Augmentation of Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) Mineralization by a Synthetic Growth Factor Mimetic Xinhua Lin,1 Louis A. Peña,1 Paul O. Zamora,2 Sarah L. Campion,2 Kazuyuki Takahashi2 1 Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory 2 BioSurface Engineering Technologies, Inc., 9430 Key West Ave., Rockville, Maryland 20850 Received 7 June 2005; accepted 29 March 2006 Published online 18 August 2006 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/jor.20215 ABSTRACT: These studies evaluated whether F2A4-K-NS, a peptide mimetic of FGF-2, could augment ectopic bone production following the subcutaneous implant of human demineralized bone matrix (DBM). DBM was formulated into a gel with and without F2A4-K-NS, and injected subcutaneously into athymic rats. After 28 days the resultant tissue was excised and fixed. The tissue was examined with soft X-rays and microcomputerized tomography (micro-CT), and by histological methods. Inclusion of F2A4-K-NS with DBM resulted in an increased mineral deposition as determined by soft X-ray and micro-CT analysis and von Kossa staining. DBM-containing tissues showed extensive mineralization compared to the carrier alone, which was poorly mineralized. The mineralization was qualitatively and quantitatively the most extensive in the samples containing F2A4-KNS plus DBM. Additionally, the highest amount of von Kossa staining for calcium was observed in tissues from animals that had received DBM plus F2A4-K-NS. In these studies, 100 ng of peptide per 0.2 mL of injectable DBM gel generated the most optimal results. The synthetic peptide F2A4-K-NS augmented DBM-induced ectopic mineralization in athymic animals. ß 2006 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 24:2051–2058, 2006 Keywords: peptide; demineralized; bone; athymic; augmentation; micro-CT INTRODUCTION As a bone graft material,1 human demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is widely used in orthopedics for revision hip arthroplasty,2 treatment of distal fractures,3 orbital and craniofacial reconstructions,4 as a long bone bone–void filler,5 and in posteriolateral spine fusion.6 DBM implants promote healing by (1) endochondral osteogenesis, inducing a transformation of local cells, and (2) osteoconduction, similar to autogenous grafts. The DBM implants induce chemotaxis and transformation of mesenchymal cells into chondroblasts, followed by ossification. DBM also acts as a malleable, osseo-conductive scaffold that can be molded to fit into a variety of bone defects. DBM contains bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and other growth factors that are thought to be key to the ability of DBM to form new bone.7 However, the osseo-inductive potential of DBM, and can vary widely from lot to lot8 and from manufacturer to manufacturer.9 The limited ability of DBM to elicit a robust osteoinduction is widely seen as a limiting factor in the use of this material, and has led to efforts to increase the activity of DBM. Thus, approaches such as mixed with autologous bone marrow5 and platelet-rich plasma have been used.10,11 Additionally, phosphatidyl choline has been added to DBM to increase osteoinductivity,12 as have recombinant growth factors including rPDGF, rFGF, rBMP-2, and rTGF-beta1.13–17 F2A4-K-NS, a synthetic peptide mimetic of FGF2, which increased cell proliferation, cell migration, and angiogenesis,18 hence suggested that it may have some utility in bone repair. Such synthetic peptides are inherently free of biological contamination (nucleic acids, viruses, prion proteins, etc.), which may complicate purification of recombinant growth factors, and may simplify efforts to augment the bioactivity of DBM. The purpose of these studies is to evaluate if F2A4-K-NS could augment ectopic bone formation following subcutaneous implant of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) in athymic rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS Correspondence to: Xinhua Lin (Telephone: 301-795-6000; Fax: 301-340-7801; E-mail: ß 2006 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Peptide Synthesis F2A4-K-NS was synthesized manually following standard Fmoc protocols using NovaSyn TGR resin (EMD JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH NOVEMBER 2006 2051 2052 LIN ET AL. BioSciences) and purified by RP-HPLC on a C18 column using a linear gradient 0–60% acetonitrile/water (0.1% trifluoroacetic acid). The purified peptide generated a single uniform peak on analysis by RP-HPLC. F2A4-KNS, with an estimated molecular weight of 5540, has the sequence: H-YRSRKYSSWYVALKRK (H-YRSRKYSSWYVALKR)Ahx-Ahx-Ahx-RKRLDRIAR-NH2, wherein Ahx refers to aminohexanoic acid. Animals Male athymic NIH rats (nu/nu; 150–175 g) were obtained from NCI (Frederick, MD). The animals were housed in cages with irradiated bedding and filter tops and supplied with irradiated or autoclaved rat chow and water. Animal maintenance, housing, and surgeries adhered to guidelines specified in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and nine CFR, the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). The studies were conducted under an IACUC-approved protocol. For use in experiments, the animals were anesthetized using an intraperitoneal administration of ketamine (40 mg/kg) and xylazine (5 mg/kg). Excess hair was removed and surgical sites were prepared by wiping with 70% isopropanol and swabbing with BetaDyne. Each animal received bilateral implants of 0.2 mL. Each implant was introduced into a subcutaneous pouch. The pouches, approximately 3 cm long, were made through a skin incision using a hemostat and blunt dissection. The pouches were positioned on the upper flanks on either side of the backbone. All implants were introduced into the pouch with a 1-mL syringe resulting in an implanted plug approximately 1-cm long. After the implant, the incision was closed with stainless steel surgical clips. All injected materials were formulated into an aqueous-based carrier containing 35% calcium sulfate dihydrate and excipients. The carrier, or carrier containing DBM, was mixed in ratio of 2:1 with saline plus or minus peptide. Human DBM (Allogro. AlloSource, Centennial, CO) was used as provided. The final injectable material was prepared immediately prior to administration. Aliquots of 50 mg of DBM in 0.2 mL were used in each implant site. Three experimental arms were used: (1) carrier only, (2) DBM control (0 ng peptide), (3) DBM plus 20-, 100-, or 200 ng/implant of F2A4-K-NS peptide. Each treatment was injected in at least six sites. Four weeks after implantation, animals were euthanized by overdose with carbon dioxide and the implant sites surgically removed. The specimens were fixed for 24 h in buffered formalin, then transferred to PBS. X-ray Analysis The excised specimens were X-rayed using a mammography machine operated at 22 kV/12 mA with molybdenum filtration. Results were recorded on mammography film and onto a digital phosphor cassette. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH NOVEMBER 2006 (DICOM) files were converted into bitmaps and densitometry performed with Image Pro-Plus (Silver Springs, MD). Micro-computerized Tomography (micro-CT) Three-dimensional micro-CT scans of fixed tissue samples were acquired on a SkyScan-1076 micro-CT system (Micro Photonics, Inc.; Allentown, PA) set to the following parameters: X-ray tube voltage ¼ 51 kV, current ¼ 195 mA, filtration ¼ 0.5 mm aluminum, slice width ¼ 35 mm, pixel size resolution ¼ 35 mm. Bone volumes and other parameters were determined using SkyScan analysis software programs CTan/Ctvol (Micro Photonics) that incorporate direct distance transformation methods to calculate mineralized matrix volume.19 Briefly, following axial reconstruction of radial CT images, a volume of interest (VOI) was defined that included the entire implant but none of any sounding tissue, the gray-value slice images were converted to binary images by the software, including a local threshold procedure to allow construction of a 3D model for visualization and calculation of bone surface and bone volume in the entire tissue sample. Histology The fixed specimens were subsequently processed by conventional histological methods and stained with (a) hemotoxylin and eosin and (b) von Kossa stain for calcium (Histoserv, Inc., Germantown, MD) using nuclear fast red as a counterstain. For quantification of von Kossa staining, slides from implants were digitally photographed at 40 and the von Kossa positive area measured with Image-Pro Plus by setting a color threshold representing von Kossa staining and counting all pixels per field. RESULTS General Animal Health No untoward animal deaths were observed in the experimental animal. None of the animals evidenced obvious morbidity. All animals gained weight during the study period, and no sustained daily weight losses were observed. No animal exhibited infection or inflammation at the injection site. At 2 weeks after injection, the implants of animals receiving carrier only had regressed and were generally not palpable indicating that the carrier had been largely adsorbed. In animals that received carrier plus DBM, the implants at 2 weeks were poorly palpable. On the other hand, animals that received DBM plus F2A4-K-NS were all clearly palpable at 2 weeks in the groups that received 20 ng/implant or 100 ng/implant. By 4 weeks, all implant sites containing DBM or DBM plus F2A4-K-NS were palpable. DOI 10.1002/jor DBM AUGMENTATION WITH A GROWTH FACTOR MIMETIC 2053 On necropsy, gross examination revealed the following to be within normal limits: coat condition, body orifices, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract (data not shown). Ratios of organ to total body weight did not evidence changes for the lung/heart block, liver, kidneys, and spleen. Examination of the implant sites did not reveal edema, necrosis, tissue swelling, or pathological effects on the underlying muscle or skin. Implant tissue from animals receiving DBM plus F2A4-K-NS had weights that tended to be higher than those receiving DBM only (data not shown). Soft X-ray and Micro-CT Analysis When examined with soft X-rays, tissue from animals that received carrier only (without DBM) had minimal radio-opacity (Fig. 1), which was thought to arise from residual calcium sulfate used in the carrier. Inclusion of DBM in the carrier resulted in an increased radio-opacity with discrete foci of densities and imparting a granular appearance to the images. Tissues containing DBM plus F2A4-K-NS (Fig. 1) had increased radio-opacity when compared to tissues with carrier alone or with DBM without peptide. Increased mineralization was evident in all groups containing DBM plus F2A4-K-NS (Fig. 2), with the 20-ng and 100-ng F2A4-K-NS group reaching statistical significance (p ¼ 0.014 and 0.010, respectively, by ANOVA and post hoc evaluation using StudentNewman-Keuls Method). Micro-CT confirmed that the use of DBM plus F2A4-K-NS resulted in higher density and a larger physical size (Fig. 3A) when compared to either carrier only or DBM without peptide. Crosssectional X-ray images (Fig. 3B) revealed that the radio-opaque granular densities were hollow or Figure 2. Densitometry measurements from digitized X-ray images of DBM with and without F2A4-K-NS. The DBM-containing tissue samples were collected 4 weeks after implanted and X-rayed using a mammography machine. Data is presented as the average pixels above threshold X 105 per region-of-interest (ROI SD). The significance of the difference was evaluated using ANOVA followed by pairwise multiple comparison procedures (Student-Newman-Keuls Method). porous, and reminiscent of trabecular-like structures found in normal bone. In contrast, the samples of the carrier alone showed a minimal degree of mineralization that was compact, dense, and disorganized. Furthermore, the reconstructed 3D model indicated that there were increased bone volumes in all groups containing DBM plus F2A4K-NS (Fig. 4), with the 20- and 100-ng F2A4-K-NS group reaching statistical significance (p ¼ 0.017 and 0.032, respectively, by ANOVA followed by the Holm-Slidak test). Figure 1. X-ray images of DBM-containing tissues. The DBM-containing tissue samples were collected 4 weeks after implanted and X-rayed using a mammography machine. The images represent those tissues closest to the respective averages as illustrated in Figure 2. DOI 10.1002/jor JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH NOVEMBER 2006 2054 LIN ET AL. Figure 3. Micro-CT images of tissues containing carrier, DBM, and DBM plus F2A4K-NS. (A) Illustrates 3D models for each tissue in two different rotational views as viewed from the top (upper set) and side (lower set). (B) Illustrates cross-sectional images at the approximate position where a cross- sectional image is depicted in (A). Note in the DBM and DBM plus F2A4-K-NS cross-sectional views that the radio-opaque areas appear hollow or porous. [Color scheme can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] Histology Staining of specimens with hemotoxylin and eosin revealed that injection of the carrier resulted in a mild inflammatory and fibrotic response with no apparent bone formation (Fig. 5). Inclusion of DBM in the carrier resulted in a morphology with DBM granules surrounded by fibrotic connective tissue. In the DBM plus F2A4-K-NS samples, an increased number of blood vessels was seen in the space between the DBM granules when compared with the samples of DBM alone implants. In addition, abundant newly synthesized eosinophylic matrix was seen between the DBM particles (Fig. 5B). Staining of carrier-only specimens with von Kossa’s stain revealed few calcium deposits in the samples (Fig. 5C). Inclusion of DBM in the carrier resulted in an increased amount of von Kossa Figure 4. Bone volume measurements from Micro-CT images of DBM with and without F2A4-K-NS. The DBMcontaining tissue samples were collected 4 weeks after implanted and proceeded with micro-CT analysis as described in the Methods section. Data is presented as mean SE. The significance of the difference was evaluated using ANOVA followed by Holm-Sidak test. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH NOVEMBER 2006 DOI 10.1002/jor DBM AUGMENTATION WITH A GROWTH FACTOR MIMETIC 2055 Figure 5. Histological staining of implants. (A) Illustrates tissue with carrier, DBM, or DBM plus 100 ng F2A4-K-NS stained with hematoxylin and eosin. A microphotograph of DBM plus F2A4-K-NS in higher magnification (200 original magnifications) is presented in (B), showing remnant of DBM (D); blood vessels (V), and presumptive bone tissue (B). (C) Stained with von Kossa stain for calcium. [Color scheme can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] staining primary associated with the DBM granules. When the carrier contained DBM plus F2A4K-NS, the DBM granules were strongly positive for von Kossa staining and the amount of staining was DOI 10.1002/jor more uniformly distributed throughout the specimens. When the von Kossa-stained sections were analyzed for the relative amount of staining, a statistically significant increase in staining was JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH NOVEMBER 2006 2056 LIN ET AL. Figure 6. Extent of calcification as determined by von Kossa staining in implants containing DBM plus F2A4K-NS. Slides from implants were digitally photographed at 40 and the von Kossa positive area measured digitally. Data is presented as the average SE. The asterisk indicates statistical significance compared to DBM determined by ANOVA with post hoc analysis using all pairwise multiple comparison procedures (Student-Newman-Keuls Method). found for tissues that contained DBM plus F2A4-KNS (Fig. 6) and at all concentrations of F2A4-K-NS used. DISCUSSION In the present study, the synthetic peptide F2A4K-NS augmented ectopic mineralization following subcutaneous implant of human demineralized bone matrix (DBM) in athymic rats. The augmentation effect of F2A4-K-NS was observed in using several different approaches, primarily radiomorphometirc and light microscopy analysis, and in a secondary, supporting role microCT. Radiomorphometric quantification has been well correlated with tissue mineralization as determined by microscopy,20,21 and we used those approaches as the primary lines of evidence. MicroCT is a relatively new analytical technique, and was used in the present study to provide supporting evidence. Micro-CT may, however, have a higher error rate when compared to histomorphometry,22 for example, and that error could rise from a range of sources including vagaries associated with selection of region of interest, threshold, slice width, and resolution. Nonetheless, the results from all three types of analysis support the contention that F2A4-K-NS augmented DBM activity. In this study the extent of bone formation in the subcutaneous implant site was low as determined JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH NOVEMBER 2006 by histology. This is thought to be in general agreement with observations from other investigators using subcutanoues implants as compared to intramuscular implant20 or implant in bone defects.23 The poorer response of DBM implanted subcutaneously most likely arises from a lower number of stem cells and poorer vascular supply, although other explanations are possible. Additional studies are being planned to investigate F2A4-K-NS generates a more robust bone response in bone defect model. F2A4-K-NS is a mimetic of FGF-218 and shares many of the effects recombinant FGF-2 including induction of angiogenesis. Rabie and Lu24 reported that FGF-2 augmented DBM bioactivity through enhancing vascularization in the implant site. In this study, an increased number of new blood vessels was found in the F2A4-K-NS-treated samples, and thus, the increase in mineralization might result from increased vascularization. FGF2 has been reported to augment DBM25–28 and to directly effect fracture healing.29–32 F2A4-K-NS, like FGF-2, has cellular effects that could directly impact the effectiveness of DBM including accelerated cell migration and proliferation. Also, F2A4K-NS could augment DBM cooperatively with growth factors like BMP-2, which are found in trace amounts in DBM. In that regard, FGF-2 has been reported to augment the osteoinductivity of BMP-2 in ectopic bone formation.33,34 Kubota and colleagues35 reported that FGF-4 augmented BMP2 in a similar model. Alternatively, it is possible that F2A4-K-NS could alter the expression of BMP receptors on the surface of bone forming progenitor cells,34 thereby making the cells more receptive to DBM-derived BMPs. As a growth factor mimetic, F2A4-K-NS is fundamentally different from other bioactive peptides currently used in orthopedic research, and is also different from recombinant growth factors. As a FGF mimetic, it is distinct from the BMP binding peptide (BBP),36 the peptide P-15,37 and the thrombin peptide TP508.38,39 BBP is a peptide that binds rhBMP-2 and was designed as a cyclic peptide based on a 19 amino acid region that is similar to the TGF-beta/BMP-binding region of fetuin, a member of the cystatin family of protease inhibitors. P-15 is a peptide identical to the sequence contained in the residues 766 to 780 of the alpha-chain of type I collagen and has been used in periodontal and maxillofacial repair.40,41 TP508 corresponds to amino acids 508 through 530 of human prothrombin, binds to the thrombin receptor, and may stimulate tissue repair by activation of inflammatory responses.42 DOI 10.1002/jor DBM AUGMENTATION WITH A GROWTH FACTOR MIMETIC In studies by other investigators,43,44 DBM induced calcification in the cartilaginous matrix, osteoid, and within the implanted matrix. In the current study, the mineralization was largely associated with the matrix material as indicated by von Kossa staining. Nonetheless, DBM containing specimens did undergo mineralization as indicated by X-ray and histological studies, and addition of F2A4-K-NS to DBM further increased the amount of mineralization. One interpretation of the results is that the increase in mineralization was related to antiinflammatory effects of the DBM and F2A4-K-NSDBM. The carrier alone did induce a fibrotic tissue response with mild to moderate inflammation. DBM specimens had lower levels of fibrosis/inflammation, and specimens with F2A4-K-NS plus DBM had even less. Although an anti-inflammatory response is possible, it seems more likely that DBM and especially F2A2-K-NS plus DBM had a more direct effect on mesenchymal cells that were responsible for increased mineralizations. Regardless of the exact mechanism, F2A4-K-NS was clearly found to have an effect on increasing mineralization. Of particular note was that the dose of F2A4-K-NS needed to augment DBM was in the nanogram range. These low doses are in agreement with studies on the augmentation of DBM with FGF-2,25,26,28 and the augmentation of BMP-2 by FGF-2.34 Should such low doses of F2A4K-NS continue to prove efficacious, that could minimize the risk of systemic effects of the peptide resulting from a local application without compromising the effectiveness of the peptide. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. Terry Button (State University of New York, Stony Brook) is gratefully acknowledged for assistance with obtaining the soft X-ray images. Similarly, Dr. F.A. Dilmanian (Brookhaven National Laboratory) is gratefully acknowledged for assistance with the micro-CT studies. This research was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy (KP-1401020/MO-079) and BioSET (CRADA BNL-C03-01) to L.A.P. Drs. Peña and Lin served as consultants for BioSET, Inc. Dr. Zamora owns stock and has other equity in BioSET, Inc. Drs. Peña and Lin and Ms. Campion maintain stock options. REFERENCES 1. Ladd AL, Pliam NB. 1999. 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DOI 10.1002/jor