Addendum No. 1 to the tender documents

Pre-tender meeting
Tender for Annual Audits of the Democratic Government Facility, Uganda. 104.Uganda.1 Demokratisering
Addendum No. 1 to the tender documents
(Instructions to Tenderers, Paragraph 3.5 refers).
Minutes of pre-tender meeting June 20th 2013 at 10.00 Copenhagen Time (11.00 Kampala Time) as video
session between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen and Embassy of Denmark, Kampala.
Due to technical problems the video session started up 50 minutes late. At the video session the following
questions were formulated and answered as indicated below:
Question no. 1:
The Tender Document mentions DGF’s consolidated audit report 2012/2013. Is it possible to receive of copy
of the review?
Answer no. 1:
The consolidated account will be put at the Tenderer’s disposal (separate attached file). The review will indicate
the number of partners at that time which is not necessarily the same at the present time or later.
Question no. 2:
The Tender document indicates weighing between of technical and financial proposal of 20 % for the technical
proposal and 80 % for the financial proposal. Kindly confirm whether this is correct.
Answer no. 2:
The weighing between the technical and financial parts is as indicated in the tender Documents
Question no. 3:
In Schedule 3 (page 19/53) is indicated an employment letter to be delivered. Is that letter required for all staff
Answer no. 3:
The personnel proposed must be permanent staff of the tenderer. This should be clearly indicated in the CV’s
wherefore above-mentioned employment letter will not be needed.
Question no. 4:
Out of office costs for auditing outside Kampala will vary according to which location and will impact the tender
price. How can this be dealt with?
Answer no. 4:
The Audit Plan for 2012/2013 put at the disposal of the Tenderers indicates the location of the partners to be
audited during that period (separate attached file). Revised price schedules for Phase 1 and Phase 2 are annexed
to the present minutes. They replace the original prices schedules and are to be used by the Tenderers.
Question no. 5:
The Terms of Reference, Paragraph 2, Scope of Works, page 41/53 mentions 80 partner audits and quality
control of 20 audits of strategic partnerships and agreements with state-actors. Kindly explain the difference
between the two.
Answer no. 5:
Strategic partners are externally audited and as a quality assurance the audit firm should review the external audit
report, which is consolidated into the DGF audit report. GoU and State Institutions funding are audited by the
DGF, but the audit firm will notify the DGF in case there is findings the Auditor General's audit reports.
Question no. 6:
Supposing that partner contract are based on a template, is it possible to have a sample of such contract
Answer no. 6:
The template will be made available to the Tenderers (separate attached file).
Question no. 7:
The schedule of prices for Phase 1 and 2, page 48 and 49/53 should reflect the geographical distribution of the
partners, above question/answers no. 4 refers?
Answer no. 7:
Revised prices schedules have been elaborated reflecting the geographical distribution of partners (annex to the
present minutes refers). The indications will be for tender evaluation purposes and may vary during the
execution of the contract.
Question no. 8:
The Terms of Reference, Paragraph 2, Scope of Works mentions in line 5 “end-of-contract audits”. Kindly
Answer no. 8:
The end-of-contract audits mentioned apply at the completion of the individual partner contracts. When a
contract is ending in between two annual audits the audit will only cover the period from the last audit. The
DGF do not require a separate audit for the contract period.
Question no. 9:
In appendix 3, Paragraph 3.1, Schedule of prices, page 47/53 is mentioned that the price offered for each phase
is fixed for the duration of the contract. How does this apply to the price schedules pages 48/53 and 49/53?
Answer no. 9:
The mentioned price schedules will be updated and the prices herein shall be fixed for each phase. Reference is
made to the answer in no. 4 (the location of the partners 2012/2013). In addition the audit firm and the DGF
will have an annual planning meeting to ensure the most efficient way of conducting the audit in the various
locations of the country.
Question no. 10:
In the case of a joint venture who can sign the audits?
Answer no. 10:
Irrespective of whether it is a joint venture or a single company that is awarded the contract all audits must be
signed by the Partner Auditor.
Question no. 11:
Can the tenders be delivered to the Embassy of Denmark in Kampala?
Answer no. 12:
Tenders must be delivered in hard copy and accompanied by CD’s to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
Copenhagen at the address stated and with the mentioned delay, and in the format stated in the Contract Notice
and the Instructions to Tenderers.
Question no. 13:
On what basis will the proposed staff be evaluated?
Answer no. 13:
The evaluation of staff will concern the Partner Auditor(s) and the Managing Auditor(s) and take place as
indicated in the Criteria and Method of Evaluation of the Tender Documents based on the qualifications stated
in Appendix 1 – Scope of Services, 6, Specification of the input of the Consultant, last paragraph.
Question no. 14:
The Tender Document Paragraph 2.6 states “if a tender proposes a sub-consultant, a joint letter with sufficient
detail of arrangement must be included in the tender…”, while the Contract Notice, Paragraph III.1.4 States “….
The proposed personnel shall all be permanent employees of the tenderer. “. The contract notice would appear
to rule out the use of sub-consultants. Is this the case or can sub-consultants be used?
Answer no. 14:
Making reference to the Contact Notice III.2.3 (i) please note that subcontracting will not be allowed. It is
confirmed that the proposed staff shall be permanent employees of the Tenderer as stated in III.1.4 of the
Contract Notice. If the Tenderer is a joint venture (Particular Conditions A, references from Clauses in the
General Conditions 1.1.8) the proposed and implementing staff shall be permanent employees of one of the
Joint Venture members.
The present Addendum No. 1 should be referred to in the Letter of Tender.
Separate attached files:
Audit Report DGF
AuditPlan 2012_2013
Partnership Agreement
Annex 1, Revised Price Schedules replacing the original schedules and to be used by the Tenderers.
Annex 1
Schedule of prices Phase 1 (fixed phase of 24 months duration). Quantities are not definite but indicated for tender evaluation purposes.
Reference is made to Appendix 1, point 6.
Annual Audit of DGF incl. PMU, location Kampala, sub-ceiling
Audit of Partner Project, location Kampala, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Gulu, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Fortportal, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Tororo, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Nairobi, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Moroto, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Wobulenzi, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Katakwi, sub-ceiling amount
Unit price /DKK
Total Price DKK
Audit of Partner Project, location Bushenyi, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Masindi, sub-ceiling amount
Quality control of Institutional Audit, location Kampala, subceiling amount
Special Audits (budget of auditor man-days), location within
Uganda to be determined, sub-ceiling amount
60 1)
Ceiling amount for Phase 1
1) Man-days of a duration of 8 hours
Schedule of prices Phase 2 (optional phase of 30 months duration). Quantities are not definite but indicated for tender evaluation purposes.
Reference is made to Appendix 1, point 6.
Annual Audit of DGF incl. PMU, location Kampala, sub-ceiling
Audit of Partner Project, location Kampala, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Gulu, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Fortportal, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Tororo, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Nairobi, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Moroto, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Wobulenzi, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Katakwi, sub-ceiling amount
Unit price /DKK
Total Price DKK
Audit of Partner Project, location Bushenyi, sub-ceiling amount
Audit of Partner Project, location Masindi, sub-ceiling amount
Quality control of Institutional Audit, location Kampala, subceiling amount
Special Audits (budget of auditor man-days), location within
Uganda to be determined, sub-ceiling amount
90 1)
Ceiling amount for Phase 2 (optional to the client)
1) Man-days of duration of 8 hours