VSLULWXDO DQG SK\VLFDO UH QHZDO&DOO3ULVFLOOD5XVKWRQDW WR PDNH D UHVHUYDWLRQ RU FDOO WKH 5HWUHDW &HQWHU DW <RX PD\ DOVR UHJLVWHU RQOLQH DW VWSDXOUHWUHDWRUJ 3OHDVH NQRZ WKDW LI \RX DUH XQDEOH WR WKLV ZHHN HQG\RXDUHZHOFRPHWRDWWHQGRQH WKDWLVPRUHFRQYHQLHQW 6W(GLWK3DULVK SDJH SDJH 0(5&<,1$&7,21 '$< 7KDQN \RX IRU WKH RYHUZKHOP LQJ VXSSRUW RI RXU ILUVW HYHU 0HUF\ ,Q $FWLRQ 'D\ ZKLFK ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 6DWXUGD\ ±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³UHJXODU´ VLQJOH EHG VL]H VHWV QRW H[WUDORQJ DV DUH RIWHQ DYDLODEOH DW WKLV WLPH RI \HDU IRU 9LVWD 0DULD LQ 'HDUERUQ +HLJKWV <RX PD\ GURS RII \RXU WRZHOVRUVKHHWVWRWKH3DULVK+DOO EHWZHHQ WKH KRXUV RI DP DQG SP RQ 6DWXUGD\ 2FWR EHUVW ,I \RX DUHQ¶W D VKRSSHU DQG ZRXOGOLNHWRPDNHDFDVKGRQDWLRQ IRU XV WR JR RXW DQG SXUFKDVH WKH WRZHOV RU VKHHWV \RX PD\ HLWKHU GURSWKHPRQH\RIIWRPHLQ&KULV WLDQ 6HUYLFH DQ\WLPH EHIRUH 2FWR EHUVWRURQ0HUF\,Q$FWLRQ'D\ LWVHOI ,I \RX DUH GURSSLQJ RII RQ 2FWREHU VW SOHDVH PDNH VXUH LW LV FDVKDQGQRWDFKHFNZHZLOOVHQG RXW 9ROXQWHHUV WR SXUFKDVH WRZHOV DQG VKHHW VHWV RQ WKDW GD\ ZLWK ZKDWHYHUFDVKZHUHFHLYH ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ TXHVWLRQV SOHDVH GRQ¶W KHVLWDWH WR FDOO RU HPDLOPHDQGDJDLQWKDQN\RXIRU ZKDW , NQRZ ZLOO EH DQRWKHU YHU\ VXFFHVVIXO2XWUHDFKSURMHFW7KH JHQHURVLW\ RI WKH JRRG SHRSOH RI 6W(GLWK3DULVKLVVHFRQGWRQRQH 7RQL 6KHIILHOG ± &KULVWLDQ 6HU YLFH&RRUGLQDWRU ± ([WRUWVKHIILHOG#VWHGLWKRUJ 6W(GLWK3DULVK 6W(GLWK3DULVK3LFQLF5DIIOH'RQRUV 1 Under Bar & Grill Adventure Park @ Frankenmuth Applebee’s — Haggerty Applebee’s — Middlebelt Auto Lab B & R Janitorial Supply Belfor Restoration Big Boy Bottles & Stuff Brass Mug Liquor Bravo Bright Side Dental Buffalo Wild Wings Busch’s Fresh Food Market Bushwood Golf Course Catholic Vantage Credit Union Century Car Wash Champps Cintas City of Livonia, Golf Division Claddaugh Irish Pub Coaches Corner Costco—Haggerty Road Costco—Middlebelt Road CVS CYO Dave & Busters Dr. Shaw Dr. Mario Tomei Evan Michaels Salon Family & Friends Funland Fashion Cleaners Fit Zone for Women Fitness 19 Fred Wood Funeral Home French’s Flowers Furs-A-Flying George Murphy George’s Senate Coney Island Glenda’s Farm Market Glenhurst Golf Course Great Lakes Ace Hardware Guernsey Dairy Han-D-Dip Dairy Barn Healthquest of Livonia Holbrook Roofing Home Depot Hunt’s Ace Hardware Jets Pizza Jimmy John’s Joe’s Produce Kmart Kohl’s—Seven Mile Kohl’s—Haggerty Kohl’s — Westland Kroger — Five Mile Kroger — Eight Mile Kroger — Five & Merriman Leo’s Coney Island Livonia Mobil Meijer — Northville MerriBowl Mod Pizza Mr. Green Mrs. Fields New-5 Auto Parts Oasis Golf Center Obregon Family Dentistry O’Brien Sullivan Funeral Home O’Malley’s O’Reilly Auto Parts Papa Vino Phoenix Movie Theater Potbelly Pro Sports Rocky’s Roger & Rod’s Hair Salon Rusty Bucket Schoolbelles Senate Coney Island Sheehan’s on the Green Sheesh Spartan Paving St. Edith Choir Stan’s Market Suburban Chrysler — Farmington Hills Teacher’s Store The Dog’s Bow Wow Thomas’s Dining Time to Savor Tiny Town Play Lounge Tipping Point Theater Tom Holzer Turowski Funeral Home Valentino Pizza Villa Marie Walgreens Will Funeral Home Wireless Guru Xpert Building Services 6W(GLWK3DULVK3LFQLF5DIIOH:LQQHUV Basket A: Basket B: Basket C: Basket D: Basket E: Basket F: Basket G: Basket H: Basket I: Basket J: Basket K: Basket L: Basket M: Susan B B. Drabicki G. Turbiak Cynthia Haslem Siwicki Terry Wichter Tony & Deb Carozza Cathy Cwik Patricia Sersen Valeria Williams Rosemary Firestone Kathy Leon Brudek Basket N: M Basket O: Basket P: Basket Q: Basket R: Basket S: Basket T: Basket U: Basket V: Basket W: Basket X: Basket Y: Basket Z: .McAree Lisa Laco Anna Whitaker J. Zigila Harry Shia Martha Sivick Jeff Turbiak Smerdon Diane Dobleske John Cwik Elaine Zawisa Camilla Sprout Meg Schultz 6W(GLWK3DULVK3LFQLF6RFN&RQWHVW:LQQHUV Teen: Abby Aaron Team Adult: Laurie White Adult: Julie Green Child: Charlotte Minot Child:Tanya Burden 6W(GLWK3DULVK SDJH ST. 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OFFICEUFLDRIILFH#VWHGLWKRUJ CHRISTIAN SERVICE OFFICE &RRUGLQDWRU7RQL6KHIILHOGWVKHIILHOG#VWHGLWKRUJ YOUTH MINISTER OFFICE +LJK6FKRRO<RXWK0LQLVWHU0LFKDHO&KDPEHUODQG 0LFKDHOFKDPEHUODQG#JPDLOFRP -U+LJK<RXWK0LQLVWU\&ROOHHQ0LVLDN FPLVLDN#VWHGLWKRUJ WORSHIP OFFICE([W 'LUHFWRURI0XVLF0LQLVWULHV+HDWKHU1RIDU6KLQDKVKLQD#VWHGLWKRUJ GRADE SCHOOL 2IILFH3KRQH 3ULQFLSDO*HRUJHQH:RMFLHFKRZVNL JZRMFLHFKRZVNL#VWHGLWKRUJ 6HFUHWDU\%RRNNHHSHU'DOH0DU\2UVXFFL GRUVXFFL#VWHGLWKRUJ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 2IILFH3KRQH UHOLJLRXVHGXFDWLRQ#VWHGLWKRUJ 'LUHFWRURI5HOLJLRXV)RUPDWLRQ&ROOHHQ0LVLDNFPLVLDN#VWHGLWKRUJ <RXWK<RXQJ$GXOW0LQLVWHU-RVKXD.XJOHUMNXJOHU#VWHGLWKRUJ 6HFWLRQ+HDGV'HE+HUPDQ(ULQ%DXHU 6HFUHWDU\'HE6WUDXW] SUNDAY EUCHARIST6DWXUGD\9LJLOSP 6XQGD\$0DQG$0 WEEKDAY EUCHARIST 0RQGD\WKURXJK:HGQHVGD\DP SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION6DWXUGD\DWSPDQG LQGLYLGXDOE\DSSRLQWPHQW SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM3OHDVHFDOOWKH3DULVK2IILFHWRDUUDQJH LQWHUYLHZDQGDFODVVIRUSDUHQWV SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE3OHDVHFDOOWKH3DULVK3ULHVWRU'HDFRQ DWOHDVWVL[PRQWKVLQDGYDQFH SACRAMENT OF THE SICK *URXS$QRLQWLQJVWIXOOZHHNHQGRI (DFKPRQWKRUE\DSSRLQWPHQW PARISH REPRESENTATIVES & COMMISSION CHAIRPERSONS 3DVWRUDO&RXQFLO&KDLUSHUVRQ 3DVWRUDO&RXQFLO&RFKDLU-DPHV'H:LWW 3DVWRUDO&RXQFLO6HFUHWDU\0HJDQ6]F]\SND 3DULVK)LQDQFH&RXQFLO :RUVKLS&RPPLVVLRQ«««««««««««««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¶UHKDSS\WRKDYH\RX3OHDVHUHJLVWHUE\VWRSSLQJE\ DWWKH3DULVK2IILFHDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOH PARISH CREDIT UNION &DWKROLF9DQWDJH)LQDQFLDO)HGHUDO&UHGLW8QLRQ )LYH0LOH5RDG/LYRQLD0, 5HYLVHG AAA PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER "Hope for Women with Unplanned Pregnancies" 32080 Schoolcraft Livonia, MI 48150 734-425-8060 www.aaaprc.org RACHEL'S VINEYARD "Healing the Pain of Abortion--One Weekend at a Time" 1-877 HOPE 4 ME (1-877-467-3463) RachelsVineyard.org Stay connected with St. Edith Online! Website: http://www.stedith.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Edith-Parish-LivoniaMichigan/472062326148982 YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/StEdithChurch/videos St. Edith Teens! There are two great ways to keep connected! Website: http://www.stedithyouthgroup.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/476923029024007/ WORSHIP COMMISSION Worship/Music Director: Heather Nofar Shina 734-464-1222 Chairperson: Joe Rashid Lectors: Linda Bodnar 734-462-1289 Sacristan:Joseph Rashid 248-348-8381 Prayers of the Faithful: Parish Office 734-464-1222 Eucharistic Ministers: Parish Office 734-464-1222 Ushers: Jim Vick 734-855-4773 Altar Servers: Lisa Smerdon 734-432-0055 Coffee / Donuts: Pete Moloney 734-464-2698 Leslie Colbeck 734-853-8107 Liturgical Environment: Jane DeRoo 734-464-2497 Cindy Coleman 734-464-8853 Prayer Group: Geri Soelz 734-464-8906 Eucharistic Adoration Tom Rist 734-718-1172 EDUCATION COMMISSION Religious Formation Director: Colleen Misiak Chairperson: Roberta Clemak 734-420-3008 Religious Education: Colleen Misiak 734-464-1222 Preschool - 8 Vacation Bible School Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sacramental Formation & Preparation: Middle School Ministry Adult Formation Youth/Young Adult Ministry: Joshua Kugler Family Life: Jennifer Butts 734-516-0634 RCIA: Deacon Ric Misiak Parish School K-8/Principal: Georgene Wojciechowski 734-464-1250 Bulletin Editor: Elaine Johnston 734-464-1222 Ext. 318 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION Chairperson: Denise Brady 248-888-6952 A New Dawn: Ann Lenehan 734-495-0441 Funeral Luncheons: Helen Ickes 734-693-3013 Blood Drive: Rita Howell 248-987-4276 St. Vincent de Paul: Gary Malo 734-522-9966 Meals Ministry: Toni Sheffield Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS): Maria Kustra 734-306-0781 A Helping Hand — Skilled Trades: Toni Sheffield Gospel of Life Committee: Sandy Rogala 734-421-7145 Visiting the Homebound/Sick: Deacon Ric Misiak 734-464-1222 Knights of Columbus: Tony Carozza 734-464-3924 Holiday Outreach: Denise Brady 248-888-6952 Parish Nurse: Anne Eggers 734-464-0389 Missions: Deacon Ric Mat Making: Loraine Raniszewski 248-476-1433 Debbie Antosiewicz 734-266-2406 FINANCE COUNCIL Chairperson Ron Rowe 734-462—1558 Bookkeeper/Office Manager Elaine Johnston 734-464-1222 Maintenance Robert Calleja 743-464-1222 EVANGELIZATION COMMISSION Deacon Ric 734-464-1222 Alpha: ChristLife: Valerie Cyburt 248-478-4737 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Deacon Ric 734-464-1222