ISSN 10628738, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 2011, Vol. 75, No. 10, pp. 1388–1393. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2011. Original Russian Text © R. Levitskii, I. Zachek, L. Korotkov, A. Vdovych, S. Sorokov, 2011, published in Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Fizicheskaya, 2011, Vol. 75, No. 10, pp. 1473–1478. Features of the Behavior of Longitudinal Static and Dynamic Dielectric, Piezoelectric, and Elastic Characteristics of KH2PO4 and NH4H2PO4 Crystals R. Levitskiia, I. Zachekb, L. Korotkovc, A. Vdovycha, and S. Sorokova aInstitute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 79011 Ukraine b Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, 79013 Ukraine cVoronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, 394026 Russia email:, Abstract—Along with their electromechanical coupling coefficients, the longitudinal dielectric, piezoelec tric and elastic characteristics in ferroelectric KH2PO4 and antiferroelectric NH4H2PO4 crystals are calcu lated using a modified proton ordering model that considers piezoelectric coupling and the fourparticle clus ter approximation. The possibility of detecting piezoactivity in solid solutions of K1 – x(NH4)xH2PO4 is sub stantiated. DOI: 10.3103/S1062873811100212 INTRODUCTION Ferroelectric crystals of the KH2PO4 family exhibit piezoelectric behavior that affects their physical behavior. This problem, however, has not been prop erly studied in the past. Descriptions of the dielectric features of the ferroelectric KH2PO4 family com pounds using a common proton model is generally limited to examining their static behavior and high frequency relaxation [1–3]. Studies of piezoelectric resonance on a model without piezoelectric coupling are meaningless. It should be noted that the only way to correct measurements of the highfrequency dielectric behavior of the KH2PO4 family compounds is to consider piezoelectric coupling. In contrast, the classical proton model is unable to describe the effects of unequal unclamped and clamped crystals, or the phenomenon of a crystal clamped in a highfrequency field. A modified proton ordering model considering piezoelectric coupling and fourparticle cluster approximation was used to obtain static and dynamic dielectric, piezoelectric and elastic behavior of the KH2PO4 family crystals in [4–8]. A detailed numerical analysis was made of the results, and the optimum sets of microparameters were found in order to describe well quantities of the experimental data. In addition, a cluster theory of the thermody namic and dynamic behavior of compounds of the Rb1 – x(NH4)xH2PO4 type was developed in [9–13]. If the parameters are selected properly, the theory describes experimental data in terms of quantity fairly well. Possible piezoelectric coupling in the crystal is ignored in the proposed theory, however, though the authors acknowledge its existence [14]. The results obtained in [9–13] for ferroelectric (FE) KH2PO4 (KDP) and antiferroelectric (AFE) NH4H2PO4 (ADP) are reviewed briefly in this work. The electromechani cal coupling factors of the crystals are estimated numerically. The possibility of detecting piezoelectric coupling in compounds of K1 – x(NH4)xH2PO4 type is discussed. DIELECTRIC, PIEZOELECTRIC, AND ELASTIC CHARACTERISTICS Dynamic behavior of the FE KDP and AFE ADP in the presence of piezoelectric coupling and deforma tion ε 6 are studied using a dynamic model of ferro electric orthophosphate using fourparticle cluster approximation, which is based on the stochastic Glauber model. The dynamic deformation process in the crystals is modeled with classical motion equations [7, 8]. On the basis of these techniques, we can write the longitudinal dynamic susceptibility of mechani cally unclamped KDP and ADP crystals: σ ε χ33 (ω) = χ33 (ω) + 2 e36 (ω) , E R6 ( ω) c66 ( ω) 1 (1) where 1 = 2 tg k6l , k = ω ρ , 6 E R6 ( ω) k6l 2 c66 ( ω) (2) and ω is a frequency of external field, ρ is a density of the crystal, and l is the length of a thin square crystal plate (l = 1 mm) made in the plane (001). 1388 FEATURES OF THE BEHAVIOR OF … CHARACTERISTICS … CRYSTALS The longitudinal dynamic susceptibility of the ε mechanically clamped crystal χ33 (ω) in (1), and the E e36(ω) and c66(ω) for KDP, are determined as follows: ε ε0 χ 33 + ( ω) = χ 33 βμ 32 (1) F ( ω) , β = 1 , k BT 2υ (3) βμ3 Ls ( ω) , υ (4) 0 e36 ( ω) = e36 + 4βψ 6 2β fs + −δ s6 M s6 2( υ Ds υ Ds 4βψ 6 2 Ls ( ω) + δ16 M 16 + δ a6 M a6 ) + υ 4ϕ f 2β ⎡ 2 − s s β Ls ( ω) − δ s6 ch ( 2z 6 + βδ s6ε 6 ) υ Ds υ Ds ⎣ E0 (5) + 4bδ16 ch ( z 6 − βδ16ε 6 ) + δ a6 2a ch βδ a6ε 6 ⎤⎦ , 2 2 E Along with the e36(ω) and c66 (ω) values for an ADP crystal, the longitudinal dynamic susceptibility of a ε mechanically clamped crystal χ33 (ω) is βμ 3 (1) F ( ω) , υ βμ 0 e36 ( ω) = e36 + 3 La ( ω) , υ ε 2 where kB is the Boltzmann constant; μ3 is the effective dipole moment of a hydrogen bond; υ is the volume of a primitive crystal cell consisting of two PO4 tetrahe drons; ε6 is a spontaneous deformation; ψ6, δs6, δ16, ε0 0 E0 and δa6 are deformation potentials; and χ33 are , e36 , c66 the initial values of dielectric susceptibility, the piezo electric coefficient, and the elastic constant, respec tively: ( ω) − δ a6Fa(1) ( ω) , while the expressions for F (1) ( ω) , Fs(1) ( ω) , Fa(1) ( ω) , F1(1) ( ω) , are listed in [15]: f s = δ s6 cosh ( 2z 6 + βδ s6ε6 ) − 2bδ16 cosh ( z 6 − βδ16ε 6 ) + ηs ( −δ s6M s6 + δa6M a6 + δ16M16 ) ; M a6 = 2asinhβδa6ε6, M s6 = sinh ( 2z 6 + βδ s6ε 6 ) , M16 = 4bsinh ( z 6 − βδ16ε 6 ) , ϕs = (6) (7) 4βψ 6 4ϕ f 4βψ 6 La ( ω) − a a β La ( ω) + fa υDa υDa υDa (8) 2β ⎡ 2 2 2 ⎤ − δ s6a' + δ16 4b' + δ a6 (1 + cosh 2x )⎦ , υDa ⎣ where La ( ω) = −2ψ 6F (1) ( ω) + δ s6 Fs(1) ( ω) − δ a6Fa(1) ( ω) + δ16F1(1) ( ω) , the expressions for F (1) ( ω), Fs(1) ( ω), Fa(1) ( ω), F1(1) ( ω) are listed in [16]. f a = δ s6a' − δ16 2b' cosh x, ϕa = 1 + βν , c 1 − η2s ηs = 1 ( sinh ( 2z 6 + βδ s6ε 6 ) + 2bsinh ( z 6 − βδ16ε 6 )) , Ds Ds = cosh ( 2z 6 + βδ s6ε 6 ) + 4bcosh ( z 6 − βδ16ε 6 ) + 2acoshβδ a6ε 6 + d, 1 + ηs z 6 = 1 ln + βν cηs − βψ 6ε 6, 2 1 − ηs a = e −βε, b = e −βw, d = e −βw1, where ε, w, w1 are the energy parameters of the Slater– Takagi model. 1 + βν (0); c 1 − η2a ηa = 1 ( sinh2x + 2b'sinhx ) , Da Da = a' + cosh 2x + d ' + 4b' cosh x + 1, 1 + ηa + βν a k z ηa. x = 1 ln 2 1 − ηa ( ) Ls ( ω) = −ψ 6 F (1) ( ω) + δ s6 Fs(1) ( ω) +δ16F1(1) 2 ε0 χ 33 ( ω) = χ 33 + E c66 (ω) = c66E 0 + c66 ( ω) = c66 + E 1389 a' = e −βε' , b' = e −β w' , d' = e −β w1' , where ε', w', w1' are the antiferroelectric energy values of the Slater–Takagi model. At the static limit (ω → 0 ), Eqs. (3)–(8) yield expressions for the isothermal static dielectric suscep tibility of clamped crystals: μ2 2κ s ε ε0 KDP: χ 33 = χ 33 + υ 32 1 , υ= υ, kB υ T D s − 2κ s ϕ s (9) μ2 2κ a ε ε0 ADP: χ 33 = χ 33 + υ 32 1 , υ T Da − 2κ a ϕ a (10) where κ s = ch ( 2z6 + βδ s6ε6 ) + b ch ( z6 − βδ16ε6 ) − ηs Ds, κa = a' + b' ch x. Isothermal piezoelectric coefficients are found in a similar manner: In the case of KDP: 2μ β ( − 2κ s ψ 6 + f s ) 0 (11) + 3 , e36 = e36 υ Ds − 2ϕ s κ s in the case of ADP: μ β ( − 2κ a ψ 6 + f a ) 0 (12) +2 3 e36 = e36 , υ Da − 2ϕa κ a BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. PHYSICS 2 Vol. 75 No. 10 2011 1390 LEVITSKII et al. Table 1. Collections of optimum model parameters for KDP crystal Tc ε/kB w/kB νc/kB μ3–, 10–18 μ3+, 10–18 (K) (K) (K) (K) (CGSEq ⋅ cm) (CGSEq ⋅ cm) 122.5 56.00 422.0 17.91 1.46 1.71 0.73 ψ6/kB δs6/kB δa6/kB δ16/kB 0 c66 ⋅ 10 −10 0 e36 (K) (K) (K) (K) (d/cm2) (CGSEq/cm) –150.00 82.00 –500.00 –400.00 7.10 1000.00 and the KDP and ADP crystals’ isothermal elastic ele ments in a constant field are c66 = c66 + E E0 ( 8ψ 6 β −ψ 6 κ s + f s υ Ds − 2ϕ s κ s ) 4βϕ s f s 2β ⎡ 2 − δ s6cosh ( 2z 6 + βδ s6ε 6 ) (13) Ds ⎣ υ υ Ds (Ds − 2ϕ s κ s ) 2 − 0 χ33 2 4bcosh ( z 6 − βδ16ε 6 )⎤⎦ + δ 2a6 2acoshβδ a6ε 6 + δ16 2β 2 −δ s6 M s6 + δ a6 M a6 + δ16 M 16 ) , 2( υ Ds + E E0 c66 = c66 + − 8ψ 6 β ( −ψ 6 κ a + f a ) 4βϕa f a2 − υ Da − 2ϕa κ a υDa Da − 2ϕa κ a ( 2β 2 δ16 4b'chx + δ 2s6a' + δ 2a6 2ch 2 x . υDa ( ) (14) ) Assuming that σ = const for KDP and ADP crys tals, the isothermal elastic constant for fixed polariza P E 2 ε tion c66 = c66 + e36 χ33 ;, the isothermal piezoelectric E strain coefficient d36 = e36 c66 , and isothermal dielec ε σ tric susceptibility χ 33 = χ33 + e36d36 can be found on the basis of the wellknown relations between elastic, dielectric and piezoelectric values [5, 6]. Table 2. Collections of optimum model parameters for ADP crystal 0ε TN ε'/kB w'/kB νc(0)/kB μ3+, 10–18 (K) (K) (K) (K) (CGSEq ⋅ cm) 148 20 490.0 –10.00 2.10 ψ6/kB, δs6/kB, δa6/kB, δ16/kB, (K) (K) (K) (K) –160 1400 100 –300 0 c66,10 −10 χ33 0.23 0 e36 (d/cm2) (CGSEq/cm) 7.9 10000 COMPARING THE NUMERICAL RESULTS AND EXPERIMENTAL DATA Note that the theoretical results presented above are, strictly speaking, valid for deuterated crystals of DKDP and DADP. Considering the suppression of tunneling by shortterm correlations [17], we shall assume that these results are correct for both KDP and ADP. To calculate the physical characteristics of KDP and ADP crystals, our theory proposes that the physi cal characteristics of KDP and ADP crystals be calcu lated on the basis of the predefined parameters (Tables 1 and 2) found in [15, 16]. The volume of a primitive KDP crystal cell is taken to be υ = 0.1936 × 10–21 cm3, and υ = 0.2110 × 10–21 cm3 for ADP. Accordingly, the density of KDP and ADP crys tals ρ = 2.31 g/cm3 and ρ = 1.804 g/cm3 [18]. The temperature dependence of calculated iso thermal static dielectric permeability of unclamped σ ε and clamped ε 33 crystals of KDP and ADP are pre ε 33 sented in Fig. 1 together with experimental data. In the σ paraelectric phase, the value of ε 33 grows hyperboli cally in the vicinity of Tc and reaches very high values σ (Т) at T = Tc. Below Tc, when the temperature falls, ε 33 decays quickly. The CurieWeiss law is thus valid in the temperature interval ΔT = T – Tc ≈ 50 K above the σ for ADP is approximately value Tc. Permeability ε 33 ε 18% higher than ε 33 . This difference is insensitive to temperature. The calculated temperature dependence of piezo electric strain coefficient d36 for KDP and ADP crys E tals is presented in Fig. 2. Elastic constant c66 of the KDP crystal converges to zero when Т → Тс, while the P (Т) does not reveal any anomalies in the function c66 vicinity of the phase transition. Unlike KDP, elastic E constant c66 for ADP reaches finite values at T = TN and is insensitive to temperature. As we can see in Figs. 1–3, the proposed theory adequately describes experimental data for static dielectric, piezoelectric, and elastic KDP and ADP BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. PHYSICS Vol. 75 No. 10 2011 FEATURES OF THE BEHAVIOR OF … CHARACTERISTICS … CRYSTALS 104 ε33 1391 d36, CGSE q d–1 10–3 10–4 103 1' 10–5 1 102 2 10–6 2' 1 2 1 10 100 140 180 10–7 220 T, K 100 Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of dielectric permeability ε ε33 ε ε33 of clamped (1) and unclamped (1') KDP crystals, of clamped (2) and unclamped (2') ADP crystals. Curves correspond to the theoretical results; symbols mark exper imental data adopted from referenced sources [18, 25]. E c66 , 1010 d cm–2 8 1' 2' 6 2 ε'33 103 ε''33 600 4 100 400 2 0 100 300 T, K Fig. 2. Temperature dependence of piezoelectric strain coefficient d36 of KDP (1) and ADP (2) crystals. Curves correspond to theoretical results; symbols mark experi mental data: 䊊, 䊐 [18], 䉮 [19], 䉯 [20]. 800 1 200 200 0 140 180 220 T, K 10–3 106 108 1010 1012 ν, Hz 106 108 1010 1012 ν, Hz E Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of elastic constants c66 P and c66 of KDP (1, 1', respectively) and ADP (2, 2') crys tals. Curves correspond to theoretical results, symbols mark experimental data: 䊊 [18], 䊐 [21], 䉭 [22], 䉫 [18]. crystals. Note that studies of the temperature depen 2 E σ ε = 4π e36d 36 = 4πd36 dency of the difference ε 33 − ε 33 c66 for KDP and ADP crystals is important in estimating the values of piezoelectric coefficients and elastic con stants of ferroelectric compounds. Let us now examine the results from calculations of the longitudinal dynamic characteristics of mechani cally unclamped crystals of KDP and ADP. Diagonal deformations εi are ignored for the sake of simplicity. The frequency dependences of the real and imaginary parts of the longitudinal dielectric permeability of mechanically unclamped KDP crystals at ΔT = 5 K Fig. 4. Frequency dependence of real and imaginary parts of dielectric permeability of unclamped and clamped KDP crystals at ΔT = 5 K: 䊊 [23], 䊐 [24]. Curves represent the oretical results. and ADP crystals at ΔT = 28 K are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Resonancetype scattering is observed in the range of 3 ⋅ 105–3 ⋅ 108 Hz. The resonance frequencies are inversely proportional to the sample size. Temperature dependency of electromechanical σ ε σ coupling coefficients k32 = ε 33 of KDP and − ε 33 ε 33 ( ) ADP crystals are displayed in Fig. 6. The value k32 for KDP reaches its maximum at transit point and decays dramatically when pulled away from Tc point, espe cially in ferroelectric phase. The ADP’s coefficient k32 reaches maximum of approximately 0.35, when T = BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. PHYSICS Vol. 75 No. 10 2011 1392 LEVITSKII et al. ε'33 cluster density in these compounds would also be of interest. ε''33 40 101 (a) 100 10–1 10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 10–6 20 0 4 10 108 1012 ν, Hz 104 (b) 108 1012 ν, Hz Fig. 5. Frequency dependence of real and imaginary parts of dielectric permeability of unclamped and clamped (dashed line) ADP crystals at ΔT = 28 K: 䊐 [26]. Curves represent theoretical results. k23 1.0 0.8 KDP 0.6 REFERENCES 0.4 ADP 0.2 0 100 CONCLUSIONS The expressions of permeability of unclamped and clamped crystals, the piezoelectric strain coefficient, the elastic constant, and the dynamic behavior of KDP and ADP crystals were revealed by considering piezoelectric coupling. Calculating the temperature dependency of these characteristics demonstrated the σ ε considerable difference between ε 33 and ε 33 measured experimentally for KDP crystals, along with minor differences for ADP. The optimum sets of parameters and initial characteristics of the crystals under study were found, and were helpful in describing the avail able experimental data. The phenomena of clumping and piezoelectric resonance in the studied crystals have been described for the first time. Similar research for compounds of type K1 – x(NH4)xH2PO4 will pro duce important data whether or not they contain piezoelectric coupling. 140 180 220 T, K Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of the electromechanical coupling coefficient of KDP and ADP crystals. TN, and descends slowly with temperature growth. Meanwhile, the ADP’s value of k32 in paraelectric phase is substantially higher than that of KDP. The results of this section indicate that piezoelec tric coupling in crystals of the KH2PO4 family leads to the difference between the dielectric permeability of mechanically unclamped and clamped crystals, and determines their piezoelectric modules and piezoelec tric resonance. Unfortunately, similar theoretical and experimental studies have not been undertaken on irregular compounds such as K1 – x(NH4)xH2PO4. An exception was described in [14]. In order to prove there is piezoelectric coupling in a compound, it is crucial to examine ε '33 ( ν,T ) and ε ''33 ( ν,T ) over wide temperature and frequency ranges, and to estimate the electromechanical coupling coefficient and difference in permeability for unclamped and clamped crystals. The latter indicates the presence of nonzero piezo electric modules in a compound. A detailed study of the listed characteristics as a function of NH4 ionic 1. 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