THE 'A NEWS FUll PAGE POINTE Grosse Pointe News OFFERS OF FEATURES EVERY weEK VOLUME 7"':NO. of Complete News Coverage 041 Entered u Secolld CI&a Mauer at the Pooot OW"" at .Detroit • .MicA. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Punch .Added to Pict ure Contest 0/ the WEEK t", OCTOBER 10, 19040 . fresh twomeat eight . .~. ADMIRAL JOHN H. TOWERS, commander of the Pacific fleet, announced a new United States Navy 'policy in the Pacific calling for a strong Aleutian base nhr Siberia and an extension of the Navy's strategic outer perimeter 3,000. miles westward to Guam. • •• MOVIE STARS are 30 or 40 to one for staying before the cameras during the strike of the Conference of Studio Unions (AFL), it was decided at a meeting last night by the largest turnout of stars in movie history. . ." . . A giant DC-4 four - engined : ''1'raris-AUantic airliner en route ; to Berlin crashed In flames about ..iJll'l1l:(jilrtft-iiftl!r.:taking ..otl fromH a I'm 0 n Field, Stephcnsville, Nfld. 39 are feared dead. ., , " . CHARLES F. HEMANS. star witness in the state branch bank conspiracy examination, i$ at ease ~i~he s~c:::;typ~~~tyH\i;~' ;;~~~ talent. It is up to them to deCIde xt what I do ne. .'; " OPAL LANPHIERD, 36, and f::~~s~' ~~~~~d . ' , h"' PUNCH, Dalmatian puppy, lIJ1dhis.mistress. LYNN TRUDELL. daug tet of ,Mr. and Mrs. James J. Trudell; Jr. of'.Lincoln road, pose for an. entry in the Grosse Pointe News contest for. ~t pic~ures oJp,0inte fhildr.en and t.heir pets. The cop~~, wi~ _con. tinue until January'l,l94.?, following. whIch wmners WIUbe' awarded Savmgs Bonds. A winner 'be~lectedJ~6m each of ;thefive.Pointes and from Gratiot'Township and .from this select circle a.graJ)d prize winner will be chosen to' receive all. extra $100 bond. Send in you!: entri~s, ---------------_,..-... '. . . . . .. ,'. " . will USE THEMl Funy Paid Circulation- - PPED Woods' Lake FrontTBeacon Light Cram Offices P k b CIeared' On Lakefront To Register- .. ar to e Suggested ' .B4l ee" t ommunlty A'C' Maxon Deplores Honoring Veterans with Selfish Gift to Entire Pointe ~~~~nno~fe l:S:u~~it~'~~~:; state laws requiring Te-registra- Three Car Crash I C;t~I'SParkl"ng Shl.ft Bn.ngs P""a.;se, Thanks a'nd Squ~'wks , ... . Chief Thomas Tro~bly of the city police wishes to c.,ngratulale and thank the people of the City. of Grosse Pointe for their splendid coopcration in helpin~ make successful the change from angle to parallel parking, which became effective Tuesday. October 1. 'The modification is on the south side of Kercheval between Cadieux road and Neff road. . "I have received numerous compliment..~ from both motorists and pedestrians on the new luling." Chicf Trombly sUlted. Some complaints have been re('eiven from women shoppers who say they are finding it difficult to find places to park in front of the stores, but it is noted that the private parking areas in the rear and alongside many of the stores. are being used more than formerly. While s6me of the women o~ ject to having to carry their parcels the greater distance to the parking lots, traffic along K~r. cheval has been greatly relieved. The Wayne County Road Com. mission. which has requested the abolition of angle parking on both sides of Kercheval for the last few years, is particularly pleased that its request.has been at least partially iTanted. Early A. M. Jive Rouses Wrath . "Music hath charm to soothe the savage soul"-but a blaring car radio giving out with the latest jive at 2 o'clock in the morning is definitely not sooth. ing, and it is seriously doubted if it can he termed music, agreed the Farms police and Erich Sawusch, resiclent. 439 Manor. So. four male versions of the bObby sox set were told that the strains of "hot sluff' Issuing forth from their speaker were a nuiSllnce and the hep cats were asked to pllrtake of their mUM lieal adventure I elsewhere. ~~:~lesV~~e~es~ populatIon. , ,iiIt_... ~MjW.......,.,;q~ D 0tlng MOnl Irks Po.ll.ce Friday, and 9 to 12 on Saturdays. None of the Pointes has a pop- 0 .ccurs In. . P ar k HERMAN VOLLMERHEUSEN. prcsident of the Associatcd Retail Bakers of Detroit, said that unless critical shortages of shortening, lard and sugar are relieved soon, many small bakeries will be forced to close, and there will bc a sh~rp reduction in the ~mount of baked goods produced. • • • CLEMENCY APPEALS were filed by their lawyers to save Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Frick from death by hanging. Joachim' von Ribbentrop's law. yers said an appeal from the death sentence would he filcd to. morrow. - A papal spokesman Itated that Pope Pius XlI would S~ Headlines, l. CallSeen All Residents Urged to Be on Hand Sunday to Help Put Grosse Pointe, with the rest Site in Shape for Immediate Use: E~pressing the opinion that of Michigan, is undergoing Many Chores to Be Done. the Pointe has stepped off .on the greatest wave of pre-electhe wrong foot in its move to tion excitement the state has All residents of Grosse Pointe Woods, are urged to par- create a fitting memorial for ever known. The hackneyed ticipate in, a "Community Bee," to be sponsored by the Woods Pointe men and women, living phrase, "Everyone wants to Civic League Ilnd the Village Commission on. Sunday, Dc- and dead, who served. in get into the act," was never tober 13, starting at 1 p. m., at the newly acquired lakefront World War II, Paul Maxon more applicable. And with park site which was formerly the northerly section of the has taken issue with the. idea "The Act" con.~tituting the Edsel Ford estate. of a library as the most suitcasting of ballots for the state Purchase of the site by the able form this memorial could and national candidates run- village was approved by the take. ning fOI! office November 5, M M n kn P int on r. axon, we 0 e th e can dI't..Ion IS a very h ea lth y. votera at a special election , realtor. expresses hisownOplnioM one. September 30. fully in an Open Letter to the Carl Schweikart, Grosse Pointe The purpose of the "Bee" is Grosse Pointe News.'The Township Superv:oor, said Wed- to ready the park for II. winter thoughts advanced in this lette'i'. nesday he had never seen any- sports program and to make and their presentation, so ,~~ thing like the rush oi'registra-pressed the News that as mucRo! tions that has been pouring mto preparations for next summer's Gang Misled by 15'Y~llr-Old the' Editorial Page u wasre.. the Township O.f f ice s. Mr. activities. Included in the ~hores Girl 'Caught Trying to quired is devoted in this issue 10 Schweikart was Township Clerk to be.performed during the day St I D d' C its publication. It is to be hoped for II. number of years before he will be the clearing of the lake ea a 5 ar every Pointer will read it carl!" became supervisor, so he is qualidb . -fully. fied to speak from the standpoint shor~ of stones. and e rlS, .reII. you had happened to be • • .: . of an expert. movmg vegetation and mowmg driving out Kercheval in the Since the Gross& Pointe M~ Some time ago Henry Laven, and burning weeds to get II. bet- Farms last Sunday A.M. about morial Study- Group announ~ed Township Ch!rk. sent out be. ter idea of the topography of 1:10, you might well have the winners of the .memoriiLl' ei!I~ tween 4000 and 5000 careis' to the acreage. Trees and shrubs asked, "What's all the shoot in' say cont~t last :week, th,: ~eW!' electors who. were in danger of ill be t' edths will be for?" In the neighborhood of has re<:elved VU10U5 inqumes, ~ bsing their right to vote because w rImm, pa .' ;T . hi to whether it had. been they had to let their registration laid out and II. site picked. fOr Kercheval and .ourarne, t. s ]y de<:ided that a library ~ lapse. Between 50(} and 6(l0 of a comfort station and temporary reporter, follo~mg. ': poli~e been selected for the memorial these cards were returned by 'lodge to provide facilitiea for the car that was gomg likity-split AU three prizewinner's favo~ mail, which is all that is neces- sports program. . up the Avenue, suddenly the erection of '. library. -. sary to re-register the vott'r; but AU residents of the wOods and halted by. a v~l~e from a. It is the understanding of the in the great majority of cases, .. parked car, wnIch yeUed, News that the purpose of the esthe redpients .of the cards have other persons mterested. m the "Hey Lady , •• don't drive say contest was merely to "lit not evl!n trusted the mails'to get project are asked to be. on h.,and on. Better pull up and park!" suggestions for th. form the methem on this f~'s voting lisllJ. to help. Village equipment will Always the type to do what we 'morial should take and that-the Th.ey are.ap~anng at the To~: be available, but those having are told we slowed to a walk and Studr Gro~p d~ ~~t PfopOde \0 shIp officesm person, and. ill 'tablec,too~ ~1t;I . ' . ,h. L~ JI:1o.t.. make th. fmal decllllOll •. droveS.~o'make.e~rt:ifrl'ih1!Ycm( ballot o~ Novembe: 5.. also be weftilin removinlt atones Pointe's Finest .te,:ring thr?ugh tile. iPPfOie~I.iGti"'e~1>: AU Pomte muniCIpal offICes reel .' .. ttoevacant fields In pursuIt' f offel'llan eXCeUerit OpportunIty J:orted a ,flood of phone calls and from the shorelIne.' something or ot.her. After' we to Obtain a Poinw~w1de opinion personal visitors checking on Those residents who have !?een got up off the floor of the car; on the!orm the memoriallhould their registration. I iliiabl" to view the new site prev- tho excitement was over and we take... 4 Officials of all the Pointes are iously will find this an excellent drove on. Checking:Ip later, w~ i The Study Group~uld Illperanxious to have local electors opportunity. found the 'ch'!SCd' tc" be a group ":~ the prepar~tlon.. of a ~t who, have not yet registered, of teen-agers "ho were lit It listing thevanoUl.uillesti~ do so as soon as possible. The aga~ . for a. memoriaL These fo~ e last day for registration is OctoAbout 1 a.m., a eall came into could be pla~. at every votillg .ber 16. but registration can be . Farms Polke that some 'people place. In the. PoiDt and, QR made any day at any of the vilwere trying to break into a garage Elechon Day 1D: Noftm~. ~ lage or city offices. between the on Touraine road. They'd go~ voter eould.dcslgnaw his chou:~ hours of 9 and 5 Monday through as far as busting the windbw, See 0pe0Il Le~j.Pare I. " -I Se $170,000 Additio, na ' en Car Reop.'eilS F. or Pointe.'. '.'Public 'SChools Closed! B"aT If Vote'rsPass 'Amendment 2 After' «ours' .~~ 29iu~tt~ s~~o~l~ Federal Judge Frank A. Picard .' ,.,.',. . , • to charges of harboring, They tes- Extra FundsWoul~}i!,!lp irl~t~~~';ers' S.laries. and Driver Falls Asleepl at. Wheel tified they h.elpEd Lloyd I. Chavis AI A'd G tl • B 'Id' P . evade the draft for five years be, so. r .....'.~Eassye.rtln.S:,.Uyls. rng ,.t:Ogram, and Makes Crash Entrance cause of, "his hypnotic fascina.. J ff . tl'on and artl'stl'C genl'us." or. e erson. . ---------_A__. " " " Dr. Paul: L. Es!lert, Superintendent of the Grosse Pointe Friday. October 4 Public ,Schools, received this week a letter from Charles E. A bar at Jefferson avenue HENRY A. WALLACE accused Brake, Deputy Superiritendent of Wayne County Schools, and Barrington road was reBernard . M, Baruch. Unit e d informing him that the lOcaL public schools would receive opened rather suddenly at 2:10 , h . S t r. t e s representative to t e $170,000.00 additional next year if Amendment NO.2 receIves a.m. Sun day morning. It United Nations Atomic En~rgy a favorable vote in the November election. Commission. of blocking interna7 The letter of Deputy Superinwasn't opened on pU1JlOse or tional consideration of atomic tenilent Braketo'the lociifscliool assistance to your district. for customers. The opening controls by confusing the Ameri- executive follows:, "We shall he happy to furnish was. brought about by a specbl th .(' I . 8ft Scb F ds . 2 ~~~h~Uat~~~cn bo~b~n Ica ISSUeS. "DoubtleS5 you are being asklid 001 un • l'age. tacular, although not serious • • " these days about ho\v inuchaddiaccident. THE AMERICAN LEGION un- tiona I state aid would be availBruce H. Carrol, 1214 Hillger animously voted against a bonu.s ahle for your schoo\ district if avenue, who was driving west on d f Amendmcnt NO.2 receives a favJefferson, fell asleep at the wheel for veterans but it plumpe . or orable vote in the November elec-. of his car. His. car then went a reductl'on 0'. income taxes and I"mmedl'ate cash redemption of GI tion. Using $120,000,009 as our through a series of movements estimate of the total col1ection"of A . three-car smashup occurred closely resembling a Sherman terminal leave bonds. ' k' . ' • • • sal~s. tax, and we think a in front of 15013 Kercheval at 4 tank ta mg evasIve action. AUDITOR GENERAL BEN. very consc,rvative figilre,',the in- p. m. on October 1. It swerved sharply from the JAMIN J. TOBIN reported to the crease in state aid over and above . A pick-up truck driven by Leo north to the south side of the common. council that the Depart- \ ',at you now receive in your Harbrect, 25289 Peter Haltz, Cen- street, dived through a gasoline ment of Street Railways netted district would be $[70,127.00. " terline, struck a truck owned by station driveway at Barrington "It has been suggested that you thoe Howard Delivery Co., which road slid between a street light ~1~~~~,~O~ft~~:iyn:ar ~h~ut f~~S:t :~~ might like. to. give publicity to was double parked on Kercheval, and' a' flood light pole, hurUed system lost $239,120 in the full this figure so that. all electors of and that vehicle in turn hit a west across the side street, and your district wO'lld understand parked car owned by.Charles M. then went smack dab through a fiscal year. • " • exactly what the passage of'~the Groves,. 15103 Kercheval. Damage section of glass brick of Shummeans in terms of was sligh'.. reported. Park police. way's har. HENR.Y J. WERKSMA. 20, of amendment ---------------------I Upon awakening Carrol was 464 White, Lincoln Park, faced , given a ticket for recklC!s drivcharges of negligent homicirle in ing. deaths of two pedestrians struck ... _Y by his car at Six Mile and Lesure. Pa,. WORK. $2.00 Per Year-5c: Per Copy i7tt~~".am . . JAPANESE SCIENTISTS, who ~he Atlanta Constitution. claims, developed and successfully .tested an atom bomb three days before the war ended, are now held in Moscow as prisoners' of the Russians, It is stated. ... CLASSIFIEDS Poll.ce Halt .'Tee.n-Ag..ers 0n UNITED STATES DELEGATE to the United' Nations Atomic Energy Commission. BernardM. Baruch. demanded that Henry A. Wallace correct publicly the mistakell that Baruch said Wallace made in criticizing the United States atomic control planBaruch declared that Wallace had admitted pers.onally to him that he was in error. " " ANYTHING7 NEWS in Township .. ... SELL? Pointe Voters Pre. election Excitem;;'t ed Greatest Ever Thursday, October 3 UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE BRYNES invited Russia to join the United States, Britain and France in a 40 year treaty to keep Germany demilitarized. ,. TO # As Compiled by GrOH' Point' News 18.000.000 POUNDS of meat were uncovered in a day survey in Chicago. The was found in the city's largest warehouses. NEED All the Po int es MEMORIAL .LIBRARY PLAN HEADLINES ANYTHING Leek tempt of _;-Cooperation in At. to Discipline' Youth Makes Them Mad t~~~~~ci~~ . While most parents are very cooperative with the police in the matter of straightening out their children when they stray from the paths of good conauct, once in a while an incident occurs h . 'v ich exc~ding]y irks the enforcers of law and order, Such a case was reported in the Farms What promised to be a most this week. baffling mystery was solved On the nl'ght of October.8 the Thursday, October 4, by Lt. A. Van Becelaere, of the City police. police received a complaint that a group of boys were making a Mrs. Stella Lacnat, 508 Notre nuisance of themselves outside Dame, reported to the City police the house of a certain young lady that an "unknown marksman" of the village .. She said she did had fired a "shot" at 4 p. m. T'.'ed_ nesday, October 2, and that said not know any of them. "shot" narrowly missed Simon One of the boys was picked up Lachat of that address. who was and the name's of the others were peaceably working in his yard. obtained. When the police visited the parents of all the youths, they ,Police investigated the "shoot- were courteously received and l'ng" and from the description promised cooperation in each ingiven, they deduced that the stance but one. A Madison av"shot" had come from a large l'b lth h the bullet enue mothet' berated them for g ca I re gun. a ou t daring to think her boy could be d was not found. No eVI ence as 0 guilty of such conduct. She was the w.hereabouts of the gunner insulted at the visit and said the was dIscovered.. " police know nothing about hanTwo days laler, with the shoot- dling youngsters. i,:,g" still. under police investigaThe boys in blue teel they tlon, Officer Van Becelaere, who know a great deal about handling lives a~ 510 Notre ,Da~e, notic.ed youngsters. They think they will that hIS daughter s bicycle tIre be able to convince Mother too ha~ been. b~own out. The lieu~en- before they forget this case. ants CUriosity was aroused. FInd- . ing out that the tire had blown at the same time and day that the "shooting" was supposed to have taken place, Van Becelaere Mystenous Sh ot Exploded. Myth es when a scout car hove into view. The kids ran and the cops gave Pointe~s Bank' ~:~'m~~ ~~Yb::~;:dn:~G;.,~~ shot into the groUnd instead and Shows Big Gain: th~ ~~l:~:t:;,a~~ey picked up a fifteen year old girl who was hiding in some in the freld and took her to the station. She told the names of the 'boys and other girl involved, so th ... police sent . t . kin P . a qUJe e~mng ma g hoW'.e calls on the parents. AlL were from the Pointe. The female ring-Iealler is fifte-en, the other girl ]2; one of the boys .1s si t en a d t Th . x e n one seven een. elr object was to steal a car belonging to the misled Joan of Arc's father and go joy riding. The parents promised to take the matSee T ... -en Agers Pace ,-. The GrOlle PoiJlteBank has shown • gromh in 8ll5ets. liabilities of. more than $600,000 in the'last three months, lcOOl'd. ing. to iUs state. .. eiit:. llub~hed in .this issue of the NEWS. _"' Total asSets and liabniti~ are Village Agrees to RIP ep ace an ts In Durance Vile by. Police A large, black and white cat:. whose scarred body bore mute evidence of many hard-fought WET PRANK battles, emerged unvictorious Two fire hydrants, were found Monday. from what must have turned on in the Farms on the been her biggest, grandest, most night of October. The first cilll ambitious campaign. to the firemen came from Lake The belligerent feline went on Shore and Kerby road; the sec- the war path Saturday. October ond from Ridge and McMillan. D. On that 'day the pugnaciou~ pussy cat entered tite backyard TOWNSHIP MEETING of 694-6 St. Clair. and viciously The regular weekly Township attacked 2 year old Thomas NelBoard meeting was held at 5 p.m., sen. Monday, October 7. Carl SchweiSunday the warrior returned to kart, Township Supery;sor. pre- claw and scratch Janet Burkemo, sided. Routine business was con- 13. 694 St. Clair. ducted. 1.lonclay the cat weat back and •. and now listed at $15,231,217.22. with the assets including capiia},cassets of $524,898.71. .;£ The present bank was started in December 1934 on a new chir. ter granted for a reorganization ~a~~~ ~eG;~~~~~~:ai~o~a~: was carried on under the direction of William R. DeBaeke, who is now vice-prKident and cas~ ieI'. He came to the Pointe. institution after years of expeoriD t 't banks. enWhce 'ennvlltrhleOUSnewe rOb I ank w ~ u started in 1934 the total asSets " When he fl're occurred at the to and liabilities were less than 'old Shuman place on Mack ave- $1,000,000. nue last week FiremlUl I-a Duke tore his pants. In fact the sad story was that the whole front of them was tom away. At any rate the Village Commission ruled at its meeting last night that fireman La Duke's pants were torn in the line of A pocket model portable radio duty and should be replaced at was stolen from the Electrozone public expense. Bill $17. ok. Appliance Co .• 20916 Mack avenue. around 1 p. m. on 5eptem-. bel' 26. The theft was not an ordinaryone, however. The small radio was firmly anchored to the wall by a sturdy chain. The thief either bit or dipp€d the chain. bit Mrs. MounHord. 696 St. Clair. The Woods police are inclined to But either the urge to re-visit the the latter theory. scene of the crime or over conSO RACE TRACK dence brought an ::ond to the encounters. Foolhardy puss re-visFarms police investigating a ited the back yard and walked complaint that a racing car was operating up and down Fisher into a trap laid by City Police. They removed the snarling, ro~d on October 6. locat~d the scratching animal to the pound. car in the garage lit 785 Fi~her. Its owners were warned not to use it on village !ltreets. GIRL BITTEN BY DOG Betty Lou Give ••s, aged 12, of 100 Lewiston road. was bitten by CHURCH PROWLER a cocker spanlcl owned by David Farms Officers Yacks and Rob4 Wallace of the same address, on erts investigated , prowler call October 4. She was taken to from 51. Paul's Church on Oc. CotWlge Hospital by Farms Police tober 4, but were unable to find Officers for treatment. PIlYOll" Pugnacious Pussy Placed also proved to the satisfaction of all concerned that the "mysterious shot'" from an "unknown gunner" was simply a bicycle tire exploding. ----- Chains Fail To Save Radio • G R 0 SSE rne~dlines of the. Week I, (Continued from Pare 1) . ers Union admitted that the fail. --:..; ure to tie up the major Tokyo ;not make an attempt to iritervene pap e r s, Asahi and Mainchi, 'for clemency on behalf of the would probably bring the end to '.Nazi leaders ;on~en:ned to death. Jallkan's most ambitious postwar I i : I stn e. I ; PROSECUTOR O'BRIEN senl Iii 'out two tea Ins of investigatOl's • 'to hunt for hidden caches of meat .~ dtnd to determine whether the : fllA,t shortage is being deliber.iltely augmented lIy packers. :Agricultural Department econo. .mists said that meat supplies (",ere unlikely to catch up with 'jiemarid before 1948. " ~ • • " ~l,,~HREEJAPANESE MILITAR:~STS were condemned to death _. or eating the' flesh of three =t.lm!rican airmen. a crime called by a United States Military Com. missi0!l\. so heinous that there is .1l0 ',~XlStlllg rule of war to cover it. ~" • • • THREE PERSONS were killed and 140 injured in a 7 hour fire that raged through a unit of Sun Oil's Co. $13.000,000 aviation gasoline refinery;. the world's largest alkYla;io~ p~ant. , Saturady, October 5 BARNEY OLDFIELD, onelime autQ. speed king and the first man to travel a mile a minute. died Friday in his home in Beverly Hills, California at the .ge of 68. • • • A SPOKESMAN for the Prime Minister of England said that President Truman's call for im,mediate and substantial Jewish i~gration' into Palestine may jeopardize British negotiations to determine Palestine's future. _ The British press predIcated that a Dew wave of terror'and murder waul.;! sweep Palestine as a re~ lult of the President's statement. • • .: ; STATE AGRICULTuRE COM. • • • THE AMERICAN. LEGION, concluding its first postwar national convention iIi. San Francisco, added its voice to those who indorse a single department of national defense embracing a unified command and equal status for the Army, Navy and Air Force.-Col Paul H. Griffith, of Uniontown, Pa. anl Washington, D. C .• was elected national com. mander. • • • Sunday, October 6 THREE CLUES were held by police in the search for the slayer of Mm. Josephine Tracy Rose. 33, who was beaten to death in the laundry room of the apartment building in which she lived at 700 Delaware avenue. • • • SENATOR TAFT, Ohio, said that the war crimes trials recent. Iy held, violated the fund amental principles of American law and that a man cannot be tried for breaking a lllw which did not exist at the time of the 'crime: I I e l ... THE SWEDISH CABINET authorized an lB-man Swedish delegation in Moscow to sign the Swedish - Russian trade agreement.' ••• THE HEARING on a motion to disinis~ the Federal fugitive .. . Ch I F H charge against ar es . e. mans has been postponed to October 28 in Federal Court, Detroit. • • • GEORGE D. O'BRIEN, Reprcsentative of Detroit 13th Con- THE ARMY AIR:FORCE has ]llunehed a broad program to m'aIte.the entire lltmy transPort. abl. by air in.prepar.tion for futuro e .. • • • . ..... ,.. THE DETROIT . BOARD OF. ,HEALTH r.eported. that the in. fantl.'le pualysis epidemic is . about ended, with eight cases reported durmg thll week compared with 17 last week. . .,. • ACTING SECRETARY OF STATE Dean Acheson denied the ..char .... ,of .Fedor ,T Orekhoy:, Sov- N TEN EW S Thursday, Odober ;~~I Community Chest fIas I-I~r) ~~hcnl Funds / For All CI'asses of po,op~Ie ~:;;ru:nb~rl::i~t~~:;f~~s equIpment would be made availaobldeafyOsr. veteran hOllSing within 6 • • • Tuesday, October I . OAKLEY E DISTIN . . . , super. VISor of I t d th t re de ec h a a . ctor dnumf er 0h voNers ave reigls. ere or t e ovembcr t e ec IOns. ••• '''''S .. OTTO MEIS""ER, ......, wl'fe ::iN of .Ado!! Hitler's former secretary of state, said that Hitler had a son by the wife of Paul Joseph Goebliels, Nazi propaganda minister, in March, 1935, and that the boy died in the suicide of the Goebbels fllmily. • " • HAROLD BEARDMORE, Ca-. nadian customs collector in Windsor, announced that the strict 1945 embargo was renewed on poultry exports to halt .the l'll!>h of Detroiters ruying poultry from Windsor markets aild nearby fa.rms. • • • CHARLES F. HEMANS will' appear before the State graft grand jury in Lansing, Tuesday morning. Hemans said that he would make no statements before the grand jury~ • • " HJALMAR SCHACT, former Nui Minister of Economics, was arrested by German police and locked up ina Stuttgart jail to await trial before a German DeNazification Court on charges of being a lead. ing Nati. • • " IN A STAND-PAT POLICY, Senato.r Connally, D., Texas, stated before the European peace conference' that the United States would make no further concessions' in the East.West struggle over the zone. .? ••• Triesle free W~nesday, October 9 gressfonal District. suffered aW. S T U ART SYMINGTON, broken pelvis and other serious injuries when his car went over Under-Secretary of War for Air, an embankment near Cumberannounced that if the Stat. ,Deland, Md. partment grants approval, the • • • Army Air Forces will send a A NE\tT PLAN is being draft- group of B-29 Superfortresses ed by th: Treasury Department around the world in the next few to cut the taxes on wage earners, weeks. ••• . . MISSIQNER Charles, Figy told Council President George Ed. .wards. and COU1lcilmen Oakman and Van Antwerp that Detroit's hope of obtaining the State Fair (rounds for an all-year civic playground i~ ":e7 uiilikely," POI middle income groups and smaller corporatio~s.. • . .......: Adult Education Classes Starting.. . . ! (C~ntil:::ej information trom P:l:re IIwhich any ac:ditioral you may d~~,ire." Just what IS' the Com'm--un-I't-y-'-h--h-db t ht th t Respectfully. w a ceo aug . a Charles E. Brake. Chest? What does ',t do? Those "D rdd .. a y was per f ec t . "This amount." said Dr. Ess'ert, IZ5 Red' Feather services-what Bill, of course. needed mcdical ". 'ould be SUffI'cl'ent ;ncre~.A to are tiley? Most imporl.ant, whal's treatIne-nt. But' his admittance our revenues so tn'at t~h'ere-could I'n it for me? V h' 1 1 to a eterans osplta was on y be further desirable increases and DOdYO~ khn?w t~e answers?, If ttI~oen bfeogrinnaJlnl gthOefffianndli.,nlyg'sa pSrOolbu~ corrections on salary schedules you on t t IS senes of artic es, th h b bl now appearing weekly in The lems. an we ave yet een II e to Grosse Pointe News, was writTh~ Family Service Society make'i.e~en with the ,~ddilion of ten for you. caseworker took Betty's finWlcial the million ard a h: • voted by • • • problems to the Wayr:c County the t~xpayers at.tne Mart;h -t, 1916 "It more residents of the De- Bureau of Social Aid, which It should also Qfovide troit area knew what we can do granted her funds to maintain s~fflelent revenu.e to be of. confor them, we'd have a great her home. The caseworker also slderable .help In ~e bwldin( many more applicants." . arranged for the children to at- prog.ram. In the Improveme!1t of The speaker was Clarence A. I' tend a day nursery school, and ser'lce and eventually ,~ rehef to . encouraged Betty to see friends the property taxpayer. Pre t.:e r, director of. the Faml~y and resume hel old hobby of The Superintendent pointed ,?ut Service of Metropolitan DetrOIt, sewing. After three months of' that Amendment NO.2 would give 51 West Warren. Largest of the help, Betty had a new outlook on the' voters an opportunity 10 ComIl)unity Chest's 19 Red life. spread the support .of local pub. . So me f'l . . lic schools so that there would Feather servIces devoted to glVk I a~1 y ser:,,;~e e:gif~~es be a broader base for school roveing help with domestic Droblems Vlor 4?ny In specJa lZ e So th. t th rt . ..•. ' They mclude a complete pro- nue an)us . e prope y tax. the Family ServICe Soc,ety last gram for the handicapped, legal At the present tmre. t.lle propert.y year helped unsnarl the tangled aid for persons unable to hire tax~ayer ls assurrunc approxIlives of 1,653 individuals or lawyel'S, help to travelers, assis- mately 86% o~ U:e burde~ of families, tance to members of the various :;;choo1 support In Grosse Pomte. "Too many people think of natio~ality 'groups, and homes ',:Amenclment. No. Z," he sa.i,d, consulting an agency only as a for tae aged. . , would provIde, all .opportum.y last resort" Pretzer continued Your Commuruty Chest dollars for the schools to continue on a "We wish'they would come t~ give support to th~ followipg ~trong ~d impr.o~ed ~is ,~urus with relatively minor prob- Red Feather .. fanuly serVIce mg a perIod of rISIng PrIces. lems, as we can help them be- ageneie~ \ helped a tot~ .of ':'The major arlume~t that !S fore the situation. becomes seri- 32,8.04 mdlvlduals and farrulies be,Ing advanced. a(amst this ous." durmg 1945: some.1S thllt they are Certain situations they handIe ~merican Le~io~"':" Dis- OPp06ed. ~ principle to t.ile sales require help from more than one t t' 1 C t s . AssocIation; Disabled tax. Thl:l II r (u men t seems source. Such was the case of American Veterans Wayne strange to me sincc.the Sales to: Bill and Betty M . County. Council; Down River is already imposed and is .beinl When Betty, a pretty, fragile Cons~tation . ~rvice; . Family levi~d .. The issue is' simply ?londe, ~ame to the Family Serv- SerVIce Asso~lation o~ South~rn wh~ther.the schoolS will share in Ice SocIety, she was near the Oakland County; Farmly SerVIce the receIpts from the. sales tax. ., . t f M t lit D . 'C breaking point. Bill had finally :;OCle yo. e ropo an .et~lt, 'itixens o.f Grosse Pointe are come back to her from'Qverseas Hebrew Free Loan AssOCIation. already paymg this sliles tax. but their reunion did .not brinJ Internation Institute, Jewish Certainly those who are con. the happiness she had dreamed Social Service Bureau; King's cerned with increased salaries about during the long, lonely Daughters' and Sons' Home .for and 'better buildinls and im. years. It was in fact. a night. Aged People; League for the proved services in Grosse Pointe .. mare. ' . .. Hand~capped; Legal Aid Bureau; concluded Dr. Essert, "should Bill, who had received a brain Phyllis WheaUy Home. anxious to' see this 'meeure injury in combat, was a changed . Polish Aid Society; Salvation passed. Personally, I hoPe that person. His. behavior was en- Army; Thompson Home 'for Old every citizen will east. his vote tirely un.predictable ..... one mo- Ladies; Travelers Aid Society; for it." merit he was sweet and consid- United Spanish War Veteranserate, the next sullen and un- Municipal Council; Veterans of reasonable. He couldn't keep a Foreil:!l Wa:s. ~ Wayne County job, and he was cruel to the CounCil; Vwtmg Housekeeper four children-all quite youngAssqciation. "" '1 S,.,ored Board Monday, October ", Esperanto, Bad m i n ton Instruction, Art (Commercial, Design, Lettering.) Tuesday, October 15, Bridge (Duplicate play with instruction.) NOW FORMING Junior high beginners dass, Frid/lYs, 7 Junior high edvanced AN ACCOUNTING TO "TAXPAYERS l>y tb. YOII Junior high end high school c1/1sses -75, per lesson. Adult C1esses..,$1.50 r-r lessoo. L-nox Fined in Court Dir",.,st 06i"'ll JOSJ:pH B. SCHLOTMAN Pnaldent D. DWIGHT DOUGLAS Vlc:~-Presld.nt WILLIAM R. De JlAEKK , VICt!-Presldent and Cashier ALBERT J. DE RIJ:MACXQ D, DWIGHT DOUGLAS HUGH J. l'EftIlY LLOYD Vlce ...Prelldent JOSEPH JAMES LOUIS C. RENO Assistant VI"" Presld.nt GRACE MONAGHAN . AssIatant Cashl.r . STATE. OF MICHIGAN ture Beethoven's Symphony Number Seven and ARTHUR C. DANNEC-lCU Asslllant Cashl.r . REPORT and Ex~riditum • FI~r Yur Ended J_ '30, 1946: RlVeniia R~NU~ , Sol .. In U.. Gaolin •• nd 'shl tn... ... lIq~orr "un.......... Fed 1 ''.... $115;789,650.01 2,915,470.35 52,678,078.89 40,6811,547.36 31,411,306.95 $pcciflc Inn..•.....• ,............ 20,3'»:,725.95 R.s.r.tory f_ and IicetlMS. • • .. ... .. 9,700,1148.03 Corpor.tion 7,151,168.83 TIX-nvontecll.nd ICYlnwn. • • •• • ..... 5,424,i60.n !nllnsib! .. lex...................... ~,254,i94.61 AU 11,718,288.08 : tlox........................... other'....en..................... Tallo! Report of C.aIUoa .t M1eblpn, at the 'ClI_ orpnlaed. and operatbi, Federal Reserve System. Bankln, Authorities .nd G~ Pobate BalIk of GJ'O&'le Pointe, Wayne County, of b ...... sept. S', 1NC, a State bankin~ llUUtllllon uDller the baDklq1aWII of ttil Slate and a lIIember of th. I'1lll1luedta with a Clall mad. by the Slate by ~e Federal Reserve Bank or .thll District. .ecerdaJH:. EXPENDITURES AND R~ERVES R.lvm.d 10 0' fo, loul Governmlnt for cduuliOfl, .... If.,., hlghwty., .tc ..... tnd Inllilution.. . •• • .•.••••.•.•• Ntw buildinsl, highway •• tnd equip. IItcrftM inreqv!'cdr................... loti1............ Sl80 115143 75 ". 19,349,306.34 Carpetlngs, 68,475,737.97 11,4711,419.01 7,0110,485.31. -----••••• •••••• .••••••.••..•••• Fi.. i86,499,09'2.39 IURPLUS . The G ""I F ef $ 16,312,6011.33 All odlet fsoolcb-1ld.... .••.•••••••• . !tinS"OIll yu,', optralloM S"rp!u.-. 1,306,344.64 - S'17,61',946.97 \ , When th.llk,1 yu, be,an,th. Gen... 1hnd hod. "",lilt of S51119 753 61 Thi, .mounl, .ddtd 10 the S16,3111,6011.33 op«ttlns .""" ... ror ""d. ; Gtn ... 1 Fund ... rph.. of 521,5311,356.01 IS 01 J"". 30 1946 avniltbl. ror th.'yU': • ppropriation. THERE WAS NO OTHER UNRESTRICTED StIRPLUS. ThOl. Wife, ho ......... , fund, 'lltrict.d by Ih. 'csi,ltlvr. for dcAnftc pll1pOMt .. cIl.,;-th. S50,OOO,OOO in thl V.l .. an,' Tl1I1tFvnd, the $11,453,489.05 ,: th. St.l. Hish .... y Fund, the 527,881,094.15 'n 'pp'opritlion blltncaslo, .... complet.d buildins. and lrnprov.mlllb, the 514,417,250.03 In tIl. PrllNly 5<-11001 Fund, .te. THf$£ BALANCES WERE NOT AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL PURPO~ . a._ Httl, ...... 110. to1HfnJeft n4 o;ll,r~!;e", ... '"-...... I....w 6e c, ~, .. ~ I:~ ~ sr"TI OF MKHlGAN fJoIut:a. M~ " A"-' 0....". LAH$lNG, I.. Twists, Orl.ntal5 • • • • ASSnS Loans and discounts (~ncluding $270.27 overdra(ts) , $ United States Government oblilations, direct and guar.nteed................ Obligations. of States and political subdivisions............................................ Other bonds. notes. and debenturcs.................................................................. Corporate stocks (includin( $8J500.00 stock of Federal Re.,erve hank) Cash. balances with other banKS, ineludin, reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection.)4 :............................. Bank premises owned $77.995.08, furniture and fixtures '15,314.37........ Other assets ,........ TOTAL ASSETS MKHlGAI'I Gild Upholstering may now be safely cleancd and revived with consideration for their life and text u res .• Duracleaning restores resilience to wool flbers • Pile un mat sand ri s e s • Colors rev i v e • Fumlshings are Duracleaned in your home" No inconvenience in having thein gone " Also mothproofed, if desired • Moravian Dura Cleaners Mt. Cle",ens ....on. 4851 Percy 1. Duba)', Mgr, ~ .. 2,083,970.10 8,534,448.32 1,639,:'01.45 275,256.19 9,500.00 2,543,907.76 93.309.45 50,925.~5 $15,231,217.22 comblnaUon and RadIo thot's accJa1m lor CONSOLE Reco,d : TOTAL LIABILITIES shown below) (not PlaS'er Capital" " " S u rp Ius Undivided profi ts $194.50 Showing other Record Players, Emt'l"SO~.s. Slc\\'art.\Varnrr's At 1>!aJcstlcs, trom $100 to $136 - TOTAL CAPITAL , "" EUCTRIC HEATERS • For the most Jl~rt, each he~tcT is finished In the ne\\'Nf post ..war melals~ 1 ACCOUNTS par .value : 200.000.00 120,000.00 204.898.71 $ 524.B98.71 , ACCOUNTS 0( : $15.231,217.22 " .. $200.000.00 " ..: Pledged assets (llnd securitiel loaned) (book value): Government oblig.tions. direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposita and other U.bilitles $ 1,021,500.00 TOTAL Deposits _ , secured by pledled asaets pursuant ,,$ 1.021,500.00 to requirements of law.... TOTAL 520.769.88 ,$ 520,769,88 R. DeBaeke. Vice-President and Cashier of the above-named bank. that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and certify WILLIAM W. T. ZURSCmnEDE D. DWIGHT DOUGLAS J!:,SEJH B. SCHL'OTMAN , Electrozone <9 (! R. DeBAEKE Correct-Attest: STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Sworn to and subscribed Directol'l. OF WAYNE, ss: befor& me th~ 4th day of Octobl!r, 1946. c:omplete elec:trical c:onstrllc:tioll, re(ul;r • bome, residetllial t.-- ----------------------$ WIT.LARI) mILL; ; AND CAPITAL ", $ ,,"............ "........ 'u. S. hereby belie!. Sel'Ytce aid R"pair, Radios,. Refrigerators 20916 Mad, at Hempton Rd. " , MEMORANDA others . Atp[;>l!aa~~ " " " TOTAL LIABILITmS r. WilIia,il $2415 . EVERHOT HEATER-At $1030 last we have them. OPA price ELECTRIC STEAM $3745 RADlATo,R HEATER .. many 44,352.29 ,:.... subordinated obligations ' " " .." , $14.706,3lB,51 1 THE COMFORTAIRE Available flow at OPA price and " J.sf Right for FellI! Warmth without costly furnace h(;ating for these chilly fall days can be had with an electric heater. We have many sizes and styles. . includini $14,661,966.22 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ta:<lng notional Us', tone. , ", h Common stock with total $304,111,039.16 a..nll to Univenlly 01 Michl"n, Mich. SwMColI.g ", reti, •• ".,,1 (unds, 11c.. • • For Slot. p<n;>otCl: OJo-tion 01 .11 SIote O.rtmlnb MAJESTIC A Tchaikovsky Nut Cracker Suite Lily Pons Waltz Album tex..................... CONDITION of I TOTAL DEPOSITS' Oth er Ii abili ti es Oscar LevantPopular Moderns Oscar Levant"Rhapsody ill Blue" Kostelanetz playing Jerome Kern Rachmaninoff Concerto No. Two with Artur Rubinstein dept. .tores, . 11. SCIILOTVAN K. WATKINII'(' ' . J .. rRA2;b Jv,HrrmEAD W. TOM %UJtSCIUlIED.' Demand deposits of individuals. partnerships. and corporations $ 8,322,832.47 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and ~orporatlons.................. 8,753,348.28 Deposits of United States Government (ineludin, postal savingo}........ 520,769.88 Deposits of States and political subdivisiorLS " .." ,................... 856,518.96 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.).................................... 208,496.63 CLASSICS by Amertea"s leading t \l r n I - G, lIOOJtll:ll JOtm N, LORD. LESTER F. RUWE L1AIIIUTIIS DURACLEANINB t10nally p,m. Adults Creu MondllYs, 8:30 to 10 p.m. COlI Haye Duracleinlnl 1.5 recommended na .. to 8 :30 dess, Frid/lYs, 8:30 to lO p.m. Cyclist, Drivers, I I How p.m. High Sc;hool beginners class, Thursd/lYs, 8 to 10 p.m. • I ADMINIS. that vir- Wednesd/lYs, 8 fo 10 High Sc;hool AdvllncedC1Clsses, '1 LEADERS OF THE NATIONTHE WAR ASSETS AJ4 Newspaper and Radio Work- 1 TRATTON announced Wednesday; October 16, BOQk. keepin(, :flower 'Arrangement (l.'all iloVr"crs and throbs). MU$ic Apnreciation. .. Thursday. October 17, Billroom Dancing. Saturday, October 19. Chilo dren's Swimming, Children's Art. be Camera Lovers To Hear Expert • • • -------- Pointe the GrOlM of EducaUoa 1.4 ° GOVERNMENT ECONOMISTS predicated a dC{:line in .food and Industrial prices by July 1947 Monday, OCt•. 7 • ." ' " HEAVY GALES, ranlling up to ATtORNEY GENERAL TOM 60 mileS. anllour . battered the southeastern coast nf Florida in C. CLARK. announced that the The following cases were dis. Department o~ Justice will pre.. George S chI a e p fer. Farms the vanguard',of a tropical hur- sent "the Garsson Case" to • trustee, well known engineer posed of by Judge C. Joseph ricane which cut a swath of de- special grand ifY Thu sd and photograph' IC exper, . t WI'il Belanger in Park Traffic court struction across the western tip •• ray. give a det~iled talk and lecture Wednesday. morning:~ of Cuba and headed for the AN $.8,420 FACELIFTING for at the Grosse Pointe Camera Thomas S.WelSh, of 22325 9 United States mainland. the ,City Hall was approved by Club, at its Club Roams' in the Mile road. St. Clair Shores, for 23, paid • '.'.. the Detroit Common Couneil. N e i g h b 0 rho 0 d Club. Grosse speeding on September ROSE DE FABRIZO. 21-year• • • Pointe, on Tuesday evening, Oc- a fine of $15 and $5 cost. Robert C. Sutherland, 10852 old bride-to-be, collapsed and died THE 42 DAY OLD STRIKE of tober 15, on optics and camera Balfour, for failure to have his Yl!5t~rl!aJl: 8S .. ,she. Wal!<~.towllrd Pontiac city employees ended lasf .lens,..s...., ,. . ~-Ht)i~rte';'i'I';ili'limnh~af!"Ani;;" lthe"fil~r 'ot.Iiijdy"otiG&id'~6un.:.~ nIght; ... , " To accompany his talk, Mr. motorcycle under control, causing . . bas.sador Nicolai V. Novikov was 'sel church; Inwood, N, Y., where • • • Schlaepfer has prepared a special an acCident, was finl'd $15 and held "'incommunicado" for .,an she was to ;weii her childhood PRESIDENT TRUMAN urged bit of equipment in order that $6.10 costs. no\lI' at La Guardia Field yester. sweetheart. The family doctor the AFL, and labor in general. his audience may visually follow FloydC. Hinsley, of ]6044 dll~' '.' '.' said that the, bride-elect die~ of to co-operate with industry and the subject ~ well as clear1y.see Fordham, Delroit, for a speeding ~~ •••• embarrassment when her bridal the Government to fulfill the a demonstration of the functlonoffense, paid a 'fine of,,$5.00 and ' TWO . TEAMS OF INVESTI. 'gown became tangled around her nation's "most eompelling need ing of the camera lenses. He is $5.00 costs. GATORS, ordered by Prosecutor feet. full suslained production," 'well versed on this subject and O'Brien to inspect the city'scold • • • " • • the IC{:ture promises to be of DOGS JOIN IN ATTACK storage depots. found about 4,YEGGS CRACKED a-safe early THE POLITICAL COMMIT- great interest to all camera Stephen SUOI', 6. pf 667 Lincoln ; 450,000 pound~ of meat of. all Monday imd escaped TEE of the United Nations lovers. . road was attacked and bittep by six s.torage. houses an.d. with $18,300 in cash and 'securi. Atomic Ene r g y Commission StarJey Kenn, PreSIdent of the two dogs Saturday. October 5'1 in five of the largest packers. A ties from the East . Side Auto agreed unanimously. to institute Camer" Club, has asked the One of the dogs was owned by packing house spokesman said Parts Co., 11911 Gratiot. a detailed study of safeguards meJ!l~.1'II tobrin~ in. prints for Emery Hatch. 58B Lincoln. road. that this is .less than enough to • " • necessary to restrict the use of ~hlbltion and )U.dgmg which The other was a stray. Both dogs 6upply the city for three days. FRANK SINATRA and his the atomic. energy to peaceful will ~O ..llOW the mam part of the are being held for observation. • • • wife, Nancy, have separated be- purposes. evenmg's program. . -----THE HOUSE CAMPAIGN In- cause of a family quarrel Bnd the • • • An invitation is issued to the Our need is not more movevestigating ConurJttee. threatconfliet of a Hollywood career. BERNARD M. BARUCH Indi- public who may be interested, to J ments in the nation but more. ~ four, powerful unions. of • • • rectly lashing at Henr.,;> A: Wal- attend the meeting. nations on the move. ~afiilia:te with subpeonas in THE GERMAN PURGE com.. lace for persisting in what he II dispute which may bring politimission has decided to try Frau called "errors as to the facts/' . cal J;epercussions in Democratic Emmy Goering, aclress wife of stoutly upheld the American plan G r 0 sse Poi n Ie's L" r g e s I A P P 1 i a II c e S hop i centers. The unions refUSed to the condemned NO.2 Nazi, on • fl?,f controlling atomic energy as •. -----~ ~~r. queslionaire sent out charge that she benllfitted from "generous and jus!." Open Thurs .• Frio and Sat. till 9 P. M. by the committee. . ' Nazi Party enterprises. • • • "0. '19-46' GEORGE W. STAPERFENE, Notary Public, Wayne County, Michigan My Commission expires Jan. 23, 1941. (NOTARY'S SEAL) @@Q KRAUSE NI.7940 MEMBER OF FEDERAL D'EPOSlT INSURANCB CORPORATION ' \ Go RO niursdlY, October I0, 19~ High School Pointe Again to Conduct, Annual Halloween Parties First Meeting of Committee Planning Events Conducted Neighborhood Club: Assisting Committees , . Ntuned. Open House SSE POI Parents and teachers instead of students will fill the Programs for elementary school ,', halls of Grosse Pointe High age children will be presented at for this year's party: TICKETS. School Friday evening when the Trombly, Defer, Maire, Rich-' Walter Cleminson, chairman; the annua,l fa~ open house ard and Mason schools, the Par- Mrs. Edward Gehrig. Lambert ent Teacher Association of Grosse Whetstone George Elsworthy and begins. at 8 o'clock. Pointe will plan the parties for Charles L~avitt. FINANCE, Witthe el.ementary age children. lard Hosking, chairman; Neil JUnior High School age stu- Blondell, Edwa'rd Pongracz, Paul dent.~ will again have parties at Moreland, G eo r g e Elworthy. the Neighborhood Club and the FOOD Mrs. Leon Jacobi. chairJohn D. Pierce &:hool. man; 'Mrs. Charles Ellis, Mrs. The Grosse Pointe High School Harold'Davis. Mrs. Wm. F. Roswill be the center of al;tivily for siter Mrs. H. M. Quackenbush. all Senior &:hool students. SAFETY, ' Arthllr Louwers; chairThe follOWing were elected to man' Thomas Trombly, Walter serve as officers of the Grosse Gouiette O. C. Ingalsbe. William Pointe Halloween Committee for Rice. ' , , 1946. Forrest Gear~, chai~man: ,BUILDINGS, Harold Husband. ~eorge Elworthy, v~ce-presldent, chairman; George Elworthy. SU\If;-;. Edward. Gehng, secrelar~; PERVISION, Charles Saltzer, \VJllare Hos~mg, .treasurer; Nell chairman; Kenneth Carey, StanBlondell, a~slstant treasurer.. ley Weaver, Jame~ Flanagan, The ch~lrman h?s appomted .Jules Stork, Dr. A. M. Yeager, the fo)lowmg commIttees to plan Chesler Carpenter, Wm. Marr, Dr. M. M. S\leafter. PUBLICITY, Vincent Peterson. chairman; Mrs. Edward Kay, Paul Blackburn, Robert Ed gar. ENTERTAIN. MENT, (For Junior and senior High School age parties) Forrest Geary, chairman; William Landis, Robert Beck, Albe.rt Wyffels, • TO GENTLEMEN Andries Cole, Chestex: Carpenter, John Finch" Ur. 'A. M. Yeager, William Mar r. ENTERTA,lN" MENT (Elementary, parties) William Hicks, chairman; Ray Walton, Craig Keith" Mrs. Ethel Co we, Dr. D. M. Davidow, Rev~, Charles Scheid, Edward Pongracz, Miss Mary Pomeroy and Sam Barlow. All of the committees are working hard to makc the 1946 Hallo. ween part)' the best yet and if any resident of the community can help out that evening with an amateur act or by helping to: supervise at one of the patties-please call Forrest Geary, NI. Coats 2.000, ext. 25. . (Seot1an4 TaUon Co.) 14127 E. Jeif.rsoft Av•• . LEnox 5344 l ANY STYLE TO ORDER COMPLETE SELECTION of BEAUTIFUL FABRICS OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL NIGHT OR PHONE TU. 1.1350 14731 MACK AVE. T~~~~/li~d~y, Special Sale of Samples Sahl~~J, Stores Open 10 to 10 Dailj Deiilleries-Phrme 1\'1. 8900 ROUSr.:BOLD BtNT Air, light and. heat hasten the chemical change that causes fat to become rancid and inedible. If you hated you hate some have a lot less And a lot more , , CREM.E SATINEE --------YOIl don't know cosm~tici lnI,Cr~me Satin~ll.wett . eo.metlc Wltil YOll'vl(tried LllfltJa~rW. ~ water Into silky, dccp-c1"A5lng YOIit skJa feek usok:ani ... ootiuukiitetl' .. ar. $1... pl•• •• ', ~':::;11' your sins the way people, you would to do with them. to do with people. P.OINTE ~ROSSE ~~:.;..) I" .....;. WOODWAR.D ... TSTATE Fine Handmade Imports Exclusively Ours $322.50 CHARGE ACCOlTh"'S .... vAILABLE $195.00 $250.00 The loveliest gift in the world for baby de~r ••• Prlces Iltd. Fed. Tax en imported tening coet podded Kristin<'J handmade set in fine rayon crepe setin lining ••• sacque if) rayon crepe Chriswith Kristina's beby deliclltely hand em. Md lined. Both in blue, pink or broidered whit, with matching cap~. baby shop. fourth floor FRIDAY EVENINGS'TILt NINE I \ ~~'It. '.t ding combinotion will constantly remind her of the love and devotion that prompted the 9lvIfl9 throughout the hoppy years to come. GROSSE POINTE C ,.. The sp/Srkling oeeuty of her mlltchea wea- 308 W ... t Fourth St., Royal Olk l.I,. TheR rIMe it of. Presu3, , ... BAIDES 170<47 KERCHEVAL, ~ .roup. , •• Smooth It Gilt and b.ther It up wid!. waflll ftX IoYely OCTOBER " " 801Mf tel the f•• o... Soft.feHI' j !$mUgTU1~ OPEN ~ ~' T~en..Agers ~ Thomas Banner, an employe of the Grosse Pointe Garage, picked up a man on Harvard on Monday night, september'30i whom he at first thought had either been, as" saulted, ell- had', falleie down and badlY bruised i id. 'fact!; .: . He .was 'making tote him around to the garage and bathe his face and clean him up when he discovered the man was in a serious physical condition. He took him to the City police station on Maumee, where the police notified the Park station Ll:ley had one of their customers. The Park police took him to Bon Secours hospital. .~ DAY ,"1 ,-,~. Sale Untangl~d Diamond' I 0 RA PER IE SPrints Damasks Story of Fence Soak Narrowly Misses Soaking MARSHALL & O'CONNOR SLIPCOVERS Receives. Award end Fin. new fabrics Ire here end s.lections .hculd b." mid. ..rly. But the students, although they are not to be present, will be the main point of interest. In view of the silccess of last year's open house. the same plan will be followed again this year. Parents are asked to find out the names of their children's teachers beforehand. Programs with the teachers' names and . room nQmbers will be distributed at the doors. Between 8 and 9:30 o'clock parents will hoa brief conference. with the teachers. Inasmuch as there will be many parents to see each teacher Homar Phares, 780 Lincoln the discussions will be short and FACED with one of the problems of the gay nineties, Peggy Miller, road, reported to the city police to the point. A brief assembly program will Valley Slream, N. Y., wonders that his home was broken into between 6 and 8:49 p. m. Sunday, be given in the auditorium at how poor grandma' got into a hoop skirt as. she tries one' on at October 6. 9:30 o'clock.. W. R. CleminsQn, The articles taken were: a 30-30 prfncipal, will give a~hort. ad~ the New York Antiqiles Fair. Winchester rifle with Weaver (International) dress and the junior high band scope in a white sheeplined case, will play several selections. value $100.00; a 12-gauge RemEle8!10r Hewitt, 12B, will preside. ington automatic shotgun in a _ The open house is sponsored green canvas Case, value $100.00; by the Grosse Pointe High School a 12-gauge Winchester Model 97 Mothers' Club, of which Mrs. pump gun, 28 years old, in a green Leon Jacobi is president, as well canvas case; a 22.calibre Remingas by the high school staff. \ Fred J. Baker, of the City of ton rifle, single shot, bolt action, A special effort is being, made WIth peep sight, in a green canto inform the parents of new stu- Grosse Pointe. was one _ of 263 vas case. value $10.00; and a public waler supply employes' in Franklin air pistol pellet gun. dents of the event. Michigan honored at the annual Mr. Phares told the police that banquet of the Michigan Section he and his family went out to dinner at 6 p. m. and when they of tb'e American Water Works Asat 8:49 the front. door socii/tion ,held at Traverse City, returned was opeJ;l. Upon immediate inSept. 19. He received the Edward 11,efound the door of Dunbar Rich Service Award from vestigation the gun case had been removed .DeKleine,State The NEWS carried a story last Dr. ,William and the guns taken. Health Commission'er. month about the disappearance upon of a large quantity of fence from ,. The award is' conferred the r~ar of the Holden proper~y thr'se who have compleled 25 or at S1. Clair and j{erchevaI.' At more years of "rneritorious and first reported as stolen, the City faithful service in providing and police the following week an- maintaining a safe, dependable (Continued from Pare 1) nounced that two youths had ap. and adequate_ public. water sup.peared who said they had bought ply." ter up in no uncertain terms with , ,their offsprings and the Farms the fence. When they read the The' award commemorales'the story about the' supposed theft career of "Colonel" Rirh who. re- police are going to see that they they relurned it. . _ cently retired from active. service DO. \ Among those who gave chase of It was stated at the time that with the Michigan Department Health in the field of sanitary en- and rounded up the culprits were an employe of the Doubleday Patrolmen Sidney Allor, Eugene Book store had sold. the fence for gineering. Boylan, Camiel ..DhaveIO"",.aJ>d $15, and it was. erroneously atated Russel Roland. The only re;\'f that this employe was Ernest Up- Memorial Church Cia .. casualty of the' evening was l!!ger, who is, the janitor and Dhaveloose who ran caretaker at the Doubleday store. Hear. Rev. Joseph Mayne Patrolman into a tree while lea ring throug~ The police have since, reported Q., Mayne, the woods and got himself a that the employe responsible for , 'The Rev. Joseph executive secretary of the. De" shiner for his pains or pains from the transaction was Roland We'd suggest that the Mummey, stock clerk at the trait R0':lnd Table of Catholics. his shiner. Jews. and Protestants. and vice- kids involved in the fracus keep store. Mr. Upleger had nothing to do with the sale and knew president of the National Confer- out of illS way for a long, long and Jews, time. They can keep out of ours nothing about it. The fence was ence of Cl).ristians returned and the $15 paid the spoke ,before, the adult class of too! The only place we like to Grosse. Pointe Memorial witness cops and :tobbers when cl~!'k by the youths, was re- the church, Sunday, October 6, on shots are being fired is in the funded. the subject, "Educating for Dem- movies. Remamber when Grosse Pointe was a qu:at little village? ocratic HUman Relations." AND Fred J. Baker -Top Cov.m RE"UPHOLSTERING 'Ihieves, Collect Expensive Guns ellston. Tailors Tn fine Tweeds and, HI-ART, STUDIOt-L Ens. Herbert Wilson Lester. ) tering for a mission as cover for husband M Mrs. Julie' McNair 11 surface task force carried out Lester at 629 Rivard Boulevard, without fighter escort or cloud has been awarded the Air Medal protection, Ens. Lesler rendered by Secretary of the Navy ,Tames valiant service during a glideForrestal, for the President. bombing attack and, by his couraEns. Lester received the award geous .and skillful p~l'formance ?t as Navigator of a medium bomber d~ty In the face of severe, ant:in action against enemy-held flr~ and .enemy. fighter Miyoshimo airfield, Shimushu ~pposlhon, aided Ius pilat m placIsland in the Kuriles, June 14, mg aU bombs. on the assigned 1944. Serving as a cover for a target area. HIS gallant conduct surface task force he carried out throughout the flJfJllment of a a glide bombing attack without yital a~d ha~ardDus mission w~ fighter escort or cloud protection. I~ keepmg With the hIghest tradlHe succeeded in aiding his pilot tlOns of the United Slates Naval in placing all bombs on the as- Servire." signed target area. ~ Text of the citation is as follows: "For meritorious achi'evement while participating in aerial flight as Navigator of a Venture Medium Bom.ber ,in action against enemy Japanese-hpId Miyoshimo Airfield, Shimushu Island in the Kuriles, on June 14, 1944. Volun- Parents and Teachers to Fill Building Instead of Students The first meeting of the 1946 Community Halloween Committee, was held at the Neighborhood Club last Wednesday evening. Plans for the 1946 program v.:ere discuss.ed and it was decided to again sponsor a sene!i of parties throul!:hout the Grosse Pointes on Halloween mght. P1ge 111,... EW S Hoops My Dear! Action Against laps in 1944 Wins Air Medal for Pointer This Friday in N TEN $,8,95 $3.95 11 " ....... , ~ .S .. . -:. -". , ~vi;; GROSSE l5age FoUr ;eDinter Visiting Mexico IN".I~'" ....... ~J:pressed by Monterrey pay 60 centavos for the legal 25 centavo shoe shine. The funny Monterrey is known as the in- part of it is that you walk no dustrial center of Mexico, yet as farthe,' than a half block after yOU walk the narrow crowded the shoe shine when the same ~treets of the city you get the Iitlle Indian boy is again shoutimprl'S!ion that it is no more ing at you, "Shine Meeser." They tha'. a city of small shops and seem to think that the Americans' street venders. On every corner. biggest joy in lile is giving and all" through the streets, are money away. Mexical)s displaying their wares On Satul'day nights you will on bo:ros and rickity tables. see one of Monterrey's oldest cusThe;:Smell of Tortillas and toms. When Monterrey was first other strange Mexican dishes fills founded by the Spaniards it was the air for the Mexican worker strictly taboo Jor the young boys buys~i+is lunch from lillie street and girls to speak to each other. stands where it is prepared un To get around this, at least to the sp~t over little chan'oill spils.! Iile exwnl of ,eeing each other, Trinkets of silver for the tour- they would take a walk around ists a"" abundant, and so are the Plazas, the boys in one direcpesky "iittle Indian boys who tion and the girls in the other, wan~ shilie your shoes. They taking in all' the charms they are unCler foot all the time. A ~ould of the other sex, Allhough hundred times they \~ m sh0ul Ihe old strict lules have becn reto ~'ou in English. "Shine Mee- laxed, the cuslom still remains. ser," ~nd follow you all over the Now when a boy secs a girl he city tn{i1 you finally give up and . likes he will seek someone who G. FOSSATf ----------------------- lIlore Illore and knows her and get an introduction. From there on he's on his own. Monterrey Is. one of the oldest cities in the New World. having n_ fOf' tt.. been founded 450 years ago. The " .... __ ed June 30,1946, old Spanish type homes are mute equl"' ....... ior testimony of thi •. 'J'h .. hou$es are eech IIMn weman 0 .... built so close to the street that the sidewalks of necessity are very narrow. Two can hardly walk abreast. To .top it off; the telephone. poles arise from the outside edge of these sidewalks, If you are taking a stroll and don't watch wh~re you're going you may be abruptly halted by one of these obstacles. "The houses look very old and dilapidated [rom the outside. but as you pass by an open door you are apt to see a very pleasing sight. Behind the old rickity door may be a beautiful hallway, the olher end of which allislieally frames the view of the p:,tio. The patio is a wonderful thing. It is an oasis of trees and. beautiful flowers in the midst of a dry, dusty city. The contrast is so great as to sccm almost unreal. Sometimes th<1t picture of the patio is marked by the product of a modern age. Many. of the more well to do Mexicans own cars. There is no room to build a garage in lheir homes, and so they have built a gentle slop up the sidewalk to their front doors which are only a 'step higher than the streets. The cars 'are driven rigt,t through the front doors and parked in the large hallway. Can you imagine oper!ing your hallway door, getting into your car and driving right out of your front door? You'll have to admit it's very handy. A lot of building is being done This issue of The News carries in Mexico today. The new build- 1'1. unusual advertisement. nigsare very modern and beaU-Headed "An Accounting to Taxtiful, but having 'watched how a payers," the paid message is from few were' constructed I wondElr the State of Michigan through if lhey Ivould pass a builder's ex- John D. Morrison, state auditor amination. they are building general. It is a handy report 10 a house they slap one brick on Michigan taxpayers of revenues top of the other. It looks' like received and expenditures made the puttering of a child. After by the State of Michigan during they have finished the brick the past fiscal year ending June frame they slucco the house, and 30, 1946. in doing so perform a magical Mr. Morrison, who incidentally, transformation. The grotesque, is not running for re-election, erratic looking brick waUs be- chose newspapers as the most efcome smoolp and solid looking, fective and economical way to. 2nd ~hcy ,'ery often work beau- inform taxpayers about the stale's tiful pallerns in them. You can financial operations and the curonly s.hake your head and say, rent"t;urplus. • "Well, lheycan do that in this The official reporl shows totai climate," Houses like that have receipts of $304,039.36 and'total 1asted fih- centuries here. The 'expendilures of $266,499,092.39, biggtr buildings are constructed leaving a year's surplus of $17,of reinforced ~oncrete. They are 616,946.97. ~ the state began well built and the thing that the year WIth a surplus of struck me'most about them was $5,219,753.68, the unres '. I' i c led that,they ~emed to mold them as surplus in the ~re, sury on ~une R sculptor 'would mold a clay 3.0 tha,l was ~v~llable ior leglslamodel. For a pillar they mold tive appropnallon was $21,532,concrete around sleel rods, and 356.01. '. , .!.ben ~5ibly veneer it with marThe above surplus does nol In'Die:" ", . elude funds restricled by the leg, islalure for future definite needs, 'ClASSIFIED ADS such as the \'literans' trust iund and others, and hence not availGET QUICK RESULTS! able for legislative appropriation. to'58!Jf l State Accounts F or Taxes Spen t TESTED * :u Pongr/lCZ''lnow" exc~e'd~,the.hum/ln . element in watch .r$p~iring. p'ongracz" use of the intri~~te: hi9hl"y"~dentific'" . "Watch-Master;" the I~s+'~~~d'in tr~uble detection; me'lln~ depe~dable watch repllirs. Pongracz h~s the J:l8rts,too~ Look to Ponpr~cz for'repoirs. ',: , The little mllstrtltirJ,,,,brJve shows the "Watch-lIflUter," ",,;1IerJII11y «cepted time-piece trouble delector. Jules ...scLuboi o CUSTOM .gduJ:/1J~~ WATCHMA~ER ANI) 17008 K.rch.v,1 Grou. ,JEWELS Jft:,rls For Every CHerry 3454 JEWELER .. Oe:CIUIOfI 807 Metropolitan Bid. Ave, Point.'s Pioneer J.w.!er~t.bri",.d 1930 , Order ~~R'SrMAS '-. CARDS NOW! ~I Ii 'Ii' helena-Tubins tein bridal tInt llDd giVCII r~dianl as _ ,.. ... bride on her weddin!! day. 1.00. Hint (or Bridal TInll F.... ubtle damour. apply bel......'tClI~ Name Imprinted '" Early Delivery 50 12 Pine Scented DeLuxe Cards Wide selection Imprinted Envelopes neotly boxcd Chi,. Christina Culp .Xmas Cards Beautifully Imprinted Complete with Envelopes S.j:iO .SIO~ ~IlMY GROSSE '" premised yourself thllt you'd be I!/lrly next Christm/ls. E/lrly is now, /lnd .Judy's is reminding you thllt its stods /Ire complete /lOd very choice. it a flatteringly natural glow. Wear it II! Beautiful Selections Don!t Be L,de This Year ••. Bridal Tinl-a cleaT; TO!!}' liquid Ihat day or nili;ht 10 be J,III You've actull1ly tints your complexion .. S3~ other popul!lr !lnd Deluxe !It tnis ellrly.order lines to select from dale. MPlUi Thursday, '. ' w_ "- S t Gross~ Pointers Turn To Pongracz for ••• * SCIENTIFICALLY NEWS YOUR STATE TAX DOLLAR "lJJ619' ~:HARLES POINTE 6% CAJlfJA.I. ADDrrtOI(, 4 % Public 'Accountant. Hold Dinner Meeting .George D. Bailey, of Vendome road. was the moderator at a round table discussion staged, by the Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants at the October dinner meeting of the association in the Statler Hotel, Tuesday, Oclober 8.. The topic [or dIscussion W&5 "Currenl A,'counting and Audit, ing Procedures." Veterans Study , All Candidates The Administrative Committee of tne State l-ouncil of tne American Veterans l:ommiltee ealled on all chapters of the Amencan Veterans (.;ommittee in tile .state oj' M.lchigan to enler politics today. ',l'he American Velerans CommiLtee w111 nol endorse any candid:.te or poutieal party out is urg:ng each chapter to invit-e candiuates for Stale and J!'ederal ofhces to appear before its meetings and stale their position on vilal n -illers affecting veterans today. Chapters of the'American Vetera ,Committee will be urged to invite candidates seeKing otfice to state their positions rc ..rding maintenance of pxice ceilings, housing, for veterans and nonveterans alike. subsidies for exGI students, and on the coming referendum on the State bonus [or veterans. There are over 600,000 veterans of World War U in the State of Michigan who feel they have a slake in the government of the Slate and of the laws and, regulations, which will be passed during lhe coming year. Those velerans will be asked to examine each candiiiAte closely to see who will serve the citizens of the State of Michigan best and vote accordingly. • BOAT LARCENY The theft .of a case of beer, fishing hooks and tackle from the Sprecksell boat, moored at the Farms Municipal pier, was repar red to the village police on 1" e night of bctober 5. Eadem Dental .Club Meets Monday Niiht . The Easte~n D~ntal Club. v.:lll hold a meehng III the WhIther Hotel at 9 p. m. Monday, October 7. There will be entertainment, prizes and refreshments. The membership of the club is made up of Easl'Side Detroit and Pointe dentists in the 14th Congressional District. ,,, the 10, 1'91146 BRADWAY TO SPEAIt Judson Bradway, of Rivard. boulevard. is scheduled to speak at the land developers' mcetinl . , of the Detroit Real Estate Board Friday noon on the topic "Land Developing as a Profession,'-----Always try to kill tlVO birds with one slone and you're likely .to miss both. custom hats for I the modeMl woman New fall creations correet In mod_ and trim. Restyling of hals done. adelaide eolyer millinery designer 13914 E. Jefferson, at Piper Blvd. . ::~:'~::~;::::. ::::~:';;::::' ~~:: ..3 . ~ l '" ~ AND A POSSIBLE~OSS. BE SURE IT IS Al. WAYS IN FORCEI ~ o .. o ... o el ART~UR J. RO~Df ... c ..... J!I .. ~ o' y .•• o o Vinag. Camera Shop ... '" JNSURANC~ 13241 KERCHEVAL •• , 00.11. CI ... co PHOTO FINISHING PHOTO SUrPLIES I HELP ""TED, REPAIR C•• en•• Pr.Jec:I.,. • Sh.Ueu Lt:-n.'" uJ 0: 1214 Griswold Sf, RA. 4417.8-9 o '" MALE AND FEMAL~ Long Hours · No Pay Will the persons, male and fe~ale, who ,have alwayssaid,.(or felt) that the Community Chest is a good thing, step forward.and do something about it NOW? First step is to fill out the attached coupon application for work and mail it (at your own expense) to -the Community Chest headquarters. We do the second step. We hire you,"sight unseen, for the. all-important job of making calls and collections for the Red Feather Community Chest Drive, Oct. 28-' Nov. 13. Third step is you'll be contacted and told where, when and' why~' Jobs are open for' men and women of all races and creeds. You can work in your c)\vn neighborhood or any section of the city or suburbs you choose. Just so there will be no misunderstanding, remember' hours are long and there is no pay ~except the priceless knowledge that you stepped forward instead of back when the call for help to needy fellow folk was sounded in yo~r home town. -' --~-_. -----------Community Chest Red Feather,Campaign, \ , 51 West Warren Ave., DETROIT 1, Michigan. 'Your Name Goes .Here _--~- ------ -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- --Street Address Telephone -. - -- -- -Postal Zone. Number 0: '" City - -- - --~ - --- -'~--'-_-, I agree to help in the big job ahead as a Red Feather Worker in the Community Chest Campaign and want to be assigned in (check one) , o my own neighborhOod 0 anywhere needed o I am already 888igned POINTE October vmitge 17151 Kercbltllu Allr., Opp. A. IS- P. >1t. G RO , .OU.~: _~ Dally, .:10 W 5:" Wec1. aJUl. hi. EveniD&'s Opea fro .. 7:1t wI:" ClllI5ed.Thursdays SP£CllUZlIS II YOUR EYES EXAMINATIONS GLASSES FITTED, R.EPAI~ED TU. 14U8 It Oller Drl.e N."t Door to Alger Theatre / Sixth Chur~h of Christ S~if,)ntist, Detroit IiWl4ay Sel'\'ICe5 10:30 L and 5:00 p. m. Ill. . First ,rul~::.n~!. ~~_110:3O a. m. Second, .... Ion • - • - • - 11:45 L m. We<lnosl1.y .venlng TOIl.!monlal Meeting I p. m. 8:00 It••dlng Room op«l week day' . 10:00 a,m. 10 9:00 p.m. Sundays: 2:30 to 5:00 p. m. _____________ Announcing Miss Ann . a member of our steff, following two at HAij;, 5fiUST 'CU, 2.2160 Beautiful .JJair :J)rc:jjillg ".W~i, i ' WALTERS' Martha Ann Be/luty Salon 16~2$ EAS'!' Betw.en WARREN Coul\'1II0 and Three Mil. Dr. 'Ill. %-'"' YOUR WEDDING In Action Beautiful candids of your entire wedding, breakfast and re<:eption jl{!rmanently mounted: in exquisite leather bound album. . Bridal portraits of distinction Photowaphy by "..- , ~.¥'AAdIo MICHIGAN BELL ., ElEPHONE COMPANY ::l Urban Mobile ~~ '~ ~ HOUSEHOLD Radioleleph~ SeNice Delroit Ateo Sergt. Fred ,Schanbeck Back From Conf'erence " Sergl Fred Schanbeck of' the City of Grosse Pointe Police Dept, and Mrs. Schanbeck, have returned home from Washington, D. r.. where Sergt. Schanbeck with Arthur Westphal of Port Huron, represented the .Michigan Association of We i g h t s and Measures Officials; at the National conference of Weights and Measures Officials. There we r e representatives from every state at this meeting, Sergt. Schanbeck is the Weights and Measures official in the City of Grosse Pointe. He is also on the Executive Committee of the State Association. (If HOW,IT WO;RKS-Customer places call with operator(2). She routes C;111 to transmitter (3) which sends message by radio waves to mobile unit (4). Reply' is picked up by nearest auxiliary receiving station (5) and relayed back. The telephone on wheels is a" reality iIi Detroit today with indications that by next year it will be commonplace on major highways in southern Michigan. Dashboard telephone service was inaugurated at Detroit Saturday when the Michigan Bell Telephone Company gave a demonstration of its new operations before aiJeomob:le "'.manufacturers, Michigan Public: Service commissioners and engineers, newspaper reportex'i, and radio I I wiU be on \ LouIS. , Ha;r",Do ex. W;ns' p ..n" Aga;n '.('\1 , ty;D .. Industrial leaders and employers are urged to attend the Exposition to see how partially disabled people can be gainfully employed, and asked to observe the week by giving thought and action to t!:Ie program which will increasingly give a chance to the handicapped who are able and deserving of employment. ' 'Handicapped persons attending the Exosition will have an opportunify to learn of the helpful services available io them, such as training, . employment, so cia 1 services and others. ",-""- .. , OPENING ITS DOORS Louis; the 'Grosso Pointe hair stylist, was awarded the National Challenge Shield by the Hair Fashion Council of America at its convention in Atlanta, Ga., September 22-24This makes Louis a three-time winner within a six-year period. The award is made to the .man or woma,n doing the 'mast original and becoming hair-dress at the convention. Louis' studio it' at '16912 Kercheval avenue. • • OCTOBER. 16th AT 4:00 P. M• With a flourish of door opening •.• wistful, wishful expec- tancy ana ahhh-eould it be .•• that faint" mouthwotering aroma ... yes, your wishes hav'e come true! For it's really , superb food temptingly prepared in a areamof , " it kitchen simply beyond imagination in its moaern oppointments • , , n '"" Illl desi9.!'ed t? the peak of perfection to bring you a fine cuisine in this Haryard House Dining Room. In lovely. serene Early ~merican atmosph~re, so charcicteristi~ of our resid,entiaI Grosse Pointe, you IllIlY leisurely enjoy a well-prepored dinner 'or luncheon. 'ii> '. ... TEACHER OF THE ~ ~~ •• _ • "fd> ... .., tlm_ We are also happy to onnouncetliat for they'll, go ~"Ok. line and ~ sinker for !hese o/the ;:Dance dusie ~ noon.(Jay luncheons will be served beginning the second eAsual day, Thursday, Odob'er sport shoes to wear with your color-- , , • at Trombly S<:hool Beginning October 11th P 0 IN T E I . JJatig R.OOM G R 0 S S! m'jra for Further Itr/omut;o,. C.ll TUxedo 2.4018 Q/arvardW/OUde ~INING o .Art Q~ A ~~~ith.andicapped ful fall and winter They're tne DESCO and EILEEN designs for growing \ . ,17th. ;fou will find Harvord House prices reasonable., girls and mis$4K with junior wedge heels. OESCO has" wed., sweet ankle strap in b~ck high platform with nail he.cls. EILEEN has a choi~e of black suedes. brown I , Broken glass should be swept up carefully and emptied into a tin can. Stuff paper on top of the glass and push the top of the can down OVl'r it. ljse dampened c~Lton batting to pick up 'iny slivers safely. ' Thomas N.Lac:y, Michigan Bell ' ' , president, re';ealed, tbe company ~ill apply n~xt year to the Federal Communications Cori:lmission for permission to operate si i1ar service at Lansing Grand m , Rapids, Jackson, Port ~'Huron, Flint, and the Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, and Bay City-Saginaw areas. f' h ddi At Irst, t e, a 'tional radIotelephone stations at those points will provide service to the imInediale areas. L~ter they, along with another, sullion to be installed at Detroit, will become links in agenetal mobile service in order to bring to the attention over all 'important highways in of the public the urgency of em- the southern p'art of. the stat"'. ploying the h"ndl'ca ppe d . Ultimately,- the .. wl'll form partThe "Expos'tl'on" I W'1'11 b e open of, a nationwide ' mobile network. every day from Oct. 8 to Oct. 12, fmm 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. with the Mobile. servic,e' etiabli!$ motor exception of Wednesday, Oct. 9, vehicle, users to •make and rewhen it will be open from 11 ceive telephone calls to and from a. m. to 9 p. m. . any of the nation's 29,000,000 telThere will be demonstrations ephones. Calls are handled by by ,vete'rans of.'theP'ercy, Jllnes "mobile service operators" with Hospital on the 'uses of variduS conversations traveling part way artWdal appliances, both for em- by radio and part ,by the regular plo;rme'!'t. an~ l\verydayliying. telephone network. . There will be' demonsttations on The telephone itself is mounted the use of the Leader Dog; 6n. the under'the dashboard. TrllIUimituse of. the sign language' for in- ting and re<:eiving equipment is terpreting music, lip reading, and located in the trunk of the car. many others. Booths and displays -----illustrating the service of. the varioUll' organizations, assisting .. MA. 17" ANN OU NCING the Fall Cl.sses of HINT :,'; .. Grosse Pointe NI. 5618 The Wrights, in a premier o~ing yesterday at lB650 Mack avo enue at Warren in Grosse Pointe Farms. presented Pointe residents with' a shop where accessories for the home ,may ,be found in'shining. fresh and colorful abundance. Shoppers were' impressed with the modern builc!ing and its inLerior ,background ~arrangements in melting 'pastels. The presence of many, hard-to-get items. • '. ., This i~one of ' the first postwar stores to open in the new MackSeyen Mile road district., ------ ~I'''' Marie (Meeky) Van Zanzen of Miss Versatility. '.. (1 Ker9Y road, bro~ into print in a Meeky is an expert ir ~~ big way Sunday. A whole page sewing, arts, spo-ts,1iteratw., Funeral services for George W. in the Detroit News Pictorial dra~a, photography, 10v~~ LaForest. 79, 102 Oak street were' . Sbp. IS a C4pable drum m4J.~ held at 9:30 Saturday October Mmag~~lDelwas Ussed to display mo.iel, singer and danceI'. 5, at St. Paul's Church. Mr. Laane s ta ents. he wal) termed I All this and only fourteen! Forest died in his home O<:tob~r I .,.a.. 3 from a heart attack. He is survived by his wife, the former ,";".;j):. ,.. Cora Allor; his two daughters Mrs. Virginia Hinsenkamp. and Mrs. Arthur Dywer; and his three son s, George, Bernard and Donald. Mr. LaForest was one of the oldest employes of Grosse Pointe Farms, having worked for the highway department from July I, 1924 to August I, 1945, when he retired. He was an old resident of Grosse Pointe, living here since 1902. For Handicapped Wrights Open, Fine New Store \ Miss Versatility Title ?inned on Pointe Girl • these doetorll wol1i~ be men. of the highest ethical Qualifications ILI1dthe center in general would be ,of a' type acceptable to the Grosse Pointe 'community. To build such a plac'e .In etther ot the suggested locattons would require an amendment to the present zoning ordinanCo'". It was further suggested by some of the councilmen that restrictions aII" plying to the St. Paul-Fisher location might be a barrier to its use for this purpose. The matter was referred to the zontng committee of counctl for study and recommended action. With an all-time record firetrol of human carel essm!ss, and loss for the nation forecast for the elimination of common fire 1916, Qlief Rector.of the, Park hazards that exist in the average announced that the Fire Depart- home would curtail drastically the ment is conducting an all-out ed- toll of fire in Grosse Pointe. ucational campaign of home' pro"During Fire Prevention Week lection 'during Fire Prevention we pope to educate our people on Week, proclaimed by President these common causes of fire and Truman for Octobe, 6-12. "It is the ways in which they can largea campaign tliat witi succeed only ly be eliminated." the ~hief conto the extent that the citizens of cluded. "I cannot say too strongly Grosse Pointe co-operate," Chief or too often, however, that a seRector warned. ' fious responsibility to prevent '.'National figuri!$ on fire losses fires lies on the shoulders of every are staggering," the Chief de. citizen. Only by his acceptance of clued. "Th-e National Fir~ Pro- that responsibility can we cut teetion Association, sponsors of down the appalling destruction Fire Prevention Week, says that and loss of life due t.:Jfire." at the present rate of destruction -----fire losses of almost $600,000,000 'men. will' be incurred in 1946. This is an increas'il of 22 pel' cent over fire losses of $484.000,000 dUl;ing 1945, when 11,000 persons lost their lives and mOTe than 20,OrO were injured by fire: Twenty-five 0 r g ani z a t ion s "The tragedy of these figures," throughout the state of Michigan interested in the' welfare of the . Chief Rector continued, "is that 90 per cent of all home fires are physicatly handicapped are sponavoidable. Sound, fire-safe con- soring an "Exhibition For the struct1on,the selection of fire- Handicapped" at the, Goodwill Inresistant building materials, con- dustries' Auditorium, 356 East _I Congress street, Oct. 8 through Oct. 12, in observance of National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week~ This week has been set aside by, an Act of Congress and by Presidential I'roclamation George La Forest- Stage Exhibition years' on the West Coost. J 6912 Kercheval Reality Taken by Death Care Can Cut Predie.ted Record Loss' Front Fire 1-4730 Kercheval Avenue Wheels Plge Five for .Doctors' Building A pctitionlor amendment to the zoning ordinance was .presented to the City Council on September 16 at the request. of Dr. Nelson W. Diebel of 80 Touraine road: The purpose of the amendment would be to permit the erectlonof a buUding either the southeast corner of Cadieux and Kercheval place or the southwest corner of Fisher and St. Paul. In two communications sent to City Clerk Nef! under date of August 10 a,nd August 22 the doctor represented that this building, whertver'located, would be designed to house sl1ites for three physlctans. He assured also tl:\at D[~H~E1 OPTOMETRIST TU. ~55 1&H5 E. Wur •• Telephone on Change in Zoning Ordinance Asked POINTE-NEWS SSE alligafor calf Of " .Qk /'l brown pumps--ties, bows or buc:kles-for m' lady! V J/arYarti C)/OUde DIN I NG R.OOM MACK AVENUE AT CADIEUX ROAD INC, GROSSE POINTE '7045 Kerdlenl, "t St. CI"ir. Grcme Pointe I TUxedo 2-327" ,1 - .. -~ , , ".Stx .p 0 I:N ,TE : NEW ~ro.,~-.p~int•. 'N~W.' , EVERY THURSDAY BY THE ABBE PRESS. INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD OmCES UNDER THE ELr,J AT 99 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE .FARMS 30. MICIDGAN Phone TU. 2-6900 Three Trunk PAID .' .. Leaders in' some 1500 Cub and present .each 'peek;' With 'ij ,eat lidePacka' will printed guides to prollm plan- . , • '. • ning .. , 4. : 34 Li nes York Jewelers: :m ,"11I .. Specialists as we ere' in the finest .. ,. .' Willi 1 WhooP"llg' ..........' 1.lolSiinpie CIRCULATION Tel. VA. 6-2065. Entered as. second.claa:smatter at the post office. Detroit Michigan. under the Act of March 3. 1897. " I ..sq~ares n . pen Lener A 0 bee'n iriterestcd in the three prize winning '.I II .1----... ., " . , ., Subscription Rate: $2.00 Per Year by Mail. All ~ews and Advertising Copy Must Be in'The News Office by Tuesday Afternoon to Obtain Inserlion That Week. Eastern Representative. VICTOR S. GRANDIN. 551 Fifth Avenue. New York 17. N, Y. - " .. li~' I..... Pla~ Gather~~g in~t . ,t .Jac~ IntermeCUate School Oil, Monday,~ OCtober '14, . . . . ., ' . . ". . ." 1:30 p. ;n. to reeeive lulda.nce in PRYOR: ~,' ~lannlpg: their respeetiJe'pack .. .': prolramS \ ~or . the . fall,. winter, d ~prinl.:. , "The nl 01 t(Jflversllii~II is "10 he'. fWompl .'u:ilh()111 'b,j~g ". . '. .' . sluhbo,.,.; 10 refute withoul IIrgunulll, JItfd 10, doth, ill. Je.lome E.Frlesema, District leu ill moJ/,y g.~b." . ,,1II •. scou.t. ,.C ..O.mni.illS. ione.r, (DisracLi) chair the. ine~tilj8'. ~essn;Ed , .' Stoelting! Al Newman, and Rob. I 'kn h"': .' 't" ert C, Reusch from Ule Detroit F or Future l3naesrI! Do you.. ow ow to do. need e~ .Area ,Council C\1b Scout Sf:rvice point? If you don't you should. 'Anyway, here's:a: swell will describe the monthly ~heme ~dea:for Ii lasting gift for Y,ouse to give to your P'lll, the i)ri9-e. .idea of: plannitul ~elt .programs 'T}:lere are several 'squares" to be had, each 'with a differellt, :1 . flower des~gn. in .t.he centre. All the bridesmaids g~t~t~eir pretty headS. togemet, each buys a squure and has her naMe' . . ~n Oldt: , • then 'works' it (so that all come out at,the'Saine.. time).. Put them all together and they spell"a rug" ,; .•• ' .. ' '. - : ." !. c' .. ~ ' Something the bride will always haye to remember you by. By FRE~M .. ~OPP,R.l ... .The \dea iSn't ours ••• we purloined it ~ro'ri'I.Mrs. J; Stew~rt: No,childho~diGeallll ~:be Hudson, who returned from'JIf.Y. recentlywlth 'aJiaWdolen' 19nored~ a sl~plill11atter.';or ;. '. th t . ,.' .f h f . rid .. ,." dl' t as somethmgthat must be.en. ill .some 0, er ne ,s are wor~:lng, mn~ efOim,"dlrred.~Whoopinll.cough least Mrs. Hudson put each 'worker's' name on a square" ••• and 'oC all. ' .. '.. , ( .,.' Member Michigan Press Ass'n. and National Editorial A35'n. ROBERT B EDGAR-EDITOR 2nd GENERAL MANAGER MARK K. .EDGAR EDITORIAL WRW~ A. PRYOR. , ,EDlTOR. WO~EN~~ PAGER MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTISI G 1 NA Y JANE SCHERMERHORN., , , , SOCIET OLIVE H. LARNED ,..FEATURE PAGE EDIl~~ ANN DOOLEY , , ,., , i~A~1ITOlt FRED RUJ','NELLS ,..SPOR NTS CHARLES THOMAS ,." " , , " , .ACCOU TOBY CUMMINGS.., , ADVERT\SJI~'6. CHRISTINE PICHE , ADVEJtT ION BETTY SCHROEDER. : , ClRCU AT FULLY .Gro.... I .Cub. &outHeads _.' "at.So". .... &.. Il... EW'al" MLISHED . ..Tnur$d.•y,. p~b-r S I 'have letters by Christm~s, it is to be hoped that ,the .rug will de~orate Young children. as young as the ,Hudson s Powder Room ••• a lastmg and lovely gift, six months. old. can ~ proI on the subject a permanent war memorial, which :werE~ .. • '. : tectegfrom this reallr serious published in your issue. of October 3rd. I note that all three m ...+c '" ., threat to health and hfe. Conletters are in.favor of. a Public Library ;,nd that two of these ' . Always putllnr ourb~tra.dio ear forward, wehearll r~ently, suit your about im. letters recommend that this library be located on Kercheval feel just a little good about it-pleased that we were thinking an' even, lMlttef commercial than the cupcake ~b we. sntkke~ atmunizatiori from '.whooping Avenue at Fisher Road. I do not know that there is much more of them than of ourselves. .. a few weeki .ro. (Back copies may be bourht from the News for cough. Do not allow .your . point in my expressing an opinion at this time in opposition. And even the living veterans, the ones who have ex~ five'e'eil.tli. HtJRRY ••. HtJRRY'": •• HtJRRY , .. ) ..Thil one was an child's life to be threatened. to such able letters and to an idea apparently favored by the pressed themselves in favor ofIIrecreiltionceriters :and' other a--ounAer a4 for. dandruff cure "'G") •• '. whIcbln itulf Is fairly arouslnr". Tile it at once. oc. . h I h bl' th ( nut,,_ t m-t "--dr"'f -mov.n curDo from. time Epidemil:s to tinie and committee, but perhaps it will do no arm. projects primarily usefu to a t epu IC, even ese gen. " ~ then it is. often too late to • • • . erous young men who want everyone' to benefit. f~<i.mthe would do no DIIJre Cor you ihan PLAIN water. We flleered he set. up. ,the .natural' guard The arguments in favor of a Public Library as a War memorial to the veterans, would' doubtless, \vheri th!! time eoU1l!n't havcbeen try1l1r tosnarc.Deti'olten ••• s!ncc ollr wilter against disease. . , Memorial are well.stated and wnvincing. I h~artily agree came,' feel a secret glow of sa,tisfaction .to. 1l~_h0!l.<:i!ed f~r Ia 'anYthlnr but PLAIN. From the taste; .. It must certainly have Your doctor. your druggist. that our community needs better 1ib~aI"Y.facilit~es. J disa?ree, themselves alone. Let's not forget that eilou~h stuff'ln It to 'at feast kUl~offa'llttle dandruff. However, are your allies in protecting .however, with the idea that a public library 15 an entirely husband to get her "something useful for the house,"is still thia Is bCsllle the Pow.te!.' y~~~ c~i~~::~~! I .rl .. of suitable war memorial. more pleased when, for her birthday, he giveshei' som'e use.." .We liked &heway the eommerclal led up to the thiDrat hed E;dltorlll'Ac!\'ertlaemenu'appearlnr .... '.ho'noIr.ubnodtehrsotanf tdhethsuatrV1~hvm!S gmWemarorviaelt'eisranS~sPaPnOdsedof ttOhebew:~ less flowers. .... ••• or rather :It head.' Firstcalled; we are (iD case we Patebua" didn't know) In' th!l Jllllerc~~~~;;rlL ..... that danllruff is 1I0111etimes "Pittold Vanus Demil ••• we ar~ .nQw..proud: ot J lUIol_..... - v~............ rest o!Issuredof ..well'done:, . CUTLEMEN'~ work, --.,' " .Dead. If so, the nature of the mem9.rial should not fail ~o Good use could doubtless be made of the land behind or words to that effect. Spelled backwards It reads "SlIhclap be especially appropriate to th.e War Dead, w~o gave ,us the!r Lake Shore Road, the land from which we would take the SiJDed Suvrav Tip" ••• which makes It clearer in our minds. No •"last full. measure of devot10p," because .IPITlakmg the riparian rights for this peninsula park. and monument-a doubt that Ia' IIIPPosed to make the rulUble customer sit back •. , 'memorial useful to the living veterans, we also make it useful veteran's building, for instance, or II public library. Such uses serateh his dandnaU &nd murmer, ."Dully Gee ••• so dat's wO,t 1 .to ourselves, the public in: general, and it will never be com- are not prohibited by the present Zoning.Ordinance, but I do rct!" lt'llves hint a fceliilr of Importance (when he rushes to plete1yclear, what the motive: was .. The' symbolism, which not wish to dilute the purpose of this letter, which is over. the I1rutrllt for this ,,'onder medicine) , , , that plain dlUIdtUft should'be clear as light, will~.cloudy. long already, by discussing them here. 'never'raVll'anYOne.' ~ ":: ' . • .• ' ... If a me,noriallibrary were built on Kercheval avenue at... • .,. If we make a gift hi :ho~i:,r;Ofthe dead; :b~t ~ake sure Fisher road, as suggested in.two 9f .the:'three~"prize\winning 'Arid' s~aking 'oC.c~rr:mercials 'AND news Idvertillinlt •• '.• we ,that it is incidentally, uSeful>tO' the living:...::to ourselvesletters, what portion of this library would consist' of book (who .coverevery' ad' in sjght), have yet to read an~hinll more )c6uldthis not remUidon~iof,the mm who gives his~ife .an alcoves and reading rooms for public use and what proportion delightfuL than, Olive Larned's ''Pointe Counter Points" in our ~81buni of phonograph iecbrds'afaChristmas, JlreSent? Would would consist of a shrine? This question seems not to have own iGrci&5e 'PQinteNews; ~ • if we may take a back.stagebow. ithis&gift 5eemas al?Propriate'ii5would a pair ofNyl6n "stock- been brought up. In my own opinion, a shrine tucked under We'willh'as'nlan:y people would read OUR column ••• but that', ings, which"she laiow,$ b~"h1;Ui~d has no ~Iterior ~t~ntion, the same roof with library wou.ld be inadequate." A shrine the ~ay~ it' IO~,' Genjw';,is' lli!Ver diScovered until it starves in an .• f wearing himself? Ionce~;kilewa'man:m.the'~!!U\'ance should be undet: no roof unless Its own-and the best roof attic.' Quie'k 'Watson .'.' .. ari attic I . ,r :.Ilusiness, whO,whelicalling:mi'liiS".friimdstOsellthemin.slirwould be the stars, but not on.Kerchevalayen}ie. opposite a :, .. ' '. ,. , ',': .... :ance, usedf1rst.toask therii;~tO'plaJ;gOlf witli.him,arid.then row of stores. ' . . . , . •• ,. ,'. ; illiik them. to buy insuranCe;,!t- ,was the consensus, that he For a figure of speech, suppose. a public library were On~ ollrspliilfromthe ib.teit' ~eetion of &he Pow.te, tells : would have been in better tUte:to have rev!!rsed the process, built 1?ehind Lake Shore road upposite the. shl'ine on this as of aniiuMeilt 'wllJeh Ihows .\11 the prof_ow lardener basi ,that is; first to ask them: to bUy "insurance and then to ask peninsula (and I am writing neither for nor.against this loea.JUS phil,*,phy. too. one of .tlie larr~r',( , them to play golf, for the reason that the golf invitation, tion 'for .a library); then between .these ~wo pieces of land lanlenersan 'employec\ falJ time '.' ,a 1UtleCl~le In landseaplnc ,given afterward. could servenO,ultenor'purpose. . . and.between those two purposes would run Lake .shore road, Ia Iota.; .011.' ',Thl. :artee-t has .Ilellr his own men a w1de street, and no one, not even the War SurvlVors or the &here ev.""daJ to move 'litUeliJUhes .. 4 IIlnIbsieta. '. . . It seems to be the practicalnia~te!'S \Vhichh:ave a way War Dead, could believe we ha~ deluded ol1rse~vl;!s as to the . OD~;da;'~ w~~; Madaui happtlietltci." lip, before 11001I to present- a 7.dayserv1c.' in ,WATCH REPAIIU' Our e~perienced c~o!Ifts~, men ore.. so, e~uipp~d . with.' precisicn and skilL that yoti mo!lYo!llways 17047KoKehev~I;.~~~.P~~t. ~ O!lTfITTERS~ -, '. ~~ " .• '-,r a: of "QIi. . " ~ r.',. '. ~Z~=~J~~=;~ . estates, , .. '- .TWlN~PINT "-ASKS ... ticket& to the lame' . •• , complete pass-armlJla.aGcessories, 81\d presto! ... you're in buainea. thi.' stadium."'~rmt!r:uppeir: OillciOlieii ~~, tare none the wiser .•. it appears ~ be. and i•.. "DOthicg more than a tine leather':S3Z:SO with ::'~!"i~:~of!~ .::lr:~::;melUI\Yth.'itn." ::~;:-=i~::r-;'1':,~~.=~S.' of ,1ts merits and not necessarilY as.some othe~,'co~unity ha$ things. Those who are sentimentally inclined may think rardener:inc1 said; "L1steJl'BAd, ,wllA&'.'UlIlblfldea?" •• ;: (or wll;lt ;decided it, for thisdecisi(j~Will be an expression of our own favorably of this letter which I am writing, while. those who or howeyer.tii~y"'yUi1l1p<to ,"~eDen) •. when' .he expl~, good taste and l,lot an expression of the taste'bf another com- are practically inclined may thinkunfa"orably of it. We her lrrltatjo.;'" 'ai'delierihlprf:pJIed ••• "Oh, GeoI'(O aad I. • .. I 1'11/1 Fed, Toas , ~ ~"-"', :munity. When I wasa.t college, many years,ago, I Offered to should bear in mind that, for those who fought the war, this LETHDI rak.'the'ieavei 'becl&llM.he~l1kes to do it!" W•. cU,'t • Ju'l~"i' o( oU" ;lIoulltrti;;;;d."1 . '. buy one of the boys a:cigar.lspmetime:i got that way-not act was' not for them a personally practical act, and that we tlIlnk of a' IH!fter 'nwon.' ... , .,. .. , often. We were standing at'the time before', .. counti!rwhich are a community wealthy enough toafiord to be sentimental.:.-: ...•...•. ,'!,<':.' , ',.. . ....,. . uI~ /OT dl'lU~._.rlllJ.fij;i)tUi",.I"._. : .. also contained stationery aiid' supplies. He "asked me in all when we believe it fitting to be sentimental. Detroit, as the Wllea CliainlDrhlllll','Ne",. :A~; aoOmed w.~ ,OU~. home 0JI8 lieriousness if, instead of a cigar,.Iwould buy him a bottle "Arsenal of Democracy" has shown its practical power to thelll(ht thla weekwe.thouJht.'W.e :werehila'rlDr doablelilltil'acJew l ,of ink. I told him, no, that, he could buy his own damned world. Why must one of its wealthiest suburbs be nigglirdly oC ollrpa1s:ecinInD~"what we'd iu!ant. It 'WIIS at the time of the ink-and I recall that this lad eventually became the butt of of sentiment when sentiment should be the very essence hurricane when tiatIves 'm'the' sOuth were l(lurry1l1r around to 'jet .many a sour joke for being practical about matters' which of the act?, ' out of the As yon J!;no~ .' • '. the start. of the prolralll. I~ ~~ . were not practical. " I~ can. be urged that because. m~numents are not made "(:lIDJlinIham'.News' Acezoomil 1Dto your home with the latest •. • .• practical use of, they become unnoticed and forgotten like newa", .. then 'we' heai-d the commentator I&y "that the people fa 12~9 .wASHINGTON BtV~ . We all know how,seldom it is that. person can act the Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Cadillac Square. It Tampa' were busy looklnr for 8ehettlet'l! (We, tlIolllbt it a Dlee BOOK TOWER :troin an unmixed motive. Even the noblest acts sometimes is my own opinion that if that particular monument is un. toneh comlni from. CunnlnrhlUit ace!) Be theft went 011 to sa,. that bring incidental rewards and so. become vulnerable to criti. noticed, it is unnoticed because it stands surrounded by.a . <;iSm. A library serves education, 'which serves the ideal of clutter of traffic and larger structur~s. A monument set in someplace or'other, water was~ver1nl the BROADwalk. df:!mocracy for which the War Dea~ died, but in so serving, Lake Saint Clair, which is ,.alr,eady so beautiful that one . still, as said above; the library serves, serves the seldom drives out Lake Shore I'Qad without facing it.many 'public. The War Dead are entitled ~oour gratitude, but .the times, would neVer become',imnoticed or forgotten-and this :more I read of our urgent need for additional library facili- is our opportunity. Because we have a suitable :;etting"for it, ~~, the more I am convinced that, wnateVer fineworc!s might we should be even more careful to choose the gem without to the be carved upon its stones, this library would stand less for ~he flaw. \ from Whaling's are more gl,'atitude to the War Veterans and more-for a gift to the Very truly yours, public-to ourselves. . . PAUL MAXON that1 just a comfort ••. they're style.conlicioua. . . ' I will grant that there is plenty of pr~ent for a mem---~~--()rial library,' as there would be for a memo'rial gymnasium \ Dear Mr. Edlar: too. These fine all wool Valpacas show ~h!lt we or for a memorial recreation center. Yet .these are lesser S.. National'Fire Prevention Week d th .. d ts' N. .bl . I -Th . .. f. .th C' I . D' f is being observed this year from ere are worsE! prece en '. 0 er memona s . e announcement .0 e 1ty P ann.m.g ~rector ~ October 6 through 12. America i.~ th mgs an mean. Light in ~eight, were made to George Washington; to Abraham Lincoln, to DetrOit that he has mad~ a survey of opml0n m"'Detrolt suffering the most acute housing mighty' smart to look at! Thomas Jefferson, and to the Unknown Soldier. whose on the proposed development of the river front between, shortage in the nation';; history. .memorial consist.> chiefly of asymbolisrn: . ~dolph and Alter'road and finds an overwhelming major- We are'.short 3.000,000 homes. • ........, Ity favorable is a matter of more than casual interest to Every minutes, day and night, a . . I do not wish to appear to disparage those individuals Grosse Pointers. fire breaks out, every hour a liCe who would contribute for a library~ It can be argued that it It envisages approaching problems with which the pea- is lost. Seven. schools catch fire is appropriate for the few to make'a gift to the public in pie out here may have to reckon sooner than expected. every day.durmg the s<:1)oolyear. honor of anoth£'r few, such as a famjly giving a park to the If the development' means the continuation of a com. seventy-eight theatres, hotels ~d 'bl' . f .h' f '1 h'b I t I k f' . . , restaurant fires are reported dally. pu 1C m memory 0 1 15 aml y's parents. Yet t is h rary pee .a e ront ~nveway ~c~oss' the CI~ s f~ontage connect- In. 1945 we burned up nearly will purport to be a gift from the people. Without looking up mg WIth the already eXlstmg lake dnve m front of the $500,000,000, the highest annual ~he ratio of veterans to total population, the library should Farms and Shores. It may settle, once for all, the tax prob- loss ever recorded by the National Extreme right:' Ideally be a gift from. nearly everyone. Should a gift from lem of the large lakefront property o~ers which has bt."'-c"7.! . BOllrd of Fire Underwriters. V.neck puliover nearly li!veryone ~? given. to n~arly everyone-to the same up for the past several y.ea~s. If their properties are taken Month by month, 1946's direct style .•. . peopl~ who gave ~t. Is. th1S a gift? . ' . .' . ' o.ver by the Road CommiSSion for a mere spur in the con. fire losses have nin. consistently, Smc~ we .neea a hbrary. let us by all meansbul1d one tmuous Jefferson avenue roadway they will be finished with 27 to 35 per celJt higher than last an.d call It bJ: Its real name, a public library, built by'and for the tax prOblem for a long time to come. year. Nearly all of these fires thlS ~ommun~ty and for the future stre!1gth of our way of lif~. The City will also confronted with the probability are prevent"ble. ~et It. be buIlt when we are able ana be financed as pubhc of preSS"l1re for the, erection <if,mallY high class apartment' The fire' depariment is. as ~1Right: Smart llbranes are u~ually financed-by bond issue a.nd ta,xation. properties on the immediate lakefront. Wi~h that, too, may woys"reildy to rf'spond tl),. caU coat style, ~s our commumty l?oor that we must eC.Qnomlze ,by secur. the problem of such commercial establishments as of fire but with all of our equip. mg " needed publIc hbrary at the expense of the honor we mIght be necessary to service such dwelling places where ment and skill. we cannot totally 10.50. . th V t ? I h ld h' save or' in any way replace . a owe e e er~ns. s ou t mk that, if this is a matter of more residents would be accommodated in a single building building attacked by' fl'ames. 'We popular subscnptlon, more m~ney could be ralsed. in ~haJ£ than now live in all o.f the present properties combined. ean put out a fire but we can ,do of .the Veterans alone tha~ In behalf of a comb~na~l~n of. And out of all Hus speculation comes the immensely little to prevent tires from startVe.era,ns and General. Public. for why should an mdlVldual Important problem whether the position of keeping the whole ing. That is the individual resu~cnbe f?r the pubhc .bene~t, until he make.~ sure that th Pointe community a strictly preferred residential area, as sponsibility of each and every. . entire public has subscnbe~ as well as himself? No, I think has thus far been quite successfully maintained, can be citizen of this community. ,We we should express ~ur gratitude to those who fought for us continued. stand ready during :Fire Preven. af!d to those who dIed for us by building something which --------tion Week. and durin', the -entire w1l1 stc1nd for 'nothing else but gratitude and honor-for I year, to provide anyone with nothing but sentiment, if • you Itplease,• where sentiment is due. infOrmation flre on the bestsource. means of preventing at it.!; Vatpaca ' The glorious days of fall are here a~d no area in the Sincerely. sleeveless pullavera .I wou ld pr ef er, as a memorial to the War Dead and War whole country is better privileged to be a part of this season Elmer F. Ulrich. Living, a ,simple stone monument, designed by a competent than our own favored Grosse Pointe. Autumn flowers and Fire Commissioner ,-not ilhistratai architect and appropriately inscribed. I suggest: 1. That for foliage are a large part of the Pointe's contribution to and ----4.9$ thi.s monument a piece of lake frontage be purchased at a par~icipation in ~he beauties of the season. This is recognized SLOPPY GARDENERS po~nt wh~re Lake Shore. roa~ is directly adjacent to Lake natlOT\al1y as eVIdenced by the presence in the Detroit area Gardenen in the 300 block at Samt. ~lalr. 2. That the. nparlan rights to this lake frontage last week of the National Council of Gardeners' clubs whose University place hive contrneted be utlhzed for the makmg of a small peninsula to embrace a delegates did not overlool~ the beauties of Grosse Poi~te and the bad habit, according to comreflecting lagoon, \>eyond which the monument would stand its many fine private flower gardens. plaint of neignbors, of taldng the Men's Wear .' 617Woodward' silhouetted against the lake. 3. That the monument should This year we were spared the gloomy hiatus of the garden reCuse of early matu.ed always carry a light-a beacon, symbolic of enternal life. Equinoctial rains and were privileged to enjoy a typical fall crops of the past season and . Even the .most un~lfis~ of our War Dead, who might season. The year gave us a happy breather before we are dumping them in convenient va. )( )( ~,.~~~hc ~l~r;a~ ~ ~ak,e us all ~s.~~ ~~~, ~orcedto settle down to a period of none too happy winter ~~~t ~~ts;h~gt~ ~~~~:e~~ ~~~: - o,~ way: =================================== *. * * * * * * * * * * LmERS E'DllOR I S"TEA'I'I~llS . Det'rOIof" R.:rver F.ron t P.Ians O , 8.50 '?e Th e p.olnte F II S a WHAI ..INC,'S ,r~~:~~. ~':~.U¥~ j •. .. .• \ -. I. t"'-'~ .• ~.'. ...----------------_ ..---------------._--------------------------- -----------------~-- \ .• Th~~YI _~,RO.SSE.'.OIN:T~ .,QetoI).r'l 0, .19~ Gi.mblf' Q-nWeafhtir Turns Church.Women '].'0 Hold. Batar Out All Right' Page........ Sft., .. N!W,S ,~ Married Coupks 'ClubP14ns Party' • . ,Tbe ~muai. Ch~h' B~ar'of The Park.side unit of' the Mar,Jefferson. A v.e n u e Methodist ried Couples Club is havinl a chUrl:li •. E. Jefferson at Marl. bie Hallowe'en mas que ra d e 1;lo,~ci,,is ..schedliled for Friday, dance al'ld party on Sunday, Oet. N()v •.l'.at 10 ;a. m .. Because 'of the scarcity' of house aprollB 'the 27. at 8:30. This will be' in Houladi~ purchased many yards of teltier Hall. located at HarPer ll00dcotton materials for aprons. and Kenosha. three block.s north They are fealuring an "All of 7 Mile road., "Apron" Boolh. Many styles and There Will be dancinl from' 9 beautifw prints of ,ingham, percale, chintz and.'sheers for prac~ to 1 by Tony' Klein'~ orchestra. tical or dressy' wear will be and a ll.oOrahow. There will be available for the alert sbopper. plenty enter.ailunent for those Included in the group are Mr. who don't dance. Prizes, will be and ~rs. Sets, Mother and Daughter sets along with chilo liven for the most bceautiful. c1lel).'saprons. most~ririnal and funnieSt eQSTher-: .will also be useful ilrturoN. Retreahmenl.'l will - be ticleJ! ~~de of modern designed serVed. All married cOuples are plutic maierials at the Wesleyan Guild Booth Beautiful Christinvited. . mas cards, stationery and candy Thl! Par:kside bOwling team is may also be had at this booth. settine up a new scbedUle> All ,Generous contributors have thOM interested, in " bow~g provided "White Elephants" that please call the chaimian, ,PRo will attract the thrifty shopper. 4736. for; information. The ParkThese items will be offered for side team will, challenge any sale .at, tht: "White Elephant" team in the married" couples' NOT MANYPOlNTERS would be brave enough to plan for an outdoor supper iooth. party 10 days in advance in October. But Mrs, Bert H. Wicking did just that, 'tQ club. A, Cafeterl? Lunch has al50 ~n planned for the convenicelebrate the opening of Annie Ward Foster's dancing class at the Grosse Pointe Yacht SCF Unit inWoQds ence of those attending. It. will Club. The supper 'was held. at 'the Wicking residence on Trombly road and here are ,be .. served from 11:30 to. 1:30 HOST BUD WICKING and his guests enjoying themselves. The temperature hit a nice To ~eet October 17 o'clock. The public is: invited to 82 that afternoon. join with us in this,ala event. '!'he m.onthly lewing and bus!, The as follows; ness meeting of' the. Grosse Mrs. Blake Marlin, chairman. . ' ~.r9.ret Ramsey Pl.n~ For November Wedding Pointe Wt?Ods Save. the c::hildren Assisted by Mrs. Otto Hagan, Planning a' November wedding open house held in the home. of Mariaretre<:eived her .,edllca- Federation Unit 1, will'be held in Mrs. Arichie Hart, Mrs: George are Margaret Ramsey arid Alberl the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and tion at University .of Min!l.elIOta. the home of Mrs:. Alfred M. DusGartig, 1041'1. James Richards, ThursMrs. S. A. Ramsey of Bedford AI is a ~aduate of Albion ter, 1521 Ro8lin road. Mrs. Maurice Campbell and Mrs •. E. Tamarelli whose engagement day, October 17. was announced recently at an road.. . College John Kinch. I .'..._~ .. 5rou. 'oillte---' ~--' ~ of the "Plaza Stetson .•• suits /lnd furs. triple-tiered, Ii ean, .he/ldhugging, its smartness unCler-l: . .,,~ ..... .....-_ ' •. ... ';:. ' score<:J by' a dashing ~ocJ(ad'e.~;:~:':.i BI~ck, 20.?S: •• Stone Blue, 22.95,;::::,:~' D., .),.2 HlIt Shop :.di:l10., em Relen'atlonl hy. 9" - JlOW'M ;,~:,:,..);i made at Jacobsor.':-forthe pr~nt of the Grosse Pointe Lecture&. .ea.on :::'~.~G -:q3':J .:J..:i i =~.&l,~~ -_':':.""Zl::l.tti ~!I;.:I.',i1 \::.1:.,;r;:r ~~l~;JO~3. the perieet 8D~t••• ':1 ~.. :]'2 't~:.:';"1 this is it •• , th~t ~d~pr~ble suit ;"' !':1~Jcr.r~ Ug z1't:.r that'c~n go t1nywhere .•• reo~ "}' r:;;t:; , ',~-,7': II)' :",:;;~q . import~nt ~t l!lny occasion. Young, :! \SJt1B • vel'$~tile, we~lrI!lb!eC~sUClI. . flln'linin.e with ~ p'etol trim . ButtoneCl front, punetulltea •r.eveS'Cjathl!r into cuffs. 1n bright' pl/li,df or solid colers , from. our Jellunty Juniorcolleetion • Brown or sana berge is. Suit Shop •••.••.• iO.9S .. rrJ l!lhd '..•• i~ ~!rj6~.~ , ::~ ~i;~~.~ .. i-':'S'r;...': t",i!ored in epure wool gol:i",rdine .•• with 2 petch ~Ckelts : •• .full •• , sizes 12 to 18. 11 • ...._ia.tN~~~ ..:~~~;~,:-~ i-:-,.,,'il.H 49__ 95 }:3bi~:3b \ ,: !JC'Og \:sinuiIT :lD"l';UG . ..:'l5110' ,Slach •• , in solids, checKs or pl/lids. ~~ G?:Ii,'z .S-jli). S.95 to .16.95 "~-:{i(i' . yn:bJ.T~ :: 5-G',~~ Sport Shop • /;..~j~' . .:, d.A..U.,H.I :~..~~'tt , .JVl,t5D ..... rr ...~ .- r---~.~ :",,!i1J';!i~ ~.~~~ :.,4:::_ .!J:l~ :::h.-J ~:.:.=---~.~ ,.-:.J"l.'JLir:i : ,- . '. i~!~~ .~',): ""i~) t ~s:~;(~~ ; :t i.;' ..~' ~--. ~.,.. lNOt -~.......... , slender wool in pasiel tones... tor you luc{y young of turquoise With the autumn's new .. 'i':',; emphl:l~s on l:l perfect- .. hiprrne end silver. Worn singly or peplum. Yours in pinK or. Br~" lavishly •.• in our jewelry ..."..".._ J.* 10 10.- grey. "' sizes ~Oto l6. :-::-.:.- cr_ ShoP. ••••••••••• right now! ..., tifII -,---.. Accessory .., ...... Cell+'who wear a junior site.. ...... :--.:'" ;':., Wll/lr these strange exotic conedien ..: . • for fall dramaties._ combin/ltions sophistl. Shop U. 29.95 ..__ . ~ ..... J .;::.. __ 1.*" Soii' ... ----t~J..,. ........ ....-4•• -.: / ~_~ __ ~f'..;;.-t>J~1.J~,~ .. .AI',~ .. ~~ .. ibt,.,..~W_l'..f1Ito1I.:r\o.. .. \.:!I~'"~~,;".~ ... y.H::M:r'j"W"!1l'i~~!.!fi'.i:i"'..':..:A.:.Y;.~.(~~~.,:.:!.~'=J~<:J;I.fq.(:4,fV;!.,,:::;j"'.;:,~.;:L;;4, ' •.,•.. ;~:, ....~. :.:.~".,...:.:;;-...,..;.'~.r.j1( ..... '.~~~ ... ~C'_.... t.;,:..;;"~LI ..' .::1 .. , .. ..... ;:. r....:x..;.~y;~":., •.':"rt~~:;.~~ .;'\1,~ ;; l. , i. ; • G~OSSE POI~T.E tilEWS the $~ciety News Gathered fro.m All From Another Pointe an d to the Pointe Short of View Jane Schermerhorn • * * ARRY LIKE BOW TIES JACK AND H , In the Waldorf "candid" ••• Liza wears casual tweeds. • • her twig chapeau saucy as anything with a high, pert feather. •• Jack Iliiong with President Truman) favors bow ties ••• ant.! IOllks "man about town" that he is • • • His Deigh.Navin cameras are as m.uch in favor with. stars of the the4ter 45 they are with Grosse POlnto debs and brIdes •• ~ * * * BllOADWA Y TOAST OF l' Then Mrs. C. James McKinney ••• a former Pointer wh.. no\!( makes her home in an elegant town house on East Eighty~ Fourth . ,. '_ (Where the penthouse apartment is occupied by E\I1ott Nugent of "Male Animal" and "Voi~e of Hie Turtle" fame. • • lAnd famous to us because he went to college with James 'Thur b er). • • " ',The petite "Sp4rky" ••• whose dancing toes as Ethel Norris l~iSreenwich Village Follies and topflight Broadway musicals. • • one made her'the toast cf Br,oadw4Y ••• wean sables and, birds, of paradise as the Waldorf photographer turns hi, lens her way. • • • THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FEATURES tl );Oncea famous European artist lookin'g at "Sparky" a~roS5 a drawing room ,aid, ",I~She hlS.the most b!autiful features,of any women I have ever seen:' • . • .. .. Sut Sparky has never been convinced for even. ,econd of her own beauty. • • . .., (Those :who know her, find that far frornconliderin9 her .. lf a Glamor Girl, she i, usually about some I1ttle frIend who may be in need orin poor health. " . that rarely /> day goes by d 'fi d" d k' d d h htf I thO f ';~,,~; . oesn t m t'me to 0 some m an t oug u Ing or ; . '-_e:onel . • • lW~f;. ... ... ... t". ~~?~ i.~: LOSI.NG FORTUNE Her sense of h.u.mor~s, ~e.:Clous •.• _'_ • •• • • • Facn and Fancies: , Just three glossie prints flipped on our desk •• , and the 'whole morning was gone as we studied them ••• lost in the ihoilghts prompted by the faces we S4W • • • h d th h t AU wllre photographed in light earte poses as ey. c " • ted and cocHailed at the lounge Bar of the Waldorf-Astona . •• There was Jack N4v;n lof Deigh-N4vin fame) '.•• who now divides his time belween New York and Grosse POinte. • • _ Pictured with his lovely cousin, Liza Suther!!\nd of the st4g.e d AI R f D t t IInd radio (Mrs. Melville-Cooper) ••• an 4n oss a e rO' 'Ind 'Ne'w York, • • Liza ••• who is a popular visitor "t the Pointe ••• might have been brought up ana morning newspaper with her charming temperament. • • . She loves life be Iter "after tha'lights' goon" ••• in fact at. '~nettime she had the walls of her apartment done in the deepest 'egg'hlant .•. and the, wi(ldows Yfefe hidden by heavy drapes. • • 50 t at lamplight was necessary tc see across th e rooms ••. . ,C _' .... JERE DYKEMA, discharged from the army, has returned to the Point\) and once again is at the home of his parents, MR. and MRS. RAYMOND K. DYKEMA of Lakeland avenue. Jere, who was a sergeant in the army, returned to this country from Yokohoma. • • • Guests in town from the West Coast are MR. and MRS. EDWARD SCHMIDT JR., who are visiting her parents, ,MR. and MRS. J. BELL MORAN. Mrs. Schmidt was the former SERENA MORAN. • • • Their friends and neighbors welcomed the Charks Beecher Crouses back to their home on Provencal this week. An Eastern junket was highlighted by visits with Mrs. Crouse's mother, MRS. W. B. CROUSE of Utica, N. Y., and'their friends, MR. and MRS. KENNETH STEPHENSON of New York Ci~y .• ,. A meeting of the National Park College Alumnae was held Tues. day at the honie of. MISS MARJORIE TRAVER on Whittier road. For the occasion, MRS. CHARLES MOMBER was assistant hostess at the salad-luncheon following which members worked on scrapbooks for Children's Hospital. There was also a brief business meeti~g. • • • Music Hall's Tuesday evening concert series got under way this week with JOSEPH GINGOLD of the Detroit Symphony 01'chestra as the first featw'ed artist. Season ticket holders from the Pointe include MR. and MRS. WALTER SCOTTEN. MRS. HENRY B. JOY, MRS, JEROME H. REMICK, OSCAR WEBBER and MRS, WESSEL BOOTH. • • • This evening (Thursday) S. L. A. MARSHALL of the Detroit News ami head of the Office of Strategic Services in the European Area dl'ring the war, will speak fOl' members of the Grosse Pointe Branch of the American Ass0c:!~ti0!1. of University \~omen. #:)"Y'''~~''grt1:'7~:~:'::h~~f:'ti~h~;a~~: ~~Md' WIt."Jh •. ,,, '~:~~~~e~\~S.t~k;~rfi~~'h I~;~~ ~ Naturally ,the rest of the guesh were almo,t hysterical by FORD of Hillcrest road. MRS. ~time she was' "rescued" • • • HUBERT G. GOBEL is chairman ~,She smil~d & little ....eekly at her hosts. of th.e ~eetmg and guests of !t!;"~, . (Continued on Page 10) honor Will be MR. and MRS. -l!!!!!2S;'i' llICHARD FORSYTHE and MR. MRS. BERNHARD STERNE wl10 recently returned from Sweden. ~." ana FIRST In FASHiOnS • • • Pointe friends are making calls these autumn days over Windsor way to say "hello" to MR. and MRS. WILLIAM B. HUNTER who have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. Hunter, be. fore her marriage on September 28 in Wesley Chapel of the Met- ' Ridge' road, MRS. JOSEPH s. SHERER has returned to her home in Aurora, IlL, Mrs. Robert Leroy Carper Local to Manhattan: MR. and MRS. CHARLES H. SYMINGTON of Provencal road. by .} ", Modeling at Tuesday;s !asUon show (under auspices, of the Thrift Shop) at Neighborhood Club were CYN~mA DEAN. MRS. HF..NRY FORD II, '~as. JOHX NORTON LORD; MRS.' W ILL I AM, HARTS, JOYCE SKELTON, M~S. ALLAN S::ELDEN Ill, MR~.JOHN DETW1LER, NANCY BIGELOW"lmd SAMMY CHAPIN. ' Phyllis Jan,e :Hattwell Joins Brides-Elect Her Engagement to Herbert Windham Hewitt, Jr. Ar." nounced at Party in Parents: Home on , Lincoln Road Phyllis.Jane Hartwell. <laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tunis Hartwell of Lincoln road, has become a member of the Pointe's list of brides-elect. , , At a small party in their home last Sundey aftemoon,the Hartwel1s announced Phyllis' engagement. to Herbert Wmd •• ham He\vitt, Jr., son' of Mrs. Herbert W. Hewitt, of Lincoln road. and the late Dr. Hewi,tt, Phyllisgradu\lted from Wayne tended Katherine Gibbs and University and receive<' her Mas- Finch. te:-'s . from 't~e Ur:liversity . of Afrer attending the University The GEORGE M. ENDICOTTS MIl:hlgan .. She ~ ~ow attendmg of Virginia, her fia.lce went into are annually among the earliest Wayne UmversIty s Law School. i th, Navy. He was stationed in travel'Crs to !lead Miami Beach Her fiance, attended the Detroit Washington for a year and a half way, This year they'll leave University School where he was ar.l then selved two and a half around November I. Their first a member of Gamma Delta Psi years in the Pacific theater as , farewell party was given by MR. and Albion College where he was commander. and MRS. JOHN .VEECH at the affiliated with Sigma ~ru. He wns The couple will live in Bostol'l Detroit Athletic Club Saturday recently discharged from the army aCter their marriage in New York evening with gu'Csts including after serving for three an" a ,half this fall. MR. and MRS. J. eRA WFORD years. -----FROST, MR. and MRS. GEORGE Bride-elect Mary Krenller and ROMNEY. MR. and MRS. JOHN Mason P. Rumney N. FAILING, MR. and MRS. her fiance,Lt. , .' • GLENDON H. ROBERTS, MR, were feted last Saturday by Ma- . lSlt and MRS. THORNTON WATER- ~on's sister, Mrs. Rumney Gage, m her home on St. Paul ave. FALL and MR. and MRS. JOHN A combined shower, birthday BENFIELD. I The last of the month Mr. and party and treasure hunt made a • • • Mrs. Manuel Quintana (Edith entertainment for MARY ANN HUTCHINSON of full evening's Seyburn), of Argentina, will arMinneapolis is the guest of her all the gll1!sts. Mal'y was show- rive La visit her parents, Mr. and fiance, GEORGE LEWIS. KALB ered \vith 'gifts for her I itchen. by al their guests, while Bill ;V1rs. Wesson Seyburn and his parents, MR. and MRS. the feminine received congratulatiol1s on his East Jefferson avenue home. LEWIS P. KALB of Washington Mrs. Seyburn went down to birlhday anniverroad. To fete the visitor, MRS, twenty,second New York the last of September WILLIAM KALB entertained at sary. ,Mary's mother" Mrs. Arto greet the Quintanas upon their thur Krentler presented the birtha luncheon yesrerday (WednesThe former MARYHELEN' MEIKLE, daughter of arrival from South America. This day) in hel. home, also on Wash. day cake for .the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Peden Meikle of Muskoka road, was mar.., is their first visit home since ington road. On hand for. the treasure hunt lheir malTiage which took placil ried on September 28 in Christ Methodist Church to the • • which followed were Peggy Maeson of Mr. and, Mrs, Clarence L. Carper of Hartville, O. two years ago. MR. and MRS. :JOHN N, ,Mahon, Mary Anne Dodge, ,Lucie -Picture by Beatrice Zwa,m The. Quintanas will visit in FLANCHER of McMillan road Nauman, Carlisle Frost, Helen Manhattan for another wcekand have returned to the Pointe after Livingstone and Frannie Stroh. go on to Washington, D. C" for ropolitan Methodist Church was Those interested in receiving a month's motor trip in the WeBt. Escorts included Fred Higbie, a short stay before arriving at ELAINE BRADLEY, daughter of wool to 'be made Into iweaters • • • Bernie Stroh, Charles B. Hull III, the Pointe. MRS. SIDNEY T. MILLER. Dan Simmons. Jr" and Fred MR. and MRS, ROWLAND A. and 'materials for children's after entertaining MRS. Murphy. BRADLEY of Beaconsfield. Her dre.ssl!S will be furnished the ma- JR., Others were Mr. and Mrs. husband is the son of MR. and terlals at the workrooms, now 10- THOMAS B, BYRD and the latWoodi-e Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. MRS. DAV1D J. HUNTER of cated to the !illva&. center on re.r's daughter, LUCY MITCHELL of Boyce, Va., has left for Huron, James F. Whitehead, Jr., Mr. and Windsor. Farmer stree~. • • Mountain Club to visit MR. G,.d Mrs. John W; Haag, Jr., Mason's • • • MR. and MRS. W. DEAN ROB- MRS. PERCIVAL DODGE I at molher, Mrs. Mason P. Rumney; And way out in Casper, WyINSON will soon move into the their cabin there. his grandmother, Mrs. John G. It's destinalion, Tokyo for young oming, you'll find another Pointe SIDNEY R. SMALL residence in • • • Rumney, and her son-in-law and "Chipper" Pratt, who took olf by girl who has moved away since Provencal road, which they purMRS. ARTHUR H. BUHL will daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard pLane Saturday with his mother. her wedding .. She's the former open her country horne <lotMikado, H. Doughty; Mary's parents, Mr. Mrs. Bill Pratt, ior the first lap BETTY K. SCHAFER now MRS. chased some time ago. Mich" for the hunting season. and Mrs. Krentler; and Mason's of the journey that will end in HARLAN E. BOLTZ. Mrs. CehaMRS. W. HOWIE MUIR has Her guests the week-end of Octo- two guests for the week-!!nd, Lt. Japan's capital. fer is the daughter of MR. and to her home in Ridge ber 12 will include MR. and MRS. Jim Tremble, USA, and Lt. Bill Father Bill will meet his family MRS. ARTHUR P. SCHAFER of returned sojourn ARTHUR H. BURL, JR., and MR. McMaster, USA. in Santa Fe, N.M.. where the Balfour road. MR. 'BOLTZ is the road from a two-months' Calif., and and MRS. C. HENRY,BUHL. Also After the week-end ~~stivities, young couple \'111I spend a few son of the HENRY BOLT?F'> of in Santa, Barbara, Colorado Springs. l'J.'Sarita Bar- planning visits with Mrs. Buhl the_thret! lieutenants returned to days with Bill's mot" er, Mrs. Casper: bara, Mrs. Muir was with her during "huntin& season" will be their stalion at Fort Knox. Ma~a T, Pratt, before letting of! sister, MRS .. CLI\RENCE CAR- MR. and MRS. HOWARD FREEFurther news of forthcoming fIT Tokyo. REV. FRANC1S B. CREAMER PENTER and together they reMAN SMITH and Mil.. and MRS. weddings of interest to Poinlers Chipper's' mother, the former and MRS. LEONARD P. comeB from New York. The en- Jane McNaughton, has bcen waitREAUIi'l:E' are co-chairmen of the turned to Colorado Springs where LAWRENCE D. BUHL. Mrs. Muir ,stayed on to visit at gagement of Natalie Rush B'Crlin ing until her young son reach'C4 • • newly organized Detroit Unit, and MRS. L. G. BUCH. to Lewis Mallison has been an- Lhe ripe old age of. six months American Aid for France. The her sister's home. • nounced by her mother, Mrs. F. HOLZ, of -Pemberton road, have before she start~d on this trip. g'roup was formerly known as MR. AND MR~. KENNETH W. had as their hoUse guests for the Henry Berlin, of Port-au-Prince, Although Bill is a civilian with the American Relief for France. Haiti, th, Army, he is governed by the bers of the Detroit Unit are SMITH of 1922 Beaufait; Grosse past week Mr. Buchholz's brother Pointe Farms. are back at their and his wife, MR. and MRS. A. Natalie, the niece of Mrs. Wil- same regulations u ~trect mili. Grosse Pointers. ROBERT H. home after a three months vaca- G, BUCHHOLZ, of Sioux Falls. liam J. Young, of Lakeland ave- tary personnel. And the Army TANNAHILL is treasurer. tion in Charlevoix, Micqigan. nue, attended Grosse Pointe says th'at no youngsters under six S. D. MRS, ARTHuR MAXWELL Country Day, and made her debut monLhs can go overseas. • • • PARKER and MRS. GEORGE H. The unusually balmy weathe.r at the Country The GROSSE POINTE GAR- at a dinner-darice 'Bill works at the general head. KLEIN are honorary chairmen of our Indian Summer 1946 has DEN CLUB will meet at 1:30 p. Club in January, 1942. She at- quarters in Tokyo as & translator. and MRS. ANGUS D. McCLAY been a joy to the sailors of the m. Tuesday. October 15. in the is vice-chairman. Pointe: MR. and MRS. GLEN. home of MRS. SHERMAN J. who recently in charge of the workrooms is DON ROBERTS. FITZSIMONS. JR., 66 Stephens bought the ALFRED J. FISH. MRS. JOSEPH R. BRACKEN. road, Grosse Pointe Farms. ERS' 50-foot cruiser enjoyed a PROPERTY FROI\I THE late season cruise on the Jake last Sunday aboard their new craft Back in their home on Rivard Collection of the late Hon. Nathaniel. G., Sylvester which has been re-christened the blvd. are MR. and MRS. MAN. GLORI. BEE III. COURT CUMMISKEY. They have Saratoga & Hudson, New York • • • been spending the summer and REMOVED TO MRS. JOHN T. NICHOLS of autumn months in their cottage Lake Shore road is spending the at Kingsville-b~'-ttie.Lake, Ont. month of October at Saratoga • • • j Springs. 'MRS. EDWARD J. SAVAGE, of • • • Yorkshire road, president of DeOulst.1nding examples of xvnr Ct'ntury AmerIcan and! CO&lttnen tal MRS. OWEN R. SKELTON and troit Colony, New England ~ocraflsmanshlp: her deb daught'Cr, JOYCE, paid a men. and organizing chairman for Victorian and Louis XV lo\"e !l;cats ... Pembroke, Hcpp1l:!whlte Sheraton and Fr~nch 1:I~les ... Belter hand carved solid back rosewood chairs. flying week-end visit to ManhatMichigan. accompanied by Mr~. Chippendale. !Iddleback. corsetback. cherr}'wood. lady'. and eent1emcn'. tan, returning to their home on Henry Morgan Hooth, honorary chairs, Lincoln rocker .... mantt'l dockl ••. cnndelabral •.• antique girondelle.o; ...... musJc box('s ... linens ...... terling .nd old £hetUeld Ridge road Tuesday. vice-president-general of the NaSilV!!'f~ ~ • Orlentnl rup. tional Society, motored to SaginAfter a visit with her son and aw TUeBday, October 8, to partic:~~~~!i~~dt fi~~~S;~'. v~~ri'~"sc~~~s.ct~~~tl~r~fo~~:n~~co~~s::~ objects • , . Limo'!!'I, Bav.1rlan. Rosent.hal. Minton. Lowcslort, Rose daughter-in-law, MR. and MRS. ipate in the organization meeting Canton and other china ~ .. Rare old Luslrc5 ..• Bohemian Venetian JOSEPH S. SHERER, JR, of of Saginaw Valley Colony. English overlay. 'Vatcrlord and Cranberry glass. ... • <.,------------- ... < I 'Ed.It h Q Uln . t ana .To V Pornte • I HChipper" Pratt Heads for Tokyo ... • • MR. • .'. . PUBLIC AUCTION WITHOUT RESERVE . . .• A:J/'rawy ..Al't gallery. . . . ~ . I a ~Re~~:ln ~~.l~",~fJ! ~t ~ 11eiii'er ~'~~M @ '0' \tf~...i*ll~'ti~~f(-l..s; ':;,:;l)~J""L~ ~Y~\~{(.~~ 1i (/'i?I~~J ~, 'lii ~..\. S Tom HService" Drug Stores I ~:~~ -~ That Really' Serve... @ @ you Thi.• kind of • community. the But Schetfler FUR CAPES' • • • • • •• FUR SCARFS •••••• 350 I" 695 49.50'" 1000, "~~ . 2110 1m I.. h ... store ~~~ r X ~ J} / . r;,r.' rCJJ rl",4 is of real " ... h ..... h ........ vo1lu,e to J)!r.."t ,1" .... ••. can be yours by visiting our modern and completely equipped ~ health l>tudio featuring method the new heatless "GyroIator" of reducing. No disrobing, starvation diets or strenuous exercisinl. Truly an enjoyable way of keeping. young and beautiful. • Face-Lifting Without Use of Surgery • Stearn Baths :;> ,;#{~ ~thrftlrr'1l' , OVER FIFTY Y~ARS Of SERVICE 1:#';;; ~... ~. ~@ Scientific Swedish t G8 II ery h ........ ~ ~. tJ~/'~-'!1 ~~ ~ ~ u. :;;;,,"',:; X • I 'jJ".r",.cy @b' . ..... Sale 1 S r8U'v"S1.r ." drug stores, fully ~u~ ~~ ~ CITY . CL U. '. PAR. aVENUI hhh h , Cordil1ll)' II1l'ilea Conducdng :A~~' ,II:', ~2_.~ WRLTOn-PIERCE .. WOMEN'S stores IIr. "service" ~~ 'ii"'I if Detroit CA.. Decoralors Ashrawy ;ru I SLENDER stocked to serve you. We supply the dru~: need, of any and all makes that are reliable. ~@. 4T F.. Adams @ "line" or drugs. that Theircarry purp05e "sell" There are brand drug' ofsto~15 only isa tocertain ....hat they have. even if it may not fit your needs. ~ TUF.SnAY, OCT08F.R IS, at T:30 p.m., .barp. nll:ht lhf':rt'aU~r until enUre estale is sold. \ Dell/ers lI"d Tnlerior ~ {~ ~ ~~.~?' FUR STOLES • • • • • • • 295 h 995 STARTll'G and .~~ ~~ ~~ •. / . /. SALE ~'i71 ~.m- ~ !~ Exhibiti.on Through Sunday, Oct. 13 • , • I to 6 P. M. R fr~~~~(,l~~~ Massagcs II \ J '~'-'1~-.GJ'. ::'I1 App()intments Nlagl1rll 9410 .:astSide Ilealtb 16547 East VIarren Avenue Near Kensington l ~ as 'ThursCIay, Oc+ol)er GR:OSSE , 10, 19~. Woman's Page Favorite Charities Keep Pointers Busy Needlework Guild Conducting Annual' Membership Drive; , Major Projects of Dissolved AMV5 Being Continued • • • Party for Wive~ The Grosse Pointe Rotary Club held its fall Ladies Night Party in th~ Whittier last Wednesday night, with,some 85 members and their wives attending. Robert Boyer, party chairman, arranged a varied program for thl! ev-ent. Dawn Porter, young prodigy of the AntleF American Legion Post Juvenile Review, was mistre.s of cdemonies for a seri;s of acts that included dancing 1, Paige Johnson, tap dancing by Joan McMasters and accordion playing, by Eddie Kraft and songs by Dawn. A highlight Of the evening was a corned)' fashion show, with two teams 'of Rotarians dressing the mannequins, furnished, by Jilcobson's store. The dro:ssers were Earl Holzbaugh and Tom Jacques versus Lou Dimitry and BOb Harrison. Dancing followed the entertainmen~ program. In Oct~ber, Grosse Pointers get down to meetings ~f their favorite charities, clubs and other interests of a serlous nature, in really all-out fashion. This week, ending Saturday'l------------has' marked the annual member- Mrs William N. Gall. ' ship drive of Needlework Guild, That same evening, members an organization which always hilS ot Kappa AlPh.a Theta gatnered claimed great attention from at the home of Mrs. Roy Gifford Pointe women. of Berkshire road for dinner and The donation or gift of two the October meeting. articles o~ c.loth.lng h~ given Mrs. Howard Wolf and Mrs. ~embershIP. m. ~ne charity that John Kyle Worley were in BIds other ~h.anhes, to. many of eharge of reservations for the those who lomed the Needlework dinner which the East Side group Guild ranks this week .. sponsored. The ineeting feat~red member there are still .F:ld~y a report by Detroit official dele. an.d Salurday for you to Jam In gate, Mrs. Bernard Hun!l.1ey, who thiS same way. told' of the National Theta conMrs. Edward Doyle of Lake vention held recently in PasaShore road is president of the den!', Cali!' Detroit Guild. and Mrs .. Forman Wh th. Detroit Unit of Johnston of BIshop road IS secre~n e , tary. They have been in charge Ame:lcan s V~luntary of welcoming the new members ServIces. was d!ssolve~ thiS week, of the Guild. four of ItS ~alor proJecls moved Among the other officers of the 10 Grosse P?mle to a pr.ogram of Guild are Mrs .. Otis U. Walker, even more mtense aclJv~ty. . Mrs. Richard P. Joy Jr., Anne The quartet of pro)ects InMitchell Mrs. George M. Black cludes, the Consumers Volunteer -yo Jr., Mrs: John B. Ford and Mrs. Workshop, the Marine Hospital During the week M~. and Mrs. , Cameron B. Waterman, Library work, work for the Boys' Sam Hersch of Westchester road, , The annual In-Gathering will Republic and ,ushering at Fisher announced the engagement of be held' in Jefferson avenue Theater Town Hall.. " their daughter, Natalie, to R,alPresbyteriah Church Oct. 28 In charge of the various phases ford Goren, son of Mr. and Mrs. through Nov. 1. of the work will be: Mrs. Frank Ivan Goorevich of Buffalo, N. Y. Other meetings' which are of Burton, chairman of Fisher TheaMr. Goren was recently disinterest to Pointers: tel' Town Hall, ushers; Mrs. charged after serving three and The Monday evening meeting Stuart A. Fraser, hea:ling the a,half years in the Marine Corps. of Gamma Pi Beta held at 'the consumer~ divisiiln of the Grosse At present he is studying at the home of Mrs. Russell Welchli of Pointe Unit; Mrs. Charles Viel- Missouri College of Mines in Provencal. road. Hostesses for kef, director of A WVS work at Rolla, Mo. th" evening included Mrs. Floyd Marine, Hospital Library;. Mrs. The bride-elect was graduated StraHh, chairman, and Mrs. R. S.I Sidney R. Sman and Mrs. Jean from the University of Michigan. Van Pelt, Mrs. Loui. Gascoigne Maxwell, co-chairman of the No date has been set for the Jr., Mrs. F. Gerald Smith and work for the Boy's Republic. I wedding. NatalieHersch by, of and for Pointe Wome~ War Rotarians ',Give , Becomes ,Engaged POINTENEWS Artists' Market To Hold Preview Veteran Takes a Bride Optimistic Hostess Outguesses Weather Next Tuesday marks the opening of the fifteenth season of the Detroit Artists Market. an event Mrs. Bert Widing Plans Outdoor Dinner Party for October of interest to many Pointers. ,4 and Is Rewarded with Typical June As has been the custom during Skies and Temperature past years. there will be a tea ----------and preview of the initial exhibiThe Bert Wickings of Trombley road must be the secret tion for friends and patrons of possessors of several rabbil~' feet, a couple of good luck the Market on the afternoon of horse shoe.'i plus a vt:f,Y good "in" with the weather man! All Oct. ]5. Mrs. Edward E. Roth- this becaus~ they m~naged a ';dependant-u~on-the.we8:ther:' . h 't M II I fele last FrIday eVlmmg, the success o[ whlcn many Pomters man an d er SIS er, rs. a!TV ld 1 t b b' I dr" L W' t bth fB' . h' wou ove 0 ea.~ 0 UpIC,hC. " '. ms on. 0 0 lrnllng a''', With an eye toward the open-'" .' , ' Will be hostesses 10 charge of the. mg . . class of Annie.' Ward. .fQster . •s r Sally Mehrer. Jean Salm0l'l, .. d arrangements for the tea tlus dancing elass on Oct. 4 at the Mimi Comminski. . year. Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, Mrs. Olh ts' 1 d d D B Among th~se assisting will be Wicking put on her be'sf thinking er gues mc u e. an.i!'r Mrs. Fredenck M. Alger. Mrs. bonnet several \v~eks ago and relt, Henry Eckfielrl. J;l ~~,.g James B. Angell, :Mrs. Robert began to make plans for a dinner! Michealson. Peter Van Osdol, Angell, Mrs. Harold Raymond party for young Bert and almost Ford Slater. Dick Smart, D~ke ,n~yer. Mrs. n!~ederick. Coller, 40 of his frie!lds-all members E.ling, ,Noel MeJvme, Geo,.gll MISS Helen ,,~.Iey, 1lI~ls;.,Edsel of MISS Fosler s class. • Preston, Buzz Hansz, Rogef' Ellis, Ford and Mrs. Fredcncl\. ~!!fford Optimistic MIS.. Wicking brave., Bm Klenk. Gary Schroecid~, Bill Ford.. ~ Iy i,,;;k the bull by the horns and Osband. Rusty White and. .racit Others WIll be 1:Irs. Graham G. not only mati,) plans for an out. Shackleford. ,.de . Graham. Mrs. Julius Haass, Mrs. dool dinner party, bul ~"nt outl ------,' " _~!her! Ka~n. Mrs. George Kam- invitations telling the gue,l;;.... , perma,n ... ~,: F.rnest Kan~~er, about it! And despite forebod.1 Mrs. Se~on . Knudsen, .u.:'":. inga "nd ~N:l.rni~~::: of many I • • . Henry C. Kohrmg, Mrs. Morg~n friends who had planned such I D. Douglas.,. Mrs. Gaylord GIllis. parties only to have the etement~ \ ' '-. "'" Mrs. D. DWIght Douglas Ilnd Mrs. manufacture snow, sleet, rain and --' H. Lee Simpson! first president even tornados last Friday Smith Co!lege alumnae ofdhl of .the Market and its o.riginal. dawned cloudlt;SS. and warm as a\Pointe will take an active part in organizer. day in June. lhe nationwide drive to .• raise For the first time this year Ten small tables covered with $7,000,000 for the 751h anniver" there will be hosts as well as colorful Hallowe'en cloths were i sary fund of that institution. The The marriage of COWL TAKOO t'o Jim Adachi ,took hostesses showing the guests placed around the long huffet I drive opened on October 4 y.-ith a place in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. :E.L: Gardner" 1668 th,rough the galleries. In,eluded table on the lawn of the Wicking dinner at the Whittier add.resse, d Severn road, Grosse Pointe Woods, on, Oct. 3, with Rev. among the hosts will be C. Ed- home. Bert Jr., il\ high chef's by Dr. Herberl Davis. pres~e1it Shigeo Tan'abe of the Trinity Methodist Church, off.icialing. ward Delbros. Jay Boorsma, Al- hat. served his guests. Gathered of Smith.;.~~' bert DeSalle, Albert Christ- about the tables for the festive I Mrs. George A. Schemm of The two attendants were Mr. and. Mrs. William Arthur S. Newberry, Jr., occasion were Mary Johnson, 16845 Maumee avenue. ,~limGardner of 166B Severn road; Grosse Pointe Woods. The Janel', John David B. Moreing. Edgar P. Muriel McLeod. Pat, Texter, tained at a cocktail party in her bride wore a str~et leilgth dress ofl Aqua satin with a corsage Richardson. Robert Tannahill and Nancy Burgess. Ann Bolton, Jean home before the dinner, h9P"9r." of gardewas and roses. The bridegroom is a veteran of World Zotan'Sepesl)y. Corbett, Jo Ann Doyle, ,. Sally ing President Davis. The "dvis. War ,II who served for four years and earned the rank of Included in the display will be Noble, Susan French, Kathleen lory co\lncil and netroit co.~fl1~~ first lieutenant. He is the holder of the Silver Star and the paintings, ceramics, metal work Seymour. I sa bell e Seymour, tee chatLnen and their husb'j(~l' ~rn I I Alumnae Holdlng Dnv". ~llHth I I Purple Heart. ' Plclure by !ohn'. !!ludlo I and textlles. . Teresa Font, Barbara • FItzgerald, SECOND were guests. ,'" AT LOTHROP • '. DETROIt ,1"'1~ ., STORE HOURS DAILY 1:30 Tq 6:00. , • • , . Select your bundles .Persian from the choicest pells available ••• purchased (rom the ,,,"orId's finest resources. • • IIa,'c thcm CIlstolll-mllde by expert craftsmen. . Choose exclusi\"cl)' • one of the magnificent for 115 b) Sophic and her stalT. Buy the fiucst Russian and Afghan slins at ollr nlllnufRc!uring ••• •,~t?',:?,' designs ercll(cd quality for quality'" to the publiC' hy wholesale furriers' 1111). prices which are as low • furrier liS those oITcred direct in the countrr, either or retail. From 695.00 plus taL ! ... -,.,.... ...... '.~"'C'~ , "I' .,_ ,..~.• ~. ~ ';~! ," ,~'...• '. t,," , ,.' .~" !'It ~ ... - .. '.,.. ," ,.'. ; -- ...... ' • _~.~ eKosSE Ten J-l ... ""'. Another Pointe of View (Continued Welcome Frosh from Page 8) SI. Paul's Senior gave a wel. come dance to the Freshmen on Friday, Oct. 4 from 9 to 12 with the Knights of Melody playing. The dance was the climax of the initiation which tllok place in the gym tbe same aftE'rnoon. Social chairmen. Josephine Mannino and George Heidt were in ~harge of the affair. The gym was decorated to, follow the Indian theme which' the seniors used in their initiation ceremony. The, dance was called the "Tomahawk Tussle." MI'. and Mrs. A. Backman, Mr. and Mrs. F. Piche and Mr. and Mrs. J•. Sololowski were chaperons. Couples' who attended were: Joyce Alef and Doug Sutherland, Joanne Athanson and Ray Huetternan, Marthalou Mauer anll AI Campenhout, Nancy Stahl and Mike Sehultz, 'l'helma Piche and Bob Matzke, Howie Meathe and Carolyn Trapp, Dolores Berges and Bert Rohlman. Jo Mannino and Tony Virgona, Delores Backman' and Bob Chareay,Art Smith and Sandy Sittinger. Bob McBride and Joanne Krehn. brink, Paula Beaupre and Ross Jackson, Ted Vernier and Marilyn Otto, Joan Beaupre and Art Molitor. Vincent. Oliver and Vir. grinia Johnson. Joan Weidman and George Saad. • • •• GIBSONS COMING HERE theil the. Waldorf glossies showedlJs: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Gibson ••• "nd you'll recall that Mrs. G. was th. former Marie BUlhRyan of Grosse Pointe ••• . Trllly a member of one of Detroit s cldest families ••. she's tiny and peppy and has that wonder/Ill air of always seeming to be having fun .•• With the Gibsons is their niece ••• SUIanne Gahaghan of Austin, Texas. , • '" '" WE'RE GETTING UPSET! . We ar" becoming increasingly distressed by the f<lm"d folks '~o appear in the "I"gant Grosse Pointe News feature, "Favorit. ,isms...... and h"rlllbyserv. them notice ••• '. We can't understand why they'll tell their favo~ite boox and its .uthcr , •• and ihen name their favorite "character in .. book" from som" "ntir,l)' different volume ••• We confess to sleepless nights ••• We keep thinking things like this: Favcrit" book: Farewell To Arms •• , Favcrite Author: Ernest Hemingway •• ; favorite Charac!!lr in <lBook: Snow White .' •• It gives US the same let.down we suffer when""e read a poem' that doesn't rhyme. • • . we wish to elnnounce th'elt Ernest' E. Davis "-Ars: Lloyd DeWitt Smith Motoring to' Washington Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Smith. of Grand Marias blvd., honorary jJ!"esident-national of the United States Daughters of 1812. and Mrs.:.Harold'M., of qUOlS avenue. IndIan Village, Michigan president of lJaughfe'rs. 'oCColonial Wars. and also U.S.D. 1812cliairman-national for Southern Mountain Schools, will leave by motor Sunday, October 13, for national board meetings of their respective societies in Washington, D. C. The 1812 Daughters' ,board meeting, with other entehainment planned, will be held Oct. 18 and 19, in the Society's Nationa! Headquarters' Building on Rhode Island avenue. The D.C.W. board meeting will be October 18 in the Mayflower Hotel. ' Enroule, four mountain schools' in Kentucky and one in North Caroiina, in which the 1812 Daughters are interested will be visited. ' el resident of Grosse Pointe for the P1lst30 yeers and idel1tified with eiedric/ll ,elppliences for more then qUelrter of II century is now II II fl member of our staff. HAYDON HOUSE LE. -H48 11233 KEllCHEV AL WEDDINGS Oct. 12-MISS KATHERINE THOMPSON, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, Hayward Stone Thompson, to VICTOR EDWARD SERRELL, son of Mrs. Charles Meyer of Elizabeth. N. J., and the late John J. SerrelL • • • Oct. IS-MISS CARLOTTA ANN PAGE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blinn S. Page, to ALLAN JOHN SPILNER, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Spjlner of Elizabest, N. J. Oct. daughter R. Stroh, Mrs. Dan 19-':MISS FRANCES ADELAIDE STROH. of Mrs. J. Dwyer Kinnucan and the late Edwin to DANIEL R. SIMMONS JR., son of Mr. and R. Simmons. .. '" Oct. 19-MISS ELIZABETH JANE STRICKLAND, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Strickland, to FRED WARREN FORRESTER JR.. son of Mrs. Fred W. Forrester of Los Angeles, Calli., and the late Mr. Forrester,. Oct. 19-MISS Mr, and Mrs. Fred BARD PARCELLS, cells. • " JACQUELINE ROHN, daught~r of Andrew Rohn, to FRANK HUB. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P!lr- • '" • Nov. 2-MI~S MARGARET FENLEY, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Gree~e Fenley Jr., to HENRYF. VAUGHN, son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Vaughn, of Ann Arbor. • •• • " .. Dec. 27-MISS BARBARA BAILEY, Aaughter of 1'v1r.and Mrs. Vinal Irvin Bailey, to LOU ALIN MAXON, son of Mrs. Marjorie Maxon and Lou R. Maxon. BIRTHS Oct. I-To MR. and MRS. JOHN R. GEHLERT, of Grayton road (Ann Tur~ett), a son, JOHN RICHARD GEHLERT JR. . . "'MR. "AND -l2 September 29 • to MRS. ARTHUR O. A. SCHMIDT, (Dorothy Malcolm of Ann.Arbor), of ~'isher road, a son, THOMAS ART"rlUR. ~ .... .2 'The name within your rin")s bespeaks rightnes!afdesign, ~"":. o5llir14 fine quality and careful craftsmanship. ~~ 6~OSSE POINTE'S PIONEER JEWELER ~ d1" . WATCHMAIl'iER --,--,.- Party to Benefit Cripple4 Children , The Michigan League for Crippled ChHdren will meet Frillay. October 11 in the Harmonie Society Building at 267 Grand River avenue. The board will convene at 10:30 a. m. and there will be a general assembly at 2, p. m. Mrs. Julius Becker, presidedt will preside. and the speaker wili be Mrs. Norma Schreiber of Lambda Tau Beta sorority. The league is holding a !Jenefit Hit . RUGS "CLEANED' You can depend on us to give your rug the careful atlention it deserves. Our many years of service and experience is your o~~'\rance of satisfaction. 11 Ou PIa.1 Pick.d Up & t,.~ Oelivered . Parade and ClossicCll RECORDS ~l: &tburn' Singlu 01' ~~::p~d a:ddRr.~~~:~f. Work I. Ouaratl1eed! BAnlO 6E.BVlCE tlltCl ilarper TV. 1-2811 f- WITH DELUXE DEL IVERI ES Venetian BLINDS AGAIN! There lire those spofs in every home where only a venetia" blind can solve the light-air problem. Not just any blind willdo, but Artidic's deluxe custommedeblinds should ce;iainly fill tile bill. Only 5 days required for delivery. Estimates free. We 1lgllinin1lugurete delivery service to customers. Deliveries will be m/lde /It the nomineI sum of 2Sc. Plelceceliiseelrly. Cleaning, repairing and repainting ,service. makers of standard size venetian blinds. D~Y Also Jj Delivery. • Fl. 7075. " (6917 KerrhevtJ, Artistic Venetian .Blind Co. fNfl' WOULD YOU LET "ellT Eo Gr. Blvd.) • SON DO HIS HOMEWORK LIKE THIS? .....-. ------- THE GROSSE POINTE HOME BAKERY JEWELER AND t~ 1056 Balfour. '~ .Gdw;f~~"1tJ. . ,J KEEP THE SUNNY SIDE OUT 'Four students from Grosse Pointe have enrolled at DePauw University for the winter semes. ter, according to Miss Veneta J. Kunter, registrar. More than' 2;000 students are now on the campus. Students from Grosse Pointe include Donna Dahlen. daughter 21020 Maek:Ave. of Mr. and Mrs. T. Gilman Dah. Bel. HllmplOII & Rosl)'" RJls. len, 253 McMillan; MarilYn R. Shaw"daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll ..Shaw, 225 McKinley road; Ruth Ann .Shea!fer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sheafer, 1215 Audubon road; and Frances J. Wert~, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wertz, j9~ '. HARPER.VOGUE Four Girls from Pointe Enroll et Depauw University , card party on October 17 in tlie TO HELP IN CHEST DRIVE Foster K. Winter, of Berks~re Masoni,: Temple. at 1 p. m.• with Mrs. Ralph Rossell and Mrs. Ray rOlld. has been appointed eoTrombley as co-chairmen. chairman of the news and advertising division of the 19411 Mrs. R. D. Robinson is another of the Pointe brides waiting to Your judgme~t is the thing by Community Chest Red Feathe.' join their husbands overseas. The which others judge you. I Campaign. ! former Elizabeth Ann Kuhn, daughter of Mrs. Leo Warren Kuhn of Berkshire I:oad. is now in Seattle, Wash. awaiting her second set or orders from the Army. She and her husband, who is on ten days' leave in Seattle, hope that her set of orders coincide w'.th his so that they can malte the trip to Seoul. Korea together. He is the chief historian for the 24th Corps Area stationed at ! Korea's capital. Should the orders fail to com~ through this month, Elizabeth will return to the Pointe until her departure - probably at the end of November. Anxiously Waits For Army Orders St. Paul Seniors "Ycu re..lly should market that alfalfa crop out there , .; ~ you're loting a fortune" • • • . Sh.'s .150 patient .II a S<lintwith other's snobbishness. . ,Th,-,rscl~y, Oe~ol:ier IQ, I~~ ".OJN.T ..E_N!.w~ 17008 KERCHEVALAVE. At Ute Limita on Jefferson Fresh Glazed Donuts At 8:00 and 3:00 , The enIy.,.m ......... .., ray lIterap., Io"'p tIs .. t """'" 95~ ~et .. NYS wittl a qvam .... IlKat "wet" Iwms ovtl • COUllS! NOT, you say. Abraham Lincoln didn't become a fine lawyer and a great president bU4UJt he did his sums on the back of a shovel. before a flickering fire. • But-a flirkering fire is no more difficult to sNdy by-no more tiring on the eyeathan too much or tOO litde electric light. 0 INDUCES VITAMtN Dl. DEVELOPS $UNluttrU HIGHLY GEltMICIOAU r DEVOTED ,......._•...-ct-, ..... I'IMftObfy tlPlWe aellustoltle .. _ •• ~ fIf .. c.ries ........ 'EXClUSI VEL y; 1fy t an., TO STUDENTS AND SCHOOL ACTIVITIES be4yt . 'S .... l With back to school season th.:re is an unprecedented demaDd for more and more school news. The Detroit Ne1n now offen a 1Choo1 page every Monday coo.tainiDc .... &bottt 1WdeD-. their activities 16926 KERCHEVAL in and out of cIasacs. Don"t miss reading this page oE topics aDd featur'es devoted entirely to the doings of. Your' (lIMl aDd other KhooII in ud arocmd :Detroit. . AVENUE lIaU ... aow. jo JeacI ....... W. eIllIIIY. ---Yo The~Detroltf,News :';;'R0551 POINTE ------- valuable suggestions ror improving the lighting ill rour home. There's no charge for her vislt-no obligation t~ you. And it's a real "ounce of protection'" for your family's eyesight. FOI HQME DRIPPf.'.IIJI •• " •• CUM .. ill Om' lights aren't poor, you say? i But are you sure? Lights can be very deceptive. You can grow so accustomed to a particular lamp that you won't realize its light is tiring. You may not notke it, ~ut ~:lother lamp may glare enough to make a youngsterinstinetively squint-may cause headaches or even harmful eyestrain. There is one way, though, that you can be certain about your lights. Ask an Edison Home Service Advisor to call. In a very few minutes, she will check over your)amps and fixtures and make fOUR WA,V5 TO GET THE MOST FROM t:Gj YOUR LIGHTING- 1 t-~;t sreals li,rht. Keep bulbs, .hades and rr. lI«tor bowls clean. '$ , /" . 2 . Rrpl~e dark-colored shades with lighrshades with while lining. F11[. iog sides are I>crter than straight.side? ones. . J r~b~o;~r~~j:~.l~~ ~\~' Q~M.\")~ · large a site may cau$C fa. riguing glare An Edilon Laml'ExchangrServiceman will be «rad to replace )'our burned-out bulbs. ~ : ~ ' ~, .,. ~ . ~. l; J. '1;, ,,,,'.';; .;' '". II .~ ~,' ;\' Ha,'e your lamps and fi>'lures scientifically leJUti for quanlity and quality. of iII~min.t!on. Your Home ServIce Adv,,,,r docs Ibis 'I\.;th a light.mcltr. The DETROIT EDISON Co. ¥ .. p GROSSE Thursd.y, ,Oc:teN' .I,!), 19<':- POIN'TE NEWS mary, mary Quite C byrn.ryrn.d~:!f';a,.'J : i I Db, I We'Jl only gi~'e :you II hlQIJ/t SJtwIl, Db, 10 spmd the 1II01lth ill the, fiJti"g Geuitlg thQI Look.of.the-Mo1ltb Ai,.! t : { ! llIi HOJwhllJ Boo/t.oj.Jhe:Mo"th Club booms ,ooms- '. " ,": ~~ ~at.a .fortnight of ~ashion Shows and Openings! ! Chmaxmg the Openmgs, came' the sumptuous showing ; Qf Made-to.Order Models in the. Collection of Mrs. William ,~ust Pierce, in her Custom Showrooms ill The Women's ; City Club. ' ' , : Present at this opening were 'not only fashion-minded women from Detroit and Michigan, but ; from: s'urro~nding state~, .Post~ ! warshoppmg by plane IS no ; longer a fancy, but a fact: It is, ~ indeed, the spirit of, the ail' age ~that provides ,the ,motive for this ~ exquisite collection. The air age, t I's indicated by Birds of Plum. ! age. as well as birds of passage ; in the planes. J Birds of Plumage colors high!lilhted the evening models in i brilliant trains andbusties. Such i luscious shades as Peacock Blue, i Lovebird Green and Flamingo : Red appear in formal fashions in : debutante and grande dame de• signs. Town gowns take to the t more subdued shades of the Birds ! of Plumage colors. notably Phea,sant Brown, Dove Gray and \ Raven Black. l Among the specialties of the f house is the ultra simple and I simply ultra Costume Complete of sheer wool ,with its own jacket I...,.a costume for which. Mr1I. , Pierce is widely celebrated. ' r Preciotili pelts of furs-Natural ~ Labrador' Mink, Russi3n Broad~ tail, Manchurian ,Ermine-these ",are made to your order and ere. ;=ated to integrate wIth 'the ward• robe complete... This integrated plan of the wardrobe complete ,is, in fact, the fashion formula 9f the "entire collection: This plan enables the busy 'A mer i can woman to have the Wear.with. AU not only for this leason, but .euons to come, Fortunate, in' deed, is. she .. who poss'esses this wardrobe complete, designed for her alone by Mrs. William Rust Pierce. THE BATTLE OF PARiS still r8,e's-fashlonably as well as diplomatically. Our Pari! cor. respondent's prediction that no photosraphs and. only impres. sionistic sketches would reach the American magazines 'for their ions. We quote, "What have hobble skirts you canilot walk in, necklines you c..nnot s\(Jop m', 20~ yard skirts you cannot buy, and ideas for how to wear Dilimonds. ..' laSChlaparelll, got to do with the average. British and Amed. can wQman?" ' What indeed, when American designers ,can so lucces~ful1y streamline the figure divine of American women? " IT'S ONLY 1\IONEY, HONEY! BIGGEST BLIND' BUY of the movie industry has just been made, when Kenneth ,Robertswithou~ benefit of 'agent-sold the rights to his forthcoming novel, Lydia Blakely,' to Twentieth.Century.Fox for $215,000. Not a unique price in the jolly old Hollywoods-:-BUT the "nique point' is that Kenneth sold it wlL~out t~e, movi~ ,magna,tes ever havll)g seen one lirie'6tlhe manuscript. He submitted a. one and one.half page synopsis 01 thenovel' :to them. Second unique point 'is that thfb novel Is only leased' to, them for ,ten 'years; After that, the novel again becomes the property ,of the author, who, acting ili ,hi!: mvn agent, seems to have perfected, the formula of writer-takes all. .•• It's Only Money, Hoil!!y, at TjIe New York Times, as well. Last week, this paper. turned down huge'ads for a forthcoming movie called SCanllnl iD Paril, h~ause they claimed it breached their ~uth-ln.advertisin& policy. The lme they objected to was this: "The whole town's talkinl about " Paris". It seems they just strolled around the Times Square block and discovered the whole town WASN'T talking about it, Listen for the hu.e.and-cry 'of C ensorship, now that the New York Public Librery haa eliminated The Memoirs af Beeate October deadlines was, verified. County from its circulation and. The '.. r.urrent edition of Vllf'ICI shelves. This on the ground that spo UIlhts the American Made. they coUldn't control the circuto-Order Collectfons,wiu1 or:Iy alation' few Paris splashes of ink, which ' .••. are .,really' more. tvaaue. than .Our 5eem,-Eye-Wolf reports VOl'" .. " that. the hotel out Woodward Meanwhile, ,.~ open rift d~. Avenue with ~e electric sign veloped between the British fullt kee~ burnm& o~t, ,Is. a,.ain press and the Chambre Syndicate a~I,ht With tha fetchmg mVlta1 of Paris, This was' due to the hon-HOTEL WOO. m,m, i-~cIoa Dall" Expreg publish. =nnpressionistic art work, in via: TIME OFF BIB BANDS '. Ii lion of the Syndicate's no sketch Marraret Barba, a bookkeeper rulinr 'at the Paris Openings. for the Flsher.Rtcord company. reThil resulted in the British cor- ported to the police recenUy respondent of the LOudon Dally that a wrist watch she had ~xpreu, Anne' Edwards, beinS left In her car while 1t WILS parked barred from further Openings. Inthelr praae had d1u)lj)l!lU"ed. Her . paper,The Daily ElIpre.g although scarcely 10 minUtes had retaliated with a blistering chal. 1ap.,ed between the Ume she left lenge to Paris leadership in fash- the car and the dl!covery of the I .ou.y CARTER ITALIAN CIlUMI You'll be glad you soid, "J'II take vonil/(J," when .you taste the smooth vanilla.flovor.d cream centers of these billersweet choco. ' •• , 53. lales! .,0I.l.Y BOI'll1iONI - 'CARTERAS5'TD Fona of fondant? Then these rich, crea;'y : bonbons are for you! Such Flavor fovoriles as vanilla, lemon; orange and r(,$pbfJrry.' ____________ .ol.l.y- -1111I.. ,. ... CARTIlR TBIl'f MmT!!I creams cov.,ed with bittersweet chocolotll. Wofe~.thi,,' (blltyov set 0 lot in a pound/)-Ib. 35., l-~ ,-: -:':?i~~ ' '~l BOLLY C.'RTER olORDAN AL~.lQI These Jordon Almonds are rllally'h, n~tsf Lorge and I~scious, wilh pretty pastel Sugor coots thot tostll as 'good as thllY 'look! _____ ------1'11. Hew ,- Tcrrgy, peppermint-flavored 80~ Gv."j~~"1' IC.A.l PIN Wrltel 'IS" far Years .I OttterIverN'''''' $U5 -, . We ~pecialize in bulk, hand-packed Sealtest lee Cream and Butterscotch Royale is the Sealtest october Special., Grosse Pointe Drug KerchevalafSt.'Clair Dellvertes Un111 a P.M. Nt. 482T ca-:snfONT 5t poinfe :Jaxicat CO.' Prompt, Courteous Service 24 HOURS A DAY Anywhere-Any Time-Any Place NI .. 5AOO 80"," W;,h _ "' ,"_' .• ' r' .~ •.. -- ... ~ •• _~ All Bull CHOCOLATES We'd like to be as rich as the do~k chocolot. coating on ,hese Nut Clusters, Jelly Mallows, Plcntotions and olher. marvelous 'morsels! ' 1•• ,.... CRUTMO:\T CRISP AND tBE"'Y ASSORTED CBOCOLATE5 . Toot~some Iwosome for folks who like crrsl' ond chewy candies. Moloues Chips, Nut Cluslers, Coram allows ana many onolhll' $weftl 'b. "0. tr,.o' OMiDell' Ser(JiclI Dr WubrJltl ON' ..... -"":"':.~.~ 17120 Kerehe~TRI Ave ••Grosse Poin~ eMS "-',' ••• ""'!'~ .-:':':';';':'.:.'~ . , I ,"d',w' ',;,' .' ,t: at' .ri e ".' . ',~". ~ GROSSE * * ". , ......,." -.... .~. I.. ,,?, '. • '", ' POINTE NEWS Page Feature * Pointers of Interest who, where and whatnot APPEARANCES The We"ri,,' of tbe Green. Saw MARGARET GOODENOUGH looking cuter than ever i'1 a woolen suit of Tyrolean green with a fronti~piece tit -red pepper crepe. This startling color was echoed ln !he ribbOn band oil the adorable green felt hat she was wearmg IltId the taupe feathers with which it was adorn~d matched the cut out oxidized silver buttons. The antIque Silver 1fan"le bracelet she wore was an added thought of good "' " • * • 'O.. 1 , 0'. . . ..... L. ~S:HAROLD' •. Sparkling Burgundy' .•• ,.;..". d . . .f' "h 1 B d f Drown ey'e.susans ona erns ee • •• oar 0 Tru •..n.... .:.p. k.. Se th" H d s""""" mnmg... ouse an'th' .0" d ' •• ,B ucb" ,.. th. ven bl' k'd : ar. en • •• ~~ IS mo er... aCK 1 pumps WI. tailored bo~,.Just out of the s~oe shop. • • • ,,~, " .. • ... _ MR.t>HARLEY EARL. Mastiff ••• Charveities ••• Bourbon : ;, , Sunflowers.. the men's locker room ••• design for living., • gold wheel cull-links with diamond hubs. ,. nood Humorman. " . ~. . ., . .' . • r. , ~ , j WADSWORTH 'v ~ I II t ~' , ,.~tt.,:.:~.~'r(;;'!" ~!i . .:'<'<':':';:.'" :", .• t- .• . a'.11'1' "0' ..", '. . "; A ....... A :,':;<;;;<\C' of ~ ZlJl y ~~vorite • • .. ook._ ..-, .._~._ . :.......... I\uthor _;.... .., _ Character in Book flay; i ~etr~._ ~ctor _._ f.fovie._ : Caronet , : Ro hert Hichens , , Rhett 'Butier " Liliom Eva Le Gallienne Walter Huston "Gone With the Wind" Loretta Young Spencer Tracy Duffy's Tavern Kate Smith Fred Allen , , .._ .,... _~ , t4o~e Actress." OVl.e.,Aetor ft: alfio.. Program ~ . dio Entertainer (F) ~adio Entertainer (M) E , " or we e:~, ~~ _ ~lmal : C~ty _ I;'~~on (excluding : , : ~ajlazine : Quotation r~oy;er _ Ce~r _ " " Charades Needlepoint ' , Cat "New Yorker" "Never give a suck6r an even break" _.............................. Camellia : ,........................................ Puce Grosse Pointe family) Groucho Marx ;;,!~;::~~::~::~::~:~.:::.~::.:.:. ..:.:~..~::.:.:. ..:.;.:.:.:~f.e irewel ,l?eIfut;ne ~ versIOn b,~v;ersion "Secret ; i " , Emerald of Suzanne" '. Exercise Sleeping 'lIhittling . ,.'ne? rr your Wd'St ' I EAT DELICIOUS SPECIAlty PP,OCESSED TO BE LE.o\ST nTIENING srECIAllY TO STAY rACII'\GED 1~' I Michigan State College East Lansing. Michigan Dear M3ry: Oh, how nice il is to be seltled down again to good 01' dorm life. For awhile things were as usual a bit hectic with getting settled an' all. However, now I have everything unpacked and in its "{lwn prh'ate cubby hole. Since I was one of the last to register most everyone else was back before me. That has its advantages too as there are more of the gang to give that or helping hand. With the campus enrollment enlarged as it is they've been handing out influenza innoculations to prevent a widespread epidemic over campus. When I stop to think abOut it, it really is a grand idea. It would be terrifying if we shou td all find ourscl ves in the crasp of the germ. Tonight they had a pep rally for tlTe Wayne football game. Memories of dear 01' G.P.H.1 Remember all the snake dances when we all got dizzy wending our way in and out with all th!! gang? Then there were the blasting. cheers that I'm sure must have traveled all the ...:ay to our opponent's ears. Bon fires too! You know when we'd all gather around and mention how we would like to have some marshmallows 01' weiners with us. Well. it's all the SAme h-ere. Yes indeed. those crazy autumn high school days really made & comeback toniihtl I .. -. .,. rne -Picture ROAD by Fred Runnells . . his oDi~e in a mess. Thieves .had, ....... : ralUlI&leedit, bllt the only thing ,A tunle neck sweattr wOnt make YOll look like. turtle, but It.' the}' took was th~ will. Ob, well, will make yo. "MiMI VOI"Ile" atnOllK the YOl1llcer set-theM! jersey .' cfWl1Hented BPOCK, 1I.'bo ;s " IweateR an tucked in like a blo_.lIDd worn 'with a wide bet~l. they are. anilable from meM-" mcl IDputels, navy and brown nationally. Two of the five pic- very Jllrdonic fellow, it WIIS for $5.95 at PETER PAN'S suiart new shop. The betl.s may be 1Wt, tures were. of arrangements by probably a relative. from $3.95.$6.95 lUld theD of eoW'Se YOllneed a skirt to eomplete Grosse Pointe women noted for I ••• ensemble. and believe It or not they have Just the aklrt for yoli~ their artistry, Mrs. Dexter M. I went,dowD to see Mr. Pem- 1'1.' -t -o.ld '---Il the. p"- ItriD"S", of a Scotehm.D, an.d Ferryand!'/Irs.Palmer.Theau.bertononemom'-"aoouteomin. _ D" • Ul.. I -t WIII pc: t ::rOilIn 50.... I'''' T wo PIwool-.u lRl.... I'. a n d aJac"~thor of this article lateI' published on my radio prorr.m. If 'OilD eo.ors.... , .... an at:ticle on llower arrangements have an Idea that all producers lUld bluen will keep YOll W&nIl and tashlooabl .. There are fe~ and of the seven photographs live in plusby spider-webs midst sllppen. hlrh and to be wom for 101UlBiDc-they come In scarlet an,d~ used for illustration, five were of anUqDe furrii(ure and !!Oras. faU royal bla_~ C.s-.o even the MlIIDm)'. can be 8Ued. They'r~ Mrs. Palmer's arrangements. of blonds, smoke yourself allother perk,.. .. Call be-k .. PETER I'ANatyle. ' In th Ju 1936' f th 'd I t tl' W t I . e ne" Issue 0 e 1 ea. wen up an a ey In es • • • ." Junior League Magazine ap- 44th s.treet; -hand Mrs. Peppet b• .Jroppe.J the BlorL-t fro", the M~"'e of. h:.J, "' ". "' - "PEPpr.-rS"., pea red an article by Mrs. Palmer foot up a dark staIrway. ieemlDI J b "_J f '11b .JO., • t-J on Garden Sculpture. with snakes I'm lire and c "ole", s 01' -'0'" flOW Oil Itw, e ,ust lIS 110 ~ tIS. . la, " The Michigan Horticultural So. out Into as'drear; .' bit of a~~ INC." AW01'd to Ih. wise should be sllffkie,,/-if ~}'ou wa,d PII;-'/. ciety made Mrs. Palmer a matter lIr.lnr as I've ever seen. BROCK /i"e" h",..~s ffJonogrtnnmea for Christmas',(and w~o doem't?)i judge of f10rat arrangements. in was hidden ill the next room, in pltu:e yollf' order fIIOW. They h"tIII' lovely bMuJker~h,efs for the ~.~3B. T~er~ are three. c1ass~ of kind of a lloomy e,omer. broocl- Udi.s '" 10"' lIS $1 II1IJ fof th. gfltll~II$1l25-unbelielJable~: ~~dgeS {e;~~ge, certtfied Judge inr with kind of a ~Ioomy loo~ Go _,see for }'ollrself. While on the subje~t of gifts lei me ~ell: .mas J dge, the latter honor To my few slIllestiODS be Void ')'ou "bout tb. lilsh lIellid ~oller,J dothes btmgers-:these ~O/lleill: havmg been deservedly won by yes and no He said be didD't . . .. . 'h'" b "h Mrs. Palmer. In the March 1939 care to reb~arse. Be said he was PI"k'hh~Ne, AhmeT'Gh"'!hBe"'!ltIY SIMI,~"!.~",re blube-t ~IYI av.,' 011 issue of the Horticultural News better If he went on eold. I was IIttM e", Sll~ ets.w Ie. w' "ot on y s~ 1. ut~, s~etl" appeared an article entitled, "Why already frozen. The situation your clout YOII •• " WIlY thill YOII WI" /i.e. WhJle 0,. Ih,,~ We Arrange" . which was ilIus- called for a slur of vodka bul subje~t of s&t!lfls, let ",. r,,,,irld YOII tbllt P!!PPlIT'S hal" ,Iho!'.: trated with photographs of six 1 dl'dn't have any handy. I' kDew ador"ble. gift p'"It"Ke4 sll&bds ife tb. sbat,e of" ~artuJiolls-verv. ',.. f 0" Mrs •. Palmer's flower arange- he'd never show up. s_t "lid cnU)' $2-/01' "'1 who liAe ";~Il tings. " ...-:, ments. • • • • ."." : l1 The lat~ Mrs. Murphy had SO Saturday night came, •.nd with Don't be "two-timed"-donl' let your watch .or clock tell you' colo d lid f fI men~ f:om ~a~ion~t:~da;;:fr~'tt !t ca~~~riT~ne and smi~ that it's one ,time and then find lhat the, corrett time is not 'yo#~ fl;ower shows of outstandiiIg IIr- ~~. 'P-talked about~~t;;A~E tim~ Mr. Al~rt Meyer of .PONGRA.CZ J.EWEL~RS ia in charge tlSts which Mrs. Palmer shows DOOR CANTEEN whieh he orig- of watch repaIrs and after 30 years WIth Tlffanym New York, you' in conjunction with a talk based inated. He rarely looked at his may rest asaured that he is eminently qualifiep. to give his time t~~ on Mrs. Murphy's, widely known notes and he made the kind of your time" with the rel5ult that you will have the correct time,; book, ''Flower and TablE; Ar- cr.cks an audience 10v~, He was Platinum i. nowav.illable and PONGRACZ JEWELERS are equip.'; rangernents." T.he proceeds from perfect and he Wll.i a hit. MR. ped to redesign and reconstruct your outmoded jewelry or"creata; the sale. of thIS ~ok ~nd any P is a big softie. I may go back a new piece for you, if you wanl something designed especially fo~: lectures m connection WIth same sometime and propose to him. If h f h" C' . . h' abd of the seven photographs • • • y.ou. yoU?pe or t IS In 'your h~lll~as stocking. now u .t ~ appeared an article entitled, "Why For ODe reason ed another I tl~e to take It out of the wlSh1ul thinking stage and pul It 1D~; are given "to the Detroit Garden woke lip early the fint 1II0rainr action. Center. Most of us would be at MRS. ARTHUR KUDNER'S, • .. • '1 more than satisfied to have farm in. MaryllUld. I pleked up PROPER'S have some lcod thoulltt. for the male 11l1l.mea iJI.: one "talent but Mrs. Palmer is one of tbe books on the table YOtlr life as periaiAa to ~hriatmu &IftinC. '.tuty have JllSt received.'! triply blessed with her ability beside me. LIQUOR, TIlE a shipment of st1llllliD&'rol;es-woolea and" rayon-frOID $ZO u~; t~ scull?, paint and design SERVAN'I' OF MAN. it read. plaids-eltee~d all over desilDS. Corduroy lIport jackel.s rom" 'Ylth flowers; Her keen enjoy~ent Bmmmm, I.said tD me. I picked ill bro~ Ud taD for $%I. LeQure _ta-woal4n't It be flUl to have i' ~n her worK d the c.onsclent- up another-PRELUDE VI()- lelsurll _t, _ds so laxDrI_wOlIkJ 't It be f to It lousness she dIsplays With each TORY and "a real fear that we . • . u. an aye some new venture bear out the old may lose the war." So? I cbose leISure. the" coats a~e made. of medium weicht all wool ftannet In adage that hard work usually another-ADMIRAL .WAGS _ a IUll"Iale an::!: ehamolS,sbades for m. PROl'E.R'S have lhem, so If wins the prize and she certainly dog on board the USS LeXiD&toll you haVI'Ithe :man and he has the leisure, better _ tbat be Is com~', proves that. I threw It UDder tile. bed. I fortalll:rlarbed IU[llI YOll'll all be It:I.ppy. . "~: a few :moments, sIl00k head • .. .' sbarply and, brigllt ewed. p!eked Don't you !ove being a pampered darlinc and having brealc~~ u~ the last book. It was ealled fast' in bed? JACOBSON'S has just the bed jacket to keep you at'~ THE RAFT BOOK. It rea4....uus the right temperature. One style is made of all wool basket weav';'l" book bas. beeD written for those • who, withotlt previous experlenee fabric s\leh as is used in baby" coverlets, and. in the same shades of". in navilatiOIlaDe1 withOllt uvidelicate pink and blue. These come in two sizes, lhe regulati(ln short'. rating instruments find them- bed jacket or if you prefer it Jongerask for the "lounger." If yoU:: selves in a small eraft in the are the tailored type. you'll like the model trimmed with ribbon;~ open su and who bave to make but if you want a bit of "frou.frou" they have them with lace. It. their way to land. Dry, that Is. you want more "fl:ou.frou" indulge yourself with a bedjacket ot"; • • • mirabou-keeps you so cozy and makes you a pretty picture in yout:J The first thing we did when really is a lot of fun to add the son! that we got back (my roomie and I) funr.y little nonessentials MRS. KUDNER'S future house bed: The a:e so lovely •.too: sky blue, pink and white. For th." was, of course, to change the room make a room truly your own and ts .1] be h . 1m Iladles who diSdam breakfasting m bed, but who do like to read in . appy to. o~ I bed may I suggest the same bcdjacke~rm sure that they want. all around. Generally in these -en- not just another in the dorm. g~es .WI Several of the girls have various th~t e\ ~n now m the malls, III to be warm and pretty too. Now is the time to prepare for that vent; terprises, one" pushes furniture from one end of the room to the other schools' pennants hanging SWIft fhght toward TALISMAN very cold time when nothing will warm you as well as" a blanket:: other alld then ends up with from their wall. Thal also can 00 FARM. are copies of HECATE robe-IOO.per cent wool-$25--an imperative for the boarding schOOr about th-e same arrang~ment. We done cleverly if not in a' belter- COUNTRY, GOD'S LITTLE girl.~unging pajamas with jacket and long panties come in wool: managed to get something a little skelter fashion. 'Not that I mean an~. the PENGUIN un- and JACOBSON'S will be happy to see that you are comfortable hi" different though. 'Then I went with precision, but just so any- AC~E abrlged editIon of LADY CHAT- these;'" ; cr. into Lansing with ana the I' G.P.H. thing done in YOUI'room has a TERLY'S LOVERS. There will " • ..... "" alum this fine afternoon and we note of a lhoughtful personality. be no more ,yawns or dull dawns *,,-'" " • . .' (.' """ We chose another idea. The in The Yellow Room. did lots of lookin'. We both had a QUEEN CLE ..u'l£;RS wutl YOll te be reminded that Its bat not" yen to covel' our chairs. It's really library has a lending art service. • • • to be eaq1lt, .... 10 if Y" have an;t wblter eIotblnc in their stor.lle;" so much more fun when you so every term we try a new artist If 1 were" tailor arid htJd to pi- &lit to ,Jane it 1IrRIllt Otlt 'JtOw. Fitzroy UN. will ban4le I~ . create your own designs-it makes with lhe new idea we've had in sit, as tailors h"ve htJdto s# {or Y" If Y" WlUlt It delivered to yotir home. or you ean pick It~. a place so much more friendly rearranging our room. It c.~rtainsince lime oNtaf mind-on " tlll at tile bl'Uleb .ftiee - Kenltev.1 between s:t. Clair anel Neft. and personal, Anyway. we both 1) brightens a room up with some roes for the IIlmmer elothlnl. ~Id Joil:, got materials to go on with our cheery picture to cover up one of table with legs ~rosseJ, sewing TIle.suie ~t get hored Mo. haye lIDYIll_ wMIs , .. prefer IKIt to tile moths bel Hnd: the bare walls. We also have bul- a fine seam-I'd project-bright and large. ltfASURKWrrZ them to tJMi QUEEN CLEANERS for .bother" They had bi~ splashing flower letin boards on our walls. Every- ANTHONY pod. Ic1ea iI te line y.. r lIIIrinr .1Id Illlll .. er elOUtes cleaDed aUlI' designs in colors to match the one tries to think up a new idea de(iaed to get off the hlble _ olh-er accessories and the walls of in fixing theirs. get tIn ei/ue"tion.' Mllyhe he they wI!! ~ te , .. hi Jlt!Pft Up so th.t Ille,..ire kept eleaa; Although Greg Peck and' Van could, better his posilion. So he and prtlllMd utll , .. willi .. wear tIIIea next ::rear. When that 81'Sf" the room. Mine was basicall~' a Johnson still have priorities sqr"e fllent. to Ihe PUBUC l.lBRA~Y. cool rose background intertwined bot day eomes Rell1l1priJ1r lUlllY" r-.. t. lhld _e~'ll11r nltabl.l. with green, blue, and another of the gang have worked up some That WIIS good, For thirty ,J"ys to put OIl, think MW rratef.t 7- wU be to llad It un&lllf bi YO~' rose. It provided a becoming con- real cute designs in gay colors. he ",.,jored i", lo~les "" ieys: cM!let, fresh •• e1e.'Ul. trast to our pale green walls Others have trimmed the boards which would have otherwise be- with ribbons and crepe paper. That would have hei!1l "'I right come dull and lifeless. Those deal- Heavens! When you stop to think too hut he got " lillle ~Meless. ing in modem art and design oi the clever thing~ that can be He began "pplY;lIg his erIHIitiMi have declared that a variety of done with just the simplest of 10 practical problems. He "i" color in a sel'ies of contrast is accessories it tempts one to join plied it to the locles Oil ,,!!igbJump"definitely the trend. I know that in with the "Artistry boring "f"".tments. The uigh1 "m " f"mollS ItJdy of qUIIStuJfuhle reputalion , • , the it surely is the way to h~ve a even for non-artists !ille me. bars dMIl't hike it i" II frundly II1wllYsIIIlriKletl "'e grutly ••• 1&01114. sing, dlmee and "d witli' Well anyway, things certainly much more cheerful room. Gor' spirit. Some s";d " btlrglirr with professiotNf sleill •• .' ~y liKe beeMlfe well Itnown aUI to ,,: rets may be inspiring to some. but are {'ookin' all OVE'r campus so II PUBUC LIBRARY diplo"", f""'oUS iI1't:!t, •• m}' serv',ees ,,}ere VeTY useful to my goveN/menf' I'm afraid that I'm not the type. that it's easy to see that this is Ana'.her addition we have is an going to be a busy yc~r. Do let didn't acurf:e the breds. TONY •• : g"mb"lIg tInd exl'''l'lIglllfte ld 10 ",y being sellt to debtors' silii/, in the floliee line.up, thlll pmo1! fM " Y'"' •• : I ~"n the fllll g"""11 from rllgs to riches ivy twining out of the miniature me know the l~test soon! !HIe1t 10 r"gs tInd I d,ed.'" '"tuill W""I , •• . .. it WIISa strain 0" his "UIIISAs ever, Vat 69 bottle you willed me. It . Asuwer CMI Paae U Barb. the heU with iI definitely add~ atmospherel It uie ft" ~ -- wu ~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::~:i.:.:~~::~: qam6!"_ _ ,..__ _ • MRS. PALMER began her study of sculpture when Ii!. young girl at boarding school in the East. She later studied at the Detroit School of Design, and still later attended the Art Museum. School in Boston wher~ she studied sculpture d t'-' .. th . -'h.d.' t I . an ca.s u.rawmg e mornmg h af In f h anu 1a pnv. a e c ass Instruchon m t e ,ternoon. rom t.e sc~.pture Instructors at Harvard and Boston TechnIcal UmversltIes. Garden sculpture became herj'------------main interest for t\~o years and entered many Horticultural shows she won three pnzes for her and was l'nvI'ted to J'om. the Garwork in Detroit -The prizes were d Cl b f M' h' h h' . . en u 0 IC Igan were s e awarded by the Scai'ab Club of k t h fi db' .. ep . up er. ne recor y WillDetrOIt (or a dancm.g girl; the ning their Sweepstakes for four Junior League blue rtb~~n for a years, 1936 through 1939. It is head, and the Grosse Po!nte Ar- most fitting that the, Garden tists a\Va~cl for a ~ead ~Ird bath Clubs Sweepstakes pri~e is tlie reI,'resentmg a girl lon.g Esther Longyear 1,furph)' Mems~ i~:~fy~~mh~~ds~:t ~ orial Award. ..' .. _, . Palmer was. commissioned to. T,he. New. Y?rk World. s FaIr l' CommIttee mVlted Mrs. Palmer make severa others. to exhibit in 1939 'and ,1940. Her , The playful antics of some An- first entfy consisted of an antique g 'tt I d t th' b' g Ch' k cod i;:o;:al:~ i:.ascul~tur:I~y ~:. st~esMe~as;i;~'Bi~ds t~~ ;ara' dise" green coxcomb rhododsud Palmer Other 1 d b thworks t include d d 1\' .r0n and canna foli\lge.• The other,~rge lr a, sea e. gar en was composed of two Chinese P!"ece figure, and a dancmg figu- green jade birds on one side and' rme. Mrs. Palmer hasn't done . . any sculpture for over five ye;rrs II group~ng of Tokay grapes and as she became so deeply inter- echevenlL . .• ested in llower arangements. At the annual national meetmg This interest was inspired by her of the Federated Garden Clubs sisler. the late Mrs. ESther Long- ofl America II flower show year Murphy, who was noted fur held in. which each state was her flower lirrangements, and represented by one exhibit and work for garden culture. !It 1938, Mrs. Palmer was chosen by the the Garden Club of Amenca held Federated Garden Ctubs of Micha national show, an art exhibit igan to represent them in this of their members' works, and Mrs. show. At another time the GarPalmer entered her sculpture of den Club of America asked their the cats and the seated garden members to exhibit a design for figure.. " I a plate representing floral maThe Junior League Garden Club terial and' Mrs. Palmer painted was the medium for Mrs. Palm- in water color on a paper plate er's first venture in floral arrange- a replica of one of her flower ment and resulted in her win- arrangements. ning the Sweepstakes for several In" an issue of the Woman's years; this was given each year Home Companion of 1941 apto the person winning the mosl peared an article on floral arprizes in their exhibits. As may rangements with five photographs be gathered Mrs. Palmer was a which had been sdected from "natural" from the stal't. She many which had Qeen submitted ~~:~:.:~:. ...:.::::::.:.::.~:":~.:::.::.::.:.~ii~iE ;.i.; " . ' 1\lRS. LONGYEAR B H 1A dPALI\-IER OF WASJlINGTON b' f,,;J"~ &0 .- "go ...y idRl;l, Y' * f'It • " .. • .. You may think that you're a culinary expert. but if you hav. never experimented with her1;ls, :i'ou're. no gourmet. nor ~ave ~ou tasted food cooked to perfection. The Herb Farm Shop' is addmg • I zest to KOPP'S and it's a wise housekeeper who will take advantage, from th: cntIcs, are ~omg sell- of the offerings. There's an introductory set for $1, containing I~,! out busmess. Anythmg goes. varieties of herbs in individu;ll tubes and a culinary chari showing .. • • how to-use them. Most of us wanl life to be sweet but there ar~~ A . h h d times' when a dash of vinegar is a necessary adjunct. The Herb,' n amusmg t inK appene Farm Shop favors English Malt vinegars and puts out a set of three 10 BROCK PEMBERTON, the for $1 with the flavors; gaJ;lic, eschalot, (onion) and tarragon. TQ•. produier. Not long he de. bring some spice in your life get the Salt ~t. this is also $1 and : cided to 1Nake his will, whi~h contain.s four assorted herbal seasoned salts-garlic. majoram, onion i he did, He flipped it into " and basil-not RathbOne but just as good! You should see the Food; drllwer of his aesle, wenl off to Baskets, all done up in cellophane tied with ribbon and decorated: with red and green peppers-couldn't be culer. They a,e filled with I the CoaJt a,uJ forgot all 'about herbs, vinegars, saltll. and • culinary chart. Makes such a" welcome.: it. When he got b,,~k he found iift, and there are many other delicious suggestions at KOPP'S. I via the Irapevine, that the recwt alphabet compiled bF the contriblltors to this column bad been misundel'Stood by some ol'its"'readers. We hastw to explain that all cif the designations were-JI1ade with the thou,bt of being hirbty complimentary to 1!iilse"dC51rnated and we trllSt that those selected for the alphabet Qildentood them .. lach. '!lrn PILFEIUNGS .... Jf you're having girl trouble. you might consider the following- . A.':Wari .female who was imprisoned as a material witness refused tc>0bey the jail rules. She threw furniture around the cell, shouted. atpight 60 that the other" prisoners couldn't sl~ep, cursed at tJ1e guards and di1regarded all orders. "The commandant of the jail br~ht her back tr.l reaspnilble ~havior in two days .. ,"How il1d~you .do it?" the commandant was asked, "Wll;ltpunishment did you give her to make her stop her terrible behavior?" . • • was easy, he replied. "1 merely took away her lipstick. powder, "'ftd ... comb." r]MI'B:ESSIONS WHAT YOIlthink of. WHEN you think of WILLIAM LAURIE, JR. Jasmine.,. Fur toque worn . ."".th":f' . h"'l C .t b 11 . i Wlamemes vel.,.,. orone ••• aerma ••• bowl ,. whl'te J'ade on a .. g"a'rdem'~ .f1oatm'. g .m' a pewter i teakwood lltand •• ,the Voice of beauty, •• Sargent , and Re'noir in one :fnirrie. ' A may have been turned in. There are some knock out plays around but even the dogs that got the double sneer ! ~ '"". i'"'"' by ?UVB H. LARNED If you thinle thllt you tuea help, thinle of BLANCHE ND CYRIL. They re"llj do "eea bell', tbey need two hairdressers to help them in their busitress, And su~h " busiHt!JSas th.y do h"ve and money to burn. it's a pain. ~ny operillor who wallts to WMIe in " modef'1l shop, with every. If you are going to be in town thinK of the best, i"fillai"g the other on-lltors, the equipment, . yw, there are two ways, Either supplies "nd " aismmilUJinK dietltele, will find all Ihis "M perwrite w~ll ahead to the box- haps beaven too, (thlU's up to tb. 'illdiviJu"l) ill BLANCHE AND office or take a chance on an CYRIL'S. TheTe's a "i~lIMss "bout this shQP, Nol alw"ys found i" . ht '1 k II t such est"blish",enls, 4fIJ Krelltl}' aPPred4tea by the patrOtls and elg 0 ~ oc. ca 0 your the OpeTillors. If you bow of " good ~per"tor, who feels thaI broker for the House Pair that sh~ ,'In't ~pMer;~ted" tell h,- wb-. to go.' and Steps Should Be Taken. Even with your own broker . t p t "" The rraeiOllll ESTHER FORD could ha,'e joined a Sam a _ l'fc!tliDay parade one day when seen 0.\ a. Kelly green cloth f>llort dress.' It was JI10llt becomlnr and the consensus of opinion seems to ~:tha.t brilbt colors do somelhinl for her and sbe alwaYs has Clolje sometbi.ll&' for IM;rybody. ",'", .. .. .. . . . h , , :The piquant :M:ARGIE JACKSON affects green JD er costurning quite often and with very good reason. The latest creation bid a Williamsburg green skirt and a top of Paisley like design in Ilbades of greens with yellows. It served as an excetlent backfor her gypsy like beauty. We heard, • Counter Points The biggest headache these days. in NEW YORK, is trying to get tickets to shows. It's a nuisance and a racket , .. ~ound . * fIJ-8tn"te by "...... * * * Helen T"lIe1 fashion. 10, 1946 Talley .Bant Bywhoozit PBRSONAL Thursday, October "0 a.n 18' a un -Plete ~ m~Am!J? '" Je:'" "ni: \ ~;.~,.,~~ \ -_ - ---------_ --..- --_ ---------------- ••.. ....__ .... ..... ... ...... ..... -- GROSSE ThurSday, October I0, 1946 - - ,", POINTE 'age Thirteen- NEWS Christian Science.Lecture. by -Thomas E.Hurley, C.S.B. --1 Given Under Au~pices of Si.xth' Church of Christ Scientist, Th ursday Evening, Sept. 26, 1946 A'~ I ------ ..... ----------iI Phillip Cummings to Operr~ Pointe's Lecture Series .~ I Is the one unlvusal Mlnd-thlll destroyed. and ftDally. with much Its broadlllt ~ ... all maurtai underst andlng operl tes as a law or of MtrY. but due to her ,plrltual humility, he turned to a woman thlnkln&: Now, my friend, CIon you eilmlna tlon to the polsen and Ita concepUon or blm. be 11'1.0 the most practitioner. He w... then completely laY that YOII bave COIIlplete1ymen et!ecta. splrlt}lalJy-lD1ndeel man that ever healed 01 this unreasonlnl prejudice above the beUer In the ~ty or lO-c:aI1ed Likewise, .In heaUnr d1llease wallceclthe eartb. towilrGl )(r$. Eddy. and the pbysical matter, above all material th1nklnl' tbrou'lh prayer, not only the indiReferring to tl)e Muter. Mrs. Eddy on "World Mairs troriJ;;~Ui.e Phillip Cummings. the /lrst bellling Quickly followed, Now he Of course not. So we need to repent vidual's fear and false beliefs must eays (Science and Health, p. 316), has It. deep. sense of love and iratiprlmarUy of 0\11'materlMI thlnkllll'; on the 19411-.7 Grosse American Viewpoint." Mr .. Cum'l be destroyed and replaced with speaku "From him mortals may learn bow tude for Krs. Eddy. wbose great we need to be sorry enourh abou~ !plrltulll truth. but aillt) the Illneral mings. born in V!!rmont .. ~.~ to elIC8pe from evil. The real man Pointe Leeture Series, will talk v.'Crkmade hili beaUnr; p.)5,'Ilble.and It to correct Ito . educated not only at Rollins apd. mortal belle! must be handled along being IlnkeQ. by SCIence to his also a keen appreciation cr the In orl1er to do thl.!. we mwt be the Middlebury College. but atl().- it lines we have mentlone<t It I! Maker. mortals need only. t\l1'n from consecrated 'fork or both men and eonvlnced of the unreallty of matter. not necessary to know .the mqrtal sin and lose a1ibt 01 mortal seUWhat 11 SalvaUonT the Universile de Dijon anc!j~i; women practitioners. . On pege '68 of SCIence a.ocl Health, mind or materia medica laws ror a hood to find Cbrlst. the real man University ot Madrid. ~ ... Let US coD!lder I. 1l~t1e further Tbere cannot be a revelallon Mra. Eddy give., In one paragrapb. case. The need la to what we are to work out-what ssl- and his relatlon to (iod. and to re<:- without a revelator, nor can the which she has called "the !Clentl1lc particular Besides being an authori\Y on realize that God being the one iaw\'atlen really Is. In "S<:lence and olnlf.e the alvtne 6Onshlp." be 6eparated from the statement of belIli:' the epitome of aITairs of the Mediterranean area. only His law 01 Life I! pres. JesUll had such a.clcar undel'ltand • revelation .Health with Key. to the SCriptures." revelator. althougb thl! I! wpst Christian ScIence. The IndlYldual maker. ent and operating. COnsequently __ where he lived. for ove-r !>In. Eddy detlne! "salvation" as IDe of. the Christ, Truth. tbat he error would try to do. 'Furthermore, who J.s just beglnnlnr; to study there Ia Do general morhll belief or . . Entitl.d fellows (p.' 593): "[Jle, Truth, and completely IdenUned hlmself with It, III order to understand and succe.. - ChrlsUan Sclence will flnd It most years, Mr. Cummings has:. taw ca116ln&disease, transmlt,tlnr; It Dr .. Carl L. !:ssl!rt. lIuperinwblch resulted In his being known Love undel'lltood and demonstrated fully demonstrate this rlnal revelahelplul to memorize thlll wonderful w~.jrl(i;landing of the or riving I~ 'lame. nature, develOp: tendent of 8'!hools, is to be th'! as supreme over all; sin, sickness, as Jeaus the Christ, or Chrlst JeSus. tlOD, one must clearly understand Christian Science: statement, to ponder It, and use It, ment, s~'ll\ptoms. activity. erlect or speaker and peOples of 27 differeiJtcoun'" at the first meeting of and death dClltroyed." Salvation; He demonstrated that the ChristMfs. Eddy's place. as revelator-as for It I! Indeed a pOwerful declaraafterefrect. A.s we read In SCIence the Trombly P.T.A. on Wednea. Salvation Now tries-:having spent 75 years in man, the Image and tlkeneliSof God, thererore, Is posltlve, not negative. the DlscoI'erer, Founder, and Leader tlon' of truth, of IlleunreaUty or and Health (p. 380), "Every law 01 day. October 16. His presence various' parts of the world- as a It Is an a ttalmnent, not merely get- was his I true seUhood. He prove!i of Christian SCience and It! movematter and the allneSli of Spirit. by matt~r or the body. !Upposed to rov- will be of special interest be-. ting rid or something. And when v:e that he did not have 10' dIe \n ment. Since this tlnal revelation geographer, .socfologist, commen; However. It must be llSed thoujhtorder to rea1l%etbls true sel!hood or was propheliled by the'Maater and er c man. I! rendered null and void cause he will. discuss, practical. attain the spiritual understanding latorand news analyst. < ,:.;.:f. fully. prayerfully. Merely to repeat the law of Llle. 00<1." . Tnomas E. Hurley, C. S. B. of Life. Truth. and Love; and dem- be' saved,. for be not only healed St.\John. Cbrlstlan SCIentists recog- It from memory I!.notthe ef1'ectlve byPrayer In Chr.!IlU"n SCience Is ~he issues and will answer, questions His- . knowledge at AuUia'H'i onstrate It, the elimination <if sln, others 01 sin, dlsease, and death, but nlze both the revelatioD and thl' flay to use IL One should of Louisville, Kentucky adju.'Ung of one's thol1lbt to Prlnof school concern as time per. arid'llllands of the South Plidili, and death from our con- he overcame death for himself. thus revelator as M!llllng propbecy. better each. time he clple, divine. Mind, so that' .0De mils. Some of the problems he proving Ullt complete salvation Is They do not worship Mrs. Eddy, but declares It; strive to realize Ita 11let.naclous experience follow! or neWill invaluable during the wal' rerlects God's knowing. The earnest hopes to clarify are: .the new anpo.ssllJle here and now. As w., read . Member of the Board of Lec- cessity, they elve her lIer rl&'hltul place, just Ing more fully. When It Is used In and he wa6 appointed Con~uitan\ studtnt of this .Sclence !trlves to do nual promolion policy, new Llle, Truth, and lAVl are SCrIp- In Science !lnd Health (p, 316), "The on the Southwestern .Pacillli '16 tureship of The Mother tural Dames for God. When we Christ-Idea, or Ihe Christ-man, rooe as they Iiive John his, 'Paul hls. and Ibls way. beal~ often result$: . this. constantly-to "pray without "'uildings, ind Physical EducIso. on. The . Individual .cannot be When a younj student or CliP!the United States Governml!n~ ceulng." Such' prayer not only ,church, The, First Church. of rec<llnlze. that Llle Ill. God, we see higher to hum.n view because or separated !rom his demonstratlontlsn !'IcIence. I had thIS Illustrated bellis dl6ease and all oUler discords tion. He will present. the '/ariety Mr. C!Jrnrpingsopen.s tl)e,~l!;~ there 13 only on'e divine Llle, .the crucifixion, and thus proved that from his Indlvldual manlIestation or. In my own experience .. I Wall rldlrir Christ, Scientist, in Boston, lhat cl&lm1nI presence In Individual huof services rendered in the ture which Is Infinite, omnipresent, Im- Truth ,was the master of death. selllon in GrosseP$!! Truth.. ... in a car ....In. a friend when he ex:man experience. It also. aclsaa a Grosse Pointe Schools and olher Chru;t presents the Indestructible morhll, self-existent, sell-swlalned. Massachusetts. Mrs. Eddy's 'wor1r.was to dIsCover perle need " ilevere heart attack. In.. ..t taw or protection. In fact, .the pro!ervices' It would De desirable to Tuesday evening •. October ~~~i!, active, and conscious. Hence the be- , man, whom Spirit creates, constiand give to Dlanldnd the rules and fact,ho iurned to me with the ltate~ 8130p. m., at Pierce Jr, Hign tectlve power of prayer Is just as have introduced. lief that each one has a limited lite tutes, and governs." laws by wblch .the Master'a teachment that he was, dying, . and then School <lnd anyone who lJ",~ not as Its hea1lnr eaeet; iuld JesU6' perfe<:t example remains for Ings may' be scientifically' demonor hl8 own, birth and proceeded to .glve every evidence. 0[. ImportaDt we should be alert to this. ' The mothers serving a! room Reprinted from !4Iltw •• lc'l mad.e.r~serv\ltlo~ for _~~0Q. death, sin and dlsellole. must be a each one to follow. and only In the suated In the work1nC (lilt or one's dolnr; 10. This Wa.5 the first tIme I molhers tor the ,current year. are . false or mistaken sellSe 01 divine measure tha\. we tollow It are wa salv'aUon, The !plrltual,mean\ni tickets. or individual seats"ln:IY of had ever ~. conlronted with auch cluue, which included the enlteformaUoa, AtoMlIllllt, .... Mrs. A. Conder, for the A. Kdg., . Life. whIch the true, fdea corrects. workIng out our own sahaUon. The still do so by 'calling Nr;'"21111.* the 5crlpturCll wasdlVinelyre\'ealed an acute siluaUon, and the ..only Mlll;ter did not work out our sal:Iire lecture, but due to a A.IeeBa&e"', ° . Mrs. A. Conder.~for the A. Kdg. II m.n really had a lile apart from to her,' togeth"r with tbe rules for .thlng that came to my tho\1&ht 'I'U ext. 25; Grosse. Pomte Boaid ~ the mere demonstrating these Iplrltli81 truths, Ood. beginning and ending, Imper" .yatloD tor U1J •. nor d~ . 'nle reaU4t1cn or the truth ilf with Donna King the teacher. "the. scientific !tatement or beln«.~ .~;e!lrettllble error, ~ome col. EdiJ.catloD.' . . !r.:SOi:t fect and discordant. as seems to be acknowledgment or his perfec~ dem.:... beine, .the Imowiedleor good, reMrs. C. Fox wi1h Mary Gargan and she gave thluevelaUonto man-I .topped the car ariel audlbly de. oll.'llratlon do so. Salvation III Indl. the' case, this. would be the truth • ~mns appeared in the wrong. !dnd In her textbook, ,5c1ence and cwed thl! statement, .tiyl.Dr. ~ ptaclni the fa1sfl. with the true In the 1B teacher; Mrs. H. C. Tur-' vidual; each one must work It out about Ule anci nothing could be done o~der, . . Health. wbere I~ not only Ie avallrealize It myself and illll16t1nf that' In.dlvldual human coDllelousness.rell \vilh Martha Graham the IA to change or Improve I~. Hence Im- for himself. Since It Is the.altalnlng .j'\'" ;:-:F brings about true reformation or . . able. for all' time. but alao Is set my friend repeat It. After gomg aver Lile, Truth. mortality would be a myth, But thlll of the understan~of _. _Ill DOES ;,,'" :1' this is heaUnr. It teacher: Mrs. S; Georgi with Har-' In such \'artety of expression It In th18 way several times as regeneration:'and and Love as supreme over all and forth Is Iinposslble. &lnce God Is LIfe: and Ia putting of( the old mall "nd putriette Gifford .the 2B-2Ateecher; that all types of hwnaD thollllht CtUl vigorously loB possible, I noticed a demonstrating thIs In dally life. lal. th ere being on Iy one God. th ere can tlnl on the new. It Is true atoneMrs. W. Faulk with OIga Martin grasp and understand It. sllght- m'lvement of his lips. The CIRIIT1AI SCIENCE' i:'!! ~The leclurer spoke !ub&tantlallY a&, .be but one Life. In the degree that vaUon 'cannot be vicarious. One canment, or at-one.ment with God. the 2A-3B teacher; Mrs. H. RieThis textbook. however, 18 not the next time the lips were fonnlnl the l~Uows; . 'the' false concept of, divine Llle Is not work It out tar ","other,. alChristl In . Sclentlst.s Bible, as Is words, ~hen the voice came, and In Thus 105 false beliefs are replaced .Ie, with Bette J. Craver thl! 3A.: thouah he may. lend I helplnr hand. IUL? ~~erhaps more Cl)rlstlan &ennoDll. eliminated from Indh'ldual human claimed. Our Bible Is the a rew minutes my. friend w... Quite with spiritual Ideas In individual. .B teacher; Mrs. D. McGinty. been preached on the subject. consciousneSs, !I.s.atlendant. beUefs The Muter heltle<lmortals by show- aometlmes James VersIon used by mos~ an right.. . . . ..,~ humeri. consciousness, ... we know ... Ing them the way, Mrs. Eddy hR! KIng of'~lvatlon than any other, yet U1l.' or sin, dlseue. and death go out with Mind knows, we brlnr out .man'a with Mae.,. F.uller th, .• ~ .••A Protestant churches. But the stll-' The first sentence or thl! powerful ,The 'd1S<1~petrlnee "~truc d9ubtcdly member5 of the c1ern ,it. Then ou ~ becomCll conscious of shown them how to walk In thls onene&IJ with divine Mind.' AI we teacher; Mrs. M. R. Swanson and dent or Christian SCience flnds that . statemen~ 18 revolutionary: "There way, and the ChrL.tliln Scltnce Wo.uld rejoice today to see & much LUe u It really Is, and experiences Orglnjc Ind. flllletion.,1 reeognl2le the notblngness or matter MrS. G. Ca]TIeron with Bernie SCience and Health mskes the Bible Is. no Ufe, truth, Inte!Ugence, nor practitioner stands reldy to aiel a new book to him, that It 18Indeed JTeliler Interest evlde'nced In It. Why the progrwlve unfolding 01 Its everdlselie; •• w.1I ft .91. Falk the 5B-l teacher; Mrs. M. sublltance In matter." How eom. . anel gain the underat&nd\ng' of Splrlt till! rather general Indll!erence: or present qualities of health, newness. those needing belp with some .pea "Key to the SCllpturel," Illvlnl pletely th1s dOes away with matter, ... the IDlInlte, aDd only .ullatance, H. Neumann with Doris Wallentrou~i"othi ~orml;;'" ctfIc problem. HOWever. each cne them apathy toward such Ion Important and immortality. For as Christ new meaning and msklng the for If Il!e; truth. Inte1Ulence •• nd we bring out man', oneneu' with thin the 5B-2 teacher; Mrs. E. ~ritlnlilny r. cor d .-8 must follow In the Way-shower', allbjtl:t7 Surely It 18 not ~us. JCllUSdeclared, "This IIIUfe eternal, spiritual truths tbey COlltain praclublltan~ are taken a way trom it, SpirIt. A.s the belief In &In Ie replaced P bod . h EI R" h rilen. feel tlla~ they have alrudy exthat they might know thee the only footsleps; "precept uoon pr~pt. with 6lnkSs. divine .consclousn .... we ea y Wit. vera lICit t e lmong tnct6 ....h" h.av!>q~ Ucal in hili dally IIle. consequently . what 18' Idt? You wUl do wen to pilHenced 0 salvation. Perhaps there true God, and Jesus Christ, whom line upon !lne." until ~e proves ror It Is no mere sense of duty that' brlnr; cut man's onen ... with 8cm1, IIB-3 teacher; Mrs. I. Lowry and think thlll through' ror yourselves, . tllr.n.d, to' Cliri5tiQn~'-are 80me who believe that they have himself tha~ Chrlst'1I his trueanel fuou sent." .' for8oul1l ainleY, dlvlne COJlIlClO\lllMra., M.-MainswithAnne.' WaIcauses -him to study the Bible and my frienda, untll you lei clearly that leen saved becauae tlley are not can. .• nel forh.I,,> '._'- As we recognize that Truth Is only aelfhood, the real and only Science and Health each day. He matter wIthout life. truth, IntellineM. AI the beUer of material' or lace the 5A-1 teacher; Mrs .. 1:. a:low or sinnlnr;. yet the Bible (iod, we see that whatever Is true man. turll.5 t.l them because this study ~nce, or substanca. is nothtnaTlt.'~".,.,.'+hod, .. personal acnae II replaced wlth Hribar wIth M*rjorie Huger the '1\1kes It quite .clear th(;~ sin brings' ritl~t par lake of His nature: henca In an hum~n hu;tory. "olndlvldenrich." his dally me, merely the ab&ence of Spirit: And .p1rttual acnae. we manifest t.he one 5A-2 teacher; Mrs. 1', Fisher with. tktb; hence when ODe really b ... . It mwt lie good; spiritual,. harmonl. ual hI! so blessed his fellow man ir.s definitely overcomllMj of dif{jc:u.ltyiJ heals and protects him, and gives this absel:ce cin be only I. supposl. Ilovernment, and thUl brlnr; cui FrankWelcenbachthe 8B.l be.en laved Irom aln, he must also, ous, unchangeable, and Indestructhas Christ Jesus. and th1s Is because pr.yer..... .piritllel!y sci. him aD ever-Increlo5lng sense o~ lion, since Spirit Is Inflnlteand omm&n's oneness with Principle. M be lIlved from death, as well ... ' Ible. Whatever ,does pot express God he alone worked out hLl salvation the false bellef6 of alckness, dlsease, teacher; Mrt. R. K. Hoover with good; thus enabUnihlm to work out nIpresent. The In1lnItude and omnlentific menner of thin\(i1ig m ffom slckneas aDd disease. , 'eompletely. WhUe he gave men a or Truth, whatever ls evll, materlsl, and death are replaced with }l8alth, Ruth Ernst the 8B.2 teacher: hI! salvatlon In some measure each presence or Spirit exclude and pre. beled ontn. tiachinca,.cf "True salvation must be complele, perfect example to Jollow, he left discordant, changeable, or destructday. elude the presence and exlatence or completeness, and Immortauty,..... :Mrs. M: W. Davis with Mary F. no depnlte rules to go by and. hll i' cannot be partial. One Who has Ible. 11'105 clusltled by Jesus all "tile Christ J e,ul... ", ' brinl: out man'. onen_. with 1m- Smith the eA-1 teacher; Mr'.R., Tnle ...... ~ ~Mia1 .. matter. But It Is not enoulh to say teachlnl was la ... ely In parable!. f~len Inlothe sea would not be devil" which "abode not In the truth, mortal LIfe. ,M we become 00'4'. ,Zhart with Dorothy WoUe the B~vaUOB :;~;~n~ ngf T~tter, ontl t11Wit be His dl!e1ples IoIld immediate followAYed merely by throwing 41m a Wht tli). prl~ris.~ because there I! no trulh In him •.• wlttl~, . erPrualDi the,aets' of IA-2 teacher. ers understoed his teachings to such lIle "preserver. WIllie this would '~or he Isa Ilar. and the father Of It" how .!,yone _can _un~~ The procell! or workllll' out one's The reaaonlrir 1s alm)\e. yet probellii' and provlnr man's frl!edom an extent that they also were able own Rlvatlon includea repentance, ",",vent his drowning, he could .not (John 8:441. Evil at' devil, being Ihe found. SInce Spirit Is reiU and Infram the beliefs or error. we bring steno it Ind 11M it ,ff.cbel. ,aald truly to have been saved tather of l!lie\!. Ia merely the lie to heal the lick and raise the dead, reformation or regenerallon, atonetlnlte, Ua oppoelte, matter, must be out man's oneness with Trutb. And . fud,~,-.on:I_wjj"-, .. untu he hsd been rescued from the .~b.9!1~.o~a~el)c~ o~ :rruth• a,nd lID and this contlnuecl to be the .case ment, reaurrecllon, and ascenaion, unreal and nothln«. In the degree .u we the bellers of 'tear; _, lJHlte'manner;' one,cannot'tle' hi•. noted .re.~.nllly"'n.:,1 .ismOrt, tlie early Christian!! tor some However. these should not be re- that one clearly rellll~ ..thle fact' be unreal, powerlesS; neltMr envy, jealousy. hatred; afICI... It-Ion eald .truly, to lIa,.;uperlenced 11Io1. perilon, place, nor thlnr. Its every 'three 'hundred :rears.. Then magarded as successive 6teps or periods he II truly repentlnr; of the beUer In , pl.h .. d'in the Christi.n and "'1m lIoISur~. v.llon untli he h ... been sa ved from terialism and. worldliness crept Into in one's Ilfe. We do not have a the ikllty or matter. Thl! Ie. the . with tearlesan_ claim to be cawe,. to ,bave',intelllance, ldndnaa. tendem.... fortlveScience textbcok. q'at the Discoverer and Founder of the Ohrlstlan church, and thlll nl- period for. repentance, another for genee. power, activity, and et!~~t-Its tll'lIt !tep towgd repeDtine or more n"', and, compassion-In abort. with Chrlltian Science, Marj.BilkerEddy, every claim to reality-is but a lie F.llted In the I""" or both the spiritreformation, and so on until finally epeclftc slM and mistakes, for all or SCIENCE • rid, HEALTH UJIllelted'lo~we brlnr out man'. refen to u "the surging sea' of which the truth destroys. And dOlll ual. understanding or the Master'! we experience aseellIlon. On the the!<! are the en:ects of one's. beUer oneness with divine Love. with Key'iScrlpturH euor" IScience and Health. p, ~9). words and work! and the power to contrary, the Indlvldual who. 18 ear. no~ everythlnr; from which the huIn the rea1lty or matter; In brief, If . ,,'Thus .,tonement 1& the br!JltIDI . ar:~hla.lnvoIVCll. the overcoming of msn conscloumess needs to be saved, beal.. byMery a.ker Eddy nestly lItrlvtna to wor1r.out his 0"" cne were to repent III thoroughly of :OIIt cf our true splrltual, .. !!hood ,T11 CJIISl1d SCIICE .... d and death,.&6 'feU .... 1l01n. l PrHI.... CeIIlIdr1ft . such ... sin, Ilckne&l,.deat4. ace,lack, salvation Ihould' experience all or hls belief In matter ... to blot It out 'the, Ohrlst, and 'the puttlnl oJ! , or It.. n~, 'Y dG'/ . "In ObrIlU&n SCience,we learn that Tftls'-~-b 0~ unemployment, and so on, hll In tha. these In some measure right now. completely, hc would be"alto«ethei Perhlp&'Chrlst jel\lll foresaw that , •• written to 0 iVI '/O'J. lleillful rietjth1nr;that dOli not e~te aU. eVil 18 merely the bellel'llI the calegory .of that which' does 'not other wor~ by. Mi's: Ecllfj; ~~ Ideot and ,. ~fui, vlgOttlui !remand Upr811 dlTln!i Truth. Lit', abaence of 'good. '.Thus sickness II manifest God, good? Surely none of sOmething. of this nature would We experience all of them to aome splrltually-mlndecl. aDd there would extent wt.enever we have .. heallnr be nothing further.l'Iqulrlnr; Rpent. happen, for he prophesied the com. .eM III o+ntr'luthoriz8cloci: \'i~i!lt. IlDd Imt. It l'Iqwm that wt thlnlr: b'llt Ii belief In the absence of health, these Is of God'a creating. ,And Is It Ing or .'further and nnal revelation In Ohrlstlan SCIence. anee. Every breach of the moral trota. th8 Itanllpolnt ct PrInciple alii a bellet IiIthe'latk 'of purity ."'ld Christilft Scl_ n~:.rl not heartening to rellJlU that we o! Truth thst would brim; hla creat It may be helpful lot this point to eode, 105. well ... the beUds or alcknes.s SCBa .... a.bOIIt ever~tna In cur di.U, eXbollneas, death a belief In the abdo no~ have to be saved from any~ work to fulfillment. He referred to consider how 'we may dally bring tvre mlY' "''::re.d, I:iotrici and death, lore ihe effect. of the perienoe. It requires that inateed or b*tldft its ntwl tI!1~ thouQtItfIll ~ce of me, poverty .. belief In, the thlnr; rial, Intelligent, powerful. and more of th_ into our experience. beller of lire, \rUth. Intel11lenee, and rowM,or PUrchised .• t(;;ic edllOl'iClls, hits feotur" fer Mry kDo'Irtzlt.llI' talldtlr about man 8lI lade of abundant supply. and so on.• dangero~, but only trom a' !RIse this ... the coming or the Comrorter. For eumple, Ie each one recognlzlnr aub!;tance In 'llatler. They hIve no ando! It he ... Id: "'But the Comt+te Christian 5 e i• n ~'1t:J : Mtmbfr tlf I'I\tI femlf)'. God'. UDIIIt. we lCtuaUy ,trlve to We lItt. theretore; that 1IIo1vallon claim, from nothlrig's claim to be nced of more repentance? It Is foundation or exlatence iii 8plrl~ or be~. man. It thercfon ~ rrom evil really meatl5 being saved' :omethln8-from Its claim to be real, forter, 'whfch Is the Holy Ghost. the Re.dineo ROOtl'I, _ 'lob; recorded that tbe Master began his In IIllrltu&1 eonaeiouGleel. 80 we whom .the Fa"'er, will send In my We detect. and e~eetlvely r'I' rrcm the bellef In the absence of Intelligent, powerful, active, to be name, he aball teach you all things. ministry by preaching, "Repent: ror Me tll t lid. f "ft. f tIlit ......... ..." $ I . 1OOd, or, to pu~ It another way. II peraon, mon trom OUr ~ aZI4 ioCt1!lI 14730 Kerch,vII Ave;~~":~ ' place. or thing? While evil and "ring atl t!lblp to your rememthe kIngdom of heaven Is at hand." this m'a=l ~. ~al~=d~e:, Wltt.tenr doee not trace beck to aneaM the reall2atlon 01 the omni. 13 nothIng, since It Ll not of God, brance. whatsoeftl' I ~ comer Meniit(que ~ ~r being sorry enough to corrll$" ... .me And he als!>said, "Except ye repent, PrIDeIple. for tll1lI 1& DO part of the a:naence or Innnite good-llf un. and while It Is apparent that nothye shall all likewise perish," Reb Irlt al1zI th'ftl.'you." That Ohrllltlan ScleftCI • thl! real man. . liI!\lted health, happiness, harmony, O~". to the Pllblic et pentance Is generall." regarded as y lip II nr; cur ~ .. Ing can never be more' or leas than final rel'elatlon or Truth, all of its h9llnell, purlty, Immortallty, abun~ Prom, the tourollll' ".aee that .",. CII,ltti"" 5<1_. Publi.hh'ltl S4Clet) nothIng, 1l>Jclaims to be aomethlng' folowlng hours: II A.M.ili.lii &arrow for wrongdoln". or penitence. I'ra)'w .... 8aInlu. true student." are thoroughly condance, et cete.ra. ,And aurely, no ons at.ol*Delihncl. I'8IllnCtlOn 10 hand cannot be I&'nored. consented to; or vinced. Not atIly'does it brh\it all or but this Will; not the full meaning or to 9 P.M.' ,. . : o~.s.: ~i~err,"M~~...In- his right mlnd desires to postIII MncI. Per W1'a. ~dy deftnI!e what Jesus was preaching. Th. This l!Plrltualllation .of tholllht III contended with. For this would the Master', teaclllrli!. to rem emP.tontft e .~1cI1 pone the unfolding In his experience' ~lrTeetlon" ..(~ Ii.nd _,I/rt11ln mak.e a reality of the t1alm.s 01 evil. bnr.nce, but It' a1Io explains, interto Tho Chrl.tio!> St,...... Greek word that Is trall.51ated "rebroueht about thrnulh ,tud:r and JlelUt.h, p. 08S):, "iptrltUWl&don of c; a more abundant sell.5e of good. Monllcr-S _ks no i_I lot $1 SIXTH CHURCH They need to be. detected and their prayer; . PeralIWnt, eameat 1tIId:r of prell, and amplln .. them lIl,uch a pent" In the New Testament literNo..,. ally means "to think differently" or' the :BIble and Mrs. Eddy's writing!' thO\llbt; a new and hljberllle& of falsity recognized, and the m'ora way that the nudent may lId~n..__ iiam Powerl... &0 Dela:r CHRIST, SCIENTIST -:h. .lmlilortallty. or aptrltual dilterilie; Strwt "to ha\'e another mInd." So the III necessary In order to .. In an quickly this Is done, the better. be. t1r1cally and, lUeeeMrully demonSlato _ ma terla1 belief )'.lelclJ:oCto 'IPIrItual " Salvation City of 'reaUty~f . God 14730 Ke~ch~vj!1 Avenu}iiliJ~ cause tha nature of truth. accord. Itrate thQm tor h1maelf, and thus In Master. was not merely call1ng on' undmtandlng Ulldmtand!nr;." . H~ 'every day ~ ~t~aIII mortals to be sorry for their sins and man In His likeness. This is 'What III It, therefore. that causes Ing to Jesus. Is to maka us free some melo5ure do the works that Ihoulel be .. ~. ~J' tor (John 8:32). • . . • . . . one to think 01 salvation 105 some. the knowledp of rcod ,wblch 111the Je!us .ald thOlle who understood hl.\ and mlstake!, but rnther to change the ~ lItudent of ChrlIU&!l 8e1. th1n& pertaining to ,the more or less To know that Love Is .God,' the their thinking. This does not melon \bird. atep _tIal to true ~eratellchlnp would do. . dlltant future? What i~ It Ihal tlon or rero:rmatlon. It-II obTlOU. ,nee. Each liAJ' he ibould: put on only cause or l'I'eator,: gives one an Whlle' ChrlIttan SClenUltl do DOt that penitence or sorrow for wrongJnOre or the Mlnc1 of Cbrlet and put causes him to poStpone experiencing entirely new aenose of matlon-of dolIli J.s not needed. It Is fundathat one really cannOt let. rI4 or a claim ~ MVe reached the fullness oil: cunal mindeclnlllil or' mater1al .lt8ater measure 01 good, when it 'the universe. Including man. Jl'Drthe mental. But real repentance also fal.oe belief until he p1na tha. true of the loUsier"demonslratlon, their tblntllll', .. blch Paul"" 11 Mth. Ii,the very thlng he most desires? . creation or divine Love Is alnys' Involves changing one's th!nldng lllea. Mane pIna the underllt&nd. works are stln sut1\e1ently Impressive . IS it not the ssme kind of thinking . perlect, bealltlful, and satlslylng, en-. to prove to the unprejudiced in- from 110 material to a spiritual bas15. IlII' or God ... Spirit and man &6RII In brief. to be Urte.1 cut tit C&I1W mlndedlll!ll or th1rItltc 11 tliat would cause one to belleve that tlrely devoid or anY harmful or definale and llkeneu. .. splrlt\llll:r vestigator that Christian Science Is This spirltllallzation of thought entrul:r neurrectlon from ' TbiI , an: onion has the fragrance 01 a structive element. In brier, It maniabl~ one here and now to experllIlental beine, th' talae beUer of man the promlsedComrorter; There have Jl\Itun. oft of material thlnklna aDd deUghtfulperfume? Whatever makes fests the natu:;,: of divine LOve,since enee In Ilke measure "the kingdom ... physical and corporeal ta rebeen and today many ltl5tances hi vIIlr only the Mind ''1rh1ch "'" oile believe something to be quite o! heaven," which Mrs. Eddy defines moved from indiVidual human conlike produces like. There In of the heaUnl or all types of disease a1eO in (jhrlst J_" dON not tncoiitrary to .It.. true nature Is, a reality nC)other creation, for as the as "the reign 01 hllnnont In divine aeiouanaa, tosether with ita llmita. and deformity pronounced hopeless ",olve "lnlflr IIOmethlnl rrom withphase of mesmerl,m. And In "MIsBible declar", "All things were mad. Selch,;.,; t:le re"lm or unerring. t10tl5 of sin .. alcknesa, and death. by the medical profession. . out one's con&clOUlnelll,but rat1lfl' ce1Ianeous Wrltlngs" Mrs. Eddy telLl by him; and without him was not eternal. and omnipotent Mind; the The understandlnione gains When a boy, I myself was bealed the brintllll out or what Ia already ~'(p. 51). "All mesmerism Is one or any thing made that was made.'" atmGSphere of Spirit. where Soul Is through studylnl mullt be llsed In or deafness after a Jpeclallst had there. A.s we read In "MllCellaneous three kinds;. namely. the' Iinorant, Therefore whatever Ia unlovely, un' stated I could not pll&Sibly tela In supreme" (Science and Health; p. order to Illiva the p!,obleDlllclaIming Writlnp" (p. 154). ''It II the pyrt!'le fraudl11ent, or the mallclous. loving, and unlovable - whatever 590). 'presence In human .experlence, and my hearing. Thls healln g ,"II ae.)lOII ot divine Lave to resurrect the Is on S. I e .t t h 15 • wcitldnga of error or mortal. mind." Let us consider the easiest step prayer Is the mode of Its utilization. does not manl!ellt the diVine nattlre compllllhed through. the Intensive IIndmt&ndlnr;. and the Idngdom or Some time 810 I read an account nrst-sorrow for wrongdoing. In Prayer In Chrlstlan 8cIence 11 not -has no "allSe orcreatoi; It Is no study or Science and Hf8.lth on my God. the reign or harmony aIre ad)' Well Kncwn Stores as of 'an elqlerlment made by a hypnopart 01 the Infinite and ~,,'nly creaorder to experience this. we must to chanlte God, nor :s It to Illt Him wlthllt lIS." part, and with the aid .01treatments mt on a youn!: soldier. which wcll tion; It simply does not ~ltlst. .It has nrst be aware that we are thinkIng to chance Hil creaUon, since a tier. by a Chrl..Uan Sclence .practltioner, Ascension, as understood In Chrlsas.t the News Offic:s .• U1l1!ltratedthe nature of mesmerism no beginning, no continuity, no hisor dolnr wrongly, that there Is 'feet creator can create only perrecThe healing look place quIckly and tlan Sclen~. Is not the Meendlng or and the way It claIms to operate. something about which to be lOrry. tlon. But humanly. Ill.5tea<lof being tC!J', no substanc". lit: lntelligence; the hearing 'was perfectly restored. a material body, but the IIft1ll1 up Th,e hypnotilt tol~ this young man, no power or Influence. no activity. no I am personally acquainted with This honellt recognition ot our lins conscloU6 of msn 105 perlect. e.s of thollght to that spiritual altitude who hId qreed to undergo the exerrec~. no reality. Again, It Is merely and mistakes. of our wronr thinking God's likeness. we seem to be conBOOK BLDG. LOBBY. ,Wash. Blvd. et Gd. River th06e .who have Jle(n healed or where one III consclo1l8 only of Life. periment, that aftcr he was hypno-o nothing clalmlnr; te.. be something; and :;ctlng. Is thw really the first IIclOIlS of His opposite or unlikeness cancer. tUWC\llnsls, bllndness. lame., ::; Truth. and' Love. We have many tlled he would not be able 10 stop. and you and I' cannot. be made to step 01 repentance. In "Mlacellane-1m Imperlect man, matez:jal InCLAlIrs,.,,~ .. 20792 Meek. Gr. Pte. Woods neM. paralysl.'l, and many other so~rlods of AScerlSlon. So did Jeaus. ~..t-<'" -:. nicivln g hll hand. And so It was. ous Wrillnga:' Mrs. Eddy .tates (po sttsd of spiritual. mortal Instead of consent to this false claim or to fear called dtfllcult or Incurable diseases. Mrs. Eddy refen to what Is lISually When the IOldler was relelll;ed from '" ;, 107): "Three cardinal pointe mu.~t Immortal, lacking 'lnstelC1 of comIt. lor ths tiuth If that we ar~ \00 InsplrlOK testimonies or healing!! BLUE CROSS DRUG .• 17SI1 Mad at Neff Road called the IoIOlI\IIIonaa "his spirituel the hypnotlo ltate, the hypnotls~ Intelligent to bellel'e .It. be gained belore poor humanity Is plete. Consequently. our thlnklnr 01 all klnl1l, all well as helpful and final 8!censlon abol'e malter. or laid to him. "YOU could nilt 6top regenerated and ChristIan ScIence need! to be changed by the restoraarticles on Chrlstlan SCience. are to CUNNI NGHAM'S .... Kercheval at Notre Dame the nesh, when he rose Out of maSal... t1on from. Feal' mqvlne: yo\l1'hand, could you?" And Is dcmons~rated; (I) A proper &ense tlon 01 our spiritual sen.~e. The fnlse be found each week In the Chrisflan ~ 1 terial sight" ISclencellntl Health, the soldier', reply brought out an of sIn: (21 repent&nce; (3) the bellefs about man need to be re'C ., The understnndlng o( the truena. Selence Sentinel and every month GROSSE PTE. DRUG CO ... Kerch~al at St. Clair p. 35). In brlef, Jesus roee so high tnlerCllting point. "Oh, yes, I could," understanding of .rood." And II placed with splrltual facts In order ture 01 creation enables one to overIn Thl' Chrnflan Science Journal. In the undmtandlng of God as he said, "but I couldn't want to." ~ ' little farlher on she adda, "WIthout that we may become conscious or come fear, for he Stell that there Ylll5,my friends. there 18 abundRn~ HARKNESS PHARMACY .••. Mad at loc:hmocr Splnt llnd or man as His splrltual :to ::, 10 we Ite that. lYen In bellef, a knowledge of his 1I1tl5,and repentman as he is. as he alway. has been really 13 nothing or which to be proor tha't Chrlstlan Science II IllImap and likeness tha~ h~ no I error or mesmer1lm cannot JIsanee so severe that It l2esuoys them. and alwll;yAwill be. In brlef. we need afraid, In the whole of Lava's Iinldeed the prom!&ed Comforter. ~OPP PHARMACy .•••••••••. 16926 Kmheval lonrer was conscious of hlm.~ell aa 1 pOe&ess on' or hla ablllty In any nO\l8r,;on I.. or can be .. Christian to know man u Goo knows hlmvem there Is no evil: either a., cause material, loB Including any mortal d~'tctlon unlell he either wUllngl1 oreffcci-no The .enlatlon an4 the Revelalor Sclentlsl." Here Mrs. Eddy not only complete. barmon10Ul, Ind well. matter. no sin. disease, element. At thl. altitude of or,. Ignorantly conaenls t<o It! claIm MilLER PHARM,l"CY .••. Kerc:nev/l! et Wayburn The Chrlstlan SCience prayer or Strange .. n mlY Item. there lore shows the necellllitr. of repentance. or death. no lack, no evil person, ~..,:'" . thonght. the :>Ive physical sen... s to rob him of the will to use this but she also make! It clear how .treatment. Iherefore. starts from conld no IC)nr;erperceive him. Thl.. ablllty. Each one h ..., the Iblllty to- place'. or thing; no l1esttuctlve Or those whose main objection to NOTRE DAME PHARMACY ... 17000 Kerchevel much ls r~ulred- .. "repenr.ance so the standpoint of perlect Ood and Christian Science Is that Its Dishannful element. RIght whcr3 these a.'Cension lIIemed to uke ?Iace at a wotk out hla own SIolv:.~lonnow. but .\, severe that It destroys" one'! sins. perfect man'" the omnipresent fact coverer and FO\mder was 110 woman. certain time, but It Wllll the culmihe: needs to be alert that error In phases of evil claim to be. right SCHETTLER'S. ~•••••••••••. 15324 E. Jefferson If one Is not ~utDclenl1y sorry lor of belnr;. The spIritual fact for the Mary. Baker Eddy. ThL, unreallOnnation of h1., ascendlnl thoul!lt. of the guise of mesmer1lm Claims to be there Is Love and Its Idea, man. his sins and mlllt'l.kes to correct CIo.'lI Is sllenUy It1\rmed and the ma10K prejUdice-and that II all It ble.o;.~lnllInfinitely and Innnltely the .~censlon he was continuously able to deprlve hIm of the will to SCHETTLER'S i ••• Fish.r /It Maumee them. hLl sorrow cannot be tennecl terlal sense evidence denied until ever Is-belng wholl)' erroneous, not of this experiencing. A.s we read In the lISt thls ,bUlt)', and In thiS way 10 blessed. The realization repentance, for It 1& but ... mOCkery one'., thought Is corrected and the only hlndeu one's Investigating ~plrltual fact ellmlnlll!s fear. reo postpone the workllll' out or his .. I. textbook libido p. 509). '''I'he JMrlodI 'i.: STEADMAN:S 19253 Herper of It. spiritual Idea clearly realtzecl. HowvaUon. Belll£ ,Iert to thlll false with joy, gratttude. llnd ChrL~tlan SClenee. It may even delay of spiritual ..~n..lon ar' the ll.ays a hcallng. The latter l. IlIllstrated Sal... tloa trom the IIeUel In MaUer ever. all. error I.~ not In one's 0,," ~lalm, he e&n protect hlmselt from assurance. And when fear Is comfind ~elL~ of Mind', creation. In COll.5clou.ome.-s; h ence It I.. orten SWHIER DRUGS ~•• 17~OIMac~ Avenue pletely rcmov ..d. there I:; heaUng. As by the experience of a frlend 01 which beauty. I\Ibllmlty. purity. and It and render 1& powerleu by realllPerhaps someone Ia thinking at ntl:8SSary to lake cog-nl7.ance of we read In SClenca and Health lp. mine. He not onl)' resented Mrs. ina the ji:reat tact revealed by Chm. holiness-yea, the divIne nature'-, TITUS DRUGS Kerc:nevlSI at Fisher thl, point. But t am not llOn.o;ejOu.~IlIneral mortal belle! or the claim Eddy's being the revelator of Truth 368'. "Whell fear disappears, the appear In mlln and the unlvcrse tlan Science that God 18the Illllnite of thinking or dotna wrongly. Such of collectl\tt mortal mInd. In this qe. IlII evcn resented there anll only Mind, whIch man In His foundation of dls~ase IS gone." And never to dll8ppear." These are the a one I.~probably thinking of ~in M For example. If one were to drink WH ITTfER HOTEL. ~'.' Burns Drive Image and Ilkencs.~ rcllccts or ex- John tells us: "There Is no tear In being wome.ll prllctlilonus. He was qualltles, then. b3' whIch lire can a brellch o! the moral code as set polaon believing It something else, pl'k~Mperfellt1y. Tills Mind of mAlt, lOVe; but perte<:t love c"'leth out. dellnltely a man'. man r But he had rneuure the derret ot our spiritual lorth In the Ten Commandments. hu Ignorance would not protect him a dlleaa.! the doctors had tried to f~ar: because fear hath torment. He th~ Mind "whIch was "I.!o In Christ ascetl5lon, th& cl~ In which we ThLl I., correct .. far ... It goes. but from tile effeeta of the pol8on III Jesus," can neither mesmerize nor tho t feareth U not made per!!et In hul for a long tirne withOut sucare truly .. or1dnr out our salva lIOn 5c Pet Copy Paut had a much bfOllder sense of .. 18blL~hed by llOl1ettlvt mortal ceM. IlJld It ..... bothering hIm love." ~rnesmerlzed, and there 15no other now. To the extent WI bring out what COMtJtU\(>.~ sin. In hl.~ statethought. But the AJ)lrltual Underllt~IlUy.!l~ he decide/! to try ChrisMind. Furthermore, mlln In the theM) diVine qualltl~. or lJle dl"lne The Savlnr Cbri.t ment, ''To be carnall)' minded Is stendlnll' thst all of God" creation tilln Sclence. but Insisted thst he llktneM of God possesses Ind elfnature, we experlenee tt,e klngdom On S.le at Noon Every Thursday dellth; bllt 10 be spiritually minded renecls the purity 01 Spirit. thAt H. The ttue Idca of Cod-thc con. mu~t ha\'e II mlln practitioner. He presses only the will of God. llnd no II ute llnd puce." he Indtc~te, that nuer mllde pollan. Rnd that In re-I of heaven now. tor to thl~ extent wp Ic\tm:ne~~ of'Truth. or t.nle canwent to one tor some time. then '" ~men~of errOr ean Interfere 'lflth are brlnlllnp: out Ollr true selfhood. all uNjllrltuAI thlnlUng ts carnal IIl1ty Ihtre Ie no ,eneral mortal be. anoth~r. but there s~med to be thll divine wlll or separate maTI' Rclousnrss-Is the Chrl~t, the Savthe Chrl~t, which alwllY~ hili bee~ mlndedn_, or Bin. Chrl~lIan SclHef that could ~ve pol.'\On reality. IIlt1e Improvement In the Mndltlon. Iour. the one and only way to ,alvafrom It. .. and alway. Will be In heaveD. ellce contlrma Ulls, ll.ellnlni .ID III poy;-er, actiVity, or dfect, .1JlU God However, Illl prejudice 11'81 belni WID. Jesus waa a humIn bOlna, born 10 ... ... tilt ~ " Lecture on Christian • breaklnl the melmerlc c1alm that w.ould prevent. us trom workiN out our .Ivatlon now. Paul declares, "Behold. now III the accepted Ume; behold, now Is the'day or salvation," Hence salvation now ~ ~ot only a poalbllity, It III a dlvln~ demand. And we' have the lUIll1{ance tha~ God Is with us In worklnr; It out. PT A at Trombly To Hear Essert Science ~A¥~ an := ~f •.;~ At. 'Poiit;ve>Force .for Good in Your HOnle "II ."'ne ,. c.lwii ..,':::o::=.I~:':= .1 ..._~~~~--I) ;;-~r, t';~~,; Iftt_~ OF~,j are Grosse Pointe News wen 'Y~~ ~ .... - .'1,." > " ...... ,' ...... ,. .i:. ',1., .'\:.-.,.' ,',"'" •. 1 ,-., ; ".' ....... ~,..1 .. " ....... ....... , ; : .'.. •• .'\ G-ROSSE Pige Fourteen = -9PENING THUUDAYI ., CHET JAMS :and His IUSIC Feafllrln, ;'DeLAND The Melod,. Man,of 50br VAN ,DYKE CLUB OR LATE. SUPPERS : At MocIercr+e Price. ~ e_' _ ______._.e----. AMATEUR NIGHT EVERY II;~NSI~S" : MONDAY i ).. CAFE LOUIBE " '''' '" _.".,~,.';,:"' 15161 'EutWarren TU; 2-3883 at I,.',;, ~ .r BarhaM for Reservations • '., OctOber l!'l III11Il1Ullll!llJll~ Hayrides, footban games, apple cider, and do-nuts usher in the fall season which is a cue for the younger set to start their autumn festivities. . l\lARILYN WROBLOS. BARBARA CARTER, and KATHIE STREK did a triple job of hostc5$ing Friday at r>1:arilyn's home on Bishop Road. "Rhythm" pro.'ed 10 be the most popular game at this strictly feminine gathering. A few on their guest list were Lois Buck, Marian Rennie, Gloria Jam('~, Sallie Hoyt, Carol Stewart, Carla Lipski, Joy Schriber, Joann Lyons, Marilyn Smith, Ann Barker, Joyce Culehan. Joanne Quandt, Sally Ferney. Betty Pesamoska, and Pat Barnes. Boy friends just couldn't resist the temptation of food and dance music, so around 10 o'clock they crashed the party. Joe Fromm, Bob Hansen, Tom Anton, Tom Folli!;, Mike Bigley, Jerry Websler, Bob Coleman, Bill Joop, Bob Jenks, Ralph Allured and Jack Corfield were among the intrudel'S. • • • The movies were thl! beginning of the fun for MARTHA FELLER ana her gai friends Friday evening. After taking in the show, t::. returned to Martha's Hawthorne road home and tried to get in a few winks of slumber. Those in on the. all night gab fest were Francis Fittes, Lorraine Christian, Lou and Jan Dumontier, Gerry Enix, Heen Worcester!, Patty Williams, Shirley Schaening, Virginia Johnson, Marian Fi-eld, Edith Desh, Justine Freda, Ruth Thayer. 10, 19046 • , ~ : '" at the 'I PUNCH and JUDY Lenny Wayland and attractive Gaye Hillard, two of the stars of Tobacco Road, playing at the Shubert-Lafayette drop in after the performance for a late supper at the London Chop House. • • • \! •••••• i=' w.. " ••PJi, " "f"m ,~ '" MISS VIOLA BLACK. direc- I ~ tor' of the Grosse PointE: Chil- ~ dren's Theater, which opens Oc.. ~ tober 19 in the Grosse. Pointe ~ Nursery School Building at 20947 ~ Mack, at Hampton road. Miss Camp Fire Girls of the Pomte Black, of the Catholic Theater of turned out in force Saturday Detroit, teaches all forms of draafternoon for their big theater matics including diction, interpar~y at the Esquire' Theater pretation. stage and radio techwhen they saw "The Bride Wore nique. Her students actually parBoots," and ~'Pinocchio.tJ I Helping orga'lize the party ticipate in play productions. Boys were Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. Snell, and girls between 6 and 16 inMrs. Gardener, Mrs. Runde and clusively may enroll for classes Mrs. Corey. ' on Saturday m 0 r n i n g s' and Thursday after school. Th-e Rainbow Chapter of the " Horizon Club held its first meeting of the y~ar 011 Monday .. Sep-, tember 30 m the home of the . .:hapter advisor, Mrs. Charles A. Nutting. Miss Edith Lippert was elected president, Shirley Parry, vice-president; Jane l':/utting, secNext Wednesday evening, Ocretary; and Ruth Parcy, treasurer. tober 16, will mark the opening This group will meet every Mon- of a new, quainl. colonial,style day evening. dining room for G:-ilsse Pointers • • when Harvard House at Mack The Camp Fire Girls are help- ;Ind Cadieux officially opens itS iug with the Community Chest doors for business. Fund and the public is asked to Andrew Pitsos, long identified cooperate with them. The Camp with fin-e food and one time .lhef Fir!? Organization is one of the at the Oakland Hills Country '1'0 outlive all, live all out. • LUNCHEONS SANDWICHES ; 123 KERCHEVAL ~ DIANA'DALE Dynamic Singing Comedienne RIGHT IN YOUR OWN, NEIGHBORHOOD For Your Enjoyment We Still Have the Finest STEAlS II TOWN Prices Right , Try One And Classifieds! He COIll';,reed Luncheons, 75c Dinners 11.2:30 5-10:00 -.Xnown ont'! !or lhe'lJe:j[ Special Parties Our Specialty in catering to banquets, wedding reception!!, testimonia1 dinners or any social occasion. OPEN SUNDAYS Fcr POMPEIAN ROOI GOLD CUP ROOI ME. 9565 Reserveticns--C.II Nl. 9693 "Gene"- STORK CLUB And dance to the smooth rhythms of g u it IIr is t Charles Costello ""d his orchestra. Ellst Detroit's Finest Supper Club r 6352 East Wamm Avenue THE WHiniER NEAR OUTER DRIVE Burns Drive ilt River lenox 9000 Just Arr ived! Every servic~ is characterized by the beauty, dignity a l'l d prestige befitting Detroit's finest families. Pie- Hot from the Oven at 11 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. For Veget<lrian treat, try our Chef's Salad Bowl; Hard to Beat This Luncheon Delicious Cheese Cake - 1; Deep' Dish Apple Pie } ______ .fran~ois FRENCH CHAMPAGNE l And just all the other fi,se foods that "'lake it •• , _ L • VINTAGE There~s No Substitute for BOYD~S fORD-MERCURY- LINCOLN '~b~~~~!~~' drl.". .~ ~ .. over~euling, ccmplefe lubriceficn, peint. ing, bumping or eny other ,ervice, you'll do bed to bring it home • , • to Boyd's, where servi,:e IS to the Pointel We WlII ServIce All Your Cars, Regardless BRUT 1937 Here again at Low Prices BRING IT DOl'IE - ...• ! WhM'" w•• breke job, motor '.,; IMPORTED t Special! • For those to whom the art of gracious living is • cherished tradition, we t&k..,pleuure in announcing the arrival of P. HENNEQUIN. , & EeBARBIER Imported French Champagnes 1937 Vintage The delicate, natural bouquet of these rlre vintages bespeak the perfect complement to dir.nertime dining ~••• tribute to the "s.voir faire" of host and hostess. AII_uble ,u ,he beller storM lIt Grosse Pointe of Make 11 rq!!FO~~!!J,In c • ....1&401 E. JEFFERSON, al lolli .. _ ~I , .. 9605 i 5ilIiUmIllUmIlIlIIllH~nlIHUIlIIIIlIlIlt:JIIIIIIIIUlllllllllllllllllllllllaIlIllIIl1flIIlUIIlIllIllIllIlI1II11I1II11I1II1II1III11mllllnIllIIllUIIIIllIllr,IIIIUllillmIIlIlU~ Wine in th'e I - SNACKS Niligara • "nd enjoy the marvelous cuisine of The Whitiier, Delicious food te"'pti,.gly sertJed. ' I fu'''''''''' " lOW SERYING ~ ~ ~ DINNERS • •• Dine in the. 7909 East Jerrenon !!i i.. ~ , J.............. stoclt of heer, liquor and imported cordials is now al/ailahle at our estab/ishmen~. Drop irt with )'our friends for a pleasant afternoon or etJening of relaxati0l' and elJjo)'ment. Informal atmosphere, plus a Si'lcere desire 10 make 'IOu feel at home, htll'e mtUie the "Putlch atld Judy" wOHe Pointe's f'JVorite cocktail lounge. i~ Harvard House Op ens 0 c.t 16' • g •• ~: I' COCKTAIL LOUNGE ~ Pointers to see Grosse Pointe High romp away with a 7 to 6 victory. Among those cheering from the bleachers were: Sally Grylls, Sara Stephenson, Jo Armour. Jeanette VanBecelaere, Dodo Guimond, Gloria James, Sallie Hoyt. Carol Stewart, Jerry Web. ster, Bob Coleman, Lois Buck.~ill Beardslee, Tom An.on, Sue Crwksl:ank, Letty Kretchmar, Annie W a kern an, G ail Wright, and Janet Hobsen. More were: Ed Karr, Bob Tl,mpie, Sally Andrus. Ginny Granse, Ralph Allured, Jack Corfield, anu Joe Fromm. The blue and gold cheer leaders added much to the school spirit. the Detroit metropolitan area. Those interested are urged to contact ':'homas Wilson, presi~ dent. He can be reached at LEnox' .'j 8327 after 6 p. m., or by letter; :-., ~UIlJljIUII~IlII11UJ1U1UllH1llmIYlUlUllll~mIlIIllUlUlUUIIUlIIK~IIUIUIlllJUIIIIIIUlIIIIIIlIiIIUIIII~U1l11l11nUlUIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIRIIIII i_ FOR XESERVATIONS CALL ME. 11836 • The Pennsylvania Club of De~ troit is conducting a membership drh'e and is anxious to pnroll all former residents of the Keystone State who are now living in John Peters " ..... .i!! il1 Your hoot of the evening. & ",~,'.• ' NEWS Use Detroit's smart east side night spot. Accessible to all sections of the. city, It Is particularlY convenient to Grosse' Point and Indian VllJage pleasure seekers. Superbly prepared food and the choicest liquors served. Dancing every night to the smooth rhythm of Gordon Welch's Music. dATERING. TO BANQUETS Md PARTIES l."' Club Enrolling Pennsylvanians •• The 'FAIOUS DIIIERS ~llI"IIII11I1UIIIIIIIIIIUllUlUlmYIllIIlJljNllJlIaIU • Make your "evening out" a IllX\I1'Yevent by chooslna : TREAT YOURSELF TO ONE OF OUR I ~ A small crowd journeyed on to Northville's Cass Benton Park for a hot dog roast. Marge Stoerkel was with Buster Knope, Kathie Strek with Doug Krieger, Barb !>toerkel with Phil Skilhl}an, Marilee O'Brien was with Bud • At the Universily of Michigan- Horsley, and Jo Singer was ,with Iowa football game Saturday were Jim Brown. • Suzie S pur r ieI'. Burt Spurrier, The folks met at the Punch and Stuart Ward, Jim Hersh, and Judy Theater for JIM LEMON'S Mike Bigley. Saturday night. Gerry , The pig-skin contest out \in hayride Royal Oak beckoned many of our Roundns was Jim's date for the big event, while Lois Buck \Viis with Chuck Marcus., Mary Gratzer with Dick Nightengale, Jean a_g_e_n_C_ie_s_of_th_e_C_h_e_s_t. I~;~vb. i~~~i~i~:ne;-oof th~S s~~~~~:~ Dowzer with Dick Forden, Lou Ellen Marks with Ed Karr; RoseOur grO\ving number of fine restaurants. mary Rae was with Doug TurnbuH, Joan Blanchard with John Titus, and Barb Mann with Bob Snyder. Eating and danCing at Chuck Macrus' home came later. . JIM Top btel'tJ.1nJ!ilent ___ e_ :. " Kid Bits I By Mary Prevo While in the down river dis- I game area was in the path of the trict recently chartering a pa- dri(ting scum. It was interesting to nole that trol boat for the Stream Control Commission to check sources of such a condition was not found stream pollution Larry F. oem- when the Stream Control coming,."'tlanitary engineer, for the mission made a survey over the commission found startling evi- same water a week __ !Jut apThis dence of the need for just such peared shorlly thereafter. pointed to the need of a palrol a bOat. H~ had made preliminary ar- boat on the riwr constantly and rangements with the Girard Boat a Detroit emergency field ,office Co"in Ecorse. for a cabin cruiser for which the Little Legislature to ,P\l. used by commis~ion men appropriated $25,000 two weeks for, Ikily patrol of the nver front ago. Officials of the Wayne County and ,was at the Wyandotte Sewage: 'disposal plant making ar- Sportsman's Club whidl spear. rangements for a temporary field headed the drive for the office office when word "me that a and patrol boat named the Pennfl'!!!E!n-mile stretch f heavy oil sylvania Salt Manufacturing Co., 15ltillge coated the water from the Firestone Tire and Rubber Morigaugon Creek in Riverview Co. and Ihe Socony- Vacuum plant to Est;'el Beach about five miles as being in the area from which beloi\; Pointe Moullie in Lake the oil originated. Present plans call for the opErIe;' Inwstigation showed that thou- eration of the patrol boat to start lands of fish had been killed and October 1. were !loating about in rafts. Ducks Results speak louder than criti~ghting in the scum could never f1y!~ain. Pointe Moullie state cism. EVERY NIGHT "" ... " flIlI1limlUIlJillIlIl!illlW1lI1IllJUlIlllII1II1lIlJ1IIlIJ!Ill pollution Brings Death To Fish; Disables Ducks DANCING POINTE 'o{;.", , ..:.... '3 ' GROSSE - POINTE NEWS Blue Devils. and Flyers Both Win ,t". , .. $rol'ld . -- ~ Grosse Pointe High Defeats I Royal Oak in 7-6 Grid Duell . .1 Loco! lads Crac~ Acorns With Help of Timely Breaks and 8loc~ed Kick for Point After Touchdown . I r.... SPORTS ,- ..... , St. Paul Ele~eri Conquers St. Charles by 6-0 Score New Coach Watching T~am's First Victory TH.I~J WEEK SpOI'l:J ,:,;1" Bob Cucchi's. Pass Reception Sets Up Lone TouchdoW~:': M.d. by Roy Huetteman in Second Quarter ,,' I By' FRED .RUNNELLS _________ -1":1~C'1 The St. Paul Flyers added victim number three to th~ ' victory string when they defeated a stubborn St. Charles eleven, 6 to 0, last Sunday at the Neighborhood Club field; ~,~~ 51. Charles threw a scare into""-------------th~. Flyel1l' camp in the fading Johnn~' Fushm;n snared a mmul-os of the game when Tom- trom quarterback Bob Cucchi'" my Joseph made good on a ~ass near the end zone te score"St';" to the St. Paul four-yard lme. Paul's only touchdown. Fush::~" St. Paul w~ able to. stave off a man then attempted to conve:tt;..'.'~ desperate line. attack, as the but was wide of the mark-'. whistle sounded endmg the St. Charles' attack haean .. ~ :," game. roll starting the sl!<:ond1Ulf and .. Both teams played listlessly twice th~y battled their Way' .~: through the first and second down to St. Paul's 10-yard ll.i\e, , peri0:t.. Neither was able to .gain only to be stopped cold by t~~~ suffiCIent ground to get Within Flyers when the chips were " scoring distance un t i 1 Ray down. ., Huetteman. Sl Paul scat-back. St. Charles carried tho fight '~"'. broke into the clear on an end the Flyers throughom the Jaq" .. run and went all the way to the two periods wiht Pete CiIiUt~~; St.. Charles .20. This gain was t?reatening,to break away e"ery,' . qwckly nullified when 51. Paul tune he carried the ball was penalized IS yards for un- Tommy Joseph almost co~t• : ". • B¥ FRFiD RUNNELLS, .' THURSDAY,. OCT. 3 - THE Grosse :pomte gamed Its first 1946 Borner City League. CARDINALS swept the post seafll6tball victory last Saturday when Royal Oak succumb. ed to I son playoff series by downing the :Blue DeVils' superior power and alertness. 7 to 6, on the the Brooklyn Dodgers, 8 to 4, in }atters' field. It was Louie Champine's running, Ed Isbey's I the second game today and won pass1ng and Johnny Rummel's. kicking that. put the Blue the National League pennant and Devils in the driver's seat early m the game. ' the ~Ight to meet the Bost~n Red For the first six minuies of the, " • I Sox m.the 1945 World Sp.rles ... ftrf,t ,quarter both teams sparred the Acorn 39, where he almost I RUMORS .TR~VEI:..EDFAST ~r a break and battled on even eluded the safety man for a Clear' today. when 1t "as, reported that terms between the 40 yard mark- field. , the Tigers were wllhng to trade us. cGrosse Pointe received the . Isbe a ain was run backward Hal Newhouser and Dick WakeIrst'brea!t of the .game when and t~ro!n on his own 47. but field for Ted.Willia~. G~ner~l Royal Oa~ was penalized l~ yar~s "n the nextpUy !'mashed oH! Ma~ager Eddie C?llms said, I ~r ~.hPPlng, back to thea. 0\'. n right tackle for 25 yards tU L\c I ,,"n t know ~nYth.~g.. about any 15. , . Acorn 27 as the hall ended. I trade mvolvmg Williams and I The Acorns, faced With the task don't want to be quoted .•. 01 making 25' yards for a. first Royal ~ak received the Inck DEAN GARDNER, brother of own 'ook to the air on the first off but" as, forced to punt .from . .. d d ," > .' t t d its own 40 after a clipping pen- the late Indlanapohs Spee way .,lay.:~Louie Ch3aOmPI~e m el;~ep ed ally was enforced against them driver, Chet Gardner, was killed ~. ht~e Acokrn N akn",swas s op~~ The kick was short to the Gross~ inshntly when his midget racer I on IS trac s. IC' erra, on e h h D '1 ht a sp'rining car on a tllrn at l\rst . play fumbled and Royal Pointe .35 fr~m were t e eVI s I . 1. _ .' .'.. .ts 30 d started a drIve J,sbey and Ger- the Phoenlx track, catapulted 0a k ,recelre;. on ~ own POi~~:'S hart made it a' nrst down. Isbey over the guard rail, rolled over ~:.cessary roughing, back to the ~:ar7~thal~i:ySP~~e~he ~~~~ ne11h',sdqueChing rosse skirted end for nine and a half in' mid-air, plummeted d.)wri a This seeml!d,toflre tl).e Flyers' Paul 'was forced to go on detouc own opes. d b 1'. It I 2- f ot mbankment and skidded G~osse Pointe got right back s u.t a c lPpmg pen a Y nu - ,- 0 ,e . attack and on the next. play fense s: ill tile t!riyer's seat, when.:on the lIfie<;l thiS :un and forced the 75 feet before commg to a sto!". tlrstlplay Royal Oak'fumbled on DeVIls to luck. Johnny. Rummel WALLY HARPER, of DetrOIt, !. qwn 34 and the Blue Devils really put the Acorns m a hole successfully deCended his title by recoyered. It. was from this point when he booted out of b?unds winning the proCessional Class C SUNDAY Nll'iB'l' ~atlChamDine took over and led on the Royal O.ak 1 yard lme. event in the National Outboard NIGHTS: Ore~. ".21; DIe. $3.60. $3, 1%.40, U,60. MATI~'EE5: Sdard.,.a, tile Blue Devils to pay dirt.. Royal Oak klck~d on the f1,rst motor boat races at Paris, Tenn. O.c~. 113;""Ie. ft.... $1.1lO, U.:O. ALL THESr. PRICES INCI:t;DE TAX Cllampine skirted left end w down, a 10wwobl;>lIng punt which FRIDAY OCT. ~BOB FEL'ENGAGEMENT flghi yards to the Acorn 26. Isbey was downed. by Isbey on the. LER, Cle~eland's 'over - worked I,ked an end run and then tossed Royal Oak 38. A pass from Isbey fIreball artist who broke Rube COACH ED WERNET, Grosse Pointe H'igh School's new coach, caught in a tense ENDS SATURDAY, • 16 yard, bullet-like pass to ~ Be~.k the b~{l ;~lthe Waddell's old strikeout record momer.t during the game at Royal Oak. last Saturday afternoon. His charges gave him OCTOBER 19 Cha~pine on the 10 who went to 11'0 me pays ne e. yar s during the past season; d~nled his first win since coming to the Fisher road school. Guard Bardi is about to be sent in the lfive before being stopped. and a Royal Oak pusltmg penal.ty that he will spend his winter vato help plug Ii. sagging line. Line Coach Harold Fisher, also looking a little pensive at lIbe~on the next play started of five yards. gave the Blue DeVIls cation and play ball' at Noa:ales. this point, is seen in the background. .. same end run and this the ball on the Royal Oak 9. SM' -!'Ietur. by Fr.d Runn.lls tlm h fooled the Acorn defense lsbey off tackle went to the 1 enora, ~XICO,••• , .. ... ' ~ 1e 1 d t II the way yard line. At this' point the BETTY SHARP. Boston night C'IImpe te y an wen a . h Id 1 b 't t' . ..:. 1 . g ~ t*e 2 yard line. Champine then Acorns Stiiie..ned and e on e u en .er amer. IS ,,":,.paym. a h d 'ght tackle to score downs. large diamond she said she reIra .e g o~;r TJ Royal Oak sen~ed this was its ceived from Joe DiMaggIo but ~~ '~h~n . t' after touchdown was last chance to score and elected said 'no dat~ had been set for the • tr'ckP~\~y. Coach Wernet sent to ruJ.1 the ball out of. danger y;ed~ing~ She is apartment h~t• tlaugher the place kick ex- from' Its own ten ~'ard lme. Re- mg In Bo.ston on the assumption MICHIGAN-ARMY ••• Wolverines stop Army victory perti of the 'team, to try for the peated lin~ s~lashes b.attered the tha~ Joe traded to Boston parade. ' "tra point. This move fooled Bll\e DeVIl line to a pulp and durmg the wmter ••• ' MICHIGAN STATE-MISSISSIPPI STATE.,. Spartans Roy~l Oak whlln Isbey took the Royal Oak traveled. all the wa.y JOE LOUIS met his manager, Alabama' ....:...:8. i:~ti. bell, from center, faked, putting on the ground to the Blue DeVIL John, Roxborough, when he was pounce back after last week's defeat. S. California OregllnState the'lball down .for Flaugher to 3.. A shorl pass over th~ line released from Jackson Pri~on. INDIANA-ILLINOIS •• _ Indiana lost its only game to Georgia Tech Mississippi klck! Flaugher went through the climaxed the Acorns beaullful 99 Roxborough l'lad definite plans Michigan. . ' S. Methodist Oklahoma A-M. rnotlons but Isbey straightened up yard m!1r~h. . for Louis in the coming months. ,row A-NEBRASKA ••• Too much Iowa line power. ' Princeton ..: : Harvard Illste, Wost • 'rank KI"aHj • AI NOMll" and ;tIipped the ball to Ted MumDorse~' was the boy who had He doesn't believe there is a NORTHWESTERN-MINNESOTA ••• Wildcats claw Ohio State Wisconsin , fordl who ..... 'as standing in the the. toughest Job of the after- worthy challeriger and Joe will Lucllle Al Jack Roia Gophers, . . Minnesota ~,.. Northwestern Wl.dt:r:oneaU alone. noon when l)e y;as elected. t;O remain idle rather than fight PAGE NORMAN WHITNEY CURIE OHIO STATE-WISCONSIN ••. A close one, Buckeyes Indiana .:.............................. Illinois H+rb Gerhart kicked out oC convert. that all Important pomt another cneap fight like his last Army \ Michigan on top. . bouflds. on the kick off and the for a be. Before the ball was one with Taroi •• , Pennsylvania Dartmouth NOTRE DAME-PURDUE ••• A breather for the Irish. offl<iiat. put the ball in play on snapped you could s~e ~e was SATuRDAY OCT 5 '-- BAR. U. of California , St. Mary's U. OF D.-SAN FRANCISCO ••• Trip: to coast top long the Royal Oak 40. A third down plenty nervous as h,; bIt hIS lower NEY OLDFIELD "World's MOIl LAUGHS THAN ANY OTHER ' Texas Christian ,.. Miami U. punt put Grosse Pointe In the lip and crossed hIS fingers on . , II ' , . for Titans. r Navy ,.c Duke, hole: when the ball rolled out of both hands as if to be praying tteh dhrltVer, lWhdio. . _.,J. JII'~,$'_~.$"'oW's ,c;9Jl11~n~:lPr;,\,s,; "Jj~:!,} ".'; d n? °bned edv,edr WAYNE~WESTERN RESERVE ••• I like the under Notre Dame Purdue lXlUnds on the sioe yard line 1fut to the. football gods to make the oug wou e m I.• dogs, number tyt'o for Tartars. Mlssissi'pp~ S : Miel;tIga!l:;: the: Blue Devils. received their kick. good. ...' y.,:sterday .. He was fqund by ~lS CORNELL-COLGATE ..• Cornell t,oo gooq;' IIcond break. of 'the day when The'entire Blue Devil Ime was wife, BessIe, whom he marrIed Cornell, Colgate STAITS THUUDAT IVIL. _~ PENN-DARTMOUTH ••• Gotta pick Dartmouth~the Roy;l Oak was ruled illegally in just as determined to stop that 10 mo~ths ago after a 21=year Yale , Columbia _ JaQtion and. drew a five yard all important kick and as .the separatl0z:1o Death was beh,:ved Brown Rhode Island State 'went there. OCT. 2~i'IN 'DAYS ONl,r_ 'lty The kick over carried ball was snapped back the Pomt- due to ,a cerebral hemorrhage ••• U. of Detroit San Francisco NAVY-DUKE ... Navy doesn't like to lose. . .. ~os'se Pointe's 38. ers charged through the Ac.orns U. OF'MICHIGAN defeated 'a Wayne Michigan Minei TEMPLE-PITISBURGH ..• Pitt gets smacked again. , A Now M•• kg( CO"'"Y Nitk,Serra took. it to the ,(5 on line like water through a sleve.slubb0J:11 )owa team, 14 to 7"and HOLY CROSS-VILLANOVA .•. Holy Crolis was lucky .. end'rlm and on the next play Dl!n Beck was first to break showed Army Scouts absolutely last week but not this time. ' I'bey started out again on a :Cake thro~gh and. bloc~ed at;' accurate- nothing except straight football. COLUMBIA-YALE ... Bulldog has its teeth pulled. etld 'run. This time he heaved a ly aimed kick wllh hIS ch.est. It The Army team. Michigan's next PRINCETON-HARVARD _ .. Atos~' '-ip-Harvard. oW yard pass to Dick Wuerker, was all over but the shouting as opponent, is still very much in TEXAS-OKLAHOMA .•. Texas will be undefeated this ....ho'had gotten behind the Acorn there were only three mmutes the dark as to how powerful .afely man. Wuerker had the ball left to play,~nd the ~corns knew Michigan is but pOpular opinic.n year. Od .. 13-8t. Vincent, away., Iflueezed aganst his chest and th~y had mlsse~ their cliance to believes Army's two-year reign Oct. 2O-:-St. Martin, home. hid taken three steps toward the g!lln at leas,t a t,e. ~vill come to a'i' end October 12 lOal' )ine when the ball hopped If any scouts from Monroe were in the Michigan Stadium. • • record. Playing the back nine Oct. .27~To be Ischeduled. ov.t, of his hands for a long In- In. th,e stands last Saturday they WAYNE U. pulled a surprise first, Johnson had 10 birdies and Nov. s.:-Annuncialion, home. t h f oppor no bogie •. Steve Purdo won the Nov. IG-St. Bernard; home •. completed pass. On the very nex t d Id ':l t ge m':lc 0 an - by upsetting a stronger Ohio \. f play Isbey tried the same play tumty to see Just ho~ powerful Wesleyan 13 to 0 unbeaten club championship by de eating Nov. 17-51. Ambrose, away. ~ly'to be trapped and thrown the current Blue DeVIl aggrega- I ' , Robert Leggette, 9 and 8 . ", The Grosse Pointe Florists and for 'a 10 yard loss where he tion really is. Quarterback Ed eam .. MON., OCT. 7 - ST. LOUIS lumbled and Royal Oak recovered Isbey kept the majority of 1he . U. OF DETROIT TITA~5 had CARDS tied the World Series up Grosse Pointe Cab Co. teams are ,.. the Grosse Pointe 35. Pointers' trick ;:llays in the bag. YICtOrysnalc,!'Ied from theIr grasp at one api-ece when they shut out tied for first place in the Sl Paul Royal Oak smashed through for Grosse Pointe travels to Mon~ In the last 1:>seconds of t~e. last the Red Sox, 3 to 0, on Harry I,.adies' Bowling League after II to the 25 before Dick Wuerker roe next Friday night to play a qu~rter when Eugene Defilippo, (The Cat) Brechen's four hit last Wednesday night's play at snared an Acorn pass on his own nocturnal game scheduled to start sub half9.ack. from Holy Cross masterpiece. This game gave the Woods Recreation. FrJday-Sah,,"y , Octo""r 11. U )' and ran it, back 43 yards to at 8 p.m. • booted a ,field goal and won the Cards all the confidence they V. Koerber was high for one Eve10lnp .ollly game, 16 to 13 . . • m:eded as they headed for Boston game with 185 pins. She is with ,Anll' Sb.rldaJl ' I NAVY AND 0 K L A H 0 M A where the next three games will the Stein Hardware team. Old . Joel<; Carson -lIArr~ w, GRTS-J.56, 2.56, I , were surprised and were toppled be !)layed. Boston looked bad at Brick Inn rolled the high game 'lOne. MDre Tomorrow" acco.puIed 11)' r lttIllc. lJo full MATI., 2,, J.'" (1"e1-..: tax) Mll-addre .. ed.. . ., I' Salllrd.y MaUnee Only from the unbeaten class. Navy bat and afield and visably show for a team •.with 781 pins. Bernice' otamped ellnl9pe. Prtc .. PI... Tax : __I "AdY~l\tur~s . of ]tUfty'" was s:na::ked down by a scrappy "World Series jitters" ••. McCarron once more rolled the 'Sun., Mon.: "Tues. Columbia eleven, 23 to 14. OklaWEST POINT'S DOCTOR an- top three-game series with 499. O<leber 11-14-15 of the' homa suffered its first defeat in nounced that the cadets would She is the mainstay i !' Goddard R.ay MIIl'nd . 21 starts to the Texas Longhorns, have their tOllchdown twins, Grosse Pointe News, team. Cal Purdy passed 15311 E. JEFFERSON The Bllle Devil reserves, play- quarterback .'Kltt,."" 54 to 5. Oklahoma \vas minus the Glenn Davis and Doc Blanchard, Team Slandinp at Nottingham Ing its second game under from the lO-y;ol'd line to Bob W"dn •• daY - Thursday Hansen in the end zone for the services of its star passer Bob better known as Mr. Inside and TU. 2.2760 Pins W. t. Coach Charles Peterson, traveled .t.~ Odo""r \(-17 Fenimore. • • Mr. Outside. in operation next Grosse Pte. Florists .• 7167 12 .( Hazel Park last Friday and last touchdown of the afternoon. Dane Clark , , DUCK HUNTERS found fair Saturday against Michigan. This Opea. 11(.-. WI Frf~ ':4$ p,m •• Sat.. S..... !laUd&~, U;4S p.... In the second half Hazel Park Zachary Scott Grosse Pte. Cab Co... 7071 12 4~ ~wamped the Parkers, 18 to O. to uRef Kind 0-1 Man"" shooting on opening day despite game promises to be one of lhe became exceedingly tough and Harlow J. Lingeman, tun its winning streak to t\\7O. greatest sports spectacles the MidOCT, 11-12 repeatedly ripped the Blue Devils the unusually warm weather. FIlIDAT. SATUIDAY Flowers 7089 10 6 Scoring all three touchdowns SUNDAY, OCT. 6-A COUPLE west has ever known and the Verbrugge Groceries .. 7398 9 7 Iine to shreds but they didn't In the first half the Pointers Myrna Loy and Wallace Beery and have the old scoring punch whcn OF EX-TIGERS, Pinky Higgins Wolverines are given an e;>:cel- Old Brick Tnn 7332 9 7 Don Anleche in ~l~cted to play defensive ball in Margare,t O'Brien In and Rudy York, put the Boston lenl chance of stopping Army's Pongracz Jewelers the chips were down and failed 7251 9 7 the iast halC and CODstedto vic"SO GOES MY LOVE" "BAD BASCOMB" Red Sox out in front in the first victory march at 21 ••. Grosse Pte. News 7410 7 9 tory. 'Three limes in the second to score. ALWAY'S DETROIT'S game of the 1946 Worlds Series T U E S.• 0 C T. 8 - R A,D I 0 Oak Cleaners Ha~el Park's desperation was 7136 7 9 hal! 'the Devils stopped thref' by bla:;ting Howie Pollet for BROADCASTING FEE of '$175.- Pointe Cab Co OCT. 13.14' FINEST FOOD SUNDAY. MONDAY 7052 II 10 J{azel Park threats wilh'n the shown in the final tabulations Putnam Tool Co 5974 .6 10 Blue' Devil 20-yard line. Twice when it was discovered the Park. three hits and three runs to win, 000, will not be shared among.the Lee Bowman and AND NOW ••• Joel'McCrea and 3 to 2. It was Higgins who drove World Series players as in the Stein Hardware 5771 5 11 un pass interceptions, one by ers attempted 16 passes but only Marguerite Chapman in York home with the first run of past. Instead it will be held in Mondry Cleaners Brian Donlevy in 5855 .. 12 halfl)ack Tom Follis and the completed 1 as against Grosse "THE WALLS CAME five compjetions in the game with a single. Don escrow pending final decision on "THE .;; ether by center Johnny Corfield. Pointe's seven attempts for a total gain, Gutteridge, running for Higr-ins, pension plan to benefit all major TUPllIBLlNG DOWN" VIRGINIA."" i 1 Coach Pderson started six after the later had singled. scored league players ..• through the air, of 87 yards. ; players who didn't see, actio~ in the game tying run in the ninth FLORIDA HURRICANE caused Follis. Ha.nsen and Purdy, In OCT. ,5.1'-17 , the team's first contcst against TUES•• WED •• THUIts. inning. ,York blasted a 400.foot file postponement oC Monday ., Just the I~k Spots! 1 East Detroit, four in the line and the backfield. and Captain An- home run in tile tenth inning for night's football' rame betwee~ Edward Arnold and been Joan Fontaine and • Just the Mill, Brothers? ~ two in the backfield. All six ton. right tackle. have the clincher. •• • Miami .nd San Francisco in the Selena Royle in (;eorre Brent in i proved to their coach he made a standouts in the first two games WASHINGTON RED SKINS All-American Conference. Game • Just the Kine Cole Trio! "M.III Street After Dark.:' "TN Affain of SlISOII" wise move l'iy playing bang-up and if they continue to show practically dumped the DetroiL is tisted later in the week •.. promise wilt be a great asset to ! ball on offf'nse and agllinst Hazel Lions out of the National FootWED., OCT. 9 - BIG NINE the varsity next year as possibly l Park's passing attack. ball League race when they STATISTICS show Michigan's this season if the varsity is hard shaded the Lions late in the Bob Chappius js tl, e c,onference:s \ Grosse Pointe got possession of hit by injuries late in the season. nIDAl' S Ute ball through a recovered They seem to .know what the game on a field goal to win, 17 leading individual orrensive star. IT'S 'THE lit' !ItII S •• son, I!'U - un to III . • • He has 254 yards to his credit in ~ t\lmble on the Hazel Park 35 and score is and cerlainly playa lot Mary V:uI Rensselear Tbayer CuI Taylor TOOTS GMEINER and hi~' two conte,~U. Perry Moss of , tlll,v~led 'the (l;stance on a varied "A JournoUot's Report frorn "What :.Iak •• Amerle •• Cft2t "O";g;,u/()f'J of tb • Apache, a New York 32 sail I'JIinois is second with 250 •. , 1 attac)<'iwhich was climaxcd w~h of football for Coach Petel1lon. European C.plto!." COllnlry" . S",or g.n bord ill DelrOlt" The reserves will meet their .1 'rom. Follis' line smash for the yacht, shared honors in the NY Hon. Walter H. ~Qdd '~:;k~~~~ of arelt enemy nexl Thursday when 1 first score with seconds remain. Irvine Grandy • Eddie Paisley 32 Grismo Trophy sailing compe"Unlockin, Chinese Pu%Zle~ the Wl>Tld" Cbuck Leonard illl in the first quarter. John the Fordson Tractors invaded the tition off the Grosse Pointe .. : Mrs Raymond Clapper Stanley High ~ Corfleld's attemptcd conversion Pointe to try and stop the win- Yacht Club. Gmeiner won the .. 1014 E. Jefferson "Behind \he W.. hlnClon" ~~J;; Rp':'i~;O;.~'ents Alfeet Our "liS blocked and the score stood ning streak of two games. The trophy with 7"4 points as against at'Rlnrd Colonel It. V. C. Bodley Dr. Penninrton Hale Amazlnl new group of song. at 6 to 0 in favor of the Blue game is scheduled fc.r 3:30 p. m. Ledyard Mitchell's 61. and Clcle The Truth AMut the Arabs" "Lulin, ~ U" 10 YOll~ comedy 3nd musical slars playDevils as the quartcr ended. Dr. Edward H. Griggs Welling's 5"4. Apache shared tne B ro~'n ing niehtly frOI'1\ I till Z. Jobn Ma.~on .. A Philoso"hy of Lilc for tile . Tackle Jim M<int~omery of the honors with hcr owner by earn- ", t Early in the. second quarter "Current Broach,,-.. y Play!!;." Pr(>5e'nt A,,~'. Lunch""n~ Sen'.d 11:30 lo 2,30 DIMC", &on'cd 5:30 lO 10 P. M. i 'om Follis cracked over from the Detroit Lions Is II member of one ing the same numbel: of points Jerome Davis Robert Norton "Behind the Iron Curtain.' .'1!X6-1950: the Crltlcal pene5 four-yard line to give the Devib of Ille big~est ranching families but did it with three different .Closed MOlldays 011 p.lnl.tI photo, •• marl .l:Im has skippcrs. Houston Peterson Emilte T. Jacobson d The crews changed " commanding lead early in the In Texas. Jjm'~ father-In-.w C.1l :l518 "On !\I. king 1.I.u or Grnt "E"8\and M ~.Lelt It-Am" TELEPHOl-'ES pme. The. pas:! (or the extra more than 200.000 acre~ of ellttle boats in cach race ..• Book." A. 1 Found It ~ Appoln!mt'nts .sped".I 'hnun JOint was no good 11M the score Itnd. Jim. who wel!fh~ 235 and Il.Andolph 1042:43 JIMMY JOHNSON, Glen oak5'lw For Booklet and Season Memberships. CA. 69t3. Ifttlod at 12 to 0 in the Devils attended Texu A &. M, sen'ed pro, set a ncw cocrse record ," "HIl'. 'IIIt'gra,hic St.di. ___ .. ). Prices $9.80 to $18,90 Tax Inciuded ~ PrJval. PArkin, four years .nd three months in when he shot a 31. 30. 61, 10 'm- .. 147,"'-6' ChATI,.y()l~. ...1 A!lhl~nd b~or. CA. 6777 E. Jeff, der par and one under thll old tM In lantry. Late In the second I'~riod pas, , j I I I I ., . ana'1 -~t~' ~ PU\ FIliAL WEEI'.BEG~1'oJNG 2l' ,News'Sports Depar.D\ent!!s c;h.oires for the \\' eek ~ t i• ~ ~ t • f~, i This'\Veek!s I• Foothall } Games j 1 I ! ~ I Loui~iarini. t I .( ~ ~ I • Ta:loo~~.:Jl~~~Ig~S'r• t i mas- 7' boss pen ",1""",,,, 'r ,~, t f Wral~p,.i.r Prior10 I •• Jolt St.:.?auI. Flyers'" , Football Schedule Florists tead~ng St. Paul Bowlers --I Blue Devil Reserves Down Hazel Park in 18~OBattle z.... "I I~ ..... .0 ., :) :"!.:; :it r< '-I -----------~----------~_.- TH~ YERY FINEST ENTERTAINMENT ,.-n~ I DINE III SWEDEN 1 THE STOCKHOLI VOCALIONS '!Ill I 1 * =.. * I j g PM" 'r ,'.512! :01 f All THREE ....flEd lORE WEDGWOOD ROOM ' .. Ot' $I' . .,. Mits'" "'mOlT TOWI HAUIf * * * * * * * * * I". * * MO'llSDiGS--CASS G~':1Dloacl.s 0 * * * ,.ft " pm ,\ :1 t SROSSE Page Sideen "j; '" "'J~I ~ '! .. -, . . .' , - Confirmation classes will meet on Tuesday and Friday at 4:30 I ~:.:.;. ;if GENERAI~ ELECTION ' . h~, p.m. • • • The adult choir will meet on Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Mrs. Robert Ziegler will be accompanist. INO,TICE Clara Tuesday, November 5, 1946 Cblldren'. Tree Major Tbeatre 01 New York MASONIC Tt:SIPLE (Scotllsh Rite ~thedral) Tue~:N~~~D2~!~,Ji~L'~. 1ft. DeC'. 21. Sat.) Dee. 28th, 2;]0 pm "THE SECRET GARVEN" '1'lckl!'ts land JnformaUon: Cblldrf'o's Theatll!'; 653 Book Bldr:., CR. 3151 .,.~:. I A,m~llnting the NATIONAL .g,'o:.SJ(J pointe Chljren~ . :Jheatr/J Congreuman Senator Under -of Governor State Senator Lieutenant Governor State Representative. Secretary of State Attorney General State Treasurer Auditor General Justice of the Supreme Court to fill Vacancy . STATE ,,11\, ;~" 4 'l'St'! j .~'.' (;". ~u~ ~- " , .. oq" *~ :I',l'J' • South . School. VOTING PRECINC"T No. 2 of the Robert Trombley • The South side of Jefferson Avenue, between Balfour Road and Westchester Road. The Southwest i~ ..... 'i: ::W~..., corner of Jefferson .Park Lane. " Building. Jefferson Avenues. Avenue and and Maryland ;" The East End of George mornings sc-hool. Lcated the Grosse Bldg. in Grosse Pointe VOTING PRECINCT No. 11 Pointe N~trs- OI'TICAL SERVICE Grosse Pointe Avenue Woods Municipal and Shores Municipal ....... l'~'-;" ~' Alwoy. Avenue at Kenmore ALL MAKES CALL US Smiling Service' W'e Pay High Dollar--=Car or Truck EARL HOLZBAUGH Washers - Radios Sewing Machines Ironers - Phonograph,S Automatic Changers Vacuum Cleaners. • POINTE APPLIANCE SHOP We plaster attics, addttlons; any kind of patching or repair plastering. We have drop cloths and clean eqUIPme.nt to cover floors. All labor and materials furnished. COMPANY Detroit LE. 7770 26 Call Clyde H. White, RA. 9865 01 mllJic pointe Sc/,oo! Mobley, IDcadwoo(l. Suckers, Thinning. Complele Instructor .Frank Jntnrrnallon and CAtalog, Liquid Power Method) ...~-- Bridges, wr\te Tree and Shrubbery Service 'Erocrlly Accomplished PRESTON TREE'EXPERT & SPRAYING CO. Theory Department For And Also OF YOUR TREES, SHRUBS, EVERGREENS,ROSES, Etc. Department Kerby, elc.) FEII1.'II~IZING (By the Deep-Root, Brim ____ is time to arrange for YOllr foil PBU-NING . Inslructor Alfred Roa-d. 22327 E. 12 Mile Road ST. CLAIR SHORES Clarinet Department William ROlevi.lle 3997' OOQOQQQOPOOPQQQOQOOQQOQQOOOOOOOQOQDOQQQQQ PIANO '- VOICE - VIOLIN - THEORY - CELLO - CLAR'INET BRASS INSTRUMENTS School. Il'hone ;~~.'~~~~ 1846 PENOBSCOT BLDG. 15318 E. JEFFERSON Opp. Esquire Th,;alr~ (jrOJJe 31%0 PLASTER REPAIRING OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO"OOOOOOOOOD GULF REFINING Appliances .. LENOX FORD DEALER 10900 CHARLEVOIX Table Building. Instructor NI. 5440 TU. 1.3930 or call 15219 E. JEFFERSON. at Beaconsfield LE. 2895; iln~nlllllllllnnlllnlllnlllnmnlllnnllllllll1llllll!inlllmlllnnmlmnnllmnnnlllmlllnnmn_mi111l11rIDmIDID!lIlU11Imnmlllllll Building. Building. VOTING PRECINCT No. 25 Mack Avenue VOTING PRECINCT No. 13 Grand RiTer at Tim" Square River aL Oakmaq How VOTING PRECINCT No; 24 VOTING PRECINCT No. 12 . and Grand Road and . VOTING PRECINCT No. 23 Avenue. between Lakcpr,inte and Beaconsfield Avenue. after 111. 1.346(} School. The Mason School. The West End of George Defer School. Charlevoix a 20947 MACK, at HAMPTON VOTING PRECINCT No. 22 Pierce School. I . SEE! and Intf!'r. Irom Oct. Thursdays Moran Road, East of Mack Avenue. Defer School. Avenue. between.Maryland Lakepointe Avenue. ]6 inclusivelY~ VOTING PRECINCT No. 21 Avenue. VOTING PRECINCT No. 10 Charlevoix Road. West of Beaupre TUxecio 2.8120 18500 MACK, at Cloverly COlne Classes on Sa!urda)' and Mack Richard Storall & DYERS participate In play proBoys and girls between VOTING PRECINCT No. 20 Kerby VOTING PRECINCT No. 9 "I, Municipal The West End of the Gabriel VOTING PRECINCT No.8 and Bishop Farms SEale insured CLEANERS "Stage \'Iews and cnroilments VOTING PRECINCT No. 19 Avenue South side of Sl Paul Avenue, between Three Mile and Audubon Avenue. Avenue Richard pllln!. Cash ana Car.r y , Pick-up and Delivery through Oct. 18. from 4 to 7 p.m., Oct. 19, Irom 9 ,'I,m. to 1 'p.m. VOTING PRECINCT No. 18 VOTING PRECINCT No. 7 Kercheval Road Avenue. bet .....een Moran Merriweather Road. Grosse Pointe Road and St. Paul • VOTING PRECINCT No. 17 Kercheval VOTING PRECINCT No. 6 Somerset of Whittier Avenue. The East End of Gabriel VOTING PRECINCT No. 5 Municipal . corner deoning Technique. ages of 6 and VOTING PRECINCT No. 1(, VOTING PRECINCT No. 4 ..... J~~ It',"1 Interpretation. Students ductions. side of Mack Avenue. between Buckingham Road and Berkshire Road. The Southeast es c'l lark becc'luse of the clean, smart appellronce of my clothes . • • just blld from Upper Mild Cleaners' new, modernly equipped dry ~ VOTING PRECINCT Nli. 15 School. VOTING PRECINCT No. 3 ~,f::,:' Detroit VOTING PRECINCT No. 14 VOTING PRECINCT No. 1. Northend Theatre, Radio YOU 'ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the following propositions will be sub- . mitted to the Electors at said election: . liTo Authol'ize County to Issue Bonds for the Development of the Detroit-Wayne Major Airport." "Shall the Tax Limitation in Wayne County be Incl'eased to Provide Funds for the Development of the Detroit-Wayne Major Airport?" "Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution Limiting State Control and ,Participation to Certain Internal Improvements." . "Proposed Amendment to Article X of the Constitution by Adding aNew Section to be Known as Numbe1'23 to Provide for the ReLul'n of One Cent of the State Sales Tax to be Divided Among Cities, Villages, Townships and Schools, and to Provide for .. the Continuance of Annual School Grants." , "Proposed Amendnient to Article X of the State Constitution by Adding Thereto a New Section to Stand as Section 23 Re lative to Payments for Military Service in World" War IT.", YOU I<\RE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the polling places for said Election shall be as follows: . ' South end df the Robert Trombley of VIola Black LE. ~701 I'm Happy ... DRAMATICS ery School '~1.' "NO.::'. '1, C~thoUc Diction, County Treasurer Prosecuting Attorney Register of Deeds Sheriff Two Coroners County Clerk County Drajn Commissioner Circuit Court Judge to Fill Vacancy One Judge of Probate (Term ending December 31, 1946)' One Judge of Probate (Term ending December 31, 1948) Three Judge. of Probl!1e (Term ending December 31, 1950) COUNTY !.' the dlrecllon at Lakepolnte Opening Oe.t: 19 ", h ..' . ~~ I.;:"r.. Liberty Mattress 15213 Kercheval, POINTE METHODIST The Men's Brotherhood of the Grosse Pointe Methodist church will meet for its first meeting of the fall season at the home of Lee S. Walker. 865 Bedford road, on Friday evening, October 18 at 8 p. m. The speaker for this meeling will be the Rev. John W. Greenwood, pastor of the Calvary Melhodist chUl'ch in Redford. His theme will be "The Christ Who Excites". YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that candidates for the following offices will be vot~d for at said Election: members' of the will.nleet on Mon14 at 8 p. m., at John Heinze. Dr. president of the will lead the meet- Specialize in Renovating Mattresses Manufacturers of 'New Mattress.:s and Pillows • • • YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the General Election shall be held on Tuesday, November 5, 1946, and that the polls for said Election shall be open from ,.:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 :00 o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time. "...... I " We The Senior Walther League will meet on Thursday, October 17, at 7:30 p. m .• at the home of Miss Doris Fosler. with John Rummel serving as co-host. The Board will meet on T'lesday, October 15 at 7:30 p. m .• at the home of Joseph Hipfel, vice-president. presents at Frl., The voting congregation day, Oclober the homE: of Austin Neeb, congregation, ing. ..'. . ••• (Adult P.rofeulonal Players, Orlelnal N. Y. C.) frO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS: TOWNSHIP OF GROSSE POINTE ,WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN • • • The pastor is at Akron, Ohio: this' week. attending the Lake Erie pastoral cpnference. 10;1946 POINTE CONGREGATIONAL The first meeting of. the U. D. C,'s will be held Sunday evening at 7 in the home of Marilyn Mathewson. 230 Lakeland. Reports on summer conference! will be given by Marilyn Mathewson, ,Shila McComb from Olivet I; Sally Slocum from Olivet II; Edith Waldbott, Doris Sims. Phyllis Hannah, Barbara Hart from Benzonia. POINTE MEMORIAL , Sunday, OCtober 13 9:45 A. M. -- Sunday Mornirig Forum; Speaker, Rev. R. S. Garypie, Executive Secretary, of the Big Brothers of Detroit-"The Big Brother Approach to Juvenile Delinquency." 7:30 P. M. Tu",s Club for Young People ~ Men's , Lounge. LUTHERAN NeXt Sunday, Octob'er 1~ will Mission Festival at St. James . Lutheran church of Grosse CALV,,"RY LUTHERAN Pointe, the service ~tarlingat 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. Re- 11:00 a. m., at tile Punch and arrangement of classes will take Judy theatre, Kercheval at Mcpiace. Kinley road. .. ~ 7...: sr. JAMES II ___________ 9P~~ Ccnm1j.,Jft~. !.: • Thurs'dllY, October NEWS II Church News .----toU1n$ltipoJ~rosst1Pointt ----, , " POINTE Drive. VOTING PRECINCT No. 26 The Mason SchooL YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if you have not already registered, you' may do so by appearing before the Township Clerk at his office in the Municipal B~ildin~ in the :'iIla~e of Grosse Pointe Park, WaY11e County, Michigan, any day pllor to the twentIeth \ 20th ) day p1teceding such General Election, and that the Township ~lerk will be in his office on the twentieth (20th) day preceding such General ElectIOn between the houri> of 8 :00 o'clock in the forenoon and 8 :00 o'clock in the evening, Eastel11 Standard Time, for the purpose of accepting registrations. Y?U ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you may also registe'r ,'dth the Village Clerk III your re~pective Village on any nay up to and including the twentieth (20th) day prior to such General Election. HENRY LA VEils, Township Clerk, Grosse Pointe Township, , ,Wayne County, Michigan, ,i Going to Cflpid's tOllig1Jl? I - i I Bits i Ii , the :~ I There enjoy. spot Our. food is of the finest flavorfully prepared I Luncheons and dinners are served ~ ~ ~ .,rompt, 1!i DRIVE isn't a dish on our m~nu you won't courteous qu~lity- SAFELY by chefs long in the business. daily. You'll like Check tires, brakes and wheel alignment. It's "FREE". Ask for ollr courtesy card. service. ~upid's BOYER & SONS i RES TAU RAN T Is : ~llJ11mnmmmmllllnl!llll1llllll1U1ll MAC.K lit HARVARD RO.mAl!I\mnmlllllllllmllllil1llllii;;;:mrnr.!'~ MOTOR CITY TIRE SERVICE 3455 E. JEFFERSON WORI,D'S I,ARGEST MELROSE 3455 DRIVF. ••IN SERVICE I .' L '&r . -tits i( .' " ..+ i' , I NEW S . RATES 'Cash 2w: I WORD :iOc Can be Placed at News otttce or at one o! 14 conveniently located -substattons. .\ilnlffiuffi - , Charge 3 I Minimum 60c Can b<o PI.ceel by TelellhOlle or In • erson al NeWJ Oftlce till nOOll Wednesda)'.. . ,, , WOl\U PHONE .. -:~TUxedo2-6900 3 Ttut'1< Lines CASH RATES r 4 Sub Stations ... THI Noon Wedne.dfty' * : r .* * * * * * ~ i:,--.- '.I : * * I , * I' * * * * ji I' f' 1 " I'" JEFFERSON AVENUE Schettler', Drugs 15324 E ham JelCenon. at Nolllng- KERCHEVAL AVENUE Ph.em.,,)' Millet 14945 Kercl!.vol, at Wayl1urll Kcpp', Pharm."y Kercheve.l. a( Notr. Pam" J6~ Cunninghllll'l" Dr'J9' Notre - Da~ Kerche\'.:,) at Nott" 1 D.mePMrmacy ,17000 KercheVal. at tiolre at SI. Clair Titus Drug Store 1 Kerch.val. at Flab.r (Fa::~CI< AVENl;JE I ROllil Swhier. Drug Store 17201 Macl< Ave .. at Noire Dame Blue Cross Drugs 11511 Mack A,'e.. a: Net! Road Harkness P~ar~~ :10313 Mack },"e.. BI,'d. Clair's at Loebllloor Confectionery 20792 Mack A,'e .. at Anlla FISHER ROAD Schettler', Dr~gl 337 Fisher JI .... a\ ~aumea HARPER AVENUE Steadman', Drug Store. 19253 ~[arper Ave .•at Wuhl.naw DETROIT STATIONS Whittier Hotel Drugs Burna Drive at the Rh"er . I, I i' 1 , I ~-PU.L1C ........ NOTrCES CH.lCAGO $3.80 INCLUDING (!i !lall,", )11 .1.21 .~~Pe~ :tg ", ";1: TAX CUatoa ~~:::r. U.44 li:Jf 1.. "Pl:elru~~ 7~0~LORLO~~AGz:r.l'f IJllII CASS. AT BAGLEY ~ 1lN1 "1 ..,1' 3-&.05T ANI) FOUND :l! .', toOST-Genuine alligator purse, vicinity of Kercheval & Metri ... eather; Contents: Keyll, papera and rosary. Reward. Call in J. ,~; ;,. (Male .•• d FeIll.I.) ;', . ~=-SOYS 115OR OVER. No ezperlenee nec_l'Y, fut worken, can ti make up to .1.50 an hour. Qraue I.f3 Pointe Woods Recreation. 20422 .. Mack, NY. 9633. !lW . WANTED, lady to wor~ as ap~~ pl"1:ntice in millinery mop, ,<\I small waie while learnin,. Call l!$ TUzedo 1-0330. ;!I = t# ~ l.ADY to assist in household .apartmenl Call Tuxedo 2-9230. 1703'1 Kercheval. Eric Fromm. H.! ~ il; \1_ ._ t:APABLE, reliable woman care of I-year-old child occasionaUy during day. NI. OB04. ; : DEPENDABLE white woman for general house work, some cookil\i, Fridays only. NUiara 1814 ennin,s. 1 l-I WHITE Referencell: • ; I ~. I ~ ; , !-.. Cleaning Woman. Call TU. 1-3310. WOMAN lor c1eaninl on Mondays, while, careful worker, references required. $6.50 and clr tare. Call NIagara In5K~ ">-SITUAT10NS WANTED (Male and Fe .... le) ... ~ MAN & WIFE wish fIosition as chauffeur and maid. References. Call Cherry 58~5. ~,~XPERIENCED white lady would It" like upstairs work five days a Il. week. Write Box 1296, Grosse ~ Pointe News. ~RELIABLE man would like work a' around house; .',)xperienced ,ar. ~ dener; prefer steady po5ilion. c Excellent references. Employed Ii in Grosse Pointe area 12 years. Ivanhoe 3271 after 6 p.m. f ~!\USTRIAN .. ; laundry -PIngree 7-WANTED TO lENT (Henes, Apts., Flats, etc.l a. m. IIond5 p. m. ....... ItTICL.S, FOR WOMAN wants work. References. Call 5376. B....BY SETTER-Day or eve. nings; middle aged. dependable lady. Prospect 3696. rwo GIRLS desire clerical positions in vicinity of Grosse , ; Pointe. Graduates of commercial school in Canada, Niagara 3962. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work; fine coole and plain sewing. Home nights. FItzroy 8878. WHITE reliable woman wants day work; $6.50 and carfare. AH. 8783. RENT. desirable. :i-room income, automatic heat, can deliver new ChrysBuick. DRexel 7?79. FURNISHED upper. lias heat not Inelul\ed, .$80. Calvert near Lawton. Two adults. Rental in ~xchallge tor purchase of new car. TOwnsend 6-5B55. LAFF-A-DAY DEADLINE WEDNESDAY N0fN ! WANTID ELECTRICAL FURNITURE WANTED-It you 1I"ve anything In the line of household turnltUfe anll r~i:li, call The Isaac NeatwlU' .fuml~ ture. 13930 Kercheval, LEnox Wirinig /Snd Repoirlng SALE I - 3.PIECi: ivory bedroom sl,lite, Z Iivl"'l :foom chairs, one mahogany colTee table. Call Niagara ~l~ '"'.. l' I :....- "1v•• tim, Joek~ ~m. FOI --- btt1Nlli- ~l" , ".0•. $AU MUrroy 7854 Grosse Pointe "NO Propert'ies ,tina. c.n JohnC. Staudt. UPHOLSTERY CARPETS RUGS FURNISHED house or apartment for winter months or longer by responsible couplc with one daughter. Call Mr. Lundaie lit CAdillac 3492 or CHerry 7100, evenings arM weeken<k. VETERAN and wile desire unfurnished nat, apartment or duplex. No children or pets, Call TUxedo 2.3130. EXPERIENCED white woman wants day'work; general cleanIng; A.1 rp.ferenee9. $7 a day VETERAN and Engli~h war bride plus car fare. Also waitre$S desire 2 or 3 room furnished apartment, on East side. Call work evenings. Call HI. 1559 D/l.vlson 7830. betwecn 5 ami '1 p. m. PROMPT SERVICE 11-5IRV{CES . (.)-G ••,rql AUDREY'S '-AITICLES WANnD CLEANED WANTED 0 Id CI0t h.In9 ,. (') I : : : -P.". MUrroy 82fJ oINt Dec~ I ,terior and exterior. FIoorl sallr,l~ IQlO refinished. R. KoSI, ,J-5Flanders. pRospect ~ 168. JD\NJI:8T DuJardln. paInterll an4 <le.oQ~~w. 1120 Notro. ~e, Or~l'(Ilnte. mallUll CiOJ!. _ New Localion 'OENERAL pil,lntlng and d~orr,_ ~" f\lrnlture retlnlshlng. J~el\' ~oQaQl~. O~eltel Oa88. II INTERIOR and exterior pai:tini 1111 ,tY.lles commercial I'or .. Call Mr. Brown. TUxedo ~664. FIN!; fOsidential painting: and decor~ting; clean men ohlone experIence to serve you." Pa. 0lla3 Qf DR ~966, : m-Wcdl WashilllJ: • WALL W"'SHING:-. Best' li'orlt. Well !'eCQIlImeqded. T U )Fe d • 1-;1012. Call evenings. : . tri WINDOWS clean.ed on call ir contract; screell3 and' .o~ chao lied: caulklng, evestrlughl clea14ed; kitclt.en and J:batb' cl~~. M\lWlY 3123. ;' t~ STORM WINoowfl for IlJltl!o~~ AAA WiNI;lOW and wall 'late delivery. Large:;t stock In in ... outside painting. One.dll7 the city. Buy now for winter. service. Call TUxedo 1-38"70. Phone us 'fo: free estlma~. ,. ) . i hPai~ F. H. A. terms.. COMPLETE d" ~ il City SlI"lh & Screen Co. ' ra .10 rep. an .. 13814 E. Beven :Mlle. near Grarecondition!ni; 15 1e Qa tlOl. .PRO\IPeet 1'100 or, C. D. .p'rlel\llt. ~rt,. l:Q+1llI ,. -a... C~bell, TUlledO OW1lU, ~.~. LBnoz.5lI88.... 8PIlCLUo ~y...-... soli, black peat, Call FItzrOY : . RADIO SHol R"cilo El!:perleJtElectronic.l Televlion School Granuate II VINCE'S D................. Rich top AU worll; C1W~ ~jl;e. 2-9792. he.War &1 sand. Radio, Vincent T, aut,1I 1106. , : LE'"r us ~AINT. rePloU' ~~ CiC!20~ Fontaine hanll.your sturm windows. WC)fk (11I,._ ... ,;,. ........ dooe by experta at your bome. -.-.,.. •• . NI~ '1601 ,:I: ,:~i~~i;:~~~t:-.r :~~~~!; , OraUot. PRlIIlleCt 3700, or pbolle C. D. Campbell, oner,~. pbontTUxedo 2-9'112. 16724 Eost Warren Nlagora .,.. (rJ::e ••••• W .... womr, CBWE1'JT 3913 . ~bl~. C~I CUy~Wlc11 ~ TRlnIty 1.6100. . R .. I MILLINERY STUDENTS Millinery suppUes CIl" be pUfChoied ot L A LAD G E . i am.. garages; Ways; rat wall; por.ches; ltePea basement floor. Red drlvC-Crr. eI~~. ~ NL ~62. II !J EA VESTROUGHS and doWJ\ 8R!~K and .l:lelIleJ" WOl't,l R-. a spouts Cl:utte."rs). repaired'i. p&1f and %law. Dri. V9W nJ..G-. clellned out and painted, etc. . ;~:t ~~ bas~entrt:i Nl. M36, . 11A. . ',:: i STORM sash a~d atorm dooft installed, 'repairint, c1e&llin' .. Ct) ............ I and pain tin,. $creeN and awn~ ~ 10\11'fUl'l to Il&r1e ~ ints removed, ca uUtin,. Save IIlI fQl' repr.b1nl, rwt7lJnCUMI fuel from cold drafts this wincleanlng. ReallOnable Jii1ee.. ter. Have your home ':1I1~ed: Call MUrray 5'1~ 1332'l:xerfresh putty around wUll\oWl wval. '. (where ~eeded), painti',!" ~~. !IRING YOUR alteration ~e Free eshmates, no obligation .. to K&r1e 8~, 13327:xer~ NI. 0436. cheftl. ~ 57~. II , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT HATS remodeled or made to tatcb Audits - Systems -Tax Reports your favorlte custom-al .. fur Bookkeepinc Servite b1rluIIed. ARli)1Jtol:l 1352.: HERB E. /l.DAMS L!:T ME belp you with :your 7881 Van Dyke Fl. '1907 :your mendinl:. Plain ~g. , . reuonable, Call P1Jlgree 15401, LA SALLE Health Studio, oPen daily 10 a. !n. to 12 p. m. CloSed y-Pl.. : Sunday_ 442S .Cass ave. TEmple 1-1917. PIANO -tunIng; electric ,CWfOl'd L.EdwlU'cls, TU.l::1l73. . cle.;ninr. (c)-Eledric ltelMIIn LaIllP Service Electrical Contractor ; , Home and Shop Wlrln( Repair an. Maintenance F!()urescent Llghtinl lAMP RXPAIRS: vases. oU !J,mPl, keepsakes and other ~jects electrllle:l and made Into beau- , Uful table lamps. Old stYI~noor FRANK L. CINDER lamps remodeled and refiDished TO. 2-0m 17M Ro.slyD Rd. In to late:;t tyjlil of In!Irect lamps and torehlerers.~mp (el-ell.tolll t;:orsets shades made and recofered. . P1c1c up and delivery s4hrlce. SPENCER CORSETS Banner Lamp & Shade COi' 2031 INDIVIDUALLY designed. Dress C&nlll. TOwnsend '7-'lle? ~ayl, and Surgical garments. Over TOwnsend 8-5435 evenlngll. 13 years experience. Maude Bannert, 368 McKinley, Grosse Lf.NDSCAPIHG ~ Pointe.' Call Nla'lU'a f027 OT . TOWll5end '1-4312- . EVERGREEN NURSE~Y (f)-IlefrlC)eretfoll , REFRIGERATORS SCr>1ce and Repalra on .U Model. DomesUc and Commerclal All Work Guanntee<2 For Quick Servlce. Cau General Refrigerator Service, G. E. fans; one 12-in. 3033 MARLBOROUGH IN YOUR HOME DINING RuOM suites, bedroom TUxedo 2-39.16 Westinghouse; 0 n e electric suites, dressers. coffee tables. heater; m~n.'s war~robe trunk; Domestic and Qriental (f1-RefrlqeraHoll oriental rugs, refrigerators and QUlU'anteed Moth-proofing two stec.1 filing cabmels. Shown FurnIture and Carpet Repairs washers; odd pieces; sewinl by appomtment. NIagara 3275._ ALL MAKES retrllerators re~ StaIrway Carpets Turned machines lmd antiques. &:hram paired. Prompt servlce. J. J. RUM MAG E SALE. furniture, FUR C?AT -Beau.tiful rare w~ite Furniture, FItzroy 5810. Hayes. LEnox 8212. DUItAWAY FAIRIC SERVICE knick-knack, clothing, china, ~usslan BroadtaIl Car~cul. SlmTUxedo 2.8249 Free E,llmates home furnishings October 11th liar 10 eoat featured In Au&ust COMPLETE R E PRIGERATION 9 to 9; October' 12th, 9 to 3: Vogue .. FuU ~nglh,. aftern~n repairs and reconditionIng: 15 MEALS PREPARED and served 20139 Mack. or evemng. S~ze 14 or .1.6; hke years experIence. Expert, courfor parties, banquets and wed. new. Cost $1,000, sacflflce for teous serv!<'.e. All work 1'UlU'&ndJnp a~ h&lls, churches and J)JiCOLSON TRICYCLE, 2 Chinese $450: TUxedo 2.5741. . teed. LEnox 5681. vate .homes. Call m. 011'7. B & prints with solid mahogany '. frames. 2 pairs of ,yellow fig- BEAUTIFUL 7:plece s~tm wood BEST PRICES PAID B Party ServIce~ 21-~ElVICES ured drApes. AU in excellent bedroom sUlt.e, sahn w~ ~ FOR MEN'S SUITS, (g 1-ll.oofilt4 MAl'TrtESSES renovated. AI s 0 condition. CaU TUxedo 2-5BI9. tabie. tour ch3lrs for small dm~ TOPCOATS AND SHOES _._ ing room: oclagon cherry wood ROOF REPAIRING. Expert on manufacturers of new mattresses lea ley ro()!s and repairing, Pli. FOR SALE reasonable, Whiting table; two hand earved, . TYler 4-3b2~ and pillows. Liberty mattress. vate. PIngree 6233 and TUxedo automatie coal ~toker, in good end table~ Call mornings. A telephone call will Dring us to 15213 Kercheval. near Lakecondition. Call TUxedo I-H30. MA. 2179. you immediotelyl 2-0060. pointe. LEnox 2701. I ,. PAINTING, J;)lCOR..~TING. In- WEAVER~ BIILFOUR ROllO, Grosse PIe., 20024 ORLEANS 1026. Four ~dfOQtN, 2 bat\u, Off Slate F~ir powder room, sleep\ni; porch, TWillbrook 1-2838 cepper screens .an~ ~t(lnn s,,~h all afounl;l, recreation room ATTENTIONl with flfeplace. G;lii Ileal LQt If y()ur vacuum cleaner or any 123 it."e. open. Sl,llld ..y, make washers trouble~ YO\l, cill wee~ 11'11/1 by appointment NIagara 0565 fot efficient "r\'loe. only, Can TUl(ello 2.1313. KLECTRIC appliances re:pt.lred. BEAUTIFUL Spanish home, just lamps wIred, outlets to'5tr.Ued, decorated; qUlIrter. of block mlnQr carpenter and cement refrom shore line: first floor, pairs, outs\<te ~ntlnr. Jewelry powl\er room. lil:lrary. elCtra and knlck-naek repaIrs. malara large Uvingr40m. di.!ling \'0Qm 0901. and hall. Buller's pantry aJlll kitchen. Sep;lrateroom for re- CARPET OW1'o~S - Attention. frigerat()r which goes with the Repair now and savl! the WllSo;'. house: also electric stQVll arid Also stair carpet shifted. Day carpet. Second floor, tour large or evening. NIagara 0703. bedrqoms, 3 !:lalhs. Third floor, SLIPCOVERS recMlation rOQm with space for bllr. Rolled liCr~I1S, awnings, CUSTOM MADE. New materials just' ,arrived, Call City~ Wide storm windows;",' gaServIce. TRinity 1•• 800. ra,e, electric doors, complete WANTED •e It DECORATING INTERIOR Illld EXTERIOR, for Porlic:ulor People I Iwoa't tit ! Res: TUx. 145';' EDWARD F. LANGE I-AITICLIS 'Oil SALI ~ITICLIS WU'1'IrUL double yellow-head ll'orrot, 3 years. old, very flne TWO KUHnier c\lairs, clln be TWO ST/l.DIUMrobe.;one lll~ld tillller. Call Tuxedo 2-9397. used IS hOli\and hoatl;lN or hall wi!-h frinlle, other plain,.~"are la w n. sprinKler. Be;lutitully chaIrs; high back, $1:10 a pair. silver lox cllllar to be worn landscaped. Many other teaIN4AlP tllt.1op 111\1le. excellent 1978 Glen Court, or call TO; wi~h suit or' coat. TU:lI:edo t\lfes. Way below cost. OWller conc;litlon. Call Tuxedo 2-47110. a.a367. Z.Z'1Z7. lelwin, city. l:arly ~on. LADIES' plain wool fitted coat, Write Box 875, GrOSH Pointe in. home' fUl'nl.lh. size 14, interlined, new last ONE new tuxedo suit for younll JW!:1\YTHING News. MIDDLE - AGEO woman would r II In.a, clIoice o! refrt'e1i-rotor, spring, worn twice; $40. Call man, size 32, $30.1978 Glen like to share beautiful country ST., 111I21-5 rOQms, Niagllra 0967. Court, or call TOwnsend 8-$38~. ,electric portable "win, m'~ DWYER estate pome with woman or brick; 1 block St. Louis Parish; l:hine, typewriter. white tab)a MAHOGANY foUr po$ter and couple, 27 miles from Windsor. 1(Ip .tove. or Easy Waiherwl\.h tile bath .nd sink; immediate ROSE CHENILLE bedspread, lu,e chest and Cllmlilete p«intCall MUrray 0370. squirrel and seal sh(luHer ,poueS!!ion. $9,000. CaU' TW. IOlid mllho,any chine~ chipcapes, ruby glaS!! luncheon set, ed bedroom suite. 5.8 St. Clair. , 1.~411. pencl.}, dininc furniture; linens I WILL RENT desirp,l:lle tive lamp shades, fur neck piece, or call TUx~o ~-70U. alIveI'; crYIUlI;llint ponltable; room flat to .adults who can ,rand pllQlo, beau.tifultone; l4-ltIAL .STAn ¥lANnD full white coat, size 14; KRANICH & BACH baby Irllnd mall. delivery on new Chrysler orrental rUI,;.carpet; num,rous boy's raccoon coat; other small 'plano. ,Maholany c~; eXCillor Pontiac. MUrray 7?43 before other articles. TUxedo 2-9444. miscellaneoul articles. Call lent inatrument.' Call TYler 10 •• m. Lenox 1429. 6-1715, ,. , 1~2 COLDSPOTrefri,erator,' 7 WANTED TO RENT W~OVGliT-lRON. 2.tiered fish BRAND NEW' c\Ulom buill love c~bie f"t, u;eeUent condition. IH"HI, ~, FI.h. .te,J. tank stand, hold. four 12 by 24 .' .. MU.4513. o seat, soUd. mahOlany, doWD MR. MRS. TRAYER desire in. tanks or flower boxes. Can c\Uhions,' striped upholatery. SOFA; ~wo chairs; <lown Clushlon; urifurnlshed apartment or fla\. Murray 4513. Call 'TUxedo '2-?5~. , bookca.e; cabinet;coft'ee ..nd Pleale call TW. 2-31611. :" .FlVE~I>IECE Breakfast Set 50MJ: .fine Cnriatmas ,Ifts _ . dinette' table. Modern pi~es, MU,45~3. .. , TWO BEDROOM house, flat OrPaintedl:reen, $25. Townsend .Portable. nme"'set, Imported ALL SIZES apartment, iJnfurnished, .by5-474fi; auto' robe, beautiful cloth w(th CASH 8UYERS }lAMM:ARLuNo comet, proChrysler supervisor, wife and RADIATOR' Humidifier withl\tnapkins. Spani5h lace sh.wl, WAITING! peak, Pl'e.el~UQn. Good c:on~ 15 -year - old daul:hter. Quiet K~pewhQle ho.",-e' ahillht decanter llJ\d glll,sses, large c:iitlon,"O; Mtl. 4513. American. Referencel. H. W. temperature. Call Nlalara ot44. serving tray. These artlclel are us tor free .~ - 11 Parfitt,' NIagara 369B. new. TYler 11.2885. OtrrBOARD Johnson", 10 H. P. years experience In the villaaes CABINET SuiUlble for bookthe PoIJ;lte. water witen 2~. ElcceUtmt con- throUlbout cue or liquor; also chairs and SILVER blend racoOn, new. silt. ,NEW 1946 BUICK, OLDS . 14. Must sell, moving south. dition. MH. 4:513. lamps. Call Niag!!ra 0944. OR CHEVROLET Cail LEnox 0100 Call TOWnsend fi-0993. 1714 I:M"MEDIATE DELIVERY. ' Lona:fellow. MEN'S Rogers Peet Chesterfield AT CEILING PRICES ' DINING 1\00)( STJITE-9 pieces oVltn:oat, size 311, blaek. $20. beautifully covered satin finIf you can help me get a good suit. several Women's black reefer. size 12. .ished walnut; chair pads cov- WOOL gabardine furnished home, Oct. 15. to June day time and dinner dresses, .$5. MU .. 4513. , ered in rOle striped satin; table Inc. I, I can let you a new car. size 16. Also hals. Call NIagara pads, large fumed oval fruit Grosse Pointe preferred; rent no . picture; 1777. . FRIQIDAIRE, 13 l:ublc feet, !5322 EClstJefferson complete $1'75. 14292 ! object; best .of references. At Camden Ave. near Chalmers. , double doors, Coldwall. '/727 E. . Persian LADY'S black Duro least .3 bedr.ooma and 2 ,baths. Forrest. or call PLaza 7940. 111-1XCHANGES 1fi. Call coat and muff. Size BLACK VEI.VET 1ull'lenetb eveCall MA. 95BO,Apt. 202, cr TU. NIagara 9113. nine wrap,' entune trimmed 2-9714. CHILD'S bedroom furniture, twin FOR TRADE, .1D42 Ford 'four hood, white taffeta •lining, lize baby'}leds, hi,h chairs. Call door super delun, radio, heatGROSSE POINTE physician vet~ BIKE-boy', .~Uin., balloon tira, 14. C.ll ~oz 5142',NIalara 4052. er and fQur new tires for 1939eran would like to lublet furheavy duty tirjls, kick stand; 40 couPe. Call PROlIpeCt 9166 nished apartment, houae 'or. ter- TWO BURNER las stove, tiltlarge basket. good j:ondition. 1 JIG SAW with motor drive. 2 or ARlington 3257. top bridge table. misses' suils, race three to six month5. Reasonable. Call TU. 1-1256. pair cowboy boots, sizes 5 'k coats and dreslecl, siln 10;12. Call Lenox 2784. and 7 Y..; 1 pair hockey skates '22~16, LONG MARLIN rifle, 16 All good. eondition. Call Nlag. SESSION quarter chime mantel and shoes, size' 8; 2 pair ski ahol Will trade with cash for TWO YOUNG profes5ional worn" ara 0778. clock. fully guaranteed. Expert boqts"sizes 8 and 71,2. Call NI. 30-30 rifle or will pay all cash. en, excellent refen!n'ces, desire service on all clocks and watch- , . ~gar. 8668. . . TU. 2-7550. PIECE bedroom o.utfit apartment or2sin.le rooms, if THREE es. Grandlather clocks repaired . in walnut, $75.' PIngree 1847. possible in same house. Call in your home. PiCK up and om dress sui!, one tuxedo suit, fJ-PETS Lenox 9000, ext. 457, Thun. delivery service available. Open GIRL'S good winter coat,. jacket, .ile 38; one Chesterfield, size aveninl: or Friday a.m. COCXEIt SPANIEL, male, beauSaturday until 8 o'clock. Closed 38; full size girl's bicycle, like hat, pinalore, drelllft ana house tiful 10 month old dog.ho\lSe Modays. I new; Can TUxedo 2-1106. WIDOW wishes small income or coats, size 6. PROlIpect 5478. broken. silky bl«ck coat. bruapartment unfurnished. Plaza ~ASTSIriE CLOCK SHOP de stOCk, permanent distemBOY'S reversible blu;; tweed top fiMO days; evenings Olive 3540. CHINESE RUG, 9 by 12, black 13234 Kercheval per shots. Has been. children's pastel' flower desiill. $i,OOO coat, size 18. Call TU. 2-3453. LEnox 36411 playmate. Must sell immediFURNISHED home, SilC months value, for $600. Shown by IPONE new solid mahogany Hep. at~ly, $4S. TU. 2-8292. only; Nov. 1 to ;May 1; middle pointment only. LEnox 9000. Sn.)C taffeta, bolts of ribbon, plewite bed. $75: 1~78 Glen aged couple; no pets. no chilApartment 1255.,' . small pieces upholstery mateIS THERE a child in your home? Court, or can TO. 8-9367. dren. Best of references. TU. rial suitable for small chair TWO lamp tables, Empire period, Give companionship and pro2-3468. seats. footsto()ls, or knitting STEINWAY Duo.Art piano in $15 each; one table lamp. $10. tection with a medium size bags. Also water color landexcellent condition. Fine colA PROFESSIONAL man, wife 390 Merriweather. Dalmatian pup. Thoroughbred scapes. Other items. Call NIlection of rolls and beautiful and child would like a 2 bedbut not registered. Dr. Shero.abinel Can Miss $lindow, TE. cabin. 17 ft. x 6 agara 4449. room 'or more, unfurnished apt., BOAT-smaU man, 24529 Grove, E. Detroit. 1-9359. ft., 22 H. P. Inboard. Life prehouse or !Iat. Must move by Roseville 2715. Livservers. Lights, horn, fire ex. GOING TO CALIFORNIAl Nov. 1st. Preter East Side. ing, room, ,piano,sewin, m.~ VIOLIN f()r child seven, belintinguisher. anchor, mooring Charles R. Fox. Call TU. CANARIES - Beautieul ~arannero Phone HOgarth 4226. chine, garden, camping, skates. lines and taipaulin. Good con2~6323 or CA. 3446. teed siniErs, $15. Call Niagara Miscellaneous. No Sun day s. dition; .$775. Call between 5 7210. SUITE, 4 pieces, 7708 E. Jefferson, Apt. 101. BEDROOM DISABLED Marine. veteran and and 7 p.m. TUxedo 2-552~. sprini and mattress. $90. NIFItzroy I4?? wife desperately searching for 21-5IIYICIS alra 3165, 1506 Loehmoor. a place to li~. Both employed. DUCK SKIFF mahogany, rl!ady (.J-GeHrel No children. Won't someone to go with blinds, oars, paddle, BEGINNERS - Accordion, Hoh- TWO boys' 28" bicycles. box and mer; 12 note base, $35. PLa~a please call NIagara 8816. Mr. anchor, seal bonts, covers, de. Innerspring mattress, twin bed 2108. Brady. . coys. Bargain. 889 Chalmers. lize. TUxedo 1-0152. LEnox 2~. BOYS' English type bicycle; 26" A. G. P. EMERGENCY 30.30 WINDCHESTER ~rbine; B LON D mahogany wheel, $35. PLaza 2108. Do you want a good tenant who MODERN fired ten times, with ammuni. will stay wilh you? Please call or tion. Perfect condition. Call chairs. desle, lami's, tables. Like MISCELLANEOUS - Auminum see us at 976 Nottingham, TV. NIagara 7183. new. SaQl'ifice. r,"Enox 0295. ::ilrh,m ulensils; bedding and 2-9166. THREE QUARTER metal bed, pillows; lamps; pictures; twospring. Brllnd new hoeavy cot. ~n innerstrap mattress $18' Kidned shaped mahogany'dress~ ing table, skirt lInd bench, $10. PH. ~5. 18581 Kenaska. ELECTRIC WARllt:N . REFINEI) midl;lle-ued business woman in widows home. Companionable, breakfast optional. Excellent trllnsportaUon. References required. Write Box 100, Groue Pointe News. ADULT family wishe's to rent two or thre:e bedroom house in good neighborhood. No pets. Call NIagara 0338. U33ll1li. SALE SIX ROO?{ house. :I bedrooms, gas heat, sil;le drive, two car garage, between Seven and Eight Mile Roadsrol'l of Hayes. By appointment only. Pllos. ]lect 91611 Of ARlinllton 32S7. vi ~.I 7J BEAUTIFUL. Hendrix J bronze cage and Standard with canary in full song: leSS than' half ,price. Tuxedo 1-32?0. ESTAn i New ond Old Work BA YER 'S ALL Bus.; TUx. HlH() 13--REAL ; • COllll1\e~lal 0 t:1e(lrIO range wlrl,. • IIl1lQ roGffia anti i~ ..eallO<i t""",,, wired II • Svdlchr-s, bau plugs. bell... chlmes.-ml.l<'ellaneous repaJn • BOOKS bought In any quantity. E:nUn: libraries, boollcllSes and ~.intings. Bromte5. B. C. Claea, 18?0 Leverette. Phone CHef!')' oU67. p/l.m OF, betlutifully matched silver fox f\jl'j. Practically new. Call TVl(~1l 2-4539. CONT~ACTORS • Residential 2U5 . G ROW N chrysantheTWO reliable women to care for FI~ mums, 30 colors, bigyellQw, children evenings. ElCcelient white, lavendar, Apricot-glow references. Call TU. 2-3799. Magnolias and many other named, kind and colors. Th~se CHAUFFEUR, 15 years experplants are for sale at 17103 E. ience, mostly in Grosse Pointe. Warren. W. M. Mitchener. Chauffeur fOr the late Charle. B. Phelps, Sr. Would ll\l;e POSi. LADIES' BLACK COAT-Beau~ tion just driving. Call MUrray tiful mink collar, size 12-14, 7911. Il6rfect conllitiQJI. Untrimmell black coat, size 12-14; evenlnll 6-FOR RENT dresse5, 5ize 10.12:' all in gQOd (H ...... Aph., .tc.J condltil>n. CIlIi Niagara 3013. ONE CLEAN pleasant rOom in 36. private ll()me. :ausine$S man MAN'S TAN TOPCOAT-Size 3 tuxedos, size 32, 36, 42. CaU preferred. Near Way burn and Tuxed() 2-4113. Mack. Call Tuxedo 2-41113. I WILL lower if you ler, or t-AITICLES [ MIDDLE./l.GED woman with ex- /l.RE YOU GOING SOUTH perience. Willta\l;e care ot )' DO YOU. WANT TO RENT children evening •. Call IV. 1582. your apt.. flat, or home, furnished, from N()v. lOth to MIDDLE-AGED wid' ow, rE;liable April 1st only. Must positively • and trustworthy, would like to vacate April 1st. Wife and silC care for children afternoons Or months old baby. Excellent evenings. References. MUrray references. R.. K. Templeton, 15311. Phone L~nol( 8613 between II PI.", Dame Grosse Point. Drwg Co, 171151Kerclleval. I-SINATIONS WA.NTID ( ... eM ....... ) STENOGRAPHER desires steady position with reliable 'firm. 9n East Side or Downtown. Llllht diclation from start, II years expeliepCl;l, excellent references. Salary, $175. TV. 2-'1986. In Elfett al These Coneenlent ,. Seve ... I~ 3 Trun~ LlnO$ To Serve You Quickly YOUR AD CAN Be CHARGED, II I e '. ~~~ . ... ;.. ~IJ ..:;~ ::~~~D ! POINTE GROSSE OFFERS : Speciol low prices 011 seS:iing. ",roding alld 5od;1I0. Hed~eI Ilnd shrubs trimmdd. Trees removflcl or trimmed. Fresh stock of :Evergreens ot low prices. TuliPt and deodils, bulbs. fertilizer. lll)ross seed, peot humus. Dry fir4!ace wood. $! 2. 16" ond 20" at $I~ arid Immediote delivery. , EVERGREEN NURSErfr' 17331 Hllrper II TU~. 1-0850 TUx. 1~L.6 •s PRUNING FERTILllNG of your tr~. : shrub<. ",-crrret •• elC, • Preston Tree bpertw Nta. 5440 TU>:. ?-3930 NOW is the time to top-fJ:ess. seed and roll your lawn.iAlso trimming and pruni~~our hedges, shrubs, trees, elC: NL 0436. ' -.. ..... .. . • e--- --------------------~~-~ -----------~._-.U!',.. ~.~ '_II .-01 , _ __ Ill.1 ,.;. •.••••••••• ~:' ~. ~ . ~:p.~. EigJiteen '"~.. ~I '~E~'~',..-..-. , · . C. ;i.:.;,XperLenCe oun ~ . , t ~ IN REAL ESTATE "E. ~. . ~ The current season of the De~ troit Communily Symphony 01'~ chestra WIt!). Joseph Roy Lanyon, ljj direclor. will open Tuesday night. ~ I October 22. at 8:15 in the aUditor-I ium of Jefferson Avenue Metho~ Church. :F;. Jefferson and ~ Marlboro.' ;: F d t tl ,. '1 :!i! ealure as gues ar s~ on !J ~ the program are the Tuesd ..y g Musicale C.lOral Ensemble. under ~ the direction of Gertrude Heinz ~ Greer of Dearborn, instructor, of ~ Mr. X, the mad pianist, one ac, ~ companied by orchestra and one ------_ ,'EOR BUYING .. SELLING • LEASING ~. fiNANCING ~I .. REFINANCING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 0/ all t)'pes of property ]'HE OLDEST NAME g ~ ~ Churc h Presen t S ~ ,to ~ Ch'ld ~ rens ' MOtJles !E. IN MICHIGAN REAL ESTATE MEANS SOMETHING ,144 West Lafayette , 100t Sid. Irallcll-Harper Outer at v. R t. Thursday. October H BEDROOM FIRE. Damage to the extent of about $85 was done when afire started 0 arl~nS ~a~ Chrysler Offlc~al Harry G. Mook, managing dlrector of the Chrysler Corporation of Business Management, . . and vIce-presIdent of the Plymoulh Division,. addrcsscd tho Grosse Pointe Rotary Club at ihe Hotel Whittier, Monday noon on ... .. the sub)ect. People and Money. . Mr., Mook pomted o~t to the Rotarians that for a busmessman to show a profit. the most important factQr to be considered is human relationship. "To make money you have to understand people," he explained. He stressed that it was easier laid than done. Mr. Mook showed how the men of today handle employerrela. tionship as compared to the men of yesterday. _ ! I ,New and Rebuilt 2programs begin at 2 p. m. and are held at Calvllry Lutheran Church on Mack and Lancaster. . E~TGINES I 1= CMytler.Plymofllh 6 & 8 CYLINDERS I ~ i i' ~ ANTI.FREEZE !i!i Better h'urry for your share of this winfertime precaution! A burst radiator or cracked engine block is expensive. We have only a limited supply of ANTI.FREEZE on hand. Come in now for yours. s ~ I J .. I ;!! . i 2.DAY INSTALLATION .t- '. . Now in ,tock • • • d supply of thusky batteries designed to withstand the rigors of winter and to assure you of dependable, quick starting. Fltzror 1413, . proallcls. Bod, hllmp. li wheel /llignmm iIIf4l wheel bill. ~ l;Tnless ~ Invest everythIng ~ we ve. got In. the world we w~nt h ill p4i"ti"g weldi"g we will be dIvested of everything Si g,. ' " we've got in a '~orld Wll don't IIlfe'''g.,,,",,. ,.... want. ','Il'iIIIl1llllIIlI!l1lJlnlll"IlII1M1"II11lII!lIl1lllIlIlmmIlI!llll~IlII1lI1IIIIll1I111111l1IIR!11!1l1W1l11!IIU~ . BAnERIES J i SERVICE BRANCH 0L DS '/fJII1l "rise! Be Early! a Ii S"les &- Service . = Compltl, 112 East Grand BI"i:I. service for .Ill Chrysler in a chair in the bedroom of Mrs. r ti~guished the ~laze 1f~er it had Glancy. at 251 Ml. Vernon mined the. chair, a pillow and on October of. Farms firemen ex- sor e curtams. IE. F. WlmIID Be RILEY ltlOTOB SALES~ine. ~ ~ N~il 10, '19~' Jf$lI11' 1tJ ~ ~ ~ i PACKARD . t EW ~ , i ml1JH1llJlllHlllll1llll1ll1lmUll1lnmllHII:l!lifillllllllllllllllHllIUIlHlIIlIIII!lllllnIDIlIIIIIIIlII1OIIIJIlIIIIlIllIIIIIIilId t• , with piano accompaniment. Charming, .light orchestral n';Jnlbers for thIS season's s-elechons have been chosen by Mr. Lanyon to lighten the. SY"":Iphon:/s serics ~f.concerls. ThIS Will offer a program more along ~e Imes of "Pop ConC'erts." one which the average person will en).oy . This is the first concert where the orchestra assisls a group of artists rather than an individual artist. This non-professional group is comp'llsp.d of business people, students and other lovers o~ good music. The net proceeds from. these programs is divided 50 per cent the church and 50 per cent to support the orchestra's musical needs. The public u invited to attend. N TEN !!! FInal .arrangements _.-~ have been ~ made for the showing of the ex- ~'l11!JIIIIIIUIlIlIHlI1l1I1I1J1l1I11UmIlIllIUIIIUlJlllmIlllIlIlIlII1ft!llllllllllIIlllIllllUIDIll1JIIlIIlIlIIIIIIIIIUIlI11i~IIIUIlIIJll!llI1J1II1I1II1B!llIJnIlI~ !l cellenl story-film "Black Beauty" ~ • ~ on Saturday afternoon for the ~ ~ children of Grosse Pointe Woods. ~ l!l Ah uge cas t 0 f amma . I an d""~ ~ ~ human actors faithfully reproduce ~ i! this famous book. lii This Is the second of chndren'$ ~ classics to be shown in the next two months including "Little. Lord Fauntleroy," Oct., 19; "Ad- i 'ventures of To{tl Sawyer:' Oct. ; ~6; and "Swiss Family Robinson," i 6430 Ea!t Jeff~ - FItzroy 6122 Blvd. Drl POI C .. S h R ad ommunlty ym.p 0t:ly e y S IFor Opening of New Season . IlIIlIlIIlJIJllIJIUllilU1!lllllJlllll~ll1tIlJmlIDlJlUlUllll/lHlIl\l\HIllIlrnnl11lllaaUIJllJlIlllllll1lllllllJli '... . G R 0 SSE COOLING SYSTEM SER'iICE I.apecte .., FlIISHd and CI.aned a W. dO thorough job of cleansing your radiator and entire cooling system. New hose connedions and thermostats installed when necessary. This . service is a requisite for winter driving_ Limited Supply' Available ,: ,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL B. J. BOHR & SO~TS un. CUATIOT AR. 1515 !BACK YARD GRILL !' :.:~;::.:, Whyte Oldsmobile Co. ~ ~'~~k. picni-.J(od;" ~ 'I'M, WMl s>Ut f .... eat .t ~o.n !.WIimi. P,". $ awe... ]f. ' ~ .• IIdntll .. U1 ... II •• d ) "Your Grosse Pointe Dealer" \ Cooot_. .. _eke ..... r•• wINd •• 4 1>rl<ll : 15218 EAST JEff EISON .t IU.CONSfIILD &1. ::ar..r WaUTn. 1.... f070 I."".' .... : P_.t ., ~lIIq. ".. 1_ :......... plot • .Nt, .UY ~. ..1eri1.. I ..... .t I:-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : 'Jhoeryth!q for the 'B~er owen &U!~IEI ~""4IIhrper. Open Dailr "05 I- **•••••••••••••••• ~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. SUPPLIES ..• ~•• «« 1tetwH. 7 aN • Mile Ids.-TO. 2-4100 WINDOW ~,", !Cadillae Owners!! i -:bldsrnobile Owners!! .~ CLEANING and Wall Washing l OLD ~ "E' Ii' II GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHED '- ~ ... III'tIec1pari1 -ct hetory-tnJned meehalllcs. No ~lt too bl~ .. too _alL Brin.t' Ill. :roar ear . for a ~orov.Pl eIlt1:k-RiJ • • • No oblJration. CONI'LfTi lUKE SERVICE -""1' .' HYDUNATJCu'lns i ,lUMPING &- 'AINTIN~ CNI.DAY SERVICI 'l: FUf ',r FIRM I Frt. '," Estil".f •• IHS'ECTIOH ~1I1lImftlIltIII~ i Complele i:;:. h ~ In ~ I RemoviJtC) Storm ,~ ! ~. ~~ KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO. ! Puttil' Up Scree.. ~ ~' lE.2060 at Chalmers i Sa" and ~ i-' P~3sol. WARREN, Seniel i alld AWllillga Shingle Roofs Tim RELIABLE WE WILL OIL YOUR ROOF 10% WE HAVE .,000 UNDER REGULAR PRICE. ACT NOW! Gi\LLOXS wlm PURE CREOSOTE ~ll1lI1MilmIl1lI1lU!l!:niimliii":;r.lilllln:ill:ll:iIIll1llIl1Hlli1l1Ullil1ll1lI111Inlllmi1ll'J!! ~ ENERAL HOME MAINTENAt~CE .~ In today') markef, your present car is WQ.rth 5 small fortune to you or to • prospective bll~llr. Keep it at peak value by keeping it in peak appearance for the next two year5 with only. sing'e application of PORCELAINIZE.. THIS SPECIAL SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. PHONE MElrose 0500 Alt. 111 0 ELECTRIC Refrigeration SERVICE READY TO SERVE YOU! 3884 OADIEUX TU. 1.o~2 ._ I. Grosse 'olnt. Woods Ws UDUR'S STANDARD STATION ALL STANDARD OiL PRODUCTS We De Welcll., FOR YOUR CAR'S SAKE Mack'Av ... Cor. Roaip pMITE CWor!!! ~!!~LORS J LE.U04O~ iiiiOllSwila~EFmisiii,rr;nCity III Mm's and Ladle' Fre4 M. 5ehumaJ\ Saits Tailored To Order EstabliMec1 1m ()pen Eves. 'till 7:et HOUSEHOLD. ELECTRIC MOTOR F;EPAOONG PI. 2532 25 Yrr. Exptrimc~ 105'1 ROXIURY CHALPOWLESLAND B~ We n01l1'TI w.... .... KENNELS LINCOLN AND FISHER ROADS Dep, AD BrMdiI __ Trtm All 8r'fe/1s lied b7 0.,. or J(onUil 1.115 MACK AYOCUI Jefferson Lincoln Mercury CO~ . 3700 East Jefferson lItd. ALJ:EFltif6i¥l8~ ~.u:L COMMERCIAL 1IliIIII1lIm'Il1I~l1Uillll.~!:lllAllli:lilil1l:lliJ1jmllmm:I.:1l.n 1J,1I1l1~lmIIIlflrlilr.i M. J. GRACE • Cleaned Itqa •Inc.rpelA • Fumltuee your home. office. a&ore or &beaire. Rdermoes. ~ Wiidow' CO. 9283 Philip ,.OOERN OAR PET CLEANERS TU 2 8385 ~II11II1RAlIJl11Ill1I11lI1JI1IIIlIlmmllllll1l1RlmrJ!l1mAIF. ALL.BRIGHT FOR SHORT r Keep Your SERVICE NUM8ER in the ~OOD SERVICE GUIDE TO Nt. 4221 \1 ALGER FLOWER SHOP "ow.r. "or OccoslolII ' . He,., . un. I. WAlliN" COUIYILLI TU, 2.7171 All GHf Gorcl.II'