110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Development of 32nm CMOS and Recent Trend for Beyond 32nm Masaaki NIWA Univ. of Tsukuba 1 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Content ● Develop. of 32nm CMOS - Gate Stack Process * Cost effective process * High-k material and related process issues (WF) * Gate First vs Gate Last (HK first & HK last) * Related issues (UT-SiO2 ,,, ) * Summary ● Beyond 32nm Trend - 2011 Symp. on VLSI Technology * VLSI Technology trend * Key Issues(FINFET, FD-SOI) * Other related topics (RTN, 3D-SI, New Ch., TFET, MRAM, BEOL FET,,, ) * Outlook on future 2 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 32nm CMOS Introduction of High-k Gate Dielectric and Metal Gate Electrode 3 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa EOT Scaling by High-k material Reduction of Scaling limit of SiO2 ・Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT) ・ Inversion layer Thickness (Tinv) 0 Metal Gate 0.2~0.5nm Poly-Si High-κ SiO2 C=κ = κ~20 κSiO2~4 1 ln( J g ) ∝ T ph Depletion I dsat = µ eff C ox W k (Vg − Vt ) 2 ∝ µ eff (Vg − Vt ) 2 L T ph S Tphy Cinv= κSiO2 ・S Tinv κSiO2 Tphy EOT= κ Introduction of High-k/Metal Gate system 4 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. -SC 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 5 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Gate Stack Options HK/MG System NiSi PS PS MG IL MK HK PSG MIPS RPG FUSI Poly Si Gate Metal Inserted Poly Si Gate Replacement Gate Fully Silicided Gate NECEL Panasonic Intel 1st introduction into Market 6 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Potential ability of FUSI High Potential; ・ WF controllability & Cost effectiveness ・ No Tinv (MG) But, tunable WF range is rather narrow Eg Si A. Lauwers et.al., IEDM 2006 7 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Potential ability of FUSI 8 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Idsat @target Ioff [mA/um] NiSi NMOS Ni31Si12 Optimum Work Function PMOS 1.0 Optimum WF 0.8 Ioff = 100nA/um (HP) 0.6 Ioff = 1nA/um (LOP) 0.4 Ioff = 10pA/um (LSTP) 0.2 4.0 ~4.05 4.2 4.4 4.6 WF [eV] 4.8 5.0 5.2 ~5.15 9 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa FUSI CMOS Flow 1 PS e.g. 100 nm PS 5 STI Simultaneous silicidation 2 6 NiSi (NMOS) 3 Ni3Si (PMOS) PN Boundary Issue Poly etch back NiSi Ni Photo Resist 4 Poly-Si Ni3Si Ni Ni HK Si NMOS PMOS 10 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa High-k Gate Dielectric Materials 11 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Ionic Bond vs Covalent Bond Transition Metal ; Low ionization energies having a positive oxidation states Ionic Bond Covalent Bond HfO2 SiO2 Compared to SiO2 (strong covalent bond), HfO2 has lot of Oxygen vacancy and this leads to essential influence on FET characteristics. How to control of Oxygen vacancy is essential issue for HK/MG system 12 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa FLP Phenomenon K. Shiraishi et al., VLSI Tech. Symp. 2007 Oxygen in HfO2 moves into Poly Si resulting in Oxygen vacancy(V02+) in the HfO2 ⇒ Electric Dipole formation at the interface ⇒ Vfb shift 13 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa How to obtain the intrinsic Vfb value V fb ( meas .) = V fb (int .) + ∆V fb (Q fix ) Slant Etch preparation ∆V fb = dQ fix / Sε + (1 / 2)d 2Q fix / Sε MG High-k EOT = 0 d d=0 + + + + + + + + + + + + 0.1 HfO2 HfSiO HfSiON HfO2 + Cap 4.98± ±0.02 eV 0.0 4.90± ±0.02 eV Si-sub 4.88 ±0.01 eV -0.2 -0.5 + + + + + + + + d + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Si-sub Important regime ! -0.4 MG + + 4.85± ±0.02 eV -0.3 “Linear” + -0.1 IL(SiO2) High-k IL(SiO2) “Quadratic” Metal Gate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Vfb Vfb (V) ⇒ EOT (nm) EOT 14 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Effective Work Function (eWF) Roll-Off FLP Qfix -+ eWF Φs WF dipole - CB 2e- n-sub P+PS or PMetal HK IL Φs + O n-sub + + + Band edge WF MG is necessary, however , , , Interfacial reaction (FLP, Vfb roll-ff) at MG/HK and HK/IL causes dipole and fixed charge Poly Si Or Metal Vo2+ P+PS or PMetal VB CB -+ -- VB HK HK IL Uniform distribution Si ++ + Actual band diagram Metal A charge “+q” at distance of d in the HK modulates WF by –q(d/εε) ⇒ ”eWF” ∆V = − 1 xρ(x)dx ≈ − ε∫ q⋅ d ε Retrograded Work Function (Effective WF: eWF) Si +q ρ(x) q Poisson’s Equation Oxide 0 d X Challengeable against EOT scaling X Vth lowering and Process Integration are Antithetical concepts!! tox q ⋅d -V(x) ε 0 d 15 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa WF control by capping Dipole formation ・ Various kinds of capping materials LaO, MgO, DyO, AlO, TiO , , , ・ Capping process HfSiO dep Ex. Dielectric: ALD 2.5nm HfSiO+DPN+PNA Thermal budget: 1030oC DPN+PNA La2O3 dep La2O3 HfSiO HfSiON HfSiON Si Si Si ・ Allocation of capping Above HK Poly-Si Poly-Si MG MG La-based cap HfSiON HfSiON La-based cap Si Si Below HK 16 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Deterioration of WF due to (interfacial) reaction (Dipole Formation; FLP, Vfb Roll-off) Gate(HK) First Process 5.0 WF FLP(Fermi Level Pinning) Vfb roll-off DMSD 2 metals 1 dielectrics - 4.8 WF (eV) SMDD 1 metal 2 dielectrics 4.6 eWF + (effective Work Function) (effective ) 4.4 4.2 DMDD 2 metals 2 dielectrics MG HK1 HK2 NMOS PMOS MG1 MG2 HK NMOS PMOS MG1 MG2 HK1 HK2 NMOS PMOS Low Vth VB Complexity 5.2 CB 4.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 EOT (nm) 2.0 2.5 S:Single, M:Metal, D:Dual, D:Dielectric Antithetical btw Integration and Vt lowering ! 17 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Integration Issue W effect Concern of Oxygen penetration BE BE STI STI O O W NMOS L PMOS 18 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Comprehensive understanding of oxygen behavior Scaling of MG/HK including IL Possible explanation; ・ For thick IL: : O2- HK ⇒ MG To compensate generation of Vo2+, O2- in IL ⇒ H K ・ When IL becomes thinner: : Less O2- IL ⇒ HK ・ For ultra-thin IL: : O2- in HK ⇒ IL S.C. Song et al., IEDM 2007 19 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Vfb modulation by capping material Oxygen density determines direction and strength of produced dipole. Oxygen density is different from each material. Dipole Dipole + - HfO2 O2- V SiO2 SiO2 I I La2O3 O2V + K. Kita et al., IEDM 2008 20 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Start Commercial Shipment of 32nm-CMOS with HK/MG in Sept. 2010 < First Gate First-HK/MG CMOS production > 21 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Intel 45nm Logic FET - Gate Last (HK First) 22 K. Mistry et al., IEDM 2007 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 45nm High-k + Metal Gate Strain-Enhanced FETs (Intel) NMOS PMOS tensile Tensile Trench Contact MG →∆Id: +16% Compressive Ge30%& &Tensile MG→∆µ: +50% tensile Since PMOS 1st , NMOS process is free from Pmetal stress SiGe channel & Gate Last →∆µ( (hole) ): +50% C. Auth et al., VLSI Tech. Symp. 2008 23 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Intel 32nm Logic FET Gate Last (HK Last) PMOS NMOS Metal 1 Metal 2 (Gate fill) Metal 3 Barrier (NMOS WF) Metal 4 (WF Tuning) SW Metal 5 liner (etch stop) HfO2 Metal 6 (NMOS WF) Oxide HfO2 Oxide SiN Epi SiGe Epi Si Dec. 2009 Press release: Processor 「Westmere」 」 ~ March. 2010 PC with this CPU[Xeon] was on the Market 24 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Issue on HK last process (CMP Process) Planarization, STI bump height, (Non-)Silicidation area , , , Conventional process NiSi PSG STI SiGe STI P-Well CMP1( (PSG planarization) ) SiGe STI N-Well CMP2( (PS denudation) ) PSG STI SiGe STI P-Well SiGe N-Well STI STI SiGe STI P-Well SiGe STI N-Well 25 Issue on HK last process (Multi-Oxide) 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa HK first: Multi-oxide is used as IL HK last: Precise control of remaining oxide thickness after Gox removal is key issue HK last HK first Core I/O PS depo. HK/MG/PS Optimization of remaining oxide thickness after Gox removal is crucial PS/Gox removal Chem.Ox./HK/MG PS removal Core I/O Core I/O 26 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Summary Contributing factor of Vth Gate Last HK last HK 1st Gate 1st Vfb Roll-off None ? Yes FL Pinning None None Yes ・WF: :Ideal remark ・Scaling: ・WF: :Problematic ・Counter measures: ・Metal Etch back: ・Cost: ・Cost: Band Edge WF but complex: Suitable for HP Low cost but less band edge: Suitable for LOP/LSTP 27 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Ultra-thin Oxide thickness SiO2 is still a key dielectric As Interfacial Layer for HK/MG system, BD mechanism of Bi-layer system (HK/IL), Host gate dielectric of 28nm CMOS for LOP, , , 28 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa ? Physical Structure Vg Reliability XTEM image O O O Gate polySi SiO2 SiO2 Si Sub. Si Sub. 1.39 nm Si O Si Si O O OO O O Si Si Si Strained layer O O O O H Si Si Si Si Si Si O O Si O O O Si O O Fresh Si Sub. Si Si Si O O Si + O Vg Gate O H SiO2 O Si + O O Broken-down 29 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Breakdown phenomena of HK/MG stack BD mechanism depends on Dielectric and Gate electrode (⇒ ⇒ needs new criteria) * SILC is controlled by the trap generation in the primarily near its interface with HK. * MIN (w/o IL) do not exhibit an appreciable SILC up to the BD moment. R.Degraeve et al., in IEDM Tech. Dig.,1999, p327. G. Bersuker et al., IEDM 2008 究極的なSiO2一層の場合は? 一層の場合は? 究極的な ● Base oxide layer for high-k 30 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Zero Interface J. Huang et al., VLSI Tech. Symp. 2009 ⇒ EOT : ↓ Mobility : ↓ ? 31 Specific PVD formation; 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa “Hf-metal sputter + RPO; Scavenging technique” Hf Hf Hf Hf Hf O* O* O* O* O* O* HfO2 Hf-metal Starting Surface Si sub. Si sub. Si sub. (a) (b) 10 0 3.0 HfO 2 thickness =1.3nm (const.) 10 -6 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 10 -9 2.0 Thickness (nm) 2.0 8 Hf-metal_sputter: pure Hf-metal can be deposited 6 uniformlyHfOand layerin high density. 2 4 2 0 RPO:Interfacial the Hf-metal can be oxidized uniformly with layer oxygen radicals and referentially against Si interface temperatures. 0at specific 1 2 3 low 4 5 H f m etal thickness (nm ) Hf m etal th ickness (n m ) Oxidation Rate (a.u.) CET (nm) 10 -3 Jg (A/cm2)@Vfb-1V 10 2.5 0.0 K. Yamamotoet.al, APL, 83 (2003) 2229. 500℃ ℃ 300℃ ℃ 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 Interface Starting Surface HfO2 Hf HfO2 Si T1 T2 T3 Oxidation temperature interfacial layer InterfacialSi-sub. layer (IL) ①30 s ②120 s RPO time ③480 s 32 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Beyond 32nm CMOS 2011 Sym. On VLSI Technology @ Kyoto + α 33 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Keywords from 2011 Symp. on VLSI Technology New Channel on Si 3D Approach Nanowire Adv. Memory Spintronics TFET RTN FINFET SOI , , 34 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. -SC 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 35 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Bulk FET FIN FET None with smaller size, variability increases! FINFET; Due to its strong carrier controllability, 1) Punch-through can be easily suppressed ⇒ SCE can be suppressed further ⇒ Better scalability 2) Lower Nsub ⇒ Smaller variablity(Vth) Due to the same operating principle as Ultra-thin FD-SOI ! FIN-width(Wfin) should be shorter than Lg ( Wfin < Lg/2 ) 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Press release by Intel; May, 2011 37 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Intel Press release 38 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. Tri-gate nanowire MOSFETs M. Saito, et. al., Toshiba, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. 1. Universal line appears in Pelgrom plot of both Vth and Id variations of nanowire transistors . 2. Avt in NW Tr. is lower than planar Tr. due to gate grain alignment. 3. Id variations can be reduced by improving side-surface roughness. 25 SCE ← Gate LWR σWF (Grain) σDit RDF SOI NW BOX σRSD ← NW LWR (S/D crystallinity) σµ (σv)) - roughness - strain HNW 22nm 15nm 8nm 19nm <110> nFET 1 NW I/I Before Epi 20 Gate σ Vth (mV) σVth 15 Avt =1.5mVµ µm Tox 3nm 3nm 3nm 1.2nm W :1µ µm (Planar) 10 Avt =0.6mVµ µm 5 σTox WNW : 20~50nm σ Id 0 0 5 10 15 20 1/(L (W +2HNW))0.5 (µ µm-1) g 25 NW 39 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa LATE NEWS 40 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Multi Vt demonstration by FDSOI-HK/MG CMOS with Back gate bias VLSI 2010 Dual trench Vt control by Back gate bias +46% ⇒ For advanced SRAM, FD-SOI is very promising candidate to suppress the variability. However, Bulk Si is still necessary for the peripheral circuits which need large current, i.e., ESD protection or Power MOSFET. Need for the hybridization of FD-SOI & Bulk Si is becoming popular since 2009. 41 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 20nm ETSOI CMOS and SRAM K. Cheng, et. al., IBM, STMicroelectronics, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Renesas, Toshiba 1. First demonstration of 20nm ETSOI CMOS with 22 nm gate length, and sub-100 nm contacted gate pitch 2. 25% improvement in speed over 28nm bulk low power technology. 3. High density 6-Transistor SRAM cells down to 0.08 µm2 cell size. 4. Competitive drive currents: (NFET/PFET) of 1150/1050 µA/µ µm at Ioff = 100 nA/µm for high performance (HP); and 920/880 µA/µ µm at Ioff = 1 nA/µ µm for low power (LP), respectively, at VDD = 1 V. 5. Auxiliary ETSOI devices including epitaxy resistors with high precision and gated diodes with near ideal characteristics are fabricated on ETSOI to enable early ETSOI SoC design. -7 Cell size 2 0.08µm VR (V) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 VL (V) 0.8 1.0 IOFFn + IOFFp (A/µm) 10 1.0 20nm ET 1V 20nm ET 0.9V 28nm Bulk 1V 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Delay (a.u.) 0.9 1.0 42 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 50nmFDSOI 3D-integrated CMOS P. Batude, et. al., CEA-LETI 1. 3D sequential integration enable 3D interconnections at the FET scale (CMOS can be vertical) 2. Thanks to its high alignment performance (σ<10nm), it allows the full use of the 3rd dimension potential. 3. First demonstration of 3D sequential integration with LG=50nm 4. Molecular bonding is used to obtain perfect top active layer (cristalline quality and thickness) 5. Low temperature FET (<650° °C) appears viable for scaled FETs 43 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 20nm High-K/Metal-Gate bulk CMOS S.-J. Hyun, et. al., Samsung 2. An aggressively scaled high-k last metal gate (HKMG) stack was successfully implemented for 20nm high performance and low power applications. Key achievements are (a) aggressive Tinv scaling down to 1.1nm (b) suppression of Vfb roll-off for good control of PMOS Vt (c) replacement metal process with suitable Vt and good Vt uniformity (d) metal gate stress engineering for transistor performance improvement Normalized Gate Leakage (Rel. Unit) 1. 100 Optimized 10 HK Optimized IL 28/32nm 1 11 12 13 14 Tinv (Å) 44 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Tunnel FETs for extremely low power application U. Avci, et. al., Intel 1. TFET is a leading device option for low power in the beyond CMOS era 2. Steep I-V turn-on characteristic if realized enables low supply operation 3. Analysis of process variation impact on the TFET shows it is no worse than CMOS 4. Circuit assessment of TFET logic is compared to CMOS Logic. TFET Logic shows 8x higher performance than CMOS for extremely low-power applications. 45 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa ETB III-V-On-Insulator MOSFET S.-H. Kim, et. al., The University of Tokyo 1. First operation of Extremely-thin body (ETB) MOSFETs with metal S/D in III-V MOSFETs 2. High mobility with ETB less than 10 nm by using InxGa1-xAs with high Indium contents (0.7) and inserting In0.3Ga0.7As(large band gap) buffer layer 46 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. -SC 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 47 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Assessment of the situation in technology is a key issue! Important message on recent 28nm CMOS for LOP application! S.C. Song et al. ISAGST 2009 With appropriate Tinv scaling by SiON/PS, high speed & low power consumption can be achieved at the same time! 48 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 49 2011 VLSI Tech. Symp. 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Spintronics: Magnetic Tunneling Junction is implemented onto CMOS At VLSI Circ. Symp., Tohoku Univ. + NEC have developed the World’s First Content Addressable Memory that Stores Data without using Power ! 50 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa VLSI Technology Trend 2006, STRJ ( Semiconductor Technology Roadmap committee of Japan ) Explorative Research Heterogeneous Integ. Evolution of Si System By introducing new Materials, Structure and Design ,,, 51 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Technology Evolution ArF Enhancer 3D 3D TSV Air gap New evolution beyond 32nm ArF immersion graphene EUV Litho. ⇔ Immersion Litho.+ +DP Tr: Planar MOS ⇔ Multi Gate, SOI, 3D nanowires Low k Active Area k=2.5 Spacers Gate Field TunnelFET Ge/IIIV Low k CNT’ s FinFET k=2.7 < 20nm 22nm metal gate Low k k=3.0 high -κ κ L=35nm SiGe Cu strain > 45nm 32-28nm SMO Double Pattering EUV USJ Fab-less Tool silicide Year 52 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa Ge/Ⅲ Ⅲ-Ⅴ Ⅴ+Si-MOSFET; High-performance & Multi-function by Heterogeneous integ. High speed by Hibridgization Ultra-low power by TFET Multi-function by Hetrogeneous integration S. Takagi, VLSI 2010 53 110622 SMT Symp. M.Niwa 54