International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945 Research Article GA BASED OPTIMAL DESIGN OF THREE PHASE SQUIRREL CAGE INDUCTION MOTOR FOR ENHANCING PERFORMANCE 1 1 S.S.Sivaraju and 2 N. Devarajan Address for Correspondence Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. 2 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT In this paper, optimal design of three phase squirrel cage induction motor to improve efficiency and power factor and to reduce total loss for variable load application is proposed. It has compared conventional and optimally designed same rating of 10hp (7.5kW) motor. The motor is designed and optimization using Genetic Algorithm and the simulation results are presented. The Genetic Algorithm is used for optimization and five objective functions namely Stator Copper Loss, Rotor Copper Loss, Stator Iron Losses, Efficiency, and Power Factor are considered. The importance of this work is highlighted by the recent concerns about the need to achieve energy savings in the industry and in the territory sectors. The motor design procedure consists of a system of non-linear equations, which imposes induction motor characteristics and motor performance. This is very useful to optimize the power factor, losses and efficiency of the induction motors. KEYWORDS: Induction Motor, Genetic Algorithm, SCL, SIL, RCL, Efficiency, Power Factor, Loss I. INTRODUCTION The squirrel-cage Induction motors are 90% used in various industrial, domestic and commercial applications [1, 2]. Particularly, the squirrel cage type is simplicity, robustness and low cost, which has always made it very good-looking, and has therefore, captured the leading place in industrial sector. The average load factor of electric motors in both industrial and tertiary sectors is estimated to be less than 60% [3]. However, in some industrial sectors, the average load factor for some motor power ranges can be as low as 25% [3,4].Individual motors in those ranges have even lower load factors. Because the motor load factor is an average of motor load during a period (e.g. motor duty-cycle period), the motor load can alternate between values lower and higher than the motor load factor. As a result of its extensive use in the industry, induction motors consume a considerable percentage of the overall production of electrical energy. The minimization of electrical energy consumption through a better motor design becomes a major concern. The problems in the optimization of the electromagnetic devices are mixed (continuous and discrete) variables and discontinuities in search space. In this paper, we have modeled the optimal design of an induction motor as a nonlinear multi-objective optimization problem and described three different methods for its solution. When a multi objective problem is treated, each objective conflicts with one another and unlike a single objective optimization, the solution to this problem is not a single one, but a family of solutions known as the Pareto-optimal set. Among these solutions, the designer should find the best compromise, taking into proper account the attributes and characteristics of the handled problem. If the standard non-linear programming (NLP) techniques [2, 3, 4 and 5] were to be used in such cases, then IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/202-206 they would be computationally very expensive and inefficient. Some applications utilizing the standard NLP techniques include the design and control parameter optimization of induction motors [6, 7, 8, and 9]. In recent years, GAs has been recognized as potent tools in design optimization of electrical machinery [3, 10]. One of the most important advantages of the GA over the standard NLP techniques [5] is that it is able to find the global minimum, instead of a local minimum, and that the initial attempts with different starting points need not be close to actual values. Another advantage is that it does not require the use of the derivative of the function, which is not always easily obtainable or may not even exist. For example, when dealing with real measurements involving noisy data, the efficiency and power factor improvement [1, 2, 6, 8, and 9] is mainly considered. The aim of this paper is to give a further contribution in the optimum design of a three phase induction motor with efficiency and power factor improvement, using the five objective functions, namely Stator Copper Loss (SCL), Rotor Copper Loss (WRCL), Stator Iron Losses (SIL), Full Load Efficiency ( η ), and Full Load Power Factor (P.F). Genetic Algorithm having the feature of a unique search [12, 13] was then used for optimization processes. A design package has been developed specifically for a three-phase squirrel-cage type induction motor. As per our literature survey, many proposals based on multi objective approaches for the electrical machines design have been uncounted [1], [2]. In this paper, three methods are described and employed for the design optimization of three-phase induction motors, when conflicting objectives are chosen. In this paper a conventional three phase squirrel-cage type induction motor with specifications 10 hp (7.5kW), 400V, star connected International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and 4 poles is chosen for comparing with our optimally designed motor. The used equivalent of the motor is shown in Figure 1. The model is popular and well understood among engineers and, despite its shortcomings, offers reasonably good prediction accuracy with modest computational effort. This model is basically a per phase representation of a balanced poly-phase induction machine in the frequency domain, comprising six elements, or model parameters. The six impedances are stator resistance R1, stator leakage reactance X01, magnetizing reactance X0m, core loss Resistance Rm, rotor leakage reactance X02, and rotor resistance R2. In this paper, the approaches and methods used to calculate the motor performances are based on the works of [15]. E-ISSN 0976-3945 3. To Optimize the Stator Iron Loss SIL = Wt *Wtk + Wc *Wck Wt Wc Wtk Wck - Weight of the stator teeth - Weight of the stator core - Losses in stator tooth portion W/kg - Losses in stator core W/kg 4. Full Load Efficiency 1000 P o η= *100 1000 Po + SCL + W RCL + SIL + WF Where as P0 - Power in KW SCL - Stator Copper Loss in W WRCL- Rotor Copper Loss in W SIL - Stator Iron Losses in W WF - Friction losses in W 5. Full Load Power Factor Rs + G4 PF = (Rs + G 4 )2 + ( X { s + G5 )2 } Where as RS - Stator Resistance in Ohm Xs - Average air gap flux density (wb / m2) G4, G5 - Magnetizing constants Fig.1 of induction motor Choice of L/ τ in induction motor For minimum cost L/ τ = 1.5 to 2 For good power factor L/ τ = 1.0 to 1.25 For good efficiency L/ τ = 1.5 To apply the GA approach, an objective function has to be defined to evaluate how good each motor design is. This objective function may include all the geometrical dimensions of the motor. A large subset of constraints (geometrical constraints) has to been overcome to ensure the physical feasibility of the motor. These objectives functions are as follows. II. The Objective Functions The design optimization of electric motors requires a particular attention in the choice of the objective function that usually concerns economic or performance features. This problem is represented by the multi objective approach. Then, we have considered the following multi objective formulations: 1. To Optimize the Stator Copper Loss SCL = 3I 2ph ( Rs ) IPH RS - Phase Current in Amps - Stator Resistance in Ohms 2. To Optimize the Rotor Copper Loss WRCL = ρr S2 Ib De Lr P ρ r S 2 I b2 ab ( Lr + 2 De ) p - Constant (.021) - No. of rotor slots - Rotor bar current in Amps - Mean end ring diameter in mm - Length of the core in m - No. of poles IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/202-206 III. An Overview of Genetic Algorithm In the most general sense, GA-based optimization is a stochastic search method that involves the random generation of potential design solutions and then systematically evaluates and refines the solutions until a stopping criterion is met. There are three fundamental operators involved in the search process of a genetic algorithm: selection, crossover, and mutation. Selection: Selection is a process in which individual strings are selected according to their fitness. The selection probability can be defined by Pj = F(Xi ) ∑ i F(Xi ) Where as Pj is selection probability F(xi) is objective function. Crossover: This is the most powerful genetic operator. One of commonly used methods for crossover is single-point crossover. As shown in the following examples, a crossover point is selected between the first and the last bits of the chromosome. Then binary code to the right of the crossover point of chromosome1 goes to offspring2 and chromosome2 passes its code to offspring1. This operation takes place with a defined probability Pc that statistically represents the number of individuals involved in the crossover process. Mutation: This is a common genetic manipulation operator, and it involves, the random alteration of genes during the process of copying a chromosome from one generation to the next. Raising the ratio of mutations increases the algorithm’s freedom to search outside of the current region of parameter International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology space. Mutation changes from a “1” to a “0” or vice versa. It may be illustrated as follows. 110000010 _ 110001010 Motor Design Variables • Ampere conductors/m • Ratio of stack length to pole pitch • Stator slot depth to width ratio • Stator core depth (mm) • Average air gap flux densities (wb/m2) • Stator winding current densities (A/mm2) • Rotor winding current densities (A/mm2) • Maximum stator tooth flux density,wb/m2 • Full load efficiency, % • No load current, pu • Full load power factor The above mentioned motor design variables are all automatically varied and finally optimal design values are obtained. VI. Design Optimization process. The flow chart of the design optimization procedure is depicted in Fig. 2. Each block consists of number of subroutines. The Execution of the program starts with the performance specifications such as the initial motor design variables, the number of generations, population size, crossover rate, and mutation rate Population size, number of generations, crossover rate and mutation rate can be selected depending on the user. Each design parameter and penalty limits for penalty function can be varied within its domain. Then design parameter of the stator and rotor layout is calculated. E-ISSN 0976-3945 Fig. 3. Optimization process (GA) At this point, the designer is offered the option to view the performance analysis for the proposed design. If the optimization is satisfied, then the design optimization process must be stopped, otherwise the GA optimization process should be continued show in the fig.3. The designer can improve the value of objective function reviewing constraint specifications. Table 1:Results Comperetion VI. THE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 shows the values for the ten design parameters for each optimization. According to the results in Table 1, the algorithm has returned an Description Diameter of Stator in mm Length of Stator in m Ratio L/tove Outer diameter of stator in mm Stack length in m Stator depth to width Stator core depth Average air gap flux density (wb/mm2) Stator winding current density A/mm2 Rotor winding current density A/mm2 Stator Iron Losses (SIL) in watts Rotor Copper Loss (WRCL) in watts Stator Copper Loss (SCL) in watts Total Loss in watts Full Load Efficiency Full Load Power Factor (P.F) Fig. 2 Flow Chart for Design Optimization Process. This is followed by optimization process such as the selection, crossover, mutation and specification of the constraints. The design is evaluated for every individual of a population. The algorithm terminates after testing the specified convergence and optimum design achieving. IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/202-206 Normal Design 0.0817 0.5398 1.3423 0.1499 2.7632 4.05493 4.23895 2.5769 Optimal Design 0.09482 0. 56853 1.52700 0. 15541 3.0552 4.2067 3.97515 2.78329 5.83 5.83 4.3756 65.8761 147.673 217.924 84.176 0.8432 7.039 7.023 1.6903 43.6206 133.482 203.740 93.0987 0.96178 acceptable solution every time, which is indicated by a good value for objective with no constraint violations. According to these results the achieving performance improvements show in fig.6 and fig 7. The conventional motor design displays poor efficiency, low power factor and higher losses show in the fig 4 and fig.5. This is because in the conventional motor design variables are manually selected but in the proposed GA based optimal design, the design variables are automatically varied to find the optimal solution. Hence the optimally International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology designed three phase squirrel cage induction motor attains higher efficiency, better power factor and low losses. Fig.4. Efficiency as a function of percentage of load for normal design Fig.5. Power factor as a function of output power for normal design Fig.6. Maximum Power factor as a function of output power for optimal design E-ISSN 0976-3945 three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. A package program that analyzes and optimizes induction motors and evaluates the performance of the designs has been developed. Comparison of the final optimum designs with the existing design indicates that the gain of the proposed performance is even better than expected. The presented paper can contribute significantly to the loss reduction and improve the efficiency and power factor in electricmotor-driven systems in both industrial and tertiary sectors. While achieving performance improvements, the operating cost also is reduced. Further work is needed to assess the impact of the increase of the stator-winding connection change frequency on the life time of both motor and contactors by using extreme machine learning, which should be accounted for the economical analysis. List of symbols P0 WSCL WRCL WSIL WF IPH Rs EPH f KW X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 L D P ρr Ib S2 Ig dsr asr Lr De ab S1 dss Wt Wc Wst Li OD P.F - Power in kW - Stator Copper Loss in watts - Rotor Copper Loss in watts - Stator Iron Losses in watts - Friction losses in watts - Phase Current in Amps - Stator Resistance in Ohm - Voltage per phase in Volts - Frequency in Hz - Winding factor - Ampere conductors/m - Stack length / pole pitch ratio - Stator Slot Depth to Width - Stator core depth in cm - Average air gap flux density (wb / m2) - Stator winding current density (A/mm2) - Rotor winding current density (A/mm2) - Length of the armature in mm (stator) - Diameter of stator in mm - No. of poles - Constant (0.021) - Rotor bar current in Amps - No. of rotor slots - Radial Air Gap Length in m - Depth of the Rotor Slots - Rotor slot area m2 - Length of the core in m - Mean end ring diameter in mm - Rotor bar area m2 - No. of stator slots - Depth of Stator slot - Weight of the stator teeth - Weight of the stator core - Mean Stator Tooth Width in mm - Length of the core in m - Outer Diameter of Stator in mm - Full Load Power Factor REFERENCES 1. 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