PH3074 - Electronics - University of St Andrews

PH3074 - Electronics
PH3074 - Electronics
Number of Lectures:
Each Year
Dr Paul Cruickshank
This module gives a basic grounding in the principles behind practical electronics at a circuit level. It
introduces and develops the basic principles underlying the synthesis and analysis of analogue and
digital circuits. The module is divided into three parts: a review of the parts of electromagnetism most
related to electronics, including dc and ac circuit theory; a section on transistors and amplifiers including
simple transistor circuits and noise considerations; and an introduction to digital electronics including
logic gates and combinational and sequential logic circuits.
Aims & Objectives
The aim of the course is to provide a grounding in the basic principles behind practical electronics that
will be useful for any student undertaking experimental physics.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course students will be expected to:
(1) be familiar with and proficient in using methods to calculate the voltages and currents in complex
linear circuits containing voltage sources, current sources and resistors and be able to calculate
Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits and explain and apply the concepts and importance of input and
output impedance.
(2) be familiar with and proficient in using methods to solve simple ac circuits containing resistors,
capacitors and inductors using complex representations. They should be able to explain how simple
integrators, differentiators, filters and timing circuits are made using combinations of resistors, capacitors
and inductors and design examples.
(3) be able to solve simple circuits containing non-linear devices and apply appropriate diode models to
common applications, including their use in power supplies and voltage references.
(4) explain the principles of and design basic transistor circuits and be able to calculate quantities such
as gain and input and output impedance for both bipolar and FET transistors. They should know the
relative advantages and disadvantages of both bipolar transistors and FET transistors for amplifier
circuits and be able to explain the differences between, and relative merits of, Class A, Class B and
Class AB amplifiers.
(5) be able to design and analyse circuits using operational amplifiers and explain how they can be used
in a variety of applications. They should also clearly understand the advantages and limitations of
operational amplifiers and be able to explain the behavior of circuits using operational amplifiers.
(6) be able to describe the propagation of signals or power in co-axial cables and twin feeds and their
relative merits in particular circumstances.
(7) be familiar with the concepts of noise figure and noise factor and be able to determine the optimal
way of cascading amplifiers with given noise properties in order to maximize the performance.
(8) be able to use digital logic elements (OR, NOT and AND) to construct circuits that perform simple
combinational logic operations, and explain how they may be used to construct the building blocks of
sequential logic systems. They should also know some basic examples of how logic gates may be made
from transistors.
(9) In the lab, be able to construct, test, debug and explain the operation of simple electronic circuits
using standard components.
Voltage, current, resistors and voltage/current sources. DC circuit analysis using Kirchhoff’s laws. The
theory of superposition in solving circuits. Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. Capacitors and
inductors. AC theory and complex impedance. RC circuits and applications, RLC circuits and
applications. Diodes and diode models, diode applications, solving simple circuits with diodes using load
lines. Bipolar transistors, the emitter follower and common-emitter amplifier, constant current sources,
input and output impedance of single-ended transistor circuits. Field effect transistors, current and
voltage amplifier circuits. Relative merits of FETs and bipolar transistors. Class A, B and AB amplifier
stages. Negative feedback in amplifiers. Operational amplifiers and applications. Noise in amplifiers,
noise in cascaded amplifiers. Signal transmission down wires and cables. Power supplies, diode rectifiers
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PH3074 - Electronics
and voltage regulation. Digital logic gates, combinational logic, binary addition with logic circuits, flip-flops
and sequential logic.
Strongly recommended: PH2012
Continuous Assessment = 25% (Tutorial exercises 15%, Laboratory 10%), 2 Hour Examination = 75 %
Recommended Books
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PH3074 - Electronics, generated on: Saturday 01st of October 2016 13:38 PM
PH3074 - Electronics, Record last updated on: Friday 29th of August 2014 09:47 AM
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