References - MSV elektronika sro

Complete solution of electronics
for your railway vehicle
Electric units
The EMUs class 575 are derived from the ones class 471. They
EMUs class 471 "CityElephant"
are designed for wide-gauge and 25 kV AC power system,
Manufactured : 1998 – 2012
and also other customer requirements concerning train
Pieces : 83
protection system, radio equipment, fire protection unit, WC
Manufacturere : Škoda Vagonka
etc. were applied. The units are operated as two-car (motor
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
and driving coach) or three-car (plus intermediate coach)
Three-car EMUs class 471 are designed for 3 kV DC power
system and they consist of motor coach, intermediate
trailer and driving trailer. All coaches are double-decked.
The bodies are made of large-area aluminium panels.
MSV elektronika s.r.o
produces and supplies many
components, which were developed for these vehicles in
cooperation with their manufacturer: door control units
(SOD97, SPD10K, JKP01, BTL02, BTL03, BTL04, ZZD01, HORN),
WC and water system control (BVH10, SOW97, BSV03,
BSV04), electronic modules (driver's keyboard, BKL02/B,
communication module CAN-HFG, wheel slip protection
EP96MSV, modules TC01, TC02, RP810-SI relay), high voltage
switchboards, heating-illumination switchboard and air
condition switchboard.
EMUs class 471
MSV elektronika s.r.o
produces and supplies many
components, which were developed for these vehicles in
EMUs class 440/640/650 „RegioPanther”
cooperation with their manufacturer: door control units
Manufactured : 2011 – 2013
(SOD97, SPD10K, JKP01, BTL02, BTL03, BTL04, ZZD01, HORN).
Pieces : 17
Manufacturer : Škoda Vagonka
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
WC and water system control (BVH10, SOW2010, SOW97,
BSV03, BSV04), electronic modules (wheel slip protection
Eingle-decked EMUs are designed for regional operation on
the lines in the Czech Republic. They are delivered as twocar or three-car units with single-system electric outfit for 3
kV DC or with dual-system outfit for 3 kV DC and 25 kV AC.
EP96MSV, modules TC01, TC02, Lift-for-disabled control
MS320-PL471, CAN8R, RP810-SI relay), high voltage
switchboards, heating-illumination switchboard, air
condition switchboard, magnetic balise sensors MSIB.
EMUs class 575
Manufactured : 2008 – 2013
Pieces : 10
Manufacturere : Škoda Vagonka
Operator : LG (Lithuanian Railways)
For these EMU s, MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplies driver's
units BRH01, BMH01, VCA01).IS03, interkom TCV01, jednotky
keyboards BKL 03, Voltage monitoring module BMN01 as
BRH01, BMH01, VCA01).
well as control block for WC and water system (control unit
BVH02, communication unit CAN-MINI-I/O/1W, combined
water gage BSV08/A, its sensor BSV06-V, and WC
signalization TIP01/B).
MSV elektronika s.r.o
delivers for these vehicles also
interior door control units (ECD07/A, BSO01, JKP01, ZZD01),
water system control (BVH02, CAN-MINI-I/O-A, BSV03-1,
BSV07, BPU02), signal LED lights (BKS02, BKS02/B3), wheel
slip protection unit F-PE94.1-MSV_24V, speed measuring
unit BPK01, Voltage monitoring unit BMN01 and electric
Push-pull trainsets class 951
Manufactured : 2010 – 2012
EMUs class 671
Pieces : 10
Manufacturer : Škoda Vagonka
Manufactured : 2009 – 2012
Operator : ZSSK (Slovak Railways)
Pieces : 10
Manufacturer : Škoda Vagonka
The push-pull units class 951 consist of two double-decked
Operator : ZSSK (Slovak Railways)
intermediate trailers and one double-decked driving trailer.
The dual system EMUs class 671 are designed for operation
on lines of Slovak Railways electrified by 3 kV DC or 25 kV AC
systems. It is derived from class 471.
The unit is coupled with electric loco class 381doplnìno AL
or modernized loco class 263.
The units are equipped with passenger information system,
the driving car also with superordinate control system. This
control system generates the Proportional traction signal
that is used for control of traction vehicle and ensures the
control of brake systems of all vehicles in the unit with
support of electrodynamic and pneumatic brakes blending.
It also provides the possibility of automatic speed control
regime (the module of superordinate control F-
EMUs class 671
CRV_AVV_671, driver's keyboard BKL02/C).
The units are equipped with control system and passenger
The passenger information system provides the acoustic
information system made by MSV elektronika s.r.o. The
and optical information for passengers. It cooperates with
control system ensures the control of traction and brake
vehicle control system, which provides the man-system
systems of all vehicles in the unit with support of
interfacing, information about GPS position and
electrodynamic and pneumatic brakes blending. It also
transmission to other vehicles in the trainset (cubicle with
provides the possibility of automatic speed control regime
control unit and amplifiers - MODURAIL-ISC, information
(the module of superordinate control F-CRV_AVV_671,
displaying boards TISE03, TISE102, TIS03, Intercom TCV01,
driver's keyboard BKL02/C).
units BRH01, BMH01, VCA01).
MSV elektronika s.r.o
delivers for these vehicles also
interior door control units (ECD07/A, BSO01, JKP01, ZZD01),
water system control (BVH02, CAN-MINI-I/O-A, BSV03-1,
BSV07, BPU02), signal LED lights (BKS02, BKS02/B3), wheel
The passenger information system provides the acoustic
and optical information for passengers. It cooperates with
slip protection unit F-PE94.1-MSV_24V, speed measuring
unit BPK01, Voltage monitoring unit BMN01 and electric
vehicle control system, which provides the man-system
EMUs class 675
interfacing, information about GPS position and
Manufactured : 2011
transmission to other vehicles in the trainset (cubicle with
Pieces : 2
control unit and amplifiers - MODURAIL-ISC, information
Manufacturer : Škoda Vagonka
displaying boards TISE03, TISE102, TIS03, Intercom, TCV01,
Operator : UZ (Ukrainian Railways)
Double-decked 6-car EMUs class 675 are designed for
EMUs class 560
interregional transport in Ukraine on wide-gauge lines
Manufaktured : 2008
electrified by 3 kV DC or 25 kV AC systems at wide
temperature range from -40 to +40 °C.
Pieces : 9
Manufakturer : ÈD (Czech Railways), Depot Bohumín
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Electric 6-car units for 25 kV AC were manufactured in 1970 1971. Now they are operated in Brno suburban region and
they were additionally equipped with simple passenger
information system. Each motor car is equipped with control
unit BIS01 with digital voice player connected to train
EMUs class 675
broadcasting system, control display and displaying boards
The delivery
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lar to
to class
ass 671,
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TISE01 that are placed behind the side windows.
information system is multilingual (Ukrainian, Russian,
EMUs class 460
Manufactured : 2008 – 2012
Pieces : 18 (2008 – 5, 2009 – 3, 2011 – 6, 2012 – 4)
Manufacturer : ÈD (Czech Railways), Depot Bohumín
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Electric 4 or 5-car units for 3 kV DC were manufactured in
1974 - 1978. Now they are operated in Ostrava region and
they were additionally equipped with displaying boards of
passenger information system. Each motor car is equipped
with one board TISE01/D with control unit and display and
one board TISE01/C without control unit. The displaying
boards are placed behind the side windows. The system is
powered from 48V DC network using converter ZDC482405.
Electric locomotives
MSV elektronika s.r.o. participates on the design and
- target braking, when the train running is
deliveries of control systems for electric locomotives for
controlled fully automatically based on the
both passenger and goods transport.
data stored in route-map, this needs the track
equipped with the lineside part of the ATO
system AVV
Electric locos class 380
- full automatic train operation, that adds energy
Manufactured : 2006-2011
optimal driving strategy to above mentioned
Pieces : 20
target braking regime.
Manufacturer : Škoda Transportation
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Electric locos class 380 (ÈD) and 381 (ZSSK) are designed for
hauling the EC/IC/Express/fast trains as well as fast goods
trains on the area of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland,
Germany, Austria and Hungary and on the corridors of the EU
electrified by 3 kV DC, 25 kV / 50 Hz and 15 kV / 16,7 Hz
The supply of MSV elektronika s.r.o. consists of two modules
of superordinate control CRV_AVV_91/380 in redundant
connection, that are designed as plug-in cassette that is
inserted into Vehicle control computer, of driver's keyboard
BKL03, of magnetic balise sensor MSIB24V and wheel slip
protection unit ASS06.
Loko ø. 381 (109E Slovensko)
Manufactured : 2011
Electric locos class 380
Pieces : 2
Manufacturer : Škoda Transportation
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplies the module of superordinate
control CRV_AVV, that provides the control of traction and
brake systems of all active traction vehicles in the train with
support of electrodynamic and pneumatic brakes blending.
The superordinate control system enables the train run in
one of following regimes:
Operator : ŽSSK (Slovak Railways)
The locos class 381 for Slovak Railways are very similar to
locos class 380, they are equipped with automated control
up to speed control regime only AL doplnìno, on the other
hand, they are equipped with control unit of passenger
information system and train broadcasting
manual, when the driver sets the required
MODURAIL_ISC_381, communicator units VCA01 and with
proportional traction and controls the train brake,
units for external noise measuring BMH01.
speed control ("automated"), when thee driver sets
required speed and running regime (standing -
Lokomotiva ø. 381
coasting - running)
Electric locos class 263
The locos are equipped with protection system HS 306,
passenger information system, trainset door control system
Manufactured : 2010 - 2012
and emergency brake overriding system. The control
Pieces : 10
system enables control in full Automatic Train Operation
Manufacturer:Škoda Transportation + Repair works Zvolen
mode with standard localization using magnetic balises or
Operator : ZSSK (Slovak Railways)
The locos class 263, manufactured in 1984 - 1988 in Škoda
GPS localization.doplnìno The control system also enables
active stand-by regime.
Plzeò, were updated for pushing/pulling of the push/pull
double-decked non-powered trainsets class 951/051 (Škoda
Vagonka). The WTB train communication is used.
xxx supplied for these locos the control units of passenger
information system and train broadcasting
MODURAIL_ISC_263, communicator units VCA01 and units
for external noise measuring BMH01.
Electric locos class 162/163
The original analogue units - central control unit, wheel skid
Electric locos class 363.5
Manufactured : 2009 - 2013
Pieces : 30
Manufacturer : Škoda Transportation
Operator : ÈD Cargo
Electric dual-system locos class 363.5 of ÈD-Cargo are
created from originally single-system locos class 163.
The MSV elektronika s.r.o. delivers the superordinate
protection, automatic speed control, traction current
measuring - and original power supply units were replaced
by compact control unit MODURAIL CRV-DPV 162/163, new
power supply rack
MODURAIL NK3 x63 and passenger
information system control unit MODURAIL ISC x63 with GPS
localization module. Modules for distant control CAN_IN.
CAN_I/O and CAN_UIC are used. For intervehicle
communication, the WTB gateway of the EKE firm (Finland)
is used.
control module CRV_AVV_71Em, similar to the variant used
on loco class 380, which enables automat train control up to
full automated operation. This module also provides the
intervehicle communication according to Czech standard
TNŽ 28 1500 (NVL - National train bus), that enables coupling
CAN 0/1 IN
and multiple traction e.g. with dieselelectric locos class
753.7. Next, driver's keyboard BKL03 and magnetic balise
The man-machine interfacing is ensured by 10.4" LCD
sensors F-MSIB are also supplied.
displays ZJS03 and driver's keyboard BKL03.
Next, signal lights BKS02, screen wiper control unit VCA01,
magnetic balises sensor MSIB, information system
displaying board TISE102 /A or passenger- staff
communicator VCA01 are also delivered.
Electric locos 363.5
Electric locos class 362/363
Manufactured : 2019 – 2012
Electric locos class 162/163
Manufactured : 2011 – 2012
Pieces : 8
Manufacturer : CZ Loko, ÈMŽO Pøerov
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Pieces : 13
Manufacturer : CZ Loko, ÈMŽO Pøerov
Dual system 3 kV DC / 25 kV AC locos class 362/363 (max.
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
speed 140 / 120 km/h)doplnìno were refurbished for
Single system 3 kV DC locos class 162/163 (max. speed 140 /
120 km/h)doplnìno were refurbished for operation with
push-pull trainsets and driving trailers. The intervehicle
operation with push-pull trainsets and driving trailers. The
range and way of modernization refers to locos class
162/163. Control unit is marked MODURAIL CRV-DPV 363.
communication is based on WTB standard and uses UIC
Electric locos class 111
Manufactured : 2000 - 2001
Pieces : 3 for shunting service + 1 for line service
posunovací + 1 tra ová (bez rádia)
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Electric DC shunting locos were refurbished to enable
automatic speed control and radio distant control from the
dispatcher's room of the hump yard in station Nymburk.
In manual regime, the proportional traction is set by the
control lever.
In automatic speed control regime, the required speed is
entered by driver. The accuracy of regulation is +/- 1 km/h in
the whole range of the changing load - as single wagons
separate during the pushing to the hump.
In distant control regime, the required direction and speed
are sent from the dispatcher's room. The driver can take the
control of the locomotive anytime.
Electric locos class 111
Dieselelectric locomotives
MSV elektronika s.r.o. participates on modernization of
After 50 years of operation, the locos underwent radical
many dieselelectric locos for passenger and goods
modernization, which brought new diesel engine, AC/DC
transport. It cooperates on the project of electric schemes
transmission with three-phase alternator by Siemens
and designs the projects of control systems.
Drásov, electrically controlled pneumatic brake, new
MSV elektronika s.r.o. delivers control systems, driver's
driver's desks and interior of cabins.
displays, CAN modules for distributed control and data
MSV elektronika s.r.o. took part in design of electric part of
collection, driver's keyboards for automatic speed control or
reconstruction. Control system includes the function of
full automatic train operation. All control systems enable
automatic speed control, registering tachometer, vigilance
multiply traction control using UIC cable according either to
check, time-table displaying for driver as well as the control
WTB or NVL (national train bus) standards.
Next, many electronic components are supplied: LED signal
of passenger information system in trailers. It also enables
multiply traction control and radio distant control.
lights, LED headlights, components for train voice
connection etc.
Diesel locos class 705.9 (T47.0M)
Manufactured : 2005 - 2010
Pieces : 5
Manufacturer : JHMD
Operator : JHMD, ÈD
Control system consists of control computer MODURAIL_NR1
with the box of power outputs MODURAIL_NR3-NR4,
driver's 8.4" displays ZJS01, keyboards BKL02 and distant
control modules MODURAIL_NR11. Diesel engine is
controlled by actuator with step motor SKM-SM31_P.
Diesel loco 724.720
Manufactured : 2012
Pieces : 1
Manufakturer : CZ loko
Diesel locos class 705.9 (T47.0M)
Operator : Bosna
Narrow-gauge (760 mm) dieselelectric locos class 705.9
(T47.0) were built in 1950's. They are operated on lines of
private company Jindøichohradecké místní dráhy ( JHMD)
and by Czech railways on the line Tøemešná ve Sl. Osoblaha.
Diesel loco 724.720
| 7|
Refurbished four axle loco with AC/DC power transmission
designed for heavy shunting service is operated in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. The display was localized to Bosnian
language to make the communication with driver easier.
The control system as well as the scope of deliveries are the
Diesel locos class 724
Manufactured : 2012 - 2013
Pieces : 1
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : CZ Loko
same as for class 742.7
Diesel locos class 741.7 / 742.7
Manufactured : 2011 - 2013
Pieces : 3 / 5
Diesel locos class 744
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : private companies
The loco class 744 is new-built four-axle loco with AC/AC
Refurbished four axle locos with AC/DC power transmission
are designed for medium-hard goods duty on standard
gauge lines at speed up to 100 km/h. The particular classes
differ in maximum speed and tractive effort.
power transmission. It is designed for medium-hard and
hard shunting and goods duty on standard gauge lines at
speed up to 120 km/h.
The MSV elektronika control system (consisting of
MODURAIL CRV-DPV 744, GPS localizator, passenger
information system and train broadcasting control unit
MODURAIL_ISC_744 , distributed control modules
CAN_MINI_I/O_A, module for UIC cable interfacing
CAN_UIC01) cooperates with traction equipment supplied
by EVPU company. The control system enables the full
automatic train operation of both passenger and goods
Diesel locos class 741.7
trains. Magnetic balise sensors MSIB24/200/B are used.
The control system enables the automatic speed control
regime. The intervehicle communication is according to the
NVL standard.
The locos class 741.7 also enable the multiply traction with
locos equipped with control system of the Slovak firm NES.
At driver's posts, 10.4" displays ZJS03/A and keyboards
BKL03 are placed. Voice connection uses VCA01
ModuRail NR5
communicator and module for noise measuring BMH02.
MSV elektronika s.r.o. also delivered LED signal lights BKS02,
LED headlights BKS11 and wheel slip protection unit
Control system consists of control computer MODURAIL CRV-
DPV 741.7 (742.7), 10.4" LCD driver's displays ZJS03, driver's
keyboards BKL02 and distant control modules
CAN_MINI_I/O_A. The loco is equipped with signal LED
lights BKS02 and BKS02/B.
Loko 750.7
Manufactured : 2010 - 2012
Pieces : 19
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Modernized diesel locos class 750.7 are designed for
This solution enables quick reaction to customer's demands
passenger service at speed up to 100 km/h. The
with reduced one-time costs.
modernization bases mainly in the replacement of the old
diesel engine ÈKD K12V230DR distinguishing with high
operational costs and low reliability, by Caterpillar 3512C HD
engine. The heating alternator and electrodynamic
brakedoplnìno were added, too.
Diesel locos 753.6
The control system enables manual control, automatic
speed control and full automatic train operation regimes,
Diessel lokcos 750.7
the full ATO can use both magnetic balises (read by MSIM
24/200 sensors) and GPS localization. The intervehicle
The control system MODURAIL CRV-DPV 750.7 together with
the box of power outputs MODURAIL_NR5-ISC_750.7 and
distant control modules CAN_MINI_I/O_A enable manual
control, automatic speed control and full automatic train
operation regimes, the full ATO can use both magnetic
communication is according to NVL standard. Control system
consists of control computer MODURAIL CRV-DPV 753.6, the
box of power outputs MODURAIL_NR5-ISC_753.6 and
distant control modules CAN_IN01, CAN_I/O01 and
balises (read by MSIM 24/200 sensors) and GPS localization.
The intervehicle communication is according to WTB
standard and uses WTB_GATEWAY_EKE module.
Modurail CRV DPV 753.6
Each driver's desk is equipped with three 10,4" LCD displays
ZJS03/A, that also display the data from tachometer, and
Each driver's desk is equipped with two 8,4" LCD displays
with full-ATO keyboard BKL03. The loco is fitted with LED
ZJS02, that also display the data from tachometer, and with
headlights BKS02/B and BKS02_N/B. Vehicle is also
full-ATO keyboard BKL03.
Loco is fitted with CAN_UIC01 units for train door control
equipped with wheel slip protection system with control
using UIC cable and is prepared for installation of train
broadcasting system and passenger - driver voice
Signal LED lights BKS02 and BKS02/B are also supplied for
this loco.
Diesel locos class 753.7
Manufactured : 2009 - 2012
Pieces : 35
Manufactrurer : CZ Loko
Operator : ÈD Cargo, TSS
Diesel locos class 753.6
Manufactured : 2012
Pieces : 3
Manufacturer : CZ loko
Operator : SDKD
The refurbished locos class 753.6 represent unified technical
solution of the goods locomotives made in CZ-loko
Diesel locos class 753.7
company. They have new design that utilizes standardized
solution of key nodes of the loco including control system.
The refurbished locos class 753.7 of ÈD Cargo are designed
for goods line duty. They were refurbished from locos class
753. Now they are powered by diesel engine Caterpillar 3512
DITA and traction alternator Siemens. Electrodynamic brake
was added, too. The control system MORIS RV06 is supplied
by Slovak firm NESdoplnìno.
MSV elektronika s.r.o. delivers 8.4" driver's displays ZJS01
Step motor SKM
a n d d i a g n o s t i c a n d co m m u n i c a t i o n co m p u t e r
MODURAIL_DPV753.7, that communicates with control
system of the vehicle and enables multiply traction
During diesel start, the voltage is supported by module
MODURAIL_NR2_754. The loco is fitted with LED headlights
according to the NVL standard.
BKS02 and BKS02/B.
Diesel locos class 754
Diesel locos class 755 - ÈD Cargo
Manufactured : 2008 - 2013
Manufactured : 2005
Pieces : 17 (15x S-loko, 2x F-Modurail_CRV_DPV)
Manufakturer : CZ Loko, DPOV
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Dieselelectric locos class 754 were produced by ÈKD Praha in
the end of 1970's. They were designed for fast train
operation on non-electrified lines.
The MSV elektronika's control system replaces the original
analogue traction regulator and automatic speed control. It
also provides the possibility of multiply traction control or
Pieces : 2
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : ÈD Cargo
The refurbished locos class 755 (two prototype engines for
series 753.7)doplnìno of ÈD Cargo are designed for goods
line duty. They were refurbished from locos class 753. Now
they are powered by diesel engine Caterpillar 3512 B SCAC /
DITA and traction alternator Siemens. Electrodynamic brake
was added, too. The control system MORIS RV06 is supplied
by Slovak firm NES.
operation with driving coach. The intervehicle
communication according to NVL standard is prepared for
installation of WTB gateway to communicate according to
UIC 556. Locos can be controlled from driving trailer class
943 or 954.pøidáno
The control system also controls the heating alternator and
battery charging. The control system consists of control
computer MODURAIL CRV-DPV 754 and the box of power
outputs MODURAIL_NR5_754.
Diesel locos 755
MSV elektronika s.r.o. delivers 8.4" driver's displays ZJS01
a n d d i a g n o s t i c a n d co m m u n i c a t i o n co m p u t e r
MODURAIL_DPV755, that communicates with control
system of the vehicle and enables multiply traction
according to the NVL standard. Locos can be controlled from
driving trailer class 943 or 954.
Diesel locos class TME-3
Diesel locos 754
The man-machine interface uses 8,4" LCD driver's displays
type ZJS01/B, they display operational states, diagnostic
and failure messages. Next, standard control elements and
Manufactored : 2012 - 2013
Pieces : 7
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : BÈ (Belarusian railways)
driver's keyboard BKL02/A are used.
The loco class TME3 is new-built loco designed for light and
The fuesl is controlled by actuator with step motor SKM-
medium-hard shunting and line goods duty mainly on
SM32. The loco's speed is measured by new sensors DAKO
industrial sidings and wide gauge lines. Two-axle loco has
FE1.4, there are also new voltage and current sensors.
AC/AC power transmission, the axle load is 23 tonnes and
| 10 |
maximum speed is 60 km/h.
Control system enables the automatic speed control and it
also enables the multiply traction control using NVL
The MSV elektronika control system enables automatic
communication standard.. It consists of control computer
speed control and thanks to intervehicle communication it
MODURAIL_CRV_DPV_TEM_LTX_LT and distant control
enables multiply traction control.
modules CAN_I/O01. Besides on standard control elements
(master controller, push buttons, switches, signal bulbs),
also 10.4" displays ZJS03/A and keyboards BKL10 are placed
at driver's posts. MSV elektronika s.r.o. also delivers LED
signal lights BKS02, LED headlights BKS11 and wheel slip
protection unit MODURAIL_ASS06.1_HDD.
Diesel locos class TME-3
It consists of MODURAIL CRV_DPV_TME3/BY and distributed
control modules MODURAIL_NR11_TME3/BY. Besides on
standard control elements (master controller, push buttons,
switches, signal bulbs), also 10.4" displays ZJS03/A and
keyboards BKL10 are placed at driver's posts.
Keyboards BKL10
LED signal lights BKS02
MSV elektronika s.r.o. also delivers LED signal lights BKS02
and wheel slip protection unit MODURAIL_ASS06.1_HDD.
Diesel locos class TEM-LTX
Manufaktured : 2012 - 2013
Pieces : 7
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : BÈ (Belarusian railways)
The loco class TEM-LTX is new-built loco designed for hard
shunting and line goods duty on industrial sidings and wide
gauge lines. Four-axle loco has AC/AC power transmission,
the axle load is 23 tonnes and maximum speed is 100 km/h.
Diesel locos class TEM-LTX
| 11 |
Diesel railcars and driving trailers
MSV elektronika s.r.o. takes part in modernizations and new
constructions of many classes of diesel railcars. It prepares
or cooperates on design of electric schemes and processes
the projects of vehicle subsystems.
MSV elektronika s.r.o. delivers control system (MODURAIL
kit), driver's displays, CAN modules for distributed control
and data I/O, driver's keyboards (for automatic speed
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplied for this car:
control and full ATO). The control system enables multiply
control system including redundant control
traction using UIC cable according to national standard NVL.
Besides the control system elements, many electronic
components are supplied - components of passenger's
information system, of WC and water system, control units
for side, front and interior doors control, for disabled person
lifting platform control, control units for brake subsystem,
wheel slip protection units, signal LED lights, switchboard
boxes, driver's desks etc.
control units for door control SOD02
control units for disabled person lifting platform
control SOP02
electronic switches BES01, interior lights control
blocks BRN01, electric switchboards
water system control block BVH01
LED tail light BKS01
Diesel railcars class 810
Diesel railcars Dm12
Manufaktured : 2004 – 2006
Pieces : 16
Manufakturer : Škoda Vagonka
Operator : VR (Finnish railways)
Manufaktured : 2012
Pieces : 5 + 6
Manufakturer : DPOV
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
In 2012, 5 diesel railcars underwent the diesel engine
exchange, heating system updating and other small
modifications. MSV elektronika s.r.o realized new diesel
engine control, so called "electronic throttle" using control
lever from railcars class 842, converter RMB01/A, step
motor control module RKM10 and actuator SKM_SM31_P.
Diesel railcars Dm12
In 2013, next cars were modernized. The range of
modernization is similar to above mentioned one, but other
control lever is used and WC system is controlled using
Diesel railcar Dm12 is four-axle car manufactured for Finnish
BVH10 module.
railways. It is powered by two 300 kW diesel engines MAN
with hydrodynamic gear boxes Voith. During the design and
construction, the customer's requirements on reliable and
safe operation in hard climatic conditions were respected.
Diesel units 813-913
Manufaktured : 2006 – 2010
Pieces : 44
Manufakturer : ŽOS Zvolen
Provozovatel : ZSSK (Slovak Railways)
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DMU class 813-913 consists of refurbished railbus of original
For RegioNova DMUs, following components are supplied
class 810 and driving trailer made from original trailer 010,
by MSV elektronika s.r.o.
both vehicles are permanently coupled.
door control units SOD98 and SOD05, CAN_MINI_IN,
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplied the entrance door control
auxiliary modules JKP01, BTL02, BTL04
modules DCS04/A, wheel slip protection control unit ASS06
WC and water system control unit BVH01, level
and LED signal lights types BKS02/A and BKS02/B.
meters BSV05 and BSV06, WC signaling panel TIP0
wheel slip protection control unit ASS06 (threevehicle units only)
Diesel units 813-913 Viamont
Manufactured : 2012 – 2013
Pieces : 3
Manufakturer : ŽOS Zvolen
Operator : GW Train Regio
The DMUs class 813-913 for regional operator GW Train Regio
have low-floor driving trailer, the rest of unit is very similar
to DMU 813-913 ZSSK.
New door control modules DCS04/F are used, they enable
synchronous moving of both door leaves. The enclosed WC
unit is used, MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplied its control unit
BVH02, next, level meters BSV08/A and WC signaling panel
TIP01/B are supplied, too.
Diesel railcars class 842
Manufaktured : 2010 – 2013
Pieces : 37
Manufakturer : Pars Nova
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Four-axle diesel railcars class 842 with two aggregates and
hydromechanic gearboxes Allison were built in the
beginning of 1990's. During the vast modernization, new
diesel engines Tedom and new gear boxes ZF with retarder
were supplied.
MSV elektronika s.r.o.
processed the project of
modernization of electric part of the vehicle as well as the
DMU Class 813
project of control and information system, coming out of the
experience with the Dm12 project.
Diesel units 814-914 RegioNova, 814-014-814
ReagioNova Trio
Manufaktured : 2006 – 2012
Pieces : 211+26
Manufakturer : Pars Nova a.s.
Railcar class 842
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
The control system enables the automatic speed control
regime, as well as full automatic train operation with
standard and GPS localization. The multiply traction
communication is done according to NVL national standard.
Two driver's displays are placed in each driver's cabin to
display necessary data including tachometer data.
Passenger information system consists of optical and
acoustical parts. The car is equipped with external displays
TISE02 in lateral sides to inform the passengers outsides the
car, with interior displays TIS02, with train audio
broadcasting system and with passenger - driver voice
connection TVC01.
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MSV elektronika s.r.o delivered for modernized railcars
following components:
the control system MODURAIL CRV-DPV 842, 8,4"
LCD displays ZJS02, driver's keyboard BKL03,
magnetic balise sensors MSIB24/200/A
the box MODURAIL_ISC_842 containing control
unit of passenger information system and
Diesel railcars class843
amplifiers, external displaying boards TISE101,
internal displaying boards TIS04, intercoms TBC01
and TVC02, unit for external noise measuring
The P.I.S control was added into vehicle's diagnostic system
BMH01, volume control module BRH01
that was upgraded by processor unit exchange which
modules for train door control CAN_UIC01, heating
brought the computing power increasing and memory
control module SOT01, distant control modules
enlarging for data storing. The digital players that enable
CAN_MINI_I/O_A, communication modules
acoustic messaging using train broadcasting system were
fully equipped driver's desks
switchboards HR and RTO
signal LED lights BKS02, wheel slip protection unit
The P.I.S is set and checked using driver's display in driver's
cabin. New colour 8,4" LCD displays ZJS01 replaced the old
ones that had exhausted their operating life.
The intervehicle communication is according to NVL
standard. The transmission of P.I.S. data was added into this
Schwitchboard RTO 842
Driver’s desk 842
Diesel railcars class 843
Manufaktured : 2008 – 2011
Pieces : 31
communication standard.
MSV elektronika s.r.o also provides spare parts for control
system of these railcars and performs their repairs.
Driving trailer class 943
Manufakturer : ÈD, Depot Liberec, DPOV
Manufaktured : 2008 - 2011
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Pieces : 11
Manufakturer : ÈD, Depot Liberec, DPOV
Vehicles of x43 series - diesel railcars class 843,
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
intermediate trailers class 043 and driving trailers class 943
- were manufactured in Vagonka Studénka in 1995 - 1997.
Since 2007, the vehicles are modernized in order to improve
the passenger's comfort - the passenger information
system (P.I.S.) that utilizes existing hardware and cabling as
Driving trailers class 943 are designed for operation
together with diesel railcars class 843 and intermediate
trailers class 043.
The range of modernization is similar to railcars class 843.
much as possible, was installed. The P.I.S. consists of
external displaying boards TISE01/B in lateral sides, interior
displaying boards TIS02 and control unit with digital voice
player BIS01 for train audio broadcasting.
The power supplying for 24 V components is made from 48 V
board network using power converters ZDC482405_KLIPS.
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Intermediate trailer class
Manufaktured : 2008-2011
Pieces : 32
Manufakturer : ÈD - Depot Liberec, DPOV
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Intermediate trailers class 043 are designed for operation
together with diesel railcars class 843 and driving trailers
class 943.
The range of modernization is smaller than in case of railcars
Driving trailers class Bfhpvee (961)
Manufactured : 2011 – 2013
Pieces : 34
class 843, as there are no driver's desks with displays, no
Manufakturer : Pars Nova
control units of P.I.S. and no external displaying boards.
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Driving trailers class Bfhpvee (961) were produced by Pars
Nova a.s. as a modernization of former coaches class Bte.
They are designed for operation with modernized main line
diesel and electric locos class 750.7, 163 and 362 that use
communication according to WTB standard.
Driving trailers class (A)Bfbrdtn (954)
Manufaktured : 2006-2007
Pieces : 30
Manufakturer : Pars nova
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Driving trailers 961
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplies for these cars:
the module of superordinate control CRV_AVV, that
cooperates with vehicle control computer and
provides the control of traction and brake systems
with support of electrodynamic and pneumatic
brakes blending. It enables the control in automatic
speed control regime as well as in full automatic
Drivig trailers class 954
Driving trailers class (A)Bfbrdtn794 (954) were produced by
Pars Nova a.s. as a modernization of former post coaches
class Postw. They are designed for operation with diesel
railcars class 842, 843 and 854 that use communication
according to national standard NVL .
train operation regime
driver's keyboard BKL03, magnetic balise sensors
components of passenger information system control unit F- MODURAIL_ISC_961/P, external
displaying boards TISE101 and TISE102, interior
displaying boards TIS04, intercoms TVC01, driver's
communicator VCA01, unit for external noise
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplied for these cars:
measuring BMH01, volume control module BRH01
entry door control units SOD98
control units ECD07/B for entry double-leaves door
interior and front door control unit SPD10K
with folding footboard and RKM10 for single-leaf
control units for disabled person lifting platform
control SOP02V
water system control block BVH02, water level
water system control block BVH01, water level
meters BSV08, WC signal panel TIP01
meters BSV08, WC signal panel TIP01
LED signal lights BKS02
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Special vehicless
MSV elektronika s.r.o. takes part in design of electric
for transport of employees and material. The two-axle
schemes of special vehicles, of their control systems and
vehicle with axle load 14.5 tonnes is equipped with AC/DC
participates on deliveries of electrical components and
power transmission and individual traction engines on each
electromechanical units.
Two speed regimes are available, line regime 0 - 90 km/h
Special vehicless MVTV2
and working regime 1 - 5 km/h, used while works or
measuring on overhead line.
Manufaktured : 2008
Pieces : 1
Manufakturer : Pars Nova
Operator : SŽDC - TÚDC
The complex modernization of the car MVTV2-029, operated
by SDC Jihlava and used for check of overhead line and its
maintenance and repairs, based mainly in installation of
new 242 kW diesel engine TEDOM TD242RH TA with lowered
relative fuel consumption and exhausting fumes according
to UIC leaflet, and new hydromechanic gearbox VOITH DIVA
D864.3E with retarder.
MSV elektronika s.r.o supplies for these cars:
The power pack is controlled by control system MODURAIL
the control system MODURAIL CRV-MVTV2.2, 10.4"
RTR_MVTV2. The fuel is controlled by actuator type SKM-
LCD displays ZJS03, box MODURAIL_NR5_MVTV2.2
SM31 with step motor, what also provides feed-back
screen wiper control unit BCS01
information about its real position.. The gearbox is
signal LED lights BKS02 and BKS02/B, LED
controlled using logical signals.
headlights BKS11
The main control element is 6-position control lever, which
fully equipped driver's desks
commands relative traction for both traction and brake. Real
switchboards HR, control electronics switchboard,
values of RPM, diesel cooling water temperature, oil
traction switchboard
temperature) are displayed using analog measuring
instruments, binary signals are displayed using signal bulbs.
Revision car MVTV2.2
Manufaktured : 2012 - 2013
Pieces : 10
Manufakturer : CZ loko
Operator : SŽDC
This completely modernized vehicle is used for for check of
overhead line and its maintenance and repairs, and also
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Measuring vehicle 851 - ETCS
Manufactured : 2013
Pieces : 1
Manufakturer : CZ Loko
Operator : AŽD Praha
Measuring car for ETCS of AŽD Praha company originated
from railcar 851.026 and is designed for measuring of
parameters of train protection systems, mainly ETCS. The
car is four-axle with one traction bogie, equipped with
Caterpillar C27 engine.
MSV elektronika s.r.o supplies for these car:
the control system MODURAIL CRV-DPV-MVETCS,
10.4" LCD displays ZJS03, driver's keyboards BKL03
distributed control modules CAN_I/O01, CAN_IN01,
interface module CAN_UIC_232, heating control
module SOT01 with control display DISPLAY03,
control module RMB01
screen wiper control unit BCS01, voltage
monitoring module BMN01
WC and water system control module BVH02, level
meters BSV10
signal LED lights BKS02/B, LED headlights BKS11/A
fully equipped driver's desks
switchboards HR1, HR2, control electronics and
ETCS switchboards
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Passenger coaches
MSV elektronika s.r.o. takes part in modernizations of many
MSV elektronika s.r.o. delivers completely equipped
classes of coaches. It prepares or cooperates on design of
switchbox HR_054 with diagnostic computer DPV_054, 8.4"
electric schemes and processes the projects of vehicle
LCD display ZJS01 for control of vehicle systems (battery
MSV elektronika s.r.o. delivers vehicle computers,
components of passenger's information system, of WC and
charging system, door control system, water system,
heating / ventilation system, illumination), wheel slip
protection system ASS06, and insulation check system HIS.
water system, control units for side, front and interior doors
control, for disabled person lifting platform control, control
units for brake subsystem, wheel slip protection units,
magnetic brake control units, signal LED lights and
switchboard boxes.
Passenger coaches Bdtn 054, 054.2
head doors DCS04, signal LED lights BKS02, WC and water
MSV elektronika s.r.o also supplies control units for side and
Manufactured : 2006 – 2012
Pieces: 98
Manufakturer : KOS Krnov
system control module BVH10, level meters BSV05 and 06,
WC signalization TIP01, interior displaying boards
TIS02_ZNZ12 with loadspeaker and requested-halt function.
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
The passenger coaches class Bdtn756, 757 (054, 054.2) are
Coaches class Aee/Bee, Apee/Bpee
modernized by Krnovské opravny a strojírny, s.r.o, and are
Manufactured : 2008 / 2010 - 2011
designed for operation with diesel railcars class 842, 843
Pieces : 40 + 60
and 854.
Manufakturer : ŽOS Trnava / Movo Plzeò
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
These 1st and 2nd class coaches were modernized in two
phases in ŽOS Trnava (Slovakia) and MOVO Plzeò (Czech
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplied for these coaches electronic
components of water system BVH01 or BVH02, level meters,
Passenger coaches 054
WC signal panel TIP01.
MSV elektronika s.r.o. processed the design of electric
circuits, including also voltage change from 48 V to 24 V,
installation of intervehicle sockets, UIC cable, train
broadcasting system, passenger information system, coach
illumination, door control, emergency brake overriding and
diagnostic system.
Coaches class Aee
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Coaches Bbdgmsee
Coaches class Bdteer
Projekt B41
Manufaktured : 2011 - 2013
Pieces : 70
Manufactured : 2012 - 2013
Manufakturer : ŽOS Trnava
Pieces : 62 planned
Operator : ZSSK (Slovak Railways)
Manufakturer : ŽOS Trnava, Movo / Pars nova
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
This coach is a completely modernized coach Bdt 21-80.
These coaches are modernized in companies ŽOS Trnava
(Slovakia) and MOVO Plzeò / PARS Nova (Czech Republic)
MS Vs.r.o. supplies for these coaches control units for
The coach was equipped with new windows with athermic
glass, with new entry and head doors, with air conditioning
and vacuum
uum WC.
electric door control ECD07, modules for the lift for disabled
person control SOP02R and SOP02V, lift switchbox, wheel
slip protection control unit ASS06.1, the magnetic brake box
with control unit RMB01 with display DISPLAY03.
Coaches class Bdteer
The coach fulfills the requirements for RIC regime, including
presence of UIC cable or support of all supply voltages in
feeding cable.
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplies door control units (electronic
blocks with control unit DCS04), and WC and water system
Coaches Bdmpee, Bmpee (project)
control units BVH01.
Manufaktured : 2013 - 2014
Pieces : 40 planned
Manufakturer : Pars nova
Operator : ÈD (Czech Railways)
Modernized coach for long-distance transport offers open-
space interior, air condition, electric sockets, audiovisual
system, vacuum WCs. The expected usage is for Express and
Intercity trains.
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplies for these coaches control
units for electropneumatic door contrv èeštinì
nesrozumitelnéol SOD05/C, SOD05/F, synchronization unit
CAN_MINI_IN, wheel slip protection control unit ASS06.1,
the magnetic brake box with control unit RMB01 with
display DISPLAY03.
Coaches class Bdghmeer
Manufaktured : 2010 - 2013
Pieces : 24 (planned 30)
Manufakturer : ŽOS Trnava
Operator : ZSSK (Slovak Raiways)
These coaches are modernized in ŽOS Trnava (Slovakia).
Coaches class Bdghmerteer
The coach is equipped with large compartment for 12
person, with 5 compartments with 6 seats and with
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6 seats and with enlarged space for transport of bicycles
and other luggage. The lifting platforms make the journey
easier for disabled persons.
Narrow gauge coach Balm/u
Manufaktured : 2006 - 2007
Pieces : 15
MSV elektronika s.r.o. supplies door control units (electronic
Manufakturer : JHMD
blocks with control unit DCS04), WC and water system
Operator : JHMD, ÈD (Czech railways)
control units BVH01 and disabled person lifting platform
control unit SOP02.
These trailers are operated on narrow-gauge lines of JHMD
and ÈD companies. The coaches are equipped with visual
and audio passenger information system, that consists of
control unit with digital voice player BIS01 in
MODURAIL_BALM_U cubicle and displaying boards TIS02
with loudspeakers. The information system can be
controlled either directly from the trailer or from tractive
vehicle using train communication line.
Coaches class Bcmz
Manufaktured : 2006 - 2007
Pieces : 15
Manufakturer : ŽOS Trnava
Operator : ÖKOMBI GmbH
In 2006 - 2007, ŽOS Trnava company modernized 15 coaches
for ROLA trains of ÖBB-Technische
Services GmbH / ÖKOMBI GmbH company for transporting
the truck drivers.
MSV elektronika s.r.o
supplied for these cars WC
signalization TIP01 and TIP02 and LED signal lights BKS02.
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1. Elektric units
2. Elektric lokomotives
3. Dieselelectric lokomotives
4. Diesel railcars and driving trailers
5. Special vehicles
6. Passenger coaches
MSV elektronika s.r. o
+420 777 750 970 mobil
Poštovní 662, 742 13 Studénka
+420 556 455 330 telefon
ech Republi
+420 556 455 331 fax