ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systems Prof. C. Gebotys Final Exams Review Spring 2011 Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, Spring 2011 [Q1] For the following clocked sequential circuit with one input (X) and one output (Z): 1. Drive a state table and draw a state diagram for the circuit. 2. Redesign this circuit by replacing the Q1 flip-flop (i.e. the D flip-flop holding Q1 state) with a JK flipflop, and the Q2 flip-flop with a T flip-flop. Only show the excitation equations (or state equations) for J1, K1, and T2. [Q2] Draw the state diagram for the table below that describes a finite-state machine which has one input x and one output z. Output (z) Present Next State State x=0 x=1 x=0 x=1 A A E 1 0 B C F 0 0 C B H 0 1 D E F 0 0 E D A 0 1 F B F 1 1 G D H 0 1 H H G 1 0 [Q3] Consider the following state diagram for a synchronous circuit with one input X and one output Z. Analyze this state diagram and draw its circuit implementation using JK flip-flop (state Q0) and T flip-flop (state Q1) and MUX-4x1 for Z. [Q4] Draw a circuit diagram for non-overlapped ‘101’ detector with “D” flip-flops as a Mealy and Moore machine. [Q5] Given a 32x8 ROM chip with an enable input, show the block level required connections to construct a 128x8 ROM with above ROM chips and a decoder. How many data and address lines these ROMs have? [Q6] Implement the circuit defined by equation F(a,b,c,d) = ∑ (0,5,6,7,11) using: 1. 4-to-1 multiplexers and logic gates. 2. 2-to-4 decoders with non-inverted outputs and logic gates. Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, Spring 2011 [Q7] Use a 3-bit binary counter with active-high load (L) and Increment (I) control inputs (load has higher priority than increment) and implement a circuit (draw) to generate and repeat the following sequence at the output of the counter. Initial counter value is “000”. → 000 → 001 → 010 → 101 → 110 → 111 → 000 → [Q8] Design a digital circuit that takes two 4-bit numbers A and B as input and generates output Z as follows: • • • • If A and B are odd numbers then Z=A-B If A and B are even numbers then Z=B-A If A is an even number and B is an odd number then Z=A+B If A is an odd number and B is an even number then Z=A-B-1 Assume that you have access to as many as you need of AND, OR, INV, XOR gates and only one FULL-ADDER, DECODER and MULTIPLEXER of any size. [Q9] For the following Programmable Logic Array (PLA), find the function expressions for all outputs and draw the Karnaugh-Map for function "F". [Q10] What are three different ways of representing a signed number? Assume 7 bit numbers and represent (-15) in each of them, then find (B-A) and (A-C) for A = 1101010, B = 0110101 and C = 0010101 in all forms. [Q11] Find: a) b) c) d) e) The 7’s complement of base-8 number “45201” Multiplication of base-12 numbers “541” and “3” Base-10 unsigned number “214.45” to its base-2 representation Base-6 number “513” to its base-10 and then base-5 representations Hexadecimal number “AF6” to its base-2 and base-8 representations Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, Spring 2011 [Q12] For the following asynchronous sequential state table, find all possible critical/non-critical races and cycles for states “a” and “c”. a b c d Present State 00 01 11 10 00 00 11 10 11 Next State 01 11 10 11 01 11 01 01 10 11 01 10 10 01 10 [Q13] A crypto module which transforms a secret key bit stream, K, into two other bit streams, X and Y has to be designed. This module must be designed as an asynchronous sequential Mealy state machine. It works as follows: if the secret key bit stream contains ‘011’, then it’s replaced with ‘10(-1)’. This transformation reduces the number of ‘1’ bits in the key (which has significant impact on subsequent processing times in elliptic curve algorithms). However since we cannot represent 0, 1 and -1 with a one bit output, we use two output signals, X and Y. Whenever a m-bit sequence of 1’s is detected (where m>1), X is set to 1 for the first K=‘1’ in the sequence and when a K=‘0’ is detected after the mth ‘1’ bit both X and Y are set to ‘1’. Construct a sequential state table for this module. K:000100011011110001101000 X:000100010110001001011000 Y:000000000100001000010000 [Q14] For below sequential state table, perform a race-free state assignment and complete the entire state table: Present State a b c d 00 a a a a Next State 01 11 10 a b d b b c c d d d a 00 0 - Output 01 11 1 0 1 1 10 0 0 Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systerns, Final R.eview, Spring Z0ll [Q1]Forthefollowing clocked sequential circuitwith one input (X)and one output (Z): 1. 2. Drive a state table and draw a state diagram for the circuit. Redesign this circuit by replacing the Qr flip-flop (i.e. the D flip-flop holding Q1 state) with a JK flipflop, and the Qz flip-flop with a T flip-flop. Only show ihe excitation equations (or state equations) for J1, K1, and T2. &, ,{&l x&fx[i; n \-{j-* i r ;i =, Xdd,y 14. ',. ('. '") -J il *.; il af* xru* +xte[ /0 \-\ 6rQs r'*u4 Al PS IN NS OUT ',clicl X a;ae z 00 00 0 00 0 1 11 01 U 0'1 1 10 10 0 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 1 10 11 0 00 0 11 1 10 I f-. :F -d*- :i {,;t-} 1r I '-,* * \v2 x,7 (r)r0 QtrQg $) N\ -" lA E+A ,{} 4/ +.1 t '$) -: r 'l * x Qr +Y(2 Tg= )s@Qs= xoia; o Qz f Jr = \ -_:-n h$ /-- ) .l D Qr* tr &U&r+r<'R D*Ftr )R*tr EL T#Q T-FF Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] 'iil ECE124lligital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, Spring 2011 [Q2] Draw the state diagram for the table below that describes a finite-state machine which has one input x and one output z. ,:7,:rll]g) :,:::iB,:::::,,:.,,:,:: ,rlt.$t,l :i.::ffiEl ri;11; ::::l:;YFl,::: :rlG:i:19,; Fl,, tt;!--*{ t(:'|*:::tv xiF$ A E 't U C F 0 B E D B D H 0 0 0 A 0 0 F 1 1 H 0 1 H G 1 0 F .!$**as 1 1 .-ffitr'tr ''flr, tr, l\,r' \\ n \J1/n LJ 'l^ ,^dLl )" * Ja L,/L;) A/t*$ ilrcgrafr fi- { (c"srx) Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, $pring 2011 [Q3] Consider the following state diagram for a circuit with one input X and one output Z. Analyze this state diagram and draw its circuit implementation using JK flip-flop (state Q0) and T flip-flop (state Q1) and MUX-4x1 for Z. f't--'- I 44F DT a0 0 tf (i -- ,lK sR * rfl^ ; t\ '-. ,--| ..,_\_,1 --l'!rr1,-ll 16,'\., J \..,-.-,. < Qr tr&.T r[= \',0 t$ .iK-F{: IN NS OUT X QrQo z I g\R 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 1 01 0 0'1 0 11 0 X X 0 0 X Y"FT )y 1 01 0 0 00 0 0 1 01 11 U 0 0 X 1 I 1 X 0 1 00 0'l 1.1 00 01 .11 0 X X U 00 01 X 0 1 X 0 00 0 0 1 tt rt 11 10 ]0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 X 0 F(il. 0 Z=X &t ]6 t8 l{ 01 t€l 0 11 11 10 0 X 5R. FF r[F r lqs il ax( itttlinn r w X (fr{o f(th[w JK 5K OT w 0x 6x &ffi ffit tx t& ll W xl @t 0f il xQ x8 l8 QQ' v./ I u \c- 10 v ft , Qn *{rXt fi I rlmruff*#k tahb: -+- 01, &n Ko- 9,Xt J0: X 00 w l4* K& 0 0 10 fl il 10 10 '1 0t I l PS 01 0 I \. /\.,.1... I ro QrQo charadrrffitt tabkJ m ]om \. or -' 1'ff .*5R 1 \ c; I " -. 10[] {1,'0 Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] EcEl?4 Digltal circuits and systems, Final Review, spring z0L1 [Q4] Draw a logic diagram for non-overlapped '101'detector (Moore machine) with D-type flip{lops. N,,9C I '18', & '(&lorl 7 D2 h '|cf (ruS; /:P f Joon*, orJT;= { G-SrlruJ 0u r= PS IN \Nsrr OUT 9rQi x U 9r'Q 00 z 00 00 1 01 0 0 01 0 10 tl 1 01 n 10 10 0 00 0 1 11 1 11 0 00 0 11 1 01 U 01 1*gl 'i it't. ''L 1 00 01 11 10 0 n {1) 0 n 0 0 fi) 1 n Jl= q,u; ,x.Q{q*M$; Merlre1i) {r" 1's1s;,ffyiu 1q, l1 0 I 7* rtfiL , 00 01 11 0 0 0 i0 0 -lJ u*=Qt'* x t. tlx,'!it,y l,-t" ,..r,0, ,lr,l ' ,*i. , '\,*_* @etco!9t-e I ttil{gla ( ) ? N.= Xt=eMe@MlN60tffi I d.= ".,:, @ffeoeffilhfuo0Wfu0 1y,"1''1L'.; Ds Qp nl t{e Shouldyouhaveanyquestionsonthisreview,pleasecontact@ Jl-f I f LfL ECEIZI|. Digital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, $prlng 201L showthe block level required connectionsto construct a 128x8 [Q5]Given a 32xg ROM chip with an enable input, lines these ROMs have? hoV witfr ROM chips and a decoder. How many data and address , 1lv',g::aia$,r.Ld,e'o t',;ir,-./{, 707 rr i fr Eit t=N 0 R}Alt t28x8 . { 1..11 o - ,tlr / ,l> I t:tV,; fla x Rdvl2I xl"lO wvlfl8 r- I ,L + [: 1-.ill '-i{) ,t Nu'6 I ,1 ) (I '31 76' -"- t I Ro/vt *i>rze = :L (."f uMrxbful x @.{'bh hk) 2 [!a'x nD h6 @isreview,pleasecontactArash.[] ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systernsn Final Review, $pring 2011 [Q6] lmplement the circuit defined by equation F(a,b,c,d) = I (0,5,6,7,11) using: 1. 4{o-'1 multiplexers and logic gates. 2. 2to-4 decoders with non-inverted outputs and logic gates. :rati:fr:bl 00 00 2 00 3 00 4 01 5 01 6 01 1 01 I 10 9 10 0 T 10 11 12 13 14 15 IU 10 11 11 11 1'1 .el:;,l'.d rn= { tc,d) Sr 00 \J 01 t 10 s 11 00 {\s 1 01 \v \ 10 (1) 11 F} 00 01 10 1'l t!t! 00 * I 01 i\ \ 10 $ '1 L} ;1 I c,dt c-f d f *cd i"! F€ ffi Io I Ia. qM 0t Tb lt -4*-'-- 1 W'C o'|;C # +u'k:d'" iaff{d o'%;d : trGtb,cds LIJ b Should you any questions on this review, please contact Arash.] ECEl2rl Digital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, Spring 2011 (L) and lncrement (l) control inputs (load has higher priority [e7] Use a 3-bit binary counter with active-high load generate and repeat the following sequence at the output of the ihun in"r"r"nt) and implement a circuit (drawJ to "000". aar rn*nr lnilicl rntor rraltro is "OOO" value ic counter lnitial nnr counter. -+ qg-qu.T ^ ...-oo0*io"'i010-101 ,OO0-001 -000-"'.. -110--1'11 -000-"'-* -010*101 -110-111 ,Iittflu, p$ l,fs, {^,fri,tafa(*yuT qfl&q#il Lr 004 sao a @0t bto @ Al0 I tat 10, u@ g n@ ln 0 unu]/cJ *d* I) ( lllo@ a OII XXX K l@@ Xxx X I I X I I t X X PrfrPa xxx xxx I8I xxx xxx +. Afztd I I II &L LI cl,wfafuShCffi *r', ffiu\ { H*' lxl @nbp TL PA ea c{ dr &ao xxx XXX XXX' L = qLT, , T=1 Strould you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash.] P ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systerns, Final Review, $pring 2011 generates output Z as follows: [e8] Design a digital circuit that takes two 4-bit numbers A and B as input and . . . . lf A lf A lf A lf A and B are odd numbers then Z=A-B and B are even numbers then Z=B-A is an even number and B is an odd number then Z=A+B is an odd number and B is an even number then Z=A-B-1 Assume that you have access to as many as you need of AND, OR, lNV, XOR gates and FULL-ADDER, DECODER and MULTIPLEXER of any size. CIid :-antrcl -[unCior Z , L*"rrnnqJilJi BI {frs 0a B*fr ,*R lllt ft+B ft B(0 f'ns 0t t0 ft-iP,"-' {4 m3 il A*B ft ,''8 6 Qn = ftfuapYYt3 Cga= Wg L e6.- ) ' I r Q *l,it rTlgtffiS {y As bo cx w*ws Xs Xo X1 Xl Kz X2 ."- & Xs Stroutd you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ut'w.,ii{ (r rkttL' i,,r,,rl' ECE124 Digital Circuits and Systems, Final Review, Spring ZOL,programmable Logic Array (PLA), find the function expressions for all outputs and draw the [e9] For the following Karnaugh-Maps for function "F". a n'*d cd fr'6c G.- ft/B'-r ftB!C'+&!6'+ H = fr18+8c+6C' ts -,--t-.2\----S o{ rt t0 C Should you have any questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ECE124 Digital circuits and Systerns, Final Review, $pring 2011 number? Assume 7 bit numbers and represent (-15) [al o] What are three different ways of representing a signed inallforrns" in"ub6of them,thenfind(B-A) and(A-cjforA=1i01010,8=0110'101 andc=0010101 *trs I IWIIU NIWffi lttM 1 f'r4,.i, ,r:tr,, l; : I .: ,/{ 11+ @ *fr ffitetEl n @[01 l',{t*il,O I |i{:. t,ori', ,i & 0t6l@t& '.' -1- .l-i?16^f,rtt";''i{ 0,t l0l 0m@tt@ t nat slffi {*i L i., I *tgot@ ,", .* i- l0lm0l " '-" r"':tr:Wtt i t_lrt:j l:1i i a,l Should @ tll@ l16l0l0 t t@t&10 tl$ I@ l@ It0t0ll .tl (rl 4-lerr I fi ,a,{i ,'tff{li[J t o t@tCIt v! | " .. fl .,i, l/, J 1 il:+trt;'i 'I ll uirr;t* oveP'{16'\) I tTtat ffitCIl ^ffi( illl {1r 6'lr,*u;,,1" tTtfrt .? tryt ,,,{ , Jl {'{ ,J yo, har€ .ny questions on this review, please contact Arash. [] ECELz4 Sigital circuits and Systerns, Final Review, spring 2911 [Q11] Find: a) The 7's complement of base-8 number "45201" b) Multiplication of base-12 numbers "541" and "3" .j d) "l Base-10 unsigned number "214.45" to its base-2 representation Base-6 number "513" to its base-10 and then base-S representations Hexadecimal number "AF6" to its base-2 and base-8 representations bl a) *71+T+ qSLot G @\ WT+AQ +( 53fl ir( L6 +l ;L{ tq 03 -m \ sb) )a'9+0{r'iib) ^29 aff +l /'240.6 t3 +@ +r-( 6 +l ,s( 3+@ :2( f +f ( .V -.2- +l Or2 dl$r3)5 =3x6 + tx6'15x6 R tKQ = .^{ Y'2uo'2+r \ ^21a"4+@ lnt ^2 u @-t -'l 3r +tt Wb; ' \ + +9- ,a / -) I +@/ 0 +t@sb| btqqil{ x 5ql L,r' jg7+6 c), uq"q5 I (wntw'CI{ttro)t -_/ r\ I +2 is( o +t on*) '(- I - (tn-zuS = e) nF6= wl@ tfil0tlCI 'v- \_-'r\.--. 53 6 (rssa)r Shogld irou have any questtons on this review, please contact Arash. [] *z 6 gcg124 sigital circuits and Systems, Final R.eview, Spring 2911 state table, find all possible critical/non-critical races and cycles [a12] For the following asynchronous sequential for states "a" and "c". nndawntLt( tUde Ndxt State Pres6ht 00 01 11 1.0 00] 11 01 11 11 01 ':l 1 10 tr 01 01 10 10 10 11 10 01 10 ,Stat6' a rb'., C.: d .'00 .r,ri:01r, : ,t )t{l,t 'f{^, 6i '-*&l I $,.q 2 t, t I :,f11 &. " -.t. .' ir{^*;lC o,l ffil *#*@ tO ----*@) ffi+t8 tt Q2 --*= t@-+6,9 t@4@ cr @YJ-Yot -*4*@ 6S*-*tr1 Qs @*--> ol @thisreview,pleasecontactArash.[aTabibiazar@uwaterloo,ca] ECE124 Digital circuits and Systerns, Final Review, Spring 2011 a secret key bit stream, K, into two other bit streams, X and Y has to be [O13] Acrypto module which transforms lt works as follows: i{ iesiinea. This module must be designed as a synchronous sequential Mealy state machine. 'i0(-1)'. This transform.ation reduces the number of the secret key bit stream contains'0J1" then it's replaced with ,1,bits in the key (wfrilfr has significant impact on subsequent processing times in elliptic curue algorithms). use two output signals, X and Y' However since we cannot repreient 0, 1 and -1 with a one bit output, we first K='f in the sequence and the 1 for set to X is (where m>1), Whenever a m-bit sequence of 1's is detected '1'. a flow table for this module. Construct to are set '1' Y and X both bit when a K=,0' is oetected atter1t," rt6 K : 000100011011110001101000 X : 000100010110001001011000 Y : 000000000100001000010000 *'* 0 +l b,,h6 + -f Irffi ,;P 0/tl {lri XY ilv ,,'-KrxY\ {,i"J f 00 0a @@ contact Arash' IaTabibiazar@uwaterloo'ca] ECE1?4 Digital circuits and systems, Final Review, spring 2011 perform a race-free state assignment and complete the entire state table: [e14] For below Mealy flow table, ,,,Steitg.,. '' ,r00 b c d Pl* ' a by a |; I 01',, 11 @r 6)q O,;':: avTtc tr*ief*'tPif *wtxrts{ Next State Pfesertt, 101 *ffi r*l$ 0 b d fr) c d @ a D 6, tt j 0 I x,{3 & 1 $f, 0t, 0 1 CI to pflwff stst?b-r nond 0, to'P,qC t# /t: l'l r-r,'l-i $0 .; * rxdz, {* @* @ lransficn lf Fr* Ta c 4b: @J:'ffi| -* o-il$, I* @ 2b:@?t*'t*b-u6) o ,90 v to avoid t"rrrsafffi Na h&vetr*niref frw W. 5:{f o fransft c -*P h -P a' CIr' { 61A d,ss secontactArash'[] ]FTW 1