All Brevard County Elementary Beginning Orchestra Music Bass Parts Norwegian Folk Song We will play this song three times: arco (bowed), pizzicato, and arco again. r'l 2:1 5 2: r Ir ~r r r r'l r r Ir fI I F Ir Ir r IF r IF r IF IF Ir r r Ir IF Ir r I Czech Folk Song We will play this song two times with the bow. v Scotland's Burning We will play this song two separate times: once in unison and then as a round. Your teacher will give you directions for this. I IT r Ir r r r If r IF r 5 Ir r F Fir r F F I Double Bass Bile Them Cabbage Down Traditionallarr. Linda J. Waid Moderato 9 SJaptheBassl e 2:~i e 3 e ri e F liE , e rest after the first note e e e e r I IF'r ' I J I - e e e IF' F,lr * r* I 15 21 ~ 25 [9 e ® ® 31 ® 36 2:1# J 41 X X - * ® IJ i J , Ir * r * IJ * J , I) * ® ® ~ 2:~# ) ® ® ® T ) J J Ir r J I IJ J J J I J J r Convri!i!ht © 2009 ® , I - ® l II Bile Them Cabbage Down Bass Practice Guide Bile Them Cabbage Down is an American folk song which will be played in a moderate tempo. This arrangement includes an introduction, an intermezzo and a coda at the end. In each of these sections, the notes of the introduction are repeated. 1. This song is in 4/4 time. This means there are four beats per measure and the quarter note gets one beat. The half notes get two beats. =one beat = two beats • Quarter note (J) • Half rest (.- ) 2. Notes Needed: Practice the "Notes Needed" section using the following important rhythm patterns. 9: J J E OlE W A B OIA 1/A r 0 010 - 1F I II G OIG 3. Rhythm Patterns: Rhythm #1: (rest over these notes) ® ® ~ ! I~ ! ! ! ~ ! III Rhythm #2: .J .J , II ® II ~ ~ Always keep .J ~ I~ II a steady beat when practicing! 4. The ® mark means "Slap the Bass strings". Be careful to only slap where the marks are indicated. 5. A double bar I separates the sections with rehearsal letters (letters in a box) indicating the sections. If your conductor says to start at a letter, start playing where the letter is indicated. Waid 20091 6. The accent mark (T) over the last note indicates a heavy accent followed by a slap. 7. Sempre pizzo Is Italian for "play pizzicato continuously" in this song. Questions: 1. Can you find the measures that begin each section after each double bar? 2. Which sections sound like the introduction and which are like the melody of the song? 3. How is the first melody section different than the first? How are they similar? Waid 2009 2