Electric Circuit Analysis E927500 I. Course Topics: (3 Units) AC Circuits 10. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 11. AC Steady-State Power 12. Three-Phase Circuits Lab I: Transformer Using PSpice (3 hrs.) Signal and System in Circuit Analysis 14. Laplace Transform 15. Fourier Series & Fourier Transform 13. Frequency Response 02-25-2015 Schedule Mon Wed (導談) 2/25 3/02 3/09 3/16 3/23 3/30 4/06 (Off) 4/13 4/15 4/20 4/21 CA EXAM Mid Term I (Ch. 10~11) CA 1 (PSpice) 4/27 5/04 5/11 5/18 5/25 5/27 Mid Term II (Ch. 12,14,15,Lab I) 6/01 Lab II: Bode Plot Using Matlab (3 hrs.) 16. Filter Circuits 6/03 CA 2 (Matlab) 6/08 6/15 6/22 6/25 Final (Ch. 13,16,Lab II) II. Textbook: R. C. Dorf and J. A. Svoboda, Introduction to Electric Circuit, 8th Ed., Wiley, 2011. References: C. K. Alexander and M. O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2013. III. Grade: Mid Term I & II: 60 (30 + 30), Final: 30; Total: (60+30) × 110 /100 = 99. CA: 2 × 3 = 6; 小抄: 3 × 3 = 9; Overall: 99 + 6 + 9 = 114. IV. Handout Server: 成大 Moodle 數位學習平台 V. Time & Place: 1. Lecture: Place: 41102 at Engineering Science Time: 9:10~12:00, Monday (除導談外) 2. Exam: Place: 41102 at Engineering Science Time: 19:10~22:00, Wednesday 3. Lab: Place: 301 at 電算中心 Time: 19:10~22:00, Wednesday Instructor: Shean-Jen Chen (陳顯禎) Phone: (O) (06) 2757575 ext. 63351, (H) (06) 2368441, Mobile Phone: 0931178072 E-mail: sheanjen@mail.ncku.edu.tw TA: 林承翰、黃馨儀; (06) 2385822; Adaptive Photonics Lab. at Eng. Sci. Bld. B1 Chapter10:SinusoidalSteadyͲStateAnalysis 10.1 Motivation 10.2 Sinusoids’Features 10.3 Phasors 10.4 Phasor RelationshipsforCircuitElements 10.5 ImpedanceandAdmittance 10.6 Kirchhoff’sLawsUsingPhasors 10.7NodeVoltage&MeshCurrentAnalysisUsingPhasors 10.8Superposition,SourceTransformation,Thevenin & NortonEquivalentCircuits 10.9OpAmpACCircuits 10.10Applications 10.11Summary 10.1Motivation (1) Howtodeterminevt andit? vst=10V DCїAC Howcanweapplywhatwehavelearnedbeforetodetermine it andvt? 10.1Motivation(2) The output of the circuit will consist of two parts: 9a transient part that dies out as time increases; 9a steadyͲstate part that persists. Typically, the transient part dies out quickly, perhaps in a couple of milliseconds. AC circuits are the subject of this chapter. In particular, 9 It's useful to associate a complex number with a sinusoid. Doing so allows us to define phasors and impedances. 9 Using phasors and impedances, we obtain a new representation of the linear circuit, called the “frequencyͲ domain representation.” 9 We call analyze ac circuits in the frequency domain to determine their steadyͲstate response. 10.2Sinusoids(1) Asinusoid isasignalthathastheformofthesineorcosine function. Ageneralexpressionforthesinusoid, vt Vm VLQZt I where VP =theamplitude ofthesinusoid Ȧ =theangularfrequencyinradians/s Ȧt =theargumentofthesinusoid I =thephase SHULRGT S Z 10.2Sinusoids(2) Aperiodicfunction isonethatsatisfiesvt = vt + nT,forallt andforallintegersn. f Hz T Z Sf v leadsv1 byorv I 1 lagsv by I • Onlytwosinusoidalvalueswiththesamefrequencycanbe comparedbytheiramplitudeandphasedifference. • Ifphasedifferenceiszero,theyareinphase;ifphase differenceisnotzero,theyareoutofphase. 10.2Sinusoids(3) Example: VLQ S t q calculateitsamplitude, Givenasinusoid,, phase,angularfrequency,period,andfrequency. Solution: Amplitude=5,phase=–60o,angularfrequency=4 ʋ rad/s, period=0.5s,frequency=2Hz. Example: i FRVt o Findthephaseanglebetweenand i VLQ t o ,doesi1 leadorlagi2? Solution: SinceVLQȦtR FRVȦt i1 leadsi2 by155o. 10.3Phasor (1) Aphasor isacomplexnumberthatrepresentstheamplitude andphase ofasinusoid. i t 5H^I P e jI e jZt ` I P e jI , I P I whereI iscalledaphasor. Phasors maybeusedwhenthecircuitislinear,thesteadyͲstate responseissought,andallindependentsourcesaresinusoidal andhavethesamefrequency. Itcanberepresentedinoneofthefollowing: a. Rectangular z x jy r FRV I j VLQ I z r I b. Polar r x y jI z re c. Exponential where y I WDQ x 10.3Phasor (2) Mathematicoperationofcomplexnumber: 1. Addition z z x x j y y 2. Subtraction z z x x j y y 3. Multiplication z z 4. Division z z 5. Reciprocal z 6. Squareroot 7. Complexconjugate z 8. Euler’sidentity e r jI z rr I I r I I r I r r I x jy r I re jI FRV I r j VLQ I 10.3Phasor (3) ĺ 10.3Phasor (4) Transform a sinusoid from the time domain to the phasor domain: v t V m FRV Z t I 9 Vm I (time domain) (phasor domain) • Amplitude and phase difference are two principal concerns in the study of voltage and current sinusoids. • Phasor will be defined from the cosine function in all our proceeding study. If a voltage or current expression is in the form of a sine, it will be changed to a cosine by subtracting from the phase. 10.3Phasor (5) v t dv dt ³ vdt 9 V I Laplacetransform L > f t @ F s jZ 9 9 jZ ³ f f t e st dt Noinitialcond. &sets = jȦ Thedifferencesbetweenvt and9: vt isinstantaneousortimeͲdomain representation 9 isthefrequencyorphasorͲdomainrepresentation. vt istimedependent,9 isnot. vt isalwaysrealwithnocomplexterm,9 isgenerallycomplex. Note:Phasor analysisappliesonlywhenfrequencyisconstant;when itisappliedtotwoormoresinusoidsignalsonlyiftheyhave thesamefrequency. 10.3Phasor (6) Example:Usephasorapproach,determinethecurrentit ina circuitdescribedbytheintegroͲdifferentialequation. i ³ idt Solution: di dt FRV t q a a I q I q 10.3Phasor (7) Wecanderivethedifferentialequationsforthefollowing circuitinordertosolveforvot inphasedomain9R. d vo dv v dt dt VLQ t o However,thederivationmaysometimesbeverytedious. Insteadoffirstderivingthedifferentialequationandthen transformingitintophasor tosolvefor9R wecantransformall theRLC componentsintophasor first,thenapplytheKCL laws andothertheoremstosetupaphasor equationinvolving9R directly. 10.4Phasor RelationshipsforCircuitElements(1) Resistor: Inductor: V leadsI by90Ʊ Capacitor: I leadsV by90Ʊ 10.4Phasor RelationshipsforCircuitElements(2) Example:Ifvoltagevt= FRVt – Risappliedtoa ʅF capacitor,calculatethecurrent,it,throughthecapacitor. Answer: iW FRVt RP$ 10.5ImpedanceandAdmittance(1) • Theimpedance= ofacircuitistheratioofthe phasor voltage9 to 9 = R jX thephasor current,, , measuredinohmsȍ. whereR 5H=istheresistanceandX ,P=isthereactance. PositiveX isforL (orlagging)andnegativeX isforC (orleading). • Theadmittance< isthereciprocalof impedance, , < G jB Unit:siemens (6) = 9 10.5ImpedanceandAdmittance(2) After we know how to convert RLC components from time to phasor domain, we can transform a time domain circuit into a phasor/frequency domain circuit. Hence, we can apply the KCL laws and other theorems to directly set up phasor equations involving our target variables for solving. Example:Determinevt andit. vs FRV t 9 Answers: it = FRVt – R $;vt = FRVt + R 9 10.6Kirchhoff’sLawsUsingPhasors (1) Both KVL and KCL are hold in the phasor domain or more commonly called frequency domain. Moreover, the variables to be handled are phasors, which are complex numbers. All the mathematical operations involved are now in complex domain. same frequency complex numbers 10.6Kirchhoff’sLawsUsingPhasors (2) 10.6Kirchhoff’sLawsUsingPhasors (3) • ThefollowingprinciplesusedforDCcircuitanalysisallapplyto ACcircuit. Forexample: a. voltagedivision b. currentdivision c. circuitreduction d. impedanceequivalence e. YͲȴtransformation 10.6Kirchhoff’sLawsUsingPhasors (4) Example:FindtheinputimpedanceatȦ =50rad/s. Example:DeterminetheinputimpedanceatȦ =10rad/s. Answer: =LQ =± j 10.7NodeVoltage&MeshCurrentAnalysis 3StepstoAnalyzeACCircuits: 1. Transform thecircuittothephasor orfrequencydomain. 2. Solve theproblemusingcircuittechniques(nodalanalysis, meshanalysis,superposition,etc.). 3. Transform theresultingphasor tothetimedomain. Phasor Laplace xform Fourier xform TimetoFreq Phasor Inv. Laplace xform Fourier xform Solvevariables inFreq FreqtoTime SinusoidalSteadyͲStateAnalysis: FrequencydomainanalysisofACcircuitviaphasors ismuch easierthananalysisofthecircuitinthetimedomain. 10.7aNodeVoltageAnalysis ThebasicofNodalAnalysisisKCL. Example: Usingnodalanalysis,findv andv inthefigure. 10.7bMeshCurrentAnalysis ThebasicofMeshAnalysisisKVL. Example: Find,o inthefollowingfigureusingmeshanalysis. 10.8aSuperpositionTheorem Whenacircuithassourcesoperatingatdifferentfrequencies, • Theseparatephasor circuitforeachfrequencymustbesolved independently, and • ThetotalresponseisthesumoftimeͲdomainresponsesofall theindividual phasor circuits. Example:Calculatevo inthecircuitusingthesuperpositiontheorem. 5.3SuperpositionTheorem(1) Ͳ Superposition statesthatthevoltageacross(orcurrentthrough) anelementinalinearcircuitisthealgebraicsum ofthevoltage across(orcurrentsthrough)thatelementduetoEACH independentsourceactingalone. Ͳ Theprincipleofsuperpositionhelpsustoanalyzealinearcircuit withmorethanoneindependentsourcebycalculatingthe contributionofeachindependentsourceseparately. Ͳ StepstoApplySuperpositionPrinciple: 1. Turnoffallindep.sourcesexceptonesource.Findtheoutput(v ori)due tothatactivesourceusingtechniquesinChapters2&3. 2. Repeat Step1foreachoftheotherindep.sources. 3. FindTotal contributionbyaddingallcontributionsfromindep.sources. Note:InStep1,thisimpliesthatwereplaceeveryvoltagesourceby9 (ora shortcircuit),andeverycurrentsourceby$ (oranopencircuit). 28 Dependentsourcesareleftintactbecausetheyarecontrolledbyothers. 10.8bSourceTransformation(1) Example: Find,o usingtheconceptofsourcetransformation. 10.8bSourceTransformation(2) 5.2SourceTransformation(1) Ͳ LikeseriesͲparallelcombinationandwyeͲdeltatransformation, sourcetransformationisanothertoolforsimplifyingcircuits. Ͳ Anequivalentcircuitisonewhosev-i characteristicsareidentical withtheoriginalcircuit. Ͳ Asourcetransformationistheprocessofreplacingavoltage sourcevs inserieswitharesistorR byacurrentsourceis in parallelwitharesistorR,andviceversa. Transformationofindependentsources + + Ͳ Transformationofdependentsources + Ͳ + Ͳ Ͳ 9 Thearrowofthecurrent sourceisdirectedtoward thepositiveterminalofthe voltagesource. 9 Thesourcetransformation isnotpossiblewhenR =0 forvoltagesource andR = forcurrentsource. 31 5.2SourceTransformation(2) AvoltagesourcevV connectedinserieswitharesistorRV anda currentsourceiV is connectedinparallelwitharesistorRS are equivalentcircuitsprovidedthat Rp 32 Rs vs Rs is 10.8cThevenin &NortonEquivalentCircuits TheveninEquivalent NortonEquivalent Example:FindtheThevenin equivalentatterminals a–b. 5.4Thevenin’s Theorem(1) ItstatesthatalineartwoͲterminalcircuit (Fig.a)canbereplacedbyanequivalent circuit(Fig.b)consistingofavoltage sourceV7K inserieswitharesistorR7K, where 9 V7K istheopenͲcircuitvoltageatthe terminals. 9 R7K istheinputorequivalent resistanceattheterminalswhenthe independentsourcesareturnedoff. 34 5.4Thevenin’s Theorem(2) TofindR7K : 9 Case1:Ifthenetworkhasnodependentsources,weturnoffall indep.Source.R7K istheinputresistanceofthenetworklooking btwterminalsa &b. 9 Case2:Ifthenetworkhasdepend.Sources.Depend.sources arenottobeturnedoffbecausetheyarecontrolledbycircuit variables.(a)Applyvo ata &b anddeterminetheresultingio. ThenR7K voio.Alternatively,(b)insertio ata &b and determinevo.AgainR7K voio. (a) (b) 35 5.5Norton’sTheorem(1) ItstatesthatalineartwoͲterminalcircuit(Fig.a)canbereplaced byanequivalentcircuit(Fig.b)consistingofacurrentsourceIN in parallelwitharesistorRN, (a) (b) where 9 IN istheshortͲcircuitcurrentthrough theterminals. 9 RN istheinputorequivalentresistanceattheterminalswhen theindepen.sourcesareturnedoff. 36 10.9OpAmpACCircuits(1) Thekeytoanalyzingopampcircuitsistokeeptwoimportant propertiesofanidealopampinmind: Nocurrententerseitherofitsinputterminals. Thevoltageacrossitsinputterminalsiszero. Example: ComputetheclosedͲloopgainandphaseshift.Assume thatR R NȍC ȝ)C ȝ)andȦ UDGV. ,QYHUWLQJ$PSOLILHU 6.2IdealOpAmp Anidealopamphasthefollowingcharacteristics: 1. InfiniteopenͲloopgain,A § 2. Infiniteinputresistance,Ri § 3. Zerooutputresistance,Ro § Example: Determinethevalueofio. ZKHQvs 38 9 6.4ConfigurationsofOpamp(1) InvertingAmplifier:reversesthepolarity oftheinputsignal whileamplifyingit. Negativefeedbackbtwthe invertinginput(vi &output(vo) vi isconnectedtothe invertinginputviaR Tofindtherelationshipbtwvi &vo: %\.&/DWQRGH v v i i i R ' v v v vo Rf IRUDQLGHDORSDPS VLQFHWKHQRQLQYHUWLQJWHUPLQDOLVJURXQGHG ? vo Rf R vi &ORVHGORRSYROWDJHJDLQLV Equivalentcircuit Noninvertinginputisgrounded Av vo vi R f R Example: Findvo &i inR ifvi 9,R Nȍ,&Rf Nȍ. 39 6.4ConfigurationsofOpamp(3) NoninvertingAmplifier:designedtoproducepositivevoltagegain. Tofindtherelationshipbtwvi & vo: %\.&/DWLQYHUWLQJWHUPLQDO i ' v v i vi vo 9ROWDJHJDLQAv vi connectedtononinvertinginputterminal Rf VKRUWFLUFXLWRU R f RSHQFLUFXLW vo v R v vo Rf Rf · § ¨ ¸ vi R © ¹ vo vi R f R Toisolatetwocascadedstages: vi DVYROWDJHIROORZHU Hasaveryhighinputimpedanceand 40 thuseliminateinterstageloading 10.9OpAmpACCircuits(2) Oscillator:acircuitproducesanacwaveformasoutputwhen poweredbydcinput. Inorderforasinewaveoscillatortosustainoscillations,itmust meettheBarkhausen criteria: 1. Theoverallgainoftheoscillatormustbeunityorgreater. Thuslossesmustbecompensated fo 1. forbyanamplifyingdevice. S RC 2. Theoverallphaseshift(from theoutputandbacktothe input)mustbezero. Threecommontypesofsinewave oscillatorsarephaseͲshift,twinT, andWeinͲbridge oscillators. 2. 10.9OpAmpACCircuits(3) CapacitanceMultiplier:tocreatealargecapacitance. Example: 10.10Applications(1) • SeriesRC shiftcircuits: Ͳ LeadingoutputͲ Laggingoutput 10.10Applications(2) Fig. (a) shows two sinusoidal voltages, one labeled as input and the other labeled as output. We want to design a circuit that will transform the input sinusoid into the output sinusoid. Fig. (b) shows a candidate circuit. We must first determine whether this circuit can do the job. Then, if it can, we will design the circuit, that is, specify the required values of R1, R2, and C. The input sinusoid is v t VLQS t FRVS t q 9 and the corresponding phasor is 9 e j q The output sinusoid is v t VLQS t q q 9 FRVS t q 9 and the corresponding phasor is 9 e j q 9 j q The ratio of these phasors is 9 e e jq j q 9 e The magnitude of this ratio, called the gain, G, of the circuit used to transform the input sinusoid into the output sinusoid is G 9 9 The angle of this ratio is called the phase shift, ș, of the required circuit: T 9 q 9 Therefore, we need a circuit that has a gain of 2 and a phase shift of 120Ʊ. State the Goal: Determine whether it is possible to design the circuit shown in Fig. (b) to have a gain of 2 and a phase shift of 120Ʊ. If it is possible, specify the appropriate values of R R C. Generate a Plan: Analyze the circuit shown in Fig. (b) to determine the ratio of the output phasor to the input phasor, 99. Determine whether this circuit can have a gain of 2 and a phase shift of 120Ʊ. If so, determine the required values of R R C. Act on the Plan: The impedance = corresponds to the resistor R1 in Fig. (b), and impedance = corresponds to the parallel combination of resistor R and capacitor C. That is, = ? 9 9 R = = = R jZC R jZC R jZCR R R jZCR R R jZCR The phase shift: T 9 9 R R jZCR q WDQ ZCR What values of phase shift are possible? Notice that Ȧ, C, and R are all positive, which means that q d WDQ ZCR d q Therefore, the circuit shown in Fig. (b) can be used to obtain phase shifts between 90Ʊ and 180Ʊ. Hence, we can use this circuit to produce a phase shift of 120Ʊ. The gain: G To find R R 9 9 R R jZCR R R R R Z C R WDQ q T WDQq T R ZC R G WDQ q T These equations can be used to design the circuit. For Ȧ UDGV, C ȝ), G , and ș Ʊ we calculate R : DQG R N: 10.12Summary(1) With the pervasive use of ac electric power in the home and industry, it is important for engineers to analyze circuits with sinusoidal independent sources. The steadyͲstate response of a linear circuit to a sinusoidal input is itself a sinusoid having the same frequency as the input signal. Circuits that contain inductors and capacitors are represented by differential equations. When the input to the circuit is sinusoidal, the phasors and impedances can be used to represent the circuit in the frequency domain. In the frequency domain, the circuit is represented by algebraic equations. The steadyͲstate response of a linear circuit with a sinusoidal input is obtained as follows: 1. Transform the circuit into the frequency domain, using phasors and impedances. 10.12Summary(2) 2. Represent the frequencyͲdomain circuit by algebraic equation, for example, mesh or node equations. 3. Solve the algebraic equations to obtain the response of the circuit. 4. Transform the response into the time domain, using phasors. A circuit contains several sinusoidal sources, two cases: 9 When all of the sinusoidal sources have the same frequency, the response will be a sinusoid with that frequency, and the problem can be solved in the same way that it would be if there was only one source. 9 When the sinusoidal sources have different frequencies, superposition is used to break the timeͲdomain circuit up into several circuits, each with sinusoidal inputs all at the same frequency. Each of the separate circuits is analyzed separately and the responses are summed in the time domain.