IJEET -1- IJEET International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation Volume 1 Number 1 International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 -2- IJEET -3- OBJECTIVES OF THE JOURNAL The aim of the Journal is to strengthen the relationships which exist – or must be developed – between the academic world and the industrial world. It is not the aim of the Journal to be exclusively a publication vector for fundamental research work, but rather to be a tool to promote research work having potentials for industrial applications in the short or medium terms. Topics covered by the Journal mainly concern but are not limited to: * Electric vehicles, general * Tests, Measurement and Simulation * Vehicle applications, Transport systems * Hybrid vehicles, general * Drive Systems * Energy Supply Infrastructure * Electrical motors * Energy and Environmental Impacts * Energy management * Standardizations * Batteries * Dynamic Control of vehicles * Fuel Cell Systems * MAGLEV Systems * Other Energy Storage Systems (Flywheel, Capacitor …) * Embedded Systems * Chargers and Charging Systems * Auxiliary Vehicle Components * Systems Diagnostic * On Board Communication The Journal will serve as a communication and liaison tool between public researchers and industrialists. Practical experiments and reports on real industrial applications of research results are particularly welcome. More fundamental research papers are of course also accepted, as long as they include an application and present original results. Papers published generally come from public or private research laboratories working in the fields mentioned earlier. Columns of the Journal are also opened to industries which have developed research activities in their own laboratories or in liaison with academic partners or others engineering schools. IJEET The Journal also offers summaries of recently defended Ph.D. theses, announcements of forthcoming events related to the topics of the Journal, examples of advanced applications realized by students in industry as well as descriptions of research laboratories. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET -4- INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS IJEET is published three times the year. It contains original papers and review articles that fit within the scope of the journal. Submitting a manuscript Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts written in correct English, complete in their descriptions and not currently under consideration by another journal. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-refereed, and may undergo modifications to attain the quality expected in an international scientific journal. Papers requiring major revision will be rejected. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor only as electronic files (Word format – Arial police). They can be sent by email (to ijeet@utbm.fr) if their size is under 5Mo. Otherwise, a CDROM containing the manuscript and the figures must be mailed to the Editor. When preparing the manuscript the following should be noted: x Formatting commands such as centering, justifying, indenting etc. must not be used. 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A referenced article should contain (in this order) all authors' names, title of the article, name of the publication, volume and number, month and year of publication, and inclusive page numbers. A referenced book should list author name(s), title of the book, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, and specific chapters or pages cited. IJEET Illustrations All illustrations must be cited in text and have numbers and captions. The illustration should remain readable at a two columns' width. Notice that colour illustrations will be reproduced in black and white. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET -5- IJEET COPYRIGHT POLICY General Terms The authors are supposed to transfer to the International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation (IJEET) all rights under copyright that may exist in and to the above paper, and any revised or expanded derivative works submitted to IJEET by the undersigned based on the paper. The paper must be original and never been published in another journal. In case the paper incorporates text passages, figures, data or other material from the works of others, the authors must have obtained any necessary permission. Author Responsibilities Authors are advised that it shall be acknowledged that statements and opinions given in work published in IJEET are the expression of the authors. Responsibility for the content of published papers rests upon the authors, not IJEET. IJEET International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET -6- SUBSCRIPTION 2005 Institutional Subscription Individual Subscription : : 200 € 75 € Payment must be sent to: University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard IJEET 90010 BELFORT CEDEX France Please contact the following email address for subscription: ijeet@utbm.fr IJEET International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET -7- Table of contents Brushless DC Permananet Magnet Motor for Electric Bike and their Impulse System for Battery Charging 9 S. Wiak, R. Nadolski, K. Ludwinek, Z. GawĊcki P Thermal analysis of Azipod permanent magnet propulsion motor 15 T. Jokinen, A. Arkkio, M. Negrea, I. Waltzer Supercapacitors as an energy storage for fuel cell automotive hybrid electrical system 21 P. Thounthong, S. Raël, B. Davat High-acceleration linear drives: Application to electromagnetic valves 27 C. Bernez, X. Mininger, H. Ben Ahmed, M. Gabsi, M. Lecrivain, E. Gimet, E.Sedda Flywheel Electric Drive Characterization for Hybrid Vehicles 41 Y. Gao, S. E. Gay, M. Ehsani, R. F. Thelen, R. E. Hebner Mobile System for Testing and Calibrating Vehicle Speed Sensors D. Moga, M. Munteanu, T. Marita, C. Cret International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 47 IJEET International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 -8- IJEET -9- Brushless DC Permananet Magnet Motor for Electric Bike and their Impulse System for Battery Charging S. Wiak1, R. Nadolski2, K. Ludwinek2, Z. GawĊcki2 P P P P P P P 1 P - Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems, Technical University of Lodz, Poland ul. Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-924 Lodz, Poland, e-mail: wiakslaw@p.lodz.pl 2 -Department of Electrical Machines, Technical University of Kielce P HTU P I. UTH P In the literature two following types of motors have been studied: x radial flux machine x axial flux machine. INTRODUCTION Axial flux machines proved to have optimal characteristics in electrical traction for direct coupling to the vehicle wheels. The recent development of integrated electric drives is closely related to the evolution of smart motor technologies. However, the development of new motor structures imposes higher requirements than conventional one. For electric vehicles application of electric motors driving the wheels is widely used. In this case wheels are directly driven by the electric motor and the gears are not necessary. As it summarised in the literature [1-3] about 70% of the total cost of DC motor drive depends on the motor and the rest on power and signal electronics. DC permanent magnet disc-type motor with radial structure (radial field) is the subject of the investigations. The 3D motor structure is proposed to be studied. The magnetic field distributions and torque characteristics have given the knowledge about the motor structure and material parameter changes in order to increase the unit motor torque. The investigations have been done for static and quasi-dynamic states as well. Utilisation into urban traffic relatively cheap light vehicles electrically driven could cause reduction of the emission of local fumes coming from combustion vehicles. Applying of the unconventional sources of energy to electric vehicles (also directly driven), like high efficient batteries are looked very promisingly, and leads to the reduction of global emission of the fumes. At present, the main difficulty of rapid introduction of vehicles with electric driven is due to the limitations in technology of battery production. Thanks to modern technology of electric motors construction, e.g. brushless direct current motors with permanent magnets (BLDCM with PM) [2, 3, 4, 5], as well as the improvements of lead-acid batteries, contemporary electric vehicles compete with conventional drives very well in respect of: the driving speed, the maximum speed, obtained accelerations, grade ability, etc. The electromagnetic field analysis of the motor has been carried out by means of finite element method. The electromagnetic field, in our approach, is described by joining different electromagnetic potentials, namely: reduced potential for subspace with coils, scalar potential in the air and ferromagnetic materials, magnetic vector potential with electric potential in the area of eddy currents. II. As it is reported in the literature [1,2] the axial filed motors could be applied in the low speed and high torque electrical drives, exemplary for vehicles for disabled people, electric bikes or electric scooter. The proposed the direct drive of electric bicycle, while the brushless PMDCM is mounted in hub of the ahead wheel of a bicycle has been seen in Figure 1 and 2. Authors propose, instead classical bike structure where second wheel is driven, ahead wheel to be driven. This philosophy of wheel driving gives the manufacturer to assemble such a bike according to the customer demand. The battery supplying system consists of two lead-acid accumulators. One part of the electronics control system is mounted on the handlebar, but the other one is mounted on the front guide fork. In such a motors family induction motor and PM could take a dominating role. Contactless AC servodrives are designed by use of squirrel cage induction motors or permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) or BLDC motors. Drive systems have largely remained DC powered with only a few manufacturers applying induction motors with flux-vector control techniques. The requirement for high efficiency and low weight can be met with the use of rare earth permanent magnets in brushless DC forms. Big advantage of PMSM in the reference to induction motors is in simplicity of their control. PMSM has also small eddy current and iron core losses, thus their efficiency is higher. These motors are designed for sine wave current supply or for trapezoidal wave form currents. Therefore in the second case of supply is the machine also called as comutatorless DC machine. MOTOR APPLICATION The motor structure with radial magnetic field is DC machine with permanent magnets and reversed structure. Rotor is made of Ne-Fe-B permanent magnets with demagnetisation curve of Br = 1.25T and Hc = 1200 kA/m. B B B B The motor study has been performed for motor keeping constant velocity of 200 rpm. In order to carry out such an analysis the mesh is being changed dynamically according to changes of rotor movement. The mesh is generated following the idea of so called “slip surface” at the air gap (see Fig. 2). The torque characteristics are shown in Fig. 3. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 10 - a) The comparative study of motor characteristics should lead to motor structure development in order to increase the average torque, minimise the torque ripples as well, and to select the type of motor for either motorbike or electric scooter. Nm 30 9 A/mm2 P 25 20 6 A/mm2 P 15 10 5 0 b) 5 -5 0 10 15 10 15 20 Figure 3. Torque characteristics versus rotor position and different current density of exciting current. The effectiveness of the 3-D field model of DC motor with permanent magnets has been verified by measurements done for prototype machine. The radial-field motor structure has been successfully applied to electric bike. Figure 1. Electric bike: a) global view, b) ahead wheel with mounted electric motor. III. IMPULSE CIRCUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGING In order to extend the battery working time, leading to increase the bike travelling distance, the impulse electric circuit of transferring the energy coming from induced electromotive forces in DC motor windings is proposed. The battery charging goes during the so called generator braking. a) Brushless direct current motors with permanent magnets thanks to presence of permanent magnets and outer turning torque can run as generators. The rms. of induced electromotive force for the voltage fundamental component in each winding is described with the following simple equation: b) magnet stator tooth c n ) m z1ku1 E (1) slip surface a) where: z1, ku1 – number of series turns and winding coefficient for the one phase of the three-phase motor winding respectively, )m – magnitude of magnetic flux, n – mechanical rotational speed, c – constant. In direct current motors with permanent magnets the value of induced emf depends practically only on rotational speed (frequency) of a motor. The measured curves of induced electromotive force in threephases of investigated BLDCM, with rated data as follows: nominal power PN = 125W, nominal current IN = 8A, nominal voltage UN = 24V, mechanical rated speed nN = 120 rpm, are shown in Figure 4. B B B B B B B stator tooth B magnet rotor core Figure 2. DC motor structure with mesh: a) one pole pitch geometry, b) slip surface at the air gap. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 B B B B B B B B IJEET - 11 - a) uA, uB, uC - V 6 4 uA uB uC n = 40 rpm 2 0 -2 -4 0,0 b) 0,1 0,2 0,3 t - s 0,4 0,5 The induced emf curves show that maximum instantaneous values of these voltages, even at 200 rpm, are smaller than the voltage on terminals of two accumulators in series connected. Hence, frequently charging of the battery is possible to realise with the help of frequency converter or other impulse system of electric energy conversion. In this case of the electric bicycle directly driven, the frequency converter has been realised as the increasing voltage AC/DC system. After suitable transformation the phase winding currents (forced under the induced emf) can be put-upon to the battery charging. Battery charging is possible during the so-called generator braking. In the frequency converter cooperating with electric drive equipped with BLDC motor, the generator braking is realised while the control system of the motor operation is switched off (microcontroller Allegro MicroSystems Inc. type – 3933 is switched off). Impulse electric circuit of transferring energy is switched on The scheme of the total system of the impulse electric circuit transferring energy is shown in Fig. 5. D1 D3 D7 D5 C1 Ac2 T1 C2 C3 Ac1 Tr1 D2 d) D8 T2 D6 BLDCM 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0,00 uA uB uC n = 140 rpm R2 C5 R3 1 P1 2 3 R1 4 12 15 SG 2525 uA, uB, uC - V c) D4 13 5 7 6 8 9 10 16 11 14 R4 R5 C2 C1 C3 R6 R7 R8 Vcc C4 Fig. 5. Impulse electric circuit transferring energy 0,05 0,10 t - s 0,15 The frequency converter is used to transfer the alternating current induced in each winding into direct current, while the output voltage is higher then battery voltage. The control unit of the impulse electric circuit transferring energy to battery has been realised by use of specialized integrated circuit SG 2525A, made by Silicon General. Induced alternating electromotive forces (emf) in BLDCM phase windings, shown in Fig. 4, are rectified by means of threephase diode rectifiers (Fig. 5). The electric energy through the three-phase diode rectifiers is stored in electrolytic capacitor C1 of 4700PF. The energy stored in the capacitor is transferred into system consisting of two switching MOSFET transistors (so called keys), which switch cyclically with the frequency of 18 kHz. Moreover, the proposed frequency converter has got the softstart system providing a smooth starting of the whole impulse electric circuit of transferring energy to the battery. Fig. 4. Measured curves of induced emf in three-phases of investigated BLDCM for: a) n = 40 rpm, b) n = 80 rpm, c) n = 140 rpm, d) n = 200 rpm International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 12 - IV. LABORATORY TESTS OF IMPULSE CIRCUIT FOR BATTERY CHARGING The laboratory measurements have been done for the model system shown in Figure 6. x x x Lecroy digital oscilloscope, 12 V baterry, frequency converter. The technique of measuring voltages and currents based on Hall transducers application eliminate all problems connected with signals separation, while measured. In Figures 7, 8, and 9 voltage and current curves, in selected points of the investigated impulse system of battery charging and different values of rotational speed, are shown. The battery voltage, charging battery current, phase current, and phase voltage are shown in Figure 7; while rotational speed varies from 0 to 76 rpm, and impulse width of transistors control is being changed. The battery voltage, charging battery current, phase current, and phase voltage are shown in Figure 8; while rotational speed varies from 76 (at the maximum value of charging current) to 172 rpm (while charging current is equal to 0A), and impulse width of transistors control is being changed. The switching voltages uDT1 and uDT2 of MOSFET transistors, measured on the pins 11 and 14 of the integrated circuit SG2525A, are shown in Figure 9. Measured curves of full voltage duty-cycle of the switching MOSFET transistors and rotational speed equals to 76 rpm are shown in Figure. 9a, while the same voltage of low voltage duty-cycle of the switching MOSFET transistors and rotational speed equals to 112 rpm are shown in Figure 9b. B Fig. 6. Laboratory measurement set for investigation of the frequency converter in state of generator breaking. The model system is built of the following components: x the brushless DC permanent magnet motor with rated data PN = 125W, UN = 24V, nN=120rpm (built-in in hub of the ahead wheel of a bicycle - shown in Fig. 1), x PC with software and 12bit multifunction DAQ card, and a set of Hall transducers measuring voltages and currents, B B B B B B B B B (a) (c) (b) (d) Fig. 7. Recorded curves a) battery voltage, b) charging current c) A-phase current, d) A-phase voltage International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 13 - (a) (c) 0,8 iak - A 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 t - s (b) (d) Fig. 8. Recorded curves a) battery voltage, b) charging current c) A-phase current, d) A-phase voltage 20 15 uDT1, uDT2 - V V. uDT1 uDT2 10 5 0 -5 0,00000 0,00005 0,00010 0,00015 0,00020 t - s (a) 20 uDT1 uDT2 uDT1, uDT2 - V 15 CONCLUSIONS The proposed impulse system of battery charging leads to increasing of the electric bike distance of travelling, driven by BLDC motor. This system could be also successfully applied for charging a set of batteries after simple improvements to be introduced to the electric scheme. The proposed solution, by use of the frequency converter, after changing transformer turns ratio could be in simple way adopted to charging of arbitrary selected numbers of accumulators constituting the electric bike supplying battery. Due to application of the pulse width modulator changes of the duty-cycle of the switching MOSFET transistors with openloop could make a possibly smooth regulation of frequency converter load factor. Such a solution allows the driver on optimum choice between the travelling speed and the value of battery charging current. 10 REFERENCES 5 0 -5 0,00000 0,00005 0,00010 t 0,00015 0,00020 - s (b) Fig. 9. Measured courses examples of voltage duty-cycle of the switching MOSFET transistors a) full voltage duty-cycle, b) low voltage duty-cycle 1. Zhang Z., Profumo F., Tenconi A,” Wheels axial flux machines for electric vehicle applications”, International Conference Electrical Machines (ICEM’94), Conference Proceedings, Paris, Sept. 1994. 2. Consoli A, “Propulsion Drives for Light Electric Vehicles”, International Conference Electrical Machines (ICEM’94), Conference Proceedings, Paris, Sept. 1994. 3. Wiak S., Welfle H., KomĊza K., Mendrela E., “Electromagnetic Field Analysis of Disk-type Induction Motor”, International Conference Electrical Machines (ICEM 98), vol. 2/3, pp. 735-739, 2- 4 September 1998, Istanbul, Turkey. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 14 - 4. Nadolski R., GawĊcki Z., Staszak J. Ludwinek K., “Gearless drive of light electric vehicles on the example of the bicycle driven with brushless DC motor with three–phase winding”, 4th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics 2003, October 2003, University of Applied Sciences, Bochum, Germany. 5. Wiak, S., Nadolski, R.: Disc Type Motors for Light Electric Vehicles Comparative Study", The First Slovenian - Polish Joint Seminar on Computational and Applied Electromagnetics, September 10 – 12, Maribor, Sáowenia 2001. 6. Wiak, S., Welfle, H., Nadolski, R.: Static and dynamic states analysis of disc type motors for light electric vehicles. 15-th International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM'2002, 25-28 August 2002, Brugge - Belgium. 7. Wiak S., Nadolski R., Ludwinek K., GawĊcki Z.: DC Permananet Magnet Motor for Electric Bike and their Impulse System for Battery Charging. 16-th International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM'2004, 5-8 September 2004, Cracov - Poland. P P International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 15 - Thermal analysis of Azipod permanent magnet propulsion motor T. Jokinen1, A. Arkkio1, M. Negrea1, I. Waltzer2 P P P P P P P P 1 - Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Electromechanics P.O. Box 3000, FIN-02015 Hut, Finland, e-mail: tapani.jokinen@hut.fi 2 –ABB Oy, Automation Technology Products Division P.O. Box 186, FIN-00381 Helsinki, Finland, e-mail: ingmar.waltzer@fi.abb.com P P HTU P UTH P HTU UTH Abstract The Azipod electric propulsion system and its benefits are introduced and the temperature rise during a sudden short circuit in the motor's terminals is studied. The Azipod system has excellent manoeuvrability, high efficiency, reduced fuel consumption and it causes less vibration and noise than a conventional propulsion system. According to simulations, the one-phase short circuit proved to be the most dangerous fault from thermal point of view. The most critical component is the stator winding. There are only a couple of minutes of time to do preventive actions before the stator winding is permanently damaged. Keywords: Electric ship propulsion, permanent magnet motor, Azipod, thermal analysis Fig. 2 Two Azipod propulsion units in a cruiser. I. INTRODUCTøON Electric propulsion system for ships has become increasingly common after ABB developed the Azipod ® system in 1990. Azipod is an azimuthing electric propulsion drive where the electric propulsion motor is installed inside a submerged azimuthing pod and coupled directly to the propeller (Fig. 1). The speed of the motor is controllable giving a smooth torque over the entire speed range including the zero speed. Fig. 1 Azipod propulsion system Typical power of the propulsion motor is in the range from 400 kW up to 20 MW. One ship is normally equipped with 1 …3propulsion units (Fig. 2). In rigs, equipped with dynamic position systems, up to 10 units may be used. The “Azipod” system was originally developed for icebreakers and ice-going vessels. The first installation was made in 1990 after some years of development and research work. The performance and the properties of the Azipod system, compared to conventional mechanical propulsion, has increased rapidly the popularity of the system also in other types of vessels such as cable layers, dredgers, shuttle tankers, chemical and product tankers, support vessels, motor yachts, drill-ships and semisubmersible rigs. Especially in big cruise vessels, where the total propulsion power is 40 … 60 MW, the system is highly appreciated by the ship-owners. The range of the Azipod propulsion systems can from the application point of view be divided into two parts, one for smaller vessels and drives with unit power between 0,4 and 5 MW and one for large ships, where the unit power is between 5 and 20 MW. The bigger units are typically used in cruise vessels and tankers, while the smaller units in offshore support vessels, drillships, oilrigs, cable layers and small ferries. For the propulsion market 400 to 5000 kW, ABB has developed a modular high standardised concept “Compact Azipod” utilising the permanent magnet motor technology. The permanent magnets and the direct torque control have been the main factors for improving the performance and extending the applicability of “Compact Azipod”. This paper deals with permanent magnet motors used in the ship propulsion system. One problem in this application is the temperature rise during a fault. If the ship is cruising at full speed and a sudden short circuit occurs in the motor terminals, the motor does not anymore provide a positive torque but the large mass of inertia of the ship keeps the ship in motion. The propeller turns the rotor at about 60–70% of the original rotation speed. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 16 - II. BENEFøTS OF AZøPOD SYSTEM The main advantages of the Azipod system are the following: Excellent manoeuvrability, including low speeds, using only the podded motors without any rudder. Powerful and fast crash stop by reversing the propeller rotation direction, which is typical not only for podded thrusters but for all electric propulsion systems. The podded configuration allows applying pulling propellers, thus providing unprecedented uniformity of the ship wake velocities in way of the propeller making possible to achieve extremely good cavitation characteristics of propellers and to reduce significantly propeller-induced fluctuations, vibrations and noise. Low noise and low vibration is very important in passenger ships. High total efficiency and reduced fuel consumption. Low emission because several diesel electric power sources are installed in the ship and only so many diesel engines are used as needed. The engines are running at their optimal load with a good efficiency and low emission. The “Compact Azipod” utilising the permanent magnet motor has some extra benefits. Their origin is the absence of active windings in the rotor. Most of the losses in a permanent magnet motor are generated in the stator, whereas the losses in the magnets and the rotor are small. This makes it possible to apply the surface cooling directly to the seawater and keeping simultaneously the power density high. The stator core is shrunk to the motor housing, which is surrounded by seawater, thus acting as an effective cooling media for the motor. No external cooling air or water-coolers are required like in bigger Azipod systems. This makes the design user-friendly. It is possible to keep the diameter of the motor relatively small. This has a premium effect on the hydrodynamic properties of the pod and on the total propulsion efficiency. A comparison of the fuel oil consumption for a supply vessel with Compact Azipod propulsion and conventional propulsion is shown in Fig. 3. The Compact Azipod has been designed for underwater dismounting and mounting for easy repair without any docking. Before mounting, the Compact Azipod unit is equipped with a watertight protection doom and pressurised. 8000 FOC, tons/year The motor acts as a generator driving a large current in the shorted stator winding. Eddy-currents are also induced in the rotor and warm up the permanent magnets. If nothing is done, the ship may continue its motion for 10–20 minutes, and the stator winding and maybe the permanent magnets are overheated. The aim of the paper is to estimate for how long there is time to take preventive actions before the windings or magnets are permanently damaged. Conventional 7000 6000 Azipod 5000 4000 30 40 50 60 70 Transit 70 60 50 40 30 Dyn. pos. Rel. time in transit and dynamic position Fig.3. Comparison of fuel oil consumption (FOC) with varying operation profiles III. METHOD OF TEMPERATURE ANALYSøS The fast development of computers has made it possible to use numerical methods of analysis for the thermal design of electrical machines [1,2]. In the present paper, I-DEAS–TMG commercial software is used to predict the temperature rise of the motor in steady state and a lumped-parameter model for fault conditions. Calculation of losses The losses in the iron core are calculated with finite element method using the computer program developed by Arkkio [3]. The magnetic field in the core of the motor is assumed twodimensional. The three-dimensional end-region fields are modelled approximately by using constant end-winding impedance in the circuit equations of the windings. It is assumed that the current density in the stator conductors is constant. This means that the skin effect in the stator winding is neglected. The equations for stator and rotor magnetic fields are written in their own reference frames. The solutions of the two field equations are matched with each other in the air gap. The rotor is rotated at each time-step by an angle corresponding to the mechanical angular frequency. The rotation is modelled by changing the finite element mesh in the air gap. The laminated iron core is treated as a non-conducting, magnetically non-linear medium, and the non-linearity is modelled by a single valued magnetisation curve. Thus, the various loss components usually included under the title “iron losses” are not taken into account when solving the magnetic field. The iron losses are estimated afterwards from the time variation of the magnetic field in the iron core. The eddy current losses in permanent magnets are also calculated with finite element method. It is assumed that the axial total current flowing through each magnet is zero. This means that the eddy currents in magnets do not close through the rotor iron. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 17 - II.1. Test motor II.2. Thermal model The test motor is a totally enclosed water-cooled permanent magnet motor. The motor is not directly cooled through its frame to the water as in a real Azipod system. The cooling water flows in the ducts situated in the bottom of the stator slots (Fig. 4a). It is assumed in the calculations that all the losses go out of the motor through the cooling water ducts and nothing is going through the frame to the environment. The permanent magnets on the surface of the rotor yoke are covered and protected by laminated pole shoes. Fig. 4b shows the cross-sectional geometry of the machine. Heat transfer. The demanding task in the thermal analysis of an electrical machine is to define the heat-transfer coefficients on the surfaces of the solid bodies. The coefficient on the air-gap surfaces of the stator and rotor is defined in terms of a dimensionless Nusselt number Nu, the radial air-gap length lg and the thermal conductivity of air kair The motor was tested in the factory testing field. An inverter feeds the test motor. The parameters of the test motor are: Rated power = 820 kW Rated voltage = 721 V Rated current = 868 A Number of pole pairs = 3 Frequency = 8,8 Hz Winding connection star B B B hair gap = Nu·kair/lg. B B B B B (1) B The Nusselt number for the convective heat transfer between two rotating smooth cylinders is given by [4]. In an actual machine, however, there will be a greater heat transfer across the air gap than described by the smooth cylinder equations, because there are additional fluid disturbances caused by the winding slots. Experimental results [5] suggest that the slotting will cause an approximately 10% increase in the heat transfer. The Nusselt numbers for small air-gap machines are thus obtained from the modified expressions Nu = 2.2 if Ta < 41, U Cooling water Nu = 0.23 Ta0.63Pr0.27 if 41 Tad 100. P Winding (2) U P P P (3) The dimensionless Taylor Ta and Prandtl Pr numbers are defined from the air-gap dimensions and fluid properties [5]. The fluid properties, which are temperature dependent, are taken at the expected full load air-gap temperature. The critical value of 41 for Taylor number refers to the change from a laminar flow, which is normal for small air gap machines, to a turbulent flow. In the end-cap region, a single heat-transfer coefficient is used to model the heat transfer to and from all the surfaces in contact with the circulating end-cap air. The heat-transfer coefficient [6] h = 15.5(0.29v + 1) [W/Km2] P a. (4) P where v is the velocity of the cooling air in m/s. It can be estimated from the product of the rotor angular velocity Zr, the radius rm of the rotor and the efficiency K with which the rotor circulates the internal air [6] B B v = rmZrK. B B B B B (5) B In the calculations, the value K = 0,5 was used. Three-dimensional Thermal Model The modelling of the motors is done using I-DEAS Master Series 6.0TM and TMG Thermal AnalysisTM3D heat transfer module is used for the thermal analysis [7]. The program package solves the thermal partial differential equations in the solid materials and allows setting heat-transfer coefficients on the material boundaries. The material properties may be isotropic or orthotropic, and may vary with temperature. P b. Fig. 4 The cross-section of the stator slot (a) and a quarter of the test motor (b). P P P In our model, a sector of the motor comprising half of a pole pitch contains 7100 nodes and 41000 elements respectively. Using IDEAS, the computation of one thermal field took about 1200 s. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 18 - This was considered to be too long for the transient time-stepping analysis and wherefore I-DEAS program was used only for steady state analysis. Lumped-Parameter Model for Fault Conditions To overcome the very long computing time, a simplified lumpedparameter model was constructed to simulate the fault conditions. Fig. 5 shows the thermal network. The parameters of the network were extracted from the I-DEAS model, and the thermal network was solved using a commercial circuit simulator. stator I3 winding P sw I4 P pm cooling water permanent magnets CC3 sw PR8p sw-w C2 RR2p pm-a R5p R6p R pm-rc R1p Temperature (qC) R sc-sw internal air R rc-a R3p R R1 sc-a CC1 rc P sc I1 C C4sc Fig. 6 shows a comparison between the simulated and measured results. The good agreement between the predicted and measured results is evident, confirming the validity of the adopted thermal model. C pm RR9 a-w R sw-a PR7p sc-w The temperature-rise tests performed for the test motor allow the validation of the thermal model. The temperature was measured using 18 embedded thermo-couples and 10 PT-100 thermal sensors, which were positioned in the stator winding or on its surface, on the end-winding surfaces, on and below the permanent magnets, and in air volumes in the end regions. An infrared camera was also used to determine the temperatures of such end-region parts to which it was difficult to fix thermocouples or other sensors. stator core PI2rc 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 M ave m T stator winding rotor core m = minimum ave = average M = maximum Indices of the thermal resistances and capacitances: m ave M ave T permanent magnet Computed results T air gap Experimental results rc = rotor core, sc = stator core, pm = perm. magnets sw = stator winding, w = cooling water, a = internal air Fig. 5 Lumped-parameter model for transient thermal analysis. II.3. Simulations and experimental results Using I-DEAS TMG, a steady state thermal model was set up for the test motor. Due to the symmetry, a sector of the motor comprising half of a pole pitch is modelled. Table I shows the losses, i.e. the sources of the thermal field, computed for different parts of the motor in the rated steady-state operation point and in the fault conditions. Table 1 Computed losses [kW] Steady state and fault conditions Stator winding Stator core Rotor core Permanen t magnets Steady state 820 kW, f = 12 Hz 41.4 2.2 2.6 0.9 85.7 85.7 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.001 0.001 36.2 52.6 1.07 0.9 10.2 124.6 5.8 2.8 57.6 84.5 0.9 0.8 3.7 134.2 6.3 2.9 Three phase short circuit - laminated rotor - solid rotor Two phase short circuit - laminated rotor - solid rotor One phase short circuit - laminated rotor - solid rotor Fig. 6 Comparison between the predicted and measured temperatures. The lumped-parameter thermal model was used to study the transient temperature rise following a one-, two- or three-phase short circuit in the terminals of the machine. It was assumed that after the fault the propeller rotates the rotor at 67% of the rated speed and that the frequency converter detects the fault immediately and disconnects the machine from the voltage supply. As the stator winding is star connected, the currents in the healthy phases become zero. The electrical transient following a sudden fault is very short compared to the thermal time constants. For the thermal analysis, it was enough to consider the operation of the faulted system in the steady state, only. The one- and two-phase short circuits cause a time-varying field in the rotor. The losses induced in the rotor strongly depend on whether the rotor yoke is of laminated or solid construction. To consider this effect, both solid and laminated rotors were analysed. Figs. 7-9 show the transient temperatures obtained for the shortcircuit cases. The initial temperatures correspond to the operation of the motor at the rated load. From the point of view of the temperature rise, the one-phase short circuit (Fig. 7) is the most dangerous fault. If this fault stays on, the temperature of the faulted phase winding rises quickly (in two minutes) over the 200 qC limiting value. The maximum operating temperatures for International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 19 - currently available permanent magnets are around 150 qC. A one- or two-phase short circuit lasting for several minutes may also cause temperature-rise problems for the permanent magnets if the rotor yoke is made of solid steel. 200 Temperature (qC) The three-phase short circuit seems to be the least dangerous of the faults studied. It does not cause a time-varying field in the rotor, the rotor losses are small, and it does not matter for the thermal response whether the rotor yoke is made of solid or laminated steel. One way to avoid the possible damages of the one- or two-phase short circuits is to connect the stator winding into a three-phase short circuit immediately when the frequency converter detects a shorted winding. A properly designed frequency converter can be used to connect the winding into a three-phase short circuit. Another way is to turn the sort-circuit current feeding pod transversely to the course of the ship. After turning, the propeller is rotating very slowly and short circuit current is close to zero. 250 150 100 50 0 0 1250 2500 Time (s) 3750 5000 0 1250 2500 Time (s) 3750 5000 250 200 Temperature (qC) 250 Temperature (qC) 200 150 0 50 0 1250 2500 Time (s) 3750 5000 250 200 Fig. 8 Transient temperatures in the permanent magnet motor following a two-phase short circuit in the terminals of the machine. Upper figure is for a motor having a solid rotor yoke; the bottom figure is for a motor with laminated rotor. For the notation used, see Fig. 7. 250 150 200 stator winding (faulted phase) 100 50 0 0 1250 2500 Time (s) 3750 5000 Fig. 7 Transient temperatures in the PM motor after a one-phase short circuit occurs in the machine terminals. Upper figure is for a motor having a solid rotor yoke; the bottom figure is for a motor with laminated rotor. Temperature (qC) Temperature (qC) 100 50 100 0 150 150 permanent magnets internal air stator core rotor core 100 50 0 0 1250 2500 Time (s) 3750 5000 Fig. 9 Temperatures in the permanent magnet motor after a three-phase short circuit in the terminals of the machine. For the notation see Fig. 7. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 20 - III. CONCLUSøONS In the paper, the Azipod electric propulsion system and its benefits are introduced. One problem in electric propulsion systems is the temperature rise during a fault. When a fault occurs in a ship propulsion drive, the permanent magnet motor acts as a generator and transfers some of the kinetic energy of the ship to the faulted sub-system. In the paper, the temperature rise during a sudden short circuit in the motor terminals is studied. A commercial I-DEAS–TMG software was used for solving the steady-state temperature field. The losses for the thermal model were computed using time-stepping finite element analysis. The temperatures obtained from the steady-state analysis show good agreement with the measured results. A simplified thermal network was constructed to study the transient temperatures following one- two- or three-phase short circuits in the terminals of the machine. The one-phase short circuit proved to be the most dangerous fault from the thermal point of view. There are only some minutes of time to switch off the short circuit; otherwise, the whole phase winding may be damaged due to the temperature-rise. In the Azipod system, the short circuit proved not to be a problem because the time to turn a pod transversely to the course of the ship is shorter than the time in which the temperature of the stator winding has increased to a too high level. The permanent magnets are not so critical as the stator winding. IV. REFERENCES Vehkalahti, Finland, in 1955. He has worked with various research projects dealing with modelling, design and measurement of electrical machines. He received the MSc (Tech) and DSc (Tech) degrees from Helsinki University of Technology in 1980 and 1988, respectively. Tapani JOKINEN has been the Professor Emeritus since 2001. He was the Professor of electrical engineering (Electromechanics) at Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) from 1974-2001. Before that, he was the associate professor in electrical machines at HUT, design engineer in the AC machines development department of the company Strömberg and an assistant at HUT. He was the head of the Department Electrical Engineering from 1983-85 and the vice-rector of HUT from 1985-88. He is doctor honoris causa of Tallinn Technical University, Estonia. His special interest includes induction machines, high-speed electrical machines, optimisation of electrical machines, creative problem solving, and product development process. Tapani Jokinen was born in Kärkölä, Finland, in 1937. He received the MSc (Tech) in 1962, the LicSc (Tech) in 1967, and the DSc (Tech) in 1973 from Helsinki University of Technology. Marian NEGREA is a PhD student at Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Electromechanics. He was born in Bucharest, Romania on 28 July 1974. He graduated from University Polytechnica of Bucharest in 1998. In 1999, he obtained the MSc (Tech) degree from Helsinki University of Technology. His research interests include fault diagnosis, condition monitoring and thermal modelling of electrical machines. Ingmar WALTZER has been Technology Manager and Quality Manager at the ABB Electrical Machine factory in Helsinki since 2000. In the 1990ties he has worked as Business Development Manager and in the 1970ties and 1980ties as General Manager for the Strömberg Marine Division and the Electrical Machine Factory. Waltzer was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1940. He has worked with various projects in traction, electrical propulsion drives, oil drilling systems and electrical machines. He received the MSc (Tech) from Helsinki University of Technology in 1963. 1. Shanel, M., Pickering, S.J., Lampard, D. “Application of computational fluid dynamics to the cooling of salient pole electrical machines”. Proceedings of ICEM 2000, 28–30 August 2000, Espoo, Finland, Vol. 1 pp. 338–342. 2. Driesen, J; Belmans, R.J.M; Hameyer, K. “Finite-element modeling of thermal contact resistances and insulation layers in electrical machines”. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 37, No. 1, January/February 2001, pp. 15-20. 3. Arkkio, A. “Analysis of induction motors based on the numerical solution of the magnetic field and circuit equations”. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Electrical Engineering Series no 59, Helsinki 1987, 97 p. (The electronic version: http://lib.hut.fi/Diss/198X/isbn951226076X/) 4. Taylor, G.I. “Distribution of velocity and temperature between concentric cylinders”, Proc. Roy.Soc, 1935, 159, Pt.A, pp.546-578. 5. Gazley, C. “Heat transfer characteristics of rotating and axial flow between concentric cylinders”, Trans. ASME, January 1958, pp.7989. 6. Mellor, P.H; Roberts, D; Turner, D.R. “Lumped parameter thermal model for electrical machines of TEFC design”, IEE Proceedings-B, Vol. 138, No. 5, September 1991, pp. 205 -218. 7. SDRC, “Product Catalogue I-DEAS Appl. Products – I-DEAS TMG™”, http://www.sdrc.com/pub/catalog/ideas /appl-prod/tmg. HTU UTH BøOGRAPHøES Antero ARKKIO has been the Professor of electrical engineering (Electromechanics) at Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) since 2001. Before his appointment as Professor, he has been a senior researcher and laboratory manager at HUT. Arkkio was born in International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 21 - Supercapacitors as an energy storage for fuel cell automotive hybrid electrical system P. Thounthong, S. Raël, B. Davat GREEN-INPL-CNRS (UMR 7037) 2, Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, 54516 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France, e-mail: Phatiphat.Thounthong@ensem.inpl-nancy.fr HTU UTH determines the feasibility of their use in a particular high power application [7]. Abstract The design, implementation and testing of a purely supercapacitors energy storage system for automotive system having a fuel cell as main source are presented. The system employs a supercapacitive storage device, composed of six components (3500 F, 2.5 V, 400A) associated in series. This device is connected to automotive 42 V DC bus by a 2-quadrant DC-DC converter. The control structure of the system is realised by means of analogical and digital control. The experimental results show that supercapacitors are suitable as energy storage device for fuel cell automotive electrical system. Keywords: Automotive, Fuel Cell, Hybrid Electrical System, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane, Supercapacitors. This paper presents automotive hybrid system having fuel cell as main source and supercapacitors as auxiliary source. It especially details the control algorithm for supercapacitors converter. The experimental results show that supercapacitors technology is suitable for providing energy in automotive electrical system. iSuperC iFC 2H 2 O2 I.- INTRODUCTøON At the present time, automotive hybrid electrical system has been developed for drastically cleaner and more economical vehicles. Hybrid electrical cars, such as the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius, were especially tested by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and showed the fuel saving [1]. Manifestly, fuel cell has been developed to become the main source in many applications. The fuel cell transit bus, which has been designed and developed by DOE, has been acknowledged as a zero emission vehicle. Its only emission is in fact water vapour [2]. One of the main weak points of fuel cell is its slow dynamics [35]. In fact, the dynamics of fuel cell is limited by the hydrogen delivery system, which contains pumps and valves, and in some cases a reforming process. In particular, a step electrical load will imply huge variation of the voltage of automotive 42 V DC distribution bus, because the main source has slow dynamic response. Moreover, the automotive system has problem when starting electrical motor, which demands the DC bus high energy in short time. To solve these problems, the system must have an auxiliary source, to supply high transient energy. The new high current supercapacitor technology has been developed for this purpose [6]. Then the very fast power response of supercapacitors can be used to complement the slower power output of the fuel cell to produce the compatibility and performance characteristics needed by hybrid automotive system as shown in Fig. 1. iL 2 H 2O Fig. 1: Fuel cell and supercapacitors hybrid system II.- HYBRøD SYSTEM STRUCTURE II.1.- Fuel cell converter The fuel cell converter, presented in Fig. 2, is a boost converter used to adapt the low DC voltage delivered by our fuel cell, which is around 12.5 V at rated power, to the standard automotive 42 V DC bus. It is composed of a high frequency inductor L1, an output filtering capacitor C1, a diode D1 and a main switch S1. Switch S2 is a shutdown device for test bench security to prevent the fuel cells stack from short circuit in case of accidental destruction of S1, or of faulty operation of the regulator. Taking into account the low voltage, we choose power MOSFETs for S1 and S2 [8]. Compared with batteries, supercapacitors have one or two orders of magnitude higher specific powers, and much longer lifetime. Because they are capable of millions cycles, they are virtually free of maintenance. Their great rated currents enable fast discharges and fast charges as well. Their quite low specific energy, compared to batteries, is in most cases the factor that International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 iFC ( t ) iD ( t ) iS ( t ) vIN ( t ) Fig. 2: Fuel cell boost converter iC ( t ) vBus ( t ) IJEET - 22 - II.2.- Two-quadrant supercapacitors converter In previous work [9], one tried in hybrid system built with battery as main source and supercapacitors as auxiliary source to control currents in the different parts of the system (battery, supercapacitors and load). One of the problems, which appear in such a control, is the presence of dead time operation while the system changes of operating mode (from steady state to a sudden recovery state, for example). For new conception, the hybrid system control presents vBus regulation through the power delivered by the fuel cell and the supercapacitors [10], and the current references are a consequence of the power demand. The supercapacitors are connected to the DC Bus via a 2quadrant DC-to-DC converter, as shown in Fig. 3. L2 represents the inductor used for energy transfer and filtering. The inductor size is classically defined by switching frequency and current ripple. Supercapacitors size is defined by DC bus energy requirements deduced from hybrid power profile. The current iSuperC, which flows across the storage device, can be positive or negative, allowing energy to be transferred in both directions. Finally, the converter is driven by means of complementary pulses, applied on the gates of the two MOSFET S3 and S4. B B B B More precisely, the DC bus voltage controller (PI controller) generates a power reference, called PBusREF on Fig. 4. This signal is limited in level and rate of change, to create fuel cell power reference PFCREF, and then fuel cell current reference iFCREF1. The difference between the two previous power references gives supercapacitors power reference PSuperCREF, and then one of the three supercapacitors current references, that is to say iSuperC3. This signal defines supercapacitors modes of operation: normal (charge from fuel cell) if iSuperC3 is zero, recovery (charge from DC bus) if it is positive, and discharge if it is negative. The two other supercapacitors current references, iSuperC1 and iSuperC2, are generated by fuel cell current controller 2 (PI controller) and supercapacitors voltage controller (P controller) respectively. The hybrid control algorithm as explained hereafter does the choice between these three references. B B B B B B B B B B Fig. 3: Two-quadrant supercapacitor converter B B II.3.- Hybrid system control principle Because fuel cells are supplied with gas through pumps, valves and compressors, they have large time constants (several seconds). Consequently, they cannot correctly respond to fast increasing or decreasing power loads, and may be damaged because of repetitive step power loads. For this reason, the fuel cell, in our hybrid system, is only operating in nearly steady state conditions, and supercapacitors are functioning during transient energy delivery (motoring) or transient energy recovery (generating). B B B B B B B B B :4 2V Rate of DC Bus Voltage Change Controller ~p B u sR E F PI B B B B B y limited B B B B ~ iF C R E F 1 ~p FCREF - B B I Soft Start B B Fig. 4: Hybrid system control structure ~ v B usR E F B B B B B B B Firstly, during normal operation, supercapacitors are charged by the fuel cell up to the voltage level vSuperCNormal, which is within the previously defined interval [vSuperCMin , vSuperCMax]. To meet this target, fuel cell current controller 2 is supplied with fuel cell rated current as reference, iFCRated, corresponding to fuel cell rated power. Supercapacitors voltage controller is supplied with vSuperCNormal as reference. The hybrid control algorithm leads to select the minimum value among iSuperC1 and iSuperC2 if supercapacitors voltage is less than vSuperCNormal (that is to say if iSuperC2 is positive), zero otherwise. Note that during this operation, charging current has to be limited in rate of change, in order to avoid unstability due to a too fast increasing current which would be seen as a peak load by the system. Note also that each transition in the normal mode begins with the initialisation of the integrator of fuel cell current controller 2. The control principle of the hybrid structure is presented in Fig. 4. The main point of this control principle is to regulate DC bus voltage vBus with the following constraints: fuel cell electrical power must be kept within an interval [PFCMin , PFCMax], supercapacitive storage device voltage must be kept within an interval [vSuperCMin , vSuperCMax], and fuel cell current slopes must be limited to a maximum absolute value. B B FC Current Controller1 - ~ d P ID Fuel Cell Processor H v~ B u s PWM S1 FC Converter ~ iF C - ~p S u p erC R E F ~ v S u p erC M ea ~ iF C M e a ~ iF C R E F 2 Rate of Change ~ iF C M e a v~ F C M e a ~ - FC Current iS u p e r C 3 Controller2 ~ iS u p e r C 1 PI Control Signal ~ v S u p erC R E F y SuperC Voltage Controller ~ iS u p e r C 2 - P v~ S u p e r C M e a ~ iS u p e r C R E F Hybrid Control Algorithm limited ~ vFC SuperC Current Controller S 3 1 - 0 S 4 ~ v S u p erC SuperC Converter ~ iS u p e r C ~ v Su perC R E F dSPACE International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 Analogue B IJEET - 23 - Secondly, when one of the two limitations (rate of change, and level) on fuel cell power reference is working, a non-zero iSuperC3 signal is generated, which can be positive or negative, depending on power condition at DC bus. Therefore, in the case discharge mode, characterised by a transient fast increasing load, or by a power load greater than PFCMax, the current reference iSuperC3 become negative in order to transfer the lacking energy to the DC bus. Supercapacitors voltage controller is supplied with vSuperCMin as reference, and the hybrid control algorithm leads to select the maximum value among iSuperC3 and iSuperC2 if supercapacitors voltage is greater than vSuperCMin, zero otherwise. In the case recovery mode (transient fast decreasing load, or power load less than PFCMin), the current reference iSuperC3 become positive. Supercapacitors voltage controller is supplied with vSuperCMax as reference, and the hybrid control algorithm leads to select the minimum value among iSuperC3 and iSuperC2 if supercapacitors voltage is less than vSuperCMax, zero otherwise. In the two cases, the reference of fuel cell current controller 2 is set to zero, in prevision of the next normal operation. B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Fig. 6 presents the fuel cell response to a load disturbance without the auxiliary source. These results show that the regulation of the fuel cell converter works correctly, but also that it generates a sharp transition of fuel cell current, which may be dangerous for the fuel cell stack. B B B B B CH1: DC bus Voltage [10V/Div] CH2: Fuel Cell Voltage [5V/Div] CH3: Fuel Cell Current [10A/Div] Time: 1s/Div Finally, note that we have to use a drastically filtered signal (time constant of several seconds) issued from iSuperC3 to define the supercapacitors modes of operation. B B Fig. 6: PEM fuel cell converter response to a load disturbance III.- EXPERøMENTAL RESULTS AND DøSCUSSøON III.1.- Fuel cell test bench Fig. 5 shows the simplified diagram of the PEM fuel cell system used for this research. Constructed by the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung (ZSW), Ulm, Germany, the fuel cell stack is composed of 23 cells of 100 cm2, as shown in Fig. 5. It is supplied in pure hydrogen (stored under pressure in bottles) and in air from a compressor. The rated output power of the system is 500 W, for a rated current of 40 A, and approximately 12.5 V as output voltage. P Cathode Fuel Cell Stack Anode Hydrogen from bottle Flow controller Pressure controller Electric heater Excess Humidifier P Air from compressor Flow controller Pressure controller Excess III.2.- Hybrid system test bench Fig. 7 shows the hybrid system test bench. As storage device, we use six SAFT supercapacitors (capacitance: 3500 F, rated voltage: 2.5 V, rated current: 400 A, serie resistance: 0.8 m:) connected in series. The specifications for elementary hybrid experimentation are as follow: PFCRated = 500 W, PFCMin = 50 W, PFCMax = 560 W, iFCRated = 40 A, vSuperCNormal = 13 V, vSuperCMin = 8 V, vSuperCMax = 15 V. To test the whole system, and safety reasons, the fuel cell is replaced by an ideal 12.5 V power supply. B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Fig. 8 shows experimental transient responses of the hybrid system to a power step from 150 W to 441 W. One can observe that the DC bus voltage is well regulated, and that main source current smoothly increases from 13 A to 40 A with a slope of 4 A.s-1. Furthermore, during transient state, supercapacitors transfer energy to the DC bus in order to compensate the lacking energy, which is not supplied, by the main source. P P Heat exchanger Fig. 5: Simplified diagram and stack of our 500 W PEM fuel cell system International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 24 - SAFT Supercapacitors FC Current Controller1 FC Converter SuperC Current Controller SuperC Current [A] SuperC Converter SuperC Voltage [V] Main Source Current [A] DC Bus Voltage [V] iSuperC1 to iSuperC2 occurs at time t = 140 s, for a supercapacitors voltage of nearly 13 V, because of the use of a high proportional gain (3500) for supercapacitors voltage controller. 42.0 31.5 21.0 10.5 0.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 time [s] 120 140 160 180 200 Fig. 9: Supercapacitors charge from 9 V to 13 V Fig. 10 presents experimental transient responses of the hybrid system to an excessive load. It shows that the supercapacitors compensate the main source during both transient state and steady state, because of fuel cell current slope limitation and fuel cell power limitation respectively. 42.0 31.5 21.0 10.5 0.0 800 Load Power [W] 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 13.5 13.0 12.5 12.0 20.0 0.0 -20.0 -40.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 time [s] 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 Fig. 8: Hybrid system responses to a power step from 150 W to 441 W When the steady state is obtained (at the time t = 9.5s), supercapacitors current becomes zero, because supercapacitors voltage is greater than vSuperCNormal. Fig. 9 presents hybrid system characteristics during normal operating mode, through supercapacitors charge from 9 V to 13 V. The DC bus has a constant power load of about 120 W. It can be observed that main source current slope is approximately 0.7 A.s-1, which is lower than the previous 4 A.s-1, necessary condition for stability. Besides, the transition of iSuperCREF from 10.0 SuperC Current [A] Main Source Current [A] DC Bus Voltage [V] SuperC Current [A] SuperC Voltage [V] Main Source Current [A] DC Bus Voltage [V] dSPACE Interfacing Card Fig. 7: Hybrid system test bench 600 400 200 0 42.0 31.5 21.0 10.5 0.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 -20.0 -40.0 -60.0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 time [s] Fig. 10: Hybrid system response when overloading During the first interval, the current delivered by the main source slowly increases (with a controlled slope) up to its maximum value, the lacking energy being delivered by supercapacitors. Then, the sudden decrease of the power load leads to a recovery mode for supercapacitors, in order to allow a slow controlled decrease of the main source current. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 25 4. T. A. Nergaard, J. F. Ferrell, L. G. Leslie, J. S. Lai. Design considerations for a 48 V fuel cell to split single phase inverter system with ultracapacitor energy storage, IEEE-PESC'02, Queensland, June 2002. 5. J. Lee, J. Jo, S. Han. A 10KW SOFC-low voltage battery hybrid power processing unit for residential use, the 2003 Fuel Cell Seminar, pp. 33-40, Miami, November 2003. 6. M. Ortúzar, J. Dixon, J. Moreno. Design, construction and performance of a buck-boost converter for an ultracapacitor-based auxiliary energy system for electric vehicles, IEEE-IECON'03, Roanoke, November 2003. 7. B. Destraz, P. Barrade, A. Rufer. Power assistance for diesel electric locomotives with supercapacitive energy storage, IEEEPESC'04, Aachen, June 2004. 8. P. Thounthong, S. Raël, B. Davat. Conception et réalisation d'un convertisseur statique basse tension pour pile à combustible de type PEM, EPF'04, Toulouse, September 2004. 9. M. Y. Ayad, S. Raël, B. Davat. Hybrid power source using supercapacitors and batteries, EPE'03, Toulouse, September 2004. 10. W. Choi, P. Enjeti, J. W. Howze. Fuel cell powered UPS systems : design considerations, IEEE-PESC'03, Acapulco, June 2003. 11. W. Friede, S. Raël, B. Davat. PEM fuel cell models for supply of an electric load, ELECTRIMACS'02, Montréal, August 2002. Fig. 11 corresponds to a sudden recovery of energy on the DC bus. This energy is recovered by the supercapacitors while a slow decreasing of the main source current is performed. In this example, the main source never delivered less than 50 W in order to maintain fuel cell converter operating in continuous current mode. SuperC Current [A] Main Source Current [A] DC Bus Voltage [V] Load Power [W] 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 42.0 31.5 21.0 10.5 0.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 time [s] Fig. 11: Hybrid system response when recovering IV.- CONCLUSøON The major objective of this work is to propose a way of controlling an automotive DC bus supplied by a hybrid source using supercapacitors as auxiliary source, in association with a PEM fuel cell as main source, knowing that this kind of electrical source is not able to supply energy during fast transitions of load because of current slope limitation, during peak loads because of power limitation, and during recovery because of only positive current. The experimental results relative to our 500 W PEM fuel cell confirm its slow dynamics. And results carried out by means of our hybrid system test bench, which uses a storage device composed of six SAFT 3500 F supercapacitors connected in series, validate the control principle we use for the achievement of a bi-directional hybrid power source. V.- REFERENCES 1. K. J. Kelly, A. Rajagopalan. Benchmarking of OEM hybrid electric vehicles at NREL, prepared for the DOE, Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337, August 2001, website : http://www.eere.energy.gov. 2. U.S. Department of Energy. ThunderPower bus evaluation at SunLine Transit Agency, DOE/GO-102003-1786, November 2003, website : http://www.eere.energy.gov. 3. R. Gopinath, S. Kim, J. H. Hahn, M. Webster, J. Burghardt, S. Campbell, D. Becker, P. Enjeti, M. Yeary, J. Howze. Development of a low cost fuel cell inverter system with DSP control, IEEEPESC'02, Queensland, June 2002. HTU HTU UTH UTH International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 - 26 - IJEET - 27 - High-acceleration linear drives: Application to electromagnetic valves C. Bernez1, X. Mininger1, H. Ben Ahmed1, M. Gabsi1, M. Lecrivain1, E. Gimet2, E.Sedda2 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 1 P - SATIE (UMR 8029 CNRS) - ENS Cachan – France 2 - PSA Peugeot Citroën – France P P P Abstract: In this paper, the feasability of replacing the mechanical valve actuating system with an electromagnetic one is studied. After a mechanical study done in order to evaluate power and consumption needed, several electromagnetic actuators are examined to evaluate their viability for the specified application. I. INTRODUCTøON One of the present priorities in the automotive industry is to lower exhaust emissions and vehicle fuel consumption. While only 12% of the world's population own a car, ground transportation is still responsible for one-fifth of all carbon dioxide emissions. Through 2020, a 60% growth in this value has been predicted by experts (which would correspond to an additional 1.1 million vehicles!). Against this backdrop, a large number of electrical systems are being developed; these systems introduce adjustments above and beyond the conventional mechanical systems they have been intended to replace. Over the past several years, electronic ignition systems have gradually supplanted contact-breaker ignitions on gasolinepowered vehicles since they serve to facilitate the setting of sparking advance at all engine speeds, in addition to improving engine performances while reducing fuel consumption and air pollution. The world's auto manufacturers share the same objective today as regards electromagnetic valves; for the time being, these valves are actuated by means of a camshaft. It should be recalled that with the four-stroke engine, one operating cycle comprises two crankshaft rotations, during which both admission and exhaust valves must be actuated. The camshaft + timing chain assembly imposes a fixed set of valve opening and closing angles (the camshaft rotates by 360° during an operating cycle, whereas the crankshaft rotates by 720°). These angles cannot therefore be set in accordance with a number of various parameters, such as engine speed and external temperature, even though the potential beneficial impact exerted by such parameters is readily apparent. At present, separate driving solutions are being considered for each valve. In this instance, motion would no longer be obtained by a common device (the camshaft), but rather by means of a valve-integrated electromechanical device. We will first lay out a global mechanical study of the valve problem and then proceed by examining and detailing the various electromagnetic structures capable of satisfying the set of specifications. Fig. 1: General view of the motor / Close-up on the valves II. MECHANøCAL STUDY II.1. Problem statement The actuator must enable shifting a valve of mass M over a distance 'X during a time 'T. The approach herein will search for the order of magnitude of both the powers and mechanical forces needed to be generated in order to satisfy the set of specifications. In this section of the article, we will neglect all types of frictions and losses. The power values determined will thus always be underestimated in comparison with the actual values to be produced. Moreover, we will not consider the possibility of reinjecting energy from the system; in this manner, power consumption would be reduced. The motion being sought in this problem set-up is a very highacceleration controlled, alternative linear motion. Figure 2 illustrates such a type of motion. The various valve switching times (transition from a closed position to an open position and vice versa: Tf and To) as well as the lengths of time held in the closed and open positions (Tpf and Tpo) depend on the rotational speed of the thermal engine (engine speed). For example, Figure 3 indicates a few orders of magnitude for these time values. It is to be recalled that the switching time is set regardless of engine speed (3.5 ms); the time where the valve is held in the closed position (Tpf) is generally longer than that associated with the open position time (Tpo). This approach has already allowed drawing an initial observation: the power applied is very closely related to switching, with consumption of the actuation system being basically imposed by the closed position time (Tpf). We will begin by studying a simple analytical case, which serves to determine the feasibility of an electrical actuator on its own or the necessity of using a power storage supply. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 28 - actuator 'x v M Valve position OFF Fig. 4: Speed and acceleration profiles stroke 'x ON Tf Tpf To Tpo time Fig. 2: Actuator principle diagram and valve position during an engine cycle Numerical applications have been computed with this set of ­ M 158 g values ° T 3ms ® °'X 8mm ¯ Knowing that Tpf [ms] Tpo [ms] Tf=To [ms] 100 80 60 40 20 0 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 -0.5 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Engine speed [RPM] Fig. 3: Valve cycle characteristic times II.2. Simple case analytical study 'X T ³ 0 v(t ).dt , we can obtain the maximum speed Vmax reached during the motion: § · ¨ ¸ ' X 1 Vmax (1) T ¨ D1 D2 ¸ ¨ 1 ¸ © 2 2 ¹ The maximum force derived during the motion is then: § · ¨ ¸ ' M . X 1 Fmax M.Jmax (2) ¨ D D ¸ 2 D1.T ¨ 1 1 2 ¸ © 2 2 ¹ We are now in a position to deduce the maximum mechanical power Pmax to be provided during shifting: B B B B § · ¸ ' M . X 1 ¨ ¸ Pmax M.J max.Vmax D1.T3 ¨¨ 1 D1 D 2 ¸¸ © 2 2 ¹ 2 2¨ Let's use the acceleration profile (and corresponding speed) as shown in Figure 4. The acceleration J enables identifying the other characteristic values of the system, such as the maximum force attained during motion, the maximum power, and the distance covered. Parameters D1.T and (1-D2).T represent the end of the acceleration phase and the beginning of the deceleration phase, respectively, with T being total travel time. B B B B Remark: In this section, all curves have been given with D1 = D2= D. We will consider the problem to be symmetrical with respect to the time t = T/2. Moreover, all values are plotted using S.I. units. B B B B Fig. 5: Maximum force reached during the move International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 (3) IJEET - 29 'X ddistd 'X H (6) 2 2 x The maximum power reached during motion must not exceed a fixed value PmMax. x The maximum force must be less than FmMax. B B B The sequential process used in genetic algorithms for minimising Pd is shown in Figure 9. When applying a deterministic method, the result always takes the form of a local minimum that depends upon initial conditions. The results presented have been obtained from a stochastic method: the genetic algorithm, which yields (among other things) a global minimum. Previous analytical results, taken as the reference, will then be used to verify the numerical results. The numerical constraints are: PmMax = 3,000 W, dist = 4 mm, H = 0.1 mm, and FmMax = 1,500 N. The profiles presented below (Figure 8) have been given for these specific values; two cases are shown: the acceleration J(t) is subdivided into 20 and 50 samples, respectively. We obtain the following objective function Pd and calculated constrained values: B B B Fig. 6: Mean and maximum powers necessary to ensure the dynamic B At this point, the average dynamic power to be provided during the motion can be calculated (let's recall herein that energy is supplied for both acceleration and deceleration): T/ 2 Pd 1 ³0 M.J(t).v(t).dt (4) T The final expression for Pd can thus be deduced as follows: B Pd 2 M.Vmax T B § ¨ M.'X 2 ¨ 1 T3 ¨ 1 D1 D2 © 2 2 · ¸ ¸ ¸ ¹ 2 B B B B Pd [W] 443 444 B 20 samples 50 samples B Table 1: Pmax [W] dist [mm] Fmax [N] 2972 4 1498 2999 4 1500 B B B B (5) A couple of findings result from this approach, namely: x Changing the acceleration profile (via D1 and D2) makes it possible to reduce by approximately two-thirds the average power over the displacement and by onehalf over Pmax (see Figure 6). x The highest mechanical power reached during the motion lies around 3 kW. This value proves to be substantial, considering the imposed space limitation. The force Fmax may exceed 1,500 N when typical prototypes yield about half this amount within the same volume. The acceleration profile will thus be optimised in order to minimise powers while imposing realistic constraints on the forces provided by the actuator. B B B B B B B B B Fig. 7: Differences between 20- and 50-sample profiles II.3. Optimisation of the acceleration profile The objective herein is to minimise the average dynamic power Pd by modifying the acceleration profile J. Each point forming the (sampled) temporal acceleration profile constitutes a variable used to minimise Pd. Several constraints must be verified during this optimisation process: x The valve must move over a distance 'X/2 during time 'T/2. In numerical optimisation methods, this constraint is expressed by relation (6) below. Minimisation leads to deriving the lower distance constraint. We then impose 'X/2 as the lower limit in order to fulfil performance specifications (the variable "dist" corresponds to the stroke distance), i.e.: B B B B Fig. 8: Acceleration profiles for variable constraints International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 30 a more reasonable value, i.e. about 500 N, which leads to the conclusion that the analytical study indicates a 580N limit (Figure 5) when the valve is propelled over the entire half-period [0, T/2] (D1 = 0.5 in this case). Optimisation start Initialisation B Constraints : H The previous PmMax and H values are held constant while the constraint relative to Fmax is lowered. The genetic algorithm population still consists of ten items (acceleration profiles), each represented by 20 samples. The optimised acceleration profile has been given above (Figure 8) for three different FmMax constraints. The other calculated characteristic values are as follows (in all cases, the dist variable is equal to 4 mm): FmMax PmMax B B B Initial population Random profiles generation (n=0) (which verify constraints) { J i (t i ) } i B B {1,...,N} Table 2: 800 700 633 726 2470 2438 Fmax [N] Pd [W] Pmax [W] New generation creation based on the previous (index n) OBJECTIVE = Pd power minimisation B B Pd Pmax Fmax dist 600 977 2325 B B B B B B Constraints? dist Pmax<PmMax Fmax<FmMax NO B B B B With the required forces, which are necessary to satisfy the set of specifications, now evaluated, we can turn our attention to examining the various feasible technical solutions. III. LøNEAR DRøVES FEASøBøLøTY YES population(index n+1) population(index n) All population items lead to the same acceleration profile? YES End Printing results Optimised profile: J Evaluation: Pd, Pmax, Fmax,dist Fig. 9: Optimisation algorithm Many observations can ultimately be derived: x The profiles with 20 and 50 samples are both very similar. We are thus not required to use 50 samples, unless for example in the case of a real prototype application. x The average dissipated power Pd is only of relative importance. If the device allows for energy recovery as it brakes (from T/2 to T), Pd will equal the losses generated as valves move a distance of 'X. x It seems very difficult to reach a strength of 1,000 N within the assigned actuator volume. We will therefore gradually reduce the FmMax constraint in order to tend to B B B B When forcing Fmax to decrease, the Pd power increases while Pmax is reduced. This finding is interesting, yet variations are not of the same order of magnitude (-6% for Pmax vs. +54% for Pd). As Fmax tends to 500 N, the acceleration profile becomes constant over the period [0, T/2], which indicates that the optimisation strategy is no longer exerting an effect. Evaluation NO B As regards displacement of the plunger, which serves to actuate the valve, several increasingly-complex solutions may be envisaged. This series of solutions will not be presented in detail herein and are intended for more in-depth study subsequently. x The first solution is based on the use of 2 electromagnets, which tend to attract the plate in accordance with their respective supply of coils. This solution would be the easiest to implement yet does seem unable to offer any freedom in positioning the plate; x The second one is quite the same as the first and also uses 2 electromagnets, but the actuator has been equipped with permanent magnets (polarised actuator). This solution, while a bit more complex from a mechanical perspective, could serve to limit actuator power consumption if its dimensions have been well optimised; x The final solution would call for use of a linear actuator. This structure is the most attractive since it may allow for fully-variable lift control, which seems to be impossible with the first two solutions. For its advantages, the linear actuator is first envisaged. But what kind of actuator has to be considered? B III.1. The all-electrical solution: Direct drive B In what follows, we will be focusing on the approximate intrinsic performance of the direct drive based on electromagnetic linear actuators. B International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 31 - III.1.1. Various types of actuators and compared performance levels H : Parameters reflecting the influence of parasite airgaps and the drop in magnetic potential within the magnetic circuit. On the basis of a few simple criteria, both operational and functional in nature and established subsequent to an analysis conducted on a large number of existing structures, it is now possible to define a descriptive nomenclature of electromagnetic actuators [5, 6]. The following figure depicts an example of the forcedisplacement characteristic, which incites several comments: x The force generated within non-polarised electromagnets uses the normal force component, as opposed to classical multi-step actuators. As such, the force generated in the first case is very high for small airgap values. By setting the saturation induction of the magnetic circuit at 1.4 T, the force density is equal to approximately 80 N/cm², while the force density generated within classical multi-step actuators rarely exceeds 6 N/cm²; x The force-displacement characteristic displays strong non-linearity in both current and displacement. This aspect raises the problem of how to control the core dynamic, in particular for high acceleration levels; x Lastly, this same characteristic exhibits a sizable decrease with respect to core position. For large airgaps, actuator efficiency thus proves to be highly reduced. Magnetic source of excitation While the power source is necessarily of the produced current type (supply), the excitation source may be generated by various processes. In particular, the source produced by means of supply (the classical case, accessible excitation winding) or by rigid magnetisation (excitation by permanent magnets) can be distinguished, as can that induced by the power source (e.g. case of induction actuators). In the following series of figures, three examples are given of linear-type actuators that fulfil the criteria of this initial classification. a) b) y Snoy c) Fig. 10: Excitation source example: (a) permanent magnets, (b) variable-reluctance only, (c) induced currents F/Fo 1 Electromagnetic couplings 0.8 As regards the linear actuators, the type of power supply can be discerned. This procedure consists of distinguishing the conversion step W related to both the supply frequency of the power winding and the total stroke of the mobile & . 0.6 nI/nIs=1.5 0.4 nI/nIs=1 Single-step actuators In this first category, the two characteristic magnitudes defined previously are very close to one another ( W |1 ). Actuators of & the mobile coil type or even of the electromagnet type are found in this category. In the case of variable-reluctance (non-polarised) electromagnets, it is shown that the normalised attraction force may be written in the following simplified form [14]: 2 2 F §¨ nI ·¸ . H F0 © nIs ¹ yH 2 with: F0 1 B2 .Snoy : 2P0 s saturated magnetic circuit; (7) Maximum force obtained for a 0.2 nI/nIs=0.5 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Core position / stroke Fig. 11: Example of single-step actuator: electromagnet with plunger and it’s normalised force Multi-step actuator This category features complete dissociation between power supply frequency and the stroke ( W 1 ). & The vast majority of both rotating and linear electromagnetic actuators lie within this category. Classification of such actuators may be performed on the basis of electromagnetic coupling type, which reflects the type of International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 32 - interaction in both the power and excitation sources that serve to generate a force with a nonzero average value. The following figure provides two main couplings: a “split-winding polar” coupling and a “global-winding split” coupling. l Based on this simple formalist description, it is possible to examine the compared performances of the previously-defined couplings. As a means of application, we will study the typical operating case, i.e.: G.AL |50 A²/mm3, B f 0 | 0.7 T, ropt |10 mm, P Wp Kf | 1.4, kfv | 0.22 (stepwise current supply). Results are shown in the following figure for various configurations and couplings. B hb R B B B It should be pointed out that for the single-airgap ("classic" case) polar coupling, the volumic force is at best constant, at a value of 350 N/dm3. The split coupling exhibits better performance, i.e. constant volumic force for a single-airgap architecture and an increasing force with respect to volume for multi-airgap architectures. r W P a) P Wp F= 10 + P 4 F= 10 100000 Ws F= 10 7 F= 10 9 F= 10 11 F/V [N/dm3] (4) 2 10000 W (3) 1000 F= 10 (1) 0 100 (2) 10 b) V [dm3] Fig. 12: Electromagnetic couplings (tubular synchronous actuator with permanent magnets): “split-winding polar” where W |1 1.E-02 Wp 1.E+02 1.E+04 1.E+06 1.E+08 1.E+10 Fig. 13: Volume force vs. volume for several achitectures: (1) Single-airgap polar coupling with fixed radius, (2) Single-airgap polar or split coupling with variable radius, (3) Single-airgap split coupling with fixed radius, (4) multi-airgap split coupling (a), “ global-winding split” where W 1 (b) W p III.1.2. Performance: Analysis using similarity laws It has been shown [3], by means of a qualitative analysis using similarity laws based on a series of simple geometrical, magnetic and thermal considerations, that both the force and volumic force generated in electromagnetic actuators can be written in the following form: §W · 3 (8) F|Kf .AL.G0,5.Bf0.¨¨ p ¸¸."r 2 © W ¹ F |K .A .G0,5.B .§¨ Wp ·¸. 1 with rvR (9) fv L f0 ¨ W ¸ Va © ¹ r where: K f and K fv : Coefficients dependent upon the type of power 1 1.E+00 Remarks: The multi-airgap structure features a global-winding split coupling, for which the number of airgap surfaces remains high. These structures may appear, in particular, in either tubular form (so-called "multi-rod" architecture) or planar form ("multi-plate" architecture). This latter configuration has been illustrated in the following Figure 14 [7]. U supply and the relevant induction winding production technologies A L : Armature electric loading (in A/m) G : Current density (in A/m²) Bf0 : Maximum value of airgap excitation induction " : Active actuator length r : Airgap radius Wp and W represent the pole pitch and electromechanical conversion step, respectively. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 Fig. 14: Example of multi-airgap architecture IJEET - 33 Despite being qualitative in nature, this result clearly indicates the superiority, in terms of both use of space and acceleration, of direct actuation systems and especially the system featuring multi-airgap architecture. III.2. The all-electrical solution: Indirect drive III.2.1. Operating principle Various mechanical solutions are available for developing indirect electromagnetic actuation. Such solutions often entail coupling a rotating motor with the linear displacement charge by means of a rotation/translation motion transformation system. Among such intermediary systems, the following warrant mention: rod-crank, pinion-rack and screw-nut (which is the most commonly used, see Figure 15). V [dm3] M=0.16 kg 100000000 (a) 10000000 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 (b) 1 0.1 1 10 100 (c) 1000 0.01 0.001 J [m/s²] a) acceleration at fixed torque 2 M .J m Torque at fixed acceleration Cmin 2J M.Jm kt M Jm b) Fig. 15: Diagram of the operating principle of an indirect screwnut transmission actuation (a), Torque and acceleration vs. transformation factor kt (b) B B III.2.2. Performance comparison Let's now take the case of a screw-nut system (with the inverse of the screw step being denoted kt) and examine its dynamic performance, which can be simply compared on the basis of the acceleration capacities of the various solutions. It can thus be demonstrated that the active volume of the rotating motor (not including the transformation system), along with the optimal transformation factor, vary as a function of both the imposed acceleration and the actuated mass, in accordance with the following law: B B B B B III.3. Application of the all-electrical solutions to electromagnetic valves Force profiles, which are necessary in order to propel the valve, have been established, and the feasibility of a linear actuator propelling the valve on its own will thus be studied. In the present case, F is greater than 600 N. Since the specifications impose dimensions, we can proceed with an approximate determination of the shear stress VT: F VT F |67N/cm2 (14) Sa § 2 D2 · 1 L S¨ ¸ ¨ 4 4 ¸ © ¹ B B B U D1 L J max Cm Fig. 16: Actuator volume vs. maximum acceleration for M = 0.16 kg (with transformation system volume not included and kt=ktopt) for various configurations: a) classical indirect actuation; b classical direct actuation; c) multi-airgap direct actuation Sa U Va vJmax 3.M 3 2 (10) k t _ opt vJ max 2.M 5 3 4 (11) Fig. 17: Active surface Sa, top view The volume force is obtained, knowing the third dimension: F t 10000 N / dm 3 . For purposes of illustration, with a V volume held on the order of 0.1 dm3, the maximum volumic force is about 500 N/dm3, under the best case scenario according to Figure 13! The other characteristic value mentioned above is the specific actuator acceleration (see Figure 16), which has been given for a 160-g mass. According to Figure 16, for a reasonable value greater than 1,000 m/s2 (Figure 4), the required volume exceeds 1 dm3. With respect to this latter criterion, the linear actuator alone cannot move the valve. At the present time, it would seem very difficult, or even impossible, to produce a linear actuator capable of moving the valve on its own; hence, in order to meet P For direct actuations (without any intermediary), we derive the following: : fixed-radius polar couplings (12) Va J max.M 6 Va J max 7 .M 7 6 : multi-airgap split couplings (13) P P P For example, Figure 16 presents the evolution in active volume of the actuator vs. the desired level of acceleration for an actuated mass of 0.16 kg. P P International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 P P IJEET - 34 in their vehicles (e.g. Porsche, Honda, Toyota, BMW). Only BMW [4] has actually obtained a fully-variable valve displacement. Lowering fuel consumption and exhaust emissions (by about 10%), while at the same time improving performance and engine smoothness, are expected from this approach. Electromagnet actuators are unable to control valve lift since their strength profiles decrease too quickly with respect to displacement (excessive airgap). A linear actuator would therefore be required. specifications, associating an energy supply reserve with an actuator has been envisaged. III.4. Hybrid solution: electromagnets + spring direct linear actuator + We will now study a spring + electromagnetic actuator assembly. A flow chart for this solution set-up is given in Figure 18. Multiple structures can be imagined. One of them is drawn on Figure 19 [1], as example. The spring may be sized so as to shift the valve by itself, in which case the actuator only generates the mechanical losses and holds the valve in either the closed or open position. This solution satisfies the specifications and is relatively simple to employ. Why then should a linear actuator, which is a more complicated system, be used? The answer lies in its ability to perform lift control. [ Air admission Admission valve Throttle butterfly Combustion chamber Spring Linear actuator Fig. 20: Simplified diagram of an admission system III.4.2. Dynamic study This section focuses on the feasibility of associating a linear actuator with springs. Hypothesis: The acceleration displays a rectangular profile (like in part II.2). The interval is limited to [0, T/2], with the remaining interval [T/2, T] being symmetrical. Acceleration is constant from t = 0 to t = D.T. The spring is characterised by both its stiffness Kr and length x0, as follows: (15) Fres K r.(x(t)x 0) U Valve Electromagnet U B Fig. 18: Operating principle of linear actuation with a spring B B B We impose just one constraint on the linear actuator: force Fm is limited to a maximum value FmMax. The corresponding characteristic profiles are shown in Figure 21. A mechanical limit stop is inserted at position x(E.T) within the actuator. We set E<D in order to maintain a positive magnetic force over the interval [0, T/2], which corresponds to the acceleration phase. B B B Fig. 19: Example of a linear actuator architecture [1] III.4.1. Lift control features In current gasoline-powered engines, the valves can be either open or closed, which yields two fixed positions. Valve displacement depends on the geometrical profile of the camshaft. The amount of air injected into the combustion chamber is regulated by a throttle butterfly (Figure 20). Such technical solutions result in power loss. Lift control allows removing this throttle butterfly from the set-up. Engine output is then entirely controlled by fully-variable intake valves, which regulate incoming air volume. Many automobile manufacturers offer similar systems Fig. 21: Characteristic profiles for an actuator with a spring International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 B IJEET - 35 - Mathematical expressions of the profiles We are confronted here with two strengths: Fres generated by the spring, and Fm by the linear actuator. Let's write the motion equation: M.J(t) Fm(t)Fres(t) (16) B B B ­ k .t ® ¯Vmax x(t ) t >0,D .T @ 2 0 'X x Linear actuator -FmMax Spring Upper electromagnet Fig.22: Forces profiles (18) Introduction of constraints into the equations Vmax J D.T max (19) And x(D.T) 1 k.(D.T)2 1 Vmax.D.T (20) 2 2 The temporal expression of the magnetic force can now be calculated as: 1 2 ­ °M .J max K r ( 2 k .t x0 ) , t >0, E .T @ ° , t @E .T ,D .T @ ®M .J max °0 , t @D .T , T / 2@ ° ¯ (21) Study objectives The linear actuator delivers significantly lower forces than the spring within the volume assigned by these specifications. We can expect a force of about 100 N in our volume, i.e. one-sixth of the total force required to move the valve. We should thus allow a considerable portion of the motion path [0, 'X/2] over which only the linear actuator delivers a nonzero force, in order to position the valve with the actuator. Moreover, the linear actuator alone cannot ensure having the valve stay in the open or closed position, since the equivalent spring delivers its maximum force at these two extreme positions. A device, capable of developing high forces over short lengths to hold the valve stuck in extreme positions, would have to be added. Two electromagnets will thereby be introduced into the device (one up, the other down for locking in the closed and open position, respectively). The force contours delivered by the spring, along with the electromagnets and linear actuator, are displayed below (Figure 22). We now impose Fm < FmMax. It would seem a reasonable approach to set E = D to ensure the relation below (see Figure 21): (23) FmMax M.J B B B B B Let '* be the distance over which a force is applied to the mass in order to accelerate it: '* x(D.T) 'X . D (24) 2 1D This function '*(D) is strictly increasing. D must be reduced so as to allow the linear actuator to perform its action. In order to respect the constraint on FmMax, we will introduce next the following relation for x0: § M.Vmax · V .D .T (25) x0 1 ¨ FmMax ¸ max K r © D .T 2 ¹ P P B B B B Results Force profiles are provided in Figure 23 for Kr varying from 103 N/m to 150.103 N/m. A fixed point that is the consequence of both the rectangular profile of acceleration and the FmMax condition is present. Why do several profiles satisfy the specifications? As spring stiffness increases, the work generated by the linear actuator rises as well. The other curves represent the electromagnetic force for various injected currents I. These results reveal the impossibility of controlling valve position using the previously-described system. The forces required to ensure valve dynamics are too high in comparison with those generated by the linear actuator within the restricted volume. In order to position the valve, the actuator must either overcome the spring force or compensate for the mechanical work delivered by the spring. The linear actuator does not seem capable of ensuring this function. B P P To reach this level of operations, we would expect to limit the spring force to reasonable values in comparison with electromagnetic force values. It would be even better for FEA (the electromagnet force) to satisfy the following relation: Fres ( x) FEA (x) , x >0, x(D .T )@ FmMax 'X ­1 2 ° k .t ®2 °̄Vmax .t x(D .T ) With: v(D.T) Vmax k.D.Tk Lower electromagnet B t >D .T , T / 2@ Fm (t ) Forces B B We will now seek to determine an expression for Fm as follows: d2x(t) Fm(t) M 2 K r.(x(t)x0) (17) dt The speed and position expressions are given below (as deduced from acceleration): v(t ) In this manner, the electromagnets could block (either open or closed) the valve from all positions. B (22) International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 P B P B B IJEET - 36 Another condition must then be applied: the speed v is zero at the start of the stroke, which then yields the following: § K r T ·º 'X ª FmMax 'X º ª (31) . ¸¸» 0 « ».«1 cos¨¨ 2 ¼ «¬ 2 2 M » ¬ Kr ¹¼ © As FmMax changes, the spring must be adapted (by means of Kr) to verify the specifications. The characteristic profiles are shown below (Figure 24). In this case, the changes for Fm and Fres are visible in comparison with the previous section (III.4.2). B B B B B B B Fig. 24: Force, speed and acceleration profiles for constant Fm B Fig. 23: Forces for two duty-cycles D : 0.15 and 0.3 III.4.3. An alternative approach In the previous section, the linear actuator was being partially used. We will now change the force profile so that its use is maximised. The actuator will now generate its maximum force over the entire acceleration phase: (26) Fm(x) FmMax ,x>0,'X/2@ The previous expression is maintained for the spring force: (27) Fres K r.(x(t)x 0) , with here x 0 'X 2 The position x is characteristic in the motion equation: 2 M d 2x K r.x FmMax K r.x 0 , x>0,'X/2@ (28) dt The corresponding solution then becomes: F Kr (29) x(t) A.cos(Z.t) B.sin(Z.t) mMax x 0 , with Z Kr M where A and B stem from the initial conditions, as follows: F ­ A mMax x0 ° x(0) 0 Kr ° 'X § FmMax 'X ·§ § Z .T · · ° ¸¨ cos¨ ¨¨ ¸ 1¸ ® 2 2 ¸¹¨© © 2 ¹ ¸¹ © Kr ° x(T / 2) 'X / 2 B ° § Z .T · sin¨ ¸ ° © 2 ¹ ¯ (30) B B Even if the linear actuator were used with its maximum force throughout the entire acceleration phase, the ratio between the amount of spring work and total required work remains too low. Moreover, if the valve could be stopped during its stroke, the linear actuator would be unable to supply the energy needed to re-shift the valve into either the open or closed position. In conclusion, in order to enable valve lift control, a linear actuator must be inserted into the valve device. We have demonstrated that the FmMax force as well as the power generated by this actuator within the allotted volume are too low to ensure valve dynamics. Adding a spring solves the power problem but not the force problem. B B The main advantage offered by this structure now seems impossible to achieve; the subsequent study will consider the two simpler electromagnet-based solutions. IV. PRECøSE ANALYSøS OF THE HYBRøD DøRECT DRøVE IV.1. Unpolarised electromagnet The aim of this part is to evaluate the opportunity to use an electromagnetic actuator to move admission valves in IC engines. Comparing to the mechanical solution, the electromagnetic one allows independence between valves and the camshaft, i.e. the valves can be moved at desired time. A basic solution is an unpolarised structure (Figure 25 and Figure 26 represent the geometry chosen for the following study; several others structures may be imagined). International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 37 - x to stop the plunger in an extreme position (called locked positions), it is necessary to supply the electromagnet corresponding, in order to create a force opposing to the spring’s force. When the supply is turned off, the springs push on the plunger and move the rod, and then the valve. The profile of the currents injected in the upper (A) and lower (B) coils is given by Figure 28. Fig. 25: Geometry of the actuator Fig. 26: Unpolarised electromagnet The electromagnets are fixed, and the plunger attached to the rod, which pushes on the valve, moves between the two extreme positions. Depending on the plunger position, the springs are more or less compressed, and the neutral position is in the middle of the air gap. This structure is called unpolarised because there is no permanent magnet. The features of this solution are the followings: x without power supply, the permanent position of the plunger is in the middle of the air gap; x to start, a little period of oscillation of the plunger is necessary: the springs start resonating thanks to the electromagnets, and the plunger is then stuck to the desired electromagnet. The oscillations are indispensable because of the small force of the electromagnet when the plunger is in the middle of the air gap. The resonance frequency of the springs is about 150 Hz; Fig. 28: Normalised profiles for the unpolarised actuator The study of this structure shows that it is able to develop the effort to lock the plunger in the extreme positions, which is equal to the one developed by the springs (Figure 29 is an example of the effort developed by one electromagnet with a current of 15A vs the air gap between the plunger and the electromagnet). There are several drawbacks with this structure. The start, with the resonance of the springs, needs a specific command. Besides, the locked position has an important relative duration (especially for low engine speed, see part II.1) and during this time, the actuator drains current although there isn’t any motion. As another drawback is that this solution is too noisy, because of the impact velocity, which is too important and hard to control. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 38 - 800.0 700.0 Effort (N) 600.0 500.0 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 Air gap (mm) 4 5 15A Fig. 29: Magnetic efforts developped by a coil IV.2. Polarised electromagnet Fig. 31: Normalised profiles for the polarised actuator IV.2.1. Presentation Because of these drawbacks and in order to improve this actuator, a new structure is described in this paper. The structure is the same as the basic one, but with two permanent magnets (see Figure 30, [8] and [9]). Fig. 30: Polarised Actuator That addition leads to new command strategies. The one proposed is to lock the plunger in the extreme position only with the force of the magnets. The plunger is then released by negative current injection in the coil, in order to opposite its flux to the magnets one, and to decrease the resultant magnetic force. The potential energy stored in the springs moves the plunger. The main advantage of this strategy is that there is no current consumption in locked position, as no current is injected to oppose to the springs force. The consumption, which highly depends on Tpf as it has been shown in part II.1, may then be decreased, particularly for low and medium engine speeds, which are the most present in a typical operating cycle for a vehicle. The profile of the currents injected in the upper (A) and lower (B) coils is given by Figure 31. The main drawback of the addition of the magnets is that they add an air gap, which reduces the magnetic force developed by the coils. On the other hand, this new air gap decreases the global inductance, so the current variation in the coils may be faster for the control. At first, it is then necessary to demonstrate that this new structure is able to produce the forces needed for the command strategy. Then it is interesting to verify that the driving cycle and the dynamic performances are acceptable. An analytical model is then developed with Matlab Simulink to evaluate the actuator. IV.2.2. Analytic model Mathematical model The first step needed is to have a mathematical model of the actuator. The model is divided in two parts, which are interdependent: x an electric loop, with a usual electric circuit: d) U Ri (32) dt where ) corresponds to the flux resulting from the actions of the coil and the magnets, U is the supply voltage, R is the coil resistor and i is the current. x a mechanical loop, which is the Newton’s second law: & ¦F & & & & Fmag Fsp Ffr mg & Fmgt ³SP0[H(n.H) 2 (H.H)n]dS & mȖ (33) The forces are the magnetic one, from the coil and the magnets, the springs one, the friction one and the weight force. The magnetic force is rigorously expressed as a surface integral, which comes from Maxwell’s tensor: & & & 1 & & & & (34) & where H is the magnetic field, n the unit vector perpendicular to the portion dS, and S the external plunger’s surface. The springs force is the one presented in the previous parts. Hydraulic frictions are equal to the plunger’s speed multiplied by a coefficient of friction, and static frictions are represented by a hysteresis function depending on the plunger’s position. To evaluate the flux in the air gap, which is necessary to get the electromagnet force, a lumped circuit from the actuator is introduced. Equivalent magnetic circuit To be complete, the magnetic saturation and the flux leakage have to be taken into account in the equivalent circuit. In this study, iron losses are neglected. With the help of lines of the magnetic flux, given by the FE method, several equivalent magnetic circuits were created. The one used for the study is presented with the following figures: International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 39 IV.2.3. Actuator control: dynamic of the motion The Matlab model is able to give quickly the travel of the plunger, depending on the current injected in the two coils of the optimized structure. x current injected only in one coil The plunger is initialy stuck to the upper electromagnet, and a negative current is injected in the upper coil (A) to release the plunger. Fig. 32: Flux lines Fig. 35: Stroke with one coil Fig. 33: Equivalent magnetic circuit where Rf, Rk1 and Rk2 are the flux leakage reluctances, Rfe, Rfm and Rp the reluctances in the iron, Ree and Rem the reluctances in the air, Ra the reluctance of the magnet. Va is the magnetomotive force. Use of Matlab Simulink The plunger does not do the entire stroke of 8mm: because of the friction, it is not able to reach the lower electromagnet. The plunger trajectory is then oscillating because of the springs. x current injected in the two coils The release current is the same as the previous one. But at an adequate moment, a positive current is injected in the lower electromagnet (B), and the plunger is then able to overcome the friction, and the entire displacement is done. The last two points are used to establish the model. It has to give all the forces and the instantaneous position of the plunger in the air gap. So, there is the electrical loop corresponding to the electrical equation: Fig. 36: Stroke with two coils Fig. 34: Electrical loop This loop is controlled by the electric out-voltage of a chopper, which is the output of a closed loop control of the current in the coil. Moreover, there is the magnetic loop, which allows evaluating the flux in the air gap due to the coupled action of the coil and the magnets. In the first place, the reluctances are calculated depending on the induction and the plunger’s position, and the flux M in the air gap is deducted. The magnetic force is then calculated with (34). Another block, corresponding to (33), gives the acceleration of the plunger, and by integration, its speed and position. A design process, which consists on modifying the magnets dimensions in order to be able to use the command strategy previously presented, is done with the analytical model [12]. In this exemple, it is shown that the entire travel can be done with an acceptable time. The control has now to be studied more precisely, by choosing the best currents to inject to get the desired dynamic, with a controlled consumption. Figure 37 shows as an exemple the influence of the release current on the travel time. A trade-off has then to be made between the current injected for the release and the dynamic. To catch the plunger, a positive current is injected in the lower electromagnet (B). This is first necessary to have the entire displacement, as it has been shown, and also to limit the valve bounce. Indeed, the electromagnetic force decreases faster than the springs one when the air gap increases (Figure 23), and then a bounce not controlled may allow the springs to get the plunger back. The permanent magnets are only able to ensure the static efforts. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 40 on direct linear actuator coupled to springs and electromagnets, concerning the variable lifting of the valve, have then been given. The use of structures {electromagnets and springs}, though they also can't do lift control, has been considered under the terms of their simple design. We have shown that those are viable, and how permanent magnet addition decreases the electric consumption of the actuator. VI. REFERENCES 1. Fig. 37: Influence of the release current 2. 3. IV.2.4. Consumptions The control is still to study: the parameters will be the amplitude of the currents, the duration and the start of the current pulses, in order to get the desired dynamic with a minimal power. Nevertheless, the Figure 38 obtained with a simple model (and the current profiles shown in Figure 28 and Figure 31) gives an idea of the power consumption of the unpolarised and the polarised electromagnet depending on the engine speed. The consumption of the polarised actuator is always lower than the polarised one, although the difference decreases with the engine speed (as expected in IV.2.1). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fig. 38: Normalized power consumption for unpolarised and polarised actuator 13. 14. B. Lequesne: “Permanent Magnet Linear Motors for short Strokes”, IEEE transactions on industry applications, Jan/Feb 1996. B. Lequesne: “Design and Optimisation of Two-Spring Linear Actuators”, ETEP, Nov/Dec 1999. H Ben Ahmed, B. Multon, P.E. Cavarec : “Actionneurs linéaires directs et indirects : performances limites”, Journées d’Electrotechnique du club EEA « Avion et électricité », 18-19 mars 2004, Université de Cergy-Pontoise. www.bmw.com. BMW (Car manufacturer official site (Europe)). Jacek F. Gieras: “Status of linear Motors in the United Sates”, 4th Int. Symp. on Linear Drives for Industry Application (LDIA), September 2003, Birmingham (UK). P.E. Cavarec, H. Ben Ahmed, B. Multon: “Actionneurs électromagnétiques : classification topologiques”, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, D3 412. P.E. Cavarec, H. Ben Ahmed, B. Multon: “Force density improvements from increasing ther number of airgap surfaces in synchronous linear actuators”, Revue IEE proc. Elec. Power Appl., vol. 150, N° 1, January 2003, pp.:106-116. H. Ben Ahmed, M. Gabsi, M. Lécrivain, C. Fageon, E. Sedda: “Actionneur électromécanique de commande de soupape pour moteur à combustion interne”, Brevet Français, déposé le 18 Février 2003 sous le n° 0301948, déposant PSA. M. Lécrivain, M. Gabsi, H. Ben Ahmed, E. Sedda, C. Fageon: “Actionneur électromécanique de commande de soupape pour moteur à combustion interne et moteur à combustion interne muni d’un tel actionneur”, Brevet Français, déposé le 15 janvier 2004 sous le N° 04 50092, déposant groupe PSA. H. Hattori, T. Izuo, M. Asano, T. Iida, S. Nitta: “Electromagnetic Actuating System”, U.S. Patent 6,334,413, Jan. 1, 2002. G. Schmitz, F. Pischinger: “Method for Controlling an Electromagnetic Actuator Operating an Engine Valve”, U.S. Patent 5,868,108, Feb. 9, 1999. X. Mininger, H. Ben Ahmed, M. Lécrivain, M. Gabsi, E. Sedda, C. Fageon: “Permanent Magnet Actuator for Admission Valve ”, Electromotion, Volume 10, Number 3, July – September 2003. G. Lacroux: “Les Aimants Permanents”, Tec & Doc, 1989. M. Juffer: “Circuits Magnétiques”, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, traité Génie Electrique, 1995. V. CONCLUSøON After having explained the problems of the valves equipping the thermal engines, and their application framework, we have presented a panorama of the available electromechanical solutions to replace the traditional mechanical structure (camshaft). With additional possibilities of adjustment, these new structures would lead to a reduction of the consumption and pollution. In particular, variable lift of the valve would improve these two parameters of more than 10%, according to some world car manufacturers [4]. We initially have taken interest in the minimization of the necessary mechanical power, by acting on the acceleration profile. We have shown that for the dimensions allocated by the specifications sheet, an only direct linear actuator does not ensure sufficient dynamics. The limits of hybrid solution, based International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 41 - Flywheel Electric Drive Characterization for Hybrid Vehicles Y. Gao1, S. E. Gay1, M. Ehsani1, R. F. Thelen2, R. E. Hebner2 P P P P P P P P P P 1 P - Advanced Vehicle Systems Research Program, Texas A&M University, USA, e-mail: Ehsani@ee.tamu.edu P HTU UTH 2 P - Center for Electromechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, USA P Abstract Flywheels are envisioned as serious alternatives to electrochemical batteries and ultracapacitors for energy storage in hybrid vehicles. The combination of a flywheel with an electric motor drive is referred to as a Flywheel Energy Storage System or FESS. This paper is an evaluation of the characteristics of electric motor drives for flywheels in hybrid vehicle applications. The first section features an analysis of the energy and power requirements for passenger vehicles over a standard acceleration profile and several drive cycles. The second section consists of an analysis of the parameters influencing the flywheel energy and power. The third section contains an investigation of characteristics of the electric motor drives for flywheels. Keywords: flywheel, hybrid drivetrain, power sizing, energy storage bidirectional conversion between mechanical energy stored and electrical energy used by the hybrid vehicle drive train. The FESS operates in two quadrants since the angular velocity is always positive. When the FESS is charging, the motor torque is positive and accelerates the flywheel. When the FESS is discharging, the electric motor drive acts as a generator, (i.e. negative torque) thus extracting energy and decelerating the rotating mass. A FESS unit of this type has been successfully demonstrated in a transit bus [5-7] and is being developed for use in a hybrid locomotive for high-speed passenger rail applications [8-11]. II. VEHøCLE POWER AND ENERGY PARAMETERS In a full hybrid drive train, a primary power source (internal combustion engine or fuel cell) supplies the average power demand while a secondary power source (energy storage system) supplies the peaking power demand corresponding to acceleration and regenerative braking [12]. Fig. 1 depicts this operating principle. I. INTRODUCTøON Flywheels are envisioned as serious alternatives to electrochemical batteries and ultracapacitors for energy storage in hybrid vehicles. Flywheel energy storage systems offer significant advantages compared to electrochemical batteries and ultracapacitors in hybrid vehicle applications. They have high specific energy, high specific power [1], long cycle life [2], high energy efficiency [3], limited sensitivity to contamination, and require minimal maintenance and minimal system overhead. While it is possible to connect the flywheel to the hybrid drive train by using a mechanical port, the preferred configuration uses an electric motor drive for the coupling. The electric motor drive directly interfaces with the dc bus of the hybrid vehicle power system. Because, this configuration shares several similarities with electrochemical batteries, it is sometimes referred to as a “flywheel battery” [4]. The single-port combination of a flywheel with an electric motor drive is also referred to as a Flywheel Energy Storage System or FESS. The FESS is composed of two fundamental functional elements: the kinetic energy storage element and the power transformation element. Kinetic energy is stored in the momentum of inertia of the rotating mass according to: Wkin 1 2 J rmZ rm 2 (1) Wkin is the kinetic energy stored, J rm is the moment of inertia of the rotating mass, and Z rm is the rotational speed of the mass. The electric motor and its power electronics perform the Fig. 1: Decomposition of driving power demand into base and peaking power demands The peak power requirements are determined by considering two driving patterns: Maximum acceleration from 0 to a target speed, typically significantly inferior to the vehicle’s maximum cruising speed. Peaking, i.e. acceleration and regenerative braking, during standard drive cycle such as FTP 75 Urban and Highway cycles. For a given vehicle, target speed, and acceleration time, the maximum acceleration power requirement is determined by the torque vs. speed profile of the traction motor drive and its transmission. Fig. 2 shows an idealized profile of traction effort vs. vehicle speed. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 42 - Fig. 3: Traction effort vs. speed profile for different X ratios Fig. 2: Idealized traction effort vs. vehicle speed profile When the vehicle accelerates from zero to target speed, the traction effort profile goes through two regions: - Constant effort region from zero to base speed Vb - Constant power region from base speed to target speed V f The traction motor drive power rating, Pa , needed to achieve maximum acceleration from zero to target speed, V f , in t a seconds with a vehicle mass, M v , is expressed as [13]: Pa Mv V f2 Vb2 2 ta (2) If the ratio of the vehicle’s maximum speed to the vehicle’s base speed is denoted as: X Vf Vb (3) Then the traction motor drive power rating required can be rewritten in terms of this ratio as: Pa Mv 2§ 1 · V f ¨1 2 ¸ 2 ta © X ¹ (4) The power rating must be increased to account for the efficiencies of the traction motor drive ( K m ) and the transmission (K t ): Pa Mv 1 · § V f2 ¨1 2 ¸ 2 ta K m Kt © X ¹ (5) Fig. 3 shows the evolution of the traction effort vs. speed profile for different X ratios for a notional automotive design: a 1000 kg vehicle having a maximum cruising speed of 160 km/h and having capability to accelerate from 0 to 100km/h in 10 seconds. A large X ratio is highly desirable since the maximum acceleration requirement can be met with a minimum traction motor drive power rating. Indeed, the required power rating with a X ratio of 1.5 is 82.5kW while with a X ratio of 5 decreases the power rating to 42.5kW. However, there is a diminishing return for an increasing X ratio beyond X 5 . For a X ratio tending towards infinity, the power rating tends towards 38.6kW for the vehicle considered. It is therefore preferable to seek a traction motor drive with a X ratio of no more than 5. If the aerodynamic drag losses are entirely supplied for by the primary power source, the only energy losses affecting the acceleration performance result from the efficiencies of the transmission ( K m ) and traction motors (K t ). The energy absorbed by the maximum acceleration test is given by: Wa 2 1 M v Vf 2 K m Kt (6) Standard drive cycles provide additional information on the acceleration power and kinetic energy requirements. The power supplied by the energy storage device is equal to the dynamic power augmented by the traction motor and transmission losses: Pa (t ) M v V dV dt K m Kt (7) The kinetic energy requirements are derived by integration of the power supplied by the energy storage device: Wa (t ) International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 t ³ P (t ) dt 0 a (8) IJEET - 43 - Fig. 4: Dynamic power and kinetic energy variations along standard drive cycles Fig. 4 shows the evolution of the dynamic power and kinetic energy supplied by the energy storage in a 1000kg hybrid vehicle driven along the FTP 75 Urban, FTP 75 Highway, US06, and ECE-1 standard drive cycles. Important information is derived from these graphs. The dynamic power demand for each cycle is much smaller than that required by the maximum acceleration test. Furthermore, the kinetic energy consumed in any 10-second interval is much less than the kinetic energy consumed during the maximum acceleration test. Consequently, if the FESS is designed to meet the maximum acceleration test, it will be more than capable of fulfilling the requirements of the standard drive cycles. III. FESS POWER & ENERGY PARAMETERS A FESS stores kinetic energy in a rotor spinning at high angular velocities and uses an electric motor drive to interface with the vehicle’s DC bus to constitute a flywheel or mechanical battery [14-16]. Fig. 5 shows the basic layout of a flywheel energy storage system. The design parameters of a flywheel system are its energy storage capacity and its power capability, which are independently designed and optimized for the application Once an energy storage capacity and power cycle capability have been identified, the mass and volume of the system should be minimized for optimal system density. The amount of kinetic energy stored in a rotating flywheel is a direct function of the moment of inertia of the rotor ( J f ) and the square of its angular velocity ( Z f ), as per equation (1). Traditionally, the strength of materials has limited the options for increasing stored energy. The development of advanced composites and magnetic bearings however, has made possible to increase rotational velocity, thereby yielding compact energy storage. The specific moment of inertia relates the flywheel’s moment of inertia to its mass and is proportional to the sum of the inner and outer radii of the rotor: 2 2 J fs v Router Rinner Fig. 5: Flywheel Energy Storage System schematic (9) While the energy stored increases significantly with the outer radius, the inner radius contributes equally to the energy stored per unit mass. There is, however, a practical limit on the combination of radius and rotational speed due to the mechanical strength limitations of the rotor construction and materials. The tangential speed of the outer rim of the rotor, called the tip speed, Vt , is given by: International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET Vt - 44 - Router Z max (10) The mechanical stress on the rotor material is a direct function of the tip speed, or inversely, the maximum working tip speed can be expressed as: Vtmx k solid k hollow In (11), Vw Vw U (11) is the working tensile strength limit, selected as a portion of ultimate tensile strength, and U is the mass density. k solid and k hollow are constants that include the Poisson ratio effect, Q , and are defined as follows [9]: k solid k hollow 8 3 X 1 , when Rinner ª Rinner «2 Router ¬ 0 Rinner 1 k hollow (12) 0 (13) § 1 3X ·º ¨1 ¸» 3 X ¹¼ © 1 / 2 , when (14) In addition to the outer radius and speed, the rotor inertia, and therefore the flywheel capacity, is determined by rotor length. Rotor dynamics limit the maximum outer rotor length achievable. The rotor has several critical (i.e. resonant) speeds and the flywheel necessarily has a limited ability to avoid them or go through them without failure. The stiffness of the rotor and shaft designs, and the distance between bearing locations become determining factors on practical rotor length. These geometric constraints, along with the rotor material selection, allow a relation to be drawn between physical size and the energy stored. A simple test for flywheel size is to assume a rotor lengthto-diameter ratio of 1. Then, if a tip speed is selected according to the construction desired (steel, composites, or other), a table of radii yields volume, mass, and maximum energy storage according to equation (15). Here, the material density ( U ) and maximum tip speed, Vt max , are given to yield the energy storage limit, Wlim , assuming a simple cylinder. 1 3 U S Router Vt 2max 2 (15) Removing mass from the inner diameter or radius lightens the system mass with only small reduction in energy stored, as implied by equation (9), but the outer radius limitation on total energy storage still holds. The effective, or deliverable, flywheel energy is typically much less than the stored energy because it is not desirable to drive the flywheel all the way to zero speed. Consequently, the effective flywheel energy is given by the difference between the stored energy at maximum speed and the stored energy at minimum practical speed: 1 · § Wmax ¨1 2 ¸, n © n ¹ 2 Z max 2 Z min (16) Thus, the effective energy delivered by a flywheel is 75% for n=2, 89% for n=3, and so forth, in a pattern of diminishing return. Consequently, the minimum flywheel operating speed will generally be selected between 33% and 50% of its maximum speed. The flywheel itself does not generally impose a limit on the power, or rate of energy exchange, to or from the FESS. The power rating of the FESS is limited mechanically by the strength of the shaft and coupling. The flywheel electric motor drive may be used beyond its continuous operation rating. In this case, the power rating is determined by the losses of the electric motor drive and its cooling system. The short-term power rating may be derived from the average power flow through the electric motor drive over a sliding window in the standard drive cycles. The power flow is thus expressed as: 1 t W w d W w ³t Where W w is the duration of the window. The continuous power Psd Consequently, steel rotors have a practical operating limit in the range 220-240 m/s, while the most advanced composite structures can be operated at speeds ranging from 400 m/s to 1000 m/s. Wlim Weff P dt (17) rating is determined solely by the torque-speed profile of the electric motor drive. This profile is the same as that of the traction motor drive (Fig. 2). In an effective FESS design, the rated power should be available regardless of the state of charge of the flywheel battery, i.e. the rotor speed. This yields optimal acceleration and regenerative braking performance and matches the traction power and energy requirements of the vehicle. The electric motor drive constant power region range (base and maximum speed) must be matched with the flywheel minimum and maximum speed. The flywheel energy is thus available at rated power at any speed beyond base speed. The requirement for constant rated power availability from minimum-to-maximum state of charge has an additional advantage. Constant power is the best torque-speed profile to accelerate and decelerate a mass with a minimum electric motor drive power rating. It follows that if the flywheel’s minimum speed is a third of its maximum speed, then the electric motor drive must have an X ratio of 3. The practical speed range of the flywheel and the requirement for rated power therefore strongly influence the technology and design of the electric motor drive. Fig. 7 shows torque-speed profiles for a 45kW, 40,000rpm FESS electric motor drive for different values of the X ratio. There appears to be a drawback in having a large X ratio in that the low-speed torque is proportionally much larger than for a low X ratio. A higher torque requires a larger motor and a sturdier flywheel shaft. However, it is necessary to consider that a low X ratio will only yield rated power for a very limited range of speeds, which dramatically reduces the performance of the FESS and its ability to match the requirements of the hybrid drive train. This would force the designer to oversize the electric motor thereby increasing the weight of the FESS. Furthermore, the electric motor and its drive would be grossly underutilized. It is therefore much more beneficial to use a large X ratio. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 45 - V. Fig. 7: Variation of motor drive torque-speed profiles with the X ratio IV. HøGH END MOTOR SPEED CHARACTERøSTøCS FESS applications place a significant emphasis on the constant power (or field-weakening) operation of the electric motor drives. Hence, these motors are thus radically different from electric motors for conventional applications and are very similar to traction motors. Each technology is differently suited for the application to FESS. Permanent magnet brushless DC motors (BLDC) have an inherently short constant power range, theoretically up to X 2 but practically closer to X 1.5 . Furthermore, fieldweakening is achieved by using stator currents to counteract the field of the permanent magnets on the rotor. The results is that the power factor and the efficiency of the BLDC motor drive is significantly lower in the constant power region than in the constant torque region. The BLDC motor is therefore a bad candidate for flywheel applications because it would yield a limited practical energy range and a low efficiency over that range. The induction motor is the most mature and one of the most rugged electric motor technology. While the breakdown torque limits the constant power range, it is nevertheless possible to achieve a X ratio up to 5 by using vector control [17]. However, the large X ratio requires a more complicated machine and is obtained at the expense of power factor and efficiency. Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) drive research at Texas A&M University has shown that X ratios up to 8 are possible [18]. Furthermore, the SRM drive has a better efficiency in the constant power region than BLDC or induction motor drives. Finally, the large inertia of the flywheel rotor damps the torque pulsation generated by the SRM operation thus resulting in a quiet electric motor drive. Homopolar synchronous induction motors offer a further consideration for high-speed flywheel applications. This novel motor design allows a solid rotor for high-speed and a controllable field induced from a separate but stationary winding. From the point of view of the terminals, the motor behaves as a three-phase synchronous machine. A 30kW prototype has been demonstrated with an efficiency of about 85% while operating at constant power from 30,000 to 60,000 rpm [19]. CONCLUSøON Matching the constant power range of the electric motor drive with the practical energy range of the flywheel is of prime importance in order to achieve an FESS with desired energy storage capacity deliverable at rated power. An FESS designed with a proper motor drive constant power range can be matched optimally with the driving requirements of a hybrid drive train, thereby resulting in minimized fuel consumption and optimized vehicle system operation. Due to practical consideration on the flywheel design, it is not desirable to seek a X ratio of more than 4, which corresponds to an effective energy content of approximately 94%. Switched reluctance motor drives appear to have the best inherent qualities for FESS applications, although additional simulations and experiments are required to validate this choice. VI. REFERENCES 1. K. R. Davey, R. E. Hebner, “A Fundamental Look at Energy Storage Focusing Primarily on Flywheels and Superconducting Energy Storage,” Electric Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT 2003), San Francisco, CA, Oct. 27-29, 2003. 2. M. M. Flynn, J. J. Zierer, R. C. 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While this method is popular and some robust transducers were developed, its precision is affected by the variation of the tyre dimensions due to pressure changing or weariness. Optical or electromagnetic transducers are used to sense the rotation of the wheel itself or the rotation of a mechanical part rotating synchronously with the wheel. Electromagnetic transducers can use Hall effect or proximity effects to sense the movement. They are generally more robust than the others due to the large operating temperature range and insensitivity to automotive fluids or dust deposition. The inductive rotationalspeed sensors are benefiting from their non-contacting (proximity) measurement principle, and thus they are wear-free. The sensible element of the inductive transducers basically consists in a core surrounded by a winding. In order to measure the rotational speed of an axle, a rotating toothed pulse ring is mounted on this I such a way that it is located directly opposite and a narrow air gap is separating it from the transducer. The transitions between the tooth space and tooth (leading tooth edge) and at the transitions between tooth and tooth space (trailing tooth edge) are responsible for modifying the magnetic flux through the core. One common setup for the proximity transducer is the one sketched in figure 1: The demodulator converts the change in the amplitude to a DC signal. This DC signal is fed to a trigger stage. The operation of the oscillator at frequencies of hundreds of kHz is convenient for the usage of the transducer in the usually highly electromagnetically polluted automotive environment because the perturbation signals are usually within a much lower frequency range, so they can be removed before demodulation. Fig. 2: Typical processing stages of a proximity rotational speed sensor II. THE HARDWARE ARCHøTECTURE OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM The system we proposed is a workbench for testing and calibrating vehicle speed sensors. From a hardware point of view, it is based on three basic blocks: an analog front-end, and USB module and a mobile computer (laptop) as depicted in figure 3. The analog front-end is implementing the processing stages needed for obtaining a rectangular signal having a speed proportional frequency: demodulation, amplification and triggering. It is worth to note that all the processing is done in such a manner that the in vehicle speed measurement system is not affected at all (see figure 4). The USB module is built around the Cypress CY7C68013 microcontroller. Its purpose is to real-time measure the period of the rectangular signal fed to one of its port pin, to apply a filtering algorithm and to transmit series of samples to the PC. CY7C68013 is a low power microcontroller that contains a standard 8051 core and a Smart USB Engine in the same chip. Its internal architecture is described in the block diagram of figure 5. Fig. 1: Proximity transducer facing toothed ring For a large category of automotive transducers, the winding is fed with a sinusoidal signal, so the altering of the inductance caused by this varying flux is seen as an amplitude modulation of the voltage across the transducer’s coil. The switch operation is achieved through a series of processing operation applied to the voltage signal present across the inductor placed in the probe, as presented in figure 2. It can be observed that there is an internal RAM area that can be accesses by both the 8051 core and the USB Engine. The core has the ability to directly edit the data contents of the internal 8kbyte RAM and of the internal 512-byte scratch pad RAM via a vendor-specific command. That means that the application running on the PC has the ability to read or write these areas through calls of the Windows Cypress USB driver with specific control codes. On the other side, the 8051 core sees these areas as belonging to the external data memory. International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 IJEET - 48 - Fig. 3: Wiring setup for extracting and processing desired signal from vehicle’s speed measurement system TP2 +8V +8V VCC_AN 2 C3 47u - R3 2K2 + R6 4K7 5 + 6 - U1A TLC272 TP3 +5V R8 1K 7 U1B TLC272 8 5 +5V P2 3K POT_mic 2 + 3 - U4A 74HCT74 4 1 6 R9 2K2 U2 LM311 7 P1 10K POT_mic 4 3 2 1 +5V 2 + 2 3 U3 LM311 7 TTL Output J2 OUTPUT 1 2 3 4 3 - U7 TLP620 VIN VOUT +8V VCC_AN 3 C10 100n r5mm + +8V VCC_AN C11 1000u cpol C12 100n r5mm 1 U6 LM7805C/TO220 IN GND U5 LM7808/TO220 2 J4 C9 JUMPER 100n 1 2 r5mm 1 GND +12V CAR SUPPLY L1 1.2 mH TP1 +12V 1 2 3 2 J3 ALIM L2 1.2 mH Fig. 4.Schematic diagram of the analog front-end International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 3 2 4 1 6 P3 3K POT_mic 1 TP5 TTL Out 3sip100 1 8 5 R10 2K2 JP1 Jumper Selector 14dip300 S 5 C1 6 1D R 1 R1 56K C5 1u 1 4 C1 47n + 4 3 C8 1000u R7 47K OUT +5V 3 C13 100n r5mm + C14 1000u cpol TP4 Analog Out 1 D1 1N4148 R5 4M7 + C7 1000u 4 Input C6 47n + 8 J1 INPUT 1 2 3 C4 4n7 R4 100R 8 R2 2K2 C2 2u2 Analog IJEET - 49 - Fig. 5: Internal architecture of CY7C68013 III. THE SOFTWARE ARCHøTECTURE The hardware organization of the CY7C68013 suggests the following setup for a system that interfaces sensors to the PC using this microcontroller: A. Sensors with digital output can be connected to the I/O ports of the chip, directly or optionally through optocouplers B. Sensors with analog output can be interfaced to the I/O ports of the chip through an analog to digital converter with parallel or serial output, or with I2C compatible A/D converters C. The application running on the 8051 core has to program the chip in the adequate way for selecting the appropriate alternate function for each of the pins used D. Three specific areas can be defined in the internal 512byte scratch pad RAM: 1. Buffer1, in which the 8051 application saves the results of the algorithms applied to the sensors data 2. Buffer2, in which the PC application saves the control setting for the algorithms applied to the sensors data 3. Buffer3, in which the 8051 application saves the status flags of the algorithms applied to the sensors data P P system a supplementary degree of flexibility. That is the ability to transfer the content of the 8051 core code memory via the USB engine. That makes the USB module fully programmable, turning it into a valuable platform for experimenting real-time processing algorithms. An application running on the PC is controlling and configuring the USB module via the USB Windows driver. IV. EXPERøMENTS AND RESULTS The whole system is managed through the graphical user interface of the PC application. It offers the following facilities: - Downloading of the processing code into the 8051 core; - Starting and stopping of the 8051 core program; - Real-time displaying of the speed values; - Storing of data sequences and them simulating a trip based on these values; - Applying different filtering algorithms to the received speed samples. The PC application will acquire the measurement data asking the driver to operate a transfer from the Buffer1 to the PC, will program the acquisition parameters like sampling frequency, samples averaging or active analogue channels by writing control codes in the Buffer2, and will check the operational status of the sensors and possible fault conditions by reading Buffer3. While the above suggested approach is suitable for a simple yet efficient measurement data transfer over the USB link, there is another feature o this microcontroller that gives to the whole International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005 Fig. 6: Graphical User Interface IJEET - 50 - Using this application, data sets containing the values of the instantaneous frequency (or period) of the signal outputted by the sensor and their associated correct values of the vehicle speed can easily be constructed. These can serve as main data for calibrating the vehicle speedometer. In figure 7 there is an example of a sensor transfer curve constructed based on spline fitting of 9 measurement points. As it can be seen, a linear fitting can be an appropriate way for linearizing the sensor characteristics. Fig. 7: Transfer curve of a speed sensor V. CONCLUSøONS AND FUTURE WORK The system presented in this paper can be used as a flexible workbench for studying and experimenting with speed sensors appropriate for vehicle speed measurement. It offers tools for supporting the calibration of these sensors while offering a flexible platform for implementing and testing the embedded software for electronic speedometers. The abundance of serial busses offered by CY7C68013 (I2C, 2 UART’s) offers further possibilities for interfacing the system with other devices (optical barriers, radio modems, timers etc.) for devising a complete calibration and telemetry system. P P VI. BøBLøOGRAPHY 1. HTU Siemens Semiconductor Group, IC for Inductive Proximity Switches with Short-Circuit Protection, http://www.infineon.com/cmc_upload/0/000/012/273/tca505.pdf Philips Semiconductors, “Semiconductor Sensors Data Handbook”, Philips Electronics N.V. 1994, Netherlands 2. UTH International Journal of Electrical Engineering in Transportation, vol. 1, n°1, 2005