V 19 20 33 34 34 12 0 20 30 31 • • . ' • # HOME OP THE ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY - POWER DEVELOPMENT # Temperatures Wed., Nov. 15 Thun 5., Nov. 16 Fri., Nov. 17 Sat., Nov. 18 Sun., Nov. 19 V .11 .0 .14 .27 .13 The Massena Observer MASSENA'S OLDEST INDUSTRY ESTABLISHED DEC. 2, 1891 Massena, N.Y., Tuesday, Nov. 21,1967 Vol. 76, No. 6632 in Ice SINGLE COPY 16c Fund Drive To Date Many House to House? Returns Yet to Report; 2,000 Seats Available rviiiiion Tony Romeo Mohawk Describes Budget Strike sained Kaiier Show The Arena for Massena Fond Drive bae just begun to pick up momentum. Are you a financial supporter yet? Join 'em! Called Off In Tony Romeo's column toPledges ad contributions to Mr. and 'Mrs. Claude, 1 The County Board of Super- day, entitled "Kaleidoscope?, Utica (AP) - Mohawk Airthe Rotary Ice Improveme n nell, Stan Corbin, Mr. and Mrs.. visors, by a unanimous vo t e , Tony describes the thrill of at- lines and Air Line Pilots AssoFund have gone over the $70,- John P. O'Shea, Carlos J. F ^ ciation went'To the bargaining enacted a budget of $18,436,- tending a "one man show" pre000 mark as reports of the goe, Dr. and Mrs. Jacob GrimL table Monday as the regional 622.5T to cover the cost of sented* by David Kaner. house to house canvass contin- baum, Nansi, Douglas and Mr. Kaner, was a former carrier contends a Tuesday county operations for 1968. ue to come in, Dwight L. Mayne zanne Ackley in memory. strike threat has been "with. It represent ah increase of resident of Massena. financial chairman, stated. Christine Marie Anderson, 43.8 millions over this year's Tony's'address is: A. J. Ro- drawn" and the pilots say it and Mrs. Samuel Bailey. The convass, under the direcbudget of $14,652,700.07, wholly meo; 1728 Wilcox Ave.; Holly- only has been "held in abeytion of Richard Farrell; is still Also,.Mr. and Mrs. Juds ance." absorbed by the increased costs, wood, Calif. - 90028. . in progress. The drive is cen- Goolden, Mr. and Mrs. of Medicaid. < An ALPA spokesman in Chitered around contributions of W. Brown, ,Mark R. cago said Friday the strike, Welfare cosjs on a county le$100. A contribution of $100 or Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. orginally scheduled to begin at vel, in 1968, will amount to $11,more will buy one of ,the 2,700 han, St.' Mary's Beauty midnight Tuesday, would, be 366,200, as compared to $8,217,seats in the arena. and Harley Davidson Cy c rescheduled if there were no 300 this year, with increases Shop, Ivan G. Paquin, Mr. a progress, toward agreement on also in federal and state welCurrent contributions include Mrs. Leo A. Patterson, James a new contract. fare aid which, combined; will one of $250 from Seaway Electri- H. Long, Leonard H, Prince. '* Russel^ V, Stephenson, Moamount to $7,998,150 next ye a r cal Supply Co., Route 1, and hawk executive vice president, compared with their total of another of $200 from Mr. and Also* Alfred Gregor, Mr. aril _ A, special ecumenical Thankssaid meanwhile thaFthe pilots' $5,888,5007this year. The b a 1 Mrs. Reginald Cross. Mrs. James Elliott, C a r m a n ance will be paid wholly from giving service will be held on union and Mohawk would meet S. Bowen, Dr. S. Jerome FaepWednesday evening, Nov. 22, at Donors of $100 are: Riverside g in Washington at the request county real estate tax e s, ber, Mrs. Robert L. Squires, 7 t S M ' Press, Charles W. Serviss, amounting for 1968 to $3,194,550 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary's of t h e National Mediation Nite 'N Gale Motel, Sharlow's ESSAY WINNERS. Joseph Kish, first assis11 South St., honorable mention; Kelly Franklin Prashaw, James and Church, for cbmmun i t y Board. He said the association the compared to $2,244,800 i n Is Sinclair Service Station, Peets off Massena. Md "withdrawn its Tuesday tant fire cihef, presents checks to the win- Wright;—daughter—of—Mrr and Mrs. Gary JessieParisianrRichard Wood; Jewelers, William Falla, Helen year. Kenneth Serviss Jr., Kenneth ners of the Massena Volunteer Fire Depart- Wright, 6 Talcott St., honorable mention. Sec"Pastors of i the area churches That increase of $949,750 in will be participating in t h i s midnight strike deadline." Sr., James and Mary and Mark Hayes, Trudy a n d In a statement teletyped to ment fire prevention week essay contest. Re- ond row: Cindie Sweeney, daughter of Mr. and Serviss, county real estate taxes n e x t jointly sponsored service. Carma, Donald Blair, I r w i n Tony, Jr., Creazzo. all Mohawk stations, including ceiving the first prize check is Joan Theresa Mrs. William Sweeney, 52 Beach St., second and Shirley Shanks, year will be the largest single Rich a r d Also Bob Ashley, Mr. and rise in costs in the 1968 budget The sermon will be given by Ogdensburg a n d Massena, Hatch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hatch, place winner. Winning essays appear on page Dobbins. Rev. Michael Lynch, rector of Stephensoasaid: 19 Ober St. Other winners include Peggy Ann Mrs. Julian LaCourse, H a i g ...... which amounts to $1,764,371 St. John's. Episcopal Church. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Basmajian, Mr. and Mrs. " We are very pleased that Orosz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Orosz, v more man 1967. Bell, Donald and Shirley Grow, llenn •Greene,-Mr. and M r $". clergymen participat- the pilots union saw fit to The appropriations for ea c h ingOther larl Compeau, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Peterson, Char 1 e-s will be Rev. Milton Bernef, :ounty department in the 1968 Rev. Allison Wood, Rev. Chart- withdraw the strike deadline Tom Grow, Mr. and Mrs. Hu- Brothers, Conrad Marion,' Mf: and resume talks, so that our budget is as follows: bert Conger, Mr., and M r s . and Mrs. Neal H. Miller; Cleo ton Opdyke, Rev. William Hart [legislation $ 110,800 and clergy, from Sacred Heart thousand of holiday passenFred Lyon, Jack and J o a n and Bernadette Premo, Mr. gers will not be inconven441,050 St. Joseph's and St. Mary's. Judicial Wilkins, William DeLoria, Har- and Mrs. Robert Huffer, Webienced." 398,705 Staff ry Canough, John Keeley, Ed- ster LaComb, J. Donald Ward, 259,835 Everyone in the community . The union said negotiations Public Safety ward Skowyra, James A. Kel- Robert Hammill, Jr. is invited to attend this Thankshad been under way for 15 2,818,000 Sighways ley. , giving Service. months; Wages, hours and 122,620 dental Health Also, Mr. and Mrs. L o u i s scheduling were reported to t _ 7?7,640 Health . Stoiber, Jack Horan, Willi a m be the main issues. ' *l,366,200 Welfare, Shutts, Rev. Griffiths BillmeyA 30-day cooling-off period, 93,400 Correction er, Earl J. Bleser, M o d e r n „ Pfc. Wayne Paul Murray, 20. which went, into effect when ; : Education Floors, Robert W. Smith, Mr. , m , simple, and.calls for an econoson of Mr, and Mrs. -Paul'Murtalks were broken off, ends A most challi fo Resources 40,793 itilcal strTKtttre to meet the ray, Potsdam-Cantftn Rd., was an* Mrs. M r a ^ ' S t o r i g ; "Mr, Monday] -. <-.-;— ,-;»--•.-. ^mW^ 98*777 As- The Sfig&iSased needs of this area. kiDed in battle in Vietnam Mon- arid Mrs. Joseph Derby. Airjine oters ..of eight central jrecognition a | •serves cities in 30 states- arid distoefs-in St. Lawrence i Also, Harold and Helen Carhe 48,000 square feet of space day, Nov. 13,1967. Notfolk C e n t r a ^ in Canada. roll, William A. Power, Jr., ty Tuesday, November 21. Gon- will be used for direct instrucSchool. istruction of a new building for tional purposes. There will be The parents were informed Joyd R. Guyett, J. Will i a m Assemblyman Edward J. that their son was killed while Hennessy, Joseph Beaulieu, Keenan cited needs for his disBoth the Board of Education ;lhe Seaway Area Technology no aoditirium, no gym, no fighting in the northern part of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ly 11 e , trict to Governor Nelson Rockeof- the Norwood - Norfolk CenCenter, Norwood,-can "become athlete field. Vietnam. He was a paratrooper, George Skomsky, Glen A r m - feller at the open meeting held tral School^System and the 'a reality if .the voters approve The Seaway Area Technolo- stationed with Company B. Sec- strong, Maurice and L i l l i a n at Pittsburgh State College on Massena Central School S y s I the bond issue.gy Center began with 230 stu- ond Battalion, 503rd Infantry Marion, Samuel Lawrence, Mr. Friday. tern officially recognized the1 The Seaway Area Technol- dents from the eight area and 173rd Airborne Brigade. and Mrs. Daniel Bronchetti. Civil Service Employees Asso'•)gy .Center was one of eight schools enrolled in eight coursAlso, the Misses Ellen a n d Here they are: eiation, St. Lawrence County Private Murray's command1. Financial requirements for es in 1965. Enrollment h a s new vocational centers started Chapter as the exclusive negoing officer said that he died Mary Canton, Mr. and M r s . medicaid must be lowered as in New York State in 1965. Af- grown to 290 at the present of larlton Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. tiating agent for non-teaching "shrapnel wounds in fire, ter—two -years—of- successful time. Because_o£ -space Jieeds, fight with hostile forces."'Major George Finnegan, Mr. and ,the situation personnel in these school ,, , ,,has. become unof operation, the presently rented students > have bejen turned Barrows of the Clarkson Col- Mrs, M Rb tems at a School Board meetRobert Boscoe, Harry" bearable-fOT the taxpayers I facilities are not adequate to away from some classes this lege R.O.T.C. notified t h e Witkop, Jr., Frank Zappia's it. Lawrence County. ig Monday night, Novs 13. Dehnar Tavern, Garth Avery, 2. Desperate need for an acmeet the demands of the. pro- year. The building trades clas- parents. Attending the Norwood : NorMr. • and Mrs. David Griffith. celerated highway program to gram. The center is^operated ses at the center have. confolk School Board meeting were by the Board of Cooperative structed additional buildings, Funeral arrangements will Also, Gus Fiacco, Mr. a n d include the NuWay. Mrs. Mildred Talcott, president Educational Services No. 2. but the demand is still greater be with the Buck funeral home, Mrs. Lenny Taillon, Richard J. of St. Lawrence County Chapjedy, Mrs. John Viskovich 3. Bypasses of Canton a n d Mr. Wesley D. Ehle is the ex- than the facilities available. Norwood. ter C, S. E, A., Miss M a r y indTMiss Theresa Viskovich, 'otsdam. • ecutive officer of--this poard Three rented areas are operaLenney and Francis Hayes ting. One is in Potsdam, one Private Murray is survived dr. and Mrs. Chester Dywan, 4. Improvements to Route 11 and the center program^ members of C. S. E. A. who and in Norwood, and one midway by his parents, four brothers, 'nai B'rith Massena Lodge to Brasher, Winthrop stated that 96 per cent of. the An' attractive, brochure exLieut. Warren Murray, Fort No. 2351, W. D. Warren, Heinz North Lawrence. between these two villages. non - teaching employees in olaining full details of the fiBragg, N. C., and David, Ray Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 5. Improvements of -Route 56 the school showed their preferConstruction costs of a new nancing, site locations, and the and Paul, all at home; his pa- Layo. ;o Massena. Sgt. Thomas A. Ric k a r d, ence of C. S. E . A. as their building is being distributed to building, based on the cost per ternal grandmother, Mrs. Hilda Also, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 6 Arterials to downtown bargaining-agent. rho has been stationed at Hanth^ voters of these eight par- square foo, ihdivate it is less Murray of Norwood, and his J Q n g , Charles J.Toomey, Ogdensburg. -.-'-— ocL Air Force Base, Syracuse Attending the Massena School ticipating ischools: Canton Cen- costlyJo-build-than-t^continue maternal grandfather,^Wayne Board meeting was Frank Maror the last two years has left tral, Colton-Pierrepont Central, renting. The present annual Howard. or a one year tour of active tello, Field Representation for Lisbon Central, Madrid-Wad- rental of $33,000 per year is C. S. E. A. in Albany w h o uty in Thailand;dington Central, Nprwood-Noi1- very expensive. The bond is- He was born in Potsdam, The son- of MrT" ahd Mrs. stated that over 70 per cent of folk Central, Parishville-Hotj- sue^»%pproved by the voters, June 25, 1947, son. of Paul and tobert Rickard, MSssena Cen- the non - teaching personnel in kington Central, Potsdam Cen- will provide opportunity to con- Rachel Howard Murray. He aty, he is. a. 1962 graduate of Massena School tral, r d r * the St. L a w r e n c e struct and own a facility ade- tended Norwood schools and fassena Central School. He their preference of C quate for the full needs of the was employed at Gale Brothers Central School Districts. rined the Air Force on Nov. as their bargainini g project garage until he joined the army The proposed ^site, selected program. The total and 9, 1964 and took, his basic Massena Central cost is $1,165,000. Of T h i s in August, 1966. He had been in from ten possible locations, Vietnam since March, 1967, and •aininb at Lackland Air Force Norwood - Norfolk C e n t r a l Attorney J._Neil Devine, 34, has met the approval of the amount $1,149,000 is for the was due to return home in iase in TexaSr-v — < School are the first c e n t r a l began practice in Potsdam. building and $16,000 for the State Department of Education Last Nov. 26th, he married school boards in this county to site. The Federal grant al- March.1960. Ted LaVeriture, district depule former Miss Nancy Smith give this- recognition tiO He is leasing fte office for- the Educational Boards of the ready approved amounts to grand exalted ruler of the I Massena. C. S. E.;ATB is the preliminary merly used by Allen Gurley, participating schools, and the $358,597 and the State aid Board, of Education of BOCES North Central District,, w i 11 His. address is: Sgt. Thomas step hi the implementation of 38 Market St., Potsdam,( who No, 2. It is located on route 56, amount, also approved, will make his official visit to Masickard, A. F . 12713714; Det. the requirement as found in retired, recently. The midway between Norwood and imoulit to $617,163. Attorney Devine, a graduate sena Lodge-1702, Elks, WesnesSection 207, Article 14 of t h e T. A. C. Control Squadron The 54 acre parcel, amount to be shared by the day night, Nov. 22, Fred CoP. A. C. A. F.); A. P. O. Civil Service Law made possi- of LeMoyne College in 1951, Potsdam. participating schools and area mar, exalted ruler, has a n an Francisco, Calif* — 96367; ble by the' enactment of the received Ms/tT. B, from Al- known as the Briggs farm^jro- taxpayers is only $189,240 disnounced. bany Law School in 1958. He vides 20 acres of excellent Taylor Act. '•., ox 56 Worked/With the ffcm of Van- land for construction as well tributed over a ten-year perTed, as he is known mrough he district, received^his a p KennaH and Leonard in Og- as access t othe river and land iod. Joseph N. Lamendola recentdensburg until; 1959 and had a space for needed vocational The new building will pro- ly joined the faculty at Canton wintment from Robert'Bon e y school activities-. }rand Exalted Ruler, at t h e private practice h 'ide space for 680 high school he building planned will be students., in fifteen courses. It A.T.C. as assistant professor of National Convention held in from 1959 until 1965. English. uly of this year. From May 1965 to June 1966 a one - story, modular - block will also give opportunity for structure. T h e L shape is dehe served the general coun300 adults in evening s t u dy He earned his B.S. and M.S. As district deputy, it is h i s tojineet specific needs programs. The courses plan- degrees from State Universi t y uty to bring the message and sel's office, insurance departthe vocational courses to be led for the new facilities in- College at Potsdam in 1957 and program of the Grand Lodge to ment, State of New York as a staff attorney rney and acting deo- taugHt. The design is neat, clude: auto mechanics, auto 1967 respectively, and has done the seven lodges of the North ••'• ' • ' of i n « £ collision, machine trades, agri- additional work at St. Lawrence Central District. uty superintended cultural mechanics, practical University and at Clarkson Col- Ted was born in Ogdensburg a n c e . '•• • . ' • i1 1928, and is a 1945 graduate nursing, cosmetology, f o od lege. Attorney Devine from July The Massena Observer re- Mr. McPherson paid tribute Ogdensburg Free Academy, servic^ heating and refrigerat Ai Aug. 1987 was assistant sived a special Boy S c o u t to all the county newspap e r s m to Mr. Lamendola has joined le joined the Elks in October tion, data processing, and secthe general counsel of the juncil plaque in recogniti o n and radio stations, for (their retarial education. Drafting, the. College faculty after 10 956 and was exalted ruler in its training and help given loyal cooperation in hand} i n g Golub Corp., operators of Cenwelding, key punch operation, years of teaching English, 1950-61, and served a sec o n d Ted LaVenture tral Markets in' Schenectady. Scouting, at.the Annual rec- grouting news. and similar courses /will be Reading and Science in t h e term in 1961-62. He was a He ;h«j been apthfo in civic [nition BatoquWheld this year The plaque to The Observer member of the New Y o r k 1 The Women's Democratic >pen for the adult population. Massena Central School Systhe M ^ E t a Club, <fc Was awarded prhicipauV b e - and fraternal organisations hi Club will nold its State membership committ e e the district deputy but to i m temregular Massena and Albany and press the Grand Lodge fliaf" monttily mk. 18. cause-of its assistance in prepmeeting, Tuesday Voting will take place from During the Summer of 1966 uring 1962-63-64. Sdteneotady. Massena is a vital link in the a newi (k>rd<m JiiPhefsori of Kin- aration and printing Ted attended Canton A.T.I., evening Nov. H, at 7:30 p.m., :00 to 8:00 p.m. on November r He is tfte son he served as reading clinician after which he served 22 months fraternal chain of over v ty Drugs, Inc., Gouverneur, per pa«e entlUfd~ ScQUt's in flteiT^hftU 21st at the central high school at Parishville High School He lodges, carrying out th* owner of each': participating district is a member of the Inter n a - in the IT. S. Nayyt He is pres- itable programs ently commercial sales repreThe' qualifications for voting tional Reading Association and sentative of. Niagara Mohawk United States. include; a citizen of the United the New York State Teachers in Massena. He is married to Tliere wfclT States,' twenty-one years of Association. A 1949 Massena QlHXi0F Central graduate, he is majTietl the former Miss Jeanette Biu> t dh htldW to a Massena Thanksgiving Service Set Wednesday Vocational Center Up to Eight School District Voters Tuesday mm Agent Set W.P.Murray Gives Life In Vietnam Keenan Tells Needs ^>t His District rhomas Rickard n Thailand / • • • T. Laventure, District Deputy Grand of Elks, Visit Here Wednesday Returns to Valley Area J. Lamendola Joins Faculty Canton ATC Special Plaque Awarded Hie Massena Observer, For 'Scout's Women's Democratic Club Tuesday Meeting ^refreshments will be 30 days