MODIFIED NEWTON-RAPHSON LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS FOR INTEGRATED AC/DC POWER SYSTEMS A. Panosyan, B. R. Oswald Institute of Electric Power Systems, University of Hannover, Germany ABSTRACT The significant increase in planned offshore wind parks and the tendency towards large parks in considerable distances offshore, make the well established HVDC technology a favorable solution for the connection of these large & distant offshore wind parks to the main power grid onshore. It is therefore necessary to adequately model the HVDC transmission links and integrate them in the load flow analysis of the complete a.c.-d.c. system. In this paper, the well known Newton-Raphson method for the load flow analysis is modified to achieve compatibility for a.c.-d.c. systems with integrated d.c. links in the a.c. network. The elements of the residual vector and the Jacobian matrix for the a.c. network are kept unchanged and are merely complemented by a new vector and a new matrix, which represent the modifications due to the d.c. link. The modified Jacobian equation includes the d.c. real and reactive power at the a.c.-d.c. buses, and their dependency on the a.c. system variables. The modified Newton-Raphson method is evaluated on an a.c.-d.c. test system with a load flow computation in MATLAB and the results are presented Keywords: Power Systems Modeling, HVDC, Load Flow, Newton-Raphson 1 INTRODUCTION The significant increase in planned offshore wind parks and the tendency towards large parks in considerable distances offshore poses a new challenge to grid operators. Although, present pilot farms with limited capacity can be connected to the main grid onshore relatively easily and inexpensively using conventional a.c. transmission, connecting larger wind farms further offshore is considerably more difficult. The main disadvantage of an a.c. connection to these remote offshore parks is the great amount of charging current produced by long a.c. submarine cables due to the high capacitance of a.c. cables, which reduces the active current-carrying capacity of the cable and requires reactive power compensation. Thus, the greater the distance of these large wind farms to the grid onshore become and the higher the transmission voltage is, the more convenient technical and economical solution High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission becomes for connecting distant large offshore wind parks to the main grid. Although the new Voltage-Sourced-Converter (VSC) based HVDC technology allows higher flexibility over the conventional Current-Source-Converter (CVC) based HVDC and an independent reactive power control in addition to other advantages, the VSC transmission technology is still in its early stages and is still economically not feasible at power levels of 500MW or more due to the high cost of multiple converters and cables that are required. The conventional HVDC will therefore be the more logical choice at the present for the connection of the planned offshore wind farms to the main grid. These large wind farms connected to the main grid through two-terminal HVDC links represent a challenge for the simulation of analysis of the overall a.c.d.c. power system. Therefore, these new network elements should be appropriately modeled and represented in the different simulation programs. In this paper, the adequate modeling of a two-terminal HVDC link and its integration into the well known NewtonRaphson method for the load flow analysis is looked into, taking into account the control strategies of the HVDC converter stations. 2 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The simplest way of integrating a d.c. link into the a.c. load flow is representing it by constant active and reactive power injections at the two terminal buses in the a.c. systems. Thus the two terminal a.c.-d.c buses are represented as a PQ-bus with a constant voltage independent active and reactive power. However this is clearly an inadequate representation where the links contribution to a.c. system reactive power and voltage conditions is significant, since the accurate operating modes of the link and its terminal equipment are ignored. A more advanced and accurate method is representing buses connected to an HVDC as a PQ-bus with a voltage dependant active and reactive power. However, the voltage dependency of the active and reactive power at these a.c.-d.c. buses do not obey the general rules of the conventional PQ-buses in a.c. systems. We have thus a new type of PQ-bus, which we define as PQDC- bus. In our approach the real and reactive power equations for the PQDC-buses, with their dependency on both the a.c. voltages at the terminal buses and the characteristics of the d.c. converters and their control strategies, are derived and integrated into the a.c. load flow algorithm. 3 MODELLING THE D.C. LINK For the analysis of the steady state converter operation, some basic and generally valid assumptions can be made. Firstly, the a.c. voltages at the terminal buses are perfectly balanced and sinusoidal. Thus, a perfect a.c. filtering of all harmonic currents and voltages generated by the converters is assumed. Correspondingly, a perfect filtering on the d.c. side too is assumed and the d.c. current and voltage contain no a.c. components. Furthermore, the losses and magnetizing admittance of the two-winding converter transformers are ignored. This approach is a combination of the two main methods most a.c.-d.c. load flow algorithms are based on: the simultaneous solution method and the sequential solution method. Unlike the sequential method, in which successive iterations between the a.c. load flow and d.c. the load flow are taken, the a.c. and d.c. equations are all solved in the same iteration step. Nevertheless the d.c. variables are not explicitly included in the state vector as in the simultaneous solution method. In the Newton-Raphson method for the load flow analysis, with the basic Jacobian equation J ∆x = y A basic schematic diagram of a two-terminal HVDC link interconnecting buses "r" (rectifier) and "i" (Inverter) is illustrated in Figure 1. The symbols appearing in the diagram are defined as follows: U = primary line-to-line a.c. voltage (r.m.s.) U d = direct voltage I d = direct current n = transformer ratio P, Q = active and reactive power (0) this leads to modifications on the elements of the residual vector ( y ) and of the Jacobian matrix ( J ) affiliated to the a.c.-d.c. buses, without adding new elements to the residual vector and the Jacobian matrix. In this approach, the real and reactive power and the a.c. voltages at the converter buses are considered the interface between the a.c. and d.c. equations in each iteration step. The basic converter equations, for both rectifier and inverter operations, describing the relationship between the a.c. and d.c. variables can be written as follows [1]. Rectifier equations A further point to be determined is whether the a.c. network components which are attached to the twoterminal HVDC links should be considered as part of the a.c. system or included in the d.c. system equations. These components are usually the a.c. filters and the converter transformers. The a.c. filters can be included in the a.c. network as fixed real and reactive power injections at the a.c. buses connected to the HVDC link. The tap-changing converter transformers are however included in d.c. network, since the tap-changing of the transformers is an integral part of the d.c. control systems. Consequently, the primary sides of the transformers are chosen as the interface buses between the a.c. and d.c. systems. Leaving the transformers out of the a.c. network helps getting around the need to update the bus admittance matrix of the a.c. network with each tap-changing. Id Ur Pr + jQr Ir U d0r = k nrU r U dr = U d0r cos α r − Rr I dr where U d0r is the ideal no-load direct voltage, k = 3 2 π , and α r is the ignition delay angle. Rr is the so called equivalent commutating "resistance", which accounts for the voltage drop due to commutation overlap and is proportional to the commutation reactance, Rr = 3 X r π . The active power at the rectifier is given by Pr = U dr I dr (4) Since losses at the converters and transformers can be ignored ( Pr = Pac ), the reactive power at the rectifier Rl ni nr U dr (2) (3) U di Ii Ui Figure 1 Two terminal HVDC link interconnecting buses "r" and "i" Pi + jQi can be determined as Qr = Pr tan ϕ r (5) where ϕ r is the phase angle between the a.c. voltage and the fundamental a.c. current, and by neglecting the commutation overlap can be calculated as. ϕ r = arccos(U dr U d0r ) (6) Inverter equations The inverter operation of a converter can be correspondingly described by the following equations U d0i = k niU i (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) U di = U d0i cos γ i − Ri I di Pi = U di I di Qi = Pi tan ϕi ϕ i = arccos(U di U d0i ) where γ i is the extinction advance angle. Line equation The interdependence of the two d.c. voltages can be expressed by U dr = U di + Rl I d (12) with the d.c. line resistance Rl . Based on eqs. (3),(8) and (12), the equivalent circuit of the two terminal HVDC link is shown in Figure 2. Rr U d0r cos α r Id U dr − Ri Rl U di U d0i cos γ i Figure 2 HVDC equivalent circuit 4 D.C. POWER EQUATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS ON JACOBIAN EQUATIONS Equations (4),(5),(9) and (10) represent the PQDC-buses in the a.c. system. The active and reactive power at the PQDC-buses depend on the a.c. bus voltages, the characteristics of the converters and their operating modes. To determine the dependency of P and Q on the a.c. bus-voltages for a given pair of converters, four control specifications are required. These are usually the direct current or the d.c. power at one of the converters, the nominal d.c. voltage at one of the converters (usually the inverter), and the optimum value of the control angles, which are usually the minimum control angles α min and γ min , since the ignition delay angle and extinction advance angle are kept as close to their minimum value as possible to keep the reactive power consumption of the converters at its minimum[2]. With the given converter parameter and control specifications and with the latest updated a.c. bus voltages at each iteration step, the transformer ratios nr and ni corresponding the optimum value of the control angles are calculated [3]. However, critical operation conditions may result in one or both converter transformer ratios reaching their upper or lower limits. When one of the transformers reaches a limiting ratio, the inverter d.c. voltage (and subsequently the rectifier d.c. voltage) is freed and readjusted, keeping the direct current fixed. And when both transformer ratios reach their upper and lower limits respectively, α or γ is freed, depending on whether the rectifier transformer ratio or the inverter transformer ratio has reached its maximum level, since α and γ can not fall below their minimum value. These five operating states of the converters are summarized in Table 1. In case the ignition and extinction angles are to be kept fixed at their minimum values, the direct current can be freed instead. [2] Once the operating state of the converters and the corresponding transformer ratios are determined, the transformer ratios need to be readjusted to match one of the actual tap position of the transformers, since the tap ratios can vary only in steps. This is done by rounding the calculated ratio to the next highest tap position, ensuring that the control angles, which are correspondingly readjusted too, remain over their minimum values. The active and reactive d.c. power at each converter, corresponding to the operating state obtained above, can now be obtained through d.c. power equations of the rectifier and inverter. Thus, the residual vector y in eq. 1 is modified as follows y = yac + ydc (13) where yac is the residual vector for the a.c. network without the d.c. link, and ydc is the modification vector due to the active and reactive d.c. power at the converter buses, and thus contains zero elements at all other buses in the a.c.-d.c. network. Finally, the Jacobian matrix elements associated with the converter buses are to be modified. The polar coordinates form of the Jacobian matrix is the more appropriate choice, since four of the eight elements associated to each converter are then zero. This is due to the independence of the d.c. active and reactive power Table 1 Converter operating states and the a.c. voltage dependency of d.c. active and reactive power γ nr ni Pr Pi Qr α Op. State nr,min < nr < nr,max ni,min < ni < ni,max const. const. α min γ min const. State 1 Qi const. State 2 α min γ min nr,max/min State 3 α min γ min nr,min < nr < nr,max ni,max/min f (U i ) f (U i ) f (U i ) f (U i ) State 4 α min f (U r , U i ) nr,max ni,min f (U r ) f (U r ) f (U r ) f (U r , U i ) State 5 f (U r , U i ) γ min nr,min ni,max f (U i ) f (U i ) f (U r , U i ) f (U i ) nr,min < nr < nr,max f (U r ) f (U r ) f (U r ) f (U r ) from the phase angles of the terminal a.c. buses ( δ r and δ i ). Hence, only the partial derivatives of P and Q in respect to the a.c. bus voltages U r and U i are to be calculated. In order to do this, the dependency of the d.c. power on a.c. voltages, for the actual operating state of the converters and transformer ratios, should first be established. The five possible operating states and the corresponding a.c. voltage dependency of the d.c. power are demonstrated in Table 1. x = x0 y : ∆p, ∆q J:H M N L NO YES y = yac + ydc J = J ac + J dc When the residual vector and the Jacobian matrix are modified for the HVDC link, the Jacobian equations are then solved and the a.c. voltages and angles updated. For the next iteration step the updated a.c. voltages at the terminal buses are used to determine the adequate operating state of the converters, and consequently the modifications on y and J , and so on till convergence is obtained (Figure 3). x = x + ∆x To test the algorithm, a load flow program with the integrated a.c.-d.c. algorithm has been written in MATLAB. The program is applied on an a.c. test system with an integrated two terminal HVDC link. The 9-bus test system is thus modified by replacing the transmission line from bus 4 to bus 5 with a hypothetical d.c. link (Figure 4). The fictitious characteristics of the d.c. link are given in Table 1. The a.c. filters are not taken into consideration here, but could be included in the a.c. network. The rest of the system is the same as the 9 bus system. Update state vector Check convergence NO max( ∆x ) < ε YES Output Results Figure 3 AC/DC-Newton-Raphson load-flow algorithm G2 T2 2 T3 8 ~ 5 APPLICATION ON A TEST SYSTEM Corresponding modifications to y and J Solve Jacobian equation (14) The modification matrix J dc is dependent on the operating state and is a zero matrix for state 1. Form residual vector y and Jacobian matrix J DC Links? After determining the converter operating state and formulating ydc , the corresponding partial derivatives of P and Q are calculated and the Jacobian matrix is modified too J = J ac + J dc "Flat" start G3 ~ 7 9 5 3 6 4 T1 1 ~ G1 Figure 4 9-bus test system with integrated d.c. link Table 2 Characteristics of the d.c. link Rectifier Bus Number 4 5.5 Ω Commutation reactance Minimum control angle α = 7D min Transformer regulation range Number of tap positions Resistance of the DC line Rated d.c. power at inverter Rated d.c. voltage at inverter ±15% 27 Inverter 5 6.5 Ω γ min = 10D ±15% 21 0.5 Ω 13MW 300 kV Convergence within a tolerance of max( ∆x) = 0.001 is achieved in 5 iteration steps, which is one step more than the load flow for the 9 bus system without the d.c. link. The a.c. and d.c. load flow results are given in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively. Table 3 a.c. load flow results Bus Voltage Angle Nr. [kV] [degree] 1 17.160 0.000 2 18.450 2.140 3 14.145 0.179 4 238.566 − 2.297 5 195.928 − 15.032 6 234.483 − 5.290 7 228.048 − 3.612 8 228.264 − 5.516 9 235.923 − 2.535 P [MW] − 74.834 − 163.00 − 85.000 12.976 112.024 90.000 0.000 100.000 0.000 Q [MVar] − 6.460 − 63.108 − 0.698 1.804 52.355 30.000 0.000 35.000 0.000 Table 4 d.c. load flow results d.c. voltage [kV] Control angles Transformer tap position Real power [MW] Reactive power [MVar] d.c. current [kA] power is supplied from generator 2 instead, and thus the increase in Q at bus 2. To reduce the voltage drop at bus 5, VAr-compensators would be used at the bus. The voltage drop could be kept under 10% by compensating at least 30% of the reactive load at the bus. Rectifier Inverter 299.497 299.476 7.596 10.000 0.938 1.150 12.978 12.977 1.804 2.355 0.0433 It can be clearly seen in the results that the inverter bus 5 sustains a considerable voltage drop due to the HVDC link failing to transport the reactive power consumed at the node from generator 1. The reactive CONCLUSIONS This paper presents a method for including d.c. links in the Newton-Raphson a.c. load flow algorithm through simple modifications only on the elements of the residual vector and the Jacobian matrix, which are associated with an a.c.-d.c. bus. The advantages of this method over the sequential and the simultaneous solution methods respectively are, omitting a separate d.c. iteration at each a.c. iteration step, and a simpler modification of the a.c. load flow algorithm without the need to reshape the Jacobian equation. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 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