The (PUBLISHED DAILY.) Vol. XXXIV.— No.7733. Railway notices* TIJTIDLAND RAILWAY CO Rates. Brunnbr ......... „„ ... „ ... „„ ... „ ... „ ... „ ar. Brtctctbr dep. 2... Sttllwateb 4... No Town Rd 8;.. Ngahere 10... Matai Ahaura 14... Raupo 18... 19... Tot'raFiat ar. TOTARAFLATdp. 24... Ikamatua Caotaln M'Lsur, TO-MORROW, at 1 p m. 27... Waihaunga „ „„ „ 30... Mawheraiti WELLINGTON 31... Hinau FOR NELSON AND 33...°Maimai (Callingat Westport) 34...Tawhai SS WAINUI, ar. 39... Bebpton Captain Lambert. Cn FBIDAY, at Noon. IN. FOR NAPIER DIRECT. SS ORAWAITI, Captain Sbkdding, THIS DAY, at noon. FORLYTTELTOJN DIRECT SS ROSAMOND Captain Ryan, On SATURDAY. OR MELBOURNE Mil. Reefton s...°Tawhai 6... Maimai p^m 7.35 4.20 (o) 4.46 FOESYTH & MASTERS 4.45 8.10 5.0 8.30 5.23 9.9 6.8 9.15 6.13 ... 10.2.0 „ ... „ „„ ... „„ ... „ ... „„ ... „ „ ... ...... ... 8... Hin>T7 9... MAWfIERAITI 12... Waimaunga 15,.. Ikamatua 20... TotaeaFlat ar. Totara Flat dp A.M. P.M. 8.0 4.26 9.5 THE NORTH BRITISH RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED" Bond Street, Danedia, SOLE AGENTSFOR NEW ZEALAND ~ r Watches* STEWART DM/^ON&CO'S WORLD FAMED ENGLISH LEVERS SPEND YOCR MONEY WISELY, And secure the Beat Value by Purchasing fromthe Manufacturers. Registered Trade Mark. RONGrOA CURBS. PRICES, Sores, Ulcers, Sprains, and Bruises Burnes and Piles, Eczemt. and all Skin Diseases, Sunburn and Chapped Hands, etc., etc. FORSYTH iMASTERS. — THE GREY VALLEY GOAL „, ... Redclifte RedcliffeGtown . ...... ........ ... „ „„ „„ a\ , T^T .. — . " ...... ALL J. A. PRUMMOND, MOTIVEI MntS POWER.I^^ ' — s^ffi}MASEFIELD&CO. — DISTILLERS' Chairman. /t Plans and specifications can be seen at Mr J. Vt. Jones's office, Ahaura ; airid'' at County Chamber?, Greymoutb. JOHN HI6GINS, r CouutyRoad " Overseer..' County Obaonbere, Greymouth, November14tb, 18931, CONSTRUCTED a TRAMWAY Mm KINDS, P NOVEMBER 22ad, TXT ANTED KNOWN, that we ANCHOR .. WBONESDAIS ! SPORTSMEN'S REQUISITES ~ ~ WRITTEN TENDERS are Invited and willbe received atCounty Chambers, Greymcuth, up till 8 o'olock pin of . Ironmongers and Iron Merchants, ...... COUN^OIL. & A WONDERFUL CURE. Jones Street, South Dunedin, 15th February,1892. . Agents. The Ron oa ManufacturingCo., Dunedin. Tramway* Sirs,— ln 1854 Imet with a buggy accident by which my right ankle was severely injured. Twenty years ago the leg broke out in painful, discharging LINE OF BTIAM Bores ; it becamemuch swollen and disPACKETS. GREYMOUTH. colored,and the foot was really useless* AND KUMARA I suffered agonleß with every change of RIGULA* COMMUNICATION. |pRKYMOUTH weather, and dreaded the approach of triedeveryexpedient,but each winter. I XXLSOB TRAMWAY OOMPAFY LIMITED. avail,and was even advised to BTKAM TO WBBTPORT, without AUD WELLINGTON. havemy legamputated. TKAMB will leave Gieymoifch and j respectivelyai wider :— OHARLTO BDWARD, Tomorrowafter- Kwnara In December,1891, after20 yearsacute AND GARTER HOTE suffering, noon QTTAR Iwas advised to try Rongoa. *"" p.m Monday "«" 3.30 *, 8a.m. then three sores above the leg The had Tuesday "". 6 a.m. "«. »~ 3.30 p.m Cuba Stkkjst, Weijjngtox, FORHOKITIKA, ankle oneon each side, fonr incheslong p.m Wednesday 8 a.m. M 3.30 BDWABD, To-morrow CHARLES aDd threeincheß wide, and about threeThursday ►*. 8 a.m. M "« 3.30 p.m All liquors of the best quality quartersof an inch deep. The thirdand COMPANY 3.38 p.m Friday ! 6a.m. M allHaw M eaigoto Booking pMaangen and painful sore, however, was immoat p.m -. 3.30 Saturday 8 a.m. Zealand ports. mediately over tha shin bonb. (LIMITED). Hot, oold, SUNDAY TRAMS. and shower baths. , On the first day on whichRongoa waß OWNERS COLLIERS BRUNNER M I.SO p.m Leave Gieymoßth Permanent boarders and visitors w appliedabout half a pint of matter oozei? WALLSEND, COAL PIT HEATH), find every home Leave Kwnara M «*. »"« 1.30 p.m comfort. out. The sores were dally syringed with Goods Treifiht asperagreement equalproportions of Rongoa Lotion and OABTLI, JOHN CARD, 200,000 tons I HURT B. Present outputyearly Proprietor. warm water ;lint soaked withlotion was Btwit if. Oarpresent facilities equal.,. 250,000 tons i then appliedaud covered with oiled silk 500,000 tons May be Increasedto and the leg bandaged. arises. When sufficient demand At the endofa weekthesoreß presented f>{ OALS. COAL S, C O ALS isivanised appearance and the InflammaSHIPPING a healthier ZEALAND VfIHE NEW Highest awardsandcertificatesobtained tion waß much reduced. At the end of MATHESON 1 COMPANY'S A. fromthe Colonial andEuropean ExhibiIRON three weeksthe offensive discnarge had COAL, FIRECLAY, and ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Is prepared to supply the citizens of tions for ourGOODS, ceased, and healthy new fleßh began to including Willbe despatched for GASJREsurrounding district with FIRECLAY the beginningof February the Brand Galvanised form. Incomplete, LONDONStraits Greymoutfiand allkinds. COAL— HUT COAL, SLACK COALI TORTS andTILES ofcargoes the leg had recovered cure through Magellan was under, the of 10 ton As COAL delivered in COKE and FIREWOOD in large or B hape elasticity, thewounds Janatural and viaRio de its and permitting) colony at weather Tenerlffe, Corrugateo Iron, small quantities to snlt customers. The and upwardßfat any port In the werefilled with new flesh, and a firmBkin and Plymouth. neiro, ourrent rates. west renowned Coal Pit Heath andBrunner had formed FOREIGN EXPORT.— We are quet. coal always on hand The cure waseffected withoutcausingme rates export, specially low for ng foreign THB BIGHBST CASH PRICE GIVEN anypatn whatever, snd without Injury to for Greymonth, at transhld* o.b. orl FOR WOOL, SHBEPSKIN S,HIDES, cannow bend the mygeneral health. I ■§* meatat Wellington ox any other portIn TALLOW, &o. and walk with ease. foot guaranteed. despatch ; colony Telephone Exchange Mackay street, the KateHamon. CHARTERS.— We want tonnage for affioe) No 11; do coal shoots, No 56. I certify that Mra Hamon signed thi loadingas Hongkong,Iqulque, PoitPlrle, Tongaiiro 4163 WellingtonOot 26 street, North, Boundery agent. T. paper In my presence, anddeclarethecon above. 4163 Nov 23 Ruapehu tents of same to be true. A. MATHESON, Aorangi 4196 Deo 21 DEPOTS.— Wehave depotsat WellingHugh Gouriey, J. P. and DunChristcburch, Lyttelton, ton, Proprietor. 18 4515 Jan Rimntaka tradeand edin, from the consumers Feb 15 which 6127 Raahlne Established. 1878 ARCHITECTS should speoify RED ECZEMA. are supplied whoaeßale or retail" from LIFFE CRO WN. There is nonebetter Mar 15 Kalkoura 4474 yards or direct from steamers or haulks manufactured. Lighter sheets ofother i Mangere, Auckland, O T I O E Large supplies always on hand, including thinner, and willnot last ( 4.nd tnenoefoiwaid every fourthThurs 26th May, 1892, COKE, FIRECLAS*. FIREBRICK and brands must be I day. as long or give the same satisfaction. The RongoaManfaoturing Co., Dunedin COALS. COALS. TILES. CONTRACTORSBhould not bemisled Sirs, I have much pleasure in inform Return tickets at reduced fares. LIME FOR SALE. by erroneous statements, such as are ing you that I have been completelycured . The above steamers have splendid ao E. MARTIN begs to announce to the BEST LlME— fresh burnt at our col- advertised importers. rival by of a severe attack of Eczema by meanß of commodatloo for all classesof passengers public of Greymonth and district that he Ijerieß from imported Napier aud other weights publishedby the vendors of The the * Roogoa Lotion. Iknow of two rates. la prepared to SUPPLY best REEFTON limestones, at lowest rates, ' moderate 3rb" brand are not the weights of ■, your The above are allnew iteamenrballt of Household COAL. Per bag, 2a 6d ; celebrated other cases in which it has cured Skin REDCLIFFE. REDOLIFFE Is the Diseases of a similar nature. teel,and commanded by men of peat ex nuts, 28 3d. Larger quantities as pet cheapest iron in the market. Tame Panapa. perltnM. arrangement, to 30 tons per week if GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY The sheetsfirst-class are wider, thus covering more " r eplete (LIMITED). required. Tha panengei aeeommodatlonli space than Orb," and at present market RETAIL PRICESIkh every modern eovenience, and tht E. MARTIN, M. KENNEDY price a larger surface can be coveredat a Coal Merohant. Rongoa Ointment tletary soale suohm willnutaln the wall 3s 6d esa cost with REDOLIFFE than Managing Director. earnedreputation of tht company, Bongoa Lotion 2s 6d "Orb." will ba via the tomte The homeward Prepared only by largely BAKERY REDOLIFFE has been more NATIONS' permits), (II Magellan Btralta of weathti imported into New Zealand during the THERONGOA MANUFACTURING CO Chapel street. aadthe timeoeaipltdb not expected to Princes street, Danedln. last 80 years than any other brand, and txeeed 46 day*. experience proves every C. H. that BEYNON, sheet willbe kv "xpeiienoedsurgeon willaccompany found perfect. Piaeh Axd FakotBkxad Avd Biboxi eaoh steamer. IT IS SOLD BY ALL Passage money— Saloon, from 68 Baxsb. AGENT,GREYMOUTH. IRON MERCHANTS AND STORE gllneas apwaids; second cabin, 36 AU kinds of small goods made dally KEEPERS g«lntaa ; ateerage,fiom18 to IB guinea* All orders Danotflklly attendedto. brottgh from GteymoutH THROUGHOUT THE COLONY. PasugN bf thb Unit onn be bnoked TTTELLINGTON COFFEE PALACE A G A CI A T> ARRACLOUGH'S by and all further particulars obtained VY Custom HopbeQuay, BALSAM No 1haa a high LUNG £> rom less likely TITR Have fewer parts, aud are therefore And HANWELL WILLIAMS, reputation aa a cure for violent colds, cet cutof order than anyotber gas or oil engines to NANCARROW AND CO, PIER HOTEL, nowbuilt. Just light the burner, turn the wheel, chronic coughs, bronchitis, croup and day. Agents,Greymoufch. runs all smell or Gkey street, It Itinakesno dirt. and Simplicity it Bents tlie World. It Chemist, other similar complaints. No 2 is more For Automatically. J. BBRTIB Has no Bat* Proprietor. Oils itself palatable than No 1, therefore the btsL*aud runs witli Spark, y or Electric » A DVANOE ALL MEALS ONESHILLING. teriea GREYMOUTH1 Chilp GREYMOUTH. for children— 2b 6d per bottle. Grade ofabate on, Suites as per arrsgement. BARBACLOUGH'S WORM POWDaring the Exhibitloi period Messrs Hot, Cold, and Showev Baths on Hand are pertectly safe and effective large a DERS purohaßed Has assortment of Charles Beggand Co,of 21Prinoes street, per packet. Is MOTHERMARY JOSEPH AUBRY Danedln, will offer their fink prize best P iL V I T T AUCKLAND. BARRACLOUGH'S MAGIC NERVEnglishGrand PIaNOS and ORGANS 2vsa^gealand. ACCOUNTANT, _for INEis Instantaneous relief for violent # Amenta REMEDIES, from 20s per month. Write direct to the raging toothace. It will core or relieve firmfor all instruments— brass, reed, or| OUSTOMB, FORWARDING, SHIP ALLDESCRIPTION every possible case la per bottle. string— on time payments ; or apply to; PING, AND GENERAL COMMIS ORINTING OF GRIFFEN & SMITH, agents for COMPANY WHISKY SION AGENT. their representativeat the Albion Hotel,I TIMBER BROKER, DOVE &T THB by is an GREYMOUTH. Manufactured Association &o. GMyaooth, who will shortly open a eomprisin 13 Distilleries, and has the Ask for BARRAOLOUGH'S herba " ttafetft OFFlCE— Taifui Sibik, MiMfltaeni MM. OmO.Of THIB PAPER. Litgut Mf In the Worta fIEMKDIEa *»<* «<* that youget them , OOUN T V — Ke-Loading Implements (in sets) Gun Fittings (all kinds) Revolvers and Cartridges Cartridges and Cartridge Cases, Green, Blue, Brown " " Sporting Powder, Diamond Grain" and Alliance" Shot, Patent and Chilled, all Nos. Gun Caps, Wads, Gun Covers, &c. LOWEST /S RE V ', ,'/;!i ; ' Sporting Guns, Single Barrel Breach Loaders Sporting Guns, Double Barrel Breach Loaders Sporting Guns, Single and Double Barrel Muzzle Loaders Sporting Eifles A.XmXm ■■■.-.■■■ Tercers And bo oloaelycopied both in name andappearance as to denelve all but the' 1893, for the following works:— , most cavefal purchasers 1. Construction of seotion 4, AhauraMopnlight road. . All the BootsManufactured by theNorthBritish Rubber Company bear on 2. Construction of lections Iff and 21, Irack Hatter's Terrace to Hanpirl the heelandinstep the words, North BritishRubber Co., Edinburgh," and Fiat. Each section to betendered inside the thigh are stamped -with th.9 seal of the Company a pair of scale§ for separately. tended from t\ dagger. Allsiceß and qualities to be had ▼holSAle of Tender* to be marked on ontalde of envelope with the name of the wotk tedNEILL CO., (Limited), dered for, and addressed to th6Cbdnty Fine Sporting Guns, Ammunition and Shooting Eequisites, including— 5.26 9.10 5.31 (Calling at Hobart) 8 8 WAIRARAPA leaves Wellington 22... Raupo 9.28 5.51 25... Ahaura November 20. 29... Matai 31... Ngahere 9.55 6.12 FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND. Wellington on 35... No Town SS TALUNE leaves 21. 10.26 6.35 November 38... Stillwater 39... Brunner ar. 10.34 6.48 Brunnbr dep. 10.35 6.49 FOR SYDNEY DIRECT Grbymouth ar. 11.0 7.14 8' 8 TARAWERA leaves Wellington on November 22 Flag statlonß. PASSENGERS BOOKED To and from stop nnlesi required. THE ORIENT LINE Trains do not BY STEAMERS, LONDON W be givento the gnard at the Notice should OF <by passengers previous stopping Passengers Booked to Honolulu, San desiring alight station flag to at stations. London, i Liverpool, and Frandsco, The 7 35 a m from Greymonth for to Reefton, and420p mReefton to GreyFor freight or passageapply mouth, leave only on Mondays. NANOARROW & CO, | to resemblethemanufacture NEW SEASON'S STOCK OF 7.25 PRICE— TWOPENCE DAILY.) 8001-DBALERS, MINERS, AND GENERAL STOREKEPERB got op Are warned against buying Miners Gum HAVE;JUST LANDED THEIR 8.52 5.51 ..< dep. * BHB.1 ZiE 8.0 8.1 (PUBLISHED 15, 1893 CAUTION 1 OUI. Gbeymouth dep. Argus. Ironmongery On and after WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1893. OV NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). ALL ffEW ZEALAND STEAM TOMELBOURNE, PORTS, HOBART and SYDNEY. BOOKING PASSENGERS at Through Mis. SS MAWHERA, QREYMOUTH : WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER TIME-TABLE ypftON STEAMSHIP COMPANY PROBABLE SAILINGS. FOR NELSON AND WELLINGTON (Calling at Westport) SS GRAFTON Captain Nobdstbttm. On MONDAIt, at Noon. FOR NELSON AND WELLINGTON. River Grey Remember— There are no middlemen n S D ane Co s system, and no retail profits LiJlOa— S D and Co'a GrandLivei-pool English Hunting Lever ; every known improvement i gold balance; defies all competition ; che<*D at L 6 6a ; be ware of Imitations L6 10— S D and Co's Superb English Huntlug Levers; three pairs extra Jewels, and real -jhronomeier balance; worthL 7 7s L6lO-— S D and Co's Grand Three-quattar plate Centre Seconds Chronograph Levers ; thousands in wear; without equal ; cheap at LIC. LlO 10— S D and Co's English Double Minute and Seconds Independen Chronograph Lever (all English) ; the beat Sporting Watch in the World's matchless value. Ll 7a 6d-S D and Co's Sterling Silver Dofiar c Watoheß ; the best low-priced watch ever made. Hunters' ditto, Ll 15a (Ladles' and Gents'), well worth 3 galseas. SD and Co'aLadleV EnglishGold Levers LBlos D and Co'a Ladies' English Hunting Gold Levers,Lll10s S Dand Co'aLadles KeylessGold Levers, Ll4 10s S D andCo's Ladies' 18 Carat Gold Watch (Keyless), L7 10s S D aadCob Gents'English GoldLevers, " Ll2 10s S Dand Co's Gents' EnglishGold HuntIng Levers, Lls10s S D andCo's Gents' Gold KeylessHuntingLlß los S D and Co's Gents' Half Chronometers, L26 S D andCo's Gents' EnglishDoableGold Chronographs,L27 10a andL3O S D and Cob Guarantee a Saving of 25 per cent toerery buyer of eaoh Gol<? watch they Bell Ladieß' Gold Alberts, short, new densi* 45a, 555, 655, 70s, and upwards. Ladles' Gemand Engagement Rings, 17s 6d, 30s, 40a, 50s, to-LlO Ladles' GoldKeepers, 10s 6d, 15s 6d,22s 6d, 40a Ladies' Wedding Rings, 17s 6d, 28a 6d, 40s Gents' Gold Alberts,85a, 10s, to L5 LlOlOa Gents' GoldLockets15s 6d, 17s d, 40s, 42a, 50a, 635, 70s, LBlos, and 10 10s, Gents' GoldSeals andCharms 15s, 18a^6d 21a, 24a, 30a, 45a, 60s Ladies' andGents' SterlingSilverAlberts haodaomenew designs, the beat value* ever offered prices, 11s 6d, 12a 6d, 14 6d,16a 6d to 25a, Sterling SilverSeals, Compasses,Charms, Looketa,&c, an Immenae variety, 2s 6d, 3a 6d, 4s 6d, 5a 6d to 10s 6d all wonderful vt.lue. . — Ngahere station to the Grey River; aod also put a BOAI on the Hirer. We are repared to deliver GOODS on the other side at 8i per ton, and timber « % Is9dper 100ft. M'INNES AND ROSS. Ngahere, December13th, 1892. ANTED KNOWN-That W. SIMBS, South Belt, Christ- church, haa HOMING Antwerpa for aale. Distancesup to400 miles. Principal prizataker in HOMKR Class, Christchurchshow. Informationgiven. for Stele. in O^ R S A L E FREEHOLD SECTIONS, High and Cowpar streets, SIX ROOMED COTTAGE, Tarapnhi street ; a bargain. Building seotion, Talnul street ; goodposition. TO LET. Glenn's bond andGlenn's free store Albert street. G. S. SMITH WeritaStreet. To Let. LET.-Hunt'o CLUB HOTEL. TO Immediate posseseion. Apply, H. HUNT, Hunt's Hotel. BE LET.— The SHOP inBoundlately —in occupation of ary TO Mrs Brookleye Office. LET— A SHOPInMawhera Quay, Mrs now TO Apply THOS JOVCtf. stret Apply Abgpb Conteua, occupied by to PobilcNotioci "VT O < T I C .E -3 . K. W. AND GO'S, Q. ESTABLISHMENT HAS OfENED. GRAND DISPLAY OF MERCHANDISE of all descriptions. Silks, Frnlts, Groceries, Teas,Fancy Goods, and Tobaccos, the like ot which wasnever seenon the Wist Coastbefore, at prloes that wl!l defy competition. ■ Q. K. W. & CO, Late John M'Davitt's shop, MawheraQuay. ; : MEDICAL HALL,; [Established1865.] HANWELITwiLLIAMS MR would draw Publio attention to.the foil" wing excellentpreparationsfor which heis sole Bgent. EXCELSIOR RHECMATIC ftGOUT Note.— Ah ettera, orreapondence,and MIXTURE, which is recommended with orders in futn efrom all parts of New confidence to those who have in the > — Winter season been martyrs t Rheumatism; those predisposed to Gout will find a friend in theExcelsiorMixture. Price ', 3s and 5s per bottle. CLAYTON'S RBEUMATIC OIL will 94 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. befound of great serviceused inomijuhc:tlon with the above; it is a valuable Watoheß sent dally to all paartssafe, at external remedy for all Aches, Pains, ourown tlsk, by registered post. Send Strains, Bruises, Ac, giving iaatan P O Oto S D and Co., Auokland, for relief. any Watch or ArHde of Jewelleryyon, CLAYTON'S SYRUP of TAR and may require, andaddIs 3d for postage WILD CHERRY for Cough's, Colds,Inand we willexecute your order falthful.y fluenza, Croup, Hooping Cnugh, &c, 1 and forward with guarantee by first mall moat benefioialto childrenand aduUs. CLAYTON'S DYSPEPSIA CURE Note W e have now .10 other place of highly spoken of for Indigestion and al business InNew Zealand, we employ no complaints arising therefrom. \ gents, allordera and correspondence in COD LIVER OIL in Bulk, a new' : \ >, -; NZ to be sent to the above address. supply to hand. ASTHMA REMEDIES by allmaken^ j Hlmrod's andThe Green Moun"v"| '~* T> U B L IC NOTICE. including tain Asthma Cure. '?' Solomon'sSolution stocked alsoTakare, Having taken over the ground tramway from the BlackballCoal Companyfor the Rongoa,Ac. Prescriptions acoorately Physicians' purpose of carrying goods and passengers dispensed. The purest Drogr and from NGAHERE to BLACKBALL, I will RUN a TRAM CAR in conjunction Chemicals used only in Compounding y with theMidland Railway, and willde- same. liver passengera toand from Ngahere fori Country orders have jvompt atten yr one shlling, aa prevloualy charged for tlon. Lines oot stocked j^ocored withleas ferry. This tramway is free for all to delay. /' travel over, but all passengers are ra- possible queßted to travel by my boats, which will Notk th/addkiss : be always in attendance. All goods and material plaoed in my charge willbe deliveredat the most moderate charges. If railage not pre-paid suoh goods must be PHARjaOBUTIOAL CHJMIST, consignedto my care, Mtdleakml) Mawhera Qttf« Greymon 7 JAMEB O'BRIEN & SONS SZestand tobe sent to Stewart Dawson & Co,, — . — HANWm WILLIAMS. THE OBEY RIVm AKQJIJS, NOVF.T.T^R four*i s s up|r N^ew South-ofWaj||lgxhlblts i,ieizei at the ; :", instigation SS^fcothers. feunpas broken oat In the CiENERAL ASSEMBLY ELECTION. b, 1893 England. The prices are/,very Public Notices I'nblic Notices sa:tJßfactory, as they are higher Hhafrlast iyear's tending and to rale higher^till, y Has?V|CANCIES PORT OF GREY. MR GUINNESS ADDRESS the' Benevolent Aswlgfeind the midwifery 'while the producers are receiving^' the riOA.L! COA LJ OOA LI departmenthasJBpclosed. Four deaths benefit of l-16th of a penny. The" redac. . iM U8" IC P UP IL S^ "ELECTORS aa under :— occurred, have tion in freights too, are well known. |p^ BLACKBALL COAL COMPANY. Rain Is falllng|||hronghoat the colony» Butter buyersare expectedIn the colony To-night pm' Paroa— Tma PAT-— 1??A." » -PMltngA..breajppip;; of _ the. dronght.and immediate!;* Mr.M.*.Kexer, principle of -Ai>»ifflSß— Tahiui^Steebx. . ..„". ARRIVED. OF" POLLING DAY. Inhabitants of Greymouth~aml dlstlicfe NoTown— Thursday,16tii November assuring a plentiful supply of grass and the English firm of Casy, and whlohexw^teryfor a lonft^ftn;? bo^onfe.ryV " ; ■pended;Bomew,Lßd:,ooo In New Zealand ; ■-. -. i ,: v -^c>r :,.ii.K» i ;"':■. ' Noveihber U^Mtarrftyiß-s, 70toas» by^Mr J. T. gat Wojfited Blaokball-^-Frlday, 17th November- Threa arrests have been^made in c'on- batter last year, andMr Gerritsenof the Skoglund, GENEIUir Tlclwtman,.from Westport. J^?!?.?" *.?.!. mHE _MAN..CHESTER_ FIRE AS AGEjST for the — pursuance In of- «-The-EieotoralActr above^ Company,— the-Rfi^AlL-AQENT agent. Barrytown— Saturday, 18th Novem- -neefelon-with-the^-sticking -up-ofHihfl-hotel- weU-knt>wn-firm-of-Obyeß-and-Gerritsen r 1893," X SURANOB COMPANY I, BENJAMIN,:HARPER, RE- for the sale and delivery at Dayßdale, but the ringleadersescaped.;,* .araipth^on their way over and are exof their coal Walpara, s s,> 70- tons, Williams, from ber pected to take a large share of the New TURNING OFBICER, Tor^the.Electoral The town was in a Btate of terroruntilthe Orders left with ;Mr ;J. T. Skoglund's . Established1824. Capital £i,500,000. HokitUca. Glriwpqdand Co.v agents. "ori the" Zealand output Di^ricto^Grey,'Mbhe-rtby^ive'^Ofr<lß p6Hce"arrlved scene. this" season. There are tons, office, Chair to be taken at 8pm. Werita street^Gdal Shoot, Railway tfadd 'Grahim, schooneri SOTotal .SBODBmESiirAU available/.to Sir George Dibbß has wired to Mr 112 dairy factories at work in the colony that, by virtue of a writ bßarlnglcfate, Station, or Djl^f^Ediaburgh Hotel, Hayes, from TlmaT-uT Master, agentl. meet fire claims— &\sMss*.\\v a against Patterson and Mr that as 104 the asking thirteenthydaf November, 1893, year. Bowell last The entries for 3>6T wealthy The above old-estabHßhediai 4 1 the under thehand respect ng reciprocal Wednesday trade A and P show on and of the Cleirk of the Writs, !^ BELL will ADDRESS the conference Fire Risks ofevery de Tl relations between Canada and the Aus- Thursdaynumber 1000. cah l Noyember 14a-Murrjky, s *,f70:tont, company.Accepts ECECtlON^WFri<lbe^hßfd^oV-lihevlTe- P^A^-aan^iold^bf^A^^fEEgptß. . Tates. "■--■■ Jyl ELEprORS as underscrlptton at Jowestcnrrent: Yiokerman, No Town Road— Wednesday, 15th, traliancolonies beheld at Sydney instead A public meeting under the auspices of turn of ONE QUALIFIED PERSON to Vlckerm^n, for; Town, fluburban, and country agents - " : spine dif- the Wejllirij^rbtt^r^SlbiiionLeague waß serve, aa[member'.fpt■.theßai.d.distrlct,and; spm ; ":". . ; of in Canada,}as "gent. - ; .where province throughout wanted the of held rt|thtl,',^ie>»e*Roy£il t6-ruigHt. .'Mr that thelatest day. for receivl g nomina- POLACKBALL OQAG COMPANY;■.. > lt IN PORT. Ngahere Wednesday, 15th, Bpm ficulty Inarranging forktKe not already represented. a D. .Gifn, Thursday, 16, Sffwi'-SouthjlWales represetit^tiv'eißhould Rutherglen— 5 m the lelg&£>, fpre- tions of candidates will be the TWEJNOrowaitl, fromLyttelton; p E. A. WICKES, NOTICE. v the meetlcg take place outside of the sidjftdj!;fttidith'ere)jwasA\^ l^rge' attendance, TJErTH|[ay"of NOVEMBER,"1893;;iand Thursday, 16, 8 p m Walpara,nfronvJHoklt.lka ; Marsden Greymouth. Aeent, Weßtland " Maud Graham, fromTimaru, colony. Including that..the_POLL,,,..iiu Bpm Camerons— Friday, 17th. a fair proportion of ladies. ...if. Ibe CONSUMERS :0t«oal will please note Messrs Lamb and Rtley, member*of Addresses were.delivered by Sir R Stout, taken!atshe several; polling,cplacea of the that Maori Creek, Saturday, 18th, Bpm Mr JAS. BRIMBLE has been apLegislative Council, have resigned on Mr Fraser, and Mr Bell, candidates for said district bn'th'e.' TWENTY^EIGHTa pointed: the Blackball— Monday,20th, Bpm The^MawheraIs d^febmoxnlng from RETAIL AQBNT for theBaleand city seats..Dr_ Newman,..who h Btand- da^of NJOVEMBER, acoount of financialdifficulties. . the. Wettport, andBails lormorrow,afternoon TTICTORIA INSURANCE COM i delivery of the Company's coals in Grey,Melbourne, .;-. <, " ; Wellington. ingjiifori aubu'rbtsfwaa.ialap /Bveryj < and a few BOARDERS. 13. one, Qfiecjsmfng for tha .man'aeslrbus a candltp'j.have at o'clock. PANT, LIMITED. .month;. ..;z... -H^dSTd &:'j .torday Private bedrooms, washing inTh'eShearlng ofltbe clxaiges inV.connec-? addiesaed the meeting^biitiwka tfbable to date tnußt be nom^al|e'd^y>'no^jlesß'than' The Walnul Reaves Wellington i T. SEOGLUND, J. Is Nelson,. twoeleotprs Apply at . and moderate. to Wm. tlon with the MercaotilaBank failure was be of present. calling cluded. Terms On the motion of Mr Bell fihedistric^fc^anojmlnation " for «3reymouth, Capital, L1,000,000. *■■ '■■ 'i' "'i a ys ■■ General Agent. ; , prelßcrlbed Richthe Card, Restaurant, by ; Friday. Steampacket to-day, continued when the case for the Beatton( sevanty> following. resolution was carried paper)as \ due here on lß93,"v. de" The;Orowaitl sails to-day at no,on for mond Qaav defence was opened. That this maetlng regards tee Alcoholic fivapf Tbe Electoral ' THE ELEbTOHS OF INANGA" Ac^ ' Established 1849. to Liquors ; Act livered the !onVv or Returning passed. Sale last 'Officer ;; Napierdireot.,., . Contr.ol sesp 40 HUA. (Received m.)'; November at 7 14^ slpp as a,most retrograde and1inJ^qaitquß the twentiethday of November, ' i' ".".;"'"■ v:Kl!! The.Rosamond Ib due onFriday from Fire Marine and Guarantee rlskß THE iJi..v i:■; . 'A<)°- )SST ::■:"}-* Sydney, November14.' measure, and '^demands its immediate 18;93. : 1:: ,: ;■;; .:I:,; j',:";.,";^ v Dnneaifjtyandi sails on Saturday forLyt- acceptedat loweat_cnrrent.rates.— /GTEBTLBMEN,— In LADIESiHAITO warning by A letter has beenreoeived Stout The repeal." moved, following pqlllngiplaces Sir R and are the for direct, teiton it was IMPNC^M^LEAN^, ' a residentof Broken Hill withrefereece carried, 1 1am again a accordanc9''WltH'mypledge, " Graham, from theElectoral! meeting regards D lßtriot^f^G^ey^'^ That this Agent. the fXhe schooner Maud i"'^ to the state of affairs In Paraguay, whare direct veto of the peop c as the only The Courthonse, Qreympntlj (priiioipal) candidate: fbri the"honor of representing jimarq, was towedinto port la»t evening. j 1 colony you InParliament. the "New Australia! was recently satlsfact jry-'soiution of the liquor quea- I The Reading'Room, Cobdetij : !"" " J The Waipara arrived last night from : 1 established. The writersays that all the being easy, equitable,and effectPeter M'Keown's Honae, Seven Mile," '/It> la almost'superfluous'toT'addithai 1 ■W> Hokhika, andsailsfor the sameport this belong colony schemes started there ive." The meeting pledged4tself to supEnglish tothe-Liberal\pattf'.)) Damooratio , North; Beach morning. legislatidn,is inmy opinion, for thebest failed, and Government have im- port the direct veto candidates for the have Ryall!s ". Westport Barrytown, from Murray arrived The Grey Argus. posed enormous Interest cf^New 'Zealand,;and it is my ion exports., He city,at the forthcomingelection. The Wallsend Hall, Wallsend yesterday and sailed the Bame tide for WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1893. felt it his duty taxes desire to advance' the:wfell beingof the 'write to' Australia to to olty Schoolhouae, Taylorville At the The meeting -to-night council a Weitport andNe's n whole people, including, of course, this preyeat,If.possible^ themisery and.Buffer- conyhlttee- was -Appointed jtp ppnfer with The Schoolhouae, Stillwater The CharlesEd ward shouldarrivefrom ~ industry' upon whioh Electorate and*the Mullina' Building, Twelve Mlle~: 6 the framSuppiementary roll 1?o 2 Is how com- ingthat would inevitably resultif bands the city a licitor with regard i Nelson via Westport on Thursday after7 > o .; .-> WalshVStore, Hatters, NelsonCreek ib depends AV to Nelson voters for of Australian colonists went there with ing of a by-layrf for ith.ejßugp.resslon of noon, antl pr'obatily returns pleted, ihojjioi^ of and ' settling the view of success fully down in houaeß of ill-fame situate within the city, As it is iSiyinteritloti-t6address you in The^urthouse, Arnold the same afternoon. . the Grey.ele^qr*^'js 633.^,: ; .; due course'; I ihlnk^Coaly^fair to ask you The Courthouse,'Dußganvlile the the country.Melbourne,November 14. .a.nd'.-fpr.c-.ithe.:pjanlshmentipf.-owners and Mr ji'% to suspend promises to anyone else until Blair'rHall;Marsden the city for agents who'let houses within SHIPPINGTELEGRAMS. eleid^^^af<M^ttii;'%entn^jind Mr Out of a call amounting to L153.000, immoralpurposes. ' - "! /k.4,; you'have hbard me. : -■ Bafceman'siStort, Kellytbwn ■■'■ "■ : BeljNjiil spe^k^at'gN^^owrKroad; this which was made on contributories In the « i: [ ■'■ -■ ' {Homestead, Evans*' Auckland, Noveipber 13. Poerua Bzvfr,November14. af terß;don^and;aJ^rg»^.ore this evening. Anglo-Australiai. Bank, only L620 has Ladljes GeAflemen, House, Molloy's hos' The^Mendl^iisooletles'iheldiheir KotufeW'. ; Arrlied: early, Hetald, from Greyba»n Wd'qrJed been paid. The afreets of the bank simply Raapeotfulfy yours, The Scboolhbuse,Paroa' Sunday, gathering yesterday inthe moutb. lnthe^^W<?6t^!^|f)Vte'U|ni^du«era^ amount to :L40,400; with) which to meet pital ParhlicHall, Rutherglen The P. J. O'REGAN, City 'pferaons Hall: One fchbasairid took J f v r milk l: aelllrig milk, the;chir|^^g/fordebts, amounting to L400.000. The part in,the procession. Mayor Crowther Jayycffice,'Te-Kifjga ' ■' ASSOCIATION.) PRISSS for) <PEK the: presided.-^-Ah^addreijs^wa^''given by J whereby thepurchaser was defrauded of Judges declined to make an order Jollffß Store, Blackball^' 25;per cent of cream. The penalty was second call until information was forth- D, Genolly, United States consul. The Minerva Company's ■■''Office, Upper ■'" November. 1 4. ■Wellington, AT coming that there is a reasonablehope of 'collection at the meeting: was olose on L5 and costs. . - Captaini Edwin says thai there are Blackball ;",. S TAINUI STREET, GREYMOUTH. said levy being paid. He thatif he L40... The Schpolhouse, Red. Jacks In New South Wales there aite 270 the r, -,-, strongevidences that'hard gales from the of the preeent condition batter.factories.: At the Inquest afc Metcer on Dlan, a The Sch'oqlhouße, No.'T,ftwrl'' .The butter.prodace will made an order inonly ' westwardima'y^e^psel'e'd In"njoet pnltt ; it would result. In a waste of platelayer killed by a gooda train while The Schodlhouse, be IVSOO tons : thi£ season;..;-Some of it thingslittle thepublic forthe patronagethey"have exof the country* -between noon of the 17th there In law costs. salted for winter what assets were. ,' 'fTjurthouse, riding, be coolstoredand a The "']" Green;Bioriq. jigger eight; will on miles above tended to him during thepast eightyears, "nd-mldnight oLtha J.9fch lnat. Hobart* November14. Mercer, the evidence of the t-aln offiolale Hahn-aißuliaing, 'AhaiiVa^rldge sales. and intimates he has relinquished Ministers It is that the are "''] rumored showed that the accident occurred at a | The SchoolhbuSe, N^gJK?eta ,Duslnes^;;t7;;^^. A good central creamery costs LBOO to "* o [BY ELECTRIC MLEGRAPH— 'COPYRiaHT.I New Capes the policy on the of Government divided BuncleVHouae, New Kiver" sharp curve. It wa3 raining heavilyand Mr H. C.jFßlQKE^ having tkkeilover keep eight" butter factories going, and party general at the forthcoming elec- the smoke waa blowing In front of the The Schoolhouse, Koklri the hotel, for.whomj^easks a oontlnnance New Hats make15001bs per day. Sydney, November 13. tions. engine, which made It difficult to see B. HARPER, of the Bupport accorded him. in London Mantles Several vendors of batter ; New Arrived, Wakatipq, from Wellington Ppbaon, Douglas and Moore are ahead. . The verdict *es that;)death ReturningOfficer. and cob«b for selling as believed THOMAS JONES. Fouriaailors be'onglrig to the vessel : were ;fined. L3 to favor .ai conservativecourse, was accidental and no blame was attached New Bonnets butter au .article,, containing 85 per sent while Hartnoll, Lewes, and Henry sup- to LouisaMeasel complained to the Marine cause of engineer. the The death was Jackets ..;.,,. margarine. New In reference to the above, Ieffer a of iorflJgniat— portliberal measures and a graduatedland concussionof the brain. Board to-day tbatdafrog»he voyage from THOROUGH OF GREIMOUTH. cordialwelcometo all old customers, and England payn L12,000,000 eyf ry year tax. Newcastle to Sydney the captain and 14. November confidently affirm that nothing will be mate bored auger holes in the shipVhull The Very Latest and Most for butter. Victoria and New South AlexanderFleming,charged with landon my part to maintain the exwith the intentionof sinking her, and it Wales butterbeatsDanish. Ing 1J lb of cigars; ;two" gallons of wines NOTICE OF ELECTION OF MAYOR. wanting(reputation SPORTING. Approved Styles in* cellent the Post Office Hotel according was onlyowing to the superhuman efftrts to Europe, foreatß of. on duty spirits The and which had 'not been held.underItslateproprietor. ; dfthe crew at the'pumpp "that the vessel recent'repqrtß. covpr the following areas: paid, wa3 fined LB.andXi2 63.008Jt^ ""*,";'■ I,.ROBERT ,WILLIAM^RUSBBLL, The accommodation for boarders, vlblwas kept afloat" The 'board decided to Flowers —Germany; -34,596,000 The close -season Is pro'clalmed';for - aoreß ; Russia, [BY ELECTRIC TELL-aRAPH.— COPYRIGHT. is first class j the-table Institute a full inquiry into the matter: acres; " Austria-Ouneary. Cape Wiwiki and the Substitute Returning Office? forthe Bo- sor, and tourists, 49.4 226 600 mullet between Naincootes none, and tbe wines^Bpirits^and ;7 Hobabt, November 14. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) 46 951,700 seres; Spain, 19,769,000 South Head, Wangarura, in the interest rough of Greymouth, de hereby give econd to ■ Shot Sateens beer as of yore, the4very best. Sailed, Talane,for Bloff ..;.',. ; acres; Italy, &884.670 acres; and Engof the fish canning-.Industry... Melbourne, public WEDNESDAY, November 14. notice that on the land, Pongees 2,471,000 acres. Flowered post oiriiOE notices; The Victorian Amateur Athletic As29th day of NOVEMBER, 1893^ the The totalpopulationoonfn the world, acTHE COMING ELECTIONS. Proprietor. AndShotPrints. is entertaining the visitors dar' lateßtatatWloa Is 1.479,7^9,151 sociation Annual Election to fill the ordinary ing ensuing Although the week. the MAILS CLOSE. 52,299; 431-square ; ■; r, and an area of r v 1 with: vacancy occurring ia the office of on Saturday was only moderate (PER PRBSS ASSOCIATION.) \ Wednesday, 16th., , mllea theaverage density of population attendance great enthusiasm over the there was ,coun tries MAYOR of the Borough of Greymouth Is 28 to'theBCfuare mile. Of the ZEALAND TOUR. Nelson, Novetnber13. Orb"waitl,~aFnQon of NewSouth Wale* of the title, ' ForNapier, per J whoße populationscan be accurately fixed victory , John Graham a crowded willbeheld ; and that Ido appoint the addressed Champion only whioh was won Colony," THUBSDAY,,I6jh. . r Anstralasia Btands lowesfeinpopulation;as. meeting at the theatre to-night. He de- Town Hall, Gresßon street, Greymouth,comparedJ-wlth territory. In. Europe afteratough'fight. For Nelson and north, per Mawhera, clared himself a firm supporter of the to Saturday's sport superior was much " at noon. ._ , ..,.„,. .„ New Shot Beiges . there are 94 Inhabitants to the square that of the first day, the competitors Liberalparty and the policyinaugurated on TUESDAr, the 21st day of NOVEM- Their Excellencies Lord and Libr Glasgow. 14, Africa In North mile, For United Kingdom, Continents of InAsia 48. lni by the late John Ballance, Re wbs BER,1893, at thehour of iNOON, as the jtfew Shot Foules great improvementin forre>. ReturnoftherFavouritosi effjftrivixyears' absence* Europe. America, West TnHes, &o (via and America 11, ;r in South showing against prohibition and opposed to the place With the exception of Matson and <and2Gthyear/Qf t^famgus,andayfrs, New Shot Cashmeres. America 5, and in■■ Australasia toutI'6. and time for the nominationof canHonolulu and San Francisoo), close on introduction of denomina'ionalisra and O'Conor, the New Zealand team could ; the ar,d 1hereby LYNCH FAMHiY BM^IN&EBS, Monday the 27 h "( November, at 10 didaies for caioal through the Isthmus ; of not be looked upon but of eald office : reading, approved teaching The Bible as being in possession GLASBOPHONISTS, AND VOCALISTS pin. Money orders, 4 pm ; registered NEW GALATEAS for Boys' Suits," Corinth, 'just' completed, was projected of champion form. ont of Bchool hours. He spoke for over further notify that all candidates are <'-■ letters, 5 pm. (Organised18®), 600 years B. c, and actuallybegun by the two hours and received a hearty vote of jump Cotes' of sft establishes the ! 9|in required deposit to with me the sum of \ The originators of their special class ofentertain* GuaranteedFast Colors. thinks. Emperor Nep; C. J. Bebby, Chief"""Postmaster. his record, by ' Australasian and Matson y ment, assisted by.the talented and v^raatile V r. -'(': r"7V:' Oar New'..Season'V Teas just landed winIn the 440yds hurdles putup a world's; ThePremier is to speak here to-morrow TEN POUNDS (£10) in terms of section English Spboialty night. New Gloves Humorists They are-special value!' GRirFEN & Smith record. K A D'O^ M I K ADO. 78 nf "» The Municipal Corporatiocs Act, Wellington, November 14. - _ (Orgaßised_lß?g) The result of the meeting shows the Beehive and ' Union Stores.— AtiyT. ;; New Stockings 1886.." Some returning officers ara advertising. The GRBYMOUTH AMATEUR FromtheprincipalTheatresofGreat Britain, Choice and. Maiden. Seeds great progress that has beea made In November NewFlannelettes 21st and others November20ta Dated this 13 hday ofNovember, 1893. OPERA COMPANY will give* TWO Peruvian Guano, Bone Dds^Sead Oats athleticismIn V ctorla. returning aa the latest date for nominaNew Sheeting. PBRFORMANCESof the above popular Brown Rivers^ &c,,- &c. Gripfen and The New Zealanders will return on tions. The Act says seven (7) clear days, ROBERT WILLIAM RUSSBLIi, AND WILL SHORTLY APPEAR. Saturday. Opera at tbe DrillShed on 29th and 30th S»pTHj Beehive and UnLn Stores. following the precedent of the and HARRY LYNCH. Returning : Substitute Officer. for the benefit of the River Grey ; ADVT Insti " .-■'?;.-■>.""' Christcharch electioncase, It is held that Hospital; Fall particulars In future CABLE Mantles, Hats display The Best of BREVITIES. November20 is the laßt day they can be. Having only jpst arrived from London Bonnets, Dress Materials, and -Prints Issue. a BARMAID. Apjiy legally received. Tbe Clerk of the Writs : I— ♥ by thelast mail steamer. CosmopolitanHotel. Christopher. are:now to be returning 1 holds this view. The at officer X, Madrid, ■M>ri R DBO November 12. Sotth's, the Cash Draper andClothier. The Constitution of Catalonia has been Wellington does not expect theresult of p\ Advt. REYMOUTH.R4CECOURSE RE' suipended to enable the authorities to the Cry election to be known much SUBOXOH DINTJRT, SERVE; .: on the night of the KJ before 11 o'clock summarily deal with anarchists. Chapel Street, Greymouth election. An extra staft will be engaged, nriHE CHEVIOT BSTAT^. Sydney, November 14. THE CASH DRAPER, — will,j REDUCBD FEES FOR GRAZING. but the enormous mass of new votes the minimum out. . <tIt Is calculated that _. .; ■. ". . MrDeok haiVarrived and maybe con Greymouth, Wellington, Masterton, Notice Ib herebygiven'that of the Oremorne colliery willbe half make the counting of the pol! tedious ' 8y K)«ctrlc T«l«Bfreph— Copyrlsri ! aput inlted as usual. iThe Truatees! notify that dh andafter labor. FiFTO-FOTOtFarms, tons annually. million Nelson, Weatport. this date the FEES GRAZING will for being An effort is made to induce F. 12,482 nereis . of,,,Fjrst. and Melbourne. November14. j Comprising (PKB PRBSS ASSOOIATIOK.) bo to two. shillings per. week Sncond On the libelaction Speight, ex-Com- H. Fraaer to retire from the city contest, f orREDUCED -class Agriicultural Land, will be hors'e3 and shilling one week for per but declines. he ' ;. missionerof Ra'lways. v Syme of the Age, " open for application for (Received November 14,.at lam) mawhMa quay, greymouth. MrDuffy announced thab as Speight hai Thomas Bracken, formerly member. for cotva. London, vs[^i^wtsvujxi^.t--:i'J November 13. RICH. Lease NANCARROW, ' utterly broken his fortune and waa with- Danedin central, announces himself as a TheNew'Zosland lind Australian Land out money, Hon Sec. On and after Monday, !the 13tn^d4y of he could prooeed no farther candidate for Wellington city. He stands declared a dividendof 7 per Company ha3 Greymouth, 13th November, 1893. question or falls on the of denominational .ffovepberj 1893,^ !afe:^he- L^dVOffices. ;whlch adjourned the was. to caae, with : cent. . ■ "■- Xj;rf. education. He favoru the retention of Ohrl;sljohurch-, Tlmairui^nd-Cheyio^ plaintiff to consider his position. enable TheLand and .Loan Compmy of New EDUCATION BOARD.' Ketita from 2a Wlls' per^attrei^per Dunolly dlshrict are aub- the Railway Commissioners and compen.The' In Zealand has declared.a dividend of 4 per siding. . sation to publicans for loss of license. annum. London Tailoring Establishment Cent andcarried forwardL.00 TENDERS. W. W. M'Ardle, a candidate for MasAreas from83 acres-to 145 acres. upon to called ;Pearaon,'hai. Dr been MadameMelba, who has been singing terminate engagement Havingereqtedsubstantial and extensive Also, his as secretary to terton, addressed the electors last nfg- 1, NOTICE OF Stockholm, by REMOVAL. at has beendecorated the to 1 premises on the old. site, and Imported a " the : Three GBAzrwa Fabms, Agent-Generalof >Lb.nd'en at the end announced himself a follower of. Sir p TENDERS will be received up , ■ . ;:; King. ,■.....:.. inßtant,,, . \.:i Robert Stout and a sapportur of the m on SATURDAY next, 18th . :large and varied . ; the.rye,ar. .The. inten ion is to appoint pr>sent :lease'for 21 pomprislng We beg to intimate to ournumerous The latest,advicea report thataffairs In of acres,- for ' ' 2,500 Government in most of its. for FENCING the playground, " a man to the position. : " business " , , . '-■■■■■;■"*■■■ STOCK'OF'IRONMONGERY patrons that WE HAVE REMOVED Ashantee are quiet. .." 'years. .„'.', School..; a vote of "'.' maasures. Herece'ved ihank?. Bunk Madrid,Novemberlet 3- . Atjlhe "trial of the Mercantile to more CENTRAL PREMISES In neoessarlly Sixty'Six Village Settlement Allo Timaru, November14. _ ';, iltie^lo^vest or ' any counsel for Milledge, BUILDEB81 FURNISHINGS, ,not _ ;.. tender " , MAWHURA fQUAY,next to Dr Morice, TheSpanish Government propose that* caßea, Oauaßon. ; hopelesaiy. Mr E Rhodes addressed tbe electors, .accepted.;,. r A : utterly, and 1 mbnis ; were In addition, to the tailoring we an interatata conference ahon'dbe held to' CARPENTERS TOOLS, labored, Im- at Temakalast evening, 500 or 600'beingi ""iParticulars at my offi,ce. / . ?.and one/mpre Will be open for selection forLeaseIn Intend keeping a select assortment of frame a code to deal effectually with potent, or.absurd, E.I. LORD, present. He spokechiefly on the finances MINIISG TOOLS, , had. never before been Perpetuity. gentlemen's mercery, hpslery, hats and anarchUts. Off Maokay"streeV . . and liquor control. On these points he brought a,.court, b.f..j.nst|pe.:'„., , And every,requisiteIn the trade, caps of thVlatest;shapes arid styles. Oar, > ; : Architectto Board. Rents from 3s to 12s per acra'per Parii,November. l 3. , Mr: Patterson, Premier, was enter- occupied anhour. An atnt ndment to a ,.:.. for upwards of 15r ". News has been received that the hill tained at banquet annum. proposed vota confidence was on the Nowsbllclta the public of town and-dla1 ' experience a9cutters leading! of a at Castlemaine JBsfc Areas from 4| acreß to 77 aores. WestEnd tribes nearTonqain, in China, have retrlct for a continuance of their suppor years in some of the' Inresponding -to:th«; toast of his ground that he (Rhodes) oppo-ed the TJUJNT'S QLUB HOTKL, shops* of London:shduld be a sufficient ypJtiedcßpd ;a,vFr§nch^ garrison,la besieged, |j night. Also, for sale by suction on the,17th andpatronage. he, atatei that Ifthe colony would franchise, and was satisfied with the health November at tbe Provincial Council guarantee, togetherfwlthpastlocal experi- In consequence of iha oniipreak therail-' only! MAWHBRA !Qt7AY, . fearlessly *h;ey liquor law. The amendment was carried face troubles its. Cbamber, Chriatchnrch, at 11a m. 'For ence as to our style andfit, which cannot way and road works A GREAT DISPLAY OF have been aband- would soon fade away. Government,he by 2to 1on a small show of hands. TeG R BS V M O U "£ H.. ' cash or on terms. be surpassed.; All work made"on the oned. said,' J a vigorous policy and muka ia the stronghold of thelocal prohiwouldpursue premises under pur Immediate superviFobty-nine Fabms, 13. Vibnna, November bition party. plausibilities would to of eitherlisten the sion. Wehavealsoone of thelargest selec- Prince De Vivdisobgarty, whosucceeds jeremiads Mr H. HUNT,begs to announce that Comprising 11,936 acres ':■'-. "_"■ :.j■:; =,■ ;v:;;AucKLAsfl;; November 14. who arenever content. Which, for design and quality,cannot c tion of tweeds In the dolopy, and as we of First Count Taafe, has formed a new ministry. 4 "'|A4i^«qaiaitldn is i being presented to C. he has resumed possession of the above Second-class Agricultural Land. .1 and Adelaide,November 14. -■ surpaaiid in New Zealand. Impoit.dlrec.t-fromHomeweareenabledto " the Emperor warmly city; iEi!,B.{it^oh''t;q The Francis thanked stand for The Premier has promised a deputaHotel, and can assure all who may favor .;: . Upset prioes fromL 3 toLl2 per acre. ■r^-rsjrlX-i;:..;.*/—— makeall kinds of snitß to order at reason* Count Taate for his long services to the tion which waited on him that the Go-: ■■j^Fg'^ufrjiuc'don will probably stand for him Areas from 31 seres to 573 acres. Novelties, nlc-nacks, perambulators, able rates. ik their nothing with cus'om that will "";. , ",,' , : naticn. vernment willdo aU inita power to place i'ihfl"jpi|y.'n''. And 33 sections in the new inironmon-, e?erf&*iTOtlf^obtainable Anearly inspectionInvited; Rio de Janeiro, November13. ::3m1Wniiht; a; farmer:at. Pakekohe, be left undone on his part to m*ke them on the statute book a law extending the :' I shopsinmetropolitan townskept In Town of Mackenzie, Admiral Mello has declaredhis inten- franohise to women. has announcedhimself forr.Wa.iapu. comfortable. Note the Addbiss :— tion of restoring the monarchyinBrazil. Prices, L7;10s to L3O. The house has been recently built, and WEBER'S^LO'SDON The rfloDae and 5,000 acres THE FATAL LANDSLIP. MODERATE; KSTABLISHMEST, every attentionhas been given to make of landMansion also be offered, for sale In one will Mawhera Qaay, Greymontb. it one of the most convenientand healthy lot, for;jcash or termß, on lfth of (per press.association.); . j + hotels in town; the- bedrooms being November. Unjjat L25,000. OKntry promptly as . *rderf heretofore * " honße, the Marton,November 141 n:|an4 jand pot besold (per press association.) lofty andcommodious. [ry bleotrio telegraph— oopyright.l 1 j|lrs Qulnllvßn's three children -andher especially wi(lj b.% offered In six sections, on tigjt to be surpassed any o Hot, cold, and Bhower baths. Wellington,November 13j. niece were swinging on a tree near the can be mM| Prlces^L^15s to L 512« per (per pbesß association.) The best, brands of wines,spirits and. Mr Sawers, . the Government dairy road when Mrs Qainllvap, who waa {in5,.;. ;.,;,;. -r.-.':. s ::fl.;-;"-;wl«,.-Ef * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ;.-,-j ry PJans, and/.terma, with fuy^pa^;cplaw expert, has returned from his visit of'in- ■side the house, heard a C'aokingja |he aleß kept on stock. (ReceivedNovember 14, at lam.l[ ■of.^the, lands and a brief deßcriptjipn of spection to the southern faotories rind trees on the slope above them and the A saperlntends cuisine firEtrol^ss cMfde. lib, and boxes.. I section,can" be obtained at,any land' .each ; reportß-all In full work with,moß(: of jthelr, children ocreacning. An eye witness says Sydney,November13. 7 ; in the colony.' .. = T *v».' George Dlbbahas received a .©able produce for the- season already sold at when the mother reached the door she the culinary department. . *VJ ,'office Sir ' . H. HUNT, message BtaVinj? that the American Go- pricfiß ranging from 9id to ?|d~:to'|;o b ;"' ■ ."..' "« JOHN.MopmiEiS . . " . ' MAWHfcRA QUAY, ,G^YMOUTH "Proprietor vernmont is taking atepa to release the tot batter and4£d to 4|d fob foe cheeso, (For continuation seenextpage) Mtoiater ofLands. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. —— d ;;". VT .. .. _ : will t all for ; A- ■ n^TOTICE .b^Jw^fi . n . — — >: . .. . ( ■ t&re^wftl^e lia^tendaince ■ Ji; WANTED, V I#£S ...i — " : J TO '" ■ " £ River PUBLISHED .. DAILY. , . 1 NOVELTIES, .. t NOVELTIES, """ '"' ( ... NOVELTIES, . . CHRISTOPHER SMITH'S - \/IMI .,, ;Mr:T^QMAS iiS|s;iefei We's^rook ; Vt?aw'*«i- - H-^FRICKER, ' Exquisite Designs in Colored Dress Materials. JJEW " : n . "A/f'l — 3 EVERYTMrtTG- NEW Is. H~ C. SMITHfS, CABLE ...... NEWS ■ 7 ARJS'^JdiIING WANTED, — .. . - IronfflODgery Establishment, ■ R-G;FiB#H, iroMongerl . ; '' : WEBER'S floods 3 - ■< : .. GR3Y . 0. ■ Cobden^ ..-."■ o^ ' ._ -■ ■ . broken ' r ; B^and H«k r AUSTRALIAN NEWS. ifNK SDRiTURI NEW ZEALANDTELEGRAMS. ■ TEA, . Should : same^terms. , ( Pill . IEQNMO&aER^ XETTLKMOS: ' . - .. f 4 v,^ ■"■■ THE GKEY RIVER AROHS, NOVEMBER 15 1893. bqoastbnsailhave come home to the hat ■aw alarge slip coming :'d.6wfr^ppri thel ohildreD, and immediately ~ranvto their AUCTION. boots and Shoes JgjMfJßm ft *^i "compietly exhausted that Ihave rescue Before she could reaohj .them,rthrp^ro myself down on the bank for 5 'l intended, and not they were burled' by '» tremradb'as' rush ;mi^ufeB ' > of debris, ancTMw;Qqinll?j£ was strucK iawaJßie until. nextimorniog"to find myself O /r/^^VSH^^l^^HH^HHß^^^^^^BHlßHßlß^^^^^ EASSON A COr by a falling, tree,.,and .covered several .clothed, bootediqand'tsgrjrred fceady for a 5007" AND SHOE MARKET. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' hold a weeklyauotionsale at thel, feet by" aolL <. J.^larg%..:pa.rty: tpf '.men [repetitionof the dayprevious^ This has Hrn Resame Praetloe W>«i«ymbuth /QREYMOUTH JOCKEY"CDUB. fires in rooms every Saturday afternoon at 2 ;30 ' worked #b,-%£!Pt.iM)4.]b&Jut evening' "been aterrlble season forvrbush believed ""=■"■;■■ and may be eonsaited at his veilderiee ""v3l l£" z" :;: never couldhave when the following lines are offered by ,the,bodies,,,oljiJ^rs.Qainllvaa and her this qaart6r.iiiI MIDSUMMER ANNUAL to do with MEKTING shock-, lightning, anything in a h ad auotion the. three children wererecovered Ar «f »ntU «rther notle Produce, Furniture (new and v6;-. ,-, these ;fires before,, but Seeing isbelievingly mnjtftat»&ssate. v SA;TURbAY.J HAS just =. several I S& 1893, :..:.late/, sundries, occasions have second hand), =«.,.;,■. ,lng.'.'-.iiOa^ * &o. : 1!V .'.'"■ -.-' « ■:>"■«»■■ K |[i. MOKDAY,JANUARY lat,1894, ill. -ryV'O^ IR v " yv ; jjßfiflfrohj&fe ■'■vMnc!?.'« *&cr8 he ipassjatl.over -aapiecejiof iaoanir Jand on xl ' " : !i fatal. accident,itgip^placels.flQmfislliTOlleSiiiturninground inmydsaddie afteran exo via , ,r Stewabds: : EASSON & CO 'i ;. urgeon to the s^r§| Britain^ fM-.V beyond Hunterville. Thei materialtaken_ jtraorjdinaJUy. vivid flash immediately be- NEW GOODS-JUST ARRIVED. Latenf , have on hand the following, just formerly Su'rgejuOo the Northamptot Mr J Arnott ..". — Mr;J..P,etriefi:vV/ out of the cutting forming the approach hind me, seen-4he grass in my. very footsteps as it ware ori-.ifire.-iSIx different Gents' Tan Boots and Shoes, Ladiea' Tan landed ex b earner -Mr-J Gleeek4»g- Mr^-O^S^ngntoti !»fld»wn Aawn .this bank} and this atnff Lplaceg Shoes,Girlß* Tan Shoes withina^ tadiua. tof 10 miles were 7 150 B»ck» Wheat iMrMUannani MrAWYarraU 7aH§»ea the. wifeof and: .almost Bimultaiieotjaly set On fire a few up (Zuj'a Ho^fta1t AT R. HANNAH'S. MrGWMoso. ThomarQainllran aad threechildren 200 Oata ; the»chlld of P Quinlivan. The met! alre days;.before\ .and.was;< vail '/thrtfugh . ithe « L3n«nltedi "? Greymyath Dlipensary, ;,a?. 100 „ ?.i navvies on the .railway line. A hundred misrepresentations of a supposed-friend, .Ladiea'Tan Shoes ';from 4s16d,.6.3.6d,7s . '■ '^JTOnB-^Mr^M'Kiy %■' ■■' !li! ' pollard' 100, ;'■;■ men were^at onoe put on to. rescue causedthe manager to pen and -send the d; Ladies' Tan CanVat* Shoes from c. iSwatTKR-^-Mr H^ GFricker '"«■' \ 4»6d,556i " to Xtnas eVe following 4s, Mrs lines me on 330 ClbbK'OTp and the dead Qain* " them* bodles^f :; Course— MrßfGtou'gh' JA S. M B REAR V re- Mr''S"Hafford, Naomi— lam Bending AT HANNAH'S. ifvaW and her two children were the 10 tons tl^fjO'a andJldO's CtBRKOF-ieoAiEs— Mr ' L.M.G., L.F.P.S.G., you fruncly this to Ijri hope byMr that form M.P.S. t across! covered. There Is no TKEASUiBBR^-IVIrF WLaihman 500 sacks ChVff willnot require any Girls'TanShoes fr'pm 35, 49f 'ss;.Girls' Tan : T other children can be alive.. It is sup- that I ALABGE ASSORTMENT OB H AnDiCAPPBE^Mr J^WaIton 100 3 LlceritiatsoftheFa^curtyofPHysrclarißand posed thatJthe Qainllva'ns had pitched longer, and that Iwant you to dome int Canvas Shoes from "3a 6d spoil. the station at your earliest convenience. 60 AT HANNAH'S. Seed.Potatoes their tents beneath thebank ofSurgeons, .Glasgow;!^ W^erly^ the FIRST DAY, SATURDAY, 30th DEC, lam;etc CLadbury." One ofthese fires ! l Ito-yar 1Lying-iyfes^ltal 100 Seed dais and* tookplace In my paddock and the otheis Men's NailedShooters from10s 6d 30 kegs PrimeButter SAM HAFFORD'S WANDERINGS inthe-adjolnins; ones. Iwas the first on AT HANNAH'S. FENCING WlßE— Anneal, Galvanised' Glisgow, and for five ,years I— OJtfbiUMOTrjL;.BjuHltt.aAiW-1'25.^.. fur&c, &c. the scene of action,and Cundy the manand-Fottr-Barbed Galvanised. of theKumara hospital. Superinteriderit^ longs; Beoond horse to recelvs L 5 shortly and Dairy (French half-taster) 6d, of the out came Boots from 7s ager Women's Strong BEDSTEADS— station^ from stake: NominationlOsiaccept(Continued) . of Specialty— and^piseases Midwifery after do so arid s r n Mattraases(atngl bows, ;.; $?&> $°*> and to go and. Women's Prunella Shoes with 4s P !8 " : ' ; = ao, and ance 15s. Nominations received up " „'.."'■ ""'; , doable;. "pngh" . :, .Sunday, AuglO. at then meek him and his and . ATHANNAH'S. K "■: \,i% v jWomen and-Children. : riifekt fifg£nVftl-eHtry f No one has been oak; from.;theVsfc^fcionr my hut.;- When I the hut I found laud'SorDy*fl Sawfl/'lMOyer'ff and MAYBE reached DlßtbVel fjsldence, Satardayj.9fchDecember. Handicap GROOERIESS. Forks; since Ilast- .wrote. .My rheumatism js noone had been there1, so I,saddled a Boys' Sluice Ervlne'.aianjd> Tuttle^a StrongNailedLace Boots,10 to 13, declared atB'3o pm, December 16th. AmeaVLong-and-ShortShovels, Stiirps corner of Chapel street, next doort much better, but Kamoow^suffring fresh horse avVd had a drink of tea, whejn We have on hand a well assorted stock MainandYankee Axes "blllna'sV lcjka StrongBluchers, 6s 6d, Acceptances received np to 8 30p m from a falLfram myihorse, which left me Mr Ladbury the manager and another from 6s; Men's Gwymouth^ rariFrlday^22od-Debeinb^r;K(''■ Weßleyan^ChriifbhV 83jBd, 9s, 10* 6d ofGroceries of all kinds. Prices on ap- Boring Madhine? Axe j i se, Sleige " '" muoh knooked about., ; up, and ;t he, three Bt»rted rode ■"' "; ■v; plication to \..Telephone Na. J|s.. '.'. V ". ATHANNAH'S. doingmy work,. which is both tiresomja .' again-and foun<l, about 10 .o'clock in the Scythe Handles, Thomas' Pick and 2— W^Coast PRODtrcB Handicap+L3o, :-picks. ■■■■■>■■■'■ ; w '""v-p And onerouß, because they;left, or rather, morning, Cundy acid the men taking J. W. EASSON, ft CO. ,6 furlongsf' second hone;to;ffecelve '^ "■■■■' portion look aftea..this of hole, things drizzling Pumps. ■entme oat to a easy at a water Douglas'sPumps,Gould'sForce Public Kotic^^^ EVERYTHING connected with the L5 from stake. Nomina ion 10s, ac1 insteadof during shearing. Fitting^. the. thestation rain havingpartly extinguished the fire LeatherTrade, Order Work and Repairs ceptance Gririd^oneßariu 20s. Nomiriationß received experienced' men in the and prevented their further extension. GUARANTEED. Long Gums, Short ■ome of the more Oldtteii' Wrl^erß and Mangles up to;8 30 o'clock, night of,general JOHN employ My ibpuldcij-Is very rtroublj- ;, At_day.l_lght we partejd,jsome going home Gums, Sea Boots, Glycerole, Goloshes, ADRUMMOND Hoes'and Rakes. entry; Handicap declared at;B 30 " '■ome,and when liobke'dat ft this morn- to the out stationandBorne to the home Boot Protectors, House Boots, Tennis Laihpware. "J ; ; (LATEU.S. FANNIN) p m, Peoember 27th. . Accepkapces IngIwas;1 surprised to find the muscles. ,station./ Before, we started the manBriiceßj AugoM Shoes BltBV arid receivedup to 8 o'clockp m, DeoemHas just received a SUPPLY<.:pt.;pR " from the shoulder down to the elbow, ager gaveme ordersto go along my fence "':,'■''■■ Hollowarev '' Keriiflck'B -«s*.:ji that ■'■' :.777 \,:':z^ portion and of the the LOWEST CASH PRICES -.-'' disappeared, ■'-'*'] had i Ma'tibSk's'LEETES' ELECTRIC RBEUMATIC and tenip6rar!y repair any wire where Handicap,:L130 ,: 1£ 3— contracted, < much that I Midsummer arm much ao Btrained up font poßts were bnrnt. I IPatent^Ont, WireV Flnltihlng, Galvanised OIL. This' remedy, is i>ghly recom, AT miles ;second horse, torecelyeLlO could span It with my thumb, and,,lore- vacancies,aod.itj obont noop, and '.'":.arid Hofae Nails. account of its by from the stake. anyirace fiojjjft j \ -Tfce Blapkßmlths' Bellows, Anrlla,; Vyces mended the faculty on ' oth>r t {measures hav^,l4g;beentisiii^p.rVisince ea^ly- in the WONDERFUL CURATIVE POWER after declarationof weights^, of L4O I have"never'been morning; the day before without any fallya| mene's more. Bpltßand riatoi. . to carry 3lbs, of.LTO slbs, and LIOO "ble to raise my arm to the horse's mane breakfast or sleep, 1 wa.B pretty well and speaking iof It ::the Press 7bbserves ; and-; Engineers Quarts arid SpalllngHammers, " : over 71bs extra. Nomination since X commenced this last job, without knockedup, so Istarted home some 8 Scythes, &6Y ""that Adies^ It has never to QUAY, been.,knpwn I GREYMOUTH. OhlaeißJ fall." 40a, acceptance 70s ! Nominations the assistance of the other. As Boon asI milesdistant, with the intention of re- MAWHER White Lead,Blue,Blaok, and Champion's r; JOHN A. DRUMMONDi received ap to 8 30 p mSaturday, '■" !k '-:;"■ ] can earn the.moneyIam going down to turningin the morninG; and straining up ' GreenPaints. ,Pharmaceutioai Chemist, November 18th. Handicap declared interview a good doctor somewhere on the remaining three if.the men had not OF - :' :: " ■- and Oasto ' Boiled Rat,Neatotoot,Oolss,, -ii Dacembpr, 2nd. . Acceptances- re: have ho faith in the been there. Outside one of my bonndthe sea coast, as I (jaay Greymputh.; Mawhara ,: ' ; "diW" ceived up to 8 30 p m, December 9th. twi^Ei^keßdqß -.inedicQa. _The^raanagQr^ arles- it^-is""unenclose<i Jor open country, CROCKERY, FLOORCLOTHS, Hinges, .Tape Lineb, Rules and Leve IOT OR DEKS 4— Hurdib.Handicap, 1i50,; I|;miles ; wmout here tw"e days since and expressed and should any sheep get out there it is BOOKSELLERS, NEWS AGENTS, (all softs). Planes himself very much pleased with my only a chance If ever they wouldbe AND Becond horse to recelyß :Ls trpmithe AND STATIONERS, and Plated Spoons an Nickel.Silver 7 ;' r-Hokttika,S^Jafluaryi^S! ". stewardship, remarking that things could foaad, ao Ihave on several occasions ';.'<..".■" stake. Nomination 2(Js, acceptance Forks.besser, and when1complained of beentold tobe watchfulof thatboac dary. Are AGENTS for sale of the leading 3Gs.;■ Nominations^,dejj^aratipn; of CAR PET S. THe GREYMOUT^ NAVAL ARTILCutlery, Files Jphnsou'x Loqkwoqd nokbe^ and lbag English andColonialJournalsandNewsbeitig|te&7sp without a visit from Sheeplead to windward,and on a sudden LERY &GREYMOUTH RIFLES will, ■■ , weights and acceptances: same as In andJ^tasps. tb^stmojifhereplied,"We are very busy ,change are oftenfound 10 or 15 miles off papers, including the following MidsummerHandicap. ;■",-.r. PARADIi for Iriapeotlon during the Axle Arms and Boxes. wltb^^fji'eisnearlng,but we knew it would fromwhere they werequietly grazin the Canterbury-Times ' G»te» Month :— Ovens, Nov, Registered oJ 1«i93. asrfond*s Handicap,L2o^l mile; Camp s— SelunoP-aoe you were out here In evening before. The wind shifted, durOtago WitneßS ■■''";"■"' '■ be,^ltrigbt. while 2 and 16 at'730 Vcjpck sharp. Rope,Fishing, andLog Linos. HNor winner to be Bold and the wholeof Having decided to sell oat of Crockery iuckiand Weekly News charged J]Wje';;will be mastering one of :'ing the night and in the morning was JAB7A; 60NAK. Found »yj ,, the proceeds to go to -the- fands of ourlpaddocks to-morrow, and on the next blowing from the open country line, some TownandCouhtry Journa Floorcloths, Carpetß, Hearthrugs, Lino- OartJand's BraesCommanding Westland Lieut.-Colonel Lee'sBrushwarei the club. Npmlnatioa 10s, accept■ Mail Sydney day weiitake the sheep: In the woolshed (6 or 8 miles of which had in '■'■ Batchers', Grocers', Clothes', tnd Bo eums, will hold a CLEARING ance 10s. «P'ost*jßritriesiiX Weights etc, Bulletin near the station." Iam now satisfied j patches, beenburnt to the ground. My Baskets/ declared within 15 minutes after SALE, " and those lines will be sacrificed mast have my armover- :timenow, both earlyand late, was fully Sydney"lllustrated News '- T->. ;" : )■:' T every day that I <"-" '"■ DISTRICT PERMANENT .; Handicap ls^run, and Badlriettes'^ Mfd^pommer;l > .■ ') following , possible, being Weekly as it is Argus any as soon as almost at The figure. hauled BUILDING AND INVESTMENT occupied in this line in keeping my Single and DoablePerambulators acceptances received within ;■; 15 < the to >: English Graphic from shoulderdown the I benumbed 23000 unruly sheep away from danger, quotations will give some idea of the A Lir'ge Assortmentof'Bar andRodIron; SOCIETY (RkchBTERBD.> minuses afterdeclaration of Jiandlcap. I'■vrhife some repairers clo'ed the.openings. IllustratedLondonNews elbow,Including theelbow joint. REDUCTIONS and Shear Steel, Gal- : """' " GREAT Bllßteri Octg., ".'" ■ Handicap, LSO, I|miles; ;; Magazine , Strand 6— Britnnbr iI ■■■"""I ';"''' went in to the station the next day DnacTOßs: vanised, Corrugated, and Curved Iron a ": ■ , to receive L5 from the Art Journal second horse Nov. 15th;1890. after receiving the manager'sletter, when We are making to clesr— Arridttj J; L&hman, Messrs W. R. Col* F. Ridging^ and Spouting, stake.., Nomination2O«4. acceptance My aim Is still partly numbed, yet, IIt transpired that my supposed and pro- Review of Reviews' > line, Dupre,E. l.Lord, from 5s 6i set 7. 0. sets, Toilet A.Matheson Antifriction Grease. 1 30sJ'vNomlnati6ni' received np to '■ " "'""■ any satisfied that time, like,blood, will fessedfriend Gundy, had 7 ■■■.;. -:; :i "'7 Bankbbs : -■ told the manager . W»er Lloyd'sand Cups and saucers, from4s dozen Sewing Machines. , 830 o'clock, night of /eajeralentry. ohjy^thlnk. ReynpldV,.. health as^iegards tell. 4 iThe -that I had not been near the fence as Che National Eink of New Zealand Tumblers,, from 3a dozen Noble's Genuine Dynamite. Young Ladies'Journal Handicap declared within 15 minutes troublingme now is the terribledizziness directed, .hence my dismissal. It so > (Llmltba.) ; ! Blasting jandSportingPowdera. ,, Metropolitan Journa i some- happened when I '. Setß jugs (3 inset), from 2s 6d set after finish of Hurdle Handicap. I have so frequentlynieStioned. I took charge of this padi£ / '', -I'-r ..I'"'/,. Weldon's Journal . ; Acceptances received withia 15 mm Plates, from3s dozen prepared times think It Is memory,. dock'the boas gave me a blank book in, TheSociety gvant Is to Load BREACH AND MUZZLE LOADING from one "of which to register the rainfall, dead Myraa aria(Sylvia's,iTournala . ; utes after declarationof weights. t as1often,'after Carpefs (Tapestry), fromIs 9d yard GUNS— Oaetirldge Filling Machines apon Leasehold and Freehold Security 7 Sometbiogtb|lead , thefits*,find, myself,, in order to restore sheep,&c, not having sojnuQh to. .do. then repayable monthly, by quarterly, or hal Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, Ram»od» Floorcloths,.fromIs yard SECOND DAY, MONDAY, JAN Ist, my-bßldpate.- as how Iput down the day's doings as my jpst.fapnJi.lejBLvacr4ifcchin^; ' .B?yeiReader ""Family yearly Instalments, to Include prlnal Hearthrugs, each ,' England from 5s Qf; began a short tTme" "ago to look veryr. well, and as this was a newI I 7 7 7;. , ;"■ 1894.7 o-,;:v;.:., departure,It GUM TIMBER ALL SIZES. andinterest. BLUE Britain,&c, 1 said pleased theboss wonderfully, and he inseriouslytpwards your quarter, but I YoubgvltfenjOfQreab &c &c Table of monthly repayments for h for the old I— FiTfiW Stakes HANDicApi'LSO.'.ejfur"No, wait -akittle longer," " to- continue the practice, jl Arid others to.numerous tpotpartioularise oan of £100, including Interest:— structed/me ■ There's a : and longs ; second horse tq ..recejvft,,L 5 good story mayprove correct took oare-totakea note ofrthe doings at ANY PAPERS THE WORLD PROOne Year » M M £9 0 As this Is a genuine clearing^ sale infrom stake. Nominations 10*,' a♥Imecoming" As. for my arm and. coq- the fires and the Itralclng npof the wires, CURED TO7 ORDER. Two Yean «15 ""« 20s. Nominationß received cceptance early. lequent elationof spirits,1believe, tending purohssers should call appearedin Register" allthis the "Naomi 3 T 0 Three Years M o'clock,' night of general to 830 up lateas the locality in which Iam at pre- as Icalled'Jt. Naomi -beingnthe> taame Four Years ~. t\Z 6 : a, time, Handicap ftp'plpck good 'is in stationed, eritry.. that sent of mypaddock,'Inlhandinghim this book Five Years 5 0 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. acJusfc'to hand— supplies of that]most onnight,of. first day's race*,' store -lor ing.,! 'My.'llorses are inyiOnly I asked him if he was.going to the-office entertaining At the Society "'^'The Dlreotow meet ! ,U book ceptances receivednp to 10 o'clook companions. I' came Home to-day abont He aaidno, not till the> mailtrcomesradd office, Werita street, on the first FridayIn LEAN 10 o'clock and found a messenger frocb ing yon will'not get IFIFTY YEARS.! 'OF A SHOWAN'S for the conduct of ordinan LIFE, by G.Van Hare. ! Being overstocked in some lluee of BOUNDARY STREE , QREYMOUTH eaohmonth ll?¥m!!ej ""■"■""■ .-■'-:■" -. w ;? the station awaiting me with orders to toldhim. It was my .intention* "as soonas i aila^v 3j Price 3s j.bypoßt 3d. farniture, we have decided to make go post hasfce with a message to Moselle the mailcame, to start so twito-get Into [ R[OH. NANCARRO^V, ; the; winner to belold and the whole " oat|statlonsome'tenmiles'away fromhere. Hughendenthe next night, and-takethe of the proceeds togpHo the funds of Seoretanr GREAT REDUCTIONS I have just returned and as it is by the trainto Townsvllle the nexi morning. I the cirib.- Npminatlipn^ips, acceptclearing out sale of crockery light of the moon, just 33 minutespast noticedthat he felt uneasy, and Iwent : N while our O T I C^ ance 15s. Nominationsdeceived ap ,AG 8 E|N ; T^S 7' WJ7 must go tomy bunk, especiallyas away. In the afternoon he sent for n?e, nine,I .to..lO~o'clock- night-of -fir«t day's and carpets Is going on, and thoseabout STRBBT, firßt toBOtJNDART thing I have to be at the station races. Weights declared on cqurse, and when Iwent-to the office he said Tainui Streei, Greymouth, and io famish should give us a call before morrow morning. The night before last Sam,Idon't like to seeus partinglike arid acceptances received within15 taylorvh.le, brunnbrtyn. purchasing elsewhere. the lighting set the grass on fire in the this. Iacknowledged I was " too nasty minutes after the declaration of hanohentE, ehastn, TEaS— ln h»lf box nextpaddook and destroyed 2000 sheepin from what Mr Candy-told me, in writing dicap. ; 1 ; TOBACCONIST, andcaddies an HAIRDRESSER. Vi^f "bout 2 hours when rain set in and stayed that note, 'andIwouldlikeyou toreturn Gbey Valley HANDicip, Llls, 1J COFFEE, Ooeoa, Chocolate, Ctaffae 3— EMPORIUM, About3weeks FANCY GOODS of the fire. ' progress the to your duties. Things being- explained ; miles;:aecond horse to.tecdlve LlO and Milk BOUNDARY STREET,GREYMOUTH We have the largest stock of furnitor? ago the lighteningset the grass onfire the Iagreed to do ho. He has sinceHavingpurchased the right and goodwill Oo'«, reSUGAR— Victoria Maarulvi from the stake* Nomination 40s, few minutesbefore only had a ground I oq the West Coast toselect from, and we J»i IMPORTER OF duced my work considerably by not reof the business hitherto so successfully " acceptance < 603.< Nominations, reloaf, and tablets passed over. quiring me as previously to go round once EARTaENWARE, ; carriedon by MrF.MICHEL, Mawhera '' ceived up;to 8 30 o'clook night of guarantee the workmanship and material CANDLES— Beat Imported baand» Qaay, a week one of the adjoining paddocks!. can; assure former customers of: GLASSWARE, CHINA AND general entry. Handicap declared :■■":■«.■ andcolon!*! by November 27, 1890 Cundy has been a littlebelow me since AND PLATEDWARE, used as in oar furniture. that firm and his own, that they will CUTLERY bsande, VaiIonf and acceptances received ;sameas in KICROBHNE— My arm has given me a great dealof this transaction,, hot waiting forthe HOLLOWWARE, receive the same care andattentionas of Fljing Stakes H.arid|cap.1 ""; .ai^dthe to 150 tes.t. DON'T FORGET. ..., pain and caused many a sleeplesß and hint, has thrown.up ; ""< BASKETWARK, billet and left. yore . v .-,:;. ; "■;■ anddsagaed Patna, R.ICE New Eandicap, LSO, ; bat .L-L. mile goodness, night, thank I am 4— Hurdib anxious The gla»s in the 3hade has for a Ions; time TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, DRIED FRUITS— AII Wnd«, having been made by hor,s?.;ito :recei/e 15 from now satisfied, that time will bring it all been registering from 100 to 112, this second FURNITURE AT PRICES TO great variety. In QTATKMKNTS prime condition . (^ Agetitß of Pritrate Life Insurance stake. Nomination ;20s, acceptance right. The dizziness Ihave ao often willgive you an idea of the heat one hatJ SUIT THE TIMES JAMS, Jolllea, Pse*e»v«d (4(nge> Offices that the advantage of the State : 30s. Nominationß received up to mentioned still troublesme, and Isome- to bear in goingoverthose treelessplains,. Lowest Prices andBest Value for Money. AND Marmalade Guarantee can be obtained byreglsterin 8 30o'clock night of general entry. times think Iwill have to throw apmy Ten days ago the grass wasall parchedup, TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. Dried and preserved, Includ- theirPolicies with the Registrar-Genera FISH Handicap declared, and acceptances dontIntend when two or three small showers.put a billetand see some doctor. I Crockery, Oh na Glassware, and ingHerrings, Salmon, Lobs'o:9 1Public Trustee same as in Flying Stakes can help it, as I spriog in the grass that sent itup 6 or 8 Cutlery doing that ina hurry if I received: ire lent on h Sardine v Oysters, Ling,4c,'Men Handicap. want to hang on until Iget the needful inches in one night. The dizziness I ROOMS UPSTAIRS. SHOW TOBACOOS—Best brands,American have hava so oftenrefcerad to is getting: worse Spactaoles to suit all Bights, Is per Notice is hereby given to take me oat of thlß colony. I Navy, Naiirod, and Aromatic " HANDjLCAP^Lsii!i^^^mlies ' great hopes of Western Australia, and as every day, and were there any grogabout r, " s— ExmßiribN "'."■: i iTHjAT|THEr'-'' J. W. TCASSON & CO, SALT Finet>ndooarse,In owt b " it la utterly Impossiblefor one to manage any man who saw me staggeringaboujt horae; to :^eoeiye,, Ls'|*om second ,-■*■ ,|-r '.<■■ Salt-.. j--. Rock i requiresto this morning would have pronouncedme Auctioneers, GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURNew Guinea, as NewGuinea stake. Nomination 20«, aceepj^nce SOATiStaroh^ Blue,f $odi|jQi7stals '■■■ j Greymouth. be handled, that is, prospected,Imoat drank. The sensation is Bometbing ter- Til O SALE 30s: Nominationß receivednp to 10 R ANCE DEPARTMENT BISCUITS arid CanterboFy Cakes— , try and hold myself prepared for the rible. o'clpck7inight ".-.Vi first...^dayis) rnces. '. Swalilow,and;Ariel's - ...IS THE ' western position of this continent. Handicap;declared'within 15;mlrjutes AT KAIAtTnURSERY. OONFEOTIONARY— EeiIier'^;VicDoctors and patent medicines, have so finish ofJGrey,|y"alJey;Handjfap, r:' .Feb. Ist, 1891. New apples,Blewman's Beedlings raised torisnand Colonialasspvted ; : .Bfter ONLY LIFE OFFICE far aeprivedme "ofmylittle earnings,but Owingto theflooded state of the country at Kaiata, hardy and prolific, will withand acceptances received within 30 , .'YlotoKlsn,: Harta' anil FLOUR— . lam bound to win. It will take some I have not been able to set to thestation stand the severity of this West Coast Transacting business in New Zealand ; minutes after declaration-of -weights. Colonial time todolfc on 25s- a week,butdo ItI. for over tw.p; weeks. Beiog very unwell climateand give theplanter a goodreturn T W. EASSON & CO having taken which can offer ita p^Ucy holdera the 6— Consolation Handicap, L25;'11mil". Op Messrß. OATS, Wheat, B»n,Powavd, up the AGENCY of must. With the exception of th6fits of andhavipgvhadonlybread:and tea without annnallyf Strong trees 233 per do?.. entries. For all beatenh rseß Manufacturers, . :; Curtis, meal, Security the Government > ;: Post Adams and : Cycle Chaff dizzin as lam enjoying splendid health, sugar, for. several days I making . .1 Plums, peach, cherries, pear, apricot, Chrlstchurch, Intend during the meeting; BUTTER,Cheese, BaoouandHams """■.; ': are prepared t6"~^aell FOR:THE?:' nd oftenIngoing my rounds startle my- a desperate^attempt to get in to-morrow!. per doz20s» .'<■■: .:-";" system. Eggs, payment on . Lard AND REGULATIONS. easytime yell or a that wouldd RULES whoop self with a This Is a terrible, terriblelife I am living New chrysanthemums per doz 14s and machine* the Policy " credit to a Choctow Indian. Then It and.have, determined to abandon it on 18b. BRANDY— Inbalk and oaae,va»lp« t-:.!--., i ' . : Night of general entry, Saturday, 9th ■ ..brande 7 Contract would just doyou good to see the old the first opportunity, but that, Iam ..7 New Roßes 18s per doz. " CHAMPIONSHIPS. ■: Dacember, 189S. horse and me and get up and do a bitof afraid, willnot be untilthelatter paat of . Bestgooseberries in cultivation, strong WHISKY— Inbulk and owe,!do' i :2'-All' nominations; anil acceptances dusting for a few miles, he with his hoofs next month. It will take all that timebe- 3 years' old trees, 8s per doz; prolific All the; Australian and New Zealand WHISKY Thsee-otas, Robertapc % keeping time to some fauoe I fetch cut, fore I and Thistle Bland must be made in- writing, addressed to v; J. H. RICHARDSON can saveup money enough to take pants, red, white and black, strong championshipsare held by New Zealand was going bo say, make the old me to Western Australia, theSecretary at the Albion Hotel, Grey- :| and,I BUM— In balk »nd ease, *.W,P, GovernmentInsuranoe Commlßsloner. a trea 3 iyear ;old, per doz 8s; plnua made machines. and have mouthj «hd cbntai'ri'fall..amount of eni woodsaround me sing again— bat there poudd or two on landing. AlthoughI nslgnlß from 20s per 100; macrooarpa realold Jamaica GENEVA; J.D.K.Z.— Old Tom tranbemfnVy '(othirwisVihe nomination .^ areno woods,it is uothtog but grass, and havebeen trying the hot water cure, the' from20sper 100; cupressusLawsonlana, A GUARANTEE. Schnapps. : ::;..:: willriot bereceived), description and age a poor quantity at that;atlll Iam for the dizziness still sticks to me. We havehad Wellingtoniagigantea, camellias, azaleas, Bloßellt, per-, CLARET, Champagne, No I time being, comparatively happy, so I. a hot and dry season up to the com- rhododendrons, biota, orlentales aurea, OFFI CE T EL of horse, with account of previous guaranteed for twelve All machines Ho i b6worn by and to oolpra PORTS arid SHERKIKS formanoes keep the. thing up until the old:horse mencement of the New Year, when It and other choice flowering shrubs. Grey Wbiunqton. months. street, : . begins toshow signsof Bymtoms ofdistress commenced raining. Since then no less ADELAIDE Redarid White WIFBfe Giant rhubarb roots, per doz 10s, 12s, Catalogues on application to 3 Allstakes paid less 5 per ctnt.t and we bothsober down to a monotonous than23Inches fell, andas the heat con- 15a ; 20,000 cabbage and cauliflower BITTERSr SMBaparilla, Bhgllsb G. W, TABOR Proprktok theRales' °y|^^HP , i races willbe ran under GingerWine jig under a broiling sun for theremainder tinues the grass has sprung up fully 2ft pants. ; & CO. '; J. W.EASSON BALM, Lime Jilo . Havingpurchased* the lease 'ing, (lß9l^ n ::;■":■" of the day. You will of course have bringing with it myriads of fles, mosgoodRASPERRY Llihe Greymouth. M. & J.BLEWMAN, .and : learnedthat the strike in this colony, as quitees, flying ants, and other pests. Cordial will of the above popular arid centrally 4No entry will be received .o^H|Fj (pare), Frait Growers, Nurserymen, & Florists, Vigorine, Kommel with you,is at an end. lam as pleased situated Hotel, G. W.I begs to inform^ upon the dhtinct understanding thajpoe Address— G. P. O. wbb not in any as possible to thing that I BOTTLED ALEandPORTBI— AI his numerous friends and the commerola decisioniof the stewards shall in al'|j(iases^a| March7th,..1891. way connected to with waht considered final, and alllaw proceedingsbjSrre^^jßj the favorite brands community1that every care and attention' be ; We have had some very severe floods 5 fromthe first to be a disgraceful affair. Allhorses must be ridden lorcol^B^jHp given willbe to the comforts andrequire " 6;ln the event of any person'enMnflpF Economic Fire Insurance Company, ' SCOTTIE," here and consequently,Ihave been very AULD menta Permanent.Boardera and.Com of , must bj^SJPP^ Jan 9,.1890; busyhelping to repair the damages done Limited ft protest, t\ c sum of L2 Travellers, The house> afford* < tfew $&rm and Garden Saeds\ mercial *. For thelife of meIhave not;, through to fenoes. Some of the stationshave lost THE BEST WHISKY IMPORTEP withthe .Secretarytefore saohj|g|§|ffii The'Mutual Life Assurance Asaoola- Plnnv 1a ?r 0 r ill o excellentaccommodation. havingto attend and help both night and bbmany as 2000 sheep by being washed considered. A SPECIAL FEATURE. 7 tlon of Victoria,Limited ) , Wboxkraih aiti» Km -" One Shilling Luncheon Daily, day to extinguish bash fires, together away. I' am getting a pound or two " AGENTS : 7 Al horseß mastbe ab tj^ p|Mwithin trom The Accident Insurance Standard "■" J minutes afterthe rlngLsf "fi^bdlfor with the extrawork to be done in con- together, small as i my wages are, and 15: 12 2 < ""-'; to o'clock. Company. will always NIULL & CO., LIMITED sequenpe* been able to write to yon, shouldno accident, happen? I 00., J. W & BABBON althoughI have on several occasions put be In a position to go to any tush or re> O. W. TABOR Atwtloneera") DxmxDiN, tiat my Wilting material* On IhtM ttUßtoNewZaalMidi aaiBMODiH Proprl#t? bo GEEYMOUTH DiREe^iMPORTEB , JW. — - R HANNAH & GO'S 'f . . : . r .'■ . „ Potatoes^ „ „ J^p^-ln/oiaritle«, DR R^W^fale ..._ AND AMERICAN ENGLISH ■^"H^HDWAIRE. tri'fir'ma^ . . ...... _ ■ - ; - : . : . , ■ ■ ; — . DIBTB . : . J.W. EASSON & GO : "' — —— "■" ■ WILDEiMLDE, ' I l 6I^ARING RHANNAH &COS ( - ■ GREAT 30!^cl6ck CON^U^TBDaih^ . . , ■ ( JDeSSbtcr w^z '«^f BURQEO^^. „ Jmtt Jeake ■ straet^ J^ -- - ■ IN;i;SirbCK — JW. ; .. B ON MONG EB. . aREY ■ ■ ■■ ; '"■ ,, .- ' . <. ■ . -. . . ... . ......... * DOCRS^ SASHMs, TURNERY, - ■ - v — ■ FURNITURE j , . DTTNOA-l^M KbM^RacbHanbUl^ E~~ DUNCAN M'LIAN T^T HAS FOR SALE B(p THOKiS GARTH, REMEMBER ( — . _ ... ■ ■ : — . — ■ t BICYCLES. . "J-/ — of FaithfulFulfilment of ■ . ■ ■ : . : POST . . ... >J^^H -^ AGENCIES - : /^»^^^ JSUWfJkV VLXAH, " . £' ■ '" Public Notices' Public Notices ANNOUN02 MENT. TITI S HOEITIRi TO SPRINGFIELD PRELIMINARY warrimoo""linb AFANCYFAIRandSale of Work wl of coaches beheld In the PUBLIC HALL daring WEEK, 1894, in conA FOUR-HORSB COA.CH leave \ ST PATRICK'S neotlon with St John's Presbyterian Pesrn's Hotel, Kamara, EV?RY FRI Church, Greymouth. DAYMORNItfG at9o'olookfor Sprng- °~ " v field. 13 1893 THE^GBEY KIVER AKGUS, NuVZMB |a cabd.l gxoxnr Affsncs botled ah.c MOSS S MERTTWINS. Has VACANCIES for a few MUSIC PUPILS. Address Moasdale, Chapel atreet. — For the year endingMarch 31st, the Sales Tof the PKBJVIIEK BOOT'S Y^ OS MOPO LITAN HOTEL JOHN Gi"e"s EKING, Proprietor. MR JOHN GIEBEKING begs to an nounce to the generalpnblio that beha taken over the above wellknownhoatelr on Mondays romMr John Card, solong and favorabi connected with it. p m. SINGLE £2 0 0 The LIVERY and BAIT STABLES will be under the direot oharge of M RETURN 3 10 J. G., which will be sufficient guarant BOOKING* OFFlCES— Greymouth, Th- Ifor tha travellingpubllo. Gilmer Hotel; Knmara, Pearn The BAR will be found replete wit Hotel; Hokitika, Empire Hotel! all the Choicest Brands of WHISKIES Chrletchnroh, White Hart Hotel BRANDIES and WINES, BEER Weatport, Hnghes's Hotel. Dnnedln and local brewers. Increased by 27,690 pairs over previous year. This Ia a reault of whioh we fee justly proud andhas been whollydeveloped by reason of -meritalone. Weaaaertwith confidence that the"""Premier Boots are the best InN Z. 'They wearlike iron. Do youhandleour PremierBoots?" If hot, why not." They are easy Sellera andMoneyMaking Goods. ■■-■■' As one of our Clients In writing the other day said "Yeur Boots do their own talking, andsell themaelvea." for andinsist upon getting our Brand. Remember ' The'Public shouldask " the PREMIER" costano morethanInferiorbrands J? . F aTTe S : M .thatMISS HAMILTON Mails per overland ronte for Nelao she has RESUMED TEACHING, cloae and Thursdays at 3 2 l begs to announce and ia prepared to take pupils for the piano,&a. Fnrther particulars at Wylde & Wylde'e, Taluui street. . TjiOß SALE OR TO LET. Nearly new PREMISES, containing SIX ROOMS and SH P, detached BAKEHOUSE with splendid oven and Implements in good business part of REEFTON. Suitable for atorekeeplog and bakery business. Immediate pos seaalon. Eaayterma. Apply to, DANIELDAVID, OR " WILLIAM FALER, S. DISPATCHFOUNDRY COMPANY (LIMITED), HOKITIKA TO SPRINGFIELD Reefton. ,,■ MISS . ' A. T. M'WILLIAM, Proprietor. ASHTON COBB & COS TELEGRAPH LINE or GREYMOUTH. ESTABLISHED 1873. The famous "DOG'S HEAD"Brandof Baas and Guinness justly takes the lead in every makret of New Zealand. It is shipped there Jin Full Sized Champagne Bottles only. Messrs READ BROTHERS bottle no other Ale or Stoutbut those of Bass and Guinness respectively, and only those which are Jbrewed expressly for Exportation. Their splendid Bottling Premises alone furnish a hostage forj high quality being far beyond comparison, both as regards extent as well as completeness They must be seen to be appreciated. Engineers,Boilermakers, Iron andB»s ROYAL MAIL COACHES Founders, Wood Turners, and VAOANIES for MUSIC PUPILS LEAVE HOKITIKA Piano or Violin. FRIDAYS, 6am AND TUESDAYS General Smitha. Address— High Street BOBEBTBUSSELL. "pUSSKLL AND Passengers fromGreymonthconnect Kamara per early tram, leaving Grey T>IGNELL, monthat 6 a m Tuesdays andFridays. ARTHUB BIQNBLI BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, BOOKING OFFICE, GREYMOUTB Tramway Co's Office. Talnui atreet, Greymonth. The abovehaving entered into PART OASSIDY, YOUNG, & OX NERSHIP and amalgamated their respective bualnessea, will carry on in the COMMER- premiaea in Talnut street at presen HANNAN'S occupied byMr Robert Russell, and are preparedto execute alldaaaes of Joiner CIAL HOTEL, work, Carpentering, Bnilding, and ConGREYMOUTH. tracting. Eatlmates given for every description The beat English and Colonial Ales and Country of the above workin Town SpecialReserve Whisky, five-atar Uaher's BIGNELL, RUSSELL AND and other Brandiea, and WinbJ of the Buildera and Contractors, beat quality. Greymoalh. The dining rooms and sleeping apart ments cannot be surpasaed. Firat-claar mHE. ART OF SINGING. billiard table. Samplerooms. Mr* El<Jl*. ROBINSON oan take a COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Mawhera Quay andBoundary street, limited number of puplla. Terms, 2£ guineas a quarter for two lewonsa week ;. 30s aqu arter for one lesson a week! . Mra Robinson was trained by Professor Cdoohl ofMelbourne, the coinial teacher of Madame Melba; and holds certificates from him. Mra D. HANNAN, Propletor WILLIAM STOCKS, MONUMENTAL MASON, MADRAS STREET SOUTH, ALBIONNriOTEL, Mawbeba Quay, Gretmouih. J. F. COCKS, Proprietor. RUGC'SKU^R^HOTEL . CAREFUL SELECTION ia made for our GREYMOUrH HOOSK of . line hat maat commend.themßelvea for the Superior Quality of the material, oomblned with the excellence of the workmanahip and the great satisfaction givenin wear. We find from experience that with caported as with colonial manufactured gooda the beat artiole combined with moderateprice invariably gives the best aatlafaotion inthe end. We here give a few qaot ona of both English and Colonialsooda kept or onhand. , Ladieß' beautiful Evening Shoea, 3a 6d, Glrla1ES Kip Legiets, 6a6d, 7s ana 7s 6d Men>i Pe«ged Bluohera, wear like the, ,4a,6 5s 6d> 6d t J Shoea, give great wear, Ladies'Moroooo ; 7s, Ba, and 8a 6d 9j 10 6d Men's Watertight Bluohera, best irjnno TJI Ladles'Kid Shoes, trom 8a 6d market, 13s 6d LadlesPlimaola, 4a 6d, the beat class Men's Bals, 11s 6d, 12s 6d, and 14s, Ladles'Glace Legists, 12s 6d,15a excellentwear Girls' Calf Legleta,sb, 5a 6d, 7a, 7a 6d, 8a Youtha' Boota, fromIxs,9s 10a. 'S? St ALBION HOTEL, conductedon first class linea. Private parlors and sitting rooms. A billiard rocm with two of Alcock's best tables, and an attentive marker. Commodlons Bample rooms. A night porter alwayainattendance. Being DIREOT IMPORTERS on an exten sive scale forSthe supplyflof our"wholsale customers from alljthe LEADING ENGLISHand CONTINENTAL MARKETS of all the LATEST STYLES and fashions in Ladies, Children's and Gent's BOOTS and SHOES. A i' MAWHERA QUAY, GREYMOUTH. J. F. COCKS,Ute of Reefton, begs to informthe public of Greymonth thathaving entered into possession of the above Hotelhe offers a cordialreception to all. The Hotel will be conducted on first class principles, andthe BEST BRANDS of WINKS and SPIRITS only kept. The accommodation for commerola gentlemen, tourists, andvisitors1b second to none. The dining rooms are under the direct supervision of Mra Cocka, which la a anfficlent guarantee that the cuisine will be ~~~ Boots and Shoes Our GUM BOOT tradeia so well established that reference to it launnecessary. Suffice to say we keep in stock only thebest known brands. An immenaei upply always kept on hand for the ever increasing wholesaleand retaildemand; GRINDERY OFMLLISORTS !AND LEATHERS SCLANDEES & CO., Wholesale Agents, Nelson. j Public Notices. SPECIAL Public Notices From allthe leading New Zealand tannera (with whom we have a apeoial arrange* ment to andtnonebut the beat),kept for the sapply of the trade. Storekeepersand all wholesalecustomersmost liberallydealt with. OUR ADDRESS IS— THE "(PWEH" BOOT FACTORY, CHRISTCHHRCH, TheLargeßtJi^theJColonie.-, covering'2s,oooft^ofJFloor'Space. M O'BRIEN Sc Cw. MANUFACTURERS PO : box blindnessTdeafness, chronic Teephooe, 3«. jfcfc. AND MAWHERA QUAY ,GREYMOUTH MEDICAL ANNOUNCE have performed a thorough cure of the MENT. case. Iwould also add here that; one has improved immensely, and aa aoon as youhave finished opening up communication with the right ear, you will have .^BBBSSSBsft And all Ailments of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin and Blood givenme allthe relief 1 ever wiahedfor— Diseases, Debility, Dyspepsia, Debility, in fact, my hearing will then be nearly Ican accord the Bame praise PulmonaryConsumption, andall Chronic perfect. to your general treatment, which ia AffectioDß of the Stomach, Chest, Bron- certainly making a new man of me. In chial Tubes, andNervous System. conclusion, Ishall always be happy to TKN YEARS' PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN THE AUSTRALIAN recommendyou to friends, or to person- HH flslisH SSSSsO ■ *. ' J SBSSSSW SSSSSSSS) ally testify to your skill and treatment.— Youra very truly, " C. J. Thla hotel la one of theLARGEST and LINDBERG, Dr Geo H Kaymond, TTTISHES toinformpersona in want MOST SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT on Cottage, Specialist Eye, Bellevueroad, MR JAMES DRUMM The Eminent of the "Bellevue ojf " Monumental Work thathe sitting parlorß, YV to SELL HIS PRESENT the Weßt Coast. The Mt Eden, February 4, 1893." Begs to notify that the business of intenda EXCEL- Ear, Throatand Cheat, and BotanicPhybedrooms are rooma and Reyling and Dramm, Tailera, Albert LARGESTOCK, conalatingof Granite, LENTLY FURNISHED, ana afford sician, and Author of Numerous ScienNotk—Since preße ntlog the above teat tific Pampleta on Aural and Ophthalmic street, will be continued aa heretofore Marble and other Stone Monuments, every convenience to tourists and visitors. " Diseases, and whohas been residing for monial,Mr Lindberg haa had hla hearing the namß of under I at considerably REDUCED PRICES. reatored in both ears, and willshortly be A first-claaa BILLIARD TABLE and a thblast threemonths in Auckland, leaving Auckland on a business trip to Fencea. Inßoriptiona and allwork carefulmarker in attendance. WFLLINGTON, "RtYLING AND DRUMM," !| Iron IS NOW IN Enrope; buthia wife ana fumlly may be in connection with the trade done in BuggiBB STABLING— EXTENSIVE length willstay a sufficient of time interviewed at the same address withre* At their TailoringEstablishment, opposite i first-class - style. Early Inspection In- coaches, and well-bred saddle horaea oo and o give every afflicted and curableperson apect to the cure. vited. Several new Hoes lately ar- hire. the Church of England, Albert street. Dr Raymond would OR MILK FOOD. opportunity of benefiting by hla skill aleo mention here that rived. Designs on application. BEST BRANDS of BEER, WINES an he might havt experience and . cured acorea of MR J. DRUMM baa SECURED | WILLIAM TCCKS. other during and SPIRITS kept. individuals SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR COUNTRIES WHERE FRESH COWS MILK CANNOT BE OBTAINED. 40, Ghtjznbe Stbeet, off hla atay In the SERVICES of » FIRST-CLASS Auckland had they not been JAMES RUGG, Proprietor. Addbess— No CubaStreet. These Good* arefreefrom Animal Germs andkeep goodinany Climate. TobeobtainedJromaUDrttftfWt andStore*. ' aodilatoryin making up their minda, and CUTTER and F TTER, andmade every Works Acknowledged by the Pkinckss he can't afford to waste hla valuable time Painters. arrangement for carrying on the Business COMPANY. INSURANCE of Waies. among a community who aretoo alow for TT O L LOW A V S OINTMENT tHe uver, mns?«, oo vela, or , any other larger ena much Boale than heretofore. ('rders will be promptly attended to Note.— Dr RAYMONO treata all dis- « funeral. Jn conclusion, Db Raymond 0 'gans, thesePills are eapeolally ' fire insurance in tvi company leading The w UNIVERSAL PATRONAGE. eases withHERBS ONLY, as heia too would add thatat present hehaa no more .me and eminently saooesafal. and quiokiy done. Good workmanship PAINT, The theworld PtPERHtNQm Let practise deadly pamphlets conscientious to with all sufferers from" general guaranteed m kept for or <onld be in sale, any they as ere all'sold. readiness la ev«w Prompt and liberal settlements. disease takeheart1and'follow in the wen famly,being a medicine oflnoomparablev chemicals, eitherin Allopathicor HomoeoWe import our gooda direot from the GLASS WAREHOUSE. Allkinds of business at lowest rates of pathic doseß ; and moreover, Dr Ray- OCOLIST,DR G. H. RAYMOND, ofthouaandswho ascribe utility their restoration for manufacturers. young persons, partloalarly AURIST ANDBOTANIC PHYSICIAN, premium. mond baß oured the failuresof ihe best No 40, Ghuznee street (off Cuba street), of health to the uae of Holloway's Oint- those ofenfeebled oonstltatlpas. An Inspection of our stock, opiatewith ' ESTABLISHED, 1865. Agent forGreymouth, physicians and surgeons ment and egallyqualified Biliomness, PHla. Rheumatism in the everymaterialfor carrying ona firatolaaa Appetite, Lossof Wellington Headache G. S. SMITH. Reputation joints, gouty and oan show a muscles or existence, neuralgia tailoringtrade, la respectfully Invited. pains, ndLowuess of Spirits,— .These Pills effect March 17th,1893. Warltast-mat, In tortures, cramps,and spaamodlo twitches Unapproached by tiny other ?hy«lciaa In .ruly wonderful change In depart under the emp'oyment of theae natltufcloaa, as fctay <j?eate debllifc% ci Hemi- PHCENIX chronic dißeaßes in the South PAINTER, PAPERHANGER, STGiS TKT I C E~ O T~^ 'healtfcf > sphere. noble remedies. Bad legs, all kinds of petite, oorreetIndication,remove WRITER, AND GENERAL a*. REEFTON. nloers, sores, burns, wounds, RAYMOND would also add DECORATOR, bile, Dr here oe'o of HOUSE and glddlm overcome TAILORS, J. MUELLER begs to Intimate to the that what he haa done in Auckland and nflammatlons, are quickly conquare-1 headache, and palpitationof thaheart. s TAINUI STREET general public that he ia again back in the A uatralian Colonies he can also do in Opposite the Church, The reputation Holloway's Ointment and Indigestion,Momaeh, and Liter oomHAS ON SALEhis OLD STAND, the premises having Wellington; amd that the Subjoined rIllshave acquired th' oaghout thehabit plamit. Persons anffedng STREET, GREYMOUTH ALBERT from any dls Oils, to Hia Glaaa, top. Window WhiteLead been rebuilt from bottom BREWERS, ALE and;PORTER able globe Bhouid induce every afflicted < ders of the liver,stomaoh, or other Testimonialis only a Corrobobationof Vbrnlßh, Brnahware, Pape new Stockla now on view and willrepay what he f*s achieved elsewhere. to give them a fair trial before >rgans of digestion, shouldhave person BOTTLERS, Inspection. All tobaccoa guaranteed, a T I C E ImmeHJ "VT O despairingoijrellef or abandoninghope. DEAF 42 YEARS, hangings, Scrim, &c, and a large reoouraato theie Pills, aa there la no Beg to.announce to thejpubllo that they Bad'Legs, assortment of cigarettes to chose Wounds, A MARVELLOUS CURE Bad*Breasts— Old aadlotne known 1 hat acts ou thaw other Painters Materials, 1 with from. Snuffa not to be surpassed. Pipoa are now in a position tosupply the grow* Sores and Ulcers.— lt ia) surprising how *rtloular complaints OFTHE saoh oertaln of all descriptions. All Rorts of fancy HUMAN EAR AND A DILAPIDATED < in requtirementa vi the Inangahua GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. E, WILLIAMS, sore, quickly ulcer, a or uoceaa. wound,|deprivea disI gooda. Stamps sold. the'body of strength, and'unPia it^forjthe | Nervous Debility.— VdCMw w o fee CONSTITUTION trict with a really (LATB PDGH AND WILLIAMS, TAILORS.) Dupre'a. Next to F. C dntlea ofHfe,Vand it ia no leaaWonderfaJ raak, low,and nerroaa, HOLMES, E. m\y tait <mnr \ MawbaraQuay Begs to announce to the general pub PAINTER, to watohthe effectof Holloway'sjHealin CiTY OF AUCKLAND. attaint ia looolai; d ta PAPUJRHANGER, SI&S omeserloas 1 Ointment, thatheia CARRYING ON THEBUSI WRITER, HOUSE DECORATOR, when It ia used according ThePatient rapidlyrecovers from a diffi- Of regular body, brewed from the very 1 »tans 3 which instant aotioa & NESS of theLATE FIRM. Thanking the printeddirections, andassistedby ap honid be afloat cult and Complicated Deafness of eat taken. Ttiaae raaownadPills Street, hops TAnnn malt and procurable, and no COM proprlate hia past patrons for their support, and Importer direct INSURANCE doßes of TMPERIAL Years' theTiils. Btanding. ready Forty-Two iresent the: means of excitingeaarfromEnglandof tvlndovre and attention spared toproduce an hoping for a continuanceof the same. A PANST, LIMITED. Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore"Throats, ;etlo NOTE— A different form of DeafneßS aotlonon the liver,liberating a:mghsa, paperhangings, paints, oils, JL article of Coughs, truly high quality, FIRST-CLASS STOCK of whioh and Colds— This Ointment for will tnnlabed bile, and lifting at oaoa alotl In each ear,namely, Otorrhoea of brtnhware, scrim, &o, &c, which Tweeds, M- JAMES KERR having been AP- the Right .Ear and Chronic HardenedMucus ia sparkle, purity and relish cannot be cure when every other means aye failed from the spirits and exp.alllug a poison enableshim to Bell at Worated Coatings, POiNTED SUB-AGENT at Greymouth the Tympanum of the Left, with other surpased. sovereign It Is a remedy for all derange- from the body. LOW PRICES. (vice MrD. Girdwood, reßlenod), for thd Sergei, ments of the throat and oheab. Settled MothersandDaughters— lt thero is one complicationsof the Aural apparatus. FancyTrouserings and Veatlnga Estimates famished; country orders IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE, It la recoughs or wheezing will be promptly re- more thauanother for which thess allworkentrusted queated that all business communications THIS GENTLEMAN HAD NO WAX SPECIAL ATTENTION haa been moved byrubbing Always on hand. Style, fit and work promptly attendedto despatch, In thia unguent. 'ills arefamous it is their purifying peno him executed with and none be in future addressed to him. IN BIS EARS. devoted to the bottlingdepartment, and manahipguaranteed. Gout and cured Rheumatism— Will be thebeat materlaUused. the firm's labels in Ale and Porter we with the greatest certainty if largequanti >drtiea, eapeolallytheirpowerpf oleanslng J. A. BONAR, Note the Address— JTHE PATIENT'S TESTIMONY : guarantee blood from all impurities, of excellence. Chief Agent for Wea Coaat. "To Dr Raymond, Aurlat, &c. tiesof the Ointment be well workedinto langerons congestions, and removing CORNER ALBERT STREET AND Note the address— renewing Ale and Porter in March, 1893. h bulk and bottle must he afflicted parts. This treatment "Dear Sir, Ihave been deaf for 42 carted or packed to all parts >aApendedßecretlons.Universally adopted MAWHERA QUAY, GREIMOUTH THREE DOORS FROM THE POST of the be poraeverlngly followed for some tlm deaf ear ■i the one grandremedy foe completely in one and years, diatrict. female omOFFICE TAINU STREET partially bo in the other ; and of late EDWARDS & MONTEITH, and ('uly assisted by powerful doses of ialnta, theae Pills never fall, nevo "LEATHERS, HATS, & c. Hrlloway'B PUIb. These purifying and weaken the system, and alwaysbring years theaffliction soinfeebledmy general Proprietors,Reefton. aoothlng remediesdemand the ear and bout whatIs required MISS EMMA BROCKLEY, formerly /^i BEYMOUTH GAS COMPANY healththat 1oftened feared the diseaae LIMITED. wouldterminate in some serious, if not attention of all persons liable to we betiremedy known SoHoway'* of Greymouth, begs to ret m her kind \JT What iaIt? The beat registeredCORN fatal, brain complication. Ism, gent,solatloa, or other painful affec in the worldPSh ih*th* thanks fer the patronage bestowed on f/Mowing diseases— for above Company desire to notify to DESTROYER that baa ever been introThe musolea, nerves, joints. 4t or tionsof the Seeing your Advertisement, Ipurher whilela business there, and bees to thepnblio of Greymonth that the PRICE duced, la per box of GRIFFEN & andPUlt should be w igue Both the Oinimeni ehaaedand readyour scientific pamphlet announce that she la PREPARED to OF GAS for lighting purposes has Gout Sore Throat been SMITH, Greymouth. infhe following eomplainU; and from the information contained UNDERTAKE and CARRY OUT any REDUCED Aathma Headache Seoondary by allowingan extra discount painlessly PROGANDRA removes thereiti, I quicklyperauaded waa (Soft) that you Soalds ORDERS in the above line to the satis- of 2a per 1000 feetif paid onor before the corns. To prove ■it the proprietor BadLegs Corns 9mioua|Com- Indlgeatlon Symptoms faction ofher cuatomera. Any goods and whocouldpbaslbly BadBreasts Fistulas Sore Thro-ua plaints Liver Com-TIo-Dolbreax month, now making the net Henry J. Barraclough, 131 Adelaid were the onlyspecialist 11th of each SEASON, TRAVEL THIS orders left at Mrs Polling's, Boundary price 10a. For heating and cooking Bucceed in my case. No intelligent perBad burns GlandularSkin Dtaaabn Notches on plainta Uloen pnr road, Wellington, will senda sample bo son can make any mistake abouteither Down the Grey Valley by way of Buuniona Street, will be oa afnlly attended to. Swellings Scurvy the Skin Lumbago Venerlal Af poses,50 per cent allowed. gratia to any addressInGreymouth. Coal diatrict, Creek yourself, sjstem, or valuable writings ; Chilblains Lumbago Sore Beads Sowel Corn -Piles fectlor Thisvery considerable reduction wifi andif I had met you about25 years ago ChappedPita Turnout pltints O I O Rheumatism Worms all "VT T FAIKPLAY. E bring the nae of gas within the reach ol years might have saved me Uloeis yon many of Hands Rheumatism Debility Retention of kinds allclassesof the community,andthe Com' mHOSE WHO SUFFER FROM untold physical and mental suffering. B'airplay ia about 17 bands high, a ContractedASoie NipplesWounds We, the undersigned, haveFORSALE pany Dropsy Urine W e akn ess hope to receive a large number ot DYSPEPSIA, bright then, points ohestnut with all dark Bat yon werea very emaillad tiff Joints Gont -"Good vegetables, celery, cabbage, pars applications for as services daring and Female Irre-Sorofula, or fromwhat )a the getter, He aßnre foal and a possesses truly It seems wonderful that Ishould NAUSEA, or gularitiea Sing's Evil evercauses Ipat, csrrots, vegetable marrow, pumpkin, month. Sold atProfessor Hollavraylaestabllshmen Fevers now meet with a man of your ability,after aplendidmild temper. Hla past services 78, of all Stone and &o, Ac bee. Custom respectfully aolioltcd. WANT OF APPETITE, Anumberof GAS COOKINGSTOVE8 St, 533, Ne Oxford late Oxford St' Valley and year In Nelson and the Grey THE RHEUMATIC waiting patiently for aome many kinds ' M. & J. BLKWMAN, Gravel of the latest and moat improved pattern ; bynearly respectable London also every to comeacross a physician with myideas Reefton are too well known to comment Kaiata. nave been landed from England, which THE DEBILITATED, Vendor of Medicines throughthe oiviliapd of disease.' Ihave comeacross scores of upon. THE SLEEPLESS, the Company sell AT NET COST world, InBoxes, and Pots, at Is l£d., 2s oldatProfeaaorHollo wiy'siiUblMl tua n Paddocking for provided Ahaura specialists bo-called at doctors and In my THE AGED ANDDECREPID 78, NewOxfordSt. (lates33, OxfordSt.)« PRICE, and, If dealred, on the deferred 2$ d., 4s 6d.,lla., 225. and33a each. taken, marea at 6d care per ; to week all ; they all seemed have INDIVIDUALS AFFLICTED WITH time but as London ; also by nearlyveryrespectable paymentsystem. printed Full are directions affixed responsibility. but no of the old orthodox school of mediThe Companyhave ako on hand a large KIDNEY or OTHERCOMPLAINTS. been to each box, and oan be had in Vendor of Medloines throughout tha ss,payableon cine, and utterly devoid of any originality Terms for the Benson L2 Akd civilised world ia botjs, tai pok assortmentof GASHEATING STOVES, any language. January, guarantee lat of 1894 as ; per far plausibility,I thought or It to their better Impaired vitality by who have Advice Gratis, at the above ad "t Is l^d is 9a, 4a 6i, lU, ?!ml 31 OF GREYMOUTH which they sell at coat prloe. A gas fire Alloverwork,intellectual, mares agreement, prove payable when In N.B.— alone, wait tillI leave them and met a meohanioal, or is invaluable for cleanliness,comfort, and dress, daily, between the hours o Id «»eh Bpeotallst whose system accorded more foal. require a stimulant like Full printed direotlons are affixed on apply NOTICE Is hereby given that the convenience, and in our coldclimate will and 4, or by.letter particulars For further to John wltb lam happy thelaws of nature. to WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS. eachPot andBox, and oan GREYMOUTH HARBOR BOARD haa be found moat usofnl for heating bed Giblin, ; " be -had in Hotel. or, Hamilton's Cobden man, have met that <md every say that I any language. REDUCED the TOWAGE RATB on rooma, ofEoea, and drawing rooma, where 20 YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC day my deafnesß Is gradually leaving me, Mr John Gieaeklng, Cosmopolitan Hotel, TT OLL OW A Y'S PILL. Certified by the sailing vesaala to laa ton on the registered an occasionalfire only la necessary. and I f«el that I am being restored to my Greymouth :or. Printed and published by James Ken The comforta»d convenience of a GAS MEDICAL PROFESSION tonnage, In and out. ALL CARGO HAINES, GEORGE wonted health and vlgonr. residing In Tainai street, Impurity of iheBlood— EnfeebledExistAs the COOKING or HEATING STOVE oan Proprietor, FREE. Thlß cure should certainly Bpeak Ahaura. ence. This medicine embraces(every for the proprietors,Kerr, Greymouth Arnott, and PUREST STIMULANT PROCURABLE only thoroughly appreciatedby be ALLEN, those 2HOMAS Mumea for your simple natural Botanic Co, Limited, at their office, Boundary anddo requir general^ attribute in a experience ▼bo hare had n ad»p their Secretary. ;and, aa Ihave only been one street, Greymouth. County of Grey. PILLS mestlo remedy ; toverturna the foundablllty tosJl thedomeatla requirement W. Harbor BoardOffice, AND CO piaotloe month nnd«r your care, IIntend to Pew Zealand. Free from mercury. tion of diseaselal dby defeoiive foodand t th« houshold. Greymooth,7thFebruary, 1893 rave the treatmenfarther AQIMTBi WBLMITGTOH tfoftafo 10, 1W3, Cockle's P111 for liver. Bftflrl tit, loobitraotlon or <Jon|aitlon TAILORING" CHRISTCHURCH, COLONIES. FOR \ FOOD INFANTS INVALIDS. AND MELLIN'S LACTO-GLYGpSE * ROYAI , . "" BREWERY, Reyling & Drumm, EDWARDS — &~ IK[ONTEITIJ, J. ~0. FIRST-GLASS ALE — PROGAFDRA TO "PORT — NATHAN*" COCKLE'S ' '