2014-2019 A Leading Centre of Excellence in Training © AUGUST 2014 8 CONTENTS FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................................................................... iv PREAMBLE .................................................................................................................................................................................. v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................................... vi ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................................. viii CHAPTER ONE: INSTITUIONAL OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND............................................................ 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BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.3 VISION ................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 MISSION ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.5 MANDATE ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.6 CORE FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 2 1.7 CORE VALUES ................................................................................................................................... 2 1.8 JUSTIFICATION OF THE MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN ........................................................................... 3 1.9CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ..................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER TWO: FORMATIVE ANALYSIS ................................. 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BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 2.1INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 18 ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 2.2.1 COURSES OFFERED .................................................................................................................. 23 2.2.2 GAP ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................ 9 2.3 SWOT ANALYSIS OF MTTI............................................................................................................... 15 2.4 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................. 16 CHAPTER THREE ;STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................................................................1 7 3.1 STRATEGIC ISSUES ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.1 CURRICULUM ............................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.2 PHYSICAL FACILITIES .................................................................................................................. 21 3.1.3 EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................. 22 3.1.4 STAFFING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT...................................................................................... 23 3.1.5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................ 24 3.1.6 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 26 3.1.7 LINKAGES AND COLLABORATIONS ............................................................................................ 26 3.1.8 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY .....................................................................27 3.1.9 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION ......................................................................................................... 28 CHAPTER FOUR: RESOURCE MOBILIZATION .......................................................................................................... 30 4.1 PROJECTED FINANCIAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 30 4.2 STRATEGIES FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION AND UTILIZATION.............................................. 31 4.2.1 GOVERNMENT FUNDING ................................................................................................. 31 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page ii 8 4.2.2 INSTITUTE-PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS ................................................................. 31 4.2.3 INTERNAL SOURCES......................................................................................................... 31 4.2.4 DONORS ............................................................................................................................ 31 CHAPTER FIVE: IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION......................................................... 32 5.1 PHASING AND REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 32 5.2 QUICK WINS ..................................................................................................................................... 32 5.3 ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 32 5.4 IMPLEMENTATION MATRIX ............................................................................................................ 32 5.5 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ................................................................................................... 33 5.6 MONITORING METHODOLOGIES ................................................................................................... 33 5.7 EVALUATION MECHANISM ............................................................................................................. 33 5.8 MONITORING AND EVALUATION TEAM ......................................................................................... 33 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 33 APPENDIX 1 IMPLEMENTATION MATRIX .................................................................................................................. 34 APPENDIX 2 CURRENT ORGANISATION STRUCTURE…………………………….................................68 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page iii 8 FOREWORD It is well known that the growth of any country depends on its ability to transform knowledge, science and technology into goods and services. Integration of ST&I, Higher and Technical education in national production processes is central to the success of Government’s policy priorities and programmes as outlined under Kenya Vision 2030. This is especially true within the context of demands of global competitiveness concerns. Development of the necessary Higher education, scientific and technological infrastructure is an essential prerequisite to the transformation of Kenya into a knowledge-based society. Development of innovative ideas generated by higher and Technical education into products, processes and services is dependent on a well defined and supportive education policy. In its long term development strategy, outlined in Vision 2030, the Government of Kenya envisages a nation that is globally competitive and prosperous with a high quality of life by the year 2030. In pursuit of the vision, MTTI, under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology sees itself as part of the machinery that will be harnessed to stimulate technological and industrial transformation. In order to realize the above, the Institute commits itself to facilitating the identification, acquisition, transfer, diffusion and application of relevant ST&I, higher and technical education in various sectors of the economy. In this regard, the Institute seeks the concerted and supportive efforts by all stakeholders for successful implementation of this strategic plan. In conclusion, I would like to pay tribute to each and all those who participated in the compilation of the first edition of this strategic plan, especially Mr Micheal Kahiti and Mr Humprey Tsuma. I urge all stakeholders to embrace and implement this strategic plan. Prof. James Kanyua, Chairman, Board of Governors MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page iv 8 PREAMBLE The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has positioned itself to lead the country into a knowledge-based society in the 21st Century. This comes at a time when the country is striving to ensure sustained economic growth despite the decline in major world economies. Kenya today requires emphasise and accelerate her usage of specialized knowledge, information, and innovativeness to support and expand her economy. The purpose of the expansion and, by extension, the utilization of science, technology and innovation is to improve the socio-economic status of the people and lay the foundation for sustainable development. The MTTI Strategic Plan provides the vision and mission that will guide all those involved in its execution. It presents an analysis of the internal and external environment using SWOT and Gap analyses. Subsequently, it identifies key stakeholders and their roles; outlines the strategic issues and objectives and identifies suitable strategies to address them. Given the growth of the Institute which augurs well with its planned upgrading into a National Polytechnic, mobilization of the vast resources required is a top priority. The plan prioritizes activities to be implemented under the strategies; and provides an implementation plan, a monitoring and evaluation system and a projection of the resource requirements. The achievement of the objectives of this Strategic Plan requires the support and input of stakeholders including all Government Ministries, the Private Sector, Civil society, NGOs, research institutions in ST&I and TE, Universities and Development Partners among others. The consultative process, through which this plan has been developed, gives me the confidence that it is jointly owned by all stakeholders and will therefore, receive the necessary support in its implementation. Mr Bashir H Mursal Principal and Secretary to the Board of Governors MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page v 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 1st Strategic Plan 2009 -2014 was prepared on the basis of the narrower mandate of the Mombasa Technical Training Institute. This 2nd Strategic Plan 2014 - 2019 has been revised in line with the imminent elevation of the Institute into a National Polytechnic. Also the review was undertaken to accommodate recently accomplished policy developments such as the Republic of Kenya new constitution (2010) , Vision 2030, ST&I Policy, MTP for the ST&I sector, TVET bill and National TIVET Strategy. This plan is organized in four chapters, namely: Situation Analysis; Strategic direction; Implementation, Resource Mobilisation, Monitoring and Evaluation. The Implementation Matrix is annexed to this Strategic Plan in Chapter Three. The highlights of each chapter are summarized below. Chapter one introduces the background of the Institute and gives a historical background of the Institute. The chapter also gives our Vision, Mission, Core Values and highlights its Mandate, Core Functions and Current Organisational Structure . Chapter two introduces the formative analysis situation analysis, courses offered, gap analysis , SWOT analysis of MTTI and stakeholder analysis. Chapter three presents. Strategic Issues and Objectives raised as a result of the Situational Analysis. Nine strategic issues were identified, namely; Curriculum, Physical Facilities, Staff Development, Research and Development, Governance and Management, Resource Mobilization, Linkages and Collaborations, Equipment and information communication technology Chapter four details the resource requirements for implementing the plan projected financial resource requirements strategies for resource mobilization and utilization government funding, institute private sector partnership internal sources as well as those from donors. Chapter five shows the phases of implementation and review quick wins assumptions and the Implementation Matrix. This chapter outlines candidly how the plan will be operationalized. The chapter MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page vi 8 also outlines the methodology and team that will carry out the periodic monitoring and evaluation of the plan. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page vii 8 ABBREVIATIONS AND AC RONYMS BoG – Board of Governors CBD – Central Business District CDF – Constituency Development Fund CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility DIT – Directorate of Industrial Training EED – Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development F&B – Food and Beverages GoK – Government of Kenya HoD – Head of Department HoS – Head of Section IAR – Internal Audit Report ICT – Information Communication Technology ILO – Industrial Liaison Officer KASNEB – Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board KICD – Kenya Institute of curriculum development KNEC – Kenya National Examinations Council M&E – Monitoring and Evaluation MOHEST – Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology MTP – Medium Term Plan MTTI – Mombasa Technical Training Institute NGO – Non-Governmental Organisation PC – Personal Computer R&D – Research and Development ST&I – Science, Technology and Innovation SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis TE – Technical Education TVETA – Technical, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page viii 8 CHAPTER ONE: INSTITUTIONAL OVERVI EW HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION Mombasa Technical Training Institute (MTTI) is located in the coastal town of Mombasa. It was established in 1950 as a Technical High School. Upon the introduction of the 8-4-4 system of education, it was elevated to a middle level technical college in 1984 to provide technical training for the middle level man power for both the private and public sectors of the economy. The trainees in the institute are drawn from fresh secondary school leavers, graduates from other tertiary institutions, employees on part-time release basis and the informal (Jua Kali) sector. MTTI is managed by a Board of Governors (BOG), which consists of 13 members appointed by the Government to represent the community, industrialists, professionals and various governmental departments. The Principal serves as the Secretary to the Board. The Institution operates under the Education Act and offers curriculum developed by the Kenya Institute of curriculum development (KICD) and the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT). MTTI offers courses at Artisan, Craft and Diploma levels, plus a plethora of short-term certificate courses in the part-time programme. All the courses offered at Craft and Diploma levels incorporate Entrepreneurship Training and Industrial Attachment to prepare the trainees for formal and self-employment. The examining bodies are the Kenya National Examinations council (KNEC), DIT and Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB). MTTI is a member of the Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (KATTI). MTTI has seen tremendous growth in terms of courses offered and the student enrolment from an initial population of 23 students and 24 teaching staff in 1990 to the current 3000students and 94 teaching staff respectively. This has resulted in a strain on the training facilities whose expansion has unfortunately not matched this student growth. The demands from the market and the changes in curriculum and technology have not been matched by additional training facilities in terms of space, equipment and staff. MTTI has been identified by the Government of Kenya (GoK) for up-grading to a national polytechnic. The Institution is bracing itself for such an up-grade to take full advantage of its enhanced capacity in terms of staff numbers and calibre, physical facilities, wide spectrum of courses, unique location close to Central Business District (CBD) of Mombasa and major industries and commercial organizations, existing transportation infrastructure and housing. 1.3 VISION To be a leading centre of excellence in training. 1.4 MISSION To produce manpower that is technologically competitive in the advancing labour market. 1.5 MANDATE MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 1 8 To produce highly skilled manpower that is also suitable for further training through quality, inclusive and equitable TVET programmes responsive to National, Regional and Global competitiveness. 1.6 CORE FUNCTIONS To implement curriculum and training in TVET programmes. To carry out research programmes. To integrate science, technology and innovation into community activities. To create linkages and collaborations with other institutions and liaise with industry 1.7 CORE VALUES MTTI’s Core Values include the following among others: Honesty, integrity and transparency Excellence, Innovativeness and Creativity Consultative decision-making World-class programmes and standards Respect for human and gender rights Professionalism, team spirit and discipline 1.8. Justification of the Review of MTTI Strategic Plan As a public Institution in the government of Kenya, MTTI is desirous to define its strategic direction in line with the government policy as set out in the guidelines on strategic planning as was issued by the Ministry responsible for Planning and National Development and Vision 2030, guidelines on MTEF by the Ministry of Finance, guidelines on the performance contracting by the reform and performance contract secretariat, Kenya vision 2030 – Medium Term Plan, sessional paper No. 1 of 2005, TVET bill 2012 and all education programmes among others. All these take into account the dynamic circumstances in the demand for Higher Education. MTTI 2014-2019 Strategic Plan covers all these key policy documents and provides the Institute’svision, mission, core functions, core values, strategic issues, strategic objectives, and organizational structure and resource requirements. The emphasis in the strategic planning process has been placed on the current emerging trends that affect the growth of any learning institution in this country. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 2 8 1.9 CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Mombasa Technical Training Institute is a public institution under the ministry of Education, science and Technology. The institute is managed by BOG under the new TVET Act appointed by the Minister whose function is to govern, control and manage the institute. The Principal who is the secretary to the board administers or runs the Institute. The top management who assist the principal in the day to day running of the Institution consists the deputy principal administration, the deputy principal academic affairs, the registrar and the dean of students, departmental heads and non-departmental heads. The current Organisational structure for the Institute is depicted in appendix 2. It takes cognisance of the need to integrate some functions and departments while also introducing new posts. The current structure will make the governance and management of the Institute more efficient and effective. See structure in Appendix 2 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 3 8 CHAPTER TWO: FORMATIVE ANALYSIS 2.1 INTRODUCTION To say that the world is a global village is now a well-known cliché. Technology and innovation have ensured that boundaries now only exist in peoples’ minds and hearts. No institution can insulate itself from the rapid changes taking place technologically, if global competitiveness is to be part and parcel of its culture. MTTI is part of the world, and we must move with the world by delivering our contribution to the national goals as enshrined in Vision 2030. The leadership of the nation realised that the country belongs up there with the stars. Countries that were at par with Kenya at independence are now known as economic ‘tigers’ for their robust economies, high standards of living and advancements in technology. The Vision 2030 is the vehicle to take Kenya there and we are currently in the first of several medium term plans that in their total fulfilment will show remarkable change in this nation. Among the tools for forging the realisation of the Vision are research, innovation, high quality human resource, collaborations, governance reforms, infrastructure and quality education and training. MTTI has a role to play as one of the cogs that will help turn the wheels of development. The institute will participate in the activities that support the economic pillar of the Vision. This Strategic Plan is the road map that indicates MTTI’s role in the transformation of the nation. The plan also intends to lead the institute to a higher level of consciousness where yesterday’s and today’s challenges will not be insurmountable. It will be a concrete pathway that will prove to be a reliable guide for the current and any forthcoming administration on the advancement and growth of MTTI. 2.2 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS (2014) The plan demands change; change in the way we perceive things, the way we solve problems and in the way we relate with each other. It demands change in the way we deliver our services to our clients, as laid out in the accompanying Service Charter. Albert Einstein famously said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” This Strategic Plan is thus a forward-looking document that takes cognisance of where the institute stands currently and the challenges of moving to the glorious future envisaged in vision 2030. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 4 8 2.2.1 COURSES OFFERED The institute currently offers many courses in the proposed new structure of eight departments and 16 sections, and intends to introduce new ones over the next five years. The courses vary in length from 2 weeks for part-time IT packages to 3 years for full-time diploma courses. The breakdown is as follows. Department 1. Business Studies Courses Offered Currently Diploma Human Resource Management Supplies Chain Management Supplies & Management Social Work Business Administration Accountancy Secretarial Studies (Modular) Banking and finance CPA I,II& III ACCA Certificate Secretarial Studies Supplies and Management Supplies Chain Management Social Work Human Resource Management Journalism and Media Full Secretarial with Computer Applications Copy Typist with Computer Applications Single & Group Secretarial Business Administration (Management) Stores Management ATC I & II Proposed New Courses Diploma Insurance Banking and Finance Sales and Marketing Social and Community Development Journalism and mass media Logistics management Cooperative management 2. Hospitality and Tourism Management Diploma Food and Beverage Management (modular) Tourism Management (Modular) Diploma Front Office Operations Craft Certificate MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Certificate Pastry and bakery Page 5 8 Department 3. Clothing and Textiles Technology 4. Applied Sciences Courses Offered Currently Food and Beverage Production, Service and Sales(Modular) Tour Guiding and Reservation Packages (Galileo, Amadeus) Artisan and Short Courses Food and Beverage Production, Service and Sales Food and Beverage Service Cake Making and Decoration Food Production Diploma Fashion and design and clothing technology Proposed New Courses Advanced cake making and decoration Housekeeping and laundry Event management Diploma Fashion Design Hair dressing Certificate Hair dressing Craft Certificate Fashion design and garment making Fashion design and interior design Diploma Diploma Analytical Chemistry Dietetics Applied Biology Food technology Science laboratory technology Craft Certificate Science Laboratory Technician Food Technology 5. Medical science Diploma Pharmacy technology Medical laboratory technology Ophthalmic Technology MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Diploma Optical technology Refraction technology Certificate Page 6 8 Department Courses Offered Currently Community health development Proposed New Courses Community health development Certificate Laboratory technology 6. Building and civil engineering Diploma Building Technology Certificate Architectural draughtsmanship (CAD applied) Diploma Civil Engineering Quantity Surveying Architecture Craft Masonry Plumbing Carpentry and joinery 7. Mechanical Engineering Diploma Mechanical engineering (production) Craft Certificate 8. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Welding and Fabrication Mechanical Engineering Seafarers Short Courses Motor Vehicle Mechanic Grade III Refrigeration Grade III Diploma Diploma Electrical Engineering (Power Option) Craft Certificate Electrical engineering (power and electronics) Electrical Installations. Diploma Mechanical Engineering(Automotive, Plant and chemical) Motor vehicle engineering Welding and Fabrication Short courses General fitter Welding Diploma Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation & Control, Telecommunications) Craft Electronics Engineering Telecommunications Artisan MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 7 8 Department 9. Information Communication Technology Courses Offered Currently Wireman Grade III, II, I Diploma Information communication Technology Certificate Information communication technology Short Courses Certificate in computer applications Computer Maintenance and Networking Certified Information Communication Technology Cisco certified network associate (CCNA) MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Proposed New Courses PHP Programming Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Mobile Application Programming Page 8 8 2.3.1 GAP ANALYSIS a) COURSES DEPT/SECTION LEVEL Artisan Craft Diploma Artisan Craft Diploma Artisan Craft Diploma Artisan Craft Diploma Craft Diploma Artisan Craft STUDENT POPULATION PROPOSED 0 0 255 410 243 400 78 125 158 255 70 115 40 65 19 30 12 20 0 0 62 100 86 140 33 55 61 100 98 160 84 135 Diploma Craft Diploma Artisan Craft Diploma 0 Craft Diploma 32 11 14 38 64 18 0 129 85 CURRENT 1. Business Studies 2. Hospitality and Tourism Management 3. Clothing and Textiles Technology 4. Applied Sciences 5.Medical science 6.Mechanical Engineering 7.Building & Civil Eng 8. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9.Information Technology b) STAFF DEPT/SECTION QUALIFICATION Diploma HN Diploma Bachelors Masters 2. Hospitality and Tourism Diploma+ Management HN Diploma Bachelors Masters MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 0 -155 -157 -47 -97 -45 -25 -11 -8 0 -38 -54 -22 -39 -62 -51 50 20 25 80 120 40 0 208 140 ESTABLISHMENT PROPOSED CURRENT 1. Business Studies GAP -29 -9 -11 -42 -56 -22 0 -79 -65 GAP 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 12 5 8 1 5 10 0 0 17 8 0 -7 0 0 -9 -7 7 Page 9 8 3. Clothing and Textiles Technology Diploma HN Diploma Bachelors Masters MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 4 3 5 2 0 0 11 7 0 0 -6 -5 Page 10 8 DEPT/SECTION QUALIFICATION 4. Applied Sciences Diploma HN Diploma Bachelors Masters 5. Mechanical Engineering Diploma HN Diploma Bachelors Masters 6.Building & Civil Diploma Engineering HN Diploma Bachelors Masters 6. Electrical and Diploma Electronics Engineering HN Diploma Bachelors Masters 7. Information Technology Diploma HN Diploma Bachelors Masters c) FACILITIES DESCRIPTION Lecture Rooms Workshops Laboratories Electrical Installations Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Automotive Engineering Auto-Marine Engineering Carpentry and Joinery Plumbing Installation Masonry Clothing and Textiles Beauty therapy Electrical Installations MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 ESTABLISHMENT CURRENT PROPOSED 0 3 11 5 4 0 4 0 2 GAP 0 0 3 16 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 0 -11 0 0 -4 -4 2 1 0 5 0 4 1 0 -3 -1 0 3 5 0 3 1 3 2 0 8 5 0 0 7 5 0 -3 -5 0 0 -4 -3 NUMBERS CURRENT PROPOSED 46 92 1 2 0 1 2 3 1 2 0 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 1 GAP Page 11 -56 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 -2 -1 -1 8 Electronics Mechanical Solar Soils Testing/Hydrology Materials and Concrete Testing Surveying and Tachometry Pharmacy chemistry Medical Microbiology Physics 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Biology Secretarial Typing Pools 1 2 2 3 -1 -1 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 12 8 DESCRIPTION Computer Labs F&B ICT Cyber Cafe Training Kitchens Training Restaurants Cold Room Dry Goods Store Equipment Store Guest House Student Changing rooms Students’ Toilets Staff Toilets Libraries Hostels Swimming Pool Staff Rooms College vehicles Water Storage Tank Generator Administration Offices Workrooms Common Room Principal Deputy Principal Dean of Students Registrar Registry Stores Finance Office Auditor’s office Security Office Procurement Office Production office Examinations Office Industrial Liaisons Office EDC office Fab Office Transport office Student Union office Maintenance office Housekeeping office Dispensary Performance contracting office Enquiries/Customer care MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 NUMBERS CURRENT PROPOSED 5 11 1 2 2 3 2 3 0 1 1 1 3 3 GAP -6 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 36 15 1 1 1 20 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 80 25 2 4 1 40 1 8 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -2 -44 -10 -1 -3 0 -20 0 -3 -2 -2 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 1 1 0 Page 13 8 Corner Restaurant Hall MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 1 1 1 1 0 0 Page 14 8 2.4 SWOT ANALYSIS OF MTTI A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (S.W.O.T.) Analysis of the Institute was carried out after the Gap Analysis above. TABLE 1.1: SWOT ANALYSIS OF MTTI STRENGTHS 1. Being a recognised government institution. 2. The brand name Mombasa TTI known by the Industry. 3. A core pool of skilled staff. 4. Land for expansion available in Shanzu; 22.58 hectares. 5. A Centre of Excellence in Food and Beverage. 6. Income-generation activities: Manufacturing/Fabrication Catering and Functions (inside & outside) Laboratory analysis/testing 7. ISO Certified institution 8. Elevation to a national polytechnic 9. Well equipped engineering workshops 10. Adequate physical facilities 11. Fibre optic internet connection 12. Adequate teaching and learning materials 13. Sufficient number of qualified staff 14. Reviewed curriculum OPPORTUNITIES MTTI-Industry collaboration. Political and community goodwill. A pool of former students in industry. The location, close to the CBD. Labour market availability. Government TVET reforms. Proximity to the ocean offering opportunities in Fisheries and Marine Studies. 8. Rapid technological changes. 9. Capability to offer degree program 10. Increase student enrolment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 WEAKNESSES 1. Inadequate funding. 2. Poor examination performance in certain courses. 3. Inadequate maintenance of buildings and facilities. 4. Limited funding for programs and physical development 5. Inadequate teaching staff. 6. Limited funds for research and innovation. 7. Weak marketing strategies for institute Programs 8. Small sitting capacity Library THREATS 1. Competition especially from commercial colleges and universities. 2. Large staff turn-over. 3. Encroachment on Shanzu land. 4. HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse. 5. Mentored TTIs likely to poach seasoned staff. Page 15 8 1.12 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS The institute’s stakeholders are those publics that have an interest in institution, and Institution has varied interests in them. They include government bodies, SAGAs, NGOs and industry. STAKEHOLDER CORE ACTIVITIES Policy development and implementation Funding Taxation Development planning Financing 1. GoK 2. . County Government of Mombasa 3. TVETA Quality control 4. KICD Curriculum Development 5. KNEC 6. KASNEB Evaluation of curriculum Certification of successful candidates Curriculum development Evaluation of curriculum INTERESTS OURS Policy, reforms and guidelines Grants Waivers and exemptions National priorities THEIRS Implementation of policy and reform Accountability Skilled human resource for national development Bursaries Infrastructural development Collaborations Linkages Verification of students information Information on our requirements Skills transfer for community development Implement curriculum Feedback on curriculum implementation Data from institutions for planning purposes Implement policies and reforms Capacity building Curriculum development Sensitization on importance of TVET education Information on global emerging trends and issues Funds in form of bursaries Review of curriculum Feedback on curriculum Learning and teaching materials Training on curriculum development Sensitization of curriculum developers (lecturers) Testing the implemented curriculum Issuance of certificates Advice on areas of weakness that need improvement Feedback on curriculum Training on curriculum development Learning and teaching materials Testing the implemented curriculum MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Information on needs assessment Expertise on our areas of specialization Information on relevant teaching and learning materials. Implementation of curriculum Feedback on examinations Data on sitting candidates Financial resources Facilities for exam centres Information on needs assessment Feedback on examinations Implementation of curriculum Financial resources Facilities for exam centres Page 16 8 7. CDFs Financing 8. Industry Employment Complement training 9. Public and Private Training Institutions 10. Media Issuance of certificates Advice on areas or weakness that need improvement Bursaries Infrastructural development Attachment places for students and teachers Feedback on curriculum Funding and support Implementation of Benchmarking curriculum Progression Linkages Capacity building Exchange programmes for students Information Advertising space dissemination Information on emerging trends and issues in TVET education Information on life skills 11. Developmen t partners Funding Infrastructure Capacity building Skilled personnel Transfer of technology Linkages Funds 12. General Public Providing a market Students Funds Participation in open days Consumption of products MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Information on relevant teaching and learning materials Verification of students information Information on our requirements Skills transfer for community development Skilled human resource Capacity building Inventions and innovations Benchmarking Progression Linkages Capacity building Exchange programmes for students Feedback on their reporting Information on courses offered Feedback on the successes and failure on government policies on education Information on our requirements Transparency and accountability Progress on project implementation Exchange programmes Training services Transfer of skills and research Opinion leadership Page 17 8 CHAPTER THREE: STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3.0 INTRODUCTION This Plan sets out MTTIs priorities for the period 2014 to 2019. With the focus areas and priorities based on reflection on the current and past interventions, and analysis of both internal and external environment in which the institution operates The strategic issues that were identified were guided by the need to respond to the following key areas; 1. Increase in academic programs, the number and quality of our students leaving the institution 2. Institutional infrastructure development 3. Number and quality of staff in the institution. 4. Number and quality of research and innovations 5. Institutional governance and management 6. Institutional funding resource mobilization 7. Linkages and Partnerships 8. Areas of institutional capacity enhancement 9. Adoptability of ICT emerging issue. 3.1 STRATEGIC ISSUES While it is recognized that many issues have emerged, this strategic plan mainly focus on those issues which have a direct bearing on taking the institute to the next level of upgrading. From the formative analysis upon which the strategic issues are generated the plan gives strategic direction in the next five years. The following Strategic Issues were hence identified: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Curriculum Physical Facilities. Equipment Staffing and Staff Development Research and Development. Governance and Management Linkages and Collaborations Information Communication Technology(ICT) Resource Mobilization 3.1.1 CURRICULUM Some of the curriculum offered has been reviewed to modular system; however there are some curricula that require to be reviewed to make them relevant to the market needs. Some graduates of the curriculum have to undergo re-training in order to fit in industry. Strategic Objective To develop new and review the existing curriculum for certificate and diploma programmes. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 18 8 The role of the institute will be to initiate the curriculum review by mobilizing the industry and other stakeholders to generate the initial input for the design of the curriculum. The institute will take the input and translate it into a draft curriculum and then share it with the industry and the other stake holders, before handing it over to KICD/TVETA for the formal approval. Strategies a) Conduct Industry needs assessment. b) Design a curriculum. c) Implementation of curriculum d) ICT Integration Activities a) Conduct Industry needs assessment i. Identify the industries. ii. Collect the information/data from the identified industries. iii. Analyse the information/data. iv. Compile the industry needs assessment report. v. Validate the report with the industry. b) Design a curriculum i. Seek authorisation from KICD/TVETA to review curricula ii. Constitute panel of subject specialists iii. Study needs assessment report iv. Formulate curriculum v. Hold stakeholders’ forum vi. Review proposed curriculum with stakeholders vii. Validate curriculum with KICD/TVETA c) Implementation of curriculum i. Carry out training of trainers ii. Acquire teaching material /Prepare learning material iii. Publicise and advertise iv. Enrol new students. v. Staff new programmes d) ICT Integration i) Implement E-learning ii) Integrate IT in teaching and learning 2) To develop two degree curricula. The role of the institute will be to initiate the curriculum development by mobilizing the industry and other stakeholders to generate the initial input for the design of the curriculum. The institute will take the input and translate it into a draft curriculum and then share it with the industry and the other stakeholders, before handing it over to TVETA for the formal approval. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 19 8 Strategies a) Conduct Industry needs assessment. b) Design a curriculum. c) Implement the curriculum d) Integrate ICT Activities a) Conduct Industry needs assessment i. Identify the industries. ii. Collect the information/data. iii. Analyse the information/data. iv. Compile the industry needs assessment report. vi. Validate the report with the industry. b) Design a curriculum i. Seek authorisation from TVETA to develop curricula ii. Constitute unit’s specialists panels. iii. Study needs assessment report iv. Formulate curriculum v. Hold stakeholders’ forum vi. Review proposed curriculum with stakeholders vii. Validate curriculum with TVETA d) Implementation of curriculum i. Carry out training of trainers ii. Acquire teaching material/prepare teaching materials iii. Publicise and advertise iv. Enrol new students e) ICT Integration i. Implement E-learning ii. Integrate IT in teaching and learning iii. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 20 8 3.1.2 PHYSICAL FACILITIES In order to cater for the anticipated influx of students, there’s need to increase the physical facilities such as laboratories, workshops, library, staff offices, guest house, cold room, store rooms etc. There’s also need to upgrade and refurbish the existing physical facilities to match and correspond to a National Polytechnic status. The increase in tools, equipment and learning materials shall definitely require more space and hence need for more workshops and storeroom. Strategic Objective To upgrade infrastructure and increase physical facilities to standards that respond to the National Polytechnic needs. The role of the Institute will be to construct new facilities while refurbishing the current serviceable structures. Strategies a. Construct new laboratories, workshops, library, staff offices, guest house, cold room, storerooms. b. Upgrade and refurbish the existing physical facilities. c. Develop and implement a Maintenance Policy for the physical facilities. a. Construct new laboratories, workshops, library, staff offices, guest house, cold room, storerooms i. Qualify needs ii. Identify Implementation stages. iii. Quantify financial requirements. iv. Identify sources of funding. v. Tender. vi. Select Contractor vii. Contract viii. Construct ix. Certify x. Commission b. Upgrade and refurbish the existing physical facilities i. Qualify needs ii. Identify Implementation stages iii. Quantify financial requirements iv. Identify sources of funding v. Tender vi. Select Contractor vii. Contract viii. Refurbish ix. Certify x. Commission c. Develop and implement a Maintenance Policy for the physical facilities MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 21 8 i. Formulate and Operationalize Maintenance Policy ii. Recruit a Maintenance Officer 3.1.3 EQUIPMENT The institute benefited from modern equipment bought by the government through ADB programme which replaced the obsolete equipment in engineering departments. However there are gaps that need to be filled in applied and medical science departments. There is need to continuously upgrade the equipment to conform to changing technology, industry needs and curriculum. The institute intends to upgrade equipment, build user capacity and establish competent maintenance management. Strategic Objective To continually equip workshops and laboratories with adequate and relevant equipment. Strategies a. Procurement, Installation, testing commissioning and Training. b. Maintenance and servicing c. Benchmarking with industry leaders Activities a. Procurement, Installation, testing commissioning and Training. i. Carry out a needs assessment survey ii. Source funds iii. Tender iv. Select supplier v. Install, test and commission equipment vi. Train the trainers b. Maintenance and servicing i. Formulate Equipment Maintenance and servicing Policy ii. Establish and staff maintenance office. c. i. ii. iii. iv. Benchmarking with industry leaders Carry out needs assessment Identify reputable industry leaders. Arrange for and carry out half-yearly tours for benchmarking Implement benchmarking report MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 22 8 3.1.4 STAFFING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT: Staff Development is very crucial for an institution to be able to achieve its mission and vision. Since then staff development has been on individual initiative. The institute benefited from ADB funded staff development programmes for engineering lecturers. The number of staff in some departments is inadequate. Now that the institute is being elevated to a National Polytechnic, it is imperative that staff is sourced in adequate numbers and developed to be able to meet the new challenges. We intend to develop diploma teachers to degree level, degree level to masters and masters to PhD. Some of the non-teaching staff have benefited in the past from MTTI Staff Development Fund for advancement of their academic and professional qualifications. However the institution has to recruit more qualified personnel, develop the existing and offer competitive packages for retention. Strategic Objective To source and develop a pool of skilled, qualified and professional staff. The role of institute of will be to identify the needs for Staff Sourcing and Development, to provide internal funding for staff development and to source for additional funding from the ministry and other stakeholders. Strategies a. Source staff b. Formulate and periodically review institutional policy on staff development. c. Conduct a needs assessment for staff development and identify linkages. d. Source and provide funds. e. Develop IT competence among all staff f. Strive to improve working environment Activities a. Source staff i. Assess staffing needs ii. Compile report on staff needs iii. Forward report to TSC/BOG iv. Advertise ,interview and recruit v. Receive and induct teachers/non-teaching staff MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 23 8 b. Formulate institutional policy on staff development. i. Identify elements to be covered by the policy ii. Analyse the above elements. iii. Formulate the policy. iv. Implement the policy. c. Conduct a needs assessment for staff development and identify linkages. i. Collect data on the staff needs. ii. Analyse the data and compile it. iii. Identify staff exchange programmes/linkages for staff development. iv. Formulate a matrix for staff development/linkages. d. Source and provide funds. i. Establish and sustain an internal pool of funds for staff development. ii. Identify donors. iii. Write a proposal on donor funding for staff development. iv. Provide funds to the staff/institutions. e. Develop IT competence among staff i. Equip staff with Personal Computers (PCs) on ratio of 1:1. ii. Train staff on free and compulsory basis. f. Strive to improve working environment. i. Carry out work environment survey. ii. Implement the recommendations of the survey. iii. Implement occupation and health safety policy. 3.1.5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Institute needs to embark on research and development programmes in order to improve the current status through innovation, collect and act on feedback from stakeholders and clients, and to explore new frontiers of science and technology. Strategic Objective To conduct research, innovation and Development to promote science and technology and commercialise innovations The institute intends to make full use of research to not only transfer science and technology to the community but also develop and patent innovations with a view to protecting commercial value. Strategies a. Empower Research and Development unit. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 24 8 b. Shows, fairs, exhibitions and students’ presentations. c. Peer Research programmes. Activities a. Empower research and Development unit. i. Operationalize the research and Development Policy. ii. Recruit R&D Officer. iii. Appoint R&D Committee members. iv. Train R&D Committee members. v. Equip and fund R&D unit. b. Shows, fairs, exhibitions and students’ presentations. i. Call for entries from staff and students ii. Moderate and improve entries iii. Develop moderated projects iv. Publicise and advertise fairs, exhibitions and students’ presentations v. Organize and hold students ‘exhibitions and presentations. vi. Participate in shows, fairs and exhibitions c. Peer Research programmes i. Form and support Research Club ii. Set up a fully equipped incubation centre. 3.1.6 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT As the institution grows, the administrative structures will need to be strengthened further to be able to meet the bigger demands to be made on management. Communication, consultation, and participatory decision-making are all hallmarks of institution that will be built upon. Strategic Objective To strengthen good governance and effective management of the Institute. The role of institution will be to enhance those governance and management policies and practices that promote inclusivity, openness, integrity and meritocracy. Strategies a. Promote participatory decision-making b. Promote meritocracy c. Streamline communication structures d. Support openness and integrity e. Institutionalize quality management system (QMS) MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 25 8 Activities a. Promote participatory decision-making i. Carry out annual Customer Satisfaction Surveys ii. Install Suggestion Boxes in a strategic location iii. Organize and hold termly meetings with student leaders. b. Promote meritocracy i. Advertise all internal middle management posts that fall vacant ii. Appraise annually officers’ performance iii. Increase participation in co-curricula activities amongst members of institution iv. Recognize and reward exemplary performance. c. Improve communication structures i. Update notice boards weekly ii. Establish a network-based intranet system iii. Hold monthly departmental staff briefings and termly staff meetings. d. Enhance openness and integrity i. Implement the quarterly reports of the Integrity Committee ii. Review , relaunch and circulate Service Charter annually e. Institutionalize quality management system (QMS) i. ii. Comply with ISO 9001:2008 QMS Hold scheduled top management meetings. 3.1.7 LINKAGES AND COLLABORATIONS The linkages and collaborations of institution are oriented towards the traditional. The capacity that is requisite for building strong bonds with other institutions needs to be expanded. The Institute is known within and outside Mombasa and this increases its ability to attract more inter-players. Strategic Objective To enhance existing linkages and collaborations and develop new ones. The institute will strive to enhance its ability to attract meaningful linkages and to boost its public profile in the immediate environment and on the national map. Strategies a. Capacity building, b. Marketing and promotional programmes c. Enhanced interaction with current collaborators and stakeholders MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 26 8 Activities a. Capacity building i. Identify areas of need and Consult with identified professional practitioners. ii. Create awareness through attachment, benchmarking, linkages and collaborations. b. Marketing and promotional programmes i. Establish a marketing plan ii. Advertise in the media iii. Carry out Outdoor Advertising iv. Hold graduation ceremony annually v. Carry out termly Outreach Programmes vi. Enhance the institutional Corporate Image vii. Participate in co-curricula activities viii. Continuously improve and maintain the Website. c. Enhance interaction with current collaborators and stakeholders i. Invite Resource persons ii. Carry out termly field educational trips iii. Carry out annual benchmarking trips with market leaders 3.1.8 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 2.1.10 Introduction ICT is increasingly becoming an important vehicle for learning, research, innovation and management. The need to integrate ICT in research, teaching, learning is a major challenge facing the institute. The growing number of staff and students in the college has put pressure on existing computers and the available bandwidth hence need for action. Strategic objective Provide information communication technology solutions to support learning activities and management of the college. Strategies i) Provide ICT solutions to support management of the college ii) Provide solutions to support teaching/Learning and research MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 27 8 iii) Train staff Activities a) Provide ICT solutions to support management of the college i. Get user feedback through online helpdesk system. ii. Installation of ICT integration tools. iii. Implement e-Learning system. iv. Procure ICT equipment and install b) Provide solutions to support teaching/Learning and research i. Train ICT support team ii. Develop an ICT policy c) Train Users and staff i. Carry out a comprehensive needs assessment survey ii. Compile a report and impliment iii. Capacity build the staff in the identified areas 3.1.9 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Funds are not enough. The government gives minimal support in terms of grants. The main source of Institute funds is fees, of which the payment is poor. The institute has few income generating activities that contribute minimally. This presents a challenge since the institute is growing and its needs are increasing. Strategic Objective To diversify sources of and increase revenue. The Institute will seek to improve fee collection, initiate or enhance income generating activities all academic and institution facilities. Strategies a. Increase fee collection to as close as 100%. b. Maintain set standards in existing parallel courses and introduce new ones. c. Establish an Entrepreneurship Development centre. d. Enhance linkages with private sector. Activities a). . Increase fee collection to as close as 100%. i) Continuously improve and maintain the Computerized accounting system. ii Solicit for annual scholarships, TVET loans and bursaries for deserving students. iii Enhance restrictions on fee defaulters. b) Maintain set standards in existing parallel courses and introduce new ones. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 28 8 i. ii. iii. iv. c) d Introduce new parallel courses. Introduce more short courses. Introduce tailor-made programmes. Establish a Coordinating committee for parallel programmes Establish an Entrepreneurship Development centre i Improve, diversify and coordinate Entrepreneurship Development centre activities. ii Staff Entrepreneurship Development centre iii Identify and sensitize markets. iv Design and develop unique products. v Recycle waste for commercial purposes. Enhance linkages with private sector i. Identify areas of funding and support ii. Identify private sector players for funding and support iii. Make and present proposals for funding and support. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 29 8 CHAPTER FOUR: RESOURCE MOBILIZATION This chapter details the resource requirements for implementing the strategic plan and strategies for mobilizing these resources. 4.1 Projected Resource Requirements The strategic objectives outlined in this plan will be attained through the strategies laid thereon and the specific activities given. An estimated total of Ksh7 billion is required to implement the strategic plan over the plan period. Table 4.1: Summary of Resource Requirements for the Period 2014/15 – 2018/19 STRATEGIC ISSUE AMOUNT (Ksh) 1. Curriculum 74,250,000 2. Physical Facilities 4,140,200,000 3. Staff Development 109,810,000 4. Research and Development 47,100,000 5. Governance and Management 19,805,000 6. Resource Mobilization 14,600,000 7. Linkages and Collaborations 41,500,000 8. Equipment 516,210,000 9. ICT 41,700,000 TOTAL COST 5,005,175,000 4.2 Strategies for Resource Mobilization and Utilization Over the years, the Institute has had very limited resources to support its core functions. Given these resource constraints, the Institute will vigorously pursue additional funding and technical support from the Ministry and development partners. In this regard, the Institute will lobby and mobilize financial resources from the following sources: 4.2.1 GOVERNMENT FUNDING MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 30 8 With regard to Government funding, the Institute will prepare, present and justify proposals as a basis for resource bidding from the Ministry. 4.2.2 INSTITUTE-PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS Private Sector partners are already supporting and are involved in the Institute’s endeavours. The Institute as part of its collaborations and linkages will engage their support to fill in the resource gap between the resources allocated by the Government and the Institute’s Strategic Plan. The Institute will prepare, present and justify proposals as a basis for resource support. 4.2.3 INTERNAL SOURCES The Institute will broaden and enhance its internal sources and generate funds from such activities as fee collection, sale of tender documents, hiring out facilities, consultancy and training, disposal of boarded stores and the activities of the Production Unit. 4.2.4 DONORS The Institute will source for funding and support from donors by writing and presenting proposals. CHAPTER FIVE: IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION 5.1 Phasing and Review The Strategic Plan will be implemented in five phases between 2014 and 2019 as follows: Year 1 2 3 4 5 Start July 2014 July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 Finish June 2015 June 2016 June 2017 June 2018 June 2019 Duration in Months 12 12 12 12 12 The Plan will be reviewed annually by the Monitoring and Evaluation Team to make it relevant to global changes in technology, industrial practice, economic development, policies etc. Some objectives may be overtaken by events or other circumstances outside the control of the Institute, and this may necessitate change of direction. 5.2 Quick Wins This approach is aimed at creating and maintaining a momentum of quick results, and generally keeping the Strategic Plan alive and relevant. It will be carried out along the lines of the Rapid Results Initiative developed by the Public Service Commission. The Management will be required to periodically outline a set MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 31 8 of activities that can be completed within the period of a term (approximately 100 days). A Quick Win activity is defined as one that: a) Can be carried out within a short time. b) Has an immediate and conspicuous impact. c) Benefits as many people in the Institute as possible. 5.3 Assumptions It is assumed that during the period of implementing the Strategic Plan: a) A stable and conducive political and social environment will prevail. b) The funds needed to operationalize the activities will be available. c) The Institute will be elevated to National Polytechnic Status. 5.4 Implementation Matrix A detailed Implementation Matrix summarizing the means of addressing each Strategic Issue, and the known cost implications is presented on page 24. 5.5 Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring is an important management tool that helps management to make decisions aimed at improving performance, to determine whether the programme is on course and if it is likely to achieve the intended objectives, to ensure accountability to all parties involved in the programme, to assess the use and delivery of the resources in accordance with the implementation plan and to monitor the achievement of the intended outputs on a timely manner. The main purpose is to enable managers to verify progress based on evidence-based decisions about any corrections needed in implementation. In this regard, MTTI will monitor and evaluate the inputs, activities and outputs to ensure that the strategic plan objectives are delivered in accordance with the implementation plan. An effective M&E mechanism will be designed and applied. Evaluation of the plan will serve two main purposes; first, to enquire into the feasibility of the plan and second, to assess the overall impact. Evaluation of the strategic plan will be useful in several ways; first, to avoid the possibility of wasting money by aiding the selection of the most effective options. Second, it will help the Institute to continue with a plan that is likely to produce the intended results and lastly, it will detect and correct some of the factors that may reduce the positive impact of the strategic plan. 5.6 Monitoring Methodologies Monitoring will involve routine data collection and analysis on the success of the implementation of this strategic plan. The results from the analysis will then be used to inform decision making at all levels. The objectives of the strategic plan will be reinforced through corrective measures when and if necessary. This will be achieved by: 1. Developing of monitoring and evaluation indicators at all levels of implementation 2. Carrying out continuous data collection, analysis and monthly reporting to the Ministerial Management Steering Committee 3. Carrying out random inspections and making objective observations 4. Conducting specially designed surveys and rapid assessments to assess progress 5. Carrying out participatory M&E (Stakeholders fora) 5.7 Evaluation Mechanism MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 32 8 The strategic plan will be evaluated during and after implementation to ensure that it produces the intended results. The plan will inherently be subjected to independent evaluation to remove any element of bias. The evaluation will be carried out using relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact measures. 5.8 Monitoring and Evaluation Team There shall be formed a Monitoring and Evaluation Team for the above purpose. This Team will be made up of 16 members as follows: The Head of Department and one Strategic Plan Officer from each of the 8 departments. The team will appoint its Chairman and Secretary and will come up with their own calendar of activities. The Team will compile a report to be presented to the Stakeholders in a suitable forum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Strategic Plan 2008 - 2012 Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Science, Technology and Innovation Medium Term Plan 2008-2012 Minister of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030, Kenya Vision 2030 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 33 8 APPENDIX 1 IMPLEMENTATION MATRIX STRATEGIC ISSUE 1: CURRICULUM Strategic objective: To develop new and review the existing curriculum for certificate and diploma programmes. . Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Output Indicator Collaborators Frame Strategy 1: Conduct Industry needs assessment. 1. Identify the industries Industries List of identified identified industries. 2. Collect the information/data from the identified industries. Information collected 3. Analyse the information/data Information/data analysed 4. Compile the industry Report compiled needs assessment report. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 No of relevant industries from where information was collected. Report on collected information. Analysis report Industry Assessment Report Expected Impact Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) Industrial Liaison Officer Heads of Department ILO HoDs 100% relevant industries 2014-2015 Available data of relevant industries 2,000,000 100% coverage of all the identified industries. 2014-2015 Informed decision making on curriculum issues 1,000,000 ILO HoDs One analysed report on Identified industries One Industry Assessment report 2014-2015 Informed decision making on curriculum issues 150,000 2014-2015 Enhanced capacity to develop relevant 150,000 ILO HoDs Page 34 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 1: CURRICULUM Strategic objective: To develop new and review the existing curriculum for certificate and diploma programmes. . Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Output Indicator Collaborators Frame 5. Validate the report with the industry. Report validated by industry Strategy 2: Design a Curriculum 1. Seek authorisation from Authorisation KICD/TVETA to review sought curricula 2. Constitute unit’s specialists Panel panels constituted curriculum Mandate to develop/review curriculum Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) Approval/ratification by industry ILO HoDs One validated report 2014-2015 Memo Principal 2015-2016 Mandate to review curricula 50,000 Names of panellists Academic Board FaB/FSD One memo of authorisation One panel 2015-2016 50,000 One studied assessment report Eight curriculum drafts 2015-2016 Organ/body to drive curriculum development/revi ew Informed decision making 3. Study needs assessment report Assessment report studied Minutes and recommendation Academic Board FaB/FSD 4. Formulate curriculum. Curriculum formulated Draft Curriculum Academic Board FaB/FSD MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Expected Impact 2015-2016 Page 35 A draft document in place 500,000 100,000 4,500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 1: CURRICULUM Strategic objective: To develop new and review the existing curriculum for certificate and diploma programmes. . Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Output Indicator Collaborators Frame 5. Hold stakeholders’ forum. Forum held Seminar/Workshop report 6. Review proposed curriculum by stakeholders. 7. Validate curriculum with KIE. Curriculum reviewed Syllabi Curriculum validated Syllabi Strategy 3: Implementation of curriculum. 1. Carry out Training of Trainers trained Trainers 2. Acquire teaching material/Prepare learning material Material acquired/learnin g materials prepared MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Expected Impact Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) 1,500,000 Academic Board, KICD and Examination Bodies Academic Board, KIE, Examination Bodies Academic Board, KIE Eight fora 2016-2017 Awareness of new curriculum Eight reviewed syllabi Eight validated syllabi 2016-2017 Improved curriculum 1,500,000 2016-2017 Broader and upto-date curriculum 2,500,000 Awarded Certificates KICD FaB 16teachers 2016-2017 4,000,000 Recommended list of resources/ learning modules posted online KICD FAB Examination Bodies Eight lists of resource materials 2016-2017 Teachers conversant with new curricula Adequate teachinglearning materials available Page 36 8,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 1: CURRICULUM Strategic objective: To develop new and review the existing curriculum for certificate and diploma programmes. . Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Output Indicator Collaborators Frame 3. Publicise and advertise. Advertisement s done Advertisements Registrar, marketing committee and Customer care 4. Enrol new students Enrolment done Registration roll Registrar 5. Staff new programmes Employment done Staff timetabled BoG Strategy 4: ICT Integration. 1. Impleme E-learning nt Eimplemented learning. 2. Integrate IT in teaching and learning Intranet IT integrated MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 BoG, ICT Department, Principal Moodle (LMS) Expected Impact Six advertiseme nts on print and electronic media 100% increase 2016-2017 Awareness of new courses 2017-2018 Four per department 2017-2018 Improved student population Syllabus covered 100% 2017-2018 Improved curriculum curriculum implementati delivery on ICT Department, 100% IT 2017-2018 Principal integrated FaB Page 37 Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) 5,000,000 300,000 4,000,000 1,200,000 Improved curriculum delivery 1,500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 1: CURRICULUM Strategic objective: To develop two Degree programmes . Activities Expected Output Performance Indicator Strategy 1: Conduct Industry needs assessment. 1. Identify the industries Industries identified List of identified industries. Target Time Frame Expected Impact Industrial Liaison Officer Heads of Department ILO HoDs 100% relevant industries 2014-2019 Available data of relevant industries 2,000,000 100% coverage of all the identified industries. 2014-2019 Informed decision making on curriculum issues 1,000,000 ILO HoDs One analysed 2014-2019 report on Identified industries One Industry 2014-2019 Assessment report One validated 2014-2019 report Informed decision making on curriculum issues 150,000 Enhanced capacity to develop relevant curriculum Mandate to develop/review curriculum 150,000 2. Collect the information/data from the identified industries. Information collected 3. Analyse the information/data Information/data analysed 4. Compile the industry needs assessment report. Report compiled Industry Assessment Report ILO HoDs 5. Validate the report with the industry. Report validated by industry Approval/ratification by industry ILO HoDs Strategy 2: No of relevant industries from where information was collected. Report on collected information. Analysis report Lead Agency & Collaborators Design a Curriculum MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 38 Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) 500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 1: CURRICULUM Strategic objective: To develop two Degree programmes . Activities Expected Output Performance Indicator Lead Agency & Collaborators Target Time Frame Expected Impact 1. Seek authorisation from TVETA/CUE to review curricula 2. Constitute unit’s specialists panels Authorisation sought Memo Principal/BOM One memo of authorisation 2014-2019 Mandate to review curricula Panel constituted Names of panellists Academic Board FaB/FSD One panel 2014-2019 3. Study needs assessment report Assessment report studied Minutes and recommendation Academic Board FaB/FSD 2014-2019 4. Formulate curriculum. Curriculum formulated Draft Curriculum Academic Board FaB/FSD 5. Hold stakeholders’ forum. Forum held One studied assessment report Two curriculum drafts Two fora Organ/body to drive curriculum development/revie w Informed decision making Seminar/Workshop report Curriculum reviewed Syllabi 6. Review proposed curriculum by stakeholders. 7. Validate curriculum with Curriculum validated Syllabi CUE,TVETA Strategy 3: Implementation of curriculum. 1. Carry out Training of Trainers trained Awarded Certificates Trainers MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Academic Board, CUE,TVETA Academic Board, CUE,TVETA Academic Board, CUE,TVETA Academic board FaB 50,000 100,000 2014-2019 A draft document in place 4,500,000 2014-2019 Awareness of new curriculum Improved curriculum Broader and up-todate curriculum 1,500,000 Lecturers conversant with new curricula 2,500,000 Two reviewed 2014-2019 syllabi Two validated 2014-2019 syllabi 8 lecturers Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) 50,000 2014-2019 Page 39 1,500,000 2,500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 1: CURRICULUM Strategic objective: To develop two Degree programmes . Activities Expected Output Performance Indicator Lead Agency & Collaborators Target Time Frame Expected Impact Recommended list of resources/ learning modules posted online Advertisements FAB CUE, TVETA Two lists of resource materials 2014-2019 Adequate teaching-learning materials available Registrar, marketing committee and Customer care Two advertiseme nts on print and electronic media 100% increase Four per department 2014-2019 Awareness of new courses 2014-2019 Improved student population Syllabus covered 100% curriculum implementati on 100% IT integration 2014-2019 Improved curriculum delivery 2014-2019 Improved curriculum delivery 2. Acquire teaching material/Prepare learning material Material acquired/learing materials prepared 3. Publicise and advertise. Advertisements done 4. Enrol new students Enrolment done Registration roll Registrar 5. Staff new programmes Employment done Staff timetabled BoG E-learning implemented Intranet BoM, ICT Department, Principal IT Integrated Moodle (LMS) ICT Department, Principal FaB Strategy 4: ICT Integration. 1 Implement E-learning. 2. Integrate IT in teaching and learning 2014-2019 Sub-total MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) 7,500,000 5,000,000 250,000 6,000,000 1,000,000 74,250,000 Page 40 8 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 41 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 2: PHYSICAL FACILITIES Strategic objective: To upgrade infrastructure and increase physical facilities to standards that respond to the National Polytechnic needs. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Frame Expected Budgetary Output indicator Collaborators Impact requirement (KSh.) a. Strategy 1: Construct new laboratories, workshops, library, staff offices, guest house, cold room, storerooms. 1. Qualify needs 2. 3. 4. 5. Data Collected Identify Implementation Stages of stages implementati on defined Quantify financial Financial requirements output requirements established Identify sources of funding Sources identified Tender Tenders advertised MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Compiled report Compiled report BoG/Principal One report 2014-2015 BoG/Principal One report 2014-2015 Proposed budget BoG/Principal One budget One list List of BoG/Principal sources Advertisemen Tender ts Committee Informed decision-making Informed decision-making 500,000 2014-2015 Informed decision-making 500,000 2014-2015 Amount sourced 500,000 Five 2014-2015 advertisemen ts Page 42 Tender Bids received 500,000 2,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 2: PHYSICAL FACILITIES Strategic objective: To upgrade infrastructure and increase physical facilities to standards that respond to the National Polytechnic needs. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Frame Expected Budgetary Output indicator Collaborators Impact requirement (KSh.) 6. Select Contractor Evaluation Eventual Evaluation Five 2015-2016 Potential 200,000 Committee winning Committee contractors Qualifying Report bidder Tender Bidders identified Committee 7. Contract Contract Acceptance BoG/Principal Five 2015-2016 Works 2,000,000 awarded of offer contractors commencement 8. Construct facilities Facilities Number of BoG Five facilities 2015-2019 Facilities 4,000,000,000 constructed facilities put Project complete up Manager 9. Certify Facilities Certificate of Project Five 2015- 2019 Facilities ready 4,000,000 certified Validity Manager certificates for use 10. Commission Facilities Certificate of Contractor Five 2015-2019 Facilities put to 1,000,000 commissione Commissioni BoG certificates use d ng Strategy 2: Upgrade and refurbish the existing physical facilities. 1. Qualify needs Data Compiled BoG/Principal One report 2014-2015 Informed 250,000 Collected report decision-making 2. Identify Implementation Stages of Compiled BoG/Principal One report 2014-2015 Informed 250,000 stages implementati report decision-making on defined 3. Quantify financial Financial Proposed BoG/Principal One budget 2014-2015 Informed 500,000 requirements. output budget decision-making MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 43 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 2: PHYSICAL FACILITIES Strategic objective: To upgrade infrastructure and increase physical facilities to standards that respond to the National Polytechnic needs. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Frame Expected Budgetary Output indicator Collaborators Impact requirement (KSh.) requirements established 4. Identify sources of funding Sources List of BoG/Principal One list 2014-2015 Amount sourced 250,000 identified sources 5. Tender Tenders Advertisemen Tender Five 2015-2016 Tender Bids 2,000,000 advertised ts Committee advertisemen received ts 6. Select Contractor Evaluation Eventual Evaluation Five 2015-2016 Potential 100,000 Committee winning Committee contractors Qualifying Report bidder Tender Bidders identified Committee 7. Contract Contract Acceptance BoG Five 2015-2016 Works 1,000,000 awarded of offer contractors commencement 8. Refurbish Facilities Number of BoG Five facilities 2016-2019 Facilities 120,000,000 refurbished facilities Project complete refurbished Manager 9. Certify Facilities Certificate of Project Five 2016-2019 Facilities ready 150,000 certified Validity Manager certificates for use 10. Commission Facilities Certificate of Contractor Five 2016-2019 Facilities put to 1,000,000 commissione Commissioni BoG certificates use d ng Strategy 3: Develop and implement a Maintenance Plan for the physical facilities. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 44 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 2: PHYSICAL FACILITIES Strategic objective: To upgrade infrastructure and increase physical facilities to standards that respond to the National Polytechnic needs. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Frame Expected Budgetary Output indicator Collaborators Impact requirement (KSh.) 1.Formulate and Maintenance Documented Principal One policy 2014-2019 Maintenance and 500,000 Operationalize Maintenance policy policy document Policy in place Policy formulated and operationaliz ed 2.Recruit a Maintenance Maintenance Name of Principal One officer 2014-2019 Maintenance 3,000,000 Officer Officer officer Office in place recruited Sub-total 4,140,200,000 STRATEGIC ISSUE 3: EQUIPMENT Strategic Objective: To continually equip all workshops and laboratories with adequate and relevant equipment. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time Frame Expected Output Indicator & Impact Collaborator s Strategy 1: Procurement, Installation, testing, commissioning and Training 1. Carry out a needs Needs Assessment BoG One 2014-2019 Informed assessment survey assessment Report annual decision done report making 2. Source funds Funds List of sources BoG/ Financial 2014-2019 Improved sourced and amount s Principal report revenue MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 45 Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 500,000 500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 3: EQUIPMENT Strategic Objective: To continually equip all workshops and laboratories with adequate and relevant equipment. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time Frame Expected Output Indicator & Impact Collaborator s 3Tender Tendering Tender Board BoG All tenders 2014-2019 Reliable and done minutes advertised cost effective advertisements supplies 4.Select supplier Selection and Name of BoG 100% 2014-2019 Reliable and supply done supplier(s) and equipment cost effective equipment supplied supplies supplied 5. Install, test and commission Installation Fully equipped Principal/BoG 100% 2014-2019 Quality equipment testing and workshops and installation learning commissionin labs and testing g done 6.Train the trainers Trainers Number of BoG 100% 2014-2019 Skilled staff trained trainers trained trainers trained Strategy 2: Maintenance and servicing 1. Formulate Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Policy EMRP formulated Documentation 2. Establish and staff maintenance office. maintenance office established Maintenance Principal office. Names of maintenance MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Maintenance Officer One policy document 2014-2019 one staffed and 2014-2019 Page 46 Well maintained equipment in adequate numbers Well maintained equipment Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 500,000 10,000 500,000,000 5,000,000 300,000 6,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 3: EQUIPMENT Strategic Objective: To continually equip all workshops and laboratories with adequate and relevant equipment. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time Frame Expected Output Indicator & Impact Collaborator s and staffed staff Maintenan ce office Strategy 3: Benchmarking with industry leaders 1. Carry out needs assessment needs needs HODs one 2014-2019 informed assessment assessment assessme decision done report nt report making 1. Identify reputable industry Industry List of identified Principal, One list of 2014-2019 Informed leaders players players HoDs identified decision identified players making 2. Arrange for and carry out Half-yearly Reports Principal, Two 2014-2019 Informed half-yearly tours for benchmarkin HoDs reports per decisionbenchmarking g tours annum making carried out 3. Implement benchmarking Benchmarkin M & E reports Principal, Two 2014-2019 Improved reports g reports HoDs reports per equipment implemented annum Subtotal STRATEGIC ISSUE 4 Strategic objective: Activities Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 500,000 300,000 2,000,000 500,000 516,210,000 STAFFING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT To source and develop a pool of skilled, qualified and professional staff. Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time frame Expected Impact Budgetary Output indicator and Requirement collaborators (KSh.) Strategy 1: Source Staff MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 47 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 4 Strategic objective: Activities STAFFING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT To source and develop a pool of skilled, qualified and professional staff. Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time frame Expected Impact Budgetary Output indicator and Requirement collaborators (KSh.) 1. Assess staffing needs Staffing Staff Needs Principal, Five reports 2014-2015 Informed 50,000 needs Assessment Academic Board decision-making assessed Report 2. Compile report on staff Report Report Principal, Five reports 2014-2015 Informed 50,000 needs compiled Academic Board decision-making 3. Forward report to Report Memo Principal Five 2014-2015 Staff deployed 50,000 TSC/BOM forwarded memos 4.Advertise ,interview and Advertisemen Copy of Principal/BOG Five 2015-2019 Staffing gaps 1,000,000 recruit t ,interviews Advertisemen Reports filled and t list of staff recruitment recruited done 5.Receive and induct Teachers Staff returns Principal Five staff 2015-2019 Adequate teachers/ non-teaching staff received and returns teaching staff inducted documents Strategy 2: Formulate institutional policy on staff development. 1. Identify elements to be Elements List of BoG/Principal One list 2014-2015 Informed 50,000 covered by the policy. identified elements decision-making 2. Analyse the elements. Elements Analysis BoG/Principal One report 2014-2015 Informed 50,000 analysed report decision-making 3. Formulate the policy. Policy Policy One policy 2014-2015 Staff 50,000 formulated Document BoG/Principal document development formulated policy established MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 48 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 4 Strategic objective: Activities STAFFING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT To source and develop a pool of skilled, qualified and professional staff. Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time frame Expected Impact Budgetary Output indicator and Requirement collaborators (KSh.) 4.Implement the policy. Policy Policy BoG/Principal One policy 2014-2015 Informed decision implemented document document making implemente d Strategy 3: Conduct a needs assessment and identify linkages. 1. Collect data on the staff Needs Report on BoG One report 2014-2015 Informed 50,000 needs. assessment need Academic Board decision-making done assessment 2. Analyse the data and Data Analysis Academic Board One report 2014-2015 Informed 50,000 compile it. analysed report decision-making 3. Identify staff exchange exchange List of Principal/Academi One list 2014-2015 Informed 400,000 programmes/linkages for staff programmes/ identified c Board decision-making development. Linkages exchange identified programmes and linkages 4.Formulate a matrix for staff Matrix Matrix Principal/Academi Five 2015-2015 Informed development/linkages. developed c Board matrices decision-making Strategy 4: Source and provide funds. 1. Establish and sustain an Pool internal pool of funds for established staff development. 2. Identify donors. Donors MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Amount of money pooled List of BoG/Principal One vote head 2014-2016 Internal pool of Funds available BoG/Principal One list 2015-2016 Donors available Page 49 50,000,000 500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 4 Strategic objective: Activities 3. Write a proposal on donor funding for staff development. 4. Provide funds to the staff/institutions. STAFFING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT To source and develop a pool of skilled, qualified and professional staff. Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time frame Expected Impact Budgetary Output indicator and Requirement collaborators (KSh.) identified donors and amounts Proposals Proposals BoG /Principal Five 2015-2016 Donors willing to 500,000 written proposals provide funds Funds Amount of BoG/Principal provided to funds and list staff or of institutions beneficiaries Strategy 5: Develop IT competence among all staff 1.Equip staff with PCs on Staff Number of BoG ratio of 2:1. equipped computers 100% disburseme nt 2015-2016 Staff enrol for studies 33.3% per year 2014-2019 2. Train staff on free and Staff trained Number of compulsory basis. trained staff Strategy 6:Strive to improve working environment. Principal, HoD ICT staff trained 2014-2019 Staff with easy access to computers Staff competent in computer skills 1. Carry out work environment survey Environmenta Survey l survey done report principal 2. Implement the recommendations of the recommendat Implementati ions on report principal One 2014-2015 Survey report One 2014-2015 Implementa MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 50 Informed decision-making Improved working environment 50,000,000 2,500,000 500,000 10,000 2,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 4 Strategic objective: Activities survey. 3. Implement occupation and health safety policy STAFFING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT To source and develop a pool of skilled, qualified and professional staff. Expected Performance Lead Agency Target Time frame Expected Impact Budgetary Output indicator and Requirement collaborators (KSh.) Implemented tion report occupation and health safety policy implemented occupation and health safety policy Principal/ Health safety committee One 2014-2015 Implementa tion report healthier safer working environment 2,000,000 109,810,000 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 51 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 5: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategic objective: To deliberately and continuously use research to develop and improve systems and structures. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Frame Expected Output Indicator Collaborators Impact Strategy 1: Empower Research and Development unit. 1. Operationalize the Research and R&D policy research and Development document Development Policy. Policy operational zed 2 .Recruit R&D Officer. R&D Officer Name of recruited officer 3. Appoint R&D Committee members. 4. Train R&D Committee members. R&D Committee appointed R&D Committee members trained 5. Equip and fund R&D unit R&D unit equipped and funded Names of members One list of trained members Office, equipment, amount of funds Strategy 2: Shows, fairs, exhibitions and students’ presentations 1. Call for entries from staff Entries received List of entries and students. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) Principal, Academic Board One policy document 2014-2015 Informed decision-making 200,000 Principal, Academic Board, BoG Principal, Academic Board Principal, Academic Board One officer 2014-2015 Responsibilities allocated 50,000 One committee One member from each departmen t One equipped unit 2014-2015 Responsibilities allocated Competency in research & Development 50,000 2014-2016 Operationalizatio n of R&D Policy 5 lists of entries 2014-2016 Entries for science exhibitions Principal R & D Committee 2014-2015 Page 52 200,000 5,000,000 50,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 5: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategic objective: To deliberately and continuously use research to develop and improve systems and structures. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Frame Expected Output Indicator Collaborators Impact 2. Moderate and improve entries. Entries moderated and improved Moderated entries R & D Committee Academic Board 3. Develop moderated projects Moderated Projects developed Publicizing and advertising Items produced R & D Committee Fairs and exhibitions held Evaluation reports R & D Committee 5 2016-2019 schedules of fairs and exhibitions Successful fairs and exhibitions 10,000,000 Certificate of participation R&D commitee 5 shows and exhibitions 2016-2019 Successful fairs and exhibitions 1000,000 List of subscribed Dean of Students R & D Committee One Research 2016-2019 Vibrant Research Club 2,500,000 4. Publicise and advertise Fairs and Exhibitions and student presentations 5 Organize and hold students ‘exhibitions and presentations. 6.Participate in shows, fairs and exhibitions Exhibitions presented Strategy 3: Peer Research programmes. 1. Form and support Research Club Research Club. formed MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Advertisemen R & D Committee ts BoG 5 lists of moderated and improved entries 5 lists of items produced 5 adverts 2014-2016 Quality entries 2016-2019 Quality Project items 2016-2019 Awareness by the public Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) 50,000 Page 53 15,000,000 3,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 5: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Strategic objective: To deliberately and continuously use research to develop and improve systems and structures. Activities Expected Performance Lead Agency & Target Time Frame Expected Output Indicator Collaborators Impact 2. Set up a fully equipped incubation centre. Fully equipped incubation centre set up. members Fully equipped incubation centre . Principal BOG Club One fully equipped incubation centre 2016-2019 Sub-total MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Commercializatio n of innovation Budgetary Requirement (KShs.) 10,000,000 47,100,000 Page 54 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 6: GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Strategic objective: To strengthen good governance and effective management of the Institute. Activities Expected Performance Lead Target Time Output Indicator Agency & Frame Collaborator s Strategy 1: Promote participatory decision-making. 1. Carry out annual Customer Customer annual reports R&D One 2014Satisfaction Surveys. Satisfaction Committee survey 2019 Surveys carried p.a. out 2. Install Suggestion Boxes in strategic locations. Expected Impact Inclusive decision making Improved services Inclusive decision making Improved services Inclusive decision making Improved services Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 2,500,000 Suggestion Boxes installed Reports Integrity officer 4reports per annum 20142015 3. Organize and hold termly meetings termly meetings with student leaders with student leaders held Minutes Dean of students 3meeting s per annum 20142019 Strategy 2: Promote meritocracy. 1. Advertise all internal middle Posts management posts that fall vacant advertised Advertisements Principal 20142019 Merit-based appointments 5000,00 2. Appraise annually officers’ performance 3. Increase participation in extra- Appraisal reports Delegated Principal BoG Principal All posts advertise d internally All officers 60% of 20142019 2014- Improved performance Benefits of 100,000 Officers appraised Participation MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 55 10,000 20,000 5000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 6: GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Strategic objective: To strengthen good governance and effective management of the Institute. Activities Expected Performance Lead Target Time Output Indicator Agency & Frame Collaborator s curricular activities amongst all increased responsibilities MTTI 2019 members of MTTI 4. Recognize and reward exemplary exemplary List of staff Principal, 10 areas 2014performance performance rewarded BOG rewarded 2019 rewarded Strategy 3: Improve communication structures 1. Update notice boards weekly Notice boards Uncluttered Principal All notice 2014updated notice boards Dean boards 2019 HoDs 2. Establish a network-based Intranet Software Principal One 2014intranet system established Computers HoD ICT licensed 2019 intranet system 3. Hold monthly departmental staff Staff briefings Resolutions Principal All 2014briefings and termly staff held departm 2019 meetings ents Strategy 4: Enhance openness and integrity 1. Implement the quarterly reports of Reports Reports Principal 4 reports 2014the Integrity Committee implemented Minutes p.a. 2019 2. Review, launch and circulate Service Charter annually Service Charter reviewed and circulated MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Copies of Charter in circulation Principal Service Charter One Service Charter 20142019 Page 56 Expected Impact Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) participation Motivate staff and students 5000,000 Effective communicati on Effective communicati on 5,000,000 Coordination 100,000 Transparenc y Accountabilit y Quality Service Delivery 300,000 100,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 6: GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Strategic objective: To strengthen good governance and effective management of the Institute. Activities Expected Performance Lead Target Time Output Indicator Agency & Frame Collaborator s Committee 3. Review Service Charter annually Service Charter Reviewed Principal 5 annual 2014reviewed Charter Service reviews 2019 annually Charter Committee f. Strategy :5 Institutionalize quality management system (QMS) 1. Comply with ISO 9001:2008 QMS 2. Hold scheduled top management meetings. ISO 9001:2008 QMS implemented Top management meetings held ISO 9001:2008 certificate Minutes, MR MR At least two Audit reports At least three meetings p.a Quality Service Delivery 20142019 Quality service 20142019 More awerenes of QMS Sub-total MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Expected Impact Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 250,000 1,400,000 20,000 19,805,000 Page 57 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 7: LINKAGES AND COLLABORATIONS Strategic objective: To enhance existing linkages and collaborations and develop new ones. Activities Expected Output Performance Lead Agency Target Time Indicator & Frame Collaborators Strategy 1: Capacity building. 1. Identify areas of need Needs identified Professional Principal One 2014-2015 and Consult with & reports BoG professional identified professional Professional report p.a. practitioners. Practitioner consulted i. 2 Create awareness Awareness Workshop/ Principal One seminar 2014-2015 through attachment, created Seminar BoG report p.a. benchmarking, reports linkages and collaborations. Strategy 2: Marketing and promotional programmes. 1 Establish a marketing plan Marketing marketing plan Established plan 2 3 Advertise in the media Carry out Outdoor Advertising 4 Hold graduation ceremony annually Registrar Advertising done in media Advertiseme nts Principal Registrar Outdoor advertising done graduation ceremony held Banners Sign boards Programmes Visitors’ book Principal Registrar Principal BoG MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 One marketing plan Three advertisemen ts p.a. At least three signboards 1graduation ceremony Expected Impact Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) Informed decision making 2,500,000 Informed decision making 2,500,000 2014-2015 Increased enrolment 2014-2019 Market awareness 3,000,000 2014-2019 Market awareness Market awareness 1,500,000 2014-2019 Page 58 300,000 7,500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 7: LINKAGES AND COLLABORATIONS Strategic objective: To enhance existing linkages and collaborations and develop new ones. Activities Expected Output Performance Lead Agency Target Time Indicator & Frame Collaborators held annually 5 Carry out termly Outreach Itineraries Principal 3 2014-2019 Outreach Programmes programmes Registrar programmes carried out per year 6 Enhance the Corporate image Corporate Principal 3 CSR 2014-2019 institutional Corporate developed Social Dean of activities p.a. Image Responsibilit Students y activities 7 Participate in coCo-curricula Programmes Dean of One annual 2014-2019 curricula activities activities carried Students programme out 8 Continuously Website set Improved ICT One website 2014-2019 improve and maintained and Website Department maintain the improved Website Strategy 3: Enhance interaction with current collaborators and stakeholders. 1. Invite Resource Resource Names of Principal At least one 2014-2019 persons persons engaged resource Registrar resource persons ILO person per identified department per term 2. Carry out termly field Educational trips Itineraries Principal At least 4 2014-2019 educational trips held HoDs field trips per dept. 3. Carry out annual Benchmarking Reports Principal At least two 2014-2019 MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 59 Expected Impact Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) Market awareness 1,500,000 Market awareness 4,500,000 Market awareness 5,000,000 Global recognition and access 1,500,000 Enriched learning experiences 1,500,000 Enriched learning experiences Better 9,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 7: LINKAGES AND COLLABORATIONS Strategic objective: To enhance existing linkages and collaborations and develop new ones. Activities Expected Output Performance Lead Agency Target Time Indicator & Frame Collaborators Benchmarking trips done with market HoDs trips per year with market leaders leaders Sub-total MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Expected Impact practices Enriched learning experiences Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 1,500,000 41,500,000 Page 60 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 8: INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Strategic Objective: Provide information communication technology solutions to support learning activities and management of the college. Activities Expected Output Performance Indicator Lead Agency Target & Collaborator s Strategy 1: Provide ICT solutions to support management of the college Time Frame Expected Impact 1 Get user feedback through online helpdesk system 2 Installation of ICT integration tools. Needs assessment done Assessment Report BoG One annual report 2014-2019 Informed decision making 500,000 ICT integration tools implemented Improved ICT Integration in teaching/learnin g process BoG Effective service delivery 500,000 3 Implement eLearning system e-learning system implimented Courses offered on-line BoG/ICT 100% ICT 2014-2019 Integration in teaching/le arning and administrat ion At least 2014-2019 two(2) online courses for each departmen MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 61 Flexible and blended learning Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 2,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 8: INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Strategic Objective: Provide information communication technology solutions to support learning activities and management of the college. Activities 4 Procure ICT equipment and install Expected Output ICT equipment installed Performance Indicator Fully equipped ICT workshops and labs Lead Agency & Collaborator s BoG Target Time Frame Expected Impact Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) t 100% installation 2014-2019 Quality service delivery One member per departme nt A policy in place 2014-2019 Adequate support services 1,300,000 2014-2019 Informed decision making 100,000 A list of identified needs 2014-2019 Informed decision making 300,000 30,000,000 Strategy 2: Provide solutions to support teaching/Learning and research 2 Train ICT support team ICT support team trained A list of ICT support team BOG/ICT 3 2 Develop relevant ICT policy ICT policy developed ICT policy document BoG/ICT Needs assessment Report Principal, HoDs, staff, Strategy 3: Train Users and ICT staff 1 Carry out a comprehensive needs assessment Survey carried out MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Page 62 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 8: INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Strategic Objective: Provide information communication technology solutions to support learning activities and management of the college. Activities Expected Output Performance Indicator Lead Agency & Collaborator s Target Time Frame Expected Impact Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 2014-2019 Informed decisionmaking 2,000,000 Improved service delivery 5,000,000 survey 2 Compile a report and implement Report implemented Evaluation Report Principal, HoDs, staff One report per annum 3 Capacity build the staff in the identified areas Staff trained List of staff trained Principal, HoDs one list per 2014-2019 annum Subtotal Activities Expected Output Performance Lead Agency indicator and collaborators Strategy 1: Increase fee collection to as close as 100%. I) Continuously Accounting Computerize BoG d accounting ICT Department improve and system Continuously services Finance Office maintain the MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 41,700,000 Target Time frame Expected Impact All accounting services 2014-2019 Improved financial reporting Page 63 Budgetary Requirement (KSh.) 1,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 8: INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Strategic Objective: Provide information communication technology solutions to support learning activities and management of the college. Activities Expected Output Performance Indicator Lead Agency & Collaborator s Target Time Frame Computerize d accounting system ii Solicit for annual scholarships and bursaries for deserving students. improved Scholarships and Lists of bursaries solicited donors and annually beneficiaries Principal Dean of Students 80% sponsorship of needy students 2014-2019 iii Enhance restrictions on fee defaulters. Restrictions enhanced HoDs, Class Tutors, Finance Office 100% fee collection 2014-2019 Accounting data Strategy 2: Maintain set standards in existing parallel courses and introduce new ones 1. Introduce new parallel Parallel classes Students’ roll Registrar 30 students introduced HoDs per full-time courses. class 2. Introduce more short More short Number of Registrar Three 3courses short courses HoDs month courses. introduced courses per department 3. Introduce tailor-made Tailor-made Number of Registrar 3 programmes programmes HoDs programmes programmes. introduced p.a. MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 2014-2019 2014-2019 2014-2019 Page 64 Expected Impact Improved cash flow Reduced disruption for needy students Improved cash flow Minimal defaulting Improved enrolment and income Improved enrolment and income Improved income Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 500,000 - - 500,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 8: INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Strategic Objective: Provide information communication technology solutions to support learning activities and management of the college. Activities Expected Output Performance Indicator Lead Agency Target & Collaborator s HoDs One committee 4. Establish a Committee Names of established committee Coordinating members committee for parallel programmes Strategy 3: Establish an Entrepreneurship Development centre 1. Improve, diversify and EDC improved More Principal products BoG/ EDC coordinate available Director Entrepreneurship 2. Staff Entrepreneurship Development centre 3. Identify and sensitize markets. 4. Design and develop unique products. EDC established and staffed Names of staff employed Markets identified Market and sensitized response Unique products Number of designed and products developed 5. Recycle waste for Waste recycled Number of commercially products commercial purposes Strategy 4: Enhance linkages with private sector 1. Identify areas of Areas of support Survey and funding reports funding and support identified MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Time Frame Expected Impact Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 2014-2015 Improved coordination of parallel programmes 100,000 At least 1 product per annum 2014-2019 Vibrant production unit 2,000,000 Principal BoG One production unit 2014-2019 Vibrant production unit 1,000,000 Production Unit 5 market segments 3 products per market segment 80% waste recycled 2014-2019 Vibrant production unit Customer satisfaction 500,000 2014-2019 Reduced wastage 2,500,000 One annual report 2014-2019 Informed decision making 500,000 Production unit ECD Principal 2014-2019 Page 65 5,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 8: INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Strategic Objective: Provide information communication technology solutions to support learning activities and management of the college. Activities 2. Identify private sector players for funding and support 3. Make and present proposals for funding and support Expected Output Performance Indicator Private sector players identified Survey report Proposals made and presented Proposals Lead Agency Target & Collaborator s Principal One annual report Principal 5 proposals Time Frame Expected Impact 2014-2019 Informed decision-making 500,000 2014-2019 Private sector support 500,000 Sub-total STRATEGIC ISSUE 9: RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Strategic objective: To diversify sources of and increase revenue. Activities Expected Output Performance Lead Agency indicator and collaborators Strategy 1: Increase fee collection to as close as 100%. II) Continuously Accounting Computerize BoG system d accounting ICT Department improve and Continuously services Finance Office maintain the improved Computerize d accounting system MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Budgetary Requirements (KSh.) 14,600,000 Target Time frame Expected Impact All accounting services 2014-2019 Improved financial reporting Page 66 Budgetary Requirement (KSh.) 1,000,000 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 9: RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Strategic objective: To diversify sources of and increase revenue. Activities Expected Output Performance Lead Agency indicator and collaborators ii Solicit for annual Scholarships and Lists of Principal bursaries solicited donors and Dean of scholarships and annually beneficiaries Students bursaries for deserving students. iii Enhance restrictions on fee defaulters. Restrictions enhanced Accounting data HoDs, Class Tutors, Finance Office Target Time frame Expected Impact 80% sponsorship of needy students 2014-2019 100% fee collection 2014-2019 Improved cash flow Reduced disruption for needy students Improved cash flow Minimal defaulting Strategy 2: Maintain set standards in existing parallel courses and introduce new ones 5. Introduce new parallel Parallel classes Students’ roll Registrar 30 students introduced HoDs per full-time courses. class 6. Introduce more short More short Number of Registrar Three 3courses short courses HoDs month courses. introduced courses per department 7. Introduce tailor-made Tailor-made Number of Registrar 3 programmes programmes HoDs programmes programmes. introduced p.a. 8. Establish a Committee Names of HoDs One established committee committee Coordinating members committee for parallel programmes Strategy 3: Establish an Entrepreneurship Development centre MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 2014-2019 2014-2019 Improved enrolment and income Improved enrolment and income Budgetary Requirement (KSh.) 500,000 - - 2014-2019 Improved income 500,000 2014-2015 Improved coordination of parallel programmes 100,000 Page 67 8 STRATEGIC ISSUE 9: RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Strategic objective: To diversify sources of and increase revenue. Activities Expected Output Performance Lead Agency indicator and collaborators 6. Improve, diversify and EDC improved More Principal products BoG/ EDC coordinate available Director Entrepreneurship 7. Staff EDC established Names of Principal and staffed staff BoG Entrepreneurship employed Development centre 8. Identify and sensitize markets. 9. Design and develop unique products. Markets identified Market Production Unit and sensitized response Unique products Number of Production unit designed and products developed 10. Recycle waste for Waste recycled Number of ECD products commercial purposes commercially Strategy 4: Enhance linkages with private sector 4. Identify areas of Areas of support Survey Principal and funding reports funding and support identified 5. Identify private sector Private sector Survey report Principal players identified players for funding and support 6. Make and present Proposals made Proposals Principal proposals for funding and presented and support Sub-total MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 Target Time frame Expected Impact At least 1 product per annum 2014-2019 Vibrant production unit One production unit 2014-2019 Vibrant production unit 1,000,000 5 market segments 3 products per market segment 80% waste recycled 2014-2019 Vibrant production unit Customer satisfaction 500,000 2014-2019 Reduced wastage One annual report 2014-2019 500,000 One annual report 2014-2019 Informed decision making Informed decision-making 5 proposals 2014-2019 Private sector support 500,000 2014-2019 Budgetary Requirement (KSh.) 2,000,000 5,000,000 2,500,000 500,000 14,600,000 Page 68 8 APPENDIX:2 CURRENT ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STATE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY BOM CHIEF PRINCIPAL D/P Administration & Planning D/P Academic Affairs Registrar Dean of Students HoD Medical Science HoD Secretarial & Languages HoD Business Studies HoD Hospitality & Tourism HoD Applied Science HoD Mechanical Engineering HoD Electrical Engineering HoS Medical Science HoS Secretarial & Languages HoS Business Studies HoS Hospitality & Tourism HoS Applied Science HoS Mechanical Engineering HoS Electrical Engineering MTTI STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2019 HoD ICT HoS ICT HoD Building & Civil Engineering Industrial Liaison Officer Finance Officer Procurement Officer HoS Building & Civil Engineering Page 69 Librarian Examinat Office