JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS International Journals: 379 1. Dr. A. Shanmugam and P. Sengottuvelan, “An Entertaining Robot: Pulsed Through Audio Analysis”, CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent and Machine Learning, ISSN 0974-9543, Vol.2, Issue No: 6, DOI: AIML12009003, November 2009. 2. T. V. P. Sundarajan, Dr. A. Shanmugam “Performance Analysis of Selfish Node Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, CNIR Journal, Volume.9, Issue. 1, July 2009. 3. G. M. Tamilselvan, Dr. A Shanmugam “Modeling Channel Conflict Probabilities and Interference Analysis of Coexistent Heterogeneous Wireless Packet Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering Vol. 3, No.1, pp: 113-118, January - June 2009. 4. G. M. Tamilselvan, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Probability Analysis of Channel Collision between IEEE 802.15.4and IEEE 80211b using Qualnet Simulation for various Topologies”, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering Vol. 1, No.1, pp: 59-64, April 2009 . 5. N. Bhalaji, Druhin Mukerjee, Nbamalika Banerjee, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Direct Trust Estimated on Demand Protocol For Secured Routing in mobile ADHOC Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science & Security , Volume (1) :issue 5, 2009. 6. G.M. Tamilselvan, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Qualnet Simulation of Channel Collision between IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11b for various Topologies, Vol.1, No.2, June 2009, pp.17938244. 7. D. Deepa, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Time and Frequency Domain Analysis of Subband Spectral Substraction Method of Speech Enhancement using Adaptive Noise Estimation Algorithm“, International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, Issue .1, Volume. 2, pp; 57-72, 2009. 8. C.Gowri Shankar, Dr.A.Shanmugam, T.Bala Kumaran” A Noval Technique for MR Images Contrast Enhancement “ International Journal on Electronic& Electrical Engineering IJEEE vol 01, no 1 , Nov 08-Jan 09 , Spring Edition 2009. 9. D. Deepa (2009), “Noisy spoeech enhancement using frequency dependent spectral subtraction method” in Indian Journal on Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Volume 3 No.1, PP. 16-23. 10. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2009), “Time and frequency domain analysis of subband spectral subtraction method of speech enhancement using adaptive noise estimation algorithm ” in International Journal of Engg. Research & Indu. Appls. (IJERIA)., ISSN 09741518, Vol.2, No. VII, PP 57-72 11. R. Murugan, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “A Combined Solution for Routing and Medium Access Control Layer Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Journal of Computer Science, ISSN: 1549-3636 Volume.6, Issue.12, pp.1416-1423, 2010. 12. T.V.P. Sundarajan, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “ Novel Intrusion Detection System in Body Area Network for Health Care Monitoring”, Journal of Computer Science ISSN: 1549-3636 Volume.6, Issue.12, pp. 1355-1360, 2010. 13. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2010), “Capacity of MIMO Antenna Configurations for Spatial Channel and One Ring Model Scenarios” in the International Journal on Futuristic Computer Applications IJCA 2010.Volume 1, No.12,March 2010. 14. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2010), “Multi-Element Multi-Polarized Antennas for MIMO System Based on Realistic Channel Models” in the International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Research India Publication, Vol 5,No 16,pp-2867-2876, 2010. 15. N. Balaji, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Thrust Based Strategy to Resist Collaborative Blackhole Attack in MANET”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp.468-474, 2010. 16. Hemalatha A. and Dr. A. Shanmugam, “A Performance of Enhanced Transaction Level Model for Reliability Analysis of Multi-cores SoCs”, International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Hydrabad, India, JAN 10-07, pp.44-48, 2010. 17. Dr. Harikumar,Dr. A. Shanmugam , “ FPGA Implementation of Fuzzy(PD and PID) Controller for Insulin Pumps in diabetes”, AMSE Journal , Spain , 2010. 18. Daniel Madan Raja S. , A. Shunmugam “Wavelet features based War Scene classification using Artificial Neural Networks “ Internation Journal on Computer Science and Engineering , Vol 02, 3033-3037 . No .09, 2010. 19. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2010), “ Spectral subtraction method of speech enhancement using adaptive estimation of noise with PDE method as a preprocessing technique” in ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology (IJCT), ISSN 0976-0091,Vol 01, Issue 01, pp. 1-6. 20. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2010), “Analysis of subband speech enhancement technique for Digital hearing aids” in International Journal of Computer and Network security (IJCNS), Vol. 2, No. 5, pp 132 to 135. 21. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2010), “Dual channel speech enhancement using Hadamard-LMS algorithm with DCT preprocessing technique” in International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 2 (09) PP 4424 to 4430. 22. N. Balaji , Dr. A. Shanmugam ,”A Trust Based Model to Mitigate Black Hole Attack in DSR Based Manet “ , European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.50,No. 1,pp6-15,2011. 23. N. Balaji , Dr. A. Shanmugam ,”A Trust Based Model to Mitigate Black Hole Attack in DSR Based Manet “ , European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.50,No. 1,pp6-15,2011. 24. C. Sriramakrishnan, A. Shanmugam, “ Image Retrieval Optimization Using FPGA Based Fuzzy Segmentation “ European Journal of Scientific Research vol 63 no 1 pp 56-62 , 2011, 25. S. M. Ramesh , A. Shanmugam , “ An efficient Robust Watermarking Algorithm in filter Techniques for Embedded Digital Signature into Medical Image using Discrete Wave let Transform, “ European Journal of Scientific Research vol 63 no 1 pp 33-44, 2011 26. R. Murugan and Dr. A. Shanmugam “ A Cluster Based Authentication Technique for Mitigation of Internal Attacks in MANETS” European Journal of Scientific Research vol 51 no 1 pp 433-441, 2011. 27. G.M. Tamilselvan, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Interference Mitigation in IEEE 802.15.4 A Cluster based Scheduling approach” Journal of Computer Science, Vol.7, No.1,, pp.80-89 , 2011. 28. Daniel Madan Raja, S. and Shanmugam, A. “Invariant Moments based War Scene Classification using ANN and SVM: A Comparative Study”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 767–774, 2011. 29. Daniel Madan Raja, S. and Shanmugam, A. “Zernike Moments Based War Scene Classification Using ANN and SVM: A Comparative Study”, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 8,No. 2, pp. 212–222, 2011. 30. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2011), “Two Element Array of Circular Patch Antennas and Microstrip Annular Ring Array in Indoor Clustered MIMO Channel using Pattern Diversity” International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.6, 2011. 31. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2011), “Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems with Dual Hop Amplify and Forward Relay Networks” in the Journal of Computer Science 7 (12): 1805-1812, 2011. ( Impact Factor = 0.162) 32. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2011), “Two Element Array of Circular Patch Antennas and Microstrip Annular Ring Array in Indoor Clustered MIMO Channel using Pattern Diversity” International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.6, 2011. 33. Daniel Madan Raja, S. and Shanmugam, A. “Artificial Neural Networks Based War Scene Classification using Invariant Moments and GLCM Features: A Comparative Study”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1189–1195, 2011. 34. C.Gowri Shankar, Dr.A.ShanmugamT.Bala Kumaran “A multi-resolution approach to Denoising and enhancement of pre-cancerous features in mammograms, Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Volume 7, Number 3, pp. 242-256(15) Inderscience DOI - 10.1504/IJBET.2011.043297ISSN :1752-6418 October 2011 35. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam ( 2011), “Enhancement of noisy speech signal based on Variance and Modified Gain function with PDE preprocessing technique for Digital hearing aids” Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR), Vol. 70 PP 332 to 337. ( Impact Factor = 0.514) 36. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2011), “Speech enhancement algorithm using sub band two step decision directed approach with adaptive weighting factor and noise masking threshold ” Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 7 No.6: pp. 941-948. ( Impact Factor = 0.162) 37. Daniel Madan Raja, S. and Shanmugam, A. “ANN and SVM Based War Scene Classification using Wavelet Features: A Comparative Study”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 1402– 1411, 2011. 38. Daniel Madan Raja, S. and Shanmugam, A. “Hybrid Feature Based War Scene Classification using ANN and SVM: A Comparative Study”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 3906–3914, 2011. 39. G.M.Tamilselvan, Dr.A.Shanmugam, R.Kalaipriya, G.R.Durgavathi, G.Ranganayaki , DQBAN System model for Wireless Body Area Networks”, International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol.3, No.1, pp.27-32, 2011. 40. G.M.Tamilselvan, Dr.A.Shanmugam, G.Ranganayaki, R.Kalaipriya, G.R.Durgavathi , “Power balancing based Coverage Time Optimisation for clustered Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of High Performance Communication Systems and Networking,Vol.3,No.1, pp.35-39, 2011. 41. G.M.Tamilselvan, Dr.A.Shanmugam, G.R.Durgavathi, R.Kalaipriya, G.Ranganayaki , “TDMA MAC protocol Based Battery Lifetime Enhancement in WBSN”, International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol.3, No.1, pp.33-37, 2011. 42. Hemalatha A. and Dr. A. Shanmugam “Reconfigurable Multiplexer on FIR Filters for SDR Receivers “ , International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications , Pune , India , Vol 4 , No 4, pp 227-236, 2011 43. Hemalatha A. and Dr. A. Shanmugam “ Computer Aided Design for low Power FIR Processor on System chip Platform Architecture for High Performance DSP Applications”, International Journal Computer Science and Network Security , Korea, Vol 11, No 7, pp 3842,2011. 44. Hemalatha A. and Dr. A. Shanmugam “ A Novel Shift and Add Algorithm for Low Power and Area Efficient FIR Filter”, European Journal of Scientific Research, London, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 634 – 641, 2011. 45. G.M.Tamilselvan, Dr.A.Shanmugam , “Interference Mitigation in IEEE 802.15.4-A Cluster Based Scheduling Approach”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 80-89.(Impact Factor = 0.162), 2011. 46. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam (2011), “Measurement of VSWR and Matched Impedance for Liquid UHF RFID Applications”, in the International Journal of Communication and Engineering, Vol. 5, No.1, 2012 47. S. Ravikumar, A. Shanmugam, “Comparison of SOM Algorithm and K-Means Clustering Algorithm in image Segmentation”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 46 – No. 22, pp 21-25, May 2012. (Impact Factor 0.814) 48. G.M.Tamilselvan, Dr.A.Shanmugam,S.Sujitha,S.Kiruthika, “A New MAC With Relay Node Concept For Cluster Communication In Wireless Sensor Networks ”, International Journal of Microsystems Technology and its Applications(IJMTA), Vol. 01,No. 01,pp.12-19, 2012. 49. C.Gowri Shankar, Dr.A.Shanmugam “A Multiresolution Approach for Enhancement and Denoising of Mammogram” International conference on Mathematical modeling & soft computing held at Coimbatore institute of Technology, Coimbatore, July 11-13, 2012. 50. S. Ravikumar, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Performance on Image Segmentation Resulting in Canny and MoG”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering(IOSRJCE) ISSN:2278-0661, ISBN: 2278-8727 Volume 6, Issue 2 (Sep-Oct. 2012) pp 01-08. 51. C.Gowri Shankar, Dr.A.Shanmugam” Compatible Abnormality Detection Technique for CT and MRI Brain Images” Image Science journal Manuscripts Draft july 2012. 52. R. Murugan and A. Shanmugam , ‘Cluster Based Misbehaviour Detection and Authentication Using Threshold Cryptography in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks’, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 188-202, 2012. 53. C.Gowri Shankar, Dr.A.Shanmugam” ActivContour based micro-calcification detection and classification in digital mammogram “ Australian journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering pp 1-9 Vol 9 No: 3 2012. 54. R. Murugan and A. Shanmugam (2012), ‘A Timer Based Acknowledgement Scheme for Misbehavior Detection and Isolation in MANET’, International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 182 – 188, January 2013. 55. R. Murugan and A. Shanmugam, “A Cluster Based Trust Mechanism for Mitigation of Internal Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, International Journal of Soft Computing 2013. 56. Gopalakrishnan, B & Shanmugam, A 2013, ‘ESGC: Euclid’s Theorem Based Key Generation Algorithm for Secure Intra-Group Communication in MANETs’, Jokull Journal, vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 2-16. [Impact Factor : 1.604, ISSN No: 0449-0576]. 57. Gopalakrishnan, B & Shanmugam, A 2013, ‘EETSS: Energy Efficient Transitive Signature Scheme for Secure Group Communication in MANETs’, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 5, no. 05, pp. 4176-4184. [ISSN: 0975-4024][Annexure-II]. 58. Gopalakrishnan, B & Shanmugam, A 2013, ‘A Pythagorean Tree based Key Generation Algorithm for Secure Group Communication in MANETs’, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 81, no.6, pp. 44-49. [ISSN No: 0975 – 8887 Impact Factor: 0.829]. 59. Gopalakrishnan, B & Shanmugam, A 2013, ‘An Authenticated Transitive-Closure Scheme for Secure Group Communication in MANETs’, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Sub Series LNAI), vol. 8284, pp. 362–369. (ISSN No: 0302-9743 Annexure-II) 60. Valarmathy S. “Speech Compression using Lifting schemes” in the International Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics, January 2006, pp. 102-107 61. Valarmathy S. and Arumugam S. “An Infused Crypto Biometric Authentication Scheme for ATM Banking Systems”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Engineering Applications (IJERIA), Vol. 1, No. VII, 2008, pp. 333-343 62. Valarmathy S. and Arumugam S. “An Effectual Algorithm for Fingerprint and Iris Recognition using Multimodal Biometrics”, International Journal on Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2009, pp. 87-91. 63. Valarmathy S. and Arumugam S. “Enhanced Adaptive Lifting of Wavelets for Fingerprint Image Compression”, International Journal of Computer Sciences, Software Engineering and Electrical Communication Engineering,Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009, pp. 35-38. 64. Valarmathy S. and Arumugam S. “Fingerprint Authentication System Based on Triangular Matching and Hamming Distance’”, The Icfai University Journal of Telecommunications, The Icfai University Press, 2009 65. B. Vidhya and S. Valarmathy, “Novel object removal in a video using patch Sparsity” proceedings of International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research – IJSER Vol 2, Issue 4, April 2011, pp:117-121. 66. D.Malathi and S. Valarmathy, “A Comprehensive Survey on Dimension Reduction Techniques for Concept Extraction from a Large Corpus”, International journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 5, November 2011 pp1-6. 67. D.Malathi and S. Valarmathy, “Conceptually Co-occurring Words included as Feature Selection Text Document Classification using SVD and SVM”, International journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, ISSN No.0976-5697 Vol. 3, No. 7, NovemberDec. pp.145-148 68. S. Valarmathy, M.Arunkumar and S.Sruthi, “‘Performance of Mahalanobis Distance in Face Recognition System’ in the International Journal of Computing Technology and Information Security (IJCTIS), Published by: International Forum of Researchers Students and Academician (IFRSA) Vol.1,issue 2, December 2011 69. S. Valarmathy, and J.Arvinth, “A Novel Feature Extraction techniques for Multimodal Score Fusion Density based Gaussian Mixture Model Approach”, in International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, (ISSN 2250-2459) Vol.2, Issue 1, January 2012 70. Valarmathy S. , Arun Kumar M., and Sruthi S.,(2012) “A comparative study of face authentication using extreme learning machine, Euclidean and Mahalanobis Distance Classification Methods”, CIIT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning Issue :April 2012 DOI:AIML04201202 71. M.Karthika and S. Valarmathy, “Wavelet Based Multistream Face Recognition by Illumination Quality Based Adaptive Selection of Fusion Parameters” in the International Journal of Nano Systems (ISSN 0973-7332),Volume 5,Issue2, July-December 2012 72. G.M.Tamilselvan, S. Valarmathy ,M.Brindha, M.Arun Kumar (2012) “Evaluation of Face Recognition using Principle Component Analysis and Two Dimensional Component Analysis” in the Journal of Energy Storage and Conversion, Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 211223, July-December 2012 73. S. Valarmathy, and M.Nisha Angeline, “VLSI Design of Cache Compression in Microprocessor Using Pattern Matching Technique”, in IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, (ISSN 2278-2834) Vol.1,issue 6, July-August 2012,pp 30-36. 74. S.Karthick, S.Priya, S.Valarmathy, “CORDIC based FFT for Signal Processing System” has published paper in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Volume 1, Issue 6, December 2012. 75. S.Karthick, S.Karthika, S.Valarmathy,“Design and Analysis of Low Power Compressors” has published paper in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(IJAREEIE), Volume 1, Issue 6, December 2012. 76. M.Karthika, K.Shanmugapriya, S.Valarmathy and M.Arunkumar, “Wavelet Based Face Recognition for Low Quality Images” in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering IJAREEIE Volume 2,Issue1,January 2013 77. K.Shanmugapriya, M.Karthika ,S.Valarmathy and M.Arunkumar, “Performance Evaluation of Contourlet Transform based Palmprint Recognition using Nearest Neighbour Classifier” in the International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering (ISSN 22502459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013. 78. K.Shanmugapriya and S.Valarmathy “Energy Extraction from Palmprint Images using Contourlet Transform with Nearest Neighbour Classifier” in the International Journal of Advanced VLSI Design. IJAVD: Vol.2 No.2 December 2012, pp. 73-79. 79. S.Karthick, S.Dhivyapriya, T.V.P Sundararajan, and S.Valarmathy “Performance Estimation of Reconfigurable Algorithm using Compression Technique for FPGA”, in the International Journal of High Performance and Communication System Networking, Volume 4 Number2, December 2012-pp.97-103, 80. Malathi, D. Valarmathy, S. Conceptually Co-occurring Words Included as Feature Selection in Text Document Classification using SVD and SVM, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol. 3, No. 7, Nov-Dec 2012, pp.145-148, ISSN No. 09765697. 81. S.Kiruthika, R.Nirmal Kumar and S.Valarmathy “Comparative Analysis of 4-bit Multipliers Using Low Power 8-transister Full Adder Cells”, in the International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering, Volume 3 Issue1, January 2013. 82. M.Sowmiya, R.Nirmal Kumar, S.Valarmathy and S.Karthick, “Design of Efficient Vedic Multiplier by the analysis of Adders”, in the International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering, Volume 3 Issue1, January 2013. 83. Nisha Angeline. M, Shree Subhatra. K, Manikandan. S K and S Valarmathy, “Area and Timing Analysis of Different PSUs in P-Match Algorithm for Data Compression in Cache Memories”, in the International Journal of Computer Applications 65(22):5-11, March 2013. 84. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi “Feature Extraction algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition using MFCC”, International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Research(IJKER), Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2013, pp.178-182. 85. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi “Feature Extraction algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems(IJEEES), Vol.5 No.1, January – June 2013, pp. 9-15. 86. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi, “Automatic Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Modeling Technique”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems (IJEEES), July-Dec 2013. 87. J.Aravinth and S. Valarmathy “Score Level Fusion Technique for Multi-Modal Biometric Recognition using ABC- based Neural Network”, in International Review on Computers and Software, (ISSN 1828-6003) Vol.8, No. 8, August 2013 pp. 1889-1900 (Annexure II) 88. C.Kamalanathan, S. Valarmathy and S.Kirubakaran “Fuzzy Based Trust and Reputation Model for Secure Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing”, (E-ISSN 1817- 3195 / ISSN 1992-8645) in International Review on Computers and Software,(ISSN 18286003) Vol.8, No. 9, September 2013 (Annexure II) 89. S.Arunkumar and S. Valarmathy, “Palmprint and Face based Multimodal Recognition using PSO Dependent Feature Level Fusion”, (E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645) in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol. 57 No. 3 pp. 337- 346 (Annexure II) 90. S.Karthick and S. Valarmathy and E.Prabhu, “Reconfigurable Fir Filter With Radix-4 Array Multiplier”, (E-ISSN 1817-3195 / ISSN 1992-8645) in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol. 57 No. 3 pp. 326-336 (Annexure II) 91. S.Kirubakaran, S. Valarmathy and C.Kamalanathan, “Design and Implementation of a Synchronous and Asynchronous-Based Data Replication Technique in Cloud Computing” in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol. 57 No. 3 (in press) (Annexure II) 92. C.Poonkuzhali,, R.Karthiprakash,, Dr.S.Valarmathy, M.Kalamani,” An Approach to Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Optimization for Automatic Speech Recognition” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,(IJAREEIE) Vol. 2, Issue 11, November 2013, pp.5671-5678 93. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, Comprehensive Analysis of LPG-PCA Algorithms in Denoising and De blurring of Medical Images, Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 23, 157–170, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ima.22049 Annexure I Impact factor: 0.45 94. Jennifer S Raj, Dr.R.Harikumar, A Localized Computing Approach for Connectivity Improvement Analysis in Wireless Personal Networks , Wireless Personal Communications An International Journal, Springer vol70. No: 3 June 2013,Annexure-I (Sl.No:8227). Impact factor: 0.428. 95. Jennifer S Raj, Dr.R.Harikumar, A Neighbor-Aware Connectivity Architecture for Mobile Internet Maintenance, Smart computing Review, vol 3. No:2 April 2013,pp62-73. 96. P.Manimekalai, Dr.R.Harikumar, Analysis of Soft Switching Interleaved Boost Converters for Photo Voltaic (PV) Systems using MATLAB Simulations, International Review on Modeling and simulations (IREMOS) Volume.6, Issue.2, pp311-316, April 2013. Impact factor: 0.1 97. Jennifer S Raj, Dr.R.Harikumar, A Self organized Structure for Mobility Management in Unstable Networks, ERES International Journal of Computer Networks, vol 1. No:2 June 2013. 98. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, FPGA Synthesis of Fuzzy Based Simple Traffic Controller International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2013,pp 2497-2502. 99. Dr.R.Harikumar, R.Prabu, Dr.S.Raghavan, Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) and its Medical Applications: A Review, International Journal of Soft Computing Engineering Vol: 3, No: 4 September 2013 ISSN: 2231-2307, pp193-198. 100. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, Dr.C.Ganesh babu, Performance Analysis of SVD, PCA, ICA,Hidden Markov Model in Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signal, Pensee Journal Vol 75, No. 10;Oct 2013 pp 279-291 Impact factor: 0.1 101. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, C.Ganesh Babu, FPGA Implementation of Wavelet neural network for Epileptic Seizure Detection, IEICE Electronics Express, Volume 10, Issue 24, Dec 2013,pp1-6. Annexure I Impact factor: 0.25 102. Harikumar R, Raj JS. Ad hoc node connectivity improvement analysis – Why not through mesh clients? Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering (2013), http:// /10.1016/ j. compeleceng. 2013.11.020 Annexure-I (Sl.No:2000). Impact factor: 0.928. 103. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, Performance Analysis of EM, SVD, and SVM Classifiers in Classification of Carcinogenic Regions of Medical Image, Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 24, 16–22, 2014; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ima.22074 Annexure I Impact factor: 0.45 104. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.N.S.Vasanthi, M.Balasubramani, Performance Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks and Statistical Methods in Classification of Oral and Breast Cancer Stages, International Journal of Soft Computing Engineering Vol: 2, No: 3 July 2012 ISSN: 22312307,pp263-269. 105. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Comprehensive Analysis of Hierarchical Aggregation Functions Decision Trees, SVD, K-means Clustering, PCA and Rule Based AI Optimization in the Classification of Fuzzy based Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals, International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISIM), Vol 5, 2012, pp260-268. 106. Dr.R.Hari Kumar , Dr.C.Ganeshbabu , Mr. M.RamKumar, A Novel Method for Blood Flow Measurement using Plethysmography, Karpagam Jcs Vol. 6 Issue 5 Jul. - Aug. 2012 pp237-245. 107. Manimekalai.P, Dr.R.Harikumar. and Aiswarya.R.,An Overview of Converters for Photo Voltaic Power Generating Systems. IJCA Proceedings on International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing Technologies 2012 ICACACT (3):25-30, August 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. 108. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, K.Karthik, Jagdsh L.K.Chand, C.Navin Kumar, Performance Analysis of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Radial basis Function (RBF) Neural Networks for Epilepsy Risk Levels Classifications from EEG Signals, International Journal of Soft Computing Engineering Vol: 2, No: 4 September 2012 ISSN: 2231-2307,pp232-236 109. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Jothi, Dr.N.B.Balamurugan, FPGA Synthesis of SIRM Fuzzy systems classification of Diabetic epilepsy risk levels, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 38(2012), pp 391-404 International conference on Modeling Optimization and computing (ICMOC 2012). 110. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, M.G.Sreejith, Comprehensive Analysis of Hierarchical Aggregation Functions Decision Trees and Minimum Relative Entropy as Post Classifiers in the Classification of Fuzzy Based Epilepsy Risk Levels,, International Journal of Soft Computing Engineering Vol: 2, No: 5 Nov 2012 ISSN: 2231-2307,pp148-154. 111. Jennifer S Raj,Dr.R.Harikumar, A Dynamic overlay approach for mobility maintenance in personal communication networks Springer Peer to Peer Networking Applications, Vol:5 No:4 Dec 2012 Annexure- I (Sl.No:6675). Impact factor: 0.365. 112. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.G.Sreejith, Performance Analysis of Morphological Operators based Feature Extraction and SVD, Neural Networks as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels. Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:221, vol,1 pp 1-12,DEC, 2012. Impact factor: 0.1 113. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.G.Sreejith, Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transforms and Principal Components as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals. Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:221, vol,1 pp 25-36,DEC, 2012. Impact factor: 0.1 114. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.Balasubramani, P.Sinthiya, Analysis of SVD Neural Networks for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals. Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:222, vol,2 pp 27-34,DEC, 2012. Impact factor: 0.1 115. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.N.B.Balamurugan, M.Jothi,FPGA Synthesis of SIRM Fuzzy System – Classification of Diabetic Epilepsy Risk Levels From EEG signal Parameters and CBF, Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:221, vol,1 pp 313-322,DEC, 2012. Impact factor: 0.1 116. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, G.Karthick, L.K.Chand , C.Navin Kumar Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Intensity Based Cluster Merging and Edge Detection In Medical Images, Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:221, vol1 pp 323-338,DEC, 2012. 117. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, Dr.C.Ganeshbabu, Dr.P.Sampath , Mr. M.Ramkumar, Performance Analysis of An Activity Based Measurement Of Blood Flow Using Impedance Plethysmography, Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:222, vol2 pp 35-46,DEC, 2012. Impact factor: 0.1 118. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, S.N.Shivappriya, A Novel Approach For Different Morphological Characterization Of Ecg Signal, Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:221, vol1 pp 13-24,DEC, 2012. Impact factor: 0.1 119. Sampath.P, R.Harikumar, Gunavathi.K CMOS 2nd Order Gm-C Intermediate Frequency Band Pass Filters for Wireless Systems Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:222, vol2 pp 237-244,DEC, 2012. Impact factor: 0.1 120. Hari R Kumar, Vinoth B Kumar and S Gowthami.,Performance Evaluation of LPG-PCA Algorithm in Deblurring of CT and MRI Images. International Journal of Computer Applications 60(16):28-33, December 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. 121. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, R.Kasthuri,“ Performance Analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for classification of Epileptic Risk Level from EEG signals” in the Journal of Microengineering & Nanoelectronics, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 69-74, July-Dec 2012. 122. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar,A Comparison of Elman and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Networks in Optimization of Fuzzy outputs for Epilepsy Risk Levels Classification from EEG Signals, International Journal of Soft Computing Engineering Vol: 2, No: 6 Jan 2013 ISSN: 2231-2307,pp 295-303. 123. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, K.Karthick, L.K.Chand , C.Navin Kumar Baysian Imaging Concepts for Smart Fracture Detection in X-Ray Images, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology (IJECCT) Volume 3 Issue 1 (January 2013), ISSN: 2249-7838 ,pp 347-351 124. T.S.Harivikram, R.Harikumar, C.Ganesh Babu, Modulation and Coding Rate for OFDM Systems, P.Murugamanickam Adaptive International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE) Volume 3 Issue 2 (February 2013), pp 250255. 125. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, R.Kasthuri, Analysis of PSO and Hybrid PSO in Calculation of Epileptic Risk Level in EEG International Journal of Soft Computing Engineering Vol: 3, No: 1 March 2013 ISSN: 2231-2307,pp 154-159 126. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, S.Saravanan,FPGA Implementation of Wavelet Neural Network for Epilepsy Detection, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 9, March 2013, ISSN: 2277-3754, pp 50-55. 127. S.Kannan, Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.K.Paramasivam, N.Viswanathan, Simulation and Evaluation , Performance and Cost Metrics of 3D NOC Architecture, IJESCC, Volume 4, Issue 1, January-June 2013, , pp 65-74. 128. P.Manimekalai, R.Harikumar, Dr.S.Raghavan, Comparison of Photo Voltaic (PV) panels and Soft Switching Boost Converters for PV power Generation Systems, International Energy Journal,Volume.13, Issue.4, December 2012, pp. Impact factor: 0.2 129. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Estimation of Drowsiness and Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels From EEG Signals Using Chaos Theory International Journal of Soft Computing Engineering Vol: 1, No: 3 July 2011 ISSN: 2231-2307 pp 60-65. 130. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Performance Analysis of Soft Decision Trees Models for Fuzzy Based Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 1, No: 4 September 2011 ISSN: 2231-2307 pp 21-27 131. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, FPGA Synthesis of Soft Decision Tree (SDT) for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from Fuzzy Based Classifier Using EEG Signals, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 1, No: 4 September 2011 ISSN: 2231-2307 pp 206-211 132. Dr.R.Harikumar S.N.Shivappriya, Analysis of QRS Detection Algorithm for Cardiac Abnormalities – A Review , International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 1, No: 5 November 2011 ISSN: 2231-2307 pp 80-88 133. Jennifer S Raj Dr.R.Harikumar A Review on Localized Topology Control Approaches in wireless Network International Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering Vol:2 No: 2 Dec 2011 pp 85-91 134. R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth kumar, G.Karthick, Performance Analysis for Quality Measures Using K means Clustering and EM Models in Segmentation of Medical Images International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 1, No: 6 , January ISSN: 2231-2307, pp 74-80 , 2012 135. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr. C.Ganesh Babu, V.K.Sudhaman, FPGASynthesis Of Fuzzy (PD And PID) Controller For Insulin Pumps In Diabetes Using Cadence, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 1, No: 6 , January 2012 ISSN: 2231-2307,pp 324- 331. 136. R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu ,P.Shrivignesh, Earlier Detection of Oral Cancer From Fuzzy Based Photo Plethysmography International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 2, No: 1 March 2012 ISSN: 2231-2307, pp128-133 137. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, Performance Analysis of Elman Neural Networks as Post Classifiers for Wavelet Transforms Based Feature Extraction Using Hard and Soft Thresholding Methods in the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450216X Vol.71 No.2 2012, pp221-232 138. Jennifer.S.Raj, R.Harikumar, A New Distributed Architecture for Connectivity Analysis in Wireless Networks, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 30(2012), pp 394-401. 139. G.Karthick, R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, Quality Measurement in Segmentation of Medical Images, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Vol 3, No:2 March 2012,pp 20-28. 140. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, T.Vijayakumar, Analysis of Patient Specific Epilepsy Risk Level Classifications from EEG Signals Using Two Tier Hybrid (Fuzzy, Soft Decision Trees Models and MLP Neural Networks) Classifiers, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 2, No: 2 May 2012 ISSN: 2231-2307, pp 541-549. 141. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr. C.Palanisamy Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transforms and Elman Neural Networks for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals International Journal of Neural Networks and Applications, Vol4, No: 1 JanJune 2011, ISSN:0974-6048 pp 61-67. 142. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr. C.Palanisamy Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Soft Decision Trees Models and Support Vector Machines for Epilepsy Risk Level Classifications from EEG Signal Parameters, International Journal of Biosignal processing, Vol 2, No: 1 Jan-June 2011, ISSN:0975-8186, pp 61-68. 143. Dr.R.Harikumar, S.Arun ,Analysis of an Edge Preserving Denoising Technique for X- Ray and Ultrasonic Images Using Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Information analysis and Processing, Vol: 4, No: 1 Jan-June 2011ISSN: 0973-5712 pp 23-26. 144. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.A.Shanmugam, V.K.Sudhaman, FPGA Implementation of fuzzy (PD&PID) Controller for Insulin Pumps in Diabetes AMSE Journal Modeling C, Vol 66,no:1,2011, pp 50-63 145. Dr.(Mrs).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, Analysis of Photo-Plethysmography (PPG) Signals with Motion Artifacts (Gaussian Noise) Using Wavelet Transforms, Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, Vol 15 no 1 Sep 2010 pp 135-140 146. R.Harikumar, Dr.(Mrs.)R.Sukanesh, A comparison of Soft (min-max) Decision trees and Hierarchical Decision trees for patient specific fuzzy classifier in the classification of epilepsy risk levels from EEG signals. AMSE Journal Modelling C Vol.70 No.1,2009 pp 1838. 147. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Performance Analysis of Elman- Chaotic Optimization Model for Fuzzy Based Epilepsy Risk level Classification from EEG Signals International Journal on smart sensing and Intelligent Systems Vol 2 no: 4 Dec2009 pp 612-635 148. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.N.S.Vasanthi, Performance Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks in Classification of Oral Cancer Stages, Lectures on Modeling and simulation, Trivandrum, India December 1-3, 2009 Vol. 10 Issue1 2009 Published AMSE Journal: 2009 Vol. 10 - Nº 1 pp 94-101. 149. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, Analysis of Image Compression by Minimum Relative Entropy (MRE) and Restoration through Weighted Region Growing Techniques for Medical Images" Journal of Engineering Letters, vol 14, No.1 March 2007pp 84-89 150. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, Diagnosis And Classification Of Epilepsy Risk Levels From EEG Signals Using Fuzzy Aggregation Techniques"" Journal of Engineering Letters, vol 14, No.1 March 2007pp 90-95 151. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, A Comparison Of Genetic Algorithm & Neural Network (MLP) In Patient Specific Classification of Epilepsy Risk levels From EEG Signals, Journal of Engineering Letters, vol 14, No.1 March 2007pp 96-104 152. R.Harikumar, Dr.(Mrs.)R.Sukanesh, Analysis of Fuzzy Techniques and Neural Networks (RBF&MLP) in Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals IETE Journal of Research 2007 vol.53, no 5, Sep-Oct 2007pp 465-474 153. R.Harikumar, Dr.(Mrs.)R.Sukanesh, A Comparison of Elman and MLP feed forward neural networks for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level using EEG Signals. AMSE Journal Modelling C Vol.67 No.1,2006 pp 43-60. 154. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, A Patient Specific Neural networks(MLP) for Optimization of Fuzzy outputs in Classification of Epilepsy Risk levels from EEG Signals, Journal of Engineering Letters(EL) Vol.13, No: 2 Sep’2006, pp 50 56. 155. R.Harikumar, Dr.(Mrs.)R.Sukanesh, Fuzzy Techniques and Aggregation Operators for Classification and Optimization of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals. IETE Journal of Research Sept-Oct 2005 Vol 51, no 5 pp 379-388 156. R.Harikumar, Dr.(Mrs.)R.Sukanesh, B.S.Narayan Fuzzy Techniques and Fuzzy Aggregation Operators for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level using EEG Signal parameters. AMSE Journal Modeling C Vol.66 No.5,2005,pp 43-63. 157. K.Paramasivam, R.Harikumar, R.Sundararajan Simulation of VLSI design using Parallel architecture for epilepsy risk level diagnosis in diabetic neuropathy, IETE Journal of Research vol 50,no.4 July –August 2004 pp 297-304. 158. Roshni.S.Babu, Dr.P.Sampath, “Design of CPW fed Monopole Slot Antenna for WiMAX Applications”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013. 159. S.Karpagam and Sampath,P., “A 1.8GHz Differential Low Noise Amplifier for Wireless Receivers”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume4, Issue4- April 2013, pp.558-561. 160. K. ThamaraiRubini and Gnanasekaran. T, “Analysis of QOS for WiMAX using centralized Scheduling Algorithm”, CIIT Journal Vol.1, No.2, pp.33-44, January 2011. 161. Deepan Raj.B, T.V.P.Sundararajan and K.Shoukath Ali “Fast Flexible Fpga-Tuned Networks-on-Chip ,” IJEES Vol. 5, No.1, January- June 2013, pp.9-13@ International Science Press, (India). 162. A.Daniel Raj, S.Vijayalakshmi, P.Sathyamoorthy“Efficient design of multiplier using GDI low power cell” Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering(IJCTEE) VOLUME 2,ISSUE 6,December 2012(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal) 163. S.Kiruthika, R.Nirmal Kumar, Dr.S.Valarmathy “Comparative Analysis of 4bit Multipliers Using Low power 8-Transistor Full Adder cells”, IJETAE volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013, ISSN 2250 – 2459, ISO 9001:2008. 164. S.Kiruthika, R.Nirmal Kumar “Low Power High Performance Multipliers for Arithmetic Applications”, IJAVD volume 2, Issue 2, July-December 2012, serial publications (pp.6166). 165. T.Jayanthi, M.Kalamani and S.Valarmathy, “Feature Extraction Algorithms For Automatic Speech Recognition Using MFCC” in an International Journal IJKER volume 2 issue 2 February 2013, pp 178-182. 166. T.Jayanthi, M.Kalamani and S.Valarmathy, “Automatic Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Modeling Technique” in an International Journal IJEEES Vol .5 No.2 JulyDecember 2013, PP.63-75. 167. Shalini E., T.V.P. Sundararajan “High Quality Driven Video Communication over Mobile Adhoc Networks using AOMDV and Multiple Description Video Coding with Multipath Transmission”, International Journal of Latest Research and Scientific Technology (IJLRST), Vol. 1 - Issue 4, December 2012. 168. Shalini E., T.V.P. Sundararajan “Improved Video Transmission over Mobile Adhoc Networks using AOMDV and MDC with Path Diversity”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol. 62 – No. 17, January 2013. 169. Shalini E., T.V.P. Sundararajan“Performance Analysis of Group Mobility Handover in Wimax Networks with and without Group Leader Concept”, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM), Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 16, March 2013. 170. S. Surabhi, M.Jagadeeswari, “A Robust Power downgrading Technique using Sparse Modulo 2n+1 Adder”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering(IJARCCE), vol. 2, issue 3, March 2013, pp 1549-1553 171. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi, K. and Anitha, M. R. “Modified Time Adaptive Wavelet Based Approach for Enhancing Speech from Adverse Noisy Environments”, International Congress for global Science and Technology DSP Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp.33-40, 2009. 172. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi, K. and Deepa, D. “Noisy Speech Enhancement using Frequency Dependent Spectral Subtraction Method”, Indian journal of Science and Technology,Vol.3, No.1, pp.16-23,2009. 173. Sumithra M. G. and Thanushkodi, K. Thresholding Methods in International Journal Time Adaptive “Performance Evaluation of Different Wavelet Based Speech Enhancement ”, of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 1, Issue 5, pp.439- 447, 2009. 174. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi, K. and Deepa, B. “A New Hybrid Approach to Enhance Speech in Mobile Communication Systems”, American Journal of Applied Sciences , Vol.8, Issue 4, pp. 232-242, 2011. (With impact factor SNIP of 0.091 and SJR of 0.042). 175. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi, K. and Helan Jenifer Archana ,A. “A New Speaker Recognition System with Combined Feature Extraction Techniques ”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp.459-465, 2011. (With impact factor SNIP of 0.162 and SJR of 0.034). 176. Sumithra M.G., Thanushkodi, K. and Helan Jenifer Archana ,A. “Robust Speaker Recognition System using Combined Feature Extraction Techniques ”, International Journal of Information analysis and Processing , Vol .4,No. 1, pp.27-33, 2011. 177. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi, K. and Ramya, M. S. “Speech recognition in noisy environment using different feature extraction techniques”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Telecommunication systems, Vol.2, No.1, pp.57-62, 2011. 178. Sumithra M. G.,Sarumathi M, “PAPR reduction techniques for Multicarrier systems” Springer journal of CCIS , Vol.270,pp. 378-387,2011. 179. Sumithra M. G.,Sarumathi M, “A Novel Adaptive Modulation Scheme for WiMAX OFDM System to Improve QoS for Disaster Management”, Bonfring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering, Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, Part 1, pp.22-27 February 2012. 180. Sumithra M. G.,Sarumathi M and Devika A K ,“PAPR Reduction by Hybriding PTS- APPR Method to Improve the QoS in OFDM Systems”, Bonfring International Journal of Research in Communication Engineering, Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, Part 1,pp15-20,February 2012. 181. Sumithra M. G., Devika A K “Text-Independent Speaker Identification Using GMM-EM Optimization Algorithm” International Journal of Research in applied physics Vol.1.N0.1, pp.19-24,2012 182. Sumithra M. G., Devika A K “Performance Analysis of Speaker Identification System Using GMM with VQ” International Journal of Computer Network and Security (IJCNS)Vol 4. No 1. Jan-Mar 2012 ISSN: 0975-8283( 183. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu , FPGA Implementation of Wavelet neural network for Epileptic Seizure Detection” , IEICE Electronics Express, Volume 10, Issue 24, Dec 2013,pp1-6. 184. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, Dr.C.Ganesh babu, “Performance Analysis of SVD, PCA, ICA,Hidden Markov Model in Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signal”, Pensee Journal Vol 75, No. 10;Oct 2013pp 279-291. 185. T.S.Harivikram, R.Harikumar, C.Ganesh Babu, P.Murugamanickam “Adaptive Modulation and Coding Rate for OFDM Systems”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE) Volume 3 Issue 2 (February 2013), pp 250255. 186. S. Suganyadevi, S. Brundha, A. Suganya, N. Pavithra and Dr. C. Ganesh Babu , “Design and Analysis of 32-b Arithmetic Logical Unit With Modified CSLA”, International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering , Volume 4, Issue 2, February, 2014. 187. Dr.R.Harikumar Dr. C.Ganesh Babu, V.K.Sudhaman, FPGA Synthesis Of Fuzzy (PD And PID) Controller For Insulin Pumps In Diabetes Using Cadence, , International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 1, No: 6 , January 2012 ISSN: 2231-2307. 188. R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu ,P.Shrivignesh, Earlier Detection of Oral Cancer From Fuzzy Based Photo Plethysmography International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering Vol: 2, No: 1 March 2012 ISSN: 2231-2307, pp128-133 189. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, Performance Analysis of Elman Neural Networks as Post Classifiers for Wavelet Transforms Based Feature Extraction Using Hard and Soft Thresholding Methods in the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.71 No.2 2012, pp221-232 190. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.G.Sreejith, Performance Analysis of Morphological Operators based Feature Extraction and SVD, Neural Networks as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels. Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:221, vol,1 pp 1-12,DEC, 2012. 191. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.G.Sreejith, Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transforms and Principal Components as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals. Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:221, vol,1 pp 25-36,DEC, 2012. 192. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.Balasubramani, P.Sinthiya, Analysis of SVD Neural Networks for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals. Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:222, vol,2 pp 27-34,DEC, 2012. 193. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, Dr.C.Ganeshbabu, Dr.P.Sampath , Mr. M.Ramkumar, Performance Analysis Of An Activity Based Measurement of Blood Flow Using Impedance Plethysmography, Springer Lecture series in Electrical engineering Volume:222, vol2 pp 35-46,DEC, 2012. 194. C. Ganesh Babu and P.T. Vanathi, ‘Analysis of Speech Enhancement Algorithm for Robust Speech Recognition System’, The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, Vol.6, No.2, pp.73-80, 2010. 195. C. Ganesh Babu and P.T. Vanathi, ‘A Comprehensive Analysis of Voice Activity Detection Algorithms for Robust Speech Recognition System Under Different Noisy Environment’, International Journal of Computer and Network Security, Vol.1, No.2, pp.8388, 2009. 196. C. Ganesh Babu and P.T. Vanathi, ‘An Improved Subband Order Statistics Filter (OSF) Based Voice Activity Detection for Non-Stationary Environments’, International Journal of Algorithms, Computing and Mathematics, Vol.2, No. 4, pp.1-8, 2009. 197. C. Ganesh Babu and P.T. Vanathi, ‘Performance Analysis of Voice Activity Detection Algorithms for Robust Speech Recognition’, International Journal of Computing Science and Communication Technologies, Vol.2, No.1, pp.288-293, 2009. 198. T. V. P. Sundararajan, M.G.Sumithra, R. Maheswar, “ A Novel Smart Routing protocol for remote Health Monitoring in Medical Wireless Networks”, Journal of Helathcare Engineering, (Annexure-I IF: 0.62) , accepted for Vol.5, No.1, pp. 95-122, 2014. 199. T. V. P. Sundararajan, S. M. Ramesh, R. Maheswar, K. R. Deepak , Biologically inspired artificial intrusion detection system for detecting wormhole attack in MANET , Wireless Networks , on line first article (Annexure-I IF: 0.76) , URL : 200. B.Arunkumar, N.Deepak, T.V.P.Sundararajan, “Monitoring Driver Alertness and Avoiding Traffic Collision using WSN”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Vol.2, No.12, ,pp. 448-455, December- 2013. 201. Shalini E, Sundararajan, T.V.P, “Performance Analysis of Group Mobility handover in WiMAX networks with and without Group Leader Concept”, International Journal of Application or Innovation Engineering &Management(IJIAIM), Vol.2, No.3, pp. 1-6, March 2013(Impact factor:2.379) 202. Sundararajan, T.V.P., Maheswar, R., and Ramesh S.M, Mobility Aware AODV Routing Zigbee for Healthcare Monitoring Systems, Archives Des Journal, Vol.66, No.4, pp. 534 542, April2013. (Impact factor:0.296) 203. Sundararajan, T.V.P., & Maheswar, R., A Novel Selfishness Routing Problem Solved by Improved 2Acknowledgement Scheme, Wulfenia Journal, Vol.20, No.2, pp. 439-452, Feb’2013. (Impact factor:0.267) 204. Shalini E, Sundararajan, T.V.P, Improved video transmission over Mobile adhoc networks using AOMDV and MDC with Path Diversity”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.62, No.17, pp. 35-42, 2013. (Impact factor:0.814) 205. Deepan Raj B, T.V.P.Sundararajan and Soukath Ali K, “ Fast Flexible FPGA-Tuned Networks-on-Chip”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol.2, No. 1, pp. 621-625, 2013. 206. Poongodi K, Karthick and Sundararajan, T.V.P, “Design and Comparision of FIR Filter Architechture using Different Common Sub expression Elimination Methods”, Internatinal Journal of Electronic Governance and Research, Vol.2, No.2, 2013. 207. High Quality Driven Video Communication Over Mobile Adhoc Networks Using Aomdv And Multiple Description Video Coding With Multipath Transmission, International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology, Vol.1,Issue 4 :Page No.393-399, 2012. 208. Deepak Kr and T V P.sundararajan An Immune Inspired Approach for Detecting Packet Drop Attacks in MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications 58(8):6-12, November 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.(Impact factor:0.814) 209. S.Divyapriya, S.Karthik T.V.P.Sundararajan and Dr.S.Valarmathy, “Performance Estimation Of Reconfigurable Algorithm Using Compression Technique For FPGA” in the Journal of High Performance Communication System and Networking Engineering (JHPCSN), Vol.4, No.2, pp.97-103, 2012. 210. S.Divyapriya, S.Karthik T.V.P.Sundararajan, Compression of FPGA BIT Streams using Effective Run Length Encoding Techniques and its Performance Estimation”, International Journal of advanced research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol.1, No.6, pp.1-9,2012. 211. T.V.P.Sundararajan “An Acknowledgement Based Scheme To Defend Against Cooperative Black Hole Attacks In DSR Routing Protocol” in the International Journal of Communication and Engineering, Volume 2, issue 3, page 39-42, March 2012. 212. T.V.P.Sundararajan “Secure MANET Against Attacks using an Acknowledgement based scheme” in the International Journal of Engineering and Social Science, Volume 2, issue 1, page 64-76, 2012 213. T.V.P.Sundararajan “Performance Analysis of Congestion Reduction Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks” in the Journal of Computer science, Science Publications, Volume7 , issue7, page 1011-1019,2011 (IF : 0.162) 214. T.V.P.Sundararajan “ A Novel Intrusion detection System for Wireless Body Area Networks in Health care Monitoring” in the Journal of Computer science, Science Publications , volume 6 issue 11, page 1355-1361 , 2010 [Impact factor : 0.162] 215. T.V.P.Sundararajan “ Performance Analysis of Selfish node Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile ad hoc Networks” in the International Congress Global science and technology [ICGST] Journal , volume 8 issue 9, page 1-9 , 2009 216. T.V.P.Sundararajan “Behavior Based Anomaly Detection Technique to Mitigate the Routing Misbehavior in MANET Networks” in the International journal of Computer Science and Security, (IJCSS), Volume 3, Issue 2, page 62-75 March/April 2009. 217. T.V.P.Sundararajan “AGPM: An Authenticated Secure Group Communication Protocol for MANETs” in the International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 1, page 159-163, May 2009, ACADEMY PUBLISHER. 218. Manojkumar V. and Sumithra, M. G., “Performance Evaluation of different Algorithms for Medical Image Segmentation on Medical Image segmentation Algorithms” International Journal of Micro and Nano Systems, vol.1,Issue 4, 369 -372, Nov. –Dec.2012 219. Renugadevi G and Sumithra, M. G., “Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network–A Survey”, International Journal of Smart Sensors and Ad Hoc Networks (IJSSAN), ISSN No. 2248-9738 (Print),,Vol-2, Iss-1,2, 2012. 220. Manojkumar V and Sumithra M G,” Performance Comparison Of Different Medical Image Segmentation Algorithms For Normal And Abnormal Brain MRI” International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology ISSN (Online):2278-5299 Vol.1,Issue 4 :Page No.369-372 ,November-December (2012) 221. Remya Elizabeth Philip. and Sumithra, M. G., “Development of A New Watermarking Algorithm For Telemedicine Applications”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.962-968 222. Renugadevi G and Sumithra, M. G., “An Analysis on LEACH Mobile Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975– 8887) Volume 65 –No.21, pp. 38-42,March 2013. 223. Remya Elizabeth Philip. and Sumithra, M. G., “SVD based Watermarking Method for Medical Image Security ”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 66– No.2, pp29-33,March 2013 224. Manojkumar V and Sumithra M G,”An Improved Clustering Based segmentation Algorithm For Brain MRI”, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management Volume 2, Issue 2, pp126-133, 2013. 225. Manojkumar V and Sumithra M G,” Performance Evaluation of Different Algorithms for Medical Image Segmentation ”, IJMNS ,intenational science press ,Vol.3 No.2, pp.100-106. 226. ManojkumarVand Sumithra M G,” Comparative Analysis Of Different Filters For Denoising In Medical Image Segmentation ”, Elixir Elec. Engg. 57 (2013) 1412014124,April 2013. 227. Manojkumar V and Sumithra M G,” Performance Comparison On Medical Image Segmentation Algorithms”, International Journal of Image Processing and Vision Sciences (IJIPVS) ISSN(Print): 2278 – 1110 Volume. 1 Issue. 3, 4.,pp.39-44. 228. Karthika A L, SumithraM G and Shanmugam A, “Performance of voice in integrated WiMAXWLAN and UMTS-WLAN” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 2013 ISSN: 2319-8753 229. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “Performance Analysis of Rayleigh Fading Channels in MIMO-OFDM Systems for BPSK and QPSK modulation schemes” SIJ Transactions on Computer Networks and Communication Engineering (CNCE), Vol, 1, No.1, page(s):12-17, March-April 2013. Print ISSN: 2321-239X, Online ISSN: 2321-2403. 230. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “Performance Analysis of Rician Fading Channels in MSK and GMSK Modulation Schemes Using Simulink Environment” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) Vol.2 Issue 5, May2013, Online ISSN: 2278-0181. 231. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “ Performance Evaluation of Rician Fading Channels using QPSK, DQPSK and OQPSK Modulation Schemes in Simulink Environment” International Journal of Engineering Science Invention(IJESI) Vol 2 Issue 5, May-2013,pp-07-16, ISSN (Online):2319-6734, ISSN(Print):2319-6726 232. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “An Insight about Current Research Ideas in Wireless Communication-A Review” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology (IJCSET), ISSN: 2229-3345, Vol.4 No.05, May 2013, pp: 497-502 233. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “ Performance Comparison of Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels in QAM modulation scheme using Simulink environment” International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), Vol 03, Issue 5, May 2013, pp:53-59. IMPACT FACTOR:1.145 (Computed by African Quality Centre for Journals) 234. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “ Performance Evaluation of Rayleigh Multipath Fading Channel using Rectangular QAM schemes” International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), ISSN 2320-088X, Vol.2, Issue.5, May 2013, pg.346-352. IMPACT FACTOR:1.972 (ISRA:JIF) 235. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “Performance Analysis of Rician Fading Channels using M-PAM Modulation Scheme in Simulink environment” International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS), ISSN:2319-7242, Vol.2, Issue.5, May 2013, pg.1539-1545 236. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “Performance Analysis of Rician Fading Channels using Non-linear Modulation Methods with Memory Schemes in Simulink environment” International Organization of Scientific Research- Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN:2278-0661, p-ISSN:2278-8727, Volume 11, Issue 4 (MayJune 2013), pp. 27-36. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number is 10.9790/0661-1142736. 237. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “Performance evaluation of Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels using M-DPSK Modulation Scheme in Simulink Environment” International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA), ISSN:2248-9622, Vol.3, Issue 3, May-June 2013, pp.1324-1330. IMPACT FACTOR-1.62 (ISRA:JIF) 238. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “Performance Comparison of Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channels using M-PAM and Rectangular QAM Schemes in Digital Communication Systems” International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM), ISSN: 2319-4847, Vol 2, Issue 5, May 2013, pp.371-378. IMPACT FACTOR-2.379(ISRA:JIF) 239. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.SumithraM.Sarumathi, “ Performance Analysis of Rayleigh Fading Channels in the Presence and Absence of Transmit Beamforming in MIMO Systems”, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), ISSN: 220-5407, Vol.1 Issue 5, July 201, pp. 402-406, IMPACT FACTOR: 1.659 (ISRA:JIF) 240. E.Praveen Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra, “Medical Image Compression Using Integer Multi Wavelets Transform for Telemedicine Applications”, International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS ISSN: 2319-7242), Volume 2, Issue 5, 1663-1669, May, 2013. 241. E.Praveen Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra and Sunil Kumar P “ INFARCT DETECTION IN BRAIN MRI USING IMPROVED SEGMENTATION ALGORITHM AND VOLUME VISUALIZATION” in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2013(ISSN: 2320-088X, 242. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, E.Praveen Kumar, “ Performance Analysis of a 2 x 2 SFBC and STBC MIMO-OFDM System in a Rayleigh Fading Channel using QPSK Modulation” International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies (IJSRCSAMS),Vol 2, Issue 6, November 2013, ISSN: 2319-1953 243. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, E.Praveen Kumar, “ Performance Comparison of Multi Antenna OFDM Systems in Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels using QPSK Modulation” Journal of Harmonized Research in Engineering (JOHR), Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2013, pp:16-23, 244. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, E.Praveen Kumar, “ Performance Comparison of 2 x 1 and 2 x 2 Differential STBC RS OFDM Systems Under Different Modulation in a Rayleigh Channel”, International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC), ISSN:2320-2084, Volume.1, Issue 9, November-2013 245. K.Nirmalakumari, M.C.Bhuvaneswari and P.Rajkumar, “Investigation of Segmentation Techniques in Microarray Data Analysis”, European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR). Vol.96, Issue 2, pp.274-284, February 2013. 246. K.Nirmalakumari, Ila.Vennila and P.Rajkumar, “A Novel Hybrid Method for Gene Selection in Microarray based Cancer Classification” , International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 5,pp. 1104-1110,May 2013. 247. K.Nirmalakumari, Ila.Vennila and P.Rajkumar, “An Intelligent Segmentation Algorithm for Microarray Image Segmentation”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 5, pp. 528-537, June 2013. 248. K.Nirmalakumari, P.Thamaraimanalan, D.Dhinesh kumar, “Efficient Gridding and Segmentation for Microarray Images”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), Vol. 3, pp. 353-360, February 2014. 249. K.Nirmalakumari, "Greenhouse Management using Embedded System and Zigbee Technology", International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), Vol.3, Issue 2, February 2014. 250. Sajan P. Philip, S P Prakash, Dr. S Valarmathy, “Design of Efficient Complementary Pass Transistor Based Modified Booth Encoder Array Multiplier” International Journal of Computer Applications, Dec. 2012 251. Sajan P. Philip, S P Prakash, Dr. S Valarmathy “An Efficient Decision Tree Based Architecture for Random Impulse Noise Removal in images” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, April 2013 252. Prabhu E, Mangalam H and Saranya K “Design of Low Power Digital FIR Filter based on Bypassing Multiplier” International Journal of Computer Applications, May 2013. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. 253. Dr.S.Varlarmathy ,M.Arunkumar & S.Suruthi, “Performance of Mahalanbios distance in face recoginition system” published in IJGIP, ” volume 1, Issue 2,Nov 2011.pp 221-225. 254. R.Nirmal kumar, s.karthick “Analysis and reduction of leakage current in cmos circuits” in International Journal of Micro and Nano Electronics circuits and systems, Volume 2, Number 2 July-Dec 2010, pp 125-130. 255. K.N.Vijeyakumar V.Sumathy, A.Dinesh Babu, S.Elango & S.Saravanakumar “FPGA Implementation of Low Power Hardware Efficient Flagged Binary Coded Decimal Adder” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 46– No.14, May 2012 pp 41-45. 256. V.R.Vijaykumar, S.Elango“Hardware Implementation of Tag-Reader Mutual Authentication Protocol for RFID Systems”,Integration, the VLSI Journal, Elsevier, Volume 47, Issue 1, 2014, ISSN 01679260, pp123-129. (Impact factor 0.414) 257. K.N.Vijeyakumar ,Dr.V.Sumathy , S.Elango “VLSI Implementation of Area-Efficient Truncated Modified Booth Multiplier for Signal Processing Applications” Accepted for Publishing in The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer. (Impact Factor 0.385) 258. K.N.VijeyakumarV.Sumathy, A.DineshBabu, S.Elango&S.Saravanakumar“FPGA Implementation of Low Power Hardware Efficient Flagged Binary Coded Decimal Adder” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 46– No.14, May 2012 pp 41-45. 259. M. M. Dhivya, R. Yugapriya, Brintha. A ,Elango. S “Effectual Consignment Supervision and Anti-Cheating Monitoring System for Heavy Loaded Vehicles” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 3 Issue 1, January – 2014. 260. Ramesh.S.M Gowthami, D, ‘Virtual Mirror Rendering and Recognition of 3D objects using an RGB–D Camera’, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), vol.3, no.1, pp. 1339-1345, 2014. Impact factor: 1.672 261. Ramesh.S.M Gomathy, B and Shanmugam, A , ‘An efficient entropy weighted deviation approach to simplify weighted association rules in bio medical applications’, Asian Journal of Information Technology (AJIT), vol.12, no.7, pp. 228-235, 2013. [Anna University Annexure – II Journal, Sl. No: 1779, ISSN: 1682-3915]. Impact factor: 0.55 262. Ramesh.S.M, Gomathy, B and Shanmugam, A , ‘A Proficient System for Automatic Detection of Risk Level in Disease Detection using Association Rule based DRF Algorithm’, International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Application (IJASCA), vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1-17. 2013. [Anna University Annexure – II Journal, Sl. No: 7945, ISSN: 2074-8523] Impact Factor: 1.069 263. Ramesh.S.M, Sundararajan.T.V.P, Maheswar.R and Deepak.K.R “Biologically Inspired Artificial Intrusion Detection System for Detecting Wormhole Attack in MANET”, Wireless Networks (Springer Journal), 4 August 2013. (Published online) [Anna University Annexure – I Journal, Sl. No: 8226, ISSN: 1022-0038] Impact Factor: 0.736 264. Ramesh.S.M, Gomathy.B and Shanmugam.A “Coronary Heart Event Analysis with Association Rule Mining” Journal of Computer Science (JCS), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 44 - 48, 2013. Impact Factor: 1.35 265. Ramesh, S. M., Arunprasath, A and Raja, J “Design of an Efficient Low Power Multi Modulus Prescaler”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp.15-22, 2013. Impact Factor: 1.2 266. Ramesh.S.M, Sundararajan .T.V.P and Gomathy. B “An Improved DWT Based PN Sequence of Watermarking Algorithm” Jokull Journal, Vol. 63, No. 8, pp. 398- 405, 2013. Impactor Factor: 1.604 267. Ramesh.S.M, Gomathy.B and Shanmugam.A “A Dynamic System for Diagnosing of Breast Cancer Based on CF Algorithm” Jokull Journal, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp. 467- 474, 2013. Impactor Factor: 1.604 268. Ramesh.S.M, Gomathy. B and Shanmugam. A “A Proficient System for Automatic Detection of Risk Level in Disease Detection using Association Rule based DRF Algorithm” Archives Des Sciences (ADSJ) Vol. 66, No. 2,pp. 409 - 418,2013. Impact Factor : 0.536 269. Ramesh.S.M, Gomathy. B and Shanmugam. A “Data Mining Weighted Association rules based on HITS Model” International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security (IJCIIS), Vol. 2, pp.4 – 11, 2012. Impact Factor: 1.0425 270. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “An Efficient Robust Watermarking Algorithm in Filter Techniques for Embedding Digital Signature into Medical Images using Discrete Wavelet Transform”, European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR) Vol.60, No.1, pp.3344, 2011. [Anna University Annexure – II Journal, Sl. No: 177, ISSN: 1450-216X]. Impact factor: 0.736 271. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “SPIHT Image Compression modified for Application to Large Images with Limited Algorithm is Processor Memory”, CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing (IJDIP), Vol. 4, No.3, 2011. Impact factor: 1.352 272. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “A New Technique for Enhancement of Color Images by Scaling the Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients”, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Technology (IJECT), Vol. 2, No.1, pp.34-37, 2011. Impact factor: 0.413 273. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “Compressed-Domain Watermarking Algorithms: A Review”, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST), Vol. 2, No.1, pp 101-105, 2011. Impact factor: 0.413 274. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “Comparison and Analysis of Self-Reference Image with Meaningful Image for Robust Watermarking Algorithm based on Visual Quality and Fidelity”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol.15, No.5, pp. 8-13, 2011.Impact factor: 0.821 275. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “Comparison and Analysis of Discrete Cosine Transform based Joint Photographic Experts Group Image Compression using Robust Watermarking Algorithm”, American Journal of Applied Sciences (AJAS) Vol.8, No.1, pp. 63-70, 2011. [Anna University Annexure – II Journal, Sl. No: 843, ISSN: 15469239]. Impact factor: 1.4 276. Ramesh, S.M. and Benschwartz, R. “A Novel Integrated Photonic Band Gap Substrate with Wideband Suppression of High Frequency Switching Noise and Its Radiated EMI on High Speed Devices”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), Vol. 18, pp. 31-39, 2010. Impact factor: 1.0 277. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “Implementation of Watermarking for a Blind Image using Wavelet Tree Quantization”, International Journal of Computer and Network Security (IJCNS), Vol. 2,No.3 , pp. 50-55, 2010. Impact Factor : 2.561 278. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “Medical Image Compression using Wavelet Decomposition for Prediction Method”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.262-265, 2010. Impact Factor 0.423 279. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transform based SPIHT Image Compression using Robust Watermarking Algorithm”, Journal of Computer Science (JCS). (Accepted) 280. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “Image Compression for Various Transform in Digital Image using Embedding Watermark” International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security (IJCIIS).(Accepted) 281. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “A New watermark embedding scheme combined with low frequency and spread spectrum watermarks based on DWT” International Journal of Technology and Engineering System (IJTES).(Accepted) 282. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “Implementation of watermarking for a blind image using wavelet tree quantization”, International Journal of Power, Control, Signal and Computation (IJPCSC). (Accepted) 283. Ramesh, S.M. and Shanmugam, A. “ Image Processing based on Automatic Detection of Ground Glass Pattern in Ling Disease using High Resolution Computed Technology”, Journal of Computer Science (JCS). (Accepted) 284. A.K.Gowthami, K.Gavaskar, “Design Of Efficient Multi-Modulus Counter Using Low Power 2/3 Counter”, IJERA volume 3, Issue 2, March-April 2013 285. Pushpavalli.M, Dr.A.M.Natarajan,” Quality of Service in Mobile Adhoc Networks using Two Bandwidth Estimation Method in Optimized Link State Routing protocol”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), VOL.12 No.1,pp 98 - 105 January 2012. 286. Annitha.N , Pushpavalli.M,” A quality of service based admission control scheme for MANETs”, International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology ,Vol.1,Issue 4 Page No.379-382 ,November-December (2012). 287. Pushapavalli .M, Krithika.P,” Quality of service optimization in ieee 802.11e networks using enhanced distributed channel access technique”, International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), IRACST Vol.2, No6, pp. 680- 685,Dec 2012. 288. Annitha.N , Pushpavalli.M,” A Quality of Service Based AODV with QoS Aware Routing Algorithms for MANETS”, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM),vol.2 Issue 2, pp 199-204,March 2013. 289. Annitha.N , Pushpavalli.M,” A Distributed Admission Control Scheme Based Quality of Service in MANETs”, International Journal of Engineering Trends & Technology(IJETT),vol.4 Issue 4,pp 550-553, April 2013. 290. Pushapavalli .M, Krithika.P,” A QoS Optimization in IEEE 802.11e networks using modified EDCA technique”, International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies(IJCCTS)”,vol.1,pp.60-64,Issue.03,March 2013 291. Pushapavalli M, Sita K , “An Access Point Based ERED-FEC Mechanism using Interleaving / Deinterleaving Strategy with ALD Mechanism for Video Transmission over WLAN” , International Journal Advanced Research Electronics and Communication Engineering” , Volume 3,Issue 2,Feburary-2014. 292. Rajarajachozhan.C, Sathesh.S Implementation of Microstrip Feed slot antenna for WLAN for WLAN applications,International journal of Innovative research in science, Engineering and technology,Volume.2,Issue 2,Feb 2013. 293. Vidya P, Vinitha K, Sharanya A & Sanjoy Deb, Design and Comparative Performance Analysis of 1-T DRAM Cell with Nanoscale SOI and MOS Structures, International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE), Volume-2, Issue-5, pp. 2278-8948, 2013 294. S.Karthick, , S.Valarmathy, “Improved Dynamic Reconfigurable Architecture for Implementing FIR Filter with Low Complexity” has published International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(IJAREEIE) Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013. 295. S.Karthick, E.prabhu, Dr.H.Mangalam “A Low Power Multiplier using Encoding and Bypassing Technique”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(JATIT),Volume 57, No 2, pp 251-260, November 2013. ISSN:1992-8645(Anna University Annexure II Journal). 296. S.Karthick, K.Poongodi, “Design and Comparision of FIR Filter Architecture using Different Common Subexpression Elimination Methods” has published International Journal of Electronic Governance and Research, Volume II, Issue II, February 2013. 297. S.Karthick, S.Dhivyapriya, T.V.P.Sundararajan,“Compression of FPGA Bit Stream Using Effective Run Length Encoding Techniques and its Performance Estimation” has published paper in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(IJAREEIE), Volume 1, Issue 6, December 2012. 298. S.P.Prakash, S.Saro Ramya, S.Sakthivel, “Design and comparison of Array and Tree multiplier using different logic style” International Journal of Innovative Technology, Volume 2 Issue 7 January 2013. 299. S.P.Prakash, Dr.S.Valarmathy, S.Sakthivel “Design of low power parallel multiplier with column bypassing technique”, International Journal of Electrical Energy systems Volume 5 No.1 January to June 2013 pp 41- 45. 300. P.Prakash, S.Sakthivel, Dr.S.Valarmathy “ Design of adaptive reconfigurable FIR filter by using column bypassing Technique” International Journals of Inventive Engineering and Sciences, Volume 6 No.2 July to December 2013 PP 44 – 50. 301. K.SakthiSudhan, D.P.Thangaraj, Dr.C.Marimuthu “Comparative Analysis of Video Streaming Services in H.323 Application layered protocol coexisting of WLAN with Wireless Broadband Standard networks” on the Inter Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) ,Vol 46,No-2,PP 40-46,ISSN 0975-8887,May 2012. [Impact Factor : 0.83] 302. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, A.L.Karhika“Achieving Quality of Metric for Video Streaming Service in the Warehouse Application with Coexisting of IEEE 802.11 a/b/g Standards” on the Inter Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) ,Vol 1,No-5,PP 27-31, ISSN- 0975-8887,July 2012. [Impact Factor: 0.83] 303. Dr.P.Thangaraj, K. SakthiSudhan, Dr.S.N.Sivanantham, A.L.Karthika “Perceptible MOS Factor Achieved During Voice Transmission in IEEE 802.1Q Standard for Video Conferencing” on the Inter Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) ,Vol 46,No-2,PP 4046,ISSN 0975-8887,Oct 2012. [Impact Factor: 0.83] 304. Dr.P.Thangaraj, K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.S.N.Sivanantham “Superior Voice & Network Quality management in the WiFi Network for VoIP based streaming Application with Virtual technology Architecture” on the Inter Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA). [Impact Factor: 0.83] Accepted 305. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, Dr.D.Mogahageetha ‘‘Investigation of ISAMP Protocol for Multimedia Streaming Services via VoIP Coexisting of IEEE 802.11.b with Mobile WiMax Standard” on the Research J of Information Technology, Academic J Inc Publication, USA, ISSN- 18157432, vol 5, issue 2, PP 191-199, 2013. 306. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.G.M.Tamilselvan, Dr.P.Thangaraj “ A Novel UWB Antenna Design for Noninvasive Brain Stroke Diagnosis Systems” African J.Health Science, Kenya Medical Research Institute, ISSN: 1022-9272 (p), 2306-1987 (online), Vol:27,Issue 47, 2014. 307. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj and P.Prabhu “Dual Steganographic Approach for Secure Data Communication” on procedia Engg in Elesevier BV publication, Netherland, ISSN 1877-7058, Vol 38, PP 412-417, 2012. 308. K.SakthiSudhan, A.L.Karhika, G.DeepaPrabha, D.P.Thangaraj, Dr.C.Marimuthu “Comparative Analysis of Video Streaming Services in H.323 Application layered protocol coexisting of WLAN with Wireless Broadband Standard networks” on the Inter Journal of Springer in verleg Serial Publication of Lecture notes in Computer Science, PP 204-211, Aug-2012. <DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32112-2_18>. 309. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, P.Prabhu “Secure Audio Steganography for Hiding Secret information” on the Inter Journal of Computer Applications Vol 3,PP 33-37 ISBN: 973-93-80867-36-7 May 2012. 310. K.SakthiSudhan, A.L.Karhika, T.Raja, R.Sivaranjini “A Design Of Concatenated LDPC Codes Using Video Streaming Transmission” on the Inter Journal of Communication Engg Vol 4,Issue 2,PP 65-71, ISSN: 0988-0382E ,May 2012. 311. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, Dr.C.Marimuthu, A.L.Karthika “Achievable fair throughput investigates for SIP protocol multimedia streaming service in coexisting with Heterogeneous WiMAX standards” on the Inter Journal of Computer Sciences Software Engineering and Electrical Communication Engineering” July-Dec 2012. 312. K.SakthiSudhan, P.Prabhu, "Secure audio steganography for hiding text and audio files” on the Inter journal of Advanced Engg informatics 51-A, ISSN- 11069-11072, PP 1-4, 2012. 313. T Chitravel, M L N Madhu Mohan and V. Krishnakumar, “Crystallization kinetics study on orthogonal ordering in N-(p-n-alkoxy benzylidene)-p-n-alkyl anilines (nO.m compounds) by thermal and electrical techniques-part 1”, Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung A vol. 64a, 2009, pp. 354360. 314. T Chitravel, M L N Madhu Mohan and V. Krishnakumar, “Crystallization kinetics study on tilted ordering in N-(p-n-alkoxy benzylidene) - p-n-alkyl anilines (nO.m compounds) by thermal and electrical technique Part I”, Physics B: Condensed Matter, vol. 404, 2009, pp. 1310-1315. 315. T Chitravel, M L N Madhu Mohan and V. Krishnakumar, “Crystallization kinetics study on orthogonal ordering in N-(p-n-alkoxy benzylidene)-p-n-alkyl anilines (nO.m compounds) by Colorimetric and electrical techniques Part 2, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, vol. 515, 2009, pp. 49-63. 316. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Study of Inter molecular Hydrogen bonding in p-nalkoxybenzoic acids and alkyl aniline homologous series - Part I, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals 515, 2009, pp. 39-48. 317. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Synthesis And Characterization of Double Hydrogen Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Exhibiting Reentrant Smectic Ordering”, Ferroelectrics, 392, 2009, pp. 81-97. 318. 27. V.N.Vijayakumar, K.Murugadass and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Inter Hydrogen Bonded Complexes of Hexyl Aniline and Alkxoy Benzoic Acids: A Study of Crystallization Kinetics”, Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 39, 2009, pp. 601-605. 319. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Hydrogen bonded ferroelectric liquid Crystals : A study of field induced transition (FiT)”, Solid State Communications, vol. 149, 2009, pp. 2090-2097. 320. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Experimental evidence of an optical shuttering action in cholesteric phase of a double Hydrogen bonded ferroelectric liquid crystal”, Brazilian Journal of Physics vol. 39, 2009, pp. 677-693. 321. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan,” A Study of Field Induced Transitions (Fit) in the Nematic Phase of an Inter Hydrogen Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal” Solid State Sciences vol. 322. 12, 2010, pp. 142-149. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Study of optical shutter in cholesteric phase of a double hydrogen bonded ferroelectric liquid crystal”, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, vol. 528, 323. 2010, pp. 163-177. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Experimental evidence of an optical shuttering action in cholesteric phase of a double Hydrogen bonded ferroelectric liquid crystal”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 11, 2009, pp. 1139- 1146. 324. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Study of Self Assembly Systems Formed by Malic Acid And Alkyloxy Benzoic Acids”, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A, vol. 65a 2010, pp. 1156-1164. 325. M.L.N. Madhu Mohan,” A novel dielectric technique for the crystallization kinetics study of a liquid crystalline compound”, Romanian Journal of Physics, vol. 55, 2010, pp. 360- 368. 326. 35. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Double Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals: A Study of Light Modulation And Field Induced Transition (FiT)”, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, vol. 517, 2010, pp. 113-126. 327. T Chitravel and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, ”Ambient Temperature And Re-Entrant Smectic Ordering In An In Occurrence of ter Molecular Hydrogen Bonding Between Alkyl Aniline and Alkoxy Benzoic” 328. Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, vol. 524, 2010, pp. 131-143. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrogen Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals”, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, vol. 524, 2010, pp. 54-67. 329. V.N.Vijayakumar, K.Murugadass and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan,” A study of reentrant smectic ordering in hydrogen bonded ferroelectric undecyl and dodecyl benzoic acid and tartaric acid liquid crystals”, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals vol. 517, 2010, pp. 43-62. 330. in V.N.Vijayakumar, K.Murugadass and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, Ambient smectic orderings hydrogen bonding liquid crystal homologous series, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals vol. 537, 331. 2010, pp. 22-35. V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Dispersion of multi walled carbon nano tubes in a Hydrogen bonded liquid crystal”, Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 405, 2010, pp. 4418-4423. 332. N. Pongali sathya Prabu, V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Thermal and dielectric studies of self assembly systems formed by hydroquinone and alkyloxy benzoic acids”, Physica B 333. Condensed Matter 406, 2011, pp. 1106-1113. P Subhapriya, V N Vijayakumar, M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, P S Vijayanand, “Study and characterization of double hydrogen bonded Liquid crystals comprising of p-n alkoxy benzoic acids with azelaic and dodecane dicarboxlic acids”, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, vol. 53, 2010, pp. 334. 36-50. V.N.Vijayakumar and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Dielectric Relaxations in Nematic Phase of a Linear Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystal Homologous Series”, Ferroelectrics, vol. 413, 2011, pp. 156-169. 335. V.N.Vijayakumar and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Dispersion of multi walled carbon nano tubes in a Hydrogen bonded liquid crystal”, Physica B : Condensed Matter, vol. 405, 2010, pp. 4418-4423. 336. N. Pongali sathya “Characterization of A Prabu, V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystal Homologous Series: Detailed FTIR Studies In Various Mesophases”, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 994, 2011, pp. 387-391. 337. V.N.Vijayakumar,and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Study of Thermal and Electrical Properties Exhibited by Two Ferroelectric Self Assembly Systems”, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 991, 2011, pp. 338. 60-67. V.N.Vijayakumar and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Dielectric Relaxations in Nematic Phase of Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystal Homologous Series”, Ferroelectrics, Vol. 413, 2011, pp. 56-69. 339. Electrical and Optical Studies of Hydrogen Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Dispersed with MWCNT V. N. Vijayakumar & M. L. N. Madhu MohanJournal: Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2012, pages 111-116 340. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu, V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Comparison of Supramolecular hydrogen bonded liquid crystals”, Phase Transitions, Vol. 86, 2013, pp.339360. 341. V.N.Vijayakumar and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Realization of Nematic Optical Shutter In Self Organizing Systems Doped With Carbon Nano Tubes”, Journal of Non Oxide Glasses, 2011 (in 342. press) V.N.Vijayakumar and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Study of Thermally Controlled Optical Shutter In An Inter Molecular Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystal”, Physica B : Condensed Matter, vol 406, 2011, 343. pp. 4139-4144 V.N.Vijayakumar, M.L.N. Madhu Mohan and T. Chitravel, “Study of field induced transition (fit) and analysis of crystallization kinetics in the nematic phase of an inter hydrogen bonded nano liquid crystal”, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Volume 33 2012, pages 623-630. 344. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu, V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Study of optical andelectrical properties in nematic phase of self assembly systems”, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 345. vol 548, 2011, pp. 73-85. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu, V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Study of optical and dielectric properties in A homologous series of bent liquid crystals formed by self assembly systems, Ferroelectrics, vol. 425, 2011, pp. 114-128. 346. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu, V.N.Vijayakumar, and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Influence of Terminal Groups on The Mesogenic Properties of Self Assembly Systems”, Molecular Crystals Liquid 347. Crystals, vol. 548, 2011, pp. 142-154. V.N.Vijayakumar, M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Design and Characterization Of Hydrogen Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals: A Study Of Light Modulation In Nematic And Smectic Orderings” Optik 348. Optics, Vol. 123, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 1044–1050 V.N.Vijayakumar, M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, ”Optical modulation in nematic phase of halogen substituted hydrogen bonded liquid crystals”, Phase Transitions, Vol. 85, Issue 1- 2, 2012, Pages 113-130 2012 349. V.N.Vijayakumar, M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, ” Optical thermal and dielectrical studies in linear hydrogen bonded liquid crystal homologous series”, Journal of Molecular Structure, vol. 1000, 2011, 350. pp. 69-76. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Optical shuttering action in nematic phase of SMHBLC: observation of a ribbon like texture”, Phase Transitions, 2011, Vol. 85, Issue 7, 2012 pp. 592-607. 351. C Kavitha, N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and MLN Madhu Mohan, “Study of optical shuttering action in Supramolecular hydrogen bonded nematogens”, Phase Transitions, Vol. 85, Issue 11, 2012, 352. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu, D M Potukuchi and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Thermal and optical characterization of a novel Series of supramolecular liquid crystals”, Physica B, Vol. 407, Issue 18, 353. Pages 973-994. 2012, Pages 3709–3716 C Kavitha, N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and MLN Madhu Mohan, “Design, synthesis and characterization of a linear hydrogen bonded homologous series, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of 354. Solids, Vol. 73, 2102, pp. 1203-1212. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Thermal analysis of Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals”, J. Ther. Anal. Calorim., Volume 113, Issue 2, August 2013, pp 811-820. 355. C Kavitha, N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and MLN Madhu Mohan, “Design, synthesis and characterization of a linear hydrogen bonded homologous series Physica B: Condensed Matter, Volume 407, Issue 5, 1 March 2012, Pages 859–867. 356. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, “Optical Shuttering and Filtering Action In Nematogens of Supra Molecular Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals, Molecular Crystals Liquid 357. Crystals, Vol. 557, 2012, pp. 190-205. P. Subhapriya, P. S. Vijayanand and M. L. N. Madhu Mohan, Synthesis and Characterization of Supramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Liquid Crystals Comprising of p- n-Alkyloxy Benzoic Acids with Suberic Acid and Pimelic Acid, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, Vol. 571, 2013, pp. 40-56. 358. A. J. Gopunath, T. Chitravel, C. Kavitha, N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and M. L. N. Madhu Mohan Double Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals Formed by Glutaric Acid, Molecular Crystals Liquid 359. Crystals, Vol. 574, 2013, pp. 19-32. N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and M.L.N. Madhu Mohan, Characterization of a new smectic ordering in supramolecular hydrogen bonded liquid crystals by X-ray, optical and dielectric studies, Journal of Molecular Liquids Vol.182, 2013, pp. 79–90. 360. Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Vijayakumar V N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Comparison of Supramolecular Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals”, Phase Transitions, Vol. 85, pp. 149-158, 2012. 361. Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Vijayakumar V N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Thermal and Optical Properties of Self Assembly Systems: Two Pairs of Distinct Structural Isomers”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 557, pp. 144-160, 2012. 362. Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Dielectric and optical studies in smectic C of a novel hydrogen bonded liquid crystal Homologous series”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 562, pp. 177-190, 2012. 363. Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Thermal and Dielectric Investigations on Supramolecular Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 569, pp. 72-91, 2012. 364. C Kavitha, N. Pongali Sathya Prabu and M L N Madhu Mohan, Thermal Analysis of Supramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Liquid Crystals Formed by Nonyloxy and Alkyl Benzoic Acids, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, Vol. 574, 2013, pp. 96-113. 365. Rajanandkumar R., Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Characterization of Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals Formed by Suberic Acid and Alkyl Benzoic Acids”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., In Press, doi: 10.1080/15421406.2013.8213832013. 366. Gopunath A J., Chitravel T., Kavitha C., Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Thermal, Optical and Dielectric Analysis of Hydrogen Bonded Liquid Crystals Formed by Adipic and Alkyloxy Benzoic Acids”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., In Press, 2014 367. Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Spontaneous polarization analysis of hydrogen bonded Ferroelectric doi:10.1080/01411594.2013.850168 368. Liquid Crystals”, Phase Transitions, In Press, 2013 Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Thermal Analysis, Calorimetric and Electrical Polarization Studies in Smectic X* Phase of Hydrogen Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Under Active Consideration, 2013 369. Kavitha C., Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Birefringence Study in Hydrogen Bonded Complexes”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst , 2014 370. Hariharan V, Pongali Sathya Prabu N., Madhu Mohan M L N. “Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Chloro Hydroquinone Derivatives - Liquid Crystalline Complexes” Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., In press 2014 371. Deepan Raj.B, T.V.P.Sundararajan and K.Shoukath Ali “Fast Flexible Fpga-Tuned Networks-on-Chip ,” IJEES Vol. 5, No.1, January- June 2013, pp.9-13@ International Science Press, (India). 372. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi “Feature Extraction algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition using MFCC”, International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Research(IJKER), Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2013, pp.178-182. 373. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi “Feature Extraction algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems(IJEEES), Vol.5 No.1, January – June 2013, pp. 9-15. 374. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi, “Automatic Speech Recognition Using Hidden Markov Modeling Technique”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems (IJEEES), Vol.5 No.2, July-Dec 2013, pp.63-75. 375. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Poonkuzhali C and Karthiprakash R, “An approach to Feature Selection algorithm based on Ant colony optimization for Automatic speech recognition”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), vol.2, no.11, November 2013, pp.5671-5678. (1.686) 376. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and Poonkuzhali C, “Survey on Feature Selection Algorithms for Speech Recognition”, i-Manager’s Journal on Computer Science (JCOM), vol.1, No.2, June – August 2013, pp.24-30. 377. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and Catherine J N, “Feature Selection Algorithm for Automatic Speech Recognition Based On Fuzzy Logic”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE), vol.3, no. 1, January 2014, pp.6974-6980. (1.686) 378. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and Catherine J N, “ Automatic Speech Recognition using Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies (IJSRCSAMS), vol.3, no. 1, January 2014 (0.465). 379. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Poonkuzhali C and Karthiprakash R, “Comparison of Cepstral and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients For Various Clean and Noisy Speech Signals”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE), vol.2, no.1 (Special issue), March 2014, pp.2897-2904. (1.386) 380. Dr.S.Valarmathy, Mrs.M.Kalamani published a paper titled “Hybrid Modeling Algorithm for Continuous Tamil Speech Recognition” in International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering Vol:8 No:12, 2014 (Annexure:II). 381. Dr.S.Valarmathy, Mrs.M.Kalamani published a paper titled " Adaptive Noise Reduction Algorithm for Speech Enhancement " in International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering Vol:8 No:6, 2014 (Annexure:II) 382. Dr.S.Valarmathy, Mrs.M.Kalamani published a paper titled " Hybrid Speech Segmentation Algorithm for Continuous Speech Recognition " in International Journal of Applications of Information and Communication Engineering Vol1:Issue 1: January-2015 383. E.Santhi, R.Jeevitha published a paper titled “Cooperative Driving with in Vehicle Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Gateway” in International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science Volume 2, Issue 01, 2015. 384. Dr.R.Hari Kumar published a paper titled “Performance Analysis of Neural Networks for Classification of Medical Images with Wavelets as a Feature Extractor” in International Journal of Imaging Systems Technology 25, 33-40,2015. 385. Ms. Fema Merin Jacob, Mr. Sajan P Philip published a paper titled “Design and implementation of an Embedded Linux based application for real time digital video recording subsystem” in international Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015. 386. Dr.T.V.P.Sundararajan presented a paper titled “Mobility Aware Fisheye based Routing Protocol in sub Urban Environment of Vehicular Networks " in International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering Recent Trends and Research Issues, Sri Krishna Institutions, Coimbatore on 02.01.2015. 387. Ms.Sasireka.N presented a paper titled “Design of Triple Based Fractal Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna for C-band App " in International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering Recent Trends and Research Issues, Sri Krishna Institutions, Coimbatore on 02.01.2015. 388. M.Renuga Devi presented a paper titled “Design of Triple Based Fractal Circular Patch Microstrip Antenna for C-band App " in International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering Recent Trends and Research Issues, Sri Krishna Institutions, Coimbatore on 02.01.2015. 389. M.Renuga Devi presented a paper titled “Performance Analysis of Micro trip patch Antennas with Mutual Coupling for Wimax Applications” in International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering Recent Trends and Research Issues, Sri Krishna Institutions, Coimbatore on 02.01.2015. 390. Dr.S.Valarmathy, S.Kirubakaran, C.Kamalanathan published a paper titled “An Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm based on Data Compression in LEACH-C” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology ISSN: 2278-0181. 391. Dr.R.Hari Kumar published a paper titled “Energy Efficient Adaptive Broadcasting Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks” in international journal ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.10, No 4, March 2015. 392. Dr.R.Hari Kumar published a paper titled “Analysis of Centre Tendency Mode Chaotic Modeling for Electroencephalography Signals Obtained from an Epileptic Patient” in international journal Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics Vol.9,2015,no.4,171-177. 393. C.Kamalanathan published a paper titled “Evaluation of ZRP using various application in Adhoc Mobile Wireless Network Using Qualnet Simulator” in International Journal on Application in Information and Communication Engineering Vloume 1: Issue 3: March 2015,pp 8-16. 394. Dr.P.Sampath, Mr.S.Elango published a paper titled “Investigating the VLSI Characterization of Parallel of Parallel Signed Multipliers for RNS Applications” in Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: A Hardware & Computation Volume 15, Issue 1, Version 1.0 Year 2015. 395. Mrs.P.Ramya(AP/ECE) published a paper titled “Modified Planar Inverted F Antenna for Wimax Application” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 4,Issue 3, March-2015 PP 225-230. 396. Dr.S.M.Ramesh(Associate Prof/ECE),S.Kirubakaran(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled " Embedded based Fault Finding in Automotive " in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering Volume 4, Issue 2,PP.445-451 Feb-2015. 397. Dr.S.M.Ramesh(Associate Prof/ECE) published a paper titled " An Efficient Automatic Energy Meter System with Power Theft Detector using Wireless Technology " in International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Volume2, Issue 4,PP: 13,April-2015. 398. Dr.S.M.Ramesh(Associate Prof/ECE), Mr.A.John Clement Sunder(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Smart Home Energy Management System Based on Demand Response Management” in International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Volume2, Issue 4,PP: 1-5,April-2015 . 399. Dr.S.M.Ramesh(Associate Prof/ECE), Mr.M.Arun Kumar (AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Curvelet transform based palm print recognition for biometric authentication” in International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Volume2, Issue 4,PP: 14,April-2015. 400. Dr.S.Valarmathy (Pro&HoD/ECE) Dr.M.G.Sumithra(Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Disease Identification in Cotton Plants Using Spatial FCM & PNN Classifier” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Volume3,Issue 4,PP.1-5 April2015. 401. Dr.S.Valarmathy (Pro&HoD/ECE), Mrs.M.Kalamani (AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Automatic Speech Recognition using ELM and KNN Classifiers " in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Engineering Volume 3, Issue 4,PP.1-5 April2015. 402. Mr.S.Kirubakaran(AP.Sr/ECE), Mr.C.Kamalanathan(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Based Routing Protocol with TDMA for Wireless sensor Networks” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Volume 3,Issue 4, PP.364-369 April-2015. 403. Mrs.P.Ramya(AP/ECE) published a paper titled “Triangular and Circular Sierpinsky Fractal Antenna with Coupling Patches for Dual Band Application” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Volume3,Issue 4, April-2015. 404. Dr.S.M.Ramesh(Associate Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Iris Recognition Based authentication System in ATM” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 5, Issue 1, May 2015, PP:123-127 405. 406. Dr.S.M.Ramesh(Associate Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “An Efficient Automatic Energy Meter System with Power Theft Detector Using Wireless Technology” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 2, Issue 4, May 2015, PP:1-4. 407. Dr.S.M.Ramesh(Associate Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “An Efficient Automatic Energy Meter System with Power Theft Detector Using Wireless Technology” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2015, PP: 1-5. 408. Dr.R.Hari Kumar presented a paper titled “Smart Home Energy Management System Based on Demand Response Management” in International Conference on Engineeing Technology and Science at MEC Rasipuram from 05.03.2015 to 06.03.2015. 409. R.Nirmal Kumar (AP/ECE) presented a paper titled “FPGA Implementation of Low Power and Area Efficient Multiplier Design Using Fixed –Width RPR” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2015, PP: 510. 410. Mrs.M.Kalamani (AP.Sr/ECE) presented a paper titled “Review on Acoustic Modeling for Continuous Speech Recognition” in International Journal on Digital Signal Processing, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp:30-35 May-2015. 411. C.Kamalanathan(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Optimized New Efficient Load Balancing Technique for Scheduling Virtual Machine” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 5, Issue 1, May 2015, PP: 128-132. 412. C.Kamalanathan(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Arduino Based Vehicle Collision Detection using Can Protocol” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 5, Issue 1, May 2015, PP: 60-67. 413. Dr.S.Valarmathy(Prof&HoD/ECE),Mr.S.Kirubakarn(AP.Sr/ECE),C.Kamalanathan(AP.S r/ECE) published a paper titled “Increase the data Availability for Cloud Environment” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, Number 9(2015) PP.24083-24091. 414. Mr.C.Kamalanathan(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Arduino Based Vehicle Collision Detection using Can Protocol” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 5, Issue 1, May 2015, PP: 60-67. 415. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Analysis of Wavelet Transforms and RBF Neural Networks for Epilepsy Risk Level Classification from EEG Signals” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol.10, No 20 (2015), Special Issue, Pages : 19783-19788. 416. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Principal Component Analysis as a Dimensionality Reduction Technique and Sparse Representation Classifier as a Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals” in International Journal of J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 7(6), 2015,PP.282-284. 417. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Analysis of Singular Value Decomposition as a Dimensionality Reduction Technique and Sparse Representation Classifier as a Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals” in International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.8 (2), June 2015, pp:191-194. 418. Dr.P.Sampath(Prof/ECE) , Dr.C.Ganesh Babu (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Comparative study and analysis of Rectangular and Circular aperture antennas” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.10No.29 (2015). 419. Dr.P.Sampath(Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “An Energy Efficent Power Optimized 32 bit BCD adder using power gating and multi channel technique” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.10No.29 (2015) 420. Dr.P.Sampath(Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “A novel approach to mitigate the performance degradation in IEEE 802. 11 WLAN” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.10No.29 (2015). 421. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Processing Epileptic Encephalographic Signals” in International Journal of Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, Volume 8,Issue 10, July-2015, PP 103-106. 422. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Performance Comparison of EM,MEM,CTM,PCA,ICA, Entropy and MI for Photoplethysmography Signals” in International Journal of Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, Volume 8,Issue 1, July-2015, PP 413-418. 423. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Energy Efficient Adaptive Broadcasting Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks” Arpn Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 10,Issue 4, July-2015, PP 324-329. 424. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “A real time experimental setup for classification of epilepsy risk levels” in International Journal of Applied Soft Computing Volume 3,Issue 5, July-2015, PP 493-501. 425. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Classifiers for the Epilepsy Risk Level Classification from Electroencephalographic Signals” in Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume 6,Issue 4, Aug-2015, PP 469474. 426. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Performance Analysis of Medical Image Segmentation and Edge Detection using MEM and PSO Algorithms” in Applied Mathematics & Information Science. Math. Inf. Sci (Volume 9,Issue 6, Aug-2015, PP 32353243. 427. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Classifiers for the Epilepsy Risk Level Classification from Electroencephalographic Signals” in Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume 6,Issue 4, Aug-2015, PP 469474 428. Dr.S.Valarmathy (Pro&HoD/ECE), Mr.M.Arun Kumar(AP/ECE) published a paper titled “Comparative Analysis of Diverse Frequency Domain Feature Extraction Schemes for human Palm and Face Recognition Based on Machine Learning Approach" in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, Issue 13, Aug-2015, PP 33514-33522 429. Dr.S.Valarmathy (Pro&HoD/ECE), Mr.S.P.Prakash(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Analysis of low power unsigned array multiplier architecture” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, Issue 14, Aug-2015, PP 3435234356 430. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Fuzzy Mutul Information as a Dimensionality Reduction Technique for Epileptic Electroencephalography Signals” in Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Volume 5, Issue 4, Sep2015, 431. PP:10(9):1035-1037 432. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Performance Analysis of Adaptive Routing Structure for Wireless Sensor network Based on Load Balancing” in Springer Wireless Personal Communication, DOI 10.1007/s11277-015-3058-y,Sep2015,PP:10(9):1035-1037 433. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Enhancement of Fuzzy Controlled Photovoltaic-Diesel System with Battery Storage Using Interleaved Converter with Hybrid MPPT for Rural Home” in Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, AMSE DOI: 10.1115/1.1031514,2015 434. Ms.T.Jayanthi (AP/ECE) and Ms.A.K.Gowthami (AP/ECE) published a paper titled “Design and Characterstics of 8-bit Kogge Stone, Brent Kung, Spars Kogge Stone and Spanning Tree Adder” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 2 issue:5 ISSN: 3967-0867,PP:10(9):355-360. 435. Dr.M.L.N.Madhu Mohan (Asso.Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Design synthesis and application of hydrogen bonded smectic liquid crystals matrix encapsulated ZnO nanospikes” in International Journal of Materials Chemistry. 436. Dr.M.L.N.Madhu Mohan (Asso.Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Influence of spacer and flexible chain on Polymorphism in complementary hydrogen bonded liquid crystal dimmers, SA:nOBAS” in International Journal of Molecular Liquids. 437. Dr.M.L.N.Madhu Mohan (Asso.Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Binary Mixtures of Hydrogen – Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals: Thermal Span Enhancement in mectic X* Phase”in Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Tübingen - Mainz. 438. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Processing Epileptic Encephalographic Signals” in International Journal of Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, Volume 8,Issue 10, July-2015, PP 103-106. 439. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Performance Comparison of EM,MEM,CTM,PCA,ICA, Entropy and MI for Photoplethysmography Signals” in International Journal of Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, Volume 8,Issue 1, July-2015, PP 413-418. 440. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Energy Efficient Adaptive Broadcasting Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks” Arpn Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 10,Issue 4, July-2015, PP 324-329. 441. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “A real time experimental setup for classification of epilepsy risk levels” in International Journal of Applied Soft Computing Volume 3,Issue 5, July-2015, PP 493-501. 442. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Classifiers for the Epilepsy Risk Level Classification from Electroencephalographic Signals” in Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume 6,Issue 4, Aug-2015, PP 469474. 443. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Performance Analysis of Medical Image Segmentation and Edge Detection using MEM and PSO Algorithms” in Applied Mathematics & Information Science. Math. Inf. Sci (Volume 9,Issue 6, Aug-2015, PP 32353243. 444. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Classifiers for the Epilepsy Risk Level Classification from Electroencephalographic Signals” in Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Volume 6,Issue 4, Aug-2015, PP 469474 445. Dr.S.Valarmathy (Pro&HoD/ECE), Mr.M.Arun Kumar(AP/ECE) published a paper titled “Comparative Analysis of Diverse Frequency Domain Feature Extraction Schemes for human Palm and Face Recognition Based on Machine Learning Approach" in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, Issue 13, Aug-2015, PP 33514-33522 446. Dr.S.Valarmathy (Pro&HoD/ECE), Mr.S.P.Prakash(AP.Sr/ECE) published a paper titled “Analysis of low power unsigned array multiplier architecture” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, Issue 14, Aug-2015, PP 3435234356 447. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Fuzzy Mutul Information as a Dimensionality Reduction Technique for Epileptic Electroencephalography Signals” in Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology Volume 5, Issue 4, Sep2015, 448. PP:10(9):1035-1037 449. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Performance Analysis of Adaptive Routing Structure for Wireless Sensor network Based on Load Balancing” in Springer Wireless Personal Communication, DOI 10.1007/s11277-015-3058-y,Sep2015,PP:10(9):1035-1037 450. Dr.R.Harikumar (Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Enhancement of Fuzzy Controlled Photovoltaic-Diesel System with Battery Storage Using Interleaved Converter with Hybrid MPPT for Rural Home” in Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, AMSE DOI: 10.1115/1.1031514,2015 451. Ms.T.Jayanthi (AP/ECE) and Ms.A.K.Gowthami (AP/ECE) published a paper titled “Design and Characterstics of 8-bit Kogge Stone, Brent Kung, Spars Kogge Stone and Spanning Tree Adder” in International Journal of Research and Development Organization Volume 2 issue:5 ISSN: 3967-0867,PP:10(9):355-360. 452. Dr.M.L.N.Madhu Mohan (Asso.Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Design synthesis and application of hydrogen bonded smectic liquid crystals matrix encapsulated ZnO nanospikes” in International Journal of Materials Chemistry. 453. Dr.M.L.N.Madhu Mohan (Asso.Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Influence of spacer and flexible chain on Polymorphism in complementary hydrogen bonded liquid crystal dimmers, SA:nOBAS” in International Journal of Molecular Liquids. 454. Dr.M.L.N.Madhu Mohan (Asso.Prof/ECE) published a paper titled “Binary Mixtures of Hydrogen – Bonded Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals: Thermal Span Enhancement in mectic X* Phase”in Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Tübingen - Mainz. 455. 456. National Journals:23 1.N. Bhalaji, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Reliable Routing against Selective Packet Drop Attack in DSR based MANET “, Journal of Software, Vol. 4, No. 6, August 2009. 2.Dr. R. Sukanesh , Dr. R. Harikumar Dr. A. Shanmugam, “FPGA Synthesis of Heterogeneous and SIRM Fuzzy System for Classsification of Diabetic Epilepsy Risk Levels “, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Vol 90, Nov 18, 2009 3. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.A.Shanmugam, FPGA Synthesis of Heterogeneous and SIRM Fuzzy System for classification of Diabetic Epilepsy Risk levels , I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.90 no.2, Nov 2009, pp 20-25. 4. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, Pattern Recognition and Classification for Medical Diagnosis From bio-Signals- A Review, I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.89 no.1, May 2008, pp 24-32. 5. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, A Comprehensive Analysis on Post processing Mathematical models (MRE, Aggregation operators & Soft Decision Trees) for Patient specific Fuzzy based Epilepsy risk level Classifier from EEG Signals, I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.89 no.2, Nov 2008, pp 3-12. 6. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, Analysis of SIRM Fuzzy Systems in Classification of Epilepsy Risk levels for Diabetic Neuropathy Patients using Cerebral Blood Flow and EEG Signals, I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.87 no.2, Nov 2006, pp 33-36. 7. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, A Simple Recurrent Supervised Learning Neural Network for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals. , I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.87 no.2, Nov 2006, pp 37-43. 8. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar,. Fuzzy Techniques and Neural Networks (RBF) for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciencesvol.12, no.1, March 2007pp 17-21 9. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, R.Harikumar, Performance Analysis of Different Fuzzy Techniques in Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level for Diabetic Patients using Cerebral Blood Flow, Aggregation Operators and EEG Signals , I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.88 no.1, May 2007, pp 12-20. 10. R.Harikumar, Dr.(Mrs.)R.Sukanesh P.A.Bharathi Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Fuzzy outputs for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG signals, I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.86 no.1, May 2005, pp 9-17. 11. R.Harikumar, Dr.(Mrs.)R.Sukanesh, Fuzzy Techniques and Statistical Tests for Epilepsy risk level Classification using EEG Signals, I.E .India Journal of Interdisciplinary panels Vol.86 no.1, May 2005, pp 29-36. 12. R.Harikumar, S.Selvan, Fuzzy based classification of patient state in diabetic neuropathy using cerebral blood flow, Paritantra SSI Journal vol.7,no1Aug 2002 pp 37-42 13. R.Harikumar S. Selvan Digital Libraries, Technology Journal of PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, May 2001 pp 70-77 14. Valarmathy S. and Arumugam S. “Fingerprint Verification using Local Structure Matching”, Indian Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 2, No. 2, Dec. 2008, pp. 65-69. 15. Prakash.S.P, Valarmathy.S and Lakshmi.C, “Design and Analysis of Low power Braun Multiplier Architecture”, Indian Journal of Engineering Science, and Technology (IJEST), Vol.5 No.1, January – June 2011. 16. S. Valarmathy, “Improved Adaptive Lifting of Wavelets for Fingerprint Compression”, in the Indian Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2012, pp. 48-52. 17. S.Karthick, R.Nirmal Kumar and S.Valarmathy, “Low Power Reconfigurable VLSI Architecture for FIR Filters ” in i-managers Journal of Electronics Engineering, Volume 2, Number 3 March-May 2012. 18. D.Malathi and S. Valarmathy, “Domain Classifier using Conceptual Granulation and Equal partition Approach” Indian journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 7, No.1, Jan.-June 2013, 45-49. 19. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, P.Prabhu “Secure Data Transmission Using Audio Steganography” on the I manager Journal of Electronics Engg Vol 2,No PP 1-7, ISSN 22490760 May 2012. 20. K.SakthiSudhan, R.Sivaranjini “Survey of Adaptive scheme for Qos in Wireless Sensor Networks” in Journal of Wireless Networks, i- manager publication, Vol2, No 4, oct-dec-13. 21. C. Ganesh Babu and P.T. Vanathi, ‘Performance Analysis of Voice Activity Detection Algorithm for Robust Speech Recognition System under Different Noisy Environment’, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol.69, No.7, pp.515-522, 2010. 22. Dr.R.Hari Kumar , Dr.C.Ganeshbabu , Mr. M.RamKumar, “A Novel Method for Blood Flow Measurement using Plethysmography”, Karpagam Jcs Vol. 6 Issue 5 Jul. - Aug. 2012 pp237-245. 23. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, P.Sinthiya, “Performance Analysis of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals Using Hidden Markov Model”, JESC, July-December 2012, Volume 3 , Number 2, pp 189-198 CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS International Conferences: 268 1. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Enhancement of Noisy speech signal from Additive Background Noise Environment using Partial Differential Equation“, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation at College of Engineering , Trivandram, kerela, 1-3 December, 2009. 2. Dr. R. Harikumar, Dr. A. Shanmugam, “Performance Analysis of Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) and Radial Basis Function(RBF) Neural Networks for Epilepsy Risk Levels Classifications from EEG Signals” International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MSO9), College of Engineering, Trivandrum, India, 1-3 December 2009. 3. D. Deepa and Dr. A. Shanmugam “ Analysis of Spectral Subtraction Method of Speech Enhancement using Adaptive Noise Estimation Algorithm with PDE Preprocessing Technique“ International Conference, KSR college of Engineering Trichengode, January 2010. 4. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam ,“Capacity of MIMO Antenna Configurations for Spatial Channel and One Ring Model Scenarios” in the International Conference on Futuristic Computer Applications ICFCA 2010 held at IISc, Bangalore. 5. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “Effect of Mutual Coupling on the Capacity of Multielement Antenna Systems” in proceedings of International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC-2010) held at College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala. 6. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “BER Analysis of MIMO System on Rayleigh Fading Channel using SDM Algorithms” in the International Conference on Power, Control, Signal & Computation (EPSCICON 2010 ) held at THRISSUR, Kerala. 7. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , "Two Element Arrays of Circular Patch Antennas in Indoor Clustered MIMO Channels" in the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO-2010) held at Karpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore. 8. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “Performance Analysis of MIMO System on Rayleigh Fading Channel Model" in the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO-10) held at Karpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore. 9. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , "An Algorithm for Reconfigurable Communication System based on MIMO/ Adaptive Antennas and their Performance Analysis" in the IEEE International Conference On Communication And Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI - 2010 ) held at Kongu Engineering College, Erode. 10. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “BER Analysis of MIMO OFDM System Using MQAM over Rayleigh Fading Channel" in the IEEE International Conference On Communication And Computational Intelligence ( INCOCCI - 2010 ) held at Kongu Engineering College, Erode. 11. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “Performance Analysis of OFDM System with Pilot Sequence using MMSE/LS Channel Estimation "in the International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI 2011) held at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. 12. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “Effect of MMSE Channel Estimation on MIMO OFDM Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channel" in the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO-11) held at Karpagam college of engineering, Coimbatore. 13. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “Capacity of Echelon, H-shaped, V-shaped and Printed dipole Arrays in MIMO System" in the IEEE International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP-11) held at NIT, Calicut. 14. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “BER Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.16d system under adaptive modulation Techniques over SUI channels using different cyclic prefix for high speed voice, video and data services” in the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC-11) Cape Institute of Technology, Kanyakumari. 15. C.Poongodi and Dr. A. Shanmugam , “Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Non-Regenerative MIMO Amplify and Forward Relay” in the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC-11) Cape Institute of Technology, Kanyakumari, 2011. 16. Daniel Madan Raja, S. and Shanmugam, A. “ANN and SVM based War Scene Classification using Invariant Moments and GLCM Features: A Comparative Study”, In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, Singapore, vol. 3, pp. 508–512, 2011. 17. Daniel Madan Raja, S. Shanmugam, A. and Srinitya, G. “Artificial Neural Networks Based War Scene Classification using Various Feature Extraction Methods: A Comparative Study”, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, Taiyuan, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 7004, pp. 300–309, 2011. Dr VALARMATHY S 18. S.Anitha and Valarmathy S (2011) “Watershed Transform and FCM based Hybrid Image Segmentation for Medical Images,” Proceeding of the fifth International Conference on Recent Trends in Medical Image Processing, 2011, pp: 46-51. 19. B. Vidhya and Valarmathy S, (2011) “Scratch Removal In An Image Using Patch Sparsity” proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Technology, Engineering, Management and Science - ICRATEMS 2011 at Vivekanandha College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, pp. 12-16. 20. B. Vidhya and Valarmathy S, (2011) “Novel Video Inpainting Using Patch Sparsity” proceedings of the International conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology ICRTIT 2011, at MIT, Chennai on June 2011. 21. B. Vidhya and Valarmathy S, (2011) “Novel Text Removal in an Image Using Patch Sparsity” proceedings of the National Conference on Industrial Technology at BIT, NCIT 2011, pp. 41-45. 22. B. Vidhya and Valarmathy S, (2011) “Novel Method for Video Inpainting for Patch Sparsity” proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology ICRTIT 2011(June), MIT, Chennai, pp. 810-814 23. Valarmathy S, Kamalanathan K., Jemy Joseph, and Kirubakaran.S (2012) “A Profuse Approach for Securing Data in a Private Cloud Environment” in the International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing organized Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women in Association with Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand during January 2012. 24. Valarmathy S, M.Arunkumar & M.Sudha, “Enhancement of Palmprint Identification Rate Using Fusion of Multispectral Palmprint Images,” in the International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Electronics Engineering (ICFTEE- 2012) 25. Valarmathy S. , Arun Kumar M., and Sudha M., “Improvement in palm print recognition rate using fusion of multispectral palmprint images” in the proceedings of ICCCA International conference on 22-24 feb 2012 Digital object identification:10,11091 ICCCA 2012.6179175 page 1-5 26. Valarmathy S, Arun Kumar M., and Sudha M., “Enhancement of palm print identification rate using fusion of multispectral palmprint images” in the proceedings of International Conference on Information Communication & Embedded Systems, February.2012 27. Valarmathy S, M.Arunkumar,Sruthi.S, “Development of a novel method to enhance Face Authentication with 2DPCA and Mahalanobis Distance”, in the proceedings of the International Conference on Information , Communication and Embedded Systems, page no.51,February.2012 28. Valarmathy S and Karthick S.,(2012) “Design of a Reconfigurable FIR Filter by dynamically changing the filter order” in the proceedings of First International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing organized by Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women in association with Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok – Thailand, on 9- 10, Jan-2012, pp 46-47. 29. Valarmathy S and Karthick S.,(2012) “ Designing FIR filters using Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture with low complexity” in the proceedings of First International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing organized by Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women in association with Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok–Thailand, on 9- 10 Jan-2012, pp 116-117. 30. Valarmathy S, Nirmal Kumar R and Karthick S,(2012) “ Low Power Recongfigurable VLSI Archiitecture for FIR Filters” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre–Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 31. Valarmathy S, C.Kamalanathan and S.Kirubakaran (2012) “Performance Analysis for Providing Privacy in Confidential Database in Cloud Environment” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre– Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 32. Valarmathy S, M.Arunkumar, A and T.Pradeeba (2012) “Palmprint Recognition Using Fusion of Multispectral Palmprint Images” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre– Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 33. Valarmathy S, Nirmal Kumar R and Karthick S,(2012) “Analysis and Design of Low Power Adders for Multiply and Accumulation Units” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre– Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 34. Valarmathy S, and M.Nisha Angeline, (2012) “VLSI Architecture for Micro Processor Cache Compression Using Pattern Matching Algorithm” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre– Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 35. Valarmathy S, T.Jayanthi, and M.Kalamani (2012) “Survey on Feature Extraction Algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre– Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 36. Valarmathy S, C.Kamalanathan and S.Kirubakaran (2012) “Implementation of Quality of Service in Semantic Overlay Networks” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre - Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 37. Valarmathy S and Mr. J. Aravinth, (2012) “Fusion Of Fingerprint, Face And Iris For Personal Identification Based On Expectation Maximization” in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre– Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 38. Valarmathy S and M.Kalamani (2012) “Comparative Study on Noise Estimation Algorithms for Speech Enhancement” in the Proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre– Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 39. Karthika.M , Valarmathy S (2012) “Wavelet Based Multistream Face Recognition by Illumination Quality Based Adaptive Selection of Fusion Parameters” in the proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) organized by VIT University, Vellore 40. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S “Comparative study on Noise Estimation Algorithms for Speech Enhancement” in the Proceeding of International convention cum pre-conference workshop on Innovation in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD-12), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam jointly with Derby University, UK during 3rd - 5th September, 2012 , pp.EC402-EC407. 41. Kalamani M and Valarmathy S, “Comparative study on Noise Estimation Algorithms for Speech Enhancement” in the Proceeding of International convention cum pre-conference workshop on Innovation in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD-12), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam jointly with Derby University, UK during 3rd - 5th September, 2012 , pp.EC402-EC407. 42. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi “Survey on Feature Extraction algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition in the proceeding of International convention cum preconference workshop on Innovation in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD-12), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam jointly with Derby University, UK during 3rd - 5th September, 2012 , pp.EC345-EC351 . 43. D. Malathi and Valarmathy S, “Text Document Classification Using SVD And SVM”, International Convention cum pre-conference workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IETSD-2012) at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology , 3 - 5 September 2012 44. Kalamani M Valarmathy S and Jayanthi.T, “Feature Extraction Algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition” in the proceeding of International Conference on Innovation in Communication, Information and Computing (ICICIC'13) conducted by Sasurie College of Engineering, Tirupur, January 9 - 11, 2013, pp.548. 45. Valarmathy S, M.ArunKumar, M.Padma, “Fingerprint Authentication System Based on Minutiae and Direction Field Toning Technique”, International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012(ICSIP)DOI 10.1007/978 @springer India 2013. 46. G.M.Tamilselven, Valarmathy S, M.Brindha and M.Arunkumar “Face recognition using two dimensional principlecomponent analysis and extreme learning machine”, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (ICIRET2013), January 3-5, 2013. 47. G.M.Tamilselvan, Valarmathy S, M.Arun Kumar ,M.Suryalakshmipraba. “Palmprint recognition based on DCT, DWT with PCA, “2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology” (ICIRET 2013), January 3-5, 2013 48. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, “Improved Noise Tracking Algorithms for Speech Enhancement using LabVIEW”, in the proceeding of IEEE 2 nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013/WCI 2013) conducted by Sri Jayachamarajendra Engineering College, Mysore during 22- 25 August, 2013, pp. 1991 – 1996. 49. R.Karthiprakash, Dr.S.Valarmathy, “Face and Palmprint Recognition based on Multi Scale Local Binary Pattern” in the Second International Conference on Design and Application of Structures, Drives, Communicational and Computing Systems (ICDASDC 2013) at KLN College of Information Technology during 29-30 November 2013. Dr HARIKUMAR R 50. Dr.R.Harikumar Analysis of patient specific Elman-Chaotic Optimization Model for Fuzzy based Epilepsy risk Level Detection from EEG Signals International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Trivandrum, MS’09 2-4 Dec2009 51. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.N.S.Vasanthi, Performance Analysis of Artificial Neural Networks in Classification of Oral Cancer Stages International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Trivandrum, MS’09 2-4 Dec2009 52. Dr.R.Harikumar Performance Analysis of Patient Specific Epilepsy Risk Level Classifications from EEG Signals using Two Tier Hybrid (Fuzzy, Soft Decision Trees Models and MLP Neural Networks) Classifiers International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Trivandrum, MS’09 2-4 Dec2009 53. Dr.R.Harikumar Performance Analysis of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Radial basis Function (RBF) Neutral Networks for Epilepsy Risk Levels Classifications from EEG signals International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Trivandrum, MS’09 2-4 Dec2009 54. Dr.R.Harikumar, J.Poornima FPGA Implementation of Fuzzy Processor for Traffic Light Controller International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing technologies, 19-21 November 2009, Bangalore. 55. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubamani, FPGA Implementation of Soft Decision Trees (SDT) in Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels From Fuzzy Based Classifier International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis & Manufacturing technologies, 1921 November 2009, Bangalore. 56. Dr.R.Harikumar, P.Sreenithi, T.S. Harivikram Analysis of Chaos in EEG signals for Estimation of Drowsiness and classification of Epilepsy risk levels,12th International Conference on Networking, VLSI and Signal Processing (ICNVS’10) Feb 18&19 2010, Coimbatore 57. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Jothi. FPGA Synthesis of Heterogeneous and SIRM Fuzzy systems for classification of Diabetic epilepsy risk levels with reduced false level, International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and informatics (ICSCI-2011) Hyderabad during 5-8th January 2011. 58. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr. C.Palanisamy Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transforms and Elman Neural Networks for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2011(ICCOS’11) at Karunya University, Coimbatore, during 17th and 18thMarch 2011. 59. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr. C.Palanisamy Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Soft Decision Trees Models and Support Vector Machines for Epilepsy Risk Level Classifications from EEG Signal Parameters", International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2011(ICCOS’11) at Karunya University, Coimbatore, during 17th and 18 th March 2011. 60. Dr.R.Harikumar, S.Arun Analysis of an Edge Preserving Denoising Technique for X-Ray and Ultrasonic Images Using Wavelet Transform International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing 2011(ICCOS’11) at Karunya University, Coimbatore, during 17th and 18th March 2011. 61. Dr. R.Harikumar, T.Vijaykumar, Dr.C.Palanisamy Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Techniques Hierarchical Aggregation Functions Decision Trees and Support Vector Machine (SVM)for the Classification ofEpilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems RAICS 2011 Conference Sep 2224, 2011 62. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, M.G.Sreejith Performance Analysis of SVD and Support Vector Machines for Optimization of Fuzzy outputs in Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals, IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems RAICS 2011 Conference Sep 22-24, 2011 63. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar Comparison of Hierarchical Aggregation Functions Decision Trees and Rule Based AI Optimization in the Classification of Fuzzy based Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals,11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2011) Malacca, Malaysia during December 05-08, 2011 64. Jennifer S Raj Dr.R. Hari Kumar Power Efficient Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks International Conference on Distributed Computing Engineering (ICDCE 2011) Dubai, UAE. December 28-30, 2011 65. Jennifer S Raj Dr.R. Hari Kumar A New Distributed Architecture for connectivity Analysis in Wireless Networks International Conference on Communication Technology &system Design- ICCTSD 2011, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore,7-9 December 2011 66. Dr. C. Ganesh Babu, Dr. R. Hari Kumar, Dr. P.T. Vanathi, Performance Analysis of Hybrid Robust Automatic Speech Recognition System , International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control IEEE ISPCC-2012 March 15-17 2012 Jaypee University Shimla. 67. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Jothi, FPGA Synthesis of SIRM Fuzzy systems classification of Diabetic epilepsy risk levels, International conference on Modeling Optimization and computing (ICMOC 2012) , Noorul Islam University, Kumara coil Tamilnadu, on 10&11 April 2012 68. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, M.G.Sreejith Performance Analysis of SVD and K-means Clustering for Optimization of Fuzzy outputs in Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals , 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON 2012),Hua hin Thailand May 16-18 2012. 69. Dr. R. Hari Kumar G. Karthick Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Edge detection in medical Image Processing Internationall conference ICFTEE’12 Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, March, 2012 70. Dr. R.Harikumar, P.Manimekalai, Design of A Stand alone PV Power system for Rural Electrification in India- A-Review , Proceedings of the IETSD2012: 3-5 September 2012 BIT Sathy, pp EE9-EE14. 71. Dr. R.Harikumar, S.N.Shivappriya, Feature Extraction and Classification of ECG Signal Proceedings of the IETSD2012: 3-5 September 2012 BIT Sathy, pp EC307-EC316 72. Dr. R.Harikumar, Jennifer S Raj, Analysis Of Topology Constructions Using Tree Structure Method In Wireless Networks Proceedings of the IETSD2012: 3-5 September 2012 BIT Sathy, pp EC367-EC372 73. Dr. R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Intensity Based Cluster Merging , Proceedings of the IETSD2012: 3-5 September 2012 BIT Sathy, pp EC386-EC391 74. Dr. R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Fuzzy Logic in Medical Diagnosis- A Case Study, Proceedings of the IETSD 2012: 3-5 September 2012 BIT Sathy, pp EC392-EC396 75. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth kumar, S.Gowthami, Performance Analysis of LPG -PCA algorithm in denosing of Medical images, 5th International Conference on Science , Engineering and Technology (SET) VIT University Vellore during 8th &9th Nov 2012 76. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu,,M.G.Sreejith, Performance Analysis of Morphological Operators based Feature Extraction and SVD, Neural Networks as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels. Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2012), hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 77. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.G.Sreejith, Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transforms and Principal Components as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals. Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2012), hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 78. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.Balasubramani, P.Sinthiya, Analysis of SVD Neural Networks for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals. Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP-2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 79. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.N.B.Balamurugan, M.Jothi,FPGA Synthesis of SIRM Fuzzy System – Classification of Diabetic Epilepsy Risk Levels From EEG signal Parameters and CBF, Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 80. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, G.Karthick, L.K.Chand , C.Navin Kumar Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Intensity Based Cluster Merging and Edge Detection In Medical Images, Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 81. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, Dr.C.Ganeshbabu, Dr.P.Sampath , Mr. M.Ramkumar, PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF AN ACTIVITY BASED MEASUREMENT OF BLOOD FLOW USING IMPEDANCE PLETHYSMOGRAPHY, Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 82. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, S.N.Shivappriya,, A NOVEL APPROACH FOR DIFFERENT MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ECG SIGNAL, Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 83. Sampath.P, R.Harikumar, Gunavathi.K CMOS 2nd Order Gm-C Intermediate Frequency Band Pass Filters for Wireless Systems Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 84. Dr.R.Harikumar, B.Vinoth kumar, S.Gowthami, Performance Analysis of LPG -PCA algorithm in denosing of Medical images, Proc of IEEE International Conference on Machine vision and Image Processing, (MVIP) PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore during 14th &15th Dec 2012,pp 125-128. 85. Dr.R.Harikumar, P.Manimekalai,Design, Cost Estimation and Simulation of a Stand-Alone PV Power Generation System using Interleaved Converter, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering & Technology (INCOSET-2012), JJ college of engineering and technology, Trichy 13th & 14th December 2012. 86. T.Punithavalli Ms.S.N.Shivappriya Dr.R.Harikumar Classification Of Cardiac Abnormalities Using Artificialneural Network Classifier, Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Signal Processing (ICIIIOS’13) Karunya University, Coimbatore 1&2 March 2013,pp 1492-1496. 87. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, R.Kasthuri, Performance Analysis Of Conventional PSO And Hybrid Pso In Epileptic Seizure Risk Level Calculation, Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Signal Processing (ICIIIOS’13) Karunya University, Coimbatore 1&2 March 2013,pp 638-643. 88. M.Jothi, N.B.Balamurugan, R.Harikumar , Fuzzy processor based on VLSI -a review Proceedings of IEEE - International Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing – 2013 held at St Josephs College of Engineering and Technology – Palai ,during 22-23 March 2013. 89. Dr.R.Harikumar, M.Balasubramani, K.Shouth Ali,S.Saravanan,FPGA Implementation of Wavelet Neural Network for Epilepsy Detection, Proceedings of International Conference of Computational Intelligence &Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR) held at,Vels University, Chennai during 5&6th April2013, ISBN: 978-81-924031-7-5, pp 131-136. 90. Dr. R.Harikumar, M.Jothi, Performance Evaluation of a Fuzzy Processor, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, (ICCCNT 2013), Vivekanandha college of engineering for Woman, Tiruchengode, 4th to 6th July 2013. 91. Dr.R.HariKumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, “Performance Analysis of EM, SVD and SVM Classifiers in Classification of Carcinogenic Regions of Medical Images,” Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME – 2013) NUS Singapore, December 4th – 7th 2013, IFMBE Vol. 43,pp 617-620, 92. Dr.R.HariKumar, S.N.Shivappriya, “Performance Comparison of SVM and Naïve Bayes Classifiers with Wavelet Based Feature Extraction for Classification of Arrhythmias”, International Conference on Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems(ICIEES – 2013) PSG College of technology Coimbatore, December 12th – 14th 2013 Dr SUMITHRA M G 93. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K., “Wavelet based Speech Signal De-Noising using Hybrid Thresholding”, International conference on Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation ( IEEE Xplore Digital library ISBN:978-1-4244-4789-3 INSPEC Accession Number: 10835672 ) held at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, pp. 968974, June 2009. 94. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K. and MohanKumar D., “ Real Time Wavelet Based Single Channel Speech Enhancement Using Labview”,International conference on Electronic System Design and Signal Processing ,held at Manipal Institute of Tech., Manipal, IEEE manipal. pp.51-56, 2009. 95. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K. and Vanitha K., “ Performance Comparison of Signal Denoising Using Wavelet Thresholding”, International conference on Recent advancements in Electrical Sciences held at KSR College of Engineering,,2010. 96. Sumithra M.G, Thanushkodi K. and Ramya M. S., “Noise robust isolated word recognition”, International conference on Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation ( IEEE Xplore Digital library INSPEC Accession Number: 11887451 ) held at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai pp.362-367,2010. 97. Sumithra M.G., Thanushkodi .K. and Helan Jenifer Archana A., “Performance Analysis of Feature Extraction Techniques for speaker verification”, International Conference on Modeling, Control, Automation and Communication (ICMCAC–2010) held at Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, pp.118-123, 2010. 98. Sumithra M.G., Thanushkodi K. and Deepa B., “ Lifting Wavelet Packet Based Speech Enhancement”, International Conference on Modeling, Control, Automation and Communication (ICMCAC–2010) Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, pp. 140145,2010. 99. Sumithra M.G, Thanushkodi K. and Ramya M. S., “ Speech recognition in noisy environment using different feature extraction Techniques”, International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing held at Karunya University, CBE, pp.57-62 ,2011. 100. Sumithra M.G., Thanushkodi .K. and Helan Jenifer Archana A., “ Robust speaker recognition system using combined feature extraction Technique”, International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing held at Karunya University, CBE, pp.27-33 ,2011. 101. M.G.Sumithra,C Rajeswari “An image preprocessing technique for illumination invariant face recognition International Conference on Modeling, Control, Automation and Communication (ICMCAC–2010) Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, pp. 130135,2010. 102. Sumithra, M. G. and Sarumathi M, “PAPR Reduction Techniques for Multicarrier Systems” in International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing, Communication and Information Technologies” Obcom 2011 at VIT University, Dec 2011. 103. Sumithra, M. G. and Sarumathi M, “Comparison of two schemes of PAPR reduction methods in multicarrier systems” in International Conference on Recent Advancement in Electrical, Electronics and Control Engineering, IConRAEeCE 11 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering college, Sivakasi, pp. 405 - 409 Dec 2011(IEEE Xplore Digital library ,Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-2146-5 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICONRAEeCE.2011.6129747, INSPEC Accession Number: 12488820 ). 104. Sumithra, M. G. and Sarumathi M, “A Novel Adaptive Modulation Scheme for WIMAX OFDM System to improve QoS for Disaster Management” at International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, Indo-US Conference,ACWR2011,Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (AMRITA University), Kollam, Dec 2011(Archived in ACM Digital Library doi>10.1145/2185216.2185344) pp.509-513. 105. Sumithra, M. G. and Sarumathi M, “A Novel Adaptive Modulation Scheme for WIMAX OFDM System to improve QoS” in International Conference on Innovation, Computers, Information and Communications, ICICIC 2012 at PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore. Jan 2012. 106. Sumithra, M. G. and Sarumathi M, “Comparative Analysis of PAPR Reduction Techniques for Multicarrier Systems” in International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI 2012), at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering And Technology, Coimbatore, Jan 2012. (pp. 1 – 5, Jan 2012(IEEE Xplore Digital library, Print ISBN: 978-14577-1580-8 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICCCI.2012.6158856 ) 107. Sumithra, M. G., and Devika A K,“A Study On Existing Feature Extraction Techniques For Text Independent Speaker Identification System” in International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI 2012), at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering And Technology, Coimbatore, Jan 2012. (pp. 1 – 5, Jan 2012 (IEEE Xplore Digital library, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1580-8 Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/ICCCI.2012.6158791) 108. Sumithra, M. G., and Devika A K, “Text Independent Speaker Identification System using GMM-EM optimization algorithm” in the proceedings of ICICES 2012 S.A.Engineering college,Chennai. Feb 2012 109. Sumithra, M. G., and Devika A K, “Robust Speaker Identification using TECC features” is published in the proceedings of EMICS 2012 at Maria college of Engineering and Technology,Marthandam. Feb 2012 110. Sumithra M. G., and Devika A K, “Performance Comparison of Speaker Identification System Using GMM and VQ” is published the proceedings of ICCT 2012 at Thiruvalluvar college of Engineering, Vandavasi.Jan2012. 111. Sumithra Palanisamy, Prakash Duraisamy, Xiaohui Yuan and Mohammad Showkat Alam, “ A new time-adaptive discrete bionic wavelet transform for enhancing speech from adverse noise environment” Proc. SPIE XXIII conference on Optical Pattern Recognition,Vol. 8398, 83980M (April 2012)(SPIE Digital Library) Baltimore, Maryland, USA ( 112. Prakash Duraisamy, Xiaohui Yuan, El Saba, A. and Sumithra Palanisamy,” Contrast enhancement and assessment of OCT images”, Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), 2012 Date: 18-19 May 2012 pp.91-95(Location : Dhaka,Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-1153-3,INSPEC Accession Number: 13058449,Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/ICIEV.2012.6317381) 113. Sumithra M. G., and Devika A K, “Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithm for Speaker modeling Comparison of Speaker Identification System Using GMM and VQ” is published the proceedings of IISM at RVS college of Engineering, July 2012. 114. Sumithra M. G., and Sarumathi M, “ Spectrum Sensing using cyclic auto correlation selection method in Cognitive Radio System” published in the proceedings of IISM at RVS college of Engineering, July 2012. 115. Deepa B .and Sumithra M G , “A New Hybrid Approach For Denoising Medical Images”, Proceedings of the second International conference on advances in computing & Infomation Technology (ACITY) ,Springer Volume 2, pp.905-915, July 13-15,2012. 116. Sarumathi M and SumithraM. G., “ Spectrum Sensing using cyclic auto correlation selection method in Cognitive Radio System” published in the proceedings of IISM at RVS college of Engineering, 12-14 July 2012. 117. Devika A K and SumithraM. G.,“ Performance comparison of clustering algorithms for speaker modeling “ published in the proceedings of IISM at RVS college of Engineering, 1214 July 2012. 118. Sarumathi M and SumithraM. G., “Performance Comparison of Transmitter Detection based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Systems” ,in the proceedings of First national convention cum pre-conference workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for sustainable development,, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy during 3-5 September 2012. 119. Manojkumar V. and Sumithra, M. G., “Performance Comparison on Medical Image segmentation Algorithms”in proceedings of International conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS, during 7th Oct.2012 120. Remya Elizabeth Philip. and Sumithra, M. G., “Performance Analysis of Medical Image Watermarking Algorithms in Frequency domain ” , in proceedings of International conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS), during 7th Oct.2012 121. Renugadevi G and Sumithra, M. G., “Performance of Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network” in proceedings of International conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS), during 7th Oct.2012 122. Praveen Kumar Elango, Remya Elizabeth Philip, Sunil Kumar Prabhakar and Sumithra MG, “DWT-SVD Based Reversible Watermarking Algorithm for Embedding the Secret Data in Medical Images” Proceedings of the 4 th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2013) held during 4 th to 6th July 2013. 123. P.SUNIL KUMAR, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, “ Performance of Antenna Selection Techniques to Improve the Channel Capacity in MIMO Systems, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Optical Imaging and Sensor Security (ICOSS), conducted at Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women in Association with University of North Texas, July 02-03, Coimbatore, 2013, page(s): COM Track 1-6. 124. E.Praveen Kumar,V, Manoj Kumar and M.G.Sumithra, “Tumour Detection in Brain MRI Using Improved Segmentation Algorithm ” Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on July 4 - 6, 2013 conducted by Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Tiruchengode, page(s): 6-12. 125. Murali Krishnan,M.G.Sumithra and G.Jabert,”Separation of Disease and Pest in Agricultural Plants using Image Processing”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Communications,Networking and Signal Processing (ICCNASP-2013), VIT university,Vellore,India 19-21,September 2013. 126. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi and E. Praveen Kumar,“ Performance Comparison of 2 X 1 And 2 X 2 Differential STBC RS OFDM Systems Under Different Modulation Schemes in a Rayleigh Channel, Proceedings of 2nd IRAJ International Conference, 13th October 2013, Trivandrum, India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-33-7 127. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, E.Praveen Kumar, “Performance Analysis of Reduction of PAPR in SFBC MIMO-OFDM Systems incorporating SLM Scheme using suitable Modulation Techniques” Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering (ICMCE), Vol 2, pp: 467-471, ISBN:978-93-82338-895 (Bonfring), November 29-20,2013 at VIT University (Chennai Campus). 128. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, M.Sarumathi, E.Praveen Kumar, “Performance Analysis for PAPR Reduction using SLM technique in 2 x 1 and 2 x 2 Differential STBC MIMO OFDM Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channel”, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing, Communication and Conservation of Energy (ICGCE) held at RMD Engineering College, Chennai from December 12-14, 2013. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP13CGC-DVD, ISBN:978-1-4673-6125-5. 129. Murali krishnan and M.G. Sumithra ,“A novel algorithm for detecting Bacterial Leaf Scorch (BLS) of shade Trees using Image Processing”, in proceedings of IEEE Malaysia international conference on Communications,26-28 November 2013, Kulalalmpur, Malaysia.(IEEE xplore) 130. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, E.Praveen Kumar, “Performance Analysis of PAPR reduction in STBC MIMO-OFDM System”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICOAC ) held at Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University-Chennai, December 18-20, 2013, pp: 57 131. E.Praveen Kumar ,M.G.Sumithra, P.Sunil Kumar, “ Abnormality Detection using Brain MRI/CT using Segmentation Algorithm and Volume Visualization”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICOAC ) held at Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University-Chennai, December 18-20, 2013, pp: 37 132. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, E.Praveen Kumar, “PAPR Reduction Using Clipping and Filtering Technique in 2 X 2 Differential STBC RS OFDM System”, Proceedings of the IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Communication and Computer Vision 2013 (ICCCV’13), held at RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore during 20th and 21st December 2013, pp: 22 133. P.SUNIL KUMAR, M.G.Sumithra, “ Performance Analysis for PAPR reduction using Tone Reservation technique in 2 x 1 and 2 x 2 Differential STBC RS OFDM Systems” in the Fourth International Conference ICICIC Global on Bridges and Buildings, Computing and Communication, Electricity and Energy, Polymers and Petroleum, Wheels and Wings on 21 and 22 December 2013 at Radha Reagent, Chennai, India (Springer Abstract Book to be brought in Springer Proceedings and Springer Lecture Series in Intelligent Computing). 134. P.Sunil Kumar, M.G.Sumithra, E.Praveen Kumar “Performance Analysis for PAPR reduction by Active Constellation Extension-Projection onto Convex Sets Algorithm using Different Modulation Schemes for multicarrier systems” in the Fourth International Conference ICICIC Global on Bridges and Buildings, Computing and Communication, Electricity and Energy, Polymers and Petroleum, Wheels and Wings on 21 and 22 December 2013 at Radha Reagent, Chennai, India (Springer Abstract Book, to be brought in Springer Proceedings and Springer Lecture Series in Intelligent Computing). Dr.C. Ganesh Babu 135. C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi, R. Ramachandran, M. Senthil Rajaa and R. Vengatesh, ‘Implementation of Robust Speech Recognition System using Voice Activity Detection And Speech Enhancement Algorithm’, Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling and Simulation,Trivandram, pp.357-361, 2009. 136. C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi, M. Ramesh babu, T. Saravana priyan and J. Sudharson, ‘Speech Enhancement through Non – Linear Spectral Subtraction Subtraction and SVD Based Noise Reduction Technique For Robust Speech Recognition Systems’, Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Trivandram, pp. 362-366, 2009. 137. C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi and Jibby Peter Dcruz, ‘A Modified Oesophageal Speech Enhancement Using Ephraim-Malah Filter For Robust Speech Recognition’, Proceedings of International Conference on Networking, VLSI & Signal Processing, Coimbatore, pp.129134, 2010. 138. C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi, R. Ramachandran, M. Senthil Rajaa and R. Vengatesh, ‘Performance Analysis of Speech Enhancement Algorithm for Robust Speech Recognition System’, Proceedings of International Conference on Networking, VLSI & Signal Processing, Coimbatore, pp.197-203, 2010. 139. Dr. C. Ganesh Babu, Dr. R. Hari Kumar, Dr. P.T. Vanathi, Performance Analysis of Hybrid Robust Automatic Speech Recognition System , International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control IEEE ISPCC-2012 March 15-17 2012 Jaypee University Shimla. 140. A.Matheswaran, Dr. C.Ganesh babu, “Modeling and Simulation of PV Array and SEPIC Derived CSI FOR Medium Power Applications”, Proceeding of Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IETSD-2012), Organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp.EE74-EE83, 3rd -5th September, 2012. 141. P.Tamilselvi, Dr. C.Ganesh babu, “A Distributed Group Key Management Protocol for Adhoc Networks”, Proceeding of Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IETSD-2012), Organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp.EC234-EC239, 3rd -5th September, 2012. 142. M.Ramkumar, Dr. C.Ganesh babu, “A Novel Method for Blood Flow Measurement using Plethysmography”, Proceeding of Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IETSD-2012), Organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp.EC268-EC272, 3rd -5th September, 2012. 143. R.Hemima, Dr. C.Ganesh babu, “FPGA Implementation of Low Power and High Security Blowfish Crypto Algorithm”, Proceeding of Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IETSD-2012), Organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp.EC317-EC322, 3rd -5th September, 2012. 144. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, Performance Analysis of Morphological Operators based Feature Extraction and SVD, Neural Networks as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels. Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2012), hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 145. Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.G.Sreejith, Performance Analysis of Wavelet Transforms and Principal Components as Post Classifier for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals. Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2012), hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 146. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.Balasubramani, P.Sinthiya, Analysis of SVD Neural Networks for Classification of Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signals. Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP-2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 147. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, Dr.C.Ganeshbabu, Dr.P.Sampath , Mr. M.Ramkumar, Performance Analysis Of An Activity Based Measurement of Blood Flow Using Impedance Plethysmography, Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 148. N.Pavithra, E.Shalini, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, “Increasing the Speed and Reducing a sensing Delay of Content Addressable Memory”, Fourth IEEE International Conference on Information Communication & Embedded Systems (ICICES 2014) , organized by S.A Engineering college, Chennai, 27th and 28th February, 2014. 149. Dr.C. Ganesh Babu and S. Suganyadevi, ‘VLSI Implementation and Analysis of Carry Select Adder for Low Power Applications’ Proceedings of international conference on Communication and Computer Vision (ICCCV 2013), RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 23, Dec 20-21, 2013. 150. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.Balasubramani, G.A.Nivhedhitha, “PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF EXTREME LEARNING MACHINE FOR ROBUST CLASSIFICATION OF EPILEPSY FROM EEG SIGNALS”, Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIEC- 2014), Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp. 174-178, 13th and 14th March, 2014. 151. Dr.C. Ganesh Babu, M.Bhuvaneswari, P.Kiruthika, “Gaussian Mixture Model: An Application To Medical Image Classification” , Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems- (ICIIEC- 2014), Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp. 257-261, 13th and 14th March, 2014. 152. Dr. C. Ganesh Babu , J. Aarthi Rani, “ALU BASED BUILT IN SELF TEST TO TEST SRAM”, Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems- (ICIIEC- 2014), Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp. 528-532, 13th and 14th March, 2014. Dr SUNDARARAJAN T V P 153. Presented paper titled “Security and scalability of MANET Routing Protocols for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks” at the International conference on Man Machine Systems (ICoMMS) 2009, organized by School of Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia & IE/IEEE – Malaysia Section, October 11 to 13, 2009. 154. Soumya.C.P, Dr.T.V.P.Sundararajan, Gowdhami, “A Study on Wireless Sensor Network Localization”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering (ICKCE-2014), pp.364,2014. 155. E. Shalini, T. V. P. Sundararajan, “Enhancing QoS Parameters of Group Mobility model in WiMax networks for Military Applications”, 4 th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (4th ICCCNT 2013), 4-6 July 2013, Vivekananda college of Engineering for Women. 156. Deepan Raj B, T.V.P.Sundararajan and Soukath Ali K, “ Fast Flexible FPGA-Tuned Networks-on-Chip”, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and technology (iCIRET2013), pp. 1-5, 2013. 157. S. Divyapriya, S. Karthik T. V. P. Sundararajan, “An Efficient Bit Stream and Bitmask Compression Using RLE is coding in FPGA and its Performance Estimation”, 2 nd International Conference on Innovative research in Engineering and Technology (iCIRET2013), pp. 1-5, 2013. 158. S.Karthik, K.Poongodi, and T.V.P.Sundararajan, “Analysis of FIR Filter Architechture usng Horizontal and Vertical common Subexpression Elimination Methods”, 2 nd International Conference on Innovative research in Engineering and technology (iCIRET2013), pp.1-5, 2013. 159. Deepan Raj.B, T.V.P.Sundararajan, Shoukath ali, “Fast Flexible FPGA tuned Networkson-Chip”, 2nd International Conference on Innovative research in Engineering and technology (iCIRET2013), pp. , 2013. 160. Karthick.S, Poongodi & Sundararajan.T.V.P, “Analsis of FIR Filter Architechture Using Horizontal and Vertical Common Subexpression Elimination Methods”, 2 nd International conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology(iCIRET2013), pp. 1-5, jan 3-5,2013. 161. Sundararajan.T.V.P ‘Reference picture Selection using AOMDV for Improving Video Quality Over Mobile Adhoc network using MDC with Path Diversity”, in the International conference on Control Communication & Computer technology by IRNet INDIA, Hyderabad, held on 7th October 2012, pp. 77-85,2012 162. Sundararajan.T.V.P “Secure Enhancement Scheme for Detecting selfish Nodes in MANET” , International conference on Computing, Communication and Applications(ICCCA-2012), PSNA College of Engineering and technology,pp. 64(abstract), Feb 2012 163. Sundararajan.T.V.P, “Performance Analysis of Secure Authentication Scheme for Detecting selfish Nodes in MANET” International conference on Futuristics Trends in Electronics Engineering-(ICFTEE-2012), Thiruvalluar College of Engineering and technology,pp. 228-233, Jan 2012 164. Sundararajan.T.V.P ‘Performance Comparison of AODV And STAR Routing For Wireless Body Area Networks’, Second international conference on Advanced computing & communication Technologies for high performance applications at Federal Institute of Science And Technology(FISAT-2010), KERALA, INDIA, pp. 1-8, 7th - 10th december 2010 165. Sundararajan.T.V.P ‘Performance Analysis of Congestion Reduction Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks’, Second international conference on Advanced computing & communication Technologies for high performance applications at Federal Institute of Science And Technology(FISAT-2010), KERALA, INDIA, pp. 9-16, 7th - 10th december 2010 166. Sundararajan.T.V.P ‘Performance Comparison of Channel Access in Ad-Hoc Networks’ th 4 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO’10) at Karpagam college of Engineering, held on 4-5 February 2010, Coimbatore. 167. Sundararajan.T.V.P ‘Performance Comparison of Routing Protocols under Wormhole Attack in Mobile Adhoc Networks’, 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO’10) at Karpagam college of Engineering, held on 4-5 February 2010, Coimbatore, 168. Sundararajan.T.V.P ‘Performance Comparison of Three Types of Wormhole Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks’, International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA’10) Panimalar Engineering College,6 February 2010, Chennai. 169. Sundararajan.T.V.P “A Novel survey towards various energy model with AODV in the Three-day International Conference on “INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation4-6 JUNE 2009” is being organized by Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai Dr SAMPATH P 170. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, Dr.C.Ganeshbabu, Dr.P.Sampath , Mr. M.Ramkumar, ‘Performance Analysis of an Activity Based Measurement of Blood Flow Using Impedance Plethysmography’, Springer 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 171. Sampath.P, R.Harikumar, Gunavathi.K, ‘ CMOS 2nd Order Gm-C Intermediate Frequency Band Pass Filters for Wireless Systems’, Springer 4 th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP2012),hosted by Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology Coimbatore during DEC 13-15, 2012. 172. Roshni.S.Babu, Dr.P.Sampath, “Design of CPW fed Monopole Slot Antenna for WiMAX Applications”, International Conference on Global Innovations in Technology and Sciences, organized by Saint GITs College of Engineering, Kerala. 173. Dharani K R Sampath P Soukath Ali K Pavithra D Renuga Devi M, “Design and Simulation of Microstrip Phased Array Antenna for Biomedical Applications”, International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS'14), 13th & 14th February 2014, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore. Dr. RAMESH.S.M 174. Ramesh.S.M Gowthami, D, “Virtual Mirror Rendering and Recognition of 3D objects using an RGB–D Camera”, International Conference on Engineering Technology and Science, Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram, India, 10-11th Feb, 2014. 175. Ramesh.S.M, Gomathy. B and Shanmugam. A, “Accurate and Efficient Classification Based on Weighted Association Rule”, International Convention cum Pre-Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, India, 3-5th Sep, 2012. 176. Ramesh.S.M., Benschwartz, R and Salil.P, “Analysis and Estimation of Simultaneous Switching Noise Coupling in High Speed Printed Circuit Boards using EBG and PCPL Structures” Third International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering , 2012 (Accepted) 177. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “SPIHT image compression algorithm is modified for application to large images with limited processors memory”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-India, January 11-12, 2011. 178. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “Compression and Analysis of Robust Watermarking Algorithm based on Visual Quality and Fidelity”, International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, 2011. (Accepted) 179. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “ Image Compression for various Transforms in Digital Images using and Analysis of Robust Watermarking Algorithm based on Visual Quality and Fidelity”, International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, 2011. (Accepted) 180. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “Compression and Analysis of Robust Watermarking Algorithm based on Visual Quality and Fidelity”, International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, 2011. (Accepted) 181. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “Image Compression for Watermarking Technique based on the SPIHT Coding”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, India, 16-18 December, 2010. 182. Ramesh, S. M. and Benschwartz, R. “Novel power planes with integrated wideband suppression of power/ground plane noise and its radiated emission on high speed packages”, International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering, The Vijay Park, Chennai, India, 28-29 July, 2010. 183. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “A new watermark embedding scheme combined with low-frequency and spread spectrum watermarks based on DWT”, International Conference on Multimedia and Content Based Image Retrieval PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, 21-23 July, 2010. 184. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “A new technique is approach to memory compression for comp-cache image processing”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, India, 8-9 April, 2010. 185. Ramesh, S. M. and Greeshma, C.S. “High-performance low-power left-to-right serial multiplier design on FPGA”, International Conference on Information Science and Applications, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India, 6 February, 2010. 186. Ramesh, S. M. and Benschwartz, R. “A new frequency selective crystal power substrate with broad band suppression of power/ground plane noise on high speed circuits”, International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Computing, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, India, 2-4 January, 2010. 187. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “SPIHT image compression algorithm is modified for application to large images with limited processor memory”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks, 2010. (Accepted) 188. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “SPIHT image compression algorithm is modified for application to large images with limited processor memory”, International Conference on Trends in Information sciences and Computing, 2010. (Accepted) 189. Ramesh, S. M. and Benschwartz, R. “Photonic crystal power substrate for wideband suppression of power/ground plane noise and radiated emission in high speed circuits”, International Conference on Sensors and Related Networks VIT University, Vellore, India, 710 December, 2009. 190. Ramesh, S. M. and Benschwartz, R. “An electromagnetic crystal power substrate with efficient suppression of power ground plane noise on high speed circuits”, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, College of Engineering, Trivandram, India,1-3 December, 2009. 191. Ramesh, S. M. and Shanmugam, A. “A new watermark embedding scheme combined with low-frequency and spread spectrum watermarks based on DWT”, International Conference on Trends in Image Processing, Machine Vision and Pattern Analysis, 2009. (Accepted) Mrs.K.NIRMALAKUMARI 192. K.Nirmalakumari, Dr.Ila.Vennila and P.Rajkumar, “Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms for Preprocessing of Microarray Images”, International Conference on Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems (ICIEES’13), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2013. S.P.Prakash 193. S.P.Prakash, Sajan P.P Philip, Dr.S.Valarmathy, “An efficient Hardware architecture based on DTBD Method for Random Impulse Noice Detection in Images” International Conference on Innovation in intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and signal Processing (2013), Karunya University, Coimbatore. Page 1396 -1401. 194. S.P.Prakash, S.Sakthivel, Dr.S.Valarmathy,” Design of Low power Parellel Multiplier with Column Bypassing Technique” 2 nd International conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology, January 3 – 5, 2013. 195. S.P.Prakash,P.Saroramya, S.Sakthivel,” Design and Comparission of Low Power multipliers using different adder logic” 2 nd International conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology, January 3 – 5, 2013. Pushpavalli.M 196. Annitha. N, krithika. P, Pushpavalli.M ,”A QoS routing based on with differentiated service model with bandwidth estimation for MANETS”, Intrenational Conference on “Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development(IETSD),Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Sep. 2012. 197. Pushapavalli M, Sita K, “An Access Point Based FEC Mechanism for Video Transmission over WLAN” , International Conference on “Design and Application of Structures, Drivers Communicational and Computing Systems” held at K.L.N College of Information Technology, December-2013. S.Karthick 198. S.Karthick , V.Sandhya and Dr.S.Valarmathy “ A Survey of New Reconfigurable Architecture for Implementing FIR Filter with Low Complexity” has been published in the International Cobnference on Computer Communication and Informatics(ICCCI-2014), 0305 January,2014, 199. S.Karthick , V.Sandhya and Dr.S.Valarmathy “ An Efficient Reconfigurable Architectures for Implementing FIR filters with low complexity” has been published in the International Cobnference on Computer Communication and Informatics(ICCCI-2014), 0305 January,2014, 200. S.Karthick, R.Nirmal Kumar and S.Valarmathy “ Low Power Reconfigurable VLSI Architecture for FIR Filters ” has been published in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development(IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 201. S.Karthick, R.Nirmal Kumar and S.Valarmathy “Analysis and Design of Low Power Adders for Multiply and Accumulation Units ” has been published in the proceedings of First International Convention cum Pre Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development(IESTD 2012) on 03-05 September 2012. 202. S.Karthick and R.Nirmal kumar, “Low power High speed Multiplier using different types of adders” in International Conference on Recent Trends in Computation method, communication and Control” held at Government college of Engineering Thrunelveli, 4 th April 2012. 203. S.Karthick and Dr.S.Valarmathy, “ Design of a Reconfigurable FIR Filter by Dynamically changing the filter order” in International Conference on Advances in communication and computing ICACC-2012 organized by Tejaa shakthi institute of technology for women, Coimbatore, 9th and 10th January 2012. 204. S.Karthick and Dr.S.Valarmathy, “ Designing FIR filters using Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture with low complexity” in International Conference on Advances in communication and computing ICACC-2012 organized by Tejaa shakthi institute of technology for women, Coimbatore, 9th and 10th January 2012. M.Kalamani 205. Kalamani M and Valarmathy S, “Comparative study on Noise Estimation Algorithms for Speech enhancement” in the proceeding of International convention cum pre-conference workshop on Innovation in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD-12), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam jointly with Derby University, UK during 3rd - 5th September, 2012 , pp.EC402-EC407. 206. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and T.Jayanthi “Survey on Feature Extraction algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition in the proceeding of International convention cum preconference workshop on Innovation in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (IESTD-12), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam jointly with Derby University, UK during 3rd - 5th September, 2012 , pp.EC345-EC351. 207. Kalamani M and Silambarasan S, “NLMS based Noise reduction algorithm for Speech enhancement” in the proceeding of International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (iCIRET2013) conducted by Park College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore during January 3-5, 2013, pp.1-6. 208. Kalamani M and Nanthini K A, “MFCC based Feature extraction algorithm for Speaker Recognition” in the proceeding of International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (iCIRET2013) conducted by Park College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore during January 3-5, 2013, pp.1-6. 209. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and Jayanthi.T, “Feature Extraction Algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition” in the proceeding of International Conference on Innovation in Communication, Information and Computing (ICICIC'13) conducted by Sasurie College of Engineering, Tirupur, January 9 - 11, 2013, pp.548. 210. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, “Improved Noise Tracking Algorithms for Speech Enhancement using LabVIEW”, in the proceeding of IEEE 2 nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013/WCI 2013) conducted by Sri Jayachamarajendra Engineering College, Mysore during 22 nd to 25th August, 2013, pp. 1991 – 1996. 211. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Jayanthi.T and Poonkuzhali C, “Hidden Markov Model based Speech Recognition”, in the proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems (ICIEES’13) conducted by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, December 12 - 14, 2013, pp.208-215. 212. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Poonkuzhali C and Catherine J N, “Feature Selection Algorithms for Automatic Speech Recognition”, in the proceeding of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2014) conducted by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, January 03 – 05, 2014. 213. Kalamani M, S.Valarmathy, R.Sudharsan and S.Thenmozhi, “Efficient Home Energy Management With Security System”, in the proceeding of IEEE Second International conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES-2014) conducted by College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai during 27th – 28th February, 2014. 214. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Poonkuzhali C and Karthiprakash R, “Comparison of Cepstral and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients For Various Clean and Noisy Speech Signals”, in the proceeding of International Conference on Global Innovations in Computing Technology (ICGICT-2014) conducted by Jay Sriram Group of Institutions, Tripur in collaboration with St.Francis Xavier University, Canada during 6th – 7th March, 2014, pp.150. (Best Paper Award). 215. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Poonkuzhali C and Karthiprakash R, “Improved Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient Analysis for Automatic Speech Recognition”, in the proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems-2014 (ICIIECS-2014) conducted by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore during 13th – 14th March, 2014, pp.726-732. K.Sakthisudhan 216. K.SakthiSudhan, k.Saravanan “Scalable Video Transmission over GMC-CDMA on Wireless Links” presented in the International Conference on "Recent Advances in technical, Engineering, Management and science”-Vivekanandha college of Engg, Thiruchengode, 2011. 217. K.SakthiSudhan. ,M,Karthick “Space time Block Coded DS-CDMA Systems in MIMO Receivers using RLS Algorithms” Proceedings of International Conference on "4G Wireless Computer Networks”- Kumban Engg Colege, Thiruvennamalai,2011. 218. K.Sakthisudhan, A.L.Karthika, T.Raja and R.Sivaranjini,”A Design of Concatenated LDPC coding using Video Streaming ”Proceedings of International Conference on “Advanced Computing Technology” Organized by JKK Nattraja College of Engineering and Technology, File-17, pp 7-12,10-11th March 2012. 219. K.Sakthisudhan, T.Raja,‘‘A Method for Contention Detection using Variance of Contention Round”Proceedings of International Conference on “Futuristic Trends in Electronics Engineering” Organized by Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering and Technology,vol.2,pp:194-199,Jan 2012. 220. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj and P.Prabhu “Secure Audio Steganography for Hiding Secret Information” in Proceedings of International Conference on “Recent Trends in Computational Methods, Communication and Control” organized by Government college of engineering, Tirunelveli on PP 65-71,4th April 2012. 221. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj and P.Prabhu “Dual Steganographic Approach for Secure Data Communication” in Proceedings of International Conference on “Modeling, Optimization and Computing “organized by Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil on 10 & 11th April 2012. 222. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj,P.Prabhu and Dr.C.Marimuthu “Secure Audio Steganography for Hiding Text and Audio Files” in Proceedings of IEEE-International Conference on “Advances in Engineering, Science and Management” organized by E.G.S pillay engineering college, Nagapattinam on 30 & 31th March 2012. 223. K.SakthiSudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj,P.Prabhu “Enhanced audio steganography for efficient data hiding methods” in Proceedings of International Conference on “ Futuristic Trends in Electronics Engg” organized by Thiruvalluvar college of Engineering and Technology on vol –II, PP 94-99,28 & 29th Jan 2012. 224. K.SakthiSudhan, C.LakshmiPriya and N.Suresh et al, “An Efficient Methods of Spectrum Utilization in OFDM System using Adaptive Modulation” in Proceedings of International Conference on “Futuristic Trends in Electronics Engg” organized by Thiruvalluvar college of Engineering and Technology on vol –II, PP 378-381,28 & 29th Jan 2012. 225. K.Sakthisudhan, A.L.Karthika and R.Sivaranjini,”A Design of LDPC for video Streaming transmission over Fading Channel” in Proceedings of International Conference on “Computing Techniques,Embedded Systems and Drives” Organized by PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore Vol-5,PP 6-9, 7-9th March 2012. 226. K.Sakthisudhan, A.L.Karthika, R.Sivaranjini “Investigate the video streaming services Via VoIP IEEE 802.16.e coexisting with IEEE 802.11.b Networks using H.323 Protocol” in Proceedings of International Conference on “Science, Engineering & Technology” (ICSET12) Organized by VIT University, Vellore vol. II, pp:740-762 ,3-4th May 2012. 227. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj,A.L.Karthika, G.Deepa Prabha “Achieving Quality of metric for video streaming service in the warehouse application with coexisting of IEEE 802.11.b/a/g standards” in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on “Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications”(ICACCTHPA-2012) Organized by Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT),Kerala proceding published by Inter Jounal of Computer Applications (IJCA) vol. II ,pp:740-762 ,3-4th May 2012. 228. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, M.Ramkumar “Steganalysis for Audio Streaming Transmission Via Data Communication Networks” in Proceedings of “IEEE International Conf on Computing Communication Technology Organized by SNS college of Engg, Coimbatore Page 1-5,26-28th july 2012. 229. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj “PSTN/Cellular Networks' Voice Clarity Achieved Over VOIP in WIMAX Networks with Nortel-Firewall Protection for Video Conferencing Services” in Proceedings of “Indian congress Technology programme” -2012 Organized by ITC, July 24-25th 2013. 230. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj,Dr.G.Murugasan “Experimentation of Security ISAMP Protocol for Video Streaming Services Via VOIP Coexisting of IEEE 802.11. b with Mobile Wimax Standard in Multihop Networks” Proceedings of Indian congress Technology programme -2012 Organized by ITC, July 24-25th 2013. 231. K.Sakthisudhan, S.Gunasekaran, N.Suresh “A Novel Design of Piligrims tracking Architecture” Proceeding of IEEE International Conference in Control Engg organized by Karpagam Engineering College, Coimbatore. Mrs.J.Poornimasre 232. Kaviyarasu.T , J.Poornimasre,” A novel approach for transistor sizing algorithm” in the proceeding of International Conference on Computing techniques, Embedded system and drives conducted by school of electrical science, during the month of Mar 2012. ,vol-5 pp. 154-159 233. Pragadeswari K.P , J.Poornimasre,” A design of a PV/WIND hybrid system for telecommunication load in remote area” in the proceeding of International conference on Advanced computing Technology ICACT , during the month of Mar’ 2012 .pp-20 Sanjoy Deb 234. P Deepika, E Subhasri and Sanjoy Deb, T-CAD Design Simulation and Comparative Performance Analysis of 6-T SRAM Cell with Nanoscale SOI and MOS Technology, IWPSD 2013, Noida, Date: 26th August 2013 235. RAJESH C, SIVARANJITH K, SANJOY DEB, ‘DESIGN SIMULATION AND COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF NANOSCALE SOLID STATE ELECTRIC FIELD SENSOR WITH MOS AND SOI TECHNOLOGY’, ICAET 2013, Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute University, Adayalampattu, Chennai – 600095, Tamilnadu, India. 236. A Brindha. T.V.P. Sudararajan, Sanjoy Deb, Simulation and Design of an Automated System for Remote Elephant Tracking to Reduce Human-Elephant Conflict, Sep 16, 2013 ICIUS-2013, paper ID (083). 237. Saranya A, Sathiya M, Sharmila M, J Asokana and Sanjoy Deb, A Flash Flood Early Warning System: Algorithm and Architecture, accepted in ‘Disaster, Risk and Vulnerability Conference 2014’ April 24-26, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum 695581, India S.Kiruthika 238. S.Kiruthika, R.Nirmal Kumar “Design of Low Power Multipliers Using Different Types of 8T Full Adders” International Convention cum Pre Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development.(2012) 239. S.Kiruthika, R.Nirmal Kumar “Design and Analysis of Low Power 8-Transistor Full Adders are using XOR - XNOR Gates" International conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology. (2013) A.Daniel Raj 240. A.Daniel Raj, S.Vijayalakshmi “Design of 4 bit Array multiplier using GDI low power cell” International Convention Cum Pre Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development in Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam which is held on September 3-5(2012). M.Gowthami 241. M.Gowthami,”Efficient three weight pattern generation using precomputation logic” in the 2nd International Conference innovative research at engineering and technology conducted at park college of engineering and technology held on January 4, 5 & 6, 2013. 242. Jeevitha.R,Gowthami.M,Shri Tharanyaa J.P," Anurupye Based Vedic Mathematics For High Speed Multiplier" in International conference on Intelligent and efficient electrical systems-2013 at PSG college of Technology held on December 12-13,2013 243. M.Gowthami," Embedded wireless network for E-call" in the 2nd International Conference on Design & Application of structure drives, communicational & computing systems 0n Nov 29 & 30,2013. Jeevitha.R 244. Jeevitha.R, Dhanalakshmi M S,”Performance Enhancement of Vedic Multiplier using Vedic mathematics techniques” in 2nd International Conference (ICACC-2013) conducted at Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women held on January 9-10,2013. 245. Jeevitha.R,Gowthami.M,Shri Tharanyaa J.P," Anurupye Based Vedic Mathematics For High Speed Multiplier" in International conference on Intelligent and efficient electrical systems-2013 at PSG college of Technology held on December 12-13,2013. K.Shoukath Ali 246. Dr. R Harikumar, M. Balasubramani,K. Shoukath Ali, S. Saravanan“FPGA Implementation of Wavelet Neural Network For Epilepsy Detection ,”International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Advanced Manufacturing Research ICCIAMR 2013,VOL-3,ISBN-978-81-924031-7-7.. 247. Deepan Raj.B, T.V.P.Sundararajan, K.Shoukath Ali “Fast Flexible Fpga-Tuned Networks-On-Chip,” 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (iCIRET2013), January 3-5, 2013. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R 248. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R “Modelling of Semi Automated Vehicle using LabVIEW with Improved Efficiency” Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, March 2012. 249. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R, ‘‘Design and Analysis of various Compression Methodologies for Reconfigurable Systems” Proceedings of International Conference on Computing Techniques, Embedded systems and Drives, vol-1,pp 276-279, 2012. 250. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R, ‘‘Compression of FPGA bit streams using Effective Golomb coding” Proceedings of International Conference on Advances Communication and Computing, 2012. 251. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R, ‘‘Design and Analysis of various Compression Methodologies for Reconfigurable Systems” Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication (ICETC-2012), pp:123-127. 252. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R, “Low power High speed Multiplier using different types of adders” in International Conference on Recent Trends in Computation method, communication and Control” held at Government college of Engineering Thrunelveli, 4 th April 2012. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN 253. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN, “A Profuse Approach for Securing Data in a Private Cloud Environment” Proceeding in 1st International Conference on Advanced Communication & Computing, Organized by TejaaShakthi Institute of Technology for Women in association with Asian Institute of Technology,Bankgok,Thailand during March 2012, pp:90-91. 254. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN, “An Optimal Solution for Achieving Privacy Protection in Cloud Environment ” Proceeding in International Conference on Computing Techniques, Embedded Systems and Drives, Organized by PPG Institute of Technology during January 2012, pp:151-161. 255. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN, “Sidelobe Deduction by Piecewise Non-Linear Frequency Modulation Waveform ” Proceeding in International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Instrumentation, Optimization and Signal Processing, Organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore during 1st & 2nd March 2013. 256. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN “Performance Analysis of Different Packet Size on Different MANET Routing Protocols” Proceeding in International Conference on Innovation in Communication, Information and Computing (ICICIC’13) during 9th & 10th January 2013. 257. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN “Performance Analysis for Providing Privacy in Confidential Database in Cloud Environment” Proceeding in International Convention Cum Pre-Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam during 3rd – 5th September 2012, pp-EC-197-201. 258. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN, “Implementation of Quality of Service in Semantic Overlay Networks” Proceeding in International Convention Cum Pre-Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam during 3rd – 5th September 2012, pp-EC357-361. 259. Mr.C.KAMALANATHAN“Avoiding Congestion in IEEE802.16 and IEEE 802.11b using Qualnet” in International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC’13) held at Deapartment of Computer Technology, Anna University,Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Chennai. PP.32. Mrs.P.RAMYA 260. Mrs.P.RAMYA, “IEEE802.16 OFDM Physical Layer Cyclic Prefix for Analysis of SUI International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Electronics Engineering at Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering and Technology, Vandavasi, 28 th,29 th January 2012. 261. Ms.S.KIRUTHIKA,“Design of Low Power Multipliers Using Different Types of 8T Full Adders” International Convention cum Pre Conference Workshop on Innovations in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development.(2013) Ms.SHRI THARANYAA J.P 262. Ms.SHRI THARANYAA J.P,” Anurupye Based Vedic Mathematics For High Speed Multiplier" in International conference on Intelligent and efficient electrical systems-2013 at PSG college of Technology held on December 12-13,2013. Ms.T.JAYANTHI 263. Ms.T.JAYANTHI ,“Hidden Markov Model based Speech Recognition”, in the proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent and Efficient Electrical Systems (ICIEES’13) conducted by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 12.12.2013 and 14.12.2013. C.Lakshmipriya 264. C.Lakshmipriya, T Gnanasekaran and Dr K.Duraiswamy Presented a paper in the International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology, in Sun College of Engineering and Technology entitled “ Performance Analysis of Combined Source and Chennal Coding For Image Using Turbo Decoding Algorithm Log MAP and Modified Log MAP” on 18-19 March,2010. K. ThamaraiRubini 265. K. ThamaraiRubini and Gnanasekaran. T, “Analysis of QOS for WiMAX using centralized Scheduling Algorithm”, CIIT Journal Vol.1, No.2, pp.33-44, January 2011, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-India, January 11-12, 2011. M.Arunkumar 266. Dr.S.Varlarmathy ,M.Arunkumar & M.Sudha, “Enhancement of Palmprint Identification Rate Using Fusion of Multispectral Palmprint Images,” International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Electronics Engineering (ICFTEE- 2012).pp 193-197 267. J. Narmadha and M. Arunkumar, “A Fingerprint verification system based on fusion of minutiae and orientation field” in proceedings of the International Conference IIST’ 2011, March 2011. 268. T.Sabapathi, M.Arunkumar, “Analysis of Four Wave Mixing in Fiber Optic Communication and to devise a mechanism for combating the FWM,” International Conference ICETES-2010, Noorul Islam University on 25-3-2010 & 26-3-2010. National Conferences: 163 Dr VALARMATHY S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.Murugeshwari and Valarmathy S (2010) “Ear Biometrics For Person Authentication Using Matlab” in the fourth National Conference on “Signals, Systems and Security” NCSSS-2010 (Best Paper award) B.Murugeshwari and Valarmathy S (2010) “Haar Wavelet Based Ear Recognition” in the National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Communication and Information Technology” ETCIT-2010. S.Anitha and Valarmathy S (2011) “Image Segmentation for Medical Images using Hybrid Techniques,” Proceeding of the first National Conference on Recent Trends on Information Technology, 2011, at MPNPJ College of Engineering and Technology, Chennimalai, pp: 46-51. S.Anitha and Valarmathy S (2011) “Fusion Image Segmentation for Medical Images,” Proceeding of the first National Conference on Image Processing at SRM Univerisity, Chennai, 2011, pp: 1-5. B. Vidhya and Valarmathy S, (2011) “Video Inpainting Using Patch propagation” proceedings of the National Conference on Industrial Technology, BIT, NCIT 2011, pp. 54-58. Valarmathy S, Arun Kumar M., and Sudha M., The paper titled “Palm print recognition using fusion of multispectral palmprint images” has been published in the proceedings of fifth National Conference On Signals,System And Security NCSSS 2012 held on 23rd &24th Feb 2012. Valarmathy S, Arun Kumar M., Green Kumar M., and Arun Kumar P., (2012) “ Fingerprint Authentication System Based on Minutiae and Orientation Field Matching Technique” in the Third National Conference on Communication, Computation, Control and Automation(CCCA-2012), March 9-10, 2012 8. S. Karthick, S. Dhivyapriya, T.V.P. Sundararajan, and Valarmathy S (2012) “Performance Estimation of FPGA by Reconfigurable Algorithm using Compressio Technique”has presented paper in “National Conference on Frontiers in Applied Science and Computer Technology conducted by National Institute of Technology,Trichy. 9. Dr.G.M.Tamilselvan , Valarmathy S, M.Brindha, M.Arun Kumar (2012) “Evaluation of Face Recognition using Principle Component Analysis and Two Dimensional Component Analysis” has presented paper in National Conference on Frontiers in Applied Science and Computer Technology conducted by National Institute of Technology,Trichy 10. Shanmugapriya.K, Valarmathy S (2012) “Nearest neighbor classifier based palmprint matching using contourlet transform energy features” has presented paper in National Conference on Frontiers in Applied Science and Computer Technology conducted by National Institute of Technology,Trichy. 11. G.M.Tamilselven, Valarmathy S, M.Brindha and M.Arunkumar. “Evaluation of Face Recognition using Principle Component ANALYSIS and Two Dimensional Component Analysis”, Proceedings of National Conference on Frontiers in Applied Sciences and Computer Technology (FACT’ 12), Dec., 6-7, 2012 12. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and Silambarasan S, “Improved Adaptive Noise Cancellation Scheme using NLMS Algorithm” in the proceeding of 7th National Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Electronics and Control Systems Sponsored by IEEE, ISTE and conducted by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 2nd March 2013, pp.516-521 13. P.Gayathri, Karthick S. and Valarmathy S, “Survey on Efficient Canonic Signed Digit Recording”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN 2013) during 4-5 October 2013 14. M.Kalamani, Valarmathy S, C.Poonguzhali and J.N.Catherine, “Survey on Feature Selection Algorithms for Speech Reconition”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN 2013) during 4-5 October 2013 15. Valarmathy S, M.Arunkumar, K.Ramya, S.Mithunraj and R.Karthiprakash “VLSI Implementation of Gabor Filter for Fingerprint Applications”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN 2013) during 4-5 October 2013 16. G.Selvepriya, Karthick S , Valarmathy S, K.RekhaSwathisri and M Mano “Survey on FPGA and DA Implementation of FIR by DWT”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN 2013) during 4-5 October 2013 17. Valarmathy S, Karthick S, V.Sandhiya and P.Kiruthika, “A Survey on New Reconfigurable Architectures for Implementing FIR Filters with Low Complexity”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN 2013) during 4-5 October 2013 18. S.Gayathri, R.Mary Jeya Priya, M.Udhayakumar, Valarmathy S and M Arunkumar, “Comparison of PCA, LDA and various Distance Classifiers in Face Reconition”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN 2013) during 4-5 October 2013 Dr.R.Harikumar 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Dr.(Mrs.).R.Sukanesh, Dr.R.Harikumar Estimation of drowsiness from EEG Signals- A Perspective Approach, National conference, 4th NCSSS-2010, 26-27 Feb 2010, BIT Sathyamangalam Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr. C. Palanisamy Performance Analysis of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Minimum Relative Entropy (MRE) for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology NET-2011, 25- 26 February, 2011, Government Engineering College, West Hill P.O., Kozhikode, Kerala 673005 Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, Dr. C.Palanisamy Performance Analysis of Wavelet Networks for the Classification of Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals –Best paper Award National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology NET2011, 25- 26 February, 2011, Government Engineering College, West Hill P.O., Kozhikode, Kerala 673005 Dr.R.Harikumar, P.Sreenithi, T.S. Harivikram, P. Jayanth Kumar Simulation of Photo Plethysmographic Glucometer National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology NET-2011, 25- 26 February, 2011, Government Engineering College, West Hill P.O., Kozhikode, Kerala 673005 Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar Comparison of Hierarchical Aggregation Functions Decision Trees and Minimum Relative Entropy in the Classification of Fuzzy based Epilepsy Risk Levels from EEG Signals third National conference on Information science (NCIS2011) conducted by Manipal centre for Information Science Manipal University Manipal, during 29.04.2011& 30.04.2011 Dr.R.Harikumar, Fuzzy Based Photo Plethysmography for Earlier Detection of Cancer third National conference on Information science (NCIS- 2011) conducted by Manipal centre for Information Science Manipal University Manipal, during 29.04.2011& 30.04.2011 Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Palanisamy, T.Vijayakumar, Performance Analysis of SVM and MRE for the classification of Epilepsy risk level from EEG signals, 4th National Workshop on Intelligent Data Analytics and Image Processing (IDAIP-2010) 15-16 Oct 2010, BIT Sathyamangalam Dr.R.Harikumar, .Manimekalai Energy Management by soft computing Fuzzy control Models for A Hybrid system National conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Sciences IRTT Erode August 4, 2011 Dr. R. Hari Kumar G. Karthick Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Intensity Based Cluster Merging National conference on Telecommunication and control Engineering NCTCE’12 PPG Institute of Technology Coimbatore, 6th January, 2012 G.Karthick, Dr.Harikumar, B.Vinoth kumar , SVD and Kmeans clustering algorithm for Edge Detection in Medical Images , 5th NCSSS 2012 , BIT Sathy, 23-24th February 2012 Dr.R.Harikumar, T.Vijayakumar, R.Kasthuri, Performance Analysis of hybrid PSO Optimization In Optimization of Epileptic Risk Level In EEG Inputs DRDO sponsored National conference On Recent trends in control system and power electronics, hosted by, Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Tiruchengode during DEC 27&28, 2012. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, Dr.C.Ganeshbabu, Mr. M.Ramkumar, Development of Forearm Impedance Plethysmography for the Maximally Non Invasive Monitoring And rd Measurement of Blood Flow, 3 National conference on Recent Advances in Computing (NCRAC 2013) ,hosted by, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore during March 8&9, 2013. 31. Dr.R.Hari Kumar, M.Balasubramani, S.Saravanan, FPGA Implementation of Neural Network for Epilepsy detection, Proceedings of Third National conference on Recent Advances in Power Electronics and Industrial Drives (PEID ,hosted by, INFO Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore during March 15th &16th,2013,pp442-446. 32. T.Punithavalli Ms.S.N.Shivappriya Dr.R.Harikumar Feed Forward Neural network Classifier for the detection and classification of cardiac fourth National conference on Recent trends in communication, computation and signal processing,(RTCSP 2013) Amrita University, Coimbatore 10 -13 April 2013, 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Dr SUMITHRA M G Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K. and Mohan Kumar D.,“A novel approach in wavelet based signal enhancement using LabVIEW’‘, National conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Signal Processing(RTCSP’09) held at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeedam, Coimbatore , April 2009. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K. and Vanitha K., “ Enhancement of Speech signals using scale adaptive wavelet Transform” National conference on Signals Systems and Security held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology during 26 -27, Feb. 2010 .(Best Paper). Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K. and Deepa B., “ Classification of Voiced and Unvoiced regions in Speech Signals” National conference on Signals Systems and Security , held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, pp.Feb. 2010 .(Best Paper) Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K. and Deepa B., “Enhancing Speech using Wavelet based Algorithms in Mobile Communication”, National Conference on Advanced TeleCommunication and Technologies (NCATT’11) held at KSR Engineering college,Tiruchengode, ,2011. Sumithra M. G., Thanushkodi K. and Deepa B., “ Enhancement of Speech in Mobile Communication Systems by Combined Spectral Subtraction and Wavelet based methods ”,National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication Signal Processing (RTCSP’11) held at Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp.239-244,2011. Sumithra M.G, Thanushkodi K. and Ramya M. S., “Speaker dependent speech recognition system in noisy environment”, National conference on recent technologies in signal processing and communications held at Anna University,Trichy pp.40 ,2011. Sumithra M.G., Thanushkodi .K. and Helan Jenifer Archana A., “Automatic bilingual speaker verification system with fused GMM-VQ classifier”, National conference on recent technologies in signal processing and communications, held at Anna University,Trichy, pp.41 ,2011. Sumithra, M. G.,Sarumathi M and Devika A K “PAPR Reduction by Hybriding PTS-APPR Method to improve the QoS in OFDM systems” in “CSIR & DIT Sponsored National Conference on Communication Technology Interventions for Rural and Social Development “at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. Sumithra, M. G.,Sarumathi M ,“A Novel Adaptive Modulation Scheme for WIMAX OFDM System to improve QoS for Disaster Management” in “CSIR & DIT Sponsored National Conference on Communication Technology Interventions for Rural and Social Development(NCC-TIRD)” at Sri Krishna college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Sumithra, M. G., Sarumathi M “Performance Analysis of PAPR Reduction Techniques for OFDM Systems to Improve QoS” in ISTE sponsored National Conference on Signals, systems and security(NCSSS’12)at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.pp.102-106, Feb.2012. Sumithra, M. G., Murugesan S, Boopathy S and Kumaresan N, “Performance Comparison of feature extraction techniques for voice enabled mobile phone”,Analysis of PAPR Reduction Techniques for OFDM Systems to Improve QoS” in ISTE sponsored National Conference on Signals, systems and security(NCSSS’12)at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp.124-127,Feb.2012. Sumithra, M. G., Devika A K, “Teager Energy Cepstral Coeffients For Speaker Identification” in ISTE sponsored National Conference on Signals, systems and security(NCSSS’12)at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam ,pp.3237,Feb.2012. Sumithra, M. G.,Sarumathi M “A Performance Comparison of transmitter detection spectrum sensing in Cognitive radio systems” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Technology(RTICT ’12)at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam. April,2012. Sumithra, M. G., Devika A K “Expectation Maximization algorithm for Speaker Identification” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Technology(RTICT ’12) at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam. April,2012. Manojkumar V. and Sumithra, M. G., “Study on Medical Image segmentation Algorithms”in proceedings of National conference on Recent trends in Electronics and Communication Systems (NCRTECS 2K12) at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Thirupachur,,28th Sep.2012 Remya Elizabeth Philip. and Sumithra, M. G., “A Survey on Medical Image Watermarking for Telemedicine Applications” ,in proceedings of National conference on Recent trends in Electronics and Communication Systems (NCRTECS 2K12) at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Thirupachur,, 28th Sep.2012 Renugadevi G and Sumithra, M. G., “Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network-A Survey”in proceedings of National conference on Recent trends in Electronics and Communication Systems (NCRTECS 2K12) at Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Thirupachur,,28th Sep.2012 P.Sunil Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra, Ms.M.Sarumathi, “Performance Analysis of Rayleigh Fading Channels in MIMO-OFDM Systems for BPSK and QPSK modulation schemes” Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Networks and Database Technologies (RTNDT’13) organized by the department of Computer Applications on April 20th 2013 conducted by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, page(s): 23 P.Sunil Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra, Ms.M.Sarumathi, “A Survey on Cognitive Radio Systems” Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Informatics (ETCCI’13) held on April 20 th 2013 conducted by Tamil Nadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, page (s): 19. P.Sunil Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra, Ms.M.Sarumathi, “Bit Error Rate Analysis of Rayleigh Fading Channels in MIMO-OFDM Systems using BPSK and QPSK modulation” Proceedings of the National Conference on Advanced Computing and Information Technology (NACIT’13) held on May 3rd 2013 conducted by Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, page(s):1-6. 53. P.Sunil Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra, Ms.M.Sarumathi, “Development of Cognitive Radios-A Survey” Proceedings of the National Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (NCACT ‘13) held on May 3rd 2013 organized by the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, page(s):26-31 54. E.Praveen Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra, “Medical Image Compression Using Integer Multi Wavelets Transform For Telemedicine Applications” National conference on VLSI, Communication and Wireless Technologies(NCVCW-13) organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on May 6th and 7th 2013 conducted by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, page(s): 55 55. Girija and M.G.Sumithra,” Performance Evaluation of Extension Technique of Watchdog Intrusion Detection System” National conference on Computing and Communication Networks NCCCN Signals Systems and Security (NCSSS 2012), Dept. of ECE , BIT ,Sathy. 56. Dr GANESH BABU C C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi and Jibby Peter Dcruz, ‘Performance analysis Speech Enhancement Using Ephraim-Malah Filter For Isolated Word Recognition’, APMMC-2010, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Pattern Mining and Multimedia Computing , held at National Institute of Technology, Thiruchirapalli, 25-26 February 2010. 57. C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi and Jibby Peter Dcruz, ‘Speech Enhancement Using Ephraim-Malah Filter For Robust Speech Recognition” , NCSSS-2010, Proceedings of National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security, held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam 26-27 February 2010. 58. C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi, M.Senthil rajaa and T.Shangeetha, ‘ A Speech Enhancement Algorithm For Robust Speech Recognition System” , NCSSS-2010, Proceedings of National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security, held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam 26-27 February 2010. 59. C. Ganesh Babu, P.T. Vanathi, R.Vengatesh, R.Kavimani and V.Keerthika, ‘ A Voice Activity Detection Algorithm For Robust Speech Recognition System” , NCSSS-2010, Proceedings of National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security, held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam 26-27 February 2010. 60. C. Ganesh Babu, R.Perumalraj, Aishwarya Anilkumar, A.S.Nirmala Devi and B.Saranya, ‘Nano Silver Finished Textile Material for EMI” , NCSSS-2010, Proceedings of National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security, held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam 26-27 February 2010. 61. C.Ganesh Babu , P.T.Vanathi, R.Ramachandran, M.Senthil Rajaa and R.Vengatesh, ”Isolated Word Recognition using Voice Activity Detection Algorithms for Robust Noisy Environment”, Proceedings of Second National Conference on Electrical Science and Technical Innovation, Held at Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi, 12-13 April 2010. 62. C.Ganesh Babu, P.T.Vanathi, Ramesh babu.M, Saravana priyan.T, Sudharson.J, “Performance Analysis of Robust Speech Enhancement Algorithm for Isolated Word Recognition” Proceedings of Second National Conference on Electrical Science and Technical Innovation, Held at Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi, 12-13 April 2010. 63. C. Ganesh Babu , J. Aarthi Rani, “BUILT IN SELF TEST FOR SRAM”, Proceedings of Second National conference on Innovations in Computer Technology & Communication (NCICTC- 2014), Easa college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 153-157, 28th February, 2014. 64. C. Ganesh Babu, S. Suganyadevi, “VLSI Implementation of Energy Efficient L2-Cache using Counting Bloom Filter”, Proceedings of sixth National conference on Signals, Systems and Security ( NCSSS-2014), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp. 489-493, 27th and 28th February, 2014. 65. Dr.R.Harikumar, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, S.Deepa, ‘DENOISING ALGORITHM FOR MEDICAL IMAGING USING CURVELET TRANSFORM”, Proceedings of National conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCCSVD 2014), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 34-38, Jan 30, 2014. 66. C. Ganesh Babu , J. Aarthi Rani, “BIST USING ALU TO TEST SRAM” ”, Proceedings of National conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCCSVD 2014), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 165-173, Jan 30, 2014. 67. Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, M.Bhuvaneswari, P.Kiruthika, ‘Parameter Estimation And Classification UsingGaussian Mixture Model”, Proceedings of National conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCCSVD 2014), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 102-107, Jan 30, 2014. 68. N.Pavithra, Dr.C.Ganesh Babu, E.Shalini, “Content Addressable Memory with Parity Bits”, Proceedings of National conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCCSVD 2014), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 300-305, Jan 30, 2014. 69. C. Ganesh Babu and S. Suganyadevi, ‘Design and Analysis of 32b Arithmetic Logical Unit with Modified CSLA’ Proceedings of National conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCCSVD 2014), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 404-408, Jan 30, 2014. 70. C. Ganesh Babu , J. Aarthi Rani and S. Suganyadevi, ‘ALU BASED BIST FOR SRAM’ Proceedings of National conference on Communication, Computing & Networks (NCCCN2013), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp. 214-219, Oct 4-5, 2013. 71. C. Ganesh Babu, P.TAMILSELVI, “UNOBSERVABLE PRIVACY-PRESERVING ROUTING IN MANET”, Proceedings of sixth National conference on Signals, Systems and Security ( NCSSS-2014), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp. 602-605, 27th and 28th February, 2014. 72. C. Ganesh Babu, R.Hemima, “LOW POWER PARALLEL FIR FILTER DESIGN USING SYMMETRIC COEFFICIENT FAST FIR ALGORITHM”, Proceedings of sixth National conference on Signals, Systems and Security ( NCSSS-2014), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp. 596-601, 27th and 28th February, 2014. 73. C. Ganesh Babu, M.Bhuvaneswari, “PARAMETER ESTIMATION AND CLASSIFICATION USING GAUSSIAN MIXTURE MODELr”, Proceedings of sixth National conference on Signals, Systems and Security ( NCSSS-2014), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, pp. 453-458, 27th and 28th February, 2014 Dr.T.V.P.Sundararajan 74. B.Arunkumar, N.Deepak, T.V.P.Sundararajan, “Monitoring driver Alertness and Avoiding Traffic Collision using WSN”, Proceedings of NCWINCC-2014, PSG college of technology, February 2014, pp. 1-8, 2014 75. N.Deepak, B.Arunkumar, T.V.P.Sundararajan, “Digital Forensics Service Platform for Internet Videos”, National Conference On Wireless Networks, Computing And Communication, PSG college of technology, 7 - 8, February 2014, pp. 57-63, 2014 76. N.Deepak, B.Arunkumar, V.Rajendrakumar, T.V.P.Sundararajan, “ Literature Survey on Digital Forensics”, National conference on NCCCN-2013, Bannariamman institute of technology, pp. 12-14, 2013. 77. B.Arunkumar, N.Deepak, T.V.P.Sundararajan, “Monitoring Driver Alertness and Avoiding Traffic Collision using WSN”, National conference on NCCCN-2013, Bannariamman institute of technology, pp. 1-11, 2013. 78. S.Divyapriya, S.Karthik T.V.P.Sundararajan, “Performance Estimation of Reconfigurable Algorithm Using Compression Technique for FPGA”, Proceedings of National Conference on Frontiers in Applied sciences and Computer Technology (FACT 12), NIT, Trichy, Vol.5, pp.1-9, 2012. 79. T.V.P.Sundararajan ‘A Survey on Multipath routing Protocols for Routing-Aware MDC with MPT for Video Transmission over adhoc networks’ in the National conference on Recent trends in Electronics & Communication Systems (NCRTECS – 2K12) at Sri Venkateswara college of engg., and technology, held on 28th september 2012, Thiruvallur. 80. T.V.P.Sundararajan ‘Performance analysis of AODV, DSR and DYMO routing Protocols for VANET under Urban and Freeway Environments in the National conference on Telecommunication & Control engineering(NCTCE’12) at PPG institute of technology, Coimbatore, held on 6th January 2012, Coimbatore(Best paper award). 81. T.V.P.Sundararajan ‘Scrutinizing the Performance of AODV and STAR Routing for Patient Monitoring System based on Zigbee’ National Conference on Conference on signal, systems and Technologies in Media (NCSSTM 2011) at Karunya University, , held on 25-26 February 2011, Coimbatore. 82. T.V.P.Sundararajan ‘Performance Analysis of Reduction of Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks’ 3rd National Conference on Recent Trends in VLSI, Information and Communication at B.S.Abdur Rahman University, held on 20 April 2011, Chennai. 83. 84. T.V.P.Sundararajan ‘Performance of CSMA /CA Channel Access in Ad-Hoc Networks’ 4th in the National Conference on Emerging Treends in Communication and Information Technology at K.S.R.College of Technology, held on 11-12 February 2010, Tiruchengode. Dr SAMPATH P Sneka, Shabarna, Sivapriya, S.Elango and Sampath.P., “VLSI Implementation of High Speed Factorial Calculation using Vedic Multiplier”, Second National Conference on “Information and Communication Systems, Info Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore during 26-27 April 2013. 85. Thamaraimanalan.T and Sampath.P., “ Analysis of Active Power Consumption Through Power Gating in Submicron Circuits”, 5th National Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and VLSI Design (NCSCV’13), Anna University Regional Centre, Coimbatore during 10-11 May 2013. 86. M.Mano, K.Rekha Swathi Sri, Dr.P.Sampath, “ Design of Phase Locked Loop in 0.35µm CMOS Technology”, TEQIP II Sponsored National Conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCCSVD 2014) 30th January 2014 Organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. 87. S.Brundha, Dr.P.Sampath, “TESTING OF PHASE LOCKED LOOP BLOCKS USING BUILT IN SELF TEST IN CMOS TECHNOLOGY”, TEQIP II Sponsored National Conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCCSVD 2014) 30th January 2014 Organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. 88. S.Brundha, S.Suganyadevi, Dr.P.Sampath, “DESIGN OF A NOVEL HIGH SPEED DOUBLE-TAIL COMPARATOR”, Second National Conference on Innovations in Computer Technology & Communication (NCICTC 2014), 28th February 2014, Easa College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. 89. S.Brundha, S.Suganyadevi, Dr.P.SAMPATH, “PERFORMANCE COMPARISION OF LOW POWER DYNAMIC COMPARATOR IN UDSM CMOS TECHNOLOGY”, Second National Conference on Innovations in Computer Technology & Communication (NCICTC 2014), 28th February 2014, Easa College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. 90. R.V.Shalini, Dr.P.Sampath, “Analysis on modulo 2n-1 multipliers” National Conference Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN),3rd October 2013, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam Dr. RAMESH.S.M 91. Ramesh, S. M. and Gowthmai, D “Virtual Mirror Rendering and Recognition of 3D Objects using an RGB-D Camera”, National Conference on IEEE 14, MPNMJ Engineering College, Chennimalai, India, 25th Jan , 2014. 92. Ramesh, S. M. and Maheskumar.H “A Dual Port BiTCAM for Virus Detection Mobile Devices”, National Conference on Advancement and Future Trends in VLSI Design, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil, India, 30 & 31 March, 2011. 93. Ramesh, S. M. and Maheskumar.H “A Dual Port BiTCAM for Virus Detection Mobile Processors”, National Conference on Advances Computer Technology and Applications, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Thindal, Erode, India, 26 March, 2011. 94. Ramesh, S. M. and Maheskumar.H “A BiTCAM for Virus Detection Mobile Processors”, National Conference on Cutting Edge Technolgies in Power Conversion and Industrail Drives, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy, Erode, India, 16 & 17 March, 2011. 95. Ramesh, S. M. and Shakthipriya. P “SCDFT based Color Image Watermarking”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication Technologies, S. A. Engineering College, Chennai, India, 5 February, 2011. 96. Ramesh, S. M. and Shakthipriya, P. “Color Image Watermarking using Fourier Transform”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, M.P.Nachimuthu M.Jagnathan Engg College Erode-India, 29 January, 2011. 97. Ramesh, S. M. and Greeshma, C.S. “Performance of left to-right serial multiplier design on FPGA”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication and Information Technology, K.S.R.College of Technology, Tiruchengode, India, 11&12 February, 2010. 98. Ramesh, S. M. and Benschwartz, R. “A novel integrated photonic band gap substrate with wideband suppression of high frequency switching noise and its radiated emission high speed devices”, National Conference on Micro/Nano devices, Structures and Systems, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, India, 23&23 January,2010. Mrs.K.NIRMALAKUMARI 99. K.Nirmalakumari, Dr.Ila.Vennila and P.Rajkumar, “A Novel Method for Cancer Level Identification using Microarray Data”, Fourth National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security (NCSSS-2010), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, February 26-27,2010. 100. K.Nirmalakumari, S.Thenmozhi, R.Yugapriya (2013), " Effective Management of Green House Environment Using GSM Technology", National Conference on Communication, Computing & Networks (NCCN-2013)" on 4-5 October 2013 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy. 101. K.Nirmalakumari, P.Rajkumar, D.Dhinesh kumar, P.Thamarai manalan (2013), " Literature Survey on Microarray based Cancer Classification", National Conference on Communication, Computing & Networks (NCCN-2013)" on 4-5 October 2013 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy. S.P.Prakash S.P.Prakash, S.Saro Ramya and Dr.S.Valarmathy, “Design and Comparison of array and tree multiplier using different logic style”, Proc. of DRDO sponsored National Conference on Recent Trends in Control System and Power Electronics, 27-28 December 2012 held at Vivakanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women Tiruchengode. 102. 103. S.P.Prakash, Sajan P.P Philip, Dr.S.Valarmathy, “ Design of an efficient Impulse Noise Detector Architecture using Decision Tree based Denoising method” Recent Advances in power Electronics and Industrial Drives (2013), INFO Institute of Engineering, Coimbator, PP 315-321 Pushpavalli.M Pushapavalli .M, Krithika.P,” A modified contention window and arbitrary interframe space in IEEE 802.11e networks”, National conference on recent advancement in electronics and communication, Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology, Viruthunagar, 20 th April 2013. 104. 105. Pushapavalli M, Sita K, “High Sensitivity Scanning Pyroelectric Microscope : Interdigitated Comb Electrode and Advance Image Processing” , National Conference on “Emphasis VLSI and Communication and Wireless Technologies” held at PSG College of Technology, March-2013. 106. Pushapavalli M, Sita K, “An Access Point Based ERED-FEC Mechanism using Interleaving / Deinterleaving Strategy for Video Transmission over WLAN” , National Conference on “Communication Systems and VLSI Design” held at PSG College of Technology, January-2014. 107. Pushapavalli M, Sita K, “An Access Point Based ERED-FEC Mechanism using Interleaving / Deinterleaving Strategy with ALD Mechanism for Video Transmission over WLAN” , National Conference on “Signals and Systems and Security” held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Feburary-2014. S.Karthick 108. S.Karthick, P.Gayathri and Dr.S.Valarmathy “Survey on Efficient Canonic Signed Digit Recoding” in National Conference on Communication,Computing & Networks(NCCCN2013) on OCT 4-5, 2013 conducted by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam. 109. S.Karthick, G.Selvapriya, Dr.S.Valarmathy,K.Rekha swathi sri and M.Mano “Survey on FPGA and DA Implementation of FIR by DWT” in National Conference on Communication,Computing & Networks(NCCCN-2013) on OCT 4-5, 2013 conducted by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam. 110. S.Karthick, Dr.S.Valarmathy, V.Sandhiya and P.Kruthika “ A Survey of New Reconfigurable Architecture for Implementing FIR Filters with Low Complexity” in National Conference on Communication,Computing & Networks(NCCCN-2013) on OCT 45, 2013 conducted by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam. 111. S.Karthick, S.Dhivyapriya, T.V.P.Sundararajan, and Dr.S.Valarmathy “Performance Estimation of Reconfigurable Algorithm using Compression Technique for FPGA” proceedings of National Conference in National Conference on Frontiers in Applied Science and Computer Technology on Dec 6-7, 2012 conducted by National Institute of Technology, Trichy. 112. S.Karthick and R.Nirmal kumar, “Efficient Adaptive cruise control system to avoid the skidding of vehicles on road curves” in National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security NCSSS-2012 held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 23rd and 24th February 2012 M.Kalamani 113. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S and Silambarasan S, “Improved Adaptive Noise Cancellation Scheme using NLMS Algorithm” in the proceeding of 7th National Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Electronics and Control Systems Sponsored by IEEE, ISTE and conducted by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 2nd March 2013, pp.516521. 114. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Poonkuzhali C, Catherine J N, “Survey on Feature Selection Algorithms for Speech Recognition”, in the proceeding of National conference on Communication, Computing and Networks (NCCCN-2013) conducted by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam during 4th -5th October, 2013, pp. 275-281. 115. Kalamani M, Shandeep S D, “Image Scaling Processor using a Non Polynomial Algorithm” in the proceeding of Seventh National conference on Recent Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology (NCVIT-2014) conducted by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 7th March, 2014, pp. 251-255. 116. Kalamani M, R.Sudharsan, “GSM Based Home Automation with Security System”, in the proceeding of Fourth National conference on Challenges and Innovations in Information Technology (CIIT-2014) conducted by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 21th February, 2014. 117. Kalamani M, Valarmathy S, Catherine J N and Hemanth R S, “ Automatic Speech Recognition using MFCC and Neural Networks”, in the proceeding of 6 th National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security (NCSSS - 2014) during 27th to 28th, Feb 2014, pp.459-462. K.Sakthisudhan 118. K.SakthiSudhan, R.Sivaranjini “Survey of Adaptive scheme for Qos in Wireless Sensor Networks” National Conf on “Communication computing and Networks “at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, 4-5th October 2013. 119. K.SakthiSudhan, T.Raja, G.Arun, M.Kavitha“ANFIS Classifier Based Lung Biopsy Classification On Computer Tomography” National Conf on “Communication computing and Networks “at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, 4-5th October 2013. 120. K.SakthiSudhan “Rate-compatible punctured turbo codes-based image transmission for channels with multiple types of distortion “National Conf on “Emerging Trends in Communication and Information Technology” at KSR Engg College, 2010. 121. K.SakthiSudhan. “CPAM- UWB Radar for Through-the-Wall Imaging” National Conference on “Signal, Systems and Security” at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology feb 2010 122. K.SakthiSudhan, “Wireless Image Transmission using Rate-Compatible Punctured Turbo Codes and Efficient Rate Allocation for Channels with Optimal Unequal Error Protection” National Conference on “Industrial Technology “ at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology march 2010. 123. K.SakthiSudhan K.Thamarai Rubini “Analysis of BER using Adaptive modulation and coding scheme for fixed and mobile Wimax OFDM based System” presented in the National Conference on "Advanced Telecommunication Technologies”-K.S.R college of Engg, Thiruchengode,2011. 124. K.SakthiSudhan K.Saravanan “Video Transmission over Multirate GMC-CDMA on Wireless Links” presented in the National Conference on "Advanced Telecommunication Technologies (NCATT-11) held on 14th feb 2011”-K.S.R college of Engg, Thiruchengode 125. K.SakthiSudhan K.Saravanan “Scalable Video Transmission over Multirate GMCCDMA on Wireless Links using cross layer Optimization” presented in the IEEE National Conference on "System Design & Information Processing” (NCSDIP-11) Excell college of Engg for women, Thiruchengode held on 19th feb 2011. 126. K.Sakthisudhan, G.Deepa Prabha,‘‘ Comparative Analysis of Video Streaming Services in H.323 Application layered protocol coexisting of WLAN with Wireless Broadband Standard networks” in Proce of National Conf on Research Challenges in Communication Systems and VLSI Design (NCRCV-12) Organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore , Vol 2, PP 233- 240 , 28-29th April 2012. 127. K.Sakthisudhan, P.Prabhu “Audio Streaming Transmission through Steganographic Methods for Hiding Secret Source Information” in Proce of National Conf on “signal systems and security” (NCSSS’12) held at Bannari Amman Institute of technology, Sathyamangalam on 23 & 24th Feb 2012. 128. K.Sakthisudhan, P.Prabhu “Steganalysis for Audio Streaming Transmission via Data Communication” in Proce of National Conf on “Telecommunication and control Engg” held at PPG institute of technology, Coimbatore on 6th Jan 2012. 129. K.Sakthisudhan,C.Lakshmi Priya and N.Sursh “Analysis of channel encoding parameters using AME scheme over fading channels” in Proce of National Conf on “Telecommunication and control Engg” held at PPG institute of technology, Coimbatore on 6th Jan 2012. [Won Cash Awards Rs 2000/- 3rd Price] 130. K.Sakthisudhan, T.Raja “Congestion Window Adaptation Through Contention Detection in Ad Hoc Networks” in Proce of National Conf on “signal systems and security” (NCSSS’12) held at Bannari Amman Institute of technology, Sathyamangalam on 23 & 24 th Feb 2012. 131. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj,A.L.Karthika and T.R.Karthiga ‘‘A Design of LDPC error correction Codes using UEP Scheme” Proceedings of National Conference on “Communication and Computing Techniques” (NCCCT-2012) Organized by Kongu College of Engineering, Perundurai,Paper ID 51, 8-9th March 2012. 132. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, A.L.Karthika, and R.Sivaranjini ‘‘A Design of LDPC for Video Streaming Transmission over LTE Networks with 3GPP Standardization” Proceedings of National Conference on “Innovations in signal processing, Embedded Systems and Communication Technology” Organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. PP 149-152, 22nd March 2012. 133. K.Sakthisudhan, Dr.P.Thangaraj, Dr.D.Mogahageetha ‘‘Comparittive Analysis of streaming services Via VoIP coexisting of IEEE 802.11.b with wireless Broadband standard using ISAKMP” Proceedings of National Conference on “Information Security” (NCIS2012) Organized by SASTRA University, Thanjavur, June 14-15 2012. Mrs.J.Poornimasre 134. Pragadeswari K.P , J.Poornimasre,” A design of a PV/WIND hybrid system for telecommunication load in remote area” in the proceeding of National conference on Signals,Systems and Security (NCSSS-2012) conducted by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam during the month of Feb, 2012. 135. Kaviyarasu.T , J.Poornimasre,” A novel transistor sizing algorithm for low power high speed arithmetic circuits ” in the proceeding of National conference on Signals,Systems and Security (NCSSS-2012) conducted by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam during the month of Feb, 2012. , pp. 69-75 136. Kaviyarasu.T , J.Poornimasre,” A novel transistor sizing algorithm for low power high speed arithmetic circuits ” in the proceeding of National conference on Telecommunication and control Engineering, during the month of Jan, 2012. , pp. 117-123 Kiruthika S 137. Gayathri A, Kiruthika S, " Cordic Design for different angle of rotation", Proceedings of the National Conference on Communication Systems and VLSI Design", held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore during 30th January 2014 138. S.Kiruthika, M.Sowmiya, “Prevention Of Dew Condensation And Controlled Using Wireless Sensor Network” National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Advanced Communication Systems April 12(2012). 139. S.Kiruthika, R.Nirmal Kumar, a paper title on “Power Analysis of 4-bit Vedic Multiplier using Different Types of Full Adder Cells” is accepted in the proceedings of the National Annual conference on Emerging Technologies, pp (117-123). (2013) A. Daniel Raj A. Daniel Raj, T.Ashok, N.Vijayakumar” power measurement methodology for embedded system with arm processor” 6th National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security (NCSSS - 2014) 27th and 28th Feb 2014 at BannarAmman Institute of Technology. 140. 141. A.Daniel Raj, S.A.Subhasakthe ,”Survey on Network-on-Chip architectures”NCCCN 2013 at BannarAmman Institute of Technology. router 142. A.Daniel Raj S.Vijayalakshmi “Efficient design of multiplier using GDI low power cell” National Conference Innovation in Electrical,Electronics and Control Systems”,IEECONS 2013 at Kumaraguru college of Technology held on March 2nd 2013 143. A.Daniel Raj, V.Kumar “Design of Low Error Fixed Width Modified Booth Multiplier ” Second National Conference on Computing, Communications and Devices (NCCCNT 2012) at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore which is held on February 24 (2012). M.Gowthami M.Gowthami, T.selvi “Design development of an embedded system for measurement of RPM & remote communication using fiber optic link” in the National Level Conference on “Emerging trends in electrical sciences” conducted by Maharaja College of, Coimbatore held on 21st sept 2012. 144. 145. M.Gowthami, R.Sharmila Gowri, R.Ram prakash“Portable Electronics system for mobility of visually impaired persons” in the national conference on Innovations in Control,Instrumentation and Automation at kumaraguru college of Technology held on march 17, 2012. 146. M.Gowthami, M.Sathyamoorthy, P.Thamarai manalan, “Efficient three weight pattern generation using precomputation logic” in the National Level Conference on “emerging trends in science technology and management” conducted by Sri Krishna institutions, Coimbatore on 16th feb 2013. Jeevitha.R 147. Jeevitha R,Saranya M ,”Pilot controlled remote airfield lighting system” in national conference at Surya Engineering College held on February,2012 148. Jeevitha.R,Shri Tharanyaa.JP, “Implementation of In-vehicle Multi sensor Information fusion gateway for Cooperative Driving” in the national conference on Innovations in Control,Instrumentation and Automation at Kumaraguru college of Technology held on March 17, 2012. 149. Jeevitha.R,Dhanalakshmi M S,”Enhancing Multiplier speed in Fast Fourier Transform based on Vedic mathematics”,in the National conference on Emerging Trends in Science,Technology and Management at Sri Krishna Institutions on 16 th February 2013. 150. Jeevitha.R,Shri Tharanyaa. J P,”Embedded Wireless Sensor based Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Water Supply System” in the National Conference on Recent Advances in Communication,Power and Computing Intelligence at Jay Shri ram Group of Institutions on 29th and 30th March 2013. 151. Jeevitha.R," Multiplier Speed Improvement Using Vedic Sutra" in the National Conference on Communication, Computing and Networks-2013, at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology on 4th and 5th August 2013. 152. Jeevitha.R,“Pilot Controlled Remote Airfield Lighting System” in National Conference at Surya College of Engineering, 2011. R.Ramkumar 153. R.Ramkumar, a paper titled on “ATM based Remote Health Care Monitoring System” in National Conference on “ Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE-’14) K.Shoukath Ali K.Shoukath Ali,Dr.J.Ramesh“FPGA Implementation of Coded OFDM System ,” Proceedings of Second National conference on Research Challenges in Communication Systems and VLSI Design(NCRCV’12),28th&29th April 2012. 154. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R 155. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R “Modelling of Semi Automated Vehicle using LabVIEW with Improved Efficiency” Proceedings of the National Conference on Telecommunication and Control Engineering,January 2012. 156. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R “Efficient Adaptive Cruise Control System to avoid the skidding of vehicles on Road Curves” Proceedings of the National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security, pp. 225-228, February 2012. 157. Mr.NIRMAL KUMAR.R“Efficient Adaptive cruise control system to avoid the skidding of vehicles on road curves” in National Conference on Signals, Systems and Security NCSSS-2012 held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam on 23rd and 24th February 2012. C.Lakshmipriya 158. C.Lakshmipriya, Presented a paper in the National Conference on Issues and Trends in advanced Computing (NITAC-2010) in Bannari Amman Institute of Technology entitled “Combined Source and Channel For Image Using Trubo Decoding Algorithm Log Map and Modified Log Map”on 19-20 March,2010. 159. C.Lakshmipriya, Presented a paper in the National Conference paper titled “Performance of image transmission And retrievalof image with Log MAP and Modified MAP algorithm using Turbo codes”in National Conference “Emerging Trends in communication and Information Technology”,Feb-2010 . K. ThamaraiRubini 160. K. ThamaraiRubini, “Analysis of BER using Adaptive Modulation and Coding scheme fo Fixed and Mobile WiMAX OFDM based system”, National Conference on Advanced Telecommunication Technologies(NCATT’11), Tiruchengode, Erode, India, 14 Feb , 2011. S.Elango S.Snekha, P.Shabarna, M.Sivapriya, S.Elango and P.Sampath“VLSI Implementation of High Speed Factorial Calculation Using Vedic Multiplier” CD Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Information & Communication Systems (NCICS’13) on 26 th& 27th April 2013, Info Institute of Engineering. Coimbatore,Tamilnadu. 161. 162. M.M.Dhivya, R.Yugapriya, R.Preetilatha, B.Janani, S.Elango“Automatic Weight Detection and Anti Cheating Monitoring System for Heavy Duty Vehicles”Proceeding of NCIEEE’14 (ISBN: 978-81-924031-5-1) 6th& 7th February 2014,Sathyabama University, Chennai. M.Arunkumar 163. J. Narmadha and M. Arunkumar, “A Fingerprint recognition system based on fusion of global structure and local cues” in proceedings of the National Conference IEECONS’ 2011, March 2011.