Bioelectric Signals g Hsiao-Lung H i L Chan Ch Dept Electrical Engineering Chang Gung University chanhl@mail cgu edu tw Biopotential signals From BH.Brown, Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, IOP Publishing Ltd, 1999. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 2 HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 3 Origin of biopotentials Na+ Cl- Extracellular domain Phospholipid p p bilayer y Intracellular domain K+ HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 4 Passive channels Selective permeable membrane A- Cl - K+ Na+ Outside (+) Cl - K+ Na+ Inside (-) HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 5 Resting potential of a membrane premeable to one ion (e.g. K+) drift Adiffusion K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ d[K ] J K ( diffusion ) D dx Cl - Outside (+) Na+ Inside (-) Na+ Cl - dv d J K ( drift ) Z [ K ] dx D: diffusion constant, Z: ion valence, [K+]: ion concentration, μ: mobility, v & -dv/dx d /d : voltage o age & e electrical ec ca field e d ac across oss the e membrane e ba e HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 6 Resting potential from one ion (cont (cont.)) d[K ] d dv J K J K ( diffusion ) J K ( drift ) D Z [ K ] dx dx At equilibrium, JK = 0, the Nernst equation is derived as RT [ K ]o E K vi v o ln nF [ K ]i [ K ]o 0 0.0615 ln ( V ) at 37 C ((body y temp p erature)) [ K ]i vi & vo : voltages outside and inside the membrane n: valance l off K+ R: universal gas constant T: absolute temperature in K F: Faraday constant HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 7 Resting potential from mutliple ions Goldman equation At equilibrium RT PK [ K ]o PNa [ Na ]o PCl [Cl ]i ln E F P [ K ] P [ Na ] P [ Cl ]o i Na i Cl K PM : permeability coefficient of membrane for a particular ion species M HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 8 Resting potential from mutliple ions RT/F The resting potential is -60 60 mV HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 9 Action potential Na+ Na+ ++++ ++ + + + Outside cell Plasma membrane Inside cell ++++ ++ +++ K+ 1 K+ Resting phase 3 Na+ N Repolarizing phase Na+ N ++++ ++ +++ ++++ ++ +++ K+ Depolarizing phase 4 Membrane potential (mV) 2 K+ 2 +50 0 1 Undershoot phase 3 4 50 100 t HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 10 Action potential HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 11 Active channel: sodium sodium-potassium potassium pump Remove 3 Na+ for every 2 k+ outside K+ Na+ inside K+ Na+ M. Bear et al, Neuroscience: exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 12 Origins of electromyography HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 13 Motor-unit firing pattern SMUAP wave t y (t ) h(t ) x( )d 0 IPI Point process: A series of impulse or Dirac delta function Inter pulse interval (IPI) > Inter-pulse SMUAP duration R. Rangayyan, Biomedical Signal Analysis, John Wiely & Sons, 2002. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 14 Prosthesis control using g myoelectric y signal g (Myoelectric Control System at University of New Brunswick, Canada) HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 15 EMG during g different movements HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 16 Cerebrum (Frontal,Parietal,Temporal and Occipital lobes) From JJ Carr, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Prentice-Hall, 1998. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 17 Brain Cerebrum (大腦) Thalamus (丘腦) • Sensory and motor system • Human behaviors ... Hypothalamus (丘腦下部) • Autonomic nervous system • Temperature regulation • Water and electrolyte y balance • Behavior response to emotion • Endocrine control • Sexual response .... g ((延腦)) Medulla Oblongata • Vital centers that regulates heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood vessel, etc. Cerebellum C b ll (小腦) • Coordinating skeletal muscles and impulses from cerebral cortex M. Bear et al, Neuroscience: exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 18 Electroencephalogram (EEG) M. Bear et al, Neuroscience: exploring the brain, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 19 Biologocal neuron HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 20 Axon (軸突) to synapse (突觸) via neurotransmitter HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 21 Simplified synapse in biologocal neuron HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 22 Electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 23 EEG changes in sleep HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 24 EEG waveform recorded from one patient under sevoflurane in different states LZ complexity awake state intermediate d state asleep state HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 25 Lempel-Ziv Lempel Ziv complexity HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 26 Estimation of depth of anesthesia by EEG/AEP EEG monitoring A dio evoked Audio e oked potential monitoring monito ing HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 27 EEG spikes or abnormal waveform in epilepsy John G G. Webster Webster, Medical Instrumentation Instrumentation, application and design design, 3rd Ed., Ed Houghton Mifflin, 2000. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 28 EEG electrode placement HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 29 Multichannel EEG recodeings: NeuroscanTM HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 30 Monopolar measurements HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 31 Bipolar measuremesnts HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 32 Monopolar montage Epilepsy spikes HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 33 Bipolar montage Epilepsy spikes HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 34 Heart and electrocardiogram (ECG (ECG, EKG) HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 35 Pacing rate of cardiac cells John G. Webster, Bioinstrumentation, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 36 Propagation of excitation pulse Reporalization Deporalization R. Rangayyan, Biomedical Signal Analysis, John Wiely & Sons, 2002. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 37 ECG features R T P Q S P-R interval R-R interval S-T interval Q-T interval R U QRS interval P wave : Atrial depolarization QRS complex : Ventricular depolarization T wave : Ventricular repolarization U wave : Slow repolarization of ventricular muscle R-R : Heart period P-R : Conduction delayy in the AV-node Q-T, S-T : Ventricular repolarization time HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 38 Cardiac arrhythmia: premature ventricular contraction (PVC) John G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation, application and design, 3rd Ed., Houghton Mifflin, 2000. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 39 Cardiac arrhythmia: atrioventricular block John G. G Webster, Webster Medical Instrumentation, application and design, 3rd Ed., Houghton Mifflin, 2000. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 40 Cardiac arrhythmia: ventricular tachycardia (VT)、 atria flutter John G. G Webster, Webster Medical Instrumentation, application and design, 3rd Ed., Houghton Mifflin, 2000. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 41 Cardiac arrhythmia: atrial Fibrillation (AF)、 ventricular fibrillation (VF) John G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation, application and design, 3rd Ed., Houghton Mifflin, 2000. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 42 ST-segment ST segment elevation John G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation, application and design, 3rd Ed., Houghton Mifflin, 2000. HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 43 ST-segment ST segment depression (mostly in myocardial ischemia) HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 44 ST-segment ST segment elevation HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 45 Reference John Enderle, Susan Blanchard, Joseph Bronzino, Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Academic Press, 2000. John G. Webster, Bioinstrumentation, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. John G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation, application and design, 3rd Ed., Houghton Mifflin, 2000. BH.Brown, RH.Smallwood, DC.Barber, PV.Lawford, and DR.Hose, Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, IOP Publishing Ltd, 1999. Joseph J. Carr, John M. Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Pearson Education, 2000. F.M. Ham, I. Kostanic, Principle of Neurocomputing for Science & Engineering McGraw Hill, Engineering, Hill 2001. 2001 HL Chan , EE, CGU Biopotentials 46