INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION Conformity assessment and the IEC Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) Jan-Henrik Tiedemann IEC Community S&S Manager A Refrigerators B A B A B $ 500 $ 300 A B Refrigerator performance standard IEC 62552-1 $ 500 SDoC $ 300 SDoC A B Refrigerator performance standard IEC 62552-1 $ 500 Certified $ 300 Certified A B Refrigerator performance standard IEC 62552-1 $ 500 Certified $ 400 Certified 1. What is conformity assessment? 8 Conformity assessment (CA): Basic ideas Check to see if product adheres to standard Any method may be used Typical CA activities Testing Inspection Certification (“Here’s proof / assurance”) Declaration (“My product is conformant”) Assessment / Accreditation (quality of org.) CA costs money, but adds value Major aspect is organizing CA 9 Why perform CA? - 1 Safety: governments want to protect the population: Consumers Workers in high-risk areas Performance: buyers want to ensure quality and safety Interoperability: other manufacturers want to know that their product will work correctly with the one being assessed Industry wants proof of compliance with IEC International Standards 10 Why perform CA? - 2 World Trade Organization, WTO Regulations should be based on International Standards & conformity to them CA procedures should be comparable Existing CA results should be accepted Transparency, predictability, low cost Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) No privileges for local products No privileges for local CA procedures 11 Definitions Conformity Assessment (CA) Checking that a product conforms to a specification First-party CA Carried out by manufacturer, supplier Second-party CA Carried out by customer Third-party CA Carried out by independent organization Neither of the first two interested parties Certification Third-party, formal CA, producing a certificate Provides assurance that product is conformant 12 2. The IEC and conformity assessment 13 IEC’s mission & CA To achieve its mission, the IEC works through its National Committee members, through cooperative agreements, and directly The IEC offers both standards development and conformity assessment services IEC standards are suitable for 1st, 2nd and 3rdparty CA The IEC CA promotes use by industry and recognition by regulators of the IEC Conformity Assessment Systems 14 IEC Conformity Assessment Policy IEC CA serves the needs of international trade Transparency and neutrality Seek to provide services with respect to first and second party CA Conformity Assessment Board (CAB) Work with ISO/CASCO and develop joint ISO/IEC standards for CA Promote the value of peer assessment Work with other international CA bodies Industry participation at all levels, including management bodies Standards are written to facilitate first, second and third party CA CA services are available to all stakeholders Participation in Systems open to both IEC member NCs & non-IECmember countries Oversight of IEC third-party CA Systems Representative of the whole IEC community International Accreditation Forum (IAF) International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) 15 Goals of IEC CA One test, one certification, one mark (where relevant) Remove delays and costs of multiple testing and approval Help industry to open up new markets Industry can get its products to market more quickly and with less expense Reduce trade barriers caused by different certification criteria in various countries Help to ensure a fair global trading system in accordance with WTO rules on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Provide a “standardized” approach to testing and certification 16 IEC organizational structure IEC COUNCIL National Committees Central Office (The Executive) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (IEC Officers) Management Advisory Committees COUNCIL BOARD MARKET STRATEGY BOARD STANDARDIZATION MGMT BOARD Management of International Consensus Standards Work CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BOARD Management of CA policy and Systems Technical Committees Policy, strategy, Working Groups Advisory Committees IECEE Strategic Groups IECEx IECQ 17 IEC CA structure • Policy CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BOARD IEC Conformity Assessment Systems Working groups • Strategy • Projects IECEE IECEx IECQ System for conformity testing and certification of electrotechnical equipment and components System for certification to standards for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres Approval and certification system for electronic components 18 The CAB’s responsibilities CA Policy CA decision-making body Same level as SMB Reports to Council Board (CB) Responsible for all Systems Approves their Rules, accounts, budgets Organizes “CABPUBs”, draft ISO/IEC international standards on CA (ISO/CASCO) 19 3. The three IEC Systems 20 IEC Systems overview Neither IEC nor the Systems carry out testing or issue certificates Testing is carried out by testing laboratories accepted by the Systems Certificates are issued by certification body members of the Systems The Systems provide an ordered framework in which certification bodies and testing laboratories operate Acceptance into the Systems of certification bodies and testing laboratories is by peer assessment IEC exercises oversight of the operations of the Systems 21 The Systems are Product-based, not system-based, although IECQ has a system component Users of IEC international standards but structured to accommodate national differences Membership organizations Governed by the members Self financing Managed by IEC staff Overseen by the IEC Conformity Assessment Board 22 Principles Openness All may use the Systems (like IEC Standards) All who undertake to follow rules may become members Transparent, democratic All decisions are taken by members All rules are written down, approved & published Mutual recognition Also called “reciprocal acceptance” Peer assessment 23 The IECEE: What it is System for conformity testing and certification of electrotechnical equipment and components 24 The IECEE: What it covers IT and office equipment Electronics, entertainment Electrical equipment for medical use Installation accessories and connection devices Safety transformers and similar equipment Lighting Switches for appliances and automatic controls for electrical household appliances Portable tools Photovoltaics Household and similar equipment Measuring instruments Low voltage, high power switching equipment Installation protective equipment Capacitors as components Batteries Cables and Cords 25 IECEx: What it is Worldwide system for certification to standards relating to equipment for use in explosive atmospheres 26 IECEx: What it covers Ex equipment: almost any electrical device Services: repair & maintenance Competence of personnel Petrol stations Oil refineries & rigs Chemical processing plants Printing/textile industries Hospital operating theatres Aircraft refuelling and hangars Surface coating industries Coal mines Sewerage treatment plants Gas pipelines Grain handling and storage Woodworking areas Sugar refineries Metal surface grinding 27 4. Standards on how to do conformity assessment 28 The ISO Committee on CA: ISO/CASCO International Standards on how to do CA Called the “CASCO Toolbox of ISO/IEC Standards” Always published as dual-number ISO/IEC standards IEC collaborates in a major way IEC CAB on policy matters and advisory groups Many IEC experts, especially from the IEC CA Systems, in Working Groups drafting standards All standards are voted on by IEC National Committees as well as ISO Member Bodies Identified as “CABPUB” documents on IEC system 29 5. Relationship between standards and CA 30 Relationship between standards and CA A good standard is a checkable standard Distinguish: 1. Standards for objects of CA, from 2. Standards for how to carry out CA Separate type 1. from type 2. standards Separate Product/process/service standards from Mgmt. system standards ISO/IEC Dir., Part 2, 6.7 31 Relationship of TCs to CA Good practice in standards-writing Performance approach Testable specifications Reproducible tests ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 Distinguish responsibilities TCs: write standards Neutral with respect to 1st, 2nd or 3rd-party CA: uses standards, does not write them Information exchange (experts, cttees) 32 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION