A NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY - MONTGOMERY Montgomery, Alabama ARCHITECT PROJECT NO. 15-006 ABC PROJECT NO. 2015134 June 18, 2015 ADDENDUM NO. 02 This Addendum is hereby made part of the Contract Documents to the same extent as though it was originally included therein. Receipt for this Addendum must be acknowledged by the Bidder by statement of receipt indicated on the Proposal Form. SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Refer to the Attached Pre-Bid RFI Log with responses. 2. Refer to the Advertisement for Bid, and revise the time that sealed proposals will be received from pre-qualified bidders as follows: A. Change the time for submittal of base bid proposals to 2:00 PM on June 30. B. The proposals for the alternates must be submitted by 3:00 PM. C. The base bid proposals will be held until after the submittal of the alternates at 3:00, then the base bid and alternate proposals will be opened and read together. 3. Refer to Attachment “B” to Proposal Form (Unit Prices), and revise as follows: A. Delete original Attachment “B” to Proposal Form, and add the attached revised Attachment “B” to Proposal Form. 4. Refer to the Table of Contents, Paragraph II Conditions of Contract, Subparagraph B Project Specific Documents, and revise as follows: A. Add the attached new ABC Memo, dated July 29, 2010, Additional Guidance on Safe Space Requirements, which includes the forms; 1) Certification of Structural Observation 2) Contractor’s Statement of Responsibility for Construction of Safe Space and 3) Storm Shelter Quality Assurance Plan 5. Refer to Section 00 01 10 – Table of Contents, Technical Specifications, and revise as follows: A. B. C. D. E. Add the attached new Section 10 44 00 – Fire Protection Specialties. Add the attached new Section 12 93 00 – Site Furnishings. Add the attached new Section 14 20 10 – Hydraulic Elevators. Add the attached new Section 21 01 00 – General Fire Protection Requirements. Add the attached new Section 21 05 29 – Hangers & Supports for Fire Suppression Piping & Equipment. F. Add the attached new Section 21 11 00 –Fire Protection Systems. ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 1 G. Add the attached new Section 22 01 00 – General Plumbing Requirements. H. Add the attached new Section 22 05 29 – Hangers & Supports for Plumbing Piping & Equipment. I. Add the attached new Section 22 05 53 – Identification for Piping and Equipment. J. Add the attached new Section 22 07 00 – Plumbing Insulation. K. Add the attached new Section 22 12 00 – Air Removal and Water Expansion Systems. L. Add the attached new Section 22 35 00 – Plumbing Domestic Heat Exchanger. M. Add the attached new Section 23 21 15 – HVAC - Below Grade Site Piping. N. Add the attached new Section 23 52 00 – Gas Fired Boilers. O. Add the attached new Section 23 64 16 – Water Cooled Chillers. P. Add the attached new Section 23 65 00 – Induced Draft Cooling Towers. Q. Add the attached new Section 32 14 13.13 – Unit Pavers. R. Add the attached new Section 32 84 00 – Irrigation. S. Add the attached new Section 32 91 13.19 – Topsoil. T. Add the attached new Section 32 92 00 – Turf and Grasses. U. Add the attached new Section 32 93 00 – Planting. 6. Refer to Section 01 50 00 – Temporary Facilities and Controls, and revise as follows: A. Add the attached new sheet Site Utilization Plan - Exhibit A. 7. Refer to Section 03 30 00 – Cast-in-Place Concrete, and revise as follows: A. Delete Paragraph 3.01.C.1 in its entirety, Class A is not required. B. Delete Paragraph 3.15.B in its entirety, Testing/Inspection is by Owner. 8. Refer to Section 03 45 00 Precast Architectural, Paragraph 2.01.Manufacturers, and revise as follows: A. Refer to Paragraph 2.01.A.1, and delete requirement for PCI Certification. 9. Refer to Section 04 20 00 Unit Masonry, Paragraph 1.06 Mock-Up, and revise as follows: A. Revise Paragraph 1.06.A to read “Construct a masonry wall (in combination with siding) as a mock-up panel, sized 8 feet long by 8 feet high; include mortar, accessories, structural or metal stud backup, cement fiber board or metal wall panel siding, flashings (with lap joint, corner, and end dam), waterproofing, rigid wall insulation, and windows in mock-up. Refer to detail on Sheet A5.11 for more information.” 10. Refer to Section 07 21 00 – Thermal Insulation, Paragraph 2.03 Batt Insulation, and revise Subparagraph 2.03.A.5 to read “5. Thermal Resistance: R of 19.” 11. Refer to Section 07 25 00 – Weather Barrier, Paragraph 2.01 Weather Barrier Assemblies, and revise Subparagraph 2.01A.1 to read “1. On outside surface of sheathing or concrete at exterior walls apply air barrier coating. Refer to Drawings for additional details or other locations.” 12. Refer to Section 08 33 23 - Overhead Coiling Doors, and delete this section in its entirety. 13. Refer to Section 08 72 00 – Tornado Resistant Opening Systems, Paragraph 3.05 Hardware Schedule, HW SET TD1, and revise Door Number G13A to read Door Number SS1. 14. Refer to Section 09 30 00 – Tiling, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 09 30 00 – Tiling. ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 2 15. Refer to Section 09 65 00 – Resilient Flooring, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 09 65 00 – Resilient Flooring. 16. Refer to Section 09 68 13 – Tile Carpeting, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 09 68 13 – Tile Carpeting. 17. Refer to Section 10 21 13.13 – Metal Toilet Partitions, and delete this section in its entirety. 18. Refer to Section 10 28 00 – Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories, Paragraph 2.04 Toilet Room Accessories, and revise as follows: A. The following Items will be furnished by the Owner: A. Toilet Paper Dispenser, B. Paper Towel Dispenser, C. Waste Receptacle, E. Seat Cover Dispenser, G. Purse Shelf, H. Combination Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Dispenser, I. Sanitary Napkin Disposal Unit, and J. Diaper Changing Station. 19. Refer to Section 11 31 00 – Residential Appliances, Paragraph 2.01 Kitchen Appliances, and revise as follows: A. The following Appliances will be furnished by Owner: Refrigerator. 20. Refer to Section 12 21 13 – Horizontal Louver Blinds, Paragraph 2.02 Blinds with Side Guides, and revise Subparagraph 2.02.F.1. to read “1. Width: 1 inch.” 21. Refer to Section 14 21 23 – Electric Traction Elevator, and delete this section in its entirety. 22. Refer to Section 23 82 19 – Fan Coil Units, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 23 82 19 – Fan Coil Units. 23. Refer to Section 26 24 00 – Service & Distribution – 600 Volts, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 26 24 00 – Service & Distribution – 600 Volts. 24. Refer to Section 28 31 00 – Life Safety System, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 28 31 00 – Life Safety System. 25. Refer to Section 31 20 00 – Earth Moving, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 31 20 00 – Earth Moving. 26. Refer to Section 32 84 00 – Irrigation, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 32 84 00 – Irrigation. 27. Refer to Section 32 95 00 – Vegetated Roof Assemblies, and revise as follows: A. Delete the original section, and add the attached revised Section 32 95 00 – Vegetated Roof Assemblies. REVISIONS TO DRAWINGS: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 3 28. Refer to Sheet G0.0, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet G0.0. 29. Refer to Sheet G0.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet G0.01. 30. Refer to Sheet G2.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet G2.01. 31. Refer to Sheet G2.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet G2.03. 32. Refer to Sheet C1.0, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C1.0. 33. Refer to Sheet C2.0, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C2.0. 34. Refer to Sheet C2.1, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C2.1. 35. Refer to Sheet C3.0, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C3.0. 36. Refer to Sheet C3.1, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C3.1. 37. Refer to Sheet C4.0, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C4.0. 38. Refer to Sheet C4.1, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C4.1. 39. Refer to Sheet C5.0, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C5.0. 40. Refer to Sheet C6.1, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C6.1. 41. Refer to Sheet C6.2, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet C6.2. 42. Refer to Sheet L1.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet L1.01. 43. Refer to Sheet L2.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet L2.02. 44. Refer to Sheet L3.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet L3.02. 45. Refer to Sheet L4.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet L4.01. 46. Refer to Sheet S1.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S1.01. 47. Refer to Sheet S1.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S1.02. 48. Refer to Sheet S2.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.01. 49. Refer to Sheet S2.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.02. 50. Refer to Sheet S2.02A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.02A. 51. Refer to Sheet S2.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.03. 52. Refer to Sheet S2.03A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.03A. 53. Refer to Sheet S2.04, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.04. 54. Refer to Sheet S2.04A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.04A. 55. Refer to Sheet S2.05, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.05. ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 4 56. Refer to Sheet S2.05A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S2.05A. 57. Refer to Sheet S3.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S3.01. 58. Refer to Sheet S3.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S3.02. 59. Refer to Sheet S3.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S3.03. 60. Refer to Sheet S4.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S4.01. 61. Refer to Sheet S4.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S4.02. 62. Refer to Sheet S4.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S4.03. 63. Refer to Sheet S4.10, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S4.10. 64. Refer to Sheet S4.20, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S4.20. 65. Refer to Sheet S5.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet S5.01. 66. Refer to Sheet A2.00, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.00. 67. Refer to Sheet A2.01A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.01A. 68. Refer to Sheet A2.01B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.01B. 69. Refer to Sheet A2.02A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.02A. 70. Refer to Sheet A2.02B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.02B. 71. Refer to Sheet A2.03A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.03A. 72. Refer to Sheet A2.03B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.03B. 73. Refer to Sheet A2.04, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.04. 74. Refer to Sheet A2.21, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.21. 75. Refer to Sheet A2.22, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A2.22. 76. Refer to Sheet A4.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A4.01. 77. Refer to Sheet A5.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A5.01. 78. Refer to Sheet A5.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A5.03. 79. Refer to Sheet A6.11, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A6.11. 80. Refer to Sheet A6.12, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A6.12. 81. Refer to Sheet A6.13, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A6.13. 82. Refer to Sheet A7.04, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A7.04. 83. Refer to Sheet A7.06, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A7.06. ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 5 84. Refer to Sheet A7.07, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A7.07. 85. Refer to Sheet A8.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A8.03. 86. Refer to Sheet A8.04, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A8.04. 87. Refer to Sheet A8.06, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A8.06. 88. Refer to Sheet A8.15, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A8.15. 89. Refer to Sheet A9.11, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A9.11. 90. Refer to Sheet A9.14, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A9.14. 91. Refer to Sheet A9.21, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A9.21. 92. Refer to Sheet A9.22, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A9.22. 93. Refer to Sheet A9.23, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A9.23. 94. Refer to Sheet A9.24, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A9.24. 95. Refer to Sheet A9.31, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet A9.31. 96. Refer to Sheet P0.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P0.01. 97. Refer to Sheet P2.00, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.00. 98. Refer to Sheet P2.00A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.00A. 99. Refer to Sheet P2.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.01. 100. Refer to Sheet P2.01A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.01A. 101. Refer to Sheet P2.01B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.01B. 102. Refer to Sheet P2.02A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.02A. 103. Refer to Sheet P2.03A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.03A. 104. Refer to Sheet P2.03B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.03B. 105. Refer to Sheet P2.04A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P2.04A. 106. Refer to Sheet P3.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P3.01. 107. Refer to Sheet P5.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet P5.01. 108. Refer to Sheet FP2.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet FP2.01. 109. Refer to Sheet FP2.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet FP2.02. 110. Refer to Sheet FP2.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet FP2.03. 111. Refer to Sheet FP2.04, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet FP2.04. ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 6 112. Refer to Sheet M0.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M0.01. 113. Refer to Sheet M0.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M0.02. 114. Refer to Sheet M0.04, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M0.04. 115. Refer to Sheet M2.00A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M2.00A. 116. Refer to Sheet M2.01A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M2.01A. 117. Refer to Sheet M2.01B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M2.01B. 118. Refer to Sheet M2.02A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M2.02A. 119. Refer to Sheet M2.03A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M2.03A. 120. Refer to Sheet M2.04A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M2.04A. 121. Refer to Sheet M3.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M3.01. 122. Refer to Sheet M5.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet M5.01. 123. Refer to Sheet E0.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E0.01. 124. Refer to Sheet E0.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E0.02. 125. Refer to Sheet E1.00, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E1.00. 126. Refer to Sheet E2.00A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.00A. 127. Refer to Sheet E2.01A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.01A. 128. Refer to Sheet E2.01B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.01B. 129. Refer to Sheet E2.02A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.02A. 130. Refer to Sheet E2.02B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.02B. 131. Refer to Sheet E2.03A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.03A. 132. Refer to Sheet E2.03B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.03B. 133. Refer to Sheet E2.04A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.04A. 134. Refer to Sheet E2.05, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E2.05. 135. Refer to Sheet E3.00A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.00A. 136. Refer to Sheet E3.01A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.01A. 137. Refer to Sheet E3.01B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.01B. 138. Refer to Sheet E3.02A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.02A. 139. Refer to Sheet E3.02B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.02B. ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 7 140. Refer to Sheet E3.03A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.03A. 141. Refer to Sheet E3.03B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.03B. 142. Refer to Sheet E3.04A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E3.04A. 143. Refer to Sheet E4.00A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.00A. 144. Refer to Sheet E4.01A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.01A. 145. Refer to Sheet E4.01B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.01B. 146. Refer to Sheet E4.02A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.02A. 147. Refer to Sheet E4.02B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.02B. 148. Refer to Sheet E4.03A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.03A. 149. Refer to Sheet E4.03B, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.03B. 150. Refer to Sheet E4.04A, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E4.04A. 151. Refer to Sheet E5.00, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E5.00. 152. Refer to Sheet E6.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E6.01. 153. Refer to Sheet E7.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E7.01. 154. Refer to Sheet E7.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E7.02. 155. Refer to Sheet E8.00, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E8.00. 156. Refer to Sheet E8.01, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E8.01. 157. Refer to Sheet E8.02, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E8.02. 158. Refer to Sheet E8.03, delete the original sheet, and add the attached revised Sheet E8.03. SUSBTITUTIONS: 159. Refer to 03 30 00 – Cast-In-Place Concrete, and add the following as an approved manufacturer: A. Insulation Solutions – Viper VaporCheck II. (Vapor Retarder) B. Tex-Trude LP – Extreme Vapor Barrier. (Vapor Retarder) 160. Refer to 04 20 00 – Unit Masonry, and add the following as an approved manufacturer: A. Henry Brick – Field Brick “AUM Blend”, Accent Brick “Brown Velour”. (Brick) B. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc – Mortar Trap. (Cavity Mortar Control) 161. Refer to 07 25 00 – Weather Barrier, and add the following as an approved manufacturer: A. Carlisle Coatings – Fire Resist Barritech VP. ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 8 B. Sto Corporation – Sto Guard Emerald Coat. C. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc – Enviro-Barrier VP. 162. Refer to 07 42 64 – MCM Wall Panels, and add the following as an approved manufacturer: A. Alucoil North America – Larson PE ACM. 163. Refer to 08 43 13 – Aluminum Storefront, and add the following as an approved manufacturer: A. Oldcastle BE (VistaWall) – 3000 Series. B. Coral Architectural Products – FS400T. ATTACHMENTS: SPECIFICATIONS Pre-Bid RFI Log with Responses Revised Attachment “B” to Proposal Form (Unit Prices) New ABC Memo, dated July 29, 2010, Additional Guidance on Safe Space Requirements, which includes the forms; 1) Certification of Structural Observation 2) Contractor’s Statement of Responsibility for Construction of Safe Space and 3) Storm Shelter Quality Assurance Plan New Section 10 44 00 – Fire Protection Specialties New Section 12 93 00 – Site Furnishings New Section 14 20 10 – Hydraulic Elevators New Section 21 01 00 – General Fire Protection Requirements New Section 21 05 29 – Hangers & Supports for Fire Suppression Piping & Equipment New Section 21 11 00 – Fire Protection Systems New Section 22 01 00 – General Plumbing Requirements New Section 22 05 29 – Hangers & Supports for Plumbing Piping & Equipment New Section 22 05 53 – Identification for Piping and Equipment New Section 22 07 00 – Plumbing Insulation New Section 22 12 00 – Air Removal and Water Expansion Systems New Section 22 35 00 – Plumbing Domestic Heat Exchanger New Section 23 21 15 – HVAC - Below Grade Site Piping New Section 23 52 00 – Gas Fired Boilers New Section 23 64 16 – Water Cooled Chillers New Section 23 65 00 – Induced Draft Cooling Towers New Section 32 14 13.13 – Unit Pavers New Section 32 84 00 – Irrigation New Section 32 91 13.19 – Topsoil New Section 32 92 00 - Turf and Grasses New Section 32 93 00 – Planting New sheet Site Utilization Plan - Exhibit A (added to 01 50 00 Temp Facilities) Revised Section 09 30 00 - Tiling Revised Section 09 65 00 – Resilient Flooring Revised Section 09 68 13 – Tile Carpeting Revised Section 23 82 19 – Fan Coil Units Revised Section 26 24 00 – Service & Distribution – 600 Volts Revised Section 28 31 00 – Life Safety System Revised Section 31 20 00 – Earth Moving Revised Section 32 95 00 – Vegetated Roof Assemblies DRAWINGS ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 9 Note: Revisions on the attached drawings related to Addendum No 2 are clouded and identified with a 1. GENERAL G0.0 COVER SHEET G0.01 SHEET INDEX G2.01 BASEMENT AND FIRST FLOOR LIFE SAFETY PLAN G2.03 FOURTH FLOOR LIFE SAFETY AND STORM SHELTER CIVIL C1.0 SITE DEMOLITION PLAN C2.0 SITE LAYOUT PLAN C2.1 SITE COORDINATE PLAN (NEW SHEET) C3.0 SITE GRADING PLAN C3.1 STORM DRAINAGE AND SANITARY SEWER PROFILES C4.0 SITE EROSION CONTROL PLAN – INITIAL PHASE C4.1 SITE EROSION CONTROL PLAN – FINAL PHASE C5.0 SITE UTILITY PLAN C6.1 CIVIL DETAILS C6.2 CIVIL DETAILS LANDSCAPE L1.01 LANDSCAPE LAYOUT AND MATERIAL PLAN L2.02 LANDSCAPE PAVING DETAILS L3.02 LANDSCAPE PLANTING DETAILS L4.01 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN STRUCTURAL S1.01 TYPICAL DETAILS S1.02 TYPICAL DETAILS S2.01 BASEMENT FOUNDATION & FOUNDATION / LEVEL 1 PLANS S2.02 LEVEL 2 FRAMING PLAN S2.02A LEVEL 2 POST TENSIONED REINFORCING PLAN S2.03 LEVEL 3 FRAMING PLAN S2.03A LEVEL 3 POST TENSIONED REINFORCING PLAN S2.04 LEVEL 4 FRAMING PLAN S2.04A LEVEL 4 POST TENSIONED REINFORCING PLAN S2.05 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S2.05A ROOF POST TENSIONED REINFORCING PLAN S3.01 COLUMN SCHEDULE S3.02 COLUMN SCHEDULE S3.03 TYPICAL STAIR DETAILS S4.01 FOUNDATION SECTIONS S4.02 FOUNDATION SECTIONS S4.03 FOUNDATION SECTIONS S4.10 SECTIONS S4.20 ROOF SECTIONS S5.01 STORM SHELTER SECTIONS AND DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL A2.00 BASEMENT – FLOOR AND REFECTED CEILING PLANS A2.01A LEVEL 1 – FLOOR PLAN SIDE A A2.01B LEVEL 1 – FLOOR PLAN SIDE B A2.02A LEVEL 2 – FLOOR PLAN SIDE A A2.02B LEVEL 2 – FLOOR PLAN SIDE B ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 10 A2.03A LEVEL 3 – FLOOR PLAN SIDE A A2.03B LEVEL 3 – FLOOR PLAN SIDE B A2.04 LEVEL 4 – FLOOR PLAN A2.21 ENLARGED UNIT – PLANS AND RCP A2.22 ENLARGED UNIT – PLANS AND RCP A4.01 ROOF PLANS A5.01 WEST ELEVATIONS A5.03 SOUTH AND NORTH ELEVATIONS A6.11 NORTH STAIR PLANS AND SECTION A6.12 CENTRAL STAIR PLANS AND SECTION A6.13 SOUTH STAIR PLANS AND SECTION A7.04 WALL SECTIONS A7.06 WALL SECTIONS A7.07 WALL SECTIONS A8.03 EXTERIOR DETAILS A8.04 DETAILS A8.06 CEILING DETAILS A8.15 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES A9.11 DOOR SCHEDULE AND TYPES A9.14 DOOR DETAILS (NEW SHEET) A9.21 LEVEL 1 – FINISH PLAN A9.22 LEVEL 2 – FINISH PLAN A9.23 LEVEL 3 – FINISH PLAN A9.24 LEVEL 4 – FINISH PLAN A9.31 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS PLUMBING P0.01 PLUMBING LEGEND, SCHEDULES & DETAILS P2.00 BASEMENT FLOOR OVERALL PLUMBING PLAN P2.00A BASEMENT FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN PART A P2.01 FIRST FLOOR OVERALL PLUMBING PLAN P2.01A FIRST FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN PART A P2.01B FIRST FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN PART B P2.02A SECOND FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN PART A P2.03A THIRD FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN PART A P2.03B THIRDFLOOR PLUMBING PLAN PART B P2.04A FOURTH FLOOR PLUMBING PLAN PART A P3.01 ENLARGE UNIT PLANS – PLUMBING P5.01 RISERS – PLUMBING FIRE PROTECTION FP2.01 LEVEL 1 – FIRE PROTECTION FP2.02 LEVEL 2 – FIRE PROTECTION FP2.03 LEVEL 3 – FIRE PROTECTION FP2.04 LEVEL 4 – FIRE PROTECTION MECHANICAL M0.01 MECHANICAL LEGEND & SCHEDULES M0.02 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES M0.04 MECHANICAL DETAILS M2.00A BASEMENT FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN PART A M2.01A FIRST FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN PART A M2.01B FIRST FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN PART B M2.02A SECOND FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN PART A ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 11 M2.03A THIRD FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN PART A M2.04A FOURTH FLOOR MECHANICAL PLAN PART A M3.01 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS – MECHANICAL M5.01 FLOW DIAGRAMS & RISERS - MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL E0.01 ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE E0.02 ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE E1.00 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E2.00A BASEMENT FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART A E2.01A FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART A E2.01B FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART B E2.02A SECOND FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART A E2.02B SECOND FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART B E2.03A THIRD FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART A E2.03B THIRD FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART B E2.04A FOURTH FLOOR ELECTRICAL PLAN PART A E2.05 ROOF OVERALL PLAN E3.00A BASEMENT FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART A E3.01A FIRST FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART A E3.01B FIRST FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART B E3.02A SECOND FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART A E3.02B SECOND FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART B E3.03A THIRD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART A E3.03B THIRD FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART B E3.04A FOURTH FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN PART A E4.00A BASEMENT FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART A E4.01A FIRST FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART A E4.01B FIRST FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART B E4.02A SECOND FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART A E4.02B SECOND FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART B E4.03A THIRD FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART A E4.03B THIRD FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART B E4.04A FOURTH FLOOR LOW VOLTAGE PLAN PART A E5.00 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM E6.01 ELECTRICAL UNIT PLANS E7.01 MECHANICAL BUILDING PIPING REWORK – BASE BID ELECTRICAL (NAME REVISED) E7.02 MECHANICAL BUILDING PIPING REWORK – ALTERNATE 8 ELECTRICAL (NAME REVISED) E8.00 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CONNECTION SCHEDULE E8.01 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULES (NAME REVISED) E8.02 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULES (NAME REVISED) E8.03 ELECTRICAL PANEL SCHEDULES (NAME REVISED) END OF ADDENDUM NO. 2 ADDENDUM NO. 2 PAGE 12 Date Rec'd. 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/10/15 1 2 3 4 5 6 Please advise if specifications for landscaping and irrigation systems will be provided by Addendum. Missing Sections were included in Addendum #2. Delete Paragraph 3.15.B. Caddell Caddell Added in Addendum #2. The intent is that they only provide what is noted in either place but not doubled. Added in Addendum #2. Added in Addendum #2. Response Caddell Page 1 of 12 033000 Please clarify what material testing and inspections for Section 03 30 00 are the responsibility of the contractor. Paragraph 3.15 Field Quality Control contains the following: A. Testing and Inspecting: Owner will engage a special inspector and qualified testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and prepare test reports. B. Testing and Inspecting: Engage a qualified testing and inspecting agency to perform tests and inspections and to submit reports. 312000 Section 312000 paragraph 1.03.B states that there are numerous earthwork related unit prices in Attachment B. These unit prices do not appear to currently be included, will Attachment B be revised to include? Caddell AMCO AMCO We need to request a specification for the underground chilled water piping shown on M1.00. Specification section 23 21 13 (HVAC Piping) specifies that underground 4” piping should be copper. Please confirm if copper is suitable for this application. Also a specification is needed for the underground piping insulation. Will pre insulated pipe manufactured by Thermacor or Perma pipe be allowed? Please provide a plumbing insulation specification for division 22. Source Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 S1.00 Drawing S1.00, Notes 3.1 and 5.2 give direction for the contactor to include in the Base Bid 3 different allowances. It appears these items are also included in Attachment B for the Proposal Form. Are we to include the cost of the quantities in the Base Bid as directed by the notes, or should they be priced only in the Attachment B? M1.00 Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. HNP Infinity HPM Infinity LBYD LBYD Conway Conway By 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/12/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 Date Date Rec'd. 6/10/15 6/10/15 6/11/15 6/11/15 6/11/15 7 8 9 10 11 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 Infinity HPM See Site Utilization Plan included with Addendum #2. B-H HPM Infinity HPM C-C By Infinity Page 2 of 12 015000 Spec section 015000 – 1.08 – calls for temporary fencing around the entire construction site. Considering the adjacent buildings and student traffic in the area, please provide a layout for the fencing clearly defining the limits of construction and laydown. 042000 Please reference spec section 042000 Unit Masonry, page 6, item 2.07 Flashing, Part C. Please provide a detail for the described “Base” pan and 40-mil flashing. Is the masonry thru wall flashing to be full Stainless Steel turned up the exterior wall or shall only the stainless steel portion be embedded in the brick veneer and the remainder of the way up the exterior wall to be 40-mil? Some section details on the drawings conflict with the spec section language. We are not prequalifying, if they meet the specifications for experience, etc. then they are ok to bid. This indicates the walk off mat. Response B-H B-H Item-12 of the prequalification for this project calls for a full time On-site Safety Manager solely dedicated to safety on the project. The Prebid Agenda Item-III.,c – states that the GC is to maintain a “Competent” person at the project site at all times. Per OSHA requirements a competent person doesn’t have to be solely dedicated to safety and can have other duties on the project. Please clarify if we are to provide a non-working safety manager per the prequalification or a competent person per the prebid agenda PreQual. VW VW Source 064100 We understand the prequalification of subcontractors has been waived. Attached is the information of a Cabinet Subcontractor Van Winkle has personal knowledge of for quality and competitiveness. Please advise if this subcontractor bids the project they would be acceptable in regards to specification 06 41 00, Paragraph 1.06 C AWI Certification. A9.21 A9.21 Finish Plan, Please advise what the flooring symbol WM-1 in Lobby 100 indicates. Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/15/15 Date Date Rec'd. 6/11/15 6/11/15 6/11/15 6/11/15 6/11/15 6/11/15 6/11/15 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 Caddell Caddell Caddell B-H B-H B-H B-H Source Page 3 of 12 A9.21 Drawing A9.21 – Finish Material Legend includes designation of CS-1 for both Counter Surface – Quartz and Laminate Cabinets. Please confirm this is correct. A3.01 Note 3 on the Reflected Ceiling Plans A3.01 – A3.04 says “REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR SCHEDULE OF SPRAY-ON FIREPROOFING”. Please confirm spray applied fireproofing is not required. It appears that the Project Specifications do not include any specs for interior Fire Protection Piping / Systems. Please advise. 034500 Please reference section 034500 Precast Architectural Concrete, page 2, part 2 Products, item 2.01.A.1. May the requirement for PCI Certification be omitted due to small quantity and type of precast required for this project? 1/S4.01 Continuous footings along column lines F & K are noted as 1/S4.01sim. 1/S4.01 are called out as being 2-0x1-0. These footings scale 3-0 wide. Please confirm that they are also 1-0 high. Also, please verify that there are no other differences between these footings as shown in detail 1/S4.01. S1.02 Please see sheet S1.02, BRICK LEDGE SUPPORT DETAIL. Please provide size of the brick ledge ANGLE support shown. 015000 Spec section 015000, 1.03, A – states that the owner will provide electrical power and water metering. Section 015000, 1.03 B – appears to state that the GC is to provide and pay for all power, water…for construction purposes. Please clarify if the owner intends to pay for all power and water usage on this proejct. Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. This is correct. It’s a quartz counter on laminate cabinets Spray on fireproofing is not required. Added by Addendum #2. PCI Certification may be deleted. Footings are as noted in section. Plan will be revised to scale correctly. Bent Plate 3/8" x 7" x 4" AUM will provide Power & Water. G.C. responsible for tying-into existing utilities and repairing tie-in waork. Response Infinity C-C Infinity C-C Conway Infinity LBYD LBYD HPM By 6/15/15 6/15/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/15/15 6/15/15 6/22/15 Date Date Rec'd. 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/12/15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 Caddell Caddell Caddell Source B-H Caddell Caddell Page 4 of 12 PreBid I know at the prebid there was mention of postponing the opening of the alternates/unit prices until an hour after the bids are due. And while I agree with the need for this delay would it be possible to change the bid time to 2pm with alternated due at 3pm instead of 3pm & 4pm? A2.11 Please advise if the general note on sheet A2.11-A2.14 thru regarding the spacing limit for the Fire Extinguishers and A2.14 Cabinets govern over the Note 3 on drawings A2.00A2.04. Please provide a specification for the Fire Extinguishers and associated cabinets. 124813 Specification Section 12 48 13 Entrance Walk Off Mats – Caddell paragraph 2.02.A.4 and .5 give direction for the size of the walk off mats. Essentially, 6-0 x width of door openings. A921 appears to indicate the walk off mat covering the entire area of the vestibule. Please clarify. Finish Finish Material Legend does not include SC-1 as noted on Legend finish plans. Please confirm this is standard sealed concrete. A9.21 Drawings A9.21 – A9.24 – Please provide more clear thru layout / locations and requirements for the sawcut lines. A9.24 Not all drawings clearly indicate locations. A9.21 Drawings A9.21 – A9.24 – Please clarify corridor flooring thru scope in the base bid vs what is in the alternate. A9.21 – A9.24 Base Bid - CPT-A (this is not a caret type in Finish Legend) with option for Polished Concrete in lieu of carpet. A9.22 – A9.24 Corridor finish appears to indicate polished concrete as base bid but also has notes for alternate of polished concrete in lieu of carpet CPT-2. A9.22 – A9.23 contain notes to the right of the match line in Finish Plan A that states “If Alternate for corridor carpet instead of corridor polished concrete is chosen…” Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. Added in Addendum #2. Note 3 on A2.00-A2.04 Governs Added in Addendum #2. Yes. standard sealed concrete See updated drawings. Drawings have been corrected. CPT-A is no longer listed. Carptet is the basis of design with Polished concrete as an alternate. Response Infinity HPM Infinity C-C Infinity 6/22/15 6/15/15 6/22/15 6/15/15 Infinity C-C Infinity 6/15/15 6/15/15 Date Infinity C-C Infinity C-C By Date Rec'd. 06/15/15 06/15/15 06/15/15 06/15/15 06/15/15 06/15/15 06/15/15 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 VW Caddell Caddell Caddell Caddell Caddell Caddell Source Page 5 of 12 G0.01 Drawing G0.01 references drawing A9.10 Door Schedule and Types, however, this drawing does not appear to be contained in the bid package. 102800 Please provide a specification for the typical unit shower curtain and rod, clothing rods and handicap unit shower seats. 102800 In regards to Section 10 28 00 Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories; please clarify that toilet paper holder 2.04.A is intended to be used in all units. 102800 In regards to Section 10 28 00 Toilet, Bath and Laundry Accessories; please provide the location for the following specified items: Paper Towel Dispenser Waste Receptacle Seat Cover Dispenser Purse Shelf Combination Sanitary Napkin/Tampon Dispenser Sanitary Napkin Disposal Unit Diaper Changing Station A8.12 Drawing A8.12 detail 18 calls out a Traffic Coating Flooring system. Please advise where such system is required and provide an applicable specification. A2.21 Enlarged Unit Plans of “Unit Adjacent to Storm Shelter” A2.22 and the “ADA Unit” on A2.21 and A2.22 indicate a floor finish of LN-1 in one bathroom and VCT in the other. Please confirm that the bathrooms have different floor finishes. A2.21 Enlarged Unit Plans on A2.21 and A2.22 include floor A2.22 finish designations of LN-1 and VCT and VCT-1. None of these designations are included in the A9 series Finish Materials Legend or project Specifications. Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. Corrected by Addendum #2. Toilet Paper Holder to be by Owner per Addendum #2. These items are to be furnished by the Owner. Traffic coating is not assigned to a floor Has been changed to be consistent LN-1 Has been changed to be consistent LN-1 Response Infinity C-C Infinity C-C 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/18/15 Infinity C-C Infinity C-C 6/15/15 6/15/15 6/15/15 Date Infinity C-C Infinity C-C Infinity C-C By Date Rec'd. 06/15/15 06/15/15 06/15/15 06/15/15 33 34 35 36 The site demolition drawings tell us we’re completely demolishing the south parking lot (the one below the match line on sheet C1.0 labeled South Demo Insert) and the sidewalk along the west side of this parking lot. When looking at the site layout plan on C2.0 we see a new sidewalk basically replacing the one demolished but the parking lot appears shown as if it was never removed. Then, when reviewing the Grading plan on C3.0 I see new grading contour lines. Can you tell me what’s happening with this parking lot? Are we demolishing this? Are we replacing it with new asphalt? Heavy Duty or Light Duty? Detail 2/L202 shows us how to form the curb which will serve as the edge band for the brick pavers. If you study this detail you’ll see that the curb here is shown to be poured monolithically with the base concrete. But…the upper portion is shows to be colored concrete while the base is standard grey concrete. Should this detail be revised to show a break between the base concrete and the upper concrete so that we can use standard gray concrete with a colored concrete topping? Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 ALT 1 I need some clarification on Alternate 1, Flooring Upgrades. RAC See Addendum #2. PCI Certification may be deleted. Clarified by Addendum #2. RAC Bama Stone No colored concrete is required. Response RAC Source Page 6 of 12 34500 Architectural Precast Concrete (03 45 00) specification requires the manufacturer to carry plant certification by the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI). We would propose to qualify our quote based upon acceptance of plant certification by the Architectural Precast Association (APA) as an equal manufacturer qualification to PCI certification. C1.0 C2.0 C3.0 L202 Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. Infinity C-C Infinity LBYD LBYD By 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 Date Date Rec'd. 06/16/15 06/16/15 06/17/15 06/17/15 37 38 39 40 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 Sheet C2.0 shows a concrete retaining wall with a handrail on top of it on the north end of the building around the Generator (basement end). The civil drawings tell us to refer to the structural and architectural plans for the wall. I found the retaining wall details on S101, however I can’t find any architectural details that would show the handrail. Can you provide these details please? Need to know what type of guardrail/handrail we’re talking about. B-H RAC RAC RAC Source Page 7 of 12 33000 Spec section 033000, 1.06, A- calls for the concrete finisher on this project to employ an ACI certified Flatwork Technician and Finisher and a supervisor who is ACI certified Concrete Flatwork Technician. After searching on ACI’s website, there are a limited number of individuals in the state of Alabama that have this certification. Considering this, can this requirement be waived on this proejct? C2.0 A9.21 Note 6; On Drawing A9.21 calls for horizontal louvered blinds at all residential units which are all type A windows. There are also Type A windows at Laundry Rooms on all 4 levels. Will blinds be required at these locations? Div 10 Can you please provide information on the required Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets. Division 10 does not have a spec section for them. Also I saw on the drawings a note for FE to be located with 75’ travel distance. There is a FE scheduled in the basement, and the symbol appears 3 times on the 1st, 2nd , and 3rd floors, and 2 times on the 4th floor, but note 8 appears by the symbol. Also will bracket mounted FE be required in back of house areas, and typical kitchen areas. Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. See Landscape Drawings for railings. YES Added by Addendum #2. Response LBYD Infinity LBYD Infinity C-C Infinity C-C By 6/22/15 6/22/15 Date 06/17/15 06/17/15 06/17/15 06/18/15 06/18/15 Laundry The Laundry Rooms on all levels appear to have a cabs Millwork base unit. There are no elevations for this cabinetry. Is this an owner furnished fixture or millwork? 06/18/15 42 43 44 45 46 47 ABC Form C-8 , section 5- Builder’s Risk states that Auburn University “may” elect to provide builder’s risk coverage on this project. Please confirm is Auburn University will provide the builder’s risk or if it is to be provided by the GC. RAC RAC RAC B-H B-H B-H B-H Source Page 8 of 12 102113 In Division 10 There is a spec section 10 21 13.13 Stainless Steel Toilet Compartments, that does not appear to apply for this project. Please clarify. 102601 Spec section 10 26 01 calls for 3" x 3" Stainless Steel corner guards, and note 7 on the finish plan A 9.21 calls for the corner guards to be painted to match the wall color. Also the note calls for them to be installed where indicated, and I cannot find where corner guards are required. Please clarify the saw cutting requirements based on alternate 1. Paver Please provide a spec for the Brick Pavers. A8.01 Detail 4/A8.01 calls for Stainless Steel Flashing “as required” to protect waterproofing. This detail is at a typical continuous footing at a slab on grade area. Please confirm that waterproofing is required all typical thickened slab edges per this detail. - Also, please provide a detail of the flashing at these locations. ABC Forrn C-8 P2.03A On sheet P2.03A and sheet P2.03B it shows a 1” hot water P2.03B line feeding the hot water riser, but if you look at sheet P5.01 it shows a 1 ½” hot water line feeding the riser. Please verify what size hot water line should feed each riser. 06/17/15 Description 41 Sheet or Spec. Sect. A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 Date Rec'd. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. Deleted by Addendum #2. Added by Addendum #2. Clarified in Addendum #2. Response Infinity Infinity C-C Infinity C-C Infinity Infinity Infinity HPM Conway By 6/22/15 6/22/15 Date Date Rec'd. 06/18/15 06/18/15 06/18/15 06/18/15 06/18/15 48 49 50 51 52 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 There does not appear to be any gas piping shown inside the building for the boilers. Please provide On sheet L1.01, the walkways with paver bands are depicted. All of the walkways with paver banding also have cross-bands – with the exception of the North East Walkway and the due East Walkway, which for some reason have horizontal bands only. Please verify that the walkways noted above do not have the vertical bands. RAC B-H B-H B-H B-H Source Page 9 of 12 072100 There is some slight confusion on the batt insulation that is to be used at the exterior wall framing. The specification 072100 - 2.03 Batt Insulation Materials is written partly for a foil faced product and partly for a foil-scrim kraft faced product which is significantly more expensive. Since it is all concealed, foil faced would be applicable but we want to have that direction from the architect. Also, the specification lists a thermal resistance of R-25 while the exterior wall sections on the plans indicate R-19. The less costly R-19 would be applicable and sufficient for the entire wall assembly’s thermal resistance, but again we want to have that direction from the architect. A2.21 The architectural drawings (see 1/A2.21 for an example) shows trench drains at each shower unit. These are not shown on the plumbing drawings and do not appear to be a part of the fixture. Please provide additional information and any related details associated with these trench drains. GAS L1.01 Div 10 The drawings are not clear on locations for toilet accessories, i.e. waste receptacles, mirrors, sanitary napkin disposal unit, paper towel dispenser, etc…. Please provide. Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. Revised to R-19 in Addendum #2. Clarified in Addendum #2. Revised plan will be included in Addendum #3. Revised to be by Owner by Addendum #2. Response Infinity Infinity Conway Conway HNP Infinity By 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 Date Date Rec'd. 06/18/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 Hardware set 016 refers to the typical unit bathroom doors as A1 but the unit floor plan & door schedule refer to them as B2. We are assuming these to be B2. Hardware set 015 refers to the typical unit bedroom doors as A1 but the unit floor plans & door schedule refer to them as B1. We are assuming these to be B1. Hardware sets A1 through A7 refer to doors FG1, FG2, FG3, FG4, FG5, FG6 & FG7. These doors do not exist on either the door schedule or floor plan. These are very expensive aluminum door hardware sets. Do these doors exist? Also the signage specification calls for a sign at every opening whether there is a door or not. Will signs be required at the interior doors of the 4 bed dorms? In reviewing the drawings and specifications for toilet and laundry accessories you detail mounting heights and accessories to be installed where indicated. Please provide information on where accessories are required. On drawing a 2.21 (Dorm Room Floor Plan) the notes call for Shower Rod, Curtain Rod. There is no specification for these items. Also drawings indicate closet rod blocking. Will the closet rod/shelf? Be owner furnished. Infinity VW Infinity Infinity Infinity C-C Infinity C-C Infinity C-C By Infinity Clarified in Addendum #2. Clarified in Addendum #2. Most accessories other than grab bars are to be provided by Owner. Response VW VW VW RAC RAC RAC Source Page 10 of 12 087200 There are no hardware sets for doors E3,SS1 & M7. We need to know what to quote at these. The E3 doors are aluminum storefront and it looks like the SS1 doors are at the storm shelter. Toilet 102800 Division 10 specs a stainless steel framed mirror, and the elevations detail a plate type mirror with a wood frame. Please clarify. Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. 6/22/15 6/22/15 Date Date Rec'd. 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 06/19/15 60 61 62 63 64 65 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 Div 9 A2.21 Please provide specifications for VCT flooring. B-H B-H B-H B-H RAC VW Source Page 11 of 12 Reference 3/A2.21; bedroom indicates LVT-1 for base bid flooring and LVT-1 for alternate bid flooring. Please indicate if this is correct. A9.21 Reference A9.21, A9.22, and A9.23; one note in the A9.22 corridor indicates “carpet flooring in lieu of polished A9.23 concrete” and another indicates “polished concrete in lieu of carpet” (see attached 2/A9.22). Please clarify. 072100 The specification 072100 - 2.03 Batt Insulation Materials is written partly for a foil faced product and partly for a foilscrim kraft faced product which is significantly more expensive. Since it is all concealed, foil faced would be applicable – please confirm that the foil-scrim kraft faced product doesn’t apply. Also, the specification lists a thermal resistance of R-25 while the exterior wall sections on the plans indicate R-19. Please confirm which is applicable. A4.02 Detail 2/A4.02 indicates vegetative tray system roof adjacent to the metal roof. I understand that the vegetative tray system comes into effect in alternate #5. This detail does not indicate that it is in the alternate. I assume that it is but I am not sure what is to be included here for base bid. TPO roof? Please advise. 087200 As a related question, there is a specification section 087200 that refers to Tornado Resistant Doors & it calls them G13A with a hardware set at the end of the specification. There are no doors G13A shown on the floor plan or door schedule & none of the SS1 or SS2 doors at the Storm shelter are shown to be tornado resistant on the door schedule. Do any tornado resistant doors exist? Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. Not required. Clarified in Addendum #2. Revised to R-19 in Addendum #2. Corrected by Addendum #2 Response Infinity C-C Infinity C-C Infinity C-C Infinity Infinity HNP Infinity By 6/22/15 6/22/15 6/22/15 Date Date Rec'd. 06/19/15 66 Description A New Residence Hall - Auburn University Montgomery 15-006 B-H Source Page 12 of 12 E4.01 Data/TV for typical unit E6.01 notes 3&4 do not work with Aux.E4.01 notes 2&7. Please clarify which is correct. Will exposed conduit be allowed in the corridors/commons areas? Are we allowed to run conduit in PT slab? Sheet or Spec. Sect. PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: PRE-BID RFI LOG RFI No. Response Conway By Date AU Form C-3 B November 2001 Revised by AU on July 12, 2007 ATTACHMENT ‘B’ TO PROPOSAL FORM STATED ALLOWANCES AND UNIT PRICES STATED ALLOWANCE AND UNIT PRICES The following items of work are anticipated during construction of this contract; however the exact quantity of each work item may not be determinable prior to bidding. The Contractor, shall therefore, include in his Lump Sum Base and / or Alternates Bid (as applicable), an allowance for the following items in the quantities indicated: Allowance Unit Prices include all charges for labor, materials and equipment, shoring, layout, supervision (field and home office), general expenses, taxes, insurances, overhead and profit, but not limited to, for accomplishment of the Allowance item(s). Where quantities of same items of work are defined and are quantified in the bid documents, the allowance quantities indicated hereinafter shall be in addition to those which are indicated. (Example: If the site grading plan indicates new and existing grades, the bidder shall compute the quantity of earthwork required and include that quantity of work in the bid the same as if no “allowance quantity were specified. If an additional allowance quantity of earthwork is stipulated, that stipulated allowance quantity of work shall also be included in addition to the quantity computed from the bidders earthwork “takeoff”). The following Unit Prices Quoted are for increases or decreases in the above quantities included in the Lump Sum Base and/or Alternate Bids. These Unit Prices include all charges for labor, materials and equipment, fee, layout, supervision (field and home office), general expenses, taxes, insurances, overhead and profit, but not limited to, for accomplishment of the Unit Price item(s). Clarification Note: The Unit Prices quoted by the Contractor shall apply to increases (additive change orders) and to decreases (deductive change orders). This requirement shall supplement the requirements of the General Conditions, and Instructions to Bidders. Changes in the contract amount which are computed using the Stated Allowances and Unit Prices shall be figured at the same unit price whether additive or deductive. ITEM ALLOWANCE QUANTITY ALLOWANCE UNIT PRICE TOTAL Excavation and haul off of unsuitable materials 4,250 CY $ _____________ $ _____________ Replacement with crushed stone 500 TONS $ _____________ $ _____________ 500 CY $ _____________ $ _____________ Replacement with onsite suitable material Page 1 of 5 ITEM ALLOWANCE QUANTITY ALLOWANCE UNIT PRICE TOTAL Replacement with offsite suitable material 3,500 CY $ _____________ $ _____________ Surge Material (ALDOT #1 Stone) 100 TONS $ _____________ $ _____________ Installation of stabilization fabric Furnish and install: Storm inlet structure and grate (0-6’) Furnish and install: Storm manhole and cover (0-6’) Furnish and install: 24” RCP Storm Pipe CLIII 500 SY $ _____________ $ _____________ 1 EA $ _____________ $ _____________ 1 EA $ _____________ $ _____________ 12 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ Furnish and install: 18” RCP Storm Pipe CLIII 12 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ Furnish and install: 15” RCP Storm Pipe CLIII Furnish and install: 12” DIP CL350 Pipe 12 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ 20 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ Furnish and install: 10” DIP CL350 Pipe Furnish and install: 8” DIP CL350 Pipe Furnish and install: 6” DIP CL350 Pipe ADDITIONAL INSTALLED PIERS (W/O REMOBILIZATION) 20 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ 20 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ 20 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ 1 EA $ _____________ $ _____________ 10 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ 1 EA $ _____________ $ _____________ 1 EA $ _____________ $ _____________ ADD FOR CASING HOLES ADDITIONAL MOBILIZATIONS ADDITIONAL MODULUS OR UPLIFT LOAD TESTS Page 2 of 5 ITEM REINFORCING STEEL ALLOWANCE QUANTITY ALLOWANCE UNIT PRICE TOTAL 2.5 TONS $ _____________ $ _____________ 5000 PSI CONCRETE 20 CY $ _____________ $ _____________ LIGHT STRUCTURAL STEEL 3 TONS $ _____________ $ _____________ 6” DEPTH CONCRET PAVING ON 6” CRUSHED STONE BASE 10 SQ. FT. $ _____________ $ _____________ 12” BRICK PAVER BANDS ON 6” CONCRETE BASE WITH 6” CRUSHED STONE BASE, PER LINEAR FOOT 10 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ 16” BRICK PAVER BANDS ON 6” CONCRETE BASE WITH 6” CRUSHED STONE BASE, PER LINEAR FOOT 10 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ BRICK PAVER FIELD ON 6” CONCRETE BASE WITH 6” CRUSHED STONE BASE, PER LINEAR FOOT 10 SQ. FT. $ _____________ $ _____________ 22” WIDE BRICK VENEER SEAT WALL, 20” HT. INCUDING 4” THICK x 24” WIDE PRECAST WALL CAP AND REINFORCED CONCRETE WALL FOOTING, PER LINEAR FOOT 5 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ Page 3 of 5 ITEM ALLOWANCE QUANTITY ALLOWANCE UNIT PRICE TOTAL 6" SCHEDULE 40 PVC IRRIGATION SLEEVE 10 LF $ _____________ $ _____________ AUTUMN IVORY AZALEA, 3 gal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ BLUE PACIFIC JUNIPER, 15-18" spread EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ DRAKE ELM, 2 1/2 3" cal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ DWARF MAIDEN GRASS, 1 gal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ DWARF PITTOSPORUM, 15"18" spread EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ FEATHER REED GRAS, 1 gal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ LITTLE GEM MAGNOLIA, 8'-10' ht. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ LITTLE GEM MAGNOLIA, ESP., 8'10' ht. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ MARY NELL HOLLY, 8'-10' ht. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ NICK'S COMPACT JUNIPER, 15-18" spread EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ OKAME CHERRY, 3 3 1/2" cal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ OVERCUP OAK, 2 1/2 - 3" cal. Page 4 of 5 ITEM ALLOWANCE QUANTITY ALLOWANCE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PINK MUHLY GRASS, 1 gal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ PURPLE PIXIE LOROPETALUM, 12"-18" spread EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ RIVER BIRCH, 3 1/2 4" cal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ SARAH'S FAVORITE CRAPEMYRTLE, 2 1/2 - 3" cal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ SHOWY JASMINE, 18"-24" spread EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ SHUMARD OAK, 2 1/2 - 3" cal. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ VARIEGATED LIGUSTRUM, 18"-24" spread EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ WALTER'S DWARF VIBURNUM, 30"-36" ht. EACH $ _____________ $ _____________ TOPSOIL, PER CUBIC YARD 10 CU. YD. $ _____________ $ _____________ SHREDDED PINE BARK MULCH, PER CUBIC YARD 10 CU. YD. $ _____________ $ _____________ Page 5 of 5 Civil and Structural Engineers Auburn University Montgomery New Residence Hall ICC 500-2008 Storm Shelter Quality Assurance Plan June 18, 2015 LBYD Project No. 101-15-033 Summary: As required by ICC 500-2008 Section 107.3 this document shall serve as the Quality Assurance Plan for the storm shelter portion of the new AUM Residence Hall. This plan shall cover the structural requirements for the testing, inspections, observations and reports required for each section of the storm shelter lateral system. Specific design information for the storm shelter has been previously submitted in the form of Construction Documents. Roof framing connections: 1. The roof diaphragm system is comprised of a 14” cost-in-place concrete slab. 2. Materials testing: Strength tests are required for the concrete per the Specifications. 3. Structural observation: Periodic observation of the reinforcing placement shall be performed by the Engineer of Record prior to the placement of concrete. 4. Reports: Reports shall be provided in a written format and distributed to the Engineer of Record, Architect and Owner within 72 hours of performing the inspection or observation. Roof diaphragm boundary elements: 1. The roof diaphragm connection to the concrete walls is provided using conventional mild steel reinforcement. 2. Materials testing: Strength tests are required for the concrete per the Specifications. 3. Special inspections: Special inspections of the steel reinforcement that connects the concrete slab to the walls are required per the special inspections schedule. 4. Structural observation: Periodic observation of reinforcement placement shall be performed by the Engineer of Record prior to the placement of topping slab. 5. Reports: Reports shall be provided in a written format and distributed to the Engineer of Record, Architect and Owner within 72 hours of performing the inspection or observation. Main wind force resisting system: 1. The main wind force resisting system is comprised of 12” thick cast-in-place concrete walls. 2. Materials testing: Material testing of the CMU is required per the Special Inspections Schedule. 3. Special inspections: Special inspections of the reinforcement placement are required per the Special Inspections Schedule. 4. Structural observation: Periodic observation of wall reinforcement shall be performed by the Engineer of Record prior to the concrete placement in the wall. 5. Reports: Reports shall be provided in a written format and distributed to the Engineer of Record, LBYD, Inc. 716 South 30th Street Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama 35233 4500 Atlanta Huntsville www.lbyd.com Phone (205) 251- Tampa Bay Storm Shelter Quality Assurance Plan Page 2 Architect and Owner within 72 hours of performing the inspection or observation. Storm Shelter Quality Assurance Plan Page 3 Main wind force resisting systems foundation connection: 1. The main wind force resisting system is connected to the foundation using reinforcement dowels. 2. Special Inspections: Special inspections of the dowels are required per the Special Inspections Schedule. 3. Structural Observations: Periodic observation of the masonry wall dowels shall be performed by the Engineer of Record prior to the placement of foundation concrete. 4. Reports: Reports shall be provided in a written format and distributed to the Engineer of Record, Architect and Owner within 72 hours of performing the inspection or observation. NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 10 44 00 FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fire extinguishers. B. Fire extinguisher cabinets. C. Accessories. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 06 10 00 - Rough Carpentry: Wood blocking product and execution requirements. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NFPA 10 - Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers; 2013. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate cabinet physical dimensions. C. Product Data: Provide extinguisher operational features. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special criteria and wall opening coordination requirements. E. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. F. Maintenance Data: Include test, refill or recharge schedules and re-certification requirements. 1.05 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install extinguishers when ambient temperature may cause freezing of extinguisher ingredients. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Fire Extinguishers: 1. Ansul, a Tyco Business: www.ansul.com. 2. Nystrom, Inc: www.nystrom.com. 3. Pyro-Chem, a Tyco Business: www.pyrochem.com. 4. Strike First Corporation of America: www.strikefirstusa.com. 5. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. B. Fire Extinguisher Cabinets and Accessories: 1. Ansul, a Tyco Business: www.ansul.com. 2. JL Industries, Inc: www.jlindustries.com. 3. Larsen's Manufacturing Co: www.larsensmfg.com. 4. Potter-Roemer: www.potterroemer.com. 5. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. 2.02 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. Fire Extinguishers - General: Comply with product requirements of NFPA 10 and applicable codes, whichever is more stringent. B. Dry Chemical Type Fire Extinguishers: Carbon steel tank, with pressure gage. FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES 10 44 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1. 2. 3. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Class: A:B:C. Size: 10 pound. Size and classification as scheduled. 2.03 FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETS A. Metal: Formed stainless steel sheet; 0.036 inch thick base metal. B. Cabinet Configuration: Semi-recessed type. 1. Sized to accommodate accessories. 2. Trim: Returned to wall surface, with 1 inch projection, 2 inch wide face. 3. Form cabinet enclosure with right angle inside corners and seams. Form perimeter trim and door stiles. C. Door: 0.036 inch thick, reinforced for flatness and rigidity; latch. Hinge doors for 180 degree opening with two butt hinge. Provide nylon catch. D. Door Glazing: Glass, clear, 1/8 inch thick float. Set in resilient channel gasket glazing. E. Cabinet Mounting Hardware: Appropriate to cabinet. Pre-drill for anchors. F. Weld, fill, and grind components smooth. G. Finish of Cabinet Exterior Trim and Door: No. 4. H. Fire Rating: Provide fire-rated cabinet appropriate for the partition where it is located, provided it scheduled to be a fire-rated partition. Refer to Drawings for partition types and ratings. 2.04 ACCESSORIES A. Extinguisher Brackets: Formed steel, chrome-plated. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify existing conditions before starting work. B. Verify rough openings for cabinet are correctly sized and located. END OF SECTION FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALTIES 10 44 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 12 93 00 SITE FURNISHINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Furnish and install site furnishings, including benches and litter receptacles. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualified Installer: Installation shall be by an installer with at least two years’ experience in fixed location installation of site furnishings. B. Do not damage work already in place. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit a detailed list showing each item which is to be furnished by make, trade name or catalog number; together with manufacturer's specifications, certified prints, cut sheets, and other data sufficient for making comparisons with items specified. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver furnishings to the site in crates or on pallets capable of transfer by fork lift or clamp lift. Unload furnishings at job site in such a manner that no damage occurs to the products. Store products as recommended by the manufacturer until installation. 1.05 WARRANTY AND MAINTENANCE A. Provide three (3) sets of manufacturer's warranty documents for each class of equipment provided. Include all warranty dates on equipment and guarantees. Bind above items in loose leaf 3-ring binders with tab for each class of equipment and submit to Owner at project close-out. B. Obtain a minimum of a total of one quart of touch-up paint from manufacturer and submit to Owner at project close-out for Owner’s future use and maintenance. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Site furnishings: Provide all site furnishings as scheduled in the Drawings. B. Provide all required hardware to secure site furnishings in their specified locations. C. Provide touch-up paint by site furnishings manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that base is dry, uniform, even and ready to support site furnishings and imposed loads. B. Verify gradients and elevations of base are correct. C. Beginning of installation shall signify acceptance of base conditions. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate the placement of cast-in-place anchor bolts and other fasteners with other trades. B. Install site furnishings in accordance with the Drawings and manufacturer’s written and graphic instructions accompanying the products. SITE FURNISHINGS 12 93 00 - !1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.03 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 C. Verify that all bolts, welds, and other connections are tight, strong and secure. Report any faulty weld connections to manufacturer. Tighten bolts, screws, etc. as required to provide safe, strong connections. REPAIRS AND CLEANING A. Inspect all surfaces for nicks, scratches or gouges. B. Scratches or nicks shall be repaired using touch-up paint included with products and in strict accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. C. Deeper gouges shall be repaired as follows: 1. Sand and clean affected area. 2. Apply one of the following rust converters in strict accordance with manufacturer’s instructions: a. SEM Rust Mort b. Rust Seal c. POR-15 3. Paint affected area using touch-up paint provided with products. D. Clean furnishings using a cloth and mild detergent. Do not use stiff brushes or abrasive cleaners. END OF SECTION SITE FURNISHINGS 12 93 00 - !2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 14 20 10 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. One (1) hydraulic elevator as follows: 1. 2. Passenger Elevator. All engineering, equipment, labor and permits required to satisfactorily complete elevator installation as required by contract documents. Applicable conditions of General, Special, and Supplemental Conditions, and Division 1. Also note that Division 2 (Earthwork), Division 5 (Metal Fabrications and Structural Steel) are to be followed. Preventive maintenance as described herein. 3. 4. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Legal Hoistway and Pit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Clear, plumb, substantially flush hoistway with variations not to exceed 1" at any point. Bevel cants not less than 75° with the horizontal on any rear or side wall ledges and beams that project or recess 2" or more into the hoistway. Not required on hoistway divider beams. Supports at each floor for car guide rail fastening and intermediate support when heights exceed 14'-0". Building supports not to deflect in excess of 1/8 A17.1 under normal conditions. Installation of guide rail bracket supports in concrete. Inserts or embeds, if used, will be furnished under this Section. Wall blockouts and fire rated backing for control and signal fixture boxes which penetrate walls. Cutting and patching walls and floors. Opening in hoistway wall or pit wall for hydraulic piping. Trench and backfill underground piping. Erect front hoistway wall after elevator entrances are installed. Grout around hoistway entrances and sills. Pit access ladder for each elevator. Structural support for car buffer impact loads, guide rail loads, and cylinder loads. Waterproof pit. Indirect waste drain, or sump with flush grate and pump. Protect open hoistways and entrances during construction per OSHA Regulations. Protect car enclosure, hoistway entrance assemblies and special metal finishes from damage after installation. Hoistway venting or pressurization to prevent accumulation of smoke and gas as required by Local Building Code. Seal fireproofing to prevent flaking. Legal Machine Room a. Enclosure with access. b. Self closing and locking access door. c. Ventilation and heating. Maintain minimum temperature of 55° F, maximum 90° F. Maintain maximum 80% relative humidity, non-condensing. d. Paint walls, ceiling and floor. e. Class “ABC” fire extinguisher. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY 18. 1.03 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 f. Seal fireproofing to prevent flaking. g. Fire sprinklers where required. Electrical Service, Conductors and Devices a. Lighting and GFCI convenience outlets in pit and machine room. Provide one non-GFCI convenience outlet in pit for sump pump and oil return pump. Shunt trip shall be located outside on machine room. b. Three-phase mainline copper power feeder to terminals of each elevator controller in the machine room with protected, lockable “off,” disconnect with auxiliary contacts to allow Elevator Contractor to electrically interlock battery power lowering unit. c. Single-phase copper power feeder to each elevator controller for car lighting and exhaust blower with individual protected, lockable “off,” disconnect switch located in machine room. d. Emergency public telephone service with dedicated line to each individual elevator control panel in elevator machine room. e. Products of combustion sensor (NFPA No. 72, Chapter 5-3) in each elevator lobby, for each group of elevators or single elevator and machine room to initiate firefighters' return feature. Detector at top of hoistway if sprinklered. Provide means for service access from outside the hoistway. Provide sensor signal wiring from hoistway or machine room connection point to elevator controller terminals. f. Temporary power and illumination to install, test and adjust elevator equipment. g. Means to manually and automatically disconnect power to affected elevator pump unit and controller prior to activation of machine room overhead fire sprinkler system, and/or hoistway overhead fire sprinkler system. Manual shutoff means shall be located outside bounds of machine room. h. When sprinklers are provided in the hoistway all electrical equipment, except seismic protective devices, located less than 4'-0" above the pit floor shall be identified for use in wet locations (ANSI/NFPA70). DEFINITIONS A. Terms used are defined in the latest edition of the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, ASME A17.1. B. Reference to a device or a part of the equipment applies to the number of devices or parts required to complete the installation. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualified Providers: Alternate Providers must receive approval of the Architect, Purchaser and/or Consultant at least ten days prior to bid date. B. Approved 1. 2. 3. 4. Hydraulic Elevators: KONE, Otis, Schindler, Thyssen, Mowrey. Car Enclosure: Brice Southern, Hauenstein & Burmeister, KONE, Otis, Schindler, Thyssen, Tyler, Mowrey. Hoistway Entrance: Brice Southern, Hauenstein & Burmeister, KONE, Otis, Schindler, Thyssen, Tyler, Mowrey. Compliance with Regulatory Agency: Comply with most stringent applicable provisions of following Code and/or Authority, including revisions and changes in effect on date of this specification; a. Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators ASME A17.1 b. Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators, and Moving Walks, ASME A17.2 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY 5. 1.05 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 c. d. e. f. g. Elevator and Escalator Electrical Equipment, ASME A17.5 National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Local fire jurisdiction Requirements of SBC and all other Codes, Ordinances and Laws applicable within the governing jurisdiction. Project to be designed for seismic risk Zone O. h. Life Safety Code, NFPA 101 i. Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS) Warranty a. Material and workmanship of the installation shall comply in every respect with contract documents. Correct defective material or workmanship which develops within one year from date of final acceptance of work to the satisfaction of the Architect, Purchaser and Consultant at no additional cost, unless due to ordinary wear and tear, or improper use or care by Purchaser. Perform maintenance in accordance with terms and conditions indicated in attached Preventive Maintenance Contract. b. Defective is defined to include, but not limited to; operation or control system failures, performance below required minimum, excessive wear, unusual deterioration or aging of materials or finishes, unsafe conditions, the need for excessive maintenance, abnormal noise or vibration, and similar unsatisfactory conditions. DOCUMENT VERIFICATION A. In order to discover and resolve conflicts or lack of definition which might create problems, Provider must review contract documents for compatibility with its product prior to bidding. Review structural, architectural, electrical and mechanical documents, and elevator specification. Attach specific, written exception and/or clarification with quotation. Compliance with all provisions of contract documents is assumed and required in the absence of written exception. Purchaser will not pay for change to structural, mechanical, electrical, or other systems required to accommodate Provider's equipment if not identified before contract award. 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Within 60 days after award of contract and before beginning equipment fabrication, submit shop drawings and required material for review as outlined in Division I. Allow 30 days for response to initial submittal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scaled Layout: Plan of pit, hoistway and machine room indicating equipment arrangement, elevation section of hoistway, details of car enclosures, hoistway entrances, and car/hall signal fixtures. Design Information: Indicate equipment lists, reactions, and design information on layouts. Power Confirmation Sheets: Include motor horsepower, code letter, starting current, full load running current, and demand factor for applicable motors. Fixtures: Cuts, samples, or shop drawings. Finish Material: Submit 3" x 12" samples of actual finished material for review of color, pattern, and texture by Architect. Compliance with other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Provider. Include, if requested, signal fixtures, lights, graphics, Braille plates, and mounting provisions. Acknowledge and/or respond to drawing comments within 14 days of return; promptly incorporate required changes due to inaccurate data or incomplete definition so that HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 delivery and installation schedules are not affected. Revision response time is not justification for equipment delivery or installation delay. 1.07 PERMIT, TEST AND INSPECTION A. Obtain and pay for permit, license, and inspection fee necessary to complete the installation. B. Perform test required by Governing Authority in accordance with procedure described in ASME A17.2 Inspectors' Manual for Elevators and Escalators in the presence of Authorized Representative. C. Supply personnel and equipment for test and final review required by Consultant, as indicated in Part 3. 1.08 MAINTENANCE A. Interim 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When one or more elevators are near completion and ready for service, the Purchaser may accept elevators for interim use and place in service before entire installation of all elevators has been completed and accepted. During this period, Purchaser may pay a mutually agreed upon amount per elevator for preventive maintenance. Indicate amount per unit per month with bid. Temporary acceptance form must be acceptable to Purchaser and signed prior to use. User must provide or pay for temporary hoistway and car enclosures; protect installed equipment and finishes; and pay for all cleaning, repairs, and replacement of materials necessary to restore elevator to “as new” condition prior to final acceptance by Purchaser. Warranty Maintenance a. Provide preventive maintenance and 24-hour emergency callback service for one year commencing on date of final acceptance by Purchaser. Systematically examine, adjust, clean, and lubricate all equipment. Repair or replace defective parts using parts produced by the manufacturer of installed equipment. Maintain elevator machine room, hoistway, and pit in clean condition. Response time during regular hours shall be 2 hours; and during overtime hours shall be 3 hours. b. Use competent personnel, acceptable to the Purchaser, supervised and employed by the Provider. c. Purchaser retains the option to delete cost of warranty maintenance from new equipment contract and remit twelve (12) equal installments directly to Provider during period in which work is being accomplished. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SUMMARY A. LOCATION: LOBBY B. CAPACITY: 3500 LBS. C. SPEED: 150 FPM D. OPERATIONAL CONTROL: SELECTIVE COLLECTIVE, MICROPROCESSOR BASED SYSTEM NON-PROPRIETARY. E. MOTOR CONTROL: SINGLE SPEED AC WITH SCR SOFT START WITH CLOSED TRANSITION HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY F. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 POWER CHARACTERISTICS: 208 VOLTS, 3 PHASE, 60 HERTZ. G. STOPS: 4 H. OPENINGS: 4 I. FLOORS SERVED: 1 - 4. J. TRAVEL: 33'- 4" +/-. K. HOISTWAY SIZE: 8'-4” WIDE X 6'-11” DEEP. L. MINIMUM CLEAR INSIDE CAR: 6'-8” WIDE X 5'-5” DEEP. M. ENTRANCE SIZE: 3'-6” WIDE X 7'-0” HIGH. N. ENTRANCE TYPE: SINGLE SPEED, SINGLE DOOR, SIDE OPENING. O. DOOR OPERATION: MEDIUM SPEED, HEAVY-DUTY MASTER DOOR OPERATOR, MINIMUM OPENING SPEED 1-1/2 F.P.S. P. DOOR PROTECTION: INFRARED, FULL SCREEN DEVICE, WITH DIFFERENTIAL TIMING, NUDGING AND INTERRUPTED BEAM TIME. Q. MACHINE: HYDRAULIC PUMP. R. HYDRAULIC TYPE: DIRECT PLUNGER. S. MACHINE ROOM: ADJACENT AT BOTTOM LANDING. T. GUIDE RAILS: PLANED STEEL TEES. U. BUFFERS: SPRING. V. CAR ENCLOSURE: AS SPECIFIED, CAR CANOPY HEIGHT 8'-0". W. SIGNALS: MANUFACTURERS' STANDARD VANDAL RESISTANT. X. REGISTRATION LIGHTS: SINGLE HALL PUSHBUTTON RISER. Y. IN CAR LANTERNS: BOTH CAR ENTRANCE COLUMNS WITH VOLUME ADJUSTABLE ELECTRONIC CHIME OR TONE. SOUND TWICE FOR DOWN DIRECTION. 2.02 ADDITIONAL FEATURES A. CAR ROLLER GUIDES. B. CAR TOP INSPECTION STATION. C. FIREFIGHTERS' SERVICE, INCLUDING ALTERNATE FLOOR RETURN FEATURE. D. BATTERY PACK STANDBY POWER PROVISION. E. ADA AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ACCESS AND SIGNAGE. F. HINGED CAR RETURN PANEL ARRANGED FOR INTEGRAL CAR OPERATING PANEL. G. HOISTWAY ACCESS SWITCHES TOP AND BOTTOM FLOORS. UNLOCKING DEVICES ALL FLOORS. H. INDEPENDENT SERVICE FEATURE. I. PLATFORM ISOLATION, JACK TO PLATEN CONNECTION(S). HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY J. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 TAMPER RESISTANT FASTENERS FOR SIGNAL FIXTURE FACEPLATES. K. SILL SUPPORT ANGLES. L. ONE YEAR WARRANTY MAINTENANCE WITH 24 HOUR CALLBACK SERVICE. M. HYDRAULIC PUMP UNIT AND CONTROLLER SOUND ISOLATION. N. CARD READER PROVISIONS. O. BATTERY PACK EMERGENCY CAR LIGHTING. PROVIDE SEPARATE CONSTANT PRESSURE TEST BUTTON IN CAR SERVICE COMPARTMENT. P. SIGNAGE ENGRAVING FILLED WITH BLACK PAINT OR APPROVED ETCHING PROCESS. Q. WIRING DIAGRAMS, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, AND PARTS ORDERING INFORMATION. R. NON-PROPRIETARY CONTROL SYSTEM AND DIAGNOSTICS PROVISIONS. 2.03 MATERIALS A. Steel 1. 2. 3. Sheet Steel (Furniture Steel for Exposed Work): Stretcher-leveled, cold rolled, commercial quality carbon steel, complying with ASTM A366, matte finish. Sheet Steel (for Unexposed Work): Hot rolled, commercial quality carbon steel, pickled and oiled, complying with ASTM A568 and A569. Structural Steel Shapes and Plates: ASTM A7 and ASTM A36. B. Stainless Steel: Type 302 or 304 complying with ASTM A167, with standard tempers and hardness required for fabrication, strength and durability. Apply mechanical finish on fabricated work in the locations shown or specified (Federal Standard and NAAMM nomenclature) with texture and reflectivity required to match Architect's sample. Protect with adhesive-paper covering. 1. 2. 3. 4. No. 4: Bright directional polish (satin finish). Graining directions as shown or, if not shown, in longest dimension. No. 8: Reflective polish (mirror finish). Textured: 5WL as manufactured by Rigidized Metals or Windsor pattern 5-SM as manufactured by Rimex Metals or approved equal with .050 inches mean pattern depth with bright directional polish (satin finish). Burnished: Non-directional, random swirl pattern. C. Bronze: Stretcher leveled, re-squared sheets composed of 60% copper and 40% zinc similar to Muntz Metal, Alloy Group 2, with standard temper and hardness required for fabrication, strength, and durability. Clean and treat bronze surfaces before mechanical finish. After completion of the final mechanical finish on the fabricated work, use a chemical cleaner to produce finish (Federal Standard and NAAMM nomenclature) matching Architect's sample; 1. 2. 3. Polished Bronze: M21 C12 06X, bright polished bronze, clear coated (US9) finish with clear organic lacquer coating recommended by Fabricator. Fine Satin (Brushed) Bronze: M31 C12 06X, fine satin bronze, clear coated (US10) with clear organic coating recommended by Fabricator. Provide graining direction as shown or, if not shown, in longest dimension. Acid Etched Pattern: Provide an M21 C12 C5X 06X bright polished (US9) background HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 selectively acid etched, matte textured, custom pattern as shown. Acid selection and dilution (if required) recommended by Fabricator. After final finishing, coat bronze with clear organic lacquer coating recommended by Fabricator. D. Aluminum: Extrusions per ASTM B221; sheet and plate per ASTM B209. E. Plastic Laminate: ASTM E84 Class A and NEMA LD3.1, Fire Rated Grade (GP 50), Type 7, 0.050" ± .005" thick, color and texture as follows; 1. 2. F. Exposed Surfaces: Color and texture selected by Architect. Concealed Surfaces: Manufacturer's standard color and finish. Fire Retardant Treated Particle Board Panels: Minimum 3/4" thick backup for natural finished wood and plastic laminate veneered panels, edged and faced as shown, provided with suitable anti warp backing; meet ASTM E84 Class “I” rating with a flame spread rating of 25 or less, registered with Local Authorities for elevator finish materials. G. Natural Finish Wood Veneer: Standard thickness, 1/40" thoroughly dried conforming to ASME/HPMA HP 1983, Premium Grade. Place veneer, tapeless spliced with grain running in direction shown, belt and polish sanded, book matched. Species and finish designated and approved by Architect. H. Paint: Clean exposed metal parts and assemblies of oil, grease, scale, and other foreign matter and factory paint one shop coat of rust resistant primer. After erection, provide one finish coat of industrial enamel paint. Galvanized metal need not be painted. I. Prime Finish: Clean all metal surfaces receiving a baked enamel paint finish of oil, grease, and scale. Apply one coat of rust resistant primer followed by a filler coat over uneven surfaces. Sand smooth and apply final coat of primer. J. 2.04 Baked Enamel Finish: Prime finish per Item I. above. Unless specified “prime finish” only, apply and bake three (3) additional coats of enamel in the selected solid color. CAR PERFORMANCE A. Car Speed: ± 10% of contract speed under any loading condition. B. Car Capacity: Safely lower, stop and hold up to 125% of rated load. C. Car Stopping Zone: ± 3/8" under any loading condition. D. Door Opening Time: Seconds from start of opening to fully open; 1. E. Door Closing Time: Seconds from start of closing to fully closed; 1. F. 2.4 seconds. 4.0 seconds. Car Floor to Floor Performance Time: Seconds from start of doors closing until doors are 3/4 open (1/2 open for side opening doors) and car in stopping zone at next successive floor under any loading condition or travel direction (14'-0” typical floor height); 1. 17.0 seconds. G. Pressure: Fluid system components shall be designed and factory tested for 500 p.s.i. maximum operating pressure shall be 400 p.s.i. H. Noise and Vibration Control HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 7 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.05 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Airborne Noise: Measured noise level of elevator equipment and its operation shall not exceed 50 dBA in elevator lobbies and 60 dBA inside car under any condition including door operation and car ventilation exhaust blower on its highest speed. Vibration Control: All elevator equipment provided under this contract, including power unit, controller, oil supply lines and their support shall be mechanically isolated from the building structure and electrically isolated from the building power supply and to each other to minimize the possibility of objectionable noise and vibrations being transmitted to occupied areas of the building. Limit noise level in the machine room relating to elevator equipment and its operation to no more than 80 dBA. All dBA readings to be taken three (3) feet off the floor and three (3) feet from the equipment using the “A” weighted scale. OPERATION A. Selective Collective Microprocessor Based: Operate car without attendant from pushbuttons in car and located at each floor. When car is available, automatically start car and dispatch it to floor corresponding to registered car or hall call. Once car starts, respond to registered calls in direction of travel in order floors are reached. B. Do not reverse car direction until all car calls have been answered or until all hall calls ahead of car and corresponding to direction of car travel have been answered. C. Slow car and stop automatically at floors corresponding to registered calls, in the order in which they are approached in either direction of travel. As slowdown is initiated for a hall call, automatically cancel hall call. Cancel car calls in same manner. Hold car at arrival floor an adjustable time interval to allow passenger transfer. D. Answer calls corresponding to travel direction of car unless call in the opposite direction is highest or lowest call registered. E. Illuminate appropriate pushbutton to indicate call registration. Extinguish light when call is answered. 1. F. Other Items a. Low Oil Control: In the event oil level is insufficient for travel to the top floor, provide controls to return elevator to the main level and park until oil is added. b. Independent Service: Provide controls for operation of each car from its pushbuttons only. Close doors by constant pressure on desired destination floor button or door close button. Open doors automatically upon arrival at selected floor. Firefighters' Service: Provide equipment and operation in accordance with Code requirements. G. Automatic Stopping Zone: Stop car within 3/8" above or below the landing sill. Avoid overtravel/undertravel, and maintain stopping accuracy regardless of load in car, direction of travel, or distance between landings. H. Motion Control: AC type with unit valve suitable for operation specified and capable of providing smooth comfortable acceleration and deceleration. Limit the difference in speed between full load and no load to not more than ±10% of the contract speed. I. Door Operation: Automatically open door when car arrives at main floor whether car call has been registered or not. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 8 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY J. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Standby Lighting and Alarm: Car mounted, battery unit with solid state charger to operate alarm bell and car emergency light fixture. Battery to be rechargeable with minimum 5-year life expectancy. Coordinate location of light fixture with Architect. Provide constant pressure test button in service compartment of car operating panel. K. Battery Standby Power Transfer: Upon loss of normal power, provide controls to automatically lower the car(s) nonstop to the lowest landing. Upon arrival at the lowest landing, the elevator doors shall open automatically and remain open until regular door time has expired. The elevator shall then become deactivated. The standby power source shall be provided via 12-volt D.C. battery units installed in machine room, including solid-state charger and testing means mounted in a common metal container. Battery to be rechargeable lead acid or nickel cadmium with a 10-year life expectancy. 1. 2. L. 2.06 Electrical contractor must provide microswitch for mainline disconnect. Upon restoration of normal power, the elevator shall automatically resume normal operation. Card/Proximity Reader Security System: Provide provisions inside cars for reader unit. Unit furnished by Security Subcontractor. Mount reader unit as directed by Architect and cross connect from car pushbuttons to control module in machine room via five pair of shielded wires and two RG-6 type coaxial cables. Reader control module and mounting provided by Security Subcontractor. MACHINE ROOM EQUIPMENT A. Arrange equipment in spaces shown on drawings. B. Pump Unit: Assembled unit consisting of positive displacement pump, induction motor, mastertype control valves combining safety features, holding, direction, bypass, stopping, manual lowering functions, shut off valve, oil reservoir with protected vent opening, oil level gauge, outlet strainer, drip pan, muffler, all mounted on isolating pads. Provide thermal unit or comparable means to maintain oil at proper operating temperature. Enclose entire unit with removable sheet steel panels lined with sound-absorbing material. Provide closed transition SCR soft start. C. Encoder: Direct drive, solid state, optical, digital type. Update car position at each floor and automatically restore after power loss. D. Controller: UL/CSA labeled. 1. 2. 3. Compartment: Securely mount all assemblies, power supplies, chassis switches, relays, etc., on a substantial, self supporting steel frame. Completely enclose equipment with covers. Provide means to prevent overheating. Relay Design: Magnet operated with contacts of design and material to insure maximum conductivity, long life and reliable operation without overheating or excessive wear. Provide wiping action and means to prevent sticking due to fusion. Contacts carrying high inductive currents shall be provided with arc deflectors or suppressors. Microprocessor Related Hardware a. Provide built in noise suppression devices which provide a high level of noise immunity on all solid state hardware and devices. b. Provide power supplies with noise suppression devices. c. Isolate inputs from external devices (such as pushbuttons) with opto isolation modules. d. Design control circuits so that one side of power supply is grounded. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 9 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY 4. 5. 6. 7. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 e. Safety circuits shall not be affected by accidental grounding of any part of the system. f. System shall automatically restart when power is restored. g. System memory shall be retained in the event of power failure or disturbance. h. Equipment shall operate properly with a 500 KHZ to 1300 MHZ radio frequency signal, transmitted at a power level of not less than 100 watts Effective Radiated Power (ERP) at a distance of three (3) feet. i. Equipment shall be provided with Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) shielding within FCC guidelines. Wiring: CSA labeled copper for factory wiring. Neatly route all wiring interconnections and securely attach wiring connections to studs or terminals. Provide controller or machine mounted auxiliary, lockable “off” disconnect if mainline disconnect not in sight of controller and pump unit. Permanently mark components (relays, fuses, PC board, etc.) with symbols shown on wiring diagrams. Provide reduced voltage motor starting circuits with solid-state motor starter. E. Muffler: Provide in discharge oil line near pump unit. Design shall dampen and absorb pulsation and noise in the flow of hydraulic fluid. F. Piping and Oil: Provide piping, connections and oil for the system. Buried piping shall be secondarily contained with watertight Schedule 40 PVC sleeves between elevator machine room and pit. A minimum of two sound isolation couplings shall be provided between the pump unit and oil line and the oil line and jack unit. Provide isolated pipe stands or hangers as required. 2.07 HOISTWAY EQUIPMENT A. Guide Rails: Planed steel T sections of suitable size and weight for the application, structural support spacing, and car weight with brackets for attachment to building structure. Provide double bracketing, i.e., top and bottom of floor beam as necessary. B. Buffers: Spring type with blocking and supports. C. Hydraulic Jack Assembly 1. Provide dual jack holeless application. D. Jack Support and Fluid Shut-Off Valve(s): Provide steel pit channels to support jack assembly and transmit loads to building structure. Provide intermediate stabilizers as required. Provide manual on/off valve(s) in oil line(s) adjacent to pump unit and jack unit(s) in pit adjacent to jack unit(s). E. Terminal Stopping Devices: Normal and final. F. Electrical Wiring and Wiring Connections 1. 2. Conductors and Connections: Copper throughout with individual wires coded and connections on identified studs or terminal blocks. Use no splices or similar connections in wiring except at terminal blocks, control compartments, or junction boxes. Provide 10% spare conductors throughout. Run spare wires from car connection points to individual elevator controllers in the machine room. Provide four pairs of spare shielded communication wires in addition to those required to connect specified items. Tag spares in machine room. Conduit: Painted or galvanized steel conduit and duct. Conduit size, 1/2" minimum. Flexible conduit not to exceed 36" in length. Flexible heavy duty service cord may be HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 10 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY 3. 4. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 used between fixed car wiring and car door switches for door protective devices. Traveling Cables: Type ET flame and moisture resistant outer cover. Prevent traveling cable from rubbing or chafing against hoistway or equipment within hoistway. Provide 2 RG-6 coaxial CCTV cables within traveling cable from car controller to car top. Auxiliary Wiring: Connect smoke sensors, emergency telephone system, firefighters' phone jack, paging speaker, CCTV, card reader, and announcement and/or background music in each car controller in machine room. G. Entrance Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. Door Hangers: Two-point hanger roller with neoprene roller surface and suspension with eccentric upthrust roller adjustment. Door Tracks: Bar or formed, cold drawn removable steel tracks with smooth roller contact surface. Door Interlocks: Operable without retiring cam. Paint interlocks flat black. Door Closers: Spring, spirator or jamb/strut mounted counterweight type. Design and adjust to insure the smooth quiet mechanical close of doors. H. Floor Numbers: Stencil paint 4" high floor designations in contrasting color on inside face of hoistway doors at each landing and adjacent to the leading edge of the door. 2.08 HOISTWAY ENTRANCES A. Complete entrances bearing UL fire labels. B. Frames: Hollow metal, bolted flush head to jamb connection assembly fabricated from not less than 14 gauge material. Permanently attach rear mounted Arabic floor designation plates, centerline at 60" above finished floor, on both side jambs. Provide main egress landing plates with “Star” designation. For designated emergency car, provide rear mounted “Star of Life” designation plate at height of 78" - 84" above finished floor on both side jambs. Braille indications shall be below Arabic floor designation. C. Door Panels: 16 gauge steel, sandwich construction without binder angles. Provide a minimum of two gibs per panel, one at leading and one at trailing edge with gibs in the sill groove their entire length of travel. Architectural metal cladding shall wrap around leading and trailing edge of panel and return a minimum of 1/2" on rear side of panel. D. Sight Guards: 14 gauge, same material and finish as hoistway entrance door panels. Construct without sharp edges. E. Sills: Extruded nickel silver. F. Sill Support Angles: Structural or formed steel designed to support door sill, based upon car loading classification. Mount to eliminate need for grout under the sill. G. Fascia, Toe Guards and Hanger Covers: 14 gauge furniture steel with flat black enamel finish. Provide doorway width fascia, toe guards, and hanger covers. H. Struts and Headers: Provide for vertical support of entrances and related material. Provide door open bumpers on entrances equipped with vertical struts. I. 2.09 Finish of Frames and Doors: Brushed Stainless Steel. CAR EQUIPMENT A. Frame: Welded or bolted, rolled or formed steel channel construction to accommodate load HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 11 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 classification requirements. B. Platform: Isolated type, constructed of steel, or steel and wood which is fireproofed on the underside. Design and construct to accommodate load classification requirements. Minimum class “A” construction for all passenger elevators. C. Guide Shoes: Roller type with three or more spring dampened, sound-deadening rollers per shoe. D. Finish Floor Covering: Carpeting by others. E. F. Sills: Extruded nickel silver with extruded extension between car entrance columns to face of car front return. Extruded extension to match finish of sill. Toe Guard: Minimum 14 gauge steel, reinforced and braced to car platform, with flat black finish. G. Doors: Provide as specified for hoistway entrance doors. H. Door Hangers: Two-point hanger roller with neoprene roller surface and suspension with eccentric upthrust roller adjustment. I. Door Track: Bar or formed, cold-drawn removable steel track with smooth roller contact surface. J. Door Header: Construct of minimum 12 gauge steel, shape to provide stiffening flanges. K. Door Electrical Contact: Prohibit car operation unless car door is closed within tolerance allowed by Code. L. Door Clutch: Heavy duty clutch, linkage arms, drive blocks and pickup rollers or cams to provide positive, smooth, quiet door operation. Design clutch so car doors can be closed, while hoistway doors remain open. M. Restricted Opening Device: Restrict opening of car doors outside the unlocking zone. N. Door Operator: Medium speed, heavy duty, master door operator capable of opening doors at no less than 1-1/2 f.p.s. Accomplish reversal in no more than 2-1/2" of door movement. Open doors automatically when car arrives at a floor. O. Door Control Device 1. 2. 3. 4. Infrared Reopening Device: Black, fully enclosed device. Full screen infrared matrix or multiple beams extending vertically along edge of each leading door panel to minimum height of 7'-0" above finished floor. Device shall prevent doors from closing and reverse doors at normal opening speed if beams are obstructed while doors are closing, except during nudging operation. If device fails, provide for automatic shutdown of car at floor level with doors open. Nudging Operation: After beams of door control device are obstructed for a predetermined time interval (minimum 20.0 - 25.0 seconds), warning signal shall sound and doors shall attempt to close with a maximum of 2.5 foot pounds kinetic energy. Activation of the door open button shall override the nudging operation and reopen the doors. Interrupted Beam Time: When beams are interrupted during initial door opening, hold door open a minimum of 3.0 seconds. When beams are interrupted after the initial 3.0 second hold open time, reduce time doors remain open to an adjustable time of approximately 1.0 - 1.5 seconds after beams are reestablished. Differential Door Time: Provide separately adjustable timers to vary time that doors remain open after stopping in response to calls. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 12 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY P. a. b. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Car Call: Hold open time adjustable between 3.0 and 5.0 seconds. Hall Call: Hold open time adjustable between 5.0 and 8.0 seconds. Use hall call time when car responds to coincidental calls. Car Operating Panel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. One car operating panel without faceplate, consisting of a metal box containing the operating vandal resistant fixtures, mounted behind the car enclosure swing front return panel. Return shall be constructed of brushed stainless steel. Suitably identify vandal resistant assemblies including floor buttons, alarm button, door open button, and door close button with SCS, Visionmark or Entrada Cast Tactile symbols rear mounted. Provide plates per Local Accessibility Standards including Braille. Locate operating controls no higher than 48" (front approach) 54" (side approach) above the car floor; no lower than 35" for alarm button. Provide minimum 3/4" diameter raised 1/8" with square shoulder or flush floor pushbuttons which illuminate to indicate call registration. Provide alarm button at bottom of car operating panel to ring bell located on car. Illuminate button when actuated. Provide keyed stop switch with markings to show “run” and “stop.” Locate in panel faceplate. Provide “door open” button to stop and reopen closing doors or hold doors in open position. Button operable only while car is stopped at a floor regardless of special operational features, except firefighters' service. Provide “door close” button to activate door close cycle. Cycle shall not begin until normal door dwell time for a car call has expired, except firefighters' service. Provide firefighters' Phase II key switch with engraved instructions per Code requirements. Include light jewel, buzzer, and call cancel button. Provide firefighters' telephone jack with bezel matching adjacent controls. Provide lockable service compartment with recessed flush door. Door material and finish to match car return panel or car operating panel faceplate. Door to contain an integral flush window for displaying the elevator operating certificate. Inside surface of door shall accommodate mounting provisions for certificate. Include the following controls with function and operating positions identified by engraved signage painted black: a. Inspection and Light switch. b. Three-speed exhaust blower switch. c. Independent service switch. d. Constant pressure test button for battery pack emergency lighting. e. 120-volt, AC, GFCI protected electrical convenience outlet. f. Car lighting dimmer switch. g. Card reader override switch. Provide black paint filled, engraved or approved etched signage with size and style approved by Architect as follows: a. Phase II firefighters' operating instructions on main operating panel above corresponding keyswitch. b. Car number on main car operating panel. c. Car capacity in pounds on main car operating panel. Q. Car Top Control Station: Mount to provide safe access and utilization while standing in an upright position on car top. R. Work Light and Duplex Plug Receptacle: GFCI protected outlet at top of car. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 13 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY S. Communication System 1. “Push to Call,” two-way communication instrument in car with automatic dialing, tracking and recall features with shielded wiring to car controller in machine room. Provide dialer with automatic rollover capability with minimum two numbers. Provide consolidator to allow for up to three (3) phones connected to one (1) line. a. “Push to Call” button or adjacent light jewel shall illuminate and flash when call is acknowledged. Button shall match floor pushbutton design. Provide uppercase “PUSH TO CALL,” “HELP ON THE WAY” engraved signage Sans Serif or simple Serif type. b. Provide “Push to Call” button tactile symbol engraved signage and Braille adjacent to button mounted integral with car front return panel. 2. 2.10 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Provide two-way communication between car and machine room per ASME Code A 17.1, Rule 2.11.1 (c). CAR ENCLOSURE A. Passenger Elevators: Provide complete car enclosure as specified herein. Provide the following features. 1. Shell: Reinforced 14 gauge furniture steel with baked enamel interior finish as selected. Apply sound deadening mastic to exterior. 2. Canopy: Reinforced 12 gauge furniture steel with lockable, hinged emergency exit. Interior finish white reflective baked enamel. 3. Front Return Panels and Integral Entrance Columns: Reinforced 14 gauge #4 stainless steel. Swing entire unit on substantial pivot points (minimum 3) for service access to car operating panel(s). Locate pivot points to provide full swing of front return panel without interference with side wall finish or handrail. Secure in closed position with concealed three point latching. Provide service compartment with recessed flush cover and cutouts for operating switches, etc. 4. Transom: Reinforced 14 gauge #4 stainless steel full width of enclosure. 5. Car Door Panels: Minimum reinforced 16 gauge #4 stainless steel. Same construction as hoistway door panels. Architectural metal cladding to wrap around leading and trailing edge of panel and return a minimum of 1" on rear side of panel. 6. Base: Baked enamel with concealed ventilation cutouts. 7. Interior Wall Finish: Removable wall panels, faced and edged, with color core plastic laminate. Color and finish as selected. Include #4 stainless steel reveals between panels. 8. Ventilation: Three speed exhaust blower mounted to car canopy on isolated rubber grommets. Morrison Products, Model OE with diffusor and grille. 9. Lighting: Provide fluorescent fixtures with wiring and hookup. Coordinate with emergency lighting requirements. 10. Ceiling: 3 section, translucent panels mounted in extruded aluminum angle and T-frame. 11. Handrails: 1-1/4" round, solid #4 stainless steel bar across rear and side walls. 2.11 HALL CONTROL STATIONS A. Pushbuttons: Provide 1 riser with flush-mounted faceplates. Include pushbuttons for each direction of travel which illuminate to indicate call registration. Include approved engraved message and pictorial representation prohibiting use of elevator during fire or other emergency situation as part of faceplate. Pushbutton design shall match car operating panel pushbuttons. Provide vandal resistant pushbutton and light assemblies. B. Hoistway Door Unlocking Device: Provide unlocking device with escutcheon in door panel at HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 14 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 all floors, with finish to match adjacent surface. C. Hoistway Access Switches: Mount in entrance frame side jamb at top and bottom floor. Provide fixture with faceplate. 2.12 SIGNALS A. Car Direction Lantern: Provide flush-mounted car lantern in both car entrance columns. Illuminate appropriate direction arrow, minimum 2-1/2" in the smallest dimension, and sound electronic tone to indicate intended car direction as doors open. Sound tone once for up direction, twice for down direction. Sound level shall be adjustable from 0 -80 dBA measured at 5'-0" from in front of hall pushbutton. Provide adjustable car door dwell time to comply with ADA requirements relative to hall call notification time. B. Car Position Indicator: Alpha-numeric digital indicator type containing floor designations and direction arrows a minimum of 1/2" high to indicate floor served and direction of car travel. Locate fixture in each car operating panel. When a car leaves or passes a floor, illuminate indication representing position of car in hoistway. Illuminate proper direction arrow to indicate direction of travel. C. Floor passing tone: Provide an audible tone of no less than 20 decibels and frequency of no higher than 1500 Hz, to sound as the car passes or stops at a floor served. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SITE CONDITION INSPECTION A. Prior to beginning installation of equipment, examine hoistway and machine room areas. Verify that no irregularities exist which affect execution of work specified. B. Do not proceed with installation until work in place conforms to project requirements. 3.02 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver material in manufacturer's original, unopened protective packaging. B. Store material in original protective packaging. Prevent soiling, physical damage, or moisture damage. C. Protect equipment and exposed finishes from damage and stains during transportation, erection, and construction. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install all equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, referenced Codes, specification and approved submittal. B. Install machine room equipment with clearances in accordance with referenced Codes and specification. C. Install all equipment so it may be easily removed for maintenance and repair. D. Install all equipment for ease of maintenance. E. Install all equipment to afford maximum accessibility, safety, and continuity of operation. F. Remove oil, grease, scale, and other foreign matter from the following equipment and apply one coat of field applied machinery enamel. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 15 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY 1. 2. 3. 3.04 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 All exposed equipment and metal work installed as part of this work which does not have architectural finish. Machine room equipment, hoistway equipment including guide rails, guide rail brackets, and pit equipment. Neatly touch up damaged factory painted surfaces with original paint and color. Protect machine finish surfaces against corrosion. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Work at jobsite will be checked during course of installation. Full cooperation with reviewing personnel is mandatory. Accomplish corrective work required prior to performing further installation. B. Have Code Authority acceptance inspection performed and complete corrective work. 3.05 ADJUSTMENTS A. Install rails plumb and align vertically with tolerance of 1/16" in 100'-0". Secure joints without gaps and file any irregularities to a smooth surface. B. Static balance car to equalize pressure of guide shoes on guide rails. C. Lubricate all equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Adjust motors, valves, controllers, leveling switches, limit switches, stopping switches, door operators, interlocks, and safety devices to achieve required performance levels. 3.06 CLEANUP A. Keep work areas orderly and free from debris during progress of project. Remove packaging materials on a daily basis. B. Remove all loose materials and filings resulting from work. C. Clean machine room equipment and floor. D. Clean hoistways, car, car enclosure, entrances, operating and signal fixtures. 3.07 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION AND TESTS A. General: Furnish labor, materials, and equipment necessary for tests. Notify Consultant five (5) days in advance when ready for final review of unit or group. Final acceptance of installation will be made only after all field quality control reviews have been completed, identified deficiencies have been corrected, all Purchaser's information and certificates have been received, and the following items have been completed to satisfaction of Purchaser and Consultant. 1. 2. 3. Workmanship and equipment comply with specification. Contract speed, capacity, floor to floor, and door performance comply with specification. Performance of following are satisfactory: a. Starting, accelerating, running b. Decelerating, stopping accuracy c. Door operation and closing force d. Equipment noise levels e. Signal fixture utility f. Overall ride quality HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 16 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY 4. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 g. Performance of door control devices h. Operations of special security operation and floor lock-off provisions. Test Results a. In all test conditions, obtain specified speed, performance times, stopping accuracy without re-leveling, and ride quality to satisfaction of the Owner and Consultant. 1) Temperature rise in motor windings limited to 50° Celsius above ambient. A full-capacity, 1-hour running test, stopping at each floor for ten (10) seconds in up and down directions, may be required. B. Performance Guarantee: Should tests reveal defects, poor workmanship, variance or noncompliance with requirements of specified Codes and/or ordinances, or variance or noncompliance with the requirements of specification, complete corrective work to satisfaction of Purchaser and Consultant at no cost; 4. 5. Replace equipment that does not meet Code or specification requirements. Perform and assume cost for retesting required by Governing Code Authority, Purchaser and Consultant to verify specified operation and/or performance. C. Field Review Scheduling: Schedule progress and final equipment reviews with Consultant. Reply promptly, in writing, to corrective work indicated on Consultant's progress and/or final review reports, indicating status, schedule for completion, and questions. Consultant anticipates scheduled appointments will be met. Contract amount will be reduced to reimburse Consultant at normal billing rates for appointments not kept, or for additional follow up reviews required due to gross non compliance with previous review requirements. 3.08 PURCHASER'S INFORMATION A. Non-Proprietary Equipment Design 1. Provider shall submit the following information within 30 days of final acceptance of the installation for Purchaser's file. a. Wiring Diagrams: Three sets of “as installed” straight-line wiring diagrams showing the electrical connections of all equipment and all modifications to control circuits. One set of straight-line wiring diagrams shall be reproducible original. A legend sheet shall be furnished with each set of drawings to provide the following information; 1) Name and symbol of each relay, switch, or other apparatus. 2) Location on drawings, drawing sheet number and area, and location of all contacts. 3) Location of apparatus, whether on controller or on car. 4) Lubricating instructions, including recommended grade of lubricants. 5) Parts Catalog: Three sets of complete parts catalogs listing all replaceable parts including Manufacturer's identifying numbers and ordering instructions. 6) Printed Instructions: Three sets of neatly bound instructions explaining all operating features. 7) Complete software documentation for all installed equipment. 8) Diagnostic Test Equipment and Instructions: Provide all diagnostic test devices together with one set of all supporting information necessary for interpretation of test data and troubleshooting of system. 9) The elevator installation shall be a design that can be maintainable by any licensed elevator maintenance company employing journeymen mechanics, without the need to purchase or lease additional diagnostic devices, special tools, or instructions from the original equipment manufacturer. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 17 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVESITY MONTGOMERY (a) ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Provide on site capability to diagnose faults to the level of individual circuit boards and individual discreet components for the solid state elevator controller. (1) If the equipment for fault diagnosis is not completely selfcontained within the controllers but requires a separate, detachable device, that device shall be furnished to the Purchaser as part of this installation. Such device shall be in possession of and become property of the Purchaser. (2) Installed equipment not meeting this requirement shall be removed and replaced with conforming equipment at no cost to the Purchaser. 10) Equipment provider is responsible for upgrades and/or revisions of software during the progress of the work, warranty period and the term of the ongoing maintenance agreement between the Purchaser and Provider. END OF SECTION HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 14 20 10 - 18 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 21 01 00 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide the necessary interface with other Divisions to provide a complete project. Carefully check the Documents of this Division with those Documents of other Divisions. Determine the requirements of any interfacing materials or equipment being furnished and/or installed by those Sections and Divisions, and provide proper installation and required interface. B. No deviation from the Contract Documents shall be made without the written consent of the Architect and Engineer. C. All Specifications and Drawings are to be considered together as the Contract Documents. Any work shown in one and not the other, or is implied by either, shall be provided to make a complete project. Should conflicts exist between the Specifications and Drawings or there is an item shown or noted for which is not clearly defined, immediately submit a request for clarification. Under no circumstance will conflicts between the Specifications and Drawings be grounds for additional cost to the Contract after the Contract is established. D. The Drawings are schematic and are not intended to show the exact location of piping, equipment, etc. E. Dimensions and information regarding accurate locations of equipment, and structural limitations and finish shall be coordinated and verified with other Divisions of Work. Be prepared to furnish dimensions and information regarding the Work of this Division to other trades. F. 1.02 The right is reserved to relocate any sprinkler head a maximum of 10’-0” before it is permanently installed without incurring additional cost to the Contract. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. All work shall comply with the most recently revised versions of all local, state and federal codes, ordinances of the authority having jurisdiction, laws, rules and regulations. Any modifications required by any of the above shall be made without any additional cost to the Owner. Where requirements between governing Codes and Regulations vary, the more restrictive provision shall apply. B. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall be construed as authority or permission to disregard legal requirements and regulations. The Contractor shall thoroughly review the Documents and bring any such conflicts to the attention of the Architect and Engineer prior to Installation. C. All materials, installation, and workmanship shall comply standards and/or codes of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. International Building Code – 2009 edition International Mechanical Code - 2009 edition International Plumbing Code - 2009 edition International Gas Code - 2009 edition NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 International Fire Prevention Code - 2009 edition amendments International Energy Code - 2009 edition National Electrical Code National Fire Codes Alabama 120-3-3 State of Alabama (ANSI 117.1) Handicap Code ANSI - American National Standards Institute ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act UL - Underwriter’s Laboratories ASHRAE - American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ Nat’l Assoc. D. All materials shall be new and shall bear the label of UL. 1.03 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Where work is to be performed in an existing facility, the contractor shall visit the site prior to bid and be familiar with all existing conditions. Special attention shall be given to work to be performed above an existing ceiling. B. Where existing slabs are to be cut or core drilled, the contractor shall x-ray the existing slabs to avoid cutting or disrupting existing conduits, cables, plumbing or structural members. B. Fire protection service to the building shall not be interrupted without written consent of the building owner. B. No allowance will be made for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. B. At the completion of the project, all work under this Division shall be completely integrated with the existing systems and left in perfect operating condition. B. Where work under this Division disrupts the continuity of any existing to remain electrical circuit or feeder, the Contractor shall repair/replace as necessary to return to a perfectly functional and safe operating condition. G. Prior to any demolition or construction the Contractor shall have the existing conditions inspected by an EPA, OSHA certified asbestos abatement agency to identify the presence of asbestos. Should any asbestos be found it shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Architect and Owner and specifically identified in writing. 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Provide: to furnish, install and connect. B. Furnish: to supply all materials, labor, equipment, testing apparatus, controls, tests, accessories and all other items customarily required for the proper and complete application. C. Install: to join, unite, fasten, link, attach, set-up or connect together, complete, tested, and ready for normal satisfactory operation. D. Engineer: the Engineer of record. NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 E. Contract Documents: the complete set of Specifications and Drawings of all Divisions. F. Work: labor, materials, equipment, accessories, controls and other items required for a complete installation. G. Concealed: embedded in masonry or other construction, installed in furred spaces, within double partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces or in enclosures. H. Exposed: not installed underground or concealed. I. Equal: equal in quality, workmanship, materials, weight, size, design and efficiency of the specified product, conforming with manufacturers. J. Supply: to purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related accessories. K. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): applicable local, state and federal authorities having jurisdiction over any part of the Scope within this Division and other Divisions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer’s names and catalog numbers specified in the Contract Documents are intended to describe the material and set the standard of quality. All bids shall be based on material specified. Request for approval of material not specified shall be considered if the request is in written form and submitted to the Architect no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the bid date. All requests shall conform to the provisions of the general and supplementary conditions. B. When specific names are not stated, only the best available quality of material or equipment shall be submitted for review and used in the installation. 2.02 BASIS OF DESIGN A. Where a product is designated as "BASIS OF DESIGN", the Contractor is notified that mechanical, electrical, structural, architectural, space conditions and/or other features of the overall project design have been based on the requirements of the "BASIS OF DESIGN" product. B. Where a product is substituted for a "BASIS OF DESIGN" product, the Contractor is notified that changes in project design may be mandatory in order to permit use and installation of the substitute product. Shop drawing submittal for a substitute product shall include a complete schedule of changes in project design, if any, which must be made in order to permit use and installation of the substitute product. The Contractor shall bear all expenses related to the use of a substitute product. 2.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Fire sprinkler shop drawings will be prepared under the supervision of an engineer licensed in the State of Alabama and these drawings will bear their signed and dated seal. B. The Contractor shall obtain complete shop drawings, product data and samples from the manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, and all Division 22 Subcontractors, for all materials and equipment as specified herein in various Sections of the Specifications, and shall submit data NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 and details of such materials and equipment for review by the Architect and Engineer. Prior to submission of the shop drawings, product data and samples to the Architect and Engineer, the Contractor shall thoroughly review the shop drawings, product data and samples and certify they are in compliance with the Contract Drawings. Further, the Contractor shall check all materials and equipment upon their arrival on the Project site and verify their condition and compliance with the Contract Documents. Any Work which proceeds prior to receiving reviewed shop drawings shall be modified as required to comply with the Contract Documents and the shop drawings. A minimum period of ten (10) working days, exclusive of transmittal time, will be required in the Engineer’s office each time a shop drawing, product data and/or sample is submitted or resubmitted for review. This time period shall be considered by the Contractor when scheduling his Work. The initial shop drawing review for equipment and materials may be expedited through the mutual consent of the Contractor, Architect, Engineer, and Owner providing the Contractor agrees to submit complete, certified, documented, and coordinated shop drawings for review in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. C. The review of shop drawings, product data, and samples by the Architect and Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for dimensions or errors that may be contained therein, or for deviations from requirements in the Contract Documents. It shall be clearly understood that the noting of some errors by the Engineer but overlooking others does not grant the Contractor permission to proceed in error. D. All shop drawings and product data/submittals shall be submitted in compliance with the requirements of the general and supplementary conditions. No more than four (4) copies of submittal data will be reviewed. Any additional copies will be returned unmarked. The responsibility of copying review comments on any additional copies will rest solely with the Contractor. E. All product data/submittals shall bear the name of the manufacturer to be used. F. All shop drawings and submittals shall include a stamped indication signifying that the submittal has been reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents by the Contractor. This stamped indication also represents the fact that the Contractor has checked this submittal for its interaction with all other Divisions and certifies by his signature or initials that all coordination has taken place. The stamp shall include the date, name of the Contracting Firm, the signature of the Contractor, certification of compliance and approval. This stamp shall be on the submittal before the Engineer will review it. G. The Engineer will review an individual submittal not more than twice. If the submittal is rejected again on the second review, the Contractor will bare all responsibility for paying for the Engineer’s time for additional reviews. Such payments to the Engineer shall be withheld from the next monthly pay application. H. Shop drawings and/or product data shall be submitted for the following for review: a. Fire protection piping system layouts. These drawings must include associated equipment, drawn to scale based on submittals for that equipment, must be dimensioned, and must include piping and equipment elevation tags (distance above finished floor to bottom). The Contractor is encouraged to develop their own shop drawings, without having had the Engineer’s CAD files (as previously stated, the Engineer’s drawings are schematic/diagrammatic in nature). Should the Contractor insist on using the Engineer’s CAD files in the procurement of shop drawings, the Contractor must pay the Engineer $150.00 per sheet for the CAD files. NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY b. 2.04 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 The Contractor shall give the Engineer a written release, acceptable to the Engineer, signed by a corporate officer of the Contractor. This release shall also include a copyright statement indicating that these drawings or electronic data contained will not be used on any other project. The release and payment for the files must be received PRIOR to delivery of the CAD files. Equipment, including but not limited to: pipe, fittings, hangers, seismic devices, sprinkler heads, valves, fire department connections, hose equipment, pumps, controllers, heat tracing, insulation, piping specialties, etc. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A. The Contractor shall maintain on a daily basis at the Project site a complete set of “Record Drawings”. The “Record Drawings” shall consist of a set of black-line or blue-line prints or AutoCAD files of the Contractor Coordination Drawings for this Division. The prints shall be marked or the AutoCAD file electronically updated to show the precise location of all work and equipment, and all changes and deviations in the work from that shown on the Contract Documents. This requirement shall not be construed as authorization for the Contractor to make changes in the layout or work without definite instructions from the Architect or Engineer. The continuously updated coordination drawings (shop drawings previously described) shall be used to produce the final “Record Drawings” which shall be delivered to the Owner in AutoCAD electronic format (CD) upon Project completion. B. Record dimensions shall clearly and accurately delineate the work as installed; locations shall be suitably identified by at least two dimensions to permanent structures. C. The Contractor and Subcontractor shall mark all “Record Drawings” on the drawings with a rubber stamp impression or an AutoCAD image that states such. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. The equipment selections used in the preparation of the Contract Documents will fit into the physical spaces provided and indicated, allowing ample room for access, servicing, removal and replacement of parts, etc. Adequate space shall be allowed for clearance in accordance with the Code requirements and the requirements of the local Authorities having jurisdiction, and the equipment manufacturer‘s recommendations. B. In the preparation of Drawings, a reasonable effort to accommodate acceptable equipment manufacturer’s space requirements has been made. However, since space requirements and equipment arrangement vary according to each manufacturer, the responsibility for initial access, maintenance access, code required access, and proper fit rests with the Contractor. C. Physical dimensions and arrangements of equipment to be installed shall be subject to the Architect’s and Engineer’s review. D. The General Contractor and all Subcontractors shall coordinate the installation of ductwork, conduit, busway, piping, cable trays, etc., installation with lighting fixtures, special ceiling construction, air distribution equipment, and the structure. Provide additional rises, drops and offsets as required. If after installed, new ductwork, conduit, busway, piping or cable is found to be in conflict with the architecture, structure, or other trade Work which is either existing or shown on the Contract Documents, the ductwork, conduit, busway, piping or cable shall be relocated without additional cost to the Owner. NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 E. No piping, equipment, etc., shall be installed in the eight (8) inch high zone directly above the ceiling in tenant areas to allow for tenant build-out and flexibility unless otherwise specifically shown on the Drawings or prior written authorization is received from the Engineer. F. Accessibility and Clearance: 1. Piping, etc. shall be installed in accessible locations, avoiding obstructions, preserving headroom, and keeping openings and passageways clear. 2. Minor adjustments in the locations of equipment shall be made where necessary, providing such adjustments do not adversely affect functioning of the equipment. G. Scaffolds and staging for installation of fire protection work shall be provided under the work of this Division. 3.02 STRUCTURAL FITTINGS A. Furnish and install the necessary sleeves, inserts, hangers, anchor bolts, and related structural items. Install at the proper time. B. Openings may have been indicated on the Architectural and Structural drawings. Should any additional openings or holes be required, the same shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Location: At a time in advance of the work, verify openings shown on the Architectural and Structural drawings, and coordinate any additional openings. D. If the work of this Section requires modification of the Architectural or Structural drawings, furnish new instructions as to requirements for these openings. Submit for review and coordination to Architect. E. Sleeves shall be supplied for all piping passing through walls or slabs and shall be placed before concrete is poured. F. Equipment supports for fire protection work shall be fastened to the structure by inserts, anchor bolts, bolting to drilled and tapped structural members, or be welded to the structure. 1. Welding shall be done by the electric arc method with fully competent welders. Supporting members shall be shop coated with a suitable primer. 2. Surfaces damaged by installation of supports shall be touched up with primer to match shop coat. Any drilling of structural members shall be approved by the Architect. G. Flashing: 1. Wherever piping passes through the roof or outer walls, base flashing and counterflashing shall be provided. 2. Such flashing shall be properly installed by skilled workmen, and shall include grouting, mastic or tar application, or other means to insure a permanent, waterproof, neat and workmanlike installation. 3. Insofar as possible, flashing shall comply with and be similar to requirements for flashing in General Construction Work. H. Anchor bolts and inserts shall be galvanized and of adequate size and strength for installation of electrical work and shall be placed in forms before concrete is poured. 1. Placement of bolts in bases shall be done under other Division. Furnish detail drawings, templates, and anchor bolts for bases to the General Contractor in time to avoid delaying work schedules. 2. Expansion shields shall only be used with specific approval of the Architect. Wooden or soft metal plugs shall not be used. NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY I. 3.03 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Cutting and patching: 1. All additional cutting, patching and reinforcement of construction of building, subject to review by the Architect, shall be performed under this Section. 2. Refer to appropriate Division for requirements. WEATHERPROOF EQUIPMENT A. Fire protection devices or equipment located in damp, semi-exposed areas shall be weatherresistant. Enclosures shall comply with NEMA Type 3R requirements. 3.04 CLEANING A. Brush and clean work prior to concealing, painting and acceptance. Perform in stages if directed. B. Painted exposed work soiled or damaged: Clean and repair to match adjoining work before final acceptance. C. Remove dust and debris from inside and outside of material and equipment. 3.05 TESTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS A. All systems shall be tested in the presence of the Owner or an Owner designated representative upon completion of the Work and demonstrates that the installation is in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. All motors shall be checked and adjusted for correct direction of rotation. C. Any work found not to be in compliance with the Contract documents shall be repaired or replaced without incurring additional cost to the Contract price. D. Provide all instruction to the Owner on maintenance and operation of all systems and equipment provided under this Division. 3.06 WARRANTIES A. The warranty period for all systems, equipment, components, work, etc. shall be no less than one (1) year, unless specified otherwise hereinafter. The warranty shall include parts and labor. B. The Contractor shall, without cost to the Owner, remedy any defects within a reasonable time to be specified in notice from the Architect. In default thereof, the Owner may have such work done and charge all costs to the Contractor. C. The start of the Contractor’s warranty period, as defined in the General Conditions, shall commence on the issue of a “Certificate of Substantial Completion”, by the Owner or the Owner’s Representative for each item of material, equipment or system. D. The Subcontractor shall confer with the General Contractor prior to the bid date concerning the project schedule and determine if there is a need to operate any items of equipment or systems for temporary heating and/or cooling or other reasons prior to “Substantial Completion”. All required extended warranty costs for equipment, materials, and systems shall be included in the Subcontractor’s bid. NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 END OF SECTION 21 01 00 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 21 05 29 HANGERS & SUPPORTS FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION PIPING & EQUIPMENT PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 1.03 The Conditions of the Contract and applicable requirements of Division 1, “General Requirements”, and Section 21 11 00 “Fire Protection Systems”, govern this Section. Work Included: Provide pipe hangers, supports, and required appurtenances as specified and indicated QUALITY ASSURANCE A. MSS Standard Compliance: Provide pipe hangers and supports of materials, design, and manufacture which comply with ANSI/MSS SP-58, SP-59, SP-89, and SP-90. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: The model numbers listed in the Specification establish a level of quality and material. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products and materials by the following: 1. Afcon, 2. Globe Pipe Hanger Products Inc, 3. PHD Manufacturing Inc 4. Anvil International 5. Cooper B-Line PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: A. General: Provide pipe hangers and supports as specified. Comply with local codes and standards for pipe and equipment support and anchorage. Pipe supports shall be of material that will prevent electrolytic action. B. Inserts: Provide Universal Concrete Insert No. 282 for concrete construction. C. Piping in Multiple Parallel Runs: Provide Power-Strut or Uni-Strut U-bolt pipe clamps or structural channels or angles with U-bolt clamps, supported as trapeze hangers where multiple parallel runs of piping are shown. Select and size members for weights to be carried and span dimensions between supports. D. Piping 4” and larger pipes in Single Runs: Provide Fig No. 260 clevis hanger rings. E. Piping 3” and smaller in Single Runs: Provide Fig No. 69 adjustable swivel hanger rings. F. Hanger Rod: Provide hanger rods of required length. Rod diameters shall be as listed in the following table. Rod diameters may be adjusted after consultation with the Structural Engineer concerning the building framing system, the method of attachment to the structure and the support rod spacing. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 21 05 29 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY Pipe Sizes 1” – 4” 6” - 8” 10” – 12” ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Rod Diameter 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” G. Riser Clamps: Provide Figure 261 riser clamps. Riser clamps for copper tube shall be copper-plated. H. Piping on Roof: Roof mounted pipe supports are discouraged. If roof supports are necessary, installation methods must be approved by the architect, engineer, general contractor, and Roofing Contractor. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. Independent Support: Support fire sprinkler and standpipe piping independently of other piping in accordance with NFPA-approved methods and local codes and standards. B. Provisions for Movement: 1. Movement: Install hangers and supports to allow controlled movement of piping systems, to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate the action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends, and similar units. 2. Load Distribution: Install hangers and supports so piping live and dead loading stresses from movement will not be transmitted to any pipe or connected equipment. Pipe supports shall properly transmit the weight of the pipe and its contents to the building structure, or to independent posts, piers, or foundations. 3. Pipe Slopes: Install hangers and supports to provide the indicated pipe slopes so maximum pipe deflections allowed by ANSI B31 are not exceeded. C. Spacing: Install hangers and supports in piping systems to remove stress from equipment flanges and rotating equipment. Space hangers and supports as shown in the following table. Rod spacing may be adjusted after consultation with the Structural Engineer concerning the building framing system, the method of attachment to the structure and the support rod diameters. Pipe Size 1" and 1-1/4" 1-1/2" – 8” 10” – 12” D. Maximum Spacing 12’ 15’ Per Structural Engineer Anchors: Install anchors at the proper locations to prevent stresses from exceeding those permitted by ANSI B31 and to prevent the transfer of loading and stresses to connected equipment. Anchors shall include vibration isolation in accordance with the pipe support system specified. Where the piping system is floating, the anchors shall be termed restraints or braces. 1. Where expansion compensators are indicated, install anchors in accordance with the expansion unit manufacturers written instructions, to limit movement of piping and forces to the maximums recommended by the manufacturer of each unit. 2. Where not otherwise indicated, install anchors at the ends of principal pipe runs and at intermediate points in pipe runs between expansion loops and bends. PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 21 05 29 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Make provisions for preset of anchors as required accommodating both expansion and contraction of piping. E. Leveling: Adjust hangers and supports and place grout as required under supports to bring piping to proper levels and elevations. F. Hangers: Refer to Section 23 05 48, “Vibration Isolation”, for additional information and support requirements. Pipe hangers made of wood, wire, or sheet iron shall not be permitted. G. Riser Supports: Vertical piping shall be secured at sufficiently close intervals to keep the pipe in alignment and carry the weight of the pipe and contents. 1. Steel pipe shall be supported at the base and at no less than every other story level, but in no case at intervals greater than 25’. END OF SECTION 21 05 29 PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 21 05 29 - 3 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 21 11 00 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 21 01 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the basic materials and installation methods for the fire protection system. Comply with other Division 21 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the fire protection system specified herein, as indicated on the drawings, and as required to provide complete and operating systems. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide a complete fire protection standpipe system and sprinkler system, including pipe, tube fittings, fire and jockey pumps, and appurtenances as indicated, in compliance with these Specifications and as required by local code agencies. B. Related Work by Others: The following work shall be provided by the Contractor: 1. The Sprinkler Contractor shall pipe the discharge of the standpipe drain(s) to the exterior of the building or other location approved by the Architect. 2. The Electrical/Fire Alarm Contractor will provide a complete fire alarm system and will make connections to flow switches and gate supervisory switches from the fire panel. 3. The Electrical Contractor will make connections to starters and from starters to fire pump and jockey pump. Labeled terminations within the fire protection equipment shall be provided to allow the connection of fire pump operating controls to the fire command station by the Fire Contractor. C. Applications: Application of the fire protection system shall include, but are not limited to, the systems as listed below: 1. Supply mains, valves, risers, and drains. 2. Standard pattern Siamese connections per local Fire Department Regulations. 3. Fire hose stairway valves. 4. Flow switches. 5. Fire pump, controllers, and accessories. 6. Jockey fire pump, controllers, and accessories. 7. Dry-pipe air compressor and valves 8. Hydraulically designed sprinkler system. D. Quality Assurance: 1. Materials shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 and NFPA 14. Valves, fittings, sprinkler heads, and equipment shall be UL listed and FM approved Fire pumps and jockey pumps shall also be UL listed and Factory Mutual approved. 2. Hose threads shall conform to local fire department requirements. 3. Coordination Drawings: The following supplements, and does not replace, the provisions for submittals called for in Section 23 01 00, "Basic Mechanical Requirements", of this Specification. a. Before starting fabrication or installation of equipment, the Contractor shall submit to Architect, for his consideration, three sets of Shop Drawings noted as reviewed by the ISO for insurance rate making purposes only. b. After Contract award and prior to releasing any equipment orders for fabrication, six sets of Shop Drawings showing dimensions, weights, performance data, structural FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 21 11 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 4. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 details, and physical appearance of fire pump, jockey pump, valves, and controls shall be submitted to the Architect for review and approval. Acceptable Manufacturers: The model numbers listed in the Specifications establish a level of quality and material. The following manufacturers are acceptable subject to compliance with the requirements of these Specifications: a. Sprinkler Equipment 1) Viking Corporation 2) Tyco Fire Protection Products 3) Victaulic Corporation 4) Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company b. Fire Hose Equipment 1) Potter Roemer, Inc. 2) Elkhart Brass Company 3) Badger Powhatten 4) Croker E. Pipe Hangers and Supports: Support fire protection pipe with UL-listed and FM approved hangers and support devices. Provide any special hangers or supports that may be required. The design, selection, spacing, and application of horizontal pipe hangers, supports, restraints, anchors, and guides shall be in accordance with the NFPA 13 and NFPA 14. Support vertical pipes at least every other floor with approved riser clamps. F. Combination Standpipe System: 1. Install a dry pipe sprinkler system for sprinkler piping installed outside of the building insulation envelope and in unheated areas such as attics, canopies, garages, and loading docks to provide complete coverage. Provide a wet standpipe system in the heated garage stairwells consisting of risers with 2-1/2" hose valves at each floor in each stairwell. 2. Install combination standpipe system in the office tower consisting of risers extended up from the lowest level with 2-1/2" hose valves on each floor in stairwells and a wet pipe sprinkler system to provide complete coverage on each floor. Completely sprinkler the entire building. 3. Install a sprinkler system in all elevator shafts and spaces housing elevator machinery or controls. All elevator shafts shall be sprinkled from top of shaft and at elevator pit. 4. System piping shall be hydraulically designed throughout areas in accordance with the rules and regulations of NFPA 13, using design densities of: a. Light hazard areas: 0.10 gpm per 1,500 square feet with maximum Sprinkler head spacing of 225 square feet per sprinkler head. b. Future tenant areas: 0.15 gpm per 1,500 square feet with maximum sprinkler head spacing of 100 square feet. All sprinklers in future tenant areas shall be installed on 1” outlets with 1” sprig-ups or drops. c. All ordinary hazard areas: 0.20 gpm per 1,500 square feet with maximum sprinkler head spacing of 130 square feet. 5. Cross main pipe sizes shall be a minimum of 2" diameter for loop systems and 2 1/2" for single main (non-loop) systems. Generally, provide coverage at the rate required by NFPA and applicable state and local codes. 6. System shall include fire pump (where needed to meet water pressure and flow requirements), jockey pump, required drain lines, drum drip (for maintenance), test connections, spare heads, tools, fire department inlet connections, water motor alarms, circuit closers, monitor switches, alarm valves, isolation valves and similar items. 7. Sprinkler heads, valves, alarms, and similar items shall be as manufactured by Viking, Grinnell, or other approved manufacturer. Sprinkler heads shall be plain brass, up-right type in unfinished areas and concealed pendent sprinklers in areas with ceilings. Material and equipment used in the installation of the sprinkler systems and standpipes shall be listed and approved by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., and shall be the latest design of the manufacturer. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 21 11 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 G. Valves: Valves shall be UL-listed and FM approved for the pressures at which they are installed. 1. Check valves shall be swing type with iron body, bronze trim, cast iron disc, bolted cover, and screwed or flanged ends. Check valves in the pump discharge may be spring loaded, quiet type, and shall be UL-listed and FM approved. Swing check valves may be installed in horizontal pipe only. 2. Gate valves 2" and smaller shall be bronze body, OS&Y, and screwed ends. 150 psig valves shall have bronze trim, single disc, screwed bonnet, and bronze seats. 300 and 400 psig valves shall have bronze wedge disc, union bonnet, and bronze body seat rings. 3. Gate valves over 2" shall be iron body, OS&Y, bolted bonnet, bronze seats, ANSI 16.1, flanged ends. 150 psig valves shall have double or single disc, and bronze trim. 300 and 400 psig valves shall have wedge disc and brass stem. 4. Butterfly valves 2" and larger shall be grooved type. Furnish with built-in supervisory switches. 5. Supervised valves shall include valve tamper switches. Valve tamper switches shall be double-pole single-throw type with cast aluminum housing and tamperproof cover. Switch rating shall be at least 7 amperes at 125/250 volts. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING A. Pipe: Standpipe and sprinkler piping shall be ASTM A135, Schedule 40 black steel for pipe sizes 2” and smaller. Thin-wall pipe (schedule 10), ASTM A135, may be used for sprinkler piping larger than 2”. All code approvals shall be secured before shop drawing submittal to Architect. B. Fittings: Fittings shall be cast iron threaded sprinkler fittings ANSI B16.4 or grooved ends fittings joined by grooved couplings Victaulic Firelock or equal or welded fittings, ANSI B16.9. Flanges shall be screwed or welded neck type ANSI B16.5. 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Fire Hose Valves (Stairwells and Sprinkler Taps): Provide 2½”angle valves with 2½” x 1½” reducer a 2½” cap and chain for fire department valves in stairwells and elsewhere as required. Where the water pressure at the valve exceeds 175 psig, provide pressure regulating valves to limit the discharge pressure to 175 psig. Valve bodies shall be rated for the available system pressure. Valves for sprinkler taps shall be the same as hose valves, less cap and chain. B. Fire Department Connection (Siamese): Wall and remote post Siamese fire department connection with chains and caps shall be polished brass or polished chrome. Verify actual material and finish with the Architect. See Civil Plans for actual location of remote mounted fire department connections. C. Roof Manifold: Provide rough brass roof manifold on the roof above all stairwells that do not access the roof with two 2½” rough brass fire department gate valves with caps and chains. D. Water Flow Switch: Include water flow switch, with adjustable retard feature in supply pipe to each floor of each riser for remote alarm. Switch shall be double-pole single-throw type and shall be rated at least 7 amperes at 125/250 volts. E. Sight Flow Connection: Sight flow connection in test lines. F. Sprinkler Heads: Brass up-right or pendant heads as required with ordinary temperature rating, except in specially designated areas of high-temperature where heads shall be rated per NFPA 13. Heads in public and tenant space shall be concealed pendent with flat cover plate FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 21 11 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 installed at finished ceiling height. Verify color of sprinkler cover plate with Architect. Pendent heads exposed to weather or freezing conditions shall be dry pendant type. Furnish spare heads equal to 1% of total number of heads installed. The heads shall be representative of, and in proportion to, the number of each type and temperature rating of heads installed. Furnish spare head cabinet and wrench for each riser. Locate cabinets as directed by Architect. G. Dry Pipe Valve: Viking Model C-2 or equal. H. Accelerator: Viking Model B-1 or equal. I. 2.03 Alarm Bell: Viking Model BH-1003, 6”, 120 volt AC or equal. FIRE PUMPS A. Capacity: Fire pumps shall deliver the design capacity at a suction condition as low as zero psi. This Contractor shall verify local, residual, and expected pressure variations. The pumps shall also deliver not less than 150% of rated capacity at a pressure not less than 65% of rated head. Shutoff pressure shall not exceed 120% of rated pressure. B. Type: Fire pumps shall be horizontal split case, full ball bearing, grease-lubricated, 2-stage, double suction type. C. Accessories: Fire pumps and accessories shall meet requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) No. 20 and shall be UL listed and FM approved. Where FM requirements are more stringent than UL and result in a higher cost, indicate the price added to provide the FM approved equipment. D. Test Header: Provide wall mounted test header either polished brass or polished chrome. Verify actual material and finish with the Architect. E. System Head: Pumps, casings, and seals shall be suitable for operation with the system head required by the application. F. Base Plate and Coupling: Pumps and motors shall be mounted on a common cast iron base plate with drip base connection for drain. Pump coupling shall be flexible coupled. G. Motor: Pump motors shall be open drip-proof type. Locked rotor current shall not exceed the values specified in NFPA No. 20. Each motor shall be of such capacity that at rated voltage under any pump operating condition, the full load ampere rating shall not be exceeded except as permitted by the service factor stamped on the motor nameplate. H. Motor Control: Motor control equipment shall be completely assembled, wired, and tested at the factory. The assembly shall be specifically UL and FM-approved for fire pump purposes. Controller shall be marked FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER. Equipment shall be enclosed in one or more approved drip-tight enclosures. Controller shall be of the combined manual and automatic across-the-line type or, if motor is 75 HP or larger, reduced voltage closed transition, star delta type or reduced voltage part-winding type incorporating the following: 1. Disconnect Switch: Externally operable quick-make quick-break type. 2. Circuit Breaker: Time delay type with trips in phases set for 300% of motor full-load current. Interrupting capacity of circuit breaker shall be at least 30,000 amperes RMS symmetrical at 480 volts. Verify interrupting capacity with the Electrical Contractor. 3. Motor Controller: Firetrol or approved equal, UL-listed, with a FVNR, across-the line, RVNR, wye-delta type, closed transition or RVNR, part-winding starter capable of being energized automatically through the pressure switch or manually by an externally operable handle. 4. Pressure Switch: Set to sense drop in the system pressure for starting pump and to maintain system pressure of 100 psig at the highest most remote fire department valve. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 21 11 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 5. Running Period Timer: Set to operate motor when started automatically for a minimum running period of one minute for each 10 HP motor rating, but not to exceed 7 minutes. 6. Alarms: Provide UL listed and FM approved alarm relays and accessories to provide for the following: a. A controller mounted 120 volt alarm bell. Bell shall sound continuously whenever the fire pump is running and shall be energized from the fire pump feeder via a control power transformer. b. Alarm relay to indicate a fire pump input power failure or circuit breaker open position. This relay shall energize a remote audible and visual alarm at the Engineer's office (refer to Paragraph 2.08 for alarm panel) and shall be energized from an independent power source. c. Contacts and pilot lights in controller to indicate power available and circuit breaker "OPEN" and "CLOSED". Pilot lights shall be energized from an independent power source. d. Output contacts to provide fire pump running and input power failure/circuit breaker open inputs to the fire alarm system furnished under Division 16. 7. Control Power: Provide control power transformers with fusing and disconnect switches where required. 8. Test Link and Studs: Ammeter test links and voltmeter test studs. 9. Manual Selection Station: A 2-position push-button marked "START-STOP" and an emergency start handle shall be provided on the enclosure. 10. Miscellaneous: See Division 26, Electrical, for other motor controller requirements. 11. Manual Override: Provisions shall be made to manually override the controls and permit manual operation of fire pump from the Fireman's Control Room. 12. Automatic Transfer Switch: Where required, provide a dedicated, integral automatic transfer switch to transfer from normal to emergency power source in the event of normal power failure. Transfer switch shall comply with the requirements of Division 26 and NFPA 20. 2.04 JOCKEY PUMPS A. Capacities: Fire jockey pumps shall deliver the capacities listed. B. Type: Pumps shall be multistage, bronze fitted, bronze impeller, with stainless steel shaft and grease-lubricated ball bearings. C. Rating: Pumps, casings, flanges, and mechanical seals shall be rated for operation with the working pressures required by the application. D. Coupling: Pumps shall be flexible coupled. E. Controls: Fire jockey pumps shall be complete with controls to automatically maintain pressure on the standpipe system to prevent the fire pumps from operating on drops in pressure of 5.0 psig or less. Controller shall be Firetrol FTA 500A-D05B or approved equal. The control panel enclosure shall be NEMA Type 1, wall-mounted, factory-assembled, wired, tested, and shall be finished with a baked enamel coating. Panel shall include at least the following equipment: 1. 1 – Non-fused disconnect switch mounted on panel door. 2. 1 - FVNR combination magnetic motor starter with circuit breaker. 3. 1 - HAND-OFF-AUTOMATIC selector switch mounted on panel door. 4. 120 volt control power transformer and fused disconnect switch to operate switches and controls in the panel. 5. Power failure alarm contact with panel-mounted alarm bell and light and contact for connection to a contact for remote annunciation at the Engineer's office. F. Base: Pumps and motors shall be mounted on a common cast iron base plate with drip base connection for drain. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 21 11 00 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 G. Relief Valve: Where required, the fire pump shall be furnished with a factory-mounted bypass relief valve complete with piping. Relief valve shall be set to prevent the system components from being exposed to pressures greater than their pressure rating. H. Motor: Pump motors shall be open drip-proof type with 115% service factor. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS A. General: Comply with the requirements of the piping section of this Specification, NFPA 13 and NFPA 14 for installation and testing of piping system and per local code. 1. Piping shall be concealed, except in mechanical equipment rooms, stairwells, or where otherwise required. 2. Grade piping to eliminate traps and pockets. Where air pockets or water traps cannot be avoided, provide hose bibs for drainage. 3. The Sprinkler Contractor shall arrange with the General Contractor to notch or pre-drill the occasional beam in order to maintain the sprinkler mains as high as possible. 4. All required sprinkler heads shall be individually dropped from the main to the ceiling. Provide each drop with a horizontal swing arm type branch run to allow future movement of the head. 5. All sprinkler heads in areas to be finished shall be installed at finished ceiling height only where the ceiling is to be installed at this time such as elevator lobbies and restrooms. In future tenant spaces, install upright heads at a maximum of 100 square feet per sprinkler head, pending development of the areas. Also, in future tenant spaces, a 1” outlet shall be provided with a temporary 1” nipple and 1” x ½” reducer and a temporary sprinkler head. Coordinate locations to ensure sprinkler heads are centered in ceiling tiles. 6. Sprinkler piping shall be installed and coordinated with the duct and other mechanical and electrical services in the ceiling cavities by this Contractor, to provide the clearances for lighting fixtures as required. 7. Sprinkler piping shall be installed so as not to impede access to mechanical, electrical, or plumbing equipment. 8. Refer to Section 21 05 53, “Fire Protection Identification” for painting, nameplates, and labeling requirements. Painting is not part of this contract scope unless otherwise specified within the contract documents. 9. Sprinkler piping shall be flushed to remove excess oils and contaminants that support the growth of microorganisms. 10. Sprinkler systems shall not be drained/flushed on finished surfaces such as sidewalks and parking lots. 11. Install a ½” Weld-o-let with plug in the main sprinkler line, on the down stream side (building side) of the flow switch for introduction of micro biocides by the Owner at a later date. B. Protection during Construction: Provide necessary fire protection during construction and initial occupancy in accordance with NFPA and Local Codes. Provide active sprinkler systems in areas requiring sprinklers during this period before tenant finish-out. If specifically approved for this Project by the local inspector, this Contractor may install active sprinklers only in areas designated as storage areas, in public areas to be finished with the base building, mechanical spaces, and limited other areas required by the inspector during construction. Coordinate these areas with the General Contractor. C. Inspections and Tests: All inspections, examinations, and tests required by the authorities and/or agencies specified hereinbefore shall be arranged and paid for by this Contractor, as FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 21 11 00 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 necessary, to obtain complete and final acceptance of the system as installed. The certificates of inspection shall be in quadruplicate, and shall be delivered to the Architect for distribution. D. Underground Fire Protection Piping: Material for pipe cushion shall comply with local codes and or the geo-technical report. In absence of local code requirements or geo-technical report, the cushion shall be bank sand or select backfill material approved by the Architect. Any material used shall pass a one-inch screen. END OF SECTION 21 11 00 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 21 11 00 - 7 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 22 01 00 GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Provide the necessary interface with other Divisions to provide a complete project. Carefully check the Documents of this Division with those Documents of other Divisions. Determine the requirements of any interfacing materials or equipment being furnished and/or installed by those Sections and Divisions, and provide proper installation and required interface. B. No deviation from the Contract Documents shall be made without the written consent of the Architect and Engineer. C. All Specifications and Drawings are to be considered together as the Contract Documents. Any work shown in one and not the other, or is implied by either, shall be provided to make a complete project. Should conflicts exist between the Specifications and Drawings or there is an item shown or noted for which is not clearly defined, immediately submit a request for clarification. Under no circumstance will conflicts between the Specifications and Drawings be grounds for additional cost to the Contract after the Contract is established. D. The Drawings are schematic and are not intended to show the exact location of piping, equipment, etc. E. Dimensions and information regarding accurate locations of equipment, and structural limitations and finish shall be coordinated and verified with other Divisions of Work. Be prepared to furnish dimensions and information regarding the Work of this Division to other trades. F. 1.02 The right is reserved to relocate any device (receptacle, switch, fire alarm, audio/visual, junction box, outlet, etc.) a maximum of 10’-0” before it is permanently installed without incurring additional cost to the Contract. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. All work shall comply with the most recently revised versions of all local, state and federal codes, ordinances of the authority having jurisdiction, laws, rules and regulations. Any modifications required by any of the above shall be made without any additional cost to the Owner. Where requirements between governing Codes and Regulations vary, the more restrictive provision shall apply. B. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall be construed as authority or permission to disregard legal requirements and regulations. The Contractor shall thoroughly review the Documents and bring any such conflicts to the attention of the Architect and Engineer prior to Installation. C. All materials, installation, and workmanship shall comply standards and/or codes of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. International Building Code – 2009 edition International Mechanical Code - 2009 edition International Plumbing Code - 2009 edition International Fuel Gas Code - 2009 edition International Fire Prevention Code - 2009 edition GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 ASHRAE Standard 90.1 – Energy Standard – 2007 Edition National Electrical Code National Fire Protection Association ANSI - American National Standards Institute ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act UL - Underwriter’s Laboratories ASHRAE - American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ Nat’l Assoc. D. All materials shall be new and shall bear the label of UL. 1.03 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Where work is to be performed in an existing facility, the contractor shall visit the site prior to bid and be familiar with all existing conditions. Special attention shall be given to work to be performed above an existing ceiling. B. Where existing slabs are to be cut or core drilled, the contractor shall x-ray the existing slabs to avoid cutting or disrupting existing conduits, cables, plumbing or structural members. C. HVAC systems, plumbing systems, and electrical service to the building shall not be interrupted without written consent of the building owner. D. No allowance will be made for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. E. At the completion of the project, all work under this Division shall be completely integrated with the existing systems and left in perfect operating condition. F. Where work under this Division disrupts the continuity of any existing to remain electrical circuit or feeder, the Contractor shall repair/replace as necessary to return to a perfectly functional and safe operating condition. G. Prior to any demolition or construction the Contractor shall have the existing conditions inspected by an EPA, OSHA certified asbestos abatement agency to identify the presence of asbestos. Should any asbestos be found it shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Architect and Owner and specifically identified in writing. 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Provide: to furnish, install and connect. B. Furnish: to supply all materials, labor, equipment, testing apparatus, controls, tests, accessories and all other items customarily required for the proper and complete application. C. Install: to join, unite, fasten, link, attach, set-up or connect together, complete, tested, and ready for normal satisfactory operation. D. Engineer: the Engineer of record. E. Contract Documents: the complete set of Specifications and Drawings of all Divisions. GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY F. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Work: labor, materials, equipment, accessories, controls and other items required for a complete installation. G. Concealed: embedded in masonry or other construction, installed in furred spaces, within double partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces or in enclosures. H. Exposed: not installed underground or concealed. I. Equal: equal in quality, workmanship, materials, weight, size, design and efficiency of the specified product, conforming with manufacturers. J. Supply: to purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related accessories. K. Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ): applicable local, state and federal authorities having jurisdiction over any part of the Scope within this Division and other Divisions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer’s names and catalog numbers specified in the Contract Documents are intended to describe the material and set the standard of quality. All bids shall be based on material specified. Request for approval of material not specified shall be considered if the request is in written form and submitted to the Architect no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the bid date. All requests shall conform to the provisions of the general and supplementary conditions. B. When specific names are not stated, only the best available quality of material or equipment shall be submitted for review and used in the installation. 2.02 BASIS OF DESIGN A. Where a product is designated as "BASIS OF DESIGN", the Contractor is notified that mechanical, electrical, structural, architectural, space conditions and/or other features of the overall project design have been based on the requirements of the "BASIS OF DESIGN" product. B. Where a product is substituted for a "BASIS OF DESIGN" product, the Contractor is notified that changes in project design may be mandatory in order to permit use and installation of the substitute product. Shop drawing submittal for a substitute product shall include a complete schedule of changes in project design, if any, which must be made in order to permit use and installation of the substitute product. The Contractor shall bear all expenses related to the use of a substitute product. 2.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. The Contractor shall obtain complete shop drawings, product data and samples from the manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, and all Division 22 Subcontractors, for all materials and equipment as specified herein in various Sections of the Specifications, and shall submit data and details of such materials and equipment for review by the Architect and Engineer. Prior to submission of the shop drawings, product data and samples to the Architect and Engineer, the Contractor shall thoroughly review the shop drawings, product data and samples and certify they are in compliance with the Contract Drawings. Further, the Contractor shall check all materials and equipment GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY upon their arrival on the Project site and verify their condition and compliance with the Contract Documents. Any Work which proceeds prior to receiving reviewed shop drawings shall be modified as required to comply with the Contract Documents and the shop drawings. A minimum period of ten (10) working days, exclusive of transmittal time, will be required in the Engineer’s office each time a shop drawing, product data and/or sample is submitted or resubmitted for review. This time period shall be considered by the Contractor when scheduling his Work. The initial shop drawing review for equipment and materials may be expedited through the mutual consent of the Contractor, Architect, Engineer, and Owner providing the Contractor agrees to submit complete, certified, documented, and coordinated shop drawings for review in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. The review of shop drawings, product data, and samples by the Architect and Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for dimensions or errors that may be contained therein, or for deviations from requirements in the Contract Documents. It shall be clearly understood that the noting of some errors by the Engineer but overlooking others does not grant the Contractor permission to proceed in error. C. All shop drawings and product data/submittals shall be submitted in compliance with the requirements of the general and supplementary conditions. No more than four (4) copies of submittal data will be reviewed. Any additional copies will be returned unmarked. The responsibility of copying review comments on any additional copies will rest solely with the Contractor. D. All product data/submittals shall bear the name of the manufacturer to be used. E. All shop drawings and submittals shall include a stamped indication signifying that the submittal has been reviewed for compliance with the Contract Documents by the Contractor. This stamped indication also represents the fact that the Contractor has checked this submittal for its interaction with all other Divisions and certifies by his signature or initials that all coordination has taken place. The stamp shall include the date, name of the Contracting Firm, the signature of the Contractor, certification of compliance and approval. This stamp shall be on the submittal before the Engineer will review it. F. The Engineer will review an individual submittal not more than twice. If the submittal is rejected again on the second review, the Contractor will bare all responsibility for paying for the Engineer’s time for additional reviews. Such payments to the Engineer shall be withheld from the next monthly pay application. G. Shop drawings and/or product data shall be submitted for the following for review: 1. Plumbing piping system layouts. These drawings must include associated equipment, drawn to scale based on submittals for that equipment, must be dimensioned, and must include piping and equipment elevation tags (distance above finished floor to bottom). The Contractor is encouraged to develop their own shop drawings, without having had the Engineer’s CAD files (as previously stated, the Engineer’s drawings are schematic/diagrammatic in nature). Should the Contractor insist on using the Engineer’s CAD files in the procurement of shop drawings, the Contractor must pay the Engineer $150.00 per sheet for the CAD files. 2. The Contractor shall give the Engineer a written release, acceptable to the Engineer, signed by a corporate officer of the Contractor. This release shall also include a copyright statement indicating that these drawings or electronic data contained will not be used on any other project. The release and payment for the files must be received PRIOR to delivery of the CAD files. Equipment, including but not limited to: water heaters, plumbing fixtures, booster systems, lift stations, heat tracing, insulation, piping specialties, etc. GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.04 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS A. The Contractor shall maintain on a daily basis at the Project site a complete set of “Record Drawings”. The “Record Drawings” shall consist of a set of black-line or blue-line prints or AutoCAD files of the Contractor Coordination Drawings for this Division. The prints shall be marked or the AutoCAD file electronically updated to show the precise location of all work and equipment, and all changes and deviations in the work from that shown on the Contract Documents. This requirement shall not be construed as authorization for the Contractor to make changes in the layout or work without definite instructions from the Architect or Engineer. The continuously updated coordination drawings (shop drawings previously described) shall be used to produce the final “Record Drawings” which shall be delivered to the Owner in AutoCAD electronic format (CD) upon Project completion. B. Record dimensions shall clearly and accurately delineate the work as installed; locations shall be suitably identified by at least two dimensions to permanent structures. C. The Contractor and Subcontractor shall mark all “Record Drawings” on the drawings with a rubber stamp impression or an AutoCAD image that states such. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. The equipment selections used in the preparation of the Contract Documents will fit into the physical spaces provided and indicated, allowing ample room for access, servicing, removal and replacement of parts, etc. Adequate space shall be allowed for clearance in accordance with the Code requirements and the requirements of the local Authorities having jurisdiction, and the equipment manufacturer‘s recommendations. B. In the preparation of Drawings, a reasonable effort to accommodate acceptable equipment manufacturer’s space requirements has been made. However, since space requirements and equipment arrangement vary according to each manufacturer, the responsibility for initial access, maintenance access, code required access, and proper fit rests with the Contractor. C. Physical dimensions and arrangements of equipment to be installed shall be subject to the Architect’s and Engineer’s review. D. The General Contractor and all Subcontractors shall coordinate the installation of ductwork, conduit, busway, piping, cable trays, etc., installation with lighting fixtures, special ceiling construction, air distribution equipment, and the structure. Provide additional rises, drops and offsets as required. If after installed, new ductwork, conduit, busway, piping or cable is found to be in conflict with the architecture, structure, or other trade Work which is either existing or shown on the Contract Documents, the ductwork, conduit, busway, piping or cable shall be relocated without additional cost to the Owner. E. No piping, equipment, etc., shall be installed in the eight (8) inch high zone directly above the ceiling in tenant areas to allow for tenant build-out and flexibility unless otherwise specifically shown on the Drawings or prior written authorization is received from the Engineer. GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY F. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Accessibility and Clearance: 1. Piping, etc. shall be installed in accessible locations, avoiding obstructions, preserving headroom, and keeping openings and passageways clear. 2. Minor adjustments in the locations of equipment shall be made where necessary, providing such adjustments do not adversely affect functioning of the equipment. G. Scaffolds and staging for installation of plumbing work shall be provided under the work of this Division. 3.02 STRUCTURAL FITTINGS A. Furnish and install the necessary sleeves, inserts, hangers, anchor bolts, and related structural items. Install at the proper time. B. Openings may have been indicated on the Architectural and Structural drawings. Should any additional openings or holes be required, the same shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Location: At a time in advance of the work, verify openings shown on the Architectural and Structural drawings, and coordinate any additional openings. D. If the work of this Section requires modification of the Architectural or Structural drawings, furnish new instructions as to requirements for these openings. Submit for review and coordination to Architect. E. Sleeves shall be supplied for mechanical piping passing through walls or slabs and shall be placed before concrete is poured. F. Equipment supports for mechanical work shall be fastened to the structure by inserts, anchor bolts, bolting to drilled and tapped structural members, or be welded to the structure. 1. Welding shall be done by the electric arc method with fully competent welders. Supporting members shall be shop coated with a suitable primer. 2. Surfaces damaged by installation of supports shall be touched up with primer to match shop coat. Any drilling of structural members shall be approved by the Architect. G. Flashing: 1. Wherever piping passes through the roof or outer walls, base flashing and counterflashing shall be provided. 2. Such flashing shall be properly installed by skilled workmen, and shall include grouting, mastic or tar application, or other means to insure a permanent, waterproof, neat and workmanlike installation. 3. Insofar as possible, flashing shall comply with and be similar to requirements for flashing in General Construction Work. H. Anchor bolts and inserts shall be galvanized and of adequate size and strength for installation of electrical work and shall be placed in forms before concrete is poured. 1. Placement of bolts in bases shall be done under other Division. Furnish detail drawings, templates, and anchor bolts for bases to the General Contractor in time to avoid delaying work schedules. 2. Expansion shields shall only be used with specific approval of the Architect. Wooden or soft metal plugs shall not be used. I. Cutting and patching: GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1. 2. 3.03 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 All additional cutting, patching and reinforcement of construction of building, subject to review by the Architect, shall be performed under this Section. Refer to appropriate Division for requirements. WEATHERPROOF EQUIPMENT A. Plumbing devices or equipment located in damp, semi-exposed areas shall be weatherresistant. Enclosures shall comply with NEMA Type 3R requirements. B. Air distribution devices located in damp areas outside shall be weather-resistant (aluminum, etc.). 3.04 CLEANING A. Brush and clean work prior to concealing, painting and acceptance. Perform in stages if directed. B. Painted exposed work soiled or damaged: Clean and repair to match adjoining work before final acceptance. C. Remove dust and debris from inside and outside of material and equipment. 3.05 TESTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS A. All systems shall be tested in the presence of the Owner or an Owner designated representative upon completion of the Work and demonstrates that the installation is in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. All motors shall be checked and adjusted for correct direction of rotation. C. Any work found not to be in compliance with the Contract documents shall be repaired or replaced without incurring additional cost to the Contract price. D. Provide all instruction to the Owner on maintenance and operation of all systems and equipment provided under this Division. 3.06 WARRANTIES A. The warranty period for all systems, equipment, components, work, etc. shall be no less than one (1) year, unless specified otherwise hereinafter and shall include at least one (1) full heating season and one (1) full cooling season. The warranty shall include parts and labor. B. The Contractor shall, without cost to the Owner, remedy any defects within a reasonable time to be specified in notice from the Architect. In default thereof, the Owner may have such work done and charge all costs to the Contractor. C. The start of the Contractor’s warranty period, as defined in the General Conditions, shall commence on the issue of a “Certificate of Substantial Completion”, by the Owner or the Owner’s Representative for each item of material, equipment or system. D. The Subcontractor shall confer with the General Contractor prior to the bid date concerning the project schedule and determine if there is a need to operate any items of equipment or systems for temporary heating and/or cooling or other reasons GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 7 NEW RESIDENCE HALL ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY prior to “Substantial Completion”. All required extended warranty costs for equipment, materials, and systems shall be included in the Subcontractor’s bid. END OF SECTION 22 01 00 GENERAL PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS 22 01 00 - 8 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 22 05 29 HANGERS & SUPPORTS FOR PLUMBING PIPING & EQUIPMENT PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 1.03 The Conditions of the Contract and applicable requirements of Division 1, “General Requirements”, and Section 22 01 00 “General Plumbing Requirements”, govern this Section. Work Included: Provide pipe hangers, supports, and required appurtenances as specified and indicated QUALITY ASSURANCE A. MSS Standard Compliance: Provide pipe hangers and supports of materials, design, and manufacture which comply with ANSI/MSS SP-58, SP-59, SP-89, and SP-90. B. Acceptable Manufacturers: The model numbers listed in the Specification establish a level of quality and material. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products and materials by the following: 1. ITT Grinnell Corporation, 2. Fee and Mason, 3. Central Iron Manufacturing Company, and 4. F& S Manufacturing Company 5. Anvil International 6. B-Line PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: A. General: Provide pipe hangers and supports as specified. Comply with local codes and standards for pipe and equipment support and anchorage. Pipe supports shall be of material that will prevent electrolytic action. B. Inserts: Provide Grinnell No. 282 inserts for concrete construction. C. Piping in Multiple Parallel Runs: Provide Grinnell No. 45 or No. 50 with Grinnell No. 137 U-bolt pipe clamps or structural channels or angles with U-bolt clamps, supported as trapeze hangers where multiple parallel runs of piping are shown. Select and size members for weights to be carried and span dimensions between supports. D. Piping in Single Runs: Provide Fee and Mason Fig. 239 or Grinnell No. 260 clevis hanger. E. Hanger Rod: Provide hanger rods of required length. Rod diameters shall be as listed in the following table. Rod diameters may be adjusted after consultation with the Structural HANGERS AND SUPPORTS – PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 29 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Engineer concerning the building framing system, the method of attachment to the structure and the support rod spacing. Pipe Sizes 3/4” - 2” 2-1/2” – 3 4” – 5 6” 8” – 12” 14” – 18” Rod Diameter 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1” F. Riser Clamps: Provide Fee and Mason Figure 241 riser clamps. Riser clamps for copper tube shall be copper-plated. G. Saddles and Shields: 1. Saddles for Horizontal Insulated Piping without Vapor Barrier: At each hanger or support on horizontal runs, provide Grinnell No. 160 or Fee and Mason Figure 171, 1710, 1712, or 172 saddles, as applicable. Shields as described below may be used instead of the saddles. On heating water systems below 140ºF (60ºC), hangers may be sized for the pipe size and of a material compatible with the pipe. Where dissimilar materials are used, provide dielectric separation. Carry insulation over the hanger and seal where hanger is sized for pipe. 2. Shields for Horizontal Insulated Water Piping with Vapor Barrier: At each hanger or support for water piping, provide a half section of preformed 6 PCF density fiberglass or rigid calcium silicate, with jacket of adjacent insulation brought across unbroken, supported on semicircular 16 gauge shields. Shields for pipe 4” and smaller shall be 12” long; shields for pipe 5” to 8” shall be 18” long; and shields for larger pipe shall be 24” long. H. Piping on Roof: Roof mounted pipe supports are discouraged. If roof supports are necessary, installation methods must be approved by the architect, engineer, general contractor, and the Roofing Contractor. PART 2 – EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. Independent Support: Support fire sprinkler and standpipe piping independently of other piping in accordance with NFPA-approved methods and local codes and standards. B. Provisions for Movement: 1. Movement: Install hangers and supports to allow controlled movement of piping systems, to permit freedom of movement between pipe anchors, and to facilitate the action of expansion joints, expansion loops, expansion bends, and similar units. 2. Load Distribution: Install hangers and supports so piping live and dead loading stresses from movement will not be transmitted to any pipe or connected equipment. Pipe supports shall properly transmit the weight of the pipe and its contents to the building structure, or to independent posts, piers, or foundations. 3. Pipe Slopes: Install hangers and supports to provide the indicated pipe slopes so maximum pipe deflections allowed by ANSI B31 are not exceeded. C. Insulated Piping: Comply with the following installation requirements: HANGERS AND SUPPORTS – PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 29 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1. 2. D. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Clamps: Attach clamps, including spacers (if any), to piping with clamps projecting through the insulation; do not exceed pipe stresses allowed by ANSI B31. Shields: Where low-compressive-strength insulation of vapor barriers are indicated on cold, chilled, or heating water piping, install coated protective shields. For pipe 8” and over, install rigid calcium silicate insulation between saddles and pipe. Spacing: Install hangers and supports in piping systems to remove stress from equipment flanges and rotating equipment. Space hangers and supports as shown in the following table. Rod spacing may be adjusted after consultation with the Structural Engineer concerning the building framing system, the method of attachment to the structure and the support rod diameters. Trade Pipe Size 1/2" 3/4" 1" and 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" Maximum Spacing 5' 6' 7' 9' 10' 11' 12' 14' 16' 17' 19' 22' 23' 25' 27' 28' E. Saddles: Where insulation without vapor barrier is indicated, install protection saddles, or use hangers as indicated in Paragraph 2.0/H.1. F. Guides: Install pipe guides complying with the manufacturer’s published product literature. Where not otherwise indicated, install pipe guides near expansion loops, expansion joints, and ball joints. G. Anchors: Install anchors at the proper locations to prevent stresses from exceeding those permitted by ANSI B31 and to prevent the transfer of loading and stresses to connected equipment. Anchors shall include vibration isolation in accordance with the pipe support system specified. Where the piping system is floating, the anchors shall be termed restraints or braces. 1. Where expansion compensators are indicated, install anchors in accordance with the expansion unit manufacturers written instructions, to limit movement of piping and forces to the maximums recommended by the manufacturer of each unit. 2. Where not otherwise indicated, install anchors at the ends of principal pipe runs and at intermediate points in pipe runs between expansion loops and bends. Make provisions for preset of anchors as required accommodating both expansion and contraction of piping. H. Leveling: Adjust hangers and supports and place grout as required under supports to bring piping to proper levels and elevations. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS – PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 29 - 3 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY I. Hangers: Refer to Section 23 05 48, “Vibration Isolation”, for additional information and support requirements. Pipe hangers made of wood, wire, or sheet iron shall not be permitted. J. Riser Supports: Vertical piping shall be secured at sufficiently close intervals to keep the pipe in alignment and carry the weight of the pipe and contents. 1. Cast iron soil pipe shall be supported at the base and at each story level, but in no case at intervals greater than 10’. 2. Steel pipe shall be supported at the base and at no less than every other story level, but in no case at intervals greater than 25’. 3. Copper tube shall be supported at each story level, but in no case at intervals greater than 10’. 4. Plastic pipe shall be supported at mid point between floors and at ceiling to prevent movement, but in no case at intervals greater than 8’. END OF SECTION 22 05 29 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS – PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 29 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 22 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 22 01 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the basic materials and installation methods for the identification of equipment and piping. Comply with other Division 15 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the identification of equipment and piping specified herein and/or as indicated on the drawings. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 1.03 Work Included: Identification of mechanical equipment shall consist of equipment labeling, pipe marking, and valve tagging as specified hereinafter. 1. In general, all equipment shall be labeled. This shall include all central plant, air handling or air conditioning equipment, and other similar and miscellaneous equipment. 2. Pipe markings shall be applied to all piping. 3. Each valve shall be identified with a stamped tag. Valves and tagging shall be scheduled typewritten on 8 ½” x 11” paper, tabulating valve number, piping system, system abbreviation, location of valve (Room or area), and service (e.g. – 2nd Floor North Domestic Hot Water). The valve schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to ordering or installing valve tags. See Section 15010, “General Mechanical Requirements” for information and requirements regarding Operation and Maintenance Manuals. 4. Labels, tags, and markers shall comply with ANSI A13.1 and other applicable state and local standards for lettering size, colors, and length of color field. 5. Equipment and device identification specified in other sections shall be provided as a part of those requirements. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Labels, markings, and tags shall be manufactured by W.H. Brady, Seton, Allen, or Industrial Safety Supply. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 EQUIPMENT LABELING A. Equipment labeling shall be one of the following, unless noted or specified otherwise: IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 53 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.02 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 1. Permanently attached engraved brass or plastic laminated signs with 1” high lettering. Signs on exterior equipment shall be brass. 2. Stencil painted identification, 2” high letters, with standard fiberboard stencils and standard black (or other appropriate color) exterior stencil enamel. PIPE MARKINGS A. On piping less than 6” diameter, install plastic semi-rigid snap-on type, manufacturer’s standard pre-printed color-coded pipe markers extending fully around the pipe and insulation or pressure-sensitive vinyl pipe markers similar to the above. Pipe markings can also be applied with the stick type backing in lieu of he semi-rigid snap-on-type. B. On piping and insulation 6” and greater diameter, full band as specified above or strip-type markers fastened to the pipe or insulation with laminated or bonded application or by colorcoded plastic tape not less than 1 ½” wide, full circle at both ends of the marker. Pipe markings can also be applied with the stick type backing in lieu of he semi-rigid snap-on-type. C. Arrows for direction of flow provided integral with the pipe marker or separate at each marker. 2.03 VALVE TAGS A. Valve tags shall be polished brass or plastic laminate with solid brass S hook and chain. Tags shall be stamped or engraved with the appropriate abbreviation for the type of service (e.g. – CHW, HW), as well as the designated valve number. B. A valve schedule is to be provided to the Owner. For each page of valve schedules, a glazed display frame, with screws for removable mounting on masonry walls. Provide frames of finished hardwood or extruded aluminum, with SSB-grade sheet glass. 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Identification labeling, marking, and tagging shall be applied after insulation and painting has been completed. B. Coordinate names, abbreviations, and other designations used in mechanical identification work with corresponding designations shown, specified, or scheduled on drawings. Prior to ordering any labels, markings, or tags, obtain the approval of the Engineer regarding names, abbreviations, etc. C. The Plumbing, HVAC, and Fire Protection Contractors shall coordinate labeling, marking, and tagging to ensure consistent and coordinated identification. In existing buildings, utilize similar names, abbreviations, and other designations that are currently in use to remain consistent with existing identification. D. Equipment labeling shall consist of unit designation as shown on the drawings. Exhaust fan labeling shall also indicate service or the room or area of service. E. Pipe and ductwork markers shall be placed on piping and ductwork on 25’ centers in mechanical rooms and concealed spaces. In locations where piping and ductwork is exposed, IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 53 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 place markers on 50’ centers. Flow directional arrows should be marked on the piping at taps from the main and riser. F. Valve tags shall be placed on each valve except those intended for isolation of individual heat pumps or terminal units (e.g. - VAV boxes, fan coil units, unit heaters, etc.). Valve tag schedules shall be prepared as specified hereinbefore. Copies of one schedule shall be laminated in clear plastic and placed where directed by the Owner. Other sets shall be included in the Operating and Maintenance Manuals. END OF SECTION 22 05 53 IDENTIFICATION FOR PIPING AND EQUIPMENT 22 05 53 - 3 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 22 01 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the basic materials and installation methods for the insulation of Plumbing piping and equipment. Comply with other Division 22 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the insulation system specified herein, as indicated on the drawings, and as required to provide complete and operating systems. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Approved manufacturers are Armstrong, Calsite, Cell-U-Foarm Corp, Ceelco, Certainteed Corp, Dow Chemical Company, Forrest Mfg Co, Foster / Chilers, Gemco, Johns Manville, Knauf Fiberglass, Midwest Fastners, Owens Corning Fiberglass, Pittsburg Corning Fiberglass, Rubatex, Trymer, and Venture Tape. B. All insulation, jacket and adhesive shall have a fire and smoke hazard ratings as tested under ASTM E 84, NFPA 255, and UL 723 not exceeding: Flame Spread: Fuel Contributed: Smoke Developed: 25 50 50 Exceptions: Type B Insulation and PVC Fitting Covers 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Per Section 22 01 00. B. Product Data 1. Type A Insulation 2. Type B Insulation 3. Type C Insulation 4. Type D Insulation 5. Type E Insulation 6. Type F Insulation 7. Type G Insulation 8. Vinyl Lacquer Paint for Type B Insulation 9. Metal Jacket 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. The phrase "Storm Drainage Conductor" refers to that portion of the storm drain interior to the building, between the roof drain body and where the pipe goes below grade. PLUMBING INSULATION 22 07 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 B. The word “plenum” shall mean a ceiling space or mechanical room used for the transfer of conditioned return and/or outside air. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING INSULATION Type A – Fiberglass (indoor) A. 1. One Piece glass fiber, rigid molded sectional pipe covering with factory applied aluminum foil and white craft paper flame retardant vapor barrier jacket, conforming to ASTM C547, Class II, Mineral Fiber Preformed Pipe Insulation. 2. Thermal Conductivity (k) equals approximately 0.23 (BTU/HR., SF., Degree F, IN) at 75 °F. 3. Similar to Johns Manville Corp “Micro Lox 650 AP T”, or approved equal. B. Type B - Closed Cell (indoor) 1. Closed cell, flexible foamed plastic conforming to ASTM C534, "Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form." Insulation shall be suitable for a temperature range from –40 degrees F to 220 degrees F. 2. Conductivity (k) equals approximately 0.27 (BTUHR., SF., Degree F, IN) at 75 °F. 3. Similar to Armstrong “Armaflex”, or approved equal. C. Type C – Polyioscyanurate (outdoor) D. 1. Prefabricated 2 lb./cu.ft. density polyisocyanurate insulation with waterproof mastic and glass fiber jacket finished with an aluminum jacket with waterproof silicone caulk joints. 2. Conductivity (k) equals approximately 0.14 (BTUHR., SF., degrees F, IN) at 75 °F. 3. Insulation shall be applied per manufacturer’s recommendations. Joint sealants and coatings shall be as approved by the insulation manufacturer for the intended application and service temperature range. 4. Jacketing shall be an all service jacket with 1 mm aluminum foil on pipe insulation and FSK jacket on board stock applied by the manufacturer to ASTMC-1136. Jacket shall have integral flap for sealing joint. 5. Similar to Trymer 9501, or approved equal. Type Da – Cellular glass 1. Cellular glass shall comply with ASTM C 552. PLUMBING INSULATION 22 07 00 - 2 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.02 EQUIPMENT INSULATION A. Type Dh - Fiberglass Board (Hot Equipment) 1. Semi-rigid intermediate service fibrous glass board for operating temperatures greater than 850 degrees F. 2. Conductivity (k) equals approximately 0.23 (BTU/HR., SF., degrees F, IN) at 75 °F. Minimum density of 2.75 lb / cu ft. 3. Similar to Johns Manville Corp “1000 series Spin Glass”, or approved equal. 2.03 METAL JACKET A. Smooth aluminum jacket 0.016 inch thick. B. Integral polykraft or poly-surlyn moisture barrier. C. Banded locking joints with field applied silicone weatherproof sealant. D. Similar to Johns Manville Corp, or approved equal. 2.04 INSULATION ACCESSORIES A. The following accessories shall be used in the application of the thermal insulations specified under this Section: 1. PVC Fittings Covers: similar to Johns Manville Corp “Zeston”, or approved equal. 2. Pressure Sensitive polyester film tape to secure pipe insulation up to 12” outside diameter: Similar to 3M 30-80, or approved equal. 3. Vapor Seal Mastic: Similar to Childers CP-35, or approved equal. 4. Lagging Adhesive: Similar to Childers CP-52, or approved equal. 5. Wire: 16 gauge soft stainless steel. 6. Insulation Bonding Adhesive (To Metal): Similar to Childers CP-82, or approved equal. 7. Insulating and Finishing Cement: Similar to Insulco Smooth Kote, or approved equal. 8. Mechanical Fasteners - Welded or adhered pins with speed clip washers: Similar to Gemco Midwest Fasteners, or approved equal. 9. Bands for Equipment: a. Outside diameter of insulation is less than 24 inch: 1/2 inch x 0.020-inch (25 ga.) stainless steel. b. Where diameter is 36 inches or larger: 3/4 inch x 0.020 inch. 10. Bands for Piping: 1/2 inch x 0.020-inch stainless steel. 11. Wire Mesh: 1 inch by 20-gage stainless steel hexagonal wire netting. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSULATION APPLICABILITY A. Condensate Drains (except in plenums and fire partitions/floors) – Type B insulation required: Insulation Thickness (in) ½ Pipe Sizes (in) all B. Condensate Drains (inside plenums and fire partitions/floors) – Type A insulation required: Insulation Thickness (in) 1/2 PLUMBING INSULATION Pipe Sizes (in) up to 1 22 07 00 - 3 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3/4 1-1/4 and up C. Horizontal storm leaders, roof drain bodies, and underside of drains receiving condensate from cooling coils – Type F insulation required: Insulation Thickness (in) 2 Pipe Sizes (in) all D. Horizontal waste piping from electric water coolers – Type A insulation required: Insulation Thickness (in) 1/2 Pipe Sizes (in) all E. Domestic Cold Water – Type A insulation required: Insulation Thickness (in) 1 F. Pipe Sizes (in) all Domestic Hot Water and Tempered Water – Type A insulation required: Insulation Thickness (in) 1 Pipe Sizes (in) all G. Hot equipment – Type Dh insulation required, minimum 2”. Consult with equipment manufacturer as thickness may vary depending on service application and equipment manufacturer installation recommendations. Notes: a. The above thicknesses are the minimum required. All local codes and local energy codes shall be complied with. b. All piping exposed to outdoors shall be insulated. All piping subject to freezing shall be provided with heat tracing. Coordinate insulation with heat trace cable and controls. c. Insulation types and thickness are a minimum standard. Each application shall be carefully considered and insulation product type and thickness shall be appropriate for each specific application. Submit all insulation products with verification of their service intent. 3.02 PIPING INSULATION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Preparation 1. Do not apply insulation until piping has been leak tested. 2. All surfaces to be insulated shall be dry and free of loose scale, rust, dirt, oil or water. B. Application: 1. Insulation shall be installed in a smooth, clean workmanlike manner. Joints shall be tight and finished smooth without fish-mouths. 2. Insulation shall fit tightly against the surface to which it is applied to prevent air circulation between the insulation and the pipe or equipment to which it is applied. 3. Insulation applied to cold piping or equipment shall be completely vapor sealed, free of pinholes or other openings. 4. Do not use wet insulation materials. 5. All longitudinal joints on vertical pipe runs shall be staggered. 6. Apply insulation so as to permit expansion or contraction of pipelines without causing damage to insulation or surface finish. 7. Do not apply mastic or adhesive until all previous applications of mastic and adhesives have thoroughly dried. 8. No bands or staples shall be provided on covering. PLUMBING INSULATION 22 07 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 9. The adhesive used in connection with all covering work shall contain an approved vermin and rodent proof ingredient. 10. Provide 24-gauge sheet-metal saddle between the pipe hanger/support and the exterior of the insulation. Saddle length shall be the same as insulation inserts. C. Application at Fittings: 1. Insulation of flanges and flanged fittings shall overlap adjacent pipe covering at least 1 inch. Valves shall be insulated up to the gland only. 2. Pipeline strainers shall be insulated in such a manner as to permit removal of strainer basket without disturbing insulation of the strainer body. 3. Insulation adjacent to un-insulated flanges shall be tapered back and neatly finished so as to allow access to and removal of bolts without injury to covering. 3.03 TYPE A INSTALLATION A. Tightly butt together sections of insulation on pipe runs sealing longitudinal seams of jacket with a self-sealing adhesive. Seal end joints with 4-inch wide straps of matching vapor barrier tape. Seal off ends of insulation with vapor seal mastic at valves, fittings and flanges. No further finish required. Mastic shall extend onto the bare pipe and over the insulation O.D. B. PVC fitting jackets shall be used when they are available for the particular application. When molded or routed coverings are not available, the coverings shall be fabricated in the field similar to equipment insulation. Molded or routed fitting covers are highly recommended. Order PVC pre-curled. C. Cold Piping: 1. Cover valves, fittings and flanges with insulation having the same thickness as adjacent pipe covering, securing in place reforming tape up to 12” O.D. and ½” wide SST bands on larger O.D. Apply a PVC jacket and seal joints with PVC cement (solvent welding). D. Hot Piping: 1. Covers shall overlap the pipe insulation by the thickness of the insulation or 2” min. Cover valves, fittings and flanges with insulation similar to the adjacent pipe covering, securing in place with reforming tape up to 12” O.D. and ½” wide SST bands on larger O.D. Apply a PVC jacket and tape end joints to adjacent pipe insulation. 2. Do not use PVC fitting jackets where the surface of the insulation is above 150 degrees F. E. Exterior Piping: 1. Exterior above grade water piping shall be finished with a weatherproof jacket and an aluminum jacket. Lap and seal joints as per manufacturer's instructions. Place laps to shed water. 3.04 TYPE B INSTALLATION A. Type B insulation shall be slipped on the pipe prior to connection, and the butt joints shall be sealed. Where the slip on technique is not possible, the insulation shall be carefully slit and applied to the pipe. B. All joints shall be completely butt sealed with the manufacturer's recommended adhesive. C. Do not apply Type B insulation in multiple layers. D. Type B insulation shall not be used in plenums nor firewall penetrations. E. This Contractor shall paint Type B insulation exterior to the building with two coats of a vinyl acrylic paint recommended by the insulation manufacturer for protection against ultraviolet PLUMBING INSULATION 22 07 00 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 degradation and shall be flexible with no cracking. It is recommended in high humid areas to coat the insulation with a vapor barrier mastic to .037 min. DFT. 3.05 TYPE C INSTALLATION A. Exterior 1. Butter joints of insulation with non-setting adhesive. Secure with factory applied SelfSeal laps. Installation shall be as per manufacturer’s guidelines. 2. Finish shall be factory applied All Service Jackets. All fittings shall be finished with vapor seal mastic reinforced with white glass mesh. Minimum 0.037 thick DFT of mastic. 3. Piping exposed in machine rooms shall be finished with vapor seal mastic and open weave membrane 10 x 10. 4. Piping exposed to weather shall be finished with all service jacket and additional finish of 0.16 thick aluminum jacket. Aluminum jacket shall be secured with stainless bands located on maximum centers of 12 inches and at the overlap. No screws or pop rivets shall be used. 5. Fittings and valves shall be finished with vapor seal mastic, reinforced with minimum 0.037” DFT of mastic, glass mesh and aluminum preformed fitting covers. 3.06 TYPE D AND E INSTALLATION A. Equipment Insulation Application: 1. Apply insulation to fit as closely as possible to equipment. 2. Stagger joints where possible. 3. Bevel insulation around nameplates, ASME stamp and access plates. 4. Insulation on equipment that must be opened periodically shall be constructed so insulation can be removed and replaced without damage. 5. Do not install Type E insulation on aluminum surfaces or with aluminum jacket. B. Hot Equipment: 1. Install 3/4-inch expanded metal over equipment with standing ribs or seams prior to applying insulation to eliminate ribs or seams penetrating through the insulation. 2. Secure the insulation with steel bands spaced on 12-inch centers. 3. Where required, use welded studs, clips or angles as anchors for wire or bands on flat surfaces. 4. Seal joints with insulating cement. 5. Over the insulation stretch 1-inch hexagonal mesh wire and lace the edges together. 6. Apply a 1/4-inch thick coat of finishing cement and trowel smooth. 7. Smooth insulation with lagging adhesive, cover with glass cloth and a final coat of lagging adhesive. 8. On small equipment where it is not practical, omit the wire mesh and finishing cement on Type D insulation. C. 3.07 Roof Drain Bodies 1. Insulate similar to cold equipment. 2. Insulated boxes around roof drain bodies are not acceptable. METAL JACKET INSTALLATION A. Cover all piping insulation exposed to the exterior with metal jacket as specified herein. PLUMBING INSULATION 22 07 00 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.08 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 HANGERS A. Continue insulation through pipe hangers. Provide either rigid insulation inserts or sheet metal inserts at all outside pipe hangers. Provide rigid insulation inserts for piping operating below 60 °F. and sheet metal inserts for piping above 60 °F. B. Provide rigid insulation (on non-insulated piping) or sheet metal inserts (on insulated piping) between the pipe and pipe hanger - shall be of a thickness equal to the adjoining insulation and shall be provided with vapor barrier where required. Insulation insert shall not be less than the following lengths: 1/2” to 2 1/2" pipe size 3” to 6" pipe size 8” to 10" pipe size 12” and over 10 Inches Long 12 Inches Long 16 Inches Long 22 Inches Long C. Inserts for cold piping shall have a vapor barrier facing of the same material as the adjacent pipe insulation. Seal inserts into insulation with vapor seal mastic. D. Sheet metal inserts shall be of steel sheet. Gauge shall conform to manufacturer's recommendation for pipe size. Sheet metal inserts shall have insulation filler of the same material as the adjacent pipe insulation. 3.09 PIPE SLEEVES A. Pipe insulation and vapor barrier shall be continuous through sleeves in walls and floors. B. Type B insulation shall not be used in sleeves through firewalls or fire rated (2-hour) floor systems. Use Type A or Type C through the sleeve instead and vapor seal the joint between the two insulations. C. Provide 26 gauge galvanized steel or 0.020 inch aluminum jacket over insulation on pipe passing through sleeves where sealant is required. D. Where penetrating interior walls, extend the metal jacket 2 inches out either side of the wall and secure each end with a metal band compressing the insulation slightly. E. Where penetrating floors, extend the metal jacket 2 inches below the floor and 5 inches above the floor. Secure with metal bands. END OF SECTION 22 07 00 PLUMBING INSULATION 22 07 00 - 7 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 22 12 00 AIR REMOVAL AND WATER EXPANSION SYSTEMS 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 Related Documents: A. 1.02 The Conditions of the Contract and applicable requirements of Division 1 and Section 22 01 00, "Basic Mechanical Requirements", govern this Section. Description of Work: A. Work Included: Provide equipment and tanks as required by the application. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 Automatic Eliminator Water Systems: A. 2.02 Cold Water Makeup Valve: A. 2.03 Provide a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer in the make-up connection to the condenser and heating water systems. Pressure Relief Valves: A. 2.04 Provide Spirotherm Model VSR500 or approved equal air eliminator. Provide a stopcock upstream of each air vent to allow conversion to manual vent after the initial run-in and air removal or when automatic vent fails. Automatic air vents shall be 150 psig, rated. Pipe the outlet of the air vent to the nearest drain. Wheatley is an approved manufacturer. Pressure relief valves for closed heating and condenser water systems shall be ASME rated pressure relief valves sized as required for the intended service. Expansion Tanks: A. Provide 125 psig or greater, ASME construction, pre-charged bladder type tank complete with drain fitting, lifting lugs, base ring, pipe connections, and gage glass with guards and valves on each chilled and heating water system. Pressure rating shall be compatible with the system pressure. The tank shall be constructed of welded steel awith heavy duty butyl rubber bladder. The expansion tank shall be similar to Bell and Gossett Series “B”, or approved equal. Each tank shall bear an appropriate ASME label for the system working pressures and temperatures. Chilled water system tank will have a minimum acceptance volume of 80 gallons. Heating hot water tank will have a minimum acceptance volume of 50 gallons. B. The outside of the tank shall be painted with a shop coat or approved primer after fabrication. Finish painting will be done under another Division. AIR REMOVAL AND WATER EXPANSION SYSTEM 23 12 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 Automatic Air Vents for Water Systems: A. 3.02 Pressure Relief Valves: A. 3.03 Extend 1/4" copper overflow tube from automatic air vents to nearest floor or hub drain as an open-sight drain. Extend a relief line from each pressure relief valve to the nearest floor or hub drain, sized full size to the pressure relief valve discharge. Compression Tanks: A. Support tanks on the floor or suspend tanks from structure above using not less than two saddles with two stems per saddle. Anchorage and support of all pipe and equipment shall comply with local codes and standards for supports and restraints. Verify method of support with Structural Engineer. Pipe stands shall be provided by the Mechanical Contractor. END OF SECTION 23 12 00 AIR REMOVAL AND WATER EXPANSION SYSTEM 23 12 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 22 35 00 PLUMBING DOMESTIC HEAT EXCHANGER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 22 01 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the BMSic materials and installation methods for the cooling tower system. Comply with other Division 22 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the water heaters and accessories specified herein, as indicated on the drawings, and as required to provide complete and operating systems. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: This section and the accompanying drawings cover the provisions of all labor, equipment, appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connection with the construction of the water heating systems as specified herein and as shown, and/or as required to provide complete and operating systems. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturers: Provide products equal to the following: 1. Cemline 2. Harsco 3. Spirax Sarco B. Electrical Standards: Provide electrical products which have been tested, listed, and labeled by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and which comply with National Electrical Manufacturers' Association (NEMA) standards. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 WATER HEATERS A. Heat exchanger shall be double walled copper brazed 316L stainless steel plate type and shall have an integral valved circulator to re-circulate the water through the heat exchanger. B. Heater shall be mounted on an enameled metal base, 16 gauge minimum thickness. Heater shall be factory assembled and piped including electronic operated 2-way temperature regulating valve. C. Heater shall be supplied with solid-state control module with LED backlit LCD display and LED pilot lights to indicate on-off, primary high limit, and secondary high limit. Solid-state control module shall be provided with a field programmable digital electronic PID controller PLUMBING DOMESTIC HEAT EXCHANGER 22 35 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 allowing the owner to set operating and temperature limits on the display screen. Solid-state control module shall have red alarm light and alarm horn with built in alarm silence relay. Solid-state control module shall be supplied with dry contact closure outputs to indicate to building management system (BMS) the occurrence of power on, primary high temperature, and secondary high temperature. The control module shall allow the BMS to turn the heater on or off through a remote relay suitable for 24 VAC, 1 amp. The control module shall allow the BMS to remotely set the temperature of the heater using a 4-20 mA input signal. The control module shall allow the BMS to remotely monitor the operating temperature. Control module shall be supplied with an on-off switch and shall be mounted in a NEMA 4 panel. All solenoids and limits shall be 24 VAC. D. Heater shall be furnished with a water pressure gauge and an A.S.M.E. pressure-temperature relief valve of sufficient size to relieve total BTU input of the coil. Furnish water heater with additional safety system designed to relieve excessively heated water from the vessel. The safety system shall be field programmable for set point and differential and shall be of the electronic type. E. Manufacturer shall assume responsibility for correct sizing of components to assure performance designated in design criteria. F. Heater shall be capable of performing as scheduled on the plans. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF WATER HEATERS A. Installation of water heaters shall be in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. B. A drain pan is to be installed under all water heaters. The drain for the pan is to be piped to the nearest floor drain, mop basin or other approved point of safe discharge. The water heater needs to be installed at an elevation that will permit gravity draining of the drain pan. Install piping and appurtenances so that discharge will not overflow from drain. 3.03 TEMPERATURE SETTING A. For water heaters serving general lavatories, water temperature shall be set to 110°F. For water heaters serving kitchen areas and/or mop sinks, set water temperature at 140°F, or as required by local codes. B. Where a water heater is shown to serve lavatories and kitchens and/or mop sinks, provide a mixing valve such that both water temperatures can be achieved from a common system. 3.03 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with electrical work as necessary. END OF SECTION 22 35 00 PLUMBING DOMESTIC HEAT EXCHANGER 22 35 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING MATERIALS A. General: Provide pipe and tube of type, joint, grade, size, and weight (wall thickness, schedule or class) indicated for each service. Comply with applicable governing regulations and industry standards. 1. Ductile Iron: ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-02 with mechanical joints and internal cement liner 2. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, ASTM A106, or ASTM A120, black or hot-dipped galvanized as specified. 2.02 PIPING / TUBING FITTINGS A. General: Provide factory-fabricated fittings of type, materials, grade, class, and pressure rating indicated for each service and pipe size. Provide sizes and types matching pipe, tube, valve, and equipment connections. Where not otherwise indicated, comply with governing regulations, industry standards, and where applicable, with pipe manufacturer's instructions for selections. 1. Ductile Iron: AWWA C110 & AWWA C111mechanical joint fittings with gaskets 2. Wrought Steel Butt-welding Fittings: ANSI B16.9, except ANSI B16.28 for short radius elbows and returns; rated to match connected pipe. B. Miscellaneous Piping Materials/Products: 1. Welding Materials: Comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code, Section II, Part C, for welding materials. 2. Brazing Materials: American Welding Society, AWS A5.B, Classification BCup-5. 3. Gaskets for Flanged Joints: 1/8" thick gaskets. Ring-type shall be used between raised face flanges and full face-type between flat face flanges with punched bolt holes and pipe opening. Gaskets shall be Garlock Style 3400 compressed non-asbestos or equal. 2.03 BELOW GRADE PRE-INSULATED PIPE CONDUIT SYSTEM A. General: Furnish a complete system of factory fabricated piping and fittings for the specified service. B. Manufacturers: Basis of design is Thermacor. Other acceptable manufacturers include InsulTek, Perma-Pipe and Rovanco. C. Service & Piping Materials: HVAC BELOW GRADE SITE PIPING 23 21 15 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 1. Below Grade Chilled Water Piping – Ductile Iron 2. Below Grade Heating Water Piping – Schedule 40 Steel D. Insulation: polyurethane foam or injected into the annular space between carrier pipe and jacket and bonded to both. Insulation shall be rigid, closed cell polyurethane with 2.0 to 3.0 pounds per cubic foot density and coefficient of thermal conductivity (K-Factor) not to exceed 0.16 and shall conform to ASTM C-591. E. Jacketing: high density polyethylene (HDPE). No tape jacket allowed. The inner surface of the HDPE jacket shall be oxidized to ensure a secure bond between the jacket and foam insulation. F. End Seals: Each length of pre-insulated pipe will be fitted with a watertight mastic end seal at jacket and pipe surfaces. 2.04 ISOLATION VALVES A. General: Furnish all valves located below grade with valve box and appropriate access. B. Refer to section 15110 “Valves” for more information. C. Chilled Water: Resilient seat gate valve Heating Water: Offset butterfly valve with metal seats PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PIPING INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Industry Practices: Install pipe, tube, and fittings in accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leak-proof piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without failure or degradation of service. Install each run with a minimum of joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions or flanged connections to permit disassembly for maintenance/ replacement of valves and equipment. Reduce sizes (where indicated) by use of reducing fittings. Align accurately at connections. Coordinate piping locations with other trades to avoid conflict. Give ductwork preference unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. 2. Systems: Provide fittings at changes in direction. Where pipes of different sizes join, provide reducing elbows, tees, or couplings. Bushings will not be acceptable. 3. Expansion and Contraction: Install loops, offsets, sizing joints, and expansion joints, as necessary, to avoid strain resulting from expansion and contraction of piping systems on fixtures and equipment. Provide mechanical grooved connections required by the HVAC BELOW GRADE SITE PIPING 23 21 15 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 application to reduce vibration at equipment connections. Provide expansion joints in piping systems by mechanical grooved connections where required. B. Steel Pipe: Ream steel pipe after cutting and before threading. Thread with clean-cut taper threads of length to engage all threads in fittings and leave no full-cut threads exposed after make-up. C. Excavation, Installation, and Backfill for Underground Pipe: 1. Layout: Pipes shall be laid and pipe joints made in presence of the General Contractor and field measurements, layouts, batter board alignment, grade establishments, and similar locations shall be performed by a Professional Engineer in the employ of the Contractor. The Contractor's engineer shall be on the job during all underground work. A "Bench-Mark" reference shall be provided by the General Contractor. 2. Pipe Grading: Lay and maintain all pipes at required lines and grades during the course of the Work. 3. Trench: Excavate the trench to the depth required. Properly brace and de-water the trench and keep it free of water during installation, testing pipe, and backfilling. No water shall be discharged onto the street or freeway without approval by the Owner. 4. Excavation: The trench shall be at least 18" wider than the maximum diameter of the pipe or largest bell and the pipe shall be laid in the center of the trench. The trench shall be excavated to a depth sufficient to provide for pipe cushions or supports as specified. Trench width may be increased as required and piling left in place until sufficient compacted backfill is in place. Properly sheet and brace all open trenches to render them secure and remove all such sheeting and bracing before completing the backfill. Comply with all applicable national, state, and local codes and regulations. The quantity of excavation required to install sheeting and the installation and removal of sheetings and bracings will not be regarded as Extra Work. All costs incurred for this excavation and the installation of sheeting shall be included in the Contract Price. 5. Grading: Upon completion of excavation and prior to the laying of the pipe, the trench bottom shall be brought up to the required elevation with a pipe cushion, except where the cushion has been eliminated by the General Contractor. Pipe cushions shall be select material deposited in the trench and shall be compacted, leveled off, and shaped to obtain a smooth compacted bed along the laying length of the pipe. Pipe cushion material shall be as follows: 6. Anchors: Pipes shall have concrete anchors at each change in direction and/or as directed. Any change in direction exceeding 15 degrees shall be anchored. Concrete anchors shall rest against solid (virgin) ground with the required area of bearing on pipe and ground to provide suitable anchoring. HVAC BELOW GRADE SITE PIPING 23 21 15 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 7. Backfill: Backfill trenches only after piping has been inspected, tested, and approved by the General Contractor. Backfill shall be provided as recommended in the geo-technical report included in these Contract Documents, or, in the absence of a geo-technical report, as required by site conditions. Refer to Division 2 or elsewhere in the Contract Documents for additional trenching and backfill requirements. 8. Existing Surfaces: Restore existing streets, driveways, and sidewalks damaged during the excavation work to acceptable condition, subject to approval by the Owner, Architect, and/or Engineer. 9. Safety: Provide street and sidewalk excavations with approved barricades, warning lights, and cover plates as required by the local authorities. 3.02 CLEANING, FLUSHING, TESTING, AND INSPECTING A. Cleaning: Clean exterior surfaces of installed piping systems and prepare surface for application of any required coatings. B. Flushing: Flush piping systems with clean water prior to performing any required tests. All piping system flushing is to be conducted in a manner not to adversely affect the performance of the equipment connected to the piping system. C. Piping Tests: 1. General: Perform tests before piping is concealed from view. Tests may be performed in sections. Tests shall be witnessed by the General Contractor and local inspectors and the test results presented to the Engineer for acceptance and approval prior to concealing piping from view. Provide all necessary equipment for testing, including pumps and gauges. 2. Test water systems hydrostatically to a pressure of 150 psig or 1-1/2 times working pressure, whichever is greater, for a period of 4 hours. Repair all leaks, replacing materials as necessary and repeat tests until systems are proven tight. D. Inspecting: Visually inspect each run of each system for completion of joints, adequate hangers, supports, and inclusion of accessories and appurtenances. END OF SECTION 23 21 15 HVAC BELOW GRADE SITE PIPING 23 21 15 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 23 21 15 HVAC BELOW GRADE SITE PIPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 23 01 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the basic materials and installation methods for the HVAC below grade site piping systems. Comply with other Division 23 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the HVAC site piping systems specified herein, as indicated on the drawings, and as required to provide complete and operating systems. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide complete operating mechanical piping systems including pipe, tube, fittings, and appurtenances as indicated and in compliance with these Specifications. B. Applications: Applications of piping systems include, but are not limited to, the systems as listed below: 1.03 System Working Pressure Operating Temperatures Chilled Water High Medium Low 350 psig 300 psig 150 psig 65 to 100°F 65 to 100°F 65 to 100°F Heating Water High Medium Low 350 psig 300 psig 150 psig 100 to 180°F 100 to 180°F 100 to 180°F QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Welding: Qualify welding procedures, welders, and operators in accordance with ANSI B31.1, Paragraph 127.5, for shop and job site welding of piping work. Make welded joints on the piping system with continuous welds, without backing rings and with pipe ends beveled before welding. Gas cuts shall be true and free from burned metal. Before welding, surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. The piping shall be carefully aligned and no weld metal shall project inside the pipe. HVAC BELOW GRADE SITE PIPING 23 21 15 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 23 52 00 GAS FIRED BOILERS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 1.2 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 23 01 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the basic materials and installation methods for the boiler system. Comply with other Division 23 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the boiler system specified herein, as indicated on the drawings, and as required to provide complete and operating systems. D. Refer to Section 23 25 00, “Water Treatment Systems”, for information regarding required chemicals, etc. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 1.3 Provide gas-fired hot water boilers and all associated components and specialties as specified herein, on the drawings, or as otherwise required to maintain the design conditions (minimum 65 degrees F) within the closed loop on the load side of the heat exchanger. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Basis of design is Patterson-Kelly. Approved alternate manufacturers are Fulton, Hydrotherm, Ray Pak, Bryan, Precision, TeleDyne-LAARS, Lockinvar and RBI. B. Submittals must be provided of ASME short form test proving capacities and certified guaranteed efficiency ratings of the equipment. Ratings shall accompany the submittal, or the boiler manufacturer may perform ASME short form test at job site at their own expense. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL BOILER DESIGN A. HEAT EXCHANGER 1. Each hot water boiler shall consist of a cast aluminum heat exchanger complete with trim, valve trains, burner, and boiler control system. The boiler manufacturer shall fully coordinate the boiler as to the interaction of its elements with the burner and the boiler control system in order to provide the required capacities, efficiencies, and performance as specified. 2. The boiler heat exchanger shall be cast from an aluminum alloy that is suitable to resist the corrosive gases produced from flue gas condensation. The casting shall be a counterflow design for maximum heat transfer with the multiple flow paths arranged in a reverse GAS FIRED BOILERS 23 52 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 return configuration to assure balanced flow through each channel. Each section shall be an independent vessel connected together on the water side by a common manifold without the inclusion of pin-nipples and/or water-side gaskets or may be of a MonoBlock design in lieu of sectional design. Heat exchangers that consist of a primary and secondary heat exchanger are not acceptable. 3. Each boiler shall be capable of operating with a minimum outlet water temperature of 68B. B. MAIN GAS TRAIN 1. Each boiler shall be provided with an integral main gas valve train. The main gas valve train(s) shall be factory assembled, piped, and wired. Each gas valve train shall include at least the following: a. One (1) manual shutoff valve. b. Two (2) safety solenoid valves. Valves equipped with dual solenoids that can be independently energized for leak testing and must be integrated into a single body design. c. Air-Gas ratio control (maximum inlet pressure 14” W.C.). d. One (1) low gas pressure switch (manual reset). e. One (1) high gas pressure switch (manual reset) as required by code. f. 2.4 Two (2) pressure test ports. 2. If gas pressure exceeds 14” W.C. the Contractor shall supply a suitable intermediate lockup type gas pressure regulator to reduce the pressure to acceptable levels. 3. The boiler manufacturer shall furnish each boiler with an integral power type fuel burner. The fuel burner shall be an assembly of a gas burner, combustion air blower, valve train, and ignition system. The burner manufacturer shall fully coordinate the burner as to the interaction of its elements with the boiler heat exchanger and the boiler control system in order to provide the required capacities, efficiencies, and performance as specified. 4. Each burner shall be located near the top of combustion chamber with combustion gases flowing downward through the heat exchanger and constructed of stainless steel flange with perforated stainless steel inner backing plate and stainless steel outer knit. 5. Each boiler shall be equipped with direct spark ignition. Main flame shall be monitored and controlled by a flame rod (rectification) system. 6. Burner shall be capable of a 5:1 turndown. BOILER TRIM A. General: Boiler trim shall include, but not be limited to the following operating and safety controls and devices: 1. Gas cock. GAS FIRED BOILERS 23 52 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B. 2.5 Gas pressure regulator. Pilot "B" valve. Power Exhauster where applicable. Motorized modulating gas valve. Temperature and pressure gauges. Flow switch. ASME inspected and stamped. Electronic pilot ignition. Manual high limit. 110 volt operating controller and factory wiring. Safety gas valve and 60 psig relief valve. AGA design certified and ASME rated for 160 psig. Provide an internal thermostat to ensure water circulation until residual heat is reduced to an acceptable level. ASME temperature and pressure relief valve. Controls: Factory mount hot water temperature controls for regulation of burner operation. 1. All electrical equipment shall be wired in conformance with UL requirements. Oil, heat, and moisture-resistant wire shall be used throughout. 2. Control circuit transformer, if required, shall be mounted in control panel. EFFICIENCY GUARANTEES A. 2.6 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 General: Boiler shall be guaranteed to operate at a minimum fuel-to-hot water efficiency as specified on plans for the units operation from 30 to 100% of total capacity. Shop Tests: A. General: Packaged boiler shall receive factory tests to check construction, control, and operation of unit. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: The boiler shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and prevailing state, county, and local codes. B. Pipe relief valve, drain and blow-down discharge to 4" above floor drain. C. The Electrical Contractor will provide power wiring to the control cabinets. Coordinate requirements with the Electrical Contractor. The unit shall have relays for future connection to the energy management system. MANUFUFACTURER’S SERVICES AND FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. General: The boiler manufacturer's authorized factory trained technician shall inspect the boiler installation, ascertain that the boiler and supporting systems have been installed in compliance with the boiler manufacturer's instructions, perform start-up, make adjustments, and write a letter on boiler manufacturer's letterhead stating that the installation is in compliance with manufacturer's instructions and that the boiler is operating properly. The GAS FIRED BOILERS 23 52 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 technician shall include with this letter copies of the combustion efficiency test, as well as any inspection or registration certificates. This technician shall devote one day or as required instructing the Owner's operating personnel at a time designated by the Owner. B. Warranty: The entire unit and components shall have a minimum one-year guarantee. C. Start-up Service: Entire unit shall have a start-up service and one year service period by factory-trained personnel. END OF SECTION 23 52 00 GAS FIRED BOILERS 23 52 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 23 64 16 WATER COOLED CHILLERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 23 01 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the basic materials and installation methods for the water cooled chillers. Comply with other Division 23 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the chiller system specified herein, as indicated on the drawings, and as required to provide complete and operating systems. D. Refer to Section 23 25 00, “Water Treatment Systems”, for information regarding required chemicals, etc. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Provide water cooled chiller and all associated components and specialties as specified herein, on the drawings, or as otherwise required to maintain the design chilled water supply conditions. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Basis of design is Trane. Approved alternate manufacturers are Carrier or York (Johnson Controls). B. Submittals must be provided including equipment dimensions, installation, clearance, performance at specified conditions, etc. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 WATER CHILLERS A. The water chillers shall be Trane, Carrier or York (Johnson Controls). The refrigeration machine shall produce the listed capacities based on fouling factor allowances of 0.00025 for the condenser and evaporator. The refrigeration machine shall be furnished complete including motor compressor, evaporator, condenser, purge system (if required), positive pressure lubrication system, and control panel with necessary instruments. Acceptable chiller refrigerants are R22, R134a and R123. B. Evaporator and condenser: Connections shall be of the bolted flanged type. Welded pipe connections are unacceptable. Shell and tube design suitable for 300 psig working pressure WATER COOLED CHILLER 23 64 16 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 and tested at 450 psig. Refrigerant sides shall be designed, tested and stamped in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division I. Water velocity through tubes shall not exceed 12 fps and refrigerant relief devices shall meet ASHRAE 15 safety code for mechanical refrigeration C. Capacity Control: Capacity control shall be accomplished through automatic positioning of guide vanes or slide valves. The capacity control shall be capable of automatically reducing the capacity of the refrigeration machine to 10% of rated load, and the refrigeration machine shall be capable of maintaining satisfactory operation when operating at such 10% load. Provide a current limiting mechanism to limit maximum current draw to any selected value between 40 and 100% of full load amperes. D. Controls: Include all necessary operating controls, timers, fuses, control transformers, safety controls, and status indicating devices. The panel shall be completely pre-wired and shall contain all necessary equipment and controls for the operation of the machine. Controls shall include fully automatic, electric or pneumatic safety controls with "fail safe" feature. The machine shall stop in development of an operating safety such as low oil pressure, low chilled water temperature, low refrigerant temperature, high condenser pressure, high bearing temperature, high motor temperature and low chilled water flow and identify cause of stoppage. E. Purge System: Provide a refrigerated purge system for each chiller. Purge shall be Trane "Purifier Purge", York "Skyguard", or Carrier "Prevent" and include the following features or capabilities: automatic and manual operating modes to allow purge operation when chiller is not operating; alarm light with relay for remote monitoring for detection of excessive purging; elapsed run time meter; and safety controls with timers, switches, etc. to prevent massive refrigerant loss due to a large air leak. F. Auto-Restart: 1. An electronic device shall be incorporated into the automatic chiller controls that shall allow at least one free start of the chillers within two minutes of restored power or a distribution fault regardless of the time of last start. 2. If a power failure or distribution fault occurs within 30 minutes of the last chiller start, the device shall override the anti-recycle timer one time for a free restart. 3. If the same occurs after the above mentioned 30 minute last start, the chiller shall restart normally within two minutes. In this condition, a second restart shall be permitted after a second power failure or distribution fault. G. EMS/BAS Interface. The chiller controls shall be compatible with and provide interface to the building digital control system for the sequences and control/alarm/monitoring points as specified in Section 23 09 00. H. Positive Pressure Lubrication System: Furnish refrigeration machine complete with a positive pressure lubrication system including automatic oil pump, oil heater, oil cooler, all necessary controls factory-wired within the control console, and oil pump motor starter. Control system shall provide for automatic compressor lubrication prior to start and during compressor coast-down after machine stops. Oil pumps shall be suitable for 460 volts/3phase/60 hertz service. WATER COOLED CHILLER 23 64 16 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY I. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Compressor motor starter shall be provided for each machine and shall be of manufacture recommended and approved by the refrigeration machine manufacturer. Motor starter shall be Star-Delta, closed transition type magnetic motor starter suitable for the compressor motor furnished and shall include 2 KVA CPT and oil pump starter with primary fusing and secondary fuse of CPT, door mounted ammeter, high voltage, low voltage and no voltage protection (each leg), phase failure reversal, auxiliary contacts, anti-recycling timer and power disconnect, 200,000 AIC capacity. J. Refrigerant and Oil: Provide and install full charges of refrigerant and oil. Maintain such charges full for one year from the date of acceptance, including any losses occurring during initial start-up and test. The loss of refrigerant due to normal purging is not acceptable. K. Vibration Isolators: Furnish minimum 1" deflection housed spring isolator units for load distribution and isolation of objectionable sound or vibration from the structure. L. Chillers shall be furnished with elapsed time meter and starts counter. M. Refrigerant Leak Detection System: Chiller manufacturer shall provide refrigerant detection and alarm system with the following features and capabilities: ionization type or infrared absorption technology with the capability of detecting, alarming, and controlling from zero (0) to fifty (50) PPM; accuracy shall be to one (1) PPM over an ambient range of 40 to 105 degrees F; automatic re-zeroing calibration; three alarm set points with three binary alarm contacts with individual closures; binary input for external alarm reset and external (manual) rezero calibration initiation; and control panel to include digital display and indicating lights for each alarm, loss of sampling flow, and malfunction. Installation, wiring, and startup shall be by the contractor. Acceptable manufacturers: Eagle Creek, Mine Safety Appliances, General Analysis Corporation, Trane, and Bruel & Kjaer. N. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA): Provide 2 (two) SCBA as required by ASHRAE 15-1992. The SCBA shall comply with all of the requirements of NIOSH, ANSI, and NFPA, SCABA shall include a five year manufacturers' warranty. SCBA to be provided with the following features and capabilities: face piece with provision for face cup, speaking diaphragm for short range communication, pressure regulator with bypass system with quick acting mainline valve for instant airflow; cylinder with a 30 minute rating; fiber glass wall case; and formed carrier and support harness which is flame and heat resistant, steel reinforced, and with reflective coatings and markings. Charts and video shall be provided to install wall case on mechanical room wall as indicated on drawings. O. Sound Data: The chiller “A” weighted sound pressure level (SPL), in decibels (dBA), with a reference pressure of 20 micropascals, shall not exceed 80 dBA. All ratings shall be in accordance with ARI Standard 575-87, "Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Within Equipment Rooms." No reduction in entering condenser water or raising of leaving chilled water temperatures shall be allowed in the sound data. The specified chiller meets the referenced noise criteria above. If the contractor chooses to use chillers of an approved manufacturer other than the Basis of Design”, the contractor is responsible for any and all field modifications to meet this noise criteria. No payment shall be made to the contractor until compliance with the specified sound requirements are deemed acceptable by the owner's representative. WATER COOLED CHILLER 23 64 16 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 P. Submittal data shall include data for lowest condenser water supply temperature for safe operation. Chiller manufacturer shall refer to Automatic Temperature Control sequences (SECTION 15900) and verify compliance with sequences as described or delineate in his proposal any exceptions required for proper operation of chillers. Manufacturer shall include modifications to chiller or chiller controls as required to comply with sequences specified. Q. Submittal data shall also include a listing of parameters to be reported on the Performance Test, such as: entering and leaving water temperatures, refrigerant temperatures and pressures, superheat, liquid temperature, sub cooling, etc. all points necessary to verify chiller performance/capacity. PART 3 - INSTALLATION 3.01 CHILLER PIPING A. Contractor shall arrange piping so as to provide required access to equipment. B. Piping to chillers shall allow for removal of headers for inspection cleaning or removal of tubes. 3.02 PERFORMANCE TESTS A. A chiller capacity test shall be provided. The chiller shall be run under fully loaded conditions at specified conditions at the Manufacturer's factory in accordance with ARI 550-88 on a laboratory type calorimeter to check and verify unit performance including capacity (tons and kw), vibration, operating controls, and safety cutout performance. Test shall be performed at a fouling factor of 0.00025. The Manufacturer shall provide to the Owner a notarized certification of this test prior to invoicing/payment request, in lieu of a field capacity test. B. Four (4) copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Architect. END OF SECTION 23 64 16 WATER COOLED CHILLER 23 64 16 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 23 65 00 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWERS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 1.2 SUMMARY A. The General Provisions, Supplemental General Provisions, section 23 65 00, Division 1 Specifications and Special Provisions apply to all Work specified in this Section. B. This section describes the basic materials and installation methods for the cooling tower system. Comply with other Division 23 sections and drawings as applicable. Refer to other divisions for coordination of work. C. Furnish and install all components of the cooling tower system specified herein, as indicated on the drawings, and as required to provide complete and operating systems. D. Refer to Section 23 25 00, “Water Treatment Systems”, for information regarding required chemicals, etc. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 1.3 Work Included: Provide a UL listed, factory-assembled cooling tower complete with casing, fans, motors, vibration isolation, drives, water distribution system, eliminators, or insulated basin with heaters, anti-cavitation plate and plate heat exchangers. The complete packaged tower, not just components, shall be approved as a unit by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and shall bear the UL label, where required by code QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Basis of design is EVAPCO. Approved alternate manufacturers are Baltimore Air Coil (BAC) and Marley. B. Certification: Provide manufacturer's certification of system cooling capacity. Provide performance curve plotting Leaving-Water Temperature (LWT) against Wet-Bulb Temperature (WBT). The cooling tower thermal ratings shall comply with CTI certification. C. Capacity: The cooling tower shall be selected based on the 0.4% wet bulb design condition listed in the latest edition of ASHRAE Fundamentals for the nearest location to this project, or that listed in the Cooling Tower Schedule on the drawings, whichever is greater. In addition, the cooling tower selection shall be such that an additional 10% capacity can be achieved by changing the fan motors. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 COOLING TOWER SYSTEM A. General: Furnish and install a factory assembled cooling tower system using manufacturer's standard design, materials, and construction in accordance with his published product information, except as otherwise indicated. INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER 23 65 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 B. Loading: Structural system shall be adequate to withstand the following live loading (any direction) in addition to tower dead loads and operating-loads. Coordinate with the Structural Engineer. 1. Wind Loading: The cooling tower structure shall be guaranteed to withstand a wind velocity of at least 100 mph, or greater, if required by local codes. C. Fabrication: Principal construction shall be of heavy gauge, 6235 galvanized steel angles and channel. Casing shall consist of fiberglass-reinforced polyester (FRP) panels D. Cold Water Basin: The cold water basin shall be constructed of heavy gauge hot-dip galvanized steel. Basin shall include a depressed center section with drain/clean-out connection. Standard accessories shall include large area lift-out, steel strainers with perforated openings sized smaller than water distribution nozzle orifices; an integral antivortexing hood to prevent air entrainment; and electronic water level sensor for the control of the makeup water valve. E. Air Inlet Louvers: Inlet louvers shall be wave formed, fiberglass-reinforced polyester (FRP) spaced to minimize air resistance and prevent water splash out. F. Water Distribution System: Hot water distribution basins shall be the open gravity type. Basin weirs and plastic metering orifices shall be provided to assure even distribution of water over the wet deck surface. Thermo-formed, high- density polyethylene (HDPE) basin covers shall be furnished to prevent the formation of algae and the accumulation of debris in the hot water distribution basins. G. Wet Deck Surface and Drift Eliminators: The wet deck surface and integral drift eliminators shall be formed from polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), shall be impervious to rot, decay, and fungus or biological attacks. The surface shall be manufactured and performance tested by the cooling tower manufacturer to provide single source responsibility and assure control of the final product. H. Mechanical Equipment: Fan(s) shall be heavy duty, axial flow, with aluminum alloy blades. It shall discharge through a fan cylinder designed for streamlined air entry and minimum tip clearance for maximum fan efficiency. Fan and shaft shall be supported by heavy-duty, selfaligning, grease packed ball bearings with moisture-proof seals and integral slinger rings. All bearings shall be designed for minimum L10 life of 40,000 hours. Fan shall be driven by a one-piece multi-groove, neoprene/polyester belt designed specifically for cooling tower service. Fan sheave shall be cast aluminum and motor sheave shall be protected from moist discharge air by a vented enclosure. Fan motor shall be totally enclosed air over (TEAO), reversible, squirrel cage, ball bearing type, designed specifically for cooling tower service. Motor shall be furnished with special moisture protection on windings, shafts and bearings. I. Access and Safety: A hinged access door shall be provided for access to eliminators and fan plenum section. A heavy gauge, hot-dip galvanized wire fan guard shall be provided over each fan cylinder. J. Basin Heaters: Provide basin heaters to maintain water temperature to a minimum of 40ºF. K. Vibration Cutout Switch: Provide switch to de-energize fan motor if excessive vibration occurs due to fan imbalance. INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER 23 65 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY L. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Ladder, Safety Cage and Perimeter Handrails: Provide ladders, safety cages and perimeter handrails when required by OSHA or applicable industry standards. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with manufacturer's instructions for installation, except as otherwise indicated. B. Level: Level units to a tolerance of 1/8" in 10' in both directions. C. Mounting: Properly locate and anchor the towers on the supports. Level and provide means for proper drainage. Coordinate footing and steel beam support requirement with the structural contractor. D. Identification: Refer to Section 15190, “Mechanical Identification” for applicable painting, nameplate, and labeling requirements. E. Vibration Isolation: Vibration isolation shall be utilized on all roof mounted cooling towers. START-UP A. 3.3 General: Clean the tower thoroughly. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for filling and start-up of operation, but not less than the following: 1. Verify lubrication of rotating parts; lubricate as needed. 2. Verify fan rotation direction. 3. Verify that vibration switch is properly connected in the motor circuit. 4. Verify that motor amperage is in accordance with manufacturer's data. 5. Balance tower water flow to each tower and/or cell. 6. Adjust water level control for proper operating level, based on manufacturer’s requirements. 7. Ensure water treatment chemicals have been added to system. 8. Adjust temperature controls and verify operation. TESTING AND ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Performance Test: The cooling tower manufacturer shall provide certification of the performance of this unit based on factory tests of this tower or similar units from previous production runs. B. Cleaning: The cooling tower and both piping loops (on either side of the heat exchanger) shall be back-flushed and cleaned to remove all construction dirt and debris prior to system testing and adjusting. END OF SECTION 23 65 00 INDUCED DRAFT COOLING TOWER 23 65 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 32 14 13.13 UNIT PAVERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Work Included: The work under this Section consists of all brick unit paver units, bedding sand and filler, complete, in place, as indicated on the Drawings, specified herein, and needed for a complete and proper installation. C. Related Work Includes: Concrete Paving Section 32 13 13 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. General: Comply with the provisions of Division 1 requirements. B. Product Data: Within 15 calendar days of Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Product Data: Provide characteristics of paver unit and dimensions. 2. Samples: Submit six (6) samples of unit paver, illustrating style, size, color range and surface texture of units being provided. 3. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate substrate requirements and installation methods. 4. Sand Joint Stabilizer. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Sample Panel: Thirty (30) days minimum prior to work of this Section, construct sample panel(s) using all materials included for the completed work. Panel to be approved by the Landscape Architect and remain in place for the duration of construction as a measure of quality and workmanship at which time panel will be removed and disposed of by the Contractor. Coordinate sample panel placement with cement concrete paving sample panel. Panel(s) are to include all patterns of pavers required by the contract documents. B. Qualified Installer: Installation shall be by an installer with at least five (5) years experience and who has installed at least 200,000 square feet of sand-set pavers in commercial projects. C. References: American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM C-33 Concrete Aggregates 2. ASTM C-94 Standard Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete 3. ASTM C-131 Resistance to Degradation of Small-Sized Course Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine 4. ASTM C-136 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Course Grained Aggregates 5. ASTM C-140 Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units 6. ASTM C-144 Aggregate for Masonry Mortar 7. ASTM C-920 Elastomeric Joint Sealants 8. ASTM C-936 Solid Concrete Interlocking Paving Units 9. ASTM C-979 Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete 10. ASTM C-1645 Freeze-thaw and De-icing Salt Durability of Solid Interlocking Paving Units 11. ASTM D-698 Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort UNIT PAVERS 32 14 13.13 - !1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1.04 ASTM D-1557 Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D-994 Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) ASTM D-1883 CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory Compacted Soils. ASTM D-2488 Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure) ASTM D-2488 Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure) ASTM D-2940 Graded Aggregate Material for Bases or Subbases for Highways or Airports 18. ASTM D-6373 Performance Graded Asphalt Binder 19. ASTM D-7428 Resistance of Fine Aggregates to Degradation by Abrasion in the MicroDeval Apparatus DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: Comply with the provisions of Division 1 requirements. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 CLAY UNIT PAVERS A. Brick pavers shall be A Grade pavers manufactured/supplied by a member of the Brick Institute of America (BIA). The BIA manufacturer/supplier shall be: 1. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Name: PINE HALL BRICK, “English Edge Full Range” Address: P. O. Box 11044 2701 Shorefair Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27116-1044 (800) 334-8689 b. Name: BORAL BRICKS, INC., “Heartland Flashed” Address: 200 Mansell Ct East, Suite 305 Roswell, GA 30076 (800) 526-7255 c. Approved substitute. 2. Product name/shape, overall dimensions, and thickness of the paver(s) used: a. Standard Pavers: 4" x 8" (including spacer lugs), 2¼” thick. b. Truncated Dome Pavers: 4” x 8” (including spacer lugs), 2¼” thick. c. Heavy Vehicular pavers: 4" x 8" (including spacer lugs), 2¾" thick. 2.02 BEDDING SAND: Natural river sand meeting ASTM Specifications C-33 for fine aggregate; clean, hard, durable, sharp grains and free from deleterious materials. 2.03 SAND JOINT STABILIZER: ‘Techniseal RG Polymeric Sand’ as manufactured by Techniseal (1-800-465-7325). Color to be selected by Owner. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that base is dry and ready to support pavers and imposed loads. B. Verify gradients and elevations of base are correct. C. Verify layout dimensions. D. Verify location, type, installation and elevations of edge restraints around the perimeter area to be paved. E. Beginning of installation signifies acceptance of base conditions. UNIT PAVERS 32 14 13.13 - !2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 PLACING OF UNIT PAVERS A. Install edge restraints as indicated in the Drawings, or construct bases as shown in the Drawings, before placing unit pavers. B. Spread sand evenly over the base course and screed to required thickness. Do not disturb the screeded sand. Place sufficient sand to stay ahead of laid pavers. C. Insure that pavers are free of foreign materials before installation. D. Lay pavers in pattern(s) indicated on the drawings. Maintain straight pattern lines. Lay pavers in a manner to ensure proper color mixing. E. Maintain tight evenly spaced joints at 1/16" minimum and 1/8 inch maximum width joints to prevent chipping and spalling. F. Apply sand joint stabilizer per manufacturer’s specifications. Do not apply on wet surface. G Install cut pavers only along the middle sections of bands, not at ends or corners, or within the distance from ends or corners described in the Drawings. Cut using a masonry saw, and cut in such a manner that no segment is smaller than half a full paver in either width or length. H. Use a low amplitude, high frequency plate vibrator capable of 3000 to 5000 lbs. centrifugal compaction force to vibrate pavers into the sand. Use a rubber mat attached to the vibrator to protect the pavers I. Vibrate the pavers, sweeping dry sand into the joints and vibrating until they are full. Make a minimum of three passes with the vibrator. Do not vibrate within three feet of the unrestrained edges of the paving units. J. All work to within three feet of the laying face must be left fully compacted with sand-filled joints at the completion of each day. K. Sweep off excess sand when the job is complete. Review one month after installation is complete to inspect sand in joints. Add additional sand to fill joints where necessary. GRADES, ALIGNMENT, TOLERANCES A. General: Place pavers to conform to the lines and grades shown or indicated on the Drawings with a tolerance of not greater than 1/4 inch in ten (10) feet when tested with a straight edge. B. Maintain surface elevation of pavers 1/8 inch above adjacent drain inlets, concrete collars and channels. JOINT SAND STABILIZER APPLICATION A. Clean surface of oil, dust from cutting and any loose material prior to the application of a polymeric joint sand stabilizer. Surface and joint sand is to be dry for its full depth prior to commencing work. B. Protect treated area from rain or moisture and do not allow traffic for Twenty-four (24) hours after the completion of the stabilizer application. C. Apply polymeric joint stabilizer in strict accordance with Manufacturer’s instructions. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE A. Repairs: 1. Repair or replace any damaged work to the original specified condition prior to handover. 2. Where lateral displacement of the pavers has occurred in areas where cut pavers were used, replace with new cut pavers of the correct size to comply with the specified joint widths and re-establish the surface. B. Maintenance: Return to the site at the Owner’s request over a period of one year from Substantial Completion to rectify any problems in the work caused by its failure adequately to align the pavers, compact the bedding sand or fill the joints. END OF SECTION
UNIT PAVERS 32 14 13.13 - !3 BLANK PAGE NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 32 84 00 IRRIGATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Section includes all labor, materials, appliances, equipment, services and incidentals necessary for furnishing, installing and testing, complete and ready for operation, the irrigation system required by the Drawings and these Specifications. C. Related Work includes: Turf and Grasses - Section 32 92 00; Planting - Section 32 93 00. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit a detailed list showing each item which is to be furnished by make, trade name or catalog number; together with manufacturer's specifications, certified prints, cut sheets, and other data sufficient for making comparisons with items specified. B. Shop Drawings: Submit complete shop drawings as required. C. Hydrostatic Test Results: Submit three (3) copies and maintain one (1) copy of all test results on-site for reference. D. Project Close-Out: 1. Record ‘As-Built’ Drawings (digital format). 2. Equipment Operating and Maintenance Manuals (3). 3. Maintenance Schedule (3). 4. Equipment Warranty dates and guarantees (3). 5. List of Owner's personnel who have received operation and maintenance instructions. 6. Spare Parts. 7. Valve Schedule: Provide a printed list of valves, giving number and control of each, also a small, scale diagram outlining the general run of pipe lines and giving the location of valves. Produce diagram by standard drafting techniques. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with local, state, and federal laws and National Sanitation Foundation recommendations governing or relating to this Work. B. Site Inspection: Prior to all Work of this Section, inspect all areas affected by the Work of this Section. Check existing construction to assure proper completion of the Work of this Section. Confirm all findings requiring correction in writing. Do not proceed with Work until corrective measures have been taken. Failure of the Contractor to comply with this requirement will be construed as the Contractor having accepted existing conditions and the Contractor at no cost will make any necessary or required corrective measures to the Owner. 1.04 QUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR A. Minimum qualifications: 1. Satisfactory experience record with installations of character and scope comparable to this project. 2. In business as a contractor for work of this type, continuously, for at least five (5) years prior to the date of this project. 1.05 INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS A. Drawings show the general run of pipes, the approximate location of apparatus and are schematic in nature. Make all necessary measurements in the field to ensure precise fit of IRRIGATION 32 84 00 - !1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1.06 1.07 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 \ items in accordance with the design intent. At critical points, prepare shop drawings for proper space utilization. Make necessary adjustments in the layout as required to connect to existing stub-outs or points of connection. B. Notify Landscape Architect in writing of any changes in size or location of material or equipment necessary to meet field conditions, or in order to avoid conflict with the equipment of other trades. C. All equipment and accessories shall be located in such a manner as to provide ready access for proper service and maintenance. COORDINATION: Sleeves under walks, roadways, paving, etc., are installed as part of the work of this Section. TESTS: Include all tests specified and/or required under laws, rules and regulations of all departments having jurisdiction. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL: A. Provide new, standard, first-grade materials throughout. B. Materials and products specified by manufacturer's name, brand, trade name, or catalog reference, are the basis of design. Substitutions will be considered only by written request for approval. Include in each request the name of the material or equipment for which substitution is proposed and a complete description of the proposed substitute including drawings, cut sheets, performance and test data and any other information necessary for evaluation. The burden of proof of the merit of the proposed substitute is upon the proposer. C. Provide similar items of equipment from the same manufacturer. 2.02 PIPE A. General: Conforming to ASTM Standards for pipe of each material; each length or fitting stamped or indelibly marked with weight or quality thereof, and maker's name or mark best quality, free from cracks, holes, blisters and other defects. B. Plastic Pipe: 1. Sleeves: Schedule 40 PVC or as noted in the Drawings. 2. 1" - 2 1/2" diameter Lateral Piping: Class 200 PVC, solvent weld. 3. Main Line Piping and 3" diameter and larger: Schedule 40 PVC. Gasket pipe and fitting. No insert gaskets or insert gasket fittings will be accepted. 4. Fittings: PVC for corresponding service. C. Copper Tube: ASTM Specifications B88, copper water tube type "K" with cast brass or wrought copper water tube fittings. 2.03 ISOLATION GATE VALVES: 125 pound rated minimum, mechanical joint, rising stem, resilient wedge, of size required for the line indicated on the Drawings. 2.04 VALVE ACCESS A. Provide access to underground valves and the like as follows: 1. Remote Control Valves: 10" round ‘Pentek’ valve box or approved substitute. 2. Gate Valves: 6” round ‘Pentek’ valve box or approved substitute. 3. Control Valves/Drain Valves/Other Underground Devices: ‘Pentek’ plastic box and cover of the size required to insure adjustment or replacement of the device as required or approved substitute. 4. Provide valve box extensions as required to bring top of valve box flush with finished grade. 2.05 IRRIGATION HEADS: As shown in the Schedules on the Drawings. IRRIGATION 32 84 00 - !2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 LANDSCAPE DRIP LINE: As shown in the Schedules on the Drawings. RAIN SENSOR: As shown in the Schedules on the Drawings. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER: As shown in the Schedules on the Drawings. DECODERS: A. Rain Bird FD-101TURF Decoder for each remote control valve. B. Rain Bird SD-210 13009 Sensor Decoder for rain sensor. LINE SURGE PROTECTION: Rain Bird LSP-TURF M10008 Surge Protector with Grounding rod where shown on the Drawings. IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRING: Rain Bird MAXI-Cable 12-2UF Double Jacketed, Blue with DBY connectors for all wiring connections. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES: As shown in the Schedules on the Drawings and sized to match lateral pipe diameter as shown on the Drawings. BACKFLOW PREVENTER: Verify type and provide backflow prevention device approved by local water authority. A. Double Check Backflow Preventer: ‘Watts’ 007 Double Check Assembly. B. Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer: ‘Watts’ 009 Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly with insulated enclosure and heating element. WATER METER: Provide water meter meeting the requirements of the local water authority. EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS: Provide supports for piping and equipment. Hot dip galvanize after fabrication all supports, etc., located outdoors. Paint all exposed flat black. CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS: 3000psi cast-in place concrete. Size as indicated on the Drawings. OTHER MATERIALS: All other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper irrigation system installation, shall be new, first quality of their respective kinds, and subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The Irrigation Drawings are diagrammatic in general, and subject to the requirements of the Drawings. Drawings indicate generally the locations of the component parts of the system, but are not intended to show all fittings or all details of the work. Follow the Drawings as closely as possible, checking all dimensions against conditions existing in the field. B. Water Piping: 1. Plastic: In planted areas. 2. Copper Tube: Where passes through concrete, is to be covered by concrete, or is exposed. C. Provide full and complete coverage of all watered areas and make any minor adjustments as required. 3.02 EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING A. Excavate trenches wide enough for proper installation of work and grade trench bottoms evenly, providing bell holes as necessary to insure uniform bearing for pipes. Do not block or mound material to bring pipe to final grade. In rocky areas excavate an additional six (6) inches below specified trench depth to allow for proper bedding of pipe. Trench excavation is defined as unclassified excavation for the purposes of this Section. Refill any cuts below required pipe grade with selected material and firmly compact. Properly shore trenches to protect workmen and adjacent work. B. Backfill after inspection authorities having jurisdiction. Backfill with selected material and compact. Use only backfill material free of wood, steel, brick, rock, etc. Under pavements and other surfacing, compact in 6" layers. In backfilling, take care not to disturb pipe. Use IRRIGATION 32 84 00 - !3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 \ no rock for backfill. PIPE INSTALLATION: A. Pipe Line Assembly: 1. Lay out work and install as accurately as possible to the Drawings and in accordance with pipe manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Install no piping in direct contact with slag fill. Where necessary to pass through slag, protect piping with not less than two (2) wrappings of polyvinyl chloride tape, or equivalent protection. 3. Install all piping concealed, except where specifically shown or specified exposed. Lay underground piping to depth of cover as indicated on the Drawings. Support underground piping solidly along body of pipe. Pipes sharing the same trench shall have a minimum horizontal and vertical separation of 4”. 4. Install in a manner to provide for expansion and contraction as recommended by the manufacturer. 5. Provide concrete thrust blocks at all changes in direction of main line piping as indicated on the Drawings. B. Pipe Joints: 1. Threaded Piping: Make joints with Teflon tape applied to male threads only. 2. Plastic Piping: Solvent weld according to recognized plumbing practices. a. For joining PVC pipe, use a cement complying with ASTM D-2564 and recommendations of pipe manufacturer. b. For cleaning PVC use a cleaner complying with recommendations of pipe manufacturer. 3. Whenever dissimilar metals connect, provide dielectric insulating unions or couplings. 4. Make all connections between plastic pipe and metal pipe and equipment with threaded fittings using plastic adapters and Teflon tape. 5. In Copper Tubing: 95-5 solder joints in accordance with recognized plumbing practices. C. Closing of Pipe and Flushing Lines: 1. Temporarily cap or plug open ends as soon as lines have been installed to prevent the entrance of materials that would obstruct the pipe. Leave in place until removal is necessary for completion of installation. 2. Thoroughly flush out all water lines after testing and before installing heads. HYDROSTATIC TESTS A. Prior to backfilling of trenches, center load piping to prevent arching or slipping under pressure. B. Apply a continuous and static water pressure of 100 psi minimum when welded plastic joints have cured at least 24 hours and with the risers capped as follows: 1. Main lines and submains to be tested for six (6) hours with 5 psi loss maximum. C. Repair leaks resulting from tests. D. After testing, leave general pressure on until ready to install heads, except when necessary to drain to avoid freezing during construction. WATER METER: Verify location of placement with local water authority and install per their requirements. BACKFLOW PREVENTER: Verify location of placement with local water authority and install per their requirements and as follows: A. Double Check Backflow Preventer: 1. Readily accessible for testing, repair, and maintenance IRRIGATION 32 84 00 - !4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 2. 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Install in a pit with a minimum of 12-inch clearance between all sides of the vault including the floor, and roof, or ceiling and must be approved by the local water authority. 3. Install in a horizontal position only. B. Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer: 1. Protect from freezing and vandalism. 2. Provide concrete pad, enclosure and electrical connections for heating element. 3. Install so that bottom of device is a minimum of 12 inches above the ground or floor. 4. Install so that device is a minimum of 12 inches from any walls, ceilings, or encumbrances and readily accessible for testing, repair, and maintenance. 5. Do not install in a pit. 6. Do not connect relief valve directly to any waste disposal line, including sanitary sewer, storm drains or vents. 7. Install in a horizontal position only. LANDSCAPE DRIP LINE: Install Landscape Drip Line per manufacturer’s recommendations. REMOTE CONTROL VALVES/DECODERS: Install where indicated on the Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Valve/decoder connectors shall include a 36” wire expansion coil to facilitate raising splices to ground level without cutting wires. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER: Install where indicated on the Drawings and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. ISOLATION VALVES: Install as indicated on the Drawings. Provide valve operating tool(s) in the event valves are installed below arm access from finished grade. VALVE BOXES: All valves shall be installed in valve boxes of sufficient size to perform routine maintenance on valves. Install so that the top is flush with finished grade and square with adjacent building, wall, walk, etc. Install valve box extensions as required to bring top of valve box flush with finished grade. CONTROL WIRING/LINE SURGE PROTECTION: Install control wiring in a neat and orderly manner, run in same trench as piping. Make connections to remote control valve/decoder using specified connectors. Do not exceed manufacturer’s recommended maximum length of wire runs or distances between line surge protection. Make connections to the controller as required. IRRIGATION HEADS: Install all heads as shown and detailed on the Drawings. Heads shall be installed with a 2” space between the edge of the head and curbs, walls, sidewalks, driveways, etc. Set plumb to finished grade. Do not use thread sealing compound on threaded connections between sprinkler head and nipple. FINAL TEST: Test and adjust all parts of the irrigation system, and associated equipment to work properly and be left in perfect operating condition. Correct all defects disclosed by these tests. SPARE PARTS: A. Provide the Owner with the following: 1. Two (2) extra sprinkler head(s) with nozzles, of each size and type; 2. One (I) extra valve(s) of each size; 3. One (I) extra valve access box(es); 4. One (I) key(s) for manual valves; 5. Two (2) head adjustment wrenches; 6. Five (5) repair couplings for each size and type of pipe. END OF SECTION
IRRIGATION 32 84 00 - !5 BLANK PAGE NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 32 91 13.19 TOPSOIL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Section includes all work for furnishing, transporting, installing and spreading stockpiled or imported topsoil as required to properly complete project work; sub-grade preparation to include excavation and removal of unsuitable materials and backfilling as required; rough, finish and fine grading as required; restoration to original condition of areas outside the limits of construction disturbed by work under this Contract; and testing as specified and/or required. C. Related Work includes: Turf and Grasses - Section 32 92 00; Planting - Section 32 93 00. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Test Results: Submit three (3) copies and maintain one (1) copy of all test results on-site for reference. B. Samples: If required, submit by volume three (3) one-half cubic foot samples each of stockpiled and imported topsoil to be used in the work. C. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature, instructions and guaranteed analysis for fertilizer and/or lime. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS A. Dust Control: 1. Use all means necessary to control dust on and near the Work and on and near all offsite borrow areas if such dust is caused by the Contractor’s operations during performance of the Work or if resulting from the condition in which the Contractor leaves the site. 2. Thoroughly moisten all surfaces as required to prevent dust being a nuisance to the public and concurrent performance of other work on site. B. Protection: 1. Use all means necessary to protect all materials of this Section before, during and after installation; to protect all objects designated to remain, existing construction and to protect the public. 2. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Landscape Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL A. Topsoil: 1. If quantity of onsite topsoil is insufficient, provide material as required for completion of work. All topsoil, whether stockpiled or imported, is subject to this specification. 2. Natural, workable, friable, loamy sand, sandy loam to loam soil without admixture of subsoil, refuse, or foreign materials, free from hard lumps, stiff clay, hardpan, gravel, noxious weeds, brush, or other undesirable material harmful to plant growth. Topsoil found to contain any of the above materials is to be removed from the Work. TOPSOIL 32 91 13.19 - !1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 3. Exhibit a minimum field percolation rate of 3" per hour at 90% +/- standard laboratory density. B. Fire Lane Topsoil: 1. Well blended loamy sand with a minimum sand content of 85%, without admixture of subsoil, refuse, or foreign materials, free from hard lumps, stiff clay, hardpan, gravel, noxious weeds, brush, or other undesirable material harmful to plant growth. C. Testing: 1. Sample and test topsoil for compliance with specified characteristics and for nutrient and ph requirements. 2. Testing to be performed by a certified soils testing laboratory, in accordance with standard laboratory procedures. 3. Test a minimum of three (3) initial samples of any proposed topsoil. D. Additions of fertilizer and/or lime recommended by soils test reports are part of the work of this Section. No additions to or placement of topsoil prior to initial soils test reports approval. LIME A. General: Ground or crushed agricultural limestone. B. Characteristics: 1. 90% passing a 10-mesh screen. 2. Not less than 50% passing a 60-mesh screen. 3. Neutralizing value of 90% calcium carbonate or better. 4. Dry and free flowing. FERTILIZER: Comply with all State Fertilizer Laws when tested by current methods adopted by the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists. Analysis as recommended by soils test reports. FIRE LANE FIBER REINFORCEMENT SYSTEM: Turfgrids: Manufactured by Fiber Reinforced Soils, LLC PO Box 80198 Baton Rouge, LA 70898, phone: (866) 342-3771 OTHER MATERIALS: All other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor, subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Familiarization: Prior to all work of this Section, become thoroughly familiar with the site, site conditions, and all portions of the Work falling within this Section. B. Inspection: Prior to all work of this Section, inspect all areas of the site. Check existing subgrade elevations, lines, grades, conditions to assure specified topsoil depths and final finished grades. Note any and all areas showing concentrations of construction debris. Confirm all findings requiring correction to the Landscape Architect in writing. Do not proceed with work until corrective measures have been taken. Failure to comply with this requirement will be construed as having accepted existing subgrade. C. Operations Prior to Approvals: 1. Do not allow or cause any work to be performed or enclosed by work of this Section prior to all required inspections, tests and approvals. 2. Should any work be so enclosed or covered before it has been approved, uncover at no additional cost to the Owner. 3. After work has been completely tested, inspected, and approved, make all repairs and replacements necessary to restore the work to the condition in which it was found at the time of uncovering, all at no additional cost to the Owner. TOPSOIL 32 91 13.19 - !2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.02 3.03 3.04 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SUB-GRADE PREPARATION A. Loosen sub-grade soil to a minimum depth of three (3) inches and grade to remove all ridges and depressions so that it will be parallel to proposed finished grade. All stones over two (2) inches in any dimension, sticks, rubbish and other extraneous matter shall be removed from the sub-grade soil during this operation. B. Where concentrations of rubble, crushed limestone, concrete, asphalt and other construction debris are encountered, remove entirely to a minimum depth of 12 inches below completed subgrade. Backfill such areas with clean subgrade soil material and compact to specified density. Recondition backfilled surface as specified. C. Where completed sub-grade areas are disturbed by subsequent operations or weather, scarify and reshape the surface prior to spreading topsoil. TOPSOIL PLACEMENT A. Spread topsoil in all areas disturbed by contract work and not shown on the Drawings to be covered by other construction or materials. Install to produce required minimum finished depth as noted in the Drawings. B. Do not place topsoil in frozen or wet conditions. C. Thoroughly and uniformly incorporate fertilizer and/or lime during spreading operations and as recommended by soils test reports. D. Compaction, general: Compact each soil layer to at least the specified minimum degree. Repeat compaction process until finished elevation is attained. E. Degree of Compaction Requirements: 1. Topsoil Areas: Compact topsoil areas to ninety percent (90%)± standard laboratory density. Do not over compact. 2. Testing: Provide testing as required to assure compliance with specifications. F. Carefully fine grade and rake topsoil surface to the finished lines, grades and elevations. During this operation, remove all stones over one (1) inch in any dimension, sticks, rubbish and other debris from the surface. Feather topsoil into existing ground surface at applicable limits of Work to produce a smooth, uniform transition from new to existing. FIBER REINFORCEMENT INSTALLATION A. Place sandy loam material to the depth shown on the drawings and as described in 3.4 this Section. B. Layout area to receive fiber reinforcement as indicated on the drawings. C. D. 3.05 Water areas designated to receive fibers prior to spreading. Spread fibers at an application rate of one pound per eight square feet (one 50lb bag / 400s.f.). Spread in specified areas using drop spreader, top dresser, modified straw blower, or by hand. Rake by hand as required to obtain uniform coverage at specified application rate. Closely monitor to verify application rate. Do not apply in windy conditions. E. Till fibers to a depth of five to six inches (5”-6”) with an approved reverse tine rotary mixer until uniform blend of fiber and root zone is obtained. Make two (2) passes minimum with mixer at differing directions and no more than five (5) passes. Do not exceed six-inch (6”) depth. Approved mixing equipment: Rotodairon, Blecavator, or Colari. F. Water the surface as required after the tilling process. G. Reestablish final grade with four to six ton (4 - 6 ton) double steel drum roller. If high or low areas, ridges or other irregularities exist, hand-rake to final grade and re-roll. TREATMENT AFTER COMPLETION OF GRADING A. After fine grading is complete permit no further excavating, filling or grading. TOPSOIL 32 91 13.19 - !3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY B. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Use all means necessary to prevent erosion of or damage to completed areas during construction and until final acceptance of the work. END OF SECTION TOPSOIL 32 91 13.19 - !4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 32 92 00 TURF AND GRASSES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. The Work under this Section consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, tests, royalties, services and other incidentals as may be required for the good and proper completion of grassing operations. In general, the Work includes ground preparation; sod and sodding; seed and seeding; mulch and mulching; fertilizer and fertilizing; water and watering; and full maintenance. C. Related Work includes: Topsoil - Section 32 19 13.19; Planting - Section 32 93 00; Irrigation - Section 32 84 00. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature, instructions and guaranteed analysis for fertilizer and/or lime. B. Certificates: Deliver all certificates of inspection and quality showing specific materials covered by each certificate. C. Maintenance Schedule: Submit a detailed maintenance outline and schedule for the Work of this Section. Include maintenance times and procedures to be followed by the Owner's personnel. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: 1. Perform sodding operations per Section V of Turfgrass Producers International (TPI) Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding, revised 1995. 2. Comply with state and federal laws relating to inspection for disease and insect control. 3. Grass nomenclature: a. Hortus Third, ed. Staff of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University, 1976. b. Names commonly used in the trade if not listed in the above standard. c. In all cases, botanical names take precedence over common names. B. Site Inspection: Prior to all Work of this Section, inspect all areas affected by the Work of this Section. Check existing construction to assure proper completion of the Work of this Section. Confirm all findings requiring correction in writing. Do not proceed with Work until corrective measures have been taken. Failure of the Contractor to comply with this requirement will be construed as the Contractor having accepted existing conditions and the Contractor at no cost will make any necessary or required corrective measures to the Owner. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Prior to shipment and after delivery, protect turfgrass from exposure to freezing and drying conditions. B. An on-site storage area will be designated for the Contractor's use. TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - !1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1.05 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 JOB CONDITIONS: A. Dust Control: 1. Use all means necessary to control dust on and near the Work and on and near all off-site areas. 2. Thoroughly moisten all surfaces as required to prevent dust being a nuisance to the public and concurrent performance of other Work on the site. B. Protection: 1. Use all means necessary to protect all materials of this Section before, during and after installation; to protect all objects designated to remain, existing construction and to protect the public. 2. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SOLID SOD TURFGRASS A. Nursery grown turfgrass as shown on the drawings and as follows: 1. Free of objectionable grassy and broad leaf weeds, less than 5 weed plants per 100 square feet. 2. Growing Media: Furnish sod grown in loamy sandy to loam topsoil and that one-half inch minimum of soil is removed with the turf. 3. Squares: Cut to the supplier’s standard width and length. Provide with less than one-half inch deviation from standard width and five percent on length. Squares and torn or uneven ends will not be acceptable. 4. Sod Strength: strong enough that it can be picked up and handled without damage. 5. Moisture Content: Do not harvest or place when its moisture content is excessively low or high. 6. Mowing Height: Prior to harvesting, the turfgrass is to be maintained at a regular mowing height from three-quarters to one and one-half inches. 7. Time Limitation: Harvest, deliver and install within a period of 24 hours 2.02 GRASS SEED A. Grass seed as shown on the Drawings and as follows: 1. Certified by an Official Seed Certifying Agency and tested within nine months prior to use. 2. Separately packed and delivered to the project in a seed-tight bag, each bag bearing a tag or label with the seal of the Official Seed Certifying Agency. 3. Seeds shall conform to the seed law of the State of Alabama and delivered to the site in the original unopened container, bearing the variety name, percent of germination, purity of the seed, and percent of obnoxious weeds and inert matter. 2.03 WATER: Fresh, free from oil or any other impurity or substance harmful to the Work or to plant materials and seed. Make arrangements necessary to insure an adequate supply of water to meet the needs of this Contract. Furnish all necessary hose, equipment, attachments, and accessories necessary to complete the Work as specified. 2.04 STRAW MULCH FOR SEEDED AREAS: Threshed straw of oats, wheat, or rye, applied at the rate of not less than 1.75 tons per acre with a moisture content of not more than 15 percent, or if the moisture content exceeds 15 percent, proportionate increase shall be made in the rate of application. TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - !2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.05 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET: For seeded slopes greater than 3:1. Type 2.D short- term double net erosion control blanket meeting the requirements established by the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC) Specification and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Standard Specifications For Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SODDING A. General: 1. Sodding Season: As directed. 2. Damage to Sodded Areas: At all times from beginning of construction to Substantial Completion of entire project, provide protection for Work and repair damage occurring to sod and grades. B. Preparation for Sodding: 1. Refer to Topsoil Section 02215. 2. The exposed soil surface to be sodded shall be loosened to a minimum depth of three inches (3") and graded to remove all ridges and depressions. All stone over one inch (1") in any dimension, sticks, rubbish and other extraneous matter shall be removed during this 3. Finished Grading: All areas to be sodded shall then be graded and raked to the grades specified above in uniform, even slopes. The surface, when finished and settled, shall conform to the required grades and shall be free from hollows, high spots and other inequalities. During this operation, all stones over one inch (1") in any dimension, sticks and other debris shall be removed from the soil surface and disposed of off-site. C. Sod Installation: 1. Do not place sod when ground is wet or frozen. 2. Place in a straight lines, with rows placed parallel to and tightly against each other. Stagger joints. 3. Do not stretch or overlap pieces. 4. Butt edges tight. 5. Do not install torn or thin pieces 6. Locate and trim sod around all irrigation heads, valve boxes, etc. at time of sod installation. 7. Roll completed areas with hand-held roller to bond sod to soil and smooth out rough spots. 8. Cut –out and remove any torn or thin pieces and replace with fresh sod, 12 inches by 12 inches minimum. Replant areas which show bare spots larger than 2" in any dimension. 9. Water as required. D. Provide smooth completed surface free of irregularities, conforming to the grades and lines specified. 3.02 PERMANENT COVER SEEDING A. General: 1. Seeding Season: As directed. 2. Damage to Seeded Areas: At all times from beginning of construction to Substantial Completion of entire project, provide protection for Work and repair damage occurring to seeded areas and grades. TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - !3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.03 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 B. Preparation for Seeding: Refer to 3.1, B this Specification. C. Sowing: In the areas shown and noted on the Drawings, sow specified seed at the specified rate exercising care that uniform distribution of seed is obtained. Sow on a still day, using a hopper-type seeder or other approved equipment, one-half of the seed for each area being sown in a direction at right angles to the other half. After seeding, lightly rake, roll once with a roller weighing not less than one hundred (100) pounds per linear foot, and thoroughly water with a fine spray. Maintain uniform seed distribution during raking and watering. D. Mulching: Hand or machine apply specified mulch. Apply loose to permit air to circulate and compact enough to reduce erosion. Loosen baled mulch material and assure that bales contain no lumps or knots of compacted material. Provide a layer of mulch 1/4" thick in depth over the entire seeded area. Begin mulch application immediately following completion of sowing operations. E. Erosion Control Blanket: Install on all seeded slopes greater than 3:1. Install per manufacturer’s recommendations. F. Prior to final acceptance of seeded areas, provide a uniform cover over all seeded areas with a density of 95% of each square yard of the seeded area and a well developed root system.. For purposes of establishing an acceptable standard, scattered bare spots, none of which is larger than two (2) square feet, up to a maximum of five (5) percent of any seeded area. Resseed as required for coverage. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS A. Provide full maintenance of all grassed areas including watering, weeding, mowing, fertilizing, spraying, resodding and reseeding as necessary to keep the grass in a healthy, growing condition and to keep all grass neat and attractive during the maintenance period. The maintenance period will begin with the first plantings. B. Maintenance period will extend for thirty (30) days after Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION TURF AND GRASSES 32 92 00 - !4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 32 93 00 PLANTING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY: A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Section consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, tests, royalties, services and other incidentals as may be required for the good and proper completion of planting operations. In general, the Work includes ground preparation; plants and planting; guys, stakes and guying and staking; mulch and mulching; fertilizer and fertilizing; water and watering; and full maintenance. C. Related Work includes: Topsoil - Section 32 91 13.19; Irrigation - Section 32 84 00; Turf and Grasses - Section 32 92 00. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product literature, instructions and guaranteed analysis for fertilizer, lime and pre-emergent herbicide. B. Certificates: Deliver all certificates of inspection and show specific plant materials covered by each certificate. C. Maintenance Schedule: Submit a detailed maintenance outline and schedule for the Work of this Section. Include maintenance times and procedures to be followed by the Owner's personnel. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: 1. Comply with state and federal laws relating to inspection for disease and insect control. 2. Plant material quality: Conform to U.S.A. Standard for Nursery Stock, American Association of Nurserymen, Inc., latest edition. 3. Plant material nomenclature: a. Hortus Third, ed. Staff of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University, 1976. b. Names commonly used in the trade if not listed in the above standard. c. In all cases, botanical names take precedence over common names. B. Site Inspection: Prior to all Work of this Section, inspect all areas affected by the Work of this Section. Check existing construction to assure proper completion of the Work of this Section. Confirm all findings requiring correction in writing. Do not proceed with Work until corrective measures have been taken. Failure of the Contractor to comply with this requirement will be construed as the Contractor having accepted existing conditions and the Contractor at no cost will make any necessary or required corrective measures to the Owner. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. Prior to shipment and after delivery, protect plant material from exposure to extreme heat, freezing and drying conditions. Where possible store plant material in a well-ventilated and shaded place, protected from wind and sun. Do not install material damaged during shipment or storage. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS: A. Dust Control: 1. Use all means necessary to control dust on and near the Work and on and near all off-site areas. PLANTING 32 93 00 - !1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 2. Thoroughly moisten all surfaces as required to prevent dust being a nuisance to the public and concurrent performance of other Work on the site. B. Protection: 1. Use all means necessary to protect all materials of this Section before, during and after installation; to protect all objects designated to remain, existing construction and to protect the public. 2. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANT MATERIALS A. The plant species, sizes, manner in which to be furnished and quantities are given in the Plant Material Schedule on the Drawings. B. Provide plant material of standard quality, true to name and type, and first class representatives of their species or variety. Provide labels securely attached to all plant material for purpose of inspection and identification stating correct plant name and size requirements shown on Drawings. Provide B & B material having been root pruned within the last two years. Provide container grown plants having been grown in the delivery container for at least one growing season. C. Provide plant material having normal, well-developed branched and vigorous fibrous root systems. Provide healthy, vigorous plants free from defects, decay, disfiguring roots, sunscald injuries, abrasions of the bark, diseases, insect pests or their eggs, borers and any other form of infestation or objectionable disfigurements. D. Collected or grafted material will not be permitted unless otherwise indicated on the Plant Material Schedule on the Drawings. E. Plant materials lacking compactness or proper proportions, which are weak or thin, which have a damaged or crooked leader or multiple leaders (unless specified), or plant materials injured by too close planting in nursery rows will be rejected. F. Plant materials cut back from larger grades to meet requirements will be rejected. Plant materials shall not be pruned before planting. G. Measurements: 1. Measure plant material with branches in normal position. Height and spread dimensions refer to main body of plant and not from branch tip to tip. 2. Take caliper measurements on the trunk 6 inches above natural ground line for trees up to 4 inches in caliper and 12 inches above natural ground line for trees above 4 inches in caliper. 3. Measurements specified are the minimum size acceptable. Take measurements after pruning, where pruning is necessary. If size range is given, provide no material less than minimum size, and provide 50% of plant materials maximum size specified. 4. Plants meeting measurements specified, but without normal balance between height and spread will be rejected. 5. Plants larger than specified and of equal quality may be accepted, but at no additional cost. H. Balled Plants (B&B): Adequately balled with firm, natural balls of soil. If ball is cracked or broken before or during planting or if the plant is loose in ball, the plant will be rejected. I. Container-Grown Plants: Plant material designated "container-grown" in the Plant Schedule shall be in sound containers of the size specified and free of weeds and grasses. If root and soil mass is cracked or broken before or during planting, the plant will be rejected. Rootbound plant materials will not be accepted. J. Option to Methods: With the Landscape Architect's approval, plant material may be furnished container-grown instead of balled, if all other requirements are met. PLANTING 32 93 00 - !2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.02 2.03 TOPSOIL: As specified under Section 32 91 13.19. MULCH: Location and placement as indicated on the Drawings and as follows: A. Pine Straw Mulch: Clean, fresh, un-rotted pine straw containing no substance harmful to plant growth and free of noxious weeds, grasses, seeds, plants, roots, branches, sticks or extraneous matter. B. Pine Bark Mulch: 1. In planted areas with 12:1 or greater slope: Shredded, course pine bark containing no cambium or other substance harmful to plant growth and free of noxious weeds, grasses, seeds, plants, roots, branches, sticks or extraneous matter. 2. 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 In planted areas with less than 12:1 slope: Ground pine bark with a maximum size pieces of one and one half (1 1/2”) inches containing no cambium or other substance harmful to plant growth and free of noxious weeds, grasses, seeds, plants, roots, branches, sticks or extraneous matter. LIME A. General: Ground or crushed agricultural limestone. B. Characteristics: 1. 90% passing a 10-mesh screen. 2. Not less than 50% passing a 60-mesh screen. 3. Neutralizing value of 90% calcium carbonate or better. 4. Dry and free flowing. FERTILIZER: Comply with all State Fertilizer Laws when tested by current methods adopted by the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists. N, P, and K analysis of 5-10-10 or 6-12-12. TREE GUYING SYSTEM: ‘Aborbrace’ HTG-HD Regular Size guying system with green, UV resistant, polypropylene guy-lines, nickel-plated spring cam-lock tensioning clips and aluminum anchors or approved substitute. PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE: Oxadiazon, oryzalin or trifluralin. WATER: Fresh, free from oil or any other impurity or substance harmful to the Work or to plant materials and seed. Make arrangements necessary to insure an adequate supply of water to meet the needs of this Contract. Furnish all necessary hose, equipment, attachments, and accessories necessary to complete the Work as specified. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Planting Season: As directed. B. Planting Location And Area Staking: Stake planting locations and areas prior to each operation. Obtain Landscape Architect's approval before proceeding with the Work. Make minor adjustments to locations or outlines as directed. Omit staking where areas are bounded by curbs or other structures. C. Relocation Of Plant Materials: If rock, underground construction, utility lines or obstructions are uncovered during excavation of plant pits, alternate locations will be selected by the Landscape Architect without additional cost to the Owner. 3.02 PLANT INSTALLATION: A. Plant Pits: Circular in outline with vertical sides. Depth, width and construction of pit as indicated on the Drawings. B. Separate existing subgrade soils from the upper topsoil portions and remove wherever encountered during planting operations. PLANTING 32 93 00 - !3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.03 3.04 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 C. Notify Landscape Architect in writing immediately of any subsurface drainage or soil conditions, which Contractor considers detrimental to growth or survival of plant materials. State conditions and submit proposal for correction including cost of correction. Obtain approval of method of correction before continuing operations in the affected portion of the Work. Failure to comply with this requirement will be construed as having accepted the conditions. D. Set plants in relationship to finished grade as indicated on the Drawings. Use topsoil to backfill plant pits. When plant pits have been backfilled approximately two-thirds full, water thoroughly before installing remainder to top of pit. E. Set trees plumb and brace rigidly in position until the topsoil has been tamped solidly around the ball and roots. F. Cut rope or strings from top of B&B material after plant has been set. Leave burlap or cloth wrapping intact around balls. G. Water all plants thoroughly by hose immediately after planting. H. Guy and stake trees as indicated on the Drawings. I. Mulch all areas not seeded or sodded and as indicated on the drawings. Use mulch materials specified in this section. Mulch within twenty-four (24) hours after planting. J. Apply pre-emergent herbicide to shrub and groundcover beds. Strictly follow manufacturer’s label directions and procedures. K. Prune as required at the site in accordance with standard horticultural practice and as approved by the Landscape Architect. Prune with clean, sharp tools. MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS A. General: 1. Provide full service type program to include watering, spraying for insect and fungus control, fertilizing, mowing, pruning and repair. The maintenance period will begin with the first plantings and terminate thirty (30) days after Substantial Completion. 2. At Substantial Completion, submit a detailed maintenance outline and schedule. Include maintenance times and procedures conducted during construction and suggested maintenance times and procedures to be followed by the Owner's personnel during the remainder of the guarantee period. B. Plant Material Maintenance: Provide watering, weeding, cultivating, pruning, spraying, mulching, tightening and repairing of guys, resetting plants to proper grades or upright position, restoration of planting saucer and planting replacements as necessary to keep plant materials in a healthy growing condition and keep all planted areas neat and attractive during the maintenance period. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND GUARANTEE: A. Review And Acceptance: 1. In the presence of the Landscape Architect, review all Work of this Section. Following completion of any required repairs, the Landscape Architect will certify to the Owner as to Substantial Completion of the planting. 2. Substantial Completion of the planting shall constitute the beginning of the Guarantee Period for the planting. B. Guarantee Period And Replacements: 1. Guarantee the Work of this Section for one (1) year beyond the date of Substantial Completion. 2. Replace all dead plant materials and all plant materials not in a thriving condition during and at the end of the guarantee period, with no additional compensation, as weather conditions permit. 3. In the event replacement is not acceptable at the end of the guarantee period, the Owner may elect either additional replacements or credit for each item. PLANTING 32 93 00 - !4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 4. 3.05 Guarantee does not apply to loss due to vandalism, acts of God, or failure of the Owner to maintain plant materials after the end of Contractor's maintenance period. 5. Periodically inspect Owner's maintenance program and procedures and submit recommendations in writing of any changes in the Owner's program, which is necessary for the success of the planting. FINAL REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: A. At the end of the guarantee period and in the presence of the Landscape Architect, review all Work for Final Acceptance. B. Following completion of required repairs or renewals, the Landscape Architect will certify to the Owner as to Final Acceptance of the Work. END OF SECTION PLANTING 32 93 00 - !5 BLANK PAGE CLOSE THIS ENTRANCE CONTRACTOR LAY-DOWN, STAGING AND OFFICE TRAILER AREA PATCH & REPAIR PAVING TO RESTORE TO PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITION FENCE CONTINUOUS AROUND ENTIRE LOT THIS LOT TO REMAIN OPEN FOR PUBLIC USE BARRICADE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SERVICE ONLY CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE ONLY CE HALL RESIDEN BARRICADE CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE TRAFFIC ONLY BEYOND THIS POINT CHILLER PLANT NOTE: MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN SAFETY & ADEQUATE LIGHTING AT ALL TIMES. CONTINUE FENCING TO ENCLOSE CONSTRUCTION AREA EXISTING PARKING NEW RESIDENCE HALL SITE CONTINUOUS FENCING AS DETERMINED BY CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS PARKING MUST REMAIN OPEN FOR TWO-WAY TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES FENCING AS REQUIRED FOR PEDESTRIAN AND PUBLIC SAFETY THE COMMONS CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE & EXIT: NO CONSTRUCTION ACCESS THROUGH MAIN CAMPUS ENTRANCE. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC MUST ENTER & EXIT FROM BROWN SPRINGS ROAD OR FROM THE ENTRANCE ILLUSTRATED IN FIGURE 1.1 N NOT TO SCALE AUM NEW RESIDENCE HALL SITE UTILIZATION PLAN - EXHIBIT A MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN PATH FROM ALL FIRE EXITS FROM THE COMMONS. NOTES: PROVIDE TEMPORARY LIGHTING IN PEDESTRIAN AREAS TO MATCH CURRENT LEVELS IF NEEDED. MAIN CAMPUS ENTRANCE NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONSTRUCTION EXIT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE FIGURE 1.1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 09 30 00 TILING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Tile for floor applications. B. Tile for wall applications. C. Cementitious backer board as tile substrate. D. Stone thresholds. E. Ceramic accessories. F. Non-ceramic trim. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 07 92 00 - Joint Sealants: Sealing joints between tile work and adjacent construction and fixtures. B. Section 09 21 16 - Gypsum Board Assemblies: Tile backer board. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI A108/A118/A136.1 - American National Standard Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic Tile - Version; 2013.1. B. ANSI A108.1A - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile in the Wet-Set Method, with Portland Cement Mortar; 2013.1. C. ANSI A108.1B - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile on a Cured Portland Cement Mortar Setting Bed with Dry-Set or Latex-Portland Cement Mortar; 2013.1. D. ANSI A108.1C - Specifications for Contractors Option: Installation of Ceramic Tile in the Wet-Set Method with Portland Cement Mortar or Installation of Ceramic Tile on a Cured Portland Cement Mortar Bed with Dry-Set or Latex-Portland Cement Mortar; 2013.1. E. ANSI A108.4 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Organic Adhesives or Water Cleanable Tile-Setting Epoxy Adhesive; 2013.1. F. ANSI A108.5 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar or Latex-Portland Cement Mortar; 2013.1. G. ANSI A108.6 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Chemical Resistant, Water Cleanable Tile-Setting and -Grouting Epoxy; 2013.1. H. ANSI A108.8 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Chemical Resistant Furan Resin Mortar and Grout; 2013.1. I. ANSI A108.9 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with Modified Epoxy Emulsion Mortar/Grout; 2013.1. J. ANSI A108.10 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Grout in Tilework; 2013.1. K. ANSI A108.11 - American National Standard Specifications for Interior Installation of Cementitious Backer Units; 2013.1. L. TILING ANSI A108.12 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile with EGP (Exterior Glue Plywood) Latex-Portland Cement Mortar; 2013.1. 09 30 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 M. ANSI A108.13 - American National Standard Specifications for Installation of Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin-Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone; 2013.1. N. ANSI A118.4 - American National Standard Specifications for Modified Dry-Set Cement Mortar; 2013.1. O. ANSI A118.7 - American National Standard Specifications for High Performance Cement Grouts for Tile Installation; 2013.1. P. ANSI A118.9 - American National Standard Specifications for Test Methods and Specifications for Cementitious Backer Units; 2013.1. Q. ANSI A118.10 - American National Standard Specifications for Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin-Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installation; 2013.1. R. ANSI A118.12 - American National Standard Specifications for Crack Isolation Membranes for Thin-Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installation; 2013.1. S. ANSI A118.15 - American National Standard Specifications for Improved Modified Dry-Set Cement Mortar; 2013.1. T. ANSI A137.1 - American National Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile - Version; 2013.1. U. TCNA (HB) - Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation - Version; 2013.1. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturers' data sheets on tile, mortar, grout, and accessories. Include instructions for using grouts and adhesives. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate tile layout, patterns, color arrangement, perimeter conditions, junctions with dissimilar materials, control and expansion joints, thresholds, ceramic accessories, and setting details. D. Samples: Mount tile and apply grout on two plywood panels, minimum 18 x 18 inches in size illustrating pattern, color variations, and grout joint size variations. E. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. F. Maintenance Data: Include recommended cleaning methods, cleaning materials, stain removal methods, and polishes and waxes. G. Maintenance Materials: Furnish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. 1. See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements, for additional provisions. 2. Extra Tile: 10 square feet of each size, color, and surface finish combination. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Maintain one copy of and ANSI A108/A118/A136.1 and TCNA (HB) on site. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the types of products specified in this section, with minimum 5 years of documented experience. C. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing tile installation, with minimum of 5 years of documented experience. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect adhesives from freezing or overheating in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 1.07 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install solvent-based products in an unventilated environment. TILING 09 30 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 B. Maintain ambient and substrate temperature of 50 degrees F during installation of mortar materials. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 TILE A. Manufacturers: All products by the same manufacturer. 1. Ceramic Technics Ltd.: www.ceramictechnics.com. 2. American Olean Corporation: www.americanolean.com. 3. Dal-Tile Corporation: www.daltile.com. 4. Trinity Surfaces 5. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. B. Basis-of-Design: Ceramic Technics, Studio Marmi Concrete. C. Paver Tile: ANSI A137.1, and as follows: 1. Moisture Absorption: 0 to 0.5 percent. 2. Size and Shape: Refer to Drawings for sizes, various sizes required. 3. Thickness: 3/8 inch 4. Face: Plain. 5. Edges: Cushioned. 6. Surface Finish: Unglazed. 7. Color(s): To be selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard range. 8. Trim Units: Matching bullnose, double bullnose, cove base, and cove shapes in sizes coordinated with field tile. 2.02 TRIM AND ACCESSORIES A. Non-Ceramic Trim: Satin brass anodized extruded aluminum, style and dimensions to suit application, for setting using tile mortar or adhesive. 1. Applications: a. Open edges of floor tile. b. Transition between floor finishes of different heights. c. Expansion and control joints, floor and wall. 2. Manufacturers: a. Schluter-Systems: www.schluter.com. b. Genesis APS International: www.genesis-aps.com. c. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. B. Thresholds: Marble, white, honed finish; 2 inches wide by full width of wall or frame opening; 1/2 inch thick; beveled one long edge with radiused corners on top side; without holes, cracks, or open seams. 1. Applications: a. At doorways where tile terminates. 2.03 SETTING MATERIALS A. Provide setting materials made by the same manufacturer as grout. B. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar Bond Coat: ANSI A118.4 or ANSI A118.15. 1. Applications: Use this type of bond coat where indicated and where no other type of bond coat is indicated. 2. Products: a. ARDEX Engineered Cements: www.ardexamericas.com. b. LATICRETE International, Inc: www.laticrete.com. TILING 09 30 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY c. d. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 ProSpec, an Oldcastle brand: www.prospec.com. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. C. Mortar Bed Materials: Pre-packaged mix of Portland cement, sand, latex additive, and water. 2.04 GROUTS A. Manufacturers: 1. ARDEX Engineered Cements: www.ardexamericas.com. 2. ProSpec, an Oldcastle brand: www.prospec.com. 3. LATICRETE International, Inc: www.laticrete.com. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. B. Polymer Modified Grout: ANSI A118.7 polymer modified cement grout. 1. Applications: Use this type of grout where indicated and where no other type of grout is indicated. 2. Use sanded grout for joints 1/8 inch wide and larger; use unsanded grout for joints less than 1/8 inch wide. 3. Color(s): As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full line. C. Grout Sealer: Liquid-applied, moisture and stain protection for existing or new Portland cement grout. 1. Composition: Water-based colorless silicone. 2.05 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Concrete Floor Slab Crack Isolation Membrane: Material complying with ANSI A118.12; not intended as waterproofing. 1. Type: Peel-and-stick sheet. 2. Thickness: 20 mils, maximum. 3. Crack Resistance: No failure at 1/16 inch gap, minimum. B. Waterproofing Membrane at Floors: Specifically designed for bonding to cementitious substrate under thick mortar bed or thin-set tile; complying with ANSI A118.10. 1. Type: Fluid-applied. 2. Material: Synthetic rubber. 3. Thickness: 25 mils, minimum, dry film thickness. 4. Compatibility: Must be compatible with floor drain type. 5. Products: a. ARDEX Engineered Cements; ARDEX 8+9: www.ardexamericas.com. b. AVM Industries, Inc; System 750 (AVM Yellow) with polyester fabric reinforcing at edges, corners, joints, and cracks: www.avmindustries.com. c. LATICRETE International, Inc; LATICRETE HYDRO BAN: www.laticrete.com. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. C. Backer Board: Cementitious type complying with ANSI A118.9; high density, glass fiber reinforced, 1/2 inch thick; 2 inch wide coated glass fiber tape for joints and corners. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that sub-floor surfaces are smooth and flat within the tolerances specified for that type of work and are ready to receive tile. B. Verify that wall surfaces are smooth and flat within the tolerances specified for that type of work, are dust-free, and are ready to receive tile. TILING 09 30 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 C. Verify that sub-floor surfaces are dust-free and free of substances that could impair bonding of setting materials to sub-floor surfaces. D. Verify that concrete sub-floor surfaces are ready for tile installation by testing for moisture emission rate and alkalinity; obtain instructions if test results are not within limits recommended by tile manufacturer and setting materials manufacturer. E. Verify that required floor-mounted utilities are in correct location. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protect surrounding work from damage. B. Vacuum clean surfaces and damp clean. C. Seal substrate surface cracks with filler. Level existing substrate surfaces to acceptable flatness tolerances. D. Install backer board in accordance with ANSI A108.11 and board manufacturer's instructions. Tape joints and corners, cover with skim coat of setting material to a feather edge. 3.03 INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Install tile, thresholds, and stair treads and grout in accordance with applicable requirements of ANSI A108.1A thru A108.13, manufacturer's instructions, and TCNA (HB) recommendations. B. Lay tile to pattern indicated. Do not interrupt tile pattern through openings. C. Cut and fit tile to penetrations through tile, leaving sealant joint space. Form corners and bases neatly. Align floor joints. D. Place tile joints uniform in width, subject to variance in tolerance allowed in tile size. Make grout joints without voids, cracks, excess mortar or excess grout, or too little grout. E. Form internal angles square and external angles bullnosed. F. Install non-ceramic trim in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. G. Install thresholds where indicated. H. Sound tile after setting. Replace hollow sounding units. I. Keep control and expansion joints free of mortar, grout, and adhesive. J. Prior to grouting, allow installation to completely cure; minimum of 48 hours. K. Grout tile joints unless otherwise indicated. Use standard grout unless otherwise indicated. L. At changes in plane and tite-to-tile control joints, use tile sealant instead of grout, with either bond breaker tape or backer rod as appropriate to prevent three-sided bonding. 3.04 INSTALLATION - FLOORS - THIN-SET METHODS A. Over interior concrete substrates, install in accordance with TCNA (HB) Method F113, dry-set or latex-Portland cement bond coat, with standard grout, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Use uncoupling membrane under all tile unless other underlayment is indicated. 2. Where waterproofing membrane is indicated, install in accordance with TCNA (HB) Method F122, with latex-Portland cement grout. B. Install tile-to-tile floor movement joints in accordance with TCNA (HB) Method EJ171F. TILING 09 30 00 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 3.05 INSTALLATION - WALL TILE A. Over cementitious backer units on studs, install in accordance with TCNA (HB) Method W244, using membrane at toilet rooms. B. Over gypsum wallboard on wood or metal studs install in accordance with TCNA (HB) Method W243, thin-set with dry-set or latex-Portland cement bond coat, unless otherwise indicated. C. Over interior concrete and masonry install in accordance with TCNA (HB) Method W202, thin-set with dry-set or latex-Portland cement bond coat. 3.06 CLEANING A. Clean tile and grout surfaces. 3.07 PROTECTION A. Do not permit traffic over finished floor surface for 4 days after installation. END OF SECTION TILING 09 30 00 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 09 65 00 RESILIENT FLOORING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Resilient sheet flooring. B. Resilient tile flooring. C. Resilient base. D. Resilient stair accessories. E. Installation accessories. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete: Restrictions on curing compounds for concrete slabs and floors. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D6329 - Standard Guide for Developing Methodology for Evaluating the Ability of Indoor Materials to Support Microbial Growth Using Static Environmental Chambers; 1998 (Reapproved 2008). B. ASTM E648 - Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source; 2014c. C. ASTM F1861 - Standard Specification for Resilient Wall Base; 2008 (Reapproved 2012)e1. D. ASTM F2034 - Standard Specification for Sheet Linoleum Floor Covering; 2008 (Reapproved 2013). E. ASTM F2169 - Standard Specification for Resilient Stair Treads; 2012. F. NFPA 253 - Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source; National Fire Protection Association; 2011. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical and performance characteristics; including sizes, patterns and colors available; and installation instructions. C. Selection Samples: Submit manufacturer's complete set of color samples for Architect's initial selection. D. Verification Samples: Submit two samples, 3 x 3 inch in size illustrating color and pattern for each resilient flooring product specified. E. Certification: Prior to installation of flooring, submit written certification by flooring manufacturer and adhesive manufacturer that condition of sub-floor is acceptable. F. Maintenance Data: Include maintenance procedures, recommended maintenance materials, and suggested schedule for cleaning, stripping, and re-waxing. G. Maintenance Materials: Furnish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. 1. See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements, for additional provisions. 2. Extra Flooring Material: 10 square feet of each type and color. 3. Extra Wall Base: 10 linear feet of each type and color. 4. Extra Stair Materials: Quantity equivalent to 5 percent of each type and color. H. Seaming diagram showing locations of start points, dimensions, seams and joints RESILIENT FLOORING 09 65 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Upon receipt, immediately remove any shrink-wrap and check materials for damage and the correct style, color, quantity and run numbers. B. Store all materials off of the floor in an acclimatized, weather-tight space. C. Maintain temperature in storage area between 55 degrees F and 90 degrees F. 1.06 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Store materials for not less than 48 hours prior to installation in area of installation at a temperature of 70 degrees F to achieve temperature stability. Thereafter, maintain conditions above 55 degrees F. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET FLOORING A. Linoleum Tile Flooring (LN-1): Homogeneous wear layer bonded to backing, with color and pattern through wear layer thickness. 1. Minimum Requirements: Comply with ASTM F2195, Type I. 2. Overall Thickness: 0.080 inch, minimum. 3. Finish:UV Cured Polyurethane. 4. Pattern: Refer to Drawings. 5. Color: Refer to Drawings. 6. Manufacturers: a. Armstrong World Industries, Inc: www.armstrong.com. b. Forbo Flooring, Inc: www.forboflooringna.com. c. Johnsonite, a Tarkett Company: www.johnsonite.com. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. 7. Basis-of-Design: Armstrong®, LinoArt™ Linoleum Tile, Granette™. 2.02 TILE FLOORING A. Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT): 1. Basis of Design: Luxury Solid Vinyl Tile Flooring manufactured by Aspecta, Inc. Refer to Drawings for model and style. 2. Provide a layered construction consisting of a tough, clear, vinyl wear layer protecting a high-fidelity print layer on a solid vinyl backing. Protected by a UV-cured polyurethane finish, the wear surface is embossed with different textures to enhance each of the printed visuals. Colors are insoluble in water and resistant to cleaning agents and light. 3. Luxury Solid Vinyl Tile shall conform to the requirements of ASTM F 1700, 'Standard Specification for Solid Vinyl Tile", Class III, Type B - Embossed Surface. 4. Pattern and Color: Color selected from the range currently available from manufacturer. 5. Size: Refer to Finish Plan on Drawings. 6. Wear layer thickness: 0.020 7. Thickness: 1/8 in. B. Feature Strips: Of same material as tile, 1 inch wide. 2.03 STAIR COVERING A. Stair Treads: Rubber; full width and depth of stair tread in one piece; tapered thickness; nosing not less than 1-5/8 inch deep. 1. Minimum Requirements: Comply with ASTM F2169, Type TS, rubber, vulcanized thermoset. RESILIENT FLOORING 09 65 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Critical Radiant Flux (CRF): Minimum 0.45 watt per square centimeter, when tested in accordance with ASTM E 648 or NFPA 253. Nominal Thickness: 0.1875 inch. Nosing: Square. Style: Contrasting color abrasive grit strips full width. Color: Solid. Manufacturers: a. Burke Flooring: www.burkemercer.com. b. Johnsonite, a Tarkett Company: www.johnsonite.com. c. Roppe Corp: www.roppe.com. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. B. Stair Nosings: 1-1/2 inch horizontal return, 1-1/8 inch vertical return, full width of stair tread in one piece. 1. Material: Rubber. 2. Nominal Thickness: 0.125 inch. 3. Pattern: Smooth. 4. Color: Solid color. 2.04 RESILIENT BASE A. Resilient Base: ASTM F1861, Type TS rubber, vulcanized thermoset; top set Style B, Cove. 1. Critical Radiant Flux (CRF): Minimum 0.45 watt per square centimeter, when tested in accordance with ASTM E 648 or NFPA 253. 2. Height: 4 inch. 3. Thickness: 0.125 inch thick. 4. Finish: Satin. 5. Length: 100 continuous foot roll. All corners to be hand-formed. 6. Color: Color as selected from manufacturer's standards. 7. Manufacturers: a. Mannington Floors: www.mannington.com. b. Burke Flooring: www.burkemercer.com. c. Johnsonite, a Tarkett Company: www.johnsonite.com. d. Roppe Corp: www.roppe.com. e. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. 2.05 ACCESSORIES A. Subfloor Filler: White premix latex; type recommended by adhesive material manufacturer. B. Primers, Adhesives, and Seaming Materials: Waterproof; types recommended by flooring manufacturer. C. Sealer and Wax: Types recommended by flooring manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that surfaces are flat to tolerances acceptable to flooring manufacturer, free of cracks that might telegraph through flooring, clean, dry, and free of curing compounds, surface hardeners, and other chemicals that might interfere with bonding of flooring to substrate. B. Cementitious Sub-floor Surfaces: Verify that substrates are dry enough and ready for resilient flooring installation by testing for moisture and pH. RESILIENT FLOORING 09 65 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Obtain instructions if test results are not within limits recommended by resilient flooring manufacturer and adhesive materials manufacturer. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Prepare floor substrates as recommended by flooring and adhesive manufacturers. B. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill minor low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub-floor filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. C. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. D. Clean substrate. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Starting installation constitutes acceptance of sub-floor conditions. B. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Spread only enough adhesive to permit installation of materials before initial set. D. Fit joints tightly. E. Set flooring in place, press with heavy roller to attain full adhesion. F. Where type of floor finish, pattern, or color are different on opposite sides of door, terminate flooring under centerline of door. G. Install edge strips at unprotected or exposed edges, where flooring terminates, and where indicated. 1. Resilient Strips: Attach to substrate using adhesive. H. Scribe flooring to walls, columns, cabinets, floor outlets, and other appurtenances to produce tight joints. I. Install flooring in recessed floor access covers, maintaining floor pattern. J. At movable partitions, install flooring under partitions without interrupting floor pattern. K. Install feature strips where indicated. 3.04 SHEET FLOORING A. Lay flooring with joints and seams parallel to longer room dimensions, to produce minimum number of seams. Lay out seams to avoid widths less than 1/3 of roll width; match patterns carefully at seams. B. Double cut sheet at seams. C. Lay flooring with tightly butted seams, without any seam sealer unless otherwise indicated. 3.05 TILE FLOORING A. Mix tile from container to ensure shade variations are consistent when tile is placed, unless manufacturer's instructions say otherwise. B. Refer to Drawings for seaming requirements and layout. C. Lay flooring with joints and seams parallel to building lines to produce symmetrical tile pattern. D. Install tile to ashlar pattern. Allow minimum 1/2 full size tile width at room or area perimeter. 3.06 RESILIENT BASE A. Fit joints tightly and make vertical. Maintain minimum dimension of 18 inches between joints. B. Miter internal corners. At external corners, use premolded units. At exposed ends, use premolded units. C. Install base on solid backing. Bond tightly to wall and floor surfaces. D. Scribe and fit to door frames and other interruptions. RESILIENT FLOORING 09 65 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 3.07 STAIR COVERINGS A. Install stair coverings in one piece for full width and depth of tread. B. Adhere over entire surface. Fit accurately and securely. 3.08 CLEANING A. Remove excess adhesive from floor, base, and wall surfaces without damage. B. Clean in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.09 PROTECTION A. Prohibit traffic on resilient flooring for 48 hours after installation. END OF SECTION RESILIENT FLOORING 09 65 00 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 09 68 13 TILE CARPETING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Carpet tile, fully adhered. B. Area rugs (tile carpet seams and edges to be bound into area rugs). 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete: Restrictions on curing compounds for concrete slabs and floors. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D2859 - Standard Test Method for Ignition Characteristics of Finished Textile Floor Covering Materials; 2006 (Reapproved 2011). B. CRI (CIS) - Carpet Installation Standard; Carpet and Rug Institute; 2011. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 30 00 - Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Provide data on specified products, describing physical and performance characteristics; sizes, patterns, colors available, and method of installation. C. Samples: Submit two carpet tiles illustrating color and pattern design for each carpet color selected. D. Submit two, 6 inch long samples of edge strip, base cap, and stair nosing. E. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures. F. Maintenance Data: Include maintenance procedures, recommended maintenance materials, and suggested schedule for cleaning. G. Maintenance Materials: Furnish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. 1. See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements, for additional provisions. 2. Extra Carpet Tiles: Quantity equal to 5 percent of total installed of each color and pattern installed. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing specified carpet tile with minimum three years documented experience. B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in installing carpet tile with minimum three years documented experience and approved by carpet tile manufacturer. 1.06 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Store materials in area of installation for minimum period of 24 hours prior to installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Tile Carpeting: 1. Mannington Commercial: www.mannington.com. 2. Lees Carpets: www.leescarpets.com. 3. Milliken & Company: www.milliken.com. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements. TILE CARPETING 09 68 13 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 B. Basis-of-Design: Mannington, Nashville, Infinity Modular. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Tile Carpeting, Type [WTWT, CPT3- CPT6, CPT8]: Interface, SUPER FLOR 41Z 50CM, #6090002504. 1. Product Construction:Hair Tie (Needlepunch). 2. Size: 50 CM x 50 CM. 3. Style/Color: See Drawings. 4. Yarn System: 82.5% Nylon, 17.5% polyester. 5. Pile Height: 0.16 inch. 6. Pile Thickness: 0.165 inch. 7. Pile Density: 8,945 oz/yd3. 8. Total Thickness: 0.32 inch. 9. Flooring Radiant Panel: ASTM E-648, Class 1. 10. Smoke Density: ASTM E-662, <450. 11. Traffic Classification: Severe. B. Tile Carpeting, Type [CPT-2]: Interface FLOR, House Pet, #21-1031-17 . 1. Product Construction:Hair Tie (Needlepunch). 2. Size: 50 CM x 50 CM, unless indicated otherwise, refer to Drawings. 3. Style/Color: See Drawings. 4. Yarn System: 55% Nylon, 27.5% Animal Hair, 17.5% polyester. 5. Pile Height: 0.16 inch. 6. Pile Thickness: 0.165 inch. 7. Pile Density: 8,945 oz/yd3. 8. Total Thickness: 0.35 inch. 9. Flooring Radiant Panel: ASTM E-648, Class 1. 10. Smoke Density: ASTM E-662, <450 11. Traffic Classification: Moderate. C. Tile Carpeting: TuftedTextured Patterned Loop, manufactured in one color dye lot. 1. Tile Size: 18" x 36" modular. 2. Face Yarn: Invista Antron Lumena Type 6,6 Four Hole, Hollow Filament Nylon. 3. Gauge: 5/64. 4. Stitches per Inch: 11.33. 5. Pile Thickness: 0.126 inch. 6. Tufted Yarn Weight: 22 ounces per square yard. 7. Color: See Drawings. 8. Pattern: Horizontal Brick Ashlar. 9. Surface Flammability Ignition: Pass Class 1 (ASTM E-648) Radiant Panel and ASTM D 2859 (the "pill test"). 10. Primary Backing Material: 100% Synthetic. 11. Secondary Backing Material: Infinity Modular Reinforced Composite Closed Cell Polymer. 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Sub-Floor Filler: White premix latex; type recommended by flooring material manufacturer. B. Edge Strips: Embossed aluminum, Refer to Drawings for color. C. Stair Nosing: As specified in Section 09 65 00. TILE CARPETING 09 68 13 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 15-006 D. Adhesives: 1. Compatible with materials being adhered; maximum VOC content as specified in Section 01 61 16. E. Carpet Tile Adhesive: Recommended by carpet tile manufacturer; releasable type. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that sub-floor surfaces are smooth and flat within tolerances specified for that type of work and are ready to receive carpet tile. B. Verify that wall surfaces are smooth and flat within the tolerances specified for that type of work, are dust-free, and are ready to receive carpet tile. C. Verify that sub-floor surfaces are dust-free and free of substances that could impair bonding of adhesive materials to sub-floor surfaces. D. Cementitious Sub-floor Surfaces: Verify that substrates are dry enough and ready for flooring installation by testing for moisture and pH. 1. Obtain instructions if test results are not within limits recommended by flooring material manufacturer and adhesive materials manufacturer. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Prepare floor substrates as recommended by flooring and adhesive manufacturers. B. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill minor or local low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub-floor filler. C. Apply, trowel, and float filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured. D. Vacuum clean substrate. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Starting installation constitutes acceptance of sub-floor conditions. B. Install carpet tile in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and CRI (CIS). C. Blend carpet from different cartons to ensure minimal variation in color match. D. Cut carpet tile clean. Fit carpet tight to intersection with vertical surfaces without gaps. E. Lay carpet tile in square pattern, with pile direction parallel to next unit, set parallel to building lines. F. Fully adhere carpet tile to substrate. G. Trim carpet tile neatly at walls and around interruptions. H. Complete installation of edge strips, concealing exposed edges. 3.04 INSTALLATION ON STAIRS A. Use one piece of carpet for each tread and the riser below. Apply seam adhesive to all cut edges. B. Lay carpet with pile direction in the length of the stair. C. Adhere carpet tight to stair treads and risers. 3.05 CLEANING A. Remove excess adhesive without damage, from floor, base, and wall surfaces. B. Clean and vacuum carpet surfaces. END OF SECTION TILE CARPETING 09 68 13 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 23 82 19 FAN COIL UNITS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes fan coil units and accessories. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include rated capacities, operating characteristics, furnished specialties, and accessories. B. Shop Drawings: Detail equipment assemblies and indicate dimensions, weights, loads, required clearances, method of field assembly, components, and location and size of each field connection. 1. Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring. C. Field quality control test reports. D. Operation and maintenance data. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following or approved equal: 1. Trane Co. (The); Unitary Products Group 2. Carrier Corporation, a United Technologies company 3. Daikin McQuay 4. Enviro-Tec 2.2 FAN COIL UNITS A. Description: Factory packaged and tested units rated according to ARI 440, ASHRAE 33, and UL 1995. B. Coil Section Insulation: 1 inch thick, closed cell foam complying with ASTM C 1071 and attached with adhesive complying with ASTM C 916. 1. Fire-Hazard Classification: Insulation and adhesive shall have a combined maximum flame spread index of 25 and smoke developed index of 50 when tested according to ASTM E 84. FAN COIL UNITS 23 82 19 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 C. Main and Auxiliary Drain Pans: Stainless steel formed to slope from all directions to the drain connection as required by ASHRAE 62. Drain pans shall be removable. D. Chassis: Galvanized steel where exposed to moisture. Floor mounting units shall have leveling screws. E. Cabinet: Steel with baked enamel finish in manufacturer's standard paint color as selected by Owner. 1. Vertical Unit Front Panels: Removable, steel, with integral stamped steel discharge grille and channel formed edges, cam fasteners, and insulation on back of panel. 2. Horizontal Unit Bottom Panels: Fastened to unit with cam fasteners and hinge and attached with safety chain; with integral stamped cast aluminum discharge grilles. 3. Steel recessing flanges for recessing fan coil units into ceiling or wall. F. Filters: Minimum arrestance according to ASHRAE 52.1, and a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) according to ASHRAE 52.2. 1. Pleated Cotton-Polyester Media: 95 percent arrestance and 8 MERV. G. Hydronic Coils: Copper tube, with mechanically bonded aluminum fins spaced no closer than 0.1 inch, rated for a minimum working pressure of 200 psig and a maximum entering-water temperature of 220 deg F. Include manual air vent and drain valve. Provide with stainless steel coil casing. H. Fan and Motor Board: Removable. 1. Fan: Forward curved, double width, centrifugal; directly connected to motor. Thermoplastic or painted steel wheels, and aluminum, painted steel, or galvanized steel fan scrolls. 2. Motor: ECM Motor. Permanently lubricated, multispeed; resiliently mounted on motor board. Provide with solid state starter, 3 speed relay and control transformer (as required) 3. Wiring Termination: Connect motor to chassis wiring with plug connection. I. Factory, Hydronic Piping Package: ASTM B 88, Type L copper tube with wroughtcopper fittings and brazed joints. Label piping to indicate service, inlet, and outlet. 1. Two-way or three –way (see plan), modulating pressure independent control valve for chilled-water coil. 2. Hose Kits: Minimum 400-psig working pressure, and operating temperatures from 33 to 211 deg F. Tag hose kits to equipment designations. a. Length: 24 inches. b. Minimum Diameter: Equal to fan coil unit connection size. 3. Two Piece Ball Valves: Bronze body with full-port, chrome-plated bronze ball; PTFE or TFE seats; and 600 psig minimum CWP rating and blowout-proof stem. 4. Calibrated Orifice Balancing Valves: Bronze body, ball type; 125-psig working pressure, 250-deg F maximum operating temperature; with calibrated orifice or venturi, connections for portable differential pressure meter with integral seals, threaded ends, and equipped with a memory stop to retain set position. 5. Automatic Flow Control Valve: Brass or ferrous-metal body; 300-psig working pressure at 250 deg F, with removable, corrosion-resistant, tamperproof, self-cleaning piston spring; factory set to maintain constant indicated flow with plus or minus 10 percent over differential pressure range of 2 to 80 psig. FAN COIL UNITS 23 82 19 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 6. Y-Pattern Hydronic Strainers: Cast iron body (ASTM A 126, Class B); 125 psig working pressure; with threaded connections, bolted cover, perforated stainless steel basket, and bottom drain connection. Include minimum NPS 1/2 hose end, full port, ball type blowdown valve in drain connection. 7. Wrought-Copper Unions: ASME B16.22. J. Electrical Connection: Factory wire motors and controls for a single electrical connection. 2.3 DUCTED FAN COIL UNITS A. Description: Factory packaged and tested units rated according to ARI 440, ASHRAE 33, and UL 1995. B. Coil Section Insulation: 1 inch thick closed cell foam complying with ASTM C 1071 and attached with adhesive complying with ASTM C 916. 1. Fire-Hazard Classification: Insulation and adhesive shall have a combined maximum flame spread index of 25 and smoke developed index of 50 when tested according to ASTM E 84. C. Drain Pans: Stainless steel formed to slope from all directions to the drain connection as required by ASHRAE 62.1. D. Chassis: Galvanized steel where exposed to moisture, with baked enamel finish and removable access panels. E. Cabinets: Steel with baked enamel finish in manufacturer's standard paint color. 1. Supply Air Plenum: Sheet metal plenum finished and insulated to match the chassis with mill finish, aluminum, double deflection grille. 2. Return Air Plenum: Sheet metal plenum finished to match the chassis. 3. Mixing Plenum: Sheet metal plenum finished and insulated to match the chassis with outdoor and return air, formed steel dampers. 4. Dampers: Galvanized steel with extruded vinyl blade seals, flexible metal jamb seals, and interlocking linkage. F. Filters: Minimum arrestance according to ASHRAE 52.1, and a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) according to ASHRAE 52.2. 1. Pleated Cotton Polyester Media: 95 percent arrestance and 8 MERV. G. Hydronic Coils: Copper tube, with mechanically bonded aluminum fins spaced no closer than 0.1 inch, rated for a minimum working pressure of 200 psig and a maximum entering water temperature of 220 deg F. Include manual air vent and drain. Provide with stainless steel coil casing. H. Belt-Driven Fans: Double width, forward curved, centrifugal; with permanently lubricated, single speed motor installed on an adjustable fan base resiliently mounted in the cabinet. Aluminum or painted steel wheels, and painted steel or galvanized steel fan scrolls. FAN COIL UNITS 23 82 19 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY I. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Factory, Hydronic Piping Package: ASTM B 88, Type L copper tube with wroughtcopper fittings and brazed joints. Label piping to indicate service, inlet, and outlet. 1. Two-way or three –way (see plan), modulating pressure independent control valve for chilled-water coil. Hose Kits: Minimum 400-psig working pressure, and operating temperatures from 33 to 211 deg F. Tag hose kits to equipment designations. a. Length: 24 inches. b. Minimum Diameter: Equal to fan coil unit connection size. 2. Two Piece Ball Valves: Bronze body with full-port, chrome-plated bronze ball; PTFE or TFE seats; and 600 psig minimum CWP rating and blowout-proof stem. 3. Calibrated Orifice Balancing Valves: Bronze body, ball type; 125 psig working pressure, 250 deg F maximum operating temperature; with calibrated orifice or venturi, connections for portable differential pressure meter with integral seals, threaded ends, and equipped with a memory stop to retain set position. 4. Automatic Flow Control Valve: Brass or ferrous metal body; 300 psig working pressure at 250 deg F; with removable, corrosion resistant, tamperproof, self-cleaning piston spring; factory set to maintain constant indicated flow with plus or minus 10 percent over differential pressure range of 2 to 80 psig. 5. Y-Pattern Hydronic Strainers: Cast iron body (ASTM A 126, Class B); 125-psig working pressure, with threaded connections, bolted cover, perforated stainless steel basket, and bottom drain connection. Include minimum NPS 1/2 hose end, full port, ball type blowdown valve in drain connection. 6. Wrought-Copper Unions: ASME B16.22. J. Control devices and operational sequence are specified in Division 23 Sections "Direct Digital Control (DDC) System". K. Electrical Connection: Factory wire motors and controls for a single electrical connection. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install fan coil units to comply with NFPA 90A. B. Suspend fan coil units from structure with elastomeric hangers. Vibration isolators are specified in Division 23 Section "Vibration and Seismic Controls for Mechanical Piping and Equipment." C. Install new filters in each fan coil unit within two weeks after Substantial Completion. D. Piping installation requirements are specified in other Division 23 Sections. Drawings indicate general arrangement of piping, fittings, and specialties. Specific connection requirements are as follows: 1. Install piping adjacent to machine to allow service and maintenance. 2. Connect piping to fan coil unit factory hydronic piping package. Install piping package if shipped loose. 3. Connect condensate drain to indirect waste. a. Install condensate trap of adequate depth to seal against the pressure of fan. Install cleanouts in piping at changes of direction. FAN COIL UNITS 23 82 19 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 E. Connect supply and return ducts to fan coil units with flexible duct connectors specified in Division 23 Section "Air Duct Accessories." Comply with safety requirements in UL 1995 for duct connections. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform the following field tests and inspections and prepare test reports: 1. Operational Test: After electrical circuitry has been energized, start units to confirm proper motor rotation and unit operation. 2. Operate electric heating elements through each stage to verify proper operation and electrical connections. 3. Test and adjust controls and safety devices. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment. B. Remove and replace malfunctioning units and retest as specified above. END OF SECTION 23 82 19 FAN COIL UNITS 23 82 19 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 26 24 00 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 SUMMARY A. Provide all distribution switchgear as specified herein, as indicated on the Drawings and as required to provide a complete and operating system. All distribution equipment shall be of the same manufacturer including, but not limited to, switchboards, panelboards, transformers, disconnects, and busway. B. The distribution equipment shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest version of the following standards: 1. NFPA 70 2. NEMA AB1 3. NEMA KS1 4. NEMA PB2 5. NEMA PB1 6. NEMA PB1.1 7. NEMA PB2.1 8. NEMA PB1.1 9. NEMA 250 10. NEMA TP-1-2002 11. ANSI/IEEE C12.1 12. ANSI C39.1 13. ANSI C57.13 14. UL 50, 67, 89, 98, 489 15. ASTM C. Provide nameplates for all distribution equipment as specified herein and per Section 26 05 50. SUBMITTALS A. The following data shall be submitted according to Section 01 33 00 and Section 26 01 00 and shall include but not be limited to: 1. Physical dimensions, nameplate data, voltage, amperage, plan views, elevations, schematic wiring diagrams, bus capacities, circuit schedule, short circuit ratings, etc. 2. The switchgear manufacturer shall provide a coordination study with settings of all over current protective devices. Over current protective devices shall be series rated. 3. Over current protection devices serving life safety systems and elevators shall be fully rated with selective coordination when applied in series with other devices. 4. The switchgear manufacturer shall provide an ARC Flash study. Provide labels on all switchboards, panels, and other electrical equipment as required per NEC 110.16. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY B. 1.3 1.4 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 A ¼” scale dimensioned floor plan shall be provided with the switchgear submittals for all equipment rooms identifying actual size, clearance, access and spacing of the electrical equipment. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect, and handle products in conformance with manufacturer’s recommended practices as outlined in application installation and Maintenance Manuals. B. Each switchboard section shall be delivered in individual shipping splits for ease of handling. They shall be individually wrapped for protection and mounted on shipping skids. C. Inspect and report concealed damage to carrier within their required time period for repair or replacement. D. Store in a clean, dry space. Maintain factory protection and/or provide an additional heavy canvas or heavy plastic cover to protect structure from dirt, water, construction debris, and traffic. Where applicable, provide adequate heating within enclosures to prevent condensation. E. Handle in accordance with NEMA PB 2.1 and manufacturer’s written instructions. Lift only by lifting means provided for this express purpose. Handle carefully to avoid damage to switchboard internal components, enclosures, and finish. ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. Provide and install the building electrical service from the utility transformer(s) to the main service distribution equipment.. B. Coordinate all installation requirements with the university prior to bid and include all trenching, conduits, vaults, equipment pads, current transformers, potential transformers, potential taps as required. Coordinate all Work with the university. C. Provide conduit, C.T. enclosures, switchgear metering compartments, etc. as required by the Power Company for metering. Contractor shall coordinate all meter requirements with the university prior to proceeding with this Work. D. The secondary service to the building shall be as indicated on the riser diagrams. E. Provide (1) 1” conduit from each power company transformer to the telephone room and main service distribution equipment for pulse metering interface if available. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SWITCHBOARD A. System Description 1. Switchboards shall have a minimum short circuit rating of 100,000 amps RMS unless noted otherwise on the Drawings. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2. B. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Switchboard(s) shall have front access and rear alignment for mounting against a wall unless shown otherwise on the Drawings. Standard Features 1. Switchboards shall be fully self-supporting structures with 90 inch tall vertical sections (excluding lifting eyes and pull boxes) bolted together to form required arrangement. All sections shall be 36 inches deep unless shown otherwise on the Drawings. Switchboard depth shall be coordinated with room layout and adjusted accordingly to maintain required working clearances. 2. Switchboard(s) shall be NEMA 1. 3. Switchboard frame shall be die formed, 12 gauge steel with reinforced corner gussets. Frame shall be rigidly bolted to support cover plated (code gauge steel), bus bars and installed devices during shipment and installation. 4. All sections may be rolled, moved or lifted into position. Switchboards shall be capable of being bolted directly to the floor without the use of floor sills. 5. All switchboard sections shall have open bottoms and removable top plates(s) to install conduit. 6. Front-Access only switchboard sections shall be rear aligned for placement against a wall. Provide front and rear accessible switchboards where both front and rear access is shown to be available on the Drawings. 7. Switchboards shall be UL listed to accept a combination of circuit breakers and/or fused switches, where applicable, factory or field installed. 8. Switchboards that are series rated to short circuit requirements shall be appropriately labeled. Tested UL listed combination ratings shall be included in UL recognized Component Directory (DKSY2). 9. All covers shall be fastened by hex head bolts. 10. Provide hinged doors over metering compartments and individually mounted device compartments. All doors shall have concealed hinges and be fastened by hex head bolts. 11. Switchboards protective devices shall be provided as listed on Drawings and specified herein, including interconnections, instrumentation and control wiring. Switchboards and devices shall be rated for the voltage and frequency as shown on the Drawings. 12. Switchboard current ratings, including all devices, shall be based on a maximum ambient temperature of 25 degree C per UL Standard 891. With no derating required, temperature rise of switchboards and devices shall not exceed 65 degrees C in a 25 degree C ambient environment. 13. Switchboard Service Entrance sections shall comply with UL Service Entrance requirements including UL service entrance label, incoming line isolation barriers, and a removable neutral bond to switchboard ground for solidly grounded wire systems. 14. Construction shall allow for the maintenance of all terminations, device connections and bolted bus connections. 15. Provide all spare spaces and circuit protective devices as indicated on the Drawings. All unused spaces provided, unless otherwise specified, shall be fully equipped for future devices, including all appropriate connectors and mounting hardware. 16. Provide all necessary wiring, fuse blocks and terminal blocks within the switchboard as required. All groups of control wires shall be provided with terminal blocks with numbering strips. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 17. 18. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Provide nameplates for each switchboard and each overcurrent device in accordance with Section 26 05 50 “Electrical Identification”. Switchboard enclosures and structure shall be painted on all sides after fabrication with enamel over a rust-inhibiting primer coat or protected by an electro-deposition or powder coat paint process. C. Bus Bars 1. Bus bars shall be silver-plated copper. Plating shall be applied continuously to all bus work. The bus bars shall have sufficient cross sectional area to meet UL 891 temperature rise requirements through actual tests. The bus bars shall be standard density rated for 1000 amperes per square inch. Phase and neutral bus ampacity shall be as shown on the plans. The neutral bus shall have the same ampacity as the phase bus. 2. Bus bars shall be mounted on high impact, non tracking insulated supports. Joints in the vertical bus are not permitted. 3. Bus bars shall be braced to withstand mechanical forces exerted during short circuit conditions as indicated in Drawings, but in no case less than 65KA RMS SYM. 4. Bus joints shall be bolted with high tensile steel bolts. Belleville type washers shall be provided with aluminum bus. Welded connections are unacceptable. 5. Main horizontal bus bars shall be fully rated and arranged for future extensions. Full provisions shall be provided for the addition of future sections. Bussing shall include all necessary hardware to accommodate splicing for future additions. 6. A-B-C bus arrangement (left to right, top to bottom, front to rear) shall be used throughout to assure convenient and safe testing and maintenance. Where special circuitry precludes this arrangement, bus bars shall be labeled. 7. All feeder device line and load connections traps shall be rated to carry current rating of device frame (not trip rating). 8. The main incoming bus bars shall be rated for the main protection device frame size or main incoming conductors, if there is no main device. 9. Ground bus shall be sized to meet UL 891. Ground bus shall extend full length of switchboard. Provisions for the addition of future connections and future sections shall be provided as previously indicated. 10. The horizontal and vertical main bus bars shall remain full size throughout their full length. Bus reductions other than those indicated on the Drawings are not acceptable. 11. Where “space” is provided or indicated on the Drawings, the space shall be bussed. D. Main Incoming Compartment 1. Provide switchboard(s) arranged for bottom entry of incoming cable or top entry of incoming cable, whichever is indicated on Drawings. a. All lugs shall be tin-plated aluminum and UL listed for use with copper cable. Lugs shall be rated for 75 degree C cable. b. Provide double crimp compression type lugs in the quantity and size required. E. Main and Feeder Devices 1. Main device shall be individually mounted insulated case circuit breaker Provide device as shown on the Drawings and as specified in appropriate article below. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2. 3. 4. F. G. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Feeder devices shall be group mount molded case circuit breakers or when larger than 1200 amps shall be individually mounted insulted case circuit breakers. Provide devices as specified in appropriate article below. All circuit protective devices minimum symmetrical current interrupting capacity shall be as shown on the Drawings, but on no case less than 65KA RMS SYM. All main breakers and feeder breakers 1200A or larger shall be connected to a energy reducing maintenance switch with indicator light. Device shall comply with NEC Article 240.87. Molded Case Circuit Breakers 1. Thermal magnetic molded case circuit breakers may be provided for trip ratings 160 amps and below. 2. Group mounted breakers shall be modular mounted. The module shall be electrically connected to the switchboard bus by spring reinforced jaws. Mechanical connections to panel frame shall be separate from electrical connections. Mechanical connections shall be self-aligning, spring loaded locking devices. Locking device handles shall be able to be bolted to each side of the device to prevent accidental release of electrical connections. 3. Individually mounted molded case circuit breakers shall be stationary mounted. 4. Circuit breaker frames shall be constructed of a high-strength, molded, glassreinforced polyester case and cover. Breakers shall have an overcenter, toggle handle-operated, trip free mechanism with quick make, quick break action independent of the speed of the toggle handle operation. The design shall provide common tripping of all poles. Breakers shall be suitable for reverse feeding. 5. Breakers shall have ON and OFF positions clearly marked on escutcheon. Breakers shall include a trip-to-test means on the escutcheon for manually tripping the breaker and exercising the mechanism and trip latch. 6. Breakers shall include factory installed mechanical lugs. Lugs shall be UL listed and rated 75 degrees C. . 7. Breakers larger than 225 amps shall use digital true RMS sensing trip units and a rating plug to determine the breaker trip rating. 8. Each feeder breaker with a frame size 400 amps and larger shall have a digital electronic trip unit as described in section “Digital Electronic Trip Unit for Circuit Breakers” with in this document. Insulated Case Circuit Breakers 1. Insulated case circuit breakers shall be individually mounted. 2. Main breakers shall be manually operated, stationary mounted. Feeder breakers (larger than 1200 amps) shall be manually operated, stationary mounted. 3. Breakers shall be constructed of a high dielectric strength, glass reinforced insulating case. The interrupting mechanism shall be arc chutes. Steel vent grids shall be used to suppress arcs and cool vented gases. Interphase barriers shall be used to completely isolate each pole. 4. Breakers shall contain a true two-step stored energy operating mechanism which shall provide quick make, quick break operation with a maximum five cycle closing time. Breakers shall be trip free at all times. Common tripping of all poles shall be standard. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 5. 6. 7. H. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Insulated Case circuit breakers shall be rated to carry 100 percent of their frame ampacity continuously. A charging handle, close push-button, open push-button, and OFF/ON/Charge indicator shall be located on the breaker escutcheon and shall be visible with the breaker compartment door closed. Each main breaker shall have a digital electronic trip unit as described below. Digital Electronic Trip Unit for Circuit Breakers 1. Provide digital electronic trip units as specified below. 2. Each main and feeder circuit breaker 400A and above shall be equipped with a digital electronic trip unit. The trip unit shall provide protection from overload, short circuits and ground faults. The protective trip unit shall consist of a solid state, microprocessor based programmer, tripping means, current sensors, power supply and other devices as required for proper operation. 3. As a minimum, the trip unit shall have the following protective functions: a. Adjustable current setting or long time pickup; b. Adjustable long time delay; c. Adjustable instantaneous pickup; d. Adjustable ground fault pickup and delay for main and designated feeders; e. Adjustable short time pickup and delay for main and designated feeders. 4. As a minimum, the trip unit shall include the following features: a. Long time and short time protective functions, if provided, shall have true RMS sensing technology. b. Ground fault protective function, if provided, shall contain a memory circuit to integrate low level arcing fault currents with time, to sum the intermittent ground fault spikes. c. High contrast liquid crystal display (LCD) unit shall display settings, trip targets, and the specified metering displays. d. Multi-button keypad to provide local setup and readout of all trip settings on the LCD. e. UL listed interchangeable rating plug. It shall not be necessary to remove the trip unit to change the rating plug. f. An integral test jack for testing via a portable test set and connection to a battery source. g. A mechanism for sealing the rating plug and the trip unit. h. Noise immunity shall meet the requirement of IEEE C37.90. i. Display trip targets for long time, short time, and ground fault, if included. 5. The main breakers’ trip unit shall include the following metering functions, which shall be displayed on the LCD (if the manufactures trip unit cannot incorporate the specified functions, separate device(s) with equal function shall be provided for each breaker): a. Current, RMS, each phase; b. Voltage, RMS, line-to-line, or line-to-neutral; c. Energy, KWH, total; d. Demand KWH, over an adjustable time period of 5 to 60 minutes; e. Peak demand, KW, user resettable; f. Real power, KW, line-to-line, line-to-neutral; g. Total (apparent) power, KVA, line-to-line, line-to-line neutral. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 6. 7. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 The feeder breakers’ trip unit shall include the following metering function which shall be displayed on the LCD: a. Current, RMS, each phase. All main breaker trip units shall have communication capability. I. Ground Fault Protection 1. An adjustable ground fault protection system shall be provided as an integral part of the main circuit breaker or main fused switch, designated feeder breakers and fused switches where indicated on the Drawings and/or required by Code. 2. The ground fault protection system shall consist of a current sensor enclosing all phase and neutral conductors of the circuits to be monitored, appropriate relaying equipment to provide the desired ground current sensitivity and time-current response characteristics, and equipped to function in conjunctions with the other elements of the system. 3. The current sensor shall be of sufficient size to encircle the phase and neutral conductors of the circuit to be monitored. Current sensor output shall be coordinated with the required input to the delay. The current sensor shall have a ground fault current pick-up range of 200 to 1200 amperes. A test winding shall be included to simulate the flow of ground fault current through the sensor to test the operation of the ground fault protection system. The frame of the current sensor shall be constructed so that one leg can be opened to allow removal or installation around cable without disturbing that cable. 4. The ground fault relay shall be solid state construction, except that a coil operated output relay may be provided to control 120 volt power to operate a fusible bolted pressure contact switch. The relay shall have an adjustable current sensitivity for ground fault pick-up currents from 200 amperes to 1200 amperes. 5. Provide a ground fault integral to trip unit or provide separate monitor panel on the switchboard with a push-to-test button for the test circuit and a red ground fault indicator light to indicate the circuit interrupter has opened due to a ground fault condition. The unit shall operate on a 120 volt AC source. 6. Provide a LCD display or red LED light indicator that is activated when a ground fault condition occurs. The light shall be deactivated when the system is reset and the fault is cleared. 7. The ground fault system shall be tested in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations as required by NEC Article 230.95C J. Metering Transformers 1. All instrument transformers shall be UL listed and classified as indicated in Drawings. 2. Current Transformers shall be provided with burden and accuracy to support connected meters and relays as required by [ANSI/IEEE C57.13]. 3. Potential transformers shall be provided with burden and accuracy to support connected meters and relays as required by [ANSI/IEEE C57.13]. K. Accessories 1. Provide Taylor Electronics Model #PND-3, 6, 9, 12 ADJ-REM LED’s or equal, single phase relay behind hinged panel in switchboard. Provide green and amber LED’s on a plug in cable for mounting on face of switchboard. Provide snap on SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 7 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2. 3. L. 2.2 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 lenses and labels identifying the green LED as “SYSTEM NORMAL” and the amber LED as “SINGLE PHASE CONDITION”. Provide shunt trip coils on all main devices, operated by the phase failure relay. Provide capacitive trip unit to guarantee relay and shunt trip operation during a single phase occurrence. Main switchboard shall be as manufactured by General Electric, Square D, CutlerHammer and Siemens. PANELBOARDS A. System Description 1. Short circuit rating of panelboards shall be the interrupting rating of lowest rated device in the panel or application UL series for proper main and branch device combinations. 2. Panelboards shall have a maximum of 42 protective devices per panel, including sub-feeders and excluding main overcurrent protective devices. For more than 42 devices, 2 or more panelboards are required. 3. With 2 or more panelboards, sub-feed lug or thru-feed lugs shall be used in all by 1 section of each panelboard. Lugs shall have same capacity as incoming mains. 4. Protective devices shall be molded case circuit breakers. B. Enclosure 1. Boxes shall be a nominal 20 inches wide and 6 inches deep with wire bending space per the National Electric Code. 2. Fronts shall be door-in-door construction with reinforced steel with concealed hinges and concealed trim adjusting screws. Trim clamps are unacceptable. 3. All door locks shall be corrosion proof Valox (or equal) with retractable latches. All door locks shall be keyed for a single key. 4. Clean Lexan (or equal) directory card holders shall be permanently mounted on front door. 5. All panelboard series ratings shall be prominently displayed on dead front shield. 6. Interiors shall permit top or bottom incoming cables. C. Bus bars 1. Bus bars shall be copper, phase sequenced, fully insulated and supported by high impact Noryl (or equal) interior base assemblies. 2. Bus bars shall be mechanically supported by zinc finished galvanneal steel frames to prevent vibration and damage from short circuits. 3. Terminations shall be UL tested and listed and suitable for UL copper. 4. Provide 1 continuous bus bar per phase. Each bus bar shall have sequentially phased branch circuit connectors for bolt-on branch circuit breakers. Bus bars shall be rated as indicated in Drawings. 5. Split solid neutral bus shall be plated and located in main compartment for all incoming neutral cables to be same length. 200% rated solid neutral shall be provided as indicated on the Drawings and shall be plated copper for non-linear load applications subject to harmonics. 200% rated solid neutral shall be selfcertified by Manufacturer. 6. Lugs shall be rated for 75 degree C terminations. 7. Interiors shall be field convertible for top or bottom incoming feed. Main and sub-feed circuit breakers shall be vertically mounted. Main lug interiors up to SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 8 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 8. 400 amperes shall be field convertible to main breaker. Interior leveling provisions shall be provided for flush mounted applications. Log bodies shall bolt in place. D. Circuit Breakers 1. Molded case circuit breakers shall be bolt-in devices for 120/208V panels and 277/480V panels. 2. All circuit breakers shall have thermal and magnetic trip elements in each pole. 3. Multiple pole breakers shall have internal common trip crossbars for simultaneous tripping of each pole. 4. Circuit breakers shall not be restricted to any mounting location due to physical size. 5. All branch breakers 15 to 100 amperes shall be able to be mounted in any panel position for twin or double mounting without space penalty. Sum of ratings for 2 such twin mounted devices shall not exceed 180 amperes. 6. Main and sub-feed circuit breakers may be vertically or horizontally mounted. 7. Branch breaker panelboard connections shall be copper to copper. 8. All panelboard terminations shall be rated as indicated in Drawings. 9. All breakers shall have an over center mechanism and be quick make and quick break. 10. All breakers shall have handle trip indication and a trip indicator in window of circuit breaker housing. 11. Breaker handle and faceplate shall indicate rated ampacity. 12. Circuit breaker escutcheon shall have standard ON/OFF markings. 13. Main breakers shall be UL listed for use with: Shunt, Under Voltage, and Ground Fault Shunt Trips; Auxiliary and Alarm Switches; and Mechanical Lug Kits. 14. Branch breakers shall be UL listed for use with: Shunt Trips, Auxiliary and Alarm Switches. E. Finish 1. 2. F. 2.3 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Boxes shall be corrosion resistant, zinc finish galvanneal. Fronts shall be powder finish painted ANSI 61 gray. Panels shall be manufactured by General Electric, Square D, Cutler-Hammer or Siemens. DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS A. System Description 1. Equipment shall be indoor deadfront power panelboards for molded-case circuit breakers. 2. Panelboards shall meet service entrance equipment where indicated on the Drawings. 3. Panelboards shall have integrated short circuit rating. Fully rated panel rating is that of lowest rated device in panelboard. Series ratings are for the UL tested main-branch combination. B. Enclosures 1. Panel box shall be galvanized code gauge sheet steel with removable end walls. 2. Enclosures shall be surface mounted. C. Fronts SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 9 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1. 2. 3. 4. ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Provide a four-piece front to cover wiring gutter and wiring access areas. Provide a lockable hinged door with semi-concealed hinges to cover access to circuit breakers. Hinged door fronts, when specified, shall be provided with a lockable inner door with leaf hinges. An inner door shall cover the circuit protective devices and shall be able to be locked. Door hinges shall be continuous piano hinges, welded to door(s) and bolted on front. Door locks shall be Yale #511. D. Interiors 1. Panelboard interior shall by symmetrically designed and assembled such that circuit protective modules are connected onto bus bar with positive gripping jaw assemblies and locked pressure connections. 2. Circuit-protective modules shall be designed for removal or replacement without disturbing adjacent protective devices and without removing main bus and branch circuit connections. 3. Interiors shall allow installation of molded-case circuit breakers in same panelboard. 4. Lugs shall be UL listed to accept solid or stranded copper cables. Lugs shall be bolted in place. 5. Panelboards shall be rated as indicated in Drawings. Main devices shall have maximum rating of 1200 amperes. 6. Panelboards shall have flat, stacked, vertically aligned bus bars. 7. Bus bars shall be copper. The bus bars shall have sufficient cross sectional area to meet UL 67 temperature rise requirements through actual tests. The bus bars shall be standard density rated for 1000 amperes per square inch. 8. Bus bars shall be phase-sequenced and rigidly supported by high impact resistant, insulated bus supporting assemblies to prevent vibration or short circuit mechanical damage. 9. Neutral bus shall be fully rated and able to be located in either corner of enclosure at line end to facilitate conductor termination. Provide 200% rated neutral bus, if required by plans or another specification section. 10. All solderless terminations shall be suitable for copper UL listed wire or cable and shall be tested and listed in conjunction with appropriate UL standards. Terminations shall be rated for use with conductor ampacity as assigned in the NEC 75 degree C table. 11. Ground wire terminations shall be provided as an optional kit for installation by panelboard installer without voiding UL label. E. Main and Branch Devices 1. Circuit breakers a. Main and branch circuit breaker shall be quick-make, quick-break, and trip indicating, low voltage molded-case. b. Circuit breaker case shall have ON/OFF and International I/O position indicators. c. Breaker faceplate shall list current rating, UL and IEC certification standards, and AIC ratings. d. Circuit breakers shall be factory sealed and shall be date coded on breaker case. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 10 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 2.4 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Breakers shall be UL listed for reverse connection without restrictive line or load markings. Circuit breakers shall be able to mount in any operating position. 3-pole breakers with ampere ratings greater than 150 ampere shall have rating plugs. All circuit protective devices shall have the following minimum symmetrical current interrupting capacity of 18kA. Interrupting rating of breakers shall not be less than maximum short circuit current available at incoming line terminals as shown on plans. Breakers shall have UL listed series ratings, if specified in Drawings. Main breakers and lugs shall be convertible by installer for top or bottom incoming feed. Where indicated on the drawings, elsewhere in the specifications, or as required for coordination, the main breaker shall be provided with integral ground pick-up and delay settings and adjustable long time, instantaneous and short time settings. All main breakers and feeder breakers 1200A or larger shall be connected to a energy reducing maintenance switch with indicator light. Device shall comply with NEC Article 240.87. F. Series Ratings 1. Panelboard series-connected ratings shall be attached to the panelboard enclosure. G. Distribution panels shall be manufactured by General Electric, Square D, Cutler-Hammer or Siemens. TRANSFORMERS A. System Description 1. Power transformers shall be 2 winding dry type for general power and lighting applications. Transformers rated 1000 KVA or below shall be UL listed, NEMA TP-1-2002 standard for energy efficiency, and bear required UL Listing Mark. B. Dry-type general purpose transformers shall be rated as indicated in Drawings. C. Transformers shall use properly classified UL approved temperature ratings. Temperature rise ratings shall be in accordance with UL 506. D. Transformers shall be UL recognized 200 degree insulation system and shall be designed so that under full load the average conductor temperature rise does not exceed 115 degrees C rise above a 40 degree C ambient and the enclosure does not exceed a 50 degree C rise at any point. E. Transformers 5 KVA and above shall be able to meet ANSI/IEEE C57.96 daily overload requirement listed in Drawings. Transformers loaded in accordance with this paragraph shall be capable of long service life under thermal conditions specified. There shall be no need for derating. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 11 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY F. Transformers shall have sound levels equal to or lower than those established in latest revision of ANSI/IEEE C89.2 as shown in drawings. G. Enclosures shall meet UL 506 requirement for the following characteristics: 1. Ventilation Openings; 2. Corrosion Resistance; 3. Cable Bending Space; 4. Surface Temperature Rise; 5. Wiring Compartment Temperature Rise; 6. Terminations; H. Transformer Construction 1. Transformer cores shall be constructed of high grade, non-aging silicon steel with high magnetic permeability and low hysteresis and eddy current losses. Magnetic flux densities shall be kept well below core saturation point. Core laminations above 112.5 KVA shall be miter cut at core corners to reduce hot spots, core loss, current and sound level. Core laminations shall be clamped together with steel angles. Cores for transformers above 300 KVA shall be clamped using insulated bolts through core laminations to provide proper pressure throughout core length. Completed core and coil shall be bolted to enclosure base and isolated from base by rubber vibration-absorbing mounts. There shall be no metal-to-metal contact between core and coil and enclosure. Sound isolation systems requiring complete removal of all fastening devices is not acceptable. 2. Transformer core shall be visibly grounded to enclosure by flexible grounding conductor meeting UL and NEC size requirements. 3. Enclosure shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel. 4. Coils shall be copper. I. Load Taps 1. Transformers shall have following high voltage load tap arrangements unless noted otherwise in plans: a. Through 2 KVA – no taps; b. Through 23 KVA – no taps; c. 3 though 23 KVA 2 above, 2 below nominal 4, 2-1/2 percent taps voltage; d. Through 500 KVA – 6, 2-1/2 percent taps, 2 above, 4 below nominal voltage. J. Finish 1. H. 2.6 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Finish shall consist of degreasing, phosphate cleaning, and electrodeposits ANSI gray enamel paint. Transformers – standard shall be as manufactured by General Electric or Square D, Cutler-Hammer or Siemens. DISCONNECT SWITCHES SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 12 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 2.7 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 A. Switches shall be heavy-duty type. The switch blades shall be visible when the switch is OFF and the cover is open. Lugs shall be front removable and UL listed for 75 degrees C conductor. Provide removable arc suppressor to facilitate easy access to line side up. B. Switches shall have provisions for a field installable electrical interlock. C. The switch operating mechanism shall be quick-make, quick-break. D. Provide padlock provisions for locking in the OFF position. E. Provide NEMA type enclosure suitable for the application (indoor, outdoor, wet or damp, corrosive, etc.). Type 3R enclosure shall contain no knockouts (supply watertight hubs). F. Enclosure shall have ON and OFF markings stamped on the enclosure. G. Switches shall be horsepower rated. H. Fused disconnect switches shall have rejection type fuse clips with dual element current limiting fuses of rating shown or required by the Manufacturer’s nameplate of the equipment being supplied. The UL short circuit rating shall be 200,000 amps RMS SYM when used with Class R or J fuses. FUSES A. Fuses shall have 200,000 Amp RMS SYS rating. B. Fuses for circuits 1 to 600 amperes shall be dual element, current limiting time delay (500% of rated current for minimum of 10 seconds) with separate overload and short circuit clearing chamber. Bussman “Low Peak” or equal by Littlefuse or Ferraz Shawmut. UL Class J. C. Fuses for circuits above 600 amperes shall be current limiting, time delay (500% of rated current for minimum of 4 seconds, clear 20 times rated current in 0/1 seconds or less). Bussman, “Hi-Cap” or equal by Littlefuse or Ferraz Shawmut. UL Class L. D. Provide one (1) set of spare fuses for each set of three (3). A maximum of three (3) sets of fuses is required to be provided for the same type and rating. PART 3 - EXECUTION 1.1 GENERAL A. Clean all enclosures free of all foreign matter and dust. B. Remove all rust marks and repaint to new condition. C. Provide all necessary hardware to level and secure all switchgear. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 13 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 D. Provide engraved nameplates on all switchgear per Section 26 05 50 including but not limited to, switchboards, switchboard overcurrent protection devices, panelboards, distributor panelboards, disconnects, contactors, busway, busplugs. E. Provide a typewritten directory for all panelboards. Make spares in pencil. END OF SECTION 26 24 00 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION – 600 VOLT 26 24 00 - 14 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 28 31 00 LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section covers fire alarm systems, including initiating devices, notification appliances, controls, and supervisory devices. B. Work covered by this section includes the furnishing of labor, equipment, and materials for installation of the fire alarm system as indicated on the drawings and specifications. C. The Fire Alarm System shall consist of all necessary hardware equipment and software programming to perform the following functions: 1. Fire alarm and detection operations 2. Control and monitoring of elevators, smoke control equipment, door hold-open devices, fire suppression systems, emergency power systems, and other equipment as indicated in the drawings and specifications. 3. One-way supervised automatic voice alarm operations for the purpose of fire alarm evacuation and emergency communication of other life safety emergencies. The system will provide both live messaging and a minimum of eight pre-recorded messages. 4. Interface with PA system to shut down PA during alarm. 5. Interface with access control door lock power supply per 16400. 1.2 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: The equipment and service described in this specification are those supplied and supported by Simplex Grinnell. B. The Manufacturer shall be a nationally recognized company specializing in fire alarm and detection systems. This organization shall employ factory trained and NICET certified technicians, and shall maintain a service organization within 100 miles of this project location. The Manufacturer and service organization shall have a minimum of 10 years experience in the fire protective signaling systems industry. The organization must be certified as a fire alarm contractor in the state of Alabama. Technicians terminating control panels, programming the system or otherwise commissioning this project must be a minimum of NICET Level II certified. 1.3 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section. B. The work covered by this section is to be coordinated with related work as specified elsewhere in the specifications. Requirements of the following sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Division 26: Division 26: Division 21: Division 21: Division 23: Division 23: LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods." "Wiring Methods." "Fire Suppression" "Fire Protection" "HVAC Systems" "Building Automation and Control" 23 31 00 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 C. The system and all associated operations shall be in accordance with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.4 Guidelines of the following Building Code: IBC NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 70, National Electrical Code NFPA 101, Life Safety Code NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems Other applicable NFPA standards Local Jurisdictional Adopted Codes and Standards ADA Accessibility Guidelines SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. General: Provide a complete, non-coded, addressable, microprocessor-based fire alarm system with initiating devices, notification appliances (speakers and strobes), and monitoring and control devices as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein. B. Software: The fire alarm system shall allow for loading and editing instructions and operating sequences as necessary. The system shall be capable of on-site programming to accommodate system expansion and facilitate changes in operation. All software operations shall be stored in a non-volatile programmable memory within the fire alarm control unit. Loss of primary and secondary power shall not erase the instructions stored in memory. System shall be capable of storing dual configuration programs with one active and one in reserve. Panel shall be capable of full system operation during a new configuration download. C. History Logs: The system shall provide a means to recall alarms and trouble conditions in chronological order for the purpose of recreating an event history. A separate alarm and trouble log shall be provided. D. Wiring/Signal Transmission: System connections for initiating (signaling) circuits and notification appliance circuits shall be Class B. 2. Circuit Supervision: Circuit faults shall be indicated by a trouble signal at the FACP. Provide a distinctive indicating audible tone and alphanumeric annunciation. 1. E. Remote Access: FACP shall have the capability to provide Remote Access through a Dial-Up Service Modem using the public switched telephone system of a private switched telephone system. 2. A personal computer or technician's laptop, configured with terminal emulation software shall have the ability to access the FACP for diagnostics, maintenance reporting and information gathering. 3. FACP shall have the capability to provide Remote Access through a listed Internet Interface via a standard web browser user interface. 1. F. Required Functions: The following are required system functions and operating features: 1. Priority of Signals: Alarm events have highest priority. Subsequent alarm events are LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 queued in the order received and do not affect existing alarm conditions. Priority Two, Supervisory and Trouble events have second-, third-, and fourth-level priority respectively. Signals of a higher-level priority take precedence over signals of lower priority even though the lower-priority condition occurred first. Annunciate all events regardless of priority or order received. Priority of mass notification messages will be determined by Auburn University. Provide the Auburn University standard digital message set. 2. Noninterfering: The activation of an addressable device does not prevent the receipt of signals from subsequent activations. 3. Annunciation: Operation of alarm and supervisory initiating devices shall be annunciated at the FACP, the remote annunciator, and at campus graphical command centers (True Site Workstations). In addition, alarm signals shall be annunciated at the City of Auburn 911 center network display unit (NDU) which is a node on the fire alarm network. 4. General Alarm: A system general alarm shall include: a. Identification of the device or zone that is the source of the alarm at the FACP. b. Operation of audible and visible notification devices throughout the building until silenced at FACP. c. Closing doors normally held open by magnetic door holders. d. Unlocking designated doors. e. Shutting down supply and return fans serving zone where alarm is initiated. f. Closing smoke dampers on system serving zone where alarm is initiated. g. Initiation of smoke control sequence through the building temperature control system. h. Notifying the local fire department via the campus fire alarm network. 5. Supervisory Operations: Upon activation of a supervisory device such as fire pump power failure, low air pressure switch, and tamper switch, the system shall operate as follows: a. Activate the system supervisory service audible signal and illuminate the LED at the control unit and the graphic annunciator. b. Pressing the Supervisory Acknowledge Key will silence the supervisory audible signal while maintaining the Supervisory LED "on" indicating off-normal condition. c. Record the event in the FACP historical log. d. Transmission of supervisory signal to remote central station. e. Restoring the condition shall cause the Supervisory LED to clear and restore the system to normal. 6. Alarm Silencing: If the "Alarm Silence" button is pressed, all audible alarm signals shall cease operation. 7. System Reset a. The "System Reset" button shall be used to return the system to its normal state. Display messages shall provide operator assurance of the sequential steps ("IN PROGRESS", "RESET COMPLETED") as they occur. The system shall verify all circuits or devices are restored prior to resetting the system to avoid the potential for re-alarming the system. The display message shall indicate "ALARM PRESENT, SYSTEM RESET ABORTED." LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 b. Should an alarm condition continue, the system will remain in an alarmed state 8. A manual evacuation (drill) switch shall be provided to operate the notification appliances without causing other control circuits to be activated. 9. WALKTEST: The system shall have the capacity of 8 programmable passcode protected one person testing groups, such that only a portion of the system need be disabled during testing. The actuation of the "enable one person test" program at the control unit shall activate the "One Person Testing" mode of the system as follows: a. The city circuit connection and suppression release circuits shall be bypassed for the testing group. b. Control relay functions associated to one of the 8 testing groups shall be bypassed. c. The control unit shall indicate a trouble condition. d. The alarm activation of any initiation device in the testing group shall cause the audible notification appliances to sound a voice announcement to identify the device or zone. e. The unit shall automatically reset itself after signaling is complete. f. Any momentary opening of an initiating or notification appliance circuit wiring shall cause the audible signals to voice announce the trouble condition. G. Analog Smoke Sensors 1. Monitoring: FACP shall individually monitor sensors for calibration, sensitivity, and alarm condition, and shall individually adjust for sensitivity. The control unit shall determine the condition of each sensor by comparing the sensor value to the stored values. 2. Environmental Compensation: The FACP shall maintain a moving average of the sensor's smoke chamber value to automatically compensate for dust, dirt, and other conditions that could affect detection operations. 3. Programmable Sensitivity: Photoelectric Smoke Sensors shall have 7 sensitivity levels ranging from 0.2% to 3.7%, programmed and monitored from the FACP. 4. Sensitivity Testing Reports: The FACP shall provide sensor reports that meet NFPA 72 calibrated test method requirements. The reports shall be viewed on a CRT Display or printed for annual recording and logging of the calibration maintenance schedule. 5. The FACP shall automatically indicate when an individual sensor needs cleaning. The system shall provide a means to indicate that a sensor requires cleaning. When a sensor's average value reaches a predetermined value, (3) progressive levels of reporting are provided. The first level shall indicate that a sensor is close to a trouble reporting condition and will be indicated on the FACP as "ALMOST DIRTY." This condition provides a means to alert maintenance staff of a dirty sensor without creating a trouble in the system. If this indicator is ignored, a second level "DIRTY SENSOR" condition shall be indicated at the FACP and subsequently a system trouble is reported. The sensor base LED shall glow steady giving a visible indication at the sensor location. The "DIRTY SENSOR" condition shall not affect the sensitivity level required to alarm the sensor. If a "DIRTY SENSOR" is left unattended, and its average value increases to a third predetermined value, an "EXCESSIVELY DIRTY SENSOR" trouble condition shall be indicated at the control unit. 6. The FACP shall continuously perform an automatic self-test on each sensor which will check sensor electronics and ensure the accuracy of the values being transmitted. Any sensor that fails this test shall indicate a "SELF TEST ABNORMAL" trouble condition. LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 7. Multi-Sensors shall combine photoelectric smoke sensing and heat sensing technologies. An alarm shall be determined by either smoke detection, with selectable sensitivity from 0.2 to 3.7 %/ft obscuration; or heat detection, selectable as fixed temperature or fixed with selectable rate-of-rise; or based on an analysis of the combination of smoke and heat activity. 8. Programmable bases: It shall be possible to program relay and sounder bases to operate independently of their associated sensor. It shall be possible to program sounder bases to operate in the local mode for individual room notification. 9. Magnet test activation of smoke sensors shall be distinguished by its label and history log entry as being activated by a magnet. H. Audible Alarm Notification: By voice evacuation and tone signals on loudspeakers in areas as indicated on drawings. 1. Automatic Voice Evacuation Sequence: a. The audio alarm signal shall consist of an alarm tone for a maximum of five seconds followed by an automatic digital voice message. At the end of the voice message, the alarm tone shall resume. This sequence shall sound continuously until the "Alarm Silence" switch is activated. b. All audio operations shall be activated by the system software so that any required future changes can be facilitated by authorized personnel without any component rewiring or hardware additions I. Speaker: Speaker notification appliances shall be listed to UL 1480 1. The speaker shall operate on a standard 25VRMS or 70.7VRMS NAC using twisted/shielded wire. 2. The following taps are available: 0.25W, 0.50W, 1.0W and 2.0W. At the 1.0W tap, the speaker has minimum UL rated sound pressure level of 84dBA at 10 feet. 3. The speaker shall have a frequency response of 400 to 4000 Hz for Fire Alarm and 125 to 12 kHz for General Signaling. J. Manual Voice Paging 1. The system shall be configured to allow voice paging. Upon activation of any speaker manual control switch, the alarm tone shall be sounded over all speakers in that group. 2. The control panel operator shall be able to make announcements via the push-to-talk paging microphone over the pre-selected speakers. 3. Facility for total building paging shall be accomplished by the means of an "All Call" switch K. Fire Suppression Monitoring 1. Water flow: Activation of a water flow switch shall initiate general alarm operations. 2. Sprinkler valve tamper switch: The activation of any valve tamper switch shall activate system supervisory operations. 3. WSO: Water flow switch and sprinkler valve tamper switch shall be capable of existing on the same initiating zone. Activation of either device shall distinctly report which device is in alarm on the initiating zone. LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY L. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 Power Requirements 1. The control unit shall receive AC power via a dedicated fused disconnect circuit. 2. The system shall be provided with sufficient battery capacity to operate the entire system upon loss of normal AC power in a normal supervisory mode for a period of 24 hours with 15 minutes of alarm operation at the end of this period. The system shall automatically transfer to battery standby upon power failure. All battery charging and recharging operations shall be automatic. 3. All circuits requiring system-operating power shall be 24 VDC and shall be individually fused at the control unit. 4. The incoming power to the system shall be supervised so that any power failure will be indicated at the control unit. A green "power on" LED shall be displayed continuously while incoming power is present. 5. The system batteries shall be supervised so that a low battery or depleted battery condition or disconnection of the battery shall be indicated at the control unit and displayed for the specific fault type. 6. The system shall support NAC Lockout feature to prevent subsequent activation of Notification Appliance Circuits after a Depleted Battery condition occurs in order to make use of battery reserve for front panel annunciation and control 7. The system shall support 100% of addressable devices in alarm or operated at the same time, under both primary (AC) and secondary (battery) power conditions.] 8. Loss of primary power shall sound a trouble signal at the FACP. FACP shall indicate when the system is operating on an alternate power supply. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to Conditions of Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. 1. Product data sheets for system components highlighted to indicate the specific products, features, or functions required to meet this specification. Alternate or as-equal products submitted under this contract must provide a detailed line-by-line comparison of how the submitted product meets, exceeds, or does not comply with this specification. 2. Wiring diagrams from manufacturer. 3. Shop drawings showing system details including location of FACP, all devices, circuiting and details of graphic annunciator. 4. System Power and battery charts with performance graphs and voltage drop calculations to assure that the system will operate per the prescribed backup time periods and under all voltage conditions per UL and NFPA standards. 5. System operation description including method of operation and supervision of each type of circuit and sequence of operations for all manually and automatically initiated system inputs and outputs. A list of all input and output points in the system shall be provided with a label indicating location or use of IDC, NAC, relay, sensor, and auxiliary control circuits. 6. Operating instructions for FACP. 7. Operation and maintenance data for inclusion in Operating and Maintenance Manual. Include data for each type product, including all features and operating sequences, both automatic and manual. Provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of service organizations. 8. Product certification signed by the manufacturer of the fire alarm system components LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 certifying that their products comply with indicated requirements. 9. Record of field tests of system B. Submission to Authority Having Jurisdiction: In addition to routine submission of the above material, make an identical submission to the authority having jurisdiction. Include copies of shop drawings as required to depict component locations to facilitate review. Upon receipt of comments from the Authority, make resubmissions if required to make clarifications or revisions to obtain approval. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A factory authorized installer is to perform the work of this section. B. Each and all items of the Fire Alarm System shall be listed as a product of a single fire alarm system manufacturer under the appropriate category by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), and shall bear the "UL" label. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL (FACP) A. General: Comply with UL 864, "Control Units for Fire-Protective Signaling Systems." B. The following FACP hardware shall be provided: 1. Power Limited base panel with beige cabinet and door, 120 VAC input power. 2. 2,000 point capacity where (1) point equals (1) monitor (input) or (1) control (output). 3. 2,000 points of Network Annunciation at FACP Display when applied as a Network Node 4. 2000 points of annunciation where one (1) point of annunciation equals: a. 1 LED driver output on a graphic driver or 1 switch input on a graphic switch input module. b. 1 LED on panel or 1 switch on panel. 5. From all battery charging circuits in the system provide battery voltage and ammeter readouts on the FCP LCD Display. 6. One Auxiliary Relay, SPDT 2A @32VDC, programmable as a trouble relay, either as normally energized or de-energized, or as an auxiliary control. 7. Power Supplies with integral intelligent Notification Appliance Circuit Class B for system expansion. 8. The FACP shall support (6) RS-232-C ports and one service port. 9. Remote Unit Interface: Supervised serial communication channel for control and monitoring of remotely located annunciators and I/O panels. C. Cabinet: Lockable steel enclosure. Arrange unit so all operations required for testing or for normal care and maintenance of the system are performed from the front of the enclosure. If more than a single unit is required to form a complete control unit, provide exactly matching modular unit enclosures. LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 7 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 D. Alphanumeric Display and System Controls: Panel shall include an 80 character LCD display to indicate alarm, supervisory, and component status messages and shall include a keypad for use in entering and executing control commands. E. Voice Alarm: Provide an emergency communication system, integral with the FACP, including voice alarm system components, microphones, amplifiers, and tone generators. Features include: 1. Amplifiers comply with UL 1711, "Amplifiers for Fire Protective Signaling Systems." Amplifiers shall provide an onboard local mode temporal coded horn tone as a default backup tone. Test switches on the amplifier shall be provided to test and observe amplifier backup switchover. Each amplifier shall communicate to the host panel amplifier and NAC circuit voltage and current levels for display on the user interface. Provide Simplex 4100-1327 "flex 50" dual channel amplifiers. 2. All announcements are made over dedicated, supervised communication lines. All risers shall support Class B wiring for each audio channel. 3. Emergency voice communication audio controller module shall provide up to 32 minutes of message memory for digitally stored messages. Provide supervised connections for master microphone and remote microphones. 4. Status annunciator indicating the status of the various voice alarm speaker zones. F. Distributed Module Operation: FACP shall be capable of allowing remote location of the following modules; interface of such modules shall be through a Style 7, Class A supervised serial communications channel (SLC): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 Amplifiers, voice and telephone control circuits Addressable Signaling Line Circuits Initiating Device Circuits Notification Appliance Circuits Auxiliary Control Circuits REMOTE LCD ANNUNCIATOR A. Provide Remote LCD Annunciator with the same "look and feel" as the FACP operator interface. The Remote LCD Annunciator shall use the same Primary Acknowledge, Silence, and Reset Keys, Status LEDs and LCD Display as the FACP. B. Annunciator shall have super-twist LCD display with two lines of 40 characters each. Annunciator shall be provided with four (4) programmable control switches and associated LEDs. C. Under normal conditions the LCD shall display a "SYSTEM IS NORMAL" message and the current time and date. D. Should an abnormal condition be detected the appropriate LED (Alarm, Supervisory or Trouble) shall flash. The unit audible signal shall pulse for alarm conditions and sound steady for trouble and supervisory conditions. E. The LCD shall display the following information relative to the abnormal condition of a point in the system: LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 8 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 1. 40 character custom location label. 2. Type of device (e.g., smoke, pull station, waterflow). 3. Point status (e.g., alarm, trouble). F. Operator keys shall be key switch enabled to prevent unauthorized use. The key shall only be removable in the disabled position. Acknowledge, Silence and Reset operation shall be the same as the FACP. 2.3 EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY A. General: Components include battery, charger, and an automatic transfer switch. B. Battery: Sealed lead-acid. Provide sufficient capacity to operate the complete alarm system in normal or supervisory (non-alarm) mode for a period of 24 hours. Following this period of operation on battery power, the battery shall have sufficient capacity to operate all components of the system, including all alarm indicating devices in alarm or supervisory mode for a period of 15 minutes. 2.4 ADDRESSABLE MANUAL PULL STATIONS A. Description: Addressable single- action type, red LEXAN, with molded, raised-letter operating instructions of contrasting color. Station will mechanically latch upon operation and remain so until manually reset by opening with a key common with the control units. 2.5 SMOKE SENSORS A. General: Comply with UL 268, "Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems." Include the following features: 1. Factory Nameplate: Serial number and type identification. 2. Operating Voltage: 24 VDC, nominal. 3. Self-Restoring: Detectors do not require resetting or readjustment after actuation to restore normal operation. 4. Plug-In Arrangement: Sensor and associated electronic components are mounted in a module that connects to a fixed base with a twist-locking plug connection. Base shall provide break-off plastic tab that can be removed to engage the head/base locking mechanism. No special tools shall be required to remove head once it has been locked. Removal of the detector head shall interrupt the supervisory circuit of the fire alarm detection loop and cause a trouble signal at the control unit. 5. Each sensor base shall contain an LED that will flash each time it is scanned by the Control Unit (once every 4 seconds). In alarm condition, the sensor base LED shall be on steady. 6. Each sensor base shall contain a magnetically actuated test switch to provide for easy alarm testing at the sensor location. 7. Each sensor shall be scanned by the Control Unit for its type identification to prevent inadvertent substitution of another sensor type. Upon detection of a "wrong device", the control unit shall operate with the installed device at the default alarm settings for that sensor; 2.5% obscuration for photoelectric sensor, 135-deg F and 15-deg F rate-of-rise for the heat sensor, but shall indicate a "Wrong Device" trouble condition. LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 9 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 8. The sensor's electronics shall be immune from false alarms caused by EMI and RFI. 9. Sensors include a communication transmitter and receiver in the mounting base having a unique identification and capability for status reporting to the FACP. Sensor address shall be located in base to eliminate false addressing when replacing sensors. 10. Removal of the sensor head for cleaning shall not require the setting of addresses. B. Type: Smoke sensors shall be of the photoelectric or combination photoelectric / heat type. Where acceptable per manufacturer specifications, ionization type sensors may be used. C. Bases: Relay output, sounder and isolator bases shall be supported alternatives to the standard base. The sounder base shall be used in all suites only for local mode alarm notification and will annunciate and sound supervisory alarm at the remote annunciators in the dormitory and the police station D. Duct Smoke Sensor: Photoelectric type, with sampling tube of design and dimensions as recommended by the manufacturer for the specific duct size and installation conditions where applied. Sensor includes relay as required for fan shutdown. 1. Environmental compensation, programmable sensitivity settings, status testing, and monitoring of sensor dirt accumulation for the duct sensor shall be provided by the FACP. 2. The Duct Housing shall provide a supervised relay driver circuit for driving up to 15 relays with a single "Form C" contact rated at 7A@ 28VDC or 10A@ 120VAC. This auxiliary relay output shall be fully programmable. Relay shall be mounted within 3 feet of HVAC control circuit. 3. Duct Housing shall provide a relay control trouble indicator Yellow LED. 4. Compact Duct Housing shall have a transparent cover to monitor for the presence of smoke. Cover shall secure to housing by means of four (4) captive fastening screws. 5. Duct Housing shall provide two (2) Test Ports for measuring airflow and for testing. These ports will allow aerosol injection in order to test the activation of the duct smoke sensor. 6. Duct Housing shall provide a magnetic test area and Red sensor status LED. 7. For maintenance purposes, it shall be possible to clean the duct housing sampling tubes by accessing them through the duct housing front cover. 8. Each duct sensor shall have a Remote Test Station with an alarm LED and test switch. 9. Where indicated a NEMA 4X weatherproof duct housing enclosure shall provide for the circulation of conditioned air around the internally mounted addressable duct sensor housing to maintain the sensor housing at its rated temperature range. The housing shall be UL Listed to Standard 268A. 2.6 HEAT SENSORS A. Thermal Sensor: Combination fixed-temperature and rate-of-rise unit with plug-in base and alarm indication lamp; 135-deg. F. fixed-temperature setting except as indicated. B. Thermal sensor shall be of the epoxy encapsulated electronic design. It shall be thermistorbased, rate-compensated, self-restoring and shall not be affected by thermal lag. C. Sensor fixed temperature sensing shall be independent of rate-of-rise sensing and] programmable to operate at 135-deg. F. or 155-deg. F. Sensor rate-of-rise temperature detection shall be LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 10 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY selectable at ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 the FACP for either 15-deg F or 20-deg F per minute. D. Sensor shall have the capability to be programmed as a utility monitoring device to monitor for temperature extremes in the range from 32-deg. F. to 155-deg. F. 2.7 ADDRESSABLE CIRCUIT INTERFACE MODULES A. Addressable Circuit Interface Modules: Arrange to monitor one or more system components that are not otherwise equipped for addressable communication. Modules shall be used for monitoring of waterflow, valve tamper, non-addressable devices, and for control of evacuation indicating appliances and AHU systems. B. Addressable Circuit Interface Modules will be capable of mounting in a standard electric outlet box. Modules will include cover plates to allow surface or flush mounting. Modules will receive their operating power from the signaling line or a separate two wire pair running from an appropriate power supply as required. C. There shall be the following types of modules: 1. Type 1: Monitor Circuit Interface Module: a. For conventional 2-wire smoke detector and/or contact device monitoring with Class B or Class A wiring supervision, the supervision of the zone wiring will be Class B. This module will communicate status (normal, alarm, trouble) to the FACP. b. For conventional 4-wire smoke detector with Class B wiring supervision, the module will provide detector reset capability and over-current power protection for the 4-wire detector. This module will communicate status (normal, alarm, trouble) to the FACP. 2. Type 2: Line Powered Monitor Circuit Interface Module: a. This type of module is an individually addressable module that has both its power and its communications supplied by the two wire multiplexing signaling line circuit. It provides location specific addressability to an initiating device by monitoring normally open dry contacts. This module shall have the capability of communicating four zone status conditions (normal, alarm, current limited, trouble) to the FACP. b. This module shall provide location specific addressability for up to five initiating devices by monitoring normally closed or normally open dry contact security devices. The module shall communicate four zone status conditions (open, normal, abnormal, and short). The twowire signaling line circuit shall supply power and communications to the module. 3. Type 3: Single Address Multi-Point Interface Modules: a. This multipoint module shall provide location specific addressability for four initiating circuits and control two output relays from a single address. Inputs shall provide supervised monitoring of normally open, dry contacts and be capable of LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 11 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 communicating four zone status conditions (normal, open, current limited, and short). The input circuits and output relay operation shall be controlled independently and disabled separately. b. This dual point module shall provide a supervised multi-state input and a relay output, using a single address. The input shall provide supervised monitoring of two normally open, dry contacts with a single point and be capable of communicating four zone status conditions (normal, open, current limited, and short). The two-wire signaling line circuit shall supply power and communications to the module. c. This dual point module shall monitor an unsupervised normally open, dry contact with one point and control an output relay with the other point, using a single address. The two-wire signaling line circuit shall supply power and communications to the module. D. All Circuit Interface Modules shall be supervised and uniquely identified by the control unit. Module identification shall be transmitted to the control unit for processing according to the program instructions. Modules shall have an on-board LED to provide an indication that the module is powered and communicating with the FACP. The LEDs shall provide a troubleshooting aid since the LED blinks on poll whenever the peripheral is powered and communicating. 2.8 MAGNETIC DOOR HOLDERS A. Description: Units shall be listed to UL 228. Units are equipped for wall or floor mounting as indicated and are complete with matching door plate. Unit shall operate from a 120VAC, a 24VAC or a 24VDC source, and develops a minimum of 25 lbs. holding force. B. Material and Finish: Match door hardware. 2.9 ADDRESSABLE ALARM NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES A. Addressable Notification Appliances: The Contractor shall furnish and install Addressable Notification Appliances and accessories to operate on compatible signaling line circuits (SLC). 1. Addressable Notification appliance operation shall provide power, supervision and separate control of horns and strobes over a single pair of wires. The controlling channel (SLC) digitally communicates with each appliance and receives a response to verify the appliance's presence on the channel. The channel provides a digital command to control appliance operation. SLC channel wiring shall be unshielded twisted pair (UTP), with a capacitance rating of less than 60pf/ft and a minimum 3 twists (turns) per foot. 2. Class B (Style 4) notification appliances shall be wired without requiring traditional in/out wiring methods; addressable "T" Tapping shall be permitted. Up to 63 appliances can be supported on a single channel. 3. Each Addressable notification appliance shall contain an electronic module and a selectable address setting to allow it to occupy a unique location on the channel. This onboard module shall also allow the channel to perform appliance diagnostics that assist with installation and subsequent test operations. A visible LED on each appliance shall provide verification of communications and shall flash with the appliances address setting when locally requested using a magnetic test tool. B. Addressable Controller: Addressable Controller shall supervise Channel (SLC) wiring, LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 12 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 communicate with and control addressable notification appliances. It shall be possible to program the High/Lo setting of the audible (horn) appliances by channel from the addressable controller. C. Visible/Only: Addressable strobe shall be listed to UL 1971. The V/O shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The V/O enclosure shall mount directly to standard single gang, double gang or 4" square electrical box, without the use of special adapters or trim rings. Appliances shall be wired with UTP conductors, having a minimum of 3 twists per foot. V/O appliances shall be provided with different minimum flash intensities of 15cd, 75cd and 110cd. Provide a label inside the strobe lens to indicate the listed candela rating of the specific Visible/Only appliance. The candela rating of individual strobe appliances shall be capable of being set by the 4100U fire alarm control panel. Provide Simplex model 4906-9201 strobe with clear lens for fire notification. White Finish. D. Visible only (Handicapped Accessible Room). An addressable visual only shall be provided in each of the handicapped rooms to annunciate local alarm and general alarm. These visuals will be programmed on a separate circuit from the building addressable visual devices. E. Speaker/Visible: Combination Speaker/Visible (S/V) units combine the speaker and visible functions into a common housing. The S/V shall be listed to UL 1971 and UL 1480. Addressable functionality controls visible operation, while the speaker operates on a 25VRMS or 70.7VRMS NAC. Speaker Visual: Simplex model 4906-9251. White Finish. 1. Twisted/shielded wire is required for speaker connections on a standard 25VRMS or 70.7VRMS NAC using and UTP conductors, having a minimum of 3 twists per foot is required for addressable strobe connections. 2. The following taps are available: 0.25W, 0.50W, 1.0W and 2.0W. At the 1.0W tap, the speaker has minimum UL rated sound pressure level of 84dBA at 10 feet. 3. The S/V shall have a frequency response of 400 to 4000 Hz for Fire Alarm and 125 to 12 kHz for General Signaling. 4. The S/V installs directly to a 4" square, 1 1/2 in. deep electrical box with 1 1/2" extension. F. Accessories: The contractor shall furnish the necessary accessories. 2.10 TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSION A. Provide and install TVSS for the fire alarm control panel and on the municipal phone line connection. TVSS shall be located in the FACP. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Install system components and all associated devices in accordance with applicable NFPA LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 13 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 Standards and manufacturer's recommendations. B. Installation personnel shall be supervised by persons who are qualified and experienced in the installation, inspection, and testing of fire alarm systems. Examples of qualified personnel shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Factory trained and certified personnel. 2. National Institute of Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) fire alarm level II certified personnel. 3. Personnel licensed or certified by state or local authority. 3.2 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION A. Furnish and install a complete Fire Alarm System as described herein and as shown on the plans. Include sufficient control unit(s), annunciator(s), manual stations, automatic fire detectors, smoke detectors, audible and visible notification appliances, wiring, terminations, electrical boxes, and all other necessary material for a complete operating system. B. Water-Flow and Valve Supervisory Switches: Connect for each sprinkler valve required to be supervised. 3.3 WIRING INSTALLATION A. System Wiring: Wire and cable shall be a type listed for its intended use by an approval agency acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AH), and shall be installed in accordance with the appropriate articles from the current approved edition of NFPA 70: National Electric Code (NEC). B. Contractor shall obtain from the Fire Alarm System Manufacturer written instruction regarding the appropriate wire/cable to be used for this installation. No deviation from the written instruction shall be made by the Contractor without the prior written approval of the Fire Alarm System Manufacturer. C. Color Coding: Color-code fire alarm conductors differently from the normal building power wiring. Use one color code for alarm initiating device circuits wiring and a different color code for supervisory circuits. Color-code notification appliance circuits differently from alarm-initiating circuits. Paint fire alarm system junction boxes and covers red. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Manufacturer's Field Services: Provide services of a factory-authorized service representative to supervise the field assembly and connection of components and the pretesting, testing, and adjustment of the system. B. Service personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire alarm systems. Examples of qualified personnel shall be permitted to include, but shall not be limited to, individuals with the following qualifications: 1. Factory trained and certified. 2. National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) fire alarm certified. LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 14 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 15-006 3. Certified by a state or local authority. 4. Trained and qualified personnel employed by an organization listed by a national testing laboratory for the servicing of fire alarm systems. C. Pretesting: Determine, through pretesting, the conformance of the system to the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications. Correct deficiencies observed in pretesting. Replace malfunctioning or damaged items with new and retest until satisfactory performance and conditions are achieved. D. Final Test Notice: Provide a 10-day minimum notice in writing when the system is ready for final acceptance testing. E. Minimum System Tests: Test the system according to the procedures outlined in NFPA 72. F. Retesting: Correct deficiencies indicated by tests and completely retest work affected by such deficiencies. Verify by the system test that the total system meets the Specifications and complies with applicable standards. G. Report of Tests and Inspections: Provide a written record of inspections, tests, and detailed test results in the form of a test log. H. Final Test, Certificate of Completion, and Certificate of Occupancy: 1. Test the system as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to obtain a certificate of occupancy. 3.5 TRAINING A. Provide the services of a factory-authorized service representative to demonstrate the system and train Owner's maintenance personnel as specified below: 1. Train Owner's maintenance personnel in the procedures and schedules involved in operating, troubleshooting, servicing, and preventive maintaining of the system. Provide a minimum of 8 hours' training. 2. Schedule training with the Owner at least seven days in advance. END OF SECTION 23 31 00 LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM 23 31 00 - 15 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 31 20 00 EARTH MOVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. B. Geotechnical report prepared by CTL Inc. Report of Geotechnical Exploration, New Residence Hall, Auburn University Montgomery. CTL project No. CS-9289-15 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Preparing subgrades for slabs-on-grade walks pavements turf and grasses and plants. 2. Excavating and backfilling for buildings and structures. 3. Drainage course for concrete slabs-on-grade. 4. Subsurface drainage backfill for walls and trenches. 5. Excavating and backfilling trenches for utilities and pits for buried utility structures. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 2 Section "Site Clearing" for site stripping, grubbing, stripping topsoil, and removal of above- and below-grade improvements and utilities. 2. Division 2 Section "Lawns and Grasses" for finish grading in turf and grass areas, including preparing and placing planting soil for turf areas. 3. Division 2 Section "Exterior Plants" for finish grading in planting areas and tree and shrub pit excavation and planting. 4. Divisions 2, 15, and 16 Sections for installing underground mechanical and electrical utilities and buried mechanical and electrical structures. 1.03 A. UNIT PRICES All excavation to be unclassified. This shall include, but not limit to the following: 1. Stripping of topsoil. 2. Grubbing of deep root systems. 3. Mass excavations (earth and/or rock) 4. Importing of suitable fill material if insufficient soils exist. 5. Exporting of excess material. 6. Utility trench excavations (earth and/or rock). 7. Dewatering. 8. Undercutting of soft, unsuitable soils and “fat” clays and replace with compacted engineered fill. 9. Installation of stabilization fabric and stone as necessary. 10. Overfilling and cutting back fill slopes. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 11. 12. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Moisture conditioning & recompacting the onsite soils for suitable placement as engineered fill. Re-conditioning of previously compacted areas when soils get wet prior to acceptance and/or turning over of area to the owner. B. However, a certain portion of the work will be handled with a quantity allowance with unit price being provided on Attachment B to the proposal form to be included in the base bid. Below is a brief description of the requirements associated with the unit prices referenced above: 1. The unit price for “excavation and haul off of unsuitable materials” shall include all cost associated with removing unsuitable soil from below “cut line” elevations and off-site disposal of the unsuitable material. Unsuitable materials refers to material that is not suitable for building or pavement support for reasons associated with material properties, such as highly plastic soils, “fat” clays, old fill material or alluvium. Material which is otherwise suitable, but above the optimum moisture and requires moisture conditioning prior to use as engineered fill shall not be considered as “unsuitable”. The owner’s onsite geotechnical engineer will be solely responsible for determining the suitability of soils encountered. 2. The unit price for “replacement with crushed stone” shall include all cost associated with the purchasing, transporting, installation and compacting of ALDOT #57 stone or densegraded aggregate base material for soil stabilization and/or backfill at the discretion of the owners onsite geotechnical engineer. Pipe bedding material will not apply to this allowance. 3. The unit price for “Replacement with onsite suitable material” shall include all costs associated with onsite excavation, transporting, placing and compacting the material to the project specifications. Backfill shall be accomplished with the use of suitable onsite excess material to the extents possible. 4. The unit price for “replacement with offsite suitable material” shall include all cost associated with purchasing, importing, placing and compacting of material conforming to the project specifications from an offsite source in the event that adequate suitable material is not present on the project site. 5. The unit price for “Surge Material (ALDOT #1 Stone)” shall include all cost associated with the purchasing, transporting, installation and compacting of ALDOT #1 stone for soil stabilization at the discretion of the owners onsite geotechnical engineer. 6. The unit price for installation of stabilization fabric shall include all cost associated with the purchase and installation of geogrid for soil stabilization. This material shall be Tensar BX1100 (Tensar Biaxial type 1) or approved equal. All installations shall be at the discretion of the owner’s onsite geotechnical engineer and per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Note the unit prices are being provided for the addition to and deletion from the contract base bid as required by changing field conditions during construction. The application of these allowances and unit prices shall be at the sole discretion of the owner’s Construction Manager. Payment for all items will be made based on actual in place material. The contractor is to provide a topographic map of actual field conditions prior to and upon completion of excavation. (Prior to replacing material) An additional topographic map will be necessary at the point that the replacement source transitions from onsite material to imported material and/or crushed stone. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. 1.05 A. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 DEFINITIONS Backfill: Soil material or controlled low-strength material used to fill an excavation. 1. Initial Backfill: Backfill placed beside and over pipe in a trench, including haunches to support sides of pipe. 2. Final Backfill: Backfill placed over initial backfill to fill a trench. Base Course: Aggregate layer placed between the subbase course and hot-mix asphalt paving. Bedding Course: Aggregate layer placed over the excavated subgrade in a trench before laying pipe. Borrow Soil: Satisfactory soil imported from off-site for use as fill or backfill. Drainage Course: Aggregate layer supporting the slab-on-grade that also minimizes upward capillary flow of pore water. Excavation: Removal of material encountered above subgrade elevations and to lines and dimensions indicated. 1. Authorized Additional Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions as directed by Construction Manager. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for unit prices. 2. Unauthorized Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions without direction by Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Architect, shall be without additional compensation. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below the ground surface. Subbase Course: Aggregate layer placed between the subgrade and base course for hot-mix asphalt pavement, or aggregate layer placed between the subgrade and a cement concrete pavement or a cement concrete or hot-mix asphalt walk. Subgrade: Uppermost surface of an excavation or the top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, drainage course, or topsoil materials. Utilities: On-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within buildings. Cut Line: In a cut section, the cut line shall be defined as subgrade elevation or elevation required by other specified hold down, over excavation, trench excavation, subgrade stabilization etc. In a fill section, the cut line shall be defined as the elevation achieved upon completion of all topsoil stripping, grubbing operations, etc. as approved by the owner’s onsite geotechnical engineer prior to placing fill material. Subgrade Stabilization: Stabilization of the top 24” of the final subgrade via moisture conditioning and re-compacting of the existing fill or undercutting and replacement of unsuitable materials encountered. This work shall be performed as a part of the base bid contract amount and the allowances established above shall not apply. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of the following manufactured products required: 1. Geotextiles. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY B. C. D. 1.06 A. 1.07 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 2. Controlled low-strength material, including design mixture. 3. Warning tapes. Samples for Verification: For the following products, in sizes indicated below: 1. Geotextile: 12 by 12 inches. 2. Warning Tape: 12 inches long; of each color. Qualification Data: For qualified testing agency. Material Test Reports: For each on-site and borrow soil material proposed for fill and backfill as follows: 1. Classification according to ASTM D 2487. 2. Laboratory compaction curve according to ASTM D 698. QUALITY ASSURANCE Geotechnical Testing Agency Qualifications: ASTM D 3740 for testing indicated. Qualified according to ASTM E 329 and PROJECT CONDITIONS Traffic: Minimize interference with adjoining roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities during earth moving operations. 1. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and Construction Manager. 2. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by Owner or Construction Manager. Utility Locator Service: Notify utility locator service for area where Project is located before beginning earth moving operations. Do not commence earth moving operations until temporary erosion- and sedimentation-control measures, specified in Division 2 Section "Site Clearing," are in place. Do not commence earth moving operations until plant-protection measures specified in Division 2 Section "Tree Protection and Trimming" are in place. The following practices are prohibited within protection zones: 1. Storage of construction materials, debris, or excavated material. 2. Parking vehicles or equipment. 3. Foot traffic. 4. Erection of sheds or structures. 5. Impoundment of water. 6. Excavation or other digging unless otherwise indicated. 7. Attachment of signs to or wrapping materials around trees or plants unless otherwise indicated. Do not direct vehicle or equipment exhaust towards protection zones. Prohibit heat sources, flames, ignition sources, and smoking within or near protection zones. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 4 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 2.02 SOIL MATERIALS General: Provide borrow soil materials when sufficient satisfactory soil materials are not available from excavations. Structural Fill: Refer to paragraph provided on page 8 in the geotechnical report and included on the site grading plans for definition. Unsatisfactory Soils: Soil Classification Groups GC, SC, ML, OL, CH, MH, OH, and PT according to ASTM D 2487, or a combination of these groups. 1. Unsatisfactory soils also include satisfactory soils not maintained within 3 percent of optimum moisture content at time of compaction. Base Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 95 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. Engineered Fill: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 90 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. Bedding Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; except with 100 percent passing a 1-inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. Drainage Course: Narrowly graded mixture of washed crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel; ASTM D 448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 57; with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 8 sieve. Filter Material: Narrowly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, or crushed stone and natural sand; ASTM D 448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 67; with 100 percent passing a 1inch sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 4 sieve. Sand: ASTM C 33; fine aggregate. Impervious Fill: Clayey gravel and sand mixture capable of compacting to a dense state. GEOTEXTILES A. Subsurface Drainage Geotextile: Nonwoven needle-punched geotextile, manufactured for subsurface drainage applications, made from polyolefins or polyesters; with elongation greater than 50 percent; complying with AASHTO M 288 and the following, measured per test methods referenced: 1. Grab Tensile Strength: 157 lbf; ASTM D 4632. 2. Sewn Seam Strength: 142 lbf; ASTM D 4632. 3. Tear Strength: 56 lbf; ASTM D 4533. 4. Puncture Strength: 56 lbf; ASTM D 4833. 5. Apparent Opening Size: No. 60 sieve, maximum; ASTM D 4751. 6. Permittivity: 0.2 per second, minimum; ASTM D 4491. 7. UV Stability: 50 percent after 500 hours' exposure; ASTM D 4355. B. Separation Geotextile: Woven geotextile fabric, manufactured for separation applications, made from polyolefins or polyesters; with elongation less than 50 percent; complying with AASHTO M 288 and the following, measured per test methods referenced: EARTH MOVING 312000 - 5 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Grab Tensile Strength: 247 lbf; ASTM D 4632. Sewn Seam Strength: 222 lbf; ASTM D 4632. Tear Strength: 90 lbf; ASTM D 4533. Puncture Strength: 90 lbf; ASTM D 4833. Apparent Opening Size: No. 60 sieve, maximum; ASTM D 4751. Permittivity: 0.02 per second, minimum; ASTM D 4491. UV Stability: 50 percent after 500 hours' exposure; ASTM D 4355. Detectable Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant, polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, a minimum of 6 inches wide and 4 mils thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility, with metallic core encased in a protective jacket for corrosion protection, detectable by metal detector when tape is buried up to 30 inches deep; colored as follows: 1. Red: Electric. 2. Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, and dangerous materials. 3. Orange: Telephone and other communications. 4. Blue: Water systems. 5. Green: Sewer systems. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. 3.02 A. B. C. 3.03 A. PREPARATION Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earth moving operations. Protect and maintain erosion and sedimentation controls during earth moving operations. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from freezing temperatures and frost. Remove temporary protection before placing subsequent materials. DEWATERING Prevent surface water and ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. Protect subgrades from softening, undermining, washout, and damage by rain or water accumulation. 1. Reroute surface water runoff away from excavated areas. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Do not use excavated trenches as temporary drainage ditches. Dewatering if necessary is solely the responsibility of the contractor. All water discharged from dewatering operations must be clear and free of suspended solids. EXPLOSIVES Explosives: Do not use explosives. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 6 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.04 A. B. C. D. E. 3.05 ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 EXCAVATION, GENERAL Unclassified Excavation: Excavation to the “Cut Line” shall be unclassified regardless of materials encountered. The contractor should anticipate encountering unsuitable materials including, but not limited to, medium to low consistency fill material, alluvium, etc, both above and below the cut line elevations. Unsuitable material encountered above the cut line shall be removed from the project site as a part of the unclassified base bid amount. Unsuitable material encountered below the cut line elevation shall be undercut and replaced as a part of the quantity allowance/unit prices previously established. The upper 24” of the final subgrade shall be stabilized as a part of the unclassified base bid amount. Stabilization may include, but not necessarily be limited to, moisture conditioning and recompacting of existing fill, treatment with chemical admixtures to accelerate drying or increase soil strength or undercut and replacement of unsuitable materials encountered. Due to limited available working space surrounding the existing and proposed buildings, the contractor must be prepared to construct temporary shoring systems as necessary to install basement walls, utilities, etc. in order to comply with the intent of the design plans. These shoring systems shall be total design build systems provided by the contractor as needed to accommodate his phasing of the work. Where Rock is encountered within 18” of subgrade in paving areas and 36” of subgrade in the building pad area, the cut line shall be 18” below subgrade in paving areas and 36” below subgrade in the building pad area. This over excavation shall be backfilled with select fill material at the direction of the onsite geotechnical engineer. EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES A. Excavate to indicated elevations and dimensions within a tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch. If applicable, extend excavations a sufficient distance from structures for placing and removing concrete formwork, for installing services and other construction, and for inspections. 1. Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before placing concrete reinforcement. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. 2. Pile Foundations: Stop excavations 6 to 12 inches above bottom of pile cap before piles are placed. After piles have been driven, remove loose and displaced material. Excavate to final grade, leaving solid base to receive concrete pile caps. 3. Excavation for Underground Tanks, Basins, and Mechanical or Electrical Utility Structures: Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 1 inch. Do not disturb bottom of excavations intended as bearing surfaces. B. Excavations at Edges of Tree- and Plant-Protection Zones: 1. Excavate by hand to indicated lines, cross sections, elevations, and subgrades. Use narrow-tine spading forks to comb soil and expose roots. Do not break, tear, or chop exposed roots. Do not use mechanical equipment that rips, tears, or pulls roots. 2. Cut and protect roots according to requirements in Division 2 Section "Tree Protection and Trimming." EARTH MOVING 312000 - 7 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.06 A. 3.07 A. B. C. D. 3.08 A. B. C. D. E. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 EXCAVATION FOR WALKS AND PAVEMENTS Excavate surfaces under walks and pavements to indicated lines, cross sections, elevations, and subgrades. EXCAVATION FOR UTILITY TRENCHES Excavate trenches to indicated gradients, lines, depths, and elevations reguardless of character of surface and subsurface conditions encountered. 1. Beyond building perimeter, excavate trenches to allow installation of top of pipe below frost line. Excavate trenches to uniform widths to provide the following clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 inches higher than top of pipe or conduit unless otherwise indicated. 1. Clearance: As indicated. Trench Bottoms: Excavate trenches deeper than bottom of pipe and conduit elevations to allow for bedding course. Hand-excavate deeper for bells of pipe. 1. Excavate trenches 6 inches deeper than elevation required in rock or other unyielding bearing material to allow for bedding course. Trenches in Tree- and Plant-Protection Zones: 1. Hand-excavate to indicated lines, cross sections, elevations, and subgrades. Use narrowtine spading forks to comb soil and expose roots. Do not break, tear, or chop exposed roots. Do not use mechanical equipment that rips, tears, or pulls roots. 2. Do not cut main lateral roots or taproots; cut only smaller roots that interfere with installation of utilities. 3. Cut and protect roots according to requirements in Division 2 Section "Tree Protection and Trimming." SUBGRADE INSPECTION Notify Geotech when excavations have reached required subgrade. All areas must be evaluated after the site has achieved the required elevation. Areas at grade or that will receive fill should be scarified and recompacted with heavy vibratory compaction equipment. Following the scarification and recompaction of the surfical soils, the site should be proofrolled with a tandem axle loaded dump truck. If Architect determines that unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed. Proof-roll subgrade below the building slabs and pavements with a pneumatic-tired and loaded 10-wheel, tandem-axle dump truck weighing not less than 15 tons to identify soft pockets and areas of excess yielding. Do not proof-roll wet or saturated subgrades. 1. Completely proof-roll subgrade in one direction. Limit vehicle speed to 3 mph. 2. Excavate soft spots, unsatisfactory soils, and areas of excessive pumping or rutting, as determined by Architect, and replace with compacted backfill or fill as directed. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for unit prices. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 8 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY F. 3.09 A. 3.10 A. 3.11 A. B. 3.12 A. B. C. D. E. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by Construction Manager, without additional compensation. UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering top elevation. Lean concrete fill, with 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi, may be used when approved by Construction Manager. 1. Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction, pipe, or conduit as directed by Construction Manager. STORAGE OF SOIL MATERIALS Stockpile borrow soil materials and excavated satisfactory soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 1. Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. BACKFILL Place and compact backfill in excavations promptly, but not before completing the following: 1. Construction below finish grade including, where applicable, subdrainage, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. 2. Surveying locations of underground utilities for Record Documents. 3. Testing and inspecting underground utilities. 4. Removing concrete formwork. 5. Removing trash and debris. 6. Removing temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting. 7. Installing permanent or temporary horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls. Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. Place and compact bedding course on trench bottoms and where indicated. Shape bedding course to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. Backfill voids with satisfactory soil while removing shoring and bracing. Place and compact initial backfill of satisfactory soil, free of particles larger than 1 inch in any dimension, to a height of 12 inches over the pipe or conduit. 1. Carefully compact initial backfill under pipe haunches and compact evenly up on both sides and along the full length of piping or conduit to avoid damage or displacement of piping or conduit. Coordinate backfilling with utilities testing. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil to final subgrade elevation. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 9 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY F. 3.13 A. B. C. 3.14 A. 3.15 A. B. C. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Install warning tape directly above utilities, 12 inches below finished grade, except 6 inches below subgrade under pavements and slabs. SOIL FILL Plow, scarify, bench, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill material will bond with existing material. Place and compact fill material in layers to required elevations as follows: 1. Under grass and planted areas, use satisfactory soil material. 2. Under walks and pavements, use satisfactory soil material. 3. Under steps and ramps, use engineered fill. 4. Under building slabs, use engineered fill. 5. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill. Place soil fill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. SOIL MOISTURE CONTROL Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill soil layer before compaction to within 3 percent of optimum moisture content. 1. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. 2. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 3 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry unit weight. COMPACTION OF SOIL BACKFILLS AND FILLS Place backfill and fill soil materials in layers not more than 8 inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. Place backfill and fill soil materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations, and uniformly along the full length of each structure. Compact soil materials to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698: 1. Under structures, building slabs, steps, and pavements, scarify and recompact top 12 inches of existing subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 98 percent. 2. Under walkways, scarify and recompact top 6 inches below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 95 percent. 3. Under turf or unpaved areas, scarify and recompact top 6 inches below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 92 percent. 4. For utility trenches, compact each layer of initial and final backfill soil material at 98 percent. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 10 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.16 A. B. C. 3.17 A. B. C. 3.18 A. B. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 GRADING General: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free of irregular surface changes. Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. 1. Provide a smooth transition between adjacent existing grades and new grades. 2. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to comply with required surface tolerances. Site Rough Grading: Slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent ponding. Finish subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances: 1. Turf or Unpaved Areas: Plus or minus 1 inch. 2. Walks: Plus or minus 1 inch. 3. Pavements: Plus or minus 1/2 inch. Grading inside Building Lines: Finish subgrade to a tolerance of 1/2 inch when tested with a 10-foot straightedge. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE Subdrainage Pipe: Specified in Division 2 Section "Subdrainage." Subsurface Drain: Place subsurface drainage geotextile around perimeter of subdrainage trench. Place a 6-inch course of filter material on subsurface drainage geotextile to support subdrainage pipe. Encase subdrainage pipe in a minimum of 12 inches of filter material, placed in compacted layers 6 inches thick, and wrap in subsurface drainage geotextile, overlapping sides and ends at least 6 inches. 1. Compact each filter material layer to 95 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. Drainage Backfill: Place and compact filter material over subsurface drain, in width indicated, to within 12 inches of final subgrade, in compacted layers 6 inches thick. Overlay drainage backfill with one layer of subsurface drainage geotextile, overlapping sides and ends at least 6 inches. 1. Compact each filter material layer to 95 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. 2. Place and compact impervious fill over drainage backfill in 6-inch- thick compacted layers to final subgrade. BASE COURSES UNDER PAVEMENTS AND WALKS Place base course on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. On prepared subgrade, place base course under pavements and walks as follows: 1. Install separation geotextile on prepared subgrade according to manufacturer's written instructions, overlapping sides and ends. 2. Place base course material over subbase course under hot-mix asphalt pavement. 3. Shape base course to required crown elevations and cross-slope grades. 4. Place base course 6 inches or less in compacted thickness in a single layer. 5. Place base course that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness, with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 11 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 6. C. 3.19 A. B. 3.20 A. B. C. D. E. Compact base course at optimum moisture content to required grades, lines, cross sections, and thickness to not less than 100 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. Pavement Shoulders: Place shoulders along edges of base course to prevent lateral movement. Construct shoulders, at least 12 inches wide, of satisfactory soil materials and compact simultaneously with each base layer to not less than 95 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. DRAINAGE COURSE UNDER CONCRETE SLABS-ON-GRADE Place drainage course on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. On prepared subgrade, place and compact drainage course under cast-in-place concrete slabson-grade as follows: 1. Install subdrainage geotextile on prepared subgrade according to manufacturer's written instructions, overlapping sides and ends. 2. Place drainage course 6 inches or less in compacted thickness in a single layer. 3. Place drainage course that exceeds 6 inches in compacted thickness in layers of equal thickness, with no compacted layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick. 4. Compact each layer of drainage course to required cross sections and thicknesses to not less than 98 percent of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified geotechnical engineering testing agency to perform tests and inspections. Allow testing agency to inspect and test subgrades and each fill or backfill layer. Proceed with subsequent earth moving only after test results for previously completed work comply with requirements. Footing Subgrade: At footing subgrades, at least one test of each soil stratum will be performed to verify design bearing capacities. Subsequent verification and approval of other footing subgrades may be based on a visual comparison of subgrade with tested subgrade when approved by Architect. Allow testing agency to monitor installation of aggregate pier foundations. Testing agency will test compaction of soils in place according to ASTM D 1556, ASTM D 2167, ASTM D 2922, and ASTM D 2937, as applicable. Tests will be performed at the following locations and frequencies: 1. Paved and Building Slab Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted fill and backfill layer, at least one test for every 2500 sq. ft. or less of paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than three tests. 2. Foundation Wall Backfill: At each compacted backfill layer, at least one test for every 100 feet or less of wall length, but no fewer than two tests. 3. Trench Backfill: At each compacted initial and final backfill layer, at least one test for every 100 feet or less of trench length, but no fewer than two tests. When testing agency reports that subgrades, fills, or backfills have not achieved degree of compaction specified, scarify and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil materials to depth required; recompact and retest until specified compaction is obtained. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 12 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY 3.21 A. B. C. 3.22 A. ACHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 PROTECTION Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. 1. Scarify or remove and replace soil material to depth as directed by Architect; reshape and recompact. Where settling occurs before Project correction period elapses, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional soil material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. 1. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste materials, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. END OF SECTION EARTH MOVING 312000 - 13 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 SECTION 32 95 00 VEGETATED ROOF ASSEMBLIES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 SUMMARY A. Furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment to unload, hoist and construct vegetated roof system. B. Related Sections: Alternates Section 01 23 00 Fluid-Applied Protected Membrane Roofing Section 07 55 56 Planting Irrigation Section 32 84 00 Planting Section 32 93 00 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. For any deviation from the Basis of Design identified on the Drawings and Specifications, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to confirm that all engineering criteria are appropriate for the substituted systems and materials. There should be no deviation made from this specification or the detail drawings without written approval 14 days prior to the start of the project. B. Pre-grown vegetated roof assembly trays must be produced within 300 miles of project site. C. Installer must be certified by vegetated roof assembly manufacturer. D. Before installation of the vegetated roof, the waterproofing surface shall be inspected by a technical representative of the waterproofing installer/manufacturer to determine the adequacy of the waterproofing surface and structural systems, as constructed, to accept the vegetated roof. E. Verify the integrity of the waterproofing for water tightness. F. Upon completion of the installation, an inspection shall be conducted by the manufacturer’s representative to ascertain that the vegetated roof has been installed according to specification and details. G. Upon completion of installation, provide on-site maintenance training for Owner’s staff. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. When the proposed project components vary from the Basis of Design described in this specification, submit all altered components for review. B. Submit an installation plan including but not limited to: waterproofing quality control, system delivery, and maintenance plan until vegetated roof acceptance. C. Verify compatibility of Division 7 requirements with proposed vegetated roof assemblies. D. Products: Submit, at minimum, the following components for review: 1. Slip sheet/root barrier cut sheets, including bonding adhesive. 2. Two (2) samples of approximately 64 cubic inches (2 cups) of growing media. 3. Two (2) samples of each type of module connector to be used. 4. One (1) sample of each type of edge restraint component to be used. 5. Two (2) sample vegetated modules, grown to maturity, with homogenous mix of specified plants, minimum surface coverage of 95%, delivered to job site for review by Owner, Architect and Landscape Architect. Modules submitted at this stage will become the basis of acceptance of modules delivered for permanent installation. VEGETATED ROOF ASSEMBLY 32 95 00 - !1 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY E. F. 1.05 ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 Test results: 1. Written results of testing of roof membrane for water tightness, witnessed by Architect, Owner’s Representative, roofing system manufacturer, and installing Contractor. Three (3) binders each containing the following information: 1. Manufacturer’s maintenance instructions and schedule. 2. Manufacturer’s warranties and warranties as described in this specification. WARRANTIES A. Special Warranty for Vegetated Roof Assembly: Installer agrees to repair or replace vegetated roof assembly and components that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period, except plant growth. 1. Roof System: Refer to roofing warranty requirements. 2. Warranty Period: 15 years from date of Substantial Completion. Warranty shall include repair of flaws which impair the functioning of the vegetated roof system, provided the flaws originate from errors in design, material defects, improper assembly, incompatibility between components, or deterioration. B. Special Warranty for Plant Growth: Installer agrees to repair or replace vegetated roof assembly and components that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Failure of components shall include: 1. Loss or dislocation of media due to wind scour (during the establishment period) 2. Persistent ponding of water after rainfalls. 3. Anaerobic conditions developed in the media due to inadequate drainage. 4. Cracking or deterioration of drain access chambers and border units, clogging of roof drains or scuppers. 5. Death and unsatisfactory growth except for defects resulting from abuse, lack of adequate maintenance, neglect by Owner, or incidents that are beyond Contractor's control. 6. Warranties shall include cost of labor and materials to inspect, repair, remove, and replace components in vegetated roof system without financial limit and include replacement of all plantings disturbed during the remedial action. 7. Warranty Period from Date of Substantial Completion: Two years. a. Provide extended warranty for period equal to original warranty period, for replaced plant material. C. Special Warranty for Plant Growth (Modular): Installer agrees to repair or replace vegetated roof assembly and components that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period, including plant growth. Include the following remedial actions as a minimum: 1. Immediately remove dead plants and replace unless required to plant in the succeeding planting season. 2. Replace plants that dead or in an unhealthy condition at end of warranty period. 3. A limit of one replacement of each plant will be required except for losses or replacements due to failure to comply with requirements. 4. Provide extended warranty for period equal to original warranty period, for replaced plant material. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MODULAR VEGETATED ROOF SYSTEM, GENERAL: Include single-source for all components from the manufacturer. 2.02 SLIP SHEET A. Provided by or compatible with roof membrane manufacturer. B. Minimum 40-60 mil thickness with overlapped and effectively bonded seams to prevent VEGETATED ROOF ASSEMBLY 32 95 00 - !2 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 root penetration and keep waterproofing layer safe and clean during installation. 1. Glued seam types: EPDM with seams overlapped a minimum of 3 inches and glued with roll-out adhesive or double sided tape adhesive, impervious to and unaffected by moisture, recommended by manufacturer. 2. Welded seam types: TPO, PVC, polypropylene or HDPE, with seams heat welded 2.03 VEGETATED ROOF MODULE A. Basis of design: LiveRoof Deep System James Greenroofs 1699 Crawford Smithonia Road Colbert, GA 30628 (770) 765-6817 B. Approved substitute. 2.04 PLANTS A. Custom plant mix: 1. Sedum reflexum ‘Angelina,’ 15% 2. Sedum kamtschaticum ‘Ellacombianum,’ 15% 3. Sedum tetractinum ‘Coral Reef,’ 20% 4. Allium senescens ‘Blue Eddy,’ 15% 5. Delosperma cooperi, 20% 6. Delospermum nubigenum, 15% 2.05 ACCESSORIES A. Pavers/Ballast: 1. Concrete paver with integrated plastic base with dimensions matching vegetated tray system dimensions. Color to be selected by Architect. 2. Designed to follow roof contours. 3. Where edge is exposed, install aluminum edging. 4. Cut out trays around roof drain inlets. Install aluminum edging around perimeter of cutout. Install stone ballast in space between edging and roof drain. Stone ballast color to be selected by Architect. B. Aluminum edge restraint: Aluminum, L-shaped edge restraint of dimension required for selected vegetated tray system, perforated to allow drainage. Finish selected by Architect. Corners fabricated by manufacturer or shop-welded. Secure edging to green roof or paver module. C. Module connectors: 1 3/4” diameter plastic discs inserted into slots at corners of modules. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 DELIVERIES AND HANDLING A. Installation Season: As directed by Landscape Architect. B. Do not install on saturated roof surfaces or under freezing weather conditions, the latter unless with the express written permission of vegetated roof system and roof waterproofing membrane system manufacturers. C. Modular Vegetated Roof System: 1. Coordinate the completion of installation within a 4-hour period from the time the modules are to be delivered. 2. Handle planted modules with care. Do not drop, kick, or point-load modules during handling and installation. VEGETATED ROOF ASSEMBLY 32 95 00 - !3 NEW RESIDENCE HALL AUBURN UNIVERSITY MONTGOMERY ARCHITECT’S PROJECT NO: 15-006 3.02 SITE PREPARATION A. Perform installation only after appropriate waterproofing system, with the proper taper to allow for drainage, has been installed and inspected. Flood test prior to module installation to confirm water-tightness. B. Verify roof deck surfaces are free of irregularities. C. Refer to Waterproofing System manufactures’ recommendation toward acceptable slipsheet protection fabric. Ensure slip sheet protection is in place, properly overlapped with seams effectively bonded. D. Restrict traffic from work areas during installation and thereafter to restrict damage to the plant material. E. Thoroughly sweep away all debris, foreign material, etc. from the waterproofing surface. 3.03 APPLICATION OF VEGETATED ROOF MODULAR SYSTEM A. Remove all debris from the slip-sheet surface that might interfere with installation of the modules or compromising the integrity of the waterproofing surface. B. Coordinate with Section 07 55 56 Work. C. Do not exceed allowable point loading on roof while modules are being transported to roof. D. Place modules over the slip-sheet in the desired locations in accordance to the landscape design. E. Modules shall be installed in straight rows, tight against each other, and arranged in the proper directional orientation. Follow system manufacturer’s specifications/ recommendations. F. Cut modules shall be installed tight against curbs or parapets, with cut side oriented to the high side of the roof. G. Installed modules shall be watered sufficiently with a fine spray so as to thoroughly moisten the growth media from top to bottom. Water shall be free of substances harmful to plant growth. Hoses or other methods of temporary irrigation shall be furnished by the Contractor. 3.04 30-DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. Installation contractor shall maintain the vegetated roof until substantial completion. B. Maintenance shall include: 1. Watering as required. 2. Perform weeding as necessary. 3. Repair, rework, and replant all areas that have washed out or are eroded. Replace undesirable or dead areas with new plants. 4. Apply suitable bio-controls, fungicides, or insecticides only as required to control diseases and insects. Comply with all applicable local, State and Federal regulations and label instructions when applying these materials. C. Upon completion of the maintenance period, a written maintenance plan for each specific vegetated roof system shall be submitted to the building owner. 3.05 ACCEPTANCE: Vegetated roof will be acceptable, provided all requirements, including maintenance period, have been complied with, and healthy, even-colored, viable plants are established. 3.06 CLEANING A. Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all excess materials, debris, and equipment. 1. Do not use blower equipment to remove dirt or grit. 2. Do not sweep soil under modules or slip sheet. B. Promptly and appropriately repair any damage resulting from vegetated roof assembly installation. END OF SECTION VEGETATED ROOF ASSEMBLY 32 95 00 - !4