! ,.'{ TSOLATTON, TDENTTFTCATION AND IFI \TITRO SCTT.EENING OT FUNGAL ENDOPHYTE$ AGATNST PATOHOGTN UT.&TAT&E LEAF BLIGHT, I{E [, MI NTHO S P O Rl UM IL'IAYDI S NIJR AMIN' ; ANDI NASRt.lDDtrNr and LA DAHA' I Deprrtm*nt rrf nlant protection- Faculry of agriculture. Hasanuddin {Jniversit,v- Makassar^ Sulawesi Selatan, 90245,Indonesia a pe'trD a ii i,'ri I +t- f:'l- u,rlio{.rf.i;lt';5 Sixty three isolates of fungal enrlcphytes were isolatcd f'rom the rtot cf maize var. Pulut (a iooal variety of south Srrla.rvesi)" The isoiates helonged tc five genera. namelv : Tricltodenna st',.- l;ilsarium 3n." ,,lt:rewortitgtt sp". lspergillus sp., Penicilliutn sp., and Botryodiplcdi* sp. The isolates t.vere screeneci in vitro to de.ierrnine their eontrol potenlials against rrathogen of maize leaf blight- Helmbthaspariuru ma.vdis. 'Ihree of lhose isolates. Acremoniurn sp., Aspergilhtr sp and Trichaderma sp. etfbctiveiy inhibited ths grow'th of the pathogen with a suppression level of90 64 firur days after the isolate ap;rlicatiens. Keyrvord: endophyte, fungi, leaf bli ght, Heln inthosporiunt sp., Screening tissue are at least transientiy symptomless {tsacon and INTRODI.}CTION Com is the second major food commadity alter rlee in In,Jcnesia. The u;e tf ccrn greins i,"r sdclitit'r: tc forr.l, is als* destined for arimal feed. Con: grain demarrrl contint:r$ t$ increase everv vear. (Anon1xraus, 2007). Maize lear hlight caused bv Heiwinthasprtriunt sp. is one cf the most important diseases, second to downy miiderv o$ mair-e piant. I'he pathogen transmitted through the air $o easill' spread out. Yield loss due io spofiing leaves reashed 59'%, especially when disease inlects the plant betbre the formation of female flowers (Poy, 1970). Disease progression is suongiy ait'ecteci by rire environmentri conditions. Optimal temperatures tbr disease dcrciuprtierri laargc iiurrr 2C i., -i00i: isuircr,i old Steiler. i974), which include the normal tempcratures i-, *..,;,.".,,,{-,,."1,-,**..-r nrl*!.-! uvrlrvPrritl[ iti .-. arrlrl\\ r1..i^-L-..:^ 4'-.-^: ii iiilu, -uuu/, a,aiuupu-rrr! rurisr $pacs or inside cells of host plant ,-t*mos.. / (*il'l-c,ncn .?i n! 117r-.lr l- r',.{,"-4".i"' --.',,., ar, rrrs'JrrL;!o, *i.4, 'f-t..q.'+'.-..: rtleiliuts. H. maydis is almost ahvays preseni in each planiing qea-enn The ntthogen in th+ fi:rm tf dsrfirtant r'_'--'e'-' enrJophytic r:--- :^ :-t--^^11."1-rri9 rti iirLtlLuillll4t causing no apparcnt ?llllrt\ tfrrrrrerr+r' fungl, lvhish col*nize and grow ,rlymFtanatically- u'ithin heatthy pl;mt lis5r.tes. nr*v evolve li'om plant pathogenic fungi and become nonnathogenie iCarroll. 1988. Freeman anel Rodriguez 1993" Saikkonen et al. 2AA4; Kogel e/ al. 2006). Althotrgh, disease symptofi$ of host plani can he cause<i by endophytes under stress conditions (Clay and Schardl 2002. Schulz & Boi'ie 2005), during the long term co-evolution of endophyte and plant, equilibriums befr.veen these +rganisms have been esmbiished. 'l'he relationship betr.veen t'ungal endophytes anel lrtrsis piaui are rluiuaiisiiu, wircrc iungai errduphytuu obtain their food irom hnst plants, anei on the other 1.^-,1 fr(r!v L-,-r rA,J( ".!,,-r., trrJrr!-r endophytes as L.,*^f:, wr.91r! ^L...:'rrL4ttt t'*,,-rrUrrr a trigger for grorvih and n...."^l rull6dr protecting nlqntq frnm rleqtnrctir,'c nrc+nismc Frtnsrrl cndnnhr,fae mycelium can survi.,'e up to one ysar on ntaize crop such as Acrernoniutn sp. have been reported to anel increase the gro'.l.th of fotage plants treionging {{i.1,e grass) (Siegel, 1987). On the other hand endcrphyte.* present on hosi plants can improve piant resistance against the stress of water shortagesl; therefore, the nesidues {Shurtletf 1980. Sumartini Srihardiningsih l99si. The pathogen is latent in the field anci capable of causing sporadic bui serious damage to crops" especiaily in susceptible varieties. T'he new prospective ares on agriculture atrd torestry are the use of microorganisms to promote plant grcu,th and ter protrct the piant hosts frorn pests and drsease$. One group ot the microorganisms 1s ardophytic fungi. Eudophytic fungi is an intriguing group oiorganisrn associared wiih r.arious tissues and growth of fungi-infected host plants with endophytic fungi has better vigor in the fields compared to piants infeeted r.vith the fungus rrithout enrlophyte (Funk er 1985). Better phoiosynthesis rate of host plants is also another advantage crfendophyte's presence in the piants tissues. c/. The exact mechanism of cndophytes in heiping organs of ten'estrial and some aquatic plants. wherse :-..f^-r:.-"-iiirovLrwii} --^ st€ :.-^.---.-r----.--rulvirttruuuus ^.-l 6riu aLrIlE. :--3-^{-" rtli&!t&\t J L^-. trirsl r-' '.--^--.. IlLlrer$ --l^-- i- -----.rlpriJr$ Erulrlrr li -.-. dvua a--tl-- ---. -L:ll rit]L ruliy --*l-*.r--I ulisut]tutru. lLlrl Presented on Intsmational Serninar and T'he 21"' National Congress Phytopathological Society, Solo December 3 - 5, 201I of The Indonesian l However, there is strong suspicion that endophyte infection induces the host piants to prcduce substances such as auxin growth regulator or other grorvth hormones (Bacon et al. 7986, Clay 1984, et sl. Latch 1985). An other in vitro study demonstrated that endophytic {imgr were capable of producing auxin (Porter er qt. 1985!.. The c,ritical roles of various genera of fi.u:gal endophyre in proiecring piants havc ttucn reporteii by various researchers as listeci in Table l. Tabel 1. Negative etfect of fungal endophyes against pesis and paiirogerrs lielo Mnterirl tnd Methods 1. Isolation of Fungal endoPhYtes Fungal endophl'tes were isolated tiorn the roots of af South Sulawesi, inclonesia;" ihe roots wero washed in the running tap rvater and then eut into pieces with the size of about 0,5 crn. 'iire roui picces rvere ricriiiz.eil usilg sudiuiri hypochiorite (2"5%) for five minutes, then washed maize var. Pulut {local variet,v --.:rt^ vlrui ^.^-:l^ Jrillrc -rL,. ^-.....t^., (irE +:*.,TrLrL r\rur *:^^.'4 trrrllJ! rrr! -^^+ ouu4utl {:,... Pr!!w ''.^*' placed on the medium of potaio dextrose agar (PDA) in qevpral florri ..lichpe (dianr- O cm\ 'llhe prtri fliShCS r,vere kept in incubatoi at tempsrat$re 28 "C). The observation of the growth of the fungus were done every day. The fungus^rvere then purified aad stored in the reirigerator at 4uC iiir further rtse in subsequent shrdies. l. Isolation of m*ize leaf hlight H e lmint h o s po r I u m may dis in vitro fuIaize leaves ini'eeted by leaf i:iigi* disease n'ere collected t'rom Antang, Makassar, South $ularvesi Indonesia and brorrght back to our laboratory. The leaf samples rvere cut into small pieces (diam' I cm). The cuts were made betweea healtlry and int'ected areas of the leaves in order io assure that ihe active growing part of the pathogen was included in the .Ii:e pieces. ie*f pieces tvere then steriiseri by immersing them in l7o natrium hypochloride (NaOCl) roiuiion iur li"e triirruie;. Aiier tire leal'pi*ccr were air drieci for several minutes, they were put into ilt|llr, ,.^'.*^i-l-^ -,...^*.1 D.,r-i.l:.'1".', !rrL.r L-*t rLuL:'rir. --' iDT-iA ril ltr.u ^n,{ rl"or-;iii iiiJ;;Utr lJiiaJiiirirb J'i','iji3i oC t 7 au for three days. Fungal insub*tor at temperature 28 leaf nieeec rvns nathnoen H ntmtiit ornwing __ the ''"e nn ' purified by tranfening it into aew growth PDA. 3. In yitro screeming of fungal endophytes The chemical basis of fungal endophytes to nrnm^le nlnnf ornrr,'fh iq rrnknnwn trt iq rocqihle that the fungus produce, or induce the plant to produce, auxin-like plant gror,vth resulators. or they ma3' alter hormoue metabolism (Lxh et 41. 1985). Auxin-like indole compounds have been isoiated in vitro from culture {Porter of the et al, fungal endophyne Blanria epichlae 1985). The production of ihese compounds may reflect an alteration of nitrogen metabolisrn and assirnilation in the infected plant (llacon, et al.79E6). The objective afthis investigation r+'as to isolatioe- i<ieniiiicariein and in viuo screening of iungai endophytes frorn maize root against paihogen of ----!-Irrgtz€ .-" --. J,'^^f L!: -L-,lL I 7i^Y tl--i-.rr. u t,>. llt t lt t l,ltJ- --pul--.:..-" I u I l a fi taal re.lr ut tEt t is+l*tes against pathogen of maize leaf blight, {I elmlnth osportam maytlls The endophl4e isolates obtained from maize roots rvere screened in vitro for their abiiity in inhibiting the grorrth of the rnaize ieaf blight pathogen, I{. maydis, isolated from maize teaves (decribed before)- On each Petri dish containing PDA, an endophyte isolate and I{. maydis isolate (eech about I cm diam.) rvere placed on the opposite sides ofthe dish, about 2 cm from tile qenter line dividing the PDA into two parts. Eauir isuiaie ireailttenl had 5 rrpiiualiuls of unt dish each. The size of H. noydis coiony forming in .-.-,-L -l:.,L..,^..,1,.+^*:*^J €{vrr vrJrr rr 45 ulLcl rllltrlu each of the colony *oao,r*inc fbrmula: L., *^^.,,,*:-^ rrrt u, rrrlosr +L6 l+n^.1. I ur af Lrrv rlrr6u perpendicular diameters. The rc<rrlic rrrere f han errhier.ied tn thn llrllrrrvino