Lecture Notes EECS 40 Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits Prof. C. Chang-Hasnain Spring 2007 EE 40 Course Overview Important DATES • EECS 40: – One of five EECS core courses (with 20, 61A, 61B, and 61C) • introduces “hardware” side of EECS • prerequisite for EE105, EE130, EE141, EE150 – Prerequisites: Math 1B, Physics 7B – Course involves three hours of lecture, one hour of discussion and three hours of lab work each week. • Course content: – – – – – Fundamental circuit concepts and analysis techniques First and second order circuits, impulse and frequency response Op Amps Diode and FET: Device and Circuits Amplification, Logic, Filter • Text Book – Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications”, third edition, Allan R. Hambley, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 – Supplementary Reader EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 1 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Office hours, Discussion and Lab Sessions will start on week 2 – Stay with ONE Discussion and Lab session you registered. • Midterm and Final Dates: – Midterms: 6-7:40 pm on 2/21 and 4/11(Location TBD) – Final: 8-11am on 5/14 (Location TBD) • Best Final Project Contest – 5/4 3-5pm Location TBD – Winner projects will be displayed on second floor Cory Hall. EE40 Fall 2006 Grading Policy Prof. Chang-Hasnain Grading Policy (Cont’d) • Weights: • Weekly HW: – 12%: 12 HW sets – 15%: 11 Labs • 7 structured experiments (7%) • one 4-week final project (8%) – 40%: 2 midterm exams – 33%: Final exam – Assignment on the web by 5 pm Wednesdays, starting 1/24/07. – Due 5 pm the following Wednesday in HW box, 240 Cory. – On the top page, right top corner, write your name (in the form: Last Name, First Name) with discussion session number. – Graded homework will be returned one week later in discussion sessions. • No late HW or Lab reports accepted • No make-up exams unless Prof. Chang’s approval is obtained at least 24 hours before exam time; proofs of extraneous circumstances are required. – If you miss one of the midterms, you lose 20 % of the grade. • Departmental grading policy: – A typical GPA for courses in the lower division is 2.7. This GPA would result, for example, from 17% A's, 50% B's, 20% C's, 10% D's, and 3% F's. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 2 Slide 3 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Labs – Complete the prelab section before going to the lab, or your points will be taken off. – Lab reports are supposed to be turned in at the end of each lab, except for the final project, which is due at the end of the last lab session. • It is your responsibility to check with the head GSI from time to time to make sure all grades are entered correctly. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 4 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Classroom Rules Chapter 1 • Please come to class on time. There is no web-cast this semester. • Turn off cell phones, pagers, radio, CD, DVD, etc. • No food. • No pets. • Do not come in and out of classroom. • Lectures will be recorded and webcasted. • Outline EE40 Fall 2006 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 5 Prof. Chang-Hasnain – Electrical quantities • Charge, Current, Voltage, Power – The ideal basic circuit element – Sign conventions – Circuit element I-V characteristics – Construction of a circuit model – Kirchhoff’s Current Law – Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law Electric Charge – separation of charge electric force (voltage) – charges in motion electric flow (current) • Macroscopically, most matter is electrically neutral most of the time. – Exceptions: clouds in a thunderstorm, people on carpets in dry weather, plates of a charged capacitor, etc. • Microscopically, matter is full of electric charges – Electric charge exists in discrete quantities, integral multiples of the electronic charge -1.6 x 10-19 Coulomb Slide 7 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Classification of Materials • Electrical effects are due to EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 6 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Solids in which the outermost atomic electrons are free to move around are metals. – Metals typically have ~1 “free electron” per atom – Examples: • Solids in which all electrons are tightly bound to atoms are insulators. – Examples: • Electrons in semiconductors are not tightly bound and can be easily “promoted” to a free state. – Examples: EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 8 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Electric Current Definition: rate of positive charge flow Symbol: i Units: Coulombs per second ≡ Amperes (A) Note: Current has polarity. i = dq/dt where q = charge (Coulombs) t = time (in seconds) André-Marie Ampère's 1775-1836 EE40 Fall 2006 1. Slide 9 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Slide 10 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Electric Current Examples Current Density 105 positively charged particles (each with charge 1.6×10-19 C) flow to the right (+x direction) every nanosecond Definition: rate of positive charge flow per unit area Symbol: J Units: A / cm2 Q 105 ×1.6 ×10−19 = 1.6 ×10−5 A I = =+ −9 t 10 Example 1: Wire attached to end 105 electrons flow to the right (+x direction) every microsecond Slide 11 1 cm C2 C1 10 cm X Suppose we force a current of 1 A to flow from C1 to C2: • Electron flow is in -x direction: Q 105 ×1.6 ×10−19 I = =− = −1.6 ×10−5 A −9 t 10 EE40 Fall 2006 Semiconductor with 1018 “free electrons” per cm3 2 cm 2. EE40 Fall 2006 1C / sec electrons = −6.25 × 1018 −19 sec − 1.6 ×10 C / electron Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 12 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Current Density Example (cont’d) • Example 2: Typical dimensions of integrated circuit components are in the range of 1 µm. What is the current density in a wire with 1 µm² area carrying 5 mA? Electric Potential (Voltage) • Definition: energy per unit charge • Symbol: v • Units: Joules/Coulomb ≡ Volts (V) v = dw/dq Alessandro Volta (1745–1827) where w = energy (in Joules), q = charge (in Coulombs) Note: Potential is always referenced to some point. a b EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 13 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Electric Power Prof. Chang-Hasnain i + v _ p = dw/dt = (dw/dq)(dq/dt) = vi • Concept: As a positive charge q moves through a James Watt 1736 - 1819 drop in voltage v, it loses energy energy change = qv rate is proportional to # charges/sec Slide 15 Slide 14 The Ideal Basic Circuit Element • Definition: transfer of energy per unit time • Symbol: p • Units: Joules per second ≡ Watts (W) EE40 Fall 2006 Subscript convention: vab means the potential at a minus the potential at b. vab ≡ va - vb Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Polarity reference for voltage can be indicated by plus and minus signs • Reference direction for the current is indicated by an arrow Attributes: • Two terminals (points of connection) • Mathematically described in terms of current and/or voltage • Cannot be subdivided into other elements EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 16 Prof. Chang-Hasnain A Note about Reference Directions • A problem like “Find the current” or “Find the voltage” is always accompanied by a definition of the direction: - i v Sign Convention Example Suppose you have an unlabelled battery and you measure its voltage with a digital voltmeter (DVM). It will tell you the magnitude and sign of the voltage. + With this circuit, you are measuring vab. a −1.401 • In this case, if the current turns out to be 1 mA flowing to the left, we would say i = -1 mA. • In order to perform circuit analysis to determine the voltages and currents in an electric circuit, you need to specify reference directions. • There is no need to guess the reference direction so that the answers come out positive. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 17 Prof. Chang-Hasnain DVM + b a + 2V − EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Passive sign convention + p = vi vcd −1 V b + vbd − d + v _ Note that the labeling convention has nothing to do with whether or not v is positive or negative. Slide 19 p = -vi i − − EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 18 Sign Convention for Power c + Which is the positive battery terminal? Note that we have used the “ground” symbol ( ) for the reference node on the DVM. Often it is labeled “C” for “common.” Another Example Find vab, vca, vcb The DVM indicates −1.401, so va is lower than vb by 1.401 V. Prof. Chang-Hasnain i i _ + v _ v + i _ v + • If p > 0, power is being delivered to the box. • If p < 0, power is being extracted from the box. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 20 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Power Power Calculation Example If an element is absorbing power (i.e. if p > 0), positive charge is flowing from higher potential to lower potential. Find the power absorbed by each element: Conservation of energy total power delivered equals total power absorbed p = vi if the “passive sign convention” is used: i i _ + v _ or Aside: For electronics these are unrealistically large currents – milliamperes or smaller is more typical p (W) vi (W) 918 - 810 - 12 - 400 - 224 1116 v + How can a circuit element absorb power? By converting electrical energy into heat (resistors in toasters), light (light bulbs), or acoustic energy (speakers); by storing energy (charging a battery). EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 21 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Circuit Elements voltage source current source resistor inductor capacitor Prof. Chang-Hasnain Electrical Sources • 5 ideal basic circuit elements: – – – – – Slide 22 active elements, capable of generating electric energy passive elements, incapable of generating electric energy • Many practical systems can be modeled with just sources and resistors • An electrical source is a device that is capable of converting non-electric energy to electric energy and vice versa. Examples: – battery: chemical electric – dynamo (generator/motor): mechanical electric (Ex. gasoline-powered generator, Bonneville dam) Electrical sources can either deliver or absorb power • The basic analytical techniques for solving circuits with inductors and capacitors are similar to those for resistive circuits EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 23 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 24 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Ideal Voltage Source Ideal Current Source • Circuit element that maintains a prescribed voltage across its terminals, regardless of the current flowing in those terminals. • Circuit element that maintains a prescribed current through its terminals, regardless of the voltage across those terminals. – Voltage is known, but current is determined by the circuit to which the source is connected. – Current is known, but voltage is determined by the circuit to which the source is connected. • The voltage can be either independent or dependent on a voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit, and can be constant or time-varying. • The current can be either independent or dependent on a voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit, and can be constant or time-varying. Device symbols: Device symbols: vs +_ independent vs=µ vx +_ vs=ρ ix +_ voltage-controlled current-controlled EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 25 Prof. Chang-Hasnain is independent voltage-controlled current-controlled Slide 26 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Electrical Conductance • Resistance: the ratio of voltage drop and current. The circuit element used to model this behavior is the resistor. R • Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. Symbol: G Ω Units: siemens (S) or mhos ( ) Example: Ω) Units: Volts per Ampere ≡ ohms (Ω Consider an 8 Ω resistor. What is its conductance? • The current flowing in the resistor is proportional to the voltage across the resistor: Georg Simon Ohm 1789-1854 v = i R (Ohm’s Law) where v = voltage (V), i = current (A), and R = resistance (Ω) EE40 Fall 2006 is=β ix EE40 Fall 2006 Electrical Resistance Circuit symbol: is=α vx Slide 27 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Werner von Siemens 1816-1892 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 28 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Short Circuit and Open Circuit Example: Power Absorbed by a Resistor • Short circuit p = vi = ( iR )i = i2R – R = 0 no voltage difference exists – all points on the wire are at the same potential. – Current can flow, as determined by the circuit • Open circuit – R = ∞ no current flows – Voltage difference can exist, as determined by the circuit EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 29 Prof. Chang-Hasnain p = vi = v ( v/R ) = v2/R Note that p > 0 always, for a resistor a resistor dissipates electric energy Example: a) Calculate the voltage vg and current ia. b) Determine the power dissipated in the 80Ω resistor. EE40 Fall 2006 More Examples Slide 30 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Summary • Are these interconnections permissible? This circuit connection is permissible. This is because the current sources can sustain any voltage across; Hence this is permissible. • Current = rate of charge flow i = dq/dt • Voltage = energy per unit charge created by charge separation • Power = energy per unit time • Ideal Basic Circuit Elements – two-terminal component that cannot be sub-divided – described mathematically in terms of its terminal voltage and current – An ideal voltage source maintains a prescribed voltage regardless of the current in the device. – An ideal current source maintains a prescribed current regardless of the voltage across the device. – A resistor constrains its voltage and current to be v = iR (Ohm’s law) proportional to each other: This circuit connection is NOT permissible. It violates the KCL. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 31 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 32 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Summary (cont’d) Current vs. Voltage (I-V) Characteristic • Passive sign convention – For a passive device, the reference direction for current through the element is in the direction of the reference voltage drop across the element • Voltage sources, current sources, and resistors can be described by plotting the current (i) as a function of the voltage (v) i + v _ Passive? Active? EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 33 Prof. Chang-Hasnain I-V Characteristic of Ideal Voltage Source a i + Vab +_ vs _ i EE40 Fall 2006 i=0 v i v b Vs>0 Vs<0 1. Plot the I-V characteristic for vs > 0. For what values of i does the source absorb power? For what values of i does the source release power? 2. Repeat vs < 0.power; i>0 absorb power Vs>0 (1) i<0for release 3. What is the I-V characteristic for an ideal wire? Slide 35 Prof. Chang-Hasnain I-V Characteristic of Ideal Voltage Source a i + Vab +_ vs _ b EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 34 Prof. Chang-Hasnain 2. Plot the I-V characteristic for vs < 0. For what values of i does the source absorb power? For what values of i does the source release power? Vs<0 i>0 release power; i<0 absorb power EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 36 Prof. Chang-Hasnain I-V Characteristic of Ideal Voltage Source I-V Characteristic of Ideal Current Source i a i + Vab +_ vs _ i i + v _ is v b v 3. What is the I-V characteristic for an ideal wire? 1. Plot the I-V characteristic for is > 0. For what values of v does the source absorb power? For what values of v does the source release power? Do not forget Vab=-Vba EE40 Fall 2006 V>0 absorb power; V<0 release power Slide 37 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Short Circuit and Open Circuit • Current can flow, as determined by the circuit R v b 1. • Voltage difference can exist, as determined by the circuit Plot the I-V characteristic for R = 1 kΩ Ω. What is the slope? a + Vab _ b Slide 39 i i a + v _ (all points on the wire are at the same potential) Air (“open circuit”): • R = ∞ no current flows Prof. Chang-Hasnain Prof. Chang-Hasnain I-V Characteristic of Ideal Resistor Wire (“short circuit”): • R = 0 no voltage difference exists EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 38 EE40 Fall 2006 a R Vab R b Slide 40 Prof. Chang-Hasnain More Examples: Correction from last Lec. • Are these interconnections permissible? This circuit connection is permissible. This is because the current sources can sustain any voltage across; Hence this is permissible. This circuit connection is NOT permissible. It violates the KCL. EE40 Fall 2006 Construction of a Circuit Model • The electrical behavior of each physical component is of primary interest. • We need to account for undesired as well as desired electrical effects. • Simplifying assumptions should be made wherever reasonable. Slide 41 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Terminology: Nodes and Branches Node: A point where two or more circuit elements are connected Slide 42 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Circuit Nodes and Loops • A node is a point where two or more circuit elements are connected. • A loop is formed by tracing a closed path in a circuit through selected basic circuit elements without passing through any intermediate node more than once Branch: A path that connects two nodes EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 43 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 44 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Kirchhoff’s Laws Notation: Node and Branch Voltages • Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL): – The algebraic sum of all the currents entering any node in a circuit equals zero. • Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL): – The algebraic sum of all the voltages around any loop in a circuit equals zero. • Use one node as the reference (the “common” or “ground” node) – label it with a symbol • The voltage drop from node x to the reference node is called the node voltage vx. • The voltage across a circuit element is defined as the difference between the node voltages at its terminals – v1 + Example: Slide 45 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Using Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) EE40 Fall 2006 b + R2 vb _ REFERENCE NODE Slide 46 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Formulations of Kirchhoff’s Current Law (Charge stored in node is zero.) Consider a node connecting several branches: Formulation 1: Sum of currents entering node = sum of currents leaving node i2 i3 i1 Formulation 2: Algebraic sum of currents entering node = 0 i4 • Currents leaving are included with a minus sign. • Use reference directions to determine whether currents are “entering” or “leaving” the node – with no concern about actual current directions EE40 Fall 2006 R1 + va +_ vs _ c Gustav Robert Kirchhoff 1824-1887 EE40 Fall 2006 a Slide 47 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Formulation 3: Algebraic sum of currents leaving node = 0 • Currents entering are included with a minus sign. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 48 Prof. Chang-Hasnain A Major Implication of KCL KCL Example • KCL tells us that all of the elements in a single branch carry the same current. • We say these elements are connected in series. Currents entering the node: -10 mA i Currents leaving the node: 5 mA 15 mA Current entering node = Current leaving node i1 = i2 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 49 Prof. Chang-Hasnain 3 formulations of KCL: 1. 2. 3. EE40 Fall 2006 Generalization of KCL Slide 50 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Generalized KCL Examples • The sum of currents entering/leaving a closed surface is zero. Circuit branches can be inside this surface, i.e. the surface can enclose more than one node! 50 mA 5µA i2 i3 This could be a big chunk of a circuit, e.g. a “black box” EE40 Fall 2006 2µA i i i4 i1 Slide 51 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 52 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Using Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) Consider a branch which forms part of a loop: Formulation 2: Algebraic sum of voltage drops around loop = 0 + Moving from + to We add V1 Moving from - to + We subtract V1 • Use reference polarities to determine whether a voltage is dropped • No concern about actual voltage polarities EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 53 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Voltage rises are included with a minus sign. (Handy trick: Look at the first sign you encounter on each element when tracing the loop.) Formulation 3: Algebraic sum of voltage rises around loop = 0 • Voltage drops are included with a minus sign. EE40 Fall 2006 A Major Implication of KVL Prof. Chang-Hasnain KVL Example • KVL tells us that any set of elements which are connected at both ends carry the same voltage. • We say these elements are connected in parallel. Three closed paths: a + v2 − 1 + va − + vb _ + va _ Slide 54 b + vb - − loop – v2 (Conservation of energy) Formulation 1: Sum of voltage drops around loop = sum of voltage rises around loop v3 2 + loop + v1 _ Formulations of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law c + vc − 3 Path 1: Applying KVL in the clockwise direction, starting at the top: vb – va = 0 vb = va EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 55 Path 2: Path 3: Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 56 Prof. Chang-Hasnain An Underlying Assumption of KVL I-V Characteristic of Elements • No time-varying magnetic flux through the loop a + Vab _ Otherwise, there would be an induced voltage (Faraday’s Law) • Note: Antennas are designed to “pick up” electromagnetic waves; “regular circuits” often do so undesirably. B( t ) Avoid these loops! + Find the I-V characteristic. i R i + _ vs b v( t ) v − How do we deal with antennas (EECS 117A)? Include a voltage source as the circuit representation of the induced voltage or “noise”. (Use a lumped model rather than a distributed (wave) model.) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 57 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Summary – Lumped model • The Current versus voltage characteristics (I-V plot) is a universal means of describing a circuit element. • Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) states that the algebraic sum of all currents at any node in a circuit equals zero. – Comes from conservation of charge • Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) states that the algebraic sum of all voltages around any closed path in a circuit equals zero. – Comes from conservation of potential energy Slide 59 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Chapter 2 • An electrical system can be modeled by an electric circuit (combination of paths, each containing 1 or more circuit elements) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 58 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Outline – Resistors in Series – Voltage Divider – Conductances in Parallel – Current Divider – Node-Voltage Analysis – Mesh-Current Analysis – Superposition – Thévenin equivalent circuits – Norton equivalent circuits – Maximum Power Transfer EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 60 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Resistors in Series Voltage Divider Consider a circuit with multiple resistors connected in series. Find their “equivalent resistance”. R1 VSS R2 + − R1 • KCL tells us that the same current (I) flows through every resistor I I VSS + − + – V1 I = VSS / (R1 + R2 + R3 + R4) R2 R3 • KVL tells us + – V3 R4 R3 R4 Equivalent resistance of resistors in series is the sum EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 61 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 I R1 + − VSS R2 R1 + – V2 VSS R3 + − R4 R2 + – V2 R3 R4 R5 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Resistors in Parallel When can the Voltage Divider Formula be Used? I Slide 62 ISS Consider a circuit with two resistors connected in parallel. Find their “equivalent resistance”. x • KVL tells us that the same voltage is dropped I1 I2 across each resistor R1 R2 Vx = I1 R1 = I2 R2 • KCL tells us V = 2 R 2 ⋅V SS R +R +R +R 1 2 3 4 Correct, if nothing else is connected to nodes EE40 Fall 2006 V ≠ 2 R 2 ⋅V SS R +R +R +R 1 2 3 4 Why? What is V2? Slide 63 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 64 Prof. Chang-Hasnain General Formula for Parallel Resistors Current Divider x What single resistance Req is equivalent to three resistors in parallel? I I + + V R1 R2 eq R3 ≡ − V Req ISS I1 I2 R1 R2 Vx = I1 R1 = ISS Req − Equivalent conductance of resistors in parallel is the sum EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 65 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Generalized Current Divider Formula Consider a current divider circuit with >2 resistors in parallel: + R1 V I3 I2 I1 I R2 R3 − I3 = V= I 1 1 1 + + R1 R 2 R 3 Slide 66 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Measuring Voltage To measure the voltage drop across an element in a real circuit, insert a voltmeter (digital multimeter in voltage mode) in parallel with the element. Voltmeters are characterized by their “voltmeter input resistance” (Rin). Ideally, this should be very high (typical value 10 MΩ) 1/R 3 V = I R3 1/R 1 + 1/R 2 + 1/R 3 Ideal Voltmeter Rin EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 67 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 68 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Effect of Voltmeter circuit with voltmeter inserted undisturbed circuit R1 R1 + _ VSS + Measuring Current R2 + + VSS _ V2 R2 V2′ Rin – – To measure the current flowing through an element in a real circuit, insert an ammeter (digital multimeter in current mode) in series with the element. Ammeters are characterized by their “ammeter input resistance” (Rin). Ideally, this should be very low (typical value 1Ω). Ideal Ammeter Compare to R2 R2 V2 = VSS R1 + R 2 R 2 || Rin V2′ = VSS R 2 || Rin + R1 Rin Example: VSS = 10 V , R 2 = 100 K , R1 = 900 K ⇒ V2 = 1V Rin = 10 M , V2′ = ? EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 69 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Effect of Ammeter circuit with ammeter inserted Imeas I V1 Simplify a circuit before applying KCL and/or KVL: Example: Find I I ammeter R1 R1 R1 Rin V1 + _ + _ R2 R2 7V + − R2 V1 R1 + R 2 Imeas = Slide 71 R1 = R2 = 3 kΩ R3 = 6 kΩ R6 R4 = R5 = 5 kΩ R6 = 10 kΩ V1 R1 + R 2 + Rin Example: V1 = 1 V, R1= R2 = 500 Ω, Rin = 1Ω 1V I= = 1mA, I meas = ? 500Ω + 500Ω EE40 Fall 2006 R3 R4 R5 I= Prof. Chang-Hasnain Using Equivalent Resistances Measurement error due to non-zero input resistance: undisturbed circuit Slide 70 Compare to R2 + R2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 72 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Node-Voltage Circuit Analysis Method Nodal Analysis: Example #1 R 3 R1 1. Choose a reference node (“ground”) Look for the one with the most connections! + - 2. Define unknown node voltages V1 R2 IS R4 those which are not fixed by voltage sources 3. Write KCL at each unknown node, expressing current in terms of the node voltages (using the I-V relationships of branch elements) Special cases: floating voltage sources 1. Choose a reference node. 2. Define the node voltages (except reference node and the one set by the voltage source). 3. Apply KCL at the nodes with unknown voltage. 4. Solve the set of independent equations N equations for N unknown node voltages EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 73 4. Solve for unknown node voltages. Prof. Chang-Hasnain Nodal Analysis: Example #2 V R3 1 R2 I1 R4 Slide 74 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Nodal Analysis w/ “Floating Voltage Source” A “floating” voltage source is one for which neither side is connected to the reference node, e.g. VLL in the circuit below: R1 Va EE40 Fall 2006 R5 VLL Va Vb - + V2 I1 Challenges: Determine number of nodes needed Deal with different types of sources R2 R4 I2 Problem: We cannot write KCL at nodes a or b because there is no way to express the current through the voltage source in terms of Va-Vb. Solution: Define a “supernode” – that chunk of the circuit containing nodes a and b. Express KCL for this supernode. Incorporate voltage source constraint into KCL equation. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 75 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 76 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Nodal Analysis: Example #3 Formal Circuit Analysis Methods supernode VLL Va - MESH ANALYSIS (“Mesh-Current Method”) NODAL ANALYSIS (“Node-Voltage Method”) Vb 0) Choose a reference node + 1) Define unknown node voltages I1 R2 I2 R4 Eq’n 1: KCL at supernode 2) Apply KCL to each unknown node, expressing current in terms of the node voltages => N equations for N unknown node voltages 3) Solve for node voltages => determine branch currents 1) Select M independent mesh currents such that at least one mesh current passes through each branch* M = #branches - #nodes + 1 2) Apply KVL to each mesh, expressing voltages in terms of mesh currents => M equations for M unknown mesh currents 3) Solve for mesh currents => determine node voltages Substitute property of voltage source: EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 77 *Simple method for planar circuits A mesh current is not necessarily identified with a branch current. Prof. Chang-Hasnain Mesh Analysis: Example #1 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 78 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Mesh Analysis with a Current Source ia ib 1. Select M mesh currents. Problem: We cannot write KVL for meshes a and b because there is no way to express the voltage drop across the current source in terms of the mesh currents. 2. Apply KVL to each mesh. Solution: Define a “supermesh” – a mesh which avoids the branch containing the current source. Apply KVL for this supermesh. 3. Solve for mesh currents. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 79 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 80 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Mesh Analysis: Example #2 ia Mesh Analysis with Dependent Sources • Exactly analogous to Node Analysis • Dependent Voltage Source: (1) Formulate and write KVL mesh eqns. (2) Include and express dependency constraint in terms of mesh currents • Dependent Current Source: (1) Use supermesh. (2) Include and express dependency constraint in terms of mesh currents ib Eq’n 1: KVL for supermesh Eq’n 2: Constraint due to current source: EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 81 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Circuit w/ Dependent Source Example Slide 82 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Superposition A linear circuit is one constructed only of linear elements (linear resistors, and linear capacitors and inductors, linear dependent sources) and independent sources. Linear means I-V charcteristic of elements/sources are straight lines when plotted Find i2, i1 and io Principle of Superposition: • EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 83 Prof. Chang-Hasnain In any linear circuit containing multiple independent sources, the current or voltage at any point in the network may be calculated as the algebraic sum of the individual contributions of each source acting alone. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 84 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Superposition Source Combinations • Voltage sources in series can be replaced by an equivalent voltage source: Procedure: 1. Determine contribution due to one independent source • – + – + v2 ≡ v1+v2 – + v1 Set all other sources to 0: Replace independent voltage source by short circuit, independent current source by open circuit 2. Repeat for each independent source 3. Sum individual contributions to obtain desired voltage or current • Current sources in parallel can be replaced by an equivalent current source: i2 EE40 Fall 2006 ≡ i1+i2 Slide 85 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 86 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Superposition Example Open Circuit and Short Circuit • Open circuit i=0 ; Cut off the branch • Short circuit v=0 ; replace the element by wire • Turn off an independent voltage source means • Find Vo 4V 2Ω +– 24 V – V=0 – Replace by wire – Short circuit – + i1 + 4 Ω Vo 4A – • Turn off an independent current source means – i=0 – Cut off the branch – open circuit EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 87 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 88 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Equivalent Circuit Concept Thévenin Equivalent Circuit • A network of voltage sources, current sources, and resistors can be replaced by an equivalent circuit which has identical terminal properties (I-V characteristics) without affecting the operation of the rest of the circuit. • Any* linear 2-terminal (1-port) network of indep. voltage sources, indep. current sources, and linear resistors can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of an independent voltage source in series with a resistor without affecting the operation of the rest of the circuit. iB + vA _ ≡ network B of sources and resistors Thévenin equivalent circuit RTh a + vB _ network of sources and resistors iA(vA) = iB(vB) + iL vL RL ≡ VTh a – + iA network A of sources and resistors – + iL vL RL – b b “load” resistor EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 89 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 I-V Characteristic of Thévenin Equivalent • The I-V characteristic for the series combination of elements is obtained by adding their voltage drops: For a given current i, the voltage drop vab is equal to the sum of the voltages dropped across the source (VTh) and across the resistor (iRTh) RTh Prof. Chang-Hasnain Thévenin Equivalent Example Find the Thevenin equivalent with respect to the terminals a,b: i vab = VTh- iR a v i + – + VTh Slide 90 vab – I-V characteristic of resistor: v = iR b I-V characteristic of voltage source: v = VTh EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 91 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 92 Prof. Chang-Hasnain RTh Calculation Example #1 Norton Equivalent Circuit • Any* linear 2-terminal (1-port) network of indep. voltage sources, indep. current sources, and linear resistors can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of an independent current source in parallel with a resistor without affecting the operation of the rest of the circuit. Norton equivalent circuit a Set all independent sources to 0: network of sources and resistors + iL vL RL ≡ iN RN – Slide 93 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 For a given voltage vab, the current i is equal to the sum of the currents in each of the two branches: a i + iN RN – b EE40 Fall 2006 vL RL b Slide 94 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Analogous to calculation of Thevenin Eq. Ckt: 1) Find o.c voltage and s.c. current i I-V characteristic of current source: i = -IN i = IN-Gv v vab iL Finding IN and RN = RTh I-V Characteristic of Norton Equivalent • The I-V characteristic for the parallel combination of elements is obtained by adding their currents: + – b EE40 Fall 2006 a IN ≡ isc = VTh/RTh 2) Or, find s.c. current and Norton (Thev) resistance I-V characteristic of resistor: i=Gv Slide 95 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 96 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Finding IN and RN Maximum Power Transfer Theorem RTh – + vTh a iL vL RL iN RN – + iL vL RL – b b RN = RTh = voc v ; iN = Th = isc isc RTh Power absorbed by load resistor: RTh 2 VTh a + Thévenin equivalent circuit – + • We can derive the Norton equivalent circuit from a Thévenin equivalent circuit simply by making a source transformation: Slide 97 iL vL RL VTh RL p = i RL = R R + L Th 2 L – To find the value of RL for which p is maximum, set 2 dp 2 (RTh + RL ) − RL × 2(RTh + RL ) = VTh =0 4 dRL ( ) R R + Th L dp to 0: dRL ⇒ (RTh + RL ) − RL × 2(RTh + RL ) = 0 2 ⇒ RTh = RL EE40 Fall 2006 + Prof. Chang-Hasnain A resistive load receives maximum power from a circuit if the load resistance equals the Thévenin resistance of the circuit. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 98 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The Wheatstone Bridge Finding the value of Rx • Circuit used to precisely measure resistances in the range from 1 Ω to 1 MΩ, with ±0.1% accuracy • Adjust R3 until there is no current in the detector Then, Rx = R1 and R2 are resistors with known values R3 is a variable resistor (typically 1 to 11,000Ω) Rx is the resistor whose value is to be measured battery R1 + V – R1 R2 current detector R3 + V – Rx R1 R3 Derivation: R2 i1 i2 i3 R3 R2 ix Rx variable resistor Typically, R2 / R1 can be varied from 0.001 to 1000 in decimal steps EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 99 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 100 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Finding the value of Rx Identifying Series and Parallel Combinations • Adjust R3 until there is no current in the detector Then, Rx = R2 R1 Some circuits must be analyzed (not amenable to simple inspection) R1 V Derivation: + + V – i3 R3 R4 Special cases: R3 = 0 OR R3 = ∞ R5 Rx R3 Typically, R2 / R1 can be varied from 0.001 to 1000 in decimal steps EE40 Fall 2006 R1 Rx = R2 Slide 101 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Y-Delta Conversion a b Rb R1 RbRc Ra + Rb + Rc b a R3 RaRc Ra + Rb + Rc Rab = Rb R3 = c b Rbc = R2 RaRb R3 Ra + Rb + Rc Brain Teaser Category: Important for motors and electrical utilities. Slide 103 Ra R1 c R2 = Rc a R2 Ra c Prof. Chang-Hasnain • In order for the Delta interconnection to be equivalent to the Wye interconnection, the resistance between corresponding terminal pairs must be the same b Rc a Slide 102 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits • These two resistive circuits are equivalent for voltages and currents external to the Y and ∆ circuits. Internally, the voltages and currents are different. EE40 Fall 2006 R2 + - i1R3 = i2Rx ix R3 R1 = V R5 R4 KVL => i3R3 = ixRx and i1R1 = i2R2 R2 i1 i2 I R3 − KCL => i1 = i3 and i2 = ix R1 R2 R1 R3 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Rca = Rc (Ra + Rb) Ra + Rb + Rc Ra (Rb + Rc) Ra + Rb + Rc Rb (Ra + Rc) Ra + Rb + Rc = R1 + R2 = R2 + R3 = R1 + R3 c EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 104 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Circuit Simplification Example ∆-Y and Y-∆ ∆ Conversion Formulas Delta-to-Wye conversion Wye-to-Delta conversion Find the equivalent resistance Rab: 2Ω Ω 2Ω Ω a R1 = R2 = Rc RbRc a Ra + Rb + Rc b Rb RaRc c Rb = Ra + Rb + Rc RaRb R1R2 + R2R3 + R3R1 18Ω Ω R1R2 + R2R3 + R3R1 R2 Ra + Rb + Rc Rc = 12Ω Ω ≡ 9Ω Ω 4Ω Ω b R2 b b R1 6Ω Ω R1 Ra a R3 = Ra = a R1R2 + R2R3 + R3R1 9Ω Ω 4Ω Ω R3 R3 c EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 105 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 • Node-Voltage Method – Dependent current source: • treat as independent current source in organizing node eqns • substitute constraining dependency in terms of defined node voltages. – Dependent voltage source: • treat as independent voltage source in organizing node eqns • Substitute constraining dependency in terms of defined node voltages. • Mesh Analysis – Dependent Voltage Source: • Formulate and write KVL mesh eqns. • Include and express dependency constraint in terms of mesh currents – Dependent Current Source: • Use supermesh. • Include and express dependency constraint in terms of mesh currents A dependent source establishes a voltage or current whose value depends on the value of a voltage or current at a specified location in the circuit. (device model, used to model behavior of transistors & amplifiers) To specify a dependent source, we must identify: 1. 2. 3. Prof. Chang-Hasnain the controlling voltage or current (must be calculated, in general) the relationship between the controlling voltage or current and the supplied voltage or current the reference direction for the supplied voltage or current The relationship between the dependent source and its reference cannot be broken! – Slide 107 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Comments on Dependent Sources Dependent Sources EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 106 EE40 Fall 2006 Dependent sources cannot be turned off for various purposes (e.g. to find the Thévenin resistance, or in analysis using Superposition). Slide 108 Prof. Chang-Hasnain RTh Calculation Example #2 Node-Voltage Method and Dependent Sources • If a circuit contains dependent sources, what to do? Find the Thevenin equivalent with respect to the terminals a,b: Example: Ix i∆ + Vx - 20 Ω 10 Ω EE40 Fall 2006 20 Ω – + 5i∆ Slide 109 – + 2.4 A 80 V Since there is no independent source and we cannot arbitrarily turn off the dependence source, we can add a voltage source Vx across terminals a-b and measure the current through this terminal Ix . Rth= Vx/ Ix Prof. Chang-Hasnain Circuit w/ Dependent Source Example EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 110 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Summary of Techniques for Circuit Analysis -1 (Chap 2) • Resistor network Find i2, i1 and io – Parallel resistors – Series resistors – Y-delta conversion – “Add” current source and find voltage (or vice versa) • Superposition – Leave one independent source on at a time – Sum over all responses – Voltage off SC – Current off OC EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 111 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 112 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Summary of Techniques for Circuit Analysis -2 (Chap 2) • Node Analysis Chapter 3 • Outline – Node voltage is the unknown – Solve for KCL – Floating voltage source using super node – The capacitor – The inductor • Mesh Analysis – Loop current is the unknown – Solve for KVL – Current source using super mesh • Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits – Solve for OC voltage – Solve for SC current EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 113 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 114 Capacitor The Capacitor Two conductors (a,b) separated by an insulator: Symbol: difference in potential = Vab => equal & opposite charge Q on conductors Q = CVab (stored charge in terms of voltage) where C is the capacitance of the structure, Current-Voltage relationship: dC dv dQ ic = = C c + vc dt dt dt • area of the plates = A • separation between plates = d (m) • dielectric permittivity of insulator = ε (F/m) EE40 Fall 2006 If C (geometry) is unchanging, iC = C dvC/dt ic + vc – Note: Q (vc) must be a continuous function of time (F) F Slide 115 Electrolytic (polarized) capacitor (typical range of values: 1 pF to 1 µF; for “supercapacitors” up to a few F!) (m2) => capacitance C C Units: Farads (Coulombs/Volt) Parallel-plate capacitor: Aε d + or C positive (+) charge is on the conductor at higher potential C= Prof. Chang-Hasnain Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 116 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Voltage in Terms of Current Stored Energy CAPACITORS STORE ELECTRIC ENERGY t You might think the energy stored on a capacitor is QV = CV2, which has the dimension of Joules. But during charging, the average voltage across the capacitor was only half the final value of V for a linear capacitor. Q(t ) = ∫ ic (t )dt + Q(0) 0 t t Q(0) 1 1 vc (t ) = ∫ ic (t )dt + = ∫ ic (t )dt + vc (0) C0 C C0 Thus, energy is 1 QV = Uses: Capacitors are used to store energy for camera flashbulbs, in filters that separate various frequency signals, and they appear as undesired “parasitic” elements in circuits where they usually degrade circuit performance EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 117 1 CV 2 2 2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain A more rigorous derivation . Example: A 1 pF capacitance charged to 5 Volts has ½(5V)2 (1pF) = 12.5 pJ (A 5F supercapacitor charged to 5 volts stores 63 J; if it discharged at a constant rate in 1 ms energy is discharged at a 63 kW rate!) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 118 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example: Current, Power & Energy for a Capacitor t + vc – This derivation holds independent of the circuit! v (V) 1 0 v = VFinal dQ t = t Final v = VFinal w= v i dt v ⋅ = dt = ∫ v c dQ ∫ c ∫ c c dt v = VInitial t = t Initial v = VInitial i (µA) v = VFinal 1 2 2 1 w= ∫ Cv c dv c = CVFinal − CVInitial 2 2 v = VInitial 0 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 119 1 v(t ) = ∫ i (τ )dτ + v(0) C0 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 v(t) 10 µF t (µs) vc and q must be continuous functions of time; however, ic can be discontinuous. dv i =C dt 1 i(t) – + ic 5 t (µs) Note: In “steady state” (dc operation), time derivatives are zero C is an open circuit Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 120 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Capacitors in Series p (W) – + v(t) 0 + v1(t) – + v2(t) – i(t) 1 2 3 4 10 µF i(t) t (µs) 5 + C2 C1 i(t) Ceq v(t)=v1(t)+v2(t) – p = vi w (J) 0 t 1 w = ∫ pdτ = Cv 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 EE40 Fall 2006 1 1 1 = + Ceq C1 C2 t (µs) 5 Slide 121 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 122 Capacitive Voltage Divider Inductor Q: Suppose the voltage applied across a series combination of capacitors is changed by ∆v. How will this affect the voltage across each individual capacitor? ∆Q1=C1∆v1 Q1+∆ ∆Q1 C1 v+∆ ∆v + – -Q1−∆Q1 Q2+∆ ∆Q2 C2 −Q2−∆Q2 ∆v = ∆v1 + ∆v2 + v1+∆ ∆v1 – Note that no net charge can can be introduced to this node. Therefore, −∆Q1+∆Q2=0 + v2(t)+∆ ∆v2 – ⇒ C1∆v1 = C2 ∆v2 ∆v2 = C1 ∆v C1 + C2 ∆Q2=C2∆v2 Note: Capacitors in series have the same incremental charge. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 123 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Prof. Chang-Hasnain Symbol: L Units: Henrys (Volts • second / Ampere) (typical range of values: µH to 10 H) Current in terms of voltage: 1 vL (t )dt L t 1 iL (t ) = ∫ vL (τ )dτ + i (t0 ) L t0 diL = iL + vL – Note: iL must be a continuous function of time EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 124 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Stored Energy Inductors in Series and Parallel INDUCTORS STORE MAGNETIC ENERGY Consider an inductor having an initial current i(t0) = i0 Common Current p(t ) = v(t )i(t ) = t w(t ) = ∫ p(τ )dτ = t0 Common Voltage 1 1 2 w(t ) = Li 2 − Li0 2 2 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 125 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 126 Summary Capacitor Chapter 4 Inductor di 1 v = L ; w = Li 2 dt 2 dv 1 i = C ; w = Cv 2 dt 2 • OUTLINE – First Order Circuits v cannot change instantaneously i can change instantaneously Do not short-circuit a charged capacitor (-> infinite current!) i cannot change instantaneously v can change instantaneously Do not open-circuit an inductor with current (-> infinite voltage!) n 1 1 =∑ n cap.’s in series: Ceq i =1 Ci n ind.’s in series: n n cap.’s in parallel: Ceq = ∑ Ci i =1 n Leq = ∑ Li • RC and RL Examples • General Procedure – RC and RL Circuits with General Sources • Particular and complementary solutions • Time constant – Second Order Circuits • The differential equation • Particular and complementary solutions • The natural frequency and the damping ratio i =1 n 1 1 =∑ n ind.’s in parallel: L i =1 Li eq In steady state (not time-varying), In steady state, an inductor a capacitor behaves like an open behaves like a short circuit. circuit. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 127 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Reading – Chapter 4 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 128 Prof. Chang-Hasnain First-Order Circuits Response of a Circuit • A circuit that contains only sources, resistors and an inductor is called an RL circuit. • A circuit that contains only sources, resistors and a capacitor is called an RC circuit. • RL and RC circuits are called first-order circuits because their voltages and currents are described by first-order differential equations. R – Behavior when voltage or current source are suddenly applied to or removed from the circuit due to switching. – Temporary behavior • Steady-state response (aka. forced response) – Response that persists long after transient has decayed • Natural response of an RL or RC circuit is R i vs L – + EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 129 – Behavior (i.e., current and voltage) when stored energy in the inductor or capacitor is released to the resistive part of the network (containing no independent sources). i – + vs • Transient response of an RL or RC circuit is C Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 130 Natural Response Summary RL Circuit L First Order Circuits RC Circuit i + + C R v R + EE40 Fall 2006 • • Slide 131 vr(t) - R C vs(t) - – • Inductor current cannot change instantaneously • In steady state, an inductor behaves like a short circuit. Prof. Chang-Hasnain iL(t) ic(t) + + vc(t) - is(t) R L vL(t) - Capacitor voltage cannot change instantaneously In steady state, a capacitor behaves like an open circuit Prof. Chang-Hasnain KCL at the node: KVL around the loop: vr(t) + vc(t) = vs(t) RC t v(t ) 1 + ∫ v( x)dx = is (t ) R L −∞ dvc (t ) + vc (t ) = vs (t ) dt EE40 Fall 2006 L diL (t ) + iL (t ) = is (t ) R dt Slide 132 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Procedure for Finding Transient Response 1. Identify the variable of interest • • For RL circuits, it is usually the inductor current iL(t) For RC circuits, it is usually the capacitor voltage vc(t) Procedure (cont’d) 3. Calculate the final value of the variable (its value as t ∞) • 2. Determine the initial value (at t = t0- and t0+) of the variable • Recall that iL(t) and vc(t) are continuous variables: iL(t0+) = iL(t0−) and vc(t0+) = vc(t0−) • 4. Calculate the time constant for the circuit τ = L/R for an RL circuit, where R is the Thévenin equivalent resistance “seen” by the inductor τ = RC for an RC circuit where R is the Thévenin equivalent resistance “seen” by the capacitor Assuming that the circuit reached steady state before t0 , use the fact that an inductor behaves like a short circuit in steady state or that a capacitor behaves like an open circuit in steady state EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 133 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Again, make use of the fact that an inductor behaves like a short circuit in steady state (t ∞) or that a capacitor behaves like an open circuit in steady state (t ∞) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 134 Natural Response of an RC Circuit • Consider the following circuit, for which the switch is closed for t < 0, and then opened at t = 0: Vo + − Ro C t=0 + v – Prof. Chang-Hasnain Solving for the Voltage (t ≥ 0) • For t > 0, the circuit reduces to i Vo + − + Ro C v R – R • Applying KCL to the RC circuit: Notation: 0– is used to denote the time just prior to switching 0+ is used to denote the time immediately after switching • The voltage on the capacitor at t = 0– is Vo EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 135 • Solution: Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 v(t ) = v(0)e−t / RC Slide 136 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Solving for the Current (t > 0) Solving for Power and Energy Delivered (t > 0) i + Ro Vo + − i C Vo + − v(t ) = Voe−t / RC R v + Ro C – v(t ) = Vo e − t / RC R – v 2 Vo2 −2 t / RC = p= e R R t t Vo2 −2 x / RC e dx w = ∫ p( x )dx = ∫ R 0 0 • Note that the current changes abruptly: i (0− ) = 0 v Vo −t / RC = e R R V ⇒ i (0+ ) = o R for t > 0, i (t ) = EE40 Fall 2006 v 1 = CVo2 (1 − e −2 t / RC ) 2 Slide 137 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 138 Natural Response of an RL Circuit • Consider the following circuit, for which the switch is closed for t < 0, and then opened at t = 0: Prof. Chang-Hasnain Solving for the Current (t ≥ 0) • For t > 0, the circuit reduces to i t=0 Io Ro i L R 0– is used to denote the time just prior to switching 0+ is used to denote the time immediately after switching • t<0 the entire system is at steady-state; and the inductor is like short circuit • The current flowing in the inductor at t = 0– is Io and V across is 0. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 139 Ro L R Prof. Chang-Hasnain v – v – Notation: Io + + • • • • Applying KVL to the LR circuit: v(t)=i(t)R At t=0+, i=I0, di (t ) At arbitrary t>0, i=i(t) and v(t ) = -L • Solution: EE40 Fall 2006 dt i (t ) = i (0)e − ( R / L ) t = I0e-(R/L)t Slide 140 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Solving for the Voltage (t > 0) Solving for Power and Energy Delivered (t > 0) i(t ) = I oe i (t ) = I o e − ( R / L )t −( R / L )t + + Io L Ro Io v R Ro L v R – – p = i 2 R = I o2 Re −2 ( R / L ) t • Note that the voltage changes abruptly: − t t 0 0 w = ∫ p ( x)dx = ∫ I o2 Re − 2 ( R / L ) x dx −( R / L ) t = ⇒ v(0 ) = I0R + EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 141 Prof. Chang-Hasnain 1 2 LI o 1 − e − 2 ( R / L )t 2 EE40 Fall 2006 Natural Response Summary RL Circuit RC Circuit i L C • Capacitor voltage cannot change instantaneously i ( 0 − ) = i (0 + ) v (0 − ) = v (0 + ) i (t ) = i (0)e −t /τ v(t ) = v(0)e −t /τ • time constant EE40 Fall 2006 τ= L R • Slide 143 Slide 142 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Digital Signals We compute with pulses. v R – • Inductor current cannot change instantaneously ) We send beautiful pulses in: + R ( time constant τ = RC Prof. Chang-Hasnain time But we receive lousy-looking pulses at the output: voltage for t > 0, v(t ) = iR = I o Re voltage v (0 ) = 0 time Capacitor charging effects are responsible! • Every node in a real circuit has capacitance; it’s the charging of these capacitances that limits circuit performance (speed) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 144 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Circuit Model for a Logic Gate Pulse Distortion R • Recall (from Lecture 1) that electronic building blocks referred to as “logic gates” are used to implement logical functions (NAND, NOR, NOT) in digital ICs – Any logical function can be implemented using these gates. + + Vin(t) Vout C – • A logic gate can be modeled as a simple RC circuit: The input voltage pulse width must be large enough; otherwise the output pulse is distorted. (We need to wait for the output to reach a recognizable logic level, before changing the input again.) – R Pulse width = 0.1RC Vout – switches between “low” (logic 0) and “high” (logic 1) voltage states EE40 Fall 2006 0 Slide 145 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example Suppose a voltage pulse of width 5 µs and height 4 V is applied to the input of this circuit beginning at t = 0: τ = RC = 2.5 µs 2 Time 3 4 0 5 1 EE40 Fall 2006 2 Time 3 4 5 0 Slide 146 R Vin + Vout R = 2.5 kΩ C = 1 nF C What is the peak value of Vout? The output increases for 5 µs, or 2 time constants. It reaches 1-e-2 or 86% of the final value. 0.86 x 4 V = 3.44 V is the peak value Slide 147 1 5 10 Time 15 20 25 Prof. Chang-Hasnain First Order Circuits: Forced Response • First, Vout will increase exponentially toward 4 V. • When Vin goes back down, Vout will decrease exponentially back down to 0 V. EE40 Fall 2006 Vout C Pulse width = 10RC 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Vout Vin(t) + − Pulse width = RC 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Vout + Prof. Chang-Hasnain + vr(t) - R C vs(t) - iL(t) ic(t) + + vc(t) - is(t) R L vL(t) - KCL at the node: KVL around the loop: vr(t) + vc(t) = vs(t) RC t v(t ) 1 + ∫ v( x)dx = is (t ) R L −∞ dvc (t ) + vc (t ) = vs (t ) dt EE40 Fall 2006 L diL (t ) + iL (t ) = is (t ) R dt Slide 148 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Complete Solution The Time Constant • Voltages and currents in a 1st order circuit satisfy a differential equation of the form x(t ) + τ dx(t ) = f (t ) dt • The complementary solution for any 1st order circuit is xc (t ) = Ke − t /τ – f(t) is called the forcing function. • The complete solution is the sum of particular solution (forced response) and complementary solution (natural response). x(t ) = x p (t ) + xc (t ) • For an RC circuit, τ = RC • For an RL circuit, τ = L/R – Particular solution satisfies the forcing function – Complementary solution is used to satisfy the initial conditions. – The initial conditions determine the value of K. x p (t ) + τ EE40 Fall 2006 dx p (t ) dt dxc (t ) =0 dt xc (t ) = Ke − t /τ xc (t ) + τ = f (t ) Slide 149 Homogeneous equation Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 What Does Xc(t) Look Like? xc (t ) = e− t /τ τ = 10-4 • τ is the amount of time necessary for an exponential to decay to 36.7% of its initial value. • -1/τ is the initial slope of an exponential with an initial value of 1. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 151 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Slide 150 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The Particular Solution • The particular solution xp(t) is usually a weighted sum of f(t) and its first derivative. • If f(t) is constant, then xp(t) is constant. • If f(t) is sinusoidal, then xp(t) is sinusoidal. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 152 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The Particular Solution: F(t) Constant xP (t ) + τ dx (t ) xP (t ) + τ P = F dt Equation holds for all time and time variations are independent and thus each time variation coefficient is individually zero ( A + Bt ) + τ EE40 Fall 2006 d ( A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt )) = FA sin( wt ) + FB cos( wt ) dt ( A − τω B − FA ) sin(ωt ) + ( B + τω A − FB ) cos(ωt ) = 0 Equation holds for all time and ( B + τω A − FB ) = 0 ( A − τω B − FA ) = 0 ( A + τB − F ) + ( B )t = 0 A= F = Slide 153 Prof. Chang-Hasnain xP (t ) + τ Guess a solution xP (t ) = A + Be −αt Equation holds for all time and time variations are independent and thus each time variation coefficient is individually zero ( A + Be −αt ) + τ d ( A + Be −αt ) = F1e −αt + F2 dt ( A − F2 ) + ( B − ατ − F1 )e −αt = 0 ( A − F2 ) = 0 Slide 155 1 2 (τω ) + 1 cos(ωt − θ ); where θ = tan −1 (τω ) Slide 154 dxP (t ) = FA sin( wt ) + FB cos( wt ) dt F + τω F τω FA − FB B=− A= A 2 B xP (t ) = A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt ) (τω ) 2 + 1 (τω ) + 1 xP (t ) + τ xC (t ) = Ke −t τ xT (t ) = A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt ) + Ke Only K is unknown and is determined by the initial condition at t =0 −0 τ τ = VC (t = 0) xT (0) = B + K = VC (t = 0) EE40 Fall 2006 −t Example: xT(t=0) = VC(t=0) xT (0) = A sin(0) + B cos(0) + Ke Prof. Chang-Hasnain Prof. Chang-Hasnain The Total Solution: F(t) Sinusoid A = F2 B = ατ + F1 EE40 Fall 2006 dxP (t ) = F1e −αt + F2 dt ( A + Be −αt ) − ατBe −αt = F1e −αt + F2 ( B − ατ − F1 ) = 0 τω 1 sin(ωt ) + cos(ωt ) (τω ) 2 + 1 (τω ) 2 + 1 (τω ) 2 + 1 1 EE40 Fall 2006 The Particular Solution: F(t) Exp. time variations are independent and thus each time variation coefficient is individually zero τω FA − FB B=− (τω ) 2 + 1 F + τω F A= A 2 B (τω ) + 1 xP (t ) = ( A + τB − F ) = 0 B=0 xP (t ) = A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt ) ( A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt )) + τ d ( A + Bt ) =F dt ( A + Bt ) + τB = F ( B) = 0 dxP (t ) = FA sin( wt ) + FB cos( wt ) dt Guess a solution Guess a solution xP (t ) = A + Bt The Particular Solution: F(t) Sinusoid K = VC (t = 0) − B Slide 156 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example R Vs + − C 2nd Order Circuits t=0 + vc – • Given vc(0-)=1, Vs=2 cos(ωt), ω=200. • Find i(t), vc(t)=? EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 157 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Any circuit with a single capacitor, a single inductor, an arbitrary number of sources, and an arbitrary number of resistors is a circuit of order 2. • Any voltage or current in such a circuit is the solution to a 2nd order differential equation. EE40 Fall 2006 A 2nd Order RLC Circuit Slide 158 The Differential Equation i (t) i (t) + vs(t) vs(t) C - R + Prof. Chang-Hasnain + vc(t) C - • Application: Filters – A bandpass filter such as the IF amp for the AM radio. – A lowpass filter with a sharper cutoff than can be obtained with an RC circuit. Slide 159 + vr(t) - R L EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain KVL around the loop: vr(t) + vc(t) + vl(t) = vs(t) vl(t) + - L t 1 di (t ) i ( x)dx + L = vs (t ) ∫ C −∞ dt R di (t ) 1 d 2i (t ) 1 dvs (t ) i (t ) + + = L dt LC dt 2 L dt Ri (t ) + EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 160 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The Differential Equation The Particular Solution The voltage and current in a second order circuit is the solution to a differential equation of the following form: d 2 x(t ) dx(t ) + 2α + ω02 x(t ) = f (t ) 2 dt dt • The particular solution xp(t) is usually a weighted sum of f(t) and its first and second derivatives. • If f(t) is constant, then xp(t) is constant. • If f(t) is sinusoidal, then xp(t) is sinusoidal. x(t ) = x p (t ) + xc (t ) Xp(t) is the particular solution (forced response) and Xc(t) is the complementary solution (natural response). EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 161 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 The Complementary Solution The complementary solution has the following form: st xc (t ) = Ke K is a constant determined by initial conditions. s is a constant determined by the coefficients of the differential equation. d 2 Ke st dKe st + 2α + ω02 Ke st = 0 2 dt dt 2 st st 2 0 • To find the complementary solution, we need to solve the characteristic equation: s 2 + 2ζω0 s + ω02 = 0 α = ζω0 • The characteristic equation has two rootscall them s1 and s2. xc (t ) = K1e s1t + K 2 e s2t st s1 = −ζω0 + ω0 ζ 2 − 1 s 2 + 2α s + ω02 = 0 Slide 163 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Characteristic Equation s Ke + 2α sKe + ω Ke = 0 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 162 s2 = −ζω0 − ω0 ζ 2 − 1 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 164 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Damping Ratio and Natural Frequency • If ζ > 1, s1 and s2 are real and not equal. s1 = −ζω0 + ω0 ζ 2 − 1 ic (t ) = K 1e s2 = −ζω0 − ω0 ζ 2 − 1 damping ratio • The damping ratio determines what type of solution we will get: – Exponentially decreasing (ζ >1) – Exponentially decreasing sinusoid (ζ < 1) • The natural frequency is ω0 – It determines how fast sinusoids wiggle. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 165 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Underdamped: Complex Roots • If ζ < 1, s1 and s2 are complex. • Define the following constants: + K 2e 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0 -1.00E-06 -0.2 0 -1.00E-06 t t EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 166 • If ζ = 1, s1 and s2 are real and equal. xc (t ) = K1e −ςω0t + K 2te −ςω0t Note: The degeneracy of the roots results in the extra factor of ‘t’ 1 0.8 0.6 i(t) 0.4 0.2 1.00E-05 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Critically damped: Real Equal Roots xc (t ) = e −α t ( A1 cos ωd t + A2 sin ωd t ) 0 -1.00E-05 -0.2 −ςω −ω ς 2 −1 t 0 0 0.2 ω d = ω0 1 − ζ 2 α = ζω0 −ςω +ω ς 2 −1 t 0 0 i(t) α ω0 i(t) ζ = Overdamped : Real Unequal Roots 3.00E-05 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 t EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 167 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 168 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example Example For the example, what are ζ and ω0? i (t) + d 2i (t ) R di (t ) 1 1 dvs (t ) i (t ) = + + 2 dt L dt LC L dt 10Ω d 2 xc (t ) dx (t ) + 2ζω0 c + ω02 xc (t ) = 0 2 dt dt 769pF 159µH • ζ = 0.011 • ω0 = 2π455000 • Is this system over damped, under damped, or critically damped? • What will the current look like? 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 i(t) 1 R R C , 2ζω0 = , ζ = ω = 2 L LC L 2 0 0.2 0 -1.00E-05 -0.2 1.00E-05 3.00E-05 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 t EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 169 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slightly Different Example Linear TimeInvariant Circuit i (t) 1 1kΩ 769pF Steady-State Excitation (DC Steady-State) 0.6 0.4 0.2 - 0 -1.00E-06 159µH Linear TimeInvariant Circuit t ζ = 2.2 ω0 = 2π455000 EE40 Fall 2006 Linear TimeInvariant Circuit 0.8 i(t) vs(t) Prof. Chang-Hasnain Types of Circuit Excitation • Increase the resistor to 1kΩ • What are ζ and ω0? + Slide 170 Slide 171 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Sinusoidal (SingleFrequency) Excitation AC Steady-State EE40 Fall 2006 OR Digital Pulse Source Linear TimeInvariant Circuit Transient Excitation Slide 172 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Representing a Square Wave as a Sum of Sinusoids Why is Single-Frequency Excitation Important? EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 173 Prof. Chang-Hasnain b signal(V) Signal signal(V) Signal a Frequency (Hz) (a)Square wave with 1-second period. (b) Fundamental component (dotted) with 1-second period, third-harmonic (solid black) with1/3-second period, and their sum (blue). (c) Sum of first ten components. (d) Spectrum with 20 terms. EE40 Fall 2006 Steady-State Sinusoidal Analysis • Also known as AC steady-state • Any steady state voltage or current in a linear circuit with a sinusoidal source is a sinusoid. – This is a consequence of the nature of particular solutions for sinusoidal forcing functions. • All AC steady state voltages and currents have the same frequency as the source. • In order to find a steady state voltage or current, all we need to know is its magnitude and its phase relative to the source – We already know its frequency. • Usually, an AC steady state voltage or current is given by the particular solution to a differential equation. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 175 Prof. Chang-Hasnain T i me (ms) d Relative Amplitude c Signal (V) • Some circuits are driven by a single-frequency sinusoidal source. • Some circuits are driven by sinusoidal sources whose frequency changes slowly over time. • You can express any periodic electrical signal as a sum of single-frequency sinusoids – so you can analyze the response of the (linear, timeinvariant) circuit to each individual frequency component and then sum the responses to get the total response. • This is known as Fourier Transform and is tremendously important to all kinds of engineering disciplines! Slide 174 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Chapter 5 • OUTLINE – Phasors as notation for Sinusoids – Arithmetic with Complex Numbers – Complex impedances – Circuit analysis using complex impdenaces – Dervative/Integration as multiplication/division – Phasor Relationship for Circuit Elements • Reading – Chap 5 – Appendix A EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 176 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example 1: 2nd Order RLC Circuit t=0 Example 2: 2nd Order RLC Circuit t=0 + Vs - R C L EE40 Fall 2006 R + Vs - Slide 177 Prof. Chang-Hasnain C EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 178 imaginary axis Two terms to be general Dervatives (t ) = A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt ) Addition d ( A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt )) Guess a solution xP ( A sin( wt ) + B cos( wt )) + τ dt F + τF A = A2 B τ +1 τF − F B = − A2 B τ +1 Phasors (vectors that rotate in the complex plane) are a clever alternative. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 179 Prof. Chang-Hasnain j = (−1) θ = FA sin( wt ) + FB cos( wt ) ( A − τB − FA ) sin( wt ) + ( B + τA − FB ) cos( wt ) = 0 Equation holds for all time ( A − τB − FA ) = 0 and time variations are ( B + τA − FB ) = 0 independent and thus each time variation coefficient is individually zero y z dxP (t ) = FA sin( wt ) + FB cos( wt ) dt Prof. Chang-Hasnain Complex Numbers (1) Sinusoidal Sources Create Too Much Algebra xP (t ) + τ L real axis x • Rectangular Coordinates Z = x + jy • Polar Coordinates: Z=z∠θ • Exponential Form: jθ Z = Z e = ze EE40 Fall 2006 jθ • • • • x is the real part y is the imaginary part z is the magnitude θ is the phase y = z sin θ x = z cos θ z = x2 + y2 θ = tan −1 y x Z = z (cos θ + j sin θ ) 1 = 1e j 0 = 1∠0° j = 1e Slide 180 j π 2 = 1∠90° Prof. Chang-Hasnain Arithmetic With Complex Numbers Complex Numbers (2) Euler’s Identities e jθ + e − jθ cos θ = 2 jθ e − e − jθ sin θ = 2j e jθ = cos θ + j sin θ e jθ = cos 2 θ + sin 2 θ = 1 • To compute phasor voltages and currents, we need to be able to perform computation with complex numbers. – Addition – Subtraction – Multiplication – Division • (And later use multiplication by jω to replace Exponential Form of a complex number jθ jθ Z = Z e = ze = z∠θ EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 181 Prof. Chang-Hasnain – Diffrentiation – Integration EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 182 Addition Prof. Chang-Hasnain Addition • Addition is most easily performed in rectangular coordinates: A = x + jy B = z + jw Imaginary Axis A+B A + B = (x + z) + j(y + w) B EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 183 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 A Slide 184 Real Axis Prof. Chang-Hasnain Subtraction Subtraction • Subtraction is most easily performed in rectangular coordinates: A = x + jy B = z + jw Imaginary Axis A - B = (x - z) + j(y - w) B A Real Axis A-B EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 185 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 186 Multiplication Multiplication • Multiplication is most easily performed in polar coordinates: A = AM ∠ θ B = BM ∠ φ A×B Slide 187 Imaginary Axis B A × B = (AM × BM) ∠ (θ + φ) EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain A Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 188 Real Axis Prof. Chang-Hasnain Division Division • Division is most easily performed in polar coordinates: A = AM ∠ θ B = BM ∠ φ Imaginary Axis B A / B = (AM / BM) ∠ (θ − φ) A Real Axis A/B EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 189 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 190 Phasors Arithmetic Operations of Complex Numbers • Add and Subtract: it is easiest to do this in rectangular format – Add/subtract the real and imaginary parts separately • Multiply and Divide: it is easiest to do this in exponential/polar format – Multiply (divide) the magnitudes – Add (subtract) the phases • Assuming a source voltage is a sinusoid timevarying function v(t) = V cos (ωt + θ) • We can write: v(t ) = V cos(ωt + θ ) = V Re e j (ωt +θ ) = Re Ve j (ωt +θ ) Define Phasor as Ve jθ = V ∠θ Z1 = z1e jθ1 = z1∠θ1 = z1 cos θ1 + jz1 sin θ1 • Similarly, if the function is v(t) = V sin (ωt + θ) Z 2 = z2 e jθ2 = z2∠θ 2 = z2 cos θ 2 + jz2 sin θ 2 j (ωt +θ − π2 ) π v(t ) = V sin(ωt + θ ) = V cos(ωt + θ − ) = Re Ve 2 Z1 + Z 2 = ( z1 cos θ1 + z2 cos θ 2 ) + j ( z1 sin θ1 + z2 sin θ 2 ) Z1 − Z 2 = ( z1 cos θ1 − z2 cos θ 2 ) + j ( z1 sin θ1 − z2 sin θ 2 ) Z1 × Z 2 = ( z1 × z2 )e j (θ1 +θ2 ) = ( z1 × z2 )∠(θ1 + θ 2 ) Phasor = V ∠ Slide 191 ( ) θ− π 2 Z1 / Z 2 = ( z1 / z2 )e j (θ1 −θ2 ) = ( z1 / z2 )∠(θ1 − θ 2 ) EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 192 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Phasor: Rotating Complex Vector { } ( v(t ) = V cos(ωt + φ ) = Re Ve jφ e jwt = Re V e jωt Imaginary Axis ) Rotates at uniform angular velocity ωt V cos(ω ωt+φ φ) Real Axis The head start angle is φ. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 193 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Complex Exponentials • We represent a real-valued sinusoid as the real part of a complex exponential after multiplying by e jω.t • Complex exponentials – provide the link between time functions and phasors. – Allow dervatives and integrals to be replaced by multiplying or dividing by jω – make solving for AC steady state simple algebra with complex numbers. • Phasors allow us to express current-voltage relationships for inductors and capacitors much like we express the current-voltage relationship for a resistor. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 194 I-V Relationship for a Capacitor v(t) C Capacitor Impedance (1) i(t) C + i(t) i (t ) = C - dv(t ) dt Prof. Chang-Hasnain + v(t -) v(t ) = V cos(ωt + θ ) = i (t ) = C dv(t ) dt V j (ωt +θ ) − j (ωt +θ ) e +e 2 dv(t ) CV d j (ωt +θ ) − j (ωt +θ ) CV e = = +e jω e j (ωt +θ ) − e − j (ωt +θ ) 2 dt 2 dt −ωCV j (ωt +θ ) − j (ωt +θ ) π e = −ωCV sin(ωt + θ ) = ωCV cos(ωt + θ + ) = −e 2j 2 i (t ) = C Suppose that v(t) is a sinusoid: v(t) = Re{VM ej(ωt+θ)} Find i(t). EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 195 Zc = Prof. Chang-Hasnain V = I EE40 Fall 2006 V ∠θ V π 1 π 1 1 = ∠(θ − θ − ) = ∠(− ) = − j = π ωCV 2 2 ωC ωC jωC I ∠ θ + 2 Slide 196 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Capacitor Impedance (2) i(t) C + v(t -) Example v(t) = 120V cos(377t + 30°) C = 2µF dv(t ) i (t ) = C dt Phasor definition v(t ) = V cos(ωt + θ ) = Re Ve j (ωt +θ ) • What is V? • What is I? • What is i(t)? ⇒ V = V ∠θ dv(t ) de j (ωt +θ ) i (t ) = C = Re CV = Re jωCVe j (ωt +θ ) ⇒ I = I ∠θ dt dt Zc = 1 V V V ∠θ = = ∠(θ − θ ) = jωCV jωC I I ∠θ EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 197 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Computing the Current Slide 198 Inductor Impedance + i(t) EE40 Fall 2006 ∫ Slide 199 dt ⇒ v(t) L Note: The differentiation and integration operations become algebraic operations d ⇒ jω dt Prof. Chang-Hasnain - 1 jω v(t ) = L di (t ) dt V = jωL I Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 200 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example Phase i(t) = 1µA cos(2π 9.15 107t + 30°) L = 1µH Voltage 7 cos(ωt ) = 7∠0° • What is I? • What is V? • What is v(t)? π π 7 sin(ωt ) = 7 cos(ωt − ) = 7∠ − 2 2 8 lead inductor current 6 Behind 4 2 t 0 -2 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 -4 -6 -8 capacitor current π π −7 sin(ωt ) = 7 cos(ωt + ) = 7∠ + 2 2 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 201 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Phasor Diagrams Slide 202 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Impedance • A phasor diagram is just a graph of several phasors on the complex plane (using real and imaginary axes). • A phasor diagram helps to visualize the relationships between currents and voltages. • Capacitor: I leads V by 90o • Inductor: V leads I by 90o • AC steady-state analysis using phasors allows us to express the relationship between current and voltage using a formula that looks likes Ohm’s law: V=IZ • Z is called impedance. EE40 Fall 2006 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 203 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Slide 204 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Some Thoughts on Impedance Example: Single Loop Circuit • Impedance depends on the frequency ω. • Impedance is (often) a complex number. • Impedance allows us to use the same solution techniques for AC steady state as we use for DC steady state. + 10V ∠ 0° 20kΩ + VC 1µF - - f=60 Hz, VC=? How do we find VC? First compute impedances for resistor and capacitor: ZR = R= 20kΩ = 20kΩ ∠ 0° ZC = 1/j (2πf x 1µF) = 2.65kΩ ∠ -90° EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 205 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Impedance Example Slide 206 Prof. Chang-Hasnain What happens when ω changes? 20kΩ ∠ 0° + VC - + 10V ∠ 0° - + 2.65kΩ ∠ -90° 10V ∠ 0° 20kΩ + VC 1µF - - ω = 10 Find VC Now use the voltage divider to find VC: 2.65kΩ∠ - 90° VC = 10V ∠0° 2.65kΩ∠ - 90° + 20kΩ∠0° VC = 1.31V ∠ - 82.4° EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 207 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 208 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Steady-State AC Analysis Circuit Analysis Using Complex Impedances • Suitable for AC steady state. • KVL + v1 (t ) + v2 (t ) + v3 (t ) = 0 5mA ∠ 0° V1 cos (ωt + θ1 ) + V2 cos (ωt + θ 2 ) + V3 cos (ωt + θ3 ) = 0 0.1µF V 1kΩ - Re V1e j (ωt +θ1 ) + V2 e j (ωt +θ2 ) + V3e j (ωt +θ3 ) = 0 Find v(t) for ω=2π 3000 Phasor Form KVL V1e j (θ1 ) + V2e j (θ2 ) + V3e j (θ3 ) = 0 V1 + V2 + V3 = 0 + I1 + I 2 + I 3 = 0 • Phasor Form KCL • Use complex impedances for inductors and capacitors and follow same analysis as in chap 2. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 209 Prof. Chang-Hasnain 5mA ∠ 0° V -j530kΩ 1kΩ EE40 Fall 2006 Find the Equivalent Impedance Slide 210 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Change the Frequency + + 5mA ∠ 0° 5mA ∠ 0° Zeq V 0.1µF V 1kΩ - Find v(t) for ω=2π 455000 1000(− j 530 ) 10 ∠0° × 530∠ − 90° = 1000 − j 530 1132∠ − 27.9° 3 Z eq = + -j3.5Ω Z eq = 468.2Ω∠ − 62.1° 5mA ∠ 0° V = IZ eq = 5mA∠0° × 468.2Ω∠ − 62.1° V 1kΩ - V = 2.34V∠ − 62.1° v(t ) = 2.34V cos(2π 3000t − 62.1°) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 211 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 212 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Find an Equivalent Impedance Series Impedance + 5mA ∠ 0° Zeq Z eq = V Z1 - Z3 Z2 1000(− j 3.5) 10 3 ∠0° × 3.5∠ − 90° = 1000 − j 3.5 1000∠ − 0.2° Z eq = 3.5Ω∠ − 89.8° Zeq Zeq = Z1 + Z2 + Z3 For example: V = IZ eq = 5mA∠0° × 3.5Ω∠ − 89.8° V = 17.5mV∠ − 89.8° L1 v(t ) = 17.5mV cos(2π 455000t − 89.8°) C1 L2 Z eq = Zeq = jω(L1+L2) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 213 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Parallel Impedance EE40 Fall 2006 Z2 Z3 1 1 + jωC1 jωC2 Slide 214 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Steady-State AC Node-Voltage Analysis + Z1 C2 Zeq I0sin(ωt) VC I1cos(ωt) C R - L 1/Zeq = 1/Z1 + 1/Z2 + 1/Z3 For example: L1 Z eq = jω EE40 Fall 2006 • Try using Thevinin equivalent circuit. L2 C1 L1 L2 ( L1 + L2 ) Z eq = Slide 215 C2 • What happens if the sources are at different frequencies? 1 jω (C1 + C2 ) Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 216 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Resistor I-V relationship R vR = iRR ………….VR = IRR where R is the resistance in ohms, VR = phasor voltage, IR = phasor current (boldface indicates complex quantity) v0 (t ) = V0 cos(ωt ) v0 (t ) = V0 cos(ωt ) V 0 = V0 ∠0 V 0 = V0 ∠0 V 0 = V0 ∠0 i0 (t ) = Inductor I-V relationship Slide 217 Prof. Chang-Hasnain + + VC 1µF - - V0 ωL sin(ωt ) V I 0 = 0 ∠ − 90 ωL Slide 218 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Root Mean Square (rms) Values ZTH 20kΩ i0 (t ) = I 0 = ωCV0∠90 EE40 Fall 2006 Thevenin Equivalent 10V ∠ 0° V0 cos(ωt ) i0 (t ) = −ωCV0 sin(ωt ) R V I 0 = 0 ∠0 R vL = LdiL/dt ...............Phasor voltage VL = phasor current IL/ inductive impedance ZL VL = ILZL where ZL = jωL, j = (-1)1/2 and boldface indicates complex quantity EE40 Fall 2006 L v0 (t ) = V0 cos(ωt ) Capacitor I-V relationship iC = CdvC/dt ...............Phasor current IC = phasor voltage VC / capacitive impedance ZC: IC = VC/ZC where ZC = 1/jωC , j = (-1)1/2 and boldface indicates complex quantity C • rms valued defined as T 1 2 v (t )dt T ∫o vRMS = + VTH - T = period • Assuming a sinusoid gives f=60 Hz T 1 2 vm cos 2 (ωt + θ )dt T ∫o vRMS = ZR = R= 20kΩ = 20kΩ ∠ 0° ZC = 1/j (2πf x 1µF) = 2.65kΩ ∠ -90° • Using an identity gives 2 T 2.65kΩ∠ - 90° VTH = VOC = 10V ∠0° = 1.31∠ − 82.4 2.65kΩ∠ - 90° + 20kΩ∠0° ZTH EE40 Fall 2006 20kΩ∠0° ⋅ 2.65kΩ∠ - 90° = Z R || Z C = ° = 2.62∠ − 82.4 2.65kΩ∠ - 90° + 20kΩ∠0° Slide 219 Prof. Chang-Hasnain vRMS = vm [1 + cos(2ωt + 2θ )]dt 2T ∫o • Evaluating at limits gives 2 vRMS = EE40 Fall 2006 1 1 vm [T + sin(2ωT + 2θ ) − sin(2θ )] 2T 2ω 2w Slide 220 vRMS = vm 2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Power: Instantaneous and Time-Average For a Resistor • The instantaneous power is p(t ) = v(t )i (t ) = ZTH v(t ) 2 R + T T - T v2 1 1 v(t ) 2 1 1 p (t )dt = ∫ dt = [ ∫ v(t ) 2 dt ] = rms ∫ R T 0 T 0 R R T 0 For an Impedance v(t )i (t • The instantaneous power is • Maximum time average power occurs when Z LOAD = Z*TH p(t ) = v(t )i (t ) • The time-average power isT PAVE = 1 T • This presents a resistive impedance to the source 1 T ∫ p(t )dt = T ∫ v(t )i(t )dt = Re{V rms 0 • The reactive power at 2ω is Q = Im{Vrms ⋅ I *rms } EE40 Fall 2006 ZLOAD VTH • The time-average power is PAVE = Maximum Average Power Transfer Slide 221 Z total = ZTH + Z*TH * ⋅ I rms } 0 • Power transferred is PAVE = Re{VI*} = Re{V 2 PAVE + Q 2 = (Vrms ⋅ I rms ) 2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Chapter 6 V2 V* } = 12 rms 2R R Slide 222 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Bel and Decibel (dB) • OUTLINE – Frequency Response for Characterization – Asymptotic Frequency Behavior – Log magnitude vs log frequency plot – Phase vs log frequency plot – dB scale – Transfer function example • A bel (symbol B) is a unit of measure of ratios of power levels, i.e. relative power levels. – The name was coined in the early 20th century in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, a telecommunications pioneer. – The bel is a logarithmic measure. The number of bels for a given ratio of power levels is calculated by taking the logarithm, to the base 10, of the ratio. – one bel corresponds to a ratio of 10:1. – B = log10(P1/P2) where P1 and P2 are power levels. • The bel is too large for everyday use, so the decibel (dB), equal to 0.1B, is more commonly used. – 1dB = 10 log10(P1/P2) • dB are used to measure – Electric power, Gain or loss of amplifiers, Insertion loss of filters. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 223 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 224 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Logarithmic Measure for Power • To express a power in terms of decibels, one starts by choosing a reference power, Preference, and writing Power P in decibels = 10 log10(P/Preference) • Exercise: – Express a power of 50 mW in decibels relative to 1 watt. – P (dB) =10 log10 (50 x 10-3) = - 13 dB • Exercise: – Express a power of 50 mW in decibels relative to 1 mW. – P (dB) =10 log10 (50) = 17 dB. Logarithmic Measures for Voltage or Current From the expression for power ratios in decibels, we can readily derive the corresponding expressions for voltage or current ratios. Suppose that the voltage V (or current I) appears across (or flows in) a resistor whose resistance is R. The corresponding power dissipated, P, is V2/R (or I2R). We can similarly relate the reference voltage or current to the reference power, as Preference = (Vreference)2/R or Preference= (Ireference)2R. • dBm to express absolute values of power relative to a milliwatt. Hence, – dBm = 10 log10 (power in milliwatts / 1 milliwatt) – 100 mW = 20 dBm – 10 mW = 10 dBm EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 225 Voltage, V in decibels = 20log10(V/Vreference) Current, I, in decibels = 20log10(I/Ireference) Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 226 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Logarithmic Measures for Voltage or Current Logarithmic Measures for Voltage or Current Note that the voltage and current expressions are just like the power expression except that they have 20 as the multiplier instead of 10 because power is proportional to the square of the voltage or current. The gain produced by an amplifier or the loss of a filter is often specified in decibels. Exercise: How many decibels larger is the voltage of a 9-volt transistor battery than that of a 1.5-volt AA battery? Let Vreference = 1.5. The ratio in decibels is The input voltage (current, or power) is taken as the reference value of voltage (current, or power) in the decibel defining expression: Voltage gain in dB = 20 log10(Voutput/Vinput) Current gain in dB = 20log10(Ioutput/Iinput Power gain in dB = 10log10(Poutput/Pinput) 20 log10(9/1.5) = 20 log10(6) = 16 dB. Example: The voltage gain of an amplifier whose input is 0.2 mV and whose output is 0.5 V is 20log10(0.5/0.2x10-3) = 68 dB. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 227 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 228 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Frequency Response Bode Plot • Plot of magnitude of transfer function vs. frequency – Both x and y scale are in log scale – Y scale in dB • The shape of the frequency response of the complex ratio of phasors VOUT/VIN is a convenient means of classifying a circuit behavior and identifying key parameters. • Log Frequency Scale Break point – Decade Ratio of higher to lower frequency = 10 – Octave Ratio of higher to lower frequency =2 VOUT VIN Gain Break point VOUT VIN Low Pass Gain High Pass Frequency Frequency FYI: These are log ratio vs log frequency plots EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 229 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Example Circuit + + + AVT + R1 VT C − TransferFunction = VOUT VIN VOUT AZ c = VIN Z R + Zc Prof. Chang-Hasnain Break Point Values R2 VIN Slide 230 VOUT A = 100 R1 = 100,000 Ohms • When dealing with resonant circuits it is convenient to refer to the frequency difference between points at which the power from the circuit is half that at the peak of resonance. • Such frequencies are known as “half-power frequencies”, and the power output there referred to the peak power (at the resonant frequency) is • 10log10(Phalf-power/Presonance) = 10log10(1/2) = -3 dB. R2 = 1000 Ohms C = 10 uF VOUT A(1 / jwC ) A = = VIN R2 + 1 / jωC ) (1 + jωR2C ) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 231 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 232 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example: Circuit in Slide #3 Phase Phase Magnitude Example: Circuit in Slide #3 Magnitude A = 100 R2 = 1000 Ohms C = 10 uF 1000 A 100 VV OUT IN = A (1 + jωR2C ) 100 C = 10 uF 1 100 10 100 10 100 1000 0.1 EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain -45o 100∠0 100∠0 Phase{ } = 0 − 45 = −45 } = Phase{ |1+ j | 2∠45 EE40 Fall 2006 Bode Plot: Label as dB VOUT A = VIN (1 + jωR2C ) A Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Transfer function is a function of frequency A = 100 C = 100 uF – Complex quantity – Both magnitude and phase are function of frequency wp = 1/(R2C) = 100 40 Slide 234 Transfer Function R2 = 1000 Ohms 60 Radian Frequency Actual value is Radian Frequency Slide 233 1000 -90 -180 1 Magnitude in dB R2 = 1000 Ohms 180 0 Actual value = | 1 + j | = 2 1 A = 100 90 wp = 1/(R2C) = 100 10 VOUT A = VIN (1 + jωR2C ) Vin Two Port filter network Vout 20 0 1 10 100 1000 -20 H( f ) = Radian Frequency Vout Vout = ∠ (θ out − θin ) Vin Vin H(f) = H ( f )∠θ Note: Magnitude in dB = 20 log10(VOUT/VIN) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 235 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 236 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Filters Common Filter Transfer Function vs. Freq • Circuit designed to retain a certain frequency range and discard others H( f ) Low-pass: pass low frequencies and reject high frequencies High-pass: pass high frequencies and reject low frequencies Band-pass: pass some particular range of frequencies, reject other frequencies outside that band Notch: reject a range of frequencies and pass all other frequencies EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 237 Prof. Chang-Hasnain H( f ) Low Pass Frequency H( f ) Frequency 1 1 and f B = RC 2π RC H(f) = H ( f )∠θ f 1+ fB 2 H(f) = Slide 238 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 239 f fB f 1+ fB f , θ = − tan −1 fB 1 H ( fB ) = = 2−1/ 2 2 H ( fB ) 1 = 20(− ) log10 2 = −3 dB 20 log10 H (0) 2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain (ω RC ) ∠ π − tan −1 ω RC VR R jω RC = = = ( ) 2 2 V 1 ( jωC ) + R 1 + jω RC 1 + (ω RC ) H( f ) = + V - Frequency EE40 Fall 2006 Let ωB = 1 Band Reject Band Pass First-Order Highpass Filter VC 1 ( jωC ) 1 1 = = = ∠ − tan −1 (ω RC ) 2 V 1 ( jωC ) + R 1 + jω RC 1 + (ω RC ) H( f ) = Frequency H( f ) First-Order Lowpass Filter H(f) = High Pass R ,θ = π 2 f − tan −1 fB VR 1 = 2−1/ 2 2 H ( fB ) 1 20 log10 = 20(− ) log10 2 = −3 dB 2 H (0) H ( fB ) = + VC C 2 - Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 240 + V - R + VC C - Prof. Chang-Hasnain First-Order Lowpass Filter First-Order Highpass Filter ωL jω L VL π ω L R R H(f) = = = ∠ − tan −1 2 j L ω V R 2 ωL +1 1+ R R R R Let ωB = and f B = L 2π L H(f) = H ( f )∠θ V 1 1 VR ωL = = ∠ − tan −1 2 jω L V R ωL +1 1 + R R R R Let ωB = and f B = 2π L L H(f) = H ( f )∠θ H(f) = H( f ) = 1 f 1+ fB 2 VR f , θ = − tan −1 fB EE40 Fall 2006 R + V - H( f ) = + f 1+ fB VL L - Slide 241 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 VS + – R C VS + – R L High Pass HR = R / (R + 1/jωC) HR = R / (R + jωL) HC = (1/jωC) / (R + 1/jωC) HL = jωL / (R + jωL) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 243 ,θ = f − tan −1 2 fB π Slide 242 + V - R + VL L - Prof. Chang-Hasnain One may wish to specify the change of a quantity such as the output voltage of a filter when the frequency changes by a factor of 2 (an octave) or 10 (a decade). Low Pass Low Pass 2 Change of Voltage or Current with A Change of Frequency First-Order Filter Circuits High Pass R f fB Prof. Chang-Hasnain For example, a single-stage RC low-pass filter has at frequencies above ω = 1/RC an output that changes at the rate -20dB per decade. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 244 Prof. Chang-Hasnain High-frequency asymptote of Lowpass filter Low-frequency asymptote of Highpass filter The high frequency asymptote of magnitude Bode plot assumes -20dB/decade slope As f → 0 As f → ∞ H( f ) = f fB f 1+ fB −1 f H( f ) = fB H (10 f B ) = −20dB 20 log10 H ( fB ) 2 f → fB f →∞ 20 log10 H ( fB ) = 20dB H (0.1 f B ) The low frequency asymptote of magnitude Bode plot assumes 20dB/decade slope Slide 245 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 246 Second-Order Filter Circuits Series Resonance VIN + VOUT − Voltage divider Band Pass R VS + – Z = R + 1/jωC + jωL Low Pass C High Pass L HBP = R / Z Resonance quality factor VOUT ZR = VIN Z L + Z R + ZC Q= Substitute branch elements VOUT R = VIN jω L + R + 1 / jω C Band HLP = (1/jωC) / Z Reject HHP = jωL / Z Arrange in resonance form VOUT R = VIN R + j (ωL − 1 / ωC ) HBR = HLP + HHP Slide 247 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 ωL R Ratio of reactance to resistance Closely related to number of round trip cycles before 1/e decay. Maximum when w2 = 1/(LC) EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain + EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 248 Bandwidth is f0/Q Prof. Chang-Hasnain Chapter 14 Parallel Resonance • OUTLINE + IIN VOUT – Op-Amp from 2-Port Blocks – Op-Amp Model and its Idealization – Negative Feedback for Stability – Components around Op-Amp define the Circuit Function Admittance VOUT = Resonance quality factor IS YL + YR + YC Q= Substitute branch elements VOUT IS = 1 + 1 + jwC j ωL R Arrange in resonance form VOUT = IS 1 + j (ωC − 1 ) ωL R R Ratio of reactance to resistance Closely related to number of round trip cycles before 1/e decay. Maximum = IS/R when w2 = 1/(LC) EE40 Fall 2006 ωL • Reading – Chap 14 Bandwidth is f0/Q Slide 249 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 250 Prof. Chang-Hasnain High Quality Dependent Source In an Amplifier The Operational Amplifier • The operational amplifier (“op amp”) is a basic building block used in analog circuits. – Its behavior is modeled using a dependent source. – When combined with resistors, capacitors, and inductors, it can perform various useful functions: • • • • • • • • amplification/scaling of an input signal sign changing (inversion) of an input signal addition of multiple input signals subtraction of one input signal from another integration (over time) of an input signal differentiation (with respect to time) of an input signal analog filtering nonlinear functions like exponential, log, sqrt, etc AMPLIFIER SYMBOL Differential Amplifier V+ V− Slide 251 Prof. Chang-Hasnain V0 = A( V+ − V− ) Circuit Model in linear region V0 Ri + − V1 + − AV1 + − V0 V0 depends only on input (V+ − V-) See the utility of this: this Model when used correctly mimics the behavior of an amplifier but omits the complication of the many many transistors and other components. – Isolate input from output; allow cascading EE40 Fall 2006 + A − AMPLIFIER MODEL EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 252 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Model for Internal Operation Op Amp Terminals • A is differential gain or open loop gain • Ideal op amp A→∞ Ri → ∞ Ro = 0 • 3 signal terminals: 2 inputs and 1 output • IC op amps have 2 additional terminals for DC power supplies • Common-mode signal= (v1+v2)/2 • Differential signal = v1-v2 V+ Inverting input v2 - Non-inverting input v1 + vcm = ( v1 + v2 ) Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Circuit Model EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 254 • Input impedance: R looking into the input terminals • Output impedance: Impedance in series with the output terminals v1 i1 Slide 255 R1 R2 Ro io i2 _ vo + – − + VIN R2 V0 Ri VIN + V1 + AV1 − + − V0 Summing Point Circuit Model Negative feedback A(v1–v2) ⇒ Stabilizes the output Hambley Example pp. 644 for Power Steering We can show that that for A → ∞ and Ri → ∞, V 0 ≅ V IN ⋅ EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain + Ri v2 A(v1–v2) A very high-gain differential amplifier can function in an extremely linear fashion as an operational amplifier by using negative feedback. R1 – connecting the output port to the positive input (port 1) + – _ Op-Amp and Use of Feedback – connecting the output port to the negative input (port 2) • Positive feedback v2 , vd = v1 − v2 vo i2 Since vo = A(v1 − v2 ) , Acm = 0 Model and Feedback • Negative feedback Ro io Ri 2 vo = Acm vcm + Ad vd v0 output Slide 253 v1 + i1 – Common mode gain = 0 positive power supply V – negative power supply EE40 Fall 2006 • Circuit Model Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 R1 + R 2 R1 Stable, finite, and independent of the properties of the OP AMP ! Slide 256 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Ideal Op-Amp Analysis Technique Summing-Point Constraint • Check if under negative feedback Applies only when Negative Feedback is present in circuit! – Small vi result in large vo – Output vo is connected to the inverting input to reduce vi – Resulting in vi=0 Assumption 1: The potential between the op-amp input terminals, v(+) – v(-), equals zero. Assumption 2: The currents flowing into the op-amp’s two input terminals both equal zero. • Summing-point constraint – v1= v2 – i1 = i2 =0 No Potential Difference R2 R1 No Currents • Virtual short circuit – Not only voltage drop is 0 (which is short circuit), input current is 0 – This is different from short circuit, hence called “virtual” short circuit. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 257 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 258 Non-Inverting Amplifier Closed loop gain = Av = Assumption 1: The potential between the op-amp input terminals, v(+) – v(-), equals zero. + v2 vin +- 2 KCL with currents in only two branches R1 R2 v v −v − + VIN V0 vout EXAMPLE VIN appears here EE40 Fall 2006 in out =0 R2 R + R2 vin = 1 R1 v0 _ Assumption 2: The currents flowing into the op-amp’s two input terminals both equal zero. + Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Ideal voltage amplifier Yes Negative Feedback is present in this circuit! in V0 EXAMPLE Ideal Op-Analysis: Non-Inverting Amplifier R1 − + VIN v1 = v2 = vin , i1 = i2 = 0 RL R2 vo vin Use KCL At Node 2. i= R1 (v0 − v2 ) (v2 − 0) = R2 R1 A= vo ( R1 + R2 ) = vin R1 Input impedance = vin →∞ i Non-inverting Amplifier Slide 259 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 260 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Ideal Op-Amp Analysis: Inverting Amplifier R2 R1 I2 RL V OUT -VR Voltage is VR VR − VIN VR − VOUT + =0 R1 R2 Only two currents for KCL VOUT = VR − vin +- R2 (Vin − VR ) R1 Slide 261 v1 v1 = v2 = 0 , i1 = i2 = 0 Use KCL At Node 2. i= + RL Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 262 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall Slide 264 _ RL R2 = 0 R1 → ∞ i= (v0 − v2 ) (v2 − 0) = R2 R1 A= EE40 Fall 2006 vo ( R1 + R2 ) R = = 1+ 2 = 1 vin R1 R1 Slide 263 R2 vo R1 Input impedance = v0 + v2 (vin − v2 ) (vout − v2 ) = R1 R2 vo = − Voltage Follower vin + - vo vin vin = R1 i Ideal voltage source – independent of load resistor Inverting Amplifier with reference voltage EE40 Fall 2006 Closed loop gain = Av = • Negative feedback checked • Use summing-point constraint R2 2 R1 v i 2 _ v0 Yes Negative Feedback is present in circuit! VIN Inverting Amplifier Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example 2 2 i4 R i3 vin +- i5 R v2 i 2 _ R v1 i 1 v1 = v2 = 0 , i1 = 0 → i3 = 0 v0 + RL (v − v ) (v − v ) i4 = in 2 = i 5 = − 0 2 R R v0 = −vin A= EE40 Fall 2006 • Design an analog front end circuit to an instrument system vin – Requires to work with 3 full-scale of input signals (by manual switch): vb 0 ∼ ±1, 0 ∼ ±10, 0 ∼ ±100 V va – For each input range, the output needs to be 0 ∼ ±10 V – The input resistance is 1MΩ vo = −1 , Rin = R 2 vin Slide 265 Prof. Chang-Hasnain vo = (1 + v1 = Ra + Rb vin Switch at b Ra + Rb + Rc v1 = Ra vin Switch at a Ra + Rb + Rc EE40 Fall 2006 2 v0 RL R2 R1 Slide 266 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Summing Amplifier v1 R1 + - R2 ) Switch at c R1 R0 + - Ra + Rb Ra + Rb R (1 + 2 ) Switch at b ∴ = 0.1 Ra + Rb + Rc R1 Ra + Rb + Rc v2 R2 _ + - Av = 0.1 = a v2 v1 = vin Switch at c Rin = Ra + Rb + Rc = 1M Ω Av = 1 = b v1 R2 )v1 R1 Example 2 (cont’d) Max Av = 10 = (1 + c _ • Switch is closed + Example 1 Ra Ra R (1 + 2 ) Switch at a ∴ = 0.01 Ra + Rb + Rc R1 Ra + Rb + Rc v3 R3 v0 + ∴ Ra = 10k Ω, Rb = 90k Ω, Rc = 900k Ω R2 = 9 R1 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 267 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 268 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Difference Amplifier Integrator • Want v = K v dt o ∫ in R2 v1 R1 _ + EE40 Fall 2006 v0 + + v2 • What is the difference between: R3 R + vin R4 + Slide 269 Prof. Chang-Hasnain V0 C - - EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 270 Differentiator Prof. Chang-Hasnain Bridge Amplifier • Want vx R0 R0(1+ε) _ + vin - R C _ vin +- EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 271 + Ra vx v0 v0 Ra + Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 272 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Application: Digital-to-Analog Conversion 20K 40K S2 80K + - S1 4-Bit D/A (Transistors are used as electronic switches) EE40 Fall 2006 5K + − S3 8V 10K − + V0 S1 closed if LSB =1 S2 " if next bit = 1 S3 " if " " = 1 S4 " if MSB = 1 Slide 273 MSB .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 0000 0 2 0001 Prof. Chang-Hasnain 0100 EE40 Fall 2006 8 10 12 14 16 1111 1000 Digital Input Slide 274 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Active Filter Example • Contain few components • Transfer function that is insensitive to component tolerance • Easily adjusted • Require a small spread of components values • Allow a wide range of useful transfer functions Slide 275 6 LSB Active Filter EE40 Fall 2006 4 Prof. Chang-Hasnain C v3 vin + - R v1 _ S4 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 + “Weighted-adder D/A converter” Analog Output (V) A DAC can be used to convert the digital representation Binary Analog number output of an audio signal into an analog voltage that is then (volts) used to drive speakers -- so that you can hear it! 0000 0 Characteristic of 4-Bit DAC R v2 v0 (k-1)Rf C Rf EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 276 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Active Filter Solution Cascaded Active Filter Example v v1 = v 2 = o k ( v3 − v1 ) = jω C v1 R ( v − v3 ) ( v − v1 ) = jω C ( v 3 − v o ) + 3 Use KC L At Node B ⇒ in R R vo k = vin 1 − ω 2 R 2 C 2 + jω RC (3 − k ) Use KC L At Node A ⇒ C C k 2 _ v H (ω ) = o = vin R v2 v3’ v0’ R2 (k-1)Rf v1’ R 2 C2 Rf ω2 ω2 (3 − k ) 2 + 1 − 2 ωB ωB2 ω = 0, H (ω ) = k DC gain v2’ _ + vin - Let ω B = 1 / RC v1 + R C2 + v3 v0 (k2 -1)Rf Rf k 3−k k ∼ ω −2 ω >> ω B , H (ω ) = ω2 2 ωB 20 log H (ω ) decays at a rate of 40 dB / decade ω = ω B , H (ω ) = EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 277 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Let ωB = 1/ RC , ωB 2 = 1/ R2C2 vo k2 = 2 vin ω2 ω2 (3 − k2 ) 2 + 1 − 2 2 ω ω B2 B2 ω = 0, H (ω ) = k2 k DC gain k H (ω ) = ω = ωB , H (ω ) = 2 ω2 ω2 2 1 − 2 + 2 (3 − k ) ω ω B B k2 k 3 − k2 3 − k ω >> ωB , H (ω ) = k2 k • OUTLINE – – – – – – – Diode Current and Equation Some Interesting Circuit Applications Load Line Analysis Solar Cells, Detectors, Zener Diodes Circuit Analysis with Diodes Half-wave Rectifier Clamps and Voltage Doublers using Capacitors • Reading −4 – Hambley 10.1-10.8 – Supplementary Notes Chapter 2 ∼ω ω4 2 2 ωB 2 ωB 20 log H (ω ) decays at a rate of 80dB / decade EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Chapter 10 Cascaded Active Filter Solution vo k2 k = vin 1 − ω 2 R2 2C2 2 + jω R2C2 (3 − k2 ) 1 − ω 2 R 2C 2 + jω RC (3 − k ) Slide 278 Slide 279 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 280 Prof. Chang-Hasnain I-V Characteristics Diode Physical Behavior and Equation I In forward bias (+ on p-side) we have almost unlimited flow (very low resistance). Qualitatively, the I-V characteristics must look like: Schematic Device current increases rapidly with V Symbol N P type type VF I − V+ − V+ Quantitative I-V characteristics: Qualitative I-V characteristics: I V positive, easy conduction I In reverse bias (+ on n-side) almost no current can flow. Qualitatively, the I-V characteristics must look like: The current is close to zero for any negative bias I I = I 0 (e qV kT − 1) In which kT/q is 0.026V and IO is a constant depending on diode area. Typical values: 10-12 to 10-16 A. Interestingly, the graph of this equation looks just like the figure to the left. V VF V negative, no conduction A non-ideality factor n times kT/q is often included. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 281 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 The equation I = I 0 exp(qV kT − 1) I-V characteristic of PN junctions In EECS 105, 130, and other courses you will learn why the I vs. V relationship for PN junctions is of the form If we can ignore the small forwardbias voltage drop of a diode, a simple effective model is the “perfect rectifier,” whose I-V characteristic is given below: 10 Current in mA 8 6 4 where I0 is a constant proportional to junction area and depending on doping in P and N regions, q = electronic charge = 1.6 × 10 −19 , k is Boltzman constant, and T is absolute temperature. KT q = 0.026V at300°K , a typical value for I0 is 10 −12 − 10 −15 A We note that in forward bias, I increases exponentially and is in the µA-mA range for voltages typically in the range of 0.6-0.8V. In reverse bias, the current is essentially zero. Prof. Chang-Hasnain Simple “Perfect Rectifier” Model is graphed below for I 0 = 10 −15 A I = I 0 (eqV kT − 1) Slide 283 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Diode Ideal (Perfect Rectifier) Model The pn Junction I vs. V Equation EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 282 2 Forward Voltage in V I 0 -5 0 5 10 The characteristic is described as a “rectifier” – that is, a device that permits current to pass in only one direction. (The hydraulic analog is a “check value”.) Hence the symbol: I EE40 Fall 2006 − V+ Slide 284 Reverse bias I ≅ 0, any V < 0 Forward bias V ≅ 0, any I > 0 V A perfect rectifier Prof. Chang-Hasnain - 0.7+ 400 (microamp) Current Diode Large-Signal Model (0.7 V Drop) Rectifier Circuit Assume the ideal (perfect rectifier) model. I 300 200 100 − V+ 0 -5 -3 -1 forward bias (V) 1 The Large-Signal Diode Model VS(t) + VS(t) + − VR(t) − I Improved “Large-Signal Diode” Model: If we choose not to ignore the small Forward bias Reverse bias forward-bias voltage drop of a V ≅ 0.7, any I > 0 I ≅ 0, any V < 0 diode, it is a very good V approximation to regard the voltage 0.7 drop in forward bias as a constant, about 0.7V. the “Large signal model” results. t VR(t) “rectified” version of input waveform t EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 285 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 • As the reverse bias voltage increases, the peak electric field in the depletion region increases. When the electric field exceeds a critical value (Ecrit ≅ 2x105 V/cm), the reverse current shows a dramatic increase: Assume the ideal (perfect rectifier) model. Vi(t) + Vi(t) − − C + Vi VC(t) reverse (leakage) current − EE40 Fall 2006 ID (A) forward current t Key Point: The capacitor charges due to one way current behavior of the diode. Prof. Chang-Hasnain pn-Junction Reverse Breakdown Peak Detector Circuit + Slide 286 VC(t) Slide 287 breakdown voltage VBD VD (V) VC Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 288 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Zener Diode Load Line Analysis Method A Zener diode is designed to operate in the breakdown mode. 1. Graph the I-V relationships for the non-linear element and for the rest of the circuit 2. The operating point of the circuit is found from the intersection of these two curves. reverse (leakage) current breakdown voltage VBD ID (A) forward current VD (V) I RTh I R + vs(t) – VBD = 15V EE40 Fall 2006 VTh/RTh + Example: Slide 289 t VTh + − V V – + integrated vo(t) circuit – Prof. Chang-Hasnain VTh The I-V characteristic of all of the circuit except the non-linear element is called the load line EE40 Fall 2006 Solar cell: Example of simple PN junction Slide 290 I D = I S (e qVD – Device that converts sunlight into electricity – In simple configuration, it is a diode made of PN junction – Incident light is absorbed by material – Creates electron-hole pairs that transport through the material through Slide 291 kT − 1) − I optical ID (A) • How does it work? EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Photovoltaic (Solar) Cell • What is a solar cell? • Diffusion (concentration gradient) • Drift (due to electric field) operating point in the dark VD (V) with incident light Operating point The load line a simple resistor. PN Junction Diode Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 292 Prof. Chang-Hasnain I-V characteristics of the device Example 2: Photodiode • An intrinsic region is placed between the p-type and n-type regions • I-V characteristics of a PN junction is given by eV I = I S exp( ) − 1 − I L kT Voc where Is is the saturation intensity depending on band gap and doping of the material and IL is the photocurrent generated due to light Isc Wj ≅ Wi-region, so that most of the electron-hole pairs are generated in the depletion region (Vm, Im) faster response time (~10 GHz operation) ID (A) • Efficiency is defined as η= I m .Vm FF *Voc * I sc = Light Intensity Light Intensity Isc - Short circuit current Imp , Vmp- Current and voltage FF is the Fill Factor in the dark Voc - Open circuit voltage VD (V) operating point at maximum power with incident light EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 293 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Photodetector Circuit Using Load Line I RTh I + − VTh operating points under different light conditions. + V – As light shines on the photodiode, carriers are generated by absorption. These excess V Th carriers are swept by the electric field at the junction creating drift current, which is same direction as the reverse bias current and hence negative current. The current is proportional to light intensity and hence can provide a direct measurement of light intensity photodetector. As light intensity increases. Why? load line Circuit symbol ID + Slide 295 I-V characteristic ID (A) VD – + VD – forward bias reverse bias VD (V) • An ideal diode has the following properties: • when ID > 0, VD = 0 • when VD < 0, ID = 0 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Switch model ID • An ideal diode passes current only in one direction. - What happens when Rth is too large? - Why use Vth? EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Ideal Diode Model of PN Diode V VTh/RTh Slide 294 EE40 Fall 2006 Diode behaves like a switch: • closed in forward bias mode • open in reverse bias mode Slide 296 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Large-Signal Diode Model Circuit symbol ID + I-V characteristic Switch model ID + ID (A) + − VD – Diode: Large Signal Model VDon forward bias reverse bias • Use piece-wise linear model VD – VD (V) VDon For a Si pn diode, VDon ≅ 0.7 V RULE 1: When ID > 0, VD = VDon RULE 2: When VD < VDon, ID = 0 EE40 Fall 2006 Diode behaves like a voltage source in series with a switch: • closed in forward bias mode • open in reverse bias mode Slide 297 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 How to Analyze Circuits with Diodes A diode has only two states: • forward biased: ID > 0, VD = 0 V (or 0.7 V) • Diodes can be used to perform logic functions: AND gate output voltage is high only if both A and B are high Procedure: 1. Guess the state(s) of the diode(s) Vcc 2. Check to see if KCL and KVL are obeyed. RAND 3. If KCL and KVL are not obeyed, refine your guess A Example: B vs(t) EE40 Fall 2006 If vs(t) > 0 V, diode is forward biased (else KVL is disobeyed – try it) Inputs A and B vary between 0 Volts (“low”) and Vcc (“high”) Between what voltage levels does C vary? VOUT 5 4. Repeat steps 1-3 until KCL and KVL are obeyed. + vR(t) – Prof. Chang-Hasnain Diode Logic: AND Gate • reverse biased: ID = 0, VD < 0 V (or 0.7 V) + − Slide 298 C EOC Slope =1 Shift 0.7V Up 0 If vs(t) < 0 V, diode is reverse biased (else KVL is disobeyed – try it) Slide 299 Prof. Chang-Hasnain 0 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 300 5 VIN Prof. Chang-Hasnain Diode Logic: OR Gate Diode Logic: Incompatibility and Decay • Diodes can be used to perform logic functions: Inputs A and B vary between 0 Volts (“low”) and Vcc (“high”) Between what voltage levels does C vary? • Diode Only Gates are Basically Incompatible: OR gate AND gate OR gate output voltage is high if either (or both) A and B are high output voltage is high only if both A and B are high output voltage is high if either (or both) A and B are high Vcc A VOUT A B 5 RAND C ROR EOC A 5 ROR CAND High want RAND >> ROR CAND Low want RAND << ROR 0 0 0.7V COR CAND B Slope =1 Shift 0.7V Down B VIN Signal Decays with each stage (Not regenerative) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 301 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Device Isolation using pn Junctions regions of n-type Si n n n n Slide 302 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Why are pn Junctions Important for ICs? • The basic building block in digital ICs is the MOS transistor, whose structure contains reverse-biased diodes. n – pn junctions are important for electrical isolation of transistors located next to each other at the surface of a Si wafer. p-type Si No current flows if voltages are applied between n-type regions, because two pn junctions are “back-to-back” n-region EE40 Fall 2006 n-region – The junction capacitance of these diodes can limit the performance (operating speed) of digital circuits p-region => n-type regions isolated in p-type substrate and vice versa EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 303 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 304 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Power Conversion Circuits Rectifier Equivalent circuit • Converting AC to DC • Potential applications: Charging a battery R VI=Vm sin (ωt) EE40 Fall 2006 V>0.6V, diode = short circuit Vo=VI-0.6 V<0.6V, diode = open circuit Vo=0 Vo Slide 305 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Half-wave Rectifier Circuits Slide 306 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Half-Wave Rectifier • Adding a capacitor: what does it do? + Vm sin (ωt) C R V0 Current charging up capacitor EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 307 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 308 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Voltage Doubler Circuit Level Shift Circuit - VC1 + + + C1 R1 VIN - - + VIN VOUT VOUT VOUT - - t R1 Level Shift VIN C2 + VC21 - C1 VIN + + + - VC1 + R2 VOUT - - Peak Detect t The final output is the peak to peak voltage of the input. Once the capacitor is charged by the negative most voltage the rest of the signal is shifted up by that amount. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 309 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Week 12 • Reading – Supplementary Notes Chap 3 Slide 311 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Solids with “free electrons” – that is electrons not directly involved in the inter-atomic bonding- are the familiar metals (Cu, Al, Fe, Au, etc). • Solids with no free electrons are the familiar insulators (glass, quartz crystals, ceramics, etc.) • Silicon is an insulator, but at higher temperatures some of the bonding electrons can get free and make it a little conducting – hence the term “semiconductor” • Pure silicon is a poor conductor (and a poor insulator). It has 4 valence electrons, all of which are needed to bond with nearest neighbors. No free electrons. Basic Semiconductor Materials n and p doping Bandgap Gauss’s Law Poisson Equation Depletion approximation Diode I-V characteristics Lasers and LEDs Solar Cells EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 310 Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors • OUTLINE – – – – – – – – – EE40 Fall 2006 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 312 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The Periodic Table Electronic Bonds in Silicon III IV V 2-D picture of perfect crystal of pure silicon; double line is a Si-Si bond with each line representing an electron Si ion (charge +4 q) Two electrons in each bond Actual structure is 3-dimensional tetrahedral- just like carbon bonding in organic and inorganic materials. Essentially no free electrons, and no conduction - insulator EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 313 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 314 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Doping Silicon with Donors (n-type) How to get conduction in Si? Donors donate mobile electrons (and thus “n-type” silicon) We must either: 1) Chemically modify the Si to produce free carriers (permanent) or Example: add arsenic (As) to the silicon crystal: 2) Electrically “induce” them by the field effect (switchable) For the first approach controlled impurities, “dopants”, are added to Si: Add group V elements (5 bonding electrons vs four for Si), such as phosphorus or arsenic (Extra electrons produce “free electrons” for conduction.) Mobile electron donated by As ion As or Add group III elements (3 bonding electrons), such as boron Immobile (stuck) positively charged arsenic ion after 5th electron left Deficiency of electrons results in “free holes” The extra electron with As, “breaks free” and becomes a free electron for conduction EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 315 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 316 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Doping with Acceptors (p-type) Group III element (boron, typically) is added to the crystal Immobile (stuck) negative boron ion after accepting electron from neighboring bond Mobile hole contributed by B ion and later path Doping • Typical doping densities: 1016~1019 cm-3 • Atomic density for Si: 5 x 1022 atoms/cm3 • 1018 cm-3 is 1 in 50,000 – two persons in entire Berkeley wearing a green hat B • P-n junction effect is like The “hole” which is a missing bonding electron, breaks free from the B acceptor and becomes a roaming positive charge, free to carry current in the semiconductor. It is positively charged. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 317 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 318 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Shockley’s Parking Garage Analogy for Conduction in Si Shockley’s Parking Garage Analogy for Conduction in Si Two-story parking garage on a hill: Two-story parking garage on a hill: If the lower floor is full and top one is empty, no traffic is possible. Analog of an insulator. All electrons are locked up. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 319 Prof. Chang-Hasnain If one car is moved upstairs, it can move AND THE HOLE ON THE LOWER FLOOR CAN MOVE. Conduction is possible. Analog to warmed-up semiconductor. Some electrons get free (and leave “holes” behind). EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 320 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Shockley’s Parking Garage Analogy for Conduction in Si Shockley’s Parking Garage Analogy for Conduction in Si Two-story parking garage on a hill: Two-story parking garage on a hill: If an extra car is “donated” to the upper floor, it can move. Conduction is possible. Analog to N-type semiconductor. (An electron donor is added to the crystal, creating free electrons). EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 321 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Summary of n- and p-type silicon Pure silicon is an insulator. At high temperatures it conducts weakly. If we add an impurity with extra electrons (e.g. arsenic, phosphorus) these extra electrons are set free and we have a pretty good conductor (n-type silicon). If a car is removed from the lower floor, it leaves a HOLE which can move. Conduction is possible. Analog to P-type semiconductor. (Acceptors are added to the crystal, “consuming” bonding electrons,creating free holes). EE40 Fall 2006 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 323 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Prof. Chang-Hasnain Junctions of n- and p-type Regions p-n junctions form the essential basis of all semiconductor devices. A silicon chip may have 108 to 109 p-n junctions today. How do they behave*? What happens to the electrons and holes? What is the electrical circuit model for such junctions? n and p regions are brought into contact : If we add an impurity with a deficit of electrons (e.g. boron) then bonding electrons are missing (holes), and the resulting holes can move around … again a pretty good conductor (p-type silicon) Now what is really interesting is when we join n-type and p-type silicon, that is make a pn junction. It has interesting electrical properties. Slide 322 aluminum aluminum ? wire n p *Note that the textbook has a very good explanation. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 324 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The pn Junction Diode Schematic diagram p-type net acceptor concentration NA net donor concentration ND cross-sectional area AD + EE40 Fall 2006 VD – Holes diffuse from the p side to the n side, leaving behind negatively charged immobile acceptor ions – Electrons diffuse from the n side to the p side, leaving behind positively charged immobile donor ions – acceptor ions ID + VD metal SiO2 For simplicity, assume that the doping profile changes abruptly at the junction. • When the junction is first formed, mobile carriers diffuse across the junction (due to the concentration gradients) Circuit symbol ID n-type Physical structure: (an example) Depletion Region Approximation SiO2 metal Slide 325 + + + + + n A region depleted of mobile carriers is formed at the junction. • The space charge due to immobile ions in the depletion region establishes an electric field that opposes carrier diffusion. n-type Si – – – – – – p p-type Si donor ions Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Summary: pn-Junction Diode I-V Slide 326 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Charge Density Distribution • Under forward bias, the potential barrier is reduced, so that carriers flow (by diffusion) across the junction Charge is stored in the depletion region. acceptor ions – Current increases exponentially with increasing forward bias – The carriers become minority carriers once they cross the junction; as they diffuse in the quasi-neutral regions, they recombine with majority carriers (supplied by the metal contacts) p donor ions – – – – – + + + + + n “injection” of minority carriers • Under reverse bias, the potential barrier is increased, so that negligible carriers flow across the junction quasi-neutral p region depletion region quasi-neutral n region charge density (C/cm3) – If a minority carrier enters the depletion region (by thermal generation or diffusion from the quasi-neutral regions), it will be swept across the junction by the built-in electric field ID (A) “collection” of minority carriers reverse current distance VD (V) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 327 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 328 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Effect of Applied Voltage p VD – – – – – + + + + + Forward Bias • As VD increases, the potential barrier to carrier diffusion across the junction decreases*, and current increases exponentially. n VD > 0 • The quasi-neutral p and n regions have low resistivity, whereas the depletion region has high resistivity. Thus, when an external voltage VD is applied across the diode, almost all of this voltage is dropped across the depletion region. (Think of a voltage divider circuit.) • If VD > 0 (forward bias), the potential barrier to carrier diffusion is reduced by the applied voltage. • If VD < 0 (reverse bias), the potential barrier to carrier diffusion is increased by the applied voltage. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 329 Prof. Chang-Hasnain p – – – – – + + + + + The carriers that diffuse across the junction become minority carriers in the quasi-neutral regions; they then recombine with majority carriers, “dying out” with distance. ID (Amperes) n VD (Volts) * Hence, the width of the depletion region decreases. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 330 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Reverse Bias Optoelectronic Diodes • As |VD| increases, the potential barrier to carrier diffusion across the junction increases*; thus, no carriers diffuse across the junction. • Light incident on a pn junction generates electron-hole pairs VD < 0 p – – – – – + + + + + A very small amount of reverse current (ID < 0) does flow, due to minority carriers diffusing from the quasi-neutral regions into the depletion region and drifting across the junction. ID (Amperes) n VD (Volts) * Hence, the width of the depletion region increases. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 331 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Carriers are generated in the depletion region as well as ndoped and p-doped quasi-neutral regions. • The carriers that are generated in the quasi-neutral regions diffuse into the depletion region, together with the carriers generated in the depletion region, are swept across the junction by the electric field • This results in an additional component of current flowing in the diode: qVD kT I D = I S (e − 1) − I optical where Ioptical is proportional to the intensity of the light EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 332 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Example: Photodiode Planck Constant • An intrinsic region is placed between the p-type and n-type regions Wj ≅ Wi-region, so that most of the electron-hole pairs are generated in the depletion region faster response time (~10 GHz operation) ID (A) in the dark VD (V) operating point with incident light EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 333 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Planck’s constant h = 6.625·10-34 J·s E=hν=hc/λ C is speed of light and hν is photon energy The first type of quantum effect is the quantization of certain physical quantities. • Quantization first arose in the mathematical formulae of Max Planck in 1900. Max Planck was analyzing how the radiation emitted from a body was related to its temperature, in other words, he was analyzing the energy of a wave. • The energy of a wave could not be infinite, so Planck used the property of the wave we designate as the frequency to define energy. Max Planck discovered a constant that when multiplied by the frequency of any wave gives the energy of the wave. This constant is referred to by the letter h in mathematical formulae. It is a cornerstone of physics. • • • • EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 334 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Chapter 12 MOSFET Bandgap Versus Lattice Constant • OUTLINE – – – – – – – – – – Si The MOSFET as a controlled resistor Pinch-off and current saturation MOSFET ID vs. VGS characteristic NMOS and PMOS I-V characteristics Load-line analysis; Q operating point; Bias circuits Small-signal equivalent circuits Common source amplifier Source follower Common gate amplifier Gain • Reading – Supplementary Notes Chapter 4 – Hambley: Chapter 12.1-12.5 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 335 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 336 Prof. Chang-Hasnain MOSFET Structure MOSFET Terminals • The voltage applied to the GATE terminal determines whether current can flow between the SOURCE & DRAIN terminals. “Metal” – For an n-channel MOSFET, the SOURCE is biased at a lower potential (often 0 V) than the DRAIN “Oxide” DEVICE IN CROSS-SECTION “Semiconductor” G “Metal” gate (Al or Si) D S (Electrons flow from SOURCE to DRAIN when VG > VT) gate oxide insulator – For a p-channel MOSFET, the SOURCE is biased at a higher potential (often the supply voltage VDD) than the DRAIN n (Holes flow from SOURCE to DRAIN when VG < VT ) n P • The BODY terminal is usually connected to a fixed potential. – For an n-channel MOSFET, the BODY is connected to 0 V – For a p-channel MOSFET, the BODY is connected to VDD • In the absence of gate voltage, no current can flow between S and D. • Above a certain gate to source voltage Vt (the “threshold”), electrons are induced at the surface beneath the oxide. (Think of it as a capacitor.) • These electrons can carry current between S and D if a voltage is applied. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 337 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 MOSFET – Upper case for both (e.g. VD) = DC signal (often as bias) – Lower case for both (e.g. vd) = AC signal (often small signal) – Lower symbol and upper sub (e.g. vD ) = total signal = VD+vd • NMOS: Three regions of operation – VDS and VGS normally positive valus – VGS<Vt :cut off mode, IDS=0 for any VDS – VGS>Vt :transistor is turned on iD = K 2(vGS − Vt )vDS − vDS 2 • VDS< VGS-Vt: Triode Region 2 • VDS> VGS-Vt: Saturation Region iD = K 2(vGS − Vt ) W KP • Boundary v − V = v EE40 Fall 2006 t DS Slide 339 Prof. Chang-Hasnain MOSFET • Symbol and subscript convention GS Slide 338 K= • PMOS: Three regions of operation (interchange > and < from NMOS) – VDS and VGS Normally negative values – VGS>Vt :cut off mode, IDS=0 for any VDS – VGS<Vt :transistor is turned on iD = K 2(vGS − Vt )vDS − vDS 2 • VDS> VGS-Vt: Triode Region • VDS< VGS-Vt: Saturation Region iD = K 2(vGS − Vt ) 2 • Boundary vGS − Vt = vDS W KP K= L 2 L 2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 340 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Bias Circuits MOSFET Operating Regions • Use load line to find Quiescent operating point. • Remember no current flow through the gate. NMOS Cut-off Saturation 0 Triode vDS + Vto Vto Fixed-plus Self-Bias CKT VDD VDD vGS RD RD R1 PMOS VG+vin Triode Saturation vDS + Vto EE40 Fall 2006 Cut-off Vto 0 Slide 341 vGS R2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 MOSFET Circuit Slide 342 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Common Source Amplifier • First look at DC case to find Q point VDD – Use load line technique – All capacitors are open circuit – From Q-point, get gm and rd for small signal AC model RD C – DC source is AC ground (because there is no AC signal variation). – All capacitors are short circuit (unless otherwise specified). Slide 343 Prof. Chang-Hasnain C R1 • AC Small signal analysis EE40 Fall 2006 RS + v(t) - EE40 Fall 2006 + vin - RL VG R2 Slide 344 RS + vo - C Prof. Chang-Hasnain Step 1: find Q point VG = VDD R2 R1 + R2 Load line VDD VGS = VG − I D RS VDD = I D ( RD + RS ) + VDS RD C R1 C + vin - + v(t) - VG R2 VDS RL + vo - C RS From load lines, we get ID and hence gm and rd EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 345 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 346 Small Signal Model Prof. Chang-Hasnain Source Follower VDD RR vo = L D (− g m vgs ) RL + RD v RR Av = o = − g m L D vin RL + RD Rin = EE40 Fall 2006 R1 For output impedance Rout: 1. Turn off all independent sources. 2. Take away load impedance RL vg = vin , vs = 0 → vgs = vin C + v(t) - vin = 0, vgs = 0, g m vgs = 0 vin RR = 1 2 iin R1 + R2 Rout = Slide 347 + vin - VG R2 C RS RL + vo - rd RD rd + RD Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 348 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Step 1: find Q point VG = VDD R2 R1 + R2 Load line VDD VGS = VG − I D RS VDD = I D RS + VDS R1 C + vin - + v(t) - VG R2 C RS RL + vo - From load lines, we get ID and hence gm and rd EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 349 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Small Signal Model Slide 350 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Common Gate Amplifier VDD RD RL′ = rd −1 + RS −1 + RL −1 vo = g m vgs RL′ For output impedance Rout: 1. Turn off all independent sources. 2. Take away RL 3. Add Vx and find ix vin = vgs (1 + g m RL′ ) vx = vs , vg = 0, vgs = −vx v g m RL′ Av = o = vin 1 + g m RL′ rR v Rs′ = d s , ix = x − g m (−vx ) = vx Rs′−1 + g m rd + Rs Rs′ vgs = vin − vo Rin = EE40 Fall 2006 C 1 vin RR = 1 2 iin R1 + R2 ( Rout = Slide 351 RL VG + v(t) - ) + vo - + C vin RS - 1 -VSS g m + rd −1 + Rs −1 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 352 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Step 1: find Q point Load line VDD VGS = 0 − I D RS + VSS VDD + VSS = I D ( RD + RS ) + VDS RD C RL VG + v(t) - + vo - The only difference in all three circuits are the intercepts at the axes. Again from load lines, we get ID and hence gm and rd + C vin RS -VSS EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 353 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 354 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Week 15 Small Signal Model • OUTLINE RL′ = 1 RL −1 + RD −1 vgs = −vin vo = − g m vgs RL′ Av = vo = g m RL′ vin iin = −( g m vgs + Rin = EE40 Fall 2006 vgs Rs ) For output impedance Rout: 1. Turn off all independent sources. 2. Take away RL 3. Add Vx and find ix RRs R′ = R + Rs v ix = x + g m vgs RD vgs = − g m vgs R′ , but g m R′ ≠ 1∴ vgs = 0 vin 1 = iin g m + Rs −1 – Need for Input Controlled Pull-Up – CMOS Inverter Analysis – CMOS Voltage Transfer Characteristic – Combinatorial logic circuits – Logic – Binary representations – Combinatorial logic circuits • Reading – Chap 7-7.5 – Supplementary Notes Chapter 4 Rout = RD Slide 355 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 356 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Digital Circuits – Introduction • Analog: signal amplitude is continuous with time. • Digital: signal amplitude is represented by a restricted set of discrete numbers. – Binary: only two values are allowed to represent the signal: High or low (i.e. logic 1 or 0). • Digital word: Analog vs. Digital Signals • Most (but not all) observables are analog think of analog vs. digital watches but the most convenient way to represent & transmit information electronically is to use digital signals think of telephony – Each binary digit is called a bit – A series of bits form a word • Byte is a word consisting of 8-bits • Advantages of digital signal Analog-to-digital (A/D) & digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion is essential (and nothing new) think of a piano keyboard – Digital signal is more resilient to noise can more easily differentiate high (1) and low (0) • Transmission – Parallel transmission over a bus containing n wires. • Faster but short distance (internal to a computer or chip) – Serial transmission (transmit bits sequentially) • Longer distance EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 357 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Analog Signal Example: Microphone Voltage Voltage with normal piano key stroke Prof. Chang-Hasnain Digital Signal Representations Voltage with soft pedal applied 50 microvolt 440 Hz signal 25 microvolt 440 Hz signal 60 V in microvolts V in microvolts Slide 358 40 20 0 -20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -40 We generally have to agree on some sort of “code”, and the dynamic range of the signal in order to know the form and the number of binary digits (“bits”) required. 60 40 20 0 -20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -40 -60 Binary numbers can be used to represent any quantity. Example 1: Voltage signal with maximum value 2 Volts -60 t in milliseconds t in milliseconds • Binary two (10) could represent a 2 Volt signal. V in microvolts 50 microvolt 220 Hz signal • To encode the signal to an accuracy of 1 part in 64 (1.5% precision), 6 binary digits (“bits”) are needed 60 40 20 0 -20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Analog signal representing piano key A, below middle C (220 Hz) -40 -60 Example 2: Sine wave signal of known frequency and maximum amplitude 50 µV; 1 µV “resolution” needed. t in milliseconds EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 359 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 360 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Decimal Numbers: Base 10 Numbers: positional notation • Number Base B ⇒ B symbols per digit: Digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Example: 3271 = (3x103) + (2x102) + (7x101) + (1x100) This is a four-digit number. The left hand most number (3 in this example) is often referred as the most significant number and the right most the least significant number (1 in this example). EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 361 Prof. Chang-Hasnain –Base 10 (Decimal): –Base 2 (Binary): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 0, 1 • Number representation: –d31d30 ... d1d0 is a 32 digit number –value = d31 × B31 + d30 × B30 + ... + d1 × B1 + d0 × B0 • Binary: 0,1 (In binary digits called “bits”) = 1×24 + 1×23 + 0×22 + 1×21 + 0×20 = 16 + 8 + 2 = 26 –Here 5 digit binary # turns into a 2 digit decimal # 11010 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 362 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Hexadecimal Numbers: Base 16 Digital Signal Representations • Hexadecimal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F Binary numbers can be used to represent any quantity. –Normal digits + 6 more from the alphabet • Conversion: Binary⇔ ⇔Hex –1 hex digit represents 16 decimal values –4 binary digits represent 16 decimal values ⇒1 hex digit replaces 4 binary digits We generally have to agree on some sort of “code”, and the dynamic range of the signal in order to know the form and the number of binary digits (“bits”) required. Example 1: Voltage signal with maximum value 2 V and minimum of 0 V. • Binary two (10) could represent a 2 Volt signal. • To encode the signal to an accuracy of 1 part in 64 (1.5% precision), 6 binary digits (“bits”) are needed Example 2: Sine wave signal of known frequency and maximum amplitude 50 µV; 1 µV “resolution” needed. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 363 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 364 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Resolution Decimal-Binary Conversion • The size of the smallest element that can be separated from neighboring elements. The term is used to describe imaging systems, the frequency separation achieved by spectrometers, and so on. • Decimal to Binary – Repeated Division By 2 • Consider the number 2671. – Subtraction – if you know your 2N values by heart. • Binary to Decimal conversion 1100012 = 1x25 +1x24 +0x23 +0x22 + 0x21 + 1x20 = 3210 + 1610 + 110 = 4910 = 4x101 + 9x100 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 365 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Example 2 (continued) EE40 Fall 2006 Digital representation: Binary number 000001 000010 000011 000100 000101 8 001000 16 010000 32 100000 50 110010 63 111111 Slide 367 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Binary Representation Possible digital representation for the sine wave signal: Analog representation: Amplitude in µV 1 2 3 4 5 Slide 366 • N bit can represent 2N values: typically from 0 to 2N-1 – 3-bit word can represent 8 values: e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 • Conversion – Integer to binary – Fraction to binary (13.510=1101.12 and 0.39210=0.0110012) • Octal and hexadecimal Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 368 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Boolean algebras • Algebraic structures • Logic gates – Combine several logic variable inputs to produce a logic variable output • Memory – Memoryless: output at a given instant depends the input values of that instant. – Momory: output depends on previous and present input values. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 369 Prof. Chang-Hasnain – "capture the essence" of the logical operations AND, OR and NOT – corresponding set for theoretic operations intersection, union and complement – named after George Boole, an English mathematician at University College Cork, who first defined them as part of a system of logic in the mid 19th century. – Boolean algebra was an attempt to use algebraic techniques to deal with expressions in the propositional calculus. – Today, Boolean algebras find many applications in electronic design. They were first applied to switching by Claude Shannon in the 20th century. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 370 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Boolean Algebra Boolean algebras • The operators of Boolean algebra may be represented in various ways. Often they are simply written as AND, OR and NOT. • In describing circuits, NAND (NOT AND), NOR (NOT OR) and XOR (eXclusive OR) may also be used. • Mathematicians often use + for OR and · for AND (since in some ways those operations are analogous to addition and multiplication in other algebraic structures) and represent NOT by a line drawn above the expression being negated. • NOT operation (inverter) • AND operation Ai A = 0 A+ A =1 Ai A = A Ai1 = A Ai0 = 0 • OR operation Ai B = Bi A ( Ai B )iC = Ai( B iC ) A+ A = A A +1 = 1 A+0 = A A+ B = B + A ( A + B) + C = A + ( B + C ) EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 371 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 372 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Graphic Representation Graphic Representation Ai A = 0 A A A+ A =1 A Slide 373 AB B A ⊕ B = AB + AB = ( A + B )i( A + B ) = Ai B + A + B Full square = complete set =1 Yellow part = NOT(A) =A White circle = A EE40 Fall 2006 A+ B Exclusive OR=yellow and blue part – intersection/overlap part =exactly when only one of the input is true Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Boolean Algebra Slide 374 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Examples • Distributive Property F = A•B•C + A•B•C + (C+D)•(D+E) Ai( B + C ) = Ai B + AiC ( A + B )iC = ( A + B )i( A + C ) • De Morgan’s laws A + B = Ai B Ai B = A + B • An excellent web site to visit – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra F = C•(A+D+E) + D•E EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 375 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 376 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Logic Functions, Symbols, & Notation NAME “NOT” “OR” “AND” SYMBOL A NOTATION F A B A B F EE40 Fall 2006 TRUTH TABLE F = A+B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 0 1 1 1 F = A•B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 0 0 0 1 Slide 377 “NOR” A F 0 1 1 0 F=A F Logic Functions, Symbols, & Notation 2 Prof. Chang-Hasnain A B “NAND” A B “XOR” A B (exclusive OR) EE40 Fall 2006 F F F F = A+B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 1 0 0 0 F = A•B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 1 1 1 0 F=A+B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 0 1 1 0 Slide 378 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Logic Functions, Symbols, & Notation Circuit Realization A ⊕ B = AB + AB = ( A + B)i( A + B) = Ai B + A + B NAME SYMBOL NOTATION A A B AB “NOT” A “OR” A B “AND” A B F F=A A F 0 1 1 0 A⊕ B B AB EE40 Fall 2006 TRUTH TABLE Slide 379 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 F F Slide 380 F = A+B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 0 1 1 1 F = A•B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 0 0 0 1 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Logic Functions, Symbols, & Notation 2 “NOR” A B “NAND” A B “XOR” A B (exclusive OR) EE40 Fall 2006 F F F Fan in/Fan out F = A+B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 1 0 0 0 F = A•B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 1 1 1 0 F=A+B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F 0 1 1 0 Slide 381 Prof. Chang-Hasnain • Complex digital operations are formed with a variety of gates interconnected to yield the desired logic function. • Sometimes a number of inputs are connected to one gate input and output of a gate may be connected to a number of gates. • Fan-in: the maximum number of logic gates that can be connected at the input of a gate without altering its performance. • Fan-out: the maximum number of logic gates that can be connected to the output of a gate without altering its performance. • Typical fan-in and fan-out numbers are 3. EE40 Fall 2006 Vout VDD Ideal Transfer Characteristics RPULL UP Vout IOUT VIN V/2 V Prof. Chang-Hasnain Terminology for a Logic Circuit Inverter = NOT Gate Vin Slide 382 Vin Output Pull-Down (NMOS) VDD = Power supply voltage (D is from Drain) we do not draw the symbol. Pull-Up Network = Set of devices used to carry current from the power supply to the output node to charge the output node to the power supply voltage. Pull-Down Network = Set of devices used to carry current from the output node to ground to discharge the output node to ground. VOUT IOUT = Current for the device under study. VTD = Threshold Voltage value of VIN at which the Pull-Down (NMOS transistor) begins to conduct. VOUT-SAT-D = Value of VOUT beyond which the current IOUT-D saturates at the (drain) current saturation value IOUT-SAT-D. EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 383 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 384 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Thevenin Model For Pull-Up Device Load Line For Pull-Up Device IOUT vs. VOUT For the Pull-Up Resistor and VDD VDD IOUT(µA) 100 RPULL UP IOUT vs. VOUT is constrained to be on this line by the circuit external to the three-terminal device Output IOUT VTHEVENIN = VDD 60 IOUT SHORT CIRCUIT = (VDD/RPULL UP) Thevenin Example: VDD = 5V and RPULL UP = 100kΩ looking this way VTHEVENIN = 5V IOUT SHORT CIRCUIT = 50 µA INORTON VOUT VTHEVENIN 20 0 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 385 Prof. Chang-Hasnain NMOS Resistor Pull-Up VDD Circuit: iD A iD + + vIN – • Large values of RD are required in order to vIN = VDD – VT VDD vIN Large resistors are needed, but these take up a lot of space. VDD/RD • One solution is to replace the resistor with an NMOSFET that is always on. increasing vGS = vIN > VT EE40 Fall 2006 VOUT(V) vDS = vOUT 0 0 5 Prof. Chang-Hasnain – achieve a low value of VOL – keep power consumption low VDD F 3 Slide 386 Disadvantages of NMOS Logic Gates Voltage-Transfer Characteristic vOUT RD EE40 Fall 2006 vGS = vin ≤ VT Slide 387 VDD vDS A F 0 1 1 0 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 388 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The CMOS Inverter: Intuitive Perspective CMOS Inverter Voltage Transfer Characteristic SWITCH MODELS CIRCUIT VDD VDD VDD N: off P: lin VDD S G Rp VOUT VOUT VOL = 0 V D A VOH = VDD VIN = VDD VIN = 0 V Slide 389 Prof. Chang-Hasnain CMOS Inverter Load-Line Analysis V VIN = VDD + VGSp increasing VIN VOUT VIN D VOUT = VDD + VDSp VIN = 0 V GS p =V IN -V DD + VIN = VDD – D S E 0 EE40 Fall 2006 VIN VDD Slide 390 Prof. Chang-Hasnain CMOS Inverter Load-Line Analysis: Region A VDD V VIN ≤ VTn – VDSp=VOUT-VDD + VIN B N: lin P: off 0 Low static power consumption, since one MOSFET is always off in steady state IDn=-IDp D N: lin P: sat Rn S EE40 Fall 2006 S G C G VOUT G VDD N: sat P: lin D VIN N: sat P: sat VOUT GS p =V IN -V DD IDn=-IDp + VOUT VIN IDn=-IDp – VDD – VDSp=VOUT-VDD + VOUT IDn=-IDp increasing VIN 0 VDD 0 VDSp = - VDD EE40 Fall 2006 VOUT=VDSn 0 VDD 0 VOUT=VDSn VDSp = 0 Slide 391 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 392 Prof. Chang-Hasnain CMOS Inverter Load-Line Analysis: Region B V VDD/2 > VIN > VTn GS p =V IN -V DD IDn=-IDp – VDD 0 EE40 Fall 2006 – + VIN IDn=-IDp VOUT=VDSn VIN 0 V GS p =V IN -V DD VIN VDD 0 Prof. Chang-Hasnain + + VOUT EE40 Fall 2006 – Slide 394 – VDD – VDSp=VOUT-VDD + VOUT IDn=-IDp VOUT=VDSn Prof. Chang-Hasnain Features of CMOS Digital Circuits CMOS Inverter Load-Line Analysis: Region E IDn=-IDp GS p =V IN -V DD IDn=-IDp Slide 393 VIN > VDD – |VTp| V VDD – |VTp| > VIN > VDD/2 VDSp=VOUT-VDD + 0 VDD CMOS Inverter Load-Line Analysis: Region D VDD – VDSp=VOUT-VDD + VOUT IDn=-IDp • The output is always connected to VDD or GND in steady state → Full logic swing; large noise margins → Logic levels are not dependent upon the relative sizes of the devices (“ratioless”) • There is no direct path between VDD and GND in steady state → no static power dissipation 0 VDD 0 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 395 VOUT=VDSn Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 396 Prof. Chang-Hasnain The CMOS Inverter: Current Flow during Switching N: sat P: sat VOUT VDD N: off P: lin VDD B A D vOUT S i: E 0 N: lin P: sat S tsc N: lin P: off 0 VIN VDD 0 EE40 Fall 2006 VT 0 Ipeak D G VOUT D G i vIN VDD-VT vIN: S G C N: sat P: lin D i VIN VDD VDD i D S G Power Dissipation due to Direct-Path Current Slide 397 Prof. Chang-Hasnain Energy consumed per switching period: EE40 Fall 2006 time Edp = t scVDD I peak Slide 398 NMOS NAND Gate Prof. Chang-Hasnain NMOS NOR Gate • Output is low only if both inputs are high • Output is low if either input is high VDD VDD RD RD F F A A B Truth Table A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 B EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 399 Truth Table F 1 1 1 0 Prof. Chang-Hasnain A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 400 F 1 0 0 0 Prof. Chang-Hasnain N-Channel MOSFET Operation P-Channel MOSFET Operation An NMOSFET is a closed switch when the input is high A PMOSFET is a closed switch when the input is low A A A B A B B B Y X Y X Y X Y = X if A and B Y = X if A and B = (A + B) Y = X if A or B NMOSFETs pass a “strong” 0 but a “weak” 1 EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 401 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 402 VDD A EE40 Fall 2006 Pull-up network Pull-down network Slide 403 F 1 1 1 0 F A PMOSFETs only F(A1, A2, …, AN) … A1 A2 AN … A1 A2 AN A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 B VDD input signals Prof. Chang-Hasnain CMOS NAND Gate In CMOS logic gates, NMOSFETs are used to connect the output to GND, whereas PMOSFETs are used to connect the output to VDD. – An NMOSFET functions as a pull-down device when it is turned on (gate voltage = VDD) – A PMOSFET functions as a pull-up device when it is turned on (gate voltage = GND) Y = X if A or B = (AB) PMOSFETs pass a “strong” 1 but a “weak” 0 Pull-Down and Pull-Up Devices • Y X B NMOSFETs only Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 404 Prof. Chang-Hasnain CMOS NOR Gate VDD CMOS Pass Gate A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 A F 1 0 0 0 A Y X B Y = X if A F B EE40 Fall 2006 A A Slide 405 Prof. Chang-Hasnain EE40 Fall 2006 Slide 406 Prof. Chang-Hasnain