Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee

Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Page number
Executive summary
Course overview
Participants and contributors
Responses to the Challenge
Media coverage
Participant feedback
Appendix 1: Participants
Appendix 2: Programme contributors
33Fifty participants on graduation day.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Executive summary
This evaluation report provides an overview of 33Fifty: The Commonwealth Youth Leadership Programme,
delivered by Common Purpose in partnership with the Royal Commonwealth Society, which took place 17 –
20 July 2014 in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The report provides an outline of the programme, details of the participants, contributors and the
supporters, the outcomes and the feedback.
The programme aimed to bring together a diverse group of young leaders from across the Commonwealth,
to enable them to:
 Develop leadership skills to help in studies, careers and civic life
 Inspire and develop an ability to make a difference to communities, the Commonwealth and beyond
 Develop Cultural Intelligence - the ability to cross divides and thrive in multiple cultures
 Gain a new perspective, using street smart know-how to bring fresh solutions to complex problems
 Build personal and professional networks – with the breadth of relationships needed for success
Over the four days these aims were met as shown by the post-programme evaluation, which showed that:
 90% had increased confidence in their leadership skills.
 88% had developed their ability to tackle global challenges
 93% had increased their Cultural Intelligence
 93% had gained a new broadened perspective.
 95% had made contacts and grown their global networks
The participants both developed as leaders through the process and came up with innovative and
applicable projects in response to the challenge.
The programme scored an average of 90% for being excellent value for time (This is our Key Performance
Indicator established by assessments taken at the end of each day, for which our target is 85% scoring 5
and 6 on a scale of 1 (low) to 6 (high)).
95% said they would recommend the programme to their peers.
From left: CEO Common Purpose Asia Pacific, HRH The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay, and 33Fifty participant at
Dumfries House Estate.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Course overview
33Fifty was a four-day leadership development programme, part of the Legacy 2014 National Programmes
running parallel to the Commonwealth Games. The programme aimed to bring together 100 18-25 year
olds from across the Commonwealth, selected from over 900 applicants.
Working in groups, they tackled the challenge:
“What role does the youth of the Commonwealth need to play in progress toward low-carbon
This was explored through in-depth conversations with visionary leaders and behind-the-scenes visits to
ten organisations on the cutting edge of the challenge in both Glasgow and Edinburgh. The participants
then developed their own responses to the challenge and presented them to experts, investors and
stakeholder who could support them to make their ideas happen.
Special thanks must go to a number of organisations who supported 33Fifty:
The Scottish Government and Legacy 2014 team who provided
half of the overall funding
Headline Corporate Partners The Wheatley Group
Weir Group PLC
University of Edinburgh
De La
University of Glasgow
And to our Advisory Group, who played an important role in setting the Challenge and ensuring that the
programme achieved its aim of bringing together a diverse group of young leaders from across the
Commonwealth. We will continue to look to the Advisory Group to support the transition from one 33Fifty
host to the next.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
33Fifty is a Global Leader Experience (GLE), a leadership development programme delivered by Common
Purpose, an international leadership development organisation. A GLE brings together a range of
nationalities in a Magnet City (cities where students from over 100 nationalities study) and have been
delivered in Boston, Oxford, London, Johannesburg, Port-of-Spain, Mumbai, Singapore, Dubai, Hong Kong
and Shanghai.
The programme themes and objectives for each of the four days are set out below.
Themes and objectives
Day 1: This is the Commonwealth
Create an overall vision for the programme which sets the
background for the investigation of the challenge
Explore how the Commonwealth binds us and the role of young
people in the Commonwealth today
Build a larger collective group and build smaller working groups
Identify what skills individuals bring to the programme and their
Day 2: The world through someone else’s eyes
Gather data and develop a deeper understanding of the
challenge in the context of Glasgow
Learn how inspirational leaders make things happen
Develop a hypothesis on the challenge
Day 3: Beneath the surface
Deepen understanding of the challenge in the context of
Begin preparing their presentations for the next day
Receive feedback on their ideas
“In less than 90 hours,
33Fifty has changed my
life. Thank you.”
“Best experience of my
life. Could not have been
“Wow! What a journey
this has been for me. I
can’t believe how
intense these past few
days have been. Thank
you for this opportunity.
I am incredibly grateful. I
have even more
inspiration to do more in
Day 4: Responses to the challenge
Consolidate learning
Prepare presentations
Feedback to each other and from high level individuals
Pass the torch to young leaders across the Commonwealth
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Participants and contributors
We had 908 applications in total for the programme, the chart below shows the spread of applications
received from across the Commonwealth:
To note:
- 51 of the Australian applications were from the University of
Wollongong, Australia, who provided three travel bursaries
for their students.
- “Other” includes applicants who had dual nationality.
- Within Great Britain, applications were recorded as British,
or Scottish, due to our original selection criteria
- No applications were received from people identifyed as
being from Anguilla, Belize, Bermuda, the Cook Islands, the
Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, the Isle of Man,
Jersey, Niue, Malta, Mozambique, Norfolk Island, Samoa, the
Solomon Islands, St. Helena or Wales.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
From this group, 45 applicants were provisionally offered places in the first round of selection, as agreed by
our Advisory Group. A further 303 applicants were then shortlisted, and the Advisory Group selected a
further 95 people to be offered places, with the remainder put onto a waiting list.
During the programme we had 92 participants join us, from 30 different nations and territories:
The Bahamas
British Virgin Islands
Brunei Darussalam
The Cayman Islands
St Kitts and Nevis
New Zealand
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
For a complete list of the participants, see
Appendix 1.
One of the groups receiving feedback from the
panel on their project.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
The Right Honourable The Baroness Scotland of
Asthal PC, QC, speaking at the reception on the final
Responses to the challenge
The participants’ projects in response to the Challenge demonstrated a determination to educate young
people and promote behavioural change as well as to involve them on a practical level in taking positive
steps towards low-carbon economies, to benefit the environment and young people personally. The ideas
were all conceived as projects that the participants could implement in Scotland, but which had the potential
to be scaled up and rolled out across the Commonwealth once proven successful.
The ideas generated, as described by the groups themselves were:
YouGrowth: An educational programme that will teach young people
(aged 16-25) how to create their own green enterprises which will
contribute to a low-carbon economy. The programme will tackle both
employability and climate change. Young people will gain practical skills
and get business experience by founding companies with the help of
mentoring from business leaders. The programme also aims to assist in
filling the youth unemployment gap that exists in Scotland today.
The profit the enterprises generate will go into a trust fund to help create
new programmes in developing nations. The programmes would run
over a year, with mandatory training sessions led by leaders in the
industry and energy sectors. In exchange for their time, corporate
contributors will be able to call on the young leaders to assess their
Corporate Social Responsibility, and help create environmentally friendly office spaces.
Carbon Tracker App: An app which measures your carbon
footprint and gives you incentives to reduce it. This can be used
individually or in a group form with family or friends. The app aims
to create low-carbon economies via friendly rivalry and cultural
change. Commercial partnerships would enable incentives to be
provided for continued participation and engagement in reducing
your carbon emissions.
The app will tell you what your carbon footprint is, help you reduce it
and reward you for making a difference and empower you to create
low-carbon economies from the palm of your hand.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
#G – Glasgow Green Games: The idea is to educate,
engage and empower the youth of Glasgow (aged 1118) to develop a passion for the environment. The
project is in three stages: “train”, “compete”, and
During training, mentors will run youth-on-youth
projects and workshops about the environment and
how young people can make a positive impact.
There will then be the opportunity to form groups to
compete in challenges – promoting the Games, going
out into the environment, or making posters, writing speeches and taking part in debates to encourage
other young people in Glasgow to start thinking about the environment and their impact.
After a term’s worth of hard work, there is then a celebration – a #G festival with entertainment and an
exhibition of all the term’s work. The festival gives all the groups a chance to meet up as one Glasgow
community and celebrate not only loving Glasgow but being green whilst doing it. This scheme would then
be expanded to the wider Commonwealth.
Youth network: Aiming to create a network of young
leaders across Scotland to drive forward the low-carbon
The two key aims are to educate and to influence
communities on moving toward a low-carbon economy.
Committees would be set up in each of the 32 local
authorities, from which representatives would feed into
a national panel who will work with the Scottish
Government and Youth Parliament. Committees will
work with local businesses, schools, colleges and
universities to drive forward key issues at a local level.
Rather than providing a blanket nationwide approach,
each local committee would work on the specific challenges of that community. There would be two pilot
schemes: in Argyll and Bute, a renewable energy focused community, and Aberdeen, which is heavily
invested in oil and natural gas. The committees would work in partnership with existing schemes like the
2050 youth panel and Young Scot, as well as providing national level toolkits and forums to share best
practice across the network.
Green mentoring: This project aims to bridge the disconnect with and
lack of respect for the environment and Earth’s resources. Through
activity based education in a school environment, young people would
be taught about green principles, through the Curriculum for Excellence,
by green mentors.
As well as educating school pupils, green mentoring will empower
University graduates to become mentors by providing training and
incentives. Schools would choose from the sustainability menu; for
example growing a vegetable patch or raising some chickens. Green
mentors would assist pupils in doing this and in doing so would teach
them about sustainability.
Schools could also connect with one another to share resources and
compare their projects. As the children involved grow up, they can teach
younger pupils how to take part in the activities. The idea requires little
seed-funding and so could be implemented in any part of the world.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Generation Green: There are not enough STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students going
on to jobs in the environmental sector, as they are instead
getting attracted to jobs in oil and gas. This project aims to
attract people to low-carbon industries through something that
everyone can relate to – waste.
This programme would see University students inspiring
school pupils, who haven’t yet decided their career paths, to
go into STEM subjects in the context of the environment.
To do this, the group would engage organisations they met
through 33Fifty, as well as Universities and schools, and tie
the project to Glasgow’s Green Year 2015.
University students would go into schools to demonstrate ways that waste can be reused, e.g. turning milk
bottles into light bulbs or smart phones into videogames. The University students would also be mentored
by the organisations involved, thus benefitting their own careers through building personal networks.
Success would look like greater numbers of STEM students going into renewable jobs, more pupils going
into STEM education, and a diversion of waste from landfill.
Barefoot Movement: This project simplifies the concept of
climate change into a local and personal context. It consists
of three aspects – engagement, education, and excitement.
Inspired by a participant who started to walk barefoot
around Glasgow, the project reflects that it takes different
kinds of steps, depending on your cultural context, to walk
barefoot, just as it takes different kinds of steps to act on
the environment. It aims to make people question why they
don’t treat the streets in the same way as their treat their
home, where they wouldn’t question being able to walk
A social media campaign would encourage people to do a sustainable/green activity whilst barefoot, and
then upload the picture to Instagram or Facebook with #BarefootMovement. Those who take part are
positive toward a low-carbon economy, but aren’t necessarily educated on how to be part of that future. The
next step is an interactive website and social media presence which provides information, best practice and
tools to be part of creating a low-carbon economy. This project uses the idea behind dating
websites to solve environmental issues, with the key aim
being to promote behavioural change.
Companies whose mission is not solely low-carbon related
but who want to be greener often have knowledge gaps in
how to do this. This website would allow organisations to list
themselves, say what they are looking to do, and be
matched with experts and organisations who can help them
to develop innovative solutions in partnership.
Large corporations would also be encouraged to post their
successes, which would lead smaller organisations and
individuals to do the same when they see green efforts being recognised. Discussion forums would engage
like-minded individuals and experts, and a “What’s On?” section would list activities which can help you to
lower your own carbon footprint. The website would be supported by a pool of volunteers wanting to work in
the field of low-carbon.
To spread to the wider Commonwealth, they would create ambassadors in each country to form networks
of interested organisations, and bring large multi-national corporations on board.
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Project Plan(e)t: This project aims to create a new generation of
ambassadors for the environment by changing attitudes and
behaviours of young people towards environmental issues. This would
be done by educating communities and equipping them with the tools
and skills needed to take part in changing their environment.
This project would bring 16-25 year olds from the further education
sector, community groups, and Jobcentres who are motivated by lowcarbon aims into high schools. Here they would teach younger
children about low-carbon use, and enable project based learning.
The younger generation have far more in common than ever before
when it comes to sustainability. Thus when those at high school are
engaged, they would go into primary schools and share their
knowledge and enthusiasm on a peer to peer basis. In an activity
based way they would find practical and proactive ways of affecting
the environment in their own community. Primary school children would also take their learning home and
tell their parents, enabling this to become an intergenerational learning programme.
Media coverage
33Fifty and our participants received a strong amount of coverage in the media, including numerous articles
and videos. A number of participants were interviewed on radio in their home countries, and 33Fifty also
enjoyed three sets of dedicated airtime:
BBC Radio Scotland’s John Beattie show with Shona Robison
MSP on 14 April 2014.
took part in a pre-33Fifty interview on BBC Commonwealth
Voices on 16 July 2014.
interview on BBC Commonwealth Voices on 21 July 2014.
33Fifty was well received on social, media, with some twitter and facebook statistics below:
Potential reach
Page likes
Highest post reach
Highest total reach on one day
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Average reach per day
Impressions (10 July 2014 – 7 August 2014)
Below is a selection of the media coverage received, with hyperlinks.
27 November 2013 – Scoop
14 August 2013 – The Herald
14 August 2013 – Glasgow Evening Times
28 November 2013 – The Scotsman
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
16 April 2014 – Inspire Aspire
28 November 2013 – Legacy 2014 (Youtube
16 April 2014 – Inspire Aspire
16 April 2014 – Rotorau Daily Post
29 November 2013 – Caribbean News Now!
22 January 2014 – LEAP Sports
20 April 2014 – Diaspora Youth Empowerment
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
19 June 2014 – Welsh Icons News
7 May 2014 – Vision Africa
11 July 2014 – SKNVibes
13 May 2014 – Gibraltar Chronicle
16 July 2014 – St George & Sutherland Shire
11 June 2014 – The Maitland Mercury
31 July 2014 – The Scottish Government
(Youtube video)
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
1 August 2018 – Queensland Government
31 July 2014 – The Scottish Government
1 August 2014 – Glasgow Evening Times
Participant Feedback
All of the participants were asked to complete daily assessments and a post-course evaluation, and some
were asked to feedback to camera during the programme. This section presents some of their comments
about their experience.
Quality Programme
Turks and Caicos
“Now I know why I came all the way here –
today was amazing!!!”
“Graduating from this course has been truly lifechanging”
Great Britain
“Amazing programme. Best experience of my life
so far.”
“Fantastic!! My mind has been blown! I am
energised #33Fifty #commonwealth #thankyou
scores; 10, 10 , 10. 100% =)”
“In less than 90 hours, 33Fifty has changed my
life. Thank you.”
Great Britain
“This has been an amazing experience! I can’t
even put in words how I feel! Without 33Fifty
providing me this opportunity I would have never
seen this side of the world. Thank you =)”
“This has been an exceptional experience. It has
been absolutely inspiring. Thank you!”
Great Britain
“Loved it I do not know what else to say (I’m
quite speechless at the moment!)”
Great Britain
“Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this
experience. My life has been changed forever”
Trinidad and Tobago
“Best experience of my life. Could not have been
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
“Thank goodness for this fantastic insight, it is
coming at a pivotal time in my life and is truly
inspiring me! Great course.”
Cultural Intelligence and networks
“Coming across people from such diverse and
different walks of life has been an eye opening
experience for me! People who have done so
much in their lives and are yet so humble and
grounded have been an inspiration for me. It led
me into the realisation that I could further work
on myself and grow by leaps and bounds. It
helped me reassess my confidence! Thank you
so much for making this happen :)”
“I have learnt the beauty of embracing and
learning from different cultural viewpoints people
bring on their own flavour and engage with fresh
South Africa
“I have heightened my CQ! Meeting such a
diverse group has been amazing. Hearing
opinions from others has inspired me and
challenged my own beliefs.”
“It really has been amazing to work with such a
diverse group, but what is incredibly exciting is
that we’re all on the same page in so many
different ways, and now we have the network to
continue our conversations.”
New Zealand
“I have made international friends, appreciated
diverse cultures and I believe in a united world.”
“I have learnt a great deal of CQ and gained
insight into cultures and societies so much wider
than my own. This has been nothing but a
positively enriching experience that even through
the most difficult times has been so evidently
inspiring, educational and worthwhile. Thank you
for this incomparable opportunity”
Great Britain
“The opportunity to be exposed to so many
different cultures with great interactive activities
was brilliant”
“I have learned how to better explain myself
when working with people from different
British Virgin Islands
“Difference of opinions and cultures was a
central part of the programme - navigating
through this challenge in a professional manner
was most beneficial plus is something I will
surely take forward with me.”
“I have learned a phenomenal amount about
different cultures plus the people in them.”
“It has been a real eye opener as I have never
experienced different cultures from outside
Europe. I will remember it for the rest of my days”
Great Britain
“I have certainly gained different perspectives; I
now look at challenges not only local level but
South Africa
Leadership learning
“Thank you for an unbelievably insightful and
inspiring weekend I am extremely humbled and
overwhelmed by the support, kindness and
genuine interest shown by everyone in the
project, the challenge and others. I would not
have been able to imagine few days could teach
me so much about not only a very important
issue but also about leadership, innovation in
myself. Thank you!”
Great Britain
“The program has taught me to be open minded,
which has allowed me to gain knowledge and
insight from all interactions around me, I also
learned valuable problem solving techniques
which will get me very far in life!”
“I’ve learnt a lot about listening to others and
different cultures, but also, self belief. Leaving
here really feeling able to strive forward and
make change”
Great Britain
“I have been inspired by speakers, this made me
determined to work hard and grasp every
opportunity. I have also learned so much from
my fellow participants like being great
communicators, innovators and much more! I
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
have been startled by this knowledge!”
“From the programme, I’ve learnt to approach
problems with a global perspective which takes
into account the local realities and address an
international context. My ability to work in teams,
as well as take a leadership role has also
Trinidad and Tobago
“This program taught me so much about myself,
about business and about leadership. The
incredible group of people made this an
experience that I will honestly never forget. It has
been truly excellent.”
Great Britain
“I have learnt that passion and belief can charge
the world, to never give up and work really hard!”
“I am more confident now and this will have a
positive impact on my life and in my prospective
career. I also have a clearer vision and
understanding of where I want to take my career”
“I have never learnt so much in such a short time
period. I intend to carry all the new insight I have
gained into all aspects of my life.”
Quality of contributors
“This programme has called for a rapid change of
life course and career prospects. Mel Young's
talk really inspired me to change the world in any
way I can.”
Great Britain
“I really enjoyed the range of speakers and found
they all had really interesting and engaging
things to say”
New Zealand
“Mel Young as a speaker was inspirational!”
Great Britain
“Visit was excellent (Wheatley) staff were
wonderful and gave great insight to a lot of
“The trip to Weir Group was very insightful and
motivational. I have also thoroughly enjoyed
today’s discussions”
Great Britain
“Venturing out and having a one on one talk at
Green 2014 was a great experience.”
“Really enjoyed today- absolutely inspired by
Mel [Young]. I felt as if the Green 2014 trip was
really great and useful”
Great Britain
“I found the wave power visit fantastic - such
exciting innovative technology.”
New Zealand
“Highlight of my day was visiting the windfarm –
great people and project.”
Great Britain
“Visit to Smarter Grid was well worth it,
innovative company contributing to be the green
energy revolution taking place in Scotland”
Scotland/South Africa
“The trip to Whitelee wind farm was great. The
hosts were very friendly, organised + informative
+ made it a great field trip”
“Visit was fantastic. The range of contributors
were diverse and informative”
New Zealand
“Really enjoyed today. Had the best most intense
and enriching discussions at my immersion visit
earlier. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s challenge.”
“Loved today! Work with our mentor was
invaluable and also loved the consultations!!
Thank you :)”
“Life- changing. My innovation has been fine
tuned by the critics and hearing my ideas
discussed as a collective vision has brought me
indescribable excitement.”
Great Britain
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
British Virgin Islands
“Really enjoyed today, was good seeing nothing
turn into something”
Great Britain
“Learning about different perspectives on climate
change, such as those of businesses and of
island communities who will be the first victims,
has been extremely valuable.”
Great Britain
“This challenge was so good! I really pushed
myself to get through it and I have learned so
Making a difference moving forward
“Today I’ve just been so inspired by all my fellow
participants they are seriously going places, and
working with them has made me excited not just
for future action but action we can start right
New Zealand
“Can’t complain a day worth living my wings are
ready to fly me new places thank you!!”
“I believe 33Fifty has given me the increased
confidence plus ability to do what I really want
plus love in life. I no longer have to settle for less.
It has allowed me to fulfil my desires to meet new
people from across the globe.”
Great Britain
“By coming to this programme it has further
reinforced the necessity for me to play a greater
role in my own country”
“Wow! What a journey this has been for me. I
can’t believe how intense these past few days
have been. Thank you for this opportunity. I am
incredibly grateful. I have even more inspiration
to do more in life”
“The most important take away is the enormous
knowledge and insight that I have received about
sustainability and low carbon endeavours. It
made me believe and realise the importance of
greener endeavours. I wish to go back to India
and start exploring (also creating) avenues
regarding sustainable development. I have a
blueprint in my mind about an initiative for which I
wish to start working”
Aaron Pinto, Canada
“Amazing calibre of speakers. Inspirational yet
not just breadth and directional - it became so
personal. It has not only taught me new ways of
thinking but given me confidence to follow
through with what I already think.”
Great Britain
“Really enjoyed today and left very inspired and
motivated for action post 33Fifty.”
“One of the most fantastic and marvellous days
in my career so far. The legacy from today will be
one of confidence and inspiration for many years.
Never has something spurred me on more than
today has.”
“The inspiration that I have gained from this
program will genuinely motivate me to act.
Learning from others has also shown me just
what is possible when you surround yourself with
great people. I don’t doubt that this will have a
lasting impact on my life both professionally and
Great Britain
Common Purpose Charitable Trust, Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28-42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE
Registered in England 3556983, Registered Charity 1023384. © The Common Purpose Charitable Trust 2014
Leadership development
On a personal level the participants now see themselves as leaders not held back from leading change by
their age. Many already have their own organisations and a large number were re-evaluating their planned
career paths because they no longer felt afraid to do something different which made a positive impact.
They now have increased confidence to tackle global challenges and to work effectively with diverse
groups, as well as increased self-confidence and self-awareness.
They are an extraordinary group of participants, who have the genuine passion, integrity and skills to
change the world. Through participating in the programme, they now have increased drive, Cultural
Intelligence, and networks to be leaders of their communities, countries and beyond.
Global networks
The participants valued the opportunity to meet young leaders and contributors from different countries,
cultures and background. From the outset they were eager to engage with this diversity and learnt a lot
about each other and themselves in the process. The group was keen to share its perspectives on Cultural
Intelligence through engaging with the #IneedCQ campaign.
In general the group was very active on social media throughout the programme, engaging with
contributors and sharing their learning as they experienced it with their own networks and beyond.
The participants were keen to engage with Common Purpose’s wider global networks of leaders, as well as
to be involved in future programmes closer to home and the next 33Fifty. They also actively networked with
contributors throughout the programme, as demonstrated in a number of pitches where groups said they
already had interest in the idea from contributors.
During Graduation, the heartfelt and sincere speeches, songs and Maori proverbs shared were testament
to the bonds and connections created over the four days, and more importantly to what they learned from
one another.
The Challenge
The participants were eager to engage with the Challenge from the outset, with many having applied for the
programme specifically because of their interest in tackling this global challenge with other talented young
The participants thoroughly enjoyed their visits across Edinburgh and Glasgow, engaging deeply with each
organisation to find inspiration and new perspectives to develop and challenge their own perceptions. This
culminated in nine unique, applicable and thought-provoking projects which focused on education,
behavioural change, and entrepreneurship in different measures.
The comments by the panel showed they were blown away by the ingenuity, the sheer passion and the
belief of the groups in their final projects. All of the groups had identified steps to get their projects off the
ground, with a number also identifying necessary steps to take the project out from Scotland and across the
We know a number of groups are already powering ahead to turn their ideas into reality. We look forward to
keeping in touch as their projects develop, in collaboration with each other and with our panellists, who
were keen to invest time and resources into the majority of the ideas.
Common Purpose Customised Ltd, registered in England with the company number 3476595, is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Common Purpose UK, a charity registered in England with the charity number 1023384.
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28–42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE. © Common Purpose 2013
Moving forward and Legacy
As the comments attest, the programme very much met its aims of developing leadership skills, inspiring
participants to make a difference, developing CQ, providing new perspectives and building networks. The
33Fifty network is now one of active and engaged Commonwealth citizens, ready and willing to make a
difference into the lives of others.
The participants were proud to represent their countries and were a credit to each, inspiring each other as
much as the programme inspired them. Having welcomed them into our global network, we look forward to
continuing to engage with them and following their careers as they lead change across the Commonwealth.
Our hope is for 33Fifty to continue on to the 2018 Commonwealth Games on Australia’s Gold Coast.
Through the work of the Legacy 2014 team, 33Fifty was included in the Legacy Handover between Shona
Robison MSP and Jann Stuckey MP at the Glasgow Games on 31 July 2014.
33Fifty participant and Common Purpose Student Experiences Director presented both Ministers with
copies of the messages from the 33Fifty book. The book travelled with the Queen’s Baton around the
Commonwealth prior to the Glasgow Games and young people in each nation and territory wrote messages
to the 33Fifty participants.
As a representative of 33Fifty, he was also given the honour of reading the special poem written for the
Legacy Handover to both Ministers. He then presented Jann Stuckey MP with a new book, manufactured
by De La Rue especially for the 2018 Games, which would again tour the Commonwealth if 33Fifty is part
of the 2018 Games. The Minister included this in her press release about the Handover (above, Media
Common Purpose Customised Ltd, registered in England with the company number 3476595, is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Common Purpose UK, a charity registered in England with the charity number 1023384.
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28–42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE. © Common Purpose 2013
coverage). We will continue to work with the Legacy 2014 team, our Advisory Group, and the Gold Coast to
bring 33Fifty to Australia for the Commonwealth Games in 2018.
Common Purpose Customised Ltd, registered in England with the company number 3476595, is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Common Purpose UK, a charity registered in England with the charity number 1023384.
Registered Office: Discovery House, 28–42 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8QE. © Common Purpose 2013