Summer 2016 LEXPLORATIONS Children’s Summer Program For Academic and Creative Enrichment Lexington Community Education A Self-Sustaining Program of the Lexington Public Schools 146 Maple Street • Lexington, MA 02420 • 781.862.8043 Information Welcome to Lexplorations 2016! Registration Information Program Information • A $30 non-refundable deposit per class (applicable toward tuition) will hold your child’s space until June 1, when the balance is due. If the balance is not paid by June 1 your child’s space in the program can not be guaranteed. • You may choose to send only the $30 deposit per class (per child) or the full tuition with the completed registration form. • Grade level refers to the grade your child will enter in September, 2016. • You may pay by check, Visa or MasterCard. Classes will meet at Harrington Elementary School (328 Lowell Street), and Lexington High School (251 Waltham Street). Parents will be notified of room locations in June. TUITION AND DEPOSIT CANCELLATIONS, CHANGES AND WITHDRAWALS • All money is returned if LCE cancels a class. • A $15 Switch Fee will be charged for each change in a child’s registration. • If you withdraw from a program at least 10 days prior to the start date, tuition will be refunded minus the $30 per class, non-refundable deposit. • If you withdraw from a program less than 10 days prior to the start date, all tuition, including the deposit, per class, will be forfeited. SCHOLARSHIP ASSISTANCE • Limited scholarship assistance (up to a 50% reduction/$500 family maximum) is available for Lexington residents. Please call for details. CONFIRMATIONS LOCATIONS DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP Most Lexplorations programs meet from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Children should not be dropped off without an adult prior to 9:00 am. You must pick up children promptly at 3:00 pm. A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for students remaining at the school past 3:10 pm. CLASS SIZE • Class size is generally limited to 12–15 students, depending on the age group. • Most classes have a minimum enrollment of 6 students. We will notify you in May if your child’s program must be canceled due to under-enrollment. Students in canceled classes often find other Lexplorations programs of interest in which to enroll. • If a program is filled, wait lists are available upon request. PROGRAM CONTENT Programs that repeat are the same in content unless specifically noted in the description. • Confirmations and further information will be sent in June. Week 1(4-day week) July 5–July 8* Week 2 July 11–July 15 Week 3 July 18–July 22 Week 4 July 25–July 29 Week 5 August 1–August 5 *Closed July 4 in observance of Independence Day. HARRINGTON BEFORE-SCHOOL DROP-OFF GRADES K-9 Students must be enrolled in a Lexplorations program to participate in the Before School Drop-Off. Lexplorations early drop-off program provides supervised play in the gymnasium from 8:00-9:00 am. Younger children will be accompanied to their regular classroom at 9:00 am. This beforeschool program is held at the Harrington School only. LCE does not provide transportation between Harrington and other locations. Pre-registration required. July 5–July 8* July 11–July 15 Lexplorations Staff July 18–July 22 Lexplorations Staff July 25–July 29 Lexplorations Staff Lexplorations Staff August 1–August 5 Lexplorations Staff 1BEFORE 2BEFORE 3BEFORE 4BEFORE 5BEFORE $30 $35 $35 $35 $35 HARRINGTON AFTER-SCHOOL CARE GRADES K-9 Students must be enrolled in a Lexplorations program to participate in After School Care. LCE offers supervised activities and play, from 3:006:00 pm, with time for a parent-provided afternoon NUT-FREE snack. Children have the opportunity to enjoy both indoor and outdoor play. This program is held at the Harrington School only. LCE does not provide transportation between Harrington and other locations. Pre-registration required Children in After-School care must be picked up promptly at 6:00 pm. A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for students remaining at school past 6:10 pm. July 5–July 8* Lexplorations Staff July 11–July 15 Lexplorations Staff 1AFTER 2AFTER $120 $150 July 18–July 22 Lexplorations Staff July 25–July 29 Lexplorations Staff August 1–August 5 Lexplorations Staff 3AFTER 4AFTER 5AFTER $150 $150 $150 *Closed July 4 in observance of Independence Day. Registration form on page 11 and at Questions? Call us! (781) 862-8043 Page 2 Younger Elementary Moving in Kindergarten N ew ! Grade K Allison Gullingsrud Harrington This movement-based program is aimed to help jumpstart the excitement of starting kindergarten. We will explore fundamental kindergarten concepts such as letter sounds and counting through songs, chants, and movement games. Students will receive a glimpse into a typical school day and learn about reading, writing and math workshops. July 18–July 22 $285 What’s the Weather? code: 3KIND Grades K–2 Jessica Coulombe Harrington What will the weather be today? We will dive into our atmosphere and discover the weather around us. We will learn about weather through stories, short videos from BrainPop Jr. and The Magic School Bus, a nature walk, and handson activities. We will act as meteorologists as we observe the weather and record weather forecasts. We will also create windsocks, cloud paintings, and more! Our science experiments will include: making a cloud in a jar, creating tornadoes in a bottle, and constructing a rain gauge. July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 $285 $285 Creative Hands code: 4CLO code: 5CLO Grades K–2 Kathleen Hanna Harrington Handcrafted objects are fun to make, fun to give as gifts, and fun to use. Learn how to make crafts including sand art, decoupage, beaded jewelry, keychains, headbands, potholders, collage, homemade stationery, tie-dyed tee shirts, shell creatures, keepsake boxes, and more. Each day’s activities and crafts will center around a theme, such as “Beach Art” and “Flower Power!”. You will also listen to stories, go on scavenger hunts, create art and poems, and enjoy outdoor activities. July 5–July 8 July 11–July 15 $230 $285 Zumba code: 1HANDS code: 2HANDS Grades K–2 Renae Stockton Nichols Harrington Dance, shake, giggle, and groove in a Zumba® class for kids! Lively routines choreographed to Latin, Hip-Hop, and radio hits will combine music and movement into kid-friendly steps that are easy to learn and fun to perform. Each day will feature a 45-60 minute Zumba® Kids class, followed by activities, books, and videos that explore the countries that the music and dances come from. Students will get a sense of what it would be like to live in these other countries, and will create a world study journal and world-themed art projects. July 5–July 8 July 18–July 22 $230 $285 An American Girl Summer code: 1ZUM code: 3ZUM Grades K–2 Phys. Ed. Adventure July 11–July 15 July 18–July 22 July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 July 5–July 8 July 11–July 15 Grades K–2 July 11–July 15 $285 code: 2WILD code: 1CHEM code: 2CHEM Grades K–2 Katie Bettencourt Harrington If art class is your favorite class of the week, you will love Art Explorations! We’ll create with a different kind of art medium each day, as we explore art materials and techniques including clay, printmaking, drawing, collage, painting, 3-D materials, and more. We will use the work of famous artists, nature, and books for inspiration. You will bring home lots of work to fill your home gallery! July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 $285 $285 A “Beary” Good Time code: 4EXPL code: 5EXPL Grades K–2 Julie Buxton Scafidi Harrington Are you ready for a “bearrific” week of bear-filled experiences? Would you like to have a picnic or pajama day with a teddy bear you’ve made? Build bears, and make clothing, accessories, and homes for them, too! We will listen to “beary” great stories, play bear games, and create teddy bear, brown bear, and panda bear crafts that include puppet making, mask making, bear bead activities, bear visors, and more! July 25–July 29 July 11–July 15 July 18–July 22 August 1–August 5 Julie Buxton Scafidi Harrington Jump into the wild and join our animal adventures! Join a safari through Africa with Jack Hannah as our guide. We will view videos of Jack in the wild, and create a safari, complete with passports. We will explore and recreate the animals’ natural habitats while learning how they live and thrive. Enjoy projects including mask-making, habitat murals, and animal models. $230 $285 Art Explorations July 18–July 22 July 25–July 29 Into the Wild code: 2GYM–Victor Cuzzupe code: 3GYM–Michael Gloor code: 4GYM–Victor Cuzzupe code: 5GYM–Victor Cuzzupe Charlotte Graham & Callie Graham Harrington Let your imagination, creativity, and stories come alive through arts and crafts projects. You’ll explore and develop skills in the unique areas of science and literature. For half the day we will experiment with safe chemicals that are commonly found in the kitchen. We will blend our kitchen chemistry with math, art, and language activities. During the second half of the day we will explore the adventure offered through the language of story, and work toward developing and improving the basic skills necessary for reading well. Show Business code: 3DOLL–Lisa Maffei code: 4DOLL–Cara Johnson $285 $285 $285 $285 Chemistry In The Kitchen and Literature & Crafts Grades K–2 Cara Johnson/Lisa Maffei Harrington Did you know that each American Girl doll hails from a specific time and place in our Nation’s history? Learn about American history and what it was like to be a child long ago. One doll and her story will be featured each day, along with related games, music, and crafts that are representative of the doll’s background. You do not need to own or bring any of these dolls to join the fun. All dolls (not only American Girl dolls) are welcome! $285 $285 Grades K–2 Victor Cuzzupe/Michael Gloor Harrington Join us in a combination of group games, cooperative learning, skill development, and teamwork building activities. Our adventure will consist of some favorite Phys. Ed class activities, and games that may be new to you. Each day we will also have a sports-related arts and crafts session, and some time to watch a short cartoon or film which focuses on sports and wellness. Whether you are an advanced athlete, a beginner, or just looking to have fun, you will find the right fit in Phys. Ed Adventure! $285 code: 4BEAR Grades K-3 Laura McLaine Harrington Do you love to act, sing, and dance? Is “Make Believe” your favorite land? Join fellow dramatists for a week of drama activities as you rehearse and produce a short play with music. You’ll have lots of chances to be creative, as you help build scenery and work on character development. At the end of the week you’ll have a chance to take the stage as we perform our show for family and friends. $285 $285 $285 code: 2SHOW code: 3SHOW code: 5SHOW Grade level refers to the grade your child will enter in September, 2016. Page 3 Younger Elementary Creation Stations Grades 1–2 Under The Deep Blue Sea code: 3STAT July 11–July 15 July 18–July 22 Grades 1–2 Fable & Folklore Fun Elizabeth Class Harrington If you can’t get enough of arts and crafts activities, this is the class for you. Design and create all week long as you work on arts and crafts projects, ranging from simple to more complicated projects that take a few days to complete. Projects may include decorating and painting wooden crafts and ceramics, calendars, coffee filter butterflies, aprons, sand art, and using beads and gimp. Our day will include a short movie after recess to give everyone a chance to cool down and relax before starting another activity. July 18–July 22 $285 Magical Math Amy Shew Harrington Join us for some “magical math”! Play great math games, like Sum Swamp, Rat a Tat Cat, Loose Change, Money Bags, Sudoku, Fire Station Dalmatian, and more. But we won’t just take math sitting down—we’ll also play some active games including Math Ring Toss, and have a mathematical scavenger hunt! We will be entertained by a few brief math videos that teach concepts such as money and telling time, as well as estimation. An estimation station will be part of each day as well as some fun mathematical crafts. All of our magical math knowledge will culminate in the creation of your own board game! July 11–July 15 July 18–July 22 July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 $285 $285 $285 $285 code: 2MAG code: 3MAG code: 4MAG code: 5MAG Zoomini Grades 1–2 Ruth Levanoni Harrington Join us for a week of activities based on the PBS television series ZOOM! You will create artwork, stories, games, poems, mini-plays, and participate in cool science experiments. Our week will include both indoor and outdoor games as well as individual and group activities. The program is designed to foster good exercise habits and critical thinking skills while having fun. July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 $285 $285 Digging up Dinosaurs code: 4ZOOM code: 5ZOOM N ew ! Grades 1–2 Katherine Hart Harrington Calling all paleontologists! Discover the exciting prehistoric world of dinosaurs. We will explore stories, games, and hands-on activities to learn all about dinosaurs like Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and more! Highlighted projects include making a 3D dinosaur replica, creating dinosaur eggs, and excavating our own “dig site” to find fossils. Students will enjoy two movies during the week—The Magic School Bus: Busosaurus, and The Land Before Time (Rated G). July 11–July 15 July 18–July 22 $285 $285 Getting Silly with Dr. Seuss: code: 2DINO code: 3DINO Grades 1–2 Dani Turner Harrington Join us for a week filled with exploration, imagination, learning, and fun! We will read and explore some popular Dr. Seuss stories. Books will be transformed into plays for exciting Reader’s Theater performances filled with nonsense words, rhyming, and laughter. You’ll get creative as you make props, and do some craft and beading projects that correlate with the stories we read. We will also write, illustrate, and publish our very own silly story. In-class games will allow us to further explore Seuss’s famous way with words, while practicing phonics and reading skills. We’ll also watch some cartoon video versions of books as well as the motion picture Horton Hears a Who! June 5–July 8 $230 code: 1SEUSS Visit our website first for class availability. Page 4 Grades 1–2 Rachel Quebec Harrington Dive in and discover life in the ocean. You will see how big whales really are, find out what sharks feel like, and hold coral and beautiful shells. Throughout the week you’ll have fun with games, arts, crafts, and stories while learning all about mammals, fish, and invertebrates. You will discover fascinating creatures from the shore to under the deep blue sea. Students will enjoy two films—National Geographic Really Wild Animals: Deep Sea Dive, and Disney’s Finding Nemo. $285 $285 code: 2SEA code: 3SEA N ew ! Grades 1–3 Rachel Garcia Harrington Explore the magical world of Fables and Folklore. We will read and listen to classic tales including The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, and Little Red Riding Hood. We will learn about authors like the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, and Aesop. Writing, imaginative craft projects, Reader’s Theater, silly story acting, and energizing and enjoyable team games will be included in this fun-filled week! We will also enjoy short educational movie clips from Discovery Education and PBS Kids. August 1–August 5 $285 Gross Science code: 5FOLK N ew ! Grades 1–3 Seth Golder Harrington Join us for a week of gross science! Get your hands dirty and slimy while learning new science facts and making squishy creations. You will learn about the biology of the amazing human body, and discover how dinosaurs became fossils. Prepare to get dirty as we investigate all sorts of plants, rocks, and the slimly, crawly creatures that might live under them. July 25–July 29 $285 code: 4GROSS N ew Author Spotlights! ! Grades 1–3 Ashley Correia & Kristen Gray Do you have a favorite author? Do you love learning about new authors? This week, you will become an expert on each author, practice creative writing, and create author-inspired artwork. We will explore the work of a authors including Mo Willems, Jan Brett, Leo Lionni, Lois Ehlert, and Doreen Cronin. We will read their books, write about their work, and create art projects. We’ll watch some short (less than 10 minutes) videos of interviews with, or stories read aloud by the author. July 11–July 15 $285 Superhero Training code: 2AUTH Grades 2–3 Julie Scafidi Harrington Do you think you have what it takes to be a superhero? We will explore what it means to be a hero, and learn about famous heroes who have made a difference in the world. We will combine what we learn about historical and fictional heroes with our imaginations (we will watch a movie about famous heroes from history), as we come up with new superheroes to star in comics that we create. Staying active is important for all superheroes! We will keep our bodies in motion by completing obstacle courses, playing team games and other fun activities, and enjoying the super summer sun. July 5–July 8 $230 Simply Sewing code: 1HERO Grades 2–4 Lauren Harris Harrington The skill of hand-sewing encompasses mathematics, decision-making, spatial awareness, and hand-eye coordination, while creating a unique and beautiful product. This week, you will learn the basics of hand-sewing. You will select fabrics, and learn to cut and use basic sewing patterns as you create projects ranging from pillows, bags, accessories, and even clothing for dolls or stuffed animals. You will also learn to embellish and personalize your projects with simple embroidery stitches. July 18–July 22 July 25–July 29 $285 $285 code: 3SIM code: 4SIM Elementary Chemistry Club N ew July 18–July 22 $285 Grades 3–4 ! Johanna Rodrigues Harrington Pop! Fizz! Wow! Join our exploration and discovery of all things Chemistry. Our days will be filled with science experiments and fun. We will use common household ingredients to make the uncommon happen in front of our eyes. (Some food products will be handled, but none will be eaten.) We hope you join the club! code: 3CLUB Math Mania Grades 3–4 Kyle Tompkins Harrington Have fun while keeping your math skills sharp! We will play math games— individually, with partners, and in small and large groups. Games will cover all the strands of mathematics—number sense and operations, patterns and relations, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability. Games include Operation Space Chase, Dino Math Tracks Place-Value Game, Loose Change, X From Outer Space, Whip Around, Snap It Up, Blink, The Allowance Game, Arithmechips, Zeus on the Loose, Auntie Pasta’s Fraction Game, and more! We will also create and construct math board games and card decks. Books with math themes, including Sir Cumference and the First Round Table, will be available to read. July 5–July 8 July 11–July 15 $230 $285 code: 1MANIA code: 2MANIA Code Breakers Grades 3–4 Sonny Wilde Harrington Humans have used secret codes for private communications for thousands of years. Learn the logic behind creating codes, techniques to decipher them, and how to invent your own private code. You will even try your hand at Braille and learn some sign language. There are so many ways to communicate, including pictographs, Morse code, spoken language, and number codes. You will try brain teasers, treasure hunts, code-breaking, and code-making! Isthay assclay illway ostlay oway fay unfay orfay ouyay andway ouryay iendsfray! July 18–July 22 July 25–July 29 $285 $285 code: 3CODE code: 4CODE N ew Exploring the Solar System ! Grades 3–5 Sarah Ricci & Kim Johnson Harrington What is the solar system? How did it form? We will explore the solar system through hands-on investigations about the planets, and research the mysterious great beyond. Our investigations will include building a model solar system, art projects, songs, and games about the expansive solar system. BrainPop and The Magic School Bus will also be used to assist in learning and exploration. July 11–July 15 $285 Spy School code: 2SOLAR N ew ! Grades 3–5 Julianne Baecker Harrington Welcome to the exciting world of espionage! Each day we will receive a topsecret mission to complete. Participate in exciting activities like martial arts training (non-contact), an obstacle course, a “laser” maze, and creating and using spy gadgets. Spy School teaches physical skills, problem solving, teamwork, and critical thinking within the framework of the exciting world of a spy. July 11–July 15 July 25–July 29 $285 $285 Building New Worlds through Comics code: 2SPY code: 4SPY Grades 3–5 Annie O’Connor Harrington Do you love inventing characters and creating scenarios in your mind? Do you love to draw and create imaginary worlds? In this course you will learn how to develop characters and a sequential storyline to create hand-drawn, hand-bound comic books. Later in the week, we will experiment with our comic ideas threedimensionally, by creating clay figurines of our main characters, and designing small-scale models of the worlds they inhabit. July 11–July 15 $285 Harry Potter Fun N ew Grades 3–5 ! Sarah Nickerson Harrington Are you the ultimate Harry Potter fan? If you answered “yes”, then get ready for a week filled with fun and creativity. After you get sorted into your “house” you will create an origami Golden Snitch, make a potion out of household items, and even design your own wand. The Harry Potter story will provide the inspiration for our activities and adventures that we will document in our journals. Hop on your broomstick and join us for a “wizarding” week. July 18–July 22 $285 code: 3HAR Mystica Alveo School of Magic: A Harry Potter-Inspired Experience N ew ! Grades 3–5 LARP Adventure Program Harrington Have you ever wanted to cast spells, explore ancient tombs and hidden passageways, discover mysterious creatures and incredible monsters, or learn the secrets of the magical world? Now you can, in an interactive world of live-action roleplay (LARP). Through themed games, art projects, and interactive theater, we will create a world of magic and wonder, go on fantastic adventures and unlock mysteries. Go to www. for more information. August 1–August 5 $285 code: 5ALV Legends of the Stars: A Star Wars-Inspired Experience N ew ! Grades 3–5 LARP Adventure Program Harrington Have you ever wanted to explore the boundaries of space, seek the secrets of the universe, master the mystical powers of an ancient order, or discover your personal legend and become a true hero? Now you can, in an interactive world of live-action roleplay (LARP). Through themed games, art projects, and interactive theatre, we will create a world of magic and mystery, go on amazing space adventures and discover the unknown reaches of the beyond. Create your own hero, craft a foam larp saber, and learn how to use the Source. Go to www. for more information. August 1–August 5 Crochet $285 N ew code: 5LEG ! Grades 3–5 Anne Duffey Harrington Crocheting is a relaxing and social art form with numerous benefits, including stress relief and the sharpening of spatial and artistic skills. Learn to crochet, work with patterns, and make creations including including hats, scarves, bags, and stuffed animals. Learn the basic stitches, how to read patterns, and how to make a simple project that can be decorated with beads, buttons, decorative crocheting, or embroidery. We will first work on a pattern together, and then choose patterns for individual projects. We will watch video tutorials of how to make certain stitches, and have breaks for movement and yoga. July 18–July 22 Artists & Authors $285 N ew code: 3CROCHET ! Grades 3–5 Danielle Griffith Harrington Calling all artists and authors! Create a fictional story that is developed, illustrated, and bound by you! In this jam-packed week you will produce your own picture books and learn creative writing strategies. Write, revise and edit your own creative fiction story using strong leads, descriptive language, and powerful narrative suspense, with endings that will leave your audience wanting more books by you! We will be using mentor texts by famous picture book authors to learn different writing strategies and techniques. Once we have our stories written, we will use different mediums in art (i.e. acrylic paint, water colors, markers, colored pencils, etc.) to illustrate our stories. You will learn which scenes in your stories are most important, and which can be heightened by an illustration. July 5–July 8 $230 code: 1AUTHOR code: 2COM Page 5 Elementary Chain Reaction Action Grades 3–5 Sonny Wilde Harrington Do you love engineering, building, and challenging yourself? Join us as we explore the fascinating world of Rube Goldberg machines. What are these machines, you ask? Well, they’re devices or contraptions that are deliberately overdone or over-engineered to perform a simple task in a very complicated manner. We’ll spend the week using dominoes, marbles, ramps, levers, and all kinds of other materials to create amazing chain reactions in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Come be a part of the Chain Reaction Action! July 11–July 15 $285 Art Explorations code: 2CHN Grades 3–5 Katie Bettencourt Harrington If art class is your favorite class of the week, you will love Art Explorations! We’ll create with a different kind of art medium each day, as we explore art materials and techniques including clay, printmaking, drawing, collage, painting, 3-D materials, and more. We will use the work of famous artists, nature, and books for inspiration. You will bring home lots of work to fill your home gallery! July 18–July 22 Math People $285 N e w! code: 3EXPL Grades 3–5 Sonny Wilde Harrington Are you a math person? Don’t answer that…we already know. The answer is yes! Explore the idea that we are all math people in this fun, engaging, and creative course. We will work and play with mathematical concepts through puzzles, websites, games, and tasks for mathematicians of all experiences and abilities. Leave those boring flashcards and worksheets behind—you will bring new and exciting math activities home for the whole family to enjoy! August 1–August 5 $285 Crafty Yankees code: 5PEOP Grades 3–5 Elizabeth Class Harrington If you can’t get enough of arts and crafts activities, this is the class for you. Design and create all week long as you work on arts and crafts projects, ranging from simple to more complicated projects that take a few days to complete. Projects may include decorating and painting wooden crafts and ceramics, painting birdhouses, clay sculptures, creating calendars, coffee filter butterflies, aprons, sand art, and using beads and gimp. We will complete as many activities as we can during the week. Our day will include a short movie after recess to give everyone a chance to cool down and relax before starting another activity. July 25–July 29 $285 An American Girl Summer code: 4YANK Grades 3–5 Dani Turner Harrington Did you know that each American Girl doll hails from a specific time and place in our Nation’s history? Learn about American history and what it was like to be a child long ago. One doll and her story will be featured each day, along with related games, music, and crafts that are representative of the doll’s background. You do not need to own or bring any of these dolls to join the fun. All dolls (not only American Girl dolls) are welcome to join the class! July 25–July 29 $285 Bookmaking Page 6 $285 Grade 3–5 Kirsten Sweet Harrington Experience more of the same creative fun as Bookmaking I, but with a whole new line up of bookmaking styles! Challenge your creative and fine motor skills! Learn how to make books with a variety of covers, both hard and soft, as well as techniques for binding books, such as using sticks and rubber bands or sewing. You’ll sew, glue, or fold paper in new and unusual ways. Create cover designs for your books as well as personalize many of them in class with drawings, writing, photos, or found objects. Many of the books can be replicated at home and used for school projects and reports, or for personal use. Book styles will include Spine, Squash, and Paperbag books. July 18–July 22 $285 code: 3BOOK The Lexington Green: The Science Behind Golf Grades 3–5 July 25–July 29 code: 4GOLF Sarah Leveque Harrington Fore! Par! Birdie! Bogey! Golf involves speed, aerodynamics, volume, spin, friction, and energy to compete and play masterfully. But what does it all mean in theory and practice, and how does it all come together on the golf course? Join us in this project-based week, where you will work in small groups and individually to plan, design, test, and create a small-scale golf course, all the while learning about the science behind this sport. Throughout the engineering and design process, you will be working with geometry, measurement, and architectural design. You will also learn about the concepts of physics, simple machines, force, friction, gravity, aerodynamics, and momentum. Finally, you will market the golf course, working on presentation and advertising. At the end of the week, you will take home your creations. This program is aimed to be highly engaging, minds-on, hands-on, and of course, fun! $285 Wizarding 101 (Exploring the World of Harry Potter) July 5–July 8 $230 ! Grades 3–5 code: 1WIZ Project Fun Grades 3–5 Frank Pagliuca Harrington Do you love sports and games? In Project Fun you will acquire game skills and learn rules and strategies for a variety of activities and team sports. We will play basketball, flag football, soccer, ultimate frisbee, whiffle ball, project adventure activities, and many more games to sharpen both gross and fine motor skills. Join us as we stay active, challenge ourselves and have fun cooperating with our summer fun team to reach new goals. July 18–July 22 July 25–July 29 $285 $285 Grades 3–5 Chemistry Club N ew July 25–July 29 $285 code: 2BOOK N ew Heather O’Rourke Harrington Take a deeper look into the wizarding world of Hogwarts. Whether you have read all 7 books, or are new to the Harry Potter series, this course has something fun for everyone! We will discuss and write about scenes and themes in the books and films, and discover how the lessons of Harry Potter can apply to us. Explore your creative side by designing Hogwarts T-shirts, building glitter jar pensieves, and more! Burn off energy and improve your athletic skills as you participate in our Triwizard Tournament training. code: 4AMDOLL Kirsten Sweet Harrington Challenge your creative and fine motor skills! Learn how to make books with a variety of covers, both hard and soft, as well as techniques for binding books, such as using sticks and rubber bands, or sewing. You’ll sew, glue, or fold paper in new and unusual ways. Create cover designs for your books and personalize many of them in class with drawings, writing, photos, or found objects. Many of the books can be replicated at home and used for school projects, reports, or personal use. Book styles will include Japanese Side-Sewn, Plastic Bag, Accordion Fold, Sketch, and much more! July 11–July 15 Bookmaking II code: 3FUN code: 4FUN ! Grades 4–5 Johanna Rodrigues Harrington Pop! Fizz! Wow! Join our exploration and discovery of all things Chemistry. Our days will be filled with science experiments and fun. We will use common household ingredients to make the uncommon happen in front of our eyes. Some food products will be handled, but none will be eaten. We hope you join the club! code: 4CLUB Visit our website first for class availability. Upper Elementary and Middle School Science Magic Grades 4–5 Building Barns & Bridges code: 4SCIE code: 5SCIE July 18–July 22 Grades 4–5 Rachel Kuberry LHS Sewing is a fun and relaxing hobby that is both enjoyable and functional. This week we will learn the basics of hand sewing, including some embroidery stitches. We will also create small projects such as key chains, pillows and stuffed animals while learning skills such as sewing on buttons, snaps, and patching a tear. If time permits we will also have the chance to sew using an electric sewing machine. Daniel Garland Harrington Have fun while exploring some amazing scientific principles! Learn about energy, electricity, the laws of motion, magnetism, sound, and chemical reactions using household materials. Build complex contraptions, examine the insides of a computer, take apart a VCR, and learn about light and lenses using strobe lights, lasers, and ultraviolet light. July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 $285 $285 Krazy Kritters Cathy Cote Harrington Sew and/or glue together the stuffed buddy of your dreams. Learn to make stuffed animals, both ordinary and extraordinary! If you can imagine it and draw it, you can create it. You will start by turning a pair of socks into a stuffed dog, learning in the process how to cut material, thread a needle and sew basic stitches by hand. You will then learn how to take your own drawings and make patterns to create 3D versions of the pictures. July 5–July 8 Star Wars $230 N ew code: 1KRAZY ! Grades 4–6 Victor Cuzzupe Harrington Join us in a galaxy “far, far away” from Lexington on a week of high-flying Star Wars adventures. Create your own extraordinary characters, design starships and droids, construct a lightsaber and go through Jedi training. This week offers otherworldly arts and crafts, physical activities in the gymnasium, classroom game play, collaboration through solving group problems, research of the vast Star Wars universe, and viewing video clips of the trilogy in a well paced-out manner. Learn the ways of the Force through exercising your body, mind, and creativity. July 18–July 22 $285 GymBrainy code: 3STAR Grades 4–6 Michael Gloor Harrington Play traditional sports and games (as well as non-traditional games) and learn the connection between your brain and your body! Have fun playing in groups with opportunities for “individual choice times” stations. Activities are tailored to the interest of the group and can include: basketball, soccer, capture the flag, dodgeball, speed stacking, Wii sports, balancing equipment and juggling, to name just a few. July 5–July 8 July 11–July 15 August 1–August 5 $230 $285 $285 Theater Adventure code: 1BRAIN code: 2BRAIN code: 5BRAIN Grades 5–7 Poornima Kirby LHS Ever daydream about having super powers, or spend time twirling an imaginary mustache or perfecting your evil laugh? Theater Adventure is a place to bring out your inner superhero and villain, as we create scenes that borrow from the best action-adventure and superhero stories. You will create your own characters, including their super powers and weaknesses, and even secret identities. Activities will include theater and improv games, scene writing and character work, and crafting the masks and props needed to present our stories. We’ll also create commercials for ridiculous products (such as a fork fashioned from noodles, or a dog-food scented perfume), to intersperse with our adventure scenes. You will learn performance skills, and about story structure and collaboration in an imaginative, team-focused environment. At the end of the week, we’ll stage a unique workshop performance for friends, family, and other Lexplorations classes. July 18–July 22 $285 code: 3THEA N ew ! Grades 4–6 John Chamberlain/ Lorraine Grosslight LHS Build models of 3D barns and bridges. Raise your barn from the ground up, connect vertical frames, and add supportive truss work. As we learn about roof designs and architectural styles, you can personalize your structure with staircases, doors, and walls. We will also build covered truss bridges and explore some engineering designs and concepts $285 code: 3BLD Sewing for Fun and Function Grades 4–6 July 25–July 29 $285 code: 4SEW Make a Scene N ew July 25–July 29 $285 ! Grades 4–6 John Chamberlain Harrington We will read several model scenes, such as ones from Finding Nemo and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. We will write, and then act our own scenes for several characters. We’ll use acting concepts, and explore ideas such as character development and transformations, as in shifting to a fantastic place like Narnia, accomplishing a task, and returning with an insight. Guidance with student writing will be given for these scenes. Geo*Art code: 4SCENE Grades 4–8 Gerry Goolkasian Harrington If you enjoy art and computer games, join us for an action-packed week solving visual puzzles and creating original 2D and 3D designs. Draw and build beautiful, full-color geometric creations, including fantasy architecture and amusement parks. You will use conventional art tools and painting and drawing software to design beautiful fractals and more. You will also enjoy figuring out all the angles as you play in our daily miniature golf tournament on the computer. July 18–July 22 $285 Dungeons & Dragons code: 3GEO Grades 4–9 Gerry Goolkasian Harrington Newcomers and experts alike will play the fun and popular game of Dungeons & Dragons. You will invent a character that comes to life while taking part in imaginary adventures that take you through new lands and experiences with other players in your campaign. We will also play a fun game of “Crack-About” dodgeball in the gym each day. July 5–July 8 July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 $230 $285 $285 code: 1DANDD code: 4DANDD code: 5DANDD Dungeons & Dragons and Magic Grades 4–9 Gerry Goolkasian Harrington Newcomers and experts alike will play the fun and popular game of Dungeons & Dragons. You will invent a character that comes to life while taking part in imaginary adventures that take you through new lands and experiences with those in your campaign. Students interested in playing Magic cards will also have the option to experience playing with other Magic card enthusiasts for part of each day. Please bring your own Magic cards. We will also play a fun game of “Crack-About” dodgeball in the gym each day. July 11–July 15 $285 code: 2MD&D Grade level refers to the grade your child will enter in September, 2016. Page 7 Upper Elementary and Middle School Engineering Challenges Grades 5–6 Neil Taylor Harrington Attention all builders, designers, inventors, and challenge lovers! This week will give you plenty of opportunities to work in teams to solve building and design problems. Can you construct a balloon powered car? Can you design a catapult that will launch a marshmallow the farthest? Want to build a real-life Rube Goldberg Machine? Each day will feature one or two design challenges as well as lessons about the engineering and physics behind them. Join us if you like doing, and not just talking about real science! July 5–July 8 $230 code: 1ENG Junior Journalists Grades 5–6 Neil Taylor Harrington Extra! Extra! Calling young journalists! Join us for a week of writing and publishing. We’ll create our own newspaper or magazine filled with articles, games, puzzles, photographs, and illustrations and learn how newspapers and magazines are published. We will then choose one of many possible assignments in investigative journalism, and get started. You’ll use computers and learn about advanced layout and publishing features. At the end of each week, we’ll print a jam-packed, stylish magazine based on your creative writing and design ideas. In addition, you will work as part of a TV News Team to create a video newscast! July 11–July 15 $285 code: 2JOUR Sew Much Fun! An Introduction to Hand Sewing ! N ew Grades 5–6 Molly Mills LHS Have you ever seen something at a store and thought, “I wish I could make that“? With basic sewing skills, you will be able to make many different things. In this introductory sewing class you will learn basic sewing skills and make some small projects, including small bags, pillowcases and more. July 11–July 15 $285 code: 2SEW Mathletics Grades 5–6 Caroline St. Onge Harrington Are you interested in strengthening your mind, body, creativity, and teamwork skills this summer? Join us for a week of art projects, logic puzzles, math board games, scavenger hunts, outdoor games, light exercise, and team-building activities. Explore math concepts such as fraction equivalence, probability, geometry, algebra, a review of the four operations and relax with some math board games. Learn how to solve logic, Sudoku, and KenKen puzzles, read about math, and participate in a math scavenger hunt! August 1–August 5 $285 code: 5LETIC N ew Advanced Journal Writing ! Grades 5–7 Catherine Farley Harrington Do you love to have fun with creative writing? We will experiment with journaling, prompts, topics, forms of poetry, and historical journal entries from important figures. We will work toward having a collection of individual, inspirational writing entries and gaining confidence in writing. We will have writing shares, and partner and whole-group discussions to share ideas, feedback, and suggestions. You will create hardcover journals and a group blog. Decorate your journal to represent you by using your experiences, photos, and favorite song lyrics. We will spend some time free writing and illustrating each day. July 18–July 22 $285 Go Green Projects code: 3ADVJ N e w! Grades 5–7 Genevieve Loati LHS Upcycle and repurpose! Create something unique using mostly recycled materials. Bring your own ideas—we’ll help you create it—or join in different projects such as container gardens, lampshades, wall art, and jewelry. Bring your ideas and your imagination and think of the possibilities! July 18–July 22 Page 8 $285 code: 3GO Weaving Magic N ew ! Grades 5–7 Beth Guertin Harrington Weave a cotton scarf (6” X 72”) on the Schacht Loom. Choose different colored cotton yarn, design a stripe warp, thread the loom, and start weaving your scarf. Finish by either adding a twist fringe to your scarf, or sew it into an infinity scarf. You will also weave a cotton bracelet with beads on a bow loom. Potholder looms, band looms, cardboard looms, and “baskets” will also be available to weave on. Students will work at their own pace. Students must be able to tie an overhand knot. Students can choose tocome to the instructor’s studio in Waltham to choose colors for the scarf before the class. Cricket looms are available for purchase from instructor. Tuition is slightly higher for this program due to increased expenses. August 1–August 5 $295 code: 5WEAVE Learning and Programming with LEGO Mindstorms RCX Grades 5–8 July 18–July 22 July 25–July 29 code: 3LEGO code: 4LEGO Matthew Studley Harrington Do you like to design and build LEGO with moving parts? Do you enjoy building objects that come to life through computer programming? Challenge yourself this summer with LEGO Mindstorms RCX. We will brainstorm, design, create, and build objects including; tractors, drag-racing cars, bumper cars, light sensor cars, turtle bots, and sumo robots. We will also design and create programs using the LEGO Mindstorms RCX technology. $285 $285 Drum Circle and Ensemble Composition Grades 5–7 Martha Rogers LHS Develop both improvisation and composition skills and techniques for drumming and hand percussion! We will begin our week as participating musicians and conductors of the Drum Circle. These activities create a shared excitement in the exploration of timbres and rhythms, and the challenge of leading a focused group of musicians to improvise together. Through a series of steps guided by the teacher, you will use rhythmic and melodic building blocks to score an ensemble piece for percussion or other instruments of your choice. By the end of the week you will play your pieces for each other in a final performance, and record your work to bring home and share. July 11–July 15 $285 code: 2DRUM Stock Market Game Grades 6–7 Leslie Fagen Harrington Are you interested in learning how the stock market works and the world of high finance? You will learn how to invest $100,000 and build a portfolio of Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds. You will also learn how to read graphs and charts and compute calculations while buying and selling stocks. You will learn how to play the on-line game called and how to use Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg News. Learn about how money works and personal finance! July 11–July 15 Building a Business $285 N ew code: 2STOCK ! Grades 6–7 Leslie Fagen Harrington Do you already have a business, or an idea for a business? Learn how to research an idea and turn it into a business plan. Local entrepreneurs will visit with us and share their ideas and stories. At the end of the week you or your team will present ideas to a panel of investors. July 18–July 22 $285 MATHCOUNTS code: 3BUS Grades 6–8 Kenton Findell Harrington Improve your math and problem-solving skills and strategies! This class can serve as an introduction to, and practice for, MATHCOUNTS, an educational program that culminates in a national competition for 7th and 8th graders. We will look at algebra, geometry, numbers theory, and more. July 11–July 15 $285 code: 2MATH Upper Elementary and Middle School Theater Adventure Grades 6–8 Poornima Kirby Harrington Ever daydream about having super powers or spend time twirling an imaginary mustache, or perfecting your evil laugh? Theater Adventure is a place to bring out your inner superhero and villain, as we create scenes that borrow from the best action-adventure and superhero stories. You will create your own characters, including super powers and weaknesses—even secret identities. Activities will include theater and improv games, scene writing and character work, as well as crafting the masks and props needed to present our stories. We’ll also create commercials for ridiculous products (such as a fork fashioned from noodles, or a dog-food scented perfume), to intersperse with our adventure scenes. You will learn performance skills, and about story structure and collaboration in an imaginative, team-focused environment. At the end of the week, we’ll stage a unique workshop performance for friends, family, and other Lexplorations classes July 5-July 8 $230 code: 1THEA N ew Mosaic Arts ! Grades 6–8 Class meets from 9:00-12:00 noon LHS Carol Redinger & Robert Butler Explore Mosaic design, composition, and technique in a relaxed yet structured environment. Students across the spectrum of learning and comprehension styles will develop confidence and discover their unique creative gifts. You will create mosaic art work and explore the colors, shapes, and textures found at breathtaking beaches! Use Hawaiian black lava sand, tropical shells, fluorescent sea glass, fossil shark’s teeth, and other unusual ocean finds to make art tiles, photo frames, hot plates, suncatchers and more. You will also discover fossilized sea life, unusual textured stones, brilliantly colored and smooth beach glass, driftwood and other natural history gifts of the Great Lakes! Class size is limited to ten students. July 25–July 29 $145 code: 4MOS Origami Grades 5-8 Francine Chi LHS Begin your exploration of the art of paper folding! Origami is the art of folding paper into 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional figures without cutting or pasting. Participants will learn to create simple and complex origami models, read origami diagrams, and transform a single sheet of paper into a complex, unique model. Projects will include swans, stars, boxes, animals and more. Learn to make and take home models each day, and design and create an origami mobile or origami wall mural by the end of the week! July 11–July 15 $285 Making Music with GarageBand code: 2ORI N ew ! Grades 6–8 Garrett Wallace LHS Do you want to learn how to make your own beats, set the audio to a music video, create covers of your favourite songs, or mix original electronica soundscapes? We will explore the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) GarageBand as our stage for setting original or arranged music. This class, apprpriate for both students who are brand new to GarageBand, and those who are already experienced with the program, will focus on creating an audio recording you’ll be be proud of, and will also teach you how to safely share the music you make with others, using websites like Youtube and Soundcloud. The only limit to the music made in this class is our own creativity! Students are encouraged to bring their own headphones. The ability to read music is not required. July 5–July 8 $230 code: 1GAR Middle School A Capella Choir: Jazz/Mixed Styles Meets 12:00-3:00 ! Grades 6–8 Garrett Wallace LHS Do you love to sing? Do you love the experience of singing with a choir? We will sing arrangements of jazz and similar styles (such as gospel, bossa nova, or blues) with others in the unaccompanied A Capella style. We will also learn about popular contemporary groups that are based on the A Capella ensemble. The week will end with a performance of our work for parents and friends! July 25–July 29 Diplomacy $145 N ew code: 4ACAP ! Grades 6–9 Eben Miller LHS Calling all future strategists! Try your hand in the delicate balance of cooperation and competition that is Diplomacy. Diplomacy is a board game based on historical events on the eve of World War I. Using alliances, tactics, and even a little betrayal, you will lead a European power in a struggle to outwit your opponents. We will combine playing our games with discussions of strategy, geography, and history. We will also play other historical strategy games like Risk! . August 1–August 5 $285 code: 5DIPL Singapalooza Grades 6–9 Sandy Lewis LHS Welcome again to Singapalooza! If you like to sing, sing with karaoke, or sing for friends, this is the program for you. Each day you will practice your songs, and take home a disc of the songs you recorded. Many students form groups to sing, so don’t be nervous about singing alone. Before long, you may want to sing solo! We put on a concert at the end of the week, and last year’s concert was a resounding success. Get ready to have a great time at Singapalooza! July 11–July 15 $285 code: 2SING Project Fashion Grades 6–8 Joan Yarmovsky LHS Are you interested in fashion design? Are you a fan of the show Project Runway? Join us for a fun-filled week where you can walk the runway too! You will use both conventional and non-conventional materials to create original clothing (hats, shirts, shoes, accessories, etc.). With the use of glue sticks, tape, safety pins, and some hand-sewing, your designs will become “wearable art”. At the end of the week, you will walk the runway wearing your fabulous creations in front of a panel of “Project Fashion” judges! Tuition is slightly higher for this program because of increased expenses. July 5–July 8 Screenwriting $240 N ew code: 1FASH ! Grades 6–9 Neal Waters LHS Every great movie begins with a great script–and behind every great script is a great writer. We’ll think big picture, developing compelling characters and engaging story arcs; and dig into the details, learning the proper, professional formatting that will help translate visions and ideas into workable pieces of art. Students will share and collaborate to bring out the best in their writing, and look at the work of the masters for tricks and inspiration. Participants might complete a script for the next great short film, or dig into the first act of a fulllength narrative. Short clips from some movies may be shown, though no movies will be watched in their entirety. Mentor titles may include: Up, Home Alone, Shrek, ET, Harry Potter, Chicken Run, The Incredibles, or The Princess Bride. July 25–July 29 Lexplorations aide applications, for students entering grades 10, 11 or 12, will be available on the LCE website in March N ew $285 code: 4SCREEN We are pleased to offer an Intensive College Essay Writing Workshop this summer. Please see our spring class listings for details Page 9 Middle and High School Digital Photography N ew ! Grades 6–9 Mary Pappas LHS Interested in adding images to a photo, or changing someone’s appearance? Here is your chance to explore basic photo editing and composition skills using Photoshop in a fun environment. You will learn how to use Photoshop tools to create, improve, and manipulate images. The week will be hands-on and full of interesting and fun projects for Middle School students. July 25–July 29 $285 code: 4PHOTO Chamber Orchestra Grades 6–10 Beth Abbate LHS If you enjoy orchestra-playing and would like to try it in a smaller group, or if you love to play in quartets, trios and the like, this is your chance to enter the fun and sometimes intense world of chamber music. Covering music from the Baroque to the present, this course offers full-group and small-group rehearsals and coaching, as well as mini-lessons in music theory and history. We’ll end the week with an informal concert. String players are the core of the course; winds and brass are welcome too, but please sign up early to ensure the best repertoire and parts. Please indicate your instrument on your registration form. Performers should play at Suzuki book level 3 and above. July 25–July 29 $285 code: 4ORCH All That Jazz Grades 6–9 Justin Aramati LHS Ever wonder how jazz musicians are able to improvise what they play? Well this is your chance to learn, straight from teachers in Lexington’s award winning Jazz program. Our focus will be a simple, accessible approach to improvising melodies. We will also work to develop the important basic skills necessary to playing in an ensemble. Both new and returning students are welcome, and will be placed in an ensemble with other students of similar experience. Students should be able to read music and possess age-appropriate facility on their applied instrument. All instruments are welcome; but we especially need bass (upright and/or electric), drums, piano and guitar players! Interested students are encouraged to attend both weeks. Tuition is slightly higher for this program due to increased expenses. July 5–July 8 July 11–July 15 Creating Video Games $240 $295 N ew code: 1JAZZ code: 2JAZZ ! Grades 7-9 Susan Stein LHS Use the Bootstrap programing framework to create a simple, 3-character video game of your very own. You will design what each character looks like, and use math concepts to sense collisions, handle keystrokes, and decide how the characters move and interact with each other and the player. Bootstrap is a well-known curriculum that is used in technology and math classes across the country, reaching thousands of learners since 2006. July 18–July 22 August 1–August 5 Artist Sketchbook $285 $285 N ew code: 3VID code: 5VID ! Grades 7-9 Brittney Carbone LHS Do you like to doodle, draw, paint or collect imagery? Ever had a blank sketchbook that you cannot seem to fill? Art journaling can be one of the most rewarding forms of art! Filling a blank sketchbook from cover to cover, students will utilize mixed 2D media techniques. The artist journal will be a collection of narrative, observational, and inspirational imagery using printmaking painting, assemblage and collage techniques. July 18–July 22 $285 code: 3SKETCH We are pleased to offer summer SAT Prep classes. Please see our spring class listings for details. Page 10 Theater Adventure Grades 7-9 Poornima Kirby LHS Ever daydream about having super powers or spend time twirling an imaginary mustache, or perfecting your evil laugh? Theater Adventure is a place to bring out your inner superhero and villain, as we create scenes that borrow from the best action-adventure and superhero stories. You will create your own characters, including super powers and weaknesses—even secret identities. Activities will include theater and improv games, scene writing and character work, as well as crafting the masks and props needed to present our stories. We’ll also create commercials for ridiculous products (such as a fork fashioned from noodles, or a dog-food scented perfume), to intersperse with our adventure scenes. You will learn performance skills, and about story structure and collaboration in an imaginative, team-focused environment. At the end of the week, we’ll stage a unique workshop performance for friends, family, and other Lexplorations classes August 1–August 5 $285 LexBFit code: 5THEA Grades 7-10 Mike Gloor LHS This program will focus on proper use of exercise machines and developing strategies to best accomplish your personal fitness and athletic goals. You will learn about injury prevention through the use of proper techniques, creating workout routines that consider personal goals, appropriate nutrition concepts, staying motivated, training for power, rest, intervals, cross training, overcoming plateaus, open vs. closed chain exercises, and various stretching techniques to support your specific goals. We will also consider the differences between athletic performance and body building and discuss the dangers of steroids use and some supplements. There will be ample time devoted to working out on equipment in the Lexington High School Fitness Center. There will also be a Wii Sports/Wii Fit station. We will take breaks often to have some fun and to play games based on the interests of the group. By the end of the week, you should come away with a solid foundation to build a routine to support your personal fitness goals. July 25–July 29 $285 Introduction to the Pottery Wheel code: 4FIT Grades 7-9 Rachel Durocher LHS Join us for a week-long introduction the pottery wheel! We will start with the basics of centering, coning, and creating small bowls and cups. Students (especially those with prior experience) may advance into a broader range of tableware. We will use a variety of lead-free glazes to add surface decoration to projects. Please wear old clothes, or bring an apron, and prepare to get messy! (Class size limited to 8) Tuition is slightly higher for this program due to increased expenses. July 5–July 8 July 11–July 15 $240 $295 Foundational Chemistry code: 1WHEEL code: 2WHEEL Grade 11 Michael Horesh LHS This course is designed to assist high school Juniors entering all levels of chemistry with applying mathematical principles in the context of chemistry, and to equip them with skills and strategies to avoid common pitfalls. We will foster a strong foundation in applied algebra and principles of chemistry, as well as strong inquiry and problem-solving skills within the context of scientific understanding. Topics will include dimensional analysis, atomic structure, periodic trends, chemical bonding, formula writing and chemical naming, chemical equilibria, and stoichiometry. Classes include daily laboratory activities to complement instruction, techniques for data collection and analysis, and problem-solving activities based on experimental data. July 25–July 29 August 1–August 5 $285 $285 code 4HSCHEM code: 5HSCHEM LEXPLORATIONS 2016 REGISTRATION LCE (781) 862 -8043 FAX # 781 863-5829 Please complete all information below. Use pen and please print clearly. Please photocopy as many copies as you need. Mail to: Lexington Community Education, 146 Maple Street, Lexington MA 02420 You may pay by check or with Visa/Mastercard. Make checks payable to Lexington Community Education. First Name:__________________ Last Name:____________________________ Home Phone: ____________________ Nickname:_________________________ Male: ______ Female: ______ Grade in Sept. 2016: _­ _____ Street:_____________________________ Town:_________________________ State:____ Zip:_________ Name of Mother/Father:____________________________ Work #: _____________________ Cell#: ___________________ e-mail:__________________________________ Name of Father/Mother:____________________________ Work #: _____________________ Cell#: ___________________ e-mail:__________________________________ Emergency Contact (not a parent): ______________________ Daytime #: _____________ Cell #: ___________ Emergency Contact (not a parent): ______________________ Daytime #: _____________ Cell #: ___________ Are there any special considerations we should know about so that your child will have a positive experience in the Lexplorations program? Please list below or attach a note describing any special needs (either medical, emotional, behavioral) and/or allergies that we should know about. LCE follows Lexington Public School health policy regarding allergies. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LCE only Summer 2016 Classes Title of Class Code Start Date CHECK ENCLOSED-CK # TOTAL PLEASE CHARGE THE FOLLOWING CREDIT CARD VISA Amount Enclosed Amount to Charge: $ ________ MASTERCARD Account Number Signature: ______________________________ (Name as it appears on credit card) _ Expiration Date V-code is the last 3 digits of the number above your signature on the back. Month Year I/We, the parents/guardians of ______________________________ (a) minor(s), hereby consent to his/her participation in the Lexington Community Educations’ LEXPLORATIONS summer program, the taking of photos of my/our children and/or promotion of the program and to his/her use of the Lexington Public School facilities and equipment. I/We further agree to release and save harmless the Lexington Public Schools, its officers, employees, agents and attorneys from any and all liability or expenses arising out of any incident involving, or any account of any injury to the above-named minors(s) in connection with such program. I/We hereby give permission to Lexington Community Education to authorize emergency personnel and/or physician(s) at a local hospital to secure proper treatment of my/our children as named above, in the event that LCE attempts to reach parents are unsuccessful. I/We agree to abide by LCE policies. Parent’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: ____________________ Page 11 Lexington Community Education 146 Maple Street Lexington, MA 02420 NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 172 WS CAR-RT-SORT Postal Patron of Lexington Lexington, MA REGISTER EARLY ! N ew ! this summer! Moving in Kindergarten Grade K Digging up Dinosaurs Grades 1–2 Fable & Folklore Fun Grades 1–3 Gross Science Grades 1–3 Author Spotlights! Grades 1–3 Chemistry Club Grades 3–4 Exploring the Solar System Grades 3–5 Spy School Grades 3–5 Harry Potter Fun Grades 3–5 Mystica Alveo School of Magic: A Harry Potter-Inspired Experience Grades 3–5 Legends of the Stars: A Star Wars-Inspired Experience Grades 3–5 Crochet Grades 3–5 Artists & Authors Grades 3–5 Math People Grades 3–5 Wizarding 101 :(Exploring the World of Harry Potter) Grades 3–5 Chemistry Club Grades 4–5 Star Wars Grades 4–6 Building Barns & Bridges Grades 4–6 Make a Scene Grades 4–6 Sew Much Fun–An Introduction to Hand Sewing Grades 5–6 Advanced Journal Writing Grades 5–7 Go Green Projects Grades 5–7 Weaving Magic Grades 5–7 Building a Business Grades 6–7 Mosaic Arts Grades 6–8 Making Music with GarageBandGrades 6–8 Middle School A Capella Choir: Jazz/Mixed Styles Grades 6–8 Diplomacy Grades 6–9 Digital Photography Grades 6–9 ScreenWriting Grades 6-9 Creating Video Games Grades 7-9 Artist Sketchbook Grades 7-9