CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement Version 1 Prepared by the CDASH – E2B Project Team CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Notes to Readers • • This document corresponds to the SDTM v1.3 and SDTMIG v3.1.3 but incorporates new domains developed after v3.1.3 was released. This document also corresponds to the CDASH Standards v1.1 Revision History Date 2013-11-22 2013-04-18 Version 1.0 1.0 draft Summary of Changes Final Draft for Public Review See Appendix G for Representations and Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers Page 2 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 CONTENTS 1 OVERVIEW OF DOCUMENT ......................................................................................... 5 1.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 SCOPE/PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 ORGANIZATION OF THIS DOCUMENT ...................................................................................................................8 1.4 DATA PRIVACY LAWS ..........................................................................................................................................9 1.5 CDISC CONTROLLED TERMINOLOGY .................................................................................................................9 1.6 ALIGNMENT WITH OTHER STANDARDS ...............................................................................................................9 1.6.1 The Study Data Tabulation Model .............................................................................................................9 1.6.2 CDASH v1.1 ..............................................................................................................................................9 1.6.3 E2B Plus ..................................................................................................................................................10 1.7 EXPLANATION OF TABLE HEADERS...................................................................................................................10 2 SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENT TABLES – SAE............................................................. 12 2.1 SAE REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE AND IDENTIFIER VARIABLES (E2B A) .............................................................12 2.2 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS (E2B B.1) .............................................................................................................13 2.2.1 Subject Characteristics – (CDASH SC) ...................................................................................................14 2.2.2 Demographics – (CDASH DM) ...............................................................................................................15 2.2.3 Medical History – (CDASH MH) ............................................................................................................16 2.2.4 Vital Signs – (CDASH VS) ......................................................................................................................17 2.2.5 Reproductive System Findings - (SDTMIG RP - DRAFT V3.1.4)..........................................................18 2.2.6 Past Drug History – (CDASH CM) .........................................................................................................18 2.2.7 Death Details – (SDTMIG DD - DRAFT V3.1.4) ...................................................................................20 2.2.8 Parent-Child/Fetus Report and its Relationship to CDISC Associated Persons Domains .......................21 2.3 SAE EVENT/REACTION (E2B B.2) ....................................................................................................................21 2.4 INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS (E2B B.3) ........................................................................................................27 2.4.1 Information from Existing CRFs .............................................................................................................27 2.4.2 Laboratory Findings – (CDASH LB) .......................................................................................................29 2.5 DRUG INFORMATION (E2B B.4) ........................................................................................................................31 2.5.1 Information from Existing CRFs .............................................................................................................31 2.5.2 Drug Information – (CDASH EX), (CDASH CM) and Other Variables Associated with Suspect Drug 31 2.6 NARRATIVE .......................................................................................................................................................38 3 REGULATORY REFERENCES ..................................................................................... 39 3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................39 3.1.1 Notices .....................................................................................................................................................39 3.1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................................................39 3.1.3 Key ...........................................................................................................................................................39 3.1.4 Sources .....................................................................................................................................................40 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 44 APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY, ACRONYMS, AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................44 APPENDIX B: PROJECT HISTORY/BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................47 APPENDIX C: DATA ELEMENTS FROM ICH E2B R2 ......................................................................................................48 APPENDIX D: EXAMPLES OF STUDY SCENARIOS WHERE PARENT-CHILD DATA COULD BE SUBMITTED ........................50 APPENDIX E: NARRATIVE .............................................................................................................................................51 APPENDIX F: AUTHORS ................................................................................................................................................53 APPENDIX G: REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, AND DISCLAIMERS .........................54 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 3 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Types of Adverse Events................................................................................................................................6 Figure 2: Levels of Event Reporting and Responsibilities ............................................................................................6 Figure 3: SAE Flow Diagram ........................................................................................................................................7 Figure 4: E2B Structure for SAE Content .....................................................................................................................8 Page 4 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 1 Overview of Document 1.1 Introduction Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization (CDASH) is the standard applied to clinical data at point of capture ( CDASH contains an Adverse Event domain intended for capture of adverse event information (the AE CRF) in the Clinical Data Management System (CDMS). The CDASH Serious Adverse Event (CDASH SAE) Supplement to CDASH version 1.1 expands the current Adverse Event (AE) domain to include data elements for the capture of serious adverse event information in an SAE Form and, when indicated, will also allow the sponsor to generate an E2B message for electronic reporting of an Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) to Health Authorities. The content of an ICSR is specified by the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) in the Guideline on Clinical Safety Data Management: Data Elements for Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (E2B R2). Although E2B R3 is now published, it is not implemented in the ICH regions at the time of publication of this supplement. Therefore the CDASH SAE Supplement is based on E2B R2. In the next version of the CDASH SAE Supplement, E2B R3 changes will be incorporated. See Appendix B for additional information for the Project History/Background. The purpose of the CDASH SAE Supplement is to facilitate the collection of information that is comprehensive and relevant to the understanding of the SAE that will allow for an assessment for causality. This SAE supplement ensures that the safety reports sent from the site to the sponsor will support all required fields needed to generate an ICH E2B-compliant SAE report, which is a regulatory requirement in many countries, without re-entry of data already collected in other areas of the EDC System or missing data necessary to the E2B data fields. The tables provided in this document (also known as metadata tables) in section 3 illustrate the mapping of the CDASH data variable names to the E2B data elements. This document, on its own, should not be seen as a guide to ICH E2B R2 and does not specify the exact E2B data format. This first version of the CDASH SAE Supplement is focused on the ICH E2B (R2) specification and focuses on adverse reaction (AR) reporting for drugs only. Other therapies, devices, biologics, and vaccines will be addressed in future versions of this supplement. 1.2 Scope/Purpose Clinical investigative sites typically collect data on all AEs during a clinical trial, but only a smaller subset will meet the criteria of an SAE. Of those SAEs received by the sponsor, a still smaller subset will meet the regulatory requirements for expedited reporting to the regulatory authorities. These usually are the SAEs that are both unexpected and suspected, also known as Serious Unexpected Suspected Adverse Reactions (SUSARs). See Figure 1. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 5 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Figure 1: Types of Adverse Events AE SAE SUSAR Safety data, unlike most other data collected for clinical trials, can directly impact the well-being of subjects. Thus, certain designated safety data must be reported expeditiously in real time by the site to the sponsor, monitoring and regulatory personnel in accordance with protocol and regulatory timeframes. For any given trial, the protocol will specify the extent of safety data to be collected. An adverse event will be collected and termed an AE unless it meets the regulatory or protocol-specified definition of a Serious Adverse Event (SAE) or an Adverse Event of Special Interest (AESI). SAEs and AESIs are then subject to expedited reporting. In general, AEs are collected on a CRF, while SAEs/AESIs are collected on a specialized long form (which can be called an SAE form). Figure 2 below, visually depicts the scope of this CDASH SAE Supplement, which is focused on the SAE Form. The SAE Form is the data collection instrument for sites to record the SAE and is designed such that the sponsor will also have the necessary information to report SUSARS to Health Authorities. The existing CDASH AE domain is expanded to include data elements to support a comprehensive SAE Form. The Drug Safety Department of the sponsor can then use this information to create the E2B message for reporting an Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) to Health Authorities. The purpose of this project is to ensure that all safety data (whether it pertains to an AE, SAE, or SUSAR) will employ the same data standard, and that this data standard is consistent with other CDISC data standards, and is also consistent with E2B specifications. Figure 2: Levels of Event Reporting and Responsibilities Page 6 November 25, 2013 Safety Data Category Data Collection & Reporting Tool Submission and Receipt Responsibility AE CRF (CDASH) Site SAE SAE Form (CDASH SAE Addendum) Site to Sponsor SUSAR E2B Message/ICSR (E2B R2) Sponsor to Authority © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Independent of company-specific automated processes with data management and safety data collection, in general, when an adverse event has occurred, the information is captured on a Case Report Form (the AE CRF). When the AE is deemed to have met any of the SAE criteria or criteria for AESIs, the SAE form is then completed to collect additional data not already collected. Data that were already collected for the study but are needed for a safety report would now be available to populate the SAE form, minimizing duplicative data entry. All of the data for SAEs are destined for a sponsor safety database, distinct from the study clinical database. Examples of data already collected in existing CDASH domains (stored in the clinical research database) and useful for typical safety case supporting information include demographics, medical history and concomitant medications. Such existing data would be available to populate the sponsor safety database (which stores SAE information), and can be used to generate safety reports as needed. See Figure 3. Figure 3: SAE Flow Diagram *Data not collected in the study CRFs but deemed relevant for safety reporting would need to be collected as part of the SAE form. It is up to the implementers to determine which and how data is collected. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 7 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Finally, the content of the SAE Form is based on the requirements set forth by ICH E2B R2. Companies can design their own SAE Form using the CDASH standard and this supplement as guidance for the CDASH SAE variable names. The intent is that at a minimum, the information provided by sites would be adequate for the sponsor to submit an ICSR or E2B message to Health Authorities. The ICSR or E2B message structure includes the subsections shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: E2B Structure for SAE Content This E2B structure is used to organize the content of the SAE Form and Section 2 of the CDASH SAE Supplement. The A and B Sections are divided into sub-header Sections A1-A3, and B1-B5, each of which has further sub-levels to allow for the many specific E2B data elements. These specific E2B data elements are mapped to the CDASH variables (see the metadata tables provided in Section 2). For illustrative purposes, Appendix C includes a partial listing of the E2B data elements in A1-A3 and B1-B5. For a full listing of the E2B data elements, please refer to the ICH E2B R2 document listed in the Reference section at the end of this supplement. 1.3 Organization of this Document This document is meant to fulfill the needs of both the clinical data management and the drug safety communities. To this end, the SAE data in Section 2 of this document is organized to follow the E2B R2 guidance structured order rather than the CDASH or SDTMIG document structure. This document has been organized into the following sections: • Section 1, Introduction, provides an overall introduction to the scope and purpose of the CDASH E2B project; o Section 1.2, Scope/Purpose, provides the scope and purpose of the CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement; o Section 1.3, Organization of this Document, describes the organization of the CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement. o Section 1.4, Data Privacy Laws, provides information regarding the applicability of data privacy laws. o Section 1.5, CDISC Controlled Terminology, provides information regarding CDISC controlled terminology used within the Serious Adverse Event Supplement; o Section 1.6, Alignment with Other Standards, describes the relationship of the Serious Adverse Event Supplement to the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM), to the CDASH Standard Version 1.1, and to the ICH E2B Specification. o Section 1.7, Explanation of Table Headers, describes approaches that reflect common practice implemented by a significant number of organizations/companies, defines the core designations used throughout CDASH v1.1 and explains the table headers used in the domain tables. Page 8 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 • • • Section 2, Serious Adverse Event Tables, contains metadata tables and/or recommendations for the SAE data. Section 3, Regulatory References, provides a list of relevant regulatory guidelines and requirements that should be consulted for instructions on the collection, organization and submission of AE and SAE information to regulatory authorities. Appendices provide additional background material and describe other supplemental material relevant to the document 1.4 Data Privacy Laws The demographic and subject identification data elements listed in this document are based on global guidelines for the collection of safety data. However, some of these data elements might be considered personal data and therefore should not be collected in cases where prohibited by local data privacy laws. Since these laws differ from country to county and are subject to change, sponsors are strongly encouraged to review the applicable data privacy laws in the country/countries in which they are planning to conduct clinical trials. We have marked these fields as Recommended/Conditional (R/C) to allow for adherence to local law. 1.5 CDISC Controlled Terminology Terminology applicable to CDASH data collection fields is either in production or under development by the CDISC Terminology Team. Production terminology is published by the National Cancer Institute’s Enterprise Vocabulary Services (NCI EVS) and can be accessed via the following link: CDISC Controlled Terminology is updated quarterly. Because this document is a static publication, it refers readers to the NCI EVS page for CDISC terminology (at the link given above). For the same reason, this document cannot claim to use controlled terminology in the examples provided; users should not refer to these as the ultimate authority on what terms to use or to not use. In cases where a CDASH field has associated controlled terminology, the codelist is referenced in the Controlled Terminology column in the domain tables in this format: {codelist name}. 1.6 Alignment with Other Standards 1.6.1 The Study Data Tabulation Model The full set of SAE data is generally not destined for the clinical database and thus not subject to inclusion in SDTM submissions. Note also that there is an expectation that safety data are maintained in “real time” (subject to change as more information becomes available). For information on preparing collected data for submissions, refer to the Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide (SDTMIG). 1.6.2 CDASH v1.1 A working knowledge of the CDASH standard is critical when using this document. CDASH v1.1 identifies the basic data collection fields needed from a clinical, scientific and regulatory perspective to enable more efficient and consistent data collection at the investigative sites. The SDTMIG and CDASH are related. The SDTM and the SDTMIG provide a standard for the submission of data. CDASH is earlier in the data flow and defines a basic set of highly recommended and recommended/conditional data collection fields that are expected to be present on the majority of CRFs. The CDASH data collection fields (or variables) facilitate mapping to the SDTM domains. When the data are identical between the two standards, the SDTMIG variable names are presented in the CDASH domain © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 9 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 tables. In cases where the data are not identical or do not exist in the SDTMIG, CDASH has suggested new variable names, where applicable. The CDASH v1.1 Standard defines many of the basic safety data collection fields found in E2B. This CDASH SAE Supplement contains additional variables to complement existing variables in CDASH. We have intentionally not reproduced the entire CDASH standard but have included existing CDASH variables that map to safety reporting data elements, where appropriate. These CDASH variables are shaded in the metadata tables. Additional data fields may need to be added to address study-specific and therapeutic-area requirements, and applicable regulatory and business practices. Since a number of the CDASH v1.1 variables are optional, an assessment should be made for each variable regarding inclusion on the CRF or inclusion exclusively in an E2B safety report. 1.6.3 E2B Plus E2B Plus, or extended E2B, refers to custom XML fields (tags) that capture supplementary data above and beyond the ICH E2B specification. The number and type of E2B Plus tags used varies from sponsor to sponsor and depends on many factors (e.g., study phase, therapeutic area and business need). However, there are some common E2B Plus tags such as the subject's ethnicity and the subject's hospitalization date. E2B Plus leverages the wealth of data that is normally available during a clinical trial for a more effective safety review. For this extra data to be processed electronically by a safety system, that system itself must be able to support E2B Plus. The CDASH SAE Supplement focuses on the ICH E2B (R2) specification and hence includes no reference to E2B Plus. Sponsors who will use the forthcoming safety CDASH Forms should modify the forms where appropriate to capture the desired extra data to be processed as E2B Plus tags. 1.7 Explanation of Table Headers 1 2 3 Question Prompt E2B Text Variable Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 5 E2B Variable Data Name Element 6 7 8 9 BRIDG Definition Controlled SAE Form Terminology Completion Instructions 10 11 Implementation Core Instructions Question Text: Contains the full question text for the data collection field. Question text may be used as the label on the CRF or may be used in help text for the field. Prompt: Contains the short prompt or label for the data collection field. E2B Variable Name: This column provides the E2B variable names (e.g., parentmedicalcontinue). E2B Data Element: This column contains the reference number to the applicable section of the ICH M2 EWG Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports Message Specification (ICH ICSR DTD Version 2.1) Final Version 2.3 Document Revision February 1, 2001. Variable Name: This column provides the SDTM, CDASH and CDASH SAE variable names (e.g., AESPID, AEONGO, SAERPTRNM). See the table below for more details. Page 10 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Standard SDTM CDASH CDASH SAE Description Variables that are collected in the CRF as they are reported in the SDTM. These variable names are limited to an 8-character length in the SDTM. Fields typically collected on CRFs that exist in the CDASH standard. These variable names are “SDTMlike variables”, limited to 8-characters in length and can help facilitate the derivation of SDTM IG variables needed for submission. Fields included on a specialized SAE form to supplement data already collected on CRF forms. These are only for SAE reporting, are not necessarily included in an SDTM submission and are therefore not limited to the 8-character length limitation. Identification Identified by the lack of shading or borders Example AESPID Identified by grey shading. AEONGO Identified by a surrounding text box (border) not shaded. SAERPTRNM 6. BRIDG: This column contains the initial BRIDG Release 3.2 mappings. This information is included to provide an initial idea of how the CDASH variable maps to BRIDG. Some of the new variables will need to go through the formal BRIDG harmonization process. See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. 7. Definition: This column defines the data to be collected for the variable. Definitions have been obtained and harmonized from CDASH, SDTM and E2B. 8. Controlled Terminology: In cases where a CDASH field has associated controlled terminology, the codelist is referenced in this format: {CODELIST NAME}. 9. SAE Form Completion Instructions (for clinical site): Contains information for the clinical site on how to enter collected information on the CRF. 10. Implementation Instructions: Contains further details, such as rationale and implementation instructions, for the CRF data collection fields. This information is meant to guide implementers (i.e. Case Report Form Designers, Data Managers, Drug Safety, etc.). 11. Core (designations): Contains the CDASH Core designations for basic data collection fields. In order to facilitate classification of the different types of data collection fields, the following categories were used: • • • Highly Recommended (HR): A data collection field that should be on the CRF (e.g., a regulatory requirement). Recommended/Conditional (R/C): A data collection field that should be on a CRF based on certain conditions (e.g., complete date of birth is preferred, but may not be allowed in some regions; AE time should only be captured if there is another data point with which to compare it). In the absence of this data point other data points would be less meaningful. Optional (O): A data collection field that is available for use. It is assumed that sponsors will determine which data collection fields will be collected based on therapeutic areaspecific data requirements, protocol and local legal regulatory considerations. Some data that have been previously collected may or may not be the same data as needed in the E2B message; it is up to the sponsor to confirm that these data are accurate and appropriate for use in an E2B message. For example, the country where the Adverse Event occurred may/may not be the same as country of the investigational site recorded in CDASH. Additionally, information already collected on CRFs may not be accurate at the time that the AE occurred (e.g., the date of last menstrual period, medical history, concomitant medications). We have intentionally not reproduced the entire CDASH standard but have included existing CDASH variables that map to safety reporting data elements, where appropriate. These CDASH variables are shaded in the metadata tables. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 11 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 2 Serious Adverse Event Tables – SAE The Adverse Event domain in CDASH is intended to capture data for all adverse events whether serious, not serious, or of special interest. The expanded Serious Adverse Event metadata tables combine previously collected data with additional details needed for a full understanding and assessment of the event and for processing in drug safety departments of sponsors. All of the SAE metadata tables in Section 2 are structured for use in conjunction with the basic adverse event data collection fields described in the Adverse Event domain in CDASH v1.1 when an event has reached the status of requiring expedited reporting to the sponsor/regulatory authority. The mappings to an E2B message within this table are only relevant when the adverse event reaches the threshold defined for reporting to regulatory authorities. It is important to note that certain entries in this domain do not need to be or might not be completed by sites as indicated in the SAE Form Completion and/or Implementation Instructions. However, they are included as a reminder of the sponsor’s responsibility for information to be provided to regulatory authorities. 2.1 SAE Report Administrative and Identifier Variables (E2B A) The variables included in the table below have been developed specifically for the collection of data for the identification, processing and reporting of an SAE. This table contains fields for data collection at the site, such as information on the location of the site, the location of the occurrence of the AE, study identifier, SAE identifier, and reporter identifiers (the reporter is the primary source of the information). Note certain data fields are included that contain information that are to be provided by the sponsor and not the investigative sites. Question Text Prompt Country of the primary source Country where the event occurred E2B Variable E2B Data Variable Names Name Element primarysourcec A.1.1 SRCCNTY ountry 1 Where are you located? 2 Where did the primary event for the safety case occur? 3 Do you wish to mark this Nullification safety case as nullified? status casenullificatio A.1.13 n NULYN 4 Why are you nullifying the safety case? Reason for nullification nullificationreas A.1.13.1 on NULREAS 5 What is the report date? Report date What is the first name of the reporter? What is the last name of the reporter? What is the sponsor study Reporter first name Reporter last name Sponsor study 6 7 8 Page 12 November 25, 2013 occurcountry receivedate receiptdate reportergivena me reporterfamily name sponsorstudynu A.1.2 OCCCNTY BRIDG Definition Identification of the country of alAddress the primary source Controlled Terminology {COUNTRY} Country where the event {COUNTRY} alAddress occurred, if different from above SafetyReportVersi on.nullificationInd Report nullification icator* SafetyReportVersi on.nullificationRe Reason for nullification asonCode* PerformedActivity Date of this transmission .dateRange* {NY} Not applicable A.1.6b A.1.7b TRANSDAT A.2.1.1b SAERPTRGNM Reporter’s given name. Not applicable A.2.1.1d SAERPTRFSNM Reporter’s surname name. Not applicable A.2.3.2 STUDYID DocumentIdentifi Study number Not applicable Not applicable © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text number? What is the individual 9 SAE ID number? What is the SAE report 10 version? Prompt number SAEID Report version E2B Variable Name mb E2B Data Element Not Not applicable applicable Not Not applicable applicable Variable Names SAEID SAERVER Question SAE Form Completion Instructions May not be completed by site. 1 (cont) If completed by site, enter the country where you are located. 2 (cont) Enter the country where the event occurred. 3 (cont) Select if you are nullifying the safety case. 4 (cont) Provide reason for nullification. BRIDG Definition er. identifier* DocumentIdentifi Not applicable er.identifier* DocumentVersion Version of the SAE report .numberText Controlled Terminology Not applicable Not applicable Implementation Instructions Generally a derived value linked to site address. This maps to the 3-digit country code from ISO 3166 This maps to the 3-digit country code from ISO 3166 Do not record if not nullified. Record as 1=Yes if nullification. Do not request this info if case not nullified. Ensure full dates are always provided. If the value is captured in the CDASH format, it should be reformatted into the E2B message format (CCYYMMDD). 5 (cont) Not completed by site. 6 (cont) Enter the reporter’s first name. 7 (cont) Enter the reporter’s last name. This section should be completed only if the sender is the study sponsor or has 8 (cont) been informed of the study number by the sponsor. If not system-generated, record unique identifier for serious adverse event for 9 (cont) this subject. Core HR R/C R/C R/C O The CDASH variable maps to two different E2B variables, the sponsor's safety department will determine the correct variable depending if the report is initial or follow-up. This field is needed on the SAE form that is submitted to drug safety. This field is needed on the SAE form that is submitted to drug safety. Unique identifier for a study. This is typically pre-printed/pre-populated. This field holds the local SAE number. In an electronic system numbers are auto-generated. For paper safety forms these are managed by a different process (may be pre-printed) If this is a new SAE, the SAE report version is termed Initial or New. If there is Value should be selected from list stating whether report is initial/new or 10 (cont) additional information to be provided, the SAE report version is termed Followfollow-up Up. * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. HR HR HR O O 2.2 Patient Characteristics (E2B B.1) In keeping with CDASH nomenclature, trial participants are referred to throughout this document as subjects (including patients and healthy volunteers). In E2B nomenclature, variable names using the term patient have already been defined by ICH and are reproduced here. Thus, in this document, patient and subject are used interchangeably to refer to clinical trial participants. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 13 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 2.2.1 Subject Characteristics – (CDASH SC) Question Text What are the subject’s initials? What is the General Practitioner 2 medical record number of the subject? What is the 3 subject’s specialist record number? What is the hospital 4 record number of the subject? 1 Prompt E2B Variable Name Subject initials patientinitial E2B Section B.1 Variable Names SAESUBJINI BRIDG PerformedObservation Subject Initials Result.value* Not applicable GP medical patientgpmedicalrecor B.1.1.1a record number dnumb SAEGPRECID PerformedObservation GP medical record Result.value* number of subject Not applicable Subject’s patientspecialistrecor B.1.1.1b specialist dnumb record number SAEMSRECID PerformedObservation Subject's Specialist record number Result.value* Not applicable Hospital patienthospitalrecordn B.1.1.1c record number umb SAEHORECID PerformedObservation Hospital record Result.value* number of subject Not applicable SUBJID Subject Identification number is an Identifier assigned to each trial subject to StudySubjectIdentifier protect the subject’s Not applicable identity, and used .identifier instead of the subject’s name when the Investigator reports trial data. What is the 5 subject’s identifier? Subject patientinvestigationnu B.1.1.1d mb Question SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions May be collected where permitted under privacy rules 1 (cont) Record the subject’s initials. Record numbers can include the health professional record(s) number(s), hospital record(s) Record the GP medical number of the number(s), or patient/subject identification number in a study. The source of the number should be 2 (cont) subject specified to ensure the possibility of retrieval when possible and desirable. Record the Subject’s Specialist record Not applicable 3 (cont) number. Record the hospital record number of Not applicable 4 (cont) the subject Paper: This is typically recorded in the header of each CRF page. EDC: The subject identifiers may be provided to the site using a pre-populated list in the system. 5 (cont) Record the subject’s identifier SUBJID = Subject identifier, which must be unique within the study. Often the ID of the subject as recorded on a CRF. * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. Page 14 November 25, 2013 Controlled Terminology Definition Core O O O O HR © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 2.2.2 Demographics – (CDASH DM) Question Text What is the subject’s date of birth? Prompt E2B Section patientbirthdate B.1.2.1b What is the subject age Subject onset patientonsetage 2 at the onset of the age serious adverse event? B.1.2.2b 1 Birth date E2B Variable Name What is the subject age Subject onset patientonsetageunit 3 unit at the onset of the age unit serious adverse event? What is the sex of the Sex patientsex 4 subject? Question B.1.2.2b B.1.5 Prompt SAE Form Completion Instructions Record the date of birth to the level of precision known (e.g., day/month/year, year, Subject’s month/year, etc.) in this format (DD-MON1 (cont) date of birth YYYY). Subject onset age Subject 3 (cont) onset age unit 2 (cont) Variable Names BRIDG Definition {BRTHDAT | BRTHYR Subject: Date of [BRTHMO] [BRTHDY]} BiologicEntity.birthDate* Birth [BRTHTIM] Subject age at time Derived from date of of onset of SAEAGE interest minus reaction/event BiologicEntity.birthdate (numeric) Derived from date of Unit for subject age SAEAGEU interest minus at time of onset of BiologicEntity.birthdate reaction/event BiologicEntity.administra SEX Subject Sex tiveGenderCode* Controlled Terminology Not applicable Not Applicable Not applicable {SEX} Implementation Instructions Core A subject’s date of birth (with or without the time of birth). The complete Date of Birth is made from the temporal components of Birth Year, Birth Month, Birth Day and Birth Time. HR This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. For formatting purposes, field value: CCYYMMDD Enter the subject’s age at onset of the serious adverse event. This field is needed to complete the SAE form that is submitted to drug safety. This field is not intended to be part of the regulatory file submission. R/C Enter the subject’s age unit at onset of the serious adverse event. This field is needed to complete the SAE form that is submitted to drug safety. This field is not intended to be part of the regulatory file submission. R/C Collect the subject’s sex or gender, as reported by subject or caretaker. This is the self-reported sex of the individual and/or is the clinician’s assignment based on a physical examination. This is a phenotypic assessment and a genotypic assessment. 4 (cont) Subject sex Record the appropriate sex Phenotypic assessment is the self-reported sex of the individual and/or is the clinician’s assignment based on a physical examination. This is not to be confused with a genotypic determination of a subjects' chromosomally determined gender, but a less scientifically controlled method of visual determination that HL7 has defined as “administrative sex.” * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final HR Page 15 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 2.2.3 Medical History – (CDASH MH) Question Text What is the verbatim term for the medical 1 history condition /event? What was the date the 2 medical history event or condition started? Prompt E2B Variable Name E2B Section Variable Names BRIDG Definition Medical History Term patientepisode B.1.7.1a.2 MHTERM name Subject relevant medical history and PerformedMedicalCon concurrent conditions: Disease / surgical ditionResult.value* procedure / etc. Start Date patientmedica B.1.7.1c lstartdate PerformedMedicalHist Subject relevant medical history and oryResult.occurrence* concurrent conditions: Start date MHSTDAT Subject relevant medical history and concurrent conditions: Medical history/concurrent conditions Continuing? (field value: 1=Yes 2=No 3=Unknown) Controlled Terminology Not Applicable Not Applicable Is the medical history Ongoing disease 3 /condition or event still ongoing? patientmedica B.1.7.1d lcontinue MHONGO Implementation specific What was the date the 4 medical history event End Date or condition ended? patientmedica B.1.7.1f lenddate MHENDAT PerformedMedicalHist Subject relevant medical history and oryResult.occurrenceD concurrent conditions: End date ateRange* patientmedica B.1.7.1g lcomment COVAL1…COVAL5 RDOMAIN="MH" Not Applicable PerformedObservation Subject relevant medical history and IDVAR="MHSEQ" Result.comment concurrent conditions: comment (free text) SAE domain - med history Comments Are there any other relevant details or 5 information about the medical history? Question Prompt Medical History Comment {NY} Not Applicable SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions Record all relevant past and/or concomitant medical conditions and past surgeries, as defined in the protocol. Record only one Medical History condition or surgery per line. When recording a condition and Verbatim or pre-printed CRF term for the medical condition or event. 1 (cont) Event Term surgery related to that condition, use one line for the condition and one line for the surgery. Ensure that any of the conditions listed on the Medical History page do not meet any of the exclusion criteria. The sponsor may choose to capture a complete date or any variation thereof Record the start date using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). 2 (cont) Start Date (e.g., month and year or year, etc.). This field will be completed to indicate that the condition has not resolved at the point of data collection. It is expected that every reported condition should have either an End Date or the Ongoing field marked “yes” (or checked), but not both. Ongoing The purpose of collecting this field is to help with data cleaning and Select the most appropriate response. 3 (cont) monitoring, since this field provides further confirmation that the End Date was deliberately left blank. As described in Section 3.4.1, Best Practices, this is a special use case of “Yes/No” where the question is usually presented as a single possible response of “Yes” in conjunction with an end date. In this case, if the box is Page 16 November 25, 2013 Core HR O O © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Prompt SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions Core checked, the field will contain “Yes” and if it is blank and there is an end date present, it can be mapped to “No”.’ If MHONGO = 'Y'; then set MHENRTPT to 'ONGOING' and MHENTPT should be defined by the sponsor with consistent value such as Informed Consent. The date of data collection in conjunction with a collected time point anchor Date and the MHONGO CDASH fields would determine how the SDTMIG variables would be populated. Reference Section 2.1.3 for more information. This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. The sponsor may choose to capture a complete date or any variation thereof Record the end date using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). O 4 (cont) End Date (month & year or year, etc.). Medical History SAE domain - The text of the medical history comments. Text over 200 Record any additional details to the medical history. O 5 (cont) Comment characters can be added to additional columns COVAL1-COVALn. *See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. 2.2.4 Vital Signs – (CDASH VS) Question Text Prompt E2B Variable Name E2B Section 1 What is the subject’s Subject weight patientweight weight? B.1.3 2 What is the subject’s Subject height patientheight height? B.1.4 Variable Names VSORRES [VSORRESU] when VSTEST="Weight" VSORRES [VSORRESU] when VSTEST="Height" BRIDG Controlled Terminology Definition PerformedObservation Subject Weight in kg Result.value* Not Applicable at the time of the SAE PerformedObservation Subject Height in cm Result.value* Not Applicable at the time of the SAE Question Prompt SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions Core 1 (cont) Subject weight Enter the subject’s weight in kg at the time of the SAE. It is recommended that the units be pre-printed on the CRF when possible. HR 2 (cont) Subject height Enter the subject’s height in cm at the time of the SAE. It is recommended that the units be pre-printed on the CRF when possible. HR * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 17 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 2.2.5 Reproductive System Findings - (SDTMIG RP - DRAFT V3.1.4) Note that the Reproductive System Findings domain is currently under development by the CDISC Submission Data Standards Development Team and therefore not included in CDASH v1.1. Once these constructs are approved, this CDASH SAE Supplement will be revised accordingly. As dictated by the study and the protocol, the SAE Form can be designed to include additional data fields to provide relevant obstetric and gynecologic information, or such relevant information may be pulled from a reproductive system CRF, if available. Question Text 1 Date of last Menstrual Period? Prompt E2B Variable Name Last Menstrual patientlast Period menstrualdate E2B Section Variable Names Definition PerformedMedicalCon Subject’s last ditionalResult.occuranc menstrual date. eDateRange* SAELMDAT B.1.6.b BRIDG Controlled Terminology Not Applicable Question Prompt SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions Core Last Menstrual Enter the date of first day of the subject’s last menstrual period prior to The date of first day of the subject’s last menstrual period prior to the R/C 1 (cont) Period the adverse event. adverse event. * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. 2.2.6 Past Drug History – (CDASH CM) This section provides a means to capture information pertaining to drugs previously taken. It is not intended for information about current drug exposure to suspect drug or concomitant medications (See Section 2.5.2). Medical judgment should be exercised regarding relevance and inclusion of this section. Question Text 1 2 3 4 5 6 What was the term for the medication/ therapy taken? or What was the term for the medication taken? What was the start date and time of the medication /therapy? What was the start time of the medication /therapy? What was the end date of the medication/therapy? What was the end time of the medication/therapy? Prompt Medication or Therapy patientdrugnam B.1.8 e Variable Names BRIDG Definition Verbatim drug name or therapy (include only therapies with data collection characteristics similar medications). CMTRT* Start Date and patientdrugstart B.1.8c Start Time date CMSTDAT PerformedSubstanceAdm Date and time when the medication inistration.dateRange* was first taken. patientdrugstart B.1.8c date patientdrugend B.1.8e date patientdrugend B.1.8e date CMSTTIM PerformedSubstanceAdm inistration.dateRange* PerformedSubstanceAdm inistration.dateRange* PerformedSubstanceAdm inistration.dateRange* Start Time End Date End Time For what indication was the Indication medication/therapy taken? Page 18 November 25, 2013 E2B Variable E2B Name Section CMENDAT CMENTIM patientdrugindi B.1.8f.2 CMINDC cation Time when the medication was first taken. Date that the subject stopped taking the medication or therapy. Time that the subject stopped taking the medication or therapy. The reason for administration of a PerformedSubstanceAdm concomitant (non-study) medication. inistration.reasonCode* (e.g., Nausea, Hypertension) Controlled Terminology Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Variable E2B Name Section Variable Names BRIDG Controlled Terminology Definition This is not the pharmacological/ therapeutic classification of an agent (e.g., antibiotic, analgesic, etc.), but the reason for its administration to the subject. Question Prompt Medication 1 (cont) or Therapy SAE Form Completion Instructions Record only one medication per line. Provide the full trade or proprietary name of the drug or therapy; otherwise the generic name may be recorded. Record the date and time the medication or therapy was first taken using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). If the subject has been taking the medication for a considerable Start Date and amount of time prior to the start of the study, it is acceptable to 2 (cont) Start Time have an incomplete date. Medications taken during the study are expected to have a complete start date. Prior medications that are exclusionary should have both a start and end date Implementation Instructions Core In most cases, the verbatim drug names or therapy will be coded to a standard dictionary such as WHO Drug Dictionary after the data have been collected on HR the CRF. The preferred method is to collect a complete start date. Partial dates (e.g., providing year only) for medications started a considerable amount of time prior to the start of study are acceptable. HR Recommend collecting the time a medication was started when a protocol or data collection scenarios supports it. Typically, a start time is not collected Record time the medication or therapy was first taken if available. R/C 3 (cont) Start Time unless the subject is under the direct care of the site at the time a medication or therapy is administered. The assumption is that sponsors should either have a complete end date or will Record the date the subject stopped taking the medication or indicate that the medication or therapy was ongoing at the time of collection or therapy using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). at the end of the study. R/C 4 (cont) End Date If the subject has not stopped taking the medication leave this Recommend collecting the time a medication or therapy was ended when a field blank. protocol or data collection scenarios supports it. Record the time the subject stopped taking the medication or Recommend collecting the time a medication or therapy was ended when a therapy using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). protocol or data collection scenarios supports it. R/C 5 (cont) End Time If the subject has not stopped taking the medication leave this Typically, an end time is not collected unless the subject is under the direct care field blank. of the site at the time a medication or therapy is stopped. Record the reason the medication was taken based on clinical investigator’s evaluation. This information can be used as deemed appropriate for coding, analysis (i.e., in If taken to treat a condition, and a diagnosis was made, the the classification of medications), for reconciling the medications taken by a R/C indication should be the diagnosis. 6 (cont) Indication subject with their provided medical history and/or AEs/SAEs as part of the data If taken to treat a condition, and no diagnosis was made, the clean-up and monitoring process, etc. indication should be the signs and symptoms. If taken as prophylaxis, report as “Prophylaxis for…” * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 19 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 2.2.7 Death Details – (SDTMIG DD - DRAFT V3.1.4) This section corresponds with E2B R2 B1.9 and is completed by the site or point of data collection. The Death Details domain is currently under development by the CDISC Submission Data Standards Development Team and therefore not included in CDASH v1.1. Once these constructs are approved, this CDASH SAE Supplement will be revised accordingly. Implementers are reminded that CDISC Controlled Terminology is updated quarterly. Because this document is a static publication, it refers readers to the NCI EVS page for CDISC terminology. For the same reason, this document cannot claim to use controlled terminology in the examples provided; users should not refer to these as the ultimate authority on what terms to use or to not use. Rows 2-5 are proposed variables not included in CDASH or the SDTMIG. Question Text What is the date of the subject’s death? What was the reported 2 primary cause of death? What was the reported 3 secondary cause of death? 1 Prompt E2B Variable Name E2B Data Element Subject death patientdeathdate date Primary cause patientdeathreport of death Secondary patientdeathreport cause of death B.1.9.1b DSSTDAT B.1.9.2b PRCDTH B.1.9.2b SECDTH Autopsy performed B.1.9.3 AUPERF 4 Was an autopsy performed? 5 Autopsy What was the autopsy determined patientdetermineautopsy B.1.9.4b determined cause of death? cause of death Question Prompt Variable Names patientautopsyyesno AUCDTH BRIDG BiologicEntity.d eathDate* PerformedClinic alResult.value* PerformedClinic alResult.value* Derived from DefinedActivity. name* Definition In the case of death: date of patient death. In case of death: Reported cause(s) of death. In case of death: Reported cause(s) of death. In case of death: Was autopsy done? PerformedClinic In case of death: AutopsyalResult.value* determined cause(s) of death. Controlled Terminology Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable {NY} Not Applicable SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions Record the date the subject died using this format (DD- Date of death for any subject who died, in ISO 8601 format. Should represent the 1 (cont) Subject death date MON-YYYY). A complete date is expected. date that is captured in the clinical study database. Should be populated even when the death date is unknown. Primary cause of Record the reported primary cause of the subject’s The initially reported cause of death might be different than the autopsy-determined 2 (cont) death death. cause. For this reason these variables might contain the same or different values. If more than one secondary cause of death is collected the sponsor might need to Secondary cause of Record the reported secondary cause of the subject’s repeat this field using different variable names for each repeat; however, this will be 3 (cont) death death. system-dependent. Indicate if an autopsy was performed on the subject. If Autopsy is a procedure from which there will usually be findings. Autopsy 4 (cont) Autopsy performed yes, include the appropriate details where indicated on information should be handled as per recommendations in the Procedures domain. the CRF. Autopsy determined The initially reported cause of death might be different than the autopsy-determined Record the cause of death determined by the autopsy. 5 (cont) cause of death cause. For this reason these variables might contain the same or different values. * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. Page 20 November 25, 2013 Core HR HR O HR R/C © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 2.2.8 Parent-Child/Fetus Report and its Relationship to CDISC Associated Persons Domains This section corresponds to E2B R2 B1.10 and should be used in the case of a parent-child/fetus report where the parent had no reaction/event. Refer to the E2B R2 document for the relevant data elements. Parent-child pairing information is needed if only the child/fetus has an adverse reaction/event (other than early spontaneous abortion/fetal demise). The characteristics concerning the parent who was the source of exposure to the drug should be provided in this section. Note that in the circumstance where both the parent and the child/fetus sustain adverse events, two reports are expected: one for the AE on the parent, and one for the AE on the child/fetus; these two separate reports should be linked. Parent-child pairing information is not needed if there has been no reaction/event affecting the child/fetus (unplanned exposure is not captured as adverse event). Note that in the circumstance of fetal demise or early spontaneous abortion, only a parent report is applicable to detail the AE in the fetus. See Appendix D for table providing study scenarios where parent-child data could be submitted. Associated Persons domains are currently under development by the CDISC Submission Data Standards Development Team. The Associated Person models in the SDTMIG will include methods for creating domains of data collected about people who are not subjects in the trial (such as the child of a subject). These data will be placed in domains that parallel the existing SDTMIG domains and might include the domains of Demographics, Medical History, Adverse Events, Concomitant Medications, Exposure and other domains of data. The mother's (or parent's) data for a parent-infant/child report are covered in the SDTMIG or CDASH domains when the mother or parent is the subject of the trial. The combination subject domains and Associated Persons domains will provide the appropriate variables to map to the E2B parent-infant/child report's variables; these mappings will be incorporated into future versions of the CDASH SAE Supplement. In cases where the child is a study subject, linking of parent to child will be by means of the Related Subjects table in the SDTMIG. 2.3 SAE Event/Reaction (E2B B.2) This section should provide details about the adverse event or reaction, such as the AE term, start and stop dates, SAE criteria, severity, relationship, etc. The variable names are used for any AE, whether serious or not serious. The variable names could have the prefix AE for adverse events and SAE for adverse events that meet SAE criteria. If the AE does not reach SAE criteria, the data may only be captured in the AE CRF, and there is no expedited reporting requirement to regulatory authorities, and therefore, the variables do not map to E2B variables. Depending on the implementer, the AE and SAE variable names may be used interchangeably (e.g. AESTDAT and SAESTDAT). All of the metadata tables in Section 2.3 are structured for use in conjunction with the basic adverse event data collection fields described in the AE domain in CDASH v1.1 when an event has reached the status of requiring expedited reporting to the sponsor/regulatory authority. The mappings to an E2B message within this table are only relevant when the adverse event reaches the threshold defined for reporting to regulatory authorities. Question Text 1 Were any adverse events experienced? E2B Variable E2B Data Variable Name Name Element Any AEs Not Not AEYN (serious or non- Applicable Applicable Prompt © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final BRIDG Definition PerformedObservationR General prompt question regarding esult.value* whether or not any AEs were Controlled Terminology {NY} Page 21 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Variable E2B Data Name Element Variable Name serious)? 2 AE Identifier <line number> Not Not or Applicable Applicable <AE number> primarysource Adverse Event B.2.i.0 reaction AESPID 3 What is the adverse event term? 4 Is the adverse event serious? Serious serious 5a Did the adverse event result in death? Death seriousnessde A.1.5.2 ath AESDTH 5b Is the adverse event life seriousnesslife Life threatening A.1.5.2 Threatening? threatening AESLIFE 5c 5d 5e 5f 6 7 8 Did the adverse event result in initial or prolonged hospitalization for the subject? Did the adverse event result in Persistent or significant disability or incapacity? Is the adverse event associated with a congenital anomaly or birth defect? Is the adverse event a medically important event not covered by other “serious” criteria? Does the subject have <specific adverse event>? Example: Does the subject have high blood pressure? What is the date the adverse event started? At what time did the Page 22 November 25, 2013 A.1.5.1 AETERM AESER BRIDG Definition Controlled Terminology experienced during the study. This provides verification that all other fields on the CRF were deliberately left blank. A sponsor-defined identifier that can be Not Applicable Implementation specific used for pre-printed numbers on the CRF. Verbatim (i.e., investigator-reported AdverseEvent.value* Not Applicable term) description of the adverse event. Derived from Indicates whether or not the adverse AdverseEventSeriousnes event is determined to be “serious” {NY} s.code based on what is defined in the protocol. Derived from Indicates if a “serious” adverse event {NY} AdverseEventSeriousnes resulted in death. s.code Derived from Indicates if a “serious” adverse event AdverseEventSeriousnes {NY} was life threatening. s.code Hospitalization seriousnessho A.1.5.2 spitalization AESHOSP Derived from Indicates if a “serious” adverse event AdverseEventSeriousnes resulted in an initial or prolonged sCode.code hospitalization. {NY} Significant Disability seriousnessdis A.1.5.2 abling AESDISAB Derived from Indicates if a “serious” adverse event PerformedObservationR was associated with a persistent or esult.value* significant disability or incapacity. {NY} Congenital Anomaly or Birth Defect seriousnessco ngenitalanoma A.1.5.2 li AESCONG Derived from Indicates if a “serious” adverse event AdverseEventSeriousnes was associated with a congenital s.code anomaly or birth defect. {NY} Other Medically Important Event seriousnessoth A.1.5.2 er AESMIE Derived from Indicates if a “serious” adverse event is AdverseEventSeriousnes associated with other serious or {NY} s.code important medical events. <Specific adverse event> primarysource Example: B.2.i.0 reaction High blood pressure Start Date Start Time reactionstartda B.2.i.4b te reactionstartda B.2.i.4b AEOCCUR AESTDAT AESTTIM AdverseEvent.value* Used when the occurrence of a specific adverse event is solicited to indicate {NY} whether or not (N/Y) the event (AETERM) occurred. AdverseEvent.occurrenc Date when the adverse event started. eDateRange* AdverseEvent.occurrenc Time when the adverse event started. Not Applicable Not Applicable © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt adverse event start? E2B Variable E2B Data Name Element te What is the date the Serious adverse reactionstartda B.2.i.4b 9 adverse event/ reaction event/ reaction te became serious? start date What is the start time of 10 the serious adverse event/reaction? What date did the 11 adverse event end? At what time did the 12 adverse event end? What is the end date of 13 the serious adverse event/reaction? What is the end time of 14 the serious adverse event/reaction? Is the adverse event still 15 ongoing? What was the severity 16 of the adverse event? What is the toxicity 17 grade of the adverse event? What was the outcome 18 of this adverse event? 19 Is this event related to study treatment? Serious adverse reactionstartda event/reaction B.2.i.4b te start time reactionenddat End Date B.2.i.5b e reactionenddat End Time B.2.i.5b e Serious adverse reactionenddat event/reaction B.2.i.5b e end date Serious adverse reactionenddat event/reaction B.2.i.5b e end date Not Not Ongoing? Applicable Applicable Not Not Severity Applicable Applicable Toxicity Grade Not Applicable Not Applicable Outcome reactionoutco B.2.i.8 me Relationship to drugreactionre Study B.4.k.18 latedness Treatment Which event is being Adverse event 20 assessed for relatedness assessed with the drug? Causality Who made this assessment 21 assessment? source Causality How was this assessment 22 assessment done? method Could the event have Causality 23 been related to/caused assessment Variable Name BRIDG Controlled Terminology Definition eDateRange* SAESTDAT Holds the date when the adverse event AdverseEvent.occurrenc was determined to be serious. Can be on Not Applicable eDateRange* or after the date the adverse event occurred. SAESTTIM AdverseEvent.occurrenc Time the adverse event/reaction became Not Applicable eDateRange* serious. AEENDAT AEENTIM AdverseEvent.occurrenc Date when the adverse event resolved. Not Applicable eDateRange* AdverseEvent.occurrenc Time when the adverse event resolved. Not Applicable eDateRange* SAEENDAT AdverseEvent.occurrenc Date the serious adverse event/reaction Not Applicable eDateRange* ended. SAEENTIM AdverseEvent.occurrenc Time the serious adverse event/reaction Not Applicable eDateRange* ended. AEONGO Implementation-specific AESEV AETOXGR AEOUT AEREL Indicates AE is ongoing when no End Date is provided. AdverseEvent.severityC Description of the severity of the ode adverse event. AdverseEvent.gradeCod Description of the toxicity grade of the e adverse event. AdverseEventOutcomeR Description of the subject’s status esult.value* associated with an event. Indication of whether the study EvaluatedActivityRelatio treatment had a causal effect on the nship.uncertaintyCode* adverse event, as determined by the clinician/ investigator. {NY} {AESEV} {TOXGR} {OUT} Not Applicable drugreactionas B.4.k.18.1b CSLTAE ses AdverseEvent.identifier* AE to which the relatedness assessment Not Applicable belongs drugassessme B.4.k.18.2 ntsource CSLTSCR Assessor Source of assessment drugassessme B.4.k.18.3 ntmethod CSLTMETH CausalAssessment.meth Method of assessment odCode* drugresult CSLTRES Derived* B.4.k.18.4 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Assessment of drug-reaction/ event causality Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Page 23 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Variable E2B Data Name Element Variable Name BRIDG Definition Controlled Terminology by the drug or study participation? Question Prompt SAE Form Completion Instructions Indicate if the subject experienced any adverse events. If yes, include the appropriate details where indicated on the CRF. Any AEs 1 (cont) (serious or nonAt time of awareness, event may be AE or SAE (AE that meets serious)? SAE criteria) Information for Sponsors The intent/purpose of collecting this field is to help with data cleaning and monitoring. It provides verification that all other fields on the CRF were deliberately left blank. This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. Core O <line number> 2 (cont) or <AE number> Example instruction: Record unique identifier for each adverse event for this subject. Number sequence for all following pages should not duplicate existing numbers for the subject. Sponsor-defined reference number. Perhaps pre-printed on the CRF as an explicit line identifier or defined in the sponsor's operational database. A sequencing number that can be used in a data query to communicate O clearly to the site the specific record in question or to reconcile concomitant medications and/or medical history records with AEs. If CMAENO is used, this is the identifier to which CMAENO refers. 3 (cont) Adverse Event Record only one diagnosis, sign or symptom per line (e.g., nausea and vomiting should not be recorded in the same entry, but as two separate entries). Using accepted medical terminology, enter the diagnosis (if known); otherwise enter a sign or symptom. If a diagnosis subsequently becomes available, then this diagnosis should be entered on the AE form, replacing the original entries, where appropriate. Death should not be recorded as an event but should be recorded as the outcome of the event. The condition that resulted in the death should be recorded as the event unless cause of death (event leading to death) is unknown at the time of report. The report should not be delayed if unable to identify the event, in this case the report should be submitted with the adverse event recorded as “Death”. Once available the event term Death” should be replaced with the appropriate event term. Do not use abbreviations. In most cases, the verbatim term (i.e., investigator-reported term) will be coded to a standard medical dictionary such as MedDRA, WHO ART, after the data have been collected on the CRF. The coded data will be stored in field(s) not defined by CDASH. Unless cause of death (event leading to death) is unknown at the time of report. If unable to identify the event, report should still be submitted with “death” as AE term, to be replaced with the appropriate event term once available. If event starts out as an AE, then meets SAE criteria, AE term may need to be updated accordingly This field is related to the individual serious adverse event type fields Assess if an adverse event should be classified as serious based on (reference 13a to 13f), which may or may not be collected on the CRF. the “serious” criteria defined in the protocol. Either AESER or all the AExxx fields (13a-13f) must be present on the CRF. Death Record whether the “serious” adverse event resulted in death. If the details regarding a Serious AE should be collected in the clinical Life threatening Record whether the “serious” adverse event is life threatening. database, then it is recommended that a separate Yes/No variable be defined Record whether the “serious” adverse event resulted in an initial or for each Serious AE type. In many cases sponsors will only collect the Hospitalization prolonged hospitalization. AESER field because the individual serious adverse event types might be Significant Record whether the “serious” adverse event resulted in a persistent collected in a separate pharmacovigilance database and therefore do not need to be collected in the clinical database. Disability or significant disability or incapacity. Additional detail for the SAE Report could be collected and reported as Congenital Record whether the “serious” adverse event was associated with HR 4 (cont) Serious R/C 5a (cont) 5b (cont) R/C R/C 5c (cont) 5d (cont) 5e (cont) Page 24 November 25, 2013 R/C R/C R/C © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question 5f (cont) Prompt Anomaly or Birth Defect SAE Form Completion Instructions congenital anomaly or birth defect. Information for Sponsors separate sponsor-defined fields or captured in the Narrative. Core Record whether the “serious” adverse event is an important Other Medically medical event, which may be defined in the protocol or in the Important Event Investigator Brochure. R/C AEOCCUR should only be used for pre-specified adverse events as defined by the protocol. AEOCCUR should not be used for spontaneously reported adverse events. This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. The E2B variable can be used for date and time; this is specified in E2B be Record the start date of the AE using this format (DD-MONthe date format variable B.2.i.a (YY / YYMM / YYMMDD / 7 (cont) Start Date YYYY). YYMMDDHHMM) Collecting the time an AE was started is only appropriate if it can be realistically determined and if there is a scientific reason for needing to know If appropriate, record the time (as complete as possible) that the this level of detail. An example is where the subject is under the direct care 8 (cont) Start Time AE began. of the site at the time the event started and the study design is such that it is important to know the AE start time with respect to dosing. Use the standard CDASH date format. See CDASH v1.1 for details. This field does not map directly to a standard SDTM variable. Serious adverse Record the date when the adverse event became serious. The start date of the SAE is the date when the adverse event/reaction became 9 (cont) event/ reaction Record only if different from the adverse event start date. serious, whether or not it has the same value as the start date of the AE. We start date have treated SAESTDAT as a separate variable from AESTDAT. Use the standard CDASH time format. See CDASH v1.1 for details. Serious adverse This field does not map directly (1:1) to a standard SDTM variable. The start time of the SAE is the time when the adverse event/reaction 10 (cont) event/reaction Enter the time the adverse event/reaction became serious. became serious, whether or not it has the same value as the start time of the start time AE. We have treated SAESTTIM as a separate variable from AESTTIM. For AE’s that meet SAE criteria, the end date of the SAE is the date when the serious adverse event/reaction reached a final outcome. We have treated SAEENDAT as a separate variable from AEENDAT; however, depending Record the date that the AE resolved using this format (DD-MONon the data policy of the implementer AEENDAT and SAEENDAT can be YYYY). 11 (cont) End Date identical. If the AE is ongoing, leave the field blank. The E2B variable can be used for date and time; this is specified in E2B be the date format variable B.2.i.a (YY / YYMM / YYMMDD / YYMMDDHHMM) Collecting the time an AE resolved is only appropriate if it can be realistically determined and if there is a scientific reason for needing to know If appropriate, record the time (as complete as possible) that the this level of detail. An example is where the subject is under the direct care 12 (cont) End Time AE resolved. of the site at the time the event resolved and the study design is such that it is important to know the AE end time with respect to dosing. Serious adverse The definition of resolved may be Sponsor-specific. This field does not map directly to a standard SDTM variable. 13 (cont) event/reaction Enter the date the serious adverse event/reaction ended. end date The end date of the SAE is the date when the serious adverse event/reaction 6 (cont) <Specific Please indicate if <specific adverse event> has occurred /is adverse event> occurring by checking “Yes” or “No”. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final O HR R/C HR O HR R/C R/C Page 25 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Prompt SAE Form Completion Instructions Serious adverse 14 (cont) event/reaction Enter the time the serious adverse event/reaction ended. end date 15 (cont) Ongoing? 16 (cont) 17 (cont) 18 (cont) 19 (cont) 20 (cont) 21 (cont) Check the box if the adverse event has not resolved at the time of last observation. Leave the End Date blank. Information for Sponsors Core reached a final outcome. We have treated SAEENDAT as a separate variable from AEENDAT; however, depending on the data policy of the implementer AEENDAT and SAEENDAT can be identical. The definition of resolved may be Sponsor-specific. This field does not map directly to a standard SDTM variable. The end time of the SAE is the time when the serious adverse event/reaction O reached a final outcome. We have treated SAEENTIM as a separate variable from SAEENTIM; however, depending on the data policy of the implementer AEENTIM and SAEENTIM can be identical. See Section 2.1.3 Mapping Relative Times from Collection to Submissions in CDASH V 1.1 for more information. This field will be completed to indicate that the AE has not resolved at the point of data collection, when no End Date is collected. In some cases the ongoing status may be determined from AE Outcome O The purpose of collecting this field is to help with data cleaning and monitoring, since this field provides further confirmation that the End Date was deliberately left blank. As described in Section 3.4.1, Best Practices in CDASH V 1.1, this is a special use case of “Yes/No”. Please refer to Section 3.4.1 in CDASH V 1.1 for additional information. The reporting physician/healthcare professional will assess the severity of the event using the sponsor-defined categories. This Either AESEV or AETOXGR must appear on the CRF. Some studies may assessment is subjective and the reporting physician/ healthcare Severity mandate the collection of both. professional should use medical judgment to compare the reported Refer to ICH E3 guidelines for CSR Section 12.2.4. Adverse Event to similar type events observed in clinical practice. Severity is not equivalent to seriousness. Either AESEV or AETOXGR must appear on the CRF. Some studies may Severity CTCAE Grade mandate the collection of both. Toxicity Grade The reporting physician/healthcare professional will assess the Refer to ICH E3 guidelines for CSR Section 12.2.4. CTCAE grade is commonly used in oncology studies although it can also be severity of the adverse event using the toxicity grades. used elsewhere. CDISC controlled terminology should be used to indicate the outcome of the Record the appropriate outcome of the event in relation to the Outcome event as it relates to the subject’s status. The Outcome controlled subject’s status. terminology includes ICH E2B values. Indicate if the cause of the adverse event is related to the study Relationship to Sponsored-defined terminology will be used to indicate the relationship treatment and cannot be reasonably explained by other factors Study between the AE and the study treatment (e.g. ICH E2B examples: Not (e.g., subject’s clinical state, concomitant therapy, and/or other Treatment Related, Unlikely Related, Possibly Related, Related). interventions). Adverse event Not completed by site. It is recommended that this field is auto-populated. assessed Causality Source of assessment (e.g., initial reporter, investigator, regulatory agency, assessment Not completed by site. company). source Page 26 November 25, 2013 R/C R/C HR HR O O © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Prompt Causality 22 (cont) assessment method Causality 23 (cont) assessment SAE Form Completion Instructions Information for Sponsors Core Not completed by site. Method of assessment (e.g., global introspection, algorithm, Bayesian calculation). O Not completed by site. Indicate whether the event could have been related to the drug or treatment, intervention, or study participation (e.g., procedure). HR 2.4 Investigations and Results (E2B B.3) This section should capture the tests and procedures performed to diagnose or confirm the reaction/event, including those tests done to investigate (exclude) a non-drug cause, (e.g., serologic tests for infectious hepatitis in suspected drug-induced hepatitis). Both positive and negative results should be reported. Tests and procedures might be performed as a result of an SAE. These tests and their corresponding results might be part of the scheduled clinical data capture, but could also be recorded on an Unscheduled Visit CRF. When these tests and their results are not captured on an Unscheduled Visit CRF and mappable to an SAE report, consideration should be made for explicitly capturing these data fields on an SAE form that collects data for safety reporting. Structured information is always preferable but if not possible, the information can also be transmitted as free text. 2.4.1 Information from Existing CRFs There are a number of results of tests and procedures fields that are reported on an E2B message. The table below provides the relationship between the structured CDASH fields and the corresponding structured E2B messages for the purposes of mapping. The “--” represents the two-character prefix of a CDASH domain and can be replaced with any Findings domain where there is relevant data. Examples could include EG (ECG), VS (Vital Signs), LB (Laboratory Test Results), PE (Physical Exam - option B), etc. Results of tests and procedures relevant to the investigation of the patient: CDASH Field E2B Data Element E2B Title B.3 Results of tests and procedures relevant to the investigation of the patient Not Applicable B.3.1a Structured information (repeat as necessary) Not Applicable --DAT B.3.1b Date/Time --TEST B.3.1c Test Name --ORRES or –DESC B.3.1d Result --ORRESU B.3.1e Unit --ORNRHI B.3.1.1 Normal high range --ORNRLO B.3.1.2 Normal low range B.3.1.3 More information available (Y/N) Not Applicable Free text field for results of tests and procedures relevant to the SAE of the patient that cannot be captured B.3.2 Not Applicable in the structured variables above **Note-the “--” represents the two-character prefix of a CDASH domain © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 27 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 The mappings above have been applied to the LB domain in the next section, as a representative approach to mapping the CDASH fields to the E2B data elements. Other Findings (non-lab) could also be relevant to the event, and CRF Designers should use the appropriate findings fields for their forms from the CDASH standard. If, in response to the event, tests are performed that are not collected in standard CDASH domains the appropriate E2B data elements should be collected on an SAE form, for purposes of safety reporting. Below are examples of non-lab findings that have existing CDASH standards, such as Physical Exam and ECG, and the mapping of the CDASH variable names to the E2B Data Elements. CDASH Variable Name E2B Data Element E2B Title PEDAT* PETEST PEORRES Page 28 November 25, 2013 B.3.1b B.3.1c B.3.1d Date/Time Test Name Result © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 CDASH Variable Name E2B Data Element E2B Title EGDAT B.3.1b Date/Time EGTEST B.3.1c Test Name EGORRES B.3.1d Result 2.4.2 Laboratory Findings – (CDASH LB) This section should capture the tests and procedures performed to diagnose or confirm the reaction/event, including those tests done to investigate (exclude) a non-drug cause, (e.g., serologic tests for infectious hepatitis in suspected drug-induced hepatitis). Both positive and negative results should be reported (B.3.1). While structured information is preferable, provisions have been made to transmit the information as free text in B.3.2. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 29 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Variable E2B Variable Names Name Section 1 What was the lab Collection testdate specimen collection date? Date B.3.1b LBDAT 2 What was the lab Collection testdate specimen collection time? Time B.3.1b LBTIM 3 What is the test name? 4 5 6 7 8 9 What was the result of the test? What were the units for the result? What was the lower limit of the reference range for this test? What was the high limit of the reference range for this test? Are there any other relevant details or information about the lab results? Are there any other relevant details or information about the lab results? Question 1 (cont) 2 (cont) 3 (cont) 4 (cont) 5 (cont) 6 (cont) Prompt <Test Name> testname B.3.1c LBTEST Result testresult B.3.1d LBORRES Units testunit B.3.1e LBORRESU Low Normal lowtestrange B.3.1.1 LBORNRLO High Normal hightestrange B.3.1.2 LBORNRHI More information moreinformation B.3.1.3 COVALYN available Comments resultstestproced B.3.2 ures COVAL SAE Form Completion Instructions Record the date when specimen Collection Date collection occurred using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). Record time of collection (as complete as Collection Time possible). <Test Name> Record the type or name of the lab test. Result Record test results. Record the units of the lab test, if not Units pre-printed on the CRF or captured in an external “lab normal” file. Record the lower limit of the reference Low Normal range of the lab test. Page 30 November 25, 2013 BRIDG Definition PerformedObservation | PerformedSpecimenCollecti Date of specimen collection on.dateRange* PerformedObservation | PerformedSpecimenCollecti Time of specimen collection on.dateRange* Verbatim name of the test or examination DefinedObservation.nameCo used to obtain the measurement or finding. Any test normally performed by a clinical de* laboratory is considered a lab test. PerformedObservation Result of the measurement or finding as Result.value* originally received or collected. PerformedObservation Original units in which the data were Result.value* collected. The lowest continuous numeric value of a given lab result expected in the population ReferenceResult.value* of interest. The highest continuous numeric value of a given lab result expected in the population ReferenceResult.value* of interest PerformedObservationResult The availability of more information .comment related to lab data Controlled Terminology Not Applicable Not Applicable {LBTEST} Not Applicable {UNIT} Not Applicable Not Applicable {NY} Results of tests and procedures relevant to Not PerformedObservationResult the investigation (unstructured Applicable .comment information - free text Implementation Instructions Core A complete date is expected. The date of collection may be derived from the date of visit and if so, a separate assessment date field R/C is not required. R/C Especially important when multiple assessments are done on one day. Required to identify the test. Key data collected. HR HR Should be included if applicable and not available elsewhere. For some lab tests the units may not be R/C applicable (e.g., urine color). LBORNRLO and LBORNRHI should be populated only for continuous results; LBSTNRC should be R/C populated only for non-continuous results. These data may be obtained from the lab or the electronic © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Prompt 7 (cont) High Normal SAE Form Completion Instructions Record the upper limit of the reference range of the lab test. Implementation Instructions Core equipment. These data could be derived from a site or lab specific set of normal ranges stored in a look up table. See SDTMIG for details on mapping and selecting the proper variable name. LBORNRLO and LBORNRHI should be populated only for continuous results; LBSTNRC should be populated only for non-continuous results. These data may be obtained from the lab or the electronic equipment. R/C These data could be derived from a site or lab specific set of normal ranges stored in a look up table. See SDTMIG for details on mapping and selecting the proper variable name. More information Indicate if additional information/ Additional lab details might be available as an attachment. available attachments are provided Record information related to tests and This is a free text field for any comments relevant to tests or procedures. procedures that cannot be captured in the B.3.2 is used only if results and units cannot be split and reported in B.3.1d and B.3.1e. More than 9 (cont) Comments fields above. one test can be included in B.3.2 * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. 8 (cont) O O 2.5 Drug Information (E2B B.4) 2.5.1 Information from Existing CRFs Implementers should utilize the fields identified in the CDASH standard. The fields listed below include the CDASH field and additional fields that can be used if needed. See Section 1.2 for a more detailed explanation. This section relates to drug data that might have been captured in the Exposure (EX) domain or the Concomitant Medication (CM) domain in existing CDASH forms. If the suspect drug is a concomitant medication then the applicable fields from the CM domain are completed. If the suspect drug is study treatment then the applicable fields from the EX domain is completed. Both domain variables have been included for purposes of completeness recognizing that the identified drugs would probably only come from one of these identified sources. 2.5.2 Drug Information – (CDASH EX), (CDASH CM) and Other Variables Associated with Suspect Drug This section covers both suspect drugs and concomitant medication. If the event is related to study treatment(s), the associated variables for the EX domain are populated. If the event is related to concomitant treatment(s), the associated variables in the CM domain are populated. In addition, the section can be used to identify drugs thought to have an interaction. If the event results from the interaction between study treatment(s) and concomitant therapy(ies), then the associated variables for both CM and EX domains are populated. Drugs used to treat the reaction/event should not be included here. Question Text Prompt What was the Treatment 1 study treatment? Name E2B Variable Name E2B Section medicinalproduct B.4.k.2 Variable Names EXTRT © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final BRIDG* Definition Name of the study treatment or intervention given per single administration or during the “constant dosing interval” for the observation. Controlled Terminology Not Applicable Page 31 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text 2 3 4 5 6 7 What was the term for the medication/ therapy taken? or What was the term for the medication taken? What was the lot number of the study treatment used? What was the dose per administration? What was the individual dose of the medication/ therapy? What were the units for the dose? What was the unit of the medication/ therapy? Prompt Page 32 November 25, 2013 BRIDG Definition Controlled Terminology CMTRT* Verbatim drug name or therapy (include only therapies with data collection Not Applicable characteristics similar medications). Lot Number drugbatchnumb EXLOT Drug.lotNumberText Lot Number of the EXTRT product. Not Applicable Dose drugstructuredosa EXDSTXT B.4.k.5.1 genumb EXDOSE PerformedSubstance IngredientDoseDescription* Dose per administration. Not Applicable Dose CMDSTXT drugstructuredosa B.4.k.5.1 CMDOSE genumb PerformedSubstance IngredientDoseDescription* The dose of medication taken per administration. Not Applicable Unit drugstructuredosa B.4.k.5.2 EXDOSU geunit PerformedSubstanceAdminist Units for EXDOSE. ration.activeIngredientDose* Dose Unit drugstructuredosa B.4.k.5.2 CMDOSU geunit PerformedSubstanceAdminist The unit associated with the medication {UNIT} ration.activeIngredientDose* taken Frequency What was the frequency of the Frequency 9b medication /therapy? 9c What was the dose per Variable Names medicinalproduct B.4.k.2 9a 10 E2B Section Medication or Therapy 8a What was the frequency of 8b study treatment dosing? 8c E2B Variable Name Dose drugseparatedosa genumb drugintervldosage unitnumb drugintervaldosag edefinition drugseparatedosa genumb drugintervldosage unitnumb drugintervaldosag edefinition drugdosagetext B.4.k.3 B.4.k.5.3 Number of separate dosages B.4.k.5.4 EXDOSFRQ PerformedSubstanceAdminist Number of units in the interval ration.doseFrequencyCode* B.4.k.5.5 Number of separate dosages CMDOSFRQ PerformedSubstance Administration.dose FrequencyCode* B.4.k.5.5 B.4.k.6 {FREQ} Definition of the interval B.4.k.5.3 B.4.k.5.4 {UNIT} Number of units in the interval {FREQ} Definition of the interval EXDSTXT PerformedSubstance Free text field to describe drug dosage. Not Applicable This item should be used in cases where © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Variable Name E2B Section Variable Names administration? 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 What was the individual dose of the medication/ therapy? What was the formulation of the study treatment? What was the dose form of the medication/ therapy? What was the route of administration for the study treatment? What was the route of administration of the medication /therapy? What is the drug’s indication? What was the treatment start date? What was the treatment start time? What was the start date of the medication/ therapy? What was the start time of the medication/ therapy? BRIDG IngredientDoseDescription* Definition Controlled Terminology provision of structured dosage information is not possible. Dose drugdosagetext B.4.k.6 CMDSTXT Free text field to describe drug dosage. PerformedSubstance This item should be used in cases where Not Applicable provision of structured dosage IngredientDose Description* information is not possible. Formulation drugdosageform B.4.k.7 EXDOSFRM Drug.formCode* Dose form for EXTRT {FRM} Dose Form drugdosageform B.4.k.7 CMDOSFRM Material.formCode* Name of the pharmaceutical dosage form (e.g., TABLET CAPSULE, SYRUP) of delivery for the drug. {FRM} Route drugadministratio B.4.k.8 nroute EXROUTE PerformedSubstance Administration.routeOf AdministrationCode* Route of administration for EXTRT {ROUTE} Route drugadministratio B.4.k.8 nroute CMROUTE PerformedSubstance Administration.routeOf AdministrationCode* Identifies the route of administration of {ROUTE} the drug. Indication drugindication B.4.k.11b EXINDC PerformedSubstanceAdminist Indication for use of the study treatment Not Applicable ration.reasonCode* Start Date drugstartdate B.4.k.12b EXSTDAT PerformedSubstanceAdminist Start date of study treatment. ration.dateRange* Not Applicable Start Time drugstartdate B.4.k.12b EXSTTIM PerformedSubstanceAdminist Start time of study treatment. ration.dateRange* Not Applicable Start Date drugstartdate B.4.k.12b CMSTDAT PerformedSubstanceAdminist Date when the medication was first ration.dateRange* taken. Not Applicable Start Time drugstartdate B.4.k.12b CMSTTIM PerformedSubstanceAdminist Time when the medication was first ration.dateRange* taken. Not Applicable © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 33 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Variable Name E2B Section Variable Names BRIDG Derived from difference between PerformedSubstanceAdminist ration and AdverseEvent.occurrenceDat eRange* Derived from difference between PerformedSubstanceAdminist ration and AdverseEvent.occurrenceDat eRange* Definition Time interval between beginning of drug administration and start of reaction/event Controlled Terminology 21 Not Applicable Not Applicable drugstartperiod B.4.k.13.1 CDASH value is derived a 22 Not Applicable Not Applicable druglastperiod B.4.k.13.2 CDASH value is derived a End Date drugenddate B.4.k.14b EXENDAT PerformedSubstanceAdminist End date of study treatment. ration.dateRange* Not Applicable End Time drugenddate B.4.k.14b EXENTIM PerformedSubstanceAdminist End time of study treatment. ration.dateRange* Not Applicable End Date drugenddate B.4.k.14b CMENDAT PerformedSubstanceAdminist Date that the subject stopped taking the Not Applicable ration.dateRange* medication or therapy. End Time drugenddate B.4.k.14b CMENTIM PerformedSubstanceAdminist Time that the subject stopped taking the Not Applicable ration.dateRange* medication or therapy. What was the 23 treatment end date? What was the 24 treatment end time? What was the end date of the 25 medication/ therapy? What was the end time of the 26 medication/ therapy? What action was 27 taken with study treatment? Action Taken with Study actiondrug Treatment B.4.k.16 AEACN Was there an adverse event on 28 drug readministration? Event recurrence on drugrecurreadmin B.4.k.17.1 RECURYN istration drug readministration Which adverse event recurred on 29 drug readministration? Adverse event that recurred drugrecuraction on drug readministration Page 34 November 25, 2013 B.4.k.17.2 RECURACN b Not Applicable Time interval between last dose of drug Not Applicable and start of reaction/event Changes made to the study treatment in Code* response to the adverse event. {ACN} Derived from PerformedSubstanceAdminist ration.dateRange, AdverseEvent.occurrenceDat eRange and the result of the CausalAssessment being determined to be the drug administration Derived from PerformedSubstanceAdminist ration.dateRange, AdverseEvent.occurrenceDat eRange and the result of the Did the reaction recur on readministration? {NY} If yes, which reaction(s)/ event(s) recurred? Not Applicable © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Variable Name E2B Section Variable Names BRIDG Definition Controlled Terminology CausalAssessment being determined to be the drug administration Is there any other Additional relevant drug 30 information on information the drug? Question 1 (cont) 2 (cont) 3 (cont) 4 (cont) 5 (cont) 6 (cont) 7 (cont) Prompt drugadditional B.4.k.19 DRGADD SAE Form Completion Instructions PerformedObservationResult. Free text field for additional information Not Applicable comment on drug. Implementation Instructions Name of study treatment that was administered to the subject. Treatment Name Record the name of study treatment. This is collected for open label studies and derived for blinded studies. This variable must be populated in the SDTM whether it is collected or derived. In most cases, the verbatim drug names or therapy will be coded to a standard dictionary such as WHO DRUG after the data have been collected on the CRF. For the collection of verbatim drug name or therapy, the recommendation is to ask the sites Medication Provide the full trade or proprietary name of the to provide the full trade or proprietary name since it is more exact than the generic. The full or drug or therapy; otherwise the generic name may trade name provides the base generic and the appropriate salt for that particular drug. In Therapy be recorded. addition, for coding purposes it helps with ATC selection. For example, the medication Tylenol with codeine #1 has a different ATC code from Tylenol with codeine #3. The Lot Number identifies the manufacturing batch of the study treatment. Record the lot number that appears on the Lot Number In open label studies, the reference number on the study treatment container may represent container holding the study treatment. an actual Lot Number and should be submitted using EXLOT. Dose or amount taken for single administration of study treatment or per constant dosing interval recorded. Record the dose or amount of study treatment that Dose must be collected if it cannot be derived via other methods (e.g., derived from diary was administered to/taken by the subject in the data, drug accountability data, protocol etc.). Dose period recorded; from the start date/time to the end Care should be taken when mapping EXDSTXT to the appropriate SDTMIG variable date/time inclusive. EXDOSE or EXDOSTXT. The data collected in this dose text-format field should be separated or mapped to either SDTMIG EXDOSE if numeric or EXDOSTXT if text. This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. Where this level of dosing information is required by a sponsor, this field may be included. Defining this data collection field as a dose text field allows for flexibility in capturing dose Record the dose of medication taken per entries as numbers, text or ranges. Dose This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. administration (e.g., 200). The data collected in this dose text-format field should be separated or mapped to either SDTMIG CMDOSE if numeric or CMDOSTXT if text. Dose unit must be collected if it cannot be derived via other methods (e.g., derived from Record the unit of dose or amount taken per period Unit protocol, randomization data). The unit should be pre-printed on the CRF or a field recorded (e.g., ng, mg, mg/kg). provided on the CRF to capture it. Record the dose unit of the dose of medication When sponsors collect data for amount of dose taken (i.e., Dose, Total Daily Dose), Unit Dose Unit taken (e.g., mg.). must be collected as well. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Core R/C HR O R/C O R/C O Page 35 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question 8 (cont) 9 (cont) Prompt Frequency Frequency 10 (cont) Dose 11 (cont) Dose 12 (cont) Formulation 13 (cont) Dose Form 14 (cont) Route 15 (cont) Route 16 (cont) Indication 17 (cont) Start Date Page 36 November 25, 2013 SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions CDASH defines dose frequency as a single variable specifying the number of doses per specified interval. The E2B breaks up components of this definition into three separate Record the frequency the study treatment was variables (number of dosages, number of intervals, and specified interval value). administered for a defined period of time (e.g., <X number of separate dosages BID, QID, TID). Y number of interval Z specified interval> CDASH defines dose frequency as a single variable specifying the number of doses per specified interval. The E2B breaks up components of this definition into three separate Record how often the medication or therapy was variables (number of dosages, number of intervals, and specified interval value). <X number of separate dosages taken. (e.g., BID, PRN). Y number of interval Z specified interval> Dose or amount taken for single administration of study treatment or per constant dosing interval recorded. Record the dose or amount of study treatment that Dose must be collected if it cannot be derived via other methods (e.g., derived from diary was administered to/taken by the subject in the data, drug accountability data, protocol etc.). period recorded; from the start date/time to the end Care should be taken when mapping EXDSTXT to the appropriate SDTMIG variable date/time inclusive. EXDOSE or EXDOSTXT. The data collected in this dose text-format field should be separated or mapped to either SDTMIG EXDOSE if numeric or EXDOSTXT if text. This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. Where this level of dosing information is required by a sponsor, this field may be included. Defining this data collection field as a dose text field allows for flexibility in capturing dose entries as numbers, text or ranges. Record the dose of medication taken per This field does not map directly to an SDTM variable. administration (e.g., 200). The data collected in this dose text-format field should be separated or mapped to either SDTMIG CMDOSE if numeric or CMDOSTXT if text. Record the formulation (e.g., SOLUTION, TABLET, LOTION) or enter the appropriate code EXDOSFRM must be collected if it cannot be derived or if there are multiple options. from the codelist. Record the pharmaceutical dosage form (e.g., Some drugs have multiple forms and this field may be needed to code the drug to an ATC TABLET CAPSULE, SYRUP) of delivery for the level. However, in general, this level of detail should not be necessary except for medication taken. medications of interest. Record the route of administration (e.g., IV, EXROUTE it may be pre-printed on the CRF or derived from the protocol. ORAL, TRANSDERMAL) or enter the appropriate code from the codelist. This additional information may be important to collect on the CRF when the sponsor would want to capture a medication’s route of administration for purposes such as coding Provide the route of administration for the drug. and the medication may have more than one route. Some companies may use route in coding medications to be able to choose a precise preferred name and ATC code. Provide the drug’s indication. May or may not be auto-populated. MedDRA terms should be provided. Record the start date of the study treatment Date when constant dosing interval of the study treatment started or single administration administration using this format (DD-MONoccurred. YYYY). Core R/C O R/C O R/C O R/C R/C HR HR © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Prompt 18 (cont) Start Time 19 (cont) Start Date 20 (cont) Start Time 21 (cont) Not Applicable 22 (cont) Not Applicable 23 (cont) End Date 24 (cont) End Time 25 (cont) End Date 26 (cont) End Time 27 (cont) Action Taken with Study SAE Form Completion Instructions Record the start time of the study treatment administration Record the date the medication or therapy was first taken using this format (DD-MON-YYYY). If the subject has been taking the medication for a considerable amount of time prior to the start of the study, it is acceptable to have an incomplete date. Medications taken during the study are expected to have a complete start date. Prior medications that are exclusionary should have both a start and end date. Implementation Instructions Core Time when constant dosing interval of the study treatment started or single administration occurred. The preferred method is to collect a complete Start Date. Partial dates (e.g., providing year HR only) for medications started a considerable amount of time prior to the start of study are acceptable. Recommend collecting the time a medication was started when a protocol or data collection Record the time the medication or therapy was first scenarios supports it. Typically, a start time is not collected unless the subject is under the taken. direct care of the site at the time a medication or therapy is administered. Derived value based on the start date of drug and the onset date of the adverse event. Intervals are used in circumstances where both the dates are known but the interval is very Not completed by the site. short (e.g., minutes, such as in anaphylaxis), and when only partial dates are known but more information concerning the interval is known. Dates if available should always be transmitted in the appropriate items, rather than intervals. Derived value based on the last date of drug and the onset date of the adverse event. Intervals are used in circumstances where both the dates are known but the interval is very Not completed by the site. short (e.g., minutes, such as in anaphylaxis), and when only partial dates are known but more information concerning the interval is known. Dates if available should always be transmitted in the appropriate items, rather than intervals. Record the end date or last date of administration If start date and end date are not expected to be on the same date, the end date is required. If of study treatment using this format (DD-MONthe study design indicates that the start and end date are on the same day, the end date is not YYYY). required since it can be assigned to be equal to the start date. Recommend collecting the time a medication or therapy was ended when a protocol or data Record the end time or last time of administration collection scenarios supports it. Typically, an end time is not collected unless the subject is under the direct care of the site of study treatment. at the time a medication or therapy is stopped. Record the date the subject stopped taking the medication or therapy using this format (DDThe assumption is that sponsors should either have a complete end date or will indicate that the medication or therapy was ongoing at the time of collection or at the end of the study. MON-YYYY). If the subject has not stopped taking the medication leave this field blank. Record the time the subject stopped taking the Recommend collecting the time a medication or therapy was ended when a protocol or data medication or therapy. If the subject has not collection scenarios supports it. stopped taking the medication leave this field Typically, an end time is not collected unless the subject is under the direct care of the site blank. at the time a medication or therapy is stopped. Record changes made to the study treatment CDISC controlled terminology should be used to indicate the action taken with the study resulting from the adverse event. treatment in response to the AE. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final HR R/C O O HR R/C R/C R/C HR Page 37 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Prompt SAE Form Completion Instructions Treatment Event recurrence Indicate whether the adverse event recurred on 28 (cont) on drug redrug re-administration. administration Adverse event that recurred on Not completed by site. 29 (cont) drug readministration Implementation Instructions Unknown indicates that a re-challenge was done but it is not known if the event recurred. This segment should not be completed if it is unknown whether a re-challenge was done. O It is recommended that this field is auto-populated. MedDRA terms should be used. O This should be used to specify any additional information pertinent to the case that is not covered by above sections. (e.g., beyond expiration date, batch and lot tested and found to be within specifications). This item can also be used to provide additional information concerning the indication for the drug. * See the BRIDG Mapping Spreadsheet – CDASH tab or the BRIDG model at for the complete mapping path. Additional drug 30 (cont) information Enter any other relevant information on the drug e.g., beyond expiration date, batch and lot tested and found to be within specifications Core O 2.6 Narrative The objective of the narrative is to summarize all relevant clinical and related information, including subject characteristics, therapy details, medical history, clinical course of the event(s), diagnosis, including the outcome, laboratory evidence, and any other information that supports or refutes an adverse drug reaction. The narrative should serve as a comprehensive, stand-alone “medical story”. The information should be presented in a logical time sequence; ideally this should be presented in the chronology of the subject/patient’s experience, rather than in the chronology in which the information was received. Key information from supplementary records should be included in the report. Any relevant autopsy or post-mortem findings should also be summarized in the narrative. Terms (e.g., AEs/SAEs, indication, and medical conditions) in the narrative should be accurately reflected in appropriate data fields. The purpose of the medical review is to ensure correct interpretation of the medical information. The review should include, but is not limited to, the following considerations: • Is a diagnosis possible? • Have the relevant diagnostic procedures been performed? • Were alternative causes of the event/reaction(s) considered? • What additional information is needed to allow for the final conclusion on whether or not the SAE is caused by the product? Include the rationale for the final conclusion The table below provides the high level structure for providing the Narrative and Assessment section of the SAE Form. For full content details of the Narrative, please refer to Appendix E for: • Content Elements of the Narrative • Sample Narrative Template Page 38 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Question Text Prompt E2B Data Element SAE Form Completion Instructions Implementation Instructions Summarize the details relevant to the case with enough information to allow for a full understanding of the case, and to perform a causality assessment. The Reporter (investigator) presents their findings and assessment in their SAE report to the sponsor. The Sender (sponsor) does have corresponding sections for their comments and assessment, which is captured in B.5.1, B.5.3, and B.5.4 1 What are the details of the SAE/reaction? SAE Narrative Maps to B.5.1 Include these sections: Describe the SAE Describe the Work-up and Evaluation Therapeutic measures taken to treat the SAE Outcome of the SAE Additional relevant information 2 What is the rationale for the final assessment for causality? Rationale for Final Investigator Causality Maps to B.5.2 Provide the conclusion of the medical review Clear concise statement as to whether or not the product and the determination of causality. Include caused the SAE, and the reason(s) why or why not. the rationale for the conclusion. 3 Regulatory References 3.1 Introduction Data capture is part of the regulated activities in clinical trials. The table below lists the regulations and guidance that were referenced in developing the CDASH requirements for the SAE domain. Brief explanations and/or interpretations of the wording are also provided. 3.1.1 Notices There are often several ways of interpreting guidance and regulations and, therefore, this information should not be taken as an official or FDA/ICH-approved interpretation. 3.1.2 Scope • • • Includes information on the collection, analysis, and reporting of safety data, including the extended information required for expedited adverse event reporting Includes descriptions of the kinds of information present in the regulations, but does not list all the individual data fields Excludes references to appropriate protocol designs for enabling safety assessments 3.1.3 Key • • Source: Defines the regulatory body that issued the regulation or guideline Regulation/Guideline: Provides the reference number and title of the regulation or guideline © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 39 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 • Description/Wording: Gives an interpretation of the intent of the regulation/guideline as it applies to the collection, analysis, and reporting of safety data, as well as specific wording from the document where useful. Generally, the reader should reference the original document for details. Wording in italics contains some suggestions for the implications of the regulation on data capture practices. It is not exhaustive, and users should take these insights and apply them broadly. 3.1.4 Sources The regulatory references for the SAE domain, provided below, focus on the ICH guidelines as well as the relevant regulations and guidelines from the EMA, the US FDA, and the Japan MHLW. Specific legislation on local country levels is not reflected here and might need to be taken into consideration, depending on the countries and regions in which projects based on this CDASH guideline are planned to be conducted. • • • • • • Source CFR CFR CFR EC Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) European Commission directives and regulations, including: - Detailed guidance on the collection, verification, and presentation of adverse reaction reports arising from clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, ENTR/CT3 April 2006 - Approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the implementation of good clinical practice in the conduct of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, Directive 2001/20/EC - Community Code Relating to Medicinal Products for Human Use, Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended by Setting standards of quality and safety for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human blood and blood components, Directive 2002/98/EC - Eudralex, Rules governing medicinal products in the European Union ( - Arrangements for Reporting Suspected Unexpected Adverse Reactions which are Not Serious, Regulation No. 540/95 - Procedures for the Authorisation and Supervision of Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use, Regulation No. 726/2004 ICH Harmonized Efficacy Guidelines finalized as of 30 March 2012 ( FDA Guidance finalized as of 30 March 2012 ( FDA Manual of Policies and Procedures and Compliance Program Guidance Manual ( NCI codelists Regulation/Guideline Description/Wording 21 CFR Part 312 Investigational New Drug 312.32: Safety reports following IND submissions: defines “serious” and the terms that are used in the definition. Application Describes what the reports should contain; defines “associated”, “expected” and “unexpected” adverse drug reactions. 21 CFR Part 314 Applications for FDA Approval to 314.80: Definition of SAE. Market a New Drug 803.32: provides a list of variables to be collected and reported by user facilities for individual adverse event reports related to medical devices 803.42: provides a list of adverse event-related variables that must be reported for individual safety reports by 21 CFR Part 803 Medical Device Reporting importers of medical devices 803.52: provides a list of variables to be collected and reported by device manufacturers for individual adverse event reports related to medical devices ENTR/CT3 April 2006: Detailed guidance on the Presents extensive information on expedited reporting of serious AEs. It is very similar to ICH E2A and E2B, collection, verification and presentation of adverse although it provides somewhat more specificity in places. It doesn’t define requirements for any additional data, but Page 40 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Source EC EC EC EC EC EC FDA Regulation/Guideline reaction reports arising from clinical trials on medicinal products for human use Directive 2001/20/EC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the implementation of good clinical practice in the conduct of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community Code Relating to Medicinal Products for Human Use, as amended by Directive 2002/98/EC setting standards of quality and safety for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human blood and blood components EudraLex Volume 9a: Guidelines on Pharmacovigilance for Medicinal Products for Human Use EudraLex Volume 10 Clinical Trials Guidelines Regulation No. 540/95: Arrangements for Reporting Suspected Unexpected Adverse Reactions which are Not Serious Regulation No. 726/2004 Procedures for the Authorisation and Supervision of Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use Guidance for Industry: Premarketing Risk Assessment Description/Wording rather clarifies roles and responsibilities, and timelines for reporting. Establishes the provisions regarding the conduct of clinical trials on human subjects, including definitions for serious adverse events, expectedness, and reportability requirements. Establishes requirements of pharmacovigilance, risk management, and quality management systems, including definition of serious adverse events and notification requirements around suspected serious adverse events. Provides general guidance on the requirements, procedures, roles, and activities in pharmacovigilance. Guidelines are based on ICH, but include further specification in line with EU legislation. Includes technical requirements for the electronic exchange of pharmacovigilance data Chapter II: Monitoring and Pharmacovigilance Contains detailed guidance on the collection, verification, and presentation of adverse reaction reports during clinical trials, including Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR) reports Describes the procedure for reporting suspected unexpected adverse reactions to medicinal products for human use, where the adverse reaction is not serious, and regardless of where the event occurred (within or outside of the EC) Describes improved procedures for the authorization, supervision, and pharmacovigilance of medicinal products for human use. Reinforces pharmacovigilance monitoring procedures, including establishment of the EudraVigilance database that collates pharmacovigilance data. Also provides the legal basis for the European Medicines Agency. Provides guidance on approaches to evaluating a drug’s risk profile. While much of it focuses on pooled data and guidelines for pooling data, there are implications for individual studies, particularly in terms of coding, and the analysis of temporal relationships of drugs and AEs. Section VI.A.1 Accuracy of Coding: provides recommendations around coding AEs, and ensuring appropriate coding. Section VI.B, Analyzing Temporal or Other Associations: discusses the importance of being able to determine the timing of AEs both relative to treatment dates as well as to length of exposure to treatment. This emphasizes the need to capture complete and accurate event dates. Section VI.G, Long-term Follow-up: discusses the need to determine what an appropriate follow-up period is for AE collection, and suggests that this should be discussed with regulatory authorities, potentially during end-of-Phase-2 meetings. This should drive the cut-off point for collecting AEs for a study, and how long the database needs to remain open for adding AEs after the study is completed. Section VI.H, Important Aspects of Data Presentation: this is a supplement to the ICH E3 guidelines, and it covers additional analyses to be considered. Particularly, it states that for subjects who died during the study, the official CRF should contain copies of hospital records, autopsy reports, biopsy results, and any other pertinent information. This doesn’t necessarily mean this information must be specifically collected on sponsor-generated CRFs, but that copies of this information should be stored with the rest of the subject data, and be appropriately indexed and referenced. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 41 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Source FDA ICH ICH ICH ICH ICH ICH Regulation/Guideline Guidance for Industry: Drug-Induced Liver Injury: Premarketing Clinical Evaluation (July 2009) Description/Wording Section IV: Clinical Evaluation of DILI For subjects who meet Hy’s Law criteria (altered liver function), additional data must be collected. Section C lists the CRF variables that must be collected. Section II: Definitions and Terminology Associated With Clinical Safety Experience Provides definitions for terms commonly used in safety data reporting, such as adverse event, serious adverse event and expectedness. By referencing the information to be submitted, it suggests a minimal set of variables to capture the key information. Defines processes for expedited reporting, including what must be reported and how to determine reporting timeframe E2A Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions Outlines assessing safety during blinded treatment, associated with placebo treatment, and post-study events and Standards for Expedited Reporting Does not go into any detail around individual data points required, although it contains some inferences about SAE narrative content—The description of the information required for expedited reporting of serious adverse events outlines further information that may be required to characterize deaths, including items such as allergy, drug or alcohol abuse; family history; findings from special investigations. An autopsy or other post mortem findings must be included when available. This may have implications for data to be collected in every study. E2B(R2) Maintenance of the ICH Guideline on This document lists data points that must be transmitted when sending expedited AE reports, including in some cases Clinical Safety Data Management: Data Elements suggested codelists (e.g., action taken with respect to study drug). While these are often handled by the Regulatory for Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports departments in companies, there should be discussions with CDM to determine the relationship of this information to the clinical database. This implementation guide provides a standardized definition of all data elements to be transmitted for ICSRs. Section 3.2: Provides code sets, terminologies, and vocabularies E2B (R3) Electronic Transmission of Individual Section 3.3: Provides specifications for the transmission of ICSRs. Includes information on the expected format of Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) data elements This covers the requirements for periodic reporting of safety information after product launch. It doesn’t list variables in the manner of E2B, but instead focuses on the frequency and timing of safety updates, how to structure the reports, E2C Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic the information the reports should contain (e.g., subject exposure), and some considerations around the need to track Safety Update Reports For Marketed Drugs and report events internationally. It is more applicable to the processes around managing AE data than the data structure and variables themselves. Section 2: Definitions and Terminology Associated with Post-Approval Drug Safety Experience: provides definitions for terms commonly used in safety data reporting in the post-approval phase, including adverse event, serious adverse event, and expectedness. Section 4: Standards for Expedited Reporting: defines processes for expedited reporting, including minimum criteria E2D Post-Approval Safety Data Management: for reporting and how to determine reporting timeframe. Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting Section 5: Good Case Management Practices: does not go into any detail around individual data points required, although it contains some inferences about SAE narrative content. An autopsy or other post mortem findings should be included when allowed. Attachment: Recommended Key Data Elements for Inclusion in Expedited Reports of Serious Adverse Drug Reactions Section 9: discusses rating AEs in terms of severity or relationship to drug. It also states that the report should define how consistency in applying the ratings was achieved between sites. Be clear in defining the severity and relationship categories, and include the definitions in CRF completion guidelines. E3 Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports Section 12.2: provides description of the kinds of safety summaries that must be conducted for AEs. These include summarization of AEs by body system, by intensity if used, by relationship to treatment if collected, and by treatment emergence. Summaries should include lab findings and vital signs changes identified as AEs. Even if AEs are Page 42 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Source Regulation/Guideline ICH E6 (R1) Guideline for Good Clinical Practice ICH E9 Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials NCI CTEP Guidelines, Adverse Event Reporting Requirements Description/Wording categorized by relationship and/or treatment emergence, all AEs should be included in the summaries. Although E3 does not require that relationship to study drug be captured, the EU Directive on AEs (April 2006) does require it. There must be a way to determine treatment emergence (both for increases in severity and in frequency). Labs and vital signs must be mergeable with AEs data, or somehow accessible. Section 12.2.3: describes the general analysis approach for AEs, including examination of relationship to dosage level if that seems appropriate. Section 12.2.4: provides a list of variables that must be included in AE listings (i.e., that need to be collected). These include typical AE variables, as well as study drug treatment data and concomitant treatment data and assessment of seriousness. While the FDA does not require listings of AE data if AE data have been provided electronically, ICH guidelines do still request these. Section 12.3: Discusses the display of Deaths & other Serious Adverse Events (SAEs); they should be split out and discussed separately in the report but essentially the same data are required for display. Deaths occurring both during the study as well as during the post treatment follow-up period are to be included. The guideline includes a description of what the subject narrative must discuss, including a list of data points. In the list of appendices, the guidelines indicate that CRFs for subjects who died must be submitted. This implies that death data must be either collected for all studies on CRFs or on the serious AE collection instruments. Additionally, it requires that “significant” AEs be split out, i.e., AEs that were not serious, but required some significant concomitant therapy or intervention. This implies that AEs requiring significant concomitant treatment (either pharmacological or nonpharmacological) be specifically identifiable. 1.2, Glossary, Adverse Event: defines “Adverse Event” 4.11, Investigator, Safety Reporting: investigator responsibilities for reporting safety issues to sponsors, specifically deaths, other SAEs, Lab AEs and AEs of special interest in a particular protocol. 5.16, Safety Information: sponsor responsibilities for ongoing review of safety information; notification of investigators. 5.17 Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting: spells out the sponsor’s regulatory responsibility to report all serious and unexpected AEs to IRBs, investigators and regulatory authorities in accordance with ICH E2A. Sponsor responsibilities of periodic safety updates to regulatory authorities. Most of the rest of GCPs have more to do with actions around data, rather than the data themselves. This guideline is fairly general in its observations, but provides some insight into regulatory expectations. Section VI: Evaluation of Safety and Tolerability: contains considerable discussion about appropriate approaches to the analysis and reporting of safety data, including summarizing by severity, start and duration of AE, as well as potential subpopulation analyses (e.g., sex, age). Also provides definition for Treatment Emergence. Section VII: Reporting: provides a supplement to the info contained in E3. A document produced by the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program. It provides definitions for terms used in reporting AEs, lists the information that should be included when reporting different kinds of AEs resulting from different kinds of treatments for cancer (e.g., marketed, pre-registration). These requirements are somewhat different from those for other types of diseases, due in part to the severity of the disease and the toxicity of the treatments. Among other information, it includes the definitions for AE Grades that are used in oncology in place of severity assessments. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 43 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Appendices Appendix A: Glossary, Acronyms, and Definitions The following abbreviations and terms may be used in this document. Additional definitions can be found in the CDISC Glossary available at Abbreviation / Acronym / Term AE AESI AR BRIDG Case CDASH CDISC CDM CDMS Collected Controlled Terminology CRF CTCAE Dataset Derived Domain Drug Safety Organization eCRF E2B Message EDC EMEA FDA GCP Page 44 November 25, 2013 Definition Any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical trial subject administered a medicinal product and which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with this treatment. (Directive 2001/20/EC, Detailed Guidance ENTR/CT 3, ICH-E2A) Adverse Events of Special Interest Adverse Reaction: all untoward and unintended responses to an investigational medicinal product related to any dose administered; (Directive 2001/20/EC, Detailed Guidance ENTR/CT 3, ICH-E2A) Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group An observation requiring investigation, and includes problems that might or might not involve individual or groups of investigative subjects. [HL7 Patient Safety] Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization Project. The name for the project that delivers basic data collection fields (this document) Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, a Collaborative Group Member Clinical Data Management Clinical Data Management System Within this document collected refers to information that is recorded and/or transmitted to the sponsor. This includes data entered by the site on CRFs/eCRFs as well as vendor data such as core lab data. This term is a synonym for “captured”. A finite set of values that represent the only allowed values for a data item. These values may be codes, text, or numeric. A codelist is one type of controlled terminology. Case report form (sometime case record form) A printed, optical, or electronic document designed to record all required information to be reported to the sponsor for each trial subject. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events A collection of structured data in a single file Within this document derived refers to information that is not directly entered into the specific data field by the investigator site or by a core lab. This category includes auto encoded data, calculated data and similar electronically generated data, but not prepopulated fields. A collection of observations with a topic-specific commonality about a subject The group of persons at an institution who oversee the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and reporting to appropriate authorities of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products Electronic case report form Electronically transmittable individual case safety report. (ICSR) Electronic data capture The European Medicines Agency. A decentralized body of the European Union, main responsibility is the protection and promotion of public and animal health, through the evaluation and supervision of medicines for human and veterinary use. Food and Drug Administration Part of the US Department of Health and Human Services Agency. The regulatory authority for all pharmaceuticals (including biologics and vaccines) and medical devices in the US. Good Clinical Practice © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Abbreviation / Acronym / Term HL7 ICH ICH E2A ICH E2B ICH E2C ICH E3 ICH E4 ICH E5 ICH E6 (R1) ICH E9 ICH E11 ICH E14 ICSR IND IRB ISO 8601 MedDRA NCI NCI: EVS NICHD NIH NLM Preprinted (pre-printed) Prepopulated (pre-populated) PRN SAE SDTM SDTMIG Definition Health Level 7 International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use ICH guidelines on Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting ICH guidelines on Clinical Safety Data Management: Data Elements For Transmission Of Individual Case Safety Reports ICH guidelines on Clinical Safety Data Management: Periodic Safety Update Reports For Marketed Drugs ICH guidelines on Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports ICH guidelines on Dose-response Information to Support Drug Registration ICH guidelines on Ethnic Factors in the Acceptability of Foreign Clinical Data ICH guideline for Good Clinical Practice ICH guidelines on Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials ICH guidelines on Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the Pediatric Population ICH guidelines on the Clinical Evaluation Of QT/QTc Interval 'Individual Case Safety Report' The complete information provided by a reporter at a certain point in time to describe an event or incident of interest. The report can include information about a case involving one subject or a group of subjects. (prEN27953 Human Pharmaceutical Reporting) Investigational New Drug. IND application required by the US FDA before clinical trials of a new drug or new biological agent may be initiated. Institutional Review Board. Under FDA regulations, an IRB is an appropriately constituted group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects International Organization for Standardization document of character representation of dates, date/times, intervals, and durations of time Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (new global standard medical terminology designed to supersede other terminologies (such as COSTART and ICD9) used in the medical product development process U.S. National Cancer Institute (NIH) U.S. National Cancer Institute (NIH) Enterprise Vocabulary Services National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, a Collaborative Group Member U.S. National Institutes of Health U.S. National Library of Medicine Items that are part of the original printing on a paper CRF. For example the unit required for a response, such as “years” for an age question. These data may or may not be stored in the database. Items that are part of the eCRF (or data collection device) that are not enterable/modifiable (see also preprinted). These data are stored in the study database. As Needed (Latin: pro re nata) Serious Adverse Event or serious adverse reaction’: any untoward medical occurrence or effect that at any dose results in death, is life-threatening, requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly or birth defect; (Directive 2001/20/EC, Detailed Guidance ENTR/CT 3, ICH-E2A) Study Data Tabulation Model SDTM Implementation Guide © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 45 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Abbreviation / Acronym / Term SUSAR Suspect Drug Study Treatment WHO WHO ART WHO Drug Page 46 November 25, 2013 Definition Serious Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction: an adverse reaction, the nature or severity of which is not consistent with the applicable product information (e.g. investigator's brochure for an unauthorized investigational product or summary of product characteristics for an authorized product). (Directive 2001/20/EC, Detailed Guidance ENTR/CT 3, ICHE2A) The intervention that is attributed as to being the cause of the Serious Adverse Event The drug, device, therapy, or process under investigation in a clinical trial which has an effect on outcome of interest in a study: e.g., health-related quality of life, efficacy, safety, pharmacoeconomics. Synonyms: intervention, therapeutic intervention, medical product. World Health Organization World Health Organization Adverse Reaction Terminology (WHO-ART) has been developed over more than 30 years to serve as a basis for rational coding of adverse reaction terms. World Health Organization Drug Dictionary © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Appendix B: Project History/Background The healthcare industry and specifically those engaged in developing new products, faces stringent regulatory requirements when undertaking clinical research. The safety of the subject is paramount. Consequently, the accurate and prompt reporting of serious adverse events (SAEs) is an essential activity in any clinical trial. Clinical trial sites have direct contact with subjects and provide the information about each SAE to the sponsor and its medical monitors. In the pre-market environment, once an SAE has been determined to be reportable, the sponsor’s Drug Safety department may have the responsibility to ensure compliance with a Health Authority’s regulatory reporting requirements. In the post-market setting, the ongoing safety profile of a drug is largely the responsibility of the sponsor’s Drug Safety department, including reporting, pharmacovigilance, and periodic safety updates. Thus, the responsibilities of the sponsor’s Drug Safety department include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. direct communications with the site for information relevant to the SAE/case sponsor-level assessment of the case, in addition to the assessment provided by the site investigator safety reporting for SAEs that meet reporting criteria, i.e., SUSARs (Suspected, Unexpected, Serious Adverse Events) overall responsibility for the safety profile of investigational and marketed products The number of adverse events reported for a globally marketed product will be significantly greater than those reported for a product in development. However, the amount of data for each single report originating from products in development is higher due to the requirement for expedited reporting and review by qualified personnel for investigational products. The CDASH SAE project was started in 2010 with the following goals: • reduce duplication of data collection • provide guidance to sites on the SAE data collection • provide the needed (and standardized) metadata for Safety Groups to support them in meeting regulatory reporting requirements The outcome thus far from this initiative has been the creation of a new CDASH SAE domain and its attendant variables. During the preparation of the first version of this CDASH SAE Supplement, work continued on the next version of the ICH Data Elements for Transmission of ICSRs, E2B R3. While the E2B R3 version is being finalized, this document is based on the existing E2B R2. When E2B R3 is finalized, CDASH will provide an updated version of this supplement. The CDASH E2B project team aims to increase efficiencies in the industry regarding SAE reporting. Whilst EDC usage is promoted by this initiative, its outcomes are equally applicable and helpful for those sponsors who still capture study data on paper. Electronic data capture (EDC) is recognized as an efficient and time saving method for capturing clinical data. EDC also offers a more efficient process for SAE information capture than the traditional paper form; sponsors can use information already available in the Clinical Data Management System (CDMS) to populate the same data elements on an SAE report form. Typically, such data are housed in a clinical study database. All SAE data that are not extracted from the clinical study database are typically housed in a separate safety database. The relationship between drug safety data and clinical trial data that commonly manifests in two distinct data acquisition processes can be enhanced by minimizing duplicative data collection and easing the safety data reconciliation processes. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 47 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Appendix C: Data Elements from ICH E2B R2 A: Administrative and Identification Information A.1 Identification of the case safety report A.1.1 Identification of the country of the primary source A.1.2 Identification of the country where the reaction/event occurred A.1.5 Seriousness A.1.5.1 Serious: Yes/No A.1.5.2 Seriousness criteria A.2 Primary source(s) of information A.3 Information on sender and receiver of case safety report B: Information on the Case B.1 Patient characteristics B.1.1 Patient B.1.2 Age information B.1.2.1 Date of birth B.1.2.2 Age at time of onset of reaction/event B.1.5 Sex B.1.6 Last menstrual period date B.1.7 Relevant medical history and concurrent conditions B.1.8 Relevant past drug history B.1.9 In case of death: B.1.9.1 Date of death B.1.9.4 Autopsy determined cause(s) of death B.1.10 For a parent-child/fetus report, information concerning the parent B.2 Reaction(s)/Event(s) B.2.i.0 Reaction/event as reported by the primary source B.2.i.4 Date of start of reaction/event B.2.i.5 Date of end of reaction/event B.2.i.8 Outcome of reaction/event at time of last observation B.3 Results of tests and procedures relevant to the investigation of the patient: B.3.1a Structured information (repeat as necessary) B.3.1b Date B.3.1c Test B.3.1d Result B.3.2 Results of tests and procedures relevant to the investigation B.4 Drug(s) Information B.4.k.2 Drug identification B.4.k.5 Structured dosage identification B.4.k.8 Route of administration B.4.k.11 Indication for use in the case B.4.k.12 Date of start of drug B.4.k.12 Date of last administration B.4.k.16 Action(s) taken with drug B.4.k.17 Effect of rechallenge (or re-exposure), for suspect drug(s) only B.4.k.18 Relatedness of drug to reaction(s)/event(s) (repeat as necessary) B.5 Narrative case summary and further information B.5.1 Case narrative including clinical course, therapeutic measures, outcome and additional relevant information B.5.2 Reporter's comments Page 48 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 B.5.3 Sender's diagnosis/syndrome and/or reclassification of reaction/event B.5.4 Sender's comments © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 49 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Appendix D: Examples of Study Scenarios where ParentChild Data could be Submitted Study Scenario Eligibility criteria: women of childbearing age pregnancy exclusion Eligibility criterion: Pregnant women Eligibility criterion: Pregnant women Eligibility criterion: Male subjects with female partners of child-bearing age Page 50 November 25, 2013 Expected impact on Possible reports Domains were these are recorded subject Unplanned pregnancy AE on subject (pregnant AE data on subject identifier exposure to study drug; woman) AE data on fetus linked to subject identifier (no fetal identifier). must follow until delivery AE on fetus Planned exposure to study Study objectives relate drug only to the pregnant women AE data on mother (subject identifier) Pregnancy outcome specifically captured on CRF for mother; no specific identifier for fetus/infant. AE data on fetus/infant linked to mother Planned exposure to study Study objectives relate to AE data on mother (subject identifier). drug pregnant women and AE data on infant/child (subject offspring (follow-up identifier). could be only to birth, or Data on mother-infant/child are still could be X time after linked with separate Identifiers birth) Unplanned pregnancy AE on subject’s partner AE data on subject’s partner linked to exposure to study drug; (pregnant woman) Subject Identifier. must follow until delivery AE on fetus AE data on fetus linked to subject identifier (no fetal identifier). © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Appendix E: Narrative Content Elements for the Narrative Existing ICH documents E2A, E2D, E2B R2 and E2B R3 (in process) provide some guidance on the information useful to describe the adverse event and the narrative. This appendix provides further detail and organization of the narrative to complement the guidance provided by the ICH documents, in a structured manner. Please include all information in the narrative description that is relevant for a complete understanding of the event/reaction to allow for a causality assessment of the product. Information that is already included elsewhere, but may not contribute to the clinical understanding and assessment of the SAE, do not need to be repeated in the narrative. All information relevant to the case may not be available at the time of the report. However, it is expected that the site investigator/staff will perform due diligence to obtain such information that will contribute to the full understanding and assessment of the case. I. Adverse Event: • Intro statement about subject i.e. age, sex, AE term, drug exposure • Full focused, factual, and clear description of reaction(s), including body site and severity • Description of the reported signs and symptoms • Setting (e.g., hospital, out-patient clinic, home, nursing home) • Specific diagnosis for the reaction • Onset date (and time) of reaction • Stop date (and time) or duration of reaction • De-challenge and re-challenge information II. Evaluation: • Full description of the workup including history and physical exam • All relevant laboratory data • All relevant diagnostic tests and results III. Intervention Regarding the Adverse Event: • Treatment provided or required to mitigate medical consequences • Did treatment have to be provided in a hospital setting? • Hospitalization dates • Response to treatment IV. Outcome of the Adverse Event i. Non-Fatal: • Did the event resolve • Did the subject recover • Was there any sequelae ii. Fatal: • Stated cause of death • Relevant autopsy or post-mortem findings, including coroner’s report • If unknown, perform due diligence to obtain necessary information to ascertain cause of death V. Other Information • Provide all relevant information that can facilitate the assessment of the case such as medical history including allergies, drug or alcohol abuse; family history, social history; findings from special investigations • Provide all concomitant medications. Include dosing details and indications VI. Assessment i. By the reporter (site): • Confirm possible diagnoses • For each diagnosis, determine the relatedness of the product to the reaction(s)/event(s) ii. By the sender (sponsor): © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 51 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 • Provide comment or any other issues considered relevant • Opportunity to combine signs and symptoms that were reported into a succinct diagnosis; include reasoning • Confirm or describe disagreement with reporter’s assessment • If disagreement, provide alternatives to diagnoses and/or causality conclusion(s) Narrative Template This narrative template is shared as an example of a complete narrative description of an individual case safety report (single case SAE report). This structure will allow for a complete understanding of the event/reaction and a causality assessment of the product. Please complete the narrative with the information suggested, and add further details if they are clinically relevant for the description of this SAE. Conversely, if there are sections that are not applicable to the case, these do not need to be included. All information relevant to the case may not be available at the time of the report. However, it is expected that the site investigator/staff will perform due diligence to obtain such information that will contribute to the full understanding and assessment of the case. • • • • • • • • This is a [Age] year old [Race] [Male/Female] in [Study] who reported [Primary AE] on [Date of AE]. The subject was enrolled into study on [Date Enrolled]. Study medication was started on [Date] at [Dose], which is [Study Day _/Week _], taken for [Duration]. Include all changes in dose and frequency. The event occurred during the [Screening/Treatment/Follow-up] Phase. If fetus: provide [Gestational Age], (or mother’s LMP), at time of event. Also, [Gestational Age/Trimester] at first drug exposure and duration of exposure. If birth, provide details of [Infant Status] at birth. If hospital stay is complicated, provide details of hospital stay. Provide details of the [SAE] in chronological order, along with other [Signs/Symptoms]. Start with date (and time, if relevant) and description of signs and symptoms; provide details of [Physical Exam], along with all relevant [Procedures] and [Lab Results]. Specify the diagnosis that was made based on symptoms and test results. Specify the seriousness criteria that apply for the SAE and the dates when the seriousness criteria apply. If hospitalization, provide [Dates Hospitalization], describe relevant [Hospital Course], and any additional [Diagnostic Work-up], [Procedures/Tests and Results]. If life-threatening, specify the measures that were taken for the immediately life-threatening situation. If death, report date of death and cause of death, including autopsy or post-mortem findings when available. If medically significant, provide a rationale for the medical significance. Provide details of [Treatment] and [Treatment Rationale] on basis of [Findings/Test Result(s)]. Describe [Treatment Response]. Include Dechallenge/Rechallenge information. Provide [Outcome/Discharge Diagnosis], and any [Follow-up Information]. List [Discharge Meds]. If fatal outcome, [Cause of Death] and provide all relevant information and include records, such as autopsy report. Provide pertinent [Past Medical Hx], [Family Hx], [Concomitant Meds], [Alcohol/Tobacco/Substance Use] and any previous similar [AEs].Provide assessment of causality and rationale for the conclusion. Page 52 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Appendix F: Authors Name Alec Vardy Amy Palmer Barry Burnstead Cathy Schleuning Gary Walker Katie Carothers Lauren Shinaberry Region US US EU US US US EU Ling Chin, MD, MPH US Melissa Binz Mike Ward Monica Mattson Rhonda Facile Roland Franke Shannon Labout Sean Neal Sonia Araujo Tracy Sanders US US US US EU US US EU US Affiliation Onyx Pharmaceuticals CDISC Select CRO UCB BioSciences, Inc. Quintiles CDISC Business & Decision Life Sciences GDU Clinical Trials Consulting, LLC Formerly Office for Policy in Clinical Research Operations (OPCRO) Division of AIDS, NIAID, NIH, DHHS Novartis Lilly Celgene CDISC PRA International SDC Clinical Medidata Solutions Medidata Solutions Foresight Group © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Email Address Page 53 November 25, 2013 CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 Appendix G: Representations and Warranties, Limitations of Liability, and Disclaimers CDISC Patent Disclaimers It is possible that implementation of and compliance with this standard may require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any claim or of any patent rights in connection therewith. CDISC, including the CDISC Board of Directors, shall not be responsible for identifying patent claims for which a license may be required in order to implement this standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents or patent claims that are brought to its attention. Representations and Warranties Each Participant in the development of this standard shall be deemed to represent, warrant, and covenant, at the time of a Contribution by such Participant (or by its Representative), that to the best of its knowledge and ability: (a) it holds or has the right to grant all relevant licenses to any of its Contributions in all jurisdictions or territories in which it holds relevant intellectual property rights; (b) there are no limits to the Participant¹s ability to make the grants, acknowledgments, and agreements herein; and (c) the Contribution does not subject any Contribution, Draft Standard, Final Standard, or implementations thereof, in whole or in part, to licensing obligations with additional restrictions or requirements inconsistent with those set forth in this Policy, or that would require any such Contribution, Final Standard, or implementation, in whole or in part, to be either: (i) disclosed or distributed in source code form; (ii) licensed for the purpose of making derivative works (other than as set forth in Section 4.2 of the CDISC Intellectual Property Policy (³the Policy²)); or (iii) distributed at no charge, except as set forth in Sections 3, 5.1, and 4.2 of the Policy. If a Participant has knowledge that a Contribution made by any Participant or any other party may subject any Contribution, Draft Standard, Final Standard, or implementation, in whole or in part, to one or more of the licensing obligations listed in Section 9.3, such Participant shall give prompt notice of the same to the CDISC President who shall promptly notify all Participants. No Other Warranties/Disclaimers. ALL PARTICIPANTS ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 9.3 OF THE CDISC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY, ALL DRAFT STANDARDS AND FINAL STANDARDS, AND ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO FINAL STANDARDS AND DRAFT STANDARDS, ARE PROVIDED ³AS IS² WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, AND THE PARTICIPANTS, REPRESENTATIVES, THE CDISC PRESIDENT, THE CDISC BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AND CDISC EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR OR INTENDED PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, FINAL STANDARDS OR DRAFT STANDARDS, OR CONTRIBUTION. Limitation of Liability IN NO EVENT WILL CDISC OR ANY OF ITS CONSTITUENT PARTS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE CDISC BOARD OF DIRECTORS, THE CDISC PRESIDENT, CDISC STAFF, AND CDISC MEMBERS) BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS POLICY OR ANY RELATED AGREEMENT, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PARTY HAD ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Note: The CDISC Intellectual Property Policy can be found at: Page 54 November 25, 2013 © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final CDASH Serious Adverse Event Supplement v1 CDISC, Inc. 401 West 15th Street, Suite 975, Austin, Texas 78701 © Copyright 2013 by CDISC, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written consent of CDISC. CDISC welcomes user comments and reserves the right to revise this document without notice at any time. CDISC makes no representations or warranties regarding this document. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. CDISC® and the CDISC logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of CDISC, Inc. and may be used publicly only with the permission of CDISC and require proper acknowledgement. Other listed names and brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. © 2013 Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, Inc. All rights reserved Final Page 55 November 25, 2013