PHASOR CONCEPT FOR AC STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS PROF. SIRIPONG POTISUK ELEC 308 First-order LCCDE’s y Standard form: dx (t ) +a ax (t ) = f (t ) d dt x (t ) – unknown variable of interest y f (t ) – forcing or excitation function y a – constant coefficient depending upon the y makeup of the system y Solution: x (t ) = ko e −at + e −at ∫ e aτ f (τ )dτ 123 homogeneous 14t42443 particular 1 Sinusoidal Steady-state response y A steady-state response of a linear circuits has the same functional form as the forcing function y A sinusoidal forcing function Vm cos (ω t + θ) produces a steady-state response Im cos (ω t + φ) y Only the amplitude and phase are appropriately scaled; the frequency does not change Phasors y Provides a simple means in obtaining the steady-state espo se o of linear ea ccircuits cu ts excited e c ted by ssinusoidal uso da response sources y A complex representation of a sinusoidal function expressed using the cosine standard y A complex number in polar form that is used to compactly represent the amplitude and phase of a sinusoid d simultaneously l l y The angular frequency of the sinusoid is suppressed, yet implicitly present 2 The Transform Solution Process Phasor Transformation y The process of representing a sinusoidal function in t e time the t e domain do a as a p phasor aso in tthee p phasor aso o or frequency domain 3 Example 6.7 Determine the corresponding phasor for a. v(t) (t) = 150cos(120πt+30°) ( t °) b. v(t) = 312 sin(120πt+45°) Example 6.8 Given v1(t) = 5cos(ωt+45°) and v2(t) = 10cos(ωt+30°), calculate v(t) v(t)= v1(t) (t)+ v2(t). 4 Phase Relationships Via Phasors y Can be determined from the so-called ‘phasor diagram’ diagram y Consider the phasors to rotate counterclockwise when standing at a fixed point y If V1 arrives first followed by V2 after a rotation of and angle of θ, we say that V1 leads V2 by θ y Alternatively, Alternatively we could say that V2 lags V1 by θ y Usually, θ is taken as the smaller angle between the two phasors 5 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements y In analyzing AC circuits using the phasor concept to obtain its steady steady-state state response response, the entire circuit model needs to be transformed into the phasor domain y How does phasor transformation affect the v-i characteristics of passive circuit elements? y The phasor transformation of a passive element results in a complex number called complex impedance in. 6 Complex Impedances y The impedance of a circuit element is the ratio of the y y y y phasor voltage across to the phasor current through the element (Ohm’s law in the phasor domain) A resistance-like quantity, i.e., behaves like resistance in DC circuits Denoted by Z and measured in ohms (Ω) Represents the ability of the element to oppose the flow of sinusoidal current Impedance is not a phasor because it cannot be inverse-transformed into a sinusoidal function Z X = R + jX Reactance Impedance Resistance YX = G + jB Admittance Susceptance Conductance 7 Complex Impedance for Resistor y The v-i characteristics of a resistor in the phasor domain continues to obey Ohm’s Ohm s law as in the time domain y A resistor R is represented by an impedance of the same value, i.e., ZR = R 8 Complex Impedance for Inductor y The v-i characteristics of an inductor in the phasor domain shows a phase shift of 90 90° between the voltage across and the current through it (the term j) while the magnitude is scaled by ωL y The impedance of an inductor L is ZL = jωL 9 Complex Impedance for Capacitor y The v-i characteristics of an inductor in the phasor domain shows a phase shift of 90 90° between the voltage across and the current through it (the term j) while the magnitude is scaled by 1/ωC y The impedance of an inductor L is ZC = 1/jωC 10 Example 6.9 A voltage v(t) = 110cos(120t+45°) is applied to a 47-μF capacitor. Find the impedance of the capacitor. Series Impedance Combination 11 Parallel Impedance Combination Example 6.10 A voltage v(t) = 220cos(360t+30°) is applied to the circuit shown. Find the total impedance of the series inductance and resistance. 12 Example 6.11 A voltage v(t) = 10cos(500t+60°) is applied to the circuit shown. Find the total impedance as seen by the source. 13 Phasor Transform Solution Process y Transform the time-domain voltage and current sources into phasors (All sources must have the same frequency and be expressed using cosine standard) y Replace all passive elements with their impedances y Analyze the resulting phasor-domain circuit using any of the DC analysis techniques studied earlier ((KVL,, KCL,, Ohm’s,, voltage g and current division,, network reduction, etc.), but performing the calculations with complex arithmetic y Inverse-transform the solution back to time domain Example 6.13 Find the steady-state current i(t) and voltage vL(t). 14 Example 6.15 Find the steady-state current through the inductor and the capacitor and voltage across the capacitor, vC(t). 15 16