KYLE VITA WORD - UNLV College of Education

Higgins p. 1
Amanda Kyle Higgins
Present Position
Professor, College of Education, Department of Education and Clinical Studies,
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Coordinator, Doctoral Program, Department of Education and Clinical Studies,
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Degrees Awarded
Doctor of Philosophy, Special Education 1988
With Honors & Distinction
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Major: Learning Disabilities
Minor: Technology Applications in
Master of Arts, Special Education, 1978
With Honors & Distinction
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Emphasis: Learning Disabilities
Behavior Disorders
Bachelor of Arts, 1973
With Honors
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Major: Psychology
Minor: Sociology
General Special Education K-12, State of New Mexico
Endorsement in Learning Disabilities K-12
Endorsement in Behavior Disorders K-12
Higgins p. 2
Professional Experience
University Experience
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Professor, Department of Education and Clinical Studies
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Coordinator, Doctoral Program
Department of Education and Clinical Studies
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Associate Professor, Department of Education and
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Assistant Professor, Department of Education and
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Co-Coordinator, Undergraduate Program
Department of Education and Clinical Studies
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Coordinator, Undergraduate Program
Department of Education and Clinical Studies
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Co-Coordinator, Graduate Generalist Program
Department of Education and Clinical Studies
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Coordinator, Special Education Programs
Department of Education and Clinical Studies
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Coordinator, Alternative Route to Licensure Programs
(ARL, Cohort, STEP)
University of Nevada,
Las Vegas
Acting Coordinator, Graduate Gifted & Talented
Higgins p. 3
Department of Education and Clinical Studies
University of Washington
Project Coordinator, Experimental Education Unit
Department of Special Education
Seattle, Washington
University of New Mexico
Practicum Supervisor, Master's level student teachers
Clinical Supervisor, Master's level interns
Instructor, Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
Department of Special Education
Albuquerque, New Mexico
University / School District Partnership Programs
Coordinator, Department of Special Education Specialized
Teacher Training Program (STEP) (eight groups trainex)
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Special
Education and Clark County School District
Las Vegas, Nevada
Coordinator, Department of Special Education Alternative
Licensure Personnel Preparation Programs (23 groups
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Special
Education and Clark County School District
Las Vegas, Nevada
Coordinator, Department of Special Education Cohort
Personnel Preparation Program for Educational Assistants
(eleven groups trained)
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of Special
Education and Clark County School District
Las Vegas, Nevada
Grant Affiliations
Co-project Director, Project Cultured
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education
Leadership Project
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Co-project Director, Project Grow
U.S. Department of Education, NecoTip Project
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Higgins p. 4
Co-project Director, HQ-3 Project.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education
A 325T Project
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Co-project Director, Project Connect: Connecting Districts
with Highly Qualified Teachers in Low-incidence Disabilities
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education
A Personnel Preparation Project
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Co-principal Investigator, Project SET
Federal Grant #84-327A
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education
Programs, A Steppingstones Project
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Project Director, Project ENHANCE
The Comprehensive Program Fund for the Improvement of
Post secondary Education (FIPSE)
Federal Grant 84.116A
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Participant , Fulbright Scholars Abroad Program: Korea
Program Number 84.021 #PO21A20027
Dr. Randall Boone, Project Director
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Consultant, Project LEAF: Literacy, Education and Families
Ute V. Perkins Elementary School PTA
Nevada State Department of Education Even Start Grant
Las Vegas, Nevada and Moapa, Nevada
Co-director, Project LEAF: Literacy, Education and Families
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Moapa Band of Paiutes,
Ute V. Perkins Elementary School
Nevada State Department of Education Even Start Grant
Las Vegas, Nevada and Moapa, Nevada
Higgins p. 5
Co-director, Department of Special Education Cohort I
Personnel Preparation Program
Wilson-Pearson Trust Scholarship
University of Nevada Las Vegas Foundation
University of Nevada Las Vegas Department of Special
Las Vegas, Nevada
Participant & one of nine authors, Fulbright Scholars Abroad
Program: Singapore and Malaysia.
Program Number 84.021 #PO21A20027
Dr. Elaine Jarchow, Project Director
Dr. Randall Boone, Principal Investigator
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
1988 -1991
Co-project Coordinator, Hypertext CAI: Maintaining
Handicapped Students in a Regular Classroom Reading
Program .
Federal Grant CFDA 84.024J.
Dr. Thomas C. Lovitt, Principal Investigator
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Project Coordinator, Research Projects in Secondary
Education: Modifying Textbooks for Mainstreamed
Learning Disabled Youngsters in Secondary Schools .
Federal Grant #84-158H.
Dr. Thomas C. Lovitt, Principal Investigator
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Editorial Boards
Editor, joint with Dr. Randall Boone, Intervention in School and Clinic.
Published by the Hammill Institute and Sage Publishing
Editor, joint with Dr. Randall Boone, Council for Learning Disabilities
Web Site, Official website of the International Council for Learning
Higgins p. 6
Editor, joint with Dr. Randall Boone, Journal of Special Education
Technology, Official publication of the Technology and Media Division
of the Council for Exceptional Children
Internet Editor, joint with Dr. Randall Boone, Teaching Exceptional
Children Online, Digital edition of Teaching Exceptional Children
available on the World Wide Web. Sample issue available at
Editor, College of Education Multicultural Newsletter, Published by
the UNLV College of Education, Multicultural & Diversity Committee
Editor, joint with Dr. Nancy Sileo, College of Education Multicultural
Newsletter, Published by the UNLV College of Education, Multicultural
Diversity Committee
Associate Editorship
Associate Editor, Teaching Exceptional Children, Official publication of
he Council for Exceptional Children
Journal Editorial Boards
2005-present Editorial Review Board, Journal of Special Education Technology,
Official publication of the Technology and Media Division of
the Council for Exceptional Children
2004-present Editorial Review Board, Remedial and Special Education,
Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Learning Disabilities,
Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE
2001-present Editorial Review Board, Learning Disabilities Quarterly,
Published by the Council for Learning Disabilities
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Science for Persons with Disabilities,
Published by Science Education for Students with Disabilities
Editorial Review Board, Teaching Exceptional Children, Published by the
Council for Exceptional Children
Higgins p. 7
Board of Consulting Editors, Intervention in School and Clinic,
Published by the Hammill Institute on Disabilities and SAGE
Public School Experience
Fall 1989
Computer Resource Teacher (K-12)
Computer Education Resource Team
Albuquerque Public Schools
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Fall 1989
Teacher, Kit Carson Elementary School
Half-day classroom for students
with communication disorders
Albuquerque Public Schools
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Teacher, Dennis Chavez Elementary School
Self-contained, cross categorical classroom for
students with learning disabilities, behavior
disorders, and communication disorders
Albuquerque Public Schools
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Teacher, Onate Elementary School
Self-contained, cross categorical classroom for
students with learning disabilities, behavior
disorders, communication disorders, physical
impairments, and mild mental retardation
Albuquerque Public Schools
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Invited Articles
Boone, R., & Higgins, K.(2007). The role of instructional design in assistive
technology research and development (featured in RRQ's New Directions in
Research). Reading Research Quarterly, 42(1), 135-140.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., & Edyburn, D. (2003). Digital LDQ. Learning Disability
Quarterly, 26(1), 2-4.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2000, January). Tech talk: Framework for software
assessment. LDOnline. Availability:
Higgins p. 8
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1998). Digital publishing: A message from the associate
editors. Teaching Exceptional Children, 30(5), 4-6.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1997). Students empower themselves: Hypermedia basal
readers. Chesapeake Institute, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special
Education Programs Technology, Media, and Materials Project.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1992). Hypermedia enhanced basal readers: "A book can't
do that..." In R. Boone and K. Higgins (Eds.) Multimedia: TAM topical guide #1.
Reston: Technology and Media Division, Council for Exceptional Children.
Higgins, K. (2010). Universal design for learning (UDL): Instructional programming for
students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Korea National
Institute for Special Education, Seoul, Korea, pp.95-135.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2016). Research to practice: Accepting the Challenge of
innovation. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51, 135-136.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2014). Introduction to the 50th anniversary volume year.
Intervention in School and Clinic, 50, 3-4.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2010). Electronic text: A key to universal design. Konju
National University Press, Konju, Korea, pp. 1-20.
Higgins, K. & Boone, R. (2004). Evaluating software for students with learning
disabilities. Schwab Learning Online
(82,000 average monthly visits per Jodell Seagrave, Managing Director Schwab
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2007). Evaluating software for students with learning
disabilities--Reprint. Schwab Learning Online (reprinted for the Texas Computer
Education Association 2007 conference).
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2000). A framework for the evaluation of educational
software for use in special education. Monograph of the 1st Annual Symposium
of The 21st Century & Enactment of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Conference. Korea Nazarene University, Chonan, South Korea, 21-35.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2000). A framework for the evaluation of educational
software for use in special education. Monograph of the 1st Annual Research
Institute of The 21st Century & Enactment of Special Education and Conference.
Kongju National University, Kongju, South Korea, 3-17.
Higgins p. 9
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1996). Introduction to technology special series. Journal
of Learning Disabilities, 29(4), 340-343.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1991). Hypermedia computer assisted instruction:
Adapting a basal reading series. In J. Wilson (Ed.), Proceedings of Center for
Special Education Technology: Technology Seminar in Multimedia . Reston:
Center for Special Education Technology, Council for Exceptional Children.
Refereed Articles
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (in press). Instructional design challenges: New technologies
and new learner dispositions. SOTL: Asian Journal of Advances in Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2014). The software evaluation check list for use by students
with disabilities. TAM Technology in Action, entire issue. Republished by the
Technonlogy and Media Division (TAM) of the Council for Exceptional Children
(published in 2007, 2012, 2014).
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2012). The softare checklist. Journal of Special Education
Technology, 21(1), 50-63.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2007). The software evaluation check list for use by students
with disabilities. TAM Technology in Action, entire issue.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K.(2003). Reading, writing, and publishing digital text.
Remedial and Special Education, 24(3), 132-140.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., & Williams, D. (1997). Computer-based multimedia and
videodiscs: Uses in supporting content-area instruction for students with LD.
Intervention in School and Clinic, 32(5), 302-311.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., Notari, A., & Stump, C. (1996). Hypermedia pre-reading
lessons: Learner-centered software for kindergarten. Journal of Computing in
Childhood Education, 7(1/2), 39-69.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., Falba, C., & Langley, W. (1993). Cooperative text:
Reading and writing in a hypermedia environment. LD Forum, 19(1), 28-37.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1993). Hypermedia basal readers: Three years of schoolbased research. Journal of Special Education Technology, 12(3), 86-106.
Higgins p. 10
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1992). Hypermedia applications for content area study
guides. Reading and Writing Quarterly : Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 8(4),
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1991). Hypertext / hypermedia information presentation:
Developing a hypercard presentation template. Educational Technology , 31(2), 21-30.
Brandon, R., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Tandy, R., & Sileo, N. (2010). An Exploration of the
Alienation Experience by African American Parents from thei Child's Educational
Environment Remedial and Special Education, 31(3), 208-222.
Brown, M., Higgins, K., & Hartley, K. (2001). Teachers and technology equity. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 33(4), 32-39.
Brown, M., Higgins, K., & Paulsen, K. (2003). Adolescent alienation: What it is and what
schools can do about it. Intervention in School and Clinic, 39(1), 3-9.
Brown, M., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Hong, E., & Thoma, C. (2003). Secondary students'
perceptions of school life with regard to alienation: The effects of disability, gender, and
race. Learning Disability Quarterly, 26,(4) 227-238.
Brown, M., Paulsen, K., & Higgins, K. (2003). Twenty ways to remove environmental
barriers to student learning. Intervention in School and Clinic, 39 (2), 109-112.
Cote, D.L., Higgins, K., & Pierce, T. (2010, May). Five ways to teach daily-life problem
solving. LD Forum, 2-4.
Cote, D., Pierce, T., Higgins, K., Miller, S., Tandy, R., & Sparks, S. (2010). Increasing skill
performances of problem solving with students with intellectual disabilities. Education
and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 45(4), 512-524.
Cumming, T.M., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Miller, S., Tandy, R., & Boone, R., (2008). Social
skills instruction for adolescents with emotional disabilities: A technology-based
intervention. Journal of Special Education Technology, 23(1), 19-33.
de Mers, C., Tincani, M., Van Norman, R.K., & Higgins, K. (2009). Effects of music therapy on
prosocial behavior of students with disabilities and challenging behavior: A case study.
Music Therapy Perspectives, 27(2), 88-97.
Diamond, L., & Higgins, K. (under review). Teaching young children with developmental
disabilities to solve programs: Two instructional interventions. Journal of Early Itervention.
Dobbins, N., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Tandy, R. , & Tincani, M. (2010). An analysis
of social skills instruction provided in teacher education and in-service training programs
for general and special educators. Remedial and Special Education, 31(5), 358-367.
Higgins p. 11
Draper-Rodriguez, C., Filler, J., & Higgins, K. (2012). Using primary language support via
computer to improve the reading comprehension skills of first-grade English language
learners. Computers in the Schools, 29(3), 253-267.
Draper-Rodriguez, C. & Higgins, K. (2005). Preschool children with developmental delays and
limited English proficiency. Intervention in School and Clinic, 40 (4), 236-242,
Fitzgerald, N.S., Miller, S.P,, Higgins, K., Pierce, T., & Tandy, D. (2012). Exploring the
efficacy of online strategy instruction for improving the reading abilities of students with
learning disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21(1), 33-47.
Gelfer, J., Higgins, K., & Perkins, P. (2001). Literacy education and families: A program and its
progress. Journal of Early Child Development and Care, 167, 39-50.
Giorgis, C., Higgins, K., & McNab, W. L. (2000). Health issues of Gay and Lesbian youth:
Implications for Schools. Journal of Health Education, 31 (1), 28-36.
Gunderson, J., Higgins, K., Morgan, J., Brown, M., & Tandy, R. (under review). Exploring
cognitively accessible academic lessons for students with intellectual disabilities using
the iPad. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disablities.
Herner, L., & Higgins, K. (2000). Forming and benefiting from educator study groups.
Teaching Exceptional Children, 32(5), 30-37.
Herner, L., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., & Miller, S.P. (2002). Study groups for active learning
opportunities in preservice education. The Professional Educator, 25 (1), 29-40.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2014). Research-to-practice: Writing to inform innovative and
effective teaching practices. Referred Conference Proceedings, UNSW/UNLV Building
Conference, ISBN: 978-0-947162-00-0, 1-7.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2003). Beyond the boundaries of school: Transition
considerations in gifted education. Intervention in School and Clinic, 39 (3), 138-144.
Higgins, K., Boone, R., & Lovitt, T. (2004). Adapting science textbooks to improve the
learning of students with disabilities. Journal of Science Education for Students with
Disabilities, 10, 9-22.
Higgins, K., Boone, R., & Williams, D. (2000). A framework for the evaluation of
educational software for use in special education. Intervention in School and Clinic, 36
(2), 109-115.
Higgins, K., Boone, R., & Williams, D. (1998). A technology toolbook for science
education. Journal of Science for Persons with Disabilities, 1, 2-13.
Higgins p. 12
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1996). Creating individualized computer assisted instruction for
students with autism utilizing multimedia authoring software. Focus on Autism and
Other Developmental Disabilities, 11(2), 69-78.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1994). Site-based software: Hypermedia instructional
applications. Technology and Disabilities, 3(2), 137-147.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1993). Technology as a tutor, tool, and agent for reading. Journal
of Special Education Technology, 12(1), 1-10.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1992). Hypermedia computer study guides for social studies:
Adapting a Canadian history text. Social Education ,56(3), 168-173.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1991). Hypermedia CAI: A supplement to an elementary
school basal reader program. Journal of Special Education Technology, 11(1), 1-15.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1990). Hypertext: A new vehicle for computer use in reading
instruction. Intervention in School and Clinic, 26(1), 26-31.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1990). Hypertext computer study guides and the social studies
achievement of students with learning disabilities, remedial students, and regular
education students. Journal of Learning Disabilities , 23(9), 529-540.
Higgins, K., Boone, R., & Lovitt, T.C. (1996). Hypermedia text-only information support
for students with learning disabilities and remedial students. Journal of Learning
Disabilities, 29(4), 402-412.
Hong, E., Greene, M.T., & Higgins, K. (2006). Instructional practices perceived by teachers in
general classrooms and gifted resource rooms: Development and validation of
instructional practice questionnaire. Gifted Child Quarterly, 50(2), 91-103.
Hsiao, Y.J., & Higgins, K. (2014). Five ways to reduce stress for parents of students with
learning disabilities. LD Forum, December, 2-5.
Hsiao, Y.J., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., & Whitby, P. (in revision). Parental stress, familyprofessional partnerships, and family quality of life: Families of children with autism
spectrum disorder. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Jones, V. L., & Higgins, K. (2010, March). Five ways to consider the constructs of resiliency
when planning for studetns with learning disabilities. LD Forum, 2-4.
Jones, V.L., Higgins, K., Brandon, R., Cote, D., & Dobbins, N. (2013). A focus on
resiliency: Young children with disabilities. Young Exceptional Children, 16(4), 3-16.
Higgins p. 13
Jones, V.L., Higgins, K., Boone, R., Miller, S.P., & Sileo, N. (2014). African American
parental beliefs about Resiliency: A Delphi study. Journal of the American Academy of
Special Education Professionals, fall, 65-93.
Kennedy, K. Y., Higgins, K., Pierce, T. (2002). Collaborative partnerships among teachers of
students who are gifted and have learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic,
38(1), 36-49.
Lau, C., Higgins, K., Gelfer, J.I., Hong, E., & Miller, S. (2005). The effects of teacher
facilitation on the social interactions of young children during computer activities.
Topics in Early Childhood Education, 25(4), 208-217.
Lovitt, T. C., & Higgins, K. (1996). A self-management program for teachers of the mildly
handicapped. Teaching Exceptional Children, 28(2), 64-68.
Mazzotti, V.L., & Higgins, K. (2006). Public schools and the juvenile justice system:
Facilitating relationships. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(5), 295-301.
More, C., Sileo, N., Higgins, K., Miller, S.P., Tandy, D., Tannock, M. (2012). The Effects of
Social Story Interventions on Preschool Age Children, With and Without Disabilities
Early Child Development and Care, 1-16.
Morgan, J.J., Dobbins, N., Hsiao, Y., Brown, N., & Higgins, K. (2015). Comparing student and
teacher perceptions of the importance of social skills. Journal of the American Academy
of Special Education Professionals, spring/ summer, 99-120.
Morgan, J.J., Higgins, K., Miller, S.P., Pierce, T., Boone, R., Tandy, R. (in press). Teaching
online social skills to students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Journal of
Special Education Technology.
Paulsen, K.J., Higgins, K., Miller, S., Strawser, S., Boone, R. (1998). Delivering
instruction via interactive television and videotape: Student achievement and
satisfaction. Journal of Special Education Technology, 13(4), 59-77.
Prickett, E.M., Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1994). Technology for learning...not learning
about technology. Teaching Exceptional Children, 26(4), 56-60.
Sayeski, K.L., & Higgins, K. (2014). Redesigning special education teacher preparation
programs with a focus on outcomes. Teacher Education in Special Education, 37(2), 91105.
Skylar, A. A., Higgins, K., Boone, R., Jones, P., Pierce, T., & Gelfer, J. (2005). Distance
education: An exploration of alternative methods and types of instructional media in
teacher education. Journal of Special Education Technology, 20(3), 25-33.
Higgins p. 14
Skylar, A. A., Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2007). Strategies for adapting WebQuests for
students with learning disabilites. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43(1), 20-28.
Smedley, T. & Higgins, K. (2005) Virtual technology: Bringing the world into the special
education classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(2), 114-119.
Smith, S., Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1998). Expanding the writing process with the World
Wide Web. Teaching Exceptional Children, 30(5), 22-26.
Sparks, S., Pierce, T., Higgins, K., Miller, S.P., & Tandy, R. (in press). Increasing choice making
in students with intellectual disability. Education and Training in Autism and
Developmental Disabilities.
Strawser, S., Markos, P.A., Yamaguchi, B.J., Higgins, K. (2000). A new challenge for
school counselors: Children who are homeless. Professional School Counseling, 3(3),
Stump, C., Boone, R., Higgins, K., & Notari, A. (1993). Hypermedia CAI and precision
teaching: An exploratory study. Journal of Precision Teaching, 11(1), 17-31.
Terpstra, J., Higgins, K., & Pierce, T. (2002). I want to play: Strategies for including
children with autism in social groups. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental
Disabilities, 17(2), 119-126.
Travers, J. C., Higgins, K., Pierce, T., Boone, R., Miller, S., & Tandy, R. (2011). Emergent
literacy skills of preschool students with autism: A comparison of teacher-led and
computer-assisted instruction. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental
Disabilities, 46(3), 326-338.
Warby, D. B., Greene, M. T., Higgins, K., & Lovitt, T. C. (1999). Research-to-practice:
Suggestions for educators. Intervention in School and Clinic, 34(4), 205-211, 223.
Yamaguchi, B. J., Strawser, S., & Higgins, K. (1998). Children who are homeless:
Implications for educational diagnosticians. Special Services in the Schools, 13(1/2), 6383.
Yamaguchi, B. J., Strawser, S., & Higgins, K. (1997). Children who are homeless:
Implications for educators. Intervention in School and Clinic, 33(2), 90-97.
Refereed Articles Reprinted
Kennedy, K. Y., Higgins, K., Pierce, T. (2002). Collaborative partnerships among teachers of
students who are gifted and have learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic,
38(1), 36-49. Reprinted in the 2e Twice-Exceptional Newsletter, August 2005, Issue 12,
p 1, 19-24.
Higgins p. 15
Guest Editorships
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (Eds.) (1998). Teaching Exceptional Children Online, Volume
30, Number 5.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (Eds.) (1992). Multimedia: TAM topical guide #1. Reston:
Technology and Media Division, Council for Exceptional Children.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2014). UNSW/UNNLV Building Bridges Refereed
Conference Proceedings, Sydney, Australia. September 2014. ISBN: 978-0947162-00-0.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (Eds.) (1996). Technology and its use for students with
learning disabilities. Special series for Journal of Learning Disabilities. Volume
29, Number 4.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (Eds.) (1996). Technology and its use for students with
learning disabilities. Special series for Journal of Learning Disabilities. Volume
29, Number 5.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2014). An interview with Dr. Randall Boone and Dr. Kyle
Higgins: The software checklist. TAM Connector, Technology and Media
Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, August 2014, 2--3.
Refereed Papers / Proceedings
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2012). The Software Checklist: Evaluating Software for Use in
Educational Settings. In the Proceedings of the 2012 Research & Training Institute of
East Aegean, Samos, Greece.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., Pierce, T. (2010). Haptic Computer Interfaces: Assistive Technology
for the Inclusion of Students with Learning Disabilities and Students with Blindness and
Low Vision in Science Education. In the Proceedings of the 2010 Inclusive and
Supportive Education Congress, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2007). Online Learning Environments: Instructional Design
Considerations for Students with Learning Disabilities. In the Proceedings of the 2007
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 18th International Conference
(CD-ROM), San Antonio, TX (pg. 9).
Higgins p. 16
Brown, M.R., & Higgins, K. (2001). Universities and School District Collaboration: Issues,
Concerns, and Solutions to Gaining Access to Public Schools in the New Millennium.
Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Las Vegas, NV.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1999). Beyond the Boundaries of School: Transition
Considerations in Gifted Education. International Association of Special Education,
Sydney, Australia, July, 1999.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1998). An Evaluation Framework for Educational Software in
Special Education. In L. Pierce and J. Foster (Eds.), The Fifteenth International
Conference on Technology and Education 1998 Santa Fe, New Mexico (Volume 3,
pp.12-14). Grand Prairie, TX: International Conferences on Technology & Education.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1997). Digital Publishing: Implications for Educators. In L. Pierce
and J. Foster (Eds.), The Fourteenth International Conference on Technology and
Education 1997 Oslo, Norway: Changing Practice and Technologies: Decisions Now
for the Future (Volume 2, pp. 641-643). Grand Prairie, TX: International Conferences
on Technology & Education.
Boone, R., Edyburn, D., & Higgins, K. (1997). Productivity Tools for the Research Community
[CD-ROM]. Proceedings of NECC '97 . Eugene: The International Society for
Technology in Education for The National Educational Computing Association.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., & Smith-Occhipinti, V. (1996). Electronic Publishing in Teaching and
Learning [CD-ROM]. Proceedings of NECC '96 (Document #23). Eugene: The
International Society for Technology in Education for The National Educational
Computing Association.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., Falba, C., & Smith, S. (1996). Solving story problems with
multimedia: A tool for students with learning disabilities. In L. Pierce and J. Foster
(Eds.), The Thirteenth International Conference on Technology and Education 1996
New Orleans, Louisiana: Technology and Communications: Catalyst for Educational
Change (Volume 1, pp.202-204). Grand Prairie, TX: International Conferences on
Technology & Education.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1994). Hypermedia: Reading and writing the electronic desktop.
In N. Estes and M. Thomas (Eds.), The Eleventh International Conference on
Technology and Education 1994 London, England: Deciding Our Future: Technology
Imperatives for Education . Austin, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1992). Traversing a hypermedia infoscape: Patterns of student use.
In E. Ellis (Ed.), Proceedings of NECC '92 (pp.32). Eugene: ICCE, University of
Oregon for National Educational Computing Conference.
Higgins p. 17
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1992). A hypermedia basal reader: How students use it and what
they know about how it works. Paper presented at the American Educational Research
Association Annual Conference, April 1992, San Francisco, California.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1992). Hypermedia reading materials: The effectiveness of three
years of elementary school instruction. In N. Estes and M. Thomas (Eds.), The Ninth
International Conference on Technology and Education 1992 Paris, France: Education
"Sans Frontieres" (pp. 894-896). Austin, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1990). Hypermedia CAI: The development and integration of
elementary reading materials. In E. Ellis (Ed.), Proceedings of NECC '90 (pp.5).
Eugene: ICCE, University of Oregon for National Educational Computing
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1989). Hypertext CAI: A supplement to an elementary school basal
reading program. In W. C. Ryan (Ed.), Proceedings of NECC '89 (pp.141-142).
Eugene: ICCE, University of Oregon for National Educational Computing Conference.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1988). Hypertext study guides: An aid to comprehension. In W. C.
Ryan (Ed.), Proceedings of NECC '88 (pp. 171-172). Eugene: ICCE, University of
Oregon for National Educational Computing Conference.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1999). Educational Software for Students with Disabilities: The
Importance of Formative Evaluation. Paper presented at the American Educational
Research Association Annual Conference, April 1999, Montreal, Canada.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1999). A Framework for the Evaluation of Educational Software
for Use in Special Education. International Association of Special Education, Sydney,
Australia, July, 1999.
Higgins, K. & Boone, R. (2014). Research-to-Practice: Writing to Inform Innovative and
Effective Teaching Practices. Building Bridges Conference, Sydney Australia,
September, 2014.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2006). Evaluating Educational Software for Use By Students with
Disabilities in Special and General Education. Proceedings of the 2006 Hawaii
International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI: HICE. ISSN# 1541-5880, p.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2005). Project SET: Evaluating software for use by students with
disabilities. In B. Smith-Myles and L. Aylward (Eds.), Proceedings of The 9th Biennial
Conference of the International Association of Special Education Conference 2005
Halifax, Nova Scotia: Sailing the Sea of Knowledge: A symposium of Global Ideas.
Amenia, NY: IASE.
Higgins p. 18
Higgins, K., Boone, R., & Pierce, T. (2005). Evaluating software for use by students with
disabilities to foster inclusion in general education. In G. MacKay (Ed.), Proceedings of
the Inclusive and Supportive Education Conference: Inclusion Celebrating Diversity?,
Glasgow, Scotland. Glasgow, Scotland: University of Strathclyde.
Warby, D., Pierce, T., Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2010). Fostering Inclusive Practices: The
Universal Research-Translation Format. In the Proceedings of the 2010 Inclusive and
Supportive Education Congress, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland .
Refereed Book
Edyburn, D. L., Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (Eds.) (2005). The Handbook of Special Education
Technology Research and Practice. Whitefish Bay, WI: Knowledge by Design
Refereed Monograph
Higgins, K. & Boone, R. (1997) (Eds.) . Technology for students with learning disabilities:
Educational applications. ProEd Publications: Austin, TX.
Refereed CD-ROM
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1997) (Eds.) . Technology for students with learning disabilities:
Educational Applications [CD-ROM; digital monograph]. ProEd Publications: Austin,
Refereed Book Chapters
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2015). Refocusing Instructional Design. In Edyburn, D.L.
(Ed.)Accessible Design, Advances in Special Education Technology, Volume 2 (pp. 97122(. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2005). Designing Digital Materials for Students with Disabilities. In
D.L. Edyburn, K. Higgins, & R. Boone (Eds.), The Handbook of Special Education
Technology Research and Practice, pp.457-468. Whitefish Bay, WI: Knowledge by
Design Publications.
Higgins, K. & Boone, R. (2001). Adapting instruction for children with disabilities. In L. W.
Searfoss & J. E. Readence (Eds.), Helping children learn to read: Creating a classroom
literacy environment 4th edition, pp. 330-365. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Higgins p. 19
Higgins, K., Boone, R., & Lovitt, T.C. (2002). Adapting challenging textbooks to improve
content area learning. In G. Stoner, M.R. Shinn, & H. Walker (Eds.), Interventions for
achievement and behavior problems 2nd edition, pp. 755-790 Silver Spring, MD:
National Association for School Psychologists.
Morgan, J.J., Boone, R., & Higgins (2013). Integration of technology in content-area classrooms
to support reading comprehension. In Reading Comprehension Strategies to Promote
Adolescent Literacy in the Content-Area s for Inclusive Classrooms, edited by V.G.
Spencer & R. Boon, Paul H. Brookes.
Invited Book Chapters
Edyburn, D., Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2005). Preface to the handbook of special education
technology research and practice. In D.L. Edyburn, K. Higgins, & R. Boone (Eds.), The
Handbook of Special Education Technology Research and Practice, pp. xiii-xvi.
Whitefish Bay, WI: Knowledge by Design Publications.
Grants Authored and Funded
Project Cultured. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Joe Morgan &
Kyle Higgins, Project Directors (funded $1,034,791 2014-2019).
Project Grow: A NecoTip Project. U.S. Department of Education, Kyle Higgins & Joe Morgan,
Project Directors (funded $110,000, 2012-2013).
Project Estrellas: A Personnel Project. Clark County School District,, Federal Flow Through
ARA Funds to prepare special educators with ELL endorsement, Kyle Higgins & Tom
Pierce, Project Directors, (funded $400,000, 2010-2011).
HQ-3 A 325T Project. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.
Kyle Higgins, Project Director (funded $500,000, 2008-2014).
Project Connect: Connecting Districts with Highly Qualified Teachers in Low-incidence
Disabilities. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Kyle
Higgins and Tom Pierce, Co-Project Directors (funded $796,600, 2008-2013).
Project ENHANCE: Enhancing the capabilities and retention of beginning teachers of children
with disabilities. U.S. Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of
Post secondary Education (FIPSE). Kyle Higgins, Project Director, (funded
$631,317.00, 2002-2006).
Higgins p. 20
Project SET: Software Evaluation Tool with Dr. Randall Boone. U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Kyle Higgins and Randall Boone, CoPrincipal Investigators (funded $399,889, 2002-2004).
Project LEAF: Literacy Education and Families with Stephanie Bryant and Dr. Jeff Gelfer.
Nevada State Department of Education, Even Start Projects. Kyle Higgins, Stephanie
Bryant, and Dr. Jeff Gelfer, Authors; Lupe Guzman, Director. Ute V. Perkins
Elementary School P.T.A. (funded $74,980, 1999-2000).
Project LEAF: Literacy Education and Families with Stephanie Bryant and Dr. Jeff Gelfer.
Nevada State Department of Education, Even Start Projects. Kyle Higgins, Stephanie
Bryant, and Dr. Jeff Gelfer Co-Project Directors. Moapa Band of Paiutes, Moapa,
Nevada (funded $245,117, 1997-1999).
Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter . Provost Award, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(funded, $2,000, November, 1997).
Electronic Dissemination of Teaching Exceptional Children with Dr. Randall Boone. Provost
Award, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (funded, $1,000, November, 1996).
Creating a Reading Videodisc with Dr. Randall Boone. University Research Grants and
Fellowships Committee Bonus Awards, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (funded,
$1,000, December 1995).
Hypermedia!NOW. Council for Learning Disabilities Development Grant. (funded, $1,500,
Spring 1994).
Videodisc Technology: Adapting a basal reader. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of
Education, Dean's Professional Development Grant Award. University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada. (funded, $500, Fall 1993).
Cooperative text: Reading and writing in a hypermedia environment. University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, Office of the Provost Grant. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas,
Nevada. (funded, $1,800, Spring 1993).
Videodisc Technology Research Project: Scenario Instruction for More Effective Teaching
with Dr. Randall Boone. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Office of Research Grant.
(funded, $2,840, May 1993).
Hypermedia CAI: Adapting a basal reader for students in an English as a second language first
grade. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Education, Dean's Professional
Development Grant Award. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.
(funded, $300, Spring 1992).
Higgins p. 21
Hypertext CAI: Maintaining handicapped students in a regular classroom reading program
with Dr. Randall Boone. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Federal
Grant CFDA 84.024J. Dr. Thomas C. Lovitt, Principal Investigator. University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington. (funded, $450,000, 1988-1991).
Grants Authored and Not Funded
Exploring Instructional Techniques to Increase the Cognitive Conplexity Used by Students with
Disabilities in Secondary Science Classrooms. Drs. Joe Morgan and David Vallent,
Project Directors, Dr. Kyle Higgins, Mentor. Institute of Educational Sciences. Submitted
August 2014. (funds requested $1,175,458.00.).
Developing Critical Readers and Thinkers: A Study of Content Area Literacy Instruction in the
"Slump" Grade Level. Dr. Chyllis Scott, Project Director, Dr. Kyle Higgins, Mentor.
Institute of Educational Sciences. Submitted August 2014. (funds requested $400,000).
Development of Common Core State Standards Pedagogy with Dr. Danielle Brown & Dr. Joe
Morgan. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (not funded, $30,000).
Special Education Cohort: Paraprofessionals to Teachers with Dr. Tom Pierce. U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, Transition to Teaching
Program. Kyle Higgins and Tom Pierce, Co-Project Directors (not funded, $1,124,810)
Project SET: Software Evaluation Tool with Dr. Randall Boone. U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Kyle Higgins and Randall Boone, CoPrincipal Investigators (not funded $399,854).
Project SET: Software Evaluation Tool with Dr. Randall Boone. U.S. Department of Education,
Office of Special Education Programs. Kyle Higgins and Randall Boone, Co-Principal
Investigators (not funded $399,854). recommended for funding, but fell below the
cutoff for funding
Play Partners Program for Preschool Inclusion (CFDA 84.324B) with Judy Terpstra. U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,
Student Initiated Research Federal Grant. ($19,592.00 not funded).
Assistive Technology and Adult Facilitation: Improving Social Interaction in the Inclusive
Preschool Classroom (H324B990056) with Cynthia Lau. U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Student Initiated
Research Federal Grant (approved for funding, 17 out of 78 applications were
recommended for funding, agency funded 12, this fell below the 12 cutoff, June, 2000).
Higgins p. 22
Cultural Sync: Interpersonal and Cultural Characteristics of African American Teachers,
Students, and Parents and African American Student Achievement (H324B000015) with
Monica Brown. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, Student Initiated Research Federal Grant (not funded, June,
Assistive Technology and Early Childhood Education: Facilitating Social Interaction in the
Inclusive Classroom with Cynthia Lau. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services, Student Initiated Research Federal Grant 84.324B
(ranked #17 out of 73 grants submitted and recommended for funding---first 12 grants
received funding, June 1999).
Special Education Cohort: A University, School District, and Community Collaborative
Partnership with Dr. Tom Pierce. Senate Bill 204 Distance Learning Project, UNLV
Campus Review Committee, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (not funded, $19,000,
November 1995).
Problem-Solving Activities: Creating a Science Videodisc for Gifted and Talented
Classroomswith Dr. Randall Boone. Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science
Education Act, Nevada Higher Education Programs, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(not funded, $22,730.00, November 1995).
Special Education Multimedia Program: Preparing Practitioners for Effective Utilization with
Dr. Randall Boone. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Federal
Grant CFDA 84.029K. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada. (not
funded, January 1992).
Hypermedia as a Tool, Tutor, and Agent for Literacy: Research in Literature and Reading for
Students with Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education, Federal Grant CFDA 84.180G. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las
Vegas, Nevada. (not funded, May 1992).
Preparing Special Education Personnel: Effective Utilization of Current Instructional
Technologies with Dr. Randall Boone. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education, Federal Grant CFDA 84.029B . University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada. (not funded, October 1992).
Higgins p. 23
Book Reviews
Higgins, K. (1995). Diverging pathways: Social structure and career deflections. Journal of
Contemporary Sociology, 32 (1), 156-157.
Higgins, K. (1997). Social networks and social support in childhood and adolescence. Journal of
Contemporary Sociology, 34 (1), 111-112.
Non-Refereed Articles
Bannatyne, M., & Higgins, K. (1997, Spring). Suggested readings for professional
development. UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 1 (1),
Bannatyne, M., & Higgins, K. (1997, Spring). Suggested readings for professional
development. UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 1 (2),
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (2002, Spring). Universal Design for Learning, UNLV College of
Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 6 (3).
Brown, M., & Higgins, K. (2000, Fall). Hey sisters!! What about us?. UNLV College of
Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 5 (2), 14-18.
Brown, M., Pierce, T., & Higgins, K. (2002, Spring). The Ethics of Assistive Technology.
UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 6 (4).
Higgins, K. (2004, Spring). Marriage. UNLV College of Education Multicultural &
Diversity Newsletter, 8 (2).
Higgins, K. (2003, Fall). So, what's for supper? UNLV College of Education Multicultural &
Diversity Newsletter, 8 (1).
Higgins, K. (2003, Spring). My teachers says that it is OK for you to call me a fag. UNLV
College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter.
Higgins, K. (2002, Fall). Ward and June Cleever are dead. UNLV College of Education
Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 7 (1), 10-14.
Higgins, K. (2001, Fall). Just the facts. UNLV College of Education Multicultural &
Diversity Newsletter, 6 (2).
Higgins, K. (2001, Fall). The need for dialogue. UNLV COllege of Education Multicultural &
Diversity Newsletter, 6 (1).
Higgins p. 24
Higgins, K. (2001, Spring). To a democracy that is yet unborn. UNLV College of
Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 5 (3), 19-22.
Higgins, K. (2001, Spring). A focus on possibilities. UNLV College of Education Multicultural
& Diversity Newsletter, 5 (4), 13-19.
Higgins, K. (2000, Fall). "No matter where you go--there you are!" Buckaroo Bonzai. UNLV
College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 5 (1), 22-23.
Higgins, K., & Pierce, T. P. (2000, Spring). From the inside out: A historical look at the
disability experience.UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity
Newsletter, 4 (3), 24-31.
Higgins, K. (2000, Spring). The significance of Carlos Santanna. UNLV College of Education
Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 4 (4), 32-34.
Higgins, K. (1999, Fall). Reality bites. UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity
Newsletter, 4 (2), 17-20.
Higgins, K. (1999, Fall). Fly fishing in Montana. UNLV College of Education Multicultural
& Diversity Newsletter, 4 (1), 18-19.
Higgins, K. (1999, Spring). In honor of three women. UNLV College of Education Multicultural
& Diversity Newsletter, 3 (4), 18-19.
Higgins, K. (1999, Spring). The resiliency of children, youth, and families. UNLV College of
Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 3 (3), 21-23.
Higgins, K. (1998, Fall). On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of my educational epiphany and
in tribute to fifteen very special kids. UNLV College of Education Multicultural &
Diversity Newsletter, 3 (1), 13-16.
Higgins, K. (1998, Spring). Suggested readings for professional development: Violence in
urban America. UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 2 (4),
Higgins, K. (1998, Spring). Suggested readings for professional development: Students who are
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender---does it matter? UNLV College of Education
Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 2 (3), 14-17.
Higgins, K. (1997, Fall). Suggested readings for professional development: Bookshelf basics.
UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 2 (2), 15-16.
Higgins p. 25
Higgins, K. (1997, Fall). Suggested readings for professional development: Transforming a
college. UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter, 2 (1), 1314.
Higgins, K., Yamaguchi, B., Strawser, S. (1998, Fall). Who will mind the children and youth:
Homeless and alone in the United States. UNLV College of Education Multicultural &
Diversity Newsletter, 3 (2),13-15.
Higgins, K. (2014) [Final Report]. HQ3 325T U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education (OSEP), Federal Grant ED325T.
Morgan, J., & Higgins, K (2013)(Final Report). Project GROW: Supporting Biology
Achievement Through Data-Based Decision Making. NeDoTip, Nevada System of
Higher Education.
Higgins, K. (2013) [Final Report]. Project CONNECT. U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education (OSEP), Federal Grant ED524B.
Higgins, K. (2006) [Final Report]. Project ENHANCE. . U.S. Department of Education, Office
of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE), Federal Grant CFDA 94.116A..
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2004) [Final Report]. Project SET: A Software Evaluation Tool. .
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Federal Grant CFDA 84.327.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1991) [Final Report]. Hypertext CAI: Maintaining handicapped
students in a regular classroom reading program . U.S. Department of Education, Office
of Special Education, Federal Grant CFDA 84.024J.
Higgins, K., Gelfer, J., Bryant, S. (June, 1999) [Final Report]. Project LEAF: Literacy
Education and Families ---Final Report. Nevada State Department of Education, Even
Start Program.
Higgins, K., Gelfer, J., Bryant, S. (December, 1998) [Twelve Month Report]. Project LEAF:
Literacy Education and Families ---Twelve Month Report. Nevada State Department of
Education, Even Start Program.
Higgins, K., Gelfer, J., Bryant, S. (June, 1998) [Six Month Report]. Project LEAF: Literacy
Education and Families ---Six Month Report. Nevada State Department of Education,
Even Start Program.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (2004) [Final Report]. Project SET: Software Evaluation Tool.
Department of Education, Office of Specia Education, Federal Grant CFDA 84.327A.
Higgins p. 26
Non-Refereed Monographs
Boone, R. & Higgins, K. (1990). Hypertext and Hypermedia: Applications for Educational Use
(Hypertext CAI Monograph No. 2). Seattle: University of Washington, Experimental
Education Unit.
Higgins, K. & Boone, R. (1991). Hypermedia CAI: A synopsis of three years of research
(Hypertext CAI Monograph No. 3). Seattle: University of Washington, Experimental
Education Unit.
Higgins, K. & Boone, R. (1989). Hypertext CAI: Maintaining Handicapped Students in a
Regular Classroom Reading Program (Hypertext CAI Monograph No. 1). Seattle:
University of Washington, Experimental Education Unit.
Pierce, T., Higgins, K., & Rice, G. (fall, 2002). Special education cohort: A university and
school district collaborative partnership. In Milken Monograph Teacher Quality. Center
for Education Policy Studies: University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Boone, R. & Higgins, K.(Authors). (1991, May). Hypermedia in the Classroom: A
Development Handbook for Teachers . (Available from [Randall Boone, UNLV, College
of Education, Las Vegas, NV 89154])
Higgins, K. & Boone, R., (joint production). (1991). Hypermedia CAI : Adapting a
basal reader [Video]. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. Funded by
the U.S. Department of Education , Office of Special Education Research; Grant
#84.024J; Thomas C. Lovitt, Principal Investigator.
Higgins, K. & Valles, G., (joint production). (1987). Affective education...the missing
link [Video]. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico. Funded by the
U.S. Department of Education , Office of Special Education, Division of
Personnel Preparation; Grant #GOO-84-01317; Carleen Vanetten, Project
Higgins, K. (Producer and Director). (1986). Exceptions to the rule [Video].
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico. Funded by the U. S. Department
of Education, Office of Special Education, Division of Personnel Preparation;
Grant #GOO-84-01317; Carleen Vanetten, Project Director.
Higgins p. 27
Higgins, K. (Producer and Director). (1986). A rubberstamp workshop--a method to
stimulate creative writing [Video]. Albuquerque, NM: University of New
Mexico. Funded by a University of New Mexico Award Grant to Carlene
Higgins, K. (Producer and Director). (1986). Story grammars [Video]. Albuquerque,
NM: University of New Mexico. Funded by the U. S. Department of Education,
Office of Special Education, Division of Personnel Preparation; Grant #GOO-84-01317;
Carleen Vanetten, Project Director.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1995). Teaching reading in the special education classroom:
Volume I [Videodisc]. Las Vegas, NV: University of Nevada. Funded by the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Office of Research.
Higgins, K., & Boone R. (1995). Teaching reading in the special education classroom:
Volume II [Videodisc]. Las Vegas, NV: University of Nevada. Funded by the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Office of Research.
Educational Software
Boone, R., & Higgins, K., Falba, C., & Smith, S. (1995). ProblemSolver [Computer software].
Las Vegas, NV: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Education.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1995). ezPresent [Computer software]. Las Vegas, NV:
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Education.
Boone, R., Higgins, K., Falba, C., & Langley, W. (1993). Hypermedia!NOW [Computer
software]. Las Vegas, NV: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, College of Education.
Boone, R., & Higgins, K. (1988). Basal reader adaptation to a hypermedia format. (K-4)
[Computer software]. Seattle, WA: University of Washington, Experimental Education
Unit. Funded by U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Research,
Grant # CFDA 84.024J; Thomas C. Lovitt, Principal Investigator.
Higgins, K., & Boone, R. (1987). Ten hypertext study guides for Washington State history
[Computer software]. Seattle, WA: University of Washington, Experimental Education
Unit. Funded by U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Research,
Grant #CFDA 84.158H; Thomas C. Lovitt, Principal Investigator.
Higgins p. 28
Presentations at International, National, Regional, and State Conferences
Invited Plenary Session
Refocusing on Instructional Design in Assistive and Instrucional Technology Research
and Development. 10th eLearning FORUM ASIA, Singapore, June 17-19, 2015
with Dr. Randall Boone.
Invited Keynote
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Instructional Programming for Students with
Intellectual Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms. Korea National Institute for
Special Education BK 21 Conference, Seoul Korea, May 2010 with Dr. Randall
Ebooks and Online Text: Reading and Publishing in a Digital World. Pathways to
Success Conference, International Council for Learning Disabilities Spring
Regional Conference, Seattle, WA, April 2001, with Dr. Randall Boone.
Invited Presentations
Meet the Editors.Special Session at the 34th International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone. Austin, TX, October, 2013.
Meet the Editors. Special Session at the 32nd International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Drs. Randall Boone, Diane Bryant, Bryan Bryant, and Cathy
Newman Thomas, Austin, TX, October, 2011.
Meet the Editors. Special Session at the 32nd International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Drs. Randall Boone, Diane Bryant, Bryan Bryant, Sandy Ayala,
Dianne Haager, and Cathy Newman Thomas Myrtle Beach, NC , October, 2010
Meet the Editors. Special Session at the 31st International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Drs. Randall Boone, David Scanlon, Sandy Ayala,
Dianne Haager, and Cathy Newman Thomas Dallas, TX , October, 2009
Designing and Using Flexible Digital Media in the Classroom. Presentation for the 2009
CEC Convention and Expo with Drs. Randall Boone and Joy Zabala, Seattle,
WA, April 2009
Higgins p. 29
Meet the Editors. Special Session at the 30th International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Drs. Randall Boone, David Scanlon, Jim Gardner, Sandy Ayala,
Charles Hughes, Kansas City, MO, October, 2008.
Meet the Editors. Special Session at the 28th International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Drs. Randall Boone, David Scanlon, Linda Elksnin, Nick
Elksnin,, Lee Swanson, Charles MacArthur, Georgios Sideridis, Charles Hughes,
Alex Peck, and Stan Scarpati, McLean, VA, October, 2006.
Topical Technology Workshops: Accessing Learning through Technology. Workshop
for the Learning Disabilities Association of America 42nd International
Conference with Drs. Marshall Raskind, Eleanor Higgins, Randall Boone, and
Pam Campbell, Reno, NV, March, 2005.
Meet the Editors: Publishing in Special Education Journals. Presentation for
the Council for Learning Disabilities Conference 26th Annual Conference, Las
Vegas, NV, October, 2004.
Helping Parents Select Appropriate Software for Children with Learning Disabilities.
Charles Schwab Sponsored Presentation for the 54th Annual Conference of the
International Dyslexia Association with Dr. Randall Boone, San Diego, CA,
November 2003.
Family Literacy. Workshop for the Andre Agassi Charter School, Las Vegas, NV,
November, 2002.
Adapting Text for Students with Learning Disabilities: Electronic Books and ONline
Text. Workshop for the 15th Annual Spring Conference of the Virginia Council for
Learning Disabilities and CLD Spring Regional Conference with Dr. Randall
Boone, Charlottesville, VA, March 2002.
Creative problem solving. Presentation for faculty and staff at New Horizons School,
Las Vegas, NV, January, 2002.
Developments in Special Education Technology Research: Opportunities for Interaction.
Symposium for the National Reading Conference 51st Annual Meeting with Drs.
Randall Boone, Dave Edyburn, Dennis Mike, & David Reinking, San Antonio,
TX, November, 2001.
Creative problem solving. Presentation for GATE teachers at New Horizons School, Las
Vegas, NV, September, 2001.
Higgins p. 30
What kind of research should we be doing on Universal Design? Presentation panel at
the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs,
Project Director's Conference, Washington, DC, July 2001 with Drs. Michael
Gerber, Chuck Hitchcock, Ed Kame'enui, and Randall Boone.
Beyond the Boundaries of School: Transition Considerations for Students Who are
Gifted, Presentation for New Horizons School, Las Vegas, NV, May 2001.
A Framework for the Evaluation of Educational Software for Use in Special Education.
The 21st Century Vision and Enactment of Special Education Research Institute,
Kongju National University, Kongju, Korea, July, 2000 with Dr.Randall Boone.
A Framework for the Evaluation of Educational Software for Use in Special Education.
The 21st Century Vision and Enactment of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Symposium, Korea Nazarene University, Chonan, Korea, July, 2000 with Dr.
Randall Boone.
Teaching Exceptional Children online. Demonstration for Council for Exceptional
Children's 78th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, April, 2000 with Dr.
Randall Boone.
Meet the Editors: Publishing in Special Education Technology Journals. Presentation
for the Council of Exceptional Children Technology and Media Division's 17th
Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, January, 2000.
Tech talk: Framework for software assessment. Presentation for LDOnline.
Availability:, online,
January, 2000.
Fostering creativity in the classroom. Presentation for the Merryhill Preschools, Las
Vegas, NV, August, 1999.
Teaching Exceptional Children Online. Demonstration for Council for Exceptional
Children's 77th Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC, April, 1999 with Dr.
Randall Boone.
The bored child & curricular modifications for the general education classroom.
Presentation for the Clark County School District Northwest Area Spring
Professional Development Academy, Las Vegas, NV, April, 1999 with Dr. Karen
The resiliency of children. Presentation for the Clark County School District Health
Service Department, Las Vegas, NV, March, 1999.
Higgins p. 31
Teaching Exceptional Children online. Demonstration for Council for Exceptional
Children's 76th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, April, 1998 with Dr.
Randall Boone (two sessions).
Critical issues in the effective use of technology with students with learning
disabilities. Panel discussion for the 18th International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Laura Goin, Drs. Randall Boone, Ted Hasselbring, and Ralph
Feretti, Nashville, TN, November, 1996.
Internet resources: What they offer the research community. Presentation for the U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs Research Project
Directors' Conference, with Drs. Randall Boone and Dave Edyburn, Washington,
DC, July, 1996.
Panel: Multimedia research in progress . Presentation for Council for Exceptional
Children Center for Special Education Technology: Technology Seminar in
Multimedia with Drs. David Rose and Ted Hasselbring, Washington, D.C., May
Use of computers for individuals with disabilities. Presentation for Computer CurbCuts
computer users group focusing on access to computers by individuals with
disabilities at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,
November, 1990.
Innovative program designs: Best practices for the 1990s. Symposium for Council for
Learning Disabilities 12th International Conference with Ellen Grace, Drs.
Deborah D. Smith, Ginger Blalock, Tanis Bryan, and Suzanne Robinson, Austin,
Texas, October 1990.
Promising federally funded computer applications. Sponsored by the U. S. Department
Education, Office of Special Education. Presentation for Learning Disabilities
Association of America with Drs. Bea Berman, Ted Hasselbring, Randall Boone,
and Bridgett Dalton, Los Angeles, California, February, 1990.
The use of hypertext in the elementary classroom. Presentation for the Puget Sound
Computer Education Specialists with Dr. Randall Boone, Renton, Washington,
January 1989.
Higgins p. 32
Refereed Presentations
Developing Doctoral Scholars to respond to the Needs of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Students with Disabilities with Drs. Joe Morgan and Tracy Spies at the Teacher
Education Conference (TED), Phoenix, AZ, November, 2015.
Determining the Needs of Students with LD in Urban Environments with Drs. Joe Morgan and
Tracy Spies and students Kathy Eoldt, Dominique Tetzlaff, Matt Love at the Council for
Learning Disabilities Conference in Las Vegas, NV, October 2015.
Meet the Editors.Special Session at the 36th International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone. Las Vegas, NV October, 2015.
Meet the Editors.Special Session at the 35th International Conference on Learning
Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone in Philadelphia, PA, October, 2014.
Research-to-Practice: Writing to Inform Innovative and Effective Teaching Practices.
Building Bridges Conference, Poster Session with Dr. Randall Boone, Sydney,
AU, September 2014.
Using Universal Design Principles to Ensure Access to the Common Core Standards for
Students with Disabilities. Poster presentation with Dr. Joe Morgan at the Annual
Meeting of the Office of Special Education Programs Project Director's Meeting,
Washington, DC, July 2014.
Analyzing Common Core State Standards to Support the Achievement of All Students. A
presentation for the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children with Drs.
Joe Morgan and Tracy Spies, Philadelphia, Pa, April 2014.
Ensuring Access to the General Education Curriculum Through Unwrapping Standards Using a
Lattice Task Analysis. Poster Session for the 2013 OSEP Project Directors' Conference
with Dr. Joe Morgan and Nancy Brown. Washington, DC, July 2013.
Providing Access to the Common Core Standards for Students with Disabilities. Presentation for
the Annual TED Conference, Grand Rapids, MI with Dr. Joe Morgan, Nancy Brown,
Wendie Castillo, Yun-Ju Hsiao, Catherine Howerter, Pam Juniel, and Lidia Sedanno.
November 2012.
Collecting and Triangulating Performance Data in Clinical Field Experiences. Presentation for
the Annual TED Conference, Grand Rapids, MI with Dr. Joe Morgan, Nancy Brown,
Catherine Howerter, Yun-Ju Hsiao, Pam Juniel, and Lidia Sedano. November 2012.
The Software Checklist: Evaluating Software for Use in Educational Settings. Presentation for
the Research & Training Institute of East Aegean, Samos, Greece with Dr. Randall
Boone, July 2012.
Higgins p. 33
Research-to-Practice: Writing to Inform Innovative and Effective Teaching Practices.
Roundtable for the 12th Biennial International Association of Special Education
Conference, Windhoek, Namibia, July 10-14, 2011.
Haptic Computer Interfaces: Assistive Technology for the Inclusion of Students with Learning
Disabilities and Students with Blindness and Low Vision in Science Education.
Presentation for the Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress, Queen's University,
Belfast, N. Ireland with Drs. Randall Boone and Tom Pierce, August, 2010.
Fostering Inclusive Practices: The Universal Research-Translation Format. Presentation for the
Inclusivve and Supportive Education Congress, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland
with Drs. Tom Pierce, Dale Warby, and Randall Boone August, 2010.
Haptic Computer Interfaces: Assistive Technology in Science for Students with Learning
Disabilities. Presentation for the 31st International Conference on Learning Disabilities
with Dr. Randall Boone, Dallas, TX, October 2009.
Research-to-Practice: The Universal Translation Format for Special Educators. Presentation
for the 11th Biennial International Association of Special Education with Drs. Tom
Pierce and Randall Boone Alicante, Spain, July 2009.
Spatial Learning: A Haptic Computer Interface for Persons with Disabilities. Poster session for
the 11th Biennial International Association of Special Education with Dr. Randall Boone,
Alicante, Spain, July 2009.
Haptic Computer Interfaces: A Third Sense for Persons with Disabilities. Poster session for the
2009 CEC Convention and Expo with Dr. Randall Boone, Seattle, WA, April 2009.
The Software Checklist: A Tool for Educational Software Evaluation for Students with Learning
Disabilities. Presentation for the 30th International Conference on Learning Disabilities
with Dr. Randall Boone, Kansas City, MO, October, 2008.
Computer-based Writing Assessment: Secondary Student Satisfaction and Motivation
Indicators. Poster session for the Council for Exceptional Children Convention and
Expo with Dr. Randall Boone, Boston, MA, April, 2008.
Computer-based Writing Assessment: Secondary Student Perceptions. Poster session
for the 29th International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall
Boone, Myrtle Beach, SC, October, 2007.
Higgins p. 34
Online Learning Environments: Instructional Design Considerations for Students with
Learning Disabilities. Presentation for the 18th International Conference of the
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education with Dr. Randall
Boone, San Antonio, TX, March 2007.
Instructional Design Issues for Online Learning: Considering the Needs of Students with
Learning Disabilities. Poster session for the AACTE Annual Meeting & Exhibits
with Drs. Randall Boone and Tom Pierce, New York City, NY, February, 2007.
A University / Urban School District Collaboration: A Thirteen Year Longidtudinal Study.
Presentation for the 29th Annual TED/TAM Conference with Dr. Tom Pierce, San
Diego, CA, November, 2006.
Designing a Cooperative Online Learning Environment for Students with Learning Disabilities.
Presentation for the 29th Annual TED/TAM Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, San
Diego, CA, November, 2006.
Online Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities: Design Considerations. Presentation
for the 28th International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone,
McLean, VA, October, 2006.
Evaluating Educational Software for Use By Students with Disabilities in Special and General
Education. Presentation for the 2006 Hawaii International Conference on Education
with Dr. Randall Boone, Honolulu, HI, January, 2006.
Evaluating Software: Training Teachers to be Critical Consumers. Presentation for the 28th
Annual TED Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Portland, Maine, November, 2005.
On-line learning and mentoring: Enhancing the capabilities of beginning special educations.
Presentation for the 28th Annual TED Conference with Drs. Pam Campbell, Ashley
Skylar, Dana Powell, Tamarah Ashton, and students TyiSanna Jones, and Jessica
Wolfgram, Portland, Maine, November, 2005.
Evaluating Software for Use for Students with Disabilities to Foster Inclusion in General
Education. Presentation for the Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress with Drs.
Randall Boone and Tom Pierce, Glasgow, Scotland, August, 2005.
Project SET: Evaluating Software for Use by Students with Disabilities. Presentation forth 9th
Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education with Dr.
Randall Boone, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July, 2005.
Evaluating Software for Use by Students with Disabilities. Poster session for the Council for
Exceptional Children Convention with Dr. Randall Boone, Baltimore, MD, April, 2005.
Higgins p. 35
Project SET: A Software Evaluation Tool. Presentation for ATIA 2005 Conference with Dr.
Randall Boone, Orlando, FL, January, 2005.
Training Teachers to Evaluate Special Education Software. Presentation for the 27th Annual
CEC Teacher Education Division Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Albuquerque,
NM, November, 2004.
Online Collaborative Learning: Enhancing the Capabilities of Beginning Special Educators.
Presentation for the 27th Annual CEC Teacher Education Division Conference with Dr.
Pam Campbell, Tamarah Ashton, Cathi Draper-Rodriquez, Tyi-Sanna Jones, Jessica
Wolfgram, Ashley Skylar Albuquerque, NM, November, 2004.
Online Mentoring: Enhancing the Capabilities of Beginning Special Educators. Presentation
for the 26th International Conference on Learning Disabilities with TyiSanna Jones,
Jessica Wolfgram, and Drs. Pam Campbell, Randall Boone, and Tom Pierce, Las Vegas,
NV, October, 2004.
A Universally-designed Software Evaluation Tool for Students with Disabilities. Presentation for
the Council for Exceptional Children with Dr. Randall Boone, New Orleans, LA, April,
Project ENHANCE: Enhancing the Capabilities and Retention of Beginning Special Educators.
Presentation for the 15th International Conference of the Society for Information
Technology & Teacher Education with Jessica Wolfgram, TyiSanna Jones, Cathi DraperRodriquez, and Dr. Pam Campbell, March 2004.
Special Education Technology and Practice. Presentation for ATIA with Drs. Dave Edyburn
and Randall Boone, Orlando, FL, January, 2004.
Project SET: A Universally Designed Software Evaluation Tool. Presentation for Closing the
Gap with Dr. Randall Boone, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2003.
Evaluating Software for Use with Students with Learning Disabilities. Presentation for the 25th
Annual Conference of the International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr.
Randall Boone, Seattle, WA, October, 2003.
Universally-designed Software Evaluation Instrument for Students with Disabilities.
Presentation or the National Educational Computing Conference with Dr. Randall Boone,
Seattle, WA, June 2003.
Digital Textbooks: Creating Cooperative Content-Area Learning Materials. Presentation for
the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference with Dr. Randall Boone,
Seattle, WA, April, 2003.
Higgins p. 36
The Development and Validation of a Universally-designed Software Evaluation Instrument.
Presentation for the 14th Annual Society for Information Technology & Teacher
Education Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Albuquerque, NM, March, 2003.
Digital Text: Adapting Content Area Textbooks for Students with Disabilities. Presentation for
the Technology & Media Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference
with Dr. Randall Boone, Reston, VA, January, 2003.
Issues in Electronic Publishing: An Irresistible Force? Presentation for the 52nd National
Reading Conference with Drs. Donald Leu, Randall Boone, Donna Alvermann, David
Reinking, Andre Garber, Jonathan Eakle, Bridget Dalton, Dana Grisham, Miami, FL,
December, 2002.
A Comparison of Special Education Teacher Education Programs in the Clark County School
District. Presentation for the 46th Annual Council of the Great City Schools Conference,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, October, 2002.
Adapting Text for Content-Area Learning: Electronic Books and Online Text. Presentation for
the Council for Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone, Denver, CO, October,
Ebooks and Online Text: Reading in a Digital World. Poster session for the Council for
Exceptional Children Annual Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, New York City, April,
A 4-year University and School District Partnership. Poster session for the Council for
Exceptional Children Annual Conference with Dr. Tom Pierce, Karen Kennedy, and
Judy Terpstra, New York City, April, 2002.
Educational Software: Perceptions of Technology Using Educators. Presentation for the
Technology & Media Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference with
Drs. Diana Williams and Randall Boone, Reston, VA, January, 2002.
Digital Journals: Improving Educational Outcomes for Students with Learning Disabilities.
Presentation for the 23rd International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Drs.
Randall Boone and Dave Edyburn, Charlotte, NC, October, 2001.
Technology-Using Educators: Forecast of Future Needs Concerning Educational Software.
Poster session for the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conventional and Expo
with Drs. Randall Boone and Diana Williams, Kansas City, KS, April, 2001.
University and School District Collaboration: Issues, Concerns, and Solutions to Gaining
Access to Public Schools in the New Millennium. Presentation for the 23rd Annual
Teacher Education Conference Council for Exceptional Children with Ms. Monica
Brown, Las Vegas, NV, November, 2000.
Higgins p. 37
Digital Publishing: Implications for Teacher Education and Research. Presentation for the
23rd Annual Teacher Education Conference Council for Exceptional Children with Drs.
Randall Boone and Dave Edyburn, Las Vegas, NV, November, 2000.
Educator Beliefs Concerning Educational Software: A Delphi Study. Presentation for the
Council for Learning Disabilities 22nd International Conference, with Drs. Randall
Boone and Diana Williams, Austin, TX, October, 2000.
Professional Development Online: Teaching and Learning in a Digital Environment.
Presentation for the Council for Exceptional Children's 78th Annual Conference, with
Dr. Randall Boone, Vancouver, BC, April, 2000.
Special Education Cohort Program: A One-Year University and School District Collaborative
Partnership. Presentation for the 22nd Annual Teacher Education Conference Council f
or Exceptional Children with Drs. Tom Pierce, Jim Kelly, George Ann Rice, and Ms.
Melanie Cioppa, Palm Springs, CA, November, 1999.
Online Teaching and Learning Environments for Professional Development. Presentation for the
21st International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone,
Minneapolis, MN, October, 1999.
A Framework for the Evaluation of Educational Software for Use in Special Education.
Presentation for the International Association of Special Education with Dr. Randall
Boone, Sydney, Australia, July 1999.
Beyond the Boundaries of School: Transitions Considerations in Gifted Education.
Presentation for the International Association of Special Education with Dr. Randall
Boone, Sydney, Australia, July 1999.
Educational Software for Students with Disabilities: The Importance of Formative Evaluation.
Roundtable presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual
Conference, April 1999, Montreal, Canada.
Literacy Characteristics of Families with Limited English Proficiency: Implications for School
Psychologists. Poster Session for the National Association of School Psychologists
Conference with Deborah Sloan and Drs. Sherri Strawser and Jeff Gelfer, Las Vegas,
NV, April 1999.
Are There Linguistic Barriers in Standardized Testing That Contribute to the Over identification
of Minority Students in Special Education? Presentation for the National Association of
School Psychologists Conference with Sue Fordyce and Dr. Sherri Strawser, Las Vegas,
NV, April 1999.
Higgins p. 38
Effective Online Tools for Professional Development. Presentation for the 54th Annual
Conference of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development with Dr.
Randall Boone and Steve Smith, San Francisco, CA, March 1999.
Educational Software for Students with Disabilities: The Results of Two Formative Studies.
Presentation for the Technology and Media (TAM) Division Conference of the Council
for Exceptional Children with Dr. Randall Boone and Diana Williams, Portland, OR,
January, 1999.
Educational Software: A Framework for Evaluating Its Appropriateness for Students with
Disabilities. Presentation for the 76th Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional
Children with Dr. Randall Boone and Diana Williams, Minneapolis, MN, April, 1998.
An Evaluation Framework for Educational Software in Special Education. Presentation for the
International Conference on Technology and Education with Dr. Randall Boone, Santa
Fe, NM, March, 1998.
Digital Publications: Redefining Scholarship and Research in the Age of Technology.
Presentation for the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for
Teacher Education with Dr. Randall Boone, New Orleans, LA, February, 1998.
Educational Software: Is It Designed for Students with Learning Disabilities? Presentation for
the 19th International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone and
Diana Williams, Washington, DC, October, 1997.
Digital Publishing: Implications for educators. Presentation for the 14th International
Conference on Technology and Education with Dr. Randall Boone, University of Oslo, Oslo,
Norway, August, 1997.
Productivity tools for the research community. Presentation for the National Education
Computing Conference with Drs. Randall Boone and Dave Edyburn, Seattle, WA, June
Formative evaluation of instructional software: Importance for students with disabilities.
Presentation for the 75th Annual Council for Exceptional Children Conference with Dr.
Randall Boone, Salt Lake City, Utah, April, 1997.
Children who are homeless: What school psychologists must know. Presentation for the
National Association of School Psychologists Annual National Convention with Ms.
Barbara Yamaguchi and Dr. Sherri Strawser, Anaheim, CA, April, 1997.
Electronic journals: An interactive tool for learning and research. Presentation for the 19th
Annual CEC Teacher Education Division with Dr. Randall Boone and Vicki
Occhipinti-Smith, Washington, D.C., November, 1996.
Higgins p. 39
Peer coaching: Effectiveness with preservice teachers. Presentation for the 19th Annual CEC
Teacher Education Division with Kim J. Paulsen, Drs. Susan Miller, and Dr.
Sherri Strawser, Washington, D.C., November, 1996.
Problem Solver: A multimedia tool for solving story problems. Presentation for the 18th
International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone, Christy Falba,
and Steve Smith, Nashville, TN, November, 1996.
Electronic publishing in teaching and learning. Presentation for the National Education
Computing Conference with Vicki Occhipinti-Smith and Dr. Randall Boone,
Minneapolis, MN, June, 1996.
Solving story problems with multimedia: A tool for students with learning disabilities.
Presentation for the 13th International Conference on Technology and Education with
Christy Falba, Steve Smith, and Dr. Randall Boone, New Orleans, Louisiana, March,
Videodisc-based scenario instruction: Effectiveness in a preservice special education reading
course. Presentation for the 18th Annual Conference of The CEC Teacher Education
Division with Kim J. Paulsen, and Sarah Smith Stovall, and Dr. Randall Boone,
Honolulu, Hawaii, November, 1995.
Special Education Cohort: A two-year university, school district, and community collaborative
partnership. Presentation for the 18th Annual Conference of The CEC Teacher
Education Division with Dr. Tom Pierce, Honolulu, Hawaii, November, 1995.
Hypermedia pre-reading lessons: Learner-centered software for kindergarten. Presentation for
The Technology and Media Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference
with Dr. Randall Boone, Orlando, Florida, March, 1995.
Hypermedia electronic journals: A new tool for scholars . Presentation for the Sixth
International Conference on the Society for Information Technology and Teacher
Education Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, San Antonio, Texas, March, 1995.
Preparing for inclusion: Needs for teacher education. Poster session for the 73rd Annual
Council for Exceptional Children Conference with Drs. Sherri Strawser and Tom Pierce,
Indianapolis, Indiana, April, 1995.
Videodisc-based Scenario Instruction. Presentation for the 16th International Conference on
Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone, San Diego, CA, November, 1994.
Hypermedia tour of hypermedia at work: An interactive poster session. Poster session National
Educational Computing Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Boston, MA, June, 1994.
Higgins p. 40
Hypermedia!NOW: Reading and writing on the electronic desktop. Poster session for The
Eleventh International Conference on Technology and Education with Dr. Randall
Boone, London, England, March, 1994.
Reading and writing the electronic book: A hypermedia authoring tool. Presentation for The
Technology and Media Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference
with Dr. Randall Boone, St. Paul, Minnesota, February, 1994.
Hypermedia pre-reading lessons: Learner centered software for kindergarten. Presentation for
the 15th International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone,
Baltimore, Maryland, October, 1993.
Reading a hypermedia textbook: Patterns of student use. Presentation for the 71st Annual
Council for Exceptional Children Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, San Antonio,
Texas, April, 1993.
A hypermedia tour of hypermedia at work. Poster session for the 4th Annual STATE Conference
on Technology with Dr. Randall Boone, San Diego, California, March, 1993.
Hypermedia study guides: Factual and inferential comprehension. Presentation for the 14th
International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone, Kansas City,
Kansas, October, 1992.
Traversing a hypermedia infoscape: Patterns of student use. Presentation for the National
Educational Computing Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Dallas, Texas, June, 1992.
Reading and writing in hypertext: Diverse perspectives on what people actually do.
Symposium for the American Education Research Association 1992 Annual Meeting
with Drs. Randall Boone, Lynn Anderson-Inman, Mark Horney, Amy Shapiro, Kathryn
Spoehr, Christopher Dede, and Leigh Zeitz, San Francisco, California, April, 1992.
Hypermedia reading materials: The effectiveness of three years of elementary school
instruction. Presentation for The Ninth International Conference on Technology and
Education with Dr. Randall Boone, Paris, France, March, 1992.
Hypermedia reading materials: The effectiveness of three years of elementary school
instruction. Presentation for The Technology and Media Division of the Council for
Exceptional Children Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
January, 1992.
Reading hypermedia: A book can't do that. Presentation for the Annual Computer Users in
Education in Southern Nevada Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Las Vegas, Nevada,
October, 1991.
Higgins p. 41
Hypermedia CAI reading instruction: A synopsis of a 3-year research project. Presentation for
the 13th International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, October, 1991.
The development and classroom implementation of hypermedia computer assisted reading
materials. Presentation for the 69th Annual Council for Exceptional Children
Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1991.
Basal reader instruction through hypermedia computer assisted instruction. Presentation for
Washington• Organization•Reading•Development Conference, International Reading
Association with Dr. Randall Boone, Bellevue, Washington, March 1991.
Hypermedia CAI reading materials: Design and development, integration and effectiveness.
Presentation for the 12th International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr.
Randall Boone, Austin, Texas, October, 1990.
Hypermedia CAI: The development and integration of elementary reading materials.
Presentation for the National Educational Computing Conference with Dr. Randall
Boone, Nashville, Tennessee, June 1990.
Hypermedia CAI: The development and integration of elementary reading materials.
Presentation for Arizona State University's Tenth Annual Microcomputers in Education
Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Tempe, Arizona, March 1990.
Hypermedia CAI reading materials: Design and development, integration, and effectiveness.
Presentation for the Nineteenth Northwest Council for Computer Education Conference
with Marilyn Heyn, Janice Okita, Karen Perlbachs, and Dr. Randall Boone, Eugene,
Oregon, March, 1990.
Hypermedia CAI: The development of elementary reading materials. Presentation for the New
Mexico Council of Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, November, 1989.
Hypertext CAI: The development of elementary reading materials. Presentation for the 11th
International Conference on Learning Disabilities with Dr. Randall Boone, Denver,
Colorado, October, 1989.
Hypertext CAI: A supplement to an elementary school basal reading program. Presentation for
the National Educational Computing Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Boston,
Massachusetts, June 1989.
Hypertext study guides. Presentation for the Council of Exceptional Children 67th Annual
Convention with Dr. Randall Boone, San Francisco, California, April 1989.
Higgins p. 42
Hypertext study guides: An aid to comprehension. Presentation for the National Educational
Computing Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Dallas, Texas, June 1988.
Refereed Workshops
How-to Guide to Publishing Digital Journals. Workshop for the Council for Exceptional
Children Teacher Education Division 24th Annual Conference with Drs. Dave Edyburn
and Randall Boone, St. Petersberg Beach, FL, November, 2001.
Electronic publishing: From the classroom to the World Wide Web. Workshop for the Council
for Exceptional Children Technology and Technology Media Division Annual
Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, San Jose, CA, February, 1997.
Electronic publishing on the world wide web or in your own backyard. Workshop for the
National Educational Computing Conference with Steve Smith and Dr. Randall Boone,
Minneapolis, MN, June, 1996.
Using logowriter to create hypermedia. Workshop for the Annual Computer Users in
Education in Southern Nevada Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Las Vegas, Nevada,
October, 1993.
Building hypermedia materials with a hypercard template. Workshop for the National
Educational Computing Conference with Dr. Randall Boone and Dr. Neal Strudler,
Dallas, Texas, June 1992.
Hypertext CAI: The development of elementary reading materials . Workshop for
Arizona State Ninth Annual Microcomputers in Education Conference with Dr. Randall
Boone, Tempe, Arizona, March, 1989.
Invited Workshops
Electronic Text: A Key to Universal Design, Workshop with Dr. Randall Boone at Konju
National University, Konju Korea, May 2010.
Division of Research: Beginning Careeer Researchers, Writing for Publication.
Workshop with Dr. Randall Boone at the Annual Council for Exceptional Children
Conference, Nashville, TN, April 2010
Division of Research: Beginning Careeer Researchers, Writing for Publication.
Workshop with Drs. Randall Boone and Karen Harris at the Annual Council for
Exceptional Children Conference, Louisville, KY, April 20, 2007.
Higgins p. 43
Technology and Instruction into the Year 2000: Important Issues for Teacher Preparation in
Special Education. Preconference Professional Development Session for 22nd Annual
Teacher Education Conference Council for Exceptional Children with Drs. Randall
Boone and Rhonda Black, Palm Springs, CA, November, 1999.
Technology and Learning into the Year 2000: Important Issues for Students with Learning
Disabilities. Preconference Institute for the Council for Learning Disabilities 20th
Annual Conference with Dr. Randall Boone, Albuquerque, NM, November, 1998.
Internet resources: How they facilitate research and teaching. Workshop for Alliance 2000,
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, with Dr. Randall Boone,
University of Puerto Rico--San Juan, Puerto Rico, September, 1997.
Internet resources: How they facilitate research and teaching. Workshop for Alliance 2000,
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, with Dr. Randall Boone,
University of Hawaii--Honolulu, HI, August, 1997.
Internet resources: How they facilitate research and teaching. Workshop for Alliance 2000,
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, with Dr. Randall Boone and
Ms. Diana Williams, California State University--Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, June,
Internet resources: How they facilitate research and teaching. Workshop for Alliance 2000,
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, with Dr. Randall Boone,
Fond Du Luc Tribal College, Carlton, MN, May, 1997.
Internet resources: How they facilitate research and teaching. Workshop for Alliance 2000,
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, with Dr. Randall Boone and
Ms. Diana Williams, California State University--Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, April,
Internet resources: How they facilitate research and teaching. Workshop for Alliance 2000,
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, with Dr. Randall Boone,
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, March, 1997.
Internet resources: How they facilitate research and teaching. Workshop for Alliance 2000,
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, with Dr. Randall Boone,
Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, February, 1997.
Technology and learning disabilities. Workshop for the Council for Learning Disabilities
CLD Symposium Series, with Drs. Randall Boone and Marshall Raskind, Las
Vegas, Nevada, March, 1996.
Higgins p. 44
Making it in academe. Workshop for the 18th Annual Conference of The CEC Teacher
Education Division with Drs. Deb Smith, Randall Boone, Vivian Correa, Tom Pierce,
Suzanne Robinson, and Jane Clarke, Honolulu, Hawaii, November, 1995.
Hypermedia!NOW. Workshop for Sonoma County Special Education Local Plan Area with
Dr. Randall Boone, Sonoma, California, January, 1994.
2015 College of Education Distinguish Scholar
2003 Honored by the Clark County School District Board of Education for work done
with the Educational Assistant Cohort Program, the Alternative Licensure
Program, and the Specialized Teacher Education Program
2000 Honored by the Clark County School District Board of Education for work done
with the Educational Assistant Cohort Program and Alternative Licensure
1998 UCCSN Outstanding Faculty--Salute to Higher Education Award from the
University and Community College System of Nevada Board of Regents
1997 UNLV, College of Education, Distinguished Professor Research Award
1997 Selected by the University of Nevada-Las Vegas Faculty Senate to be featured in
the Faculty Senate "Spotlight on Outstanding Faculty"
1996 UCCSN Outstanding Faculty--Salute to Higher Education Award from the
University and Community College System of Nevada Board of Regents
1995 Beam of Light Award from the Clark County School District Board of Education
1995 Selected by the outstanding student in Special Education, Pauline Lindsay, as a
professor worthy of recognition at the UNLV Alumni Association Recognition
1994- UNLV, College of Education, Lilly Fong Distinguished Professor of the Year
1995 Award for Teaching
1994 Elected to membership in the UNLV National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
1994 Selected by the outstanding student in Special Education, Cathleen Reese, as a
professor worthy of recognition at the UNLV Alumni Association Recognition
Higgins p. 45
Service Activities--University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2014-present University Curriculum Committee
2013-present Graduate Council
Diversity Task Force
Member, Research Services Principal Invetigators' Board
Member, Status of Women Committee (substituting for Dr. McKinney
while on Sabbatical)
University of Nevada-Las Vegas 40th Anniversary Committee
Member, Performance Review Committee for the Dean of the College of
Human Performance and Development
Member, University Faculty Senate Ethics Committee
Co-Coordinator with Dr. Boone of the Personnel Preparation Special
Project visit of Project AIMM Workshop, Drs. Ted Hasselbring and Herb
Rieth, Vanderbilt University, Project Directors
Faculty mentor, UNLV Multicultural Student Affairs Mentor Program
College of Education
2013-present Member, College of Education, Graduate Studies Committee
Chair, College of Education Advising Office Director Search Committee
Member, College of Education Field Experience Coordinator Search
Member, College of Education Promotion and Tenure Committee
Member, College of Education Field Experience Coordinator Search
Member, College of Education Strategic Planning Committee
Member, College of Education Council on Field Experiences
Higgins p. 46
Member, College of Education Promotion and Tenure Committee
Member, Teacher Education Committee/NCATE Steering Committee
Co-editor, Multicultural and Diversity Newsletter
Special Education representative, College of Education Merit Committee
Member, College of Education Field Coordinator Search Committee
Member, Department of Instructional & Curricular Studies Bilingual
Search Committee
Member, College of Education Reorganization Committee
Co-chair, College of Education 40th Anniversary Committee
Editor, Multicultural and Diversity Newsletter
Member, Distance Education Committee
Member, Multicultural & Diversity Committee
Chair, College of Education Curriculum Committee
Special Education representative, College of Education Merit Committee
Member, College of Education Director of Teacher Education Selection
Coordinator , Department of Special Education/Clark County School
District Special Education Cohort Personnel Preparation Program
Member, College of Education Teacher Education Committee
Special Education representative, College of Education Curriculum
Special Education representative, College of Education Multicultural Task
Special Education representative, College of Education Cultural Diversity
Mentoring Program
Higgins p. 47
Department of Special Education
Chair, Search Committee ECS Chair position
Chair, Search Committee Human Services FIR positon
2013-present Coordinator, Doctoral Program
Member, Search Committee Counselor Education
Member, Search Committee ELL Position
Chair, Search Committee for Autism Special Education Position
Chair, Search Committee for Generalist Special Education
Chair, Search Committee for Senior Scholar Special Education
Member, Search Committee for Mental Retardation Special Education
Chair, Search Committee for Bilingual/Multicultural Special Education
Member, Search Committee for Behavior Disorders/Emotional
Disabilities Special Education Position
Coordinator, Special Education Cohort Program
Coordinator, Special Education Alternative Licensure Program
Coordinator, Special Education STEP Program
Chair, Faculty Search Committee for Chair of Special Education
Chair, Search Committee for Special Education Administration/Bilingual
Special Education Position
Member, Search Committee for Faculty Position in Mental Retardation
1996-present Member, Doctoral Planning Committee
Higgins p. 48
Member, Chair of Special Education--Evaluation Committee
Chair, Wilson-Pearson Scholarship Committee
Special Education Representative, Graduate College Exploration Day
Member, Doctoral Program Curriculum Development Committee
Member, Department Release-time for Faculty subcommittee
1993, 1995
Instructor of Record, Southwest Regional Nevada Association of the Gifted
& 1998 and Talented Conference, June, 1993; October, 1995; March 1998
Member, Pre-student & Student Teaching Interview Committees
Member, Department By-Laws Committee
Field Service Involvement
Clark County School District
Board of Directors (Elected position), CCSD Odyssey Charter School
Vice President (Elected position), CCSD Odyssey Charter School
2003-present Coordinator, Department of Special Education/Clark County School
District Specialized Teacher Education Program (STEP)
1998-present Coordinator, Department of Special Education/Clark County School
District Special Education Cohort Program
1998-present Coordinator, Department of Special Education/Clark County School
District Special Education Alternative Licensure Program
Member, Clark County and UNLV Joint Committee on Research in the
Member, Clark County School District Educators' Institute Committee,
Division of Special Student Services
Reader of Children's Literature, Nevada Reading Week , Rundle
Elementary School
Higgins p. 49
Presentations, Multicultural Perspectives in Special Education for the
Clark County School District school nurses, speech therapists, and school
psychologists (Zones 2 & 3)--February 10, February 17, February 22, and
March 10, 1994, CCSD School Board Meeting Room, Las Vegas, Nevada
Member, Clark County School District/University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Research Consortium
Presentation, January 1993, How Do We Compare?--A Research
Perspective on Transition in the 90's and How Parents Can Help for the
CCSD Special Education Parents Advisory Committee General meeting,
Helen J. Stewart School, Las Vegas, NV
University Liaison, Special Education Parental Advisory Committee
(SEPAC) Executive Board Clark County School District
Member, Special Student Services Subcommittee Clark County School
Nevada State Department of Education
Member, Teacher Quality Task Force
Member, subcommittee on State Licensure in English and Language Arts
Member, Special Education State Licensure Task Force
Member, Special Education State Licensure Task Force Subcommittee on
Categorical Certification
Other Universities and Organizations
External Evaluator, Promotion & Tenure Committee, George Mason
External Evaluator, Promotion & Tenure Committee, Brock University
External Evaluator, Tenure Committee, Pace University
Higgins p. 50
External Evaluator, Promotion Committee, University of Kentucky
External Evaluator, Promotion Committee, University of
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Western Virginia
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, George Mason
External Evaluator, Promotion Committee, University of
Michigan-Dearbourn, School of Education
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Northern Illinois
External Evaluator, Promotion Committee, University of
Michigan-Dearbourn, School of Education
External Evaluation, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Oklahoma, Department of Educational Psychology
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Michigan-Dearbourn, School of Education
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
North Carolina Charlotte, Department of Special Education and
Child Development
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Kentucky, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Texas Tech
University, Department of Educational Psychology and Leadership
External evaluator, BYU Graduate College, Department of Special
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Georgia, Department of Special Education
Advisory Board, The National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI)a federally funded center
Higgins p. 51
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Kansas, Department of Special Education
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Missouri-Columbia, School of Information Science & Learning
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Georgia, Department of Special Education
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Oklahoma, Department of Educational Psychology
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
Texas at El Paso, Department of Educational Psychology
University of New Mexico, Alliance 2000 Project, U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education Project to increase the grant
funding at Historically Black Colleges & Universities and other
predominantly minority institutions of higher education
Chesapeake Institute and University of Delaware, Case Studies in
Technology, joint project for the U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education Programs
External Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University of
South Carolina, Department of Educational Psychology
Member of Advisory Group, University of Delaware, U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Research Project,
Learning by Design: Multimedia Projects for Students with Disabilities,
Drs. Cindy Okolo and Ralph Ferretti, Project Directors, Newark, DE
Guest aricle reviewer, Bilingual Research Journal
2014-present Guest article reviewer, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental
2014-present Guest article reviewer, Exceptionalities
Guest article reviewer, Exceptional Children
Higgins p. 52
Guest article reviewer, Remedial and Special Education
Guest article reviewer, Reading Research Quarterly
Book and software reviewer, Teaching Exceptional Children (Council for
Exceptional Children) for the column Off the Shelf
Book reviewer, Journal of Contemporary Sociology
Guest article reviewer, Diagnostique
Proposal Reviewer, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services, Washington, D.C.
Proposal reviewer, American Education Research Association
SIG: Special Education Research Proposals.
Book manuscript reviewer:
Brooks-Cole Publishers
McMillan Publishers
Allyn & Bacon Publishers
Professional Organization Committees
Co-local arrangements committee chair, Council for Learning Disabilities
Conference, Las Vegas 2015.
2006-present Member, Council of Learning Disabilities Communications Committee
Co-Strand Leader (technology) with Dr. Randall Boone, Learning
Disabilities Association (LDA) Conference, Reno, NV
Co-Strand Leader (technology) with Dr. Randall Boone, Teacher
Education Division (TED) Conference, Albuquerque, NM
Co-Strand Leader (technology) with Dr. Randall Boone, Council for
Learning Disabilities International Conference, Las Vegas, NV
2000-present Member, Council of Learning Disabilities Communication Committee
Member, Council of Learning Disabilities Board of Trustees
Member, Technology and Media Division of Council for Exceptional
Children Executive Board
Higgins p. 53
Member, Technology and Media Division of Council for Exceptional
Children Publications Committee
Member, Council of Learning Disabilities Spring 1996 Symposium
International Service Activities
National Research Foundation of South Africa, South Africa Ministry of
Education, research proposal reviewer
Courses Taught--University of Nevada, Las Vegas
ESP 333
Teaching Students with Disabilities in the General Education Classroom
ESP 487
Group Methods for Students with Disabilities
ESP 463
Oral and Written Language for Students with Disabilities
ESP 468
Collaborative Consultation in Special Education
ESP 492
Career & Vocational Education in Special Education
EDSP 441
Characteristics of Students with LD, ED, & ID
ESP 480
Pre-student Teaching in Special Education & Seminar
ESP 734
ESP 687
ESP 700-2
ESP 743
ESP 717g
ESP 722
ESP 701
ESP 708
ESP 746
ESP 746
ESP 747
ESP 700-4
ESP 700/745
ESP 741
Career & Vocational Education in Special Education
Group Methods for Students with Disabilities
Problems: Special Needs of the Gifted
Models of Gifted Education
Curriculum Development in Gifted Education
Multicultural Perspectives in Special Education
Advanced Educational Programming for Exceptional Children
Advanced Educational Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities
Transpersonal Education and the Gifted
Creativity and Gifted Education (title change)
Contemporary Trends and Issues in Gifted Education
Collaborative Consultation in Special Education
Experiential Learning in Gifted Education
Introduction to Gifted Education
Higgins p. 54
ESP 720
Practicum in Special Education--Learning Disabilities & Gifted
ESP 737
Fieldwork in Special Education--Learning Disabilities & Gifted
ESP 784
ESP 732
ESP 760
ESP 794b
ESP 799
ESP 796
Advanced Technology in Special Education
Grant Writing in the Human Services
Professional Seminar in Special Education
Doctoral Internship (teaching & research)
Dissertatioin Prospectus
Doctoral Students
Chair of Committee
Spring 1997
Kimberly J. Paulsen, Professor
Dissertation Title:
Preservice Education: Exploring Alternative
Methods of Instruction, Advisement, and
Field-based Supervision
Vanderbilt University
Peabody College
Nashville, TN
Spring 2000
Leah Herner, Associate Professor
Dissertation Title:
Educator Study Groups: An Exploration
of an Alternative Method of Preservice
Teacher Development
The Ohio State
Lima, OH
Spring 2001
Monica Brown, Professor
Dissertation Title:
School and Student Alienation: Perceptions of
Secondary Students With and Without Disabilities
Fall 2001
Cynthia Lau, Associate Professor
Touro University
Dissertation Title:
Las Vegas, NV
The Use of Teacher Facilitation During Computer
Activities to Improve the Social Interaction of
Preschool Children in Inclusive Classrooms
Higgins p. 55
Fall 2002
Mary Greene, Educator
Dissertation Title:
Instructional Differentiation in General
Education and the Gifted Resource Room:
Teacher and Student Perceptions
Clark County School
Las Vegas, NV
Spring 2004
Judy Terpstra, Associate Professor
Dissertation Title:
Increasing Social Interactions of Preschool
Children with and Without Disabilities
Connecticut State
New Haven, CT
Craig Butz, Chief Educational Officer
Dissertation Title:
Parent and Student Satisfaction with Online
Education at the Elementary and Secondary
Charter School
Tampa, FL
Summer 2004
Ashley Skylar, Associate Professor
Dissertation Title:
Distance Education: An Exploration of
Methods and Media
California State
Northridge, CA
Summer 2006
Regina Brandon, Associate Professor
Dissertation Title:
An Exploration of the Alienation
Experienced by African American Parents
from their Child's Educational Environment
San Diego State
San Diego, CA
Fall 2006
Terry Cumming, Senior Lecturer
University of New
Dissertation Title:
South Wales
Social Skills Instruction for Adolescents
Sydney, AU
with Emotional Disabilities: A Technology-based
Spring 2007
Nicole Dobbins, Associate Professor
An Anallysis of Social Skills Instruction
Provided in Teacher Education and In-Service
Training Programs for General and
Special Educators
Carolina A & T
Higgins p. 56
Summer 2008
Tyi-Sanna Jones, educator
Multicultural Education in PreService
Teacher Education
Virginia Beach, VA
Spring 2009
Vita Jones, Associcate Professor
African American Parental Beliefs
About Resliency: A Delphi Study
California State
Spring 2010
Jason Travers, Assistant Professor
Emergent Literacy Skills of Young
Children with Autism: A Comparison
of Teacher-led and Computer-assisted
University of
Spring 2012
Joe Morgan, Assistant Professor
Teaching Online Social Skills to
Students with Emotional and Behavioral
University of
Nevada Las Vegas
Spring 2012
Lindsay Lile Diamond, Director Assessment
Problem Solging Interventions: Impact
on Young Children with Developmental
University of
Nevada Las Vegas
Spring 2013
Catherine S. Howerter, Assistant Professor
An Analysis of Co-teaching Instruction
Provided in Teacher Education and Inservice
Training for Special Education and General
Education Teachers
Georgia Southern
Spring 2013
Yun-Ju Hsiao, Assistant Professor
Parental Stress, Family-Professional
Partnerships, and Family Quality of Life:
Families of Children with Autism Spectrum
Washington State
University-Tri Cities
Spring 2013
Lidia E. Sedano, Educator
An Analysis of English Language Learning
Instruction Provided in Teacher Education
and Inservice Training Programs for General
and Special Educators
Clark County
School District
Higgins p. 57
Spring 2013
Wendie Lappin Castillo, Assistant Professor
An Analysis of Reading Skills Instruction
Provided to Special and General Educators
in their Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher
Central Washington
Summer 2014
Allenda Zionch, Educator
An Evaluation of Video Prompting to
Teach Students with Intellectual Disabilities
to Use a Cell Phone
Clark County
School District
Spring 2015
Troy Kieser, Educator
The Attitudes and Beliefs of Special and
General Educational Professionals
Concerning Alcohol and Drug Problems
Clark County
School District
Spring 2015
Jamie Gunderson, Educator
Exploring Cognitively Accessible
Academic Lessons for Students
With Intellectual Disabilities
Using the iPad
Clark County
School District
Fall 2015
Pam Juniel, Educator
Evidence-based Practices: An Exploratory
Study Concerning School District
Professional Development Considerations
Clark County
School District
Robert Marsh
Jennifer Smith
Dolores Williams
Rebecca Norton
Member of Committee:
Fall 1998
Dale Warby, Professor & Chair
Dissertation Title:
Formative Evaluation: An Instrument
to Measure the Effects of Using the
Universal Format
of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
Spring 2000
Kit-hung Lee
Dissertation Title:
Effects of Preservice Peer Coaching on
Student Teachers in Special Education
Higgins p. 58
Spring 2002
Connie Malin, Principal
Dissertation Title:
Traditional and Nontraditional
Teacher Perceptions and Applications
of a Developmentally Appropriate Program
Las Vegas, NV
Fall 2003
Karen Kennedy, Teacher Facilitator
Dissertation Title:
Alternative Route to Licensure in Special
Education: A Program Evaluation
Clark County
School District
Las Vegas, NV
Fall 2003
Deborah Kennedy, Educator
Dissertation Title:
Linking Transition Best Practices to Student
Outcomes for Students with Mental Retardation
Clark County
School District
Las Vegas, NV
Spring 2004
Stefanie Fisher Kuaczynski, Educator
Dissertation Title:
The Impact of Full-day and half-day
Kindergarten on the Language Arts
Achievement Scores of First Grade Students
Clark County
School District
Fall 2005
Brian Saffle, Facilitator
Paraeducator Training: An Investigation
of Current Practice and Related Needs
Clark County
School District
Las Vegas, NV
Bradley Kaeffer, Associate Professor
Exploring the Effects of Online Instructional
Models on the Writing Achievement of High
School Students with and without Disabilities
Minnesota State
St. Cloud, MN
Fall 2006
Shannon Crozier, Project Coordinator
The Effects of Performance Feedback
and Goal Setting on Effective Teaching
Las Vegas, NV
Spring 2007
Michele Dupree, Educator
Investigating Stress Related to
Beginning Teacher Standards
Clark County
School District
Las Vegas, NV
Spring 2007
Claire Tredwell, Director Lynn Bennett
The Impact of Peer Tutoring Sessions
on Oral Language Vocabulary in
Early Childhood Inclusive Settings
Clark County School
School District
Las Vegas, NV
Higgins p. 59
Spring 2007
Cathi Draper-Rodriquez, Associate Professor
The Impact of Computer-based
Intervention with and without
Primary Language Support on Reading
Skilles of English Language Learners
California State
Monterrey Bay
Summer 2007
Jennifer Stringfellow, Associate Professor
Effects of Possible Selves Instruction on
Self-Determination of Students with
Learning Disabilities
Eastern Illinois
Spring 2009
Debra Cote, Associate Professor
Increasing Skill Performances of
Problem-Solving in Students with
Intellectual Disabilities
California State
Mia Youhne, Assistant Professor
Single-age and Multi-age Preschool Settings
Daegu, South Korea
Fall 2009
Nancy Fitzgerald, System Administrator
Exploring the Effects of Online Instruction
on Reading Comprehension Achievement of
Students with Learning Disabilities
Somerset Academy
Charter School
Spring 2010
Cori More, Assistant Professor
The Effects of Social Story Interventions on
Preschool Age Children with and without
University of Nevada
Las Vegas
Fall 2010
Lillian England
Evaluating and Improving the Quality of
Language Modeling in Early Childhood
Adjunct Instructor
Spring 2011
Dustin Mancl
Investigating the Effects of a Combined
Problem-Solving Strategy for Students with
Difficulties in Mathematics
Clark County
School District,
Summer 2011
Christy Carmack
Regrouping Strategy Instruction with
Elementary Students with Learning
Higgins p. 60
Summer 2011
Elyse Diamond
The Role of Narrative in Multimedia
College of Southern
Fall 2011
Ellysa O'Brien
Students with Reading Disabilities Participating
in Literature Discussions: A Case Study
College of Southern
Spring 2012
Ellen Ebert
Understanding Adolescent Perceptions
and Relevancy of Science Education
Director, Science
Education, State of
Spring 2013
Vanessa Fessednden, Director
Comparison of the Pervasive Development
Disorders Screening Test and Modified
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers: Which
is the Better Predicgtor of Autism in Toddlers?
Southwest Behavior
Summer 2013
Shannnon Cote Sparks, Visiting Instructor
Increasing Choice-Making and
Awareness for Students with
Intellectual Disability
Summer 2014
William Garnett, Assistant Professor
Analysis of Suspension, Expulsion, and
Incarceration Data Reported Under IDEA
California State
Summer 2014
Terri Marx, Educational Researcher
Effects of Cooperation Games on the Social
Interactions of Students with Emotional
and Behavioral Disorders
American Institute
for Research
Fall 2015
Michael Morrisett, Facilitator
Effects of Picture Activity Schedules
On Taks Completed
Clark County
School District
Joyce Higa
A.J. O'Reilly
Dominique Tetzloff
Samantha Riggleman
Kathy Ewoldt
Sarah Murphy
Ebony Sherman
Kristin Withey
Higgins p. 61
Professional Organizations
Council of Exceptional Children
•Division for Learning Disabilities
•Teacher Education Division
•Technology and Media Division
Council for Learning Disabilities
American Educational Research Association