Applied Rheology Vol.12/5.qxd 31.10.2002 12:01 Uhr Seite 252 Numerical Studies of the Effect of Constitutive Model Parameters as Reflecting Polymer Molecular Structure on Extrudate Swell Nattapong Nithi-Uthai, Ica Manas-Zloczower* Case Western Reserve University, Department of Macromolecular Science 2100 Adelbert Road, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA *Email: Fax: x1.216.368.4202 Received: 16.4.2002, Final version: 8.8.2002 Abstract: PolyFlow, a software package based on the finite element method was employed to simulate the extrudate swell for polybutadiene of various molecular weight (Mw) and molecular weight distribution (MWD). We calculated the relaxation spectra for the different samples and then inserted the spectra into a standard K-BKZ constitutive model used in the numerical simulations. Accurate predictions of MWD confirm the completeness of frequency range in the oscillatory shear experimental data. In turn, the wholeness of relaxation spectra as substantiated by MWD predictions, sustain the level of confidence when using constitutive models based on these spectra. We demonstrate the importance of using the full range of relaxation spectrum rather than a short range around typical shear rates for the accuracy of the numerical predictions. We found extrudate swell ratio (ESR) to be strongly dependent on MWD and stress conditions at the die exit. Zusammenfassung: Das auf der Finite-Element-Methode basierende Softwarepaket PolyFlow wird hier eingesetzt, um das Schwellen von Polybutadien bei verschiedenen Molekulargewichten (Mw) und Molekulargewichtverteilungen (MWD) im Austritt aus einer Röhre zu simulieren. Wir errechnen die Relaxationsspektren für unterschiedliche Proben und setzten dann die Spektren in ein Standard K-BKZ-konstitutives Modell ein, das in den numerischen Simulationen benutzt wurde. Genaue Vorhersagen der MWD bestätigen die Vollständigkeit des Frequenzbereichs in den experimentellen Daten. Umgekehrt unterstützt die Gesamtheit der Relaxationsspektren, wie durch MWD Vorhersagen bestätigt, das Vertrauen in die konstitutiven Modelle. Wir demonstrieren auch, wie wichtig es ist, den vollen Frequenzbereich des Spektrums zu nutzen, um genaue numerische Voraussagen zu erhalten. Wir finden eine starke Abhängigkeit der Austrittsschwellung (ESR) von der MWD und dem Spannungszustand am Röhrenausgang. Résumé: Polyflow, un logiciel basé sur la méthode d’élément fini, a été utilisé pour simuler le gonflement d’extrudats dans le cas de polybutadiènes de masses moléculaires variées (Mw) et de distributions en masses moléculaires variées (MWD). Nous avons calculé les spectres de relaxation pour les différents échantillons, puis nous avons insérer ces spectres dans un modèle constitutif standard de type K-BKZ utilisé dans les simulations numériques. Les prédictions précises des MWD sont en accord avec la gamme entière de fréquences des données expérimentales de cisaillement dynamique oscillatoire. De manière réciproque, les spectres de relaxation, qui ont été validés par les prédictions de MWD, supportent le niveau de précision dans toute la gamme de fréquence lorsque des modèles constitutifs basés sur ces spectres sont utilisés. Nous démontrons l’importance d’utiliser la totalité du spectre de relaxation plutôt que une courte plage de fréquences autour des vitesses de cisaillement typiques, afin que les prédictions numériques soient précises. Nous trouvons que les rapports de gonflement d’extrudats (ESR) dépendent fortement des MWD et des conditions de contrainte en sortie d’extrusion. Key Words: K-BKZ constitutive model; Extrudate swell; Numerical simulation; Finite element method; Relaxation time spectrum; Molecular weight distribution © Appl. Rheol. 12 (2002) 252-259 252 Applied Rheology September/October 2002 Applied Rheology Vol.12/5.qxd 31.10.2002 12:01 Uhr Seite 253 1 Sample Mw(*10-3) Mw/Mn 50K 200K 400K 64 244 347 Table 1: Molecular characteristics of polybutadiene samples. 1.08 1.19 1.59 INTRODUCTION Extrusion is one of the major processing methods in the polymer industry. Polymeric materials when extruded are commonly found to have larger dimensions than the die. This phenomenon is known as die swell or extrudate swell. Extrudate swell in polymers is a complex combination of hydrodynamic boundary conditions at the die and bulk viscoelastic properties of the polymers. The bulk viscoelastic properties of polymers are ultimately determined by their structure, which in turn can be characterized through weight average molecular weight (Mw), molecular weight distribution (MWD), and the amount of long chain branching (LCB). On the other hand, viscoelastic material properties control flow behavior and dictate extrudate swell demeanor. Extrudate swell has been extensively investigated in experiments [1 - 9] as well as through numerical simulations [10 - 27]. Since a systematic change in rheological behavior is rather difficult to obtain even in well-controlled experiments [4 - 6, 28, 29], numerical simulations appear to be the method of choice under certain circumstances. However a detailed study of the relationships between molecular parameters, rheological behavior and expected extrudate swell is still lacking. Koopmans [4 - ] carried out a series of extensive investigations into the characteristics of extrudate swell using high-density polyethylene. His results indicate that molecular structure, and in particular long chain branching, plays a vital role in the observed die swell behavior. He concluded also that extrudate swell is a function of time, and that the maximum swell is highly dependent on the molecular weight distribution of the polymer. On the other hand, Yang et al. [8] did comprehensive studies on extrudate swell behavior of high-density and linear low-density polyethylene. They reported that the elusive apparent molecular weight dependence of the transient extrudate swell ratio arises from the different molecular relaxation rates. Giving polyethylene of similar Mw, the extrudate swell varies strongly with the detailed features of the MWD. The effect of molecular structure on the rheology of high-density polyethylene, was also studied by Ariawan et al. [28]. It has been documented that tails in the high- or low-end regions of the MWD can result in significantly different rheological and processing behaviors. The current study aims to examine simulated extrudate swell behavior as influenced by the constitutive equation parameters, reflecting intrinsically, its dependence on molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. One of the main objectives of this work is to be able to provide not only numerical results of extrudate swell but also elucidate the effect of molecular structure on extrudate swell. We will also illustrate the benefits of using a molecular weight distribution (MWD) calculation routine in determining a reliable constitutive model for simulations. Our studies allow us to optimize relaxation spectra, obtained from oscillatory shear experiments by comparing calculated MWD with that from sizeexcluded chromatography. 2 MATERIALS Three relatively monodisperse polybutadiene samples were used. Their molecular characteristics are described in Table 1. To demonstrate the model ability to differentiate bi-modal distributions of MWD, we also studied two binary blends. One is 75% by weight of 400K with 25% of 50K (75% 400K). The other is 30% by weight of 400K and 70% of 50K (30% 400K). Rheological data for all the samples were obtained using a Rheometrics RMS-800 system. Oscillatory shear master curves were measured based on a time-temperature superposition with a reference temperature of 50∞C. These data were processed to obtain the relaxation spectra using the Tikhonov regularization method [30]. Details on determining the relaxation spectra can be found elsewhere [31]. Calculated relaxation spectra are shown in Table 2. 50K Table 2: Relaxation spectra of samples used in this work. 200K 400K li [s] Gi [Pa] li [s] Gi [Pa] li [s] Gi [Pa] 1.98*10-5 1.16*10-4 6.78*10-4 3.97*10-3 2.32*10-2 1.36*10-1 7.94*10-1 2.52*105 2.28*105 3.19*105 5.29*105 3.51*104 2.39*103 2.38*102 5.47*10-6 1.30*10-4 3.11*10-3 7.40*10-2 1.76*100 4.20*101 1.00*103 1.59*105 1.21*105 2.08*105 6.79*105 1.31*105 9.75*102 2.27*101 8.49*10-6 2.76*10-4 8.97*10-3 2.91*10-1 9.47*100 3.08*102 1.00E*104 1.15*105 7.59*104 1.47*105 4.21*105 4.42*105 9.58*103 3.57*102 Applied Rheology September/October 2002 253 Applied Rheology Vol.12/5.qxd 31.10.2002 12:01 Uhr Seite 254 75% 400K & 25% 50K li Gi [Pa] [s] [Pa] 1.00*10-7 2.15*10-6 4.64*10-5 1.00*10-3 2.15*10-2 4.64*10-1 1.00*101 2.16E*106 2.07*105 2.13*105 4.96*105 2.92*105 5.48*104 2.39*104 2.00*10-7 1.21*10-5 7.37*10-4 4.47*10-2 2.71*100 1.65*102 1.00*104 1.79*106 1.58*105 3.41*105 2.91*105 3.40*105 7.65*103 1.48*102 Table 2 (left above): Relaxation spectra of samples used in this work. Figure 1 (right above): MWD of 400K polybutadiene (solid line: GPC, symbols: calculations). Figure 2 (right below): MWD of binary mixture (75% 400K + 25% 50K, solid line: GPC, symbols: calculations). 0.6 0.5 Mi/hw [s] 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 103 104 105 106 107 108 Mi 2.1 DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION FROM POLYMER RHEOLOGICAL DATA We utilized Baumgaertel and Winter method to derive a discrete relaxation spectrum [32]. The range of relaxation times was selected to ensure complete coverage of the molecular weight distribution. This procedure is based on the double reptation theory and a monodisperse relaxation function F(M,t) characterized by a single time constant t(M): 0.8 0.7 0.6 Mi/hw 30% 400K & 70% 50K Gi li 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 103 104 105 106 107 Mi F ( M, t ) = e {− t τ ( M )} τ ( M) = KMα (1) The time constant t is related to the molecular weight through the above relation. The exponent a is typically around 3.4 and the constant K depends on the precise chemical structure of the polymer and temperature. An approximate analytical relationship is used to determine the polymer molecular weight distribution described by the relaxation spectrum [33, 34]. The relationship is: w (m) = 1 α Gent (m) 2 GN0 1 Gent (m′) ∫m m′ dm′ ∞ (2) Parameter a is the same as in Eq. 1 and Gent is essentially a relaxation spectrum with regard to the molecular weight, m. In our study the range of MW is directly related to the range of frequencies in the dynamic moduli spectrum. For example, the high molecular weight limit to the solution of Eq. 2 is estimated in terms of convenient parameters by: G Mmax = λ max K 1 . 7 n 0 N 1α (3) The molecular weight corresponding to the high frequency end of the data is similarly 254 Applied Rheology September/October 2002 1α Mmin G0 = N λ min , 1.7K n M ≥ Mc (4) where Mc is the critical molecular weight in the common h0(M) relation. Calculated molecular weight distributions derived from relaxation spectra obtained using dynamic moduli data are compared with data from size excluded chromatography and are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. We encountered convergence difficulties in the numerical simulations when using a higher than 7 number of relaxation modes (in PolyFlow, a maximum of eight relaxation modes is allowed). Therefore we selected only seven relaxation modes in the numerical simulations covering the whole range of polymer molecular weight. We can see that for the 400K and binary mixtures samples spreads of relaxation modes are larger than one decade apart. Models fitting of these samples are slightly poorer than those of 50K and 200K. 3 SIMULATIONS We used the commercial package PolyFlow in our simulations. For an incompressible fluid under isothermal, laminar flow conditions, the field equations read: −∇p + ∇ ⋅ τ = 0 (5) Applied Rheology Vol.12/5.qxd 31.10.2002 12:01 Uhr Seite 255 ∇ ⋅v = 0 (6) where v is the velocity vector, t is the stress tensor, and p is the scalar pressure. Polymer rheological behavior was modeled using a K-BKZ model with an irreversible Wagner damping function. Several studies found that multi-modes integral type constitutive equations are better suited for describing viscoelastic behavior of polymeric liquids [35]. Moreover, the integral constitutive equation of the K-BKZ type was found to adequately predict experimental data of extrudate swell [18, 19, 25, 26] as well as other viscoelastic flow phenomena [23, 24, 35]. The stress tensor t is defined as (7) The kernel function m(t’) takes the usual form m(t ′) = ∑ i Gi ( − t ′ λ i ) e λi (8) where the values of Gi and of li are given by the relaxation spectrum obtained from oscillatory shear data. Ct(t-t’) stands for the right CauchyGreen relative strain tensor. The damping function h is a function of the invariants I1 and I2 of Ct(t-t’) defined as follows, [ ] I1 = tr Ct−1 (t − t ′) I2 = tr[Ct (t − t ′)] (9) We use a generalized strain invariant [18], (10) In simple shear flow, I1, I2 and thus I are identical. The Wagner damping function has an exponential form h(I ) = e − n ing the material flow behavior. In simple shear, the n parameter, which contains information on the polymer non-linear viscoelastic properties, can be obtained using N . η(γ ) = ∑ i =1 Gi λ i . (1 + nλiγ )2 (12) We used the Cox-Merz rule to arrive at h(g· ) from the oscillatory shear data. However, information is missing for the selection of the parameter b. It was shown that a small value of b enhances extensional viscosity effects while a higher value accelerates the decrease of the damping function in extensional flows. Theoretically, parameters n and b should remain unchanged while changing only Mw. In contrast, by increasing polydispersity, both parameters will change. Adding high molecular weight molecules and hence increasing polydispersity, Ariawan found that extensional viscosity greatly increases [28]. These findings were intuitively in agreement with the experimental results by Yang et al. [8], and simulation results by Goublomme et al. [18]. In short, increasing polydispersity by increasing the high molecular weight tail will increase extensional viscosity, which in turn will lower n and b, thus increasing extrudate swell. However the change in b with polydispersity is very small [18] and therefore we have selected a constant value for b (0.3) in all our simulations. Details on the iterative procedure and convergence strategy can be found elsewhere [18]. Simulations are done under isothermal conditions for an incompressible fluid and neglecting inertia and body forces. No-slip boundary conditions were applied. We considered the axisymmetric problem for a 2 millimeters diameter die of 30 millimeters length (L/D = 15). With a die of this length, upstream sections of the channel do not affect the final shape of the extrudate. The central portion of the mesh is shown in Fig. 3. ( I −3 ) (11) where n is a material coefficient. Thus, using the relaxation spectrum, we need to specify only two material parameters (n, b) for fully characteriz- Figure 3: Central portion of mesh. Applied Rheology September/October 2002 255 ESR Applied Rheology Vol.12/5.qxd 31.10.2002 12:01 Uhr Seite 256 Figure 5 (right above): Typical ESR plot against downstream distance. Figure 6 (right below): Effect of relaxation spectrum range on extrudate swell results. 256 Applied Rheology September/October 2002 0.1 1 10 Axial distance [mm] exiting the die and up to reaching the equilibrium state. Comparison between the numerical results and the experimental data are valid only for the “true” equilibrium values. Otherwise stated, only the final extrudate cross-section in an experiment (equilibrium value) should be compared with the extrudate swell ratio in the plateau region of the numerical simulations. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS We have demonstrated a close relationship between relaxation spectra and sample molecular structure and want to investigate its possible effect on the simulation results. To illustrate this point, Fig. 6 shows differences brought about by using relaxation spectra of the same polymer but covering different parts along the molecular weight axis of the MWD curve. When using the full relaxation spectrum in the K-BKZ model we obtain higher values for the extrudate swell ratio by comparison with the results obtained when trimming the relaxation spectrum at either the low or high end. The number of relaxation times was kept constant in all the simulations. In general, researchers used only experimentally available dynamic moduli data around the typical shear rate region (in this case the shear rate at the die wall) to construct material relaxation spectra [18, 19, 25, 26, 39]. The rule of thumb frequently used is to cover a range of frequencies around typical shear rates encountered in the flow. However when ESR Figure 4 (left): Typical simulation results. We have done extensive studies on mesh design refinement. It is well known that the continuum flow at sharp converging and diverging corners generates singularly strong stress fields. In numerical simulations [36], a stress divergence is encountered as the fluid models are forced to describe flow behavior on infinitesimal length scales where the continuum description no longer applies. Flow birefringence reveals that the stress in the exit region is larger than in the die inland [23, 24]. We found that the calculated stress level is extremely sensitive to mesh density near the die lip. Fortunately, extrudate swell ratio results are only slightly different even though the stress levels captured are vastly different. To be able to describe accurately the stress condition around the die lip, one needs to apply more rigorous numerical methods to cope with this singularity [37, 38]. Because of this limitation, it is very difficult to compare quantitatively simulation results with experimental data even for equilibrium extrudate cross-sections. Nevertheless, a relative comparison between different materials can still be carried out. In this research, we used the highest mesh density around the die lip that can numerically converge. We constructed flow curves and selected two flow rates corresponding to wall shear stresses of 0.155 MPa and 0.205 MPa respectively. These values were selected to avoid any extrudate distortion. Resulting flow rates ranging from 0.05 to 50 mm3/s were used to simulate samples of different molecular weight. Typical simulation results are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Extrudate swell ratio (ESR) is the ratio between extrudate diameter and die diameter. The numerical results presented in this work are steady-state results. On the other hand, extrudate swell is intrinsically a complex time dependent phenomenon. Experiments performed under isothermal conditions show that the extrudate exiting the die grows with time until reaching an equilibrium value [5, 8]. Thus the results presented here, depict only qualitatively the change in shape of the extrudate upon 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.01 1.3 neglect low M 1.25 full relaxationw 1.2 neglect high Mw 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.01 0.1 1 200k 10 Axial distance [mm] 100 Applied Rheology Vol.12/5.qxd 31.10.2002 12:01 Uhr Seite 257 Figure 7 (left above): Stress contour around die exit. 1.4 ESR 1.3 Figure 8 (right above): ESR of polymer flow at different stress level. 0.20 MPa 0.16 MPa 1.2 1.1 75% 400K 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Figure 10 (right middle): ESR comparison between binary mixtures at constant wall stress (0.16 MPa). ESR ESR Axial distance [mm] 1. 35 400 k 1. 3 200 k 1. 25 50 k 1. 2 1. 15 1. 1 1. 05 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 Axial distance [mm] Figure 11 (right below): ESR comparison of artificial 50K sample with the original 400K and 50K samples. The artificial 50K sample has similar polydispersity with the original 400K sample. 400k 75 % 400k 30 % 400k 50 k 0.1 1 10 Axial distance [mm] ESR simulating complex problems, such as extrudate swell, this rule may not apply. Inside the die the material experiences shear rates of the order of the shear rate at the wall, whereas upon exiting the die the shear rate/stress experienced is orders of magnitude higher (Fig. 7). Thus when simulating extrudate swell it is important to consider relaxation spectra covering the whole range of MWD. Studies [8, 18] have shown that the ESR is larger when the level of stress is higher (higher flow rate / shear rate). Results of extrudate swell ratio are presented in Fig. 8 for the case of 75% 400K comparing between wall stress levels of 0.16MPa and 0.20 MPa. The influence of Mw on extrudate swell is shown in Fig. 9. It is interesting to note that we obtain similar results for all three materials. The small differences have their origin in differences between the polydispersity of these materials. Indeed in Fig. 10, the effect of polydispersity on ESR is illustrated, showing strong dependence on MWD. Similar results were obtained in experiments using polyethylene [4 - 6, 8, 28]. Yang [8] first proposed to express the extrudate swell ratio for materials with different molecular weights using normalized times, i.e. exiting times normalized using the material relaxation time. We used a similar concept and employed the 400K sample spectrum shifted along the relaxation time axis to build a spectrum for a 50K sample of similar polydispersity 1.4 1.35 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.01 Figure 9 (left middle): ESR comparison between different MW at constant wall stress (0.16 MPa). 1.4 model 50 k 1.35 400 k 1.3 50 k 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Axial distance [mm] as the 400K sample. We used the “artificial” 50K spectrum in simulating the extrudate swell ratio. The results are shown in Fig. 11 in comparison with the results for the original 50K and 400K samples. The extrudate swell ratios for the 400K and “artificial” 50K samples are similar. The differences reflect limitations in our numerical simulations with respect to the mesh refinement at the die lip and the maximum number of relaxation modes (7) we can use in our model. For the 400K sample, the limited number of relaxation modes used does not allow for an optimized fitting of the data over 9 decades of relaxation times. Also, the stress singularity at the die exit is much better captured in the case of the low molecular weight material (50K). To illustrate the importance of stress concentration around the small exit region, Fig. 12 Applied Rheology September/October 2002 257 Applied Rheology Vol.12/5.qxd 31.10.2002 12:01 Uhr Seite 258 Figure 12: ESR comparison between no-slip and partial slip boundary condition at the die exit. ESR 1.2 Partial slip B.C. No slip B.C. 1.1 1 0.01 [2] 0.1 1 10 100 Axial distance [mm] shows ESR results obtained using the same polybutadiene sample and identical flow rate conditions. The difference is in the boundary condition at die exit. This result illustrates that the stress singularity at the die exit region highly influences the extrudate swell. Partial slip conditions at exit region reduce extrudate swell significantly. Similar findings have been reported before [8, 40]. 5 CONCLUSIONS In this work we analyzed the effect of constitutive equation parameters as linked to sample molecular weight and molecular weight distribution on the extrudate swell simulation results. Molecular parameters affect the relaxation spectra for the different samples used in this study, which in turn alter the extrudate swell results. Accuracy in the calculated MWD strengthens our level of confidence in the frequency range completeness for the oscillatory shear experimental data used in the calculation. On the other hand, the breadth of relaxation spectra as substantiated by MWD calculations, augment our level of confidence in using constitutive models based on such spectra. We found the extrudate swell ratio to be strongly affected by the sample polydispersity. The major limitations in our current numerical results are primarily related to mesh refinement in the region of stress singularity at die exit and the number of relaxation modes in relaxation spectra especially for high molecular weight samples. In spite of these limitations, the results clearly illustrate the strong dependence of extrudate swell ratio on the sample molecular weight distribution. The results also reiterate the importance of using the full spectrum of relaxation times for a given sample rather than a limited spectrum around a characteristic shear rate for the experiment. REFERENCES [1] 258 Graessley WW et al.: Die Swell in Molten Polymers. Transactions of the Society of Rheology 14 (1970) 519-544. 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