CLASS D AUDIO AMPLIFIER 250W PLATE AMPLIFIER SDV1056-250: 250W RMS, CLASS D, PLATE AMPLIFIER FEATURES • HIGH POWER: 250W RMS1 • INCLUDES REGUALTED +48+1V SUPPLY • USES SWITCHING REGULATOR FOR ENHANCED EFFICIENCY • ELIMINATES THE EFFECT OF MAINS SUPPLY VARIATIONS. • SIMPLIFIES THE SELECTION AND TESTING OF CLASS D AMPLIFIER MODULES. • INCLUDES SHORT-CIRCUIT PROTECTION. • INCLUDES TURN-ON/OFF CONTROL TO PREVENT INADVERTENT AUDIO NOISES. • INCLUDES SDV1025-250 AMPLIFIER MODULE AND INTERFACE PCB. • OTHER POWER OPTIONS AVAILABLE1 • CAN BE CUSTOMISED WITH CUSTOMER LABELS • LOW COST • COMPACT NOTES 1) Other power options include 600W (SDV1021-600-V). Alternately, custom power levels can be produced. APPLICATIONS • • • AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER ACTIVE SONAR SYSTEMS POWER CONVERSION DESCRIPTION The SDV1056-250 is a complete 250Wrms audio amplifier. The unit includes the mains transformer, switching regulator unit and class D amplifier module. A voltage selector switch allows operation on 230Vac and 115Vac. Apart from the basic amplifier functions the product features short-circuit and turn-on/off protection circuitry. The audio input is via a ¼” jack (single ended) and the output is via a Neutrik Speakon socket. The unit is and excellent sampling block for the 250W range of class D products produced by Magnatec. In addition to the standard product custom versions can be produced subject to a minimum order quantity. For more details of this product and our complete range of class D solutions please contact Magnatec. Semelab Plc. reserve the right to change the products shown on this datasheet in the interest of improved specification. No responsibility is assumed for the use of information contained herein, nor for any infringement of patent or rights of others that may result from such use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent right of Semelab Plc. SPECIFICATIONS Absolute maximum ratings Input Voltage, Vac ……………………………………………………………………. 115/230 Vac Control voltage SD ……………………………………………………………………… . +5.5 V Operating free air temperature, TA …...…………………………………………… -10°C to 40°C Storage temperature range, Tstg …………………………………………………….. -40°C to 70°C PCB solder pad temperature for 30 secs ……..…………………………………………….. 260°C Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Recommended operating conditions MIN 4.75 10 CONTROL VOLTAGE, SD OPERATING FREE AIR TEMPERATURE, TA TYP 5 MAX 5.25 40 UNIT V °C Electrical characteristics at a free air temperature of 25°°C PARAMETER NOTES/TEST CONDITIONS Po OUTPUT POWER 4 PRR ALLOWABLE POWER RAIL RIPPLE SD SHUTDOWN VOLTAGE LOAD amplifier just into clip MIN VALUE VRS = 65 V TYP MAX 240 250 270 2 4 5 UNIT W % 15 V MECHANICAL DETAILS MECHANICAL DETAILS Connections Audio Input TIP BODY Description Input Signal GND Comment ¼” JACK plug required ¼” JACK plug required Audio Output 1+ 1- OUTPUT 1+ OUTPUT 1- Neutrik Speakon 4W Plug required Neutrik Speakon 4W Plug required Semelab Plc. reserve the right to change the products shown on this datasheet in the interest of improved specification. No responsibility is assumed for the use of information contained herein, nor for any infringement of patent or rights of others that may result from such use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent right of Semelab Plc. GLOSSARY Active speaker Audio passband Anti-clip Class D Decibel EMC ESR Filter attenuation Harmonic (K)Hz Inherent efficiency Input impedance Latency Modulation Factor Noise floor Output impedance PCB PFC p-p PSU PWM Quiescent current Rms Slave module SNR Switching frequency THD Theoretical output power Thermal resistance Total coupled power UPS Integrated loudspeaker and amplifier. Audio spectrum from 20Hz to 20KHz. Circuit to correct for excessive input signals. Amplifier using pulse width modulated output stage. Measure of relative power dB = 10logP1/P2 Electro magnetic compatibility Equivalent series resistance Performance of a filter at a specific frequency or band of frequencies. Higher multiple of a frequency (Kilo) Hertz, frequency measure Measure of the efficiency of the amplifier module alone. Impedance looking into the amplifier. Description of the dynamic range of music Ratio of input signal amplitude to maximum permissible signal amplitude. Residual noise level of the amplifier expressed in dB. Source impedance seen looking into the amplifier output. Printed circuit board Power factor corrected Peak to peak measurement Power supply unit Pulse width modulation Current consumed by amplifier with no audio signal input. Root mean square = Vp-p/(2√2) Additional power output stage driven from an optional master unit. Signal to noise ratio Sample frequency of PWM. Total harmonic distortion - measure of the accuracy with which an amplifier replicates an input sine wave. Maximum output power of amplifier module, alone assuming 100% efficiency. Measure of heatsink efficiency Actual power coupled from amplifier to load (loudspeaker) Uninterruptable power supply Semelab Plc. reserve the right to change the products shown on this datasheet in the interest of improved specification. No responsibility is assumed for the use of information contained herein, nor for any infringement of patent or rights of others that may result from such use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent right of Semelab Plc.