Syllabus for EGR 210—Network Analysis I Laboratory 1 Credit Hour Spring 2003 I. COURSE DESCRIPTION Experiments designed to demonstrate principles discussed in EGR 210 include measurement of resistance, voltage, current, and step responses of first-and second-order networks. Corequisite: EGR 210 Lecture. Course fee: $35. II. COURSE GOALS The course is designed to allow the student to reinforce knowledge of network analysis principles learned in the lecture with laboratory and computer simulation experience. Students will be able to perform laboratory experiments using modern electronic instruments. III COURSE OBJECTIVES The student who successfully completes the course will be able to do the following: A. Construct ammeters, voltmeters, and ohmmeters. B. Determine Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits for “black box” sources. C. Apply the concepts of bridge circuits. D. Demonstrate maximum power transfer. E. Use the oscilloscope and function generator. F. circuits. G. IV. Apply SPICE, a computer program to simulate electronic circuits, to linear network Experimentally verify the step response of RL and RC networks. TEXTBOOK Required Textbook Russel L. Meade. Foundations of Electronics. Laboratory Projects, 3rd Edition, New York: Delmar, 1999. V. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1 A. University Policies and Procedures 1. Attendance at each class or laboratory is mandatory at the Oral Roberts University. 2. Double cuts will be assessed for absences immediately preceding or following holidays. 3. Excessive absences can reduce a student’s grade or deny credit for the course. 4. Students taking a late exam because of an unauthorized absence will be charged a late exam fee. 5. Students and faculty at Oral Roberts University adhere to all laws addressing the ethical use of others’ materials, whether it be in the form of print, video, multimedia, or computer software. 6. Final exams cannot be given before their scheduled times. Students need to check the final exam schedule before planning return flights or other events at the end of the semester. B. Course Policies and Procedures 1. The course grade is determined from the average of the grades on individual experiments. A = 100 — 90 B = 90— 80 C = 79—–70 D = 69—–60 F = 59 —- 0 2. The reports are due at the beginning of the laboratory period following the week of the experiment. 3. The student is responsible for the completion of all experiments. 4. Arrangement for the make-up of absences due to illness or administratively excused absences is the responsibility of the student. Unexcused absences will be made up only at the discretion of the instructor. 5. Each student is responsible for the University materials that he/she uses during the laboratory period and will be assessed an appropriate fee for any items that are lost, damaged, or broken. 2 Vl. COURSE CALENDAR LAB PROJECTS/CASES TOPICS Introduction; Lab Orientation 1 1, 2, 3 Use and Care of Meters 2 4, 5, 7 Ohm's Law 3 11, 16, 20 Series and Parallel Circuits 4 24, 25 Network Analysis Techniques 5 27, 28, 29 Basic Network Theorems 6 33, 34, 35 DC Measuring Instruments 7 36, 39 The Osci1loscope (Part I) 8 83, 84 The Osci11oscope (Part 2) 9 Introduction to SPICE 10 1, 2 Step Response of First-Order RC Circuits 11 3, 4 Step Response of First-Order RL Circuits 12 5, 6 Sinusoidal Response of Second-Order RLC Circuits 13 7, 8 Step Response of Second-Order RLC Circuits Course Evaluation; Lab Clean Up 3 Dr. Daobin Zhang Name of Instructor EGR 2IO-61 Course Number Network Analysis I Laboratory Title of Course Engineering and Physics Name of Department MISSION MAJOR OUTCOMES COURSE OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT OF COURSE OUTCOMES The lifestyle at ORU is rooted in the word "Wholeness." ORU seeks to educate the whole person, with balanced emphasis placed on the development of the mind, spirit, and body. Analysis problem Solving: Has the ability to analyze, design, and obtain effective solutions to real-world engineering and physics problems. The student will be able to: Demonstrate the ability to construct STIMULI: and use prototype ammeters, voltmeters, and ohmmeters. Problem Solving GENERAL OUTCOMES 1. Spiritual Development 2. Physical Development 3. Communication 4. Analysis 5. Problem Solving 6. Valuing in Decision Making 7. Social Interaction 8. Global Perspectives 9. Effective Citizenship 10. Aesthetic Responsiveness Communication Team Work: Demonstrates the ability to work on teams and communicate effectively in written and oral forms. Fundamental Knowledge Base: Possesses fundamental knowledge of principles of engineering, physical sciences, and mathematics. Christian Stewardship and Ethics: Ethically applies engineering technology to the solution of human problems using Christian principles. Demonstrate the ability to verify by laboratory measurements the analytical solutions of network problems presented in the co requisite lecture course. Demonstrate the ability to learn and operate a modern oscilloscope and function generator. Laboratory projects Demonstrate the ability to apply SPICE computer software to solve ac and dc circuit problems. Course grade is determined from the average of the grades on individual laboratory projects. Assessment Computer Work CRITERIA: Demonstrate the ability to solve for the step response of first-order RC and RL circuits using analytical, computer, and laboratory methods. Demonstrate the ability to solve for the sinusoidal response of secondorder RLC circuits using analytical, computer, and laboratory methods. 4