International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013) Apparent Impedance of Ground Distance Relay using Variable Zero Sequence Current Compensation Factor Renuka Jagdale1, Prof. Dr. G.A. Vaidya2 1 2 M.E.Student, P.V.G’s College of Engineering, Pune (India) Head of Electrical Engineering Department, P.V.G’s College of Engineering, Pune (India) Newer methods of settings calculations and application of digital technology for perfect coordination between the primary and backup relays are helping to lead the existing power system towards reliable and efficient performance [4]-[7]. The basis for adaptive transmission protection and its implementation is introduced in [8]-[9]. This paper presents the new approach to calculate apparent impedance seen by the ground distance relays by varying the zero sequence current compensation factor. The method is based on simulating L-G fault at various locations along the whole length of UHV long transmission line. The zero sequence current compensation factor is also calculated at every fault location and thus made variable. With the implementation of adaptive protection system, it is now possible to adjust the relay settings automatically in response to continuously changing power system conditions. Hence the zero sequence current compensation factor can also be varied with the fault location. The impedance calculated with this approach is compared with those calculated with the conventional methods and it is shown that the new approach offers maximum accuracy. Abstract--- This paper compares the apparent impedance of Ground distance relay calculated using fixed zero sequence current compensation factor with the impedance calculated using variable zero sequence current compensation factor. The UHV long Transmission line under study is modeled in MATLAB and the Phase-to-Ground fault is simulated at various fault locations along the whole length of line. The zero sequence current compensation factor is calculated at every fault location. It is shown that the ground distance relay set on the basis of this approach offers greater accuracy than that by conventional method. Keywords— Distance relays, Phase-Ground faults, apparent impedance, overreaching, underreaching, Zero sequence current compensation factor I. INTRODUCTION Transmission line protection plays a vital role in the power system protection. Distance protection schemes are universally used for protection of High Voltage AC transmission lines by providing the primary protection (Main protection) and Back-up protection to lines against all the 10 faults i.e. 3 phase faults (L-L-L), phase to phase faults (L-L), phase to ground faults (L-G) and phasephase-ground faults (L-L-G). Out of these, single phase to ground fault (LG) is the least severe but the most common fault. The working principle of this relay is that the impedance measured by it is proportional to its distance from the fault location. The bulk of recent literature has been devoted to digital protection of transmission lines for sensing the fault type and its location correctly. Bin Su et al. have analysed the effect of distributed capacitance and susceptance of shunt reactor on apparent impedance and in turn relay setting of long EHV/ UHV transmission lines [1]. Research is going on increasing the reach of the relay to minimise the time delay and enable fast tripping of the circuit breakers [2]. New method based on apparent impedance and composite current assistance parameter for calculation of all the three zones settings of ground distance relays has been proposed in [3] by Zengli Yang et al. II. METHODS OF COMPENSATION USED FOR GROUND DISTANCE RELAYS The distance relay is a dual input relay viz. voltage and current and it operates such that it measures the positive sequence impedance of the faulted line. This is because the positive sequence component is the only common sequence component in all the types of faults. Therefore, the phase relays which locate phase faults (LL, LLG, LLL) are energised by line-to-line voltages (delta voltage) and difference in line currents (delta current)[10]. When a single phase to ground fault occurs on a transmission line with neutral point of the system solidly grounded, the impedance is derived from the formula Vph/ Iph, where Vph and Iph are phase voltage and phase current of the faulted phase at the relaying point respectively. But this ratio is not equal to the positive sequence impedance of line because of unbalance condition caused due to additional zero sequence current and zero sequence impedance. 276 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013) As a result, the ratio of system voltage to current does not provide proper indication of the fault location and so cannot be used. Ground distance relays can also be energised by zero sequence voltage drop and zero sequence current so that it measures distance by measuring the zero sequence impedance. But the profile of zero sequence voltage is such that it is maximum at the fault point and decreases toward the grounding point. Hence the ratio V0/I0 also cannot be used for locating the fault [12]. Thus, variation in the distribution of zero phase sequence current causes considerable errors in distance measurement as compared to those by distribution of positive and negative phase sequence current. Hence adequate compensation is provided so that the relay measures exact positive sequence impedance of line. As a result, several methods of compensation are used for phase-ground fault. The most common method used for compensation of impedance of ground relay involves modification of either the voltage or current. Depending upon the modified quantity the compensation factor is given its name. Another method operates on the principle that at the fault location the sum of all the sequence voltages is zero. Let, Z1 = Positive sequence impedance of line per km Z0 = Zero sequence impedance of line per km VA = Phase –ground voltage of phase A IA = Phase current of phase A IA0 = Zero sequence current of phase A Zc1 = positive sequence characteristic impedance Zc0 = zero sequence characteristic impedance γ1 = Positive sequence propagation constant γ0 = Zero sequence propagation constant x = the distance of fault from relay in km The data of the system is as shown in Table I. TABLE I SYSTEM DATA Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 V0F + V1F +V2F = 0 This relation is modified by compensators and reproduced at the relay location. The modified V 0 is used as the operating quantity and modified (V1 +V2) as restraining one. For the ground faults within reach, the relay operates because the operating quantity V0 is greater than the restraint. On the contrary, for the faults outside the set zone, the relay does not operate as the restraint quantity is greater than the operating quantity [12]. Thus, for L-G faults, the voltage and the current to the Ground fault measuring units are found to be phase voltage and phase current, suitably compensated by the zero sequence current. Parameters Value Line Length (L) Voltage(U) Short Circuit capacity of G1 Short Circuit capacity of G2 Line Resistance (R1=R2) Line Resistance (R0) Line Inductance (L1=L2) Line Inductance (L0) Line Capacitance (C1=C2) Line Capacitance (C0) Zero sequence impedance of equivalent system behind relay (Zsm0max) 600 km 400kV 500 MVA 500 MVA 0.073 Ω/km 0.68 Ω /km 1.295mH/km 4.6 mH/km 8.9 nF/km 5.93 nF/km 320∠88.73° ohm A. Conventional Method For Phase-Ground fault (e.g. A-G), the impedance sensed by relay is given by [10] Z1 = VA / (IA + k.IA0) (1) k = (Z0 –Z1) / Z1 (2) where, The value of k calculated using (2) is fixed and impedance calculated using (1) measures the positive sequence impedance of line. This is the conventional method of calculating the impedance of ground relay. To carry out the analysis of the above system, k is set using (2) and Ph-G fault (A-G) is simulated at every 50 km along the whole length of line. The impedance calculated using (1) is measured and plotted against fault location as shown in Fig. 2. Also the positive sequence impedance of line (Z1·x) is plotted on the same graph as a comparison with impedance of relay. III. VARIOUS APPROACHES OF CALCULATION OF GROUND RELAY IMPEDANCES AND ZERO SEQUENCE CURRENT COMPENSATION FACTOR The EHV/ UHV long transmission line under study is shown in Fig. 1. Fig.1. EHV/ UHV Transmission Line 277 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013) The comparison between positive sequence impedance of line and the measured impedance using (1) is shown in Fig. 2. The error varies from 1% at 200 km to 16% at 600 km which is definitely not a negligible one. It means the relay underreaches with the apparent impedance considering distributed capacitance. For example, if the relay is set for 540 km as per positive sequence impedance, the line length protected by relay is only 500 km. It may be further observed that the percentage of underreaching increases with increase in the line length. Fig.2. Comparison of positive sequence impedance of line and relay impedance calculated with conventional k It is observed that the impedance measured by relay equals the positive sequence impedance for the smaller distances up to 250 km while it is slightly smaller than the later beyond 250 km causing error of maximum 3%. This results in the negligibly small overreaching of relay. For example, if the relay is set for 540 km as per positive sequence impedance, the actual reach is 575 km, overreaching by 6%. The above method gives the desired results for the transmission line lengths up to 250 km. because it is based upon the positive sequence impedance only. It means the distributed capacitance of line is not considered during impedance calculation and while zone settings. Z0 and Z1 are calculated using only resistance and inductive reactance of line. The distributed capacitance of line is negligible up to 300 km. With the increase in the transmission line length and voltage, the distributed capacitance remains no more negligible and is required to consider for the calculation of relay impedance [1]. In such cases, the conventional formula of k may give erroneous results. Fig. 3. Comparison of positive sequence impedance of line, Relay impedance calculated with conventional k and theoretical apparent impedance Thus, the positive sequence impedance shows considerable difference with the actual impedance measured by relay. Therefore, in order to avoid maloperation of the relay, it is suggested to set the relay on the basis of apparent impedance considering distributed capacitance instead of that with positive sequence impedance. To set the relay using apparent impedance it is required to modify the zero sequence current compensation factor such that the relay always measures the apparent impedance given by (3). C. Apparent Impedance with Zero Sequence Current Compensation Factor corresponding to length of protection zone The theoretical apparent impedance sensed by the distance relay for A-G fault is given by [1] B. Apparent Impedance of Relay using Distributed Capacitance: For EHV/UHV Long Transmission line, the theoretical apparent impedance of relay considering distributed capacitance is given by [1] Zapp Zc1th 1x VA Zc1th 1 x IA k I 0 (4) Zc 0 sh 0 x Zc1sh 1x Zsm0 ch 0 x ch 1x Zc1sh 1x (5) ZappA Where (3) k The comparison between positive sequence impedance of line and the theoretical apparent impedance is shown in Fig.3. The apparent impedance shows the remarkable rise than that calculated with (1). Here, it is observed that values of k given by (5) vary with the fault location x and equivalent zero sequence impedance of system behind relay, Zsm0. (Zsm0= (-V0/I0)). 278 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013) The zero sequence impedance of the system varies with different operation modes. Generally, it is suggested to set the zero sequence current compensation factor according to the maximum value of zero sequence impedances of the equivalent system behind the relay (Zsm0max) and the length of protection zone (Lset)[1] because amplitude of k varies inversely with distance. Hence as the distance goes on increasing, the value of k goes on decreasing. Consequently, the apparent impedance calculated is greater than its exact value at the respective fault location. This avoids the overreaching of relay. Thus, k can be theoretically set using following equation [1]. kN Zc 0 sh 0 Lset Zc1sh 1Lset Zsm 0 max ch 0 Lset ch 1Lset Zc1sh 1Lset The calculated impedance of relay and the % error goes on decreasing as the fault location approaches 540 km. The above analysis clears that the calculated impedance is correct for the fault at 540 km only. The relay underreaches up to 540 km and shows a slight overreaching from 540-600 km. For example, if the fault is at distance 400 km, then the impedance measured by the relay, being lesser than the calculated impedance, corresponds to a lesser distance on the curve of calculated impedance. The fault location indicated by relay will be slightly lesser (nearly equal to 375 km), causing underreaching by approximate 6%, sometimes even negligible. However, it is always desirable if the relay operates with the maximum accuracy. The above results can also be further modified if k is calculated accurately at the respective fault locations using the actual Zsm0. (6) The theoretical values of k are calculated at every 50 km along the line length. Let the protection zone of relay is set to 540 km. The value of k corresponding to this distance is found to be (2.732-1.002i). If ground fault is simulated at every 50 km and apparent impedance is calculated using this value of k then the results are obtained as shown in Fig.4. D. Apparent Impedance with variable Zero Sequence Current Compensation Factor The model for variable zero sequence current compensation factor prepared in MATLAB is shown in Fig. 5. Zsm0 is given as input to this model so that even the minor variations in Zsm0 can reflect in the apparent impedance measurement giving more accurate results. However, all the results shown are corresponding to Zsmomax. This model is prepared as a subsystem of apparent impedance calculation model shown in Fig. 6. Fig.4. Comparison of theoretical apparent impedance with the impedance calculated corresponding to protection zone length The graph shows that the % error in the impedances calculated with earlier approaches is reduced to a great extent using this approach. However, at the fault locations lesser than 540 km, the value of k is greater than its precise value at the respective locations. This results in the bigger impedances than the actual impedance sensed by the relay at the corresponding fault locations. Fig.5. Variable zero sequence current compensation factor 279 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013) The comparison between theoretical apparent impedance and apparent impedance measured by the relay using variable k is shown in Fig.8. It can be observed that later is quite accurate and can indicate the correct fault location if the relay is set on the basis of apparent impedance. Fig. 6. Apparent impedance model for A-G Fault The real and imaginary values of k plotted against distance of fault from relay location at maximum value of Zsm0 are shown in Fig. 7(a) and 7(b). Fig.8. Comparison between theoretical apparent impedance and the impedance with variable zero sequence current compensation factor The value of k given by (5) is independent of phase voltage (VA) and phase current (IA) though it involves zero sequence quantities V0 and I0 in terms of Zsm0. Hence actual measurement of VA, IA, V0 and I0 can be used to verify the values of k at different fault locations. Microprocessor based relays can be given the continuous inputs of phase voltages, currents and their sequence components and k can be calculated at every location. The profile of k can thus be obtained. From (4), k is given by: VA IA Zc1th 1x k I0 Fig. 7(a). Real part of k (7) If A-G fault is simulated at every 50 km and respective VA, IA and I0 are measured, then k at every fault location can be calculated. It has been observed that these values of k match exactly with the actual values of k shown in the Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 7(b). This approach of voltage and current measurement can also be used for designing the Ground distance relay which will measure positive sequence impedance instead of apparent impedance. It means, the voltage and current measurement of relay are corresponding to the actual apparent impedance but the relay calculates the positive sequence impedance using variable k. Fig. 7(b). Imaginary part of k 280 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2013) This can be made possible by using following equation of k derived from (1) VA IA Z k 1 x I0 This additional step improves the earlier results and offers more accuracy. The values of k are also verified by measuring phase voltage, phase current and zero sequence current. It is shown this approach also gives the same values of k. (8) REFERENCES Thus the apparent impedance of relay can be converted into positive sequence impedance measurement. This will reduce the errors in the measurement even if the relay is set conventionally on the basis of positive sequence impedance using (1). Bin Su, Ying Yang, Weising Gong, Yongsheng Xu, “Setting considerations of distance relay for UHV/EHV long transmission lines”, Paper presented at the IEEE Power Engineering Society Meeting, June 2007, Page 1-7. [2] T. S. Sidhu, D. S. Baltazar, R. M.Palomino and M. S. Sachdev, “A new approach for calculating zone-2 setting of distance relays and its use in an adaptive protection system,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 70–77, Jan. 2004 [3] Zengli Yang, Xianzhong Duan, “A New approach for calculating setting of distance relays considering mutual coupling effect ” Paper presented in 41 st International Conference on Universities Power Engineering conference, September 2006. [4] M. M. Eissa and M. 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Singh, Digital protection, Protective Relaying from Electromechanical to Microprocessor, II Edition, New Age International [10] Y. G. Paithankar, Transmission Network Protection, Theory and Practice, Marcel Dekker, Inc. [11] W. D. Stevenson, Jr., Elements of Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill International Editions [12] J. L. J. Lewis Blackburn, Protective Relaying Principles and Applications. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1987. [1] IV. SYSTEM STUDIES AND MATLAB SIMULATIONS The above analysis is applied to the UHV system shown in Fig. 1. The results of the simulations are plotted against fault locations. These results show that the setting principle of variable k ensure accuracy and the reliability of the distance relay for EHV/ UHV transmission lines. V. CONCLUSION The impedances seen by the ground distance relay for different values of current compensation factor are compared. It is shown that the conventional formula is suitable for the transmission lines of length up to 200 km and it shows overreaching above 200 km because it does not consider the distributed capacitance of line. Beyond 300 km, the distributed capacitance gains considerable value and hence, it is suggested for a long transmission lines, that the setting should be based on the apparent impedance considering distributed capacitance. This requires the zero sequence current compensation factor to be varied in such a way that it measures the apparent impedance instead of positive sequence impedance. k can also be set corresponding to the length of protection zone but the relay shows underreaching in the protection zone and overreaching beyond the protection zone. Therefore it is required to vary the zero sequence current compensation factor along the whole length of line. 281