AIR DROP TESTS WITH FIRE-TROL 100 AND BY J. E. Grige1 THIS FILE COpy MUST BE RETURNED TO: INFORMATION SECTION, NORTHERN FOREST RESEARCH CENTRE, 5320 - 122 STREET, EDMONTON, ALBERTA. T6H 3S5 FOREST RESEARCH LABORATORY EDMON'l'ON, ALBERTA HiFORMATION REPORT A-X- ~ CANADIAN FORESTRY BERVI CE DEPARTMENT OF rISBRnS Am> FORESTRY MAY, 1970 !22&'L _/~ ____~__ ____ }' ' Pa(ce IN'fJODUO'nOlC 1 DESCRIPrION OF RET.AlmAN'l'S 3 rire ..Trol 100 Phos-Cbek 205 Description ot Field Sites Preparation ot Retardant Mixtures Drop Specifications Drop Pro_urel or DATA Preparation ot around Distribution Patterns Measurement ot Contour Level Areas Measurement of Contour Leve 1 Lengtbs Calculation of Percentage Ground Recovery Comparison ot Ground Distribution Patterns 4 7 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 13 13 ImIUIlm DllCUI8tOIf' or 3 4 PROCEDU.RES ANALYSIS 3 .~ 24 ACD~rrm 31 ~ClS 31 APPlJDIX 33 wrm AIR DROP 'liSTS nU-TftOL 100 AND PJlOS-CHU 20,1 LOJfG. ; ~ J. I. Or!,el2 'BJe ue ot lema-teD ...tal "ltIHta" 1. u fire tuppre•• lon operationa eatabl1. . . Jft.ftlae 1n 1ft ... United Statea and British Columbia. In the United State. Forest Service lorthern Region, 2,435,000 gallons ot long-ten retardants were applied &1' retardant planea in 1967 (Herd7, 1967). . ' Thia . . . .t ";'h'~~' WU e"enq comprlaecl.t " " r~llOO ,,;;,:(,t { • and l'boa..Chek are at ,..aut tbe'moat eoaonl.1 . . . t1re I".t"".nta. The 202, which .uaeaa of the 'r t<> t_1J' lnil'o4uet!on into other areal. Altbc.ruP both rire-Trol 100 ... fI'iM~ 2020bave Deen operation- &111)""1.:.., .b•• the ear4' 1960'., <u:I\1e~lt&tlve intonation on tke1r 61J' .. . , . . .aetvlltioa J 8, .ift *, ad t.I'M MnoJ7 ,...tfttion and reterrtton, 1a available. Thtt .ttecttveneas ot the •• retardant. in re- tar4i. ad/or utlqtdabina w114t1re. vu •• tuU.he4 aa4 tta14 ta.t. (.....,. !!!!. 1962. Davla!!!l. taro. laboratory 1962. Davia!!!!. 1963), aeel operational tr1als at •• lected &in.nker bU.. throucbout the Western Un! ted Statel. Only one of the two retwanta wu evaluat.d and compared with the existing produot •• primarily bentonite short-term retardant. at an, ODe bafle ctuJ'itl& the operational trials. The auperiori ty of tM lon,:s... term :N\arclants was easily reeogn1se4. and ttle trial base uauCly adopted the pertleular retardant aubmitte4 tor teatlna. '!hu, detailed oomparl .. eoa ot the bop "'aoterl.tl0. of 'iPe-Trol 100 al14 Pbos-a.ek 205 has been Uldte4. At present, the Alberta For•• t Service is util1ztl'l& GELGARD , short-terti retariant and tb. Snow all4 'J.'brouh Commander &irUalters tn 1ta ..,.1al tire suppre.sioll operat1oas 1n southern Alberta. 1an4~ban4 De IDOW' ea.an4er alrtanker 18 a low« .........1oultura1 airaraft With a 250 imperial ,allon capacity; tbe ThrUlll Commande, " laPger IIOdU'ied model of the Snow, laas .. 330 imperial gallon capaoity_ The introduction loDg-tVII tin ret8l"4ant is llkelJ. . . lDtormatiOD on the au ot a 4rop o)Iarac- ter!n! •• ot 'lre-'!'rol 100 al14 Pbo.-cMlt 20t retardate VO\tl4 ald In the .eteot101l ot tile retar4ant be.t suited tor Al.herta forest eoD4itlO1lI. wou14 alao permit 110ft It emoient util1utlOft of the Snow am! Thrush Comman- der aiJ'taDker•. A eer1.. ot air ... ..... "'Oft, ~ test. ""., cb"op teata wttJI '''"-!ro1 100 . . ftIN-aaek lOS Alhrta , ...188 ~ 1968. Objeetlvet of tba 1) to eompare the air drop . . . .eter1.t1c. of the two n9&r4_t.; _ - 3 - and 2) to determine the effectiveness of the Thrush COPJmander as an airtanker. Results of the study are presented in this report. DESCRIPrION OF RETARDANTS FIRE -'mOL 100 Fire-Trol -10" Limited, Kamloops, B.C, a slurry, is manufactured by Chemonics Industries It consists of a 15 per cent dry weight ammonium sulphate solUtion, thickened by attapu1.gite clay to 1400-2000 centipoise!, and has a corrosion inhibitor and pigment added (Anon. 1967). At tapu19ite clay is similar to bentonite, but is less affected by variation in water . , temperature, hardness,. or impurities. To obtain a l~ per cent solution, 333 pounds of Fire-Trol 100 are added to 100 gallons of water (3.3 Ib/gal). lage in the slurry. There is a 20 per cent swel- One gallon of slurry weighs 11.2 pounds, Hixers with high shear impellers are mandatory to obtain proper viscosity; but once attained, the viscosity level holds almost indefinitely. There are no bacterial deterioration problems and only slight contamination problems in using attapulgite clay-thickened retardant chemical. An inhibitor reduces the rate ot corrosion to an acceptable level. Cost ot Fire-Trol 100 per ton is $132.50 f.o.b. Kamloops ClJ3.4¢/gal, not including mixing). Phos-Chek 205 Phos-Chek 205, a viscous rpt~rdant solution, is manufactured by 1 Viscosity measured with Prookfield Viscometer, Model LVF, No. 4 spindle, 60 RPM. l - 4 - Monsanto Canada Limited, Vancouver, B.C. per cent di~nium phosphate (DAP) solution by weight, is thickened by sodium carbox:ymethylcellulose r~clon The retardant mixture contains 10 (CMe) to 800-1200 centipoise, and has cor- and spoilage inhibitors and pigment &dded (Anon. 1967). To obtain a 10 per cent solution at proper viscosity, 137 pounds of Phos-Chek 205 are added to 100 gallons of w'lter (1. 37 Ib/gal). a "; per cent swellage in the solution. pounds. There is One gallon of solution weighc 10.7 It can be mixed best in a Lely-type side entry propellor batch mixer; a high shear impeller may not develop maximum v scosity. A continu- ous flow mixer has been developed for mixing the retardant, with good results. An inhibitor mination by pr~vents bacterial deterioration, however, conta- residue of other materials may cause irreparable loss of viscosity. An inhibitor reduces the rate of corrosion to an acceptable level. Phos-.Chek 205 per ton is approximately $310.00 f.o.b. Cost of Ie_loops (19.86/gal, not including mixing). PROCEDURES Description of Field Sites Three level sites: 1) an open field; 2) a mature, well-stocked lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. 1atifo11a) stand; and 3) a mature, medium-stocked white-spruce aspen (:picl"a "lam:a, Po;gul)1S1 tremulQidl"s} stand were selected for the air drops (Fig. 1). The lodgepole pine stsnd averaged 5.9 inches dbh, 63 feet tall, and had a basal area of 166 square feet per acre. . , closure was estimated as 50 per cent. Crown The white spruce-aapen stand averaged 6.2 inches dbh (white spruce 7.5 incbes, aspen \.9 inches), 80 feet tall, - 5 - and had a basal area of 12'+ square feet per acre. mated as 35 per cent. The deciduous trees were Crown closure was esti- ful~ leafed. Grid systems, one in the open field and two in each of the forest stands, were established to calibrate the retardant drJpsl. intercept the retardant in the ')pen field consi;:;t",d ot Containers to op'1'!n-ended enafJlel cans 2 7/8 inches in c1iametE'r and 4 5/1G inches in height, nailed and tB.ped onto lL~-inch long, 1 1/2- x 1 1/2- inch wooden .':~tqkes; in the stands opeotopped cans with a 6-L1ch spike spot-welded to the bottoms in the stands were used (Fig. 1). The open field containers were driven into the ground to a d~Pth ot , inches, so that the tops of the cans were a uniform 12 t'::.> 13 inches above the surface of the ground. placed into the forest floor. The stand containers were ea.sily Collection of the retardant mixture was made using 10-ounce plastic-lined paper cups, which fitted snug~ into the can container.s. Eaeh grid system, which consisted of 738 containers arranged in , lO-fJot-square spacing, was 400 teet long by 170 feet wide, All containers were placed at their predesignated locations; no attempt was made to place the containers under a uniform crown closure 1n the forest stands. Each container was identified by a letter and number; lateral rows were labelled A-R and longitudinal columns l_l~l. Thus, the location of each container in th~ grid system was easi~ identifiable by the co-ordinate letter/number. The corners and center of the open field grid were' marked with br:fght orange 2- x 2-foot flags to facilitate easy aerial identification. Multicolored flagging was placed along the center line of the grid to designate line of flight. The grid systems 1n the forest stands were established 1 The procedure described by Hodgson (1967) and MacPherson (1967) was used to establish the grid system in the open field. - 6 - Lodgepole pine b containers Open grid stand grid system system c ,Fjgure 1. containers d Ground view of air drop sites: (8) lodgepole pine stand; (b) white spruce-aspen stand; grid system in open field (c) and lodgepole pine stand (d) - 7 - so that the line of fl:ii~ht was parallel to a road or seismic liHf'. A weather balloon was used t,) identify the center of the grids. Preparation ot Retardant Mixtures Fire-Trol 100 and Phos-Chek 205 peller batch mixer according to ~lere manufacttll'Fr~1 mixed with a side-entry prospecifications. Inalequate controls on the mixer prevented preparation of mixtures with identical viscosity. Creek water at a temperature of 50 to 55°F was used. The ViSC0Sity of each ajrtanker lQad was measured with a Erookf:l.eJd Viscometer Model L'iF, No. 4 spindle, 60 rpm. Drop Specifications Air drop t~sts were made with Thrush Con~ander CF-XLE. The retar- dant loads, all of which were 310 imperial gallons, were released onto the open field site from 80+ - 10 feet, and onto the forest stand sites from 15-+ .. 10 feet and 60+ 10 feet above the tree canopy. was 100 mph. Air speed for all test drops Air drops were made when on-site ground wind speed was less than 10 mph, and wind speed measured at a nearby lookout was in the same range. The drop schedule was so arranged that was released ~nto a forested grid in any one day. on~ one retardant load A total of 23 air drop tests was made (Table J). Drop Procedures Prior to each test drop series, the paper cups labelled with the appropriate co-ordinate letter/number and placed into ·8- 1-\ A:i.r drop tests, Thrush Commander air tanker, Edsvn, Alberta, Table 1. September, 1968 ',,+: ".,.,iii it?~~f Drop Site Retardant Drop height eft) Fire-Trol 100 + Phos-Chek 205 Open ('0 - 10 3 Lodgepo 1e Pi ne - ± + 10 3 3 15 - (Dive) 6o t lO 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 15 White Spruce-Aspen 15 t 10 60 t 10 containers. Labelling ot the cups prior to a drop enabled tast collection afterwards. Air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed and direction were recorded at 4 1/2 feet immediate~ prior to each drop. The release height ot the aircraft over the open field site was measured using two hage. ali i -Ieters. Dummy runs were made until the pre- designated drop altitude vas obtained. drops Wb . estimated by the Release height for the forest stand pi lot. Following each drop, cups oontaining any retardant slurry or solution were oapped within 10 minutes ot the drop with tight-fitting plastiC lids to prevent evaporation, and collected. POI' additional drops 'in the open, new cups were labelled to replace those collected. for tbe test drop series are presented 1n Table 2. Operational data Several ot the air drops onto the study sites are shown in :r;-1gures 2 to 4. '" Table 2. S:1te l 1)a1:e and Drop No. Dr<:>p No, Operational data tor Thrush C0meen4v/J'ire-Trol 100 and Phos-cbek 205 air drop testa, Boon, Alberta, September '. 1968 V:isoosiq DroP.c2 height (tt) (epa) Air t .... (OF) Relative h\ll!dd:l t7 Wi 0.4 Speed !!ph) Wiae! Direction 98 0 0 <:,8 65 0 - 3 NW 1)5 2 2 2 1 1'nf NW <%) rire-'l'ro 1 100 1 hpt. 10 .. 1 S 1 1850 L 2 10 - 2 Sept. 10 - 4 S 2 0 2000 L 85' Sept. 11 - 1 Sept. 11 - 2 Sept. 11 - 3 .s 2550 1850 Sept. '3 4 c; 6 Sept. 11 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 Sept. 12 .pt. 12 - 7 Q '.~ 9 10 11 9 1 P 1 P2 0 0 4 1 2 3 L L L 1900 84' 91' 2000 1700 2050 P 1 L 2250 P2 At H 1950 1950 2 It 62.5 66.5 62.0 54.5 98 55.0 55.5 51•• 5 51.5 71 77 5B.o '(5 58.5 58.5 60 61 86 3 4 JW NW JW mw 5 f;w'tf 61 '73 72 71 2 0 0 U 1 BE 75 0 Phoa-chek. 205 Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Iept.~ 14 Sept. 14 Iept. 14 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 .pt. 1'5 .. lept. 15 .. "pt. 15 .. Sept. 18 - 'i 11 5 C; 7 8 0, ..,. 10 11 12 1. 2 S 1 Sept. 13 - 1 1 22 1 2 3 4 '5 6 1 2 3 4 6 Q' - open area; L 0 0 H 80' 59.5 54.0 1225 75' 56.5 56.0 85' 0 1250 S 2 1270 L 1040 1000 L 11 P 1 1550 11+10 1140 L L L 57.0 61.5 61.5 51.0 51.0 54.0 P2 1075 L 1550 t(DlVE) 55.5 P 1 P 2 S 1 S 2 P2 P 950 1000 = lodgepole - 15 ft. above canopy; pine; S 51.5 = white spruce-aspen; H - 60 ft. above canopy 64 80 69 63 r:;1" ,.0 44 46 0 0 2 I.. -. ltW NW :3 ~1f '7 ~ NW () NY 1 & 2 indicate grid system plot - 10 - cups were weighed as soon as possible to the nearest Th~ r!"tarda~1t 0.1 gram using a direct reading balance. PoSSible errors which may have resulted with the procedure used are discussed in detail by MacPherson (1967). Ai'!ALYSlS OF DATA Prepare.tje,t1 of Ground Distribution Patterns Data for each dr~)p were plotted on a scaled grid; the retardant weight measured in each cup was transferred to its corresponding co-ordinate on the grh1. o Isulines were drawn for 0 (Trace), .005", .01", .04", .O'{", 10", 0.1"/' and 0.20ft contour levels representing depth of retardant in l'fea:mretJ:ent of Contour Level Areas A planimeter 'Vm.3 used to in a ground distribution pattern. averaged, thon multiplied by m.eas~e the area (of each contour level Three readings of each level was taken, a c\)nVerSiofl factor to obtain the area in ,'1quare teet Measurement of Contour Level Lengths The length of individual contour levels along the direction of flight was measured to a minimum width of 10 feet for each ground diatribution pattern, using the criteria described by MacPherson (1967). The 10-foot width was considered the minimum width for an effective retardant tire-line. Calculation of Percentage Ground Recovery The amount of retardant reaching the ground was calculated tor each dr0p. The assumption that each cup in the grid system represented - 11 - Fjgure 12. A Phos-Chek 205 drop onto th~ open field grid system. - 12 - Figure 3. Fig. IL A low drop onto the white spruce-aspen stand with Phos-Chek 205. A. high d.rop onto the lodgepole pine stand with Fire-Trol 100. ;~':~ :,J "< - 13 - one-half the distance feet, was used. tr) the ad;jacent containers, or an area of 100 Cup retardant weights were converted on this basis. The total weight ot the retardant recovered in grams was converted to gallons, and tbe percentage recovered on the ground determined. Co~parizon of Ground Distribution Patterns The area and length of the different contour levels, and percentage ground recovery of the two retardants were compared. A 8erl~'~, of tfttf tests were made to determine whether the air drop characteri. i::c ,';$ the two materials ditfered. RESULTS The a1r drop characteristics ot Fire-Trol 100 and Pbos-Chek 205 were dmilar tor the open lield drop teats ('rabIes 3 and 4, r1aure 5). A 1ft" test sbowed that the area and length ot the majority ot contour levels in the ground distribution patterns of Fire-Trol 100 and Phos-Chek 205 and and the amount of material reaching the ground were not different at the 90 per cent level of signficance (Appendix). The amount of Fire-Trol 100 reaChing the ground average 82 pe:o:cent of the 3"LO-gallon load for the tbne. drops, Pbos-Chek 205 averaaed 80 percent. Thus, about 20 per cent of both retardants was lost to evapo'ration and dritt of er~ded particles during the tall to the ground. Fire- Trol 100 had more lateral drift than Phes-Cbek. 205, as shown by the greater contour area 1n ~he lower contour levels (Figure 6). This situation was rev"!!ra.e<i in the higher cllntour l<>vels; however, the overall difference was not considered significant and wu attributed to the char8Ci&J"istj.~ ot the thickening agents used; i.e. clay V8. gum. Open field ground distributIon •. :;i~·'7·· Table 3. Contour areas (sq tt) and pe~centage ground recovery tor Thrush Commander/Fire-Trol 100 and Pbos-Chek 205 air drops onto open fields. Retardant & drop no. 1 " Viscosity (<':ta) FiH-'1'f«I: Contour Level (depth 1n inches) 2 0 .005 .01 .02 .04 Area (sq .07 . .10', .15.20 ttl Ground recovery (%:) 100 1. (9) 1700 27467 16856 11012 6652 3'736 1812 (,28 lEo 56 2. ( 8) 2000 19804~ 12012 8620 5692 3460 1892 1036 176 4 . (~) 2550 24240* 125B}lI: 10026* 6916 35'<:'<3 1736 924 324 64 Average 2063 23837 13819 ~ -6420 3721 1813 925' 227 it 1 10372* 7376* 4556 1624 660 40 00 '79 .~ Ii"·, rr5 82 PHOS-CHIK 205 ~ l. (2) 1000 24188 13268* 2. (3) 1225 215l~4'*' 128214- 9944 7217 4592 2120 71+0 6'1 .:t (4) 1250 18988* 111-860* 11412 7640 1.284 168J.~ 492 124 28 81 Average 1158 217Tl 74~ 4477 1802 631 77 .:z ;;30 J. 13651 10576 1. Number in parentheses indicates drop nuaoer as listed in Table 2. 2. '* , Part ot contour tell outside of grid. ~,.,.,.........--- Table ~. eontour lenet_ (tt) for 'l'bnaIa eo. Fader/pire-Trol 100 205 atl' fboopa orato GpJG fte 14. awl Phoa-Qaek .. ~ 'It .... DO. 1 Viaeos1t7 ( cps) 02 o.-v .()05 .01 J'tre-t'ro1 (T ill.07iachea) .10 level .02 • . .15 .20 Leqt)l (tt) 100 1. (9) 1100 316* 213 233 137 90 ;''78 56 23 14 2. (e) 2000 282* 2~ 205 149 107 12 63 24 2 3. ( 3) 2550 283* 118* 170* 131 lO5 60 43 39 13 Average 2083 ~ 20J ill -101 12. 2§ ~ - !l2 10 Pbu-Ctlek. ,... 205 1. (I) 1000 341*131" 193* 158* l.2tt, lO2 51 7 2. (3) 1225 305* 118 191 l.68 112 13 it.9 ,'8 3. (it. ) 1250 270* 113'* 214* 183 loS 81 it.1 22 1 Average 1158 .m. m 122- .11'Q 115 ~ .!!2 J:g -2 .. \It 1. . .ber in pVfH1thesis indicat. . clrop DllIIbe' as llatecl 1ra Table 2'. 2. ' ' Part oteontour tell outside of grid. - 16 • patterns are shown in Figures 6 and 7. The ground distribution patterns were similar tor the two retardants in the lodgepole pine stand (Tables 5 and 6, 'igure 8). A"t" test showed there was no d1fference at the 90 per cent level of significance r;etW'een the area snd length of the contour leve ls and the amount of retardant reaching the ground for the three low drops (Appendix). For the loW' drops, the amount of retardant recovered on the ground averaged 29 percent for Fire-Trol 100 and 28 per cent for Phos-Cbek 205. Since the drops were made trom 15: 10 teet above the canopy, little material was lost to evaporation and drift; thus, approximately 70 per cent of the 3l0-gallon loads was intercepted and retained by the tree crowns and stems for both retardants. Thirty-seven per cent ot each retardant load was recovered on the ground tor the high drops (60: 10 teet). The Phos-Chek 205 reterdant solu- tion produced greater contour areas and lengths than did the 'ire-Trol 100 slurry. For both retardants, the a:rea and length of the contour levels below .04 inches was in most cases greater tor the high drops than tor the averace of' the low drops, and did not ditter greatly in those above .04 inchel (Tabl~1 5 and 6). Ground distribution patterns tor the lodgepole pine stand are presented on 'igures 9 and 10. The ground distribution patterns tor 'ire-Trol 100 and Phos-Chek 205 were a1.0 similar in the white spruce-aspen stand (Table. 7 and 8, 'igure 11), A Nt" te.t showed that there was no difference at the 90 per- cent level ot .iln1-tic8nce between the area and length ot the contour levels and the amount of retardant reaching the ground tor the three low drops (Appendix) . .. 18 .. Figure 6. Open drop, Fire-Trol 100 ... 19 ... 'igure 7. Open drop, Phos-Cbek 205 Table 5. Retardant drop no. l &: Drop type 2 Viscosity (cps) Contour areu (eq ttl fHlCi percent_.. sround recovery for '!'brush CommHder!F1re-Trol 100 and Phos-Chek 205 air drops onto lodaepole pine stend. 03 .005 Contour l.eve 1 (depth in inches) Ground .04 recovery j .01 Fire-Trol 100 .02 .07 .10 .15 Area (sq It) 8548 1. (7) L2 1900 21644* 2. (6) L1 1950 22588* 1018l. 4536* 1220* 3. (10) L1 2050 20504 7168 3308 1372 728 340 123 36 1967 21579 ~ SG"'''I 1632 ~ 12 23548* 12972* 7868* 2188 -121 43 2250 - 588 36 300 Averace ( 11) .20 H2 "876 4240 2304 564 24 28 188* 29 29 -- E2. 37 "-~-~- ~~~.-~" Piles-Chelt 205 l. ( 6) L 1 1040 19128* 7642 5276 2916 1012 2. (11) L2 1075 21424* 9256* 4192 592 4 3. (10) L1 1140 18780* 8240* 4292* 1680 356 1082 12777 .§Il2. ~ 1m m -104 8000 3500 1184 136 32 37 644 220 76 20 22 Averac· 1. (7) 12 1000 15448* 1Q148 1. (12) Dive 2 1550 23372* 5624* 2306* 20 31 26 12 28 ..J.. 1. Number in parenthesis indicates drop number as listed. in Table 2. 2 ... "" low drop (15 t ) ; H,.. high drop (OO'); 1 &: 2 indicate grid-system. plot number. 3 '*' part of contour fell outside of grid. -- -- g§ ~ Table 6. letanlant l drop no. & Drop type2 COD.tOUl" le~ (tt) tor Tbrusb CQaIlln4er/Flre-Tro1 100 and Pbos-ckek 205 air drops onto l04aeP0le pine stand. Viscosity (cps) Contour level (depth in inebes) 03 .005 .01 .02 .04 .07 .10 .15 Fire-Tro1 100 1. (7) L2 1900 315* 223 154- 2. (6) L1 1950 328* 219* 163* 69* 30* 3. (10) L1 2050 316* 178* 94* 67 50 40 22 10 1267 ~ 207 137 82 44 15 J. ..J. 2250 305* 245 196 99 35 11 Leagth (tt) Average 1 (11) .20 H2 1.09 52 6 Pbos-aae. 205 1 (6) L1 1040 344* 201 154 126 58 2 (11) L2 1075 355* 203* 134* 48 1 '3 (10) L1 1140 337* 239* 159* 110 31 5 108, 1±2. ill 142 ..22 .JQ 11 2 '" t-' Average 27 6 1 (7) H2 1000 220* 206 195 134 85 36 8 1 (12) Dive 2 1550 360* 185* 116* 57 23 11 5 -- 1 Number in parenthesis indicates drop number as listed in Table 2. 2 L .. loY drop (15·); H == high drop (60'); 1 & 2 indicate grid system plot number. 3 •• t part o~ contour ~e11 outside of grid. -- - 22 - J"iaure 9. Lodgepole pine, Fire-Trol 100 , ! .. - 23 - - 24 The ground recovery rate averaged 40 percent for Fire-Trol 100 and 33 percent for Ph.os-Chek 205. Thus, 60-67 percent of the retardant was retained by tilt tree crowns and st... th~ .As in the lodgepole pine stand, amount of retardant material reoovered trom the high drops onto the white spruce-aspen stand was greater than the average of the low drops (Table 7). The greater variation in the drop test recovery rates in the stand was attributed to a difference in the stand density of the two white spruce-aspen drop sites, and the presence of openings and uneven tree spacing in the natural stand. Ground distribution patterns are presented in Fieure 12 and 13. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Results showed that the air drop characteristics of clay-thickened Fire-Trol 100 slurry with a viscosity of approximately 2000 cps. were comparable to that of gum-thickened Pbos-Cbelt 205 solution at about 1200 cps. This test series, boYever, was conducted under ideal wind conditions. Ob- servatlon of several drops not included in the data indicated that FireTrol 100 at 1700 cps. and Ph.os-CheIt 205 at 1100 cps. were susceptible to excessive drift and erosion when wind speed exceeded 10 mph.' Since tire suppression operations are commonly carried out under like wind conditions, the viscosity of Fire-Trol 100 should be at least 2000 cps. and of Phos-Chek 205 at least 1400 cps. when applied with the Snow and Thrush Commander airtankers. This recommended v:tscosity may vary with the type of airtaoker and efficiency of the retardant delivery system. Although the crown penetration characteristic ot the two retardants was similar, the crown retention characteristic differed. Ph.os-abek Table 7. Retardant 1 &: drop no. Drop2 tIPe Viscosit,. (cps) Contour areas (sq ft) and percentage !round recovery tor 'l'b.rusA Coaaader/J'ire-Trol 100 and Pbos-Chek 205 air drops onto 1fll1ttl spruce-aspen stand.. c::oatoar leve 1 (deptA in il1cAes) 03 .005 .01 Pire-'l"rol .02 GroUDd reoc:maJfy .04 .07 .lO .15 .20 (~) 148 40 59 Area (sq tt) l. 100 (1) L1 1850 26672* 12700* &:18 4432 2065 872 328 2. (5) L2 1950 20632 9438 4920 1884 e&> 360 104 3. (2) L2 2000 20184 10136 6116 2400 572 128 1933 22496 10757 6~48 ~ 1850 20128* l.2OO4* 9308* 5384 Average H1 (4) \ - 1173 -453 2552 492 30 32 144 1.1-0 --"-- -13 40 55 I\) \Jl PI1os-Chei: l. 205 ( 5) L2 1270 18716 8()76 5022 2424 516 8 2. (9) L2 1410 17~4 9728 5496 2860 1184 352 24 33 3. ( 8) L1 1550 18180* 9844* 6056 3268 1744 7€iJ 104 41 1410 18233 9216 5525 2851 1148 373 43 .ll 950 18460 13060 9408 5004 1432 24 Averale ( 1) 1 H1 r- number 111 parenthesis indicates drop number as listed in Table 2. 2 Ii 3 = low dr<)p (15'); H ::: high drop (60 I ) ; '*' part ot contour fell outside of grid. 1 & 2 indicate grid sy,tem plot. 25 44 Table 8. Retar4ant &. clrop no. 1 DroP type2 Contour leneth (n) tor Thrush Co1llll&nd~r /Fire-Tro 1 100 and Pbos-Chek 205 air drops onto white spruce-aspen stand. Viscosity (cps) 03 .005 Conto\lr level (depth in inches) .01 .Qt~ .04 .10 .01 L 1 1850 351* 246* 192 112 70 37 20 2. (5) L2 1950 302 :'23 116 99 46 24 15 3. (2) L2 2000 269 201 155 108 48 23 1933 :m.. 225 174 106 .2.2. 28 Average 12 Phos-Chek 205 l. (5) L2 1270 .320 186 139 99 49 3 2. (9) L2 1410 308 231 178 112 89 42 10 3. ( 8) L 1 1550 299* 232* 183 104 72 56 23 1410 .J22 216 167 .!Q2. 1.Q. J! 11 950 252 211 199 142 106 11 Average (i) .20 11 7 4 -2 Leugth(tt) FiH-'l'ro1 100 l. ( 1) 1 .15 H 1 f\) (J'\ r- Dumber in parenthesis indicates drop number as listed in Table 2. 2 L • low drop (15'); 3 H • high drop (60'); 1 & 2 indicate grid system plot. t*, part of contour tell outside ot grid. ". - 27 - Figure 12. White spruce-aspen, Fire-Trol 100 .. 28 - Figure 13. Vb1 te spruce ..aspen. Phoa-cbelt 205 - 29 205, with its gum thickener coated the aerial tuell more than did Fire-Trol 100. Following a Phol-Chek 205 drop, the retardant solution dripped trom the tree crowns and ran d01ft1 the tr.e branches and ateu tor at least 10 This did not occur with Q.~a.y-th1ckened Fire-Trol. . minutes. Wbether the extent ot this additional surtace coating 1s advantageous under actual tire conditions 1s unknown. The results ot the ground recovery rates tor the low and high drops Since about 20 per cent ot the retardant load was not recovered conflicted. in the open tield drop tests trom sot 10 teet, an air drop trom 60 t 10 teet abo•• the tree canopy would result hi scae loss by the time the retardant . s . reached the tree canopy. In the lodgepole pine stand, the greater amount ot recovery tor the high drops (3~) than tor the low drops (28-29%) was attributed to the sampling procedure. hit the poound in bulk &riel eo.ntain~rsJ Unl MIS, , ~,~ " , tON In the low drops the retardant in pat• • vtdch III&¥ aave partlT lI1.sed the i. the hi&ll drops the retantant 4ieper." 'lith1n the tal-.! " thus patchel ot material 1n bulk form did not occur. Nevertheless, the limited data showed no great ditference in the ground distribution patterns of the low and high drops made with the Thrush, thus theredid not appear to be any advantage to the low drop. Quantitative intormation on the minimum amounts ot retardant 1'8- quired to stop fires of varying intensity burning in different tuel types is lacking. However, tor retardants such as Fire-Trol 100 and Phos-Chelt 205, between 2 and 4 U.S. lallonl per 100 square teet are refJll1re4 tor _st t"1nl t,... (MOD. 1967). The min11N1l appUoatlon rate 'rill ot GOV.e .ary, being lower for light tuels such as gra.s, and higher for heavy tuels such as slash accumulations. The various contour level depths in inches used in this study are presented below in both Imperial and U. S. lallons per 100 square teet. I ... 30 - Ii o.110n&/1OO square teet Imperial U.S • • 0.2 0.13 Deptb of R@tardant (lnehe.) .005 .01 ~;.; . .~ .:~ 0.5 0.6 .02 1.0 1.2 .Oi4 .07 2.1. 3.6 2.5 .1.0 5.2 1.8 .15 .20 to • ainl ... width of 10 brated. '1'Ile lenctll 4. !~ 6.2 9.~ 12.5 10.14 te.t. tor the ;round distribution patteFa8 cali- ot the retar4ut ttr.... Une .atabUabed on tM gound. bOtb ,i8 tile . . &tid tIM toren ~. OR be deteNt. . it ttae dnimum ethotive ..,Ueatlon rat. tor tIM I'et"ant 1. IInovr}. 'or e • ..,18, it 0.2 laa (1.2 U.I. ,al/100 .q tt) an "'lUil'e4 to ltop a Vaa. til'., a Pbos-cllek 105 41'01' rel•••ed by tIM ~ eo.&n4er frOB 100 .,. "'11 Btfapio 170 teet of tlft-"'., (.,..18 Bot Ith a 10 at -10M. ot 'IJoollOO nle.... Ina 1,t 10 teet ....... a"lAIIIaeIol.e . . . . . . . . wt11 ••Ub- lisD • cr0un4 fire-line 62 teet la \eDIth at the O.2-1oeb -.pp11cat. rate, (Table 6) bd, a loed Qt Phol-Chek 20, rele.._ h'oIl 60 ! 10 .bove the _copy ot • Wb1te _pruoe·aspen .tuct vill ••tabUab a iii letlitll at tu .... appUeatioo rate t1re-l1ne ••tabl1.be4 on votm4 eM},. 8), .ue••••ive tt.-tn 4PQP8 ...14 overlApplq of the vOl' ,a_I'M. ~ ~ ttr.-Une 142 !1M length of tIM' i ........ue to 'ftIe •• data prov1ch onl.,r tile leoath or tire"UM construct.. , tt. lencth of .tteetive l1n••tabUsb~d in tIM orial l\Ie18 '10\114 Ukel.y b. at ].eDt e. .1 te tbft .,tiIe 1I'OWd. If .~ 1• • (IL 5 U.S. pl/lDO . , ft) of rir...-rnl 100 1....",17_ to .tep • fire. a Une 101, I.t4 and '5 t •• t ,,1.11 be .atabU. . . in tiM .".n, lo4ppol. pine aM vhit. qru• ...,.a at..., r • .,.etl1'lll, 1t .07 inell C_.4 U.I. .. 1,/,(" " '" "h. 1&1/100 .t tt) 1. re .......... u. 10, l' ami I~ tnt will 'b4t t«dlt , . tile . . . eo04itlon. (Ml•• _, 6 . . 8). ilia, till U ..-lNl141n1 • • • 1* I ! - 31 - ability ot tbe Thrusb Commander is l1m1ted because ot its small capacity and a group ot at least three airtankers should operate as a unit. ACKNOWL'EDGEMEli'fS The assistance ot Mr. R. Wadel', Edson Forest, Forest Service and Mr. L. Dubuc, pilot, Mecury Alberta Flights Ltd., Edmonton during t~e air drop tests is greatly apprecited. REFEREWCES Anon. 1961. Chemical. tor torelt tire fighting. rorest ComIa1ttee. 2nd. edition (Boston: A report of tbe NJ'PA National Fire Protection Alsociation), 112 pp. i11us. DaviS, J. B., D. L. Dibble and K. L. Singer. retardant chemicals at Pba Attack Coor4inating er••1t ~Ut.. ). 1962. Tests ot tire (A report torC&Ufornia Air 26 pp. illus. Davis. J. B., C. B. Phillips, D. L. Dibble and L. V. Steck. Operational tests ot two viscous DAP tire retardants. 1963. U.S. Forest Serv., Pacitic Soutb lorelt and Range Exp. Sta., Res. Note PSW-N14, 11 pp., i11us. Hardy, C. E. 1967. The tire retardant development plateau. !!!. Western Forest lire Conditions 1961 (Paper presented at Western Forestry and Conservation Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, l)eoember', 1961). 1Iar4r'. C. '., I. C. Rothermel &ft4·3. torelt tire retardants: B. DaYi8. 1962 •. Bvaluatlon ot a test at cbemicals on laboratory tires. U.S. rarest Serv., Intermountain rarest and Ran.e EXp. Sta., No. 64, 33. pp. 111... ., ... 32 ... Hodgson, 11. S. 1967. A procedure to evaluate ground dlstribut1 on patterns tor water dropp1na a1reratt. Canada Dept. 'or. & Rural Dev., Forest 'ire Research Institute, Into. FI'-X-9, 28 pp., illus. MacPherson, J. I. 1967. Ground distribution contour tive tire-bombers ourrently used in Canada. measurem~nts rmc tor mAE Aero. Report LR-493, National Research Council ot Canada, Ottawa, 66 pp., lllus • • - 33 - APPINDIX "t" testa for 1'1re-Trol 100 and Phos-Chek 205 air drop tests, mdson, Alberta. Drop Site 0 .005 Contour level (depth in inches) .10 .01 .02 .04 .07 .15 .20 Ground reeovery (tJ,) Open field Area l.ength • () * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * '* * * * * * * * 0 0 '0 Lodgepole pine Area * 0 Lena;P * * * * * * *1 Whiteapru4W Aapen Area Length ~ * * '* * * * * * * * * * * " If * * * *