Voltage Harmonic Control of Z-source Inverter for UPS Applications Arkadiusz Kulka, Tore Undeland Norwegian University of Science and Technology O.S. Bragstadsplass 2E, Trondheim, Norway +47 73594241 e-mail: {arkadiusz.kulka, tore.undeland}@elkraft.ntnu.no URL: http://www.elkraft.ntnu.no/eno Abstract—This paper presents a control method for obtaining sinusoidal output voltage regardless of the nonlinear and unbalanced loads. Control of the DC boost stage and capacitor voltage is presented. The resonant regulators are used for selective harmonic cancelation of the output AC voltage. The Z-source inverter is able to provide higher AC voltage related to the DC link voltage than in conventional VSI, possessing embedded property of boost converter. This work presents the optimal control of boost factor and capacitor voltage, reducing the voltage transistor stress under desired AC voltage level. Experiment implementation on TMS320F2812 DSP show possibility of accommodating blanking time DSP circuits for controlling shoot-through duty ratio without any additional external logic. Modified space vector modulation gives only two transistor switching per cycle, thus minimizing the switching loses as much as possible. Keywords—uninterruptible power supply, Z source inverter, distributed power generation, voltage control, renewable energy. I. INTRODUCTION Z-source voltage-type inverter (ZSI) has been proven experimentally and in the literature as an attractive single-stage solution for buck-boost, three phase dc-ac power conversion [1]. The general layout is shown in Fig. 1. The ZSI provides special features which can’t be observed in the traditional VSI inverter: • The ZSI is a boost converter for dc-ac power conversion and higher peak to peak ac output voltage can be obtained than available input voltage. • A short circuit across any phase legs is allowed, so the dead time is not necessary. The cross conductive short circuit is called shoot through state and is similar to those in Current Source Inverter. • Shorting of any phase legs provide a boost up capability, thus must be carefully controlled (similar to step-up converter). The proposed AC voltage control scheme is suited for ZSI with LC output filter. It use resonant regulators (1) and it is suited for UPS or standalone power generation where sine wave output voltage is to be maintained. The proposed controller is able to compensate voltage distortion from unbalanced and nonlinear loads, thus controlling negative and positive voltage sequence and its harmonics. For control purpose only two phase to phase output voltage measurements are required and one measurement of the C2 capacitor voltage (pseudo dc link). Fig. 1. Three phase Z source inverter. II. AC VOLTAGE CONTROL TOPOLOGY The proposed control topology is depicted in Fig. 2 and is based on [2]. Filter capacitor current control is used for selective harmonic voltage rejection. As an alternative to sensing the capacitor current a sensor less scheme is used based on derivative of output voltage. The derivative introduces higher amplitude gain for higher harmonics. Normally the filter capacitor current contain large amount of switching noises and the derivative in the digital system will additionally introduce delay and even more noise. It is found that resonant controller handle well this type of signal. The delay associated with modulator and 672 c 2008 IEEE 978-1-4244-1742-1/08/$25.00 discrete derivative can be compensated by adjusting the leading angle J of resonant controller (1) for given harmonic. The so called leading angle can change phase relation between input and output which can be adjusted due the fact that (1) is composed of two orthogonal components. s cos(J ) Z sin(J ) (1) Hac( s ) K i s2 Z 2 The system delay is the same for all harmonics, but for each separate harmonic there is different compensation (leading) angle. Note, that with increased order of harmonic the given leading angle is increasing. E.g. for fundamental harmonic of 50Hz, one sample delay (e.g.100us) is just 1.8 degree, but for 11th harmonics it is almost 20 degree. In order to achieve high quality voltage output the 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonic must be included. Without correcting the leading angle for the last two harmonics the quality would be not satisfactory. The reference for capacitor current iCref,D, iCref,E (2) is easily obtained from voltage reference vref,D, vref,E (3) by interchanging axes and thus obtaining 90O advanced reference angle. It should be noted that in current reference definition capacitor value is included, but later on is cancelled out as can be seen in Fig. 6, avoiding the C parameter uncertainty. ªiC ,ref ,D º «i » ¬ C ,ref , E ¼ ª vref ,E º «v »>Z C @ ¬ ref ,D ¼ (2) ªvref ,D º «v » ¬ ref ,E ¼ ªcos(Zt )º « sin(Zt ) » vd ,ref ¬ ¼ (3) Fig. 2. Voltage harmonic controller layout. III. MODULATOR WITH SHOOT THROUGH STATES ZSI uses modified modulation strategy that insert shoot through states into standard space vector modulation, SVM [4]. These shoot-through states boost the dc link capacitor voltages and can be placed instead the null states without altering the normalized volt-sec average voltage. The duration of each active state in a switching cycle is kept the same as in traditional SPWM. Therefore, the output waveform will still be kept sinusoidal. The generation of switching signals is shown in Fig. 3. The first shoot through interval TST/3 is inserter between two active states (common point of a and b line in Fig. 3). The active states are left/right shifted accordingly by TST/6 with their time intervals kept constant, and the remaining two (most left and most right) shoot-through states (TST/3) are lastly inserted within the null intervals, at the beginning and end of active states. The modulation is symmetrical (left and right side of Fig. 3 is the mirror image). This way of sequencing inverter states also ensures a single device switching at all transitions and also allows simultaneously use of shoot through states The reference signals of the inverter legs for upper and lower transistors are shown on Fig. 4. Very important implementation detail is that during the saturation (usually transients), the highest priority is given to the shoot through states (Fig. 5), so the active states are clamped first. This allow boost up the voltage first and then the modulation index can come back to not saturated level. 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 673 Fig. 3. Generation of switching signals, with shoot through states (red). Fig. 4. Reference signal for modulator during steady state operation. The bands limited by parallel lines are the shoot through states. In experiment the selection of inductance was based on ripple current and maximum transistor current. Since the transistor peak current is high (60 A), the converter rated current was defined as 10 A, the DSP cannot output long ST states (and we don’t want use long time for ST during one PWM period), relatively small inductor in size and value can be designed. With this specific hardware it was convenient to have high current ripple (utilizing fully transistors and short ST time), but this is not usual case. Assumed maximum capacitor voltage of 400 V, maximum ripple current of 40 A, the maximum shoot through time is limited by the DSP to 3 Ps. L TST VCAP 'I MAX 30PH IV. VIRTUAL DC LINK VOLTAGE CONTROLLER Fig. 5. Reference signal for modulator during transients. The modulated signal become saturated but not the shoot through signal. For the simulation and the experiment the switching frequency was set to 10 kHz. The shoot through zero state (ST) was populated among the three phase legs, achieving equivalent switching frequency of 60 kHz from the view of Z-source network. 674 The average of pseudo dc-link voltage across the inverter bridge is identical to the capacitor voltage because the average of an inductor voltage is zero. The capacitor voltage (C1 and C2) is dependent on the shoot through time, and it can be stepped up by increasing shoot-through time. Reducing the transistor voltage stress under a desired load is important, it should ensure that there is no high boost ratio and simultaneously the modulation index is not fully used (and the dc voltage as well). As has been analyzed in [1] the voltage gain (boost) is defined as B=(1-2TST/T)-1, B is always t1, where TST is the half of shoot through time during the switching period T. 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) The AC voltage output relation is, vpeak,phase=M B VDC where M is the modulation index. Therefore, to minimize the voltage stress for any given voltage gain, we have to maximize the range of modulation index M by using as much of available DC link voltage and leaving enough time for shoot through state. Defining the shoot through duty ratio by DST = TST/T resulting that during normal operation.M+DSTd1 In case of using boost property, minimum voltage stress appears for M+DST=1. A discrete-time PI voltage controller based on trapezoidal method of approximation is used to regulate the average voltage of DC-link, VC2 (Fig. 6). It is important to include the wind up protection, thus limiting the maximum shoot through duty ratio. Fig. 8. Duty ration of modulation signal, when voltage harmonic algorithm is enabled. Figure 8 shows the controller output modulation in phase A and B which is given to SVM. The visible ripples are cancelling the influence of rectifier current on output filter. Because the goal is to achieve sinusoidal voltage, they compensate voltage droop over a filter inductance. The blue line shows the 1/3 of the shoot through time, so this explain why modulation index at peaks is not reaching one, summing up gives, 0.65 + 3 * 0.11 = 0.98. Fig. 6. Optimal DC-link voltage controller As a result the aim of this controller is to keep the maximum peak modulation index as close to one as possible. The vD and vE are the output signals of the voltage controller, and the peak value of that vector is calculated. The other feed-forward term is calculation of equivalent voltage which would be “taken out” by shoot through duty ratio and not available for active vectors. It is very important to add this term, as the DST is increasing (consuming equivalent time of zero vectors) there is less available time for the active vectors. V. SIMULATION RESULTS In Fig. 7 the simulation shows the load voltages and currents under a rectifier load. The DC source voltage is 400 V. The output reference AC voltage is set to 600 V peak. Fig. 9. Response of the optimal dc-link controller. Figure 9 shows the start up response of dc-ling boost controller to a given set-point value. Dc link voltage at C2 (green), DC supply voltage (blue), and shoot through time (red). The problem can arise when very nonlinear current is drawn (crest factor >2). This leads to high spikes in reference voltage calculated by set of resonant controllers. The spikes “consume” the dc-link voltage, thus leading to even higher boost factor. The problem in real implementation was solved by inserting a peak detector and large time constant low-pass filter. The insertion took place in Fig. 6 between the instantaneous reference vD, vE and module calculation and the summation block. VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Fig. 7. Inverter Output voltage and load currents, no boost, voltage harmonic enabled. Since the standard VSI converter cannot be used due to significant changes in dc-link layout and gate signal interlocking, the 3 kW prototype of Z-source inverter was design and constructed. The used transistors rated current is 60 A, and voltage class of 1200 V. The gate driver is based on monolithic, opto isolated integrated circuit HCPL 316J which require galvanic small power supply for each transistor. Two level over voltage dc-link protection is also designed, since it easy to boost voltage to dangerous level for dc-link capacitors and transistors. There is no hardware interlocking protection for upper and lower transistors, so the gate signals from DSP card 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 675 are directly connected to the gate drivers enabling shootthrough. The capacitor over voltage protection act in two steps. First the transistor which damp the power to the resistor is activated, secondly if the voltage is still increasing and pass certain level the signals to the drivers are cut down. The protection circuit is visible on the right side of the board at Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Two phase sinusoidal output voltage with harmonic cancellation enabled, no load current. The influence of enabling selective voltage harmonic cancellation algorithm is illustrated in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13. Fig. 10. Photograph of the setup: control board, inverter, Z network. The controller is DSP, TMS320F2812 which has all necessary circuits, like A/D converter, PWM generator and embedded hardwire to control dead time. The PWM outputs also can be adjusted to be active high or low. Exploiting those features enables direct DSP control of duty ratio and shoot through factor. The dead time unit act as a shoot through time generator and is adaptively changed during operation. A found limitation in DSP is that the shoot through can be only 3,2 Ps for a given PWM resolution, and there are always six shoot through per switching period, giving a total of 19,2 Ps. For 100 Ps switching period and PWM resolution of 6,66 ns the step up duty ratio is limited to 19 %. By lowering the resolution the boost factor can be further increased. The death time generator from the DSP act as a shoot through generator, however the death time logic actually consumes the average volt-sec of the modulator duty. In order to prevent it a software correction function is introduced which shifts the active states by adding duration which is proportional to ST time. With varying ST time (the band on Fig. 4) the active states are shifted accordingly. The function is similar to one used for correcting death time effect in conventional VSI where current control is used. The death time correction is especially important e.g. when virtual flux is estimated [9]. 676 Fig. 12. Voltage and current on rectifier type of load connected to the output as a nonlinear load. The voltage harmonic cancellation is disabled. Fig. 13. Voltage and current on rectifier type of load connected to the output as a nonlinear load. The voltage harmonic cancellation is enabled. 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) In both cases the supply voltage is 80 V, and the reference output peak voltage is 100V. The boost factor is 25%. The three phase rectifier output is connected parallel to 4700 PF capacitor and to 25 : load resistor. minimum load, the diesel could run with lower speed, saving the fuel, and the required AC voltage would be still achieved. It can be used for renewably energy sources where is need for small boost up capability but it should not exchange transformers where is need for high boost up (like PV generation). In practice to comply with standards for EMI radiation it can be problem since large amount of components is under high dV/dt. VIII. REFERENCES [1] Fang Z. Peng ”Z-Source Inverter” IEEE Transaction on Industry Application, Vol. 39, No. 2, March/April 2003. [2] Arkadiusz Kulka, Tore Undeland, Vazquez S., Franquelo S. [3] [4] Fig. 14. Inverter output voltage where no load is applied, the boost ration is 300 %, the voltage harmonic cancellation is disabled. The reference output voltage is set to 240 V peak, the source is 80 V. [5] [6] With very high boost ratio (the dc-link voltage three times higher than available supply voltage) the second order effect is easily visible. Due to harmonics coming from the shoot through state, even when the reference is set to sinusoidal the output voltage is distorted. The maximum available ST time is used in Fig. 14 (3.2 Ps). Experiments measurements shows that operation of Zsource inverter with high boos ratios (higher than 2) are inefficient. The voltage harmonic cancellation algorithm can be enabled, improving significantly the voltage shape but with increased nonlinear load current the shape will be distorted quickly. In other words, with higher output voltage (high boost factor) less current can be drawn. The current capacity can be improved by increasing the ST time. Increasing the ST time is not feasible since the maximum transistor current can be reach and redesign of inductor would be required. [7] [8] [9] “Stationary Frame Voltage Harmonic Controller for Standalone Power Generation” Proceedings of EPE 2007 Aalborg/Denmark. Fang Zheng Peng, Miaosen S.,Zhaoming Q, “Maximum Boost Control of the Z-Source Inverter” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 20, No. 4, July 2005. Poh Chiang Loh, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa, Yue Sen Lai, Geok Tin Chua and Yunwei Li “Pulse-Width Modulation of Z-Source Inverters” IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 20, No. 6, November 2005. Miaosen Shen, Alan Joseph, Jin Wang, Fang Z. Peng1, Donald J. Adams “Comparison of Traditional Inverters and Z-Source Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles” IEEE 0-7803-8538-1, 2004. Jacek Rabkowski “The bidirectional Z-source inverter for energy storage application” Proceedings of EPE 2007, Aalborg/Denmark. Jin-Woo Jung, Ali Keyhani “Control of a Fuel Cell Based ZSource Converter” IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, Vol. 22, No. 2, June 2007. Poh Chiang Loh, Feng Gao, Pee-Chin Tan, Frede Blaabjerg “Three-Level AC-DC-AC Z-Source Converter Using Reduced Passive Component Count” IEEE 1-4244-0655-2, 2007. Arkadiusz Kulka, Tore Undeland “Double Frame Virtual Flux, Voltage Sensor-less Algorithm for Three Phase VSC in Unbalanced Condition – Experimental study” unpublished. VII. CONCLUSION This paper has presented a Z-source inverter for implementing UPS or stand alone power generation system. It can boost the input voltage by a practical factor 1.5 to 2 not scarifying the efficiency, reducing cost and minimized component count. The voltage and current transistor class for Z-source inverter must be higher compared to VSI of the same rated power. For the high boost ratios (>2) the efficiency compared to standard VSI with boost stage is lower. The boost property can be vital where the input voltage is not changing in wide range and can decrease with the load. Example is the draining battery of UPS, or variable speed PM generator where for conventional VSI would be lack of DC link voltage. It can be used in variable speed diesel based systems where the speed changes would be in the range of 2. At 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008) 677