AN AC CONVERTER WITH A SMALL DC LINK CAPACITOR FOR A 15KW PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS INTEGRAL MOTOR K Kretschmar, H-P Nee KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Abstract An AC converter designed to feed a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a rated power of 15 kW is investigated in this paper. The converter consists of a diode rectifier, a small DC link capacitor and an inverter, which is controlled by an open loop pulse width modulation system (PWM). The circuit is simulated and the simulation results are analyzed and verified by measurements. Due to the small capacitor, special emphasis is put on the analysis of the DC link voltage. The paper also includes an analytical expression of the ripple of the DC link voltage. INTRODUCTION Today the most frequently used electrical AC motor in the industry is the standard induction motor, both in number of units and installed kilowatts. Although the market is still dominated by mains-connected motors, the rapid development of power electronics has created new possibilities to increase the number of variable-speed drives. Inverter-fed AC motors are the state of the art in the field of industrial drives. Especially the introduction of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) for voltage source inverters (VSI) has had an impact on the market. The reason for this is the capability of converting power at both high efficiency and high switching frequency. The trend to an increased integration level leads to the demand for very compact inverter solutions. The aim is to design the converter in such a way, that it can be integrated into the motor (integral motor). A problem in this respect is the DC link capacitor in an AC converter. Today’s mostly used electrolytic capacitors are large, expensive and have a short expected life time in comparison to the semiconductors. Decreasing the capacitor size would lead to an increase of the ripple current per unit volume. This implies higher loss density and it may cause a breakdown of the capacitor. Foil capacitors might be a reasonable alternative due to their low losses. Most promising is however the metallized polypropylene film (MKP) capacitor [2]. An MKP capacitor permits a much higher AC current component and thus a smaller capacitor size is required. Another essential advantage of the MKP capacitor is the long life expectancy compared to any other type of capacitor. The open question is how large the ripple in the DC link voltage will be, depending on various design parameters. A permanent magnet motor can be designed to have roughly half of the losses of an induction motor mainly due to the removal of the active current in the rotor [1]. Due to the reduced losses the motor can also be made more compact in size. The combination of a compact permanent magnet synchronous motor and a compact inverter with almost no DC link is therefore considered to be a very good choice. SIMULATIONS The converter system was simulated with the simulation software-package called PSCAD/EMTDC from the Canadian company Manitoba HVDC Research Centre. The converter consists of a three phase line commutated diode rectifier, the DC bus and an inverter, which is controlled by an open loop pulse width modulation system (PWM). The input of the rectifier is connected to the mains and the inverter output is connected to a series connection of an inductance and an EMF, which represents the 15 kW permanent magnet motor. Special emphasis is put on the examination of the DC link voltage characteristics. The purpose is to find the smallest capacitor size, which limits the ripple in this voltage to an acceptable deviation of the mean DC link voltage. Figure 1 shows the whole converter system as it is modelled in EMTDC. The upper part of the figure displays the converter itself whereas the lower part shows the PWM system. The inductance of 100 µH between the mains and the rectifier input simulates a three phase cable with an approximate length of 300 m. If the DC link current is continuous where U is the RMS value of the line-to-line voltage of the mains the mean value of the DC link voltage will become √ 3 2 U = 1.35 U . (1) Udc = π In order to obtain the desired pulses for the switches of the inverter, a triangle wave with a frequency of fSW = 6 kHz was compared with three sinusoidal reference waves, one for each phase [3]. The modulaÛ tion ratio m = Ûref erence was chosen to 0.9. Considtriangle ering a sinusoidal three phase output, the root mean square of the fundamental component of the line-toline output voltage of the inverter can be expressed 50 100E-9 D 0.001 B 0.001 C D G D G D G D D 0.0024 100E-6 10 A 100E-9 100E-6 0.0024 0.0024 100E-6 0.001 25 A 0.25 B 0.25 C 1 1 1 0.25 D G D G D G D D A D A 0 Comparator B -240 A Phase Mag Freq -25 A A Phase 72 Comparator B Comparator B Sin -120 0.9 0.9 Mag Sin Freq A Phase 72 Comparator B Comparator B 0 A 0.9 Mag Sin Comparator B Freq -50 0.16 72 Royal Institute of Technology conv10uFsyntest Created: Last Modified: Printed On: June 26, 1996 (es95-45) March 17, 1998 (karsten) March 17, 1998 (karsten) 0.167 0.174 0.181 0.188 0.195 s SS 1 Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the considered system Figure 3: Inverter output current ANALYTICAL EVALUATION OF THE DC LINK VOLTAGE 700 650 V 600 550 500 450 400 0.16 0.165 0.17 0.175 0.18 s Figure 2: Typical simulated instantaneous value of the DC link voltage. fSW = 6 kHz, fout = 72 Hz as Ul−l √ 3 Udc = m√ = 0.612 m Udc . 2 2 (2) A typical simulated instantaneous value of the DC link voltage is shown in Figure 2. The ripple consists of two components – one produced by the rectifier and one produced by the inverter which will be discussed in the next Section. If the size of the capacitor is changed, the ripple in the DC link voltage will be changed. The maximum peak-to-peak voltage has a substantial decrease between the capacitor sizes 1 µF and 10 µF and remains almost constant for larger capacitor values, which can be seen in Figure 5. Using a capacitor of 10µF leads to a peak to peak voltage ripple of ∆Udc = 290 V. The inverter output current is very close to the sinusoidal waveform, even though no closed loop control was used. A typical waveform of this current in one phase is shown is Figure 3. It consists mainly of the desired fundamental frequency (fout = 72 Hz), superimposed with small ripples caused by the high frequency inverter pulses. The basic idea of this analysis originated from observation of the instantaneous DC link voltage (Figure 2) obtained from the simulations [4]. The voltage is a composition of the rectifier output voltage having a dominant frequency of 6 · 50 = 300 Hz, superimposed with the ripple caused by the pulse width modulation of the inverter. The peak-to-peak ripple in the DC link voltage caused by the rectifier can be calculated from, r √ 3 ∆UR = 2 U − U (3) 2 assuming that U is the line-to-line rectifier input voltage [5]. To get an analytical expression of the DC link voltage ripple caused by the inverter, the instantaneous power flowing into the DC link was compared with the instantaneous power flowing out of it during one switching interval. The phase output voltages of the inverter consist only of two distinct levels, either + U2dc or − U2dc , with respect to the midpoint of the DC link voltage. Ud is the mean DC link voltage, which is assumed to be constant in this analysis. The duration of the pulse, where the phase voltage has the negative value − U2dc , named tp , depends on the instantaneous value of the sinusoidal reference wave for each phase. The analytical relation between tp and the desired instantaneous value of a certain output phase voltage, ui , can be written as ¶ µ 2ui TSW . (4) 1− tpi = 2 Udc From this point is is possible to calculate the energy drawn from the capacitor for each section of one switching interval TSW . Calculating the energies Wi over the whole switching interval and dividing by TSW , yields an average power, which gives rise to an equivalent continuous current drawn from the capacitor. This part is the DC-part of the instantaneous 60 caused by the inverter was found to be · P TSW 1 3 cos ϕ+ ∆UI = 12 CUdc cos ϕ ¶ µ 1 −3 m cos ϕ cos ν + π + 3 µ ¶ µ ¶ 1 1 −4 cos −ν + ϕ + π sin ν + π + 3 6 µ ¶ µ ¶¸ 1 1 +4 cos −ν + ϕ + π cos ν + π (6) 3 6 V 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 T t pc t pb - SW 2 2 2 - t pa 2 0 t pa 2 t pb t pc 2 2 T SW 2 Figure 4: Analytically calculated instantaneous value of the DC link capacitor voltage during one switching interval TSW output power and must be supplied by the rectifier. Consequently the power in the capacitor is the difference between the power drawn from the inverter and this average power, which will be called P . Dividing the power of each section of one switching interval by the mean value of the DC link voltage gives a good approximation of the instantaneous current through the DC link capacitor. In order to obtain an analytical expression of the voltage deviation caused by this current, the current has to be integrated. Calculating these voltage deviations leads to where ϕ is the angle between the voltage and current and ν denotes the phase angle. Numerical solutions to find the maximum of Equation 6 show, that for machines having a cos ϕ ≥ 0.9, which can be assumed for permanent magnet motors, the extreme value of ∆UI can be assumed to be at the phase angle ν = 0 or ν = π3 . In this case this voltage is not depending on ϕ and Equation 6 can be simplified to ∆UI = m−2 P 8 fSW CUdc where P is the motor power, fSW the switching frequency of the PWM system, C the capacitance, Udc the mean value of the DC link voltage and m the modulation ratio. To obtain the total peak-to-peak voltage in the DC link the voltages ∆UI and ∆UR have to be added. Assuming that the switching frequency of the PWM system fSW is much larger than the rectifier input frequency and remembering that ∆UI can be both positive and negative, the total worst case peak to peak DC link voltage can be described as ∆U = ∆UR + 2 | ∆UI | . U1 = U2 = U3 = U4 = P 2CUdc 1 2CUdc 1 2CUdc P 2CUdc (TSW · P− · P− tpa . − tpc ) ¸ Udc (ia + ib − ic ) (tpc − tpb ) 2 ¸ Udc (ia − ib − ic ) (tpb − tpa ) 2 (7) (8) Equation 8 together with Equations 6 and 3 yield a good estimation of the capacitor size required to limit the ripple in the DC link voltage to an acceptable deviation of the mean voltage. Figure 5 shows the DC link peak to peak voltage for different capacitor sizes both for the simulations and the analytical results. (5) In order to get the deviation from the origin, in this case 0 V the voltages U1 through U4 must be added. A typical voltage deviation caused by the inverter can be seen in Figure 4. During the calculation it turned out, that deviation from the ¢ ¡ the maximum start point U − TSW 2 = 0 , was always the voltage t at t = − pb 2 . According to this fact the following calculations consider this voltage to find the worst case. Assuming sinusoidal output currents and using Equations 5, the deviation in the DC link capacitor EXPERIMENTS The experiments were carried out on an inverter provided by Atlas Copco Controls (ACC). The basic setup was comparable to the one used in the simulations. The inverter had a rated power of 10 kW and the capacitors forming the DC link were replaced by a 10 µF metallized paper capacitor. The results were obtained for an inverter output power of 7 kW. To get a better comparison to the simulations, an inductance of 37 µH was installed between the converter and the mains. The current and voltage waveforms were as expected from the simulations. The results for the DC link voltage and the 1400.0 1200.0 delta U [V] 1000.0 Simulation Analytical 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 Capacitor size [uF] 150.0 Figure 5: Comparison of analytically calculated and simulated values of the peak-to-peak voltage of the DC link capacitor rectifier input current can be seen in Figure 6. A Fourier Analysis of this phase current came to the result, that it consists of the fundamental frequency and the harmonics expected. The maximum DC link voltage ripple size was ∆Udc = 185 V under this period. From Figure 6 it can also be seen, that the average deviation from the mean DC link voltage is much smaller than the extreme values. A simulation, with the parameters corresponding to the experiments gave a ripple size of 198 V. This can be regarded as a good agreement between the simulations and the experiments. The results are very promising and indicate that: 1. the simulations agree (at least principally) with reality 2. this system can be used in various applications which do not require a bidirectional power flow. CONCLUSIONS An AC converter designed to feed a permanent magnet synchronous integral motor was investigated in this paper. The results from the simulations show a good agreement with the experiments. The AC component of the DC link current can be handled using a 10 µF polypropylene capacitor. This can decrease the converter size significantly and offers the possibility of an increased integration level between the converter and the motor. The expected life time of the converter is also longer than for a conventional design. The analytically evaluated maximum ripple of the DC link voltage gives a good first estimation of the capacitor size required to limit the ripple of the voltage to an acceptable deviation of the mean value. Figure 6: DC link voltage and phase current with a separate inductance between the mains and the input converter ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABB Corporate Research, ABB Motors, Sabroe Refrigeration, Atlas Copco Controls, ELMO Industrier, ITT Flygt and NUTEK are greatfully acknowledged for the financial support of the work. REFERENCES [1] P. Thelin: Utveckling av en 15kW PM-integralmotor Master’s Thesis in Swedish, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Stockholm 1996 [2] Film Capacitors, Edition 1995 Siemens Matsushita Components [3] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, W. P. Robbins: Power Electronics John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995, ISBN 0-47158408-8 [4] K. Kretschmar: Power Electronics for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Master’s Thesis, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Stockholm 1996 [5] K. Thorborg: Power Electronics – in Theory and Practice Studentlitteratur, Lund 1993, ISBN 91–44– 38091–7