GlobalTesTer Prove InsPecTIon sysTem. GT PROVE IS Inspection System Conformity Test Suite e-Passport Conformity Test Suite e-Passport Simulator e-Passport API ISO 14443 Card Simulator ISO 14443 Reader Simulator Test-Management-Platform Open Source The GT Prove IS enables users to prove the conformance of e-passport inspection systems with the international standards for electronic passports. Incorporating the world‘s first real-time EAC passport simulator, the GT Prove IS provides users with a high-performance, reliable and extensible test tool for e-passport inspection systems worldwide. Interoperability between e-passports and readers is of paramount importance. Authorities and manufacturers must rely on solutions which conform to the international standards for EAC passports. The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has published the test standard TR-03105 to prove the conformance of e-passport and advanced inspection systems with ICAO and EU requirements. With GT Prove IS, users can prove the conformance of inspection systems according to TR-03105 part 5.1. This test tool incorporates an ISO 14443 card simulator device, EAC passport simulator software and a script-based test suite. The e-passport simulator works as a unique “golden reference”. The test scripts can be executed in an automatic batch process or individually. The scripting language provides full transparency to the test engineer and is flexible to be able to add user-specific test cases quickly. GT Prove IS is an application extension for the GT TestManager, a well-proven and reliable test platform for smart card applications. The GT TestManager is provided to users as Open Source software licensed under GNU GPL. The GT Prove IS will be charged via a GlobalTester agreement, which includes service and warranty for GT TestManager. FeaTUres ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Conformity test tool for e-passport inspection systems Implements the test standards > BSI TR-03105 part 5.1 for EAC passport inspection systems > BSI and AFNOR, Supplemental Access Control: Inspection System conformity tests for SAC (PACE v2) implementation Real-time simulation of EAC passports Easy-to-use scripts to generate multiple e-passport configurations Support for all passportspecific cryptography High-quality CLT One by COMPRION as ISO 14443 card simulator device Upgrades for ongoing extensions to test standards Updates for product enhancements and bug fixes Automatic update and upgrade mechanism including latest version via Eclipse update manager E-mail and phone support (09:00 – 17:00 CET) Maximum initial response time: 1 business day Service and warranty agreement for Open Source GT TestManager For more InFormaTIon aboUT The GT PROVE IS Please asK For The WhITePaPer. GlobalTester Prove Inspection System. Inspection System Conformity Test Suite ▪ ▪ Comprehensive conformity tests for testing the application layers of e-passport inspection systems (layers 6 and 7) Conformity test suite built on JavaScript, GlobalPlatform Scripting language and XML ▪ ▪ e-Passport Simulator ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ISO 14443 Card Simulator Simulates BAC, SAC and EAC passports according to ICAO 9303 and TR-03110 Supports all e-passport specific cryptography (RSA, DSA, ECDSA, SHA-x) Real-time simulation, performs ▪ ▪ ▪ like a real e-passport Configuration of EAC and SAC passport simulator by means of GlobalPlatform personalization commands Based on CLT One card simulator by COMPRION Reliable and high-quality test hardware ▪ Conformity of the ISO 14443 simulation certified according to the TR-03105 test standard, part 2 (layers 1 to 4) Tests according to test standard > BSI TR-03105 part 5.1 for EAC passport inspection systems > BSI and AFNOR, Supplemental Access Control: Inspection System conformity tests for SAC (PACE v2) implementation Conformity tests extensible by user-defined tests through GlobalPlatform scripting ▪ Java API for certificate generation for chip, passive and terminal authentication ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Java API for LDS data group and SOD generation Based on JavaCard technology Plug-in for the Eclipse platform Supports up to 848 kbps bit rates Configurable initialization and activation protocol Can be enhanced by in-depth protocol monitoring and analyzing using the Monitoring Software and Analog Scope extension by COMPRION Provides Class 1 antenna Who we are. HJP Consulting is an internationally active­ firm of IT consultants specialising in the ­planning, procurement and approval of smart card solutions with a focus on ­e-passport, eID and e-health sectors. HJP Consulting ­offers services in the areas of consulting, training, testing and certification. The GlobalTester product family has been on the market since 2004 and is being continually further developed. HJP Consulting is highly involved with the ISO and ICAO regarding the global standardisation of e-passport and smart card solutions. On behalf of the German Federal Office for InformationSecurity (BSI), HJP Consulting has been overseeing the development of the “ICAO Test Standards for E-Passports” as well as technical guideline BSI TR-03105 Part 1 to 5 for the testing of ­e-passports and EAC inspection systems. HJP Consulting and COMPRION (­ have been cooperating for many years within the scope of a long-standing partnership. COMPRION is the leading provider of test devices for testing smart cards, card readers and mobile phones within the framework of international standards. Thanks to close cooperation between HJP Consulting and COMPRION, a targeted product portfolio has been developed for testing eID documents and associated reading devices. Reference customers of the GT Prove ePA Reader include the Federal ­Office for Information Security (BSI). References are available at HJP Consulting GmbH Hauptstraße 35 33178 Borchen - Germany fon+49 (0) 52 51 - 41 77 60 fax +49 (0) 52 51 - 41 77 666