Resume - Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and

Curriculum Vitae of Dr. M. Amarnath
Personal Information
Nationality :
Dr. M. Amarnath
Assistant Professor; 21-01-2008 to till date.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur
Sex :
Dumna Airport Road, Khamaria (Post),
Jabalpur – 482005, Madhya Pradesh,India
Educational Qualifications
Marital Status :
Post Doctoral Fellow with Prof. Sang Kwon Lee(Sep, 2012 – July,2013)
Acoustics & Vibration Signal Processing Lab
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Date of Birth :
InhaUniversity, Incheon, South Korea
Ph.D., Machine Design ( 2008)
June 1973
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India.
Contact :
M. Tech., Maintenance Engineering (2000 – 2002)
+91 9425805414
S. J. College of Engineering, Mysore, India.
+91 761-2632044(O) Extn(129)
B. E., Mechanical Engineering (1995 – 1999)
Fax :+91- 761-2632524
National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Research Interest
E-mail :
Tribology -Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication; Wear; Gears; Bearings.
Wear analysis for fault diagnosis and machine condition monitoring.
Vibration analysis and signal processing applied to machine condition monitoring
Passport No. :
Model based and predictive methods
Structural health monitorintoring using thermography
Cutting tool tribology
Permanent Address
Amaranth M, S/o Muniyappa
Amarnath Nilaya,
Mehaboob Nagar,
29 Journal papers are published/accepted
PhD work
Chintamani- 563125
Ph.D. ( 2003 – 2008)
Kolar (Dist)
Karnataka, India.
Ph. 08154 317237
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
: Fault diagnosis of spur/helical gears using vibration and Tribological
parameters monitoring
Guided by
: Prof. C. Sujatha and Prof. S. Swarnamani
References :
1 Prof.. C. Sujatha
My research work focuses on elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) and wear
Machine Design Section,
studies of rolling and sliding contact machine elements such as rolling element
Department of Mechanical
bearings, gears and journal bearings. Tribological parameters viz. specific film
Engineering, IIT Madras,
thickness, wear particle morphology, lubricant contaminations etc. are
Chennai, 600036, India
considered to assess wear mechanisms in machine elements.
Tel No. 91-44-2257 4682
acoustic signals are also used in conjunction with tribological parameters for a
E-mail :
good understanding of wear propagation in machine elements subjected to
Vibration and
various operating conditions. Latest signal processing tools such as empirical
2. Prof. Sarit Kumar Das
mode decomposition (EMD), ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD)
and wavelet analyses methods have been used in my research work and
Heat Thermal and Transfer
research outputs have been published in several international journals and
Power Lab,
Department of Mechanical
Refereed journals
IIT Madras, Chennai, 600036,
Arora, V., Siddiqui, J., Mulaveesala, R.,
Amarnath, M. (2014) Pulse
Ph. 9500072602
Compression Approach to Non-stationary Infrared Thermal Wave Imaging
for Non-destructive Testing of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers. DOI
10.1109/JSEN.2014.2361391, IEEE Sensors Journal (Impact factor – 1.85)
3. Dr. J. Ramkumar
based pulse compression approach to infrared thermal wave imaging for
Associate Professor,
sub-surface defect detection in steel material”, Insight, 56(10), 2014 (Journal
Manufacturing Science Lab,
Impact factor : 0.45).
Department of Mechanical
Engineering, IIT Kanpur,
V Arora, J A Siddiqui, R Mulaveesala, M Amarnath, “Hilbert transform-
S.K. Lee, M. Amarnath, “Experimental investigations to establish
Kanpur 208016
correlation between Stribeck curve, specific film thickness and statistical
parameters of vibration and sound signals in a spur gear system”, Journal of
Ph. 9451220918
Vibration Control. doi: 10.1177/1077546314544164 (Accepted – JournalImpact
factor : 4.2).
Hemanthkumar, M. Amarnath, Deepak Jain, V. Sugumaran , “Fault
Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box Using Naïve Bayes And Bayes Net”,
International Journal of Decision Support Systems. (Accepted)
J. Kim, M. Amarnath and S.K Lee, “Experimental Investigation to Establish
Correlation between Specific FilmThickness and Sound Signals in a Spur
Gear System”, Trans. Korean Soc. Noise Vib. Eng., 24(8) : 643- 650, 2014
Hemanthakumar, V.SugumaranandM. Amarnath, “Fault Diagnosis of
Bearings through Sound Signal using Statistical features and Bayes
classifier”, Advances in vibration Engineering. (Accepted – Journal Impact
factor : 0.3)
Hemanthakumar, T.A. Ranjit Kumar, M. Amarnath and V. Sugumaran,
“Fault Diagnosis of Bearings through Vibration Signal Using Bayes
Classifiers”, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and
Technology, Vol 6, No.1, 2014.
Aditya, M. Amarnath,
and P.K. Kankar, “Feature Extraction and Fault
Severity Classification in Ball Bearings” Journal of Vibration Control, ISSN:
1077-5463,, ISSN: (Accepted
– JournalImpact factor : 4.2)
J. S Kim, M.Amarnathand S. K. Lee “Experimental Investigation to Establish
Correlation Between Specific Film Thickness and Vibration Signals in Spur
Gear System”, Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A,
38 (9), 1005-1012, (Journal Impact factor : 0.2 ).
10. M. Amarnath, Praveen Krishna, “Local fault detection in helical gears via
vibration and acoustic signals using EMD based statistical parameter
analysis”, Measurement. 58, 154-164
(Journal Impact factor : 1.56).
11. Aditya, M. Amarnath, P.K. Kankar, “Failure Analysis of a GreaseLubricated Cylindrical Roller Bearing” Procedia Technology, 14, 59-66
(Elsevier publication).
12. J. Durwesh, M. Amarnath, H Chelladurai, J. Ramkumar
investigation on the effect of vegetable based cutting fluid in turning AISI
1040 steel”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume (541-542) 2014.
13. M. Amarnath, C. Sujatha, “Surface contact fatigue failure assessment in
spur gears using lubricant film thickness and vibration signal analysis”,
Tribology Transactions,
doi. 10.1080/10402004.2014.97199 ( Accepted-
JournalImpact factor : 1.081)
14. M. Amarnath, Arunav Sanyal, Hemantha kumar, V. Sugumaran and G.S.
Raghvendra, “Fault Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box using Large Margin K-
Nearest Neighbors Classifier using Sound Signals”, Advances in vibration
Engineering. Status (Accepted- JournalImpact factor : 0.3).
15. M.Amarnath, C. Sujatha and S. Swarnamani “Gear fault assessment based
on continuous wavelet transforms”, Advances in Vibration Engineering, 12 (1)
33- 47. 2013. (Journal Impact factor: 0.328)
16. M. Amarnath, Praveen Krishna, “Detection and diagnosis of surface wear
failure in spur gear using EEMD based vibration analysis” Tribology
International,61, 224–234, 2013 (Citations: 6) (Journal Impact factor: 1.55)
17. M. Amarnath, V Sugumaran, Hemantha kumar, (2013) “Exploiting Sound
Signals for Fault Diagnosis of Bearings Using Decision Tree", Measurement ,
46, 1250–1256, 2013 (Citations: 7) (Journal Impact factor:0.96)
18. M. Amarnath, Deepak Jain, V. Sugumaran, and Hemanthakumar, Fault
Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box using Decision tree and Best – First Tree,
International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering, Vol.1, Issue 1, pp.
22-33, 2013.
19. Hemanthakumar, T.A. Ranjit Kumar, M. Amarnath and V. Sugumaran
(2012), “Fault Diagnosis of Anti Friction Bearings through Sound Signals
using Support Vector Machine”, Journal of Vibroengineering, 14(4). 1601 –
1606, 2013(Citations: 4) (Journal Impact factor: 0.34)
20. V. Sugumaran, Deepak Jain, M. Amarnath and Hemanthakumar, “Fault
Diagnosis of Helical Gear Box using Decision Tree through Vibration
Signals”, International journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 2, 195208, 2013. (Citations:2)
21. R. Mulaveesala S.S.B Panda, R.N Mude and M. AmarnathNon-destructive
evaluation of concrete structures by non-stationary thermal wave imaging,
Progress In Electromagnetic Research Letters, 32, 39-48, 2012. (Citations: 8)
(Journal Impact factor: 5.29)
22. M. Amarnath, Praveen Krishna, “Empirical Mode Decomposition of
Acoustic Signals for Diagnosis of Faults in Gears and Rolling Element
Bearings”, IET Science, Measurement&Technology, 6 (4), 279-287, 2012. .
(Citations: 10)( Journal Impact factor: 1.00).
23. M. Amarnath, C. Sujatha and S. Swarnamani, “Experimental Investigations
of Surface Wear Assessment of Spur Gear Teeth”, Journal of Vibration Control
, 18, 1009 – 1024, 2012, (Citations: 7) ( Journal Impact factor: 1.9)
24. M. Amarnath, Narayan Kumar and Hemantha Kumar, “Assessment of
lubricating oil degradation in a spur geared system”, International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research, 6(5), 849 – 856, 2011.
25. M. Amarnath, C. Sujatha and S. Swarnamani, “Detection and Diagnosis of
Gear Tooth Wear Through Metallurgical and Oil Analysis”, Tribology Online
– a journal published by the Japanese Society of Tribologists., 5 (2), 102-110, 2010
(Citations: 1)
26. M. Amarnath, C. Sujatha and S. Swarnamani, ”Experimental investigations
on the effects of reduction in Gear tooth stiffness and lubrication film
thickness in a spur geared system”,Tribology International,42, 340-352, 2009 (
Citations - 22) ; (Journal Impact factor: 1.557)
27. Sivarao, M. Amarnath , M.S Rizal, A. Kamely, “An Investigation Toward
Development Of Economical Brake Lining Wear Alert System”, International
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, , 9(9), 251-256, 2009 (Citations –
28. Mallikarjuna Reddy D, M. Amaranth, R. Srinidhi. and S. PrabhuSwamy
“Experimental investigation and analysis of defects in tapered roller
bearings using condition monitoring techniques”. Journal of advances in
vibration engineering, 7(4), 51 - 55. 2008. (Journal Impact factor: 0.328)
29. M. Amarnath, A. Ramachandra, R. Srinidhi and S. B. Kandagal, “Prediction
of Defects in Antifriction Bearings Using Vibration Signal Analysis”, Journal
of Institution of Engineers (India), 85, 88 – 92, 2004 ( Citations – 24)
Under Review
30. Vedanth, V.Sugumaran,M. Amarnath and Hemanthakumar,
diagnosis of helical gear box using sound signal and tree based algorithms”,
Measurement. Status: -Under Review.
31. R.K.
Amarnath, “A
comparative study of Naïve Bayes classifier and Bayes Net classifier for
fault diagnosis of roller bearing using sound signal”, International Journal
of Decision Support Systems. Status: -Under Review.
32. M. Amarnath, S.K. Lee “ Assessment of surface contact fatigue failure in a
spur geared system based on the vibration and tribological parameter
analysis “ Tribology International ( Under review)
Conference Publication
Aditya Sharma, M. Amarnath, P.K. Kankar, 2014, Effect of Unbalanced
Rotor on the Dynamics of Cylindrical Roller Bearings, 9th IFToMM
International Conference on Rotor Dynamics (IFToMM ICORD 2014),
September 22-25, 2014, Milan, Italy.
Aditya Sharma, M. Amarnath, P.K. Kankar, 2014, Effect of varying the
number of rollers on dynamics of a cylindrical roller bearing, ASME 2014
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, New
York, USA.
Gangadhar N., Hemantha Kumar, Narendranath S., Sugumaran V. and
Amarnath M., “Fault Diagnosis of Bearings through Vibration Signal Using
Decision Tree Algorithm”, Proceedings of International Conference on
Advances in Tribology [ICAT14], Feb
24, 2014, NIT calicut
Ajay Vardhaman B.S, DurweshJhodkar, J. Ramkumar, M. Amarnath, H.
Chelladurai, “ Tool wear assessment in turning AISI 1040 steel using cutting
Manufacturing and Metrology, ICMMM -14, 8-9 Aug 2014, Indian Institute
of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
RavibabuMulaveesala, Subbarao V. Ghali, VanitaArora, Juned A. Siddiqui,
AmarnathMuniyappa, “Numerical approach to binary complementary
Applications XXXVI, 3-5 May 2014, Baltimore, Maryland United Status.
RavibabuMulaveesala, Subbarao V. Ghali, VanitaArora, Juned A. Siddiqui,
nondestructive testing and evaluation” Thermal Infrared Applications
XXXVI, 3-5 May 2014, Baltimore, Maryland United States.
RavibabuMulaveesala, Subbarao V. Ghali, VanitaArora, Juned A. Siddiqui,
AmarnathMuniyappa, “Pulse compression approach to digitized frequency
modulated infrared imaging for nondestructive testing of carbon fibre
reinforced polymers” Thermal Infrared Applications XXXVI, 3-5 May 2014,
Baltimore, Maryland United States.
Hemanthakumar, M. Amarnath andV.Sugumaran,“Fault Diagnosis of Anti
Friction Bearings using Vibration and Sound Signals – A Neural Network
Approach”, CAE 2013, IIT Madras, Dec 2013, Chennai.
RavibabuMulaveesala, Subbarao V. Ghali, VanitaArora, Juned A. Siddiqui,
AmarnathMuniyappa, “Theory, modeling, and simulations for thermal
wave detection and ranging”, Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications
XXXV, 29 April - 3 May 2013, Baltimore, Maryland United States .
10. RavibabuMulaveesala, VanitaArora, Juned A. Siddiqui, Subbarao V. Ghali,
AmarnathMuniyappa “Recent advances in thermal wave detection and
ranging for non-destructive testing and evaluation of materials” Thermal
Infrared Applications XXXV, 29 April - 3 May 2013, Baltimore, Maryland
United States.
11. RavibabuMulaveesala, Juned A. Siddiqui,VanitaArora,Subbarao V. Ghali ,
“Nondestructive testing and evaluation of
composites by non-invasive IR Imaging techniques ”,
Thermal Infrared Applications XXXV, 29 April - 3 May 2013, Baltimore,
Maryland United States .
12. Ajay Vardhaman B. S, M. Amarnath and R. Srinidhi “Time domain
signalanalysis of two stage helical gear box”, Proceedings of Global
Conference–CPIE - 2013 on March 29-31, 2013, National Institute
ofTechnology, Jalandhar, Punjab., India.
13. Satyendra Singh, Subhash K. Gautam, VishramMeena, M. Amarnath,“Wear
assessment in journal bearing under mixed film lubrication” InnDem-2012),
PDPM Indian Institute of
Information Technology, Design and
Manufacturing, December 5-7, 2012, Jablpur (India).
14. M. Amarnath, andSang-Kwon Lee, “ Assessment of Surface contact fatigue
failures in spur geared system: A case study”:, Proceeding so APVC
15. Ajay Vardhaman B. S, M. Amarnath and R. Srinidhi “Fault detection and
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Changes and Challenges in
Commerce, Engineering, Technology and Social Sciences-July 26, 2013 ,
Pune, Maharastra, India.
16. Jitendra Singh, Ravi Kumar, Aditya, P.K. Kankar, M. Amarnath, “ Feature
selection and performance evaluation for fault diagnosis of rolling element
bearings using support vector machine” September 16-17, 2013, (DRAMA2013), National Institute of Technical Teachers ‘ Training and Research,
Bhopal (India)
17. Aditya, M. Amarnath, P. K. Kankar “ Effect of fault seniority on vibrations
of rolling element bearings using response surface method”
International conference on Intelligent Robotics,
2 nd
Automation and
Manufacturing (IRAM-2013), pp. 355-363,December 16-18 (2013), Indian
Institute of Technology, Indore (India).
18. Pavan K. Kankar and M. Amarnath, “Detection of local faults in gearbox
using discrete wavelet transform”, Wokshop on Mining and Learning in
Fault Diagnosis August 10-12, 2012, Xiamen, China
19. AmarnathMuniyappa, Panda Soma SekharaBalaji, MudeRuplaNaik and
RavibabuMulaveesala,” Non-destructive evaluation of concrete structures
by non-stationary thermal wave imaging”, SPIE, Thermosense: Thermal
Infrared Applications XXXIV, 23 - 27 April 2012,Baltimore Convention
Center Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
20. RavibabuMulaveesala,
AmarnathMuniyappa, “Non stationary thermal wave imaging techniques
for inspection of Wooden Materials”, SPIE, Thermosense: Thermal Infrared
Applications XXXIV, 23 – 27 April 2012,Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
21. RavibabuMulaveesala,
“Matched excitation for thermal non destructive testing of carbon fiber
reinforced plastic materials”, SPIE, Thermosense: Thermal Infrared
Applications XXXIV, 23 - 27 April 2012, Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
22. Aditya,Amarnath M, Kankar P K (2012), “Detection of Local Faults in
International & 25th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and
Research Conference (AIMTDR-2012), pp. 723-727., December 14-16, 2012,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
23. Hemanthakumar, Ranjit Kumar and Amarnath M,“Fault Diagnosis of
Bearings through Vibration Signal using J48 Classifier”, International
Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Soft Computing, July 11 - 13,
2012, Coimbatore.
24. Saiveena, K, Gupta, P, Amarnath, M, Sastry C.S (2012). Signal Processing
and Communications (SPCOM),2012, IISC Bangalore. (Citation: 1)
25. M. Amarnath et al. “Wear assessment in journal bearing under mixed film
lubrication, Proceedings of InnDeM, December 05-07, 2012, IIITDM
Jabalpur (India).
26. Aditya, Ujjawalkumar, Naveen K Barnwal, M. Amarnath, P.K. Kankar,
“Wear analysis of cylindrical roller bearing”, International conference in
innovations in design and manufacturing (InnDem-2012), December 5-7,
2012, PDPM Indian Institute of
Information Technology, Design and
Manufacturing, Jablpur (India).
27. M. Amarnathet al. “Application of infrared imaging for sub-surface sensing
of glass fiber reinforced plastic materials”, PFAM-19, Jan – 14 -17 – 2011,
pp. 631 – 638, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
28. RuplaNaikMude,
SekharaBalaji Panda,
AmarnathMuniyappa and RavibabuMulaveesala, “Coded Excitation for
Infrared Non-destructive Testing of Steel Materials”, NDESAI-2011, 2-3
Dec 2011, Jamshedpur, India.
29. M. Amarnath, R.L. Gautam, Mukesh Kumar Roy, Sunil Agrawal, Ajay
Kumarand Hemantha Kumar., “An Experimental Study of Cutting Fluid
Effects in Turning”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering
(ICIE 2011), December 25-26, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.
30. M. Amarnath, Deepak Singhal, Gauravagarwal, Vijaypal “An Experimental
Study of Cutting Fluid Effects in Drilling”, IV International Conference on
Advances in Mechanical Engineering- ICAME, Sep. 23-25, 2010, pp 311- 315,
NIT Surat, India.
31. M. Amarnath, B. Raghu Naik B Aditya Kumar Singh, and Ch. Dinesh Joshi
“A power spectral density based approach for detection of post-ictal heart
oscillations with partial epilepsy”, ICCAE – Feb. 26-28, 2010 Singapore
32. M. Amarnath, “Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for
Detection of Spur gear Faults”, IPROMM-2009, July - 2009, pp. 51-55,
IIITDMKancheepuram, Tamilnadu, India.
33. M. Amarnath, Praveen Krishna “Detection and Diagnosis of Fault in Two
Stage Helical Gearbox Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Method”,
Proceedings of 53rd Congress of ISTAM,Dec. 27-30, 2008, pp.1621,OusmanuiaUninersity, Hyderabad – India.
34. Nithin Patel, and M. Amarnath “ Condition Monitoring of Antifriction
Bearings With Multiple Faults Using Continuous Wavelet Transforms “
– 30,
presentation award)
35. J. MadhuSudhan and M. Amarnath “Fault Identification in Rolling Element
Bearing of a Centrifugal Pump using Continuous Wavelet Transform”,
National Conference on Recent Developments and Future Trends in
Mechanical Engineering RDFTME-2006, November 03-04, 2006, pp. 212216, NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India.
36. M. Hashim, M. Amarnath, S. Swarnamani and C. Sujatha“Diagnosis of
Gear Wear by Experimental and Theoretical Approach”, Proceedings of
12thNational Conference on Machines and Mechanisms NaCoMM-2005, 18 –
19 December, pp. 284 – 290, 2005, IIT Guwahati, India.
37. M. Amarnath, C. Sujatha and S. Swarnamani, “Gear Fault Detection Using
oil film thickness and Vibration Analysis”, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Materials Engineering
ICRAMME, 30 – 31 May 2005, pp. 788-792, C.N.P.A.M. University Malaya,
38. M. Amarnath, S. Swarnamani and C. Sujatha,“Application of Wavelet
Transform To Gearbox Fault Diagnosis”
Proceedings of 12 th National
Conference on Machines and Mechanisms NaCoMM, 18 – 19 December,
2005, pp. 195 – 201 2005, IIT Guwahati, India.
39. M. Amarnath, C. Sujatha and S. Swarnamani, “Classification of Gear Wear
using Artificial Neural Networks”, Twelfth International Congress on
Sound and Vibration,11 - 14 July, 2005, paper no. 477,LisbonPortugal.
(Citation 1)
40. M. Amarnath, A. Ramachandra and R. Srinidhi, “Condition monitoring of
Antifriction bearing using Vibration and Acoustic emission Analysis”,
proceedings of 47th conference of Indian society of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics (An International meet),21 – 24 December, 2002, IIT Guwahati,
41. M. Amaranth and A. Ramachandra, “Studies on condition monitoring of
Antifriction bearings”, proceedings of National conference on Recent trends
in Condition Monitoring of Machines,NMAM, 21 – 22 March, 2002, pp. 51
– 54, Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka, India.
Membership in Professional Bodies
Tribology Society of India (Life Membership), LM 3688.
Indian Society for Technical Education (Life membership No. 60987)
International Association of Computer Science and Information
Technology (IACSIT, Senior Member No. 80333578)
\ Visits to Academic Institutes / Research Organizations / Industries (outside
Name of the Institute/
Purpose of Visit
Incheon Seoul, South
To pursue Post doctoral
Sep2012 to July 2013
Tokyo Institute of
Technology and Kyoto
University, Japan.
To explore the
possibility of
collaborative research
Nov-Dec - 2009
Okuma Corporation,
Aichi, Japan.
To explore the
possibility of
collaborative research
Nov-Dec - 2009
Reviewer in International Journals
IET Science, Measurement & Technology (Emerald Publications)
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer
Neurocomputing (Elsevier publication)
Invited Talks Delivered
1. July 15 2005, Artificial Neural Network Models for Evaluating
Earthquake Risk and Seismic Liquifaction Potential, National Programme
on Earthquake Engineering Education (NPEEE), Sponsered Short Term
training Course on Probability Methods in Earthquake Engineering
(PMEE 2005), Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Madras, Chennai ( Tamilnadu, India).
2. June 16 2005, Soft Computing Techniques for Earthquake Risk
Evaluation, National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education
(NPEEE), Sponsored Short Term Course on Solid Dynamic and
Earthquake Engineering (SDEE 2005), Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai (Tamilnadu, India).
3. January 19 2007, Applications of Artificial Neural Network in fault
diagnosis of machinery : A case study, Soft Computing Approaches in
Engineering Applications (SCAEA 2007), Sponsored Short Term training
Course, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Madras, Chennai (Tamilnadu, India).
4. April 5 2013, Applications of signal processing techniques in condition
monitoring rotating machines, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Reva Institute of Technoogy, Bangalore (Karnataka, India)
5. May 2 2013, Assessment of faults in gears and bearing using trbolocal
parameters, Deapartment of Mechanical Engineering. SJC Institute of
Technology, Chickballapur (Krnataka, India).
6. March 21-23, Analysis of correlation between Stribeck curve, specific
film thickness and statistical parameters of vibration and sound signals
in a spur gear system. A short term course onbearing and gear fault
diagnosis,IIT Indore, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India)
7. September 22,
Machine Elements and Tribology, Deapartment of
Mechanical Engineering. SJC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur
(Krnataka, India).
8. November 1-2, Surface contact fatigue failure assessment in spur gears
using lubricant film thickness and vibration signal analysis, FDM’14, A
short term course onbearing and gear fault diagnosis, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology
Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur, Dumna Airport Road, Khamaria
(Post), Jabalpur – 482005, Madhya Pradesh, India
Extra – Curricular Activities
Delivered 3 patriotic lectures at All India Radio (AIR) – Mysore, during
2000 – 2001.
Worked as an active member and anchor in cultural events conducted
by IITM Kannada Cultural Club.
 Served as Tsunami Relief Leader at the affected site in Tamilnadu during
December 2004
(M. Amarnath )
Date: 10/02/2015