EIT Review – Electric Circuits Electric circuits are used in the generation, transmission and consumption of electric power and energy. Electric circuits are used in the encoding, decoding, storage, retrieval, transmission and processing of information. EIT_1_29 Page 1 Interpreting the circuit diagram An electric circuit is an interconnection of electric circuit elements. (Circuit elements are also called devices or components.) Each circuit element has at least two terminals, i.e. places where that element can be connected to other circuit elements. (Terminals are sometimes called leads.) The parts of the circuit where terminals are connected together are called nodes. (Nodes are also called vertices.) This circuit is an interconnection of two terminal elements. ○ The shape of the element indicates it behavior. ○ Each element is characterized by a parameter, represented either as a value with units or as a variable. ○ Each element has two terminals that are connected to nodes of the network. The element is said to be incident to the nodes ate which its terminals are connected. EIT_1_29 Page 2 Element Equations EIT_1_29 Page 3 Current and Voltage Two quantities are identified for each two terminal circuit element: the element current and the element voltage. • Current and voltage each have a direction as well as value. • Changing the direction corresponds to multiplying the value by –1 EIT_1_29 Page 4 Voltage and Current Waveforms EIT_1_29 Page 5 Steady State and Transient Parts of a Complete Response DC Circuits: ○ All of the inputs are constant voltages and currents. ○ The circuit is at steady state. ○ All of the voltages and currents are constant functions of time and can be represented using real numbers AC Circuits: ○ All of the inputs are sinusoidal voltages and currents having the same frequency. ○ The circuit is at steady state. ○ All of the voltages and currents are sinusoidal functions of time at the input frequency and can be represented using complex numbers EIT_1_29 Page 6 The Passive Convention When the reference direction of a particular current points from the + toward the of the polarity of a particular voltage, that current and voltage are said to adhere to the passive convention. • ia and va adhere to the passive convention • ib and vb adhere to the passive convention • ia and vb adhere to the passive convention • ib and va adhere to the passive convention The “element equations”, e.g. Ohm's law, use the passive convention: va = R ia and EIT_1_29 Page 7 vb = va = R ia The Passive Convention Specification of power and energy use of the passive convention. Power and Energy: p v i and w pdt power uses the passive convention supplied by No supplied to Yes absorbed by Yes received by Yes delivered by No delivered to Yes In cases a and b, the element receives 24 W. In cases c and d, the element supplies 24 W. EIT_1_29 Page 8 Kirchhoff's Laws KCL: The algebraic sum of the currents entering any node is zero. i1 i 2 i3 i 4 0, i 4 i5 0 i 4 i5 , i1 i 2 i3 i5 0,... KVL: The algebraic sum of the voltages in any loop are zero. v1 v4 v5 v6 0, v2 v3 0,... EIT_1_29 Page 10 Informal Analysis of DC circuits Problem Determine the voltage and current of each of the circuit elements in this circuit. Next, apply KCL at the bottom right node to get i3 i4 A Next, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the voltage source and the 60 W resistor to get v2 15 0 v2 15 V Apply Ohm’s law to each of the resistors to get v2 15 i 2 0.25 A, v3 10 i3 100.75 7.5 V, 60 60 Solution We can label the circuit as follows: v3 10 i3 100.75 7.5 V and v4 20i 4 201 20 V Next, apply KCL at the bottom left node to get i1 i3 i2 0.750.251.0 A Next, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the 0.75 A current source and three resistors to get v6 v4 v3 v2 20(7.5) 15 12.5 V Apply KCL at the top right node to get i4 0.250.75 0 i4 1.0 A Finally, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the 0.25 A current source and the 20 W resistor to get v5 v4 20 20 V EIT_1_29 Page 11 Informal Analysis of DC circuits Problem Determine the voltage and current of each of the circuit elements in this circuit. Next, apply KCL at the bottom right node to get i3 i4 A Next, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the voltage source and the 60 W resistor to get v2 15 0 v2 15 V Apply Ohm’s law to each of the resistors to get v2 15 i 2 0.25 A, v3 10 i3 100.75 7.5 V, 60 60 Solution We can label the circuit as follows: v3 10 i3 100.75 7.5 V and v4 20i 4 201 20 V Next, apply KCL at the bottom left node to get i1 i3 i2 0.750.251.0 A Next, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the 0.75 A current source and three resistors to get v6 v4 v3 v2 20(7.5) 15 12.5 V Apply KCL at the top right node to get i4 0.250.75 0 i4 1.0 A Finally, apply KVL to the loop consisting of the 0.25 A current source and the 20 W resistor to get v5 v4 20 20 V http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/dcCkts/More%20Ad%20Hoc%20Analysis.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 12 Dependent Sources • • • • Controlling and controlled elements Gain Units of the gain Power EIT_1_29 Page 13 Node Voltages Node (Voltage) Equations 1. Express everything in terms of the node voltages. 2. Apply KCL at all nodes except for the reference node. EIT_1_29 Page 14 Example: Apply KCL at node 1 to get v1 v1 v 2 20 8 25 We will simplify this equation by doing two things: 1. Multiplying each side by to eliminate fractions. 2. Move the terms that don’t involve node voltages to the right side of the equation. The result is Emphasize and label the nodes: 33 v1 8 v 2 400 Next, apply KCL at node 2 to get v2 v2 24 v1 v2 9 14 25 Simplify this equation: 126v1 701v2 5400 Solving these simultaneous equations, perhaps using MATLAB, the node voltages are v1 = -10.7209 V and v2 = 5.7763 V. v 3 24 V EIT_1_29 Page 15 Mesh Currents Mesh (Current) Equations 1. Express everything in terms of the mesh currents. 2. Apply KVL to all meshes. EIT_1_29 Page 16 Mesh (Current) Equations 1. Express everything in terms of the mesh currents. 2. Apply KVL to all meshes. Example: Notice that i3 2 A Apply KVL to mesh 1 to get 25i1 i3 9i1 i 2 8i1 0 Substituting Solution: Label the label the mesh currents. Then, label the element currents in terms of the mesh currents: i3 2 A and doing a little algebra gives 42 i 1 9 i 2 50 Next, apply KVL to mesh 2 to get 14 i 2 i 3 24 9 i1 i 2 0 Substituting and doing a little algebra gives 9 i1 23 i 2 24 14 2 4 Solving these simultaneous equations, perhaps using MATLAB, the mesh currents are i1 = 1.3401 A andi2 = 0.6983 A. EIT_1_29 Page 17 Circuit Equivalence Series and Parallel Resistors - Voltage and Current Division Equivalence: Replacing some circuit elements by an equivalent element does not change the current or voltage of the remaining circuit elements. Successful application of circuit equivalences involves recognizing opportunities to simplify the a circuit without changing the quantity of interest. EIT_1_29 Page 18 Voltage Division Example The input to this circuit is the voltage of the independent voltage source. The output is the voltage measured by the meter. The output is proportional to the input. Determine the value of the constant of proportionality. Solution Using equivalent resistance and voltage division in the right part of the circuit va 20 20 1 vs vs 20 20 20 3 Using voltage division in the left part of the circuit 3 1 12 vo 10va 10 vs 2vs 12 8 5 3 So vo is proportional to vs and the constant of proportionality is 2 V/V. http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/vDiv/VdivVCVSworksheet.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 19 Source Transformations Equivalence: Replacing some circuit elements by an equivalent element does not change the current or voltage of the remaining circuit elements. EIT_1_29 Page 20 Superposition The response of a linear circuit to several inputs working together is equal to the sum of the responses to each input working separately. Circuit inputs and outputs Inputs are usually the voltages of independent voltage sources and the currents of independent current sources. Outputs can be any current or voltage. The circuit designer designates the input and output of the circuit. A circuit can have more than one input or output. EIT_1_29 Page 21 Superposition The response of a linear circuit to several inputs working together is equal to the sum of the responses to each input working separately. Example This circuit has one output, vo , and three inputs, v1, i2 and v3. Express the output as a linear combination of the inputs. Solution 1 Writing and solving node equations gives vo v1 5 8i2 v3 5 Solution 2 vo 10 1 v1 v1 40 10 5 vo 40 10 i2 8 i2 40 10 http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/Thev/SuperpositionHOsoln.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 22 vo 10 v3 15 v3 40 10 Sunday, January 23, 2011 11:42 AM Thevenin Equivalent Circuits EIT_1_29 Page 23 Example We want to find the Thevenin equivalent circuit for this circuit: Solution voc 2 V i sc 3 A 4 Finally, here's the Thevenin equivalent circuit: http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/Thev/ThevVCVS_HOsoln.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 24 Rt 8 3 Op Amps Ideal Op Amp Op Amp IC 5 Terminal Op Amp EIT_1_29 Page 25 Op Amp Circuits Determine the values of the node voltages; v1, v2 and vo ; of this circuit. Solution 0.25v1 2010 3 v1 2010 3 vo v2 0 v1 0.125 V125 mV v1 v2 2010 20103 3 v2 2010 20103 3 0 vo 2v2 25 mV 0 v2 v1 125mV http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/oaCkts/ioaHOsoln.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 26 Capacitors Inductors Capacitors act like open circuits in dc circuits. Inductors act like short circuits in dc circuits. The capacitor voltage is continuous unless the capacitor current is unbounded. The inductor current is continuous unless the inductor voltage is unbounded. Circuits containing capacitors and inductors are represented by differential equations: After the switch closes, this circuit is represented by the differential equation 10 R d 1 20 i t for t 0 i t i t CL dt CL 3 R 10 L dt d2 2 When 1) R = 10 W, L = 0.4 H and C = 0.25 mF 2) The circuit is at steady state before the switch closes. The capacitor voltage, v(t), can be shown to be vt1616.525e2.5t cos 9.682t 165.5 V for t 0 EIT_1_29 Page 27 First Order Circuits i t I sc i 0 I sc eat for t 0 vt Voc v0 Voc eat for t 0 where a where 1 a Rt C and the initial condition, v(0), is the capacitor voltage at time t = 0. L and the initial condition, i(0), is the inductor current at time t = 0. http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/foc/FOC_HOsoln.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 28 Rt First -Order Circuits http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/foc/FOCsteps.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 29 First-Order Circuit Example This diagram represents a circuit for t ≥ 0 . Given the initial condition i(0) = 2.4 A and the inductance, L = 6 H, represent the inductor current , i(t), as a function of t for t 0. Solution Simplify the circuit using source transformations and equivalent resistance: Now recognize that Is c = 0.8 A and Rt = 18 Ω. Then a Rt 18 1 3 L 6 s Finally i t 0.81.6e3t for t 0 http://people.clarkson.edu/~jsvoboda/Syllabi/ES250/foc/FOC_HOsoln.pdf EIT_1_29 Page 30 AC and DC Circuits DC Circuits: ○ All of the inputs are constant voltages and currents. ○ The circuit is at steady state. ○ All of the voltages and currents are constant functions of time and can be represented using real numbers AC Circuits: ○ All of the inputs are sinusoidal voltages and currents having the same frequency. ○ The circuit is at steady state. ○ All of the voltages and currents are sinusoidal functions of time at the input frequency and can be represented using complex numbers Voltage and Current Waveforms EIT_1_29 Page 31 Phasors Impedances EIT_1_29 Page 32 Time and Frequency Domains Time Domain EIT_1_29 Page 33 Frequency Domain DC Circuits (in the Time Domain) AC Circuits (in the Frequency Domain) i1 i 2 i v1 v2 R1 R1 R2 I1 I 2 I v V1 v V2 R2 R1 R2 i2 R2 R1 R 2 R1 R1 R 2 Z1 Z 2 V Z2 Z1 Z 2 V V1 V 2 V v1 v 2 v i1 Z1 i I1 i I2 EIT_1_29 Page 35 Z2 Z1 Z 2 Z1 Z2 Z2 I I AC and DC Circuits: DC Circuit: KCL and Ohm's law: v c 4 i 2 4.5 4 i 2 4.5 KVL: 10 i 2 2.5 v c v c 0 v c 45 1 4 v c 18 1.5 10 i 0 i 6.75 2 2 v o 2.5 v c 112.5 V AC Circuit: KCL and Ohm's law: Vc j 4 I 2 4.50 j 4 I 2 j18 KVL: j10 I 2 2.5 Vc Vc 0 Vc j18 Vc 11.2590 I I 2 0 2 1.68750 Vo 2.5 Vc 28.12590 V j4 1 1.5 j10 EIT_1_29 Page 36