Full-gate verification of superconducting integrated circuit layouts

Full-gate verification of superconducting
integrated circuit layouts with InductEx
Coenrad J. Fourie, Member, IEEE
Abstract—At present, superconducting integrated circuit
layouts are verified through a variety of techniques. A layoutversus-schematic method implemented in Cadence allows
extraction of circuit schematics with certain geometry-dependent
parameters. Lmeter calculates inductance in a layout network,
and with proper setup may also calculate resistance separately.
Recently, InductEx was introduced to calculate multi-terminal
network inductance in a superconductor structure with support
for more complicated three-dimensional geometries. Here we
present an improvement to InductEx that allows resistance,
inductance and Josephson junction critical current extraction of
a full superconducting digital logic gate or cell in a single
execution, and in reasonable time. We show how InductEx was
designed to operate on tape-out ready layouts, and through
example how it is used for full-gate layout verification of
contemporary logic cells.
Index Terms— Inductance extraction, InductEx, layout
verification, three-dimensional modeling.
UPERCONDUCTIVE integrated circuit (IC) layouts,
whether for Single Flux Quantum (SFQ) logic families
such as RSFQ [1] and its energy efficient variations such as
ERSFQ [2] and eSFQ [3], or other families such as AQFP [4,
5], are at present mostly verified only in part by computer.
Cells laid out with software such as LASI [6], that does not
link a circuit schematic to the layout, can have inductance
verified with Lmeter [7] or InductEx [8] if a simplified circuit
netlist is supplied to the calculator. However, manual
verification of Josephson junction area and resistor layouts is
still required. A more robust layout-versus-schematic method
implemented in Cadence Virtuoso [9] allows verification of
layouts against circuit schematics through geometrydependent parameters and an interface to Lmeter, but the
limitations of Lmeter and the cost of Cadence Virtuoso limit
Here we show how InductEx with resistivity support allows
full-gate verification of parameter values in tape-out ready
layouts without the need for back-annotated circuit
schematics. We show that this allows even LASI layouts to be
verified, and requires no complexity reduction that could
impact on fabrication.
Manuscript received June 29, 2014. This work was supported in part by
the South African National Research Foundation, grant number 78789.
C. J. Fourie is with Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
(phone: +2721 808-4029; fax: +2721 808 4981; e-mail: coenrad@sun.ac.za).
A quick overview of the InductEx process flow is required
to explain some aspects of full-gate verification.
InductEx reads a circuit layout from industry-standard GDS
(see [10] for a discussion on file structure) or CIF [11, 12]
files, or from Lmeter or InductEx-specific DXC or IXI files
[13]. These files only contain layout objects (such as
polygons, rectangles and text labels) assigned to different
layers. Some of these layout objects do not influence
fabrication, but identify ports from which excitation voltages
are to be applied for impedance calculation. InductEx assigns
a positive and negative terminal to each port, as identified by
A second input file is needed to provide fabrication-specific
translation of the layout file to a three-dimensional (3D)
calculation model. This layer definition file (or LDF file) lists
layer numbers (for GDS) or layer names, as well as the order
of fabrication. The 3D calculation model is constructed in the
order of layer fabrication, and objects on conductive layers are
populated with horizontal segments while objects on isolation
layers establish via positions and allow inter-layer
connectivity with vertical segments.
The circuit netlist, in a simplified Spice or JSIM [14]
format, is read from a third input file. It consists of a list of
inductive elements with design values and node numbers to
establish connectivity, coupling elements that link inductors,
and port elements of which the polarity of each terminal must
agree with that specified in the layout file.
InductEx then translates the 3D model to the correct format
for the numerical solver, executes the solver to calculate port
currents, and solves element values in every branch in the
circuit as discussed in Section 3C.
The output is a list of extracted parameter values that are
compared with design values from the circuit netlist for
inspection by the designer.
A. Layout read-in
As a prerequisite for a full-gate verification tool, we impose
the requirement that extraction must be possible from tape-out
ready circuit layouts, so that circuit designers do not need to
create cell copies with reduced complexity or tweaks that
would otherwise impede fabrication. In this way, failure to
propagate layout changes in an extraction model to the final
Fig. 2. Excerpt from the solution output for the confluence buffer in Fig. 1
with the last version of InductEx before resistivity support was added (v4.14,
14 January 2013). Extracted inductance values are compared to design
not affect fabrication. Furthermore, reading in such layouts
requires support for polygons without any restrictions on
angles between edges, paths, and a full hierarchy of nested
structures such as sub-cells that are repeated in a layout.
Special layer actions must also be supported, such as the
removal of objects or sections thereof below objects in the cut
layer of the FLUXONICS process [15], or the creation of
placeholder layers to allow the correct positioning of resistive
objects in the Hypres 4.5 kA/cm2 process [16].
Fig. 1. The confluence buffer from the FLUXONICS cell library. (a) The
layout with terminal objects and port identifiers for the extraction model, (b)
the inductive circuit netlist and (c) the segmented model from InductEx
(height enhanced for clarity). Layout dimensions are 150 µm × 150 µm. The
segmented model shows a clipped ground plane (M0) to reduce segment
count and the absence of resistors. The model has 9,900 segments and solves
in 23 seconds on a 2.9 GHz Core i7 processor (see Fig. 2).
tape-out layout is avoided.
This is achieved by applying all port/terminal identifiers
(ports can be defined as spatially separate positive and
negative terminals) and operators as text labels, and defining
terminal geometries and blanking areas on special layers that
are not part of the fabrication process layers and therefore do
B. Resistive layer support
Earlier versions of InductEx capable of reading full-gate
layouts extracted only inductance, so that resistive sections
(although processed) were not modeled. Resistors were
therefore also not included in circuit netlists, although the
effects of objects in a resistive layer on height offset of upper
layers was modeled. This mode is still supported to allow
faster inductance-only extractions when needed. Fig. 1 shows
a confluence buffer from the FLUXONICS cell library, and
how it is modeled for extraction when resistance is omitted.
An excerpt from the solution output is shown in Fig. 2.
InductEx uses a substantially modified FastHenry [17] with
superconductivity support as a numerical engine. FastHenry
calculations include resistivity, so that resistive layers can be
supported in InductEx. Resistive components can therefore be
extracted if such objects are segmented and included in the
circuit netlist, and equations for complex impedance rather
than inductance are solved.
FastHenry segments are specified as resistive with the
conductivity parameter “sigma”, which is the inverse of bulk
resistivity ρ, and can be calculated from the per-square
resistance and layer thickness of a resistive layer as:
σ = =
ρ RS d
in siemens per unit length. RS is the sheet resistance in Ω per
square, and d is the resistive layer thickness. The default unit
length in InductEx is 1 µm. For the resistive layer R1 in the
FLUXONICS 1 kA/cm2 process, with RS = 1 Ω per square and
d = 80 nm, we find from (1) that σ = 12.5 S/µm. Note that (1)
does not specify the bulk resistivity of the material at room
temperature, but rather the value of bulk resistivity required
for FastHenry to obtain the per-square resistance for a given
resistive layer and fabrication process when circuits are
Fig. 3. Cross-sectional schematics of the resistive layer between two
superconductive metal layers for popular fabrication processes: (a) the
FLUXONICS 1 kA/cm2 process, (b) the Hypres 4.5 kA/cm2 process, and (c)
the AIST STP and ADP2 processes. A connection between the
superconductive layers is shown for each process. Layers above and below
these layers are omitted for clarity.
operated at the design temperature; 4.2 K in this case.
Frequency influences skin depth in resistive conductors, but
has no effect on the London penetration depth in
superconducting conductors. Therefore, the frequency at
which parameter extraction is performed can be set to
accommodate the resistors without influencing the
superconducting parts.
Adding support for the resistive layer requires different
layer modelling techniques for different processes, as the
isolation layers and via layouts required to create resistors
vary between processes. Cross-sectional schematics for the
layout of connections to resistors for three popular fabrication
processes are shown in Fig. 3, and the corresponding layer
setup in the InductEx layer definition file for each process is
shown in Fig. 4. In order to support generic processes,
InductEx allows the use of auxiliary layers, with objects
copied from other layers through the “LayerADD” parameter
in the layer definition file, or subtracted with the “LayerSUB”
parameter [13], to model connections to resistors and lower
metal layers for any resistive layer sandwich.
In the FLUXONICS 1kA/cm2 process [15] (Fig. 3(a) and
Fig. 4(a)), the resistive layer R1 is sandwiched between two
isolation layers I1B (lower) and I2 (upper). A connection from
the second metal layer M2 to R1 requires a via in I2 (which is
inherently supported), while a connection between the metal
layers M2 and M1 requires vias in both I2 and I1B, as well as
in a lower anodization layer I1A. The layers are defined just as
any other isolation and conductive layer, in ascending order of
fabrication, except that a layer parameter “ViaBypass = True”
is added for layer R1. This overrides the InductEx default that
prohibits connections through a conductive layer if there is no
Fig. 4. Excerpts from the layout definition files for the resistive layers and
the isolation layers immediately above and below these (see Fig. 3) for
popular fabrication processes: (a) the FLUXONICS 1 kA/cm2 process, (b)
the Hypres 4.5 kA/cm2 process, and (c) the AIST ADP2 process (for AIST
STP, the thickness of layer RES is 0.08 µm [19] and σ = 10.417 S/µm).
Some layer parameters are omitted for brevity. Layers are defined in
ascending fabrication order. The PlanarModel parameter in (c) selects the
planarization method for the AIST processes.
object on that layer, so that a connection between M1 and M2
can be made where there is no resistive object.
In the Hypres 4-layer 4.5 kA/cm2 process [16], on the other
hand, there is only one isolation layer (I1B) that separates
metal layers M1 and M2. The resistive layer R2 is sandwiched
inside I1B, so that a via in I1B can either connect M2 to R2 or
to M1 (see Fig. 3(b)). In order to model this correctly in
InductEx, an auxiliary isolation layer “I1BL” is defined in the
layer definition file, with a process order preceding that of the
resistive layer R2 and a layer thickness half that of the total
isolation. The thickness of layer I1B is similarly set as half
that of the total isolation. With the “LayerADD” parameter, all
objects from layer I1B is copied to the auxiliary layer I1BL.
The “LayerSUB” parameter is then used to delete sections of
I1BL objects that overlap with R2 objects. Once again,
“ViaBypass = True” is used to allow connections past the
resistive layer (see Fig. 4(b)).
In the AIST STP 2.5 kA/cm2 [18], [19] and ADP2 10
kA/cm2 processes [20], [21], the resistive layer RES1 is
sandwiched inside isolation layer GC, which also separates the
first metal layer/base electrode (BAS, or the M1 layer) from
ground (GP, or the M0 layer). In layout, a via on layer GC
connects BAS to GP, while a contact hole specified on layer
RC connects BAS to RES1 through a part of the GC isolation.
For modelling purposes, GP and RC are both declared as
isolation layers and assigned thickness values that add up to
the total isolation thickness (and position the resistive layer
correctly). The “LayerADD” parameter is used to add vias in
GC to RC, so that connection from BAS to GP is possible
even if vias are only drawn on GC. As discussed above,
“ViaBypass = True” for the resistive layer (see Fig 4(c)).
C. Calculation of complex impedance
The equations solved by InductEx to calculate inductance
from purely imaginary port currents [7] were also expanded to
calculate impedance (resistance and inductance) from complex
port currents.
The FastHenry numerical solver calculates an impedance
matrix for a set of electrically isolated components, but cannot
calculate impedances for a multi-port network as shown in
Fig. 1(b). For this reason InductEx calculates the impedances
of components in a network directly from branch currents. To
do so, we modified FastHenry to write out the currents
through every port when any one port is excited with a
sinusoidal voltage with amplitude 1 V at an excitation
frequency f. InductEx also finds all closed cycles in a circuit,
and keeps track of the polarity of ports and components in
every cycle. Through an iterative process, the current through
every branch of a circuit netlist is found from the port
currents, and there are p sets of branch currents if the netlist
has p ports. For every excited port, the loop voltage equation
for every cycle (or mesh) is determined as the sum of the
current times impedance for every branch included in a cycle
(with polarities respected). The loop voltage equals 1 + j0 V
or -1 + j0 V, depending on the polarity of the excited port, or
0 V if a cycle does not include the excited port. If the vector
containing all loop voltages is denoted by b, the matrix of
branch currents by A (with a row for every cycle, and a
column for every impedance), and the vector of unknown
impedances by x, then we find a system of linear equations
Ax = b
which is overdetermined (has more equations than unknowns)
for netlists with more than three impedances or ports. This is
true for any circuit other than a single inductance transmission
line or a three-inductor T network. Such an overdetermined
system is best solved in a least-squares sense [22], and
InductEx uses the singular value decomposition (SVD) to do
x = ( ATA )-1 AT b = UΛ-1VTb.
The particular implementation of the SVD currently used by
InductEx only handles real values, which was sufficient for
earlier versions when all components were purely inductive
(superconducting). Resistance was ignored, so that the
imaginary parts of branch current and impedance were
handled as real values. However, the inclusion of resistance
requires complex values for both the branch current matrix A
and the impedance vector x. This was solved by doubling the
number of rows in A to create separate loop voltage equations
for real and imaginary parts, and doubling the number
columns in A and rows in x to account separately for the
resistive and reactive components of branch impedance. These
larger, real sets of linear equations solve correctly, at the cost
of increased computer memory usage and calculation time, but
remain tractable for typical circuits with fewer than 100
D. Junction critical current support
Where Josephson junction critical current IC is a function of
layout area, as it is for all popular Nb/AlOx/Nb tunnel junction
processes such as those discussed here, it is easily calculated
by multiplying the junction layout area with the critical current
density of the junction. In InductEx, this is supported through
the addition of an “Idensity” parameter (with dimensions
ampere per square unit) to the layer on which junction area is
defined. For the FLUXONICS 1 kA/cm2 process, “IDensity =
1e-5” is added to the anodisation layer I1A (10 µA/µm2), as
can be seen in Fig. 4(a). For the Hypres 4-layer 4.5 kA/cm2
process, we add “IDensity = 4.5e-5” to the I1C counterelectrode definition layer, and “IDensity” for layer JJ is
defined as “2.5e-5” and “1e-4” for the AIST STP 2.5 kA/cm2
and ADP2 10 kA/cm2 processes respectively.
With the layer “bias” parameter, non-zero-mean mask-towafer offset can be included to calculate IC after fabrication.
A. Netlist and ports
Consider the confluence buffer discussed in Section 2A. For
full-gate verification, the bias and shunt resistors need to be
included in the circuit netlist, and ports must be added to the
resistive branches. Inductors formed as artefacts of layout,
such as L5 and Lp1, must also be included.
The expanded schematic is shown in Fig. 5(a). Note that
resistive branches (which also have inductance) are modelled
as inductors. When branch impedance is solved, the resistance
(real part) of a branch is listed with the inductance.
It should be noted that every branch must contain at least
one inductive and/or one resistive element; never only a port
(see the inductance LJ1 in series with Port PJ1 in Fig. 5(a) as an
example). If a branch has no inductive or resistive
components, any current through it is ignored when voltage
loop equations are solved, so that the results for all other
elements are skewed. The solution to (2) also yields only one
inductive and resistive value per branch. If a netlist contains
more than one inductive or resistive element, which is allowed
in electrical simulation engines but not advised for extraction,
each is assigned an equal fraction of the total inductance or
resistance of the branch.
B. Solution
The three-dimensional model contains 11,000 segments,
and solves in 56 seconds, so that full-gate extraction here has
twice the calculation cost of the inductance-only model. For
RSFQ cells in general, the average solution time when
resistance is modeled is 50 % to 100 % longer than for
inductance-only models, while it is only around 5 % longer for
circuits with low junction counts and no resistive biasing such
as AQFP cells [23]. An excerpt from the solution output,
which contains inductance, resistance and critical current
values, is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Excerpt from the solution output for the confluence buffer in Fig. 5,
calculated with InductEx v4.26 (6 June 2014). Extracted inductance values
are compared to design values. Resistance values are listed for branches that
have resistance, such as the shunt resistor for junction J1 and the bias branch
Lib1. The critical current (in units of µA) for each junction, calculated from
layout area, is also listed.
Fig. 5. (a) Circuit schematic diagram and (b) three-dimensional extraction
model from InductEx for the confluence buffer from the FLUXONICS cell
library with resistance included (height enhanced for clarity). The model has
11,000 segments and solves in 56 seconds on a 2.9 GHz Core i7 processor.
It should be noted that for this extraction the segment size
of resistive objects is the same as that for superconducting
objects, although it can be set to different values for different
layers. The inductance of resistive objects is extracted with
similar accuracy to that of the superconducting objects, but at
this segment size (roughly one third of the width of the
resistors) the extracted resistance is high by 10 % - 30 %. The
accuracy of extracted resistance can be made arbitrarily high
through the reduction of segment size in resistive layers, at the
increased cost of computation time.
C. Layout error
With full-circuit verification, some layout errors are easy to
detect. As an example, consider the confluence buffer layout
in Fig. 1(a). If the ground contact for junction J5 between the
first wiring layer M1 and the ground plane M0 is removed,
inductor Lp5 in Fig. 5(a) is no longer connected to ground.
Extraction yields a “no value” result for Lp5 (indicated as a
double hyphen in the solution output), which indicates that Lp5
is not properly connected in the layout. Results for nearby
elements are also disturbed. An excerpt from the solution
output is shown in Fig. 7. The result for series components can
also be seen, because with Lp5 open, LJ5 and LRJ5 in Fig. 5(a)
are in series. The total inductance and resistance of the branch
Fig. 7. Excerpt from the solution output for the confluence buffer in Fig. 5
when the ground contact via for junction J5 is removed from the layout.
Inductor Lp5 is no longer connected to ground, and no value is extracted (this
indicates an open connection). Note that inductors nearby have distorted
values, and series components LJ5 and LRJ5 are each assigned half or the total
branch inductance and resistance.
is split equally between LJ5 and LRJ5 in the solution output in
Fig. 7.
Other layout errors, such as unwanted short-circuits, distort
extracted impedance less obviously and are not easy to
identify. We will investigate mathematical ways to identify
these in future, but currently such errors are still best identified
with geometry-based methods such as the layout-versusschematic verification tool under development for the
InductEx tool set [24]
A. Operators
InductEx supports the use of operators to allow model
simplification without changes to a layout. Operators are
defined in the layer definition file, and added to a layout as
text labels. They act on all objects to which the text label
coordinates are interior.
Currently, InductEx supports four operators. Of these,
“MR,” changes all polygons on defined layers to rectangles,
Fig. 9. Excerpts from the solution output for the eSFQ shift register cell in
Fig. 8. (a) Solution without simplification, calculated in 1,100 seconds with a
2.9 GHz Core i7 processor, and (b) solution when ground-sky plane seams
are simplified with operators, calculated in 290 seconds with the same
which is useful for the simplification of layouts where for
instance junctions are circular polygons with tens of vertices
that result in unnecessarily small segments and high segment
The “EC” operator creates electrical connections between
nodes on two conductive layers, and removes objects on
defined layers. This operator allows ground seams between
multiple ground planes (or ground and sky planes) to be
simplified and can result in substantial calculation speed
“OD” deletes objects on defined layers, and is useful to get
rid of excess structures that do not influence extraction results,
while “LD” removes entire layers in for example multiple
ground plane processes when lower ground planes do not
influence calculation results.
Model simplification is risky, as there is always a
possibility that a designer cuts away a part of a circuit that
needs to be present for correct extraction. The InductEx tool
set contains a utility, Inp2Dxf, with which the model files can
be turned into three-dimensional representations that can be
inspected visually in any viewer software that supports the
DXF file format. In practice, extraction models should always
be inspected in this way after a new simplification is enforced.
Fig. 8. (a) An eSFQ shift register cell laid out for the Hypres 4-layer 4.5
kA/cm2 process. (a) The layout with labels for terminal objects, port
identifiers and operators for the extraction model in regular text, and
descriptions in italicized bold text, (b) the circuit netlist and (c) the segmented
model from InductEx (height enhanced for clarity). The cell layout
dimensions are 80 µm × 140 µm.
B. Example with Hypres eSFQ shift register cell
The use of operators is demonstrated for an eSFQ shift
register cell [3] laid out for the 4-layer Hypres 4.5 kA/cm2
process, and shown in Fig. 8. The layout includes a sky plane
in the M3 metal layer for shielding.
The seams between M3 and M0 (indicated in Fig. 8(a))
require segments in layers M1 and M2, as well as vertical
segments between nodes in M3, M2, M1 and M0. Since
calculation time grows roughly with the third power of
segment count [8], it is very efficient to trim unnecessary
segments. The seams are modelled as electrical connections
between nodes in M3 and M0 (rather than discrete segments)
with the “EC” type operator; declared here as “GPM3M0” and
Fig. 10. Circuit schematic diagram of an inductively coupled SFQ transmission circuit in the AIST STP process. Note that the layout of shunt resistors here is
best modeled when the branch for a Josephson junction and that of its shunt resistor are each connected directly to ground (for example LJ1 and LRJ1 are each
grounded, and there is no parasitic inductance Lp1).
invoked with the “@” symbol.
Without the operators to simplify the seams, the full circuit
model has 38,300 segments and solves in 1,100 seconds.
When the operators are used (without any changes to the
layout other than adding the labels), the simulation model
reduces to 27,300 segments and solves in 290 seconds. The
complexity reduction and speed gain come without an
accuracy penalty, as is shown in Fig. 9.
The result is that we can extract a layout with a sky plane
(or even multiple ground planes) and bring calculation time to
within a respectable range through the use of simplification
operators, with negligible effect on accuracy if the modeling is
done correctly.
C. Blanking layers
In addition to operators, the ability to cut out large swathes
of layout over all layers was added to InductEx to make layout
extraction easier. Any layer not used by the fabrication
process can be assigned as a full or directional blanking layer
(where directional blanking layers remove segments in either
the x or y directions), similar to the terminal layer. Blanking
layer objects therefore do not impact fabrication; only
modelling. Directional blanking is used to remove segments
orthogonal to the current flow direction in long lines.
D. Example of AIST-STP inductively coupled SFQ pulse
transmission circuit
As an example of the use of blanking layers, consider a
pulse transfer circuit [25] from the AIST STP 2.5 kA/cm2
process. The circuit diagram of the pulse transfer circuit with
Josephson transmission lines included is shown in Fig. 10. The
size of the circuit netlist, and the separate, isolated ground
planes make this extraction interesting.
Here, delimitation of the ground plane is important. The
process uses a negative ground plane mask, so that InductEx
fills in ground plane everywhere beneath layout structures, and
up to a distance defined by the ground plane overlap
parameter (set in the layer definition file) away from such
layout structures. In order for InductEx to handle holes in the
Fig. 11. The SFQ pulse transfer circuit (Fig. 10) laid out for the AIST STP
2.5 kA/cm2 process. The left hand and right hand side ground planes are
separated by a divide down the center. The layout is surrounded by an object
on the blanking layer (diagonal stripes) that sets the model boundary and
removes bias lines and shields on the periphery. Layout size is 120 µm ×
80 µm.
ground plane correctly, this ground plane fill-in surrounds
ground plane holes too. In this cell layout, the moat separating
the ground planes is of finite length, which requires us to
enforce a border around the cell to prevent connection of the
isolated ground planes during modeling. This is done with a
non-fabrication blanking layer, on which an object
surrounding the layout is drawn (see Fig. 11). All layers are
cut away by the blanking object, which enables separated
ground planes.
It can also be seen in Fig. 11 that the blanking layer is used
to remove bias lines and bias line shields (which are not
essential to this extraction) from the model during extraction,
thereby reducing segment count and improving calculation
speed; and in this case making the calculation tractable.
The circuit has 28 ports and 45 elements, resulting in 191
cycles/meshes and 5348 linear equations. The numerical
calculation model has 164,000 segments and solves in 2,700
seconds while using 3.4 GB of memory.
In this layout, the mutual inductance M1 between inductors
LCPL1 and LCPL2 is an important parameter, and Fig. 13 shows
identify stray coupling or bad isolation, as long as the sum of
coupling and circuit elements does not exceed the number of
cycles identified by InductEx for the netlist (so that (2) does
not become underdetermined).
Fig. 12. The full-circuit extraction model from InductEx for the inductively
coupled SFQ pulse transmission circuit. Ground planes on the left hand and
right hand side are separated. Bias lines at the periphery have been cut away
with blanking layer objects. The ground plane is layer GP, the first, second
and third wiring layers are BAS, COU and CTL respectively.
Fig. 13. Excerpt from the solution output for the inductively coupled SFQ
pulse transfer circuit. Mutual inductance M1 is between inductors LCPL1 and
how the extraction result for M1 is presented to the designer
for this layout. The coupling factor is also calculated from the
extracted inductance values for LCPL1 and LCPL2.
The full-gate verification method presented here is
convenient for single cell layouts such as those if Fig. 1(a) and
Fig. 8(a), or for clusters with a few cells such as the layout in
Fig. 11. The size of a layout is limited only by computing
resources, but within the above-mentioned range, extractions
take from seconds to minutes and in the largest instances
around one hour on a personal computer. In this way, every
cell used in a larger circuit layout can be verified individually.
Extractions are possible for much larger circuits on
workstations or high performance computers with sufficient
memory, but this is currently only used to find stray coupling
between cells and analyze ground plane return currents.
Circuit layouts are almost always cell-based. An individual
cell can be prepared for verification with InductEx by adding
terminal layer objects to all peripheral inputs and outputs, and
marking these as ports with labels. In rare instances, as with
the split ground plane layout in Fig. 11, the cell must be
demarcated by a blanking border on a non-fabrication layer.
Port labels can then be added to all Josephson junctions and
one terminal of every resistor, although it is not necessary to
place more terminal layer objects – InductEx converts the
smallest via object at a port label into a terminal. Finally, the
circuit netlist must be prepared with ports connected to the
correct netlist nodes to correspond to the labels on the layout.
We are currently working on layout-versus-schematic
extraction to automate this step.
It should be noted that coupling between any pair of
inductors can be added to the netlist during extraction to
Resistivity support was added to InductEx, now making it
possible to verify a full cell from the tape-out ready layout
(even those created with software such as LASI), and detect
open connections. Junction critical current and parasitic
inductance of damping resistances can also be extracted.
The inclusion of inductance branches with resistive
components has another advantage: it allows the extraction of
inductance and coupling from semiconductor circuits, so that
hybrid circuits where semiconductor cells are in close
proximity to superconducting cells can be analyzed.
Model simplification of cell layouts is possible with
operators placed as text labels in layouts and objects on nonfabrication layers. The use of such simplification methods
(when done correctly) reduces extraction time to seconds or
minutes, with negligible effect on extraction accuracy.
The author would like to thank T. Ortlepp for the
FLUXONICS cell layout, M. Volkmann for the Hypres cell
layout and help with FastHenry modifications, N. Yoshikawa
for the AIST STP cell layout and K. Jackman for algorithm
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Coenrad J. Fourie (M’01) received the B.Eng. degree in
electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
superconducting electronics from Stellenbosch University,
Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 1998 and 2003, respectively.
In 2011, he joined Stellenbosch University as a Lecturer,
where he is currently an Associate Professor with the
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His
research interest includes superconducting electronics,
superconducting quantum interference device sensor
applications, and the development of parameter extraction
software for superconducting integrated circuits.