Meteorol Atmos Phys 100, 275–289 (2008) DOI 10.1007/s00703-008-0309-4 Printed in The Netherlands 1 College of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, P.R. China 2 International Pacific Research Center and Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA 3 LED, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science, Guangzhou, P.R. China Orographic effects on South China Sea summer climate H. Xu1 , S.-P. Xie2 , Y. Wang2 , W. Zhuang3 , D. Wang3 With 9 Figures Received 14 April 2007; Accepted 16 July 2007 Published online 14 August 2008 # Springer-Verlag 2008 Summary New satellite observations reveal several distinct features of the South China Sea (SCS) summer climate: an intense lowlevel southwesterly wind jet off the coast of South Vietnam, a precipitation band on the western flank of the north–south running Annam mountain range, and a rainfall shadow to the east in the western SCS off the east coast of Vietnam. A high-resolution full-physics regional atmospheric model is used to investigate the mechanism for the formation of SCS summer climate. A comparison of the control model simulation with a sensitivity experiment with the mountain range artificially removed demonstrates that the aforementioned features form due to orographic effects of the Annam mountains. Under the prevailing southwesterly monsoon, the mountain range forces the ascending motion on the windward and subsidence on the lee side, giving rise to bands of active and suppressed convection, respectively. On the south edge of the mountain range, the southwesterlies are accelerated to form an offshore low-level wind jet. The mid-summer cooling in the SCS induced by this wind jet further helps reduce precipitation over the central SCS. A reduced-gravity ocean model is used to investigate the ocean response to the orographically induced wind forcing, which is found to be important for the formation of the double-gyre circulation observed in the summer in SCS, in particular for the northern cyclonic circulation. Thus, Correspondence: Haiming Xu, College of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, 114 New Street, Pancheng, Pukou District, Nanjing 210044, P.R. China (E-mail: orography is a key to shaping the SCS summer climate both in the atmosphere and in the ocean. 1. Introduction The South China Sea (SCS) is a large semienclosed marginal ocean basin with a total area of 3.5 million km2. It is connected to the East China Sea to the northeast, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the Indian Ocean to the southwest. The SCS climate is part of the East Asian monsoon system (Lau et al. 1998). In winter the SCS is dominated by the strong northeasterly monsoon while in summer the winds reverse the direction to southwesterly (e.g., Liu and Xie 1999). It is well known that in summer the southwesterly winds reach a maximum east of Ho Chi Minh City (e.g., Xie et al. 2002). Figure 1a shows the summer surface wind climatology along with land topography over the Indochina peninsula. A narrow mountain range, called the Annam cordillera, runs in a north–south direction on the east coast of Indochina peninsula on the VietnamLaos borders and ends just north of Ho Chi Minh City. Noting that the SCS wind jet is located just offshore of the south edge of the Annam cordillera, Xie et al. (2003) suggest that the orographic blockage of the southwesterly monsoon 276 H. Xu et al. Fig. 1. Summer (JJA) climatology: (a) QuikSCAT 10-m wind velocity (m s1 ), and (b) TRMM-PR precipitation (mm day1 ). Land orography is plotted in (a) in gray shaded (at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 km) and star marks the location of Ho Chi Minh City and the wind acceleration at the south corner of the mountain range are the cause of the wind jet. They go on to show that the strong curls of this wind jet are the major drive of the summer SCS circulation, giving rise to a number of important climatic features of the region such as a cold upwelling filament (Huang et al. 1994; Kuo et al. 2000) that disrupts the summer warming. The wind jet varies with the El Nino=Southern Oscillation (ENSO), driving interannual variability of the SCS in both ocean circulation and sea surface temperature (SST). While plausible, the orographic hypothesis of Xie et al. (2003) has never been rigorously tested in numerical models. The Annam cordillera also leaves a clear signature on precipitation. Figure 1b shows the summer precipitation climatology in the region. As the southwesterly monsoon impinges on the mountain range, the rising motion creates a windward rain band and the subsequent subsidence produces a rain shadow on the lee. Such orographic rain bands are also observed on the west coasts of Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, and the Philippines. With a numerical experi- Orographic effects on SCS summer climate ment, Xie et al. (2006) suggest that such orographic rain bands are not simply a local phenomenon but exert important remote influences on the continental monsoon because of strong interaction between circulation and convection in the region during summer. The Annam cordillera is more than 500 m high on average but only 200 km or less in width, posing a serious problem for numerical simulations. With typical horizontal resolution of 2–3 , the current global general circulation models represent the Annam mountain range poorly and fail to simulate either the SCS wind jet or the orographic rain band= shadow (not shown). The summer circulation of the central SCS is dominated by a double-gyre circulation, with an eastward inter-gyre jet in between that advects the cold coastal water to form the cold filament east of south Vietnam. This pair of anticyclonic and cyclonic gyres south and north of roughly 12 N are observed from in-situ current measurements (Fang et al. 2002) and satellite altimetry (Shaw et al. 1999; Ho et al. 2000). With its strong wind curls, the orographic-induced southwest wind jet is considered to be the major cause of this double-gyre circulation pattern (Xie et al. 2003; Gan et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2006). The present study test the above orographic hypothesis for the formation of the wind jet and the couplet of the rain band and shadow in the summer SCS by using a high-resolution regional atmospheric model. The 0.2 grid size of the model is equivalent to T520 resolution for a global spectral model. Our results show that indeed, the Annam cordillera exerts a great influence on the wind and precipitation distributions over the Indochina peninsula and SCS. We further apply the atmospheric model results to assess the orographic effect on ocean circulation using a reduced-gravity ocean model. We find a strong effect on the northern cyclonic gyre north of the wind jet. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the regional atmospheric model, experimental design, and observational data sets used for verification. Section 3 presents the atmospheric simulation results and investigates the orographic effects of the Annam mountain range. Section 4 describes the ocean model and presents the experiment results. Section 5 presents a summary and discussion. 277 2. Regional atmospheric model and experimental design 2.1. Atmospheric model The regional atmospheric model (RAM) developed at the International Pacific Research Center (IPRC), University of Hawaii, is used in this study. It is a primitive equation model with sigma as the vertical coordinate, solved on a longitude-latitude grid system. The model domain is 5 S–25 N, 90–135 E, including the SCS, Indochina peninsula, east part of the Bay of Bengal, and part of the western Pacific (Fig. 2). The model uses a grid spacing of 0.2 in both longitude and latitude, and has 28 levels in the vertical. A detailed description of the model and its performance in simulating regional climate of East Asia can be found in Wang et al. (2003). The model has also been used to simulate the regional climate over the eastern Pacific, including the atmospheric response to tropical instability ocean waves (Small et al. 2003), boundary layer clouds over the southeast Pacific (Wang et al. 2004), the effects of the Andean and Central American mountains (Xu et al. 2004, 2005), and more recent the diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Maritime continent region (Zhou and Wang 2006; Wang et al. 2007). The model includes a detailed cloud microphysics scheme for grid-scale moist processes (Wang 2001). The mixing ratios of cloud water, rainwater, cloud ice, snow, and graupel are all prognostic variables in the model. Condensation (evaporation) of cloud water takes place instantaneously when the air is supersaturated (subsaturated). Subgrid-scale convective processes, such as shallow convection, midlevel convection, and penetrative deep convection, are considered based on the mass flux cumulus parameterization scheme originally developed by Tiedtke (1989) and later modified by Nordeng (1995). The subgrid-scale vertical mixing is accomplished by the so-called E–" closure scheme, in which both the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) and its dissipation rate are prognostic variables (Detering and Etling 1985). Turbulent fluxes at the ocean surface are calculated using the TOGA COARE algorithm (Fairall et al. 1996; Wang 2002). Over the land, the bulk aerodynamic meth- 278 H. Xu et al. Fig. 2. Model domain with topography (shaded at 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 km) and SST (contours at 0.25 C intervals) for (a) CTL and (b) NoTopSmSST runs od is used in the land surface model, which uses the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (Dickinson et al. 1993). Soil moisture is initialized using a method described by Giorgi and Bates (1989) such that the initial soil moisture depends on the vegetation and soil type defined for each grid cell. The radiation package originally developed by Edwards and Slingo (1996) and later modified by Sun and Rikus (1999) is used, which includes seven=four bands for longwave=shortwave radiation. Seasonal-varying climatological ozone and a constant mixing ratio of carbon dioxide for the present climate are used. 2.2 Experimental design The initial and lateral boundary conditions are obtained from the National Centers for the Environmental Prediction=National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP=NCAR) global reanalysis (Kalnay et al. 1996), available on a 2.5 2.5 grid with 17 vertical pressure levels. They are interpolated onto the model grid by Orographic effects on SCS summer climate cubic spline interpolation in the horizontal and linear interpolation in both the vertical and time based on the four times daily reanalysis. Over the ocean, the NOAA optimal interpolation weekly SST dataset on a 1 1 grid is used as the lower boundary condition (Reynolds et al. 2002). The following three sets of experiments are carried out to examine the effects of the 279 Annam cordillera on the summer climate of SCS. Each consists of an ensemble of three simulations that are initialized at 0000UTC on 26, 27, and 28 June 2001, respectively, and integrated to the end of July 2001. July 2001 is selected during which the SCS wind jet is well developed (Fig. 3a). The rest of the paper discusses the July means, averaged for Fig. 3. Wind velocity (contours with 1 m s1 intervals) at 10 m in (a) QuikSCAT observations, and (b) the CTL run, averaged for July 2001. Land orography (shaded at 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 km) is also plotted 280 H. Xu et al. three ensemble simulations based on their hourly output. Control (CTL) run. The model topography is based on the U. S. Geophysical Survey 1=12 topographic dataset and smoothed with an envelope topographic algorithm (Wang et al. 2003). At our model resolution, the main Annam cordillera is represented reasonably well (Fig. 2a), at about 0.5 km high and 200 km in width. No-topography (NoTop) run. The Annam range south of 17.5 N is flattened by setting land elevation at 0.5 m (Fig. 2b). Strictly speaking, the design of this no-topography run may be physically inconsistent with the imposed lateral boundary conditions that are influenced by the presence of these Annam mountains in the first place. Nevertheless, a comparison of the CTL and NoTop runs can help identify the regional effects of the mountain range within the context of this model. SST No-topography and smoothed (NoTopSmSST) run. While the comparison of the CTL and NoTop runs can identify the direct effect of the Annam mountain range, this mountain range leaves marked signatures in the SST field in the form of a cold filament through the action of the wind jet (Fig. 2a; Xie et al. 2003). This cold filament, in turn, affects the atmospheric circulation and convection, and may be considered as an indirect effect of Annam cordillera. In the NoTopSmSST run, we remove this orographically induced anomaly in SST as well as the mountain range. The smoothed SST field is obtained by first setting SST to 29.0 C if it is less than this value off the southeast coast of Vietnam, then applying a 5-point smoother 5 times in the coastal region. Figure 2b shows the resultant SST field, which is nearly uniform near the southeast coast of Vietnam. 2.3 Observational data To evaluate the model simulations, we use 3hourly Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Real-Time (RT) multi-satellite precipitation analysis (3B42RT) available since January 2002 on a 0.25 grid covering 50 N–50 S (Huffman et al. 2007). The 3B42RT product combines measurements by the TRMM satellite’s Microwave Imager (TMI) and TMI-calibrated infrared estimates of precipitation from geosynchronous satellites. We also use TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR) surface rainfall product 3A25G2 (Kummerow 2000) from December 1997 to August 2005 on a 0.5 grid. The PR makes the best estimation of precipitation but its narrow swath introduces larger sampling errors. We limit the use of the PR-only 3A25G2 product to construct a multi-year climatology in Fig. 1b while using the 3B42RT product for the July 2001 analysis. The microwave scatterometer on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) QuikSCAT satellite measures daily surface wind velocity over the world ocean (Liu et al. 2000). QuikSCAT observations have revealed rich wind structures on short spatial scales around the world (Chelton et al. 2004). Here we use a monthly product for wind velocity available from August 1999 to August 2005 on a 0.25 grid. 3. Effect on wind and precipitation 3.1 Control run Figure 3 compares the simulated 10-m surface wind velocity averaged for July 2001 with QuikSCAT observations over the ocean for the same period. The model simulates well the surface wind field over the SCS, with southwesterly winds north of about 5 N and southerly winds to the south. In particular, the model captures the strong wind jet off the southeast coast of Vietnam with a maximum wind speed above 9 m s1 , in good agreement with QuikSCAT observations. The model also reproduces the reduced wind speed lee of the Annam range. In the lee weakwind zone, the model exaggerates the alongshore variations in wind speed due to the smoothed orography with two artificial saddles. For reasons unclear at this time, the winds tend to be weaker than in observations south of the wind jet. Figure 4 compares the monthly mean precipitation in the model with TRMM 3B42RT observations for July 2001. The model captures the orographic effects of Indochina mountains, including the rain bands on the Cambodia coast at the foothills of the Cardamom Hills and on the west slope of the Annam cordillera as well as the broad rain shadow lee of the Annams. We note Orographic effects on SCS summer climate 281 Fig. 4. Monthly mean precipitation (mm day1 ) for July 2001: (a) TRMM 3B42RT observations, and (b) the CTL run that the rain band windward of the Annams is not reproduced in a lower-resolution (0.5o) version of the IPRC RAM (Xie et al. 2006), suggesting the importance of sufficient resolution. The model underestimates precipitation west of the Philippines, a problem also noted in Xie et al. (2006), illustrating the difficulty in simulating the convection-circulation interaction. The southwesterly winds blowing west of Luzon Island are weak by 2 m s1 compared to QuikSCAT observations (Fig. 3), presumably reducing orographic effects of the island. Despite all these deficiencies, the model captures the salient features induced by Indochina mountains, encouraging us to study the orographic effect of the Annams with an experimental approach. 3.2 Topographic effects With the Annam mountain range removed in the NoTop run, the surface wind field is markedly changed. Without the mountain barrier, air flows freely across the Indochina Peninsula, and the southwesterly winds become much smoother in space over the northern SCS (Fig. 5a), especially off the east coast of Vietnam. In particular, wind speed markedly increases off the east coast of Vietnam, and the wind jet core disappears. The 282 H. Xu et al. Fig. 5. (a) 10-m wind velocity (m s1 ) and land orography (shaded at 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 km) in the NoTop run. (b) CTL-NoTop difference in 10-m wind velocity (0.5 m s1 interval), with shade indicating values passing a two-sided t test at the 99% significant level effect of the Annam cordillera on the SCS wind field can be better seen in the surface wind difference field between the CTL and NoTop runs (Fig. 5b). The presence of the Annam range reduces the southwesterlies in the lee by as much as 5 m s1 while increases the wind speed at its southern corner by up to 2 m s1 . Thus the SCS wind jet is indeed a result of the orographic blockage of the Annams, which forces the air to rush through the southern flank of the mountain range. Without the Annam mountain range, the precipitation distribution is also markedly changed (Fig. 6a). The rain band on the windward side of Orographic effects on SCS summer climate 283 Fig. 6. (a) July 2001 precipitation (mm day1 ) in the NoTop run. (b) CTL-NoTop difference in precipitation (mm day1 ), with shade indicating values passing a twosided t test at the 99% significant level the Annam cordillera disappears and the associated rainfall shadow weakens in the NoTop run, resulting in a much smoother precipitation distribution over the Indochina Peninsula and western SCS. The rainfall minimum on the coast of North Vietnam appears due to the low-level wind divergence as wind accelerates offshore due to reduced surface roughness over the ocean. The orographic effect on precipitation can be better seen in the difference field between the CTL and NoTop runs (Fig. 6b). A nearly zonally oriented dipole of rainfall anomalies, positive and negative roughly west and east of coastal line of Vietnam, respectively, indicates that the Annam mountain range acts to force convection on the windward side while suppressing it on the leeside. Now we examine further the mechanism by which the Annam mountain range affects the precipitation pattern. Figure 7 presents the cross sections of specific humidity and cloud liquid water content in both the CTL and NoTop runs, along with vertical velocity in the CTL run. The mountains force an updraft on the windward side (Fig. 7c) with elevated cloud liquid water content (Fig. 7a) and precipitation (Fig. 4b). On the lee side, on the other hand, the mountains cause a 284 H. Xu et al. Fig. 7. Vertical cross-sections for July 2001: specific humidity (contours in g kg1 ) and cloud liquid water content (shaded in 102 g kg1 ) along 15 N in (a) the CTL and (b) NoTop runs; (c) vertical velocity (in Pa s1 , with the zero contour omitted ) in the CTL run; (d) CTL – NoTop difference in temperature (contours at 0.5 C intervals) and specific humidity (shaded in g kg1 ) between the CTL and NoTop runs. Topography is shaded black strong downdraft (Fig. 7c), which along with the windward precipitation depresses specific humidity by advecting dry air downward. About 100 km away from the coast, boundary layer moisture recovers to values high enough for convection to become active east of 112 E. In the NoTop run, the specific humidity (Fig. 7b) and vertical velocity (not shown) do not change much across the Indochina peninsula. Without mountains, moisture depletion by orographic rainfall is greatly reduced (Fig. 7b), and so is the subsidence off the east coast of Vietnam (not shown). Both effects act to increase moisture in the lower atmosphere over the western SCS near the Indochina Peninsula in the NoTop run compared to the CTL run. The warming and drying induced by orographic subsidence on the SCS reach as far as 100–200 km offshore, amounting to 2 C and 1.5 g kg1 in magnitude, respectively (Fig. 7d). 3.3 SST effects Surface winds become uniform off the southeast coast of Vietnam in the NoTop run (Fig. 5a), indicating that it might be reasonable to assume that the SST field would be uniform offshore without the Annam cordillera. Thus, we use a smoothed SST field (Fig. 2b) to remove the indirect orographic effect of the Annams on summer SCS climate. The simulated precipitation pattern over the SCS in the NoTopSmSST run is similar to that in the NoTop run, i.e., with a precipitation distribution quite uniform over the Indochina peninsula and western SCS (not shown). The removal Orographic effects on SCS summer climate 285 Fig. 8. Precipitation difference of (contours in mm day1 with the zero contour omitted) between the NoTopSmSST and NoTop runs, averaged for July 2001. Shading denotes regions where the difference passes a two-sided t test at the 95% significant level of the cold filament in the western SCS enhances precipitation there by about 2 mm day1, as seen clearly in the precipitation difference field between the NoTopSmSST and NoTop runs (Fig. 8). Noticeable negative rainfall anomalies also exist on the south edge of the Indochina Peninsula, possibly a remote response to increased convection over the mid-SCS, which forces subsidence Rossby waves to the west. The indirect effect of the cold filament on rainfall is about 30–50% of the direct orographic effect over the mid-SCS and is smaller on the Indochina Peninsula. 4. Effect on ocean circulation This section assesses the orographic effect of the Annam cordillera on the SCS summer circulation by using a 1.5-layer reduced-gravity ocean model. The model consists of two layers: the upper active layer represents the upper ocean while the lower layer represents the deep motionless ocean. At the interface, the entrainment or detrainment is parameterized following McCreary and Yu (1992). The model domain covers 0–24 N, 100– 124.5 E, and the coastline is set by the 50 m isobath. The model grid size is 50 in both longitude and latitude. The water exchange between the SCS and the adjacent seas is mainly through the Luzon Strait, with all other straits closed. The inflow velocity at the southern open boundary (Luzon Strait) is calculated from the National Centers for Environmental Predication Ocean Data Assimilation System (NCEP-ODAS) tropical Pacific Ocean analysis (Ji et al. 1995). The outflow velocity is determined by balancing volume transport. Zhuang et al. (2006) gives a detailed description of this ocean model and its performance in the SCS. The ocean model is forced by QuikSCAT monthly climatological winds, spun up from the resting state and integrated for 5 years. The annual-mean thermocline depth (102 m) and SST (22.6 C) averaged in the SCS basin (deeper than 200 m) are used as the initial thickness and temperature of the upper layer, respectively. Sea surface heat flux is parameterized as a Haney (1971) type relaxation toward observed SST plus the Southampton constrained version of net heat flux (Grist and Josey 2003). The annual cycle shows no appreciable drift in the last three years, indicating that the model has reached a quasi-steady state. Therefore, results of the fifth year are saved for analyses. Besides this ocean control (OcnCTL) simulation, we conduct an experiment by removing the orographic effect from the QuikSCAT wind forcing (OcnNoTop). For simplicity, we define the orographic effect as the weighted July wind velocity difference between the atmospher- 286 H. Xu et al. Fig. 9. July–September mean stream function (contours at 0.5 Sv intervals) in the ocean model for (a) the OcnCTL and OcnNoTop runs, with their difference shown in (c). (d) CTL-NoTop difference in surface wind stress (vectors in N m2 ) and its curl (contours at 1.0 107 N m3 intervals) ic CTL and NoTop runs. The weights are (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0) for (May, June, July, August, September, October) to mimic observations that the southwest wind jet begins to develop in June, is in full strength in July and August, and weakens in September. Figure 9 presents the three-month mean stream function fields averaged for July, August, and September (JAS). In the OcnCTL run, the simulated upper layer circulation displays a strong anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS, a weak cyclonic gyre to the north, and an offshore jet between the two gyres, which is in broad agree- ment with observations of Fang et al. (2002). In addition, two weak cyclonic centers are embedded in the northern gyre with one center just off central Vietnam, and the other over the northeast SCS around 20 N, 116 E (Fig. 9a). With the orographic effect removed in the OcnNoTop run, the northern cyclonic gyre retreats northeastward (Fig. 9b). The weak cyclonic recirculation off central Vietnam in the OcnCTL is replaced by a weak anticyclone in the OcnNoTop run. The offshore jet shows a meander pattern, which previous numerical studies show is due to the north–south asymmetry in the Orographic effects on SCS summer climate wind stress forcing with a northeast tilted zerocurl line (Yasuda and Hanawa 1996). The orographic effect on the ocean circulation can be seen more clearly in the OcnCTL minus OcnNoTop stream function difference map (Fig. 9c), which is dominated by negative stream function anomalies east of Central Vietnam lee of the Annams, with weak positive anomalies south of the wind jet. This anomalous circulation pattern is consistent with the anomalous wind curl that is much larger to the north of the wind jet lee of the Annam cordillera than to the south (Fig. 9d). Thus, the cyclonic (re-)circulation north of the wind jet owes its existence much to the orographic blockage by the Annams, which forces strong positive wind curls there. The anticyclonic gyre and recirculation, on the other hand, are only weakly affected by the Annam orographic effect. To the first order, the negative wind curls south of the SCS wind jet are part of lager-scale atmospheric circulation rather than due to local orography, a result not obvious without numerical experiments. Indeed, the southwesterly winds begin to transit to a southerly cross-equatorial wind regime around 6–7 N in both observations and the CTL simulation (Fig. 3). 5. Conclusions and discussion A high-resolution regional atmospheric model is used to study the effects of the Annam cordillera on the summer climate of the South China Sea. The model reproduces the salient features of SCS summer climate as compared to QuikSCAT and TRMM observations, including an intense wind jet off the southeast coast of Vietnam, a precipitation band on the windward side of the Annam mountain range, and a rainfall shadow on the lee side. Our experiments with and without the Annam cordillera demonstrate that these features are indeed due to the orographic effects of the mountain range. As the southwesterly winds impinge on the Annam range, the induced ascending motion promotes deep convection on the windward side while the subsidence suppresses convection on the lee side. At the southern tip of the mountain range, the southwesterly winds rush through to form a strong wind jet offshore. Our results also show that the cold filament under the coast wind jet, which itself results from orographic effect, is an additional factor help- 287 ing suppress atmospheric convection east of Vietnam. A 1.5-layer reduced-gravity ocean model is also used to study the effect of orographicallyinduced wind changes on the SCS ocean circulation. As the ocean model is forced by monthly mean climatological QuikSCAT winds, the simulated summer ocean circulation is characterized by a strong anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS, a weaker cyclonic gyre in the northern SCS, and a strong offshore ocean jet in between off south Vietnam, in agreement with observations. With the orographic effects removed from the QuikSCAT winds, the simulated ocean circulation changes markedly, with the northern cyclonic gyre shifting northward. As a result, the eastward ocean jet weakens east of south Vietnam. Thus, the Annam cordillera exerts significant influences on the double-gyre circulation in the summer SCS, especially the northern gyre and the inter-gyre eastward offshore jet. This study joins a growing body of literature on coastal orography-induced air-sea interaction phenomena (e.g., Xie et al. 2001, 2005; Chelton et al. 2004). Owing to the increasing computing power, some of these phenomena have been successfully simulated in numerical models, for example, west of Hawaii (Sakamoto et al. 2004; Sasaki and Nonaka 2006) and Central America (Sasai et al. 2007). Over the Asian summer monsoon region, narrow mountains such as the Annam play an important role in the spatial distribution of convection (Chang et al. 2005; Xie et al. 2006). On a smaller regional scale over the SCS, the orographic effect of the Annams leaves clear signatures in ocean circulation and SST. A regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model (Xie et al. 2007) is being developed to study the ocean-atmosphere interaction over the SCS and its effect on local and broad-scale monsoon. Acknowledgments We wish to thank Jan Hafner for archiving the TRMM-PR and QuikSCAT data from Remote Sensing Systems’ Web site and Y. Zhang for archiving the NCEP reanalysis dataset. This work is supported by NSFC (40575045), 973 Program (2006CB403607; 2004CB418304), Chinese Academy of Sciences, NASA, and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) through its sponsorship of International Pacific Research center at University of Hawaii. IPRC publication 527 and SOEST publication 7473. 288 H. Xu et al. References Chang C-P, Wang Z, McBride J, Liu CH (2005) Annual cycle of Southeast Asia – Maritime Continent rainfall and the asymmetric monsoon transition. 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