4th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology 24-26 October 2015, Kumamoto University, Japan Model Based Analysis of Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motors BINDU. S, VINOD V. THOMAS Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India Email: bindu.s@manipal.edu Abstract: Studies in the field of condition monitoring and fault diagnoses of induction motors demand suitable models to analyse internal fault conditions of the machine. An implementation of detailed multiple coupled circuit based model of three phase squirrel cage induction motor with m-stator circuits and n-rotor bars in MATLAB/SIMULINK® platform is presented. The model parameters are calculated based on geometry and winding layout of the ac machine. The transient and steady state behaviour of the machine for symmetric and asymmetric operating conditions are analysed. The simulation results in both time and frequency domain are presented. Behavioural study of induction motors under various faulty situations through asymmetric machine modelling supports in signature extractions for online condition monitoring. Keywords: Asymmetric machine modelling, Fault signatures, Condition monitoring, Fault diagnoses, Motor current signature analysis Introduction: Suitable mathematical models are very much essential to conduct behavioural studies on induction motor in various faulty conditions and to extract signatures of internal faults using advanced signal processing tools. These studies will certainly assist in online condition monitoring of induction motors which has great significance in recent years due to the necessity to reduce machine downtime and to improve reliability of these highly popular machines in industries. Sensitivity of various machine parameters to fault has to be studied and set of parameters for fault characterization need to be identified. Mathematical models such as single phase equivalent circuits with linear algebraic equations can be used for steady state analysis of symmetrical machines. Conventional d-q model formed with nonlinear differential equations can be employed for the dynamic analysis. It is a conceptually simple model with fictitious two phase representation because the model is obtained with two sets of windings, one on the stator and the other on the rotor. D-q model assumes sinusoidal distribution of windings. It is incapable of representing a general machine with arbitrarily connected windings and thus not flexible enough to incorporate various asymmetric conditions. Finite element based and circuit based simulation studies are in use for the analysis of asymmetric operation of machine. Finite element modelling provides an exact evaluation of magnetic field distribution inside the machine. Perturbations in field distribution give the indication of the presence of fault. Multiple Coupled Circuit Model (MCCM)[1] is grounded on basic geometry and winding layout of an arbitrary N-phase machine and machine is modelled as a set of coupled coils. It provides wide range of simulation options for incorporating stator turn, rotor bar or air-gap deformities. In this model mutual inductance between stator and rotor windings are considered to be time varying since it depends on rotor position and are evaluated in real time. Secondary parameters such as leakage inductance are considered as constants by placing values from machine design data. The coupling inductances are derived using winding function approach. Machine modelling and implementation with this approach is emphasized in this paper. An implementation of complete model of three phase squirrel cage induction motor with m-stator circuits and n-rotor bars using MATLAB/SIMULINK® is presented. System Modelling: The generalized model consists of a set of m+n+3 linear state equations with time varying coefficients. The modelling is grounded on basic geometry and winding layout of the machine. Considering generalized model with following assumptions, i. Effect of saturation, eddy current losses, friction, and windage losses are neglected. ii. m identical windings on stator with axes of symmetry. iii. n rotor bars , uniformly distributed cage or rotor windings with axes of symmetry. iv. Insulated rotor bars. v. Uniform air-gap. vi. Iron of infinite permeability. The steady voltage equations in vector matrix form can be expressed by, Vs = Rsis + (1) s= Lssis + Lsrir (2) Where Vs = [Vs1, Vs2 . . . Vsm]' , stator voltage is = [is1, is2, . . . . ism]' , stator current WCSET 2015089 Copyright © 2015 BASHA RESEARCH CENTRE. All rights reserved BINDU S., VINOD V. THOMAS The stator is considered as symmetrical with a balanced three-phase circuit. Rs is the resistance square matrix of stator winding of the order of m. Lss matrix contains self and mutual inductance of stator windings themselves. Lss is a square matrix of order m . The mutual and magnetizing inductances are calculated by applying winding function theory [1]. Hence the stator voltage and current vectors can be expressed as Vs = [Vsa, Vsb, Vsc]' and is = [isa, isb, isc]' Each rotor circuit formed by two rotor bars and end ring segments. n+1 rotor circuits are considered as shown in Fig. 1. Rotor voltage equations in vector matrix form can be expressed by, Vr = Rrir + =0 t r = Lsr is + Lrrir (3) (4) Rr is the rotor resistance square matrix of order (n+1) which also includes the resistance of end ring segments. Lsr is the mutual inductance matrix between stator windings and rotor bars. The order of Lsr matrix is m x (n+1). Lrr is the inductance matrix of rotor which includes self and mutual inductance between rotor-bars themselves. The order of Lrr square matrix is n+1. The squirrel cage rotor can be taken as n identical and uniformly spaced rotor loops. Hence, n+1 rotor currents can be specified . n number of rotor loop currents and a circulating current flowing in one of the end rings, ie . Obviously, the end ring current would be equal to zero in cage rotor. The equivalent circuit of the induction motor with three phase stator windings and n rotor bars is presented in Fig.1. [2] The mechanical equations of the machine are, = (Te- TL) (5) = (6) rm Where Te is the electromagnetic torque developed in the motor. TL is the load torque. θrm is the spatial position of rotor and ωrm is the angular speed. The electrical torque Te can be found from magnetic coenergy Wco as given in equation (7) Figure 1: Multiple Coupled Circuit representation of Induction Motor Te = (7) A magnetic system which is linear has co-energy equal to the stored energy or field energy as, Wco = (8) Determination of Parameters: Machine parameters used in the model includes, stator/rotor resistances and inductances. Resistances and leakage inductances can be obtained from machine design data. Magnetizing and mutual inductances are calculated by applying winding function theory. Since this model does not assume symmetry in placement of any of the motor coils in the slots, it is suitable for modelling of asymmetrical operations. The mutual inductance between any two windings i and j in an electric machine can be computed using equation (9) according to winding function theory. [1,2] Lij ( ) = (9) Where θ is the angular position of the rotor with respect to a stator reference, ϕ is a particular position along the stator inner surface, L is the stack length, r is the mean radius of air-gap, and is inverse air-gap function and its value is reciprocal of uniform air-gap length lg. To calculate mutual inductance between stator and rotor circuits, the term is the winding distribution of stator circuit i and is the winding function of rotor circuit j. Winding function signifies the MMF distribution along the air-gap for a unit current flowing in corresponding winding. The inductance can be calculated by using modified winding function theory [3] as given below, Lij = 2 rL Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 24-26 October 2015, Kumamoto University, Japan, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-1-4, pp 394-398 (10) 200 180 160 200 150 100 50 0 0 4 theta 6 8 1 0.5 0 -4 4 120 0 2 4 theta 6 8 2 4 theta 6 8 -3 x 10 4 x 10 100 2 2 60 dLsr 80 Lsr Stator winding distribution 140 2 Rotor winding distribution Where P is the air gap permeance , ni and nj are the turn functions of i and j windings respectively. Fig.2 gives the winding distribution of stator circuits (phases) A, B, and C respectively, and Fig. 3 gives the stator to rotor mutual inductance with respect to rotor position , obtained by simulation. Stator winding distribution Model based analysis of three phase squirrel cage induction motors 0 0 40 -2 -2 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 theta Figure.2 The winding distribution of A, B and C phase windings -4 0 2 4 theta 6 8 -4 0 Figure. 4. Stator winding distribution of stator circuit-A , Rotor circuit-1 , Stator to rotor mutual inductance and its derivative w.r.t. rotor position. Model Implementation and Result Analysis: Fig.5 shows the SIMULINK block schematic of the machine. The motor used for simulation studies is 5.5 kW, 60 Hz, 460V, four pole three phase squirrel cage induction motor. Its parameters are given in Appendix. Figure3 Stator to rotor mutual inductances with respect to rotor position The 4 pole machine considered for simulation study has number of stator slots = 36, and number of turn per phase = 90. Winding distribution of each stator circuit changes at each 2п/36 radians which is the angle between each slot. For each phase circuit winding distribution shifts by 1200. Fig. 4 shows the stator winding distribution of one circuit in stator and rotor. Stator to rotor mutual inductance and its derivative w.r.t. rotor position, obtained from simulation is also shown in Fig. 4. Figure 5. Develped SIMULINK model Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 24-26 October 2015, Kumamoto University, Japan, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-1-4, pp 394-398 BINDU S., VINOD V. THOMAS The dynamic responses of speed, torque and stator current when the machine is fully loaded at 0.5 second is given in Fig. 6-8. At 0.5 second motor speed falls from no lad to full load speed after a short transient period. Motor torque rises from zero and settles at full load torque after a short transient period (Fig.6). Figure 9. Frequency spectrum of stator current Stator currents settles at no load currents after initial transients and at 0.5 sec, when it is loaded, settles to full load value after a transient period (Fig. 7, 8). Spectrum of stator current in frequency domain shows only fundumental component as the machine data used was for healthy machine.(Fig.9). These simulation results shows the expected behaviour of a healthy ac motor, such as starting transients in speed, torque and stator current, small transient period before settling at steady state when loaded, and a frequency spectrum with only the supply frequency component. These results validates the model and this detailed machine model can be used for further studies in internal fault diagnoses. Figure 7. Stator current, Ia Scope of the model: This model is flexible enough to incorporate stator turn short circuit due to insulation failure or turn open circuit since stator is represented as m coupled circuits and rotor as n circuits [4,5] . Rotor bar cracks can be detected by identifying the signatures of rotor faults using this model [6,7]. The parameters will change according to the fault. Air gap eccentricities of static, dynamic , mixed [8] or inclined in nature can be represented by making airgap as a dependent function of rotor position and thus mutual inductances as a function of airgap length . In two dimentional winding function theory (2D- MWFT) [9] mutual inductances are represented as a function of axial length also .This can be used for inclined eccentricity studies. Direct analysis of bearing fault is not found to be done with the help of MCCM but the secondary effect such as air gap eccentricity can be analysed by MCCM. Figure 8. Stator Currents Ia, Ib and Ic Conclusion: The model of three phase induction motor implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK® based on Multiple couple circuit approach is capable to incorporate asymmetrical operating conditions and internal faults even at minor level .This model will help in a detailed analysis of the machine which will also help in condition monitoring and fault diagnoses based investigations. The simulation results validate the model. Figure 6. Motor speed and torque Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 24-26 October 2015, Kumamoto University, Japan, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-1-4, pp 394-398 Model based analysis of three phase squirrel cage induction motors Appendix: Parameters of induction motor used for simulation study [2] 5.5kW, 60 Hz, 460V, 4 pole 3 phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Number of stator slots = 36 Number of rotor bars, n = 28 Number of turn per phase, N = 90 Stator resistance= 3.5332 Ω Rotor bar resistance= 68.34*10^-6 Ω Resistance of end ring segment= 1.56*10^-6 Ω Leakage inductance of stator =0.028 H Mean radius of air gap= 63.2968*10^-3 m Length of stack= 102.4128*10^-3 m Permeability in air= 4*pi*10^-7 Henry/m Effective Air gap = 0.456438*10^-3 m Leakage inductance of rotor bar=0.28*10^-6 H Leakage inductance of rotor end ring segment = 0.03*10^-6 H Stator inner radius= 63.525*10^-3 m Rotor outer radius= 63.068*10^-3 m Moment of inertia=0.012 Kgm2 References: [1] Xiaogang Luos, Y. 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